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shane2peruok I can't get the terminology correct, I want to make a dvd with like 4 or 5 videos on it, I know it can be done, and the quality will be less, how do I do it?04:56
holsteinhey shane2peru04:57
* holstein is an audio guy:/04:57
holsteinand i havnet even made a video DVD yet04:57
* shane2peru is just a general computer geek. :)04:57
holsteini use to 're-code' DVD's on XP04:58
holsteinyears ago04:58
shane2peruI have made videos, dvds with menus etc, but I'm not sure about what I need to do for this feat04:58
holsteini used nero to re-code them, and put them on the disc in lower quality04:58
holsteinNOT that you should go and buy nero for linux04:59
shane2peruI looked up divx, do I need to make videos as a divx type?   I'm trying ffmpeg with the target ntsc-svcd04:59
shane2peruthat is why I use linux, I try a bit of everything and don't buy anything04:59
holsteinhave you looked at any of these?05:00
holsteinshane2peru: AFAIK you dont need to use DIVX05:00
holsteinthats a nice codec though05:00
shane2peruhmm, I guess I was thinking more of command line stuff05:01
shane2peruI have used devede and really like it but it had a bug and didn't work right, I'm not sure if it works now with Lucid, I should give that a try I guess.05:02
holsteini think some of those are just GUI front-ends05:02
shane2peruyes, most of them are, but still worth looking05:02
shane2peruI have used mandvd too, I really don't like it much05:02
shane2peruI really like dvdstyler too, but I don't think it did small or svcd type dvds05:02
holsteini remember video editing being discussed in #ubuntu-uk05:03
shane2peruI think I need to just make avi files and burn them directly to a dvd as data and try that, although I know you can make a menu for them too, but I don't know how.05:03
holsteinthose guys are usually pretty cool anyways05:03
shane2peruwell, that is ok holstein perhaps another day, it is late here I just figured I would check to see if someone knew the proper terminology for me to look up05:04
holsteinshane2peru: good luck05:05
shane2peruthanks appreciate the thoughts05:05
holsteinfeel free to come back and camp-out as long as you like05:05
holsteinim sure somebody knows05:06
shane2peruright, I'm sure there are busier times, probably late for most, I guess depends on where they are.05:07
shane2perucatch ya later.05:08
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damo22anyone had success with realtime kernel inside a virtual machine?11:39
damo22or is that futile?11:40
SteelSideHi, is there any program that can show how hard a key was pressed on a midi connected keyboard? I saw that rosegarden shows it as a tiny display next to the track, and zynAddsubfx (something like that.. ;p) shows a peak of the strength but I was wondering if I could use anything else..?12:42
Blank__SteelSide, the velocity in numbers?12:52
Blank__don't know of anything but that'd be handy anyway...12:54
SteelSideBlank__, I suppose so, don't know the correct term12:54
SteelSideanyways it's for my dad12:55
SteelSidehe has trouble connecting to how hard he's pressing by ear12:55
SteelSideso he wanted a graphical representation of how hard he presses the keys12:55
Blank__there's probably something out there, but i don't know of anything :(12:55
ubuntuis there any way to rotate a vieo i dont see the otion in kino12:57
ubuntujust like you would rotate a photo 90 deg.12:57
SteelSidehmm think I'm going to write an app to show it13:18
SteelSideif pygame likes midi and me that is :)13:19
theludditeAnyone have any suggestions for linux samplers?  Other than qsampler?  (which I can't get working)20:36
theludditeDoes anyone know if Rosegarden can be used as a sampler?21:10

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