
Prodii've got a bzr+ssh server running in centralized environment, and i want it to run a command after anyone does a push to the server00:22
Prodiis there a hook i can use?00:22
Prodipost_push seems to say it only runs on the client side, but i'm looking for something on the server side00:23
=== [Adys] is now known as Adys
lifelessthumper: so hows wikkid going ?09:14
thumperit's coming along09:14
thumpergetting distracted by the terrible movie09:14
lifelessdid you see my tweeted reply ?09:14
lifelessabout twisted?09:15
lifelessso paste has no long poll supoprt09:16
lifelessI think twisted would be best to stay with09:16
lifelessuse the twisted wsgi layer and use bits of paste in that09:17
lifelessbut don't change the main server lop09:17
thumperI've not found any docs about twisted's wsgi layer09:17
lifelessback in a bit09:19
lornajaneI really can't figure out how to use bzr-svn, now wondering if in fact I'm expecting it to do something it doesn't actually do :)11:50
lornajaneso I used bzr-svn to check out from subversion, branched that and worked on the branch11:50
lornajanewhen I came to commit back to the branch that was the subversion checkout, all my commits turned up in one individual merge commit11:51
lornajaneI can sort of understand that, because that's how bzr works, but is there any way to commit multiple times to bzr and have them sent to svn individually?11:52
james_whi lornajane11:52
lornajane(because at this rate I'm going to end up using git-svn and I'd really like to avoid that!!)11:52
lornajanehey james_w :)  Long time no see11:52
james_wso you branched and worked locally for a while?11:53
lornajanejames_w: yes, I do this when I'm travelling and am offline11:53
james_wlornajane: how did you get those commits back to svn?11:53
lornajanejames_w: pushed them to the branch that I originally made from svn11:54
james_wlornajane: odd, I would have expected that to do what you want11:54
james_wso I guess I'm not going to be much help for you :-)11:54
lornajaneI committed several times before I pushed, and svn sees only a single merge commit in its log11:54
lornajanethe whole point is that when I spend 2 days on the train, my team don't have to deal with a monster svn commit of 8 things lornajane did in the last 2 days11:55
lornajanenow I'm giving a talk on source control at a big PHP conference and I'm quite determined to have as little git in it as possible, so I'm looking for information or pointers to places I should be looking for it11:56
lornajanethe PHP community are way too excited by git11:56
james_wI know that there is a "dpush" command as well, but I thought it was for something else, not for solving this issue.11:58
lornajanewell I played around a bit and it seems like bzr squashes commits by default, but retains some metadata about which changes went into them11:59
lornajanethat's not part of the mainline history so it doesn't go across to svn, which does kind of make sense11:59
lornajaneit just isn't what I wanted to do :)  So either I'm missing something, or I have unrealistic expectations of how this works, and either seems entirely plausible12:01
james_wright, if you do a "merge" at any point then you will get this behaviour for the revisions that you merged in12:01
james_wbut if you just "push" then I didn't think that would happen12:02
lornajaneah, OK.  I'm playing some more now12:02
lornajanejames_w: magic!!  That's absolutely what I was looking for :)12:09
lornajaneI'll just play about with what happens when there are changes in svn while I'm developing etc but the simplest case was spot on - thanks so much!12:10
jelmerlornajane: if there are changes in svn, you can rebase (rather than merge) to keep your changes on the mainline12:39
lornajanejelmer: oh that's really helpful, I'm just trying to break things by making svn changes at the same time - because I know there probably will be when I do this in anger12:39
lornajanejelmer: so how do I do that? (feel free to just point me at the right place where I can RTFM) - and am I rebasing my checkout or my feature branch?12:40
jelmerlornajane: you would rebase your feature branch12:52
jelmerlornajane: and then push those rebased revisions into the checkout or directly to svn12:53
lornajanejelmer: this is making increasing amounts of sense :)12:53
jelmerlornajane: since rebase keeps the revisions on mainline all revisions will appear as individual commits in svn12:53
goundyguys, there's still no way to make bazaar deleting a branch from a shared repository ?12:56
goundyrather than just deleting the branch folder12:56
lornajanejelmer: I get unknown command rebase ... am I out of date with something?12:57
jelmerlornajane: rebase is in a separate plugin, the bzr-rewrite plugin (originally named bzr-rebase)13:00
lornajanejelmer: ah, thanks13:01
lornajanejelmer: hey, that works beautifully.  Thanks so much for your assistance!13:11
jelmerlornajane: yw :-)13:11
goundyany idea where I can get a small private bzr branch for free guys ?c13:12
goundyI ain't got no commercial project yet, it's just a currently closed source one I'd like to host somewhere13:12
goundylaunchpad asks for like 600$/year... a student like me can't pay that lol13:13
jelmergoundy: I'm not aware of anything; SourceForge perhaps?13:15
goundyjelmer, sourceforge doesn't have bazaar13:16
goundyonly svn am I wrong ?13:16
jelmergoundy: it has bazaar (and git and mercurial) as well13:16
goundyI really didn't know about that13:16
goundyjelmer, am gonna check if they offer private hosting too. Thank you very much13:16
goundyjelmer, FYI, SF doesn't offer private hosting ;)13:51
rlameirohello, is there some version control system only for my personal using?15:25
rlameirowithout using a remote server?15:25
rlameiroor do i need to run a bz server on my desktop to use it?15:26
lornajanerlameiro: you can use bzr on your computer without needing a remote server15:30
rlameirolornajane: thanks15:32
rlameirolornajane: do i install only bzr? or do i need to install a bzr server?15:39
lornajanerlameiro: what platform do you use?15:45
lornajanerlameiro: I think you only need the bzr package15:46
lornajanerlameiro: I'm a bit of a newbie too though - but the user guide has helped me a lot!  Its here: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/user-guide/index.html15:47
jelmergoundy: :-(15:57
goundyjelmer, that's really unfortunate.. I can find svn private & free stuff but nothing for bazaar ^^15:57
jelmergoundy: I'm not aware of anything else that might offer private hosting other than lp, perhaps ask on the bazaar list?16:00
a212901390231901just use any free webspace.16:01
a212901390231901don't need serverside bzr support.16:01
goundyjelmer, the bzr list is the only place I've not asked yet16:01
goundya212901390231901, actually I'm aware I can use FTP mode16:01
goundybut i want to have a source browser too16:02
goundyand this is a problem16:02
a212901390231901's not all that useful for private projects in my experience, the people who have access have local branches anyway16:04
a212901390231901and qbzr is better than loggerhead16:04
goundya212901390231901, even if it's a private project I really need the browsing possiblity16:05
goundyqbzr ? am gonna check what it is16:05
goundyoh interesting :)16:06
goundya212901390231901, have you ever used bazaar in FTP mode ?16:06
a212901390231901yeah. it won't fly for a kernel-sized project, but it's fine for anything more typical.16:08
goundya212901390231901, I think am going to do this though16:10
goundythanks :)16:10
elmoI have a staging and a production branch, I'm trying to push to staging from production17:46
elmobut it's telling me production's diverged17:46
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putrycyhi! checkout otains snapshot (--lightweight) or complete branch. Is there a possiblity to get a 'havy' checkout but containng just few revisions back? Let's assume we have a long term project (for example OS;]) - we really don't need all revisions starting from the first.20:26
putrycyAnd second question: Is it possible to checkout/branch/whatever just a subdirectory instead of a hole branch?20:37
awilkinsputrycy, http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-read-tree.html#_sparse_checkout20:40
awilkinsputrycy, and   the --depth option on clone20:41
putrycyand another one question: Why do I have to be up to date with a branch to commit changes in local directory? Will it be fixed in a next bzr version?20:41
putrycyawilkins: thanks for replay20:42
awilkinsputrycy, damn, wrong channel20:42
awilkinsputrycy, Errrm, not sure bzr does sparse checkouts yet20:43
putrycyI'm starting to read... git? what's going on?:)20:43
awilkinsputrycy, You don't have to be up to date to commit, unless it's a checkout20:43
putrycyawilkins: I'm talking about checkout...20:44
awilkinsYou can still commit locally, with an option20:44
awilkinsBut you then must be prepared to merge at some point20:44
putrycythe second manner - is it slow?20:44
awilkinsputrycy, The same speed as a normal commit ; you're effectively deciding to make your local checkout a branch instead20:45
putrycyso, instead of checkout I could use branch that I merge every time I do some changes, right?20:47
luke-jrjelmer: so if I'm not allowed to simply ignore the bzr:revision-id:v3-list-*, what is the supported way to do this? :P20:48
luke-jralternate idea: in rewriting the Svn repo, can I easily redo the bzr-to-svn for bzr-side revs?20:50
luke-jrI was thinking fast-export|fast-import, but bzr doesn't seem to support the latter sanely20:51
jelmerluke-jr: supported way to do what?20:55
luke-jrjelmer: ignoring the v3 branch layout screwup data while keeping the bzr rev info (committer, etc)20:56
jelmerluke-jr: hmm20:59
jelmerluke-jr: I would say this isn't really supported :-)20:59
jelmerluke-jr: fastexport/fastimport won't read the bzr-svn metadata20:59
luke-jrthat was another approach I thought of21:00
jelmerluke-jr: I would recommend redoing the svn repo (svnadmin dump)21:00
jelmerluke-jr: and then generating new bzr-svn revprops (v4)21:00
luke-jrjelmer: redoing the svn repo how? :)21:00
jelmerluke-jr: svnadmin dumping it, editing the stream then reimporting21:00
luke-jrthere was a number of months with overlapping svn/bzr commits21:00
luke-jrjelmer: how can I generate new svn revisions for the bzr commits?21:00
putrycy It seems to be an answer to my question: As explained in later chapters, Bazaar also has support for lightweight checkouts of a branch, i.e. working trees with no local storage of history. Of course, disconnected usage is not available then but that’s a tradeoff you can decide to make if local disk space is really tight for you. Support for limited lookback into history - history horizons - is currently under development as well.21:01
jelmerluke-jr: you wouldn't generate new revisions, just modify the existing ones21:01
putrycyi.e. mainly the last sentence21:01
luke-jrjelmer: fabricate new v4 revprops from where?21:01
jelmerluke-jr: manually21:01
luke-jrin any case, it appears the script doing the bzr-to-svn imports was modifying stuff in the commit msg and such21:02
luke-jris the v4 format documented?21:02
luke-jrmy thought was to fudge a new svn repo with the svn-only history, then write a script to look at each subsequent revision; if svn-side, load the svndump; if bzr-side, rebase/fe-fi and push from present bzr-svn...21:03
luke-jrbut fast-import seems to want to wipe all history and start over with the import21:04
jelmerluke-jr: the v4 format is documented in bzr-svn trunk21:06
jelmerluke-jr: yeah, that's true afaik (wrt fastimport)21:07
luke-jrjelmer: so there's no good way to move a bzr revision from one repo to another? :/21:08
jelmerluke-jr: you can push it, but that means the ancestry has to be in common as well obviously21:08
luke-jryeah, which defeats the point21:09
luke-jrI just want to change the ancestor, nothing else at all21:09
jelmerluke-jr: if you're not pushing the ancestry then by definition it is not the same revision21:09
awilkinsThey are rather the core semantics of DVCS though21:10
luke-jrbut they don't change what I want to do :)21:11
luke-jrif it's technically a new revision, fine, but I want it the same except ancestry :p21:11
putrycyIf I merge two branches then does current branch contain information about revision from merged branch? If no then is there a possiblity to merge a snapshot to branch?22:55
luke-jrjelmer: no way to put file-ids in revprops, is there? :\23:27
luke-jrputrycy: yes; see: bzr log -n023:27
thumperbeuno: ping23:29

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