
ubottuAu revoir!00:12
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rmrfslashHow do I install the sun JVM in Kubuntu Lucid?00:39
rmrfslashI only see gcj and open-jdk00:39
rmrfslashjamvm and caco00:39
rmrfslashis it openjdk?00:40
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avihayrmrfslash: I'm guessing you specifically want sun's jdk00:45
avihayif so, you can install sun-java6-jdk00:46
avihayotherwise, you can install deafult-jdk, and it will probably install open-jdk for you and not sun's version00:46
daskreechORacle now!00:49
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:57
ubuntu_hello fabian!01:16
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flypiperjust installed kubuntu 9.10 and am looking where to configure the background for each desktop.  Is that still an option? or not02:01
soledadHi people02:02
soledadi have an existencial question02:02
soledadabout Wine02:02
soledadanyone with some seniority on that?02:02
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:31
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thieflockWho watches "To Catch a Predator"?02:47
thieflockI think we should reanact some scenes...02:49
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DarkriftXis there any archive manager different than ark? it sucks pretty bad lately03:02
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daskreechDarkriftX: What sucks?03:16
DarkriftXit just doesnt work like it used to03:16
daskreechWhich is?03:16
DarkriftXi cant browse for a extract location, clicking on a file doesnt let me select, it opens the file03:16
DarkriftXwhen i select multiple files i sometimes have to drag one or it will unselect the rest and open that one03:17
Tarantelhi there03:20
Tarantelmay i ask some of you for help?03:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:21
Taranteli've got an kingston 4 gb usbstick and there was a beta of kubuntu on it, but i somehow made it to "destroy" the whoole OS. now i've downloaded the ISO of Kubuntu again and i wantet to install, but there  is a partition which i can't get formatted under windows. I'm sorry for my bad english :D03:24
DarkriftXahhhh, xarchiver works great!!! none of the problems I have with ark are present (even though it does look kinda 1990's)03:24
DarkriftXwhy do you need to format a partition in windows?03:25
lespeaTarantel: I'm confused... you're trying to install kubuntu but then you say you're trying to format a partition in windows?03:25
DarkriftXuse a linux live cd to do it03:26
Taranteli watn to have the kubuntu OS on the usb stick so that i can boot from the usb stick on any computer03:26
lespeabut why are you trying to format the partition in windows...03:27
Tarantelwell where else should i try it?03:27
DarkriftXwindows doesnt like linux partitions03:27
Tarantelthats my problem03:28
DarkriftXyou either need a special windows app (partition manager, expensive) or linux03:28
Tarantelso i should make a live cd?03:28
DarkriftXi wuold03:28
DarkriftXalways good to keep one around03:28
Tarantelthanks for help ;)03:28
Taranteli've got a GRML cd here03:29
Tarantelis it possible to do it with GRML?03:29
lespeajust fdisk the drive and remove the partitions03:30
lespeausb = /dev/sda  ->  sudo fdisk /dev/sda03:30
Tarantelthx ;)03:30
Taranteli willl try it right niw :D03:30
lespeayou could make a new partition there too and then create a filesystem on it with mkfs03:30
Tarantelcya later03:31
ForgeAusuh anyone here know anything about wubi?03:38
mimailit is easy03:40
TarantelDarkriftX lespea03:54
Tarantelwhank you guys sooo much X)03:55
Taranteli've made it03:55
Tarantelit is formatted right now :D03:55
lespeaglad to hear that :)03:55
Tarantelnow i will install kubuntu and explore linux \O/03:56
lespeaI haven't tried kde since 4.2 and it's come a looooong way03:58
lespeaI'm very impressed03:58
ForgeAusI need a new PC, I'm still stuck with 4.2.x somewhere along the line04:00
ForgeAusand I don't particularly want to start with a fresh distro04:00
ForgeAus(erm install I meant)04:00
daskreechTarantel: Welcome :)04:03
daskreechlespea: Drat should have waited 4 months for KDE 4.504:03
daskreechSome snazzy stuff coming04:03
daskreechBut wait till 4.6!04:03
lespeadaskreech: lol there's always something coming down the pipe :p04:04
daskreechlespea: I know i bloody hate KDE developers for that04:04
daskreechKDE 4.5 will be out in two weeks and they will start showing screenshots of what they have working so far for KDE 4.6 that missed the freeze for KDE 4.504:04
ForgeAushehe daskreech whats coming?04:04
daskreechI don't even have 4.5 yet and I can't wait for 4.6 STOP IT Just please stop being so awesome and consistent in coding a great vision04:05
* daskreech cries in the corner04:05
ForgeAusI should download me some .iso's!04:05
daskreechForgeAus: Seen the new stuff for the System tray and the bluring algorithim they have ?04:05
ForgeAusI don't like blurring I prefer my transparency clear...04:06
ForgeAusthey trying to emulate windows or something?04:06
daskreechno it looks a bit better and where they are using it makes more sense04:06
ForgeAusas for the system tray no I don't know alot about KDE4 since 4.2.x04:06
daskreech Course you can just make a theme that rips off Windows 7 or 8 or Mobile somethingsomethign if you like04:07
ForgeAusdaskreech you mean not juts window decorators?04:07
daskreechThere are a lot less Window Decos and Themes than there used to be back in the day04:07
daskreechForgeAus: Nope like a library you can use it in apps or dialogs or animations04:07
ForgeAus(I think I should suggest a filter decorator for KDE :) .. ones that are, animated, and/or mod according to what they're ontop of... like colour-cycle04:08
Tarantellinux is so fantastic04:08
ForgeAusthat could be cute :)04:08
daskreechIt could be04:10
daskreechTarantel: It gets tiring after a while04:10
ForgeAusas in go a few steps further than transparency and make it magnify or work with what's behind the window...04:10
daskreechlike 9 years of constant fantasmically awesomnisity does start to burn away your nerve endings04:10
davhereif i try to reload ubuntu..will it updat ok?04:11
daskreechForgeAus: you can do that but why would you it's distracting04:11
daskreechdavhere: I have no clue. What do you mean by reload. Reboot?04:11
lespeadaskreech: do you have a link to a youtube video or something?04:11
ForgeAushey daskreech you know much about Wubi?04:11
davhereput in fresh coppy04:11
ForgeAus(as in the windows ubuntu installer)04:11
daskreechlespea: on?04:12
daskreechForgeAus: Much no. I can spell it for you04:12
lespeathe stuff you're so excited for in 4.504:12
davherei have the ubuntu 7.10 cd04:12
daskreechdavhere: ah like reinstall?04:12
daskreechdavhere: Right and you want to do what?04:12
ForgeAuslol I was just wonderingi f it installs a partition or runs from a hardfile thats all04:12
ForgeAus(hardfile as in essentally virtual harddisk like Qemu, vmware, etc use)04:13
davherei got some erors so tha=ought redoing it might help04:13
davhereerrors so thought*04:13
davheremean put cd in and start new agian04:15
Taranteli never thoght i could handle with it04:23
Tarantelbut i think i will be able to install kubuntu to the usbstick with help if virtualbox O/04:23
Taranteldaskreech do you speak  german?04:34
daskreechTarantel: Not as well as I used to04:41
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.04:41
nix_starhi everyone, i was wondering if anyone could help with my raid 5 configuration... im using software raid with a total of 6 drives in the raid05:35
nix_starmy problem happened after i updated kubuntu 9.04 to 9.1005:35
daskreechnix_star: what's the problem?05:37
nix_starupon boot of the system (after the logo loading "kubuntu") i get these error messages: "ERROR: ddf1: Cannot find physical drive description on /dev/sdg!05:37
nix_starand then "ERROR: ddf1: setting up RAID device /dev/sdg"05:38
daskreechsdg ?05:38
Taranteli'm giving up05:38
Tarantelgotta go to bed now05:39
Tarantelcya guys05:39
nix_starmy raid is made of /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1 /dev/sdf1 /de/sdg105:39
shashiI amgetting this on lucid RC, "Modprobe for Tun driver failed", donno how to fix05:50
shashican somebody help?05:50
daskreechnix_star: So it can't see one of them I'mguessing this is all Software RAID?05:56
daskreechshashi: ask in #ubuntu+105:56
nix_staryes its software raid05:56
shashiok thank you05:56
nix_starwhen i use mdadm --query --detail /dev/md0 - it reports all drives are "active sync" and working05:58
nix_starand the state is "clean"05:58
daskreechnix_star: but no /dev/sdg exists?06:18
nix_staryes /dev/sdg is the last hard drive in my array, it exists06:19
daskreechnix_star: Is it a parity drive?06:27
nix_starits the last drive in my raid 5 array .... will it say if it is parrity in the mdadm --query --detail  ?06:28
daskreechnix_star: Not sure I'm not familiar with madam06:56
zunkhowdy y'all07:29
zunkwhere's everybody from?07:30
rork!offtopic | zunk07:35
ubottuzunk: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:35
zunkI'm looking to start a local Kubuntu group here in Miami, Florida.07:37
zunkAnyone happen to be in Florida?07:38
Mr_Sonomasuggestions on how to diagnose a boot problem, seems something has happened to my file systems and now they will not mount and fail the file system checks during boot07:39
iconmefistoMr_Sonoma: can you mount them or do a fsck with livecd?07:44
Mr_Sonomamight have to dig out the live cd07:44
Mr_Sonomait says they fail to mount07:44
Mr_Sonomawas working filesystems at last shut down07:45
iconmefistothis is karmic 9.10?07:45
Mr_Sonomacomputer will boot into windows (thats how i'm here)07:45
Mr_Sonomayea karmic07:45
Mr_Sonomai get a shell, but can't runs fscheck, says i need to install with apt-get but then cant use apt because it seems the file system is read only or something07:47
Mr_Sonomai cant remember exactly there07:47
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rethusi don't can open the user-management anymore... any tipps how i can start it from shell?08:37
Mr_Sonomarethus: what are you wanting to do?08:40
albertolempirahey guys i'm trying to pair a Motorola S305 bluetooth headset with my notebook but i get a message saying "it doesn't support input service" and can't get it to work. Anybody know what could be happening? thanks in advance08:40
rethusMr_Sonoma: i want to open the user management on kde08:41
rethusthe dialoge doesn't open08:41
rethusi can click offten as i want, nothing happend08:42
rethusso how can istart this gui from shell to see appearing errors08:42
rethusstrange,not it works again08:43
Mr_Sonomayou sure you dont have the sudo password box coming up behind some other window?08:43
Mr_Sonomai was going to suggest doing user management from commandline if the box was coming up. I was trying to figure out how to start the gui from commandline08:45
iconmefistokcmshell4 userconfig08:51
zunkanyone know how to run ubuntu as an entirely encrypted OS?08:52
iconmefistokdesudo kcmshell4 userconfig  <-- to give it su access08:52
maxagazhow to activate chinese input method in kubuntu ?09:19
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ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:34
iconmefistomaxagaz: maybe someone there will know?  ^^09:35
maxagaziconmefisto: actually, my porblem is to activate ibus09:36
iconmefistomaxagaz: right-click menu? (I know nothing about this, just guessing) http://img682.imageshack.us/my.php?image=plasmadesktoplq1511.jpg09:41
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nonamegodDAMN IT :|10:39
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moetunesBackglass: need a spanish channel?11:03
moetunes!es > Backglass11:04
ubottuBackglass, please see my private message11:04
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lelamalhi all, I've recently upgraded to lucid, and can't see the pager reproducing the open windows inside its small screens (sorry if it's unclear)12:16
lelamaland can't find any setting to reproduce the expected behaviour. What should I do?12:17
moetuneslelamal: someone in #ubuntu+1 might knw12:24
lelamalok thanks, I'm gonna try12:24
lubsehello, how do I install a Dutch spelling checker for open office?12:47
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moetunesxiaolongwang209: try in #ubuntu-cn mate12:49
James147lubse: you can try installing openoffice.org-l10n-nl12:52
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lubseJames147: is this the Dutch version of open office?12:54
lubsebecause I would like the english version, just a Dutch spelling checker12:54
James147lubse: its teh "Dutch language package" <- what ever that does :)12:55
James147lubse: you should be albe to try it and see... uninstalling should revert you back to the default12:57
tew88Is it possible to apply different properties to various multiple desktops in Kubuntu? In particular, I'd like to have distinct wallpapers between my "work" and "play" desktops.13:07
James147tew88: yes, you need to enable different activities for each desktop13:11
James147tew88: on kde 4.4.x its located at System settings > Desktop > Multiple Desktops > Check "Different activity for each desktop"   dont know where it is on 4.3.x as i think it moved13:13
rorklubse: for dutch spellingchecker install myspell-nl13:20
tew88ty James147 =)13:21
pawel__I am using Kubuntu Lucid and I think there's serious memory leak in xorg13:23
pawel__it's raising quickly to over 100MB13:23
pawel__I used Arch Linux before and it stayed about 30-40MB13:23
pawel__I'm using Radeon OS driver13:24
rorkpawel__: lucid is supported in #ubuntu+113:24
pawel__ok, thank you13:24
James147pawel__: its unlikly to eb xorg,  xorg takes some of the processing done by other programs so if another one misbehaves it sometimes looks like xorg is13:24
James147pawel__: try closing some of your other programs currently running that might be taking up lots of memory and see what happens13:25
pawel__James147: ok, I'll try13:25
pawel__James147: I don't have anything special running and Xorg is using 75MB right now; without Konversation it can raise to 100MB very easily too13:28
pawel__James147: I'll check if the problem remains without compositions13:28
tew88James147: It seems "Activities" are distinct from multiple desktops -- not sure I'm in the mood to configure a new workspace from scratch again!13:30
James147tew88: they are, its the only way to get a differnt wallpaper though13:30
tew88James147: Yeah, so it seems. Thanks for the pointer - I'll go for a fresh setup when I install 10.04 =)13:31
pawel__James147: xorg memory usage is much higher with compositions enabled, raises quicly to 75 and with some programs like Firefox it raises above 100MB after some time13:38
James147pawel__: yeah, firefox has always been abit memory hungery :)13:39
pawel__maybe this is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/9878313:39
pawel__yes, however under Arch (so probably different X server version) it wasn't that bad ;)13:39
James147pawel__: possibally, also different versions of the applications you where running could affect it13:41
pawel__James147L that's right, I'll ask at ubuntu+1 too, to be sure if there's no some mem leak13:41
rmrfslashHow can I find what display driver I'm using?13:57
moetunesread Xorg.0.log13:58
rmrfslashlspci -k14:01
rmrfslashi  feel like there's something in my laptop heating up incessantly14:05
rmrfslashsince I installed 10.0414:05
rmrfslashfan never shuts off14:05
txwikingerrmrfslash: how long ago did you upgrade?14:09
rmrfslash1 day14:09
rmrfslashrelease candidate14:09
txwikingerwell.. it might still be nepomuk indexing your drive14:09
rmrfslashStigi is idle14:10
rmrfslashalmost beat you14:10
rmrfslashI have a feeling it's the radeon driver14:11
rmrfslashi turned compositing off though14:11
rmrfslashthe machine is like a good 110 F consistently14:12
txwikingerwell. usually the fans are running because the cpus are very active14:12
rmrfslashI don't remember it being that hot before14:12
txwikingerso you should see something in the process list14:12
txwikingeror maybe the fan control is not working14:12
txwikingerI had that with a lenovo desktop once14:13
rmrfslashnothing is really going too nutts14:13
rmrfslash  /usr/bin/X always seems to hog14:13
txwikingercheck out if lmsensors IIRC works probably14:13
rmrfslashjust saw it jump to 30%14:13
rmrfslashim looking @ the temperature plasmoid14:14
rmrfslashOK, so I just rebooted and I have no fans going nutts14:23
rmrfslashtere it goes14:23
txwikinger!ask | wannabe14:31
ubottuwannabe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:31
rmrfslashOK, so I just shut off Quassel and everything else and the fan shut off14:32
rmrfslashthen I moved the mouse and it went right back on14:32
txwikingerrmrfslash: hmm.. I know X has a memory leak that they try to fix, but that should not set in so fast14:33
rmrfslashWell, I'm installing the ATI proprietary driver now14:34
rmrfslasha.k.a using a GUI to add instability to my system14:34
rmrfslashreboot time14:35
rmrfslashtemps look a little lower I think14:41
rmrfslashfew degrees14:41
rmrfslashand dropping14:41
rmrfslashat about 102-104 now14:42
rmrfslashi don't see as much "spiking" on the CPU graph14:42
rmrfslashI have a feeling radeon outsources a lot of computations to the CPU14:42
rmrfslashFans are off and I see temps dropping below 10014:45
wannabeI just installed Kubuntu 9.10. I can't see any wifi network. HW Drivers don't  offer me any HW changes.  My network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)14:56
wannabecan you help me about this?14:56
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:57
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penociois there ANY way to convert ext3 to fat32 without loosing data?15:55
BluesKajhey all16:16
josetgarciahello hola?16:49
BobSappI installed kubuntu netbook remix, how do i get rid of that applications widget?16:49
josetgarciahi, just installed kubuntu (i come from ubuntu) one of my keyboard butto does not work...neither is recognized with xev comand!!! please help!16:51
josetgarciahello? anyone here¿16:53
rorkjosetgarcia: yes, but people aren't watching the channel all the time16:54
rorkjosetgarcia: I don't think I can help you but I'm just wondering is it a special key or a normal one?16:54
josetgarciayeah sorry didn't mean it that way....16:54
josetgarciaits the m key!! i'copy pasting like a dummy!! jajajaja16:55
rorkjosetgarcia: sorry for the stupid question but are you sure your keyboard isn't broken?16:57
josetgarciathats what i thought, but yesterday it was ok...a was working with ubuntu 9,10...and the thing is that no keycode is shown when running xev comand16:58
josetgarciahow can i know the keyboard type i have (114/115 keys...)17:00
rorkI was thinking of typing all the characters on it in the sequence they are in and googling it ;)17:03
josetgarciacould that really work?17:04
josetgarciacould the key be broken?17:07
rorkit told me I use a standard UK / US qwerty keyboard, but I didn't find a site that identified it by the order if you have a special keyboard you may find it though. Otherwise check your keyboards manual17:07
rorkBobSapp: I think: Right click desktop > add widgets (you can also remove them there)17:12
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BobSappthanks rork17:41
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maxagazhow to synchronize google account (contacts,calendar,rss,mails) with kontact ?18:15
wannabe_is that could be? I'm not sure18:18
maxagazwannabe_: it seems to be possible with akonadi18:22
maxagazbut i don't understand how to use it18:22
BluesKajmaxagaz, make sure you set up sync on googlemail on all your pcs18:35
maxagazBluesKaj: how?18:37
BluesKajthen use your google mail to retrieve emails from your kontact email address in googlemail settings18:38
starenkahi, how is the alt+f2 (wannabe katapult) called? It doens't refresh it's db, so i wanna restart it to take menu changes into consideration. Or is there any option (haven't seen it), which refreshes the db?18:39
BluesKajnot alt+f2 , starenka , just do sudo updatedb in the terminal18:40
BluesKajespecially after installing open source apps18:40
starenkaBluesKaj: doesn;t work18:42
BluesKajstarenka, pls explain what doesn't work ?18:44
starenkaok, did you get my question in the first place? remember katapult from kde3, right? this alt+f2 thing also launces apps etc. If i modify my menu, the 'thing" doen't know about the changes till i logout.18:45
starenkaneed to restart it or smhtng, but i dont know the process/app name18:45
starenkawhat didn;t work? updatedb18:46
starenkai mean updatedb finished ok, but no change in the launcher18:46
BluesKajupdatedb doesn't tell you anything , it just updates the database , that's all18:47
BluesKajthe launcher wannabe katapult is somewhat unstable from the reports i've read18:48
starenkajoking? it's in kde 4 ever since18:48
BluesKajwell, do some research then ..i don't use launchers , i just pin apps to the the panel18:49
starenkanevermind it's called krunner18:49
starenkajust realized18:50
starenkacya thx18:50
shadeslayerstarenka: bye :)18:50
BluesKajoh for gawd's sake the run cmnd box ..  :)18:50
BluesKajsome ppl18:51
shadeslayerBluesKaj: i swear :P18:51
BluesKajkatapult ? wth?18:51
BluesKajI assume ppl are using current kubuntu versions , so I forget about old apps18:52
EspiritoHi people? Somebody use DataBase Firebird here? I am having trouble installing with Synaptic and I'm not getting the command line with the package. Gz. Can anyone help me?19:02
inteliwaspi installed the nvidia drivers from the "hardware drivers" program and now i am unable to load kde, i get "fatal server error: no screens found"19:02
shadeslayerinteliwasp: oh just press alt+F2 and type ' konsole ' and hit enter19:02
BluesKajEspirito, make sure all your package sources are enabled in synaptic19:03
shadeslayerinteliwasp: done? now type : sudo nvidia-xconfig --composite : to generate your xorg.conf19:03
inteliwaspshadeslayer: um.... i'm stuck on the tty logins.....19:03
shadeslayerinteliwasp: oh then just run that commadn19:03
shadeslayerinteliwasp: then reboot and voila!19:03
BluesKajor just startx, inteliwasp19:04
EspiritoBluesKaj: I marked all the packages on 2.1 for the server, but it's always the same error: that the package firebird2.1-server-common_2.1.2.18118-0.ds1-4_amd64.deb is broken.19:04
shadeslayerBluesKaj: that wont give him shutdown and reboot options19:04
inteliwaspshadeslayer: i get a validation error19:04
shadeslayerinteliwasp: can you pastebin it? ( install pastebinit )19:05
BluesKajinteliwasp, perhaps stopping kdm/X first then sudo nvidi-xconfig might work ...sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop then after config ' restart'19:07
BluesKajerr, sudo nvidia-xconfig19:10
inteliwaspBluesKaj: that did not work19:10
inteliwaspshadeslayer: i did not get a coutom url with pastebinit19:10
BluesKajinteliwasp, did you do sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart , after sudo nvidia-xconfig ?19:14
inteliwaspBluesKaj: i still get the same error19:15
inteliwaspoh wait19:16
* inteliwasp bangs head on table19:16
shadeslayerinteliwasp: you need to switch to tty 719:16
BluesKajshadeslayer, that'll work only if he had a desktop in the first place19:18
inteliwaspi gotta reboot, be back in a few19:18
inteliwaspthe nvidia config did not work19:22
BluesKajinteliwasp, which nvidia card ?19:23
inteliwaspBluesKaj: gforce 9800gt19:23
inteliwaspor gtx19:23
shadeslayerinteliwasp: hmm.. can you just run : sudo nvidia-xconfig : ?19:24
inteliwaspshadeslayer: let me try that...19:24
inteliwaspshadeslayer: it ran no errors19:25
inteliwaspstill no joy on tty719:26
shadeslayerinteliwasp: you need to do : sudo kdm19:26
shadeslayerafter the nvidia-xconfig command19:26
BluesKajinteliwasp, that card should run on the nvidia-current driver19:26
inteliwaspi ran "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"19:27
BluesKajinteliwasp, drop to a tty ,stop kdm with sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop  ,install the nvidia-current driver , do sudo nvidia-xconfig , then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart19:32
inteliwaspBluesKaj: i used the builtin driver19:35
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shadeslayerinteliwasp: nouveau?19:38
shadeslayerinteliwasp: may i suggest adding the xorg edgers PPA for 3D support on nvidia cards19:38
inteliwaspBluesKaj: nice, the nvidia driver site is not compatable with lynx19:38
BluesKajinteliwasp, use the nvidia ppa as shadeslayer suggested , you must add it to your sources.list then sudo apt-get update before installing19:40
inteliwaspnvidia ppa?19:41
BluesKajinteliwasp, yeah, check launchpad for the ppa19:41
BluesKajBBL...stuff to do19:42
shadeslayerinteliwasp: its a nouveau ppa,the open source driver for nvidia cards19:43
shadeslayerinteliwasp: you can get it by just googling : xorg edgers ppa19:43
inteliwaspso i can't use the non opensorce drivers?19:45
kosmonautdid some1 succesfully try to use amarok + Iphone (ipod touch)?19:45
inteliwaspi am going to log back latter...19:46
Guest38563I am brand new on this kubuntu world19:57
Guest38563Is any body there19:58
Guest38563i am from Venezuela19:58
kosmonautwell...I am here ;-)19:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:59
Guest38563Are you expert in kubuntu19:59
Guest38563ok thanks19:59
sidney_my sound stopped working can someone decipher this terminal output for me20:00
BluesKaj!paste | sidney_20:01
ubottusidney_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:01
Guest38563I want to know how instal a sound equalizer for Amarok20:01
mischasworldGuest38563: its onboard just look under extras20:02
sidney_BluesKaj: i have a sound blaster card installed20:04
Guest38563It is not available20:04
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mischasworldwhich amarok version are you using?20:05
Guest38563It is KDE 4.3.220:07
Guest38563Amarok KDE 4.3.220:07
mischasworldhave a look here : https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+question/94599 you'll need kde 4.420:08
sidney_how can i undo an update20:08
mischasworldfor which package ?20:09
sidney_mischasworld: was that ? for me20:10
pabloperdonar el canal de ubunto en españl cual es?20:11
mischasworldsorry sidney, i thought youwere guest3856320:11
mischasworldsidney: but you can try to download an older package version and install it manual20:12
kosmonautsidney_: what pack. have you installed? And how?20:14
Guest38563Why google heart doesnt works properly with KDE Kubuntu. What can i do?20:18
kosmonautgoogle heart = google earth?20:19
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sidney_kosmonaut: I have no idea i just allowed the update to takeplace now no sound20:24
kosmonautsidney_: do you use 9.10 or 10.04?20:25
sidney_kosmonaut:  9.1020:26
sidney_kosmonaut:  I also just tried this  sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer20:26
kosmonautto be honest. I don't know a way how to downgrade...sorry :-( But did you take a look at ubuntuforums? Maybe there is already a thread concering this issue...20:27
kosmonautsince this not a usual issue I guess that others may have the same problem (just a guess ;-))20:28
sidney_kosmonaut:  this is what i have found so far20:30
lontrahi is it typically that kubuntu uses ~ 1.5 GB of RAM with only an quassel, konsole, and kate open?!?20:31
BluesKajsidney_, sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils20:31
BluesKajlontra, definitely not20:32
sidney_BluesKaj: it says alsa-base is already the newest version20:33
lontrawell free -m is showing 1532 being used (-/+ buffers/cache)20:33
jorginohello hello hello20:34
jorginooh oh hello20:34
BluesKajsidney_, open alsamixer , make sure all ctrls are up and not muted with a M in the ctrlbox, use the M key to unmute20:35
jorginowhat im german im not speek englich20:35
BluesKaj!de | jorgino20:36
ubottujorgino: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:36
sidney_BluesKaj: i've dont that i'lll recheck20:36
BluesKajsidney_, type alsamixer in the terminal20:37
sidney_BluesKaj: in the terminal it dosent list soundblaster @ all20:40
BluesKajdid you type , alsamixer ?20:40
BluesKajok sidney_ , lspci | grep audio20:42
sidney_BluesKaj:  in the terminal it list an nvidia card and a realtek chip20:42
sidney_01:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 04)20:43
BluesKajsidney_, copy and paste the output here pls20:43
sidney_BluesKaj: 01:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 04)20:43
mudassarhello people I want to install a general media (audio/video) player in kubuntu 9.10 that can play any audio video file ... (how can I configure codecs etc). Furthermore, how to integrate them with firefox like mms format is not recognized when I press a link on a webpage in firefox20:44
BluesKajCreative Labs SB Audigy is your soundblaster card...I have that card on another pc, sidney_20:44
mudassarjust let me one apt-get install package that can do all the work for me20:44
BluesKajmudassar, VLC20:45
mudassarBluesKaj: Does it answer my all the questions ?20:45
BluesKajmudassar, do you have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed as well as flashplugin-nonfree ?20:45
mudassarBluesKaj: how to check that ?20:46
mudassarI dont know20:46
BluesKajmudassar, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras flashplugin-nonfree20:47
mudassari have installed kubuntu-restricted-extras ... but flash player is already installed I mean I can see youtube20:47
BluesKajor look in your package manager20:47
mudassarwill flashplugin-nonfree conflict with my already install flash player for firefox ?20:48
mudassarinstalled *20:48
BluesKajmudassar, that's what flashplugin is20:48
mudassarok both are installed now20:48
mudassarnow what to do ?20:48
James147BluesKaj: flashplugin-installer is replacing flashplugin-nonfree may as well jsut install it directly :)20:49
BluesKajJames147, it's a plugin20:49
BluesKajmudassar, install vlc20:49
luis_hey there good afternoon all of you guys i like to ask how can i use my cel phone wich is a Motorola Z3 as a webcam is it possible? and if is so can someone refer me on how to do so please???20:50
James147BluesKaj: I know, but flashplugin-nonfree is just a transitional package that points to the installer20:50
BluesKajJames147, it points tom the player , if it's installed20:51
mudassarKMPlayer does not play anything20:52
BluesKajusually the flashplayer installs by default20:52
mudassarfurthermore i am still not able to run mms video from webpage link20:52
BluesKajmudassar, did you try vlc ?20:52
mudassarapt-get install vlc  ?20:52
BluesKajyes sudo apt-get install vlc20:53
sidney_vlc plays everything i've thrown at it20:53
mudassarit is installing20:53
BluesKajwell, web apps are different and are troublesome in some browsers , depends what you use20:54
mudassarit plays the video that i select from desktop20:54
mudassarbut sill no luck with mms video on webpage link20:55
BluesKajmudassar, which browser?20:55
mudassarfirefox ........ is there any other browser in kubuntu ? (besides its own)20:56
BluesKajmudassar, I use chromium , but post the site so i can test it20:56
mudassarit is in my native language but just press the link that is blinking20:58
mudassarit says, "firefox does not know how to open this ............"20:58
luis_so is there someone in here that knows how to use a cellphone as a webcam? i have a motorola z3 en kubuntu 8.0421:05
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xephexxhas anybody else had anybody else had a problem with ktorrent?I am running kubuntu 9.1021:29
BluesKajxephexx, describe your problem in more detail pls21:31
BluesKajxephexx, describe your problem in more detail pls21:34
patarokcould somebody tell me why nvidia-settings cant save my current settings to disc?21:50
patarokplease help....21:50
patarokit is so annoying to set X the way i want it everytime i boot up my pc.21:51
patarokim on lucid.21:51
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James147patarok: you need to run it as root to save the settings (kdesudo nvidia-settings)21:56
BluesKajpatarok, in the terminal: sudo nvidia-xconfig22:00
James147BluesKaj: kdesudo is prefured over sudo for graphical applications... not entirly sure why22:01
BluesKajJames147, kdesudo is used in the run box alt+f2 , aks krunner, not the terminal22:04
BluesKajerr aka22:04
James147BluesKaj: it can be run in both... but have heard it is better for graphical applications so tend to use for them... again not entirly sure why22:05
BluesKajJames147, kdesudo invokes a graphical interface , not required for use in the terminal22:06
James147BluesKaj: not entirly...http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo22:07
BluesKajJames147, this discussion is interfering with helping patarok22:07
BluesKajJames147, does it really matter or are you just trolling for minor differences22:08
James147BluesKaj: It matter some of the time... as "There are other times, though, when side effects can be as mild as Firefox extensions not sticking or as extreme as as not being able to log in any more because the permissions on your .ICEauthority changed."22:09
pataroki thought i tried that before but the sudo nvidia-xconfig seems to have done the job... a fat THX at James14722:10
James147BluesKaj: Not trying to troll, just dont think its a good idea to suggest useing sudo when 'some' of the time it can go badly22:10
patarokgood bye ill try to restart and look if things keep cool.22:11
BluesKajwell James147, I've never encountered that problem , so I'm not going to change my advice ...you merely confuse ppl by bringing up this issue which almost never happens as the writer on the page admits22:11
James147BluesKaj: I have had problems with premission on .ICEauthority before and not being able to log in without changing the premissions back... but havnet had that issue now i use kdesudo22:12
James147BluesKaj: I am more conserned about the few ppl that encounter the problem that wont know how to fix it and wont beable to log in if it happens. I don't think useing kdesudo instead os sudo is that more confusing22:13
marcosrorizdoes lts also apply to kubuntu?22:14
James147marcosroriz: ??22:14
marcosrorizbecause 8.04 wasnt22:14
James147marcosroriz: ahh, LTS? yes, but the last version that was lts for ubuntu (8.04) wasent for kubuntu22:14
BluesKajwell now so kdesudo is the new sudo ...is that what you are saying? we have to change almost 15 yrs of commands in the terminal due to an authentication bug?22:15
marcosrorizthis version will be?22:15
James147BluesKaj: no, just advise to use it for graphical applications... I still use it for command line apps22:15
James147marcosroriz: 10.04 should be a lts, i think the reason 8.04 wasent was because kde 4.x wasent stable enough and 3.5 was reaching end of life over the life span of an lts22:16
James147BluesKaj: still use sudo for commandline that is ^^22:17
BluesKajI haven't had any problems so i'm not changing . All the tutorials I've read still use sudo , except the one you pointed out.22:17
BluesKajJames147, why are they using kdesu instead of kdesudo on that page you posted , there's no expalanation22:26
James147BluesKaj: kdesudo and kdesu are two slightly different programs that basically do the same thing22:27
BluesKajanyway , i have no more time for this ...got other stuff to do22:27
James147BluesKaj: I think kubuntu adpoted kdesudo back when kdesu had some issues with it22:27
BluesKajkdesudo was encouraged for the krunner / run command ...maybe they should have mentioned this issue at the time22:29
James147BluesKaj: I assumed it was encourged for graphical applications in general incase a user encounters the problems with sudo22:31
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ForgeAusisn't there a CD vers of Kubuntu anymore this is a 3 gig d/l!23:55
ForgeAusfor 9.1023:55
Typos_Kingwha?    of course there's23:56
Typos_Kingthey have cd and dvd, you must be looking at the dvd one :)23:56
ForgeAusI am23:56
ForgeAusbut couldn't find a link to CD one23:56
Typos_Kinggimme a sec23:56
ForgeAushttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/9.10/release/ only has DVD23:56
ForgeAuswait found it23:57
ForgeAus683mb, much better23:58

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