
doctormoI can't seem to a get my own users email address vis the launchpad api00:04
BodsdaHello - How can I change the maintainer of a project?01:24
lfaraonebernie: you do realize I packaged rainbow for Debian, right? (there is no bitfrost package as far as I can tell, only implementations of it :)03:03
lfaraonebernie: or is this more than rainbow?03:04
bernielfaraone: there's the bitfrost package in fedora, which comes directly from the bitfrost repo at olpc03:05
bernielfaraone: it's for olpc-os-builder, which uses other stuff in bitfrost that rainbow doesn't use such as bitfrost.util.urlparser.py03:06
lfaraonebernie: would it be useful for me to include in Debian? (if so, let me know and I'll file a ITP)03:07
bernielfaraone: the only things I know that use it are: rainbow, OLPC's crazy initrd with python stuff in it and olpc-os-builder03:11
bernielfaraone: how did you do with rainbow? did you include selected parts of bitfrost?03:11
lfaraonebernie: I based off mstone's olpc-security repo.03:12
lfaraonebernie: it had no external dependencies.03:12
lfaraone(other than what's already packaged)03:13
bernielfaraone: ah. I think this is an up to date version of it: http://dev.laptop.org/git/projects/bitfrost/03:13
lfaraonebernie: okay. I don't think rainbow depends on it but maybe I can get it and OOB submitted.03:14
bernielfaraone: ah of course03:15
bernielfaraone: now I get it03:15
lfaraonebernie: let me know when you figure it out :)03:16
bernielfaraone: bitfrost is a specification for two things: 1) bios lockdown and 2) activity isolation03:16
bernielfaraone: the security repo contains (2)03:16
bernielfaraone: the bitfrost repository contains support code for (1)03:16
lfaraoneaha. mk then.03:17
micahgis codehosting down?03:50
wgrantmicahg: Looks good to me.04:01
micahgwgrant: I get an internal server error here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.6.head/revision/58104:02
wgrantOh, that's just Loggerhead.04:02
wgrantIt's often broken :(04:02
micahgah, ok, is that down? :)04:03
wgrantLooks like it's rather broken, yes.04:09
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
NivexI'm seeing some weirdness with a LP bug that is linked to a Debian bug.  The Debian bug has been marked as Done, but LP says the Deb bug no longer exists.04:53
NivexI'd like to get it closed and off my list.04:53
NivexIt's LP#3127204:53
Nivexnever mind, figured out how to close it out by hand.05:01
ddecatoryou can do it by hand, but is there any kind of syncing available for debian bugs? i would still like to know that05:06
Ursinhaddecator, yes, there is, don't know if it's working properly though05:08
nigelbabuthere is syncing05:08
Ursinhabug 3127205:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 31272 in wvstreams "wvdial modem detection hangs dapper installer" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3127205:08
Ursinhaoh, he's gone05:08
nigelbabuSee bug 49688405:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496884 in galrey "No images to process..." [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49688405:09
nigelbabuit works05:09
ddecatorand so it does, thanks nigelbabu and Ursinha05:09
wgrantIt sometimes works.05:19
nigelbabuwgrant: It sometimes works (tm).05:25
cemchi. I have a ppa and uploaded a package with dput. that package had a source tarball. Now I'm trying to upload an updated package, but the tarball has changed (version is the same). it was an error on my part I guess... but now it rejects the package. can I somehow make it forget about the old source tarball?09:05
tsimpsoncemc: you'll have to update the version09:32
tsimpsonsomething like 1.2.3a or 1.2.3-rebuild09:33
wgrantcemc, tsimpson: It should ideally not have a hyphen in it -- perhaps something like 1.2.3+repack1.09:41
wgrantBut why did the tarball change?09:41
wgrantIt is the original upstream tarball. It logically cannot change.09:41
cemcwgrant: I know... now it is the original tarball, before it was a tarball repacked from bz2 to tgz, as it was some rc tarball09:55
cemcwgrant: but I managed to upload it, after deleting all the old packages from the ppa09:56
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bilalakhtarpeople, lp is working very slowly. edge.launchpad.net is working quite fast15:44
bilalakhtarI can't find any disruption on identica page15:44
bilalakhtarfine, its ok now15:45
ecantoih guys16:11
doctormolfaraone: Morning, how are you today?17:02
lfaraonedoctormo: fine, thanks.17:05
doctormolfaraone: I'm sure I don't want to push you on what must be a busy day, but what can I do to help you for ground control?17:07
lfaraonedoctormo: well, I'm just wondering A) what changes were made in 1.6.5, and B) whether 1.6.5 is ready to upload.17:07
lfaraonedoctormo: tagging releases in bzr would greatly help with A :)17:07
* lfaraone will be back in 20 minutes or so, lunch.,17:08
doctormolfaraone: I should learn how to do that at some point.17:08
lfaraonedoctormo: it's one of the more straightforward things you can do: http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/Tag17:09
doctormoA) 1 (fixes to login), 2 (fixes to fixes, overlooked), 3 (fixes to missing config), 4 (fixed to update-notifier), 5 (fixes to graphic that got messed up)17:09
doctormoI pressed lots of people to get testing done, so I wasn't surprised that I needed to release a couple of a times in my ppa.17:11
doctormoSo B) Yes, I 95% certain that the release is functional and contains no show-stopping bugs.17:12
timhi, i am trying to create a debug package for an application. i have added the `dh_strip --dbg-package=my-package-dbg" into the debian/rules file, and the binaries are actually striped, but the dbg package is empty (apart from the changelog file). any idea, what i am doing wrong?17:42
EyesAndEarsblueprint submission seams to be down: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/turnkeylinux/+addspec18:06
wvdWhen trying to view a branch I'm getting a "please try again" error - is this normal?20:00
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ersoyj #ubuntu20:44
ersoyhello, how can i stop mail for @bugs.launchpad.net20:45
luke-jris there a sane way to list all branches on LP under the armagetronad project?21:14
mdkeluke-jr: I suppose it depends on your definition of sane, but isn't https://code.launchpad.net/armagetronad what you are looking for?21:16
luke-jrmdke: for a script :)21:16
mdkeI don't know about that21:18
wgrantluke-jr: Have you looked at launchpadlib?22:16
askhlHi, I have a ppa package supporting two ubuntu series and want to apply an upstream upgrade.  I have followed the normal procedure to upgrade the karmic package to the new upstream version.  Since the jaunty/karmic/lucid versions are related to each other in terms of a package copy, I would like to generate an updated lucid package by copying the updated karmic package.  But LP complains that there are already binaries, i.e. I can't overwrite.  Should I do t22:20
wgrantaskhl: You need to copy the binaries as well.22:21
wgrant(after verifying that they work on Lucid)22:21
askhlwgrant, I asked for them to be recompiled22:21
askhlwgrant, should I just choose the copy option without recompile?  I guess that would work, but I didn't want to break anything (I'm not that experienced with packaging), so I thought it safer to ask for a recompile22:22
wgrantaskhl: You can't. They would have the same version number as the old ones, which is impossible.22:23
askhlSorry, can't what exactly?  Copy without recompile?22:24
wgrantYou can't copy and recompile.22:24
wgrantYou need to copy without recompiling.22:24
askhlAh, okay.  So I ask for a copy without then.  And it should work, provided that dependencies haven't changed between the series - is that correct?22:25
askhlwgrant, in an ideal world I should probably generate the package on my own lucid system and test it, right?22:26
wgrantaskhl: Rather download the existing binaries from your PPA and try them on a Lucid system.22:27
askhlwgrant, ah, of course.  So I install the karmic package on the lucid system, and if it works, do the copy.22:28
askhlSo that's great then.  Thanks!22:28
c_kornis bazaar.launchpad currently broken ? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~debfactory-devs/debfactory/devel/revision/11423:21
wgrantmwhudson/thumper: ^^ It's been broken for a couple of days.23:22
thumpermorning wgrant23:23
mwhudsonit's not generally broken23:23
thumpersometimes I want to stab loggerhead through the heart23:23
thumperperhaps I'll just have to read the damn code23:23
wgrantMorning thumper.23:23
mwhudsonit seems to be the revision pages for that branch which are broken23:24
wgrantmwhudson: Hm, it was generally broken over the weekend, at least.23:24
c_kornyou might to add a notice in /title to prevent people from asking again and again23:27

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