
gduarteogra: are you there?01:00
gduartesomeonte interested in a pre-built VM  of Ubuntu karmic to compile/build/whatever your projects?01:03
gduarteif someone wants it01:05
gduartethere is http://w3.impa.br/~gabrield/data/ubuntu-arm-development-rootfs.tar.bz201:05
=== gduarte is now known as gabrield
ojnNice work on getting beagle going, guys.03:18
ojnSince OMAP can handle multi-board kernels, are there any plans on enabling some of the other options? ZOOM2/3 and gumstix are the ones that come to mind.   And/or who should I hassle about defconfig updates on those? :)03:19
ojns/on those/for those/03:19
Martynojn : You back in town?03:35
Martyn_and_ are you going to Brussels?03:35
ojnMartyn: I am out in CA and no, I don't think I am going to Brussels.03:38
MartynWell, perhaps I'll get lucky and get a hold of a lange debug cable out at UDS03:39
ojnI'll be back on Friday. When is UDS?03:39
MartynYes .. I'm _still_ trying to reflash that damned lange board, even though I have three tegra2 boards, and more Cortex-A9 action than a small manufacturer03:39
MartynI'll be out in europe from May 6 - 17th03:40
ojn'k. I can probably drop something off (in NORTH austin) on the weekend. I don't know if I'm just home over the weekend or for the week yet. Too hard to plan much right now, given recent events03:40
ojnMartyn: Why are you picking up competitor's boards, btw? I thought you guys were developing your own SoC? Or have you switched to a plan B?03:44
MartynBecause I hack them apart, and turn them into what I need03:45
Martynand I learn from them, of course03:45
MartynMaking linux better, faster, harder.03:45
Martyn(and in our case, much more power efficient on servers)03:45
MartynnVidia is the first good example (tegra250) of a low power consumption A9 .. in a good process (45nm)03:45
MartynI also recently got a quad-core A9 board from (undisclosable company)03:46
ojnYeah, ok. It's just been my experience in the past that competing vendors are less than excited to sell you eval boards if you're going to compete. I guess you're aiming for different markets so they might be less restrictive.03:46
Martynand that thing was made at Global Foundries .. in the 28nm process.   I think thats the way ARM chips will have to go.   2Ghz03:46
Martynyeah, they don't care03:47
MartynOr care much.  Also there are strategic alliances between our company and ARM that smooth the way03:47
ojnYeah, it's a bit different than the PPC landscape03:47
ojnmore small players too03:47
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saeedNCommander: ping11:40
saeedorga: hey12:20
persiasaeed: Unless it's a private matter of some sort, you might ask a question generally.  No promises anyone can answer, but maybe :)13:20
saeedpersia: hey13:21
* saeed recalls what I wanted to ask 13:21
saeedpersia: I've prepare cofnig file for the fw_printenv13:22
saeedfor dove db13:22
persiaAnd you want to share it in hopes it gets into Ubuntu?13:22
persiaI'd recommend filing a bug and attaching it.  That's usually the best way to track that sort of thing.13:23
saeedperia: the fw config file is board specific13:24
saeeddoes the ubuntu loads the proper file depending on the board it runs on?13:24
persiaI don't know offhand, but I suspect it can be made to do so.13:25
persiaIf it doesn't already, I'm unsure if the release managers would let it be made to do so for release in geneal, but it may be possible to do something special for just the dove image.13:26
saeedbtw, I fixed the slow ext2load in uboot, now it can load image + initrd in just 2 seconds13:28
saeedfrom sata13:28
persiaI was looking at QNAP's server lineups yesterday, and building greater and greater anticipation for something that does ARMv7 :)13:40
loolsaeed: ATM, we generate a config file during installation14:11
loolsaeed: fast ext2load > cool!14:11
saeedlool: great, I'll upload the dove db config file14:12
loolsaeed: apt-get source flash-kernel, see debian/flash-kernel-installer.postinst14:13
loolthat's what it does for beagleboard ATM at least14:13
saeedlool: how should I report a bug for the flash-kernel? in launchpad it's said theat flash-kernel does not use Launchpad as its bug tracker14:33
gabrieldogra: did you see the changes at ARM/RootfsFromScratch?14:35
loolsaeed: You need to report it against the Ubuntu package14:36
loolsaeed: From an ubuntu system with flash-kernel, "ubuntu-bug flash-kernel"14:36
persiasaeed: You need to use flash-kernel (Ubuntu): https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flash-kernel/+bugs.  The easiest way is probably `ubuntu-bug flash-kernel`14:36
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NCommandersaeed: pong18:37
samuel_SayagI'm looking for consol image displayer20:28
samuel_Sayagis there such a program ?20:28
persiaNot really, on the raw console.20:34
persiasvgalib can do some stuff like that.20:34
persiaBut that's accessing the framebuffer, rather than the console, as such.20:34
samuel_Sayagand what if i only load the X, can I then load just an Image ?20:44
samuel_SayagI remmber that on the dos i had some image viewers ...20:44
DanaGmplayer can access framebuffer.20:51
persiavlc has an svgalib plugin as well.  zgv seems to be a dedicated image viewer.20:56
jkridnerI finally tried the beagleboard netbook install today.21:49
jkridnerI need to run to get a flash drive still.21:49
persiajkridner: How did it work for you?21:51
jkridnerDespite the warnings, I tried to partition the installation disk (SD card) with the installer, but it complained about not being able to unmount /cdrom.  I thought it might stop me, but in creating the layout, but it didn't fail until the actual install attempt.21:51
jkridnerGoing to see if I can find a nice USB flash drive now to use.21:51
jkridnernot sure exactly how that will work.21:52
jkridnersince u-boot doesn't currently read from USB flash drives.21:52
persiaNo, it lets you shoot yourself in the foot to enable careful aim for large shoes.  If you happen to have partitioned the SD card in a way that has an *extra* partition separate from the area used for the installer, you can use that for data.21:52
persiaThe common method seems to be to boot from SD card with boot options that mount / on a USB drive.21:53
jkridnerit seemed to let me specify one, but the install failed.21:53
persiarotary drives work too, if you're just playing around.21:53
jkridnerif rotary drives were smaller, that'd probably be the way I'd go.21:53
jkridnerjust that I'm on the road.21:53
persiaThe install to your install-SD bit might still be a bit buggy.  I'm not sure many people use it, and I think only one or two people are looking at it (and not very agressively).21:53
persiaYeah, if you're travelling, flash is nice and compact :)21:54
persiaI did an install once to one of the USB in-plug microSD readers, which worked, which almost looks like you don't have something attached.21:55
persia(although that was on a different board, but similar situation)21:55
jkridnerknow anywhere to pick one up near the San Jose Convention Center?21:55
persiaSorry, no.21:58
DanaGsan jose?  isn't there a "fry's" around there somewhere?22:00
jkridnerthere is.22:01
jkridnerjust wanting something in walking distance22:01
DanaGyou could ask google-maps for electronics stores.22:02
persiaDoesn't have anything within 30 minutes walk (already tried that)22:04

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