
trinikronohey can someone join me up to the bugsquad i sent a email and everything i am also trying to get a mentor02:55
ddecatorthere are only a few with the priveleges needed to add to bugsquad, it might just take until the end of the weekend. as for a mentor, have you applied for one on launchpad?02:56
trinikronoyes i have applied to launchpad and on the wikipage02:57
ddecatorah, there you are02:59
ddecatorhm, you're not in my timezone, so i don't know if me being your mentor would work out too well since i'm usually on really late. other mentors can look and, if one is in a similar timezone to you, they will contact you. otherwise, you can ask any questions you have on this channel until then03:00
ddecatorwhen did you send the email asking be to admitted into bugsquad?03:01
trinikronoi sent it today03:01
trinikronoi was pokin in a few bugs03:01
ddecatorah, give it a couple of days =)03:01
trinikronojust ones that should be invalid03:01
ddecatorbdmurray and hggdh usually handle admissions, and they have a lot of emails to go through. but they should get to it soon03:02
trinikronookie well thanks03:02
ddecatorno problem, sorry i can't admit you myself =)03:03
trinikronoonce i get back internet home it wont matter to much the times03:03
trinikronoi tend to not sleep03:03
nigelbabumicahg: hey, got a min?03:51
micahgnigelbabu: sure03:51
nigelbabumicahg: you've seen the work of ~ubuntu-reviews right?03:52
micahgnigelbabu: not exactly03:52
nigelbabuI was wondering if you've got some time on Monday to help us just do a dry run to patch day03:52
nigelbabuoh, well, here is the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReviewersTeam03:53
nigelbabuits about reviewing patches attached to bug reprots03:53
micahgnigelbabu: no, sorry, too much to do, I still have about 30 packages to backport in the next week and a half03:53
nigelbabusure, no problem :)03:54
micahgnigelbabu: I wish I could help, if you find any patches for mozilla packages feel free to ping me though03:54
nigelbabusure.  I just ping the folks involved. mostly mozilla stuff is taken care of03:55
nigelbabuI find a lot of universe pacakges being ignored.03:56
micahgnigelbabu: well, they probably don't have anyone watching after them, we have lots of packages03:56
nigelbabuyeah.  thats mostly the case.03:56
micahgnigelbabu: I'm trying to adopt several packages from universe to help04:01
nigelbabuooh, great :)04:01
micahgnigelbabu: I don't have time yet to go through the bug backlog for them yet though04:01
NivexHowdy!  I'm wondering who to talk to about getting LP#31272 closed out.  It's got a bad link to the Debian bug tracker, but the issue has been closed for some time now.04:42
ddecatorbug 3127204:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 31272 in debian (and 2 other projects) "wvdial modem detection hangs dapper installer (dups: 2) (heat: 8)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3127204:42
micahgNivex: when it's closed in Debian, the status will update in LP04:44
ddecatorright, and the ubuntu statuses are taken care of04:44
Nivexmicahg: it was closed in Debian but for some reason that state never got propagated04:44
ddecatorit can take a while04:44
micahgNivex: it doesn't look closed in Debian, just a message about closing04:44
Nivex"Bug is archived. No further changes may be made."04:45
Nivexit can't ever be closed then04:46
micahgNivex: right, so I don't know enough about the Debian tracker, but it doesn't seem to have a status update04:46
ddecatoryah, i've never seen a debian report before, but i don't see anywhere that marks a status..04:47
Nivexat the top of http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=329720 it shows my having marked it as Done04:48
ubot4Debian bug 329720 in wvstreams "wvdialconf hangs during scan of ircomm ports" [Important,Open]04:48
Nivexgah!  Open says ye!04:48
NivexClose sesame! :-P04:48
ddecatoroh, is that the status? haha04:48
NivexLaunchpad says:04:50
NivexDebian Bug tracker bug #329720 appears not to exist. Check that the bug number is correct.04:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 329720 in inkscape "Numeric input of colour values broken in Gradients" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32972004:50
micahgNivex: might want to ask in #launchpad about debian bug syncing04:51
Nivexok will do.04:51
hggdhoh hasty people05:48
micahghggdh: hi05:49
micahghggdh: up for some testing?05:49
nigelbabuheya hggdh05:49
ddecatorhey hggdh05:50
nigelbabujust a general service announcment, anyone who'd like to help with patch review are welcome on monday05:51
nigelbabuwe're having a dry run patch day to figure out similicity and ease of use of docs05:51
ddecatornigelbabu: i keep hearing you talk about that, but i'm not familiar with what it entails..05:51
nigelbabuthere are 1800 bugs with patches attached in launchpad05:53
nigelbabusome may or may not be actual patches, some may not be even relevant05:53
nigelbabuthe ~ubuntu-reviews team will go through each bug, each patch and "triage" them05:53
nigelbaburight now, we're focusing on the newer bugs in a review queue like sponsorship queu05:54
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cwillunigelbabu, I've generally had more success by dealing with debian specifically, rather than trying to get bugs fixed by sending patches to launchpad or directly upstream;  is this an acceptable way of approaching the problem, or should I actually be able to get things done by working from launchpad?15:17
cwillucase in point, a bug with gnome-panel's vertical orientation has existing for nearly 7 years, with workable patches which improve the behaviour significantly for 3 years or so.  The gnome bug has had no actual developer activity on it however, nor has the ubuntu bug.  On the other hand, I got a reply from the debian maintainer minutes after I emailed her, and as far as I can tell, the fixes will actually be applied in debian soon.15:20
penguin42cwillu: It's one of those things that varies heavily based on the maintainer at each level though doesn't it?15:25
cwilluIt varies heavily at the ubuntu and the upstream level, but I've found that it _doesn't_ vary a whole lot at the debian level.15:26
cwilluwhich could just be luck on my part I suppose15:27
vishcwillu: vertical panel bug? bug# ?15:27
* vish interested , since i use only vertical panels :)15:27
vishpanel rather..15:27
cwilluvish, window list with more than 7 items has horrendous behaviour15:27
cwillunotably bad with wide panels, but I think you can trigger it with narrow ones as well15:27
cwillusec, need to find the relevant bugs15:27
vishah , that one.. i stopped using the window list in the panel and started using a dock for window list ;)15:28
cwillugnome bug #8638215:28
ubot4Gnome bug 86382 in window list "Fix window list on vertical panels (with possible rotation)" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8638215:28
cwilluI've got debs if you want 'em :p15:28
cwillubug #43066 is ubuntu's15:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 43066 in libwnck (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Window list behaves bad when panel is vertical. (affects: 33) (dups: 15) (heat: 310)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4306615:29
vishhehe 15dups :D15:29
cwilluit's not actually a bug in gnome-panel, although an api change would help some related issues15:29
nigelbabucwillu: its the way how debian works that helps15:32
cwilluI guess I'm complaining that it often feels like I'm pushing on a piece of string when I file anything in launchpad :p15:32
nigelbabucwillu: ubuntu doesn't have as many contributors as debian.  I agree they are more responsive as long as its not a QA package15:33
penguin42cwillu: Well, I've had 10 year old bugs in Debian bts as well15:33
nigelbabuthe ones that doesn't have a maintainer at all15:33
cwillunigelbabu, fair enough15:33
nigelbabucwillu: the reviewers team is working to correct that15:34
nigelbabuit is entirely possible and only needs some stream-lined effort15:34
cwilluit'd be nice if launchpad bugs could be quickly verified as applying to debian, and then pushed to their bug tracker (or convince them to switch to launchpad ;)15:34
aburchcwillu: Debian's bug tracking software is much nicer than Launchpad.15:35
cwilluin what sense?15:36
nigelbabuaburch: that is entirely according to people.15:36
nigelbabuI found it daunting for some time.15:36
cwilluI just finding theirs annoying to work with15:36
nigelbabuNow I can live with it, but I still don't really like it15:36
aburchcwillu: It has version tracking and there is no requirement to register.15:37
nigelbabuyeah, but its going to get newbies lost15:37
aburchHaving to register to report bugs is really annoying.  More so when having to deal with several bug tracking systems.15:37
nigelbabuAnyway no point in having an arugment on that.15:38
nigelbabucwillu: so are you interested in helping with reviewing patches?15:38
aburchI have to admit that Launchpad's web interface looks nicer :)15:39
yofelI don't like that the debian bts is e-mail *only*15:39
cwilluis it?  I could have sworn I was using an interface re: a dpkg bug that got fixed last month15:40
yofelI admit that it is better than launchpad in some parts15:40
yofelwell, you can view bugs online, but I haven't yet found out how to edit anything there (if that's possible at all)15:41
cwilludebian bug #57589115:41
ubot4Debian bug 575891 in dpkg "dpkg makes wrong assumption about readdir() and lose metadata files with btrfs" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/57589115:41
aburchIt's not possible to edit anything via the web interface.  Only mails.15:41
cwilluah, I see15:41
aburchWhich works quite well once one gets used to it :)15:42
yofeleven the subscribe and reply links are mailto:15:42
cwilluI guess that sidesteps the registration requirement15:42
yofelaburch: might be, bug especially for subscribe it's a bit annoying: send subcription, wait for mail, send confirmation15:42
yofelcwillu: yes15:42
cwillunigelbabu, I am, although I think my time might be better spent writing patches;  I'm open to suggestions on that front though15:43
aburchYes, the confirmations are annoying.  I don't do (or need) that often.15:43
nigelbabucwillu: cool.  if you've written a patch and you wanted someone to take a look, don't hesitate to poke me15:43
cwillunigelbabu, gnome bug #86382, I've got debs if you want 'em :p15:43
ubot4Gnome bug 86382 in window list "Fix window list on vertical panels (with possible rotation)" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8638215:43
nigelbabucwillu: we're too late for lucid I think though I'll talk to someone from desktop team tomorrow.15:44
nigelbabucwillu: in this case, I suggested trying to get it into debian.15:45
cwilluwhich I might have already done :p15:46
cwillualthough if upstream gets it from multiple angles :p15:46
nigelbabucwillu: cool :)15:47
nigelbabuOh yeah, I wanted to write a blog post about patch authors.  I should do that soon :)15:47
micahgcwillu: is it a universe package or in main?15:47
cwillumicahg, libwnck22?  that's where most gnome-panel applets live, it's in main afaik15:48
cwillu!info libwnck2215:48
ubot4cwillu: libwnck22 (source: libwnck): Window Navigator Construction Kit - runtime files. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.28.0-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 97 kB, installed size 320 kB15:48
cwillu(can't imagine it wouldn't be :p)15:48
micahgcwillu: yeah, so unless it's critical for release, it's too late, if you think it needs to be in, you should ask in #ubuntu-release15:49
penguin42the ones I worry about for release are the number of kms cases that leave people with black screens15:50
cwilluit wasn't critical for any of the last 12 releases, I can't imagine it's critical now :p15:50
micahgpenguin42: patches welcome :)15:50
cwilluI'm not sure they are :p15:51
cwilluI get the feeling bryce wishes we could all go back to... earlier times... ;p15:52
* persia can only count 11 prior releases, and wonders which is missing (warty, hoary, breezy, dapper, edgy, feisty, gutsy, hardy, intrepid, jaunty, karmic)15:53
cwillu9.10 - 4.10 = 12, except when it isn't :p15:54
cwilluer, 4.0415:55
persiaWas there a 4.04?  I thought 4.10 was the first.15:55
* cwillu gives up15:55
cwilluyou're right15:55
persia404: Not Found.  It all makes sense now :)15:56
cwilluooo, swell-foop is implemented in javascript15:56
cwilluthat explains why it's so freaking slow :p15:56
charlie-tca4.10 was first15:56
charlie-tcahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryHedgehog says this one was second15:57
persiaWe're clearly slipping.  We've fallen behind *three weeks* in the past 5 years.15:58
yofelhm... that reminds me: why the helll is the default background image still called warty-final-ubuntu.png?15:59
* yofel wonders if it's even worth to mention that it's actually a JPEG15:59
charlie-tca"lest we forget" ?15:59
persiaThere's probably a bug to change the default image setting to a better name, but nobody has figured out a way not to break current users on upgrades yet.16:01
vishBug #29653816:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 296538 in ubuntu-wallpapers (Ubuntu) "warty-final-ubuntu.png is actually a jpeg (affects: 16) (dups: 3) (heat: 112)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29653816:10
vishevery release some user mentions  , "still there" ;p16:11
vishmaybe someone with the magical powers should decline it for Lucid and such16:12
persiaNo point: we'd have to do that for far too many bugs: it's waiting for someone to figure out how to support continuous upgraders since warty with continuous correct default background.16:32
penguin42there's plenty like that breaks on an update though16:32
persiaThose are all unintentional, and represent more bugs.  Please file them too :)16:33
persiaAnything that appears to intentionally break on upgrade is an example of someone getting frustrated in bug comments.16:33
persiaThings intentionally *change*, but they shouldn't ever break.16:33
penguin42persia: Already filed :-)16:34
cwillubug:  glines doesn't properly commemorate the event upon achieving a score greater than one thousand points in a "small" board16:46
cwilluat a minimum, an unobtrusive popup should appear on _everyone's_ desktops16:48
cwillunot sure how to handle headless servers though.  Perhaps an email should be sent16:48
persiaUm, no.16:54
cwilluI suppose not;  what if it got caught in a spam filter or something?16:54
persiaI don't want mail when you get a high score :)  I want to notice that I'm no longer in first place though :)16:54
cwilluwhat's your highscore? :p16:55
persiaNot high enough :)16:58
cwilluI've only broken 1000 twice, in something like 5 years of playing this silly game :p16:58
cwilluon the other hand, I've got a highscore of several million or billion or something on large16:59
cwilluapparently the scoring is exponential in the number of cleared pieces :p17:00
cwillu(yes, I'm very proud of my glines play :p)17:01
persiaRight.  Trying now, I get frustrated at about 100 on small, although I still have a few open moves.17:01
cwillumy median score is 200-30017:02
cwillumoving the most constrained piece into the most constrained place is probably good advice17:03
penguin42Does anyone know Matthew Paul Thomas's email address - I'm trying to cc him on a reply on the ayatana list but I've lost his original post and all the archives just show mptĪ©..... as anti-spam - is it ubuntu.com ?17:07
persiapenguin42: You should always be able to use the "Contact this user" feature in launchpad, if you can't get someone's address.  Most folks publish some addresses on their LP page.17:08
persiapenguin42: The other trick is to go to someone's LP page, find something they uploaded, and check the changelog entry for their email address.17:09
cwillumpt@myrealbox.com, mpt@canonical, matthew.thomas@canonical.com17:09
cwilluthought the myrealbox.com was a cloak when I checked his whois, but I guess it's not :)17:10
penguin42thanks  - I'll go with the canonical one17:10
persiaWhich were previously mirrored several places, and are now mirrored even more in several logs known to be used as input to posting engines :)17:10
cwilluif your approach to email management consists of secrecy, you fail at email management :p17:11
penguin42only the spammers will know17:12
cwilluworse:  ubuntuforums will know17:15
penguin42a GMA950 - is that anything like a 945 ?17:47
penguin42I know one of them is completely different but I can't remember which17:48
aciculaones atom17:56
aciculaother pentium D17:57
penguin42the graphics driver for one is completely different - is that the GMA500?18:08
persiapenguin42: Search for "PSB ${given model number}".  THose are the risky ones (for now, but rumour has it that a solution might be forthcoming)18:11
penguin42ah ok, it is the 500 that's the weird one - I was just cheecking after a bug I follow relating to the 945 someone merged a 950 bug into - and they are the same family18:12
anotengCan a controller please set Bug #508790 to triaged/low?20:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 508790 in nautilus-open-terminal (Ubuntu) "language translation is bad on ubuntu 9.10 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50879020:10
* persia looks20:10
persiaanoteng: Sure.20:11
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elleucacould someone take a look here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/56992622:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 569926 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[Regression] wrong audio volume output stepping for USB speakers (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]22:28
BetaBrainci sentiamo dopo22:36

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