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ajmitchScottK: uploaded krb5-auth-dialog, tell me if the changelog needs to be clearer :)00:22
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YokoZarScottK: ping02:17
imbrandonquiet night04:51
imbrandonand i think i may have the stomach flu or have eaten something bad at lunch, unfortunately i think its the former as its accompanied by a feaver04:53
imbrandonfun fun04:53
ScottKimbrandon: Great.  Then you aren't out partying and can upload fixes.04:56
micahgimbrandon: sorry to hear that04:56
imbrandonScottK: yup yup, just might go MIA for a few to head to the b-room unexpectedly04:57
ScottKimbrandon: Isn't that was laptops are for?04:58
imbrandonbesides his list anything buggin ya specificly ?04:59
ScottKimbrandon: The FTBFS stuff bugs me.05:09
micahgScottK: so, can we fix FTBFS after release?05:17
ScottKmicahg: We can, but there's more verification requirements then.05:17
ScottKBetter to do it now than have a security issue and an FTBFS to figure out at the same time.05:17
micahgScottK: I know, but I'm limited on time ATM :)05:19
micahgstill trying to get Seamonkey in :)05:19
ScottKThat's definitely the priority.05:19
micahgimbrandon: do you use Seamonkey at all?05:28
micahgimbrandon: k05:29
imbrandoni can test something if needed but i dont05:29
micahgimbrandon: I need some upgrade testing done for Seamonkey if you're up for it and nothing else is pressing05:30
imbrandonmicahg: sure, sorry had one of my unexpected afk's05:50
micahgimbrandon: k05:50
imbrandonjust lemme know where i can get the binarys05:50
micahgimbrandon: wanna hop in #ubuntu-mozillateam?05:50
imbrandonScottK: ok so i picked my poison a little bit ago form the FTBFS list05:55
imbrandonand boy did i pick a doosey05:55
ScottKimbrandon: Excellent.05:55
imbrandonso i got a "what would you do in this situation" question05:56
ScottKWell you should leave the easy ones for the new people.05:56
imbrandonits apt-rpm05:56
imbrandonit build and runtime depends on rpm ( oviously ) among other things05:56
imbrandonwell rpm got updates and changed its ABI/API05:56
imbrandonsoooo i went to see if its just a small delta05:57
imbrandonand the apt-rpm website says we're ( along with debian ) using a version thats ~4 years old05:57
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imbrandonthe "newest" version is late ~2008, and it does fix the problem05:58
imbrandonsooo question is ... big honken FFe since even though its installable ( because it built with the old rpm a long time ago ) it wont rebuild05:58
imbrandonor ummm ... back away slowly ;)05:58
ScottKimbrandon: If it's broken as in not working, I'm amenable to an update05:59
imbrandonk, yea its both a build and runtime dep, there is no way it works now, not even kinda05:59
imbrandoni'm suprised its this far behind, like ~4 years and 5ish releases06:00
ScottKPlease fix.06:02
ScottKI'm just about to be offline for a while.  Please work it out and upload the thing you think is best.  I'll review later.06:02
imbrandonyup doing it now, and i was just curious when the breakage occured, it looks like beginign of karmic, so little to no chance of regression since its been broke a full cycle06:03
imbrandonScottK: kk06:03
StevenKTwo full cycles06:03
imbrandonerr yea06:03
imbrandonheya StevenK06:04
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ScottKHeya StevenK.  There's a fair sized stack of removal bugs waiting for some archive admin with shell access to pull the trigger....07:02
ScottKimbrandon: I'm no home and going to bed.  I'll check in tomorrow, but don't wait for approval to upload, just document all the situation, testing, etc in a good bug/FFe request.07:03
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|Quartz|lucas: Rubyripper is hanging when it compares the 2 extracts of a track, and sometimes hangs before to convert the extract into flac.09:17
|Quartz|Do you know how to solve this problem? Is it possible to go back to the ruby/dependancies packages of ubuntu 9.10?09:19
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|Quartz|lucas:  Hello. I have found a solution for rubyripper: to use the graphic interface to scan the disc and modify if needed the info such as title, author, track name..., then I launch the extraction and cancel it. In that way, all these info are stored in the rubyripper database. After, I launch the text client rubyripper_cli.rb which is as fast as the gtk interface in ubuntu 9.1012:54
|Quartz|That mean that the ruby bug turns around the graphical interface, isn't it?12:55
c_kornit is not possible to provide (referring to the debian/control Provides: field) a specific version of a package, is it ?13:40
c_kornok, the Debian policy answers it: "All of the fields except for Provides may restrict their applicability to particular versions of each named package."13:45
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carstenhc_korn: use provides: bla-with-ssl-support or similar as workaround. the debian developers reference should tell you the same as i did14:58
carstenhpersia: do you have a better idea?15:01
persiaTry *really* hard never to need that sort of Provides? :)15:04
carstenhindeed, this is a better one :)15:04
c_kornthe concrete problem is that there is a fork of gimp called painters studio (http://github.com/foxbunny/Painters-Studio-Ubuntu/tree/0.1-2foxbunny/painters-studio-0.1/debian/) which also provides the libgimp2.0 libraries (but modified versions). and because 0.1 < 2.6.8 (the gimp version)the gimp package is chosen. so the packager wanted to say that the library package in painters studio provides version 1.6.8 of libgimp. I told him to rename15:10
c_kornthe package and the libraries to be independent of the libgimp2.0 package.15:10
ScottKIt would be handy if there were a MOTU that could look into Bug #555111 and make a concrete recommendation on what to do.15:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555111 in xmltv "Sync xmltv 0.5.56+cvs20100328-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55511115:11
slytherinRhonda: persia: I could not install wesnoth packages. It requires newer libfontconfig1 package. :-(15:12
ScottKc_korn: Versioned provides are not supported.15:12
c_kornScottK: I know. we were talking about alternatives :)15:12
persiaslytherin: OK.  Thanks for trying.  I'll do a quick test.  Rhonda: are you comfortable with a quick test, or do you want to go through the post-release update process and get a bit more testing?15:13
slytherinScottK: A quick look tells me it will require FFe.15:15
ScottKslytherin: OK.  So the next question would be is it worth it or should we stick with what we have.  I see that there are references to a lot of bugs fixed.15:16
slytherinScottK: Checking15:16
ScottKI see it's in the mythbuntu task too, so we should ask superm1 if it's still wanted.15:16
persiac_korn: Are the libraries ABI compatible?  If so, then just don't use the painters studio one.  If not, rename the painters studio one.15:16
c_kornpersia: they may be ABI compatible. but upstream told they fixed lots of bugs.so it rather sounds like also gimp should use the painter studio ones :)15:22
slytherinis LP slow only for me?15:22
slytherinScottK: Syncing 0.5.57-1 (from unstable) is not possible because as it adds a build dependency not available in Ubuntu. As to 0.5.56+cvs20100328-1 from testing (which fixes bug #544522), I am more inclined towards an SRU at this stage in release cycle.15:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544522 in xmltv "[lucid] latest version of Date::Manip breaks tv_grab_uk_rt " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54452215:23
persiac_korn: Don't support that behaviour from upstream: if there are ABI-compatible bugfixes, get those back into the upstream library, and have the client use that.15:24
ScottKslytherin: Thanks.  Please put that in the bug.15:24
slytherinScottK: Of course superm1's opinion is more important than me considering he must be familiar with the package.15:24
ScottKYes, but that's more than I knew before.  I appreciate you looking.15:25
c_kornpersia: ok, will tell them.15:25
slytherinScottK: Added same comment in bug.15:27
* slytherin will be back in half hour.15:30
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c_kornhm, I am getting an undefined reference (compiling flightgear 2.0): http://paste.debian.net/70570 the symbol should be defined there but it is set as undefined: http://paste.debian.net/7057115:39
c_kornI think debian/sorules needs to be updated15:41
ScottKCould someone look at iptotal and make the adjustments so it will work with the autotools-dev version we have in lucid?15:52
persiaRhonda: Just FYI: -4 contains changes to 02wesnoth-nolog-desktop-file.in which patch isn't actually in series: I'll apply them in -3ubuntu1 without adding to series, but you might want to double-check for when you actually push -4.16:23
ScottKvdr-plugin-epgsearch looks like it needs the GCC 4.4 fix that was in 0.9.24-6 and ought to be hidden in http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vdr-dvb/vdr/vdr-plugin-epgsearch/trunk/ somewhere16:25
callum1hi i am looking for advice on helping develop for Ubuntu.16:37
persiacallum1: What sort of stuff do you like to do?16:38
callum1hi persia. I am a java developer of two years at sun microsystems. Not sure if there is any call for a java developer however I am happy to pick up any language that is of and help16:39
persiaThere's lots of good stuff a Java developer could do: we have a bundle of Java programs, and some of them have bugs.16:42
persiaNot all the bugs are in the Java, of course: some are in shell scripts, make files, etc.16:43
callum1I am also fairly adept at scripting so this would not be an issue. I guess my main question is how do I get involved?16:44
persiaWell, we're really close to release, so looking for bugs that would be considered release-critical.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=java is a list of about 1000 java-related bugs: you might find a couple in there.16:45
persiahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing talks a bit about getting involved in this team.16:46
persiaFor Java, we also work closely with the Debian Java team: there's a channel about packaging Java in Ubuntu (#ubuntu-java), and the Debian Java folks usually are in #debian-java on OFTC.16:46
persiaThe general model is: 1) find an issue, 2) fix it, 3) present a patch somewhere, 4) integrate some patches into packaging, 5) get a sponsor to upload your freshly improved package, 6) find another issue16:48
persiaWe tend to prefer unified diff patches or bzr branches (choice between these is up to you).16:48
persiaAnd if you have any questions along the way: just ask.16:49
callum1ok great. Thanks for your help ill dive into those bugs and see if there is anything I can do.16:49
callum1will look up packaging etc once i get something worth proposing as a fix16:49
persiaGood luck.  If you find one that looks interesting, but isn't release critical, you can work on that too.  We should be starting the next release in a bit over a week, and can apply a fix there.  Bonus points for fixing RC stuff though.16:50
persiaOnce you know how to fix something, just ask, and we can help you get it integrated, and point to the specific bits about packaging you need to know along the way.  If you go try to learn how to package first, you'll either get stuck for months learning everything, or not happen to learn the packaging technique used for the package you're patching (there are an arbitrary number (potentially infinite) ways to correctly write the packaging scripts)16:51
* persia sprinkles in some prepositions and articles16:52
callum1yeah, seeing as this is my first shot at this i will take it one step at a time. no doubt you will see me in here again looking for packaging help :)16:54
debfxScottK: fix for iptotal: http://pastebin.com/V4KKGY6717:00
* persia applies and starts a test-build17:02
persiadebfx: Is there a bug open?17:03
geserpersia: no, only a pending "request" in this channel17:03
persiadebfx: `wget -O- http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=V4KKGY67 | patch -p1` in the lucid iptotal source fails: http://pastebin.com/nauE5Tq017:07
debfxpersia: I think you need to use http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=nauE5Tq017:11
debfxraw.php outputs html *sigh*17:11
debfxpersia: ehh this one: http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=V4KKGY6717:13
persiastill get "patch: **** malformed patch at line 68:"17:13
persia(and yeah, I switched the record ID)17:13
ScottKpersia: It's an FTBFS from lucas last rebuild test.17:17
debfxpersia: this should work: http://debfx.fobos.de/iptotal_0.3.3-12ubuntu1.debdiff17:18
debfxis there any decent pastebin out there? :/17:18
persiaRight.  If it had had a bug number, I'd have wanted the bug listed in the changelog, and have pulled the patch from there.17:18
persiadebfx: Thanks.  Worked great.17:20
ScottKdebfx: If you're up for more, vdr-plugin-extrecmenu has a similar FTBFS, but isn't in Debian so there's no patch to cherrypick.17:24
ScottK ./common/mmx.h:88:3: error: #error Sorry, your GCC does not exist. <-- fun.17:25
ScottKThat's rte17:25
persiadebfx: iptotal uploaded17:26
carstenhdebfx: paste.debian.net?17:30
ScottKdebfx and persia: iptotal accepted.  Thanks.17:59
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imbrandonScottK: ugh apt-rpm is a big fat mess, i'm wondering if my time isnt better spent on something else at this point and leave that for a sru19:45
* imbrandon is still working on it thougbh19:46
ScottKimbrandon: If you can get it up from totally broken to not-totally broken now and maybe an SRU or so later I think it's worth doing now.19:46
ScottKThe bureacracy associated with major package updates post release is painful.19:46
imbrandonvery true19:48
imbrandonive got it working now, but backporting some of the patches are a pita ( and still needed )19:48
imbrandonwell working as in it builds and installs19:48
ScottKOK.  Progress.19:49
imbrandonbut umm i wouldent "use"19:49
imbrandonits kinda funny as its ment to replace ( well not replace but .... no better word ) apt , but the patches make it so it can be installed side by side on a system like debian that has apt natively19:50
imbrandonso some of the patches are "fun"19:50
imbrandonbtw not that anyone cares but i babble alot anyhow, my stomach issues from yesterday are gone , woot, thankfully it was just a 24hour bug/bad food19:52
persiaGreat News!19:52
directhexi've been pretty ropey all week19:53
imbrandonyea, i had went from feeling great at lunch yesterday to vometing and such 2 hours later, was not fun19:54
imbrandonbut i think it was ill prepared fish i had for lunch, thats what it is seeming like at this point19:55
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slytherina bit off topic for this channel but does anyone know how well Japanese input/fonts work in Ubuntu?20:42
persiaWorks fine.20:47
persiaI have certain knowledge that a minimum of tens of thousands of people use it daily.20:48
slytherinpersia: That is great. And how hard is it for setting up by someone who has no knowledge of Japanese for someone who has no knowledge of Ubuntu?20:49
persiaTrivial, if the default environment for the computer will be Japanese.20:49
persiaOtherwise you have to fiddle with language-support20:50
slytherinpersia: The default will be English.20:50
slytherinpersia: would you be able to provide help if I face problems?20:50
persiaAs available as I ever am, sure.20:52
c_kornhm, setup.py installs libs into debian/radiotray/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages but with python-support the files are not there after the package installation and therefore the main python script cannot find its libraries. what am I missing ?21:13
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imbrandonsudo reboot21:21
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debfxpersia: could you sponsor two more ftbfs fixes: bug #569917 and bug #56992822:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569917 in vdr-plugin-extrecmenu "FTBFS with gcc 4.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56991722:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569928 in vdr-plugin-epgsearch "FTBFS with gcc 4.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56992822:29
ajmitchdebfx: thanks for fixing iptotal, I think I'd screwed up in having an unclean build environment there :)22:30
debfxajmitch: I only use pbuilder for package building :)22:46
ajmitchso do I usually, except when pbuilder had refused to upgrade the chroot22:46
ajmitchit required a bit of manual fiddling which I didn't want to do at the time22:47
ajmitchit was bug 566194 that was biting me :)22:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566194 in mountall "Could not perform immediate configuration. In schroot." [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56619422:47
debfxScottK: the package svk should be removed from the archive. it's not installable as it depends on the removed libsvn-mirror-perl package.22:49
ajmitchwhy was libsvn-mirror-perl removed though?22:50
debfx(From Debian) ROM; Dead upstream; Debian bug #55433622:51
ubottuDebian bug 554336 in ftp.debian.org "RM: libsvn-mirror-perl -- ROM; Dead upstream" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/55433622:51
ajmitchhm, looks like it was dead upstream, and svk really should be removed as well22:51
ajmitchI think ubuntu-archive needs to be subscribed to a removal request, at least to have a record of it on LP22:53
Laneymight be a bit late for subscriptions22:53
ajmitchpossibly, but it's worth doing that while still pinging people on IRC about it22:53
ajmitchgiven that it's gone from sid, it would probably have been cleaned up in maverick anyway22:55
debfxScottK: bug #56885022:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568850 in svk "SVK package is broken in Lucid (can't install)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56885022:59
* jdong notices a slight parallel between opencv python bindings and hamsters....23:03
* ajmitch wonders if lingot should be synced to a new upstream version that actually works23:31
persiadebfx: ajmitch: autoremovals from sid haven't been processed since DIF: it needs manual bugs.  There's about 30 removals in the queue, and someone volunteered to process them on (German) Monday, so file away and subscribe ubuntu-archve.  Removal bugs need an ACK from someone with upload rights to the package to be accepted.23:37
persiadebfx: Best practice to get sponsored is to subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug.  I'll hit these now, but I'm running into time constraints soon, so you might have better luck just getting it on the sponsors list.23:38
persia(for new ones you might add)23:38
* ajmitch has acked the svk removal bug, fwiw23:40
* persia grumbles about packages that can't clean without extra packages being installed23:41
ajmitch 103 files changed, 35194 insertions(+), 134494 deletions(-)23:41
* micahg hides23:41
* ajmitch really doesn't want to have to put in a FFe for that23:42
persiamicahg: You may have noticed I've never sponsored a package for you: there's a background to that :)23:42
ajmitchjava is bad? :)23:42
micahgpersia: really, I haven't noticed...23:42
micahgpersia: I'll have to find something worthy for you to sponsor next cycle23:43
persiaajmitch: I've found that on the edges of universe, for "completely fails to work", FFes are gladly granted.23:43
ajmitchpersia: this is a music tuner (lingot) that apparantly doesn't work with ALSA, in the version in lucid :)23:43
persiaajmitch: Java only requires a JDK and ant, which are basically build tools.  It's not like special foo-dev-tools23:43
persiamicahg: No rush :)23:43
persiaajmitch: So, does not work, yeah?23:44
ajmitchpretty much23:44
ajmitchit's just the size of that debdiff that makes me wince23:44
persiaAnd it doesn't have a pulse or jack interface?23:44
persiaAnything care about the interface other than users?23:44
ajmitchpulse/jack interface was added in the new upstream version23:45
ajmitchI haven't tested this yet, I just saw it on the rc bugs list & read about its issues23:45
persiaSounds like if you don't do an FFe, you have to do an SRU.  FFe is probably easier.23:46
ajmitchprobably much easier23:46
ajmitchtestbuild time23:47
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lfaraoneDktrKranz: sorry to bother, but upstream put out a new point release (.5) in response to some showstopper bug fixes. New dsc is at http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/g/groundcontrol/groundcontrol_1.6.5-1.dsc23:56
* persia curses roundly, sqaurely, and in several other shapes about SONAME bumps and depwaits23:56
debfxajmitch: I think debian-edu-config should be removed too. It depends on etcinsvk, overwrites /etc/lsb-release and generally isn't useful on ubuntu anyway.23:57
ajmitchyeah, at least that one is still actively developed23:58
ajmitchI agree that it's possibly not useful (at all), along with debian-edu-install23:59

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