
micahgnikolam: around?04:40
nikolammicahg, unfortunatelly, since, I am better sleep :)04:45
micahgnikolam: have you tried the version in my PPA?04:45
nikolamYes. and cand compile on Hardy.04:46
nikolamIt requires some wierd libraries etc04:46
nikolamAnd i use LTS04:46
* micahg isn't worries about hardy ATM04:46
micahgnikolam: you didn't tell me that before :)04:46
nikolamAlso, seems like you were not targeted 10.0404:46
micahgno, I'm trying04:46
nikolamok then :)04:47
micahgit's update or drop04:47
nikolamwell, I suggest cooperation with that guy that made it working04:47
micahgnikolam: he didn't make it work04:47
micahghe just installs the upstream version04:48
micahgnikolam: it seems to work for me04:48
nikolamor taking a look at what he was doing04:49
nikolamAnyway, I better like standard way with multiple debs at the end, anyway04:49
nikolammicahg, no he made it wors, just gread. but he changed original tar.gz, and put all needed inside, not ubuntu way04:49
micahgnikolam: yep04:49
micahgnikolam: like I said, it seems to work for me04:49
micahgI was hoping people would test04:49
micahgseems like just 1 person did04:49
nikolamYesterday he even integrated Lightning inside (calendar)04:50
micahgand I think he was using Joe Lesko's PPA which I will not support/upgrade from04:50
micahgnikolam: which is why his package will never hit archive :)04:50
nikolammicahg, I tried, and couldnt test on hardy04:50
nikolammicahg, well, sure04:50
nikolambut maybe there could be cooperation, still04:51
nikolamI suppose he would also like it to be ¨ubuntu way¨ etc04:51
micahgnikolam: once 2.0.x gets in we'll update it with security updates04:51
micahgnikolam: I'll try it in my hardy pbuilder04:51
nikolamhe told me that he now achieved what he basically wanted etc04:52
micahgnikolam: right a packaged seamonkey w/out regard for standards04:52
nikolammicahg, Hardy is here untill 10.04/next Lts comes04:52
nikolammaybe 10.04 is most important now.04:52
micahgnikolam: it is04:52
nikolamAfter new lts, old lts, would be much uninteresting04:52
micahgnikolam: no, we'll update it as well04:53
nikolamOk, great04:53
micahgnikolam: just not till after Lucid04:53
micahgprobably some time next month04:53
nikolamI would like also to look how things are done in your work etc.04:53
micahgnikolam: you can look at the branch after I push my changes04:53
micahgnikolam: all the work is public04:54
nikolamI mostly did not made my own packages till now, except with prepared .dsc and patch files04:54
nikolamMain reason I was left on hardy was stupid amd closed graphics support, anyway, for my card they stopped supporting it in newer etc.04:55
nikolammicahg, I was thinking for a long time04:55
nikolamThere would be nice to hve well defined update path for people interested in packaging, anyway04:56
micahgnikolam: I'm going to try installing 1.1.17 and setting up some stuff and then upgrade, if it works, I'm going to push what I have to lucid04:56
nikolam1.1.19 could be interesting training :P04:57
micahgnikolam: no, it's the last release on that branch04:57
micahg1.1.17 is the last one in archive and what we'd support an upgrade from04:57
nikolambut seems like some 1.1.18 sec. fixes were already integrated in ubuntu 1.1.17 when he came etc04:58
nikolamHm, yes I know. only 1.1.19 is latest SM 1.x i think04:58
nikolamok, I understand04:58
micahgnikolam: ok, I can fix that issue for hardy04:58
nikolamLast as we are concerned04:58
micahgnikolam: yes, but we didn't package it :)04:59
nikolamI tried to compile and add newer libraries on hardy, but after 1 made, second library failed to compile and that was it05:00
micahgnikolam: I'm testing local now, if it works, I'll push hardy build to my PPA05:00
nikolamOk I will try to set your Ppa on 32-bit , 9.10 machine today05:01
nikolamIts eeepc but with fresh 9.1005:02
micahgnikolam: do you need karmic or hardy?05:02
nikolamWell I use Hardy on 64bit for every day05:02
nikolamBut 9.10 on eeepc05:03
nikolamok, going off  ;) Take care.. and thanks ;)05:05
micahgnikolam: k, should be in my PPA when you get up05:05
micahgddecator: do you want to test Seamonkey for em?05:09
ddecatormicahg: i suppose i could05:10
ddecatormicahg: what PPA is it in?05:10
micahgddecator: k, do you use the seamonkey2 PPA?05:10
ddecatormicahg: nope, but i can add it05:10
micahgddecator: no05:10
micahgddecator: don't05:10
micahgddecator: please install seamonkey from Lucid archive05:10
micahgddecator: set up some bookmarks, home page, mail account05:11
ddecatormicahg: does the daily PPA have a seamonkey build?05:11
micahgddecator: no05:11
ddecatormicahg: good deal, i'll install it then. any other functions you want me to test?05:11
micahgddecator: once you set all that up, here's my PPA with Seamonkey 2: https://launchpad.net/~micahg/+archive/mozilla-test05:12
micahgddecator: upgrade to it and verify everything's still tehre05:12
ddecatormicahg: sure thing05:12
micahgddecator: thanks05:12
ddecatormicahg: np. i'll let you know when i'm done05:12
micahghopefully by then I'll have the packaging committed to the branch :)05:13
ddecatorthat'd be helpful =p05:13
ddecatoroh wow, i forgot how ugly seamonkey is..05:13
micahgddecator: SM2 looks better :)05:13
ddecatormicahg: ok, got some bookmarks, changed the homepage, and setup my email. anything else i should do before upgrading?05:21
ddecatori feel like i'm using the first release of netscape..05:21
micahgddecator: anything else you can think of, I haven't used that platform in almost 10 yrs :)05:22
ddecatoralright, changed some settings too...05:23
ddecatormicahg: is the PPA all set?05:23
micahgddecator: yep05:24
micahgddecator: I had to fix some stuff for hardy, but that won't affect the Lucid build05:24
ddecatorwhoa huge icons..05:27
ddecatormicahg: alright, home page worked, settings remained, mail account worked but it asked for my password even though i told it to save it, bookmarks were erased,05:28
micahgddecator: I think the passwd issue is known upstream, I'll have to check05:29
micahgbookmarks being deleted is bad05:29
ddecatormicahg: toolbar and menu05:29
micahgddecator: what about them?05:29
ddecatormicahg: no wait, the bookmark menu stayed, the toolbar got erased05:30
ddecatorit just loaded the toolbar...05:30
ddecatorok, so bookmarks work, but there is some weird delay..05:30
micahgddecator: k, I don't know what's normal, so I can't say if that is or not05:31
micahg[reed]: do you use Seamonkey at all?05:31
ddecatormicahg: neither can i..05:31
[reed]micahg: nope05:32
micahg[reed]: k, do you know offhand what the seamonkey dev channel is on i.m.o?05:32
ddecatormicahg: alright, so the toolbar shows my bookmarks, but none of them work..05:32
micahg[reed]: is there a user channel too?05:33
[reed]same thing05:33
[reed]there's #maildev05:33
micahg[reed]: k, even better for me ATM05:33
micahg[reed]: thanks05:34
micahgddecator: they don't work?05:35
ddecatormicahg: no, menu and toolbar don't work. they show up, but clicking does nothing. manually going to the site works05:35
micahgddecator: did the profile importer run on?05:38
ddecatormicahg: yes05:39
ddecatorseemed to finish faster than it should have though, imo05:39
ddecatoridk if it skipped over anything05:39
ddecatorit said it was successful though05:39
micahgddecator: do you have 2 profile directories now?05:39
ddecatormicahg: no, just one05:40
micahgddecator: :(05:40
ddecatori take it there should be 2?05:41
micahgddecator: in that folder how many do you have?05:42
ddecatormicahg: in .mozilla i have one seamonky folder with one profile in it..05:43
micahgddecator: k, I don't know if that's normal or not, what's the profile name?05:44
ddecatormicahg: ph8lc8g0.default, it's the only one listed in profiles.ini05:45
micahgddecator: k05:46
micahgimbrandon: k, so install seamonkey from archive and set up bookmarks, home page, and any other settings you can think of...mail...05:53
micahgimbrandon: then try the version from my PPA: https://launchpad.net/~micahg/+archive/mozilla-test and upgrade and verify everything is in tact05:53
imbrandonwill be just a few grabbing 200mb source ;)05:54
micahgimbrandon: k05:54
imbrandonmicahg: upgrading now06:05
imbrandonmicahg: everything looks sane06:08
micahgimbrandon: thanks06:11
ddecatorimbrandon: bookmarks work?06:12
imbrandonddecator: yes seemed to, i'll check it again in a few minutes ( got 20 things going :P )06:18
ddecatorimbrandon: np, that's just the only issue i ran in to when i tried06:18
micahgddecator: imbrandon: thanks for your help this evening07:45
ddecatormicahg: anytime07:45
ddecatoris there an FF 3.7 update in the works? the xr1.9.3 update just broke it for me..07:57
micahgddecator: update?07:57
* micahg committed the OOPP fix this evening07:58
ddecatormicahg: i just updated and there was one for xulrunner 1.9.3, but now FF 3.7 isn't working07:58
micahgddecator: what do you mean not working, should be the same as before?07:58
ddecatormicahg: homepage won't load, no sites will load..07:59
micahgddecator: OOPP issue?07:59
ddecatormicahg: trying to figure it out. safe mode still doesn't work, let me create a new profile07:59
micahgddecator: should be fixed tomorrow08:00
ddecatormicahg: ok, because nothing will load right now, even with new profile..08:00
micahgddecator: even launchpad?08:00
ddecatormicahg: nothing, no google, no websites at all08:01
micahgddecator: k, well, let's see if it works tomorrow08:01
ddecatormicahg: k08:01
micahgnikolam: hardy SM2 packages in my PPA :)08:16
micahgnikolam: backup your profile first08:16
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ftaDerevko, hi, i'm looking at your merge request right now10:08
ftaDerevko, usually, i prefer 1 change per commit10:09
ftaDerevko, for timeout vs coreutils, it's a problem for ubuntu10:09
ftaDerevko, ubuntu still has 7.4, Debian has 8.4. timeout moved in 7.5 :P10:12
ftaand for xbase-clients vs x11-apps, i'm not sure. i remember i had to add that in order to make xvfb work10:15
Derevkofta: xbase-clients was removed and splitted out, now is a metapackage for transition10:27
ftahold on, i'm commenting in launchpad10:27
ftaBUGabundo, http is gone again19:06
BUGabundoI know19:07
BUGabundoit was last Friday night19:07
BUGabundoI still have it in mine19:07
BUGabundo5.0.386.0 (45407) Ubuntu19:07
ftai've just committed something that's supposed to speed up the browser.19:07
BUGabundo  Candidate: 5.0.388.0~svn20100424r45543-0ubuntu1~ucd219:08
BUGabundoguess I need to upgrade then19:08
ftait's for tomorrow19:08
BUGabundofta: can't you _not_ include the http removing stuff?19:08
BUGabundokinda forget to include it ?19:08
BUGabundomaybe they won't notice it19:08
ftacould you upgrade, bench it and rebench it tomorrow to see if it's really faster?19:08
BUGabundotooooooo many tabs open19:09
ftathat http thingy is not an option19:09
BUGabundogive me a few minutes19:09
ftachromium-browser --user-data-dir=/tmp/x1 --disk-cache-dir=/tmp/x219:09
ftai tried with peacekeeper but the score varies too much19:10
BUGabundowill it spawn a new browser, even with one open?19:10
BUGabundothat's cool!19:10
ftait's a different profile/cache19:10
BUGabundohow many can I open ??19:10
BUGabundoFF won't let you do do that19:11
ftai use that everywhere, for greader in appmode, for some webapps, ..19:11
BUGabundolet me make a nice alias for it19:13
BUGabundousing two mktmp variables :)19:13
ftathe patched version is in sandbox: https://edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+archive/sandbox/+packages19:13
BUGabundofta: $ chromiumdatadir="$(mktemp -d)";chromiumdiskcache="$(mktemp -d)";chromium-browser --user-data-dir=$chromiumdatadir --disk-cache-dir=$chromiumdiskcache19:21
BUGabundofta: https://edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+archive/sandbox/+files/chromium-browser_5.0.388.0~svn20100424r45543-0ubuntu1_i386.deb  32bits only ?19:26
ftax64 still building19:27
BUGabundoping me when its ready19:28
ftaBUGabundo, why do you need this alias, it's a non-reusable profile..19:28
BUGabundoI have bad memory19:28
BUGabundothat way I can simply use that to start *any* ammount of new profiles19:29
BUGabundofta: ctrl+b reverted too?????19:33
ftaseems so19:33
BUGabundoI really have no idea what in those guys mind :(19:33
BUGabundoI need a browser that *works*19:34
BUGabundoeven if running trunk19:34
BUGabundoI rather have ctr+b19:34
ftafork it :)19:34
BUGabundoshift is to much works19:34
BUGabundoI was further then this19:35
BUGabundoif m6 really messes my life19:35
BUGabundoeither I go back to FF19:35
BUGabundoor fork chromium19:35
ftai never used ctrl+b until you mentioned it19:35
BUGabundoand call it chromium_user_ideas19:35
BUGabundoI use it N times per day19:35
BUGabundoI have the bar hidden unless I need on of the bookmarklets19:36
ftai just have the bm toolbar on the new page tab, it's enough for me19:36
BUGabundoI use that too19:37
BUGabundonot as much19:37
BUGabundois there a way to force a shortcut in one of the new page icons?19:37
ftayou mean the vignettes?19:42
BUGabundono idea19:43
BUGabundothe liltle squares, with the image of the site19:44
ftapin them19:46
ftayou can move them, or make them stick (with the pin)19:46
BUGabundotried that19:47
BUGabundobut I can't find a page I want19:47
BUGabundoI have one (gmail) pinned already19:47
micahgBUGabundo: if fta respins xul193 and ff37, it should work fine again19:47
BUGabundomicahg: work what?19:48
BUGabundoeverything is dandy here19:48
* micahg will be back later19:48
BUGabundoflash is broken ?19:48
ftaBUGabundo, you can close those vignettes to make room for new ones, then pin the one you need19:48
ftamicahg, you need a respin of umd?19:49
BUGabundofta: so no _manual_ way to force just one url?19:50
ftai don't know any19:50
micahgBUGabundo: out of process plugins was19:50
micahgfta: for me it doesn't matter, if he wants it now, then maybe19:50
BUGabundomicahg: ahhh I think I have that disable19:51
BUGabundomicahg: I would love to have flash fixed in chromium19:51
BUGabundoeven html5 will fail to interact in many videos :(19:51
micahgBUGabundo: well, it'll work after a respin19:52
micahgor tonight with the new upload19:52
ddecatorsoooo...is FF3.7 not working for anyone else?19:52
micahgddecator: it won't work for anyone ATM if OOPP isn't disabled19:53
ddecatormicahg: huh, i thought i had it disabled..19:53
ddecatori can't even get to about:config to check =\19:54
ftaBUGabundo, flash and html5 videos are fine for me in chromium20:02
BUGabundoI can't change volume20:04
BUGabundoon youtube20:04
ftawfm, just tried on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAl28d6tbko20:05
BUGabundoI can't change volume20:07
BUGabundoare you on html5 beta?20:07
ftayou said flash20:08
BUGabundo(2010-04-25 19:51:52) freenode: even html5 will fail to interact in many videos :(20:08
ftahm, confirmed. maybe a regression then, i remember it worked at some point20:10
gnomefreakmicahg: if you still need me ill be around for a short while20:15
micahggnomefreak: haven't started yet :(21:21
gnomefreakmicahg: ok well im doing email >300 so ill be here a while. or we can do it tomorrow i should have alot more time than21:23
micahggnomefreak: tomorrow is almost too late21:23
gnomefreakok the plan is to use same source but disable sunbird part?21:24
micahggnomefreak: yeah, Tuesday 0:00 UTC is deadline21:25
* gnomefreak not sure how to do that. i cant recall what file it is that says built this or what not. ok when im done with email if i have more time i will grab source and see what can be done but the problem that i am having is that using update-source(m-d job) will onlt give me the stable version. I would also like a build for PPA. i21:28
micahggnomefreak: I can try to figure it out in a bit21:28
gnomefreaki am hoping to get up and here around 6-7am21:29
micahggnomefreak: I'll keep that in mind21:30
gnomefreaksomething is wrong21:35
gnomefreakok found it21:36
gnomefreakwe really need to clean out the team branches. we have outdated branches as well as ones we dont update or use21:37
micahggnomefreak: I'll work on that for maverick :)21:38
gnomefreakmicahg: cool. im grabbing sunbird branch and look at it when email is done (hoping it will grab 1.0 since i havent tried in a long time.21:39
micahggnomefreak: you should pull it with the tag21:40
gnomefreakbrb looking to see if i have those in my commands file. i had a big issue in Sept 2009 and i have to try to remember alo tof things again (hence why im not having time for Lucid cycle. but i can not go into the cause of this.21:46
micahggnomefreak: should be ./debian/rules DEBIAN_TAG=SUNBIRD_1_0b1_RELEASE=1.0~b121:50
gnomefreakno need for update-orig?21:51
micahggnomefreak: no, that should generate a new tarball if it's using the m-devscripts system21:51
* micahg checks21:52
gnomefreaknope that doesnt work either21:52
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~/sunbird/ubuntu-0.x$ ./debian/rules DEBIAN_TAG=SUNBIRD_1_0b1_RELEASE=1.0~b121:52
gnomefreakcd: 1: can't cd to build-tree/mozilla21:52
gnomefreaktest -x debian/rules21:52
gnomefreaki get prtty much the same thing using .debian/rules update-orig21:53
micahggnomefreak: ah, it's because the mozclient conf is old21:53
micahggnomefreak: I'll have to move it in source and update21:53
micahggnomefreak: did you have a change to test seamokney?21:53
micahg*chance SM21:53
gnomefreakmicahg: i didnt change it for SM221:53
micahggnomefreak: no, I did :)21:53
gnomefreakthats most likely why it started getting 2.1 instead of 2.0021:54
micahggnomefreak: well, that's because comm-central brancehs21:54
micahggnomefreak: and it's about to branch again :)21:54
* gnomefreak never had a chance to ply with mozclient21:54
gnomefreakyeah i heard21:55
micahggnomefreak: could you test SM2 from my PPA?21:56
gnomefreakmicahg: i am21:56
micahggnomefreak: oh, how is it?21:57
gnomefreakso far no issues but its only been 1 day so far. friday and the time i have been here today21:57
micahggnomefreak: really, that's great21:57
gnomefreaki just st it as default browser so more testing21:58
micahggnomefreak: k, bookmarks are ok21:59
gnomefreaktesting. i need to figure out if it uses html or json22:00
* gnomefreak things drag and drop to :toolbar" or whatever the bar under the adddress/reload22:01
gnomefreakyeah i cant add them there for saome reason22:02
micahggnomefreak: is there an error on the error console?22:03
gnomefreaknot sure let me check22:03
gnomefreaki dont see it anywhere.22:05
micahggnomefreak: Tools -> Web Dev -> Error Console22:06
gnomefreakok looking i have to clear it and try again22:07
gnomefreakmicahg: alot of BMDS is undefined  it gives a chrome://..... link22:10
gnomefreakoh and line numbers22:10
micahggnomefreak: pastebin please22:11
gnomefreakyep its from dragggin it. ok i will also my bookmarks only show up if i use the button on the bar. if i go to bookmarks from menu it doesnt list them just allows managing and such22:12
micahggnomefreak: I could very well not be installoing something22:12
* gnomefreak having a few issues not related to SM but i thinkn X22:14
gnomefreakthere are a crap load of the first one22:17
gnomefreakdifferent line #s22:17
gnomefreakoh and it uses HTML and that is fine however it doesnt add the toolbar bookmarks that i draged and droped in firefox22:18
micahggnomefreak: well, keep in mind it's Firefox 3.5.x22:19
gnomefreakit adds its own and wont let me remove or add others22:19
gnomefreakif i ever get screen shot working i will show you what i mean just need the keystrokes22:20
BUGabundohow can I print a website to image?22:21
BUGabundousing cups, to svg , makes it multipage22:22
gnomefreakwell i cant get a screenshot of my bookmarks but they moved into the menu bookmarks finally22:24
gnomefreakeverytime i hit alt the menu goes away22:24
gnomefreakok micahg i say we dont use it. something is reallyy wrong for example i use menu or toolbar bookmarks optiona nd it doesnt open anything22:26
gnomefreakyep none22:26
gnomefreakBMDS is undefined line 1083 i9s what shows up when trying to opena  bookmark22:27
gnomefreakmicahg: http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/1453/seamonkey20toolbar.png look at the bar with home bookmarks seamonkey.... i cant add or remove wny of them22:30
gnomefreaki am guess they are all related to chrome crap. chrome has always had issues afaik22:31
* gnomefreak goes for drink and smoke while i am on the phone22:31
gnomefreakwell at least thunderbird only has one bug here atm22:38
micahggnomefreak: which one?22:38
* micahg starts anotehr local SM2 build to see what's missing22:39
gnomefreakmicahg: the one you were going to look at but here is the bug anyway bug 56473822:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564738 in thunderbird "Thunderbird does not honor the "start reply below quote"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56473822:40
micahggnomefreak: I thought that was working again22:40
gnomefreaknope not here it isnt22:40
micahggnomefreak: extension conflict?22:41
gnomefreakare you sure you are not thinging of the sending emails?22:41
micahggnomefreak: no, I tested this one it WFM22:42
gnomefreakmicahg: only one is enigmail nothing else is enabled/working22:42
gnomefreakhold on a minute screenshot comeing22:44
gnomefreakmicahg: i made the compose window longer so you can see everything here is the screenshot http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/6325/thunderbirdreplybug.png22:46
gnomefreaknotice the top left of body window is the curser22:46
micahggnomefreak: yep, what are the settings for that identity?22:47
gnomefreakreply below message22:47
gnomefreakthere is a screenshot on the bug of that22:47
gnomefreakhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/44433356/Thunderbird-bug_%23564738-1.png micahg22:48
gnomefreakthat for all accounts. i set them all the same22:48
gnomefreakand i finally got rid of the yellow bar :)22:48
gnomefreakmaybe beacuse you are using stable lucid version not daily?22:49
micahggnomefreak: did you check to see if the second account there has that set, that's the account in both the screenshots I saw22:50
gnomefreakmicahg: all of the accounts are set that way22:52
micahggnomefreak: ok, just asking if you verified lately22:52
gnomefreakall 8 accounts22:52
gnomefreakmicahg: i added a screenshot of the addons window to upstream bug just to rule out that22:55
gnomefreakmozilla 44140222:55
ubottuMozilla bug 441402 in Public Pages "downloads of certain type of themes report "invalid file hash" error" [Normal,Verified: duplicate] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44140222:56
gnomefreakmozilla 55983222:56
micahggnomefreak: I have it22:56
gnomefreakoh ok22:56
ubottuMozilla bug 559832 in General "Thunderbird does not honor the "reply below quote" setting" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55983222:56
micahgk, but I was wondering if you checked the settings on that second account recently22:56
gnomefreakyep when i took screenshot i looked at all of them22:57
micahggnomefreak: anything on error console in TB?22:57
gnomefreaknot sure ill check22:57
gnomefreaknope nothing22:59
gnomefreaki thought we dont have libmozjs and havent23:02
micahggnomefreak: we don't23:16
micahgchrisccoulson: hi, still working out a few issues, hopefully in the morning we'll have SM2 and lightning23:16
gnomefreakthan why would we update it in Ubuntu :( let me see if i still have the email23:16
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, thanks23:17
micahggnomefreak: there's an open request upstream to make it possible for us to have it again23:17
chrisccoulsoni've just upgraded my desktop to lucid tonight. epic fail!23:17
micahgchrisccoulson: really23:17
micahgchrisccoulson: what's wrong? wfm, but I use Xubuntu :D23:18
chrisccoulsonmicahg - xorg uses 100% cpu and is pretty much unusable23:18
chrisccoulsonfor some reason, it starts on vt6, on top of getty23:18
micahgchrisccoulson: is that the GLX issue?23:18
chrisccoulsoni don't think so. if i restart Xorg and get it running on a different VT, then it works ok23:19
chrisccoulsonand i don't see the plymouth text theme either, so i had to sit through an entire 30 minute fsck after doing the upgrade too23:19
micahgchrisccoulson: I meant the 100% issue23:19
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the 100% cpu issue seems to be because it's fighting getty fot the tty23:20
* micahg is worried about this release23:20
* micahg worries too much23:20
chrisccoulsonheh ;)23:20
micahgchrisccoulson: this is the first release that I've been packaging for23:21
micahgchrisccoulson: have you seen bug 56946023:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569460 in firefox "Firefox icon is missing from the application menu and the top panel after upgrade to 10.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56946023:22
chrisccoulsonit's always a bit like this a few days before release ;)23:22
micahgI saw this early on, but I thought it was fixed23:22
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i've not noticed that before. the broken icon on the panel still exists during the upgrade, but should recover after a reboot23:23
chrisccoulson(that's related to another bug where the gdk pixbuf loaders try to load the newer glibc in to memory whilst the old one is still there)23:23
micahgchrisccoulson: ah, ok, before it was an issue that the path was wrong (firefox-3.6 instead of firefox)23:24
chrisccoulsonyeah, i don't think that's an issue atm, but bug 456468 might cause issues for panel icons during the upgrade23:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 456468 in network-manager-applet "upgrade triggers nm-applet "resource not found" ... missing icon "nm-applet-device"" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45646823:25
gnomefreak76ff icon being removed or turning into a generic icon is normally do to change icon from us or the user using a icon we do not provide23:28
gnomefreak76it happens to any icon AFAIR23:28
chrisccoulsongnomefreak76, that's true. but, in this case, there is a known issue with reloading icons during the upgrade after glibc has been updated23:29
gnomefreak76chrisccoulson: ah ok23:29
chrisccoulsonwell, after both glibc and gtk have been updated23:29
micahgchrisccoulson: do you think this is enough of a change to update a release for: http://pastebin.com/45qTZush23:36
micahggnomefreak76: I goofed before, it should be ./debian/rules get-orig-source DEBIAN_TAG=SUNBIRD_1_0b1_RELEASE=1.0~b123:40
gnomefreak76micahg: it uses update-orig in rules i had wanted to use get-orig-source but never changes it23:44
micahggnomefreak76: mozilla-devscripts has the target23:44
gnomefreak76ok give me  aminute23:45
micahggnomefreak76: it still won't work without updating moving mozclient in source and  updating the conf file23:45
gnomefreak76oh ok23:45
gnomefreak76dont forget rules needs to be updated as well23:49

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