
bdmurrayScottK: I just uploaded ipython do you need something more from me?00:20
ajmitchqueuebot must get confused, 0.14-1 is the current binary package version, 0.14-2 is FTBFS in lucid there00:32
ScottKajmitch: queuediff got it right.  Thanks for taking care of it.  Accepted04:27
* stgraber is rsyncing the latest edubuntu DVD image from the train on a 7Mb/s 3G network ! yeah for europe ;) (I wouldn't do that in Canada as the image is 4 times my monthly quota but the prepaid 3G in switzerland (5$/day) is unmeterred :))07:26
ajmitchstgraber: to do that here wouldprobably cost several hundred $ :)07:37
james_wScottK: shall I just do a pass over all the eligible sync requests, or do you want to pass me a filtered list?13:55
ScottKjames_w: I can take a quick look and let you know if I think there are any that should not go in.14:51
ScottKjames_w: 569435 567208 568742 566933 are all good to go in.15:09
ScottKslangasek: Would you please have a look at the sync requests in 569528 and 569531?  I think they should clearly go in, but they are my requests, so I think it's better if you (or another release team) member reviews.15:10
ScottKLooks like no lzma cut the OOo build time on armel in ~half.15:50
nhandlerScottK: 569528 looks fine to me16:05
nhandlerScottK: Go ahead with 569531 as well16:14
ScottKjames_w: ^^^16:15
slangasekScottK: ah, I see nhandler's addressed it now, good - sorry, I'm pretty jet lagged right now so am not much good for reviews; it took my last bit of consciousness to get plymouth uploaded to the queue just now16:57
slangasek(which it would be great to have someone's review of :)16:57
ScottKOK.  I guess just waiting for james_w to have some time now.17:04
elmosomeone remind me when we usually have a candidate image by?21:19
elmoslangasek/cjwatson: ^--21:19
ScottKelmo: I think the plan is to have a first crack at one tomorrow.21:28
elmoScottK: ok21:33
james_wsyncs done23:16
Laneythere's 568850. Don't know if it needs RM approval.23:25
cjwatsond-i rebuild on its way (I was going to update translations too, but none of them changed); would appreciate it being nudged through23:30
* cjwatson goes to catch his princely 5.5 hours of sleep before heading to London23:30
james_wLaney: I just processed ones that ScottK had ACKed. Someone should get it tomorrow23:32
Laney(it's a removal)23:32
slangasekcjwatson: will look - btw, there's a plymouth in the queue and there'll be a mountall shortly, I expect you should sleep rather than looking at it now, but for the morning then :)23:35
cjwatsonlessee if it's easy23:37
slangasekprobably not, it's a cumulative upload of a number of subtle fixes23:37
cjwatsonmm, this requires brain, will look over morning coffee I guess23:38
slangasekok, thanks :)23:38
cjwatsonis get_next_node; remove_node verifiably safe?  I assume so from the careful ordering but seems like something to check23:39
cjwatsonanyway, yeah - zonk23:39
cjwatsonsee you in London :)23:39

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