
NateW1mattgriffin: do not remember.. it was about 6 months ago and havent used it00:00
NateW1mattgriffin: does that make a difference?00:01
mattgriffinNateW1: yes. i don't think we support rejecting a share after you have received a shared folder and accepted a share00:02
mattgriffinNateW1: but the sharer should be able to cancel the share with you00:02
NateW1okay thanks00:02
NateW1how about if you chose to sync a folder with ubuntuone and the folder got deleted? can you remove the link that is under the files tab?00:03
mattgriffinNateW1: if you delete a synchronizing folder it will delete in all other synchronizing places (the cloud and your other added computers)00:04
mattgriffinNateW1: don't know what you mean by link?00:04
NateW1in the ubuntuone dashboard, it still shows that it is there. the symbol is a cylinder with a link00:05
mattgriffinNateW1: but when you click the files tab, the directory is no longer there (as expected b/c you deleted it)?00:06
NateW1mattgriffin: no, it was there, deleted the folder, it still remains in the files tab00:07
mattgriffinNateW1: wait... we don't show files and folders on the dashboard00:07
mattgriffinNateW1: it sounds like your sync just hasn't completed yet00:07
mattgriffinNateW1: did you delete the folder from your computer (in Nautilus) or from the website?00:07
NateW1from nautilus00:08
mattgriffinNateW1: do you have multiple computers synchronizing?00:08
NateW1yes, but only one here00:08
mattgriffinNateW1: yeah... just sounds like the sync just hasn't completed. try restarting the sync client by going to the Devices tab of Ubuntu One Preferences. Click "Restart". Then "Connect" when the disconnect/connect button changes (might take a few seconds after clicking restart).00:09
NateW1mattgriffin: how long should it say synchronization in progress?? it was just an empty folder00:16
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unixabgGreetings, do you get root access if you sign up for an ubuntuone account?01:48
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wgrantI've just reinstalled Lucid. How do I connect to U1?03:18
wgrantThe Ubuntu One Preferences thingy has 'Manage account' and mentions ugly stuff like '<LOCAL MACHINE>', but it's not at all obvious how to link my machine to my account.03:18
CoconutCrabhere is how I did it: fully update my system, click manage accounts, a new web page is opened, then click on manage computer connected to this account03:20
wgrantI think I did it by clicking 'Connect' on the ugly '<LOCAL MACHINE>' tab.03:21
wgrantBut it doesn't seem to be doing much in the way of syncing.03:21
* wgrant waits.03:21
CoconutCrabI don't think that works03:24
CoconutCrabyou have to grant the permission for your computer to connect to U1 account on the U1 web page03:24
wgrantIt sent me over there and I did it.03:25
wgrantIt's synced my desktopcouch.03:25
CoconutCraboh, then it should be connected now03:25
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twrighthello, I am having some difficulty getting ubuntu one to sync my files on lucid19:33
DanaGhttp://mrooney.blogspot.com/2010/02/why-i-switched-from-ubuntu-one-back-to.html -- hmm, have you all seen this post?19:53
DanaGMy gripe with ubuntuone is more about how it deals poorly with thousands of files -- it spends a long time eating CPU.19:53
DanaGDropbox spends a while with lots of IOWAIT going on, but UbuntuOne spends most of that time actively using CPU.19:53
DanaGA good test case: Pidgin logs directory.19:54
duffydackusing "publish via ubuntuone" made nautilus close... has happened before.19:54
DanaGheh, this thread here... http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntuone-users@lists.launchpad.net/msg00360.html -- needs this link: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/ParsingLs20:00
duffydackok so how quick is publishing a 90k file (my upload speed max is 60k/s) thats already sync`d with ubuntuone, and getting a url..  Its been 5mins and the copy url and stop publishing menu options in nautilus are ghosted out, so i`m still waiting for a url to be made.20:02
duffydacknice vid jblount  :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5E0W2oGBPA  but how are you sync`in and publishing so damn fast ?  I have to wait quite a while for it to sync 1 small file and publish it.20:16
jblountduffydack: I don't really know much about how the api server thingie works with the desktop thingie. Most of the time publishing is _very_ fast for me, the slow bit is adding new files.20:33
jblountduffydack: Talking to lucio and pfibiger it seems to be a result of heavy load on the servers and something that will get faster (they are in the process of magic stuff I don't understand to make th load balance better)20:34
jblountduffydack: Oh, and thanks :)20:35
duffydackwell i tried with 1 file already on the server, it took approx 5mins before I got a publish url, and then i tried with another, and it was like instant, then added a new file to sync and also hit publish at the same time (before it was sync) and after 20mins im still waitin for a url...20:41
duffydackits all just hit and miss most of the time for me...20:41
duffydackjust published a file in an instant, while still waiting for the other file to get a url..  the sync options are ghosted too.  ugh.20:42
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RedNifreoh, hi!21:02
RedNifreHow does Ubuntu One compare to Dropbox?21:03
RedNifreIs it possible to install the server software on my own server? I don't like giving  my data to the Ubuntu people.21:03
topyliRedNifre, nope, your data must go to the ubuntu people :)21:12
RedNifreWhy? Is a freely available server version planned?21:13
topylino idea21:14
RedNifreHaving my own Dropbox/UbuntuOne-server would be great. This can not be done with Dropbox because it would ruin their business modell. But what's the deal with Ubuntu One? If it's only limited to Ubuntu and if I can't run my own server, why should I use it instead of using Dropbox?21:14
topylinot because it's free software anyway, you must evaluate on other merits21:16
RedNifreI read that it's only available for Gnome, is that true? :/21:16
topylii'm not sure, i run gnome :)21:16
RedNifreBut the server software isn't free software, right?21:18
RedNifreAnd what about shared folders? Are these available?21:18
RedNifreAnd public folders? You know, "right click on file -> copy pupblic link" and then paste it to somebody via pidgin or something...21:19
topyliyou can publish files21:19
topylifolders can be shared with ubuntu one users21:20
topyli(i think, i'm a u1 newbie)21:20
topyliand no, the server software is not free21:21
RedNifreWell, that sucks. But thanks for your help.21:21
RedNifreGood night!21:21
bencrisford1I have uploaded a .txt file to my ubuntu-one and I have to download it in order to see it21:45
bencrisford1I am wondering if there is a way I can view it inside the browser?21:46
bencrisford1if I publish it, I have found that I can view it in firefox, but I don't really want to make it public21:46
bencrisford1What I mean by that is that if I click it when it is public (go to its /p/num url) then it is showed in firefox21:48
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bencrisford1if it is not published and I click it, it wants me to dl21:48
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