
artisananyone a hint, when rhythmbox just plays songs in a hickup style?08:56
artisancpu is not under full load08:57
artisanrhythmbox is finished with checkin library ..08:57
artisanjust plain playing with no other processes running, any ideas?08:58
dcndrewI had some problems with the Pulseaudio vs. JACK fighting. I had to remove pulseaudio to use JACK, and after it I had to reinstall it to use other softwares, and this was not too funny. I don't have Studio, but did you get problem like me, and do you have a plan to solve it in 10.04?09:20
SteelSidedcndrew, you do know that you can just quit or suspend pulseaudio?10:57
dcndrewSteelSide, the suspend doesn't work10:58
dcndrewI meat the Jack use pulsesuspend, but gives back errors10:58
SteelSidewell suspend it manually first then10:58
SteelSidewhen I tested studio yesterday qjackctl had no issues suspending pulseaudio for me10:59
dcndrewAnd how to quit? Because it restarts itself.10:59
SteelSidehmm for me it has worked to just killall pulseaudio11:00
SteelSidethis was not on ubuntustudio thou11:00
dcndrewYeah, I used killall and pkill too11:00
SteelSidedepends on the setup i guess and what programs you run if it starts up automagically again11:00
SteelSidein general for my fedora machine i found that it would remain dead until I tried to start a program using audio, then it would usually but not always start up again11:01
SteelSidebut in the meantime i could always fire up jackd first11:01
SteelSideand then pulseaudio couldn't start11:01
SteelSidehmm man pulseaudio says11:01
SteelSidepulseaudio -k11:01
SteelSideelse run pasuspender qjackctl11:02
SteelSideit should release the hardware for jack to use11:02
dcndrewI used pulseaudio -k. The sound icon from the panel was gone, but came back, and the ps -A said pulseaudio is running11:03
SteelSidewwell did you have anything else running that wanted audio?11:03
dcndrewNothing as I see11:03
SteelSideand pasuspender qjackctl doesn't work?11:04
dcndrewI'm on Ubuntu, and Jack gives back XRUN callback...11:06
dcndrewAnd freeze.11:06
SteelSidewell I'm no expert with JACK11:07
SteelSidebut are you running a realtime kernel?11:07
SteelSideelse xruns (at least for me) are quite frequent11:07
dcndrewAs I said, I'm using Ubuntu. And by the way I didn't install RT kernel. :]11:08
SteelSidewell with no rt kernel you can expect xruns11:09
dcndrewBut as I remember, the XRUN errors came back by simply suspending pulse11:10
SteelSidewhy jack would freeze I have no idea11:10
SteelSideoh yeah11:10
SteelSideuhm if you have jack set to realtime priority with no rt kernel, jack will crash instead11:10
SteelSideand it's the default setting for it11:10
SteelSidebut if you're serious about audio work you probably want to get a realtime kernel before you continue any further11:11
SteelSidewell at least for recordings :p11:11
dcndrewI'll do, and I just asked. :)11:11
dcndrewThe Studio will come with the normal Ubuntu?11:12
dcndrewI mean on the same day?11:12
SteelSideNo idea. I'm really not an ubuntu person at all, I just popped in here to ask some questions yesterday..11:13
dcndrewI see. :)11:13
Kevin_WilliamsHello. I'm trying to run Ubuntu Studio, but it won't get paste the terminal window. How do I get to the login window?20:50
_guitarman_it should get there by itself - sound slike maybe it couldn't configure your video20:52
_guitarman_are you booting into an rt kernel Kevin_Williams or just regular boot20:52
_guitarman_did you ever get video20:52
Kevin_WilliamsI didn't get video20:53
Kevin_WilliamsI'm trying the sudo login command, but it won't get me there20:53
Kevin_WilliamsHow do I get to the video?21:00
_guitarman_Kevin_Williams: there is a commmand which i cant recall that allwos you to reconfgure the video setup21:07
_guitarman_dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg or something  i cant recall someone in here might know21:07
_guitarman_what kind of a video card do you have Kevin_Williams21:07
Kevin_WilliamsI'm actually using the iso in a virtual machine21:11
Kevin_WilliamsAnd the thing is, the VM won't set my username as root21:13
holsteinKevin_Williams: what VM?21:16
holsteinvirtual box?21:16
holsteinive had decent luck with virtual box21:16
* holstein never used VMware21:16
_guitarman_Kevin_Williams: you wouldn't want a username of root anyways21:20
holsteinyou use VMware _guitarman_ ?21:20
_guitarman_i have used it... its not much different then virtualbox accept its better for server installs21:21
_guitarman_because it gets its own ip address instead of some weird proxied one21:21
_guitarman_through the desktop21:21
_guitarman_it does the bridging better21:21
holsteini think you can do that in Vbox21:21
_guitarman_yeah with hassle21:21
_guitarman_vmware does it for u21:21
holsteini have hassled with that in the past 4sure21:21
_guitarman_anyways - i am pretty sure you create a username when installing ubuntustudio21:22
_guitarman_just log in with that21:22
_guitarman_but it sounds like he had video probs21:22
_guitarman_its actually easier to test a distro out in virtualbox21:22
_guitarman_i find21:22
_guitarman_vmware is a bit bulky21:22
holsteini had a hard time getting compiz in Vbox21:22
holsteinbut ive never had any trouble with X21:22
_guitarman_oh for sure - but he's not getting any graphics at all21:22
_guitarman_i haven't had good luck with 3d under virtual machines21:23
holsteinive never had to force VESA or anything extreme that i remember21:23
Kevin_Williams<holstein> VMware?21:23
_guitarman_ok - i gots to eat... 2 hungry21:23
holsteinif it were me, i would double check all the settings21:23
holsteinin VMware21:23
holsteinfor the graphics21:23
holsteinAND maybe get a lucid vanilla live CD21:24
holsteinand see if graphics work with that21:24
holsteinlook at the set-up21:24
holsteinthats strange21:24
KentrelI hate Jack22:55
holsteinjack dont like you much either ;)22:55
KentrelI'm sure of it22:56
holsteinwhats the issue Kentrel ?22:56
KentrelWell, sometimes I just want to launch a music app and just play on my keyboard22:56
KentrelThe fastest way I've been able to do it is by running a windows app through wine and timidity together22:56
KentrelThat runs nice and smooth22:57
holsteinyeah, you need soundfonts or something22:57
KentrelThe native ubuntustudio apps require jack, which launches a bunch of different windows and requires different configuration22:57
holsteinwhat about zynaddsubfx?22:57
KentrelI have soundfonts - I run timidity22:57
holsteinwell how about qsynth?22:57
KentrelI have qsynth22:58
holsteinyou dont like to use your soundfonts with qsynth?22:58
KentrelBut I'm just frustrated at the number of different configurations I have to make everytime I try to run anything that requires jack22:58
KentrelI do - its just really fiddly22:58
holsteinhave you tried a session manager?22:59
KentrelIronically, my fastest option is a script that launches timidity, then launches wine with Synthesia, a windows app22:59
holsteinwell, it it works for you, go for it23:00
KentrelI came on, wondering what other people's solutions were for my problem, ie. multiple drivers\windows launch that are fiddly to configure23:01
holsteinyou should join #opensourcemusicians23:02
holsteinsome awesome MIDI folk there23:02
Kentrelhmm, ok23:02
holsteini tend to just use jack and ardour23:02
holsteinand record anolog23:02
holsteinmayber using jamin when i mix23:02
KentrelHave you managed to get any windows vsts working?23:03
holsteini usually dont have that many things open23:03
holsteinand when i do, i appreciate the workflow23:03
KentrelI want to try and get Kontakt working through wine - it launches okay. I just need to find my registry info again23:03
holsteinits like having a patchbay on actual studio gear23:03
holsteini havnet even tried vsts23:04
holsteini got what i needed with LADSPA's23:04
KentrelDid you install the latency kernel that rosegarden requires?23:04
holsteinyou mean a real time kernel?23:05
holsteinlinux-rt ?23:05
holsteini run a real-time kernel on my studio box23:06
KentrelDoes it affect normal usage?23:06
holsteini say no23:07
holsteinBUT i dont really do anything normal on that box23:07
holsteinits my studio rig23:07
holsteini use to have issues23:07
holsteinback at hardy or before23:07
holsteinsome devices would not be supported with the RT kernel23:08
holsteinBUT all seems very stable these days23:08
KentrelWhat about hardware23:08
holsteinyou mean hardware support?23:09
KentrelMy understanding of it was that it would draw more CPU power, even when the machine was idle23:09
holsteini should A-B that23:09
holsteinand report23:09
holsteinwhen i run top with the RT kernel, nothing looks out of the ordinary23:10
KentrelI remember reading something about that several months back23:11
KentrelI don't mind so much, as long as it doesn't decrease the lifetime of my CPU23:11
holsteinits not going to be anything THAT extreme for sure23:12
KentrelIf the kernel is waking up 1000 times a second rather than 250, then surely that must affect the machine's power saving settings23:12
holsteinand, for me, the benifits of the RT kernel make it necessayr23:12
holsteini usually disable all that too23:13
holsteinon the studio box23:13
holsteini dont want anything going to sleep23:13
holsteinor thinking about going to sleep23:13
holsteinunless i tell it to23:13
holsteinprobably a bit overkill for todays computers23:14
KentrelI guess I could run the real time kernel when I'm doing music, then reboot into the normal kernel for normal faffing about on the web23:14
holsteinthat works23:14
holsteinif you dont need the RT one23:14
holsteindont worry about it23:14
holsteinif your not getting xruns23:14
holsteinor pops or cracks23:14
holsteinand your happy with the latency23:14
holsteinjust run with the generic one23:15
KentrelIf I have the two kernels in grub, am I still getting the same updates in my normal packages?23:17
holsteinand both will just update23:18
holsteinyou'll just have to notice which is default23:18
KentrelSeperate updates, or the same update is compatible with both kernels?23:18
holsteinall the packages will just update23:18
holsteinincluding both kernels23:19
holsteinSO if you got the generic one23:19
holsteinand a newer RT one23:19
holsteinand you take an update23:19
holsteinthat gets you a newer keneric one23:19
holsteinthen the order will more than likely change23:19
holsteinBUT if your not hiding your grub menue23:19
KentrelHmm, confusing, but I guess it'll make sense when I actually do it23:20
holsteinand your use to choosing the kernel at boot23:20
holsteinit wont matter at all23:20
holsteinis this lucid?23:20
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:21
holsteinyou might want to look that over23:21
holsteinif you need to change the default behavior of grub223:21
KentrelThanks for your help23:26
holsteinKentrel: anytime23:27
_guitarman_if you are doing updates from cmd line do you typically do sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade23:41
_guitarman_or safe-upgrade23:41
holstein_guitarman_: good call23:43
_guitarman_i''ve been doing full-upgrade on my lucid23:48
_guitarman_but not sure if thats right23:48
* holstein been running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:49
holsteinin #ubuntu+123:49
holsteini saw several suggestions23:49
_guitarman_yeah - see this is what im sorta annoyed with... on 1 hand you get them saying - apt-get is old - use aptitude ...then everyone is still using apt-get23:54

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