
Sachse_SiechtumI'm currently on this site: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/400201:23
Sachse_Siechtumwhat does "live session" mean?01:24
KPHaving a minor problem with a Xubuntu 9.10 install.  If anyone could help I'd appreciate it.02:03
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Sachse_Siechtum
Sachse_Siechtumhello everyone03:05
ForgeAusdoes gnome have a purpose anymore?04:26
bazhangForgeAus, was that a support question?04:35
ForgeAuslol bazhang...04:35
bazhangForgeAus, not kidding04:35
ForgeAusI don't know, you tell me04:35
bazhangthen, no04:36
ForgeAusits an xubuntu question that much I do know04:36
bazhangtry one of the -offtopic channels04:36
ForgeAusthen don't call the channel #xubuntu call it #xubuntu-support04:36
ForgeAusany question about #xubuntu should be ontopic here04:37
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:37
ForgeAuswell it certainly doesn't fit my description of random chatter04:37
ForgeAusso prehaps it was a support question?04:37
bazhangForgeAus, does gnome have a purpose is certainly not a support question. please use one of the chat channels as was asked before04:38
ForgeAusor perhaps it doesn't really fit any of those three categories properly?04:39
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Guest1500can someone help me07:15
Guest1500i need some info on open ssl07:16
Exile2010hey guys11:31
moetuneshi Exile201011:32
Exile2010anybody know if xubuntu has the same drivers as in ubuntu?11:32
Exile2010or is it cut down?11:32
Exile2010bassicly I have a machine running ubuntu fine11:32
Exile2010just a bit slow11:32
Exile2010want to know if xubuntu will work better11:32
Exile2010and if the wifi card is going to cause problems11:33
moetunesit uses the same drivers - they're all in the kernel11:33
Exile2010so it should be fine then!11:33
Exile2010just wanted to double check11:33
moetunesshould be yes11:33
Exile2010thanks man11:35
Exile2010I'll let you guys know if I have problems!11:35
moetunesk :]11:36
cretsiahim trying to use xrdp on ubuntu so i can use windows rdesktop but all i get is a blackscreen12:21
Kenranhi, I'm having some problems installing xubuntu17:06
charlie-tcaWhat kind of problem?17:07
Kenranthe built-in drive is "dead", so I'm using an external cd/dvd drive via USB and want to install it from there17:07
KenranI managed to boot the xubuntu cd, but when I choose "Install Xubuntu", I get some error, like "no medium found on /dev/sr0" and others17:08
charlie-tcaDoes the cd pass the integrity check?17:09
Kenranhow can I check this?17:09
Kenran(I should say, it's my first try with (x)ubuntu and I'm not used to it at all :))17:10
charlie-tcaThere is a menu on the cd, check this disc or something similar17:10
Kenranhum okay, I'm gonna reboot and try this, then I'll come back here, okay? :)17:11
datzhi, how can I check to see if there are any updates from the cmd line17:54
charlie-tcadatz: sudo apt-get update17:56
charlie-tcasudo apt-get upgrade17:56
charlie-tcashould show any changes and ask if you want to proceed. 'N' then stops it from applying the updates17:58
datzok, thanks charlie-tca17:59
charlie-tcano problem17:59
datzwas wondering if there is any command to bring up stats that are shown at times when you log on through ssh.. there are x number of security updates and x number of total18:00
administrator_hey everybody20:03
administrator_anybody here?20:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:06
administrator_hello, anybody out there20:06
charlie-tcaDo you have a question that you need help with?20:07
Sachse_Siechtumhey charlie-tca :-) my judo teacher wants me to install Linux Xubuntu on his old Laptop :-) (128 MB RAM) *g* will install on this one?20:31
charlie-tcaGonna run bad with 128MB ram20:32
lontrahi what's happening w/ xubuntu 10.04? no release notes for the rc?20:35
charlie-tcaDidn't change much from beta2 notes20:35
lontrais it lighter than ubuntu and kubuntu?20:37
charlie-tcalontra: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/LucidLynx/Beta220:37
charlie-tcayes, Xubuntu is always lighter than Ubuntu and Kubuntu20:37
lontraok cause kubuntu is cripplingly slow20:38
charlie-tcakde requires a lot of ram to run good, if I recall.20:39
lontrai have 4 GB and a fast computer and it uses 1.5 GB doing nothing but irc and a text editor ;(20:39
charlie-tcaThat seems wrong20:40
lontrathat's what free -m shows20:40
lontraalso do you know if i installed gedit in xfce4 would that add a lot of gnome dependencies?20:41
charlie-tcaIt will install some, since it is gnome dependent20:41
lontraoh and is xubuntu 10.04 lts? and if not how long is it supporte?20:42
charlie-tcaXubuntu 10.04 will be supported for three years20:42
lontraso same as gnome20:43
=== Joseph is now known as Guest28846
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, well I'll see20:43
=== Guest28846 is now known as Joe_Rossi
charlie-tcaIt will not run nice at all. You will need to use the alternate image for the install, too20:44
charlie-tcaDesktop cd won't install in 128MB20:44
Sachse_SiechtumI have 491 MB ram used right now20:44
Joe_Rossianyone in here know how to get compiz to work, i downloaded it and compiz-config-manager20:44
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, yeah20:45
Joe_Rossiand i could do it on the regular ubuntu, but now i've installed all of the required packages20:45
Joe_Rossiand it still wont work20:45
Joe_Rossireally getting my jets roaring20:47
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Sachse_Siechtumor I could use DSL20:52
Sachse_Siechtumbut I dont have any experience with that distro20:52
charlie-tcaYou might want to look at http://www.tuxradar.com/content/whats-best-lightweight-linux-distro20:59
charlie-tcaIt has some good info in it20:59
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, thanks :-)21:01
charlie-tcano problem21:02
charlie-tcaThere is also lubuntu, which is ubuntu based with lxde. It is about 30% lighter than Xubuntu for most users21:02
Sachse_Siechtum"To this end, they were tested, where possible, on an ancient Compaq laptop with 256MB RAM, Vesa graphics, a 4GB hard drive and a 200MHz Pentium processor."21:05
Sachse_Siechtumalright...so my friends laptop is "fossile" *g*21:05
charlie-tcawellll, yes!21:06
Sachse_SiechtumI cant believe he has Windows XP on it...21:06
charlie-tcaSometimes, though, increasing the processor makes up for decreasing the ram21:06
charlie-tcaI got a 486, 33MHz cpu with 384MB ram running XP21:07
charlie-tcaJust have to apply the right tricks for that21:07
charlie-tcaThe other part of the article is that 'crunchbang' rated high, but would not install in the hardware.21:09
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca,  O_O21:09
charlie-tcaJust take it with a bit of scepticism?21:09
Sachse_Siechtumand hardware is always tricky with laptops....excspecially old ones21:10
charlie-tcaIt just seemed to me to be a bit off when a disto that would not install rates higher than distros that do install21:11
Sachse_Siechtumyeah *lol*21:12
Sachse_SiechtumLubuntu looks interesting21:12
charlie-tcaBut... at least it does give a nice rundown with different options available21:13
Sachse_Siechtumslitaz looks tempting..because it also has a german language package21:16
Sachse_Siechtumsince my friend is german (DUH) *g*21:16
Sachse_Siechtumwoah only 25 MB!21:17
Sachse_Siechtumoh how I love thee, my Linux :-)21:19
charlie-tcaheh, good luck21:20
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, thanks... :-) just imagine...how many different modern variants windows has... .;-)21:21
charlie-tcayeah, Nice, huh?21:21
Sachse_Siechtumoh I love it! :-)21:21
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, and there is also a package dvd with all the packages for slitaz... :-)21:25
* Sachse_Siechtum is in geek heaven right now21:25
charlie-tcaDoes he have a dvd reader in that 'ancient' machine?21:26
Sachse_Siechtumnope a just cd...21:26
Sachse_Siechtumbut I could connect the old laptop with lan cable with mine..21:26
Sachse_Siechtumyeah no wlan btw too21:26
Sachse_Siechtumthe first OS on that thing was Win ME ....21:28
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, yeah. I just had ME on one computer once. I never had so many blue screens...21:31
charlie-tcaI know that one, too21:32
Sachse_SiechtumI read somewhere its considered as the worst windows ever built21:32
AquinaI onece installed Win98 on a 486DX with 64Mib of RAM and it took half a day to install it. :-)21:32
Sachse_SiechtumWindows 98 was good though, for DoS games...21:33
Sachse_Siechtumnot....denial of service games LOL21:33
charlie-tcaI ran DOS, myself21:33
Sachse_Siechtumme too21:33
Sachse_Siechtumreal mode ftw! *g*21:34
Aquina:) I ran some MS and PC DOS and later FreeDOS which is great.21:34
AquinaIt has a kernel, network and graphics support and dozens of dev-tools. Awry! :-)21:34
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, I consider Lubuntu and slitaz as "fossile laptop" candidates21:35
charlie-tcaGreat! I hear FreeDOS is a good way to go, if you got DOS stuff to use...21:36
robinking623hello, I just wanna know what about the problem with intel 8xx under kms?22:08
robinking623is this problem already solved?22:09
charlie-tcaAs far as I know, there is no issue with it in lucid, but I don't have any Intel video systems, either22:13
robinking623charlie-tca: so I can just stay with 90422:16
charlie-tcasee you later22:30

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