
jelmerluke-jr: yes, use bzr:file-ids as revprop00:02
jelmerluke-jr: and set that on a revision in which the file was introduced00:02
jelmerluke-jr: alternatively, "bzr reconcile" might do what you want00:03
luke-jrjelmer: another problem that I just thought of... :/00:14
luke-jrsomehow I'll need to rebase the merged branches :\00:15
luke-jrI suspect I'm going to want to introduce 2 new revs for each original bzr rev00:15
luke-jra rebased one and a merge of the rebased one and the original one00:15
luke-jror perhaps I can have the rebased one list the original one as a parent... hmm00:16
luke-jrjelmer: I can't find that mapping spec00:34
jelmerluke-jr: specs/mappingv4.txt00:36
luke-jrREADME had referred to some weird path :(00:40
luke-jrbzr:file-ids revprop doesn't seem to do anything :(00:51
luke-jrnor bzr:skip :/00:51
jelmerluke-jr: have you erased the cache ?00:56
jelmerluke-jr: also, have you set other bzr: revprops?00:56
luke-jryes; not yet00:58
luke-jrbzr:skip looks to just be poorly documented00:58
luke-jrI expected to be able to set it on svn-r1 and get bzr to skip over that rev00:58
jelmerluke-jr: this is a design document, not a document aimed at users so they can set their own revision properties01:01
luke-jranyhow, bzr:file-ids still seems to be ignored01:01
luke-jrdo I need to set other properties to make it take effect? (perhaps bzr:mapping-version?)01:01
jelmerluke-jr: bzr:skip only means bzr-svn can avoid checking any other bzr-svn metadata for that revision01:01
jelmerluke-jr: yes, you need to set more than just bzr:file-ids01:02
jelmerluke-jr: at least bzr:mapping-version and bzr:root IIRC01:02
luke-jrwhat should they be?01:03
luke-jrthe real repo has no bzr:mapping-version at least. :/01:04
jelmerluke-jr: I would recommend running "bzr reconcile" and checking what that sets01:04
xnoxbzr nested trees rock way better than git subtree merge =)03:00
xnoxI now do $ bzr merge svn://svn.server.org/path/to/external03:02
xnoxand get everything i want =)! in the correct subdir of my project ;-)03:02
jbowtiexnox: I was under them impression that nested trees hadn't landed. Am I confused or are you working off a dev branch?03:06
xnoxjbowtie, by reference nested trees are not here yet.03:06
xnoxjbowtie, but you can do this $ bzr branch URL subdir/03:07
xnox$ bzr join subdir03:07
xnox$ bzr ci -m "Merging external code from any URL"03:07
xnoxand from now on you can do03:07
xnox$ bzr merge URL03:07
xnoxto update the code03:07
xnoxbut this makes history of that subdir part of your history03:08
xnoxjoin & split have landed in bzr a while ago03:08
jbowtiexnox: Oh, OK. I'd never seen the join/split commands before, must read release notes more in future.03:08
jbowtiexnox: That gives me the benefits of svn:externals under Bazaar, right?03:09
xnoxjbowtie, when we have by reference trees you will be able to have stuff like externals where that code is almost not part of your history & has independed branch on it's own.03:09
xnoxjbowtie, almost =)03:09
jbowtiexnox: Almost is good enough for most of my scenarios.03:10
xnoxjbowtie, yes almost good =)03:10
xnoxif you want to work & submit patches to that external you are better off branching it on it's own, then try to commit stuff in your containing project03:11
xnox"then" = "than"03:11
jbowtieOK, my TFS plugin seems to be working well enough for read-only access to TFS repositories. (Microsoft Team Foundation Server)03:12
jbowtieJust need my manager to sign off on my pushing it to Launchpad.03:13
jbowtiexnox: Does pull update the joined directory, or do you have to explicitly merge?03:15
xnoxjbowtie, you have to do merge03:15
xnoxjbowtie, cause history has diverged from both places.03:16
xnoxjbowtie, with by-reference nested trees you will be able to just pull03:16
xnoxjbowtie, but we don't have that yet =)03:16
xnoxjbowtie, I have svn import running of 2 projects on launchpad. With one having svn:external to the other03:17
xnoxjbowtie, to update to latest code after the intial $ bzr join03:17
xnoxI have to do $ bzr merge URL-super03:17
xnox$ bzr merge URL-external03:17
xnoxthen I have locally everything tip-top03:18
jbowtiexnox: Thanks, that makes everything clear. Will definitely start using join for a couple of projects.03:20
xnoxjbowtie, your welcome =) I should blog about it ;-)03:20
jbowtieHmmm...how do you provide tests for something that talks to a proprietary foreign VCS?03:23
xnoxjbowtie, depends on which one.... =) but generally it is bzr protocol tests. And you right a test stub using bzr-test framework which does the intended behaviour. (documented, speced) etc... such that it can be run automated without having access to that VCS03:30
jbowtiexnox: Tricky. But just realised I can capture HTTP output and replay that during tests for the actual "talk to a VCS" class.03:38
xnox=) nice03:38
xnoxwhich VCS are you working on? or is it top-secret?03:39
jbowtieMicrosoft Team Foundation Server.03:39
xnoxthere have been issues with bitkeeper......03:39
jbowtieNo secret, just ugly, ugly code.03:39
xnoxjbowtie, aha =) that beast.03:39
xnoxare you switching to bzr from that?03:40
jbowtiexnox: Yes, getting my team to, anyway. I can checkout and pull updates from TFS now.03:40
xnoxjbowtie, publish code on lp. I'm pretty sure loads of people will find it useful03:41
jbowtiexnox: Pushing updates to TFS is possible but needs a bit more work so that round-tripping is a bit more solid.03:41
xnoxjbowtie, is there bzr plugin for VS?03:41
jbowtiexnox: Just waiting for manager to sign off on publishing to Launchpad.03:42
jbowtiexnox: Not that I know of but project in question is using Eclipse anyway.03:42
xnoxjbowtie, aha =) https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr-visualstudio03:42
xnoxit's for 2005 though03:42
jbowtiexnox: Once I've published the TFS work I'll have a look at updating that.03:43
jbowtieI want to update the plugin developer's guide with info on writing a VCS plugin, but can't find it in launchpad.03:44
jbowtieProbably I'll just end up blogging it.03:47
echo-areahi, bzr 2.1.1 on windows doesn't print any messages in any command.  Does anybody know why?04:01
echo-areaFor example, when I do "bzr pull", the message "Using saved parent location..." is not printed; when I do "bzr pack", the message "repacking..." is not printed04:04
echo-areaand bazaar.conf does not have likely related setting04:05
jbowtieecho-area: That's not what I'm seeing (just checked)04:05
jbowtieecho-area: Does bzr --version print anything?04:05
=== timchen1` is now known as nasloc__
echo-areajbowtie: um, my description was a bit wrong.  Something is printed, but the other information is not.  "bzr --version" indeed prints version information.  But for "bzr pull", only the list of changes is printed, the information like "Using saved parent location..." and about the fetching progress is not printed.  For "bzr pack", nothing is printed04:12
echo-areaand I remembered when I used bzr 2.1.0, that information was printed04:15
jbowtieecho-area: AFIAK that hasn't changed in 2.1.1 - certainly the saved parent thing is happening on my Windows box.04:15
jbowtieecho-area: Does a "bzr info" show that there is a saved parent?04:16
jbowtieecho-area: Don't forget, you can always use the verbose switch (-v), might mention something useful.04:17
echo-areajbowtie: I tried "bzr pack -v", but still, nothing is printed.  It's so strange04:18
jbowtieecho-area: The only thing that springs to mind is that one of your streams (stdout, stderr) is being redirected somehow.04:18
jbowtieecho-area: I've had that happen to me once or twice, where stuff printed to stderr got captured by a debug utility.04:19
echo-areajbowtie: I guess so, but how come a plain "bzr pack -v" redirects?04:19
jbowtieecho-area: No idea, and that's just a guess anyhow. Are you using PowerShell by any chance, or the standard command shell?04:21
echo-areajbowtie: I'm using C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe.04:22
jbowtieecho-area: Hmm. Maybe bzr pack has nothing to do?04:23
echo-areajbowtie: I don't know, but I guess not, since every time I run "bzr pack" on a Linux box, there is information printed.  But this is not a problem until now, so I think I can live with that04:25
jbowtieecho-area: OK. Let us know if you have any other issues, I can at least run a quick test on another Windows box for comparison.04:28
dcolesHi. Can I pull from branches other than master with bzr-git?04:29
echo-areajbowtie: okay, thank you :)04:30
dcolesI tried 'bzr git-import' which gives me a tree, but then I can't push/pull after that.04:31
jbowtiedcoles: Are you trying to merge the changes from the other branch into yours, or switch to using it as your parent branch?04:44
dcolesjbowtie: Ideally, I just want to check it out to work on it and then be able to push changes to that branch04:46
dcolesTrouble I'm having is I can't think how to provide the branch in the git+ssh url04:47
jbowtiedcoles: I'm not a git user; but looking at the documentation for bzr-git that might not be possible.04:51
jbowtiedcoles: Could you clone the git branch into another location, the use bzr to check that out?04:51
dcolesYeah. I was worried about that. I even went to the extent of browsing the bzr-git sourcecode04:52
dcolesjbowtie: That might be the way of doing it. Just make sure you "checkout" the right git branch04:53
dcolesI'm not a git user either, but learning _far_ too much about it looking after a project's git repository ;)04:54
mwhudsonbzr-git currently can only interact with the master branch in a git repo aiui04:55
dcolesmwhudson: Righto. That makes sense.04:56
jbowtieIs Bazaar 2.x packaged anywhere for RHEL?05:39
dcolesjbowtie: http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/DistroDownloads#CentOS/RHEL perhaps?05:39
dcolesLooks like it should already be in yum.05:40
jbowtiedcoles: That only has 1.3.1 - pretty old05:40
dcolesAh. That's a shame. :S05:41
jbowtieAnd of course gcc is not installed on the RHEL box I want to install it on.05:52
dcolesI saw some rumors about it being included in RHEL6, but who knows when that is coming out05:56
dcolesOne might assume it might be possible to nab from Fedora, but who knows what kind of dependancies that would try and drag with it.05:57
jbowtiedcoles: There's always the long way - spin up a CentOS image, install gcc, build the RPM, scp to the server, install. Bleh.06:00
dcolesYuck. At least bzr is a reasonably nice package to build06:00
jbowtieHopefully one of the lurkers will feel guilty enough to update the yum repository.06:01
* jbowtie looks around for anyone with a guilty look.06:02
dcolesjbowtie: I tried the "git clone x, git checkout branch; bzr branch x y" method. It works. But you have to do a 'git reset --hard' after you dpush back.06:02
dcolesAnd using bzr in the git repo seems to crash bzr when I try and commit (not sure if that's a legal use of bzr or not)06:03
jbowtiedcoles: Important thing is that you are not stuck, glad I could help with that much.06:03
dcolesI could always just use git.... blehgh06:04
jbowtiedcoles: I'll keep an eye on the Bazaar blueprints during UDS, maybe we can get someone to do something about that.06:04
dcolesWell, I think the current block was "colocated branches"06:05
jbowtiedcoles: Personally I'll probably work on cleaning up the documentation, it's getting a little hard to find details I need.06:06
dcolesBut even just being able to do bzr co git+ssh://example.com/repo#branch would be quite nice.06:06
dcolesIndeed. I've been pestering jelmer about a lot of the bzr-git stuff.06:07
dcolesThere's also quite a few references to bzr-git being "read only", despite having dpush now.06:07
dcolesI'd love to sit down and hack on the plugin one afternoon. It's really neat except for one or two little bugbears.06:09
jbowtiedcoles: It's not like you need commit access.  ;)06:17
jbowtieWhoops, gotta go, have a train to catch.06:18
dcolesWhoops. Too late.06:19
vilahi all07:45
sivanghi all08:29
sivanghow come, that in my working copy I get the latest revision when doing bzr log08:29
sivangand when I go the parent branch,08:29
sivangthen it shows a couple of revisions back?08:29
sivang(sorry for using CRLF as punctuation)08:30
xnoxsivang, ? what does `bzr status` show in both directories?08:34
xnoxand what is bzr info in both of them08:34
sivangxnox: let me check08:58
sivangxnox: in one dir, a bunch of unknowns10:22
sivangxnox: in the other :10:25
sivang:~/ccforms_renamed$ bzr status10:25
sivangbzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for "file:///home/sivan/ccforms_renamed/.bzr/checkout/".10:25
xnoxsivang, so looks ok to me. Depending on what you are trying to do10:26
xnoxand what type of checkout you use10:26
xnoxsivang, if you do `bzr info` in both of them it should tell you what are the relationships, if any, between those two branches10:27
sivangxnox: so the one that does now show all the revision in log, is the push target of the working copy10:27
fullermdI wouldn't assume he's using [explicit] checkouts at all.  It just sounds like he's got two branches that are at different places, which is...   well, normal.10:28
sivangxnox: how can I make it show all the revision, since when I check out from it or bracnh, it doesn't get revision up to the last one10:28
fullermdWhy do you think they SHOULD have the same revs?10:28
sivangfullermd: I use the push target is the parent branch or repo10:28
sivangfullermd: or am I not?10:28
fullermdSure, but did you push them?10:28
fullermd'missing' is also your friend here.10:28
xnoxsivang, what do you mean by "working copy" - checkout, lightweight checkout, or branch?10:28
sivangxnox: okay, so I see bzr lingo thickens the plot a bit10:29
sivangxnox: I init'd a a dir10:29
sivangxnox: commited into it10:29
sivangxnox: and then pushed to a "backup" location10:29
sivangforgot to push10:30
sivangnow it is synced10:30
xnoxsivang, =)10:30
* sivang turns to be the lolipop figure in Bugs Bunny film10:30
sivangxnox: so, is there a book ? an oreilly book already so learn all things bzr from start to finish ?10:31
* sivang googles for the difference between a checkout, lw checkout and bracnh10:31
sivangthere's is no repo notion right?10:31
sivang(like in svn)10:31
xnoxsivang, http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.1/en/10:32
sivangbut still, if I have a parent branch10:32
xnoxsivang, yes there is but a lot different from svn10:32
sivangparent branch: /home/sivan/ccforms_renamed10:32
xnoxsivang, do this10:32
sivangxnox: I remember lifeless talking lots about the difference10:32
xnoxin a temporary location10:32
xnox$ bzr init-repo .10:32
xnox$ bzr info10:32
* sivang tries10:33
xnox$ bzr init branch-a10:33
sivangshared repo with trees? what does that mean?10:33
xnox$ cd branch-a && bzr ci --unchanged -m "my first commit"10:33
xnox$ cd ../10:33
xnox$ bzr checkout branch-a branch-b10:34
xnox$ bzr info branch-b10:34
xnox$ cd branch-a10:34
xnox$ bzr ci --unchanged -m "checkout branch-b should be out-of date now"10:34
xnox$ bzr info branch-b10:34
xnox$ bzr status branch-b10:34
xnoxCheckout of a branch is similar to svn, where commits in the checkout will end up in the branch10:35
sivangxnox: okay, so what I was looking actually instead of just a branch, is to creat e a repo and so commits will work against it?10:35
sivangxnox: I wanted commits from the local machine, and from another remote machine to end up in the same source tree10:36
sivangxnox: with revisions and everything10:36
sivangxnox: so I can either work on my desktop or from the remote server transparently10:36
xnoxsivang, that would be dangerous cause you might override working tree on the server & desktop10:37
xnoxsivang, what you should do is this10:37
sivangxnox: I want to have a working tree at a seperate location10:37
xnox1) create a branch on the sever10:37
sivangxnox: just a "shared repo" is that the right term?10:37
xnoxsivang, repo is where the revisions are stored but repo still has to have branches in it so that there is a *named* location to push to.10:38
xnoxSo on the server create a repo & branch underneath it10:38
xnoxwhen you are on the desktop do $ bzr checkout $URL-branch-on-server10:38
xnoxwhen you are on the server do $ bzr checkout /path/to/branch/on/server10:39
xnoxAlways commit to checkouts *of* the branch on server10:39
xnoxthis way whenever you make or update a checkout you will get latest code from your "central" branch10:39
xnoxsivang, http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.1/en/user-guide/central_intro.html10:40
sivangxnox: I see, but when commiting to a checkout that means commiting to the .bzr inside the workign copy10:42
sivangxnox: how do I get those updates to the parent branch in the central repo ?10:42
xnoxsivang, no it will commit on the server10:42
sivangxnox: ok, I will dio some reading :)10:42
xnoxsivang, if you look into the .bzr dir inside you will notice it has three major folders:10:42
sivangxnox: bzr got some feature rich since last time I used it for hubackup10:43
xnoxrepository, branch, checkout10:43
sivangeven when I jsut init a dir,10:43
xnoxin the repository it stores raw bytes, in the branch it stores references as to which revision this branch points at and in checkout it stores the current status of the working tree10:43
sivangwhich means I created a new branch right?10:43
xnoxwhen you do $ bzr init it creates all three10:43
xnoxwhen you do $ bzr init-repo DIR10:44
xnoxit will create $ DIR/.bzr/repository10:44
xnoxsuch that all branches underneath $ DIR store there bytes together & efficiently sharing them10:44
xnoxwhen you do $ bzr checkout $URL10:44
sivangthe docs are nice muchly improved10:45
sivangxnox: I create a mirror of the branch ?10:45
sivangso to speak10:45
xnoxit will place bytes in a shared-repo if present, and then create a working directly (checkout) with no separate branch. Intead it will put reference "saying when I commit in this working tree, take my local bytes but commit in the target branch"10:46
sivangcool, so like a mirror10:46
sivangxnox: thanks dude10:46
xnoxsivang, furthermore you can have lightweight-checkouts10:46
sivangxnox: which are?10:46
xnoxthose do not have their own repository and are usefull when you are working with large repositories10:47
fullermdDon't get hung up on the difference between light and heavy checkouts...10:47
sivangdo the significance of a repo is just to share bytes?10:47
fullermdHeavies make a local cache of the revs; lights don't.10:47
xnoxthen you will have a tree-less repository such that all branches do not have working tree in them (cause it's a 100MiB big)10:47
sivangright , so for large repos heavy are better10:47
fullermdYou probably only want to use a light checkout when the branch is on the local disk, or possibly close by on a very fast network.10:47
xnoxand you will have one lightweight checkout which just represents a working-tree attached to a particular branch. And then you can do $ bzr switch10:48
sivangfullermd: right, so when I work on the server, light-checkout10:48
xnoxto jump from one branch to another10:48
sivangfullermd: on the desktop at home, heavy10:48
xnoxsivang, yes repo is to share bytes10:48
sivangxnox: this is different from svn so deeply10:48
sivangxnox: a repo is a dir mostly there :)10:48
xnoxsivang, locally. Two repositories with bytes never will mirror each other. You can only push branches around which will take the bytes with them & put their bytes in the repos10:49
sivangxnox: so when I init'd the local folder I worked on, and then pushed it to my backup location, what was the relationsip and what happened between them?10:50
xnoxsivang, you got heavy & light right10:50
xnoxsivang, you have (branch & repo & checkout)    <----->  (branch & repo)10:50
xnoxunless you did $ bzr co /path/to/branch on the server10:51
sivangxnox: so due to the face that there was no relationship between them, just a push target, revision did not automatically got updated at the push target10:51
xnoxthen you have (branch & repo & checkout) <-----------> (branch & repo & checkout)10:51
xnoxsivang, "not automatically" on commit on either of them10:51
sivangxnox: what causes the automatic update relationship to occur ?10:51
fullermdThinking of automatic vs. non-auto is likely to wind up more confusing.10:52
fullermdWhen you make a commit, it goes onto the branch you're working on.  So the question is always, what branch am I working on?10:52
xnox(repo & checkout )   <------------> (branch & repo)   <----------------->   (repo & checkout)10:52
fullermdIf you have a checkout, the branch is the thing you `bzr co $THING`'d.10:52
fullermdIf you did a `bzr branch $THING`, your local dir is its own branch.10:53
sivangfullermd: right, okay it starts to be clearer now10:53
xnoxfullermd, yeap nice explaination10:53
fullermd'push' and 'pull' are commands you use to move existing revs from one branch to another.10:53
sivangfullermd: nice, so back to DRCS10:53
* xnox says what's DRCS?10:53
sivangDistributed revisionc ontrol10:54
sivangthe co and repo is the bzr support for centreal rc10:54
sivangno ?10:54
fullermdThat's one way of thinking about it...10:54
fullermdBetter, though, to think of it Branch-centric.10:54
sivangand working with branches is good'o distributed, when you have a merge action between them10:54
xnoxsivang, yeap. If you have one branch on the server and you have multiple checkouts it's like having svn server & checkouts10:55
fullermdUsing co is a way to get multiple working trees all on a single branch.10:55
sivangthank yo guys!10:55
sivangAre you with Canonical btw?10:55
* xnox no10:55
fullermdWhich is similar to what you do with a centralized system.  But thinking of it around branches probably keeps things straighter.10:55
fullermdYou may want to peruse some of the stuff at http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/MatthewFuller/SpotDocs10:55
fullermdhttp://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/MatthewFuller/SpotDocs/PiecesInBrief particularly for some background vocabulary, and http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/MatthewFuller/SpotDocs/RevHandling for some talk about push/pull/etc.10:56
sivangfullermd: thanks, irssi logged it and I shall read it!10:58
sivangnow , off to lunch.10:58
jbowtieWhich Launchpad project do I need to contribute to the documentation?12:02
bialixdocumentation of bzr?12:04
bialixjbowtie: documentation of bzr?12:05
jbowtieYes, documentation of Bazaar. I want to clean up a few of the less maintained corners.12:05
jbowtieThose empty sections in the admin guide also bug the heck out of me.12:05
faceprintis there a way to make 'bzr commit' not throw an error if there's nothing to commit, without allowing it to commit an empty revision?12:08
Peng_jbowtie: There's a bzr-doc team with a mailing list, but it's just handled through the normal bzr project.12:09
faceprintwe spent the weekend converting from CVS, and we were taking advantage of the fact that cvs will gladly do nothing when nothing has changed in a bunch of our automated scripts12:09
Peng_jbowtie: File bugs, file merge proposals, whatever.12:09
Peng_faceprint: Ahh... That's a pretty obscure request, and I doubt bzr has a knob somewhere to do it.12:09
jbowtiePeng_: Sorry, are you saying the docs are somewhere in the bzr source tree?12:10
Peng_jbowtie: Yes.12:10
jelmerfaceprint: I'm not sure I understand what you're asking for?12:10
Peng_jbowtie: Not, like, the wiki, but most of the documentation is.12:10
jelmerfaceprint: --unchanged is not what you're after?12:10
Peng_jelmer: I think what he's after is that he wants the exit code to be 0 even if nothing has changed.12:10
Peng_faceprint: Probably not hard to write some Python to accomplish that, but...12:11
faceprintjelmer: i have scripts that grab the latest versions of certain files, or re-compute certain files (yes, this is kind of an abuse of version control, but it's what we have), and then commit them if there are changes.  We had been just running cvs commit after generating the new version, and if there were changes they got committed.  If the files ended up identical, everything just exited silently12:12
faceprintif I use --unchanged, I'm going to add another 10 or so revisions to my repository every morning with empty commits12:12
jbowtiePeng_: OK, I see the admin guide, but not the plugin developer's guide.12:12
jelmerfaceprint: you could do some scripting to find out if there are any changes to commit12:14
faceprintyeah, I started down that path, and realized that bzr stat doesn't seem use return codes at all, so I'm actually going to have to look at its output12:15
faceprintit isn't a huge deal, and honestly if this is the only hiccup in this transition, i'm a very happy guy (knock on wood)12:15
jbowtiePeng_: That can't be everything. The migration guides for users of other VCS, plugin docs, plugin developer guide - none of that's in the bzr tree.12:16
xnoxfaceprint, $ bzr commit returns exit code 3 when there is nothing to commit12:16
xnoxe.g. pointless commit12:16
jbowtieAnd why is there a project called bzr-alldocs that doesn't contain all docs?12:16
faceprintxnox: which doesn't help me in deciding whether to run bzr commit or not ;-)12:16
xnoxfaceprint, just run it and catch and check that exit code. Or is there someother logic apart from "when changes -> commit; when no changes -> do not commit"12:17
bialixjbowtie: bzr-alldocs is for bazaar.canonical.org website12:17
faceprintreally, I'm just trying to avoid cron email from all these scripts, but don't want to send stderr to /dev/null in case something actually IS wrong12:18
xnoxfaceprint, ok another one $ bzr diff exits 0 if there is no diff, exits with 1 if there is diff and hence there are changes12:18
xnoxfaceprint, is this better?12:18
faceprintah, that'll work.  don't know why I didn't think of diff earlier12:19
jbowtiebialix: OK, so documentation is split up across multiple sites?12:19
jbowtieNo wonder the docs are such a mess.12:20
bialixjbowtie: which kind of documentation?12:20
xnoxfaceprint, if you generate new files you will need to somehow add them to the tree though12:20
bialixjbowtie: if you can do better, please do12:20
faceprintluckily these are just existing-file changes i'm concerned with12:20
faceprintthanks for your help!12:20
xnoxjbowtie, all documentation is linked from bazaar.canonical.com. There a few small about developing bzr inself in the bzr source tree.12:20
bialixjbowtie: part of documentation is auto-generated from online help (bzr help xxx)12:20
jbowtiexnox: I think that's where I'm getting confused.12:22
jbowtieI see 14 categories on the Documentation Table of Contents.12:23
xnoxjbowtie, go there click documentation and that's the full maintained, canonical location for all documentation.12:23
jbowtieI see 8 categories in the bzr source tree.12:23
jbowtieSo where are the other 6 categories sourced from?12:23
xnoxjbowtie, from the doc-strings within the codebase inside bzrlib/12:24
xnoxin each command / function12:24
bialixjbowtie: are we talking about http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.1/en/ ?12:24
jbowtiebialix: Yes.12:24
xnoxjbowtie, well FAQ & BzrGlossary are just links to random pages online and are not real docs12:25
jbowtieIf I want to correct something in both the "System Admin Guide" and the "Developer Docs", where do I go to edit that?12:25
bialixjbowtie: Core documentation coming from bzr sources12:25
bialixRelated links from other places12:25
bialixjbowtie: core docs coming from bzr_tree/doc/end12:26
bialixjbowtie: core docs coming from bzr_tree/doc/en12:26
Peng_jbowtie: Ooh! I thought there was a project, but I couldn't find it when I checked.12:26
jbowtiebialix: OK, so the "System Admin Guide" is in the bzr tree, since it's in the core section.12:26
bialixjbowtie: correct12:27
jbowtiebialix: But how do I track down the 6 "Related Links" projects? Or are they not in Launchpad anywhere?12:27
bialixjbowtie: look at the links12:28
Peng_xnox & faceprint: 'bzr diff' doesn't show executable bit changes, so it might not include them in the exit code either...12:28
bialixjbowtie: Desktop Guide coming from Bazaar Explorer12:28
bialixFAQ is launchpad page12:28
bialixGlossary is wiki page12:28
bialixDeveloper Docs again from bzr tree12:28
jbowtiebialix: Wait, what? Where are the Developer Docs?12:29
bialixwanna screenshot?12:29
bialixhere is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/files/head%3A/doc/developers/12:30
* bialix is not sure where from coming migration and plugins guide12:30
bialixigc is our docs master, but he's offline this week12:30
jbowtiebialix: Well, that's somewhat more helpful.12:30
bialixyou can send the question to the ML though12:31
bialixmaybe jam knows12:31
jbowtiebialix: But of course the Plugins Guide was the one I had a big patch for since I just wrote a plugin.12:31
bialix(... or poolie)12:31
xnoxbialix, bzr/doc/en/upgrade-guide$ for the migration guide12:32
bialixxnox: thx12:32
bialixjbowtie: here is plugin guide sources http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr-alldocs/trunk/files/head%3A/plugins/en/12:33
jbowtiexnox: That isn't right, the Survival Guide doesn't exist at all in that location.12:33
bialixI guess other docs need to look in the alldocs first12:34
xnoxMy links are *from* the bzr tree12:34
xnoxso which once are we still missing?12:34
jbowtiebialix: Umm. OK. So "alldocs" only has the Plugin Guide?12:34
xnoxso far I have found everything in the tree12:35
xnoxjbowtie, Plugin Guide is in the just *bzr* tree12:35
bialixxnox: is not true12:35
bialixxnox: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ebzr/bzr-alldocs/trunk/annotate/head%3A/plugins/en/plugin-development.txt12:35
jbowtiexnox: Part of the problem is that not all the docs are in the tree.12:36
jbowtiexnox: Otherwise I would be less confused. I hope.  :)12:36
jbowtiexnox: There is some double-up of coverage.12:36
bialixjbowtie: will be nice if you collect this info on the wiki.bazaar.cacnonical.com, if you don't mind12:36
jbowtiebialix: Will do; am logging this and will update the wiki in the morning (very late night in my time zone).12:37
bialixjbowtie: cool, thanks12:38
jbowtiebialix: So if I track down the source for the "Migration Guide" - especially the "Survival Guide" subsection, we'll know where everything is.12:38
* bialix nods12:38
jbowtiebialix, xnox: Thank you both very much, kept me from giving up on contributing documentation.12:42
xnoxjbowtie, i've never seen Survival Guide ever before12:42
xnoxWTF =) this needs fixed12:42
jbowtiexnox: You probably didn't need it.  :P12:42
jbowtieAll right, I'm off to bed, will update the wiki in the local morning hopefully to be followed by merge requests.12:44
xnoxthere is this page as well http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ian-clatworthy/bzr-explorer-website/trunk/files/head:/en12:46
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tetsuo--Does bazaar support this: i have 2 folders, one contains patches to an upstream, the 2nd contains the upstream, bazaar should automatically apply the patches every time the upstream folder gets synced with the upstream13:27
xnoxtetsuo--, create third dir use $ bzr patch patch1 patch2 patch313:28
tetsuo--can that be automated like with git?13:28
xnoxtetsuo--, merge this with your "2nd dir contains the upstream"13:29
xnoxand then in that dir do $ bzr merge upstream13:29
xnoxtetsuo--, are you asking for topgit functionality or quilt like or what? =) what do you mean "like git"?13:29
xnoxgenerally even in git you apply patches on e.g. master, you upstream gets fetched into origin/master. And then you have master tracking origin/master which gets autopulled.13:30
tetsuo--i have never done it, but i have been told that in GIT you can merge upstreams into the "2nd folder" and GIT will automatically use the upstream and downstream changelog to merge in all the patches from the first dir13:30
xnoxtetsuo--, well you want the pipeline plugin!13:32
xnoxyou will do $ bzr co --light upstream pipeline13:32
xnox$ cd pipeline13:33
xnox$ bzr add-pipe patch113:33
xnox$ bzr patch patch113:33
xnox$ bzr ci13:33
xnox$ bzr add pipe patch213:33
xnoxrince repeat13:33
xnoxthen you do $ bzr switch :first13:33
xnoxthen you fetch upstream by pulling13:33
xnoxand to apply all patches you do13:33
xnox$ bzr pump13:34
xnoxtetsuo--, launchpad.net/bzr-pipeline13:34
xnoxand there is wiki link from there13:34
tetsuo--ill read that13:35
tetsuo--i should have asked my question differently13:42
tetsuo--how can i easily and simply maintain a local fork of an upstream project13:42
tetsuo--its a fork because i have custom patches that dont make any sense to upstream13:43
xnoxtetsuo--, aha then you simply $ bzr branch $UPSTREAM13:43
xnoxcommit your patches as regular commits13:43
xnoxand then everytime you want to sync with upstream you do $ bzr merge $UPSTREAM13:44
xnoxwhere $UPSTREAM can be git/hg/svn/local branches13:44
xnoxwhere $UPSTREAM can be git/hg/svn/local branches/ and ofcourse bzr13:44
xnoxIf there are conflicts it will show you which files are conflicting13:45
tetsuo--so it will only complain if things break13:45
xnoxIf there are no conflicts you can just commit to record this merge.13:46
xnoxOr you can tweak it further etc. do whatever you like13:46
xnoxtetsuo--, any any point at time you can see which commits were yours and which are from upstream using $ bzr missing13:46
xnoxand $ bzr annotate13:46
tetsuo--the reason it needs to be simple and easy is because the people who do this are not programmers themselves13:46
xnoxwill tell you line by line who committed what in the file so you can see whether it was you who done it13:47
tetsuo--ok so i dont need to keep the patches seperately after the first merge?13:47
xnoxtetsuo--, no13:47
tetsuo--(please note i dont use bazaar right now, we use svn)13:47
xnoxyou will have just one branch13:47
xnoxtetsuo--, which platform are you on13:47
xnoxcause there is torgotaiseBzr (or whatever it is) for windows and on other platforms we have plugins as well so that it's all point & click13:48
xnoxtetsuo--, create branch. Commit patches. Push that branch to everyone who needs it.13:49
xnoxInstall https://edge.launchpad.net/tortoisebzr13:49
naoki^ tetsuo--: Are you Japanese?13:49
xnoxtetsuo--, and then they will be able to point & click to get new updates13:50
xnoxand will be told if there are conflicts13:50
naoki^tetsuo--: FYI, There is a Japanese ML http://groups.google.co.jp/group/bazaar-ja13:50
naoki^I'm not good at English. If you too, we can talk in Japanese at the ML.13:52
tetsuo--naoki^:  no im dutch13:53
tetsuo--xnox: how about outdated stuff, like files that are removed upstream13:54
tetsuo--will they be removed downstream too?13:54
xnoxtetsuo--, yeap13:55
tetsuo--and if that particular file contains one of my patches it will throw a conflict?13:55
xnoxtetsuo--, no it will get deleted13:55
tetsuo--oh noes!13:55
xnoxtetsuo--, but not that soon13:55
xnoxtetsuo--, after you merge you will see the changes13:56
xnoxwhat's going on eg. added files, deleted files, conflicted files13:56
tetsuo--do deleted files keep their history in bazaar?13:56
xnoxif you are happy with the result you commit it13:56
xnoxtetsuo--, yes13:56
xnoxtetsuo--, you can reincornate any file from any revision without hitting the network on your local machine13:56
tetsuo--sometimes code is refactored, and the file moves froom foo.cpp to fooa.cpp and foob.cpp, will my patch move to the right file?13:57
xnoxtetsuo--, you just do $ bzr revert -rNN (for whole tree) or you can maintain a delete file like thie $ bzr revert -rNN path/to/file13:57
xnoxtetsuo--, yes the patch becomes history. Bzr looks at your history & at the upstream history. So when upstream moves a file, your files is moved/copied with patched lines still applied13:58
xnoxso if upstream renames file then it your patched file will travel with it.13:58
xnoxtetsuo--, go to terminal create 2 branches and experiment with a sample. commit stuff to a branch "upstream" pull into your "local" branch apply some patches13:59
tetsuo--what about > del foo.cpp , add fooa.cpp, add foob.cpp, the lines i was patches are deleted in foo.cpp and reintroduced in foob.cpp along with a bunch of new code13:59
xnoxand experiment what happens when you do stuff on the upstream branch and merge back into "local" branch13:59
xnoxtetsuo--, try out in the terminal =) it depends on which VCS upstream is using and what bzr will decide to do14:00
xnoxtetsuo--, personally I've been hacking with bzr on more than 100 opensource projects and none of my patches / commits have been lost in the process of merging new stuff14:01
xnoxtetsuo--, there was a couple of times when bzr didn't realise what happened but it didn't cover it up but threw a merge conflict on me. But it was obvious for me to see what happened and why bzr couldn't merge it14:02
xnoxtetsuo--, so from that point of view. Once you commit your patches as a branch you are safe. Backup your branch with commits somewhere and you are done14:02
tetsuo--i actually need some help setting this up, if you want the challenge of seeing if it breaks with my project, lol :D14:02
xnoxtetsuo--, ping me any time you like ;-) i'm also launchpad.net/~dmitrij.ledkov for contact details14:03
xnoxtetsuo--, generally I think you want to have a maintainer who pulls & merges new upstream. And then pushes that branch to a local repository which all of your users consume straight away14:03
xnoxsuch that you have a maintained copy of software internally14:04
tetsuo--i have no idea what that means :s (we use sourceforge for our code hosting)14:04
tetsuo--http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/mpc-hc/browser/trunk/src/filters/transform/MPCVideoDec/ffmpeg  << this is our patched fork of http://ffdshow-tryout.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ffdshow-tryout/trunk/src/ffmpeg/ which is a patched fork of http://git.ffmpeg.org/?p=ffmpeg;a=tree14:06
tetsuo--as you can see our patches are not seperate but mixed in, and mostly undocumented in the changelog14:07
tetsuo--and ffmpeg tends to refactor stuff once in a while, so files either get split up or merged all the time14:08
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tetsuo--any chance of bzr client making it easier to extract the patches from that mess?14:10
xnoxtetsuo--, yeap14:15
tetsuo--xnox:  any tips for my first import?14:16
tetsuo--i enabled bazaar on sourceforge14:16
tetsuo--and want to import the svn tree with as much history data as possible14:16
xnoxtetsuo--, that's easy install bzr-svn plugin and just do $ bzr branch $URL_SVN14:17
xnoxtetsuo--, but i fear that fork of fork, the original fork and the upstream do not share history14:17
tetsuo--they dont14:18
xnoxdo you still need to pull updates from the "middle" fork or no?14:18
tetsuo--if i can extract those patches ones i wont14:18
tetsuo--but we are not in sync14:18
xnoxit's a toughy here =)14:19
xnoxdo you have email?14:19
tetsuo--our fork is behind about 2 weeks, on the middle one, which is behind a week on the upstream14:19
xnoxi'll play around with these branches and see what I can come-up with14:19
tetsuo--i dont use email14:19
xnoxtetsuo--, =)))) ok14:19
tetsuo--do you have a sourceforge account?14:19
xnoxtetsuo--, yes14:20
tetsuo--do you prefer tickets or forum?14:21
xnoxtetsuo--, dmitrijledkov14:21
xnoxtetsuo--, I haven't used any =) I'll pick tickets14:21
tetsuo--you can add a ticket there with the results14:22
tetsuo--i installed the gui14:30
tetsuo--i should make a branch of the svn tree right?14:30
tetsuo--i have the plugin14:30
xnoxtetsuo--, yeap.14:35
xnoxI got to go now. I will post on sourceforge tonight late in the evening14:35
tetsuo--i get an error14:46
tetsuo--Unable to import library "launchpadlib": No module named launchpadlib, Unable to load plugin u'pipeline' from u'C:/Program Files (x86)/Bazaar/plugins'14:46
jelmertetsuo--: did you manually install the pipeline plugin?14:47
tetsuo--i just used the windows installer14:48
xnoxjelmer, Bug 56993414:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569934 in bzr "version-info --python doesn't match version-info" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56993414:50
jelmerxnox: hi Dmitrijs14:50
jelmertetsuo--: it's probably a bug in the windows installer in that case, I suspect14:50
xnoxjelmer, I'm using waf which is nice python based system and for my upstream I just want to run "version-info --python" get that stream14:50
tetsuo--aww :(14:50
xnoxjelmer, and import it inside waf and get svn-* info as a nice dict to add add in all C headers =)14:51
jelmerxnox: I don't think abusing the rio hook for that is valid14:51
jelmerxnox: at least not without changing the hook code to be generic and indendent of rio14:51
xnoxjelmer, well I've tried using svn-keywords and it gives me $ Id: (evoluation error) $14:52
xnoxmy hacked up version of regular bzr-keywords does work but it erases working tree changes after $ bzr uncommit which is, well ugly & bad14:52
xnoxjelmer, renegalising hook to regular version info which all formatters subclass?14:53
tetsuo--xnox:  do i need the pipleline plugin to be able to import svn into a bazaar tree?14:53
jelmerxnox: something like that14:54
jelmertetsuo--: no, you don't need pipelines for that14:54
jelmerxnox: can you file a bug about the keywords issue?14:54
xnoxjelmer, sure14:55
tetsuo--ok deleting pipelines makes it work14:55
xnoxjelmer, BTW found out about svn-keywords yesterday even though it's been around for ages =) needs docs & blogging14:56
tetsuo--should i create a shared repository?14:58
jelmertetsuo--: up to you, shouldn't matter for the import14:59
tetsuo--ok its working15:00
jelmerxnox: I'd like it to integrate with bazaar itself better15:00
tetsuo--holy moly bazaar-svn-client is fast15:00
xnoxjelmer, hmmmm so do I need to echo "svn-keywords = "Id Rev" into ~/.bazaar/rules or no for eg. [names *]15:01
xnoxtetsuo--, and you get whole history =) as well ;-)15:02
tetsuo--toirtoisesvn only goes like 10kb/s max, the bazaar client is maxing out my download speed15:02
tetsuo--bzr: ERROR: Unable to convert Subversion path trunk\src\apps\ShuttlePN31 because it contains characters invalid in Bazaar.15:02
xnoxtetsuo--, ask jelmer about that or search on launchpad.net/bzr-svn15:03
jelmertetsuo--: does that path exist as a filename in your repository?15:03
jelmertetsuo--: where the \ is part of the name, not used as a separator?15:03
jelmerxnox: yeah, you have to edit ~/.bazaar/rules or .bzrmeta/rules15:04
tetsuo--jelmer:  i dont see it in the current revision15:04
tetsuo--its not on  the svn afaik15:04
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tetsuo--jelmer:  take a look here: https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/mpc-hc/browser/trunk/src/apps15:06
jelmertetsuo--: what svn URL are you trying to import?15:07
tetsuo--jelmer: any luck?15:22
jelmertetsuo--: still in progress15:22
tetsuo--jelmer:  what speed are you getting15:39
jelmertetsuo--: varies wildly15:40
tetsuo--i was getting steady 600kb/s15:41
tetsuo--i actually retried 3 times since giving you that link :s15:43
jelmertetsuo--: it imports fine here, no errors15:47
tetsuo--ok somethign is wrong here15:47
tetsuo--i use the gui15:47
tetsuo--lets try commandline15:48
tetsuo--what did you use?15:48
jelmertetsuo--: bzr svn-import15:48
jelmer(on the command-line)15:48
jelmerthat shouldn't really matter though..15:49
tetsuo--this is what the gui does15:49
tetsuo--Run command: bzr branch https://mpc-hc.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mpc-hc D:/mpc-hc/trunk --use-existing-dir15:49
jelmertetsuo--: that's lacking a /trunk on the end of the first url15:49
tetsuo--it does this first: Run command: bzr new --shared-repository --format 2a D:/mpc-hc/trunk15:49
tetsuo--retry with modified url15:50
tetsuo--jelmer:  looks like its working now, and its super slow again :(15:59
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tetsuo--got it!16:22
tetsuo--lol bazaar client crashed16:23
bialixsomebody confirm my understanding: post_commit hook invoked after the local commit succeed?16:23
tetsuo--bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'BzrBranch7' object has no attribute 'startswith'16:23
tetsuo--after ignoring that error it seems to work now16:26
tetsuo--ok so my bzr client now has a full local bazaar branch of the svn, how can i push it exactly like this to sourceforge?16:27
a212901390231901looks like a genuine bug, shame can't see what put the bum entry in the registry from that stack16:28
bialixtetsuo--: how you managed to get this error?16:29
tetsuo--using the windows client with pipeline plugin deleted, i created a branch from my svn project, then i went to a subfolder and did "rightclick --> Show log"16:30
tetsuo--it generated the error right after clicking that16:30
tetsuo--all in the bazaar gui16:31
bialixtetsuo--: please, file a bug against https://launchpad.net/bzr-explorer project.16:34
tetsuo--id ont have a launchpad account :X16:34
tetsuo--All 1.10 features of bzr are supported.   << that probably means the 2.0 file system will fail?16:37
bialixwhere it's from? (All 1.10 features of bzr are supported)16:41
bialixtetsuo--: that basically means they've added support for bzr when bzr 1.10 was released16:47
bialixyou need to ssh to the server and run `bzr version` to see what actual version there16:48
bialixbut the safe assumption is that you should not use 2a branch format and use 1.9 format instead.16:48
bialixI think this page is out-of-date16:49
tetsuo--i checked, they never updated past 1.1016:49
tetsuo--well i asked the staff16:49
tetsuo--i had to open a ticket so they can update to 2.1 stable16:50
bialix1.10 is ~1.5 years old16:50
tetsuo--will probably tak ages16:50
bialix2.0.x is good as well16:50
tetsuo--what does launchpad use?16:50
bialixthis page https://code.launchpad.net/ said 2.1.016:51
GaryvdMHi bialix17:00
bialixhi Gary! how are you?17:01
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GaryvdMGood. Just been very busy. You?17:03
bialixme is very busy too.17:05
bialixplanning to finish urgent stuff to be free for UDS17:05
bialixGaryvdM: right now trying to work on bug 41975817:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419758 in qbzr "File menu: add MRU files list" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41975817:06
bialixGaryvdM: I've provided universal post_commit hook and will store the data in ~/.bazaar/commit-history17:07
bialixI know bzr-gtk don't want to use our approaches, but just in case17:07
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GaryvdMbialix: I see17:08
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tetsuo--is there a wiki page explaining the difference between the various file system versions?17:24
GaryvdMFile system versions?17:24
tetsuo--yeah, when create a new repository it asks me which version to use between 1.x, 1.9 and 2.x17:26
Peng_"it"? What does?17:27
GaryvdMAh repository formats17:27
Peng_tetsuo--: 1.x, whatever that means, is less awesome than 1.9, which is less awesome than 2.0.17:27
tetsuo--but what are the real differences17:28
bialixtetsuo--: use 1.917:28
tetsuo--since i can only use 1.x with sourceforce i want to know what im missing17:28
Peng_tetsuo--: The nitty-gritty doesn't matter very much. Use the newest one you can. For example, if your coworkers run bzr 1.12, you'll have to use 1.9.17:28
Peng_tetsuo--: 2a is significantly faster, smaller and more RAM efficient (well, not all the time for the last one).17:28
GaryvdMtetsuo--: see bzr help current-formats17:29
GaryvdMtetsuo--: http://paste.ubuntu.com/422868/17:30
tetsuo--ok ic17:31
bialixGaryvdM: ping18:00
GaryvdMbialix: pong18:01
bialixdo you have 5 minutes? take a look on the sketch design http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bialix/qbzr/post-commit/annotate/head%3A/lib/commit_history.py ?18:01
tetsuo--can i convert a 2.0 to 1.x ?18:04
GaryvdMbialix: Is this related to bug 419758?18:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419758 in qbzr "File menu: add MRU files list" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41975818:04
GaryvdMtetsuo--: You can convert 2.0 to 1.0 rich-root, but not to 1.0 non-rich-root18:04
bialixGaryvdM: yes, this is commit history to use in qcommit18:05
tetsuo--oh the erorr was about rich toot18:05
tetsuo--Run command: bzr push "bzr+ssh://tetsuo55@mpc-hc.bzr.sourceforge.net/bzrroot/mpc-hc " Connected (version 1.99, client OpenSSH_5.2)18:06
tetsuo--bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "bzrroot/mpc-hc /": : [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/bzrroot/mpc-hc '18:06
bialixGaryvdM: I'm going to home, will be online again after 30-40 minutes.18:06
tetsuo--wrong error18:06
GaryvdMbialix: just a sec18:06
tetsuo--bzr: ERROR: RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://tetsuo55@mpc-hc.bzr.sourceforge.net/bzrroot/mpc-hc/.bzr/) is not compatible with CHKInventoryRepository('file:///D:/bzrtest/.bzr/repository/') different rich-root support18:07
* bialix waiting18:07
GaryvdMbialix: I'm confused. bug/419758 talks about locations, but CommitHistory deals with messages18:07
bialixGaryvdM: err, maybe. see my last comment to that bug18:08
GaryvdMI'll be up till late.18:08
GaryvdMI'm at work because my home dsl is down...18:08
tetsuo--maybe i can just change the rich root setting?18:09
GaryvdMtetsuo--: you have 2 options:18:09
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GaryvdMtetsuo: upgade the branch on sourceforge.net, but only do this if you have consulted the projects other members.18:11
tetsuo--its new18:11
tetsuo--empty right now18:11
GaryvdMtetsuo: and option 2:18:11
GaryvdMreceate branch with non-rich-root format.18:12
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tetsuo--so basically i have to start over, and make a new local branch with the lower version18:13
GaryvdMtetsuo: I its a new, maybe option 1 is better18:14
tetsuo--how can i do that?18:14
GaryvdMtetsuo--: bzr upgrade bzr+ssh://tetsuo55@mpc-hc.bzr.sourceforge.net/bzrroot/mpc-hc/.bzr/ --2a18:15
tetsuo--that wont work18:15
GaryvdMtetsuo--: bzr upgrade bzr+ssh://tetsuo55@mpc-hc.bzr.sourceforge.net/bzrroot/mpc-hc/ --2a18:15
tetsuo--the sf server is based on a lower than 2 version18:15
GaryvdMsorry, then you'll have to start again.18:16
tetsuo--just in time18:16
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GaryvdMYou can do :18:17
GaryvdMtetsuo--: bzr upgrade bzr+ssh://tetsuo55@mpc-hc.bzr.sourceforge.net/bzrroot/mpc-hc/ --1.14-rich-root18:17
tetsuo--dude it worked18:18
tetsuo--the first command did work18:18
tetsuo--300mb :O18:28
tetsuo--i guess ill get some coffee this is going to take some time18:30
tetsuo--GaryvdM:  does this look right? mpc-hc.bzr.sourceforge.net/bzr/mpc-hc/18:33
tetsuo--that is supposed to the the master18:33
* GaryvdM looks18:34
* GaryvdM is very worried18:36
GaryvdMThis does not  look like a new branch18:36
GaryvdMtetsuo-- ^18:37
GaryvdMtetsuo--: sorry. I guess you thought that you branch was new. You teem mates will need to upgrade their branches before they can pull.18:42
GaryvdMtetsuo--: Are you still there?18:49
tetsuo--i created that bazaar an hour ago, sf must auto fill it with some crap18:51
GaryvdMoh - I see18:51
GaryvdMHi biailx18:52
tetsuo--do i need to run any special commands to make other peoples bzr clients realise this is the master?18:52
* bialix back18:52
tetsuo--i guess thats a git term18:52
GaryvdMtetsuo--: http://paste.ubuntu.com/422912/18:53
GaryvdMtetsuo--: The parent branch is the svn branch,18:53
tetsuo--i want bazaar to be the new parent18:54
GaryvdMBialix: would this not solve your problem: http://bazaarvcs.wordpress.com/2009/07/20/qcommit-pending-merge-info/?18:54
tetsuo--probably doesn't really matter though18:55
bialixGaryvdM: not really18:55
GaryvdMtetsuo--: when some one branches the bzr branch on to their machine, then the bzr branch will be the parent branch in their branch.18:55
tetsuo--ok good18:55
GaryvdMbialix: If it's the messages of pending merges you are interested in, then you can get them from the repo?18:57
bialixGaryvdM: no no no, not only pending messages18:57
bialixsometimes I need to commit in several related branches with similar commit message18:58
bialixpending merge is only part of the problem18:58
GaryvdMbialix: ok - I see18:58
bialixGaryvdM: I like your qdiff with message, but it often slow :-(18:58
bialixthe diff itself is slow18:59
bialixwhile I've went to home I've realized I need to extract the add logic to base MRU class19:00
* bialix -> dinner19:09
=== xnox_away is now known as xnox
marvI haven't used darcs, but I was reading about it's spontaneous branches. can bzr do anything like that?19:36
dashmarv: spontaneous?19:36
dashyou mean you sit down to your editor one day and discover some new branches grew when you were asleep? :)19:37
marvhttp://wiki.darcs.net/SpontaneousBranches explains it19:37
marvWhat i was actually thinking to myself was: it would be nice if i can assign tags (like a website's tag cloud, not like how you normally think of tags) to specific commits to say something like these 3 commits are a part of this particular bug fix.19:38
marvthen i read about darcs spontaneous branches and that sounded pretty close to what i thought i wanted19:39
LeoNerdOh, no.19:39
LeoNerdbzr's history is linear in a branch. 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 419:39
LeoNerdrevision 4 is just a change on top of revision 3.19:40
LeoNerdYou can't come along and suddenly afterwards decide that changesets 3, 19 and 24 are really a branch on their own. That can't work, because 24 requires 23, ....19:40
LeoNerddarcs is built on commutability and non-linearity of patches, which allows exactly that scheme to work.19:40
tetsuo--woah bazaar windows client just crashed with a memory error (it tried to read/write to executable memory)19:41
tetsuo--occured after pressing refresh19:42
tetsuo--submitted to winqual19:42
tetsuo--any windows client devs online?19:42
tetsuo--its easy to get access to winqual, just need to enable some compile-time switches and get a certificate19:42
marvdoes that really matter? i know darcs talks about this theory patches and all that stuff. but I don't see why you couldn't have the same feature on top of bzr. But I guess that answers my question of whether or not it can already do that19:43
GaryvdMtetsuo--: bzr explorer?19:43
dashmarv: the usual thing to do in bzr is to shove stuff off into a real branch when you notice you need to19:43
dashby creating a branch and using bzr merge --uncommitted19:44
marvI don't even really want to treat them as a branch for most purposes. I just want to be able to say that revisions x, y, an z are for the same new feature, give it a name, and later ask for it by name, without having to deal with making it a separate branch and then merging it,  when really it belongs in the mainline to begin with19:46
dashthat strikes me as very odd. :)19:46
marvthat's probably why nothing really supports doing that19:47
marvwhat I have is a bunch of patches on top of a source tree that's maintained by someone else. And I'm trying to come up with a better way of managing it. we used to just use svn and commit our changes directly. and that made pulling in upstream changes very difficult19:49
dashloom or pipeline might be handy.19:49
marvthen i switched to git, and made each thing it's own topic branch19:49
marvand that has become a real pain to manage19:49
marvand there's like 4 people who need to work on it, but i'm the only one who understands the topic branch scheme or how to use git19:50
marvso I want to switch to bzr just because it looks a lot easier to use. but i'm also trying to come up with a better way to do things19:51
LeoNerd1 branch per bug. 1 branch per feature19:51
LeoNerdBranches are cheap. really cheap. Within one shared repo, they're just a reference to the tip at their branchpoint.19:52
marvI haven't looked at pipeline. i've looked at loom and talked to someone here about it, but decided it wasn't a good choice19:52
marvbranches aren't cheap in terms of doing the checkout, waiting for the code to compile, checking in the fix, then merging the fix19:52
marvi've been doing 1 branch per bug or per feature (although I've been doing it in git), and I find myself just not wanting to do it anymore19:54
marvwhich makes it really hard to convince anyone else to do it19:54
=== davidstrauss_ is now known as davidstrauss
marvpipeline looks like it might be a little nicer than loom20:01
marvbut i still think i would be better off with a "tag cloud" system more how I described. Maybe i'll look into how hard it would be to do a plugin like that20:08
GaryvdMAny udd experts here.20:08
GaryvdMI'm updated the bzr beta ppa.20:09
marvWhy is there both pipepine and loom? they look to be almost the same thing20:10
dashmarv: pipeline is new and wants to be better, i guess :)20:10
marvok, i thought it might be something like that :)20:10
GaryvdMgoing to each branch for each ubuntu version and merging debian unstable is laborious.20:11
jammarv: I use a lightweight checkout and a shared treeless repository, which is very similar to a git layout (multiple branches sharing the same wt)20:12
jamthat avoids having to recompile all your code20:12
GaryvdMI'm I doing this the right way? Is there an eaiser way?20:12
jamand avoids having to checkout the files from scratch20:12
jampipeline works by basically requiring a lightweight checkout, and automating some bits when you want to have branches depend on eachother20:12
tetsuo--pipeline is broken on windows though :(20:13
jammarv: pipeline is focused differently than loom20:13
jamsome small yet fundamental differences of opinion20:13
jamfor example, pipeline assumes your upstream is implicit (it isn't in the pipeline) loom explicitly records an upstream20:13
jamloom wants to create a structure that you could then merge with another person20:14
jampipeline assumes you work on the stuff all by yourself (you can't share pipelines)20:14
jam(well, you sort of could, but you don't get to diverge from eachother)20:14
marvjam: oh ok. well if other people can't use it with me, it doesn't do me much good. that was the reason why i didn't use the quilt like thing in git20:32
GaryvdMHi jelmer21:33
GaryvdMjelmer: You might be able to help me.21:33
GaryvdMI would like to update the ppas21:34
jelmerGaryvdM: sure, what's up?21:35
GaryvdMMerging each branch for each version of ubuntu, with debian unstable is laborious.21:36
GaryvdMAm I doing the right thing? Is there an easier way?21:37
GaryvdMjelmer ^21:37
jelmerGaryvdM: you could use the web interface to copy the packages?21:49
* GaryvdM looks21:49
GaryvdMjelmer: Thanks - I'm going to try that.21:52
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
jammorning mwhudson22:32
mwhudson jam hi22:32
jamI just put up about 5 hopefully 'bite-sized' changes to loggerhead which would be nice if you could review22:33
jamit drops the time to load emacs/changes from >600ms => 215ms on my machine (once the cache is loaded, etc)22:33
jamI mostly mention it because I know igc is out most of this week22:35
jamPeng: ^^ I suppose you're one of the loggerhead reviewers, too22:37
Peng_I saw the one about an option to disable the merge point thingies. Cutting features out instead of finding magic performance knobs makes me a bit sad.22:39
jamPeng_: it defaults to False22:40
jamsorry, True22:40
jamit defaults to leaving the feature in22:40
jamI don't think it specifically affects the perf times for loading "changes"22:40
jamsince those revs aren't shown22:40
jamif you want to see them all together22:40
Peng_Nonetheless it makes me sad.22:41
jamPeng_: and that is the only one that is a 'feature removal' vs just a 'stop doing work that we don't use"22:41
Peng_Oh. Good.22:41
Peng_Yuhh, don't have Thunderbird open right now.22:41
jamconfirmed, show_merge_points = True still gives 210ms for emacs22:42
jamat this point, getting the information takes ~ the same amount of time as rendering22:46
jamso the changes to use chameleon or whatever would start to show22:46
cody-somerville$ bzr bind :push23:21
cody-somervillebzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/cody-somerville/Projects/launchpad/lp-branches/bug-444266/lp:~cody-somerville/launchpad/bug-444266/".23:21
cody-somervillebut bzr info has:     push branch: lp:~cody-somerville/launchpad/bug-44426623:22
beunocody-somerville, I'm guessing you have something in your locations.conf23:28
cody-somervillebeuno, yea, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/423045/23:39
beunocody-somerville, so that's why23:40
cody-somervilleThats just the standard rocketfuel stuff23:40

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