
dgroosGood Morning!13:29
dgroosI've been working to make a symlink for a good hour and have had un-success :(13:30
alkisga symlink?!13:30
dgroosalkisg: hi :)13:31
dgroosis this bad?13:31
alkisgWhat exactly did you try?13:31
dgroosI did this...13:31
dgroossudo ln -s /home/dgroos/Desktop/DogTraits /home/*/Desktop/Dogs13:32
dgrooswhere DogTraits is an already existing folder I want to share to all...13:33
dgroosAnd Dogs is the symlink I want to appear on everyone's Desktop13:33
alkisgYou'd need a loop for that13:33
alkisgfor f in /home/*/Desktop; do ln -s /home/dgross/Desktop/DogTraits $f/Dogs; done13:34
alkisg(and a sudo there...)13:34
dgroossorry--do I just type exactly as you wrote.. w a sudo?13:34
alkisgfor f in /home/*/Desktop; do echo sudo ln -s /home/dgross/Desktop/DogTraits $f/Dogs; done13:35
alkisgtype exactly that ^^13:35
alkisgIf it seems ok, then remove the "echo"13:35
dgroosI don't know what you mean, 'If it seems ok, then remove the "echo"?13:36
alkisgThere's an echo in that line13:38
alkisgThat echo is used to show the instructions that are going to be executed, instead of executing them13:38
alkisgJust run that command, you'll see what I mean13:38
dgroosRight :)13:39
dgroosit says, "sudo ln -s bash: /home/dgroos/Desktop/Dogtraits/: is a directory" is this good?13:41
alkisgNope. Did you copy/paste that line? Or did you type it?13:43
dgroostype it... I'll try again13:47
dgroosOr, I'll do irc on other computer, better...13:47
dgroosfor f in /home/*/Desktop; do echo sudo ln -s /home/dgross/Desktop/DogTraits $f/Dogs; done13:48
* alkisg reboots to check why statd isn't starting by default and is causing nfs to break...13:50
dgroos_alkisg: And again, thanks :)13:53
alkisgnp :)13:53
alkisgdgroos_: I usually do the same but for the teacher's "Public" directory13:54
dgroos_Now I'll sprint to school and see if the permissions works correctly!13:54
alkisgSo everything he puts there, the students can see it from a symlink in their desktop dirs13:54
dgroos_I know that over the summer I'm going to work on developing a sharing system--for next year13:55
dgroos_So, I hope that I can put an image in that directory, DogTraits, and then any student can drag the images they need to their desktop as needed, but it won't delete the original in the DogTraits folder...13:56
alkisgdgroos_, yeah, by default the teacher has read/write access there and the students read-only.13:57
dgroos_Cool--I'm off!13:59
sbalneavMorning all14:46
dindamorning all:  is anyone familiar with setting up a local Moodle server?15:07
bencrisfordhighvoltage: can I add UDS sessions to the meeting agenda?  because the way I see it, if we get them scheduled now, we can get the times that suit as many remote participants as poss.19:00
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