
persiaIf someone has a moment, could they confirm that `kdesudo -- aptitude -u install hello` pops up a dialogue properly?  (no need to enter the password or accept)02:21
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ScottKpersia: It does.02:34
persiaExcellent.  Unfortunately my other test case (su -c) doesn't, so I have to work around it a bit more.02:34
* persia kinda wishes upstreams wouldn't put (incorrect) "distro support scripts" in their software.02:34
JontheEchidnagrr, chrome at my http:/04:34
imbrandonchrome dident, chromium might have , right ?04:35
imbrandoniirc chrome hasent enabled that feature yet04:36
ScottKJontheEchidna: It's almost like it's an Ayatana project.04:36
imbrandonJontheEchidna ;)04:40
imbrandonand yes i drink the google coolaid and use chrome along with most other google services ( including google apps for my site and email )04:41
imbrandonbasicly if google goes belly up Brandon Holtsclaw dissapears from the internet.04:42
imbrandon( although i keep local backups of most everything )04:42
Riddellpersia: kdesudo -- aptitude -u install hello is a bad aptitude command no?09:39
RiddellScottK: hmm, logout broken you say?09:40
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ScottKRiddell: Yep.  Every second logout of a non-admin user.11:23
Riddellthat's random11:24
Riddellwell it's not, but it's obscure11:24
ScottKIt isn't at all obscure if you have multiple non-admin users of a machine.11:30
ScottKThat's how I hit it, once I upgradede the kid's computer.11:30
ScottKBug #569879 has the details.11:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569879 in kdebase-workspace "Non-admin user logout fails on Lucid" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56987911:31
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RiddellScottK: I can't recreate the logout issue11:51
Riddellhowever X is now doing very strange things11:54
Riddellwibble http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/broken-x.png11:57
debfxthat looks ehh intresting ;)12:01
debfxI can reproduce the logout fail but it's not limited to non-admin users12:02
debfxsometimes kdm even fails to start on boot12:02
* apachelogger blames upstart12:12
apacheloggerScottK: kdm.log and X.log would be interesting I suppose12:13
apacheloggerbut I dont think that kdm is supposed to restart itself after logout, which leaves us with the options that X crashes and kdm fails to restart it (maybe gets dragged down along with X?) or some patch of ours breaks it12:14
apacheloggerbecause IIRC logout is a rather simple process12:14
apacheloggerksmserver just kicks all apps into nirvana and returns to kdm which is then supposed to redraw it's ui12:15
apachelogger(IIRC that is)12:15
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debfxkdm.log says: xf86OpenConsole: VT_WAITACTIVE failed: interrupted system call14:49
ScottKapachelogger: I'm traveling today, so I'll provide logs when I can.14:50
Riddellapachelogger: starting kontact I get an akonadi error saying "no resource agents found"14:55
Riddelland Contacts is greyed out with a large red X saying "akonadi not operational"14:55
macoif you run quit and restart kontact, akonadi will be running that time, but that shouldnt be necessary14:56
imbrandonwow, already getting emails about kde 4.4.3 for lucid ;)14:58
macothe internet told me that. i didnt figure it out on my own. i just went :( "hrmmmmmmmph" and started grepping through the std.vcf that makes up my contact list :P14:59
Riddellimbrandon: oh?15:03
macoyeah someone asked if 4.4.3 will be SRUd15:04
Riddelldepenends if I get this backports policy sorted, added to my todo list for the day15:05
imbrandonRiddell: yea sent to -devel a few minutes ago asking if we will have it in ready to test on the 29th ;)15:05
Riddellsince it doesn't get tagged until the 29th, that seems a bit demanding :)15:08
apacheloggerRiddell: Oo is this reproducible?15:08
macoapachelogger: yes15:09
macoapachelogger: http://www.pubbs.net/201004/ubuntu/49623-akonadi-1004.html15:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 564263 in akonadi ""No resource agents found" error when starting for the first time" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:10
macoapachelogger: you've been active on that bug report15:12
* apachelogger hates mysql15:13
macoand 1 minute doesn't seem /too/ unreasonable given that likely you start up kontact and a bunch of other stuff on login, right?15:13
macotakes about 5 minutes for firefox to get going and restore 100 tabs15:13
ScottKSounds like a case for Chromium.15:14
apacheloggerI hardly think firefox with 100 tabs is standard use case :P15:14
apacheloggermaco: without completes log the message is just about useless15:15
apacheloggerresources agents will not be found when...15:16
macoapachelogger: i clicked the save log button once...15:16
apacheloggerakonadi-server crashes15:16
apacheloggermysql crashes15:16
apacheloggerno agents are around15:16
apacheloggerakonadi-server fails to register15:16
apacheloggerakonadi-control fails to register15:16
apacheloggereventloop does not finish within timeout15:16
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apacheloggertest 4 fails15:16
apacheloggerthis has nothing to do with timeout15:17
apacheloggermysql is the broken15:17
macohow to unbreak?15:17
apacheloggermaco: either run the mysql_update and install scripts manually (as described in the kde techbase) or wipe your akonadi setup15:17
apacheloggernew setups *should* have working tables15:18
macobut upgraders are stuck?15:18
apacheloggerpretty much15:18
Riddellapachelogger: I have a new setup and it has that problem15:18
apacheloggerRiddell: that particular problem?15:18
macoRiddell: same error log as me?15:19
apacheloggeras stated above, non-registered agents can have loads of causes15:19
macoapachelogger: where in giant techbase?15:19
apacheloggerkubotu: google akonadi techbase error15:19
kubotuResults for akonadi techbase error: 1. Projects/PIM/Akonadi - KDE TechBase: http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/PIM/Akonadi | 2. Development/Tutorials/Akonadi/Resources - KDE TechBase: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Akonadi/Resources | 3. Akonadi Error! - openSUSE Forums: http://forums.opensuse.org/applications/406456-akonadi-error.html15:19
Riddellmaco: where is the log?15:20
macoRiddell:   http://pastebin.com/1zqaw13915:21
Riddellmaco: but where do I find it?15:21
macoRiddell: the popup error box you got when you starte kontact should have offered to let you save it15:21
apacheloggermaco: http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting15:21
apacheloggeruserbase after all ^^15:21
Riddelli do have this http://pastebin.com/h8YpAShS in .local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error "Unable to register service as org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Control Maybe it's already running?"15:23
apacheloggerRiddell: that is on a new install?15:27
Riddellapachelogger: new last week yes, new $HOME directory15:30
apacheloggerthat is not good15:31
apacheloggerRiddell: is akonadicontrol really not started already?15:31
apacheloggerif not, please try getting a backtrace15:31
* apachelogger should be home in 1.5 h or so15:31
macoapachelogger: mine works now thanks15:35
Riddellakonadicontrol is fine and I can use akonadi after starting kontact for the second time15:35
Riddellhttp://pastebin.com/kf707jYd is the error log15:35
apacheloggerInnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 1115:36
apacheloggerRiddell: is that log from first or second start?15:36
Riddellapachelogger: it's from third start after I stopped akonadi through akonaditray so I could click the details button in address book15:37
apacheloggerRiddell: could you please get a log from each start15:38
* apachelogger finds that rather odd15:38
Riddellapachelogger: how do I get a log?  if it's running I don't get the "Details" link on the addressbook error message15:47
apacheloggerRiddell: akonaditray15:55
apacheloggeror via the akonadi kcm15:55
apacheloggerin the kcm you have a test button15:56
shadeslayershtylman: um sorry.. bad tab complete15:56
shtylmanno probs15:57
Riddellapachelogger: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/zcTzJhRQ first time unsuccessful16:05
Riddellhttp://kubuntu.pastebin.com/zcTzJhRQ  second time successful16:05
TroubleDoes anyone know why, now I've upgraded my Karmic notebook to Lucid I no longer have any window decoration? I'm sure I had this problem before, but can't remember how I fixed it. I've already started with a new .kde directory.16:12
Riddellare you running Kubuntu netbook?16:13
TroubleYea yea16:13
TroubleSorry, should have said netbook rather than notebook :-p16:14
shadeslayerTrouble: try : alt+f2 and type : kwin --replace16:14
shadeslayer( if theres a alt+F2 in the netbook :P )16:14
TroubleYea there is... Alt + Fn + S ;-) It's a Dell Inspiron Mini 916:16
TroubleBut kwin --replace doesn't fix the problem16:16
TroubleI'm sure I had this before - perhaps when I installed Jaunty (lol I should have said Jaunty rather than Karmic!), or perhaps when I upgraded KDE to 4.416:18
RiddellTrouble: that's deliberate, netbook is intended not to have window borders16:18
TroubleOh lol16:19
TroubleMakes sense ;-)16:19
TroubleThank you!16:19
* Trouble slaps his forehead16:19
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apacheloggerRiddell: well16:40
apacheloggerRiddell: do you have mysqld-akonadi BEFORE doing anything akonadiish?16:40
Riddelllet me chekc16:41
TroubleRiddell: If I wanted the window decoration back in netbook, how could I make it so? I quite miss the minimise and close buttons :)16:42
apacheloggerRiddell: my theory is that at some point your desktop crashed or mysqld-akonadi did just not terminate properly, leaving the log file locks in place, now at eveyr startup mysqld goes mad about that, but eventually starts16:42
apacheloggerhence akonadi does funny things because of mysql's failure16:43
Riddellapachelogger: new login has akonaditray and mysqld-akonadi running16:43
apacheloggerRiddell: no akonadi*?16:43
apacheloggerakonadiserver, akonadicontrol etc.16:43
Riddellapachelogger: no akonadi*16:44
apacheloggerRiddell: mind getting a self-test of that?16:44
Riddellapachelogger: from the kcm?16:45
Riddellapachelogger: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/EPh8ti4M16:50
apacheloggerthat is not good16:51
apacheloggerRiddell: do you have any sensitive data in akonadi or can you ship me your data?16:51
Riddellnot that I know of16:51
Riddellhow do I do that?16:51
apacheloggerRiddell: tar .config/akonadi/ and .local/share/akonadi/16:52
Riddellapachelogger: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/akonadi2.tar.gz http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/akonadi.tar.gz16:54
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apacheloggerworks just fine here -.-17:00
TroubleOh I see how netbook works now. Windows are forced as maximized - but there is a minimise/maximise button (and close button) on the bar ;-)17:01
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apacheloggerkubotu: np17:01
apacheloggerkubotu: ping17:02
Riddellapachelogger: I'll do a fresh install in a bit so I'll check how that works17:03
apacheloggerRiddell: should be working there ;)17:03
apacheloggerthere is something off with the locking17:03
apacheloggerI suppose that it is related to your akonadicontrol crashing17:03
apacheloggerwhich really shouldnt happen17:03
* apachelogger doesnt really know how a innodb log file gets locked though17:05
apacheloggerlsof doesnt help either17:05
apacheloggerRiddell: I guess we could still switch the setup to psql? ;)17:06
apacheloggeroh, hold on, that only works if we add magic for per-user access17:06
Riddellryanakca: new website featured user?  http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/A0wcmXy217:07
Riddellthis is a very cool use of Kubuntu, they sell music keyboards using Kubuntu  http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/A0wcmXy217:07
Riddellryanakca, ofirk: seems like we won't get the new theme installed for release I'm afraid17:19
Riddellwe can put a big splash on the front page for release with the current theme17:19
ofirkwhen it will be ready?17:20
Riddelland make sure they get it sorted as soon as possible after17:20
Riddellofirk: early next week17:20
ofirkI can make the big splash17:21
Riddellgo for it17:21
ofirkit should fit into the top banner, right?17:21
Riddellofirk: actually i think replacing the main content would be best17:24
ofirkRiddell: so I will make something that will replace the text from "Kubuntu: Friendly Computing" to the bottom17:26
ofirkRiddell: with download button17:26
Riddellso just replace the intro and user profiles on release day until the new theme is up with a big 10.04 banner/release info17:26
ofirkyep :)17:26
ofirkI will get to it today17:27
Riddellyou rock17:28
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nixternalsince when is kwallet storing svn passwords? it is foobarring my svn stuff17:46
apacheloggernixternal: it only does if you got kdesvn installed17:52
Riddellnixternal: docs?!17:55
nixternalthere doesn't seem to be enough translated really to warrent us to even do a new docs package right now17:56
nixternalthere are like 2 or 3 languages that are close...so i still might push something tonight just for them17:57
nixternalFR and DE17:57
Riddelltonight is probably too late for CDs17:58
Riddellso do it as SRU17:58
nixternalyeah, I think ScottK already mentioned that...and I think it will be best since the doc team come up with a schedule for SRUs17:58
nixternalwhen we do the release, lets make sure we add "Docs aren't translated yet...will be soon"17:59
dpmRiddell, nixternal, docs are really hard to translate, so not even in GNOME or KDE you get them to the level that apps are translated. It took our team about 2 years to finish the Catalan ubuntu-docs translation, but we (and our users) still appreciated our partiartially translated documentation. Looking at https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/kubuntu-docs/+pots/kubuntu-docs-about-desktop, that particular template for example ha18:02
dpms been translated to 20 odd langs, so I think even though other templates might not be that well translated, that enough warrants an export and upload18:02
apacheloggerRiddell: did we settle on a slot for the plasma scripting session already?18:05
Riddellapachelogger: 16:00 tomorrow we're thinking18:06
apacheloggerRiddell: thanks18:06
Riddellfreeflying: did you get a chance to test the ARM kubuntu netbook images?18:15
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debfxwhy would kdm start X on vt8? :/18:21
neversfeldeScottK: I think I can mark my logout bug as a duplicate of bug 569879?19:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569879 in kdebase-workspace "Non-admin user logout fails on Lucid" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56987919:32
apacheloggerSput: will there ever be dcc file transfer support in quassel?19:40
Sputapachelogger: possibly19:40
Sputif someone comes up with a design that makes sense in a distributed setting, and implements it19:40
Sput(note that one would also have to solve the problem of sending, say, a few hundred MB via the core/client connection without having normal operations suffer)19:41
apacheloggerdo people really send that large crap?19:42
neversfeldedo people really use dcc?19:42
apacheloggerI only know one at this point19:43
apacheloggerthen again most of the people I interact with via irc are unicorns anyway and wouldnt know how to operate the dcc ^^19:43
Sputmost people still using IRC nowadays, other than FOSS people and gamers, are downloading movies19:44
SputI mean, EFnet is all about warez19:44
* apachelogger finds that rather odd TBH19:44
SputI'm told that back in the day, people would enqueue themselves in bots which would then DCC over the stuff automatically once it was your turn19:45
Sputwell, this was before torrents were invented :)19:45
apacheloggerCongratulations! Your proposal "Ubuntu One for the KDE workspace" as19:56
apacheloggersubmitted to "Ubuntu" has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2010.19:56
* apachelogger hugs everyone19:56
Riddellooh hugs19:58
* bulldog98 hugs every cool Kubuntu Dev20:00
* Tscheesy hugs the team too20:07
* mcas hugs the devs20:27
* Blizzz hugs the devs, the bots and the channel too20:27
JontheEchidnaGSoC app didn't get accepted. There's always next year though. :)20:28
RiddellJontheEchidna: yeah sucks :(  ubuntu didn't get many places and you were one away from being accepted20:36
JontheEchidnaoh? one away? That makes me feel a bit better :)20:37
JontheEchidnaDid Kubuntu get any love this year?20:37
bulldog98yes apachelogger got the GSoC for the Kubuntu One Client20:38
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: gratz20:38
JontheEchidnaI actually have a use for the Ubuntu One service, and perhaps would use it more if there was a KDE frontend20:40
JontheEchidnaWell, had until today. (The last day of English class! Woo!) But I'm sure similar situations will arise in the future20:41
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: u1 makes so much more sense from a whole data sync POV20:52
apacheloggerlike have your laptop and workstation in sync regarding data and bookmarks and addressbook ...20:53
apparlehi guys....20:53
JontheEchidnabasically I need a way to sync my laptop files with some third point that I can access from the school print computers20:53
macoJontheEchidna: he doesnt even just mean that you were next in line (though you were), he means you were literally 1 point off20:55
JontheEchidnaoh wow20:57
JontheEchidnatime to go home, bbl20:58
macoum any of you notice that the last few weeks lucid doesnt suspend on low battery?20:59
macomine keeps just turning off instead of suspending. really annoying21:00
jjessemy netbook does the same thing21:00
neversfeldeI discovered no problems here21:03
neversfeldecool, EAD wird deutsch reden21:05
apparleIS there any good PC suite for Nokia symbian phones21:22
JontheEchidnaRe: suspending, I haven't had any troubles with it21:41
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Mamarokneversfelde: I don't think this xander guy really has a problem... he is trying to make this up21:59
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neversfeldeMamarok: +1, I*ll kick him22:06
nixternalDarkwingDuck: ping22:10
ryanakcaRiddell: Bummer regarding the theme22:19
ryanakcaofirk: Great, thanks :)22:19
ofirkryanakca: I came up with some banner for the current frontpage22:22
ofirkryanakca: I am not satisfied with it, but I don't have more time... :(22:23
ryanakcaofirk: Do what you can and I'm sure it will be excellent, just like all of your other work so far.22:23
ofirkryanakca: ok. I will send it to you (or to Riddell?) later.22:24
Riddellboth of us probably best22:27
ofirkryanakca, Riddell: I sent it to both of you23:00
Riddellbling! http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/temp-banner.png23:03
Riddellofirk: oh it needs to say "10.04 LTS" else the marketing department will eat me23:03
ofirkRiddell: working on it ;)23:04
ofirkRiddell: walla! http://imagebin.ca/view/pNx32p.html23:09
Riddellofirk: mercy buckets!23:10
ofirkRiddell: you welcome :)23:11
freeflyingRiddell: sorry, not yet, all my sd cards being broken, didn't get a chance to buy new one23:45
claydohMamarok: really late pong23:50

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