
ForgeAushmm will wubi d/l it for me I wonder00:00
ForgeAushey kubuntu has a netbook too kewl00:01
ForgeAushmm it's d/ling torrent? I don't got client!00:02
ForgeAusbut I think I'll leave it go00:02
ForgeAussee what happenz00:02
albertolempirahey guys i'm trying to pair a Motorola S305 bluetooth headset with my notebook but i get a message saying "it doesn't support input service" and can't get it to work. Anybody know what could be happening? thanks in advance.01:17
James147I am unable to move files when using a samba share, dolphin claims it cannot rename the file... I can copy and paste it and even delete and rename them... just not move :S01:18
levari lost my wireless01:21
levarafter the update01:21
levarhow do i get it back01:21
Typos_Kingafter 'the' update01:22
Typos_Kingwhatever that was :{01:22
levarwell i lost my wireless. how do i get it back01:22
Typos_Kingjust run the manager, -> knetworkmanager01:23
levarwhen i click on it nothing happens01:24
Typos_Kingthen right-click it and make a new connection :)01:26
Typos_Kingmay I entice you in installing network-manager-gnome instead?    seems to fare better than knetworkmanager :)01:27
levarhow do i install that01:27
Typos_Kingsudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome;01:28
levari did it got into and the wireless is still not showing up01:30
Typos_Kingyou installed it?01:31
levari already had it. i got into the network manager and the wireless tab is greyed out. i can not even click on it01:31
Typos_Kingrun nm-applet01:32
Typos_Kingif it runs/loads, that means you installed the package :)01:33
levari have several applications when i type in network manager. I still cant click network manager but one option was configure network01:34
levarso i clicked that01:34
Typos_Kingrun nm-applet01:35
levarhow do i do that01:36
levarim a newbie01:36
Typos_Kingclick on the kde/start button and 'run command'01:36
levarthats the terminal correct01:37
Typos_Kingkde has a 'run command' entry in its main menus01:37
Typos_Kingyou can also get it on a desktop right-click01:37
levardid it now what01:38
Typos_Kingnow left-click it on the tray :)01:40
Typos_Kingonce running, it's on the tray, you can click it and choose where to connect to01:40
levardoes not work01:42
Typos_Kingthen that means your network manager isn't running01:42
Typos_Kingdo a -> sudo NetworkManager;01:43
Typos_KingI meant, the Daemon that, the one you see in the tray isj ust a frontend01:43
pat5starjust checking, been having some connection problems...doesn't look like anyone has posted here since 20:40EDT, is that correct? Am I alone?!02:08
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moderndayzerohello i have a few problems with my emulators and was wondering if anyone could help me out03:04
bet0xJesus, what a pain03:30
bet0xthe installation of kubuntu fails all the time if i got internet connection, during the apt stage03:30
bet0xi plug off the ethernet connection and it worked03:31
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rwwWhere do I pick which applications I want to run at startup? There are icons in my notification area for bluetooth and printing, and I have neither bluetooth nor a printer, so I'd like them to not start.03:45
pat5starrww: computer -> system settings -> advanced tab -> service manager03:47
pat5starrww: also, if you don't mind using command line, /etc/rc2.d (assuming you're using runlevel 2 which is default, type runlevel to check) gives you full control over all program startups. Read the README file in that directory to learn how to correctly change things03:50
rwwKBluetooth and the Printer applet aren't in the first one, and the second is for system-wide stuff and thus unrelated.03:52
pat5starrww: oh you are right about it being system wide...I only ever have 1 user on my computers so I never think about it for multi-users, I apologize03:54
pat5starRandom Fortune: > What does ELF stand for (in respect to Linux?) ELF is the first rock group that Ronnie James Dio performed with back in  the early 1970's. In constrast, a.out is a misspelling of the French word  for the month of August. What the two have in common is beyond me, but  Linux users seem to use the two words together. -- seen on c.o.l.misc04:32
pat5staroops, sry04:33
JontheEchidnapat5star: if you still want an answer: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format04:33
pat5starJontheEchidna: ty04:33
LinuxGuy2009Hi folks Im working on a multiboot DVD for the community that allows you to boot ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu, and studio. I just downloaded kubuntu and was wondering where in the ISO can I locate the grub splash image to use as a background for the kubuntu menu?04:40
LinuxGuy2009NM i got it. mistake04:43
xrandranyone know what could cause compiz to suddenly stop working?05:23
xrandrwhen i try to launch it, it says Bad Window...05:23
pat5starI'm new at irc, I just executed //topic, when I do that am I the only one who sees it or does it show to everyone in this channel?05:29
DaughainOk, my system shut down, and now it wont let me past the login screen, any ideas?06:30
pat5starDaughain: what happens at login screen?06:32
DaughainAsks for pw, I input, and it cycles back to login06:32
pat5starDaughain: did you just recently do an upgrade?06:32
DaughainSDoesnt show failed login, just cycles back.06:32
DaughainNope, sys shutdown, just nmot sure why, I was ripping a dvd and wasnt paying much attention to that one.06:33
DaughainOnly thing I would have done lately was normal updates, no upgrade.06:33
pat5starDaughain: Well, at the login you could alt -> F1 to get to command line to investigate06:34
* Daughain grins..06:34
pat5starDaughain: er, that's what I meant, normal update...I've been hearing all night that latest update broke the GUI...lot of people in your shoes right now :(06:34
DaughainIf I knew enough to do thaty, I wouldnt need to asjk for help. =)06:34
DaughainAh, ok, should I try to reinstall the gui, then?06:35
pat5starDaughain: I meant I would help you along06:35
pat5starDaughain: I don't know what the fix is for it yet....I think you'll have to google to see if anyone solved it yet. Lot of angry users tonight :(06:35
DaughainOk, gimme a few min to put the HD back in it.06:35
DaughainI was taking the opportunity to backup stuff onto my desktop. =)06:36
* pat5star brb06:36
DaughainI so love sata drives.06:40
Daugha|nThis is......Interesting..06:47
Daugha|nPul the drive for a few hours, and it works......06:51
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Teknicalwill kubuntu 10.04 be released for sure on the 29th or is that a guestimate?06:59
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vivek_Hii all! two questions:-1. what is this thing called medibuntu .. 2. is there a substitute for dreamweaver in linux.. except for kompozer or nvu09:00
OxymoronONe question, how do I remove the ugly grey lines in KOffice KWord, you know the ones around the document?09:08
OxymoronOr change the look of them, do maybe dotted lines or so.09:08
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vivek_Hii all! two questions:-1. what is this thing called medibuntu .. 2. is there a substitute for dreamweaver in linux.. except for kompozer or nvu09:19
Mamarokvivek_: 1. is a repository for multimedia related packages, not official:09:20
rwwubottu: medubuntu | vivek_09:20
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:20
vivek_Mamarok: rww: I went through the wiki.. but i seem to run almost every cd,every multimedia file without it.. why would anyone need it09:21
Mamarok2. there is no direct substitute doing exactly the same, but other editors09:21
Mamarokvivek_: then you aölready have the packages installed09:21
rwwvivek_: encrypted DVD playback with libdvdcss is the only thing I've ever used it for.09:21
Mamarokbut proprietary codecs are definitely not shipped with Kubuntu09:21
vivek_rww: Mamarok:oh ok!!!!09:22
vivek_thanks guys ... now the second thing please.. alternative to dreamweaver09:22
Mamarok2. there is no direct substitute doing exactly the same, but other editors09:22
Mamaroktry Quanta plus or Bluefish, bith are very good HTML editors09:23
Daugha|nMorning, Mamarok09:23
Mamarokhi Daugha|n09:23
vivek_Mamarok: but are they not code to design rather than the reverse which dreamweaver is famous for09:23
noaXessgood morning09:23
Mamarokvivek_: did you read what I told you earlier? There is no dreamweaver substitute :)09:24
noaXessso.. anybody has an idea, what to use for seting up a webinar wich works on all OS's?09:24
* Mamarok doesn't even know what a webinar is09:24
vivek_hmmm but Kompozer does come quite close although with bugs09:24
Mamarokvivek_: Quanta+ is by far better, also you should avoid using Flash on websites, it's usually causing problems09:25
* Daugha|n chuckles.09:25
vivek_hmm k thanks Mamarok:09:25
noaXessMamarok: really, don't know?.. it's just a conference over web...09:26
MamaroknoaXess: no, really, but I guess I have no use for it, that's why09:27
noaXessMamarok: ok..09:27
vivek_Does gwibber not work on kde09:28
MamaroknoaXess: try this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Openmeetings09:28
Mamarokthe only I see runing on all platforms09:28
noaXessMamarok: hey.. thanks :)09:28
Mamarokand not being proprietary09:28
MamaroknoaXess: Google is your friend, and Wikipedia in this case09:28
noaXessyes.. search also.. but with wrong search keywords ;)09:29
MamaroknoaXess: I just typed webinar, which showed me the wikipedia site for web conference, which itself lists the software and providers09:29
Mamarokeasy :)09:29
noaXessaha.. wiki i also saw.. but not surfed..09:30
MamaroknoaXess: not curious enbough then :)09:30
* Mamarok points out that most of the questions asked here could be solved by searching the web, and most of the time the answers I give I searched on the web myself09:31
vivek_Mamarok:I just installed gwibber through ubuntu software cntre.. then ran it useing alt+f2.. it seems to start and then just crashes.. i mean it just does not open.. howver when i open the syetem monitor  i can see that gwibber -daemon is running in processes.. i killed it, started again.. but again the same09:31
Mamarokwe who answer are just doing what those who ask questions should have tried in the first place :)09:31
Mamarokvivek_: why don't you use choqok, gwibber is npot a KDE app09:31
vivek_so wont it run here09:32
Mamarokvivek_: you probably are lackaing a few dependencies, try Choqok09:32
vivek_yeah choqok is fine09:32
Mamarokit's better integrated in KDE anyway09:32
vivek_someone said gwibber is much better.. is it true09:32
Mamarokvivek_: not IMHO09:33
Daugha|nvivek_: Thats all opinion, try it for yourself, is the best advice.09:33
Mamarokvivek_: just don't listen to "someones" and make your mind up ny yourself, and since you are using KDE you don't need Gnome apps, there is everything available09:33
Mamarokthere is no such thing as a "better" app if two do the same, just a matter of opinion and personal taste09:34
vivek_Mamarok: true that is why i wanted to use gwibber to compare it .. but looks like i dont have a chance.. but let me try09:34
Daugha|nvivek_: Why not? INstall and go.09:35
vivek_Daugha|n:installed but it is just not opening.. it keeps crashing.. have postedof it above09:35
* Mamarok gets some late breakfast09:36
vivek_Daugha|n:I just installed gwibber through ubuntu software cntre.. then ran it useing alt+f2.. it seems to start and then just crashes.. i mean it just does not open.. howver when i open the syetem monitor  i can see that gwibber -daemon is running in processes.. i killed it, started again.. but again the same09:36
Daugha|nTry uninstaling it, then re-install via cl.09:36
vivek_hmmm about to do the same09:37
Daugha|nI;ve had that be the difference tween something working or not.,09:37
Mamarokvivek_: in general, the software center is not a good idea for installing, it usually doesn't give you any error messages and doesn't check if it's altready installed, use the "Add/Remove Software" entry in the systemsettings instead09:38
vivek_True Mamarok: normally i use synaptic or the terminal09:39
vivek_uninstalled.. installed again.. still the same09:39
Mamarokvery alpha software IMHO09:39
Mamarokditto here :)09:39
Mamaroksynaptic is state of the art for GUI package installers, not as pretty as kpackagekit but less buggy09:40
Mamarokhi claydoh :)09:40
Daugha|nI still prefer cl.09:41
jo123_Hey! I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 a while ago and until now I don't get the beautiful new Kubuntu splashscreen I'm seeing on 10.04 on my fresh install on the Laptop... Any Ideas? Otherwise thanks a lot for all your efforts you are great!!! :)10:03
Mamarokjo123_: I get it again since yesterday, did you upgrade your installation since? There have been changes almost daily10:05
Mamarokor maybe your computer is just starting too fast for the screen to show10:05
jo123_yes I always upgraded10:05
jo123_dont think so but maybe10:06
jo123_I can restart now and look I the latest upgrades do anything10:07
sacardeis possible to limit ftp connections in konqueror?10:08
jo123_Mamarok: ok I restarted, nothing changed10:41
jo123_anyone else got an Idea10:41
jo123_I don't think my pc boots to fast for the splashscreen to show, I get a long time of boot messages instead (fsck...).10:46
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ForgeAusKonqui is replaced by arora now?11:11
sacardeis possible to limit ftp connections in konqueror?11:11
* ForgeAus shrugs11:14
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sacardeis possible to limit ftp connections in konqueror?12:29
kaddihow's lucid working out for everyone? Would you suggest upgrading now or are there some severe bugs and I should wait a month til they are sorted out?12:46
James147kaddi: not noticing anything major here, but the final release is almost upon us12:47
James147kaddi: its due to be release this thursday/friday so not long to wait for the final release12:48
kaddijames147 oh, thanks I thought it had been released last week12:55
kaddiand he left. oh well :p12:55
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vbgunzsomething is eating my memory, heres the first line of free Mem:       8196496    8143844      52652          0     262400    540355613:54
vbgunzwhat could it be?13:54
jtheuer_ask top13:54
fbxxklAnyone know why a FAT32 formated (w/ windows) Thumbdrive would not automount in Kubuntu?13:55
fbxxklw00t nevermind its magically fixed13:56
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kaddimagick is a great thing :D13:56
vbgunzall of my applications are at the hundreds of megabytes14:00
vbgunzamarok was at 1053mb followed by plasma-desktop at 923mb, under virtual image for top. after killing amarok the top two under resident size are xorg and virtuoso-t at 589mb and 197mb and the rest are all high14:03
vbgunzwhat do I have to do to solve this? most likely restart x?14:04
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txwikingervbgunz: X server seems to currently have a memory leak14:54
txwikingernot sure if that is what you see14:54
txwikingervbgunz: Are you using ludic?14:55
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vbgunztxwikinger: no, karmic, 9.1015:07
txwikingervbgunz: hmm.. no sure if the x-server memory leak bug got backported15:08
geniiThat would be annoying if it did15:08
vbgunzchecking free again this time after killing only Amarok, the first line reads: 8196496    7732436     464060          0     256776    521743215:08
vbgunzI am using over 7GB out of 8GB memory. I never seen this before. usually I idle around maybe 1.5GB of used memory. this is a lot higher than usual. I could also be reading it wrong :/15:09
shadeslayervbgunz: theres a mem leak in the last upgrades of X15:10
shadeslayer( in 10.04 i mean )15:10
shadeslayervbgunz: if you have 9.10 then it could be something else15:11
vbgunzevery 6 months I jumped on the upgrad bandwagon. I am not just saying it this time around but I am gonna wait a while before upgrading... knowing me a while may constitute a week :|15:11
shadeslayervbgunz: oh they released the updates for it... apparently ubuntu introduced 3 patches which caused the leak,they have been removed i think15:12
vbgunzI just ran apt-get update|dist-upgrade and this is all I have to upgrade: ffmpeg libavcodec52 libavdevice52 libavfilter0 libavformat52 libavutil49 libpostproc51 libswscale015:13
shadeslayervbgunz: you have 9.10 ?15:13
vbgunzthis memory usage of mines is not hurting performance15:13
vbgunzshadeslayer: yeah, I should15:14
shadeslayervbgunz: oh no ideas then15:14
vbgunzI've got the KDE backports going on but thats it15:14
vbgunzI have KDE 4.4.215:14
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ubuntu_hello world15:18
ubuntu_need help please15:18
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Felinuxplase kubuntu pt-br ?16:37
Felinuxops (please)16:38
Felinuxor Debian pt-br ?16:39
shadeslayer_Felinux: eh?16:39
shadeslayer_Felinux: whats the problem?16:40
Felinuxmy problem is xorg.conf it Nvidia on Debian16:41
shadeslayer_Felinux: please go to #debian then16:42
wintemute`Is there anyone here who could help me with Phonon and Pulseaudio problems?16:42
Felinuxshadeslayer_ you use Debian lenny ?16:44
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
jorgino_ hallo ha hllo hello17:01
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calumayooeveryone here a kubuntu user?17:44
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calumayooim curious about trying kubuntu17:44
galogitanoim not spekk englich 12  jears old17:45
calumayoowhich is prefereable for first time users? kubuntu or ubuntu?17:45
calumayoooh its okay17:45
galogitanoich verstehe dass nicht17:45
calumayoodont know german either17:46
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:46
rork!de | galogitano17:47
ubottugalogitano: please see above17:47
galogitanotank you :)17:47
calumayooindi ko katyindi17:48
rorkcalumayoo: based on my experience I found ubuntu easier to manage, but that was about a year back. Overall I prefer KDE though (better tools, prettier lay-out)17:49
calumayooi thought id never see someone speaking english here17:49
calumayooits my 6th day trying linux mint now, my first linux experience17:50
rorkoh yes, this is an english channel after all, most languages have their own channel17:50
calumayooanyway, im confused about the 32 and 64 bit thing. and also the kubuntunotebook17:51
rorkdoes your processor support 64 bit?17:51
GalvatronI recently updated my Kubuntu 9.10 to 10.04, RC but I had to return to 9.10 due to graphical problems. I just copied my entire home folder and restored it under 9.10. After that i can't compile Bespin and Smooth Tasks - compilation ends with an overall Error 2.17:52
calumayoohow would i know?17:52
GalvatronI guess It has something to do with some  leftovers in /home17:53
GalvatronWhat CPU do you have (model)?17:53
rorkcalumayoo: search for the specs of your computer/processor in the manual or online. When you're in doubt 64 bit processors run 32 bit OS's fine17:53
nerdy_kidwhat happeded to google gadgets in plasma?17:54
calumayoook.... do you recommend kubuntunotebook for laptop? cant understand the difference bet kubuntu desktop and notebook17:54
rorkGalvatron: could it be that you're missing a dev package?17:55
GalvatronWhich one?17:55
GalvatronMaybe I'll just pastebin the error?17:56
rorkGalvatron: if I compile something I always lack some packages, if you google on what looks like a decend error you're likely able to find out which. If you pastebin it we could help indeed17:57
GalvatronI googled already and I didn't find any missing packages17:58
GalvatronIt worked beforehead - I have all that's necessary on my post-format "to install" list17:58
GalvatronI'm now compiling Smooth Tasks17:59
GalvatronSmooth Tasks: http://pastebin.com/UDKtgt4v18:00
GalvatronProceeding with Bespin18:00
rorkcalumayoo: I have no experience with kubuntu-notebook (do you mean netbook?)18:01
calumayoonetbook yes18:01
calumayooanayway... but you have tried kubuntu desktop? is it okay? im still confused with linux mint....18:02
GalvatronBespin: http://pastebin.com/UiVwXVDV18:02
calumayoorork: im having a hard time learning linux cause i dont have internet all the time and there are almost no one here who thinks linux is cool enough to learn using18:03
rorkcalumayoo: where are you from?18:04
zarnickhello guys18:05
rorkhi zarnick18:05
rorkcalumayoo: maybe you can get some "local" help in #ubuntu-ph18:06
zarnickwhat would you recomend for a Asus Eee900? Kubuntu Netbook Remix, or plain Kubuntu?18:06
calumayoooh well18:06
=== NoNick is now known as NetSKaVeN
rorkGalvatron: I've found this http://forum.mandriva.com/viewtopic.php?t=12638618:15
mu3enhey, anyone know if/how it is possible to customize the kickoff menu under kde4 [4.4, kubuntu 10.4]18:17
GalvatronI'll have to find 1044 version then18:18
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GalvatronI'm bnot going to install KDE 4.4  as it slows down my system18:18
Galvatron4.3 is just fine for me18:18
rorkmu3en: right click the kickoff button and choose menueditor (I think, still using karmic here)18:24
mu3enrork, thanks, i know this affects the entries just as in the standard launcher, however, what i want is to remove/reorder tabs and the content within them18:25
khaije|amaltso my bluetooth keyboard is having subtle problems... the alt, ctrl, and other 'special' keys aren't working properly or at all in some cases. could this be due to the keymap?18:27
khaije|amalti want to submit a bug, (it looks like a hw-specific problem), but im not sure what system it should be against18:28
rorkmu3en: I have no idea if that's possible18:29
mu3enthanks rork, it's not clear at all from the kde documentation whether or not anything like that exists or is even planned. i think i'll just move to using a pure krunner approach instead. thanks for the input.18:32
GalvatronBut what about Smooth Tasks?18:49
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NetSKaVeNI have problems with composite, Kubuntu RC and nVidia, have you any idea?19:01
GalvatronWhat probblem?19:03
NetSKaVeNGalvatron: glx is broken I think19:08
rohdefis there a tool to setup fstab without having to edit the file manually?19:09
rohdefwhere do I suggest features to kubuntu? (preferrable if the place isn't one of those horrible bugzilla-things)19:11
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GalvatronHow to fix glx?19:18
tsimpsonrohdef: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/19:18
GalvatronSmooth Tasks compiled smoothly as i got source for KDE 4.319:18
rohdeftsimpson, thanks19:22
GalvatronJust succeded with Bespin SVN - I used "-i" parameteter for make and make install and it worked:D19:26
Wensohello :)19:31
rorkhi Wenso19:33
WensoI got a strange problem on my Netbook: I did a apt-get upgrade yesterday and shutted down like I always do. Bootet up today it won't find any network interfaces :(19:34
Wensothe netbook itself is a Samsung NC10, the OS ist the latest Lucid Lync Netbook Remix (the Kubuntu one)19:35
WensoI tried some things to get my network back working, but wasn't successful yet19:35
WensoCould anyone give me a little bit of help on this? :)19:35
Wensoone of the things I tried was "sudo ifup eth0" to manually start the interface, but the response I got was "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0"19:37
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antaresэт тыпо чат ?19:56
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antaresso you speak russian ?19:58
* wenso_ doesn'20:00
rork!ru | antares20:01
ubottuantares: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:01
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bordenhi , I'm using lucid and when I try to start mysql , it throws an error like this "ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' "20:08
bordenanyone else getting this error ?20:08
rorkborden: are you sure the server is running? ("ps aux |grep mysql" or "netstat -ltu")20:10
bordenrork: inserted the command you gave above and it says " grep: invalid option -- 't' "20:15
rorkborden: those were two separate command, use: ps aux |grep mysql20:16
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rorkfyi "ps aux" shows all active processes. "|grep mysql" filters out any lines that don't have 'mysql' in them; "netstat -ltu" lists all servers that have a listening port open20:17
elisionistagood afternoon!20:19
bordenrork: mysql seems to be an already running process20:19
elisionistaI can't get my kopete to make video calls using the MSN protocol20:20
elisionistaany one can help me with that?20:20
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bordenrork: now when I try to stop mysql like this "/etc/init.d/mysql stop" it says command not found , things changed radically in lucid I guess20:27
rorkborden: I think it's "/etc/init.d/mysqld stop"20:28
bordennope , I tryed that as well20:28
James147borden: try sudo service mysql stop20:28
bordenrork: I have already tried that and it says "mysql: unrecognized service"20:30
bordenrork: in official ubuntu forums someone already opened a thread with title "'start mysql' never returns and no mysqld running "20:32
rorkborden: can you pastebin the output of "ps aux"? I get the same error as you and I don't have mysql running or installed20:33
bordenhe seems to have the same problem20:33
bordenrork: "ps aux" has such a long output , should I paste it right here ?20:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:35
bordenrork: I just pasted the output into the pastebin20:39
rorkcan you give me the URL?20:39
bordenrork: is this an upstart issue or something ?20:40
rorkborden: mysql doesn't seem to be running20:42
puchaczhello guys, I started live CD kubuntu newest, and I can't see my hard drive in /dev/sd*. where can it be, pls?20:43
puchacza desktop PC20:43
puchacz`sudo lshw -C disk` shows only CDROM.....20:45
rorkborden: can you pastebin the results of "ls /usr/sbin | grep mysql"?20:47
bordenpuchacz: insert this command "mount -l"20:48
puchaczborden: no hdd there: http://paste.ubuntu.com/422973/20:50
bordenrork: the output of "ls /usr/sbin | grep mysql" is as follows "mysqld mysqld-akonadi"20:52
apparlehi guys....20:53
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bordenrork: are you using lucid as well ?20:54
rorkborden: no, does "/usr/sbin/mysqld&" start the mysql server?20:56
rorkborden: it looks like mysqld is installed but not running indeed20:58
conley_How do X fi cards work in Kubuntu?20:58
conley_About the same as OpenSUSE?21:00
bordenrork: could you have a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1463082&highlight=stop+mysql21:03
lontraquick question ... so 10.04 will release with 4.4.2 right? since it's a LTS will it get updated to 4.4.5 or what ever the last bug release is for the 4.4 series?21:03
rorkborden: yes, that could be your problem indeed21:04
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kwtmaHi.  How do I get KDE4 to have multi-key shortcuts?  (e.g. "Alt-Space, X" does one thing, "Alt-Space, V" does something else)?21:15
KenBW2is it possible to either stack one panel above the other, or have 2 rows on one panel?21:16
apparleIS there any good PC suite for Nokia symbian phones21:22
lontrawhich type of desktop activity setting is the same as kde3?21:24
lontrai.e. i want icons on the desktop21:24
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inteliwaspi recently installed the built in nvidia drivers and now X will not start... any help?21:28
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kwtmaYo know, I don't htink anyone's here.  (I mean, anyone with a lot of experience in KDE(4)).21:39
kwtmaI think I'll come back another time.21:39
apparleguys please suggest me a video converter which will convert my videos in to mp421:43
alexander_Is er iemand?21:45
txwikinger!ask | alexander_21:46
ubottualexander_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:46
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jhutchins_wkapparle: That's more of a google question than a #kubuntu question.22:03
apparlejhutchins_wk: google doesn't yeild KDE/kubuntu specific results.... what happened to kmobiletools22:06
apparleplease suggest a good front end for mencoder22:11
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lontrawhat is up with virtuoso-t in 10.04? it is eating up 1.5 GB of RAM!?!22:55
lontramy laptop is crawling22:55
lontraand nepomuk ..22:55
James147lontra: not sure why its using 1.5gb.... you could try restarting it23:00
lontrai will after apt finishes23:01
James147lontra: or just disable nepomuk altogeather if you dont care much for the features.... its still new so has a few quirks in it :)23:01
lontraJames147: do you think it will receive bug fixes while 10.04 is out?23:02
lontraok brb23:03
terran4000Hey just wondering, is there a way to get bash colors while using tab completion? Is the color command hidden somewhere in /etc/bash_compeltion because I couldn't find it23:30
James147terran4000: you could try asking in #bash23:33
terran4000James147: thanks, I just hopped in there. Thanks for reminding me it's there.23:34
LeeJunFanAnyone know why KDE desktop settings say compositing is not supported yet compiz works, glxinfo says DRI yes?23:37
Depidoes anybody know whats turning my compositing off?23:38
James147Depi: if you on a laptop then it could be powerdevil (system settings > advanced > power managment)23:38
Depinope - its a desktop23:38
dmhouseHi guys. I've recently installed a KDE desktop on top of Ubuntu, wanting to switch from Gnome to KDE. However I'm having the trouble that all my GTK apps run with a horrible widget style. I've tried changing this in kcm -> Appearance -> GTK+ Appearance, but nothing is displayed in the "Widget style" dropdown, and any changes I make aren't preserved between sessions.23:39
James147Depi: could be that its detecting that you system has become sluggish and disabled its self :S23:39
Depijust to make things more amusing it starts working after switching form bilinear to trilinear filtering (either way)23:40
dmhouseAny ideas?23:40
Depihehe - its and A64 4200+ with Radeon 4870 and 4gb RAM so I dont think its that sluggish :)23:41
Depidmhouse- sorry, my GTK stuff looks crap also ;)23:41
James147dmhouse: you could try installing kde-style-qtcurve  or kwin-style-qtcurve  or gtk2-engines-qtcurve23:41
dmhouseJames147: I installed the first one. Where do I select it in kcm?23:46
James147dmhouse: System settings -> Appearance -> GTK+ Appearance   i think23:47
James147dmhouse:  you may or may not need all three i am not sure exatly what is needed dont tend to care much for gtk apps23:48
dmhouseOh, it seems to have added a style in the Windows section of Appearance23:48
dmhouseI don't think this is what I want -- I want to change the widget style, not the window style (i.e. the stuff inside a window, radio buttons, dropdowns etc)23:49
James147dmhouse: gtk apps are really anoying when it comes to using them in kde :S23:50
workspacefunny. what's a good email app i can setup run myself ?23:51
dmhouseHmm, but it does say "This window decoration uses the QTCurve widget style"23:51
workspaceI just can't think of one outside of the cloud.23:51
James147workspace: kmail is the default kde/kubuntu email client23:51
dmhouseAnd yes, kde-style-qtcurve seems to claim to contain a widget style23:52
dmhouseI wonder why it wasn't showing up on the list23:52
James147dmhouse: not sure...23:52
workspacekmail ?23:52
James147!info kmail | workspace23:53
ubottuworkspace: kmail (source: kdepim): KDE Email client. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu6 (karmic), package size 2457 kB, installed size 9308 kB23:53
workspaceok, I'm going to look at it.23:53
Depii am using kmail23:53
workspacethank you for all the help.23:53
Depibut im not sure i like it23:54
Depii think TBird is better23:54
DepiI think Ill return to using it next time i upgrade23:54
dmhouseOkay, I've managed to set the widget style to QtCurve for both GTK apps and KDE apps.23:55
dmhouseOnly problem is, the former is having the same problem as when I try to set it to anything else: it doesn't apply, and it doesn't get remembered between sessions23:55
workspacewhat software exists to really setup a mail server outside of a mainline (service) ..23:57
* dmhouse back in five minutes23:57
James147workspace: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer23:59

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