
* thumper afk and gym willing, back alive later05:02
mwhudsonhuh, codebrowse for private branches is broken on staging...05:57
mwhudsonand maybe in production?05:58
mwhudsonsurely someone would have noticed by now05:58
thumpermwhudson: you would have thought so06:20
thumpermwhudson: how broken?06:20
mwhudsonthumper: entirely06:20
thumperdo you know where in the chain it is broken?06:20
thumpermwhudson: found this out testing your changes?06:20
mwhudsonthumper: yeah06:22
mwhudsonthumper: it's also important to change codebrowse to use safe_open06:23
* thumper nods06:23
thumperwell, on the plus side, I'm not dead06:23
mwhudsonthumper: hooray!06:28
* thumper back after dinner to review mwhudson's branches06:36
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
adeuringgood morning08:22
thumperthat's the last five reviews done for today10:22
thumperhi mrevell10:23
bigjoolsyo thumper10:23
thumperhi bigjools10:23
thumperbigjools: can you please chase the bzr-builder issue today10:23
thumperbigjools: once we have that sorted, we can enable build to archive on dogfood10:23
bigjoolsthumper: yeah, I'm going to speak to lamont later10:23
thumperbigjools: and do some real tests10:23
mrevellHi thumper10:23
thumperI'm done, but mrevell, we should have a chat sometime this week10:24
thumpernot now10:24
thumpermrevell: could you do wednesday evening?10:24
thumpermrevell: that's your local time10:25
mrevellthumper, My Wednesday evening should be fine. What time are you thinking?10:25
thumpermrevell: 8:30pm for you is 9:30am for me, which would be good10:25
thumpermrevell: before that I have the stand up10:25
thumpermrevell: but could push it the other way if you like10:25
mrevellthumper, 9pm UK time or after works better for me10:26
thumpermrevell: 9pm UK time is good for me10:26
mrevellgreat, speak to you then thumper10:26
thumpernight all10:26
deryckMorning, all.11:06
jmlgood morning all.11:30
mrevellHey, intellectronica do you have a moment?12:10
mrevellor deryck12:11
intellectronicamrevell: sure, what's up?12:14
mrevellHi intellectronica. the bug-heat-view test is failing on my bug heat help branch. Mind if I pastebin you the output? I'm unsure how to adjust the test to take account of my changes.12:15
intellectronicamrevell: sure, paste away12:15
mrevellintellectronica, Cheers! http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/422705/12:16
intellectronicamrevell: i guess the output changed a bit because now you're surrounding it with an anchor or something?12:18
intellectronicamrevell: try changing "for img in soup.span.contents:" to "for img in soup.span.a.contents:"12:20
mrevellintellectronica, Oh, cool, thanks. I've been trying to work out how to make it happy with the anchor. Cheers, I'll re-run the test now.12:22
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
hufhi. is anyone successfully using the lp software other than you guys? :)13:07
Ursinhahuf, well, ubuntu? :)13:08
hufi meant a separate installation13:08
Ursinhathat I don't know13:08
Ursinhabigjools, hi13:10
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
maxbhuf: No-one's ever mentioned successfully creating another running installation. The image license terms are probably a notable part of that13:17
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jmlI just saw a comment from mwhudson, "all subversion-via-cscvs imports seem to be failing"14:55
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jmlgary_poster: Is there any discernable difference between a read-only webservice API and a static JSON file?15:48
jmlgary_poster: I'd ask leonardr, but he doesn't seem to be here.15:49
jmlauth & wadl, I guess.15:51
gary_posterjml, leonardr is out today.  Will be back tomorrow.  So, I'm not crystal clear on your question, but the only distinction I'd make is that, of course, a query string will quite probably matter for a webservice API, but be ignored if a file is server statically.15:51
jmlgary_poster: ok, thanks.15:52
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
deryckhmmm, the bugtask table is missing its colors for status/importance now.16:23
derycksinzui, related to your CSS refactor maybe? ^^16:23
sinzuideryck, I am sure it is16:24
* sinzui starts to investigate16:24
derycksinzui, was just about to ask if you're doing follow up fixes, or if we need to have it scheduled. :-)16:24
sinzuiI will be landing fixes everyday until I am certain all is well16:25
=== salgado changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 3 of 10.04 | PQM is open | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes | staging is down!
abentleymars, I have a bootstrapping problem: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/422829/16:35
=== stub1 is now known as stub
marsabentley, looking16:45
marsabentley, did you try 'make clean && make' ?16:46
marsabentley, and if this was not created with rf-branch, then I assume you ran utilities/link-external-sourcecode ?16:46
abentleymars, same problem.16:46
marsa bit confused as to why 'elisa' is in that build chain?16:47
abentleymars, this is the directory that link-external-sourcecode would use, as its target, so no.16:47
marsabentley, ah, so this is running 'make' in devel then?16:48
abentleymars, yes.16:48
abentleystable, actually.16:48
jtvintellectronica: we won't get around to that lazr-js upgrade this cycle, I'm afraid16:49
sinzuideryck, did you report a bug about the colour issue?16:51
derycksinzui, I did not.  I can, though.16:51
intellectronicajtv: that's a shame, it's not that much work, actually.16:52
marsabentley, 'make' works in devel?16:52
jtvintellectronica: I was wondering about that... do we have it documented?16:52
sinzuiI will report the bug. The issue is simple and universal. I moved the anchor colour rules to the new style sheet. I need to move all the colour rules new so that they take precedence.16:52
sinzuideryck, ^16:53
derycksinzui, ok, thanks.  if I had filed a bug, this would be the sort of thing to file against launchpad-web?16:53
intellectronicajtv: i don't think we do (and i must admit i don't remember it exactly to describe it), but we can look it up together if you want.16:53
abentleymars, I don't have a devel on that box.16:53
sinzuideryck, In this case it is.16:53
deryckok, thanks16:54
jtvintellectronica: it's getting late here, but I would appreciate a quick collaborative look...16:54
intellectronicajtv: excellent, let's do that tomorrow my morning?16:55
marsabentley, was it upgraded to lucid recently?16:55
jtvintellectronica: let's!  Thanks.16:55
abentleymars, this box was upgraded to lucid a while ago.  What's new is I ran update-sourcecode for the first time (instead of rsyncing from devpad), and I think it deleted twisted.16:57
abentleymars, Okay, I went into pymodules and moved elisa out.  That seems to have fixed it.16:59
mrevellsinzui, Hi! Has your branch changing the CSS files landed?17:00
sinzuiIt did17:00
sinzuimrevell, merge away17:00
mrevellthanks sinzui!17:00
sinzuimrevell, I just started a branch to move all colour rules. (this will fix an issue on edge). Does your branch move colours?17:01
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mrevellno sinzui17:01
marsabentley, :/17:01
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
marsabentley, ok, so that was a code isolation failure of some sort.  Love to know where that came from.  I'll keep an eye out for similar failures in the future.17:03
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
marsgary_poster, jml, looking at the build-infrastructure list, and I am sorely tempted to use the Wishlist priority (much to sinzui's chagrin :)17:17
jmlmars, priority schmiority -- all I care about is whether they are fixed or not :)17:17
jmlmars, but which ones in particular?17:18
gary_postermars, naah.  your wishlist is somebody else's low.  The question is what *you* do.  Other people might tackle some of the other ones you think of as wishlist17:18
marsgary_poster, true true17:18
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
sinzuimars, feature tag + low priority17:19
marsjml, anything that says "make it ...", "want", or "should" would be fair game17:19
marsjml, faults first, improvements after17:20
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
jmlmars, I agree with the second thing you said17:21
marsjml, sinzui, that really does describe the problem best: looking at this list of bugs, I do not know which are faults and which are features17:21
sinzuimars, :( My example of a bug is one where we know the rules, this situation violates the rules, so it is a bug. Otherwise this is a feature to introduce new behaviour.17:22
marsbut then you end up with the semantic problems that Gary stated.  Oh well.17:22
sinzuimars, I think that is an accidental great incite into triage. the semantics are really essential-now, important-next, useful-future17:25
marssinzui, yes17:25
sinzuior insight17:25
marssinzui, a fault is anything that keeps it from running today.  Anything else is an improvement or feature.17:26
marsit becomes easy to decide the grey-area ones then17:26
mars"Buildbot should be public" - does that keep it from working today?  No?  Improvement!17:26
mars"Sanitize and document logins used in in pagetests" - Improvement17:27
mars"LaunchBag.developer is not updated when ftest login() is called" - probably a fault17:27
sinzuiI distinguish priority 1 from 2 based on the severity of the blockage. severity 2 can be worked around, while 1 cannot17:27
sinzuiAn example of that would be ec2 land is broken, but ec2 test with -s works17:28
marsso I call that is a high priority fault17:29
sinzuiI have rated items with work arounds are 1 because the solution requires arcane knowledge17:29
marsif there were no workaround, it would be critical17:29
marssinzui, I like your idea for three classifications.  I'll see if I can work with that to prioritize.17:32
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
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=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
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=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
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marsflacoste, were the stylesheet problems on edge last week fixed?21:21
flacostemars: yes21:29
marsflacoste, thanks.21:29
marsawe... sinzui, ping.21:30
sinzuihi mars21:31
marshi sinzui, are the links to bug statuses on this page blue for you? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/57038021:31
mupBug #570380: ec2test sometimes hangs on the first windmill test <build-infrastructure> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/570380>21:31
sinzuimars, not in the branch I just pushed.21:33
sinzuido you want to review it?21:33
marssinzui, I would not feel confident doing so21:33
sinzuimars: bug 570259 is the global issue21:33
mupBug #570259: css colours are wrong after style sheet reorganisation <css> <launchpad-web:In Progress by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/570259>21:33
sinzuimars, all the colours in the old style sheet (mostly enums) lost precedence when I moved the anchor rules to style 3.021:34
marsmwhudson, what do you think of this?  https://dev.launchpad.net/Debugging/GDB21:53
marsmwhudson, I added a section for backtrace.py to the bottom.21:54
mwhudsonmars: looks good, you don't need the .gdbinit file though21:56
marsmwhudson, oh, so "the .gdbinit should also work" was saying that backtrace.py does roughly the same thing as the GDB macros?21:56
mwhudsonmars: yes21:57
marsmwhudson, updated21:59
marsmorning thumper22:06
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=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
marsIt would be nice to have an easy way to copy the short "http://launchpad.net/bugs/IIII" link, instead of having to type it out by hand.22:30
* persia remembers an exceeding contentious change that removed just that feature22:30
persiaI believe the argument was that if a user was already on a page, there was no point in having a UI element that would link back to the *same* page, and people who wanted to copy could always do it from the location bar.22:32
marspersia, fair enough.  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/570380 is not fun to copy-n-paste though :)22:37
mupBug #570380: ec2test sometimes hangs on the first windmill test <build-infrastructure> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/570380>22:37
marspersia, I am also a fan of StackOverflow's titles:  stackoverflow.com/QESTIONNUMBER/some-human-readable-question-title22:38
persiaWorse yet, because of the embedded "edge" it fails completely to be useful for lots of folks.22:39
persiaThis is part of why the bugbots do what they do, so one can usually say bug #570380 and get a useful response.22:39
mupBug #570380: ec2test sometimes hangs on the first windmill test <build-infrastructure> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/570380>22:39
persiaDoesn't help so much with mail though.22:39
jmlpersia: the change I remember more is when we removed the non-linked bug number22:46
jmlpersia: which caused an outcry because there was no longer an easy way to copy-and-paste it.22:46
* jml disappears22:47
wgrantpersia: Fails completely? edge works for everyone.22:51
wgrant(but yes, it's suboptimal)22:51
persiawgrant: Fails completely *to be useful*22:51
persiaThis isn't "fails completely"22:52
persiajml: I thought I remembered complaints about it changing both times (and yes, current behaviour matches very old behaviour)22:52

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