
Phantomasthere is an error with bazaar00:12
PhantomasInternal Server Error00:12
thumperPhantomas: which url?00:20
Phantomasthumper: thanks, it works now00:25
thumperPhantomas: loggerhead has an issue sometimes loading the cache the first time a branch is accessed00:25
thumperPhantomas: it is a know problem, and being looked at00:25
Phantomasgood! Thanks for the info :)00:28
faleit seems launchpad is having some trouble with bzr..09:26
noodles775fale: hi, in what respect? (I've just pushed some branches without an issue?)09:31
falenoodles775: mmm now it seems to work again, before asking the commits diffs it was returning Internal Server Error09:32
maxbThere's definitely something wonky with loggerhead09:37
maxbSomeone reported that http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sch-devs/sch-scripts/trunk/revision/109 was 500ing over the weekend, and it still is09:37
falehttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/kubuntu-meta/lucid/revision/201 this still does not work :(09:38
maxblosa ping: Those loggerhead URLs are broken ^^^09:39
mthaddonloggerhead's recently been restarted and is responding fine to nagios - sounds like it's broken in some less obvious way than "everything is down"09:41
wgrantI haven't successfully viewed a revision in days.09:43
Imperionerr, what's going on with the servers?09:51
Imperion^Internal Server Error09:51
joaopintogood morning, I have a spam problem with an LP mailinglist, where should I report it ?09:59
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marktheunissenhi all11:54
marktheunissenis there anyone on duty to help? we're having "internal server error" issues on LP right now11:54
marktheunissenhello ... any launchpad staff members around?11:59
marktheunissenis anyone else having issues with Loggerhead / Launchpad right now?12:04
maxbYes, they are.12:08
maxbmthaddon: OK, it's not the usual problem, but it seems widespread and persistent. Can you provide some feedback on whether an investigation is under way? And maybe post a notice to the channel topic and identi.ca ?12:10
mthaddonmaxb: I'll see if I can find someone to look into it and post a notice - sorry about that12:11
knipwimmthaddon: thx for the explanation, was wondering about it too12:23
=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Code browsing is producing Internal Server Errors -- investigating
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=== mrevell-lunch changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Code browsing is producing Internal Server Errors -- should be working as normal
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ymlhello goodmorning13:43
ymlI have a quick question about vcs importer in launchpad.13:43
ymlDoes anyone knows where I should report the fact that django import has been broken for six days ?13:44
maxbouch, looks like a weird cscvs error. That's black magic :-/13:46
ymlmaxb: yep13:52
ymlmaxb: do you know where I should report this issue ?13:53
=== maxb changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Code browsing was producing Internal Server Errors -- should be working as normal now
maxbNormally I'd suggest asking the help contact's advice, but there doesn't appear to be one today14:06
maxbyml: Filing a question on launchpad-code would at least provide somewhere to track the issue14:10
ymlmaxb: there https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion ?14:11
ymlI will do this thanks for your guidance14:11
maxbI suspect the initial reaction will be "Could we try this import with bzr-svn instead of cscvs?"14:11
maxbyml: I created https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~maxb/django/trunk-bzr-svn (pending review by vcs-imports staff)14:15
ymlmaxb I have created a question14:16
ymllet us see if anyone take action on it14:17
jelmermaxb: the URL in that import is invalid14:23
maxbugh, I have been defeated by vhosts14:24
maxbLP sillyly refuses to have two imports from the same URL. Usually you can bypass it by fudging the hostname with an extra dot at the end14:24
jmlmaxb: it's a bit silly14:25
maxbMaybe you could remove the dot and just double one of the slashes in the path instead?14:26
jmlmaxb: I guess in an ideal world we'd point you to the existing import with the same URL, ask you if that's what you meant, and then let you import a fresh one14:26
maxbOr just let you create a new one14:26
jmlmaxb: I think that would give us problems we don't have today, even though it solves problems we do have14:27
ymljml: in this case the problem is that the existing one is stuck for 6 days :  https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/django/trunk14:27
maxbGiven how hard it is to create an import (need to wait for review), I'd expect the incidence of duplicate creation to be very low - such that the effort of dealing with it would be less than the time investment in the UI flow you propose14:28
jelmermaxb: the goal is to remove the need for reviews though14:28
jmlmaxb: you shouldn't have to wait for a review, either!14:28
humphreybcWho's the Launchpad track lead for UDS?14:29
jelmeryml: please note that those two imports are incompatible, you can't just pull from the new one if you have a copy of the old one14:29
jmlthere's a Launchpad track at UDS?!14:29
humphreybcno idea14:29
humphreybcI just want to get this blueprint confirmed, or something14:30
jmlhumphreybc: if there was, I'd probably be the lead, but I don't think there's a Launchpad track there.14:30
humphreybcright, who should I set as approver? Henning?14:30
jmlhumphreybc: danilo14:30
jmlhumphreybc: UDS is very much an Ubuntu thing, and we Launchpadders go along, to listen, to be told what to do and to explain why that will take longer than you think14:31
jmlhumphreybc: actually, David Planella is probably the best person to approve that14:31
* humphreybc assigns dpm as approver 14:32
henningehumphreybc: there will be a Launchpad Translations roundtable/Q&A session. Maybe we can discuss that there?14:32
humphreybchenninge: yup, we could14:32
ymljelmer: are you telling me that the branch imported here : https://launchpad.net/django from django SVN14:32
henningehumphreybc: dpm is planning the translation-related sessions, yes.14:32
humphreybcwe don't really have that much to say, just basically to give some feedback and then to suggest what improvements we'd like to see14:33
ymljelmer: is not going to work14:33
humphreybc(from what we've experienced)14:33
humphreybcalmost doesn't warrant an entire session, I just don't want it to be forgotten14:33
jelmeryml: it's not going to be compatible with the branch maxb is rtying to import14:34
ymljelmer: I see but the fact that the import stop working in this particular branch is a bug, right ?14:35
dpmhey humphreybc, thanks for creating the blueprint. Sure, I can put it in the community track, as it is related to translations and communication with the community. We've prepared this wiki page with the translation sessions to have an overview before they are scheduled -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/UDS Feel free to add your session there. If you think it deserves a session, you can just add it to the list, with a link to the blueprint. If you th14:36
dpmink it can go in the Launchpad Translations roundtable, please add it as a bullet point there.14:36
jelmeryml: yeah, although I'm not sure how much priority fixing bugs in the cscvs svn backend has these days14:37
ymljelmer: I see14:37
humphreybcdpm: I added it to that wiki14:38
dpmhumphreybc, cool, thanks. I'll be working on them today and tomorrow.14:39
humphreybcI've proposed like, 3 sessions and none of them seem to be going anywhere which is disappointing. They're all on fairly important topics, well, I think they are14:39
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dpmhumphreybc, if you get no response you'll have to ping the person responsible for the track your blueprint fits. If it's community-related, it's Jono, but you can ping-proxy me if I'm around :)14:56
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coekiehi, I'm trying to log in after a long time of not using my launchpad account (I even forgot I had one)16:26
coekiebut I'm getting "Your account has been deactivated."16:27
coekieso I can't change my password (nor register a new account with the same email address).16:27
coekiewhy could it be deactivated, and how could I get it reactivate?16:28
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coekieoh, and my account email is wouter@coekaerts.be, in case someone in here can reactivate it...16:42
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chxhi. if i put in a merge request, can that branch continue to exist and have more merge requests or one branch, one merge?17:26
tomas_kaluzaHello, I have a problem reporting a bug on launchpad17:44
tomas_kaluzaNo REFERER Header17:44
tomas_kaluzaI do not know why. I have a standard instalation of firefox on 10.0417:45
tomas_kaluzacan someone give me a hint?17:45
maxbFirefox should transmit a Referer header by default, so I can only assume you've turned it off somehow17:46
tomas_kaluzaI did not touch a thing..17:47
tomas_kaluzaand the bug is in gwibber17:47
tomas_kaluzait does not start at all..17:48
tomas_kaluzaonly couple of days before the final release, quite sirious, I think..17:48
tomas_kaluzaCould someone file the bug for me?17:51
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Brot1is someone here who have experience with launchpads translation system?18:33
Brot1is someone here who have experience with launchpads translation system? I uploaded translation files to a project and some of the files are in "Needs review" state now. What's the next step?18:59
beunoBrot1, they will get reviewed19:02
beunoand then I think you're set from there on19:02
Brot1@bueno: how long does it take until they will get reviewed? I uploaded the files 4 days ago?!19:06
beunoBrot1, weekends are hard on these things, especially since Lucid is coming out on Thu, everyone's busy19:07
Brot1bueno: OK, thanks. I have to be more patient. Will wait until the files will get reviews19:08
dpmBrot1, if they do not get reviewed, please feel free to ask at https://answers.launchpad.net/rosetta/+addquestion. Which project did you upload the project to? Did you do the upload as a translator or as a maintainer?19:10
Brot1dpm: I did the upload as a maintainer: https://translations.launchpad.net/android-mileage/trunk/+imports?field.filter_status=NEEDS_REVIEW19:11
dpmBrot1, ah, I see what happened, the imports do not comply with the import policy -> https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject/ImportPolicy#Sample%20directory%20layout. You need to have a separate directory for each template and name the files ll.po, where ll is the 2-letter or 3-letter (plus country, if necessary) ISO 639 language code)19:14
dpmBrot1, furthermore, I'd recommend using automatic bzr imports for translations, which will make your life as a maintainer much easier19:15
Brot1dpm: yes, I read about the import policy, but it's hard to maintain the translations for android projects, because I have to convert between po/pot-files and the android-xml format. At the moment I found only one tool which can handle this.19:18
Brot1dpm: the problem is, that with this tool all po/pot-files are stored in one directory.19:19
dpmBrot1, you can use xml2po, which is compatible with the imports policy (which is not specific to Launchpad, but common to most translatable Open Source projects)19:19
Brot1dpm: there are other languages which are already imported: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/android-mileage/trunk/+imports?field.filter_status=IMPORTED19:20
Brot1dpm: xml2po only allows to convert from xml to po. But I couldn't manage the reverse convert from po to xml. But android2po manage this will: http://github.com/miracle2k/android2po19:21
dpmBrot1, have you read the xml2po man page? xml2po can be used in both directions. I have actually used in android's translations. Have the files you are converting a special xml format or something?19:22
dpmin any case, regardless of the tool you are using, it should be able to create a POT template per directory19:23
dpmxml2po can, and I could imagine android2po should be able to as well19:24
Brot1dpm: No, no special xml format. I tried xml2po and it doesn't work for me. There are other android projects using the same flat directory format: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tim-todoroo/astrid/2.x/files/head%3A/translations/19:24
dpmBrot1, the fact that are using it, doesn't mean that it works :) But let me check...19:25
dpmBrot1, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tim-todoroo/astrid/2.x/files/head%3A/translations/ will not work with Launchpad Translations, there you also need a separate folder for each POT file19:26
dpmBrot1, and I'd be curious as well, how exactly did xml2po not work for you? Did you get a bad conversion? Error messages?19:27
Brot1dpm: it generates unterminated strings, which leads to program errors and I couldn't manage to convert from po to xml19:29
Brot1dpm: and how does the translation for astrid works? https://translations.launchpad.net/astrid. Is there another branch from which the translations are read?19:30
Brot1dpm: and why wasn't it a problem to import other languages for my project? e.g: https://translations.launchpad.net/android-mileage/trunk/+lang/it19:31
dpmBrot1, hm, that's strange. It might be worth checking with the Launchpad developers tomorrow earlier in the day19:34
dpm(i.e. I wouldn't have expected them to get imported)19:34
dpmanyway, I must go now19:35
Brot1dpm: ok, thanks19:35
dpmnp :) as I say, you might want to check with the LP translations devs tomorrow19:36
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
coekiecan anyone help getting my account re-activated?19:50
ubuntujenkinsin launchpad if i set up a branch here https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntujenkins can i make it so certain people apart from my sefl can commit? with out making a group21:21
beunoubuntujenkins, no, you will need to create a team and change the owner for people to commit directy to a branch21:22
ubuntujenkinsas i thought thanks beuno21:23
bdrunghi, can someone have a look at bug #567890? we cannot link the upstream bug report http://jira.atheme.org/browse/AUDPLUG-22021:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567890 in audacious-plugins "[Lucid] Audacious hangs on audmap_stop when trying to change song" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56789021:29
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LinuxGuy2009Hello I just started a launchpad project and was wondering if its possible to get the files hosted on there as well or do I need to get my own hosting? The ISO is under 5MB.22:30
persiaLinuxGuy2009: You can upload files related to a given release, which is a special kind of milestone for a given series.22:34
LinuxGuy2009Ok so I need to add a milestone to be given the option to upload a file?22:34
persiaI've never done this, but based on traffic, the UI is a bit confusing: it goes something like: define a series, define a milestone (checking a special box to indicate it's a release), attach the files to +download.22:34
persiaSomething like that.22:34
LinuxGuy2009Ok Ill give it a go. Thank you!22:35
persiaI hope it works: LIke i said, I've never done it.  If it doesn't work, just ask again, and maybe someone more knowledgeable can answer.22:36
beunopersia, LinuxGuy2009, yes, you need to create a milestone and release it22:39
beunothen you can upload files to the release22:39
LinuxGuy2009cool Im doing that right this second.22:39
LinuxGuy2009Got it all sorted guys, thank you so very much!22:55
pijuhello how long it takes for my pkg to appear on my PPA after uploaded ?23:16
pijuall bots ?23:18
persiaNo, just nobody with the answer has read your question.23:25
tsimpsonthe cron job runs every 20mins iirc, so at X:00, X:20, or X:40 where X is the hour23:29
pijutsimpson, tq23:33
wgrantpiju, tsimpson: Every five minutes, actually.23:35
pijui wont see my pkg appear on my PPA yet23:36
pijuwgrant, uploaded it using dput23:36
pijuno error email23:36
pijuhttps://launchpad.net/~mypiju/+archive/psk31lx-9w2pju doesnt appear at all23:37
wgrantpiju: Did you sign it with your OpenPGP key?23:40
pijuwgrant, no23:40
pijui sign it with gpg key23:40
wgrantgpg implements OpenPGP, so that's fine.23:40
pijui havent upload my pub keys to launchpad23:41
wgrantSo you signed it with the key 0xFA97E259?23:41
pijuis it ok ?23:41
pijui sign with other key23:41
pijuis it ok ?23:41
wgrant0xFA97E259 is associated with your Launchpad account. If you're not using that key any more, you should remove it and add your new one.23:42
wgrantIf you then upload again, it is less unlikely to work.23:42
pijuhow can i change my key ?23:43
wgrantpiju: Click on your name in the top right of a Launchpad page, and click the edit link next to the OpenPGP Keys section.23:45
donriHow to I make a project a parent of another?23:48
persiadonri: needs a question to do that, and a well-argued rationale23:48
donriOh. :(23:49
wgrantAlso, it doesn't quite work like that.23:49
wgrantProject groups and projects are separate entities.23:49
persiaIt doesn't?23:49
wgrantA project group can have projects in it, but not bugs/branches/etc. of its own.23:49
persiaNow I'm confused.  I thought "launchpad" was a project group, but it has it's own bugs.23:50
persia"unr" also has it's own bugs, but a list of projects associated with it.23:51
wgrantlaunchpad-project is a project group. launchpad, soyuz, malone etc. are members of the launchpad-project project group. Contrary to the suggestion in its name, launchpad-project is not, in fact, a project.23:52
persiaAh, "launchpad" != "launchpad-project"23:52
wgrantunr is a project group. It has no bugs of its own.23:52
persiahttps://launchpad.net/unr/+bugs still confuses me though.23:52
persiaIs it just an aggregation of all the bugs in the underlying projects?23:53
wgrantThose pages are just aggregations.23:53
persiaOK.  This makes more sense now.23:55
persiaThanks for the explanantion.23:55

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