
jkridnerapparently a 2GB USB stick isn't big enough. :(01:20
jkridnerirony: it ran out of disk space copying imx51 files.01:20
jkridnerwell, of poetic interest anyway, if not irony.01:21
persiaWe usually recommend a minimum of 4G, but I've heard of 2G installs working before.  That's a bit of an unexpected result.01:24
MartynYou really do need 4G02:27
Martynunless you're just using base02:27
persiaDidn't in 9.04, but that might have been a fluke, or a side effect of a less complete port.02:28
persia(lucid being the first time that all of main compiled)02:29
Martynpersia : You may be interested in this ... a new piece of hardware arrived yesterday at the office.  I can't reveal the manufacturer, but the form factor will be familiar to you (clamshell PC) .. I was surprised to see what it had when I booted.  1330x768 screen, resistive touch, 128GB flash SSD and a quad core A9 operating at 800Mhz.02:29
MartynIn any case, it's got lucid loaded on it from the factory .. but something that most certainly is _not_ netbook remix as a front end.02:30
persiaCan you share the screen dimensions, or the DPI?02:30
persiaheh.  OK.  Maybe you can bring it to UDS, if you're lucky.02:32
persiaIf it's small enough, I want :)02:32
persiaIf it's large, just not enough pixels for me.02:32
MartynIt's about 12cm in diagonal, widescreen02:33
persiaIndeed, I'm *very* interested.02:33
MartynStacking the SL-3200 on top of it, it's a bit larger, but only by about enough to make the keyboard more comfortable to use02:33
MartynI'll ask the boss if it's okay for me to bring the thing to UDS02:33
Martynif I remove all the stickers and external identification, I think it might be02:34
persiaDoes it have the wonderful keyspacing that the 3200 used, or does it have the annoying "large" keys of e.g. the Netwalker?02:34
Martynneither... hard to describe the keyboard02:34
persiaPlease do ask if you can bring it.  That sounds nearly ideal for me, assuming other bits are in place.02:35
persiaThe Netwalker is lovely, but a bit larger than I like, and the keyboard is just plain annoying.02:35
Martynthe closest keyboard I can describe is the UMID02:36
persia(but I don't mind waiting ~6 months for retail, to make sure I have the spare funds)02:36
MartynI know this thing must be floating around Akiahabra02:36
persiaUMID is a little better than Netwalker, but still not enough space *between* the keys for my hands.02:36
persiaYeah, but you'd have to tell me what it was for me to find it there.  I didn't see them on Saturday whilst wondering about.02:37
MartynThis isn't the device -- but it's DAMNED close in form factor : http://www.dynamism.com/notebooks/umid-mbook-m1.shtml02:37
persiaRight.  That's the same base as the Onkyo I've been resisting buying.02:38
persiaOnkyo jammed in more flash (64) and an improved audio handler, and went for the faster chip.02:38
Martynhttp://www.slashgear.com/globalfoundries-28nm-arm-cortex-a9-promises-speed-frugality-boost-1581731/  (first wafer of a test chip .. there were two and the first wafer failed (thus the business card on top) )02:39
persiaBut 1366x768 lets me run 2 terminals and an IRC client, which makes me actually productive, whereas 1024x600 is just a bit too small (or too blocky)02:39
persiaYeah, I'm intrigued.  I'll bug you about it in a couple weeks.02:41
persia(but have to rush off for a bit now)02:41
MartynSee you later Emmett :)02:42
ericm_ikepanhc, 你们太淡定了04:04
=== Guest91645 is now known as NCommander
* NCommander waves07:18
NCommandersaeed: you aorund?07:42
saeedNCommander: hey there07:45
sijiGoodMorning All07:46
eggonleaericm: ping07:47
ericmeggonlea, pong07:47
ericmeggonlea, NCommander mentioned that LCD support on AV-D1 is not stable ?07:48
eggonleaHave to use webchat because the previous proxy is broken. :(07:48
ericmeggonlea, no problem07:48
eggonleawhat do you mean by "not stable"?07:48
ericmNCommander, your turn07:48
eggonleaNCommander, are you around?07:48
NCommandereggonlea: yup07:55
* NCommander coughs07:55
=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
loolhrw: heya08:05
hrwfirst day at new work ;D08:06
Stskeepsworking from home i guess?08:07
hrwStskeeps: sure08:14
hrwStskeeps: I work from home for over 3 years now08:14
* Stskeeps is only up at about 5 months so far08:14
Stskeepsam happy i have to travel once in a while to work with real people though08:14
sijiLuck People :(08:16
hrwand yesterday I changed one thing - now I have one machine with ubuntu @home08:18
hrwwife's laptop has kubuntu 10.04-rc08:18
=== XorA|gone is now known as XorA
ericm_saeed, btw - I've fixed the hibernation issue and updated the LP bug description, please help check09:53
* ogra ponders to do a mass give-back for universe ftbfs to see if something more survives10:59
ograNCommander, what did you want to know about touchscreens ?10:59
hrwand what kind of touchscreens... usb ones or i2c/spi or uart connected ones11:01
ograno idea, he pinged me in another channel asking to pick my brain about them11:01
=== ericm_ is now known as ericm|ubuntu
saeedericm: good job11:51
saeedericm|ubuntu: can you please send me the fixed kernel deb?11:51
saeedguys: I'm running totem with mp4 movie, the pulse audio consumes ~60% of the cpu time!!!11:52
ericm|ubuntusaeed, the link is on the LP bug description12:19
ericm|ubuntusaeed, that's possibly pulseaudio issue12:19
ndecogra: hi. i'd like to mount a ubuntu minimal FS on qemu using NFS mount. have you already tried that with the kernel you provide here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch12:20
ograndec, no, NFS might be modular in that kernel, not sure ... might be that lool tried it before though12:20
ndecogra: how did you build the kernel? which config? i can add nfs, if I know which source and which config was used12:21
ograits the linux package source12:22
ndecogra: i am planning to use qemu to build arm packages12:22
ograstd ubuntu 2.6.32 release kernel12:22
ndecogra: with the versatile_defconfig?12:23
ograwell, merged with the distro config, amitk should be able to tell you what to run to merge the configs12:24
ograthere is some script iirc12:24
saeedericm|ubuntu: the had this issue in the past with speex, and it supposed to be fixed afair12:24
ericm|ubuntusaeed, I guess that's because pulseaudio is now realtime priority (for less latency) in lucid, and could possibly eat up more CPU and become unresponsive12:26
* ericm|ubuntu 's rhythmbox crashed12:27
asacndec: are you experimenting or need something that is more or less 100% reliable? you could also try to use a qemu-arm-static chroot to build packages.12:28
asacndec: with that you can then later with some tweaking use a fast cross compiler/bash from host etc.12:29
ndecasac: i don't have too much to build for now, so fast is not the biggest requirement. i just need something that works ;-) I am on travel away from my board and I want to build ARM packages12:30
saeedericm|ubuntu: hibernate works for me, without adding the resume= ofcourse12:31
asacndec: yeah. the chroot is really simple though ... just install qemu-kvm-extras-static annd then run build-arm-chroot /path/to/chroot ... then you can just chroot /path/to/chroot and are in a arm chroot12:32
asacbut testing our full qemu is also good ;)12:32
ograi think persia included qemu-arm-static support in sbuild and pbuilder12:32
ograthat should be the easiest to cross build packages12:33
* ogra doesnt know the magic runes for that though ... i think its just sbuild --arch=armel though12:33
ndecasac: qemu-arm-static is using syscall emulation, right?12:34
ograas long as you dont plan to build anything mono related it should work fine for everything12:35
ndecogra: i don't know about sbuild --arch=armel12:35
ndecogra: I just prepare all my source packages, and using sbuild --arch=armel? is that what you use?12:35
ograno, i use native builds :)12:36
ericm|ubuntusaeed, do you know the current hibernation implementation on dove will work with HIGHMEM (which I doubt)12:36
ograi rarely travel without HW in my bag ... ARM boards are so small :)12:36
suihkulokkirandom arm board and assorted wires in bag is something that should be a problem at airport security12:37
suihkulokki...never been for me thou12:37
ograneither for me12:37
ograi always have enough ubuntu CDs with me to bribe the guys ;)12:37
ograand stickers ... stickers work even better ;)12:38
suihkulokkimaybe I look innocent enough to make the security people not care what the bag x-ray looks like12:38
ndecogra: well right now I am away without my arm board ;-(12:38
ograndec, well, an armel chroot should get you going then12:38
ograndec, the reciepe asac gave you above should be fine ... "install qemu-kvm-extras-static annd then run build-arm-chroot /path/to/chroot ... then you can just chroot /path/to/chroot and are in a arm chroot"12:39
ograthopugh i'd recommend approx or some other package proxy running locally ....12:40
ograsaves you bandwith if you can re-use the already downloaded packages12:40
ndecok. i will try that.12:40
ograhmm, i wonder how well ubuntuone works on my beagle12:43
ograoh, it causes a firefox race12:44
ogra"firefox is already running, please close the running firefox process first"12:44
ograclikcing OK brings up firefox with my ubuntuone account :P12:45
cwillu_at_workogra, so, you're aware of rootstock hangs?13:07
cwillu_at_workI seem to be getting segfaults instead of hangs now13:07
ograyes, as i mentioned in bug 53273313:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 532733 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "apt/dpkg in qemu-system-arm hangs if a big task is installed (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 36)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53273313:08
ograhas nothing to do with rootstock but with qemu13:08
* XorA found with gcc 4.5 and glibc 2.10.1 there is at least one TLS bug with qemu that causes a hang13:09
XorAI grabbed two patches to fix it from master git13:09
ograits gcc 4.4 though13:09
XorAbut I dont know if thats the same bug you guys are seeing or not13:10
ograand we use eglibc13:10
XorAogra: which means your probably using an equiv glibc then13:10
XorAeglibc basically being glibc-next13:10
cwillu_at_workoh, didn't see that13:10
XorAhttp://repo.or.cz/w/qemu.git?a=search&h=HEAD&st=commit&s=cp15 top two commits on that search13:11
cwillu_at_workogra, sorry, hadn't checked my email yet doay13:12
* cwillu_at_work reruns the test13:12
* ogra listens to his ubuntuone musicstore music on the beagle13:20
=== ericm|ubuntu is now known as ericm-afk
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
NCommanderogra: do we support using tslib out of the box and blacklisting evtouch, or is it only evtouch we support?15:47
ogra_cmpcevtouch doesnt need to be blacklisted15:58
ogra_cmpcits not installed unless you tell it to15:58
ogra_cmpctslib might conflict with usbtouchscreen kernel side though15:58
ogra_cmpcsince all touchscreen support is supposed to be handled by that now15:58
hrwoh.. I missed talks15:59
=== jmcgee|gone is now known as jmcgee
NCommanderogra: it isn't, its being loaded automatically on a touchscreen device16:01
ogra_cmpcevtouch ?16:01
NCommanderogra: yeah, at least on ARM16:02
ogra_cmpcwe neverf install it by default16:02
ogra_cmpcits not even in main to my knowledge16:02
NCommanderogra: odd. It is on a ubuntu-netbook image out of the box16:02
ogra_cmpcsurely not16:03
ogra_cmpcapt-cache show xserver-xorg-input-evtouch|grep Filename16:03
ogra_cmpcFilename: pool/universe/x/xf86-input-evtouch/xserver-xorg-input-evtouch_0.8.8-3build1_i386.deb16:03
ogra_cmpcunless we build from universe which would very much surprise me16:03
XorAdpkg -l | grep touch16:03
XorAii  libts-0.0-0                            1.0-7build1                                     touch screen library16:03
XorAii  tsconf                                 1.0-7build1                                     touch screen library common files16:03
XorAits not there16:03
ogra_cmpcXorA, yes, i know :)16:04
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
ogra_cmpcbut NCommander doesnt16:04
NCommanderogra: xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:2.3.2-5ubuntu116:04
NCommanderogra: sorry, my brain went tothe wrong place16:04
ogra_cmpcevdev != evtouch16:04
NCommanderogra: I'm not caffinated yet; I just got up ;-)16:04
ogra_cmpcso evdev is loaded for your touchscreen ?16:05
NCommanderogra: the reason I ask is that the touchscreen on the avenger is causing evdev to segfault, but tslib. I was wondering if there was a way we could blacklist evdev until it can be fixed16:05
NCommanderand when evdev segfaults, it takes the entire X stack with it16:05
ogra_cmpcwell, i guess you have to do that on a kernel/udev level16:05
zumbiNCommander: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=57805316:06
ubot4Debian bug 578053 in xserver-xorg-input-tslib "xserver-xorg-input-tslib: consider xorg.conf.d instead of udev rule" [Serious,Fixed]16:06
ogra_cmpcand make sure that evdev either doesnt consider the device an input device or make sure the kernel exports the right stuff to make evdev actually recognize a touchscreen device16:06
ogra_cmpczumbi, that wont prevent evdev16:07
zumbiogra_cmpc: i dunno about ubuntu, but debian is moving xorg out of udev16:07
ogra_cmpczumbi, i doubt that16:08
zumbiwhich seems that it causing the segfault16:08
ogra_cmpcupstream mives into udev16:08
ogra_cmpcit only just started with the recent release16:08
ogra_cmpceverything should be handled by kernel or udev16:08
zumbiogra_cmpc: true, sorry i was misleading16:09
ogra_cmpcwith the option to use xorg.conf.d snippets for overriding buggy settings16:09
ogra_cmpcthe question is if the snippet kicks in before evdev probes or not16:10
zumbiogra_cmpc: read Julien Cristau on the bug report16:10
ogra_cmpcand the actual bug is that the kernel doesnt export the proper constraints for the device so evdev can handle it as touchscreen16:10
ogra_cmpczumbi, yes, i see that, still its a kernel bug16:13
ogra_cmpcusing udev rules or xorg.conf.d snippets are both workarounds16:13
zumbiogra_cmpc: thanks, let me know if you make any progress (that needs to be incorporated to debian xf86-input-tslib package)16:18
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
loolndec: the config is in the source tree, the git tree, or more easily in the .deb; the /boot/config-foo file has the config19:02
Martynojn : You in?19:13
Martyn(and are you in Austin at the moment?)19:13
ojnMartyn: In CA until friday night19:29
Martynthanks :)19:30
samuel_SayagHi, can I use bb files without haveing internet connection on my Beagleboard?19:36
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
persiaogra_cmpc: mk-sbuild or pbuilder-dist take --arch : pbuilder and sbuild don't.19:42
=== JaMa is now known as JaMa|Zzz
=== jmcgee is now known as jmcgee|gone

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