
=== islington_ is now known as islington
zniavregood morning09:19
zniavreim looking for the first version of ubuntu-mono do you think i can find them again ?09:21
sanderqdzniavre_, try finding the bzr branch in launchpad, it should contain the full package history10:11
zniavrei can see the full changelog but not the full archive of packages10:44
vishzniavre: get it from the bzr branch , it is there in the packagers branch11:35
vishzniavre: you have to pull on that rev.. bzr branch lp:blahblah -r 411:37
vishrather ..   lp:~ubuntu-art-pkg/+junk/ubuntu-mono11:37
zniavregrrrr i must be dumb ....11:50
zniavrein fact i just want the first "enveloppe"11:50
vishzniavre: just do $ bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-art-pkg/+junk/ubuntu-mono -r 111:51
zniavreHo ho ho   big thank you11:53
vishnp.. :)11:53
darkmattervish: gonna have an improved wip in a sec. I art killing some useless bits in the sidebar. gonna keep bookmarks/library and history (maybe tags.. dunno) drop in computer, network and home as simple links.12:16
vishdarkmatter: a quick mockup of the toolbar icons i was mentioning earlier.. > http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/icons.png  basically, drop the use of shadows and kill the depth perspective  .. probably use symbolic icons instead12:25
vishheh , we could consider using "box" buttons, but then we'd end up with a copy of Finder ;p12:26
darkmattervish: yeah. it's the same thing I was talking about as well. not necessarily symbolic as such, but glyphic none the less12:26
vishwe need to kill the shadow for toolbar icons!12:28
darkmatterI think icons in the traditional sense could be dropped for everything except applications and a 'few' data types where there isn't really any other solution. things like music, video, documents could use thumbnails, album art, etc. it's also a matter of how we display them to the user12:29
darkmattervish: that's why I opt for 'Library' instead of places. we need view based on content. images in a galler, media in a 'media browser' view (for a lack of a better term) etc12:31
* vish bbiab12:32
darkmatterand go less hierarchical, more nom with basic displays as well. kill the traditional icon view and do something a bit more hybrid12:32
kwwiivish: hey, I assigned a bug to you about humanity volume icons13:34
kwwiibug #57012413:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570124 in humanity-icon-theme "Indicator-sound's volume zero image is incorrectly aligned" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57012413:37
* vish looks14:45
vishkwwii: hehe , that was the change that was done for the sound menu specs ;p14:46
* vish glad to revert14:46
darkmattervish: yay or nay? http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/4972/nautilusredowip.png15:11
kwwiivish: it is about the placement of the icon on the page in comparison to the others15:13
vishdarkmatter: maybe the bookmarks can be the lower15:22
vishdarkmatter: hehe , btw , you've misaligned the keyboard in the computer ;p15:23
darkmattervish: did not! the g-i-t guys did!15:23
vishdarkmatter: huh, right!15:25
merbithello, is there an alternative font of the new ubuntu logo I could use, until the font is released?15:46
kwwiimerbit: nope, the font is not ready yet and won't be for some time15:50
merbitok thanks :)15:51
vishkwwii: can you add it to the topic?15:51
kwwiivish: yes, good idea15:51
=== kwwii changed the topic of #ubuntu-artwork to: Channel for the community artwork team | New font and visual identity not released yet. | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art
=== kwwii changed the topic of #ubuntu-artwork to: Channel for the community artwork team | New font and visual identity not released yet | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art
merbitI bet you get that question a lot, hehe15:54
vishmerbit: everyday ;)15:54
knomeyup, 9 days in a week somebody comes asking that.16:03
darkmattervish: I'm trying to decide if the 'Home' in the sidebar is overly redundant, since it's in the pathbar too... hmmm. As for the general layout decision, the rational is Personal > System, which is why I stuck computer, network, and trash under everything else16:06
vishdarkmatter: home redundant duplications..? yes ;)16:12
* vish recalls a time when even knome was asking.. but atleast it was for a distribution release :)16:17
knomevish, that was because i was promised some stuff by canonical employees ;P16:18
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=== Vish is now known as vish
=== vish is now known as Vish
kwwiithorwil: hrm, that sucks but to be honest, the logos and stuff are nearly ready (as in we are proofing the information now for mistakes)17:27
kwwiiso we'll be pushing the real stuff out in the next couple of days anyway17:27
thorwilkwwii: of course it sucks. if i wasn't such a kind soul, i could claim you guys where asking for it ;)17:28
kwwiithorwil: lol, indeed17:28
thorwilthe link to that page came form ubuntu-marketing list17:28
kwwiinext time we completely change things we'll do a bit better17:28
thorwilcool. only a few complete changes until there will be a smooth one :)17:30
darkmattervish: sidebar looks much better now http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/8093/nautilusredowip1.png18:33
* vish groans at banshee 18:45
vishdarkmatter: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_qg0qAwZ_-N8/S9QGemTuV_I/AAAAAAAAAD8/6yAmxEJeFPc/s1600/explorer.jpg ;)18:46
darkmatterwhat about explorer? don't make me hurt you vitch :P18:48
vishdarkmatter: hehe , not that it is wrong to look similar to explorer, but you effectively ended up with that [except for the history ofcourse ;p]18:48
darkmattervish: actually I ended up with the london wireframe mockups with a prettier sidebar. so die :P18:49
vishdarkmatter: admit it! you are now a Windows fanboy ;p18:50
darkmatterbite. something. old. and. stale. and. die. ;p18:51
kwwiihi all22:31
kwwiihi pablo22:32
fabiobuonasera a tutti22:35
fabionon mi và di parlà inglese, quindi se c'è qualcuno che mi capisce ben venga :)22:35
fabioc'è qualcuno attivo?22:35
fabiovado via22:40
fabiobye bye!22:40

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