
shaunmmewshi: you could work on a topic for the new gnome desktop help01:17
mewshiOk, and how would I go about this?01:18
shaunmvery rough list posted by philbull01:19
shaunmPick a topic. The idea is to look for something phrased in terms of what a user wants to do.01:20
shaunm(Are you at the tail end of your three hours of nothingness? Sorry, I was off doing other stuff.)01:21
mewshiYeah, I am, but I'll leave it open for tomorrow, when I have a lot more time :)01:24
mewshiwhat's the link for?01:25
shaunmThat's an example of how topic should be written.01:25
shaunmSo don't worry too much about organization or anything at this point. You can just write some random topics that interest you.01:26
shaunmAnd don't worry about markup for now. We can deal with that afterwards01:26
mewshiok :)  Thanks, I'll work on this tomorrow after helping mittens :)01:27
KC3Hi I don't know if I am in the right place or not?  I am having a tough time installing Ubuntu 9.10.  I don't think the live CD I have has the driver for my video card.06:11
KC3I changed the bios to boot from the CD but it won't display anything when I do that.  I have Ubuntu installed on an extra 30G harddrive I have06:13
KC3but I don't know how to install from a CD without going through the bios boot up.06:13
KC3Is there anyway to get the cd to run the install program like a .exe file in windows?  I am new to Linux so please be gentle.06:14
mewshihi there :D14:53
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mewshihi everyone :D20:01
starcraftmanlo mewshi20:09
swoodyCan anyone lend me some wiki advice? I'm trying to get "border-radius" to work with other browsers besides Firefox22:40
Rocket2DMnswoody, i'm not sure if it does22:45
swoodyRocket2DMn: d'oh :/22:46
Rocket2DMnswoody, I think if anybody knows, it would be cprofitt22:46
Rocket2DMnhe did the work on the BT wiki headers22:47
swoodyI can't find where offhand, but I found something that said: -webkit-border-radius: but I can't find it offhand, and I don't think it was specific to Ubuntu's wiki22:47
swoodyRocket2DMn: gotcha :)22:47
Rocket2DMnMoin's website may have some info22:50
swoodyRocket2DMn: moinmo.in?22:51
Rocket2DMnsounds right22:53
swoodyRocket2DMn: good site for info. Thanks :)22:58
swoodystill yet to find the radius info, but will keep looking through it22:58

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