
Shadowmancergot a weird issue with the installer, i get to the prepare partition section of the installation but no partitions come up, i used sudo blkid it see's my hdd, i can mount the hard drive i want to install ubuntu to, i can do a sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt to my hdd and it mounts but partman07:01
Shadowmancer(after some reading i discovered this is what the installer uses to find the partitions) can't seem to figure out i have a hdd07:02
cjwatsonShadowmancer: if you can wait around for a couple of hours, I'd be interested in debugging this with you when I get into the office07:32
Shadowmancerthat would be alright07:32
cjwatsonShadowmancer: ok, so just as a quick check, can you please run 'sudo parted -s /dev/sda print'08:59
Shadowmancersorry i got to go damn dinner08:59
Shadowmanceri'll try to be back in a couple of hours08:59
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4112 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):09:06
CIA-3ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: console-setup09:06
CIA-3ubiquity: 1.34ubuntu15, flash-kernel 2.13ubuntu17, hw-detect 1.73ubuntu4,09:06
CIA-3ubiquity: migration-assistant 0.6.5, partman-auto 89ubuntu8, partman-partitioning09:06
CIA-3ubiquity: 72ubuntu4.09:06
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4113 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.2.2209:10
DASPRiDcjwatson, morning dude09:32
cjwatsonDASPRiD: hi.  I'm going through your video and attempting to match it using some virtual disk images on an external disk.09:38
cjwatsonmay take a while.09:38
DASPRiDi hope the video helps finding the problem :)09:38
cjwatsonwe'll see09:39
aracjwatson, I uploaded the information you required for bug 56831209:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568312 in partman-iscsi "Installer fails to find a target when using authentication" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56831209:49
cjwatsonah, thank you09:51
cjwatsonApr 26 08:38:35 main-menu[335]: (process:6453): iscsiadm:09:52
cjwatsonApr 26 08:38:35 main-menu[335]: (process:6453): cannot make connection to (111)09:52
cjwatsonnetworking issue?09:52
soren111 is connection refused, isn't it?09:52
aracjwatson, networking is not the issue, as the same configuration without authentication works perfectly09:53
cjwatsonunderstood - but that's a low-level error, not subject to auth/non-auth difference, so I don't quite understand09:54
cjwatsonI'm also seeing (different) differences between auth/non-auth09:54
cjwatsonvery confusing09:55
aracjwatson, do you want me to run non-auth with "set -x" ?10:00
ara(or any other configuration)10:00
cjwatsonara: might as well, though I'm debugging something else just at the moment10:08
cjwatsonbut it can't hurt10:08
cjwatsonDASPRiD: reproduced10:08
aracjwatson, ok, will do and will attach the log to the bug report10:09
cjwatsonDASPRiD: I think I misunderstood your bug to start with; I didn't realise you were starting out with blank disk images10:09
DASPRiDheh :)10:09
DASPRiDand i thought that was clear :)10:09
cjwatsonso I guess the question is why you're allowed to have that new /boot partition marked as "keep and use existing data" *at all*10:12
cjwatsonthere's no existing data to keep!10:12
cjwatsonDASPRiD: but you said you could mount /dev/md0 while the partitioner is running10:14
cjwatsonthat doesn't seem consistent with blank disk images?10:14
DASPRiDcjwatson, uh, did i?10:15
DASPRiDi did only do what i did in the video10:15
cjwatsoner, wait, you're not the original bug reporter are you10:16
* cjwatson kind of wishes that people would file new bugs, and let us mark them as duplicates if they are :-/10:16
cjwatsonin the original bug report, it seems clear that /boot already exists10:18
cjwatsonso are you quite sure that you have the same bug?10:18
cjwatson(I'm not sure you *don't* have the same bug either - it just doesn't seem obvious)10:21
aracjwatson, Launchpad interface drives people to mark test as duplicates, rather than filing a new one, maybe that's why10:30
aracjwatson, maybe it should change that to certain packages where the maintainers prefer new bugs (xorg, linux, ubiquity...)10:31
cjwatsonara: heh, we were just having that debate in person.  my argument is that it makes sense to try to reduce duplication for crash reports, but for anything where the user types in something more descriptive themselves, they should *never* be guided towards possible existing duplicates regardless of package10:37
cjwatsonto me there's a clear difference between the desirable workflow for crash reports and for descriptive bug reports10:37
arasure, but for packages with little maintenance, maybe a duplicate makes sense10:38
araI wouldn't like to participate in a seahorse bug day (i.e.) where the main activity is marking tons of duplicates of the same bug10:39
arain that case I think that Launchpad interface works OK10:39
Shadowmancerback cjwatson10:46
cjwatsonyou missed your slot, hang on :)10:47
cjwatsonbut get me that parted output when you can?10:47
Shadowmancersure thing10:50
Shadowmancerok so i can't copy and paste the output since the computer i'm working on has no net connection10:51
Shadowmancerbut in short it see's the hdd, identifies it as primary, see's the partition table as msdos, its flagged as bootable (i did that with ubuntu) fs is fat32, and each sector size is 51210:52
cjwatsonhuh, I wasn't expecting that10:54
cjwatsonok, I will need some log files from the installer, so can you get a USB stick into it or something?10:55
cjwatsonspecifically I need /var/log/syslog and /var/log/partman10:55
Shadowmanceryeah sure thing10:55
DASPRiDcjwatson, i'm pretty sure it's the same bug, as me and the reporter experience the same symptoms10:57
cjwatsonDASPRiD: yeah, you have different situations leading up to it though10:57
cjwatsonjust as a general point, please don't assume that same symptoms => same bug10:57
cjwatsonI'll leave this as it is for now since it could well be the same thing, but the logic isn't sound that's all10:57
DASPRiDwell, as long as after a fix i can install on two blank disks, i'm fine ;)10:58
Shadowmancerwow i some how killed nautilus :P10:59
Shadowmancernow i need to command line copy10:59
Shadowmancergo me :P10:59
cjwatsonsorry to hammer on about this, but the problem is that jumping into an existing bug often actively sucks developers' time by having to try to disentangle problems10:59
cjwatsonanyway, as I say I can reproduce *your* problem, just no idea if it'll deal with the original reporter's bug so am I supposed to close the bug when I fix it or not? :P11:00
cjwatson/dev/md0 is definitely missing the ext3 magic number by the time it comes round to try to mount it, but I can see mkfs.ext3 being run11:00
cjwatsontrawling through the logs to try to figure out what else is eating it in between11:01
Shadowmancerwell the odd thing with partmans log which i checked already is that it only calls my flash drive11:03
Shadowmancerthe one the live disk is loaded into :/11:03
cjwatsonlet me do the interpretation please :)11:03
cjwatsonit's not always straightforward to interpret these logs11:04
cjwatsonso I'd rather just get the log files and look at them11:04
cjwatsonDASPRiD: hm, unfortunately /dev/md0 is (of course) mkfsed way early, so most of the partitioner's operations come between that and mount :-/11:04
Shadowmanceryeah ofcourse, would you like the ubiquity debug log?11:05
cjwatsonsure, /var/log/syslog /var/log/partman /var/log/installer/debug11:05
cjwatsonthat's all I need though, no others11:05
cjwatsonoh crap, here we go11:08
cjwatson/lib/partman/commit.d/50format_ext3: Try to create file system for /var/lib/partman/devices/=dev=md0/0-99824435111:08
cjwatson/lib/partman/init.d/49md: IN: NEW_LABEL =dev=md0 loop11:08
Shadowmancerjust put them in paste bin?11:13
cjwatsonsure, whatever11:14
cjwatsoneventually a bug report but that will do for now11:14
avelldirollHi all, i was about to fill a wishlist-bug in the launchpad for ubiquity, but i figured i would drop by here before to get some comments first - so here it is: from my point of view it would be useful to add a way to save the mbr before installing grub (it's only useful 1 out of 100 install, but when it is it saves tones of time and stress for new users). A great place for that would be an option in the "advanced" menu at step 711:15
avelldiroll in ubiquity that would wrap "dd" and allow the selection of a volume to copy it to (usb disk or whatever)11:15
avelldirollarf ... sorry for the long post11:15
cjwatsonshouldn't be done in ubiquity at all.  there's already a bug report on grub2 for it.11:15
cjwatsonand it's been brought up upstream.  there was some contention but it really ought to be fixed there.11:15
cjwatsonit certainly shouldn't have any UI in ubiquity11:16
avelldirollok thanks for the info11:16
cjwatsonI can't find the master bug report for it just now, but it's definitely been filed somewhere :)11:17
avelldirollcjwatson, no problem ... i should be able to find it :)11:18
cjwatsonnot going to change for lucid now though, sorry11:18
cjwatsonwill try to do something about it for maverick11:18
avelldirollI was not thinking about lucid ... i believe this sort of thing to be pre-alpha considerations ...11:19
Shadowmancersorry its taken so long11:23
Shadowmanceri was doing 101 things11:23
cjwatsontell me about it ...11:23
cjwatsonShadowmancer: can you run 'sudo parted_devices' and show me the output?11:25
cjwatsonShadowmancer: also, are you running the installer from the disk you're trying to install to?11:26
Shadowmanceri am using a thumb/flash drive with the installer to install to a sata hdd11:26
cjwatsonShadowmancer: ok, how about that 'sudo parted_devices' output then?11:35
Shadowmanceryeah its coming, the damn thing is going weird about the flash drive i used to transport it so i had to reboot it11:36
cjwatsonany RAID, fake-RAID, or multipath involved here?11:41
cjwatson(that you know of)11:41
avelldirolli checked the grub bugtracker ... saving the mbr has been included as a task ( http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=detailitem&item_id=27058 ) ... but the task is closed ( http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?func=detailitem&item_id=9252 ) because "Users who would know about this option should be able to use `dd' instead." ... i don't get the feeling that reporting this again would achieve anything11:42
cjwatsonit wouldn't :)11:42
cjwatsonthere's been disagreement upstream, that closure probably isn't final11:43
cjwatsonwhen I have some time I'll bring it up again11:43
avelldirollthanks ... that would ease the work of people trying to help users with tatooed laptop11:44
Shadowmancerits a single Sata hdd11:46
Shadowmancerold thing11:46
Shadowmancera few years old11:46
cjwatsonso rather than playing twenty questions, let's have you get a detailed log11:47
cjwatsonShadowmancer: please reboot, and get to the live session rather than going straight into the installer11:47
cjwatsonShadowmancer: edit /lib/partman/init.d/30parted as root - you'll find a line 'set -e' near the top, change that to 'set -ex'11:47
cjwatsonShadowmancer: then start the installer from a terminal by running 'ubiquity -d'11:48
Shadowmancersure thing11:48
cjwatsonShadowmancer: run through the installer until you reproduce the bug, then exit the installer and send me those three log files again11:48
cjwatsonShadowmancer: ok, and the other two?12:10
Shadowmancerwhich other 2?12:11
cjwatson11:48 <cjwatson> Shadowmancer: run through the installer until you reproduce the bug, then exit the installer and send me those three log files again12:11
cjwatsonI asked for three log files - /var/log/syslog, /var/log/partman, and /var/log/installer/debug12:12
cjwatsonthat pastebin item just has the third of those12:12
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4114 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-timezone.py): Correctly select the detected timezone (LP: #559647).12:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559647 in ubiquity "[Lucid] "Where are you?" screen doesn't select timezone" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55964712:13
Shadowmanceroh you want the syslog and partman log12:16
Shadowmancerdoh missed that12:16
Shadowmanceri'll get them12:16
cjwatsonDASPRiD: at this point, I can't find any evidence that this ever worked as I think it ought to, so it may not be a regression in lucid which might make it harder for me to get a fix in at this point12:21
cjwatsonDASPRiD: I think that you should be able to avoid the bug by not setting up /boot until *after* you've done the LVM setup12:21
cjwatsonDASPRiD: I'm downloading a karmic image at the moment for comparison (and will try hardy if that succeeds)12:22
Shadowmancerhrmmm partman wasn't created12:22
Shadowmancerthe partman log didn't get created i mean12:22
cjwatsonnever mind that then, just get me syslog12:22
Shadowmanceri am12:23
DASPRiDokay thanks12:24
aracjwatson, I found a minor issue with iscsi auth, but I wanted to ask you first if you fixed it in version 14. If I enter the wrong user/pass and it gives me auth error, when going back, it loops indefinitely in an error showing "No password was entered"12:29
cjwatsonyeah, I fixed that one12:30
cjwatson  * Back up to appropriate previous state after asking12:30
cjwatson    partman-iscsi/login/empty_password.12:30
cjwatsonuh, I think so anyway.  worth double-checking of course.12:31
aracjwatson, ok, I'll double check when a new ISO is available12:36
Shadowmancersorry its taking so long the damn thing crashed12:42
Shadowmancerthis computer is driving me beserk12:42
DASPRiDat least not nuts :)12:44
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4115 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity-dm debian/changelog): Don't reboot on failure if we say we're not going to.12:46
cjwatsondamn, I think this md thing actually stems from a parted change12:47
DASPRiDso it is actually a lucid one?12:48
cjwatsonpretty sure anyway12:50
Shadowmancergrrrr cjwatson i think i'll call it a night with this problem >.<13:05
Shadowmanceri got to work on other things and all its doing is giving me a headache13:06
Shadowmanceri won't be back at my mums place for a couple of weeks so maybe i can work something better out13:06
DASPRiDcjwatson, then we clearly need it fixed14:03
cjwatsonyeah, working on it14:03
CIA-3partman-md: cjwatson * r968 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog init.d/md):14:52
CIA-3partman-md: Only call NEW_LABEL on MD devices if they're empty, since with current14:52
CIA-3partman-md: parted this unconditionally clobbers the superblock (LP: #542210).14:52
CIA-3partman-md: cjwatson * r969 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog init.d/md-devices):14:52
CIA-3partman-md: Register partman-md/confirm_nooverwrite, associated with the14:52
CIA-3partman-md: partman-md/confirm template.14:52
CIA-3partman-md: cjwatson * r970 ubuntu/debian/control: Maintainer and Vcs-Bzr for Ubuntu14:52
CIA-3partman-md: cjwatson * r971 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 49ubuntu114:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542210 in debian-installer "/boot destroyed during install even when formatting disabled (alternate installer)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54221014:52
CIA-3partman-lvm: cjwatson * r1280 partman-lvm/ (debian/changelog init.d/lvm-devices):14:53
CIA-3partman-lvm: Register partman-lvm/confirm_nooverwrite, associated with the14:53
CIA-3partman-lvm: partman-lvm/confirm template.14:53
CIA-3partman-lvm: cjwatson * r1281 partman-lvm/debian/control: Maintainer and Vcs-Bzr for Ubuntu14:53
CIA-3partman-lvm: cjwatson * r1282 partman-lvm/debian/changelog: releasing version 69ubuntu114:54
CIA-3partman-crypto: cjwatson * r700 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog init.d/crypto):14:54
CIA-3partman-crypto: Register partman-crypto/confirm_nooverwrite, associated with the14:54
CIA-3partman-crypto: partman-crypto/confirm template.14:54
CIA-3partman-crypto: cjwatson * r701 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 40ubuntu514:55
lfaraoneIf somebody did the work to test etc, could we replace the Live USB tool used in Ubuntu with the one used in Fedora? (which has the advantage of being cross platform among other things)15:41
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4116 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py):16:14
CIA-3ubiquity: Always run wrap_fix in its entirety, even if the width or height16:14
CIA-3ubiquity: hasn't changed, as we may have switched text direction since the16:14
CIA-3ubiquity: last run (LP: #560114).16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560114 in ubiquity "Truncated text in Ubiquity after selecting Hebrew" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56011416:14
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4117 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog gui/gtk/stepKeyboardConf.ui):16:33
CIA-3ubiquity: Properly align keyboard_test_label, which was getting cut off in RTL16:33
CIA-3ubiquity: languages with the wrap_fix in place.16:33
evthe extended_layout stuff might finally land soon: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-April/msg00070.html16:48
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4118 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.2.2317:14
CIA-3wubi: evand * r189 trunk/ (debian/changelog src/wubi/backends/common/backend.py):18:01
CIA-3wubi: str.replace() does not do in place modification of the string18:01
CIA-3wubi: (LP: #567969).18:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567969 in wubi "Wubi's help boot cd options goes to ubiquity automatic" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56796918:01
superm1ev, dang, those fixes you made above appear to break some of the third party plugins i've got somehow vertically now. http://imagebin.org/9450418:15
superm1the regular pages were getting that in oem-config too when you maximized the window18:16
evnoted, testing now18:17
evsuperm1: remind me, is that in a public branch?18:18
superm1ev, yes18:18
evsuperm1: does this happen to fix it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/422895/18:20
evsuperm1: what page specifically in oem-config?18:21
superm1ev, the tz page18:22
superm1i'm trying to get my env back together to try that fix you posted right now18:22
evokay, thanks18:22
superm1http://imagebin.org/94506 yeah that fixes the one label it looks like18:24
superm1so i might just have to adjust a bunch of them with that similar change18:24
evhrm, I cannot reproduce the timezone page thing18:28
evcjwatson: is still trying though18:28
evconfirmed when I switch to simplified Chinese18:34
cjwatsonif it's only when the window is maximised, I don't think it's worth a respin at this point18:38
cjwatsonso far I can only make it happen in zh_CN, but only when maximised, and the page should be intelligible without that anyway18:42
superm1once i make it happen in zh_CN and switch back to english english is messed up too from what i saw so far19:18
superm1but yeah zh_CN was the easiest to reproduce it with19:18
superm1ev, cjwatson so i'm still seeing other core pages get cut off when you switch locales though too; for example german user page: http://imagebin.org/9453420:55
evsuperm1: for what it's worth, the german text getting cut off on the user setup page existed before my recent changes, I was just unable to reproduce it22:09
* ev digs for the bug22:09
ubottuError: Ubuntu bug 5688851 not found22:12
persiabug #56885122:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568851 in hexwars "Deleting BITMAPs results in segfault" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56885122:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 568885 in ubiquity "ubiquity unable to read an option" [Undecided,New]22:14
persiaAh :)22:15
superm1ev, ah.  too bad :(22:52

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