
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
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=== Vish is now known as vish
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* vish pokes Pici .. any news on -artwork ? not sure how the ircc process works :s18:53
Picivish: I'm trying to remember what we decided, sorry just been busy lately.19:07
vishPici: sure , let me know when you remember :)19:07
Picivish: I remembered!  Now I'm just looking for a freenode staffer.19:14
vishcool.. :D19:14
marienzPici: found one yet?19:21
Picimarienz: Nope ;)19:22
marienzPici: what do you need?19:22
Picimarienz: Could you please assign +votsriRfAF to kwwii in #ubuntu-artwork?19:22
Picimarienz: Thanks19:24
Picivish: We've given kwwii the proper rights on the channel so that he can add new operators as he sees fit.19:30
vishPici: neat thanks19:30
vishPici: just a followup... spoke to kwwii , now that we are directing more traffic to -artwork , he'll be checking the Mark and setting up the rules for the channel and stuff first19:50
vishchecking with*19:51
Picivish: Thats fine.  He has full control of the channel now.19:51
vishPici: thanks for getting that done..19:52
Picivish: Thanks for reminding me that it had to get done19:52
ZykoticK9Wondering if anyone has a suggestion, for what to do when a Lucid Launch Party was added to the wiki page (that has now been super-seeded/removed) and there is no LoCo for the location, to add to the LoCo Directory?22:33
drubinZykoticK9: that isn't exactly ubuntu-irc related22:49
ZykoticK9drubin, agreed but it was suggested in #offtopic that I ask here - so I blindly complied.  Sorry for the incorrect post.22:50
m4vZykoticK9: maybe you're looking for #ubuntu-locos?22:50
nhandlerm4v: You mean #ubuntu-locoteams22:51
m4vyeah, I noticed :P22:51
drubinye that is the one.22:51
ubot2In #ubuntu-br, Pskol said: !no pskol is Test23:05
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