
crazybytejjohansen, hello! may i get on your nerves for a short time?07:56
jjohansencrazybyte: sure07:57
crazybytethanks :)07:57
crazybytewell, could you suggest where to try to submit bug report or send a mail got get some pointers on the bug i submitted. to be honest it starts to piss me off. If I use the karmic kernel is oopses even before resume if I use the lucid kernel it oopses only after resume but I can't be sure about that08:00
crazybyteif i try to compile a kernel or try another distro would possibly solve the issue? could this be due to some ubuntu patches or it's a general issue from what you know?08:02
crazybytejjohansen, could it be that the APIC is reenabled on resume and causes the oopses (due to something) ?08:04
jjohansencrazybyte: it sounds like a general issue but trying another kernel might solve it08:04
jjohansencrazybyte: no, it is likely broken bios not setting something correctly08:04
jjohansencrazybyte: from a terminal type ubuntu-bug linux08:05
jjohansenthat will run through the apport hooks to open a kernel bug, file it against lucid08:05
crazybytejjohansen, yeah. like i said some time ago. i had issues with the bios but they were solved from what i see in the newest kernels but instead of that issue now i have this which is most disturbing08:05
crazybytejjohansen, in most cases the only thing i can do is to force reboot using magic key08:06
jjohansenhrmm, wait, don't open a new bug :)08:06
crazybytebecause after that oops a chain of oopses follow08:06
crazybytei have the bug already in launchpad08:06
jjohansenyeah, sorry I was thinking about something else08:07
crazybyteno problem. i also tried disabling the smp thinking that the bug is related to what i had in hardy, but without any luck it died after a few resumes08:07
jjohansencrazybyte: you have the lp bug # handy08:09
crazybyteone sec08:09
crazybytejjohansen, 56517208:09
crazybytejjohansen, i will try a vanilla kernel tonight and see what happens. the kernels from kernel.ubuntu.com are vanilla or they have already the ubuntu patches applied?08:13
jjohansencrazybyte: ubuntu patches, but we have a mainline build ppa08:14
crazybytei see08:15
crazybytethank you!08:15
crazybyte i will try and come back later08:15
crazybytejjohansen, btw the addresses i mentioned where the kernel paging fails are the used by user applications.08:16
crazybytethey are not used by the kernel or some modules (you remember i asked how to find out what is using those addresses)08:16
crazybytesee you later (or annoy you later if i may joke about it)08:17
crazybytethanks again08:17
jjohansencrazybyte: right, that is interesting I'll look through the bug again and refresh my memory08:17
Kanohi apw , could you commit this10:13
Kanowill be in anyway10:13
apwKano, we'll be pulling in the stable update shortly after release i would think10:17
Kanowell .12 is not out ,but that little commit will not hurt, it just fixes one laptop10:18
Kanotested from .32 to .3410:19
Kanomaybe even older kernels possible, just not tested10:19
apwwelll the kernel won't change before then anyhow10:22
Kanodoes not matter, i use git10:22
Kanoi patch it currently on my own10:22
Kanoi still dont get why you never commited http://kanotix.com/files/kernel/unused-patches/2.6.30-ubuntu-copy-ieee1394-header-for-dvb.patch10:24
Kanobecause without those headers you never can compilie full dvb drivers from external sources, you have to disable firewire drivers all the time10:25
aboganiKano: I'm just curious: DO you have already sent that patch upstream?10:28
Kanoabogani: i mentioned it definitely here when i began to compile my own kernels with it. i just hate to repeat myself all the time.10:30
aboganiKano: Ok, sorry.10:31
hyperairwho can i talk to about apparmor here? (trying to merge in apparmor into the mainline kernel)14:08
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smbhyperair, jjohansen but I am not sure he is awake right now14:21
hyperairsmb: thanks. i think i had the wrong branch in any case =p14:21
* hyperair tries a different branch14:21
hyperairit builds!!14:22
JFoakgraner, if you see Rikki online, will you tell her to sync up in here with me if she has questions on bug 56701614:35
ubot3Malone bug 567016 in linux "Wireless won't work on Lenovo Thinkpad T510" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56701614:35
JFoplease and thank you14:35
akgranerJFo, will do  - she is rarely on IRC  - are you on FB or gtalk at all?14:36
JFonot to where I would work with someone on a bug :)14:36
JFoI gave her a pile of instruction14:36
JFobut I wanted to be sure she could ping me with any issues14:37
akgranerJFo, gotcha'  let me tell her  - Thanks14:37
JFok, thank you14:37
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akgranerJFo, she is looking at it now and is going to try your instructions15:00
JFook cool15:00
JFoI'm here if she needs me15:00
akgranerJFo, ping15:46
JFoakgraner, pong15:47
akgranerJFo, rikkikite 's here and she has questions15:47
JFooh hey rikkikite :)15:48
JFothanks akgraner 15:48
akgranerJFo, one sec she doesn't have voice - we are registering her nick now15:49
JFoah, ok15:50
akgraneryeah if you don't use a reg nick you can't talk in here15:58
apwakgraner, we're working on sorting that out15:58
JFoi forgot about that15:58
akgranerJFo, so did I15:58
akgraner:-) 15:59
akgranerand I got ban from here one day and accused pgraner of all sorts of not so nice things15:59
bjfakgraner, look forward to seeing you at uds-m :-)16:01
akgranerbjf, likewise16:01
akgranerand I have questions for you16:01
akgranerputting together interview list now16:01
bjfakgraner, being a kernel guy my answers are all "no" and "that's a userspace issue"16:02
akgraner*sigh* I seem to have heard that one before16:02
JFoyou should hear what he says to me when i tell him about arsenal script breakages16:03
bjfJFo, have you ever heard me answer differently?16:03
JFoheh, nope16:03
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akgranerI just say  - uh wrong graner and send them to the other one - just to see if pete's vocabulary has improved :-D  It hasn't16:07
pgranerakgraner: go away your distracting hard working folk16:10
* akgraner sighs seeeeeee Have a great day y'all! 16:10
* akgraner waves bye16:11
JFoso stupid question:16:23
JFo<JFo> ok looks good16:23
JFo<JFo> hmmm16:23
JFo<JFo> one sec16:23
JFo* JFo goes to look at something16:23
JFo<JFo> ok, looks like you will need another package16:23
JFo<JFo> linux-image-2.6.32-22-386_2.6.32-22.33~lp56701616:23
JFo<JFo> for 386 or amd 64, whichever you are using16:23
JFo<rikkikite> ok, not seeing the amd6416:23
JFo<JFo> are you using an i386 machine?16:23
JFo<JFo> if so, you won't need the amd64 ones16:23
JFo<rikkikite> when I tried to run the i386 earlier, it told me I'm on an amd6416:23
JFo<rikkikite> :-)16:23
JFo<JFo> run uname -a and paste here16:23
JFoI hate this irc client16:23
JFowrong grab16:23
JFo(Reading database ... 156192 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to replace linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic 2.6.32-22.33~lp567016 (using linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic_2.6.32-22.33~lp567016_amd64.deb) ... Unpacking replacement linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic ... dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic:  linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic depends on linux-headers-2.6.32-22; 16:23
JFothere isn't another headers package that I see under amd6416:24
JFo<-missing something obvious16:24
JFoand what is kernel-image-2.6.32-22-generic-di_2.6.32-22.33/16:25
* bjf[afk] is back17:21
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bjfJFo, is it intrepid that we quit supporting at the end of May?17:33
JFosorry I was away bjf 18:51
JFohad a phone call that I've just finished18:51
JFotook much longer than I'd planned18:51
maxbCan anyone hint me what 'NVRM: Xid (0002:00): 13, 0001 00000000 0000502d 000008dc 00000000 00000040' in dmesg might indicate, after what might be a GPU crash?19:04
bjfbryceh, ^ ?19:08
brycehbjf, dunno, looks like some hex numbers printed to syslog19:10
brycehmaybe scan the kernel code for the line that prints it out, for more context19:10
bjfbryceh, ok, was just asking incase you'd run accross it before19:11
JFobjf, any idea on my question around deb dependency from above: (Reading database ... 156192 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to replace linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic 2.6.32-22.33~lp567016 (using linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic_2.6.32-22.33~lp567016_amd64.deb) ... Unpacking replacement linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic ... dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic:  linux-headers-2.6.32-219:11
JFo2-generic depends on linux-headers-2.6.32-22; 19:11
JFoit is on amd6419:11
JFoand I don't see a deb for just linux-headers-2.6.32-2 under there19:11
JFoerr -22*19:11
bjfJFo, where were you trying to pull that amd64 deb from?19:13
JFofrom Tim's PPA19:14
JFobjf, https://edge.launchpad.net/~timg-tpi/+archive/ppa/+build/170467819:14
bjfJFo, url?19:14
bjfJFo, :-)19:14
bjfJFo, I don't see anything obviously wrong19:16
JFodunno why it says there is a dependency19:16
JFoahttps://edge.launchpad.net/~timg-tpi/+archive/ppa/+build/1704678nd I don't have any H/W to test on that is 64 bit19:16
* JFo scratches out his touchpad19:17
bjfJFo,  let me give it a try19:22
JFowhat is a generic-di image?19:22
bjfdon't know19:23
bjfgood thing we work here or this could be confusing19:23
JFoI know :)19:23
bjfJFo, ran into same error, looking at it19:27
JFok, thanks bjarkef 19:27
JFobjf i mean19:27
JFome tab-complete fails19:28
JFoand now slash fail19:28
JFoI give up19:28
bjfJFo, i have an idea, but I don't understand exactly what is going on, am testing19:31
JFook, thanks for looking bjf19:32
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bjfJFo, I think the issue is because tgardner built that image with a newer abi, the dependency hasn't been released yet I don't think19:38
JFoI see19:38
JFothat makes sense19:38
bjfJFo, i think it's all got to do with where we are in the release19:38
JFoso we can't use that image19:38
bjfJFo, we can use the image, it installed and the headers installed as well, just with the warning/error19:39
JFooh, so it worked19:39
bjfJFo, the image booted just fine for me but I probably don't have the HW that is being tested19:39
JFoare you comfortable with me having her reboot? :)19:41
MTecknologyhyperair: you want me to bug people here?19:44
hyperairMTecknology: well they'd know more about initrds, in any case =D19:45
MTecknologyI'm booting without any initrd. So initramfs-tools seems pretty pointless. Is there any reason that seemingly half the packages in the system have a dependency on it?19:45
MTecknologyhyperair: btw.. The number one complaint I've heard about Ubuntu is that we 'take away choice' I'm on a personal mission to rip that theory to shreds. I could go repackage each one of those packages and check out the code and the Depends: and change to Suggests: or go about it other wasy. But I'd rather see it there are better options19:48
hyperairMTecknology: good luck with that. our dear dictator is on a mission to take away choice.19:48
hyperairMTecknology: i'm talking about all the ux-stupidity that's getting implemented, without a choice to disable it19:49
* hyperair mumbles something about update-manager spawning in my face19:50
MTecknologyhyperair: oh, user interface?19:50
hyperairbut this is off-topic in this channel.19:50
JFouser what? :-)19:50
hyperairyes, user interface.19:50
hyperairinter face.19:50
hyperairin between faces.19:50
hyperair(^_^)<--- this space is called the interface ---> (^_^)19:51
* hyperair goes back to studying19:51
MTecknologyhyperair: lol.. I like what's being done with the UI; You're still free to change it. I need to run off for a little bit.19:52
azophyperair: which dictator are you refering to?19:53
hyperairazop: the self-proclaimed benevolent one.19:54
hyperairself appointed benevolent dictator for life.19:54
azopsurely not Mark19:54
hyperair*S*elf *A*ppointed *B*enevolent *D*ictator *F*or *L*ife.19:55
hyperairyes, I mean Mark.19:55
MTecknologyhyperair: I like mark, nice guy, never talked to him face to face though20:00
hyperairMTecknology: well don't get me wrong, i don't hate him or anything, it's just that i don't like some of the things he does. notify-osd was awesome, but removing tooltips, making update-manager spawn in your face, etc weren't20:01
MTecknologyI don't have update-manager installed on here20:03
MTecknologyI have 528 packages installed - and I want to remove some of them20:03
JFoakgraner, what we discussed earlier... you are20:38
JFoerrr akgraner_n900 20:38
macohere only some airports do and they can do a patdown instead of nekkid machine if you request20:58
macodarned irc client :P that was talking about the millimeter wave airport machines20:58
MTecknologymaco: nekkid?21:34
macoMTecknology: the millimetre wave machines in airports show the airport security what you look like through your clothes21:35
macolike x-ray glasses in cartoons that see through clothes but not through skin21:35
MTecknologymaco: google doesn't seem to know about nekkid machines..21:36
macoMTecknology: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millimeter_wave_scanner21:37
MTecknologyheh.. that's awkward21:38
MTecknologyHow could I build an extra kernel module into the kernel itself?21:42
MTecknologysay, the vbox modules..21:42
dupondjeIs it possible to get somewhere an older kernel version? I suspect regression between -18 and now21:56
persiadupondje: There's bundles of kernel versions in launchpad, but each is for a different release, so may or may not work well against a given userspace stack.21:57
persiadupondje: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux21:57
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dupondjehad a really annoying bug that cifs mount seems to not fluently give data22:01
dupondjewhen playing music from a cifs mount, it skips from time to time. Suddenly it was fixed, and yesterday I noticed it was back22:01
rackerhackerjjohansen: question about linux-ec2 + lucid when you get time22:01
bjfdupondje, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/22:02
dupondjebjf: thats only 1 per version ?22:03
dupondjesee only 1 2.6.32 ..22:03
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/508930 => maby somebody has other idea's ? :)22:04
ubot3Malone bug 508930 in linux "CIFS mount is offline every x minutes/seconds" [Undecided,Invalid] 22:04
bjfdupondje, so it is.. let me look around22:05
bjfdupondje, is it an ubuntu bug or do you think it is in mainline as well? there are some mainline kernes built at: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/22:10
dupondjeI don't know, but lets check that :)22:17
JanCMTecknology: modules are not in the kernel but external to it, otherwise they aren't modules?  ;)22:20
MTecknologyJanC: ya.. the terms between =M and =Y confuse me22:21
jjohansenrackerhacker: okay shoot22:24
rackerhackerjjohansen: is there a particular linux-ec2 kernel version you are normally using with lucid?22:25
rackerhacker2.6.32.9 works acceptably, but ureadahead & plymouth throw out some interesting errors at boot22:25
rackerhackerso far, it appears to be just cosmetic22:25
jjohansenyeah .9 is the latest22:27
rackerhackeralrighty, well it seems to work ;)22:28
rackerhackeri wasn't sure if y'all had tossed it on ec2 yet22:28
jjohansenwhat are the errors you are seeing with ureadahead and plymouth?22:28
jjohansenI haven't loooked at that at all recently, but last I remember we were going to disable ureadahead for virtual installs, because the ureadahead buffer can be as large as the vms memory22:30
WazzzaaaFor reporting a bug I want to test an upstream kernel from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/MainlineBuilds  But I don't know which I need to download. uname -a gives me: 2.6.31-20 any ideas?22:38
Ngwould it be preferred that I comment on bug #563277 or open a new bug for an i855 laptop which works with -19, but gets KMS wrong and seems to entirely lock up while starting X with -21?22:39
ubot3Malone bug 563277 in linux "Please blacklist older 8xx cards from using KMS" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56327722:39
NgI'm trying to dig out an i386 deb of -20 now to see what that makes of it22:39
rackerhackerjjohansen: i can make a paste for you if you want22:46
Ngyeah -20 works fine, so it's looking like the blacklist22:46
jjohansenrackerhacker: sure22:46
* Ng wonders what on earth the resolution to that is. some crashes without blacklisting, or some non-booting with it22:47
rackerhackerjjohansen: i'll have it ready in a few moments22:49
rackerhackerjjohansen: http://pastie.org/93628422:51
jjohansenrackerhacker: what is the memory size of the vm22:52
rackerhackermy knowledge of ureadahead is relatively limited22:54
jjohansenrackerhacker: alright I'll need to poke some as I didn't do the changes for ureadahead and plymouth, but those error messages are likely to be how ureadahead is being "disabled"22:55
rackerhackerno rush as it appears to be cosmetic at this time22:55
rackerhackerif you want an environment to play around with, give me a shout and you'll get one22:55
rackerhackeri'll be in california for the xen summit for the rest of the week, but i'll check my email pretty often22:56
jjohansenbasically, since ureadahead uses a large kernel ftrace buffer small memory vm's where running out of memory and couldn't boot22:56
rackerhackerlet me see if it happens on a bigger instance22:56
rackerhackeryeah, exact same output on a 2GB i386 lucid install22:58
rackerhackeri left ureadahead + plymouth as stock from the debootstrap22:58
rackerhackerthis may very well be the wrong forum to bring up these issues, so just redirect me if so22:58
jjohansenrackerhacker: well I'll poke for a bit as I just don't know yet22:59
rackerhackersounds good, i'll be happy to submit a formal bug report later on if you need it23:00
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