
godbykI knew if I waited long enough to sit down in front of my computer that everyone wanting my help would give up and leave.  Mwuhahaha!01:19
humphreybcgodbyk: ping03:20
godbykhumphreybc: pong.03:22
godbykhumphreybc: 'bout time you got online.  have you seen the ubuntu docs mailing list today?03:23
humphreybcubuntu manual install guide or something03:23
humphreybcsorry i've been busy recording podcast, sleeping, then finding out Joey's end didn't record03:23
godbykno worries.03:23
godbykoh, wow!03:23
humphreybcanyway, we're getting pretty close to release03:23
godbykso you have to re-record it all?03:23
humphreybcmaybe :S03:23
humphreybcso how's the cover art going from thorwil?03:24
humphreybcand the website stuff?03:24
godbykI haven't heard anything about the website for a while and haven't seen daker online.03:25
* humphreybc curses 03:25
godbykthorwil's currently fighting with inkscape to get it to convert the cover to a PDF without munging it in the process.03:25
humphreybcokay. looks like our review quotes never eventuated, i only got one from jono03:25
godbyk'kay. maybe we'll use those in future editions then.03:26
humphreybcwe need to get it up on lulu.com asap03:26
godbykI'm still going through and rearranging the margin notes a bit (so they align more nicely).03:26
godbykbut I'll be posting it all to lulu.com as soon as I can.03:26
humphreybcwhat's thorwil's email?03:28
godbykhumphreybc: t_w_@freenet.de03:28
humphreybcok i just sent an email off to Iain, he should get it tomorrow and hopefully email the SVG straight to thorwil03:29
humphreybcfor the Ubuntu logo03:29
godbykwhere do you think it should go on the cover?03:29
humphreybcoh I see, some people are actually interested in the installation guide, in a different thread03:29
humphreybchave you got the link to the cover design he gave us?03:30
godbyklet me look03:30
godbykhumphreybc: http://www.foopics.com/showfull/fddac3455a98dbeffde57cd44c16354303:31
humphreybcmaybe the bottom left corner, underneath the circle of friends wave03:31
humphreybcso it would be the same place as "The Ubuntu Manual Team" but mirrored03:31
godbykI think he's wrestling with the UMP logo.  Inkscape keeps barfing on it.03:31
godbykSo right-aligned on that same line?  Just 'ubuntu*'?03:32
humphreybcleft aligned03:32
humphreybcit'll be on the left side of the back cover03:32
humphreybcon the same line as "The Ubuntu Manual Team"03:32
humphreybclined up with the main text on the back03:32
godbykso "The Ubuntu Manual Team" should be right-aligned then?03:33
humphreybcthat should stay how it is03:33
humphreybcno no03:33
* godbyk is confused.03:33
humphreybcI mean "The Ubuntu Manual Team" wording on the FRONT cover03:33
godbykIf you want them on the same line, you either get "Team ... Logo" or "Logo ... Team"03:33
humphreybcno no03:33
humphreybcdw, i'll slap in a placeholder thing in a minute03:33
godbykI see what you mean.03:33
humphreybcthen I'll email it to thorwil03:34
godbykYou want it at the very bottom of the page.03:34
godbykI'll let you guys figure out the cover.03:34
godbyk(I've got plenty of others details to fret over. :-))03:34
humphreybclol ok03:34
humphreybcand if you see daker, he needs to move the site over asap03:35
humphreybcand he needs to make sure when that countdown timer hits zero, it switches over to the main front page with download links and big stars and things with links to buy the copy on lulu.com03:35
godbykhe also apparently needs to fix the font stack. Ilya says the main font looks really bad under Windows.03:35
godbykfurther, I don't know if he's created the download tracking scripts and forms yet.03:36
godbykmaybe you should email him all this.03:36
godbyk(I haven't seen him in here for a few days.)03:36
r2q2I'm zitterbewegung on ubuntu-docs05:26
godbykHey, r2q2. How's it going?05:27
r2q2Its going good05:27
r2q2Can't wait till 10.0405:27
humphreybconly a few days now!05:28
godbykI could use a little more time.  (I'm still tweaking the manual a bit.)05:28
hemanthhumphreybc, i was a part of first p2pu courses on open web mashups, i gave the like and invited few Mozilla drumbeat team members to Ubuntu manual project, lets see how will they respond :)05:28
humphreybcheh nice05:28
* hemanth whereis ubuntujunkie 05:29
godbykhemanth: he's offline at the moment.05:29
godbykhe disappeared about 6 hours ago.05:29
hemanthgodbyk,ya noticed he was not online, so threw a whereis query ;)05:30
godbykhemanth: he just said, 'night all o/' and went offline.05:30
godbykso he's probably sleeping.05:30
hemantho ok :)05:31
humphreybcwhat does o/ mean?05:32
hemanthhumphreybc, bye symbol, o=>head, /=>hand, its like waving05:33
* hemanth hands up \o/ lol05:38
godbykHey, everyone.  Here's the final draft for the US English edition: http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-final-draft.pdf07:05
godbykCould you give it a final look before I upload it to lulu?07:06
godbykAt this point, I'm just fixing minor typos, layout bugs, etc.07:06
godbykHey, ubuntujenkins. http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-final-draft.pdf07:06
godbykubuntujenkins: Here's the final draft for the US English edition: http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-final-draft.pdf07:06
ubuntujenkinshello godbyk and everyone else07:06
godbykYou showed up just in time. :)07:06
ubuntujenkinsin time for what?07:07
godbykto help proofread the final draft.07:07
ubuntujenkinsI have just noticed the rouding is wrond on some of the window buttons07:12
godbykI have no idea what you just said.07:13
ubuntujenkinslook at page 21 and the minimize button of the first slide  window it should be rounded both sides07:14
ubuntujenkinsfixing it now07:15
godbykubuntujenkins: aha. I see what you mean.07:18
godbykHey, IlyaHaykinson.07:18
ubuntujenkinshello IlyaHaykinson07:18
godbykIlyaHaykinson: Here's the final draft for the US English edition: http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-final-draft.pdf  Let me know if you notice any final tweaks I need to make.07:19
=== IlyaHaykinson1 is now known as IlyaHaykinson_
godbykIdentity crisis, IlyaHaykinson_? :)07:22
IlyaHaykinson_connection issues07:22
IlyaHaykinson_well, no; patching a driver caused my wifi connection to bounce; upon reconnecting, freenode thought the no-underscore account was still around07:23
godbykI'm hoping my connection issues are a thing of the past.  Time will tell.07:23
IlyaHaykinson_anyways, i think i found us a researcher07:23
godbykA researcher?07:23
IlyaHaykinson_my friend does user research for a living.07:23
IlyaHaykinson_mainly for UI07:23
IlyaHaykinson_but she knows how to run user groups07:24
IlyaHaykinson_and basically do qualitative research07:24
IlyaHaykinson_and may be able to help us with quantitative too07:24
godbyk(I do that sort of thing, too, but I'd probably have to jump through IRB hoops to do anything.)07:24
godbykIlyaHaykinson_: did you get the pdf link?07:25
IlyaHaykinson_you work for a college?07:25
godbykI'm a grad student.07:25
IlyaHaykinson_PDF link, no.07:26
godbykIlyaHaykinson_: Here's the final draft for the US English edition: http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-final-draft.pdf  Let me know if you notice any final tweaks I need to make.07:26
IlyaHaykinson_ok, let me review07:26
godbykThey get a bit testy about doing studies without prior approval.  And approval takes forever 'cause they're so backlogged.07:26
IlyaHaykinson_question.. what happened to the mozilla docs authors?07:27
IlyaHaykinson_we used to have them credited by name.07:27
IlyaHaykinson_i think we still need to.07:27
godbykIlyaHaykinson_: Hmm.. yeah, if they're not there, they should be.07:27
godbykI think that's that list humphreybc gave me a while back.07:28
godbykI think there's a ton of stuff missing from the credits section, frankly.07:28
IlyaHaykinson_such as?07:29
godbykWell, I think there are a huge number of translators we need to include at some point.07:30
godbykAnd I think there's a mechanism for doing it, but it won't be ready for this first edition.07:31
IlyaHaykinson_hm, there's no way in the PDF to go to the title page or TOC07:31
IlyaHaykinson_i don't think there's anything that we can do here, right?07:31
IlyaHaykinson_i see.07:31
godbykAlso, I have no idea what material in the manual was written originally for this project and which was lifted from other docs. And I don't know what licenses those other docs may have had, but some may need to be cited.07:31
IlyaHaykinson_well, hence the mozilla note07:32
IlyaHaykinson_it was a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license07:32
godbykwhat do you mean there's no way to go to the toc of title page?07:32
IlyaHaykinson_i don't think there was a lot of other lifting07:32
godbykI'm hoping there wasn't.07:32
IlyaHaykinson_we couldn't lift any GNOME docs because they are GFDL07:32
IlyaHaykinson_which is not compatible07:32
IlyaHaykinson_i mean in the PDF bookmarks list, there's no shortcut to the title page or TOC07:32
godbykoh, gotcha.07:32
IlyaHaykinson_while there is a shortcut for each chapter07:32
godbykI think I can manually add pdf bookmarks. I'll look into it.07:32
IlyaHaykinson_and here is one that's weird07:34
IlyaHaykinson_on windows, copy/paste into word has issues07:34
IlyaHaykinson_digraphs like "ck" show up as a box07:34
godbykIlyaHaykinson_: yeah, I think the digraphs are stored in the private-use area of the typeface and latex isn't storing the decomposed characters in the pdf.07:37
godbykit probably prevents searching for words with ligatures and/or digraphs, too.07:38
IlyaHaykinson_i.e. a search for "check" only yields results in the margin, titles, or monospaced font07:40
godbykI'll add that to my list of things to look into for the next edition.07:40
godbykI think there's some low-level fiddling that can be done to help with that, but I've never done it before.07:40
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: just pushed rev 811 which has the fixed images in07:41
manualbothttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/revision/811 | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual -r 81107:41
godbykubuntujenkins: thanks, I'll get those merged into my branch and upload a fresh pdf soon.07:42
ubuntujenkinskk I am not sure how i missed that before.07:42
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: have you tried the ppa?07:43
humphreybcsorry, nope i haven't yet07:43
ubuntujenkinsI think you will like it :-)07:44
ubuntujenkinsthe name does give it away but still07:44
godbykHey, humphreybc.  Can you check this pdf http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-final-draft.pdf and make sure I have all the credits right as per your email? Also, did I remove the Mozilla credits or did you? Either way, they need to be in there.07:48
humphreybcokay okay07:48
humphreybci'm going to make some dinner in a sec07:48
godbykIlyaHaykinson_: I've added pdf bookmarks for the title page and the TOC.07:49
godbykany others?07:50
IlyaHaykinson_i think it looks great!07:52
IlyaHaykinson_really proud of this manual07:52
IlyaHaykinson_i can definitely see a lot of rough areas, and a lot of fraying around the edges, but it's a heck of a lot closer to a professional book than anything else07:53
godbykyeah. I'm hoping we can clean those rough edges up for the second edition.07:54
IlyaHaykinson_i've often considered the concept of a community-written book to be theoretical at best (cf. Wikibooks), but this has turned out to be really great.07:54
godbykIlyaHaykinson_, and ubuntujenkins: I've uploaded a fresh copy of the PDF. Can you check the screenshots and PDF bookmarks?07:54
IlyaHaykinson_i'm definitely ordering myself a lulu copy for my bookshelf :)07:54
godbykI think it's worked fairly well.  I think the Maverick will be a cake walk compared to what we've gone through for this first release.07:55
godbykWe'll Have the vast majority of the infrastructure in place (and a lot of the text, too).07:55
IlyaHaykinson_godbyk: hopefully. though i do think we have a lot of work aftre we do some research07:55
IlyaHaykinson_but yes, definitely helpful beyond belief to have the infrastrucutre there07:55
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: I don't think the link has updated yet07:56
godbykIlyaHaykinson_: I agree. I want to know what the actual sticking points are for people.07:56
IlyaHaykinson_can you move the PDF bookmark above the Contents chapter header?07:56
IlyaHaykinson_right now it points below it.07:56
godbykI tried.07:56
godbykIf I move it before the header, then it goes to the previous page.07:56
godbykIf I get time, I'll dig deeper into the underlying macros and see where the best spot for it is.07:56
godbykBut at the level of \tableofcontents, that's the best I can do.07:57
godbykThe TOC bookmark name will get translated automatically, but the front cover one won't.07:57
IlyaHaykinson_ok, no worries. this is good enough.07:57
godbykI'll have to talk to dutchie and see if we can make a list of random strings for the translators to translate outside of the .tex files.07:58
* ubuntujenkins now has a new version07:58
IlyaHaykinson_besides, we don't really have a lot of translations :)07:58
godbykI'm not worried about the translations at all right now.07:58
godbykI'm just trying to perfect this English version as much as possible before I upload it to lulu.07:58
IlyaHaykinson_should we wait for Lucid to actually drop? just in case they added some last minute change?07:59
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: look at page 51 the figure number is covered by a picture07:59
godbyknah.. if they do that, we'll catch it for the second edition.08:00
godbykI think the translators already hate me. :)08:00
godbykubuntujenkins: good catch. let me see if I can fix that.08:00
* godbyk needs a faster computer for compiling this manual.08:01
IlyaHaykinson_should we really expose someone's email address here in thde screenshot08:02
godbykprobably not.  is it a real account?08:03
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: IlyaHaykinson_ they were suppose to use quickshot@ubuntu-manual.org08:04
ubuntujenkinsI need to run be back in 20 mins08:04
ubuntujenkinsI can do a new one in a few hours as I ahve lectures and stuff08:04
IlyaHaykinson_ok, thanks08:04
godbykcool. thanks, ubuntujenkins08:05
godbykhey, thorwil!08:05
godbykjoin the party.08:05
godbykwe're going over the final draft of the English edition with a fine-toothed comb before I upload it to lulu.08:05
godbykubuntujenkins: I fixed the caption overrun bug on page 51.08:06
IlyaHaykinson_godbyk: no more problems on my side. at least nothing for lucid-e1 ;-)08:07
godbyk'kay, thanks, IlyaHaykinson_08:07
IlyaHaykinson_gonna log for the night. super sleepy.08:07
godbykI'm holding you to it!08:07
godbyk"IlyaHaykinson_ said it was error-free!"08:08
godbyksee ya08:08
thorwilgodbyk: if i can't drive out this gremlin of an export/rendering bug, i'll have to turn the UM logo into a bitmap for the lulu cover. or drop it entirely08:08
IlyaHaykinson_ah, but as long as it's IlyaHaykinson_ then we can just blame any errors on the underscore08:08
godbykthorwil: yeah, I was going to suggest trying that as a last-resort.08:08
godbykIlyaHaykinson_: lol08:08
IlyaHaykinson_ok, bye folks. i'll probably have lunch or coffee with my researcher friend, get her to join the group, and then we'll take it from there.08:09
IlyaHaykinson_godbyk, hopefully you can at the very least provide some input into the process since you have experience.08:09
IlyaHaykinson_l8r folks08:09
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: I ate my breakfast really quick the fix is in lucid-e108:21
godbykubuntujenkins: what fix?08:21
ubuntujenkinsand ran back from it08:21
ubuntujenkinsfor the screenshot08:21
godbykwhich screenshot08:21
godbykoh, the email one?08:21
ubuntujenkins03-evolution-enter-password.png page 66 , yep08:22
godbykokay, cool.  I'll pull it across.08:22
godbykI uploaded a new pdf and fixed the overlapping caption/figure if you want to take a look.08:22
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: can you make the caption show underneath and not on top? All the big ones have the caption underneath08:29
godbykubuntujenkins: not when it's aligned on the bottom of the page.08:30
ubuntujenkinskk fair enough08:30
godbyktechnically, of course, the answer is 'yeah, I could do that', but I can't do it using the existing \screenshot command.  it abstracts away the lower-level commands I'd need to pull that off.08:31
ubuntujenkinsit doen't matter that much i am juts being picky :)08:32
humphreybcokay, i'm back08:32
humphreybcwhat do I need to look at?08:32
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: there is no facebook evetn for the release08:32
humphreybcwhat else do i need to look at? PPA? godbyk did you have something?08:36
godbykhumphreybc: credits08:36
godbykand, y'know, everything else in the manual.08:36
humphreybclol ok08:36
godbykfinal editing/tweaks.08:36
godbykI'm going to go bake some cookies, I think.  I'll be back in about 20 minutes or so.08:37
godbykFeel free to leaves messages here of things I need to fix.08:37
godbykI'd like to get all of it wrapped up so I can upload it to hulu.08:37
humphreybcgodbyk, are we sticking with brick red for hyperlinks? Can we *please* change it to aubergine?08:44
godbykDepends on how it looks in print, I suppose.08:44
humphreybcdark aubergine will be fine I think08:45
ubuntujenkinsI am off to lectures. If anyone wants me please leave me a message and i will  get back asap08:45
godbykhumphreybc: go find me the official aubergine color values and I'll see how it looks.08:47
humphreybcgodbyk, page 98 there is a yellow warning thing which has "Legal Notice Patent and...." I think it should be "Legal Notice: Patent and..."08:47
godbykhumphreybc: what chapter is that in?08:47
humphreybcWorking with Ubuntu, 308:47
humphreybcthorwil, did you get my email?08:49
godbykbah.  I just removed some extra line spacing after the section headings in the credits chapter so I wouldn't have an orphaned section heading.08:49
godbykthat made things look nicer, but now it's a different section heading being orphaned.08:49
godbykif humphreybc tells me the credits contain all they're meant to contains, I'll add a manual page break and be done with it.08:49
* humphreybc checks the credits08:50
thorwilhumphreybc: yes. you got lucky by putting the logo in a reasonable place. else i would rip you head off now, for daring to step into my field ;P08:50
humphreybcthorwil: LOL08:50
humphreybcIain should be emailing you the SVG for the logo in the next couple of hours08:50
godbykthorwil: you should've been in this channel when humphreybc was trying to explain to me where he wanted the logo to go.08:50
humphreybcthorwil: do you know the color code for the Aubergine they're using?08:50
humphreybcgodbyk: can we please bring the developers heading down one line so it's on the next page08:51
thorwilhumphreybc: no. i think red hyperlinks go better with the orange tones we use on the cover08:51
godbykhumphreybc: <sigh> as soon as you give me the okay on all the names and make sure I didn't miss any.08:52
humphreybcgodbyk: well you pulled it from the text file I sent?08:52
godbykhumphreybc: yeah, but then Ilya said it looked like we had left out the Mozilla/Firefox guys he had in there.08:53
humphreybcoh okay08:53
humphreybcyeah no add them in08:53
humphreybci wasn't sure if they should have been given credit or not08:53
godbykcan you find 'em for me?08:53
godbykI'm going to fix some supper.08:53
godbykI'll be back in about 20 minutes.08:54
humphreybcfind the names of the firefox people?08:54
godbykhumphreybc: yeah08:54
humphreybcNot sure where i'd find them08:54
godbykgrab an old pdf I s'pose.08:55
godbykthe beta should have 'em.08:55
humphreybcok ok08:55
humphreybcFirefox people are as follows:08:56
humphreybcthorwil: can we please just get the colour code and try it?08:57
* humphreybc just pinged Iain Farrell the minute he came on IRC08:58
thorwilhumphreybc, godbyk: 772953 as used on http://design.canonical.com/09:00
godbykI'm back now.09:27
godbykhumphreybc: and which section do those names belong under?09:27
humphreybcthorwil: I just had a chat with Iain, they finalized the draft on Friday, are just working on the logo guidelines now and should have something for us later this AM09:27
humphreybcgodbyk: Special thanks?09:27
humphreybcI am really tempted to just call them "The Firefox Documentation Team" or something, because their screen names are... well.. unprofessional looking09:28
godbykI think you have to cite their names as-is (per CC-BY), but I'm not sure.09:30
humphreybcsigh. alright, do that then09:31
godbykrebuilding pdf09:33
humphreybcI just rendered the final contributors video09:33
humphreybcIt's 150mb09:33
humphreybcI guess I'll just put it on my server?09:33
godbykhumphreybc: you should just upload it directly to my server.09:34
godbyklemme find the ftp info09:34
humphreybcthen you'll need to resize and flashify it09:34
godbyk(It takes me too long to download from you and reupload to the server. :-))09:34
humphreybcthen give it to daker to embed into the contributors page09:34
godbykhumphreybc: I emailed you the login info09:35
godbyksend me the specs on size and audio quality.09:35
godbykI'll be right back.09:36
humphreybcprobably very much the same as the last one we did09:36
humphreybcgodbyk: please tell me how I do ftp?09:37
godbykhumphreybc: using any ftp client. :)09:38
godbykI like filezilla.09:38
godbykncftpput also works handily, though.09:38
humphreybcI've used Filezilla before, years ago, at school09:39
godbykyou can also just use nautilus and drag-and-drop.09:39
godbykPlaces > Connect to server...09:39
humphreybcthat sounds easiest09:41
humphreybc13 minutes left apparently09:45
humphreybcthat would be me transferring the wrong file09:48
humphreybcjust over an hour, that's more realistic haha09:48
godbykI was gonna say.09:49
godbykWhen I'm downloading from you it takes a lot longer than that.09:49
godbykback now09:55
humphreybcokay what else needs to be done? where's daker?!09:56
godbykhumphreybc: the aubergine is too light.09:57
godbyknot sure where daker is.. haven't seen him for a bit.09:57
godbykI've fixed all the bugs people have told me about (so far) in this pdf.09:57
godbykthorwil's busy working away on the cover.09:57
godbykonce that's done, we should be ready to upload to lulu.09:58
godbyk(I'm going to turn off the color links when I upload to lulu so the b&w printed copy looks nicer.)09:58
humphreybcwhat about the aubergine from this?09:58
godbykhumphreybc: isn't that a gradient?09:58
godbykgive me an actual html color code and I'll try.09:58
humphreybcif it is, it's a very very faint one09:59
humphreybckk gimme a sec09:59
humphreybcit's not a gradient10:01
humphreybcsolid colour, #1A051210:01
humphreybcyou could also try #6e154c10:01
humphreybcwhich is a lot lighter10:01
godbykhumphreybc: the 1A0512 is effectively black.10:09
humphreybcthat it is10:09
godbyktrying the next one now.10:09
godbykoatmeal chocolate chip cookie bars = awesome10:10
humphreybctry #4c0d3410:11
godbykare you just making up colors now? :)10:15
humphreybcthat's what the design team does, there are like a zillion different aubergines and oranges!10:16
nisshhhumphreybc: should we have a release party for lucid and the manual in here?10:17
godbykthe last two aren't very noticeable when reading the pdf, so you may not realize they're links (or even notice the color change).10:17
nisshhbe fun10:17
humphreybcgodbyk: even 4c0d34?10:17
humphreybcnisshh: we'll probably be busy working around the release!10:17
godbykhumphreybc: yeah.10:17
godbykwe'll have to have a party.. someone has to flip the switch, right?10:18
humphreybcgodbyk: #991a68 ?10:18
godbyktoo light, now.10:19
godbykwe'll play with aubergine later, perhaps.10:19
godbykwhen we have some time to run some better tests (instead of just plugging in random values).10:19
humphreybclol okay10:20
nisshhhumphreybc: its ok, me and godbyk will have our own 2 man party, right godbyk?10:31
humphreybci'll probably be at work10:31
humphreybclike, work where i earn money work10:32
godbykabsolutely, nisshh!10:32
nisshhpffff, shame really10:32
nisshhhumphreybc: what do you actually do for a living?10:32
humphreybci'm a student, but i work at a video store on friday and saturday nights10:33
thorwilthat was it, i give up. as soon as i scale the UM logo, the result will be wrong in pdf export. so i will switch to a bitmap now10:34
nisshhoh cool, so does my cousin, he earns craploads since hes the senior junior manager10:34
godbykthorwil: think we'll ever get inkscape to stop giving us so much grief?10:35
thorwilwho knows10:35
humphreybcthorwil: https://www.photoshop.com/ ?10:35
humphreybcI hear it's quite good10:35
thorwilhumphreybc: illustrator10:35
nisshhhumphreybc: please! not that abomination10:35
godbyknot photoshop.. illustrator would be a more apropos replacement10:35
humphreybcah, okay10:36
godbykvector graphics ftw!10:36
humphreybcis illustrator adobe's vector program?10:36
nisshhi prefer inkscape, GIMP and blender for graphics stuff10:36
godbykwe like inkscape -- it just fails to export to pdf in a lot of cases.10:37
thorwilit's a shame, really. inkscape is quite good, but aside of the lack of gradient meshes, the pdf export is buggy, apparently10:37
nisshhbig shame10:38
nisshhwhy not contribute some fixes?10:38
nisshhlike what happened with evince10:39
godbykwe haven't had time to look into it yet.10:39
godbykfor evince, the fix was already there in the upstream repository. we just had to back-port it.10:39
godbykfor inkscape, I don't know think they've fixed the problems yet, so we'd have to familiarize ourselves with the code, find the problem, figure out how to solve it, etc., etc.10:40
nisshhgodbyk: true10:41
thorwilgodbyk: what do you think is better/safer: flat bitmap with white ground, or one with alpha transparency?10:46
thorwilcurrently i have it flat10:47
godbykthorwil: probably flat on white.10:48
godbykIn case inkscape mucks up the transparency.10:48
thorwilnah, i doubt it would much that up. it might fuck it up, though10:49
thorwilgodbyk: you won't believe it. exported with a bitmap. the head of it gets chopped off in export. evince and gimp are of the same opinion there10:52
godbykI think inkscape has it out for us.10:53
thorwilwhat i don't understand is how this can go so wrong, while other stuff gets out just fine10:54
godbykI know.10:55
humphreybc8 minutes left on the video upload, godbyk10:55
nisshhhumphreybc: what video is this?10:57
humphreybcthe contributors one10:57
humphreybcre-rendered it with some fixes10:57
* humphreybc is making another one too10:57
nisshhthrow us a link when its up10:58
humphreybctest.ubuntu-manual.org/contributors :)10:58
thorwilgodbyk: added vertical padding to the image, now i get an acceptable result10:59
godbykthorwil: so it's pixel-specific?10:59
thorwilsidenote: letting gimp render the pdf to 300dpi is faster than opening in evince and zooming in11:00
thorwilgodbyk: i suspect things go wrong as soon as you scale the bitmap in inkscape. have to create the most basic test files for this and the original issue11:00
nisshhhumphreybc: whats the difference between them, this one looks exactly the same...11:01
ubuntujenkinshello again o/11:01
humphreybcnisshh: it's not up yet11:01
nisshhubuntujenkins: hey11:01
ubuntujenkinshello nisshh11:01
nisshhhumphreybc: hehe, you tricked me!11:01
humphreybc50 seconds!11:03
ubuntujenkinstill what?11:03
nisshhubuntujenkins: test.ubuntu-manual.org/contributors11:03
nisshhnew contrib video11:03
humphreybcyeah but it still has to be turned into flash, resized and embedded into the page by daker11:03
humphreybcif daker ever comes back11:03
nisshhoh really? shame, i was looking forward to seeing the new one11:04
godbykwell we can look at it after I convert it to flash.11:05
nisshhoooh goodies!11:05
humphreybcthis WePad looks promising11:07
ubuntujenkinsI have just seen the pictures as well11:07
* humphreybc is uploading a third video to youtube 11:07
ubuntujenkinsi can't wait, do you think ubuntu netbook remix will work on it?11:07
humphreybcnot sure11:08
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: do you have any thoughts on the ppa? I would like to give people options to view it in other pdf views that they have installed and other langauges if they install other langauge packages. I was thinking of making a little program in the ubuntu-manual package then doing a package for each langauge pdf11:15
humphreybci haven't seen the PPA yet11:15
godbykHey, ubuntujenkins.  03-ubuntu-start-firefox.png is wider than 1024.11:16
ubuntujenkinsall it does at the moment is give you the pdf. and an icon in the menus11:16
* ubuntujenkins looks11:16
humphreybcubuntujenkins: can I try it?11:16
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: sure11:16
godbykubuntujenkins: after I get this release stuff out of the way, I can help you write a script to detect the language, download the appropriate pdf, install it, and view it.11:17
godbykVideo's up: http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/videos/ump-team_640x360.html11:17
godbykWe'll have daker drop it into the site whenever he's around next.11:17
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: sure we can discuss that later. I will redo that screenshot now11:17
humphreybcyou've all seen this video before11:18
humphreybci just fixed some bugs11:18
godbykhumphreybc: you should really have someone edit your text before you render it to video. :)11:18
humphreybcwhat's wrong with my text?!11:18
ubuntujenkinshello c7p11:19
c7pon the string 1008 https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+pots/ubuntu-manual/el/1008/+translate11:19
godbykOn the second 'slide', I'd use an em dash (or a properly spaced en dash).  It should be '170-page user guide'.11:20
c7pit says that the Browse is under the Control menu, but on my rythmbox its under the View11:20
c7pdo you have browse under the Control menu ?11:21
godbykc7p: I see Browse under the View menu.11:23
ubuntujenkinsI also see it in the view menu11:23
godbykguess I'll fix that in my english pdf, too. :)11:23
c7pso i don't have to report it as bug, you will fix it11:24
c7pright ?11:24
humphreybcgodbyk: minor details, minor details11:25
godbykIt also says Browse, not Browser.11:25
humphreybcgo back to your grammar nazi cave11:25
godbykI'm not the one who has money riding on the perfection of the manual .:-P11:25
humphreybcdo I have money riding on the perfection of the manual?11:25
godbykhumphreybc: so you say.11:26
humphreybcthe bet11:26
humphreybcfingers crossed martin will forget :P11:26
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: pushed a new image11:27
godbykubuntujenkins: thanks, I'll try it out.11:27
godbyk(I only caught it because latex complained that it was 30 pts too wide for the line.  it looks fine, but I'm checking into all the long lines to make sure they're not obvious.)11:28
ubuntujenkinsits a good catch it must have been taken at the wrong resolution11:28
godbykit's just slightly wider than it should be, too.  but 30 pts is quite a bit for latex not to be able to find a better line break. that's why it caught my eye.11:29
humphreybcwhere's the PPA Luke?11:30
godbykubuntujenkins: now it's happy11:30
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntujenkins/+archive/ubuntu-manual11:30
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: yey \0/11:30
ubuntujenkinsits not that exciting really11:32
godbykhey, ubuntujenkins.. figure 8.3 in the manual -- that's what the quickshot dialog should look like, too. :)11:34
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: yep thats what i was going to use :)11:35
godbyk(stumbled across that because the MacBook Pro section heading was too long.)11:35
c7pthe manual is released in three days, right ?11:36
godbykhumphreybc: you'll be pleased to know that I fixed it so that URLs aren't split after the colon.  hopefully that doesn't make the line breaks worse.11:36
godbykc7p: yep11:36
c7pgodbyk: nice11:37
godbykc7p: I'm trying to get all the final little edits in to the English version before I upload it to the book printing site.  http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-final-draft.pdf11:38
godbykLet me know if you find any bugs.11:38
c7pok ;)11:38
c7pthe translated will be released on the same day or a little later ?11:39
c7ptranslated versions*11:39
godbykc7p: they'll be released a little later. basically as they're completed.11:39
godbykI've just uploaded a new copy of the PDF.11:40
godbykwell, it's still uploading, I guess.11:40
godbykokay, now it's up.11:40
c7pwill we have a "meeting" to talk about the project and experience gained? No plans, tech detai etc.. Just chat with the members of UMP community.11:42
godbykthat'd be cool.11:43
godbyknisshh: and I will be in the channel. so you can come party with us. :)11:44
ubuntujenkinswhich channel where and when?11:44
nisshhin here, sometime, dunno when11:45
nisshhon release day of course11:45
godbykhere. not sure what the official release time is.  humphreybc?11:45
humphreybcno idea, around 1200 UTC should be good11:45
nisshhiv heard from alot of people that it gets released around 1am UTC11:46
godbykthat's 0700 for me.. yuck. mornings suck. :)11:46
humphreybcnah it's more like 6pm UTC11:46
humphreybcUbuntu usually comes out at like 1800 UTC i think11:46
humphreybcbut i'll find out the actual time at some point11:46
ubuntujenkinsI might be around depends if i am awake11:46
nisshhwe dont have to have it then11:46
nisshhwe can have it later11:47
nisshhill be at college then anyway11:47
godbykright. maybe it'll just be an all-day event and people can stop by when they have time.11:48
vishhumphreybc: does the quickshot logo need to be Ubuntu and the UMP unrelated  or.. ?11:48
nisshhgodbyk: why do you always say what im about to say? :)11:49
humphreybcvish: no it should be unrelated to us11:49
godbyknisshh: great minds... ;-)11:49
nisshhso i suppose the party is all day on the 29th11:50
nisshhsounds good11:50
godbykworks for me.11:54
humphreybcubuntujenkins: the PPA is good! Could you have the text in the menu "Getting Started with Ubuntu" instead of "ubuntu-manual" ?12:54
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: sure it ca all be changed. I am working on showing people the one that matches their local12:55
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk:  idea12:55
humphreybccan we get it in the universe repo for maverick?12:56
ubuntujenkinsback in a bit12:56
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: we can try12:57
humphreybcit'll be in the universe for maverick12:57
thorwilgodbyk: tried lots of things, i can't reproduce the pdf issue starting from scratch12:59
godbyk-androidWeird. Maybe reduce ours to a minimal example?13:01
thorwilgodbyk-android: yeah, that's what i'll do now13:02
semioticrobotic'morning all13:55
humphreybcmorning Bryain!14:24
humphreybcBryan, even14:24
humphreybchey does anyone know of any half decent games for Linux?14:24
humphreybclike, first person shooters that aren't all alien14:24
semioticroboticmorning Benjamin14:28
semioticroboticnot much of a PC gamer, I'm afraid14:28
semioticroboticbut the Ubuntu UK podcast team is always reviewing one game or another14:29
semioticroboticI'm sure their archives can serve as a starting point for recommendations14:29
popeywe've never reviewed any games :)14:29
humphreybcpopey: do you have "Ubuntu UK" on highlight?14:29
semioticroboticpopey: Ah, sorry.  My mistake.  :)14:29
humphreybcso if I did this14:30
humphreybcUbuntu UK14:30
humphreybcUbuntu UK14:30
humphreybcUbuntu UK14:30
humphreybcwould that keep notifying you?14:30
semioticroboticglad you popped in, popey.  gives me a chance to tell you how much I enjoy your show.14:30
popeyawww, thanks semioticrobotic14:31
popeyhumphreybc: actually i dont have ubuntu uk14:31
popeyit's "podcast" that brought me here14:31
humphreybcah ha14:31
popeyi do have uupc on hilight though14:31
semioticroboticspeaking of which ... nice interview this weekend, humphreybc14:32
humphreybcsemioticrobotic: oh cheers, that's only half of it :\14:33
semioticroboticha!  yes, I could tell they performed a bit of editing14:34
popeyyeah, it was good14:34
semioticroboticbut lots of good bits didn't hit the cutting room floor14:34
humphreybcwe recorded the OMG! podcast on Sunday night, it went really well but then found out that Joey's end didn't record :(14:34
humphreybcsemioticrobotic: They're sticking some in to the next episode14:34
semioticroboticoh, great!14:34
semioticroboticwhat topics?14:34
humphreybcYeah so the plan was to have both local sound tracks, so we get best quality... but now we're basically have my local track and Joey remote... which is very much lo-fi. Not good at all. But we're pressing on with the release, and we will make sure it doesn't happen for next week's14:35
humphreybcsemioticrobotic: not sure, I can't remember :P14:35
semioticrobotichaha ... well, then it will be a surprise14:35
humphreybcso I sound really good and then Joey sounds like he's stuck under some collapsed mine14:35
semioticroboticfine with me14:35
semioticroboticoh no14:35
humphreybcyeah :(14:36
humphreybcreally, really disappointing. We also had tonnes of other problems like dropped skype calls and things14:36
humphreybcbut we soldiered on... hopefully we don't get shot to bits14:36
popeyit will :)14:36
popeythats pretty much what the original full circle podcast did14:37
semioticroboticthe FCP team pushed through a vacuum ruckus last episode ... I say, just publish it :)14:37
humphreybcit will get shot to bits, popey?14:37
humphreybchopefully our really bad puns and hilarious analogies will pull through.... =S14:37
semioticrobotica powerfully bad pun can rectify any amount of distortion14:39
humphreybcand we have the coolest music ever14:40
humphreybclike, ever14:40
semioticroboticthat's going to be great14:42
humphreybcyou guys wanna see something cool?14:45
semioticroboticwhen don't we?14:45
semioticroboticreally nice ... what did you use to map the social graph?14:47
humphreybcnot sure, Tommy Brunn emailed me the video14:48
humphreybche told me what it was but i forget the name14:48
humphreybci need to find out14:48
semioticroboticyeah ... I wonder how he culled all that data14:49
semioticroboticfrom launchpad?14:49
humphreybcI think the program does it14:49
humphreybcbonus points if you can spot yourself haha14:49
semioticroboticoh, I tried!14:49
semioticroboticbut the text was a bit too small/fuzzy on this machine14:50
humphreybcI love the translation and screenshots folders14:50
humphreybcthey're like flowers14:50
semioticroboticwill have to try later14:50
semioticroboticyeah ... and they burst onto the scene powerfully14:50
semioticroboticvery fun to watch14:50
humphreybcwe're like bees14:50
humphreybcbees in a hive14:51
semioticroboticit also gives me a visual history of the project before I joined14:51
humphreybcI think Tommy has a slower version, that's 10 minutes long14:51
humphreybcwhere you can see in more detail14:51
semioticroboticoh, neat14:51
humphreybcI'll get him to youtube it14:51
semioticroboticI'm sure that file is too large to post to YouTube, but I'd love to see it some time14:51
humphreybcit's pretty wicked14:51
humphreybcyoutube allows up to like 3 GB14:51
humphreybcit'll be fine14:51
semioticroboticoh wow14:52
semioticrobotici had no idea14:52
semioticrobotichandy, though14:52
semioticroboticyeah, definitely tell him to post the extended version14:52
humphreybci'm watching it in slow mo14:53
humphreybcI see you bryan!14:54
semioticroboticokay, benjamin.  take care14:54
humphreybcsee ya :)14:54
semioticroboticback ...14:54
semioticroboticwhen do I pop into view?14:54
semioticroboticI'll try again to spot myself14:54
humphreybcabout 32 seconds14:55
humphreybc37 seconds you're on the bottom left of the main circle14:55
humphreybcit would be awesome to have the slower version as my screensaver14:55
humphreybcor even real time....14:55
humphreybcthat would be so cool14:56
semioticroboticha!  nice!14:56
semioticroboticthere I go ... zooming to the left14:56
semioticroboticthis computer doesn't  handle flash well at all14:56
semioticroboticso it's choppy14:56
semioticroboticbut I could see well enough14:56
semioticroboticvery neat14:56
humphreybcheh, dutchie's just running around the entire branch14:57
humphreybcI need to find out what program it is14:57
semioticrobotichaha!  yeah14:58
semioticroboticokay, I'd better prep my stuff for classes today14:58
semioticroboticthanks for sharing, humphreybc14:58
humphreybcyeah from the branch14:58
semioticrobotichave a good one...14:59
humphreybcAh ha!15:02
humphreybcit's called Gource15:02
humphreybcit's in the repos!15:03
humphreybchow do I get a log file of the branch?15:06
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: ping15:07
ubuntujenkinsis godbyk awake humphreybc ?15:07
humphreybche'll be asleep15:07
ubuntujenkinsok i will leave him a message15:08
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: ref bug 570125 I think the user will say that 'sudo tlmgr --gui' will not work as their original post implies that they have the packages and not the stuff we have to use15:09
manualbotLaunchpad bug 570125 in ubuntu-manual "No version of TeX Live was detected while texlive IS installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57012515:09
ubuntujenkinswhat you up to humphreybc ?15:09
humphreybcplaying around with Gource :P15:10
ubuntujenkinswow how is that all generated15:13
humphreybca program called "gource"15:13
humphreybcit's in the repos15:13
humphreybccommand line app though15:13
ubuntujenkinsdoes it take the bzr commits or something?15:13
ubuntujenkinscrazy or what :-)15:14
humphreybcTommy is going to make an extended version in more detail15:14
ubuntujenkinsthat is a wicked program15:14
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: wow you are still up.16:18
humphreybcheh, yeah16:18
humphreybctrying to find a creative commons alternative to "Time to Pretend" by MGMT16:19
ubuntujenkinsgood song16:19
humphreybcI want to use it in a UDS video16:19
ubuntujenkinsyou like you videos :)16:21
humphreybcstruggling to find something as awesome as Time to Pretend16:25
ubuntujenkinsis all the stuff in jamendo cc?16:25
humphreybcmost of it yeah16:25
humphreybcdifferent kinds of CC16:25
ubuntujenkinsthere is allot if music to go thourgh16:26
* humphreybc likes this music video16:29
humphreybcThe Fratellis are cool16:29
humphreybcI think it's going to have to be Time to Pretend for what I want to do though16:30
humphreybcI wish I had a video camera though :(16:30
ubuntujenkinsI haven't heard them in while16:30
humphreybcactually... they have cameras at UDS. I wonder if I can steal one for the week.16:31
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: can you pop a text file on your server with en_GB16:35
ubuntujenkinses in it please16:35
ubuntujenkinsI need to test reading it for the manual ppa thing16:35
ubuntujenkinsmakes more sense ^16:36
=== vish is now known as Vish
ubuntujenkinson your computer where ou paste us links to can you put a txt file with (see above) in . I am trying to read form a file that is on a server16:37
ubuntujenkinsworking on only pulling the the manual that is complete by reading the complete ones from a file16:38
ubuntujenkinsif the file is remote it makes it easier to update16:38
=== Vish is now known as vish
=== vish is now known as Vish
humphreybcoh right16:40
humphreybcso what am I putting in the file?16:40
ubuntujenkinsplease :)16:40
humphreybccall it...?16:40
ubuntujenkinsmanual_list will be fine it doesn't really matter16:41
ubuntujenkinsthank you16:42
ubuntujenkinswow i wrote something that works first time :P16:42
ubuntujenkinsno it doesn't ;(16:43
humphreybcthat was an emotional rollercoaster16:43
humphreybcyay! awh16:43
ubuntujenkinsI pasted it in the wrong place and was still reading a local file16:44
humphreybcminor details16:44
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: to be really anoying can you add fr to the file please. then i can double check it16:46
ubuntujenkinsthanks, and it works \o/16:47
humphreybcbedtime for me i think16:48
ubuntujenkinsnight humphreybc16:48
humphreybcI need to knock off 4 python labs before I leave for UDS16:48
humphreybcso this weekend is gonna be me doing python :D16:49
* humphreybc will be in Belgium in 12 days16:49
ubuntujenkinshemanth: you can set up branches https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntujenkins where ubuntujenkins is your name or set one up under the project you are working on. if you do that i will have a look, it will make more sense to me then16:53
hemanthubuntujenkins, push is taking a long time, may be my ISP is clogged17:05
hemanthUnable to handle http code 502: Bad Gateway!17:05
ubuntujenkinshemanth: not much luck then. try and explain what you mean here.17:06
hemanthubuntujenkins, created... one sec plz17:11
hemanthubuntujenkins, bzr branch lp:~hemanth-hm/rfc/rfc-finder17:12
ubuntujenkinsok hemanth I have quickly open what are you trying to do? I will do my best to help17:14
hemanthubuntujenkins, user types a value in the test area and hits the search button17:16
hemanthubuntujenkins, i need to fetch that value and read http response later from the fetched value17:16
ubuntujenkinsfetching the value can be done. by http resonse do you mean like 404 error etc17:17
hemanthubuntujenkins, http part i can take care, this signal handling i'm new to; that http response must be displayed in the view port17:17
hemanthubuntujenkins, the value may be anything, that is later on appended to an uri and i get that uri's response17:18
ubuntujenkinswhat would the the http resopnse that is needed to be displaied look like? a line of text?17:19
hemanthyes a text block17:19
ubuntujenkinsrigth i can do this, just depends if we have time17:19
ubuntujenkinsI have dinner to go to and german lessions. ok first you have to call the window into the bin file. if you open the bin/rfc-search file17:21
ubuntujenkinsdo you have the quickshot branch?17:21
hemanthlike on on_next_1_clicked in quickshot i need to define here right?17:22
ubuntujenkinsbasically yes but you also need to call the window and button etc into the file17:22
hemantho, that must be done as17:23
ubuntujenkinsso adding this http://paste.pocoo.org/show/206355/ to line 92, calls int he main window17:24
hemanthok, then17:25
ubuntujenkinsfor the button you would add self.rfc_search_window.button1 = get("button1")17:25
hemanththat would get me the event?17:26
ubuntujenkinsnope type your event and then add it under the button as a handler on clicked for the button. sou also need to call in self.rfc_search_window.entry1 = get("entry1")17:27
ubuntujenkinsthats the entry box17:28
hemanthok all this under the lines added at line 92 or in the method on_button1_clicked?17:29
ubuntujenkinsunder line 92. under the button you would add17:29
ubuntujenkinsthen when the button is pressed you would use x = self.urfc_search_window.entry1.get_text()17:29
ubuntujenkinsalso nope type your event and then add it under the button as a handler on clicked for the button goes in glade17:30
hemanththere i have added on click action as on_button1_clicked17:30
ubuntujenkinssounds good17:31
hemanthwhat must be the definition of on_button1_clicked? self.rfc_search_window.button1 = get("button1")and get("entry1")?17:32
ubuntujenkinsno no need to add that there. doing it at the start means that it is all called into the file17:32
ubuntujenkinsjust add x = self.urfc_search_window.entry1.get_text() then ...17:33
ubuntujenkinsprint x17:34
ubuntujenkinsthat will show the value in the command line, fingers crossed17:34
ubuntujenkinsdoes it work?17:36
hemanthgosh getting indentation error17:37
ubuntujenkinsif you can't spot push it and i will see if i can17:37
hemanthits say in line 94, but in vi all seems to indented fine, anyone i have pushed it17:39
ubuntujenkinslook at line 104 there is an tab17:41
ubuntujenkinshemanth: we have differen line numbers17:43
hemanthwhich line are you referring to ?17:44
ubuntujenkinsyou have added stuff where i said at least the right line number s but it is in the wrong place. let me paste bin some stuff17:45
ubuntujenkinslook at line 106 in http://paste.pocoo.org/show/206360/ an line 93 -99 should be added17:46
hemantho ho ok17:46
ubuntujenkins*106 to 10817:46
hemanththose lines which are to "<<<<<removed" must be in line?17:47
hemantho got it17:48
ubuntujenkinsaslo where you have def on_button1_clicked(self, button, data=None): that all needs to match the indentaion above17:48
ubuntujenkinsare you indenting with tabs?17:49
hemanthi'm using a vim plugin for auto indent17:49
ubuntujenkinswell it appears to be indenting using tabs, it should be four spaces.17:50
ubuntujenkinsalso where you have x = self.urfc_search_window.entry1.get_text() you need to delete the first u17:51
hemanthubuntujenkins, fixed the tab opened it with geany, but got this error AttributeError: 'RfcSearchWindow' object has no attribute 'rfc_search_window'17:51
ubuntujenkinslook up ^17:51
hemanth x = self.rfc_search_window.entry1.get_text() u mean17:53
ubuntujenkinsyes that is what it should read17:53
hemanthit says 'RfcSearchWindow' object has no attribute 'rfc_search_window'17:54
ubuntujenkinsmy section of that bit works http://paste.pocoo.org/show/206370/17:55
hemanththere error its throwing is at this line self.rfc_search_window.entry1 = get("entry1")17:56
ubuntujenkinshave you got self.rfc_search_window.entry1 = get("entry1") at the top17:56
ubuntujenkinsline 90 ish17:56
hemanthbelow the comment which reads #Uncomment the following code to read in preferences at start up.17:57
ubuntujenkinserm I have to go to dinner I will be back in 30 minutes or so this is my full file at the moment which works http://paste.pocoo.org/show/206372/ I will help when i get back17:58
hemanthsure thank you17:59
ubuntujenkinshemanth: I am back how is it going?18:30
hemanthubuntujenkins, allz well :) finished the url fetch thinge also18:31
hemanthjust need to put the data in the textview118:31
ubuntujenkinsok, I have 20 minutes before i have to go to german. why ahev you used a textview ? I can add it to a label if that is any help18:32
hemanthcan the data that has been fetched be put in that label?18:33
ubuntujenkinsI can but it in a label not sure how to add it to a text view18:33
hemanthok that is also fine, i have pushed the changes that i have made18:34
ubuntujenkinsif you can change it to a label and push. What am i suppose to put in the search box? to give it its really purpose/use18:35
hemanthsearch box input will be rfc numbers18:38
ubuntujenkinsI am getting tones of errors when i try www.bbc.co.uk :$ a google told me what rfc is18:39
ubuntujenkinsnow it works18:39
ubuntujenkinslooking at the amount it returns chaneg the textview to scrolled window18:40
ubuntujenkinsthen in it add a vewiport and in that ass a label18:40
hemanthlabel for?18:41
ubuntujenkinsthe text to go in18:41
hemanthlabel upon a scrolled window18:42
ubuntujenkinsok add self.rfc_search_window.label1 = get("label1") with the other lines changing label1 to the right name18:44
ubuntujenkinsand after print html add self.rfc_search_window.label1.set_text(str(html)) replacing label1 with the right name18:45
ubuntujenkinsyou should then get a scroll able window which shows the search results18:46
ubuntujenkinsirc has stopped working18:47
ubuntujenkinsnope works again18:47
hemanthAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_text'18:47
ubuntujenkinspush it and i will have a quick look18:49
dutchiewhat the hell was humphreybc going on about?18:51
dutchie14:57 #ubuntu-manual: < humphreybc> heh, dutchie's just running around the entire branch18:51
ubuntujenkinsok i have to go to german but a working one exists here lp:~ubuntujenkins/+junk/rfc-finder see if you can work out what i did. I will be back in 2 hours. sorry i am so hit and miss on irc now that my letcures have started i am running about everywhere ( hemanth )18:52
ubuntujenkinsdutchie: no idea wasn't here then might be something to do with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SocXE_oeZ418:52
hemanthubuntujenkins, no problem thanks and good night o/18:52
ubuntujenkinsno problem if you are around in 2 hours i can talk you though it all. or tomoorw18:53
hemanthtomo is better its 11.40pm here18:53
dutchieubuntujenkins: aha, es könnte sein18:53
dutchiehttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+spec/custom-bug-form # any input on required info?19:27
dutchieI'm thinking section/chapter number, paragraph19:27
dutchiehi Daker19:30
dutchieDaker: are you doing your website work in the lp:ubuntu-manual-website branch now?19:48
vishDaker: site updated? ;)19:48
=== Daker_ is now known as Daker
Dakeryes tonight19:50
Dakerdutchie, yes20:01
dutchieDaker: also, would it be possible to make the branch a bit more public?20:03
Dakera tea20:04
dutchiemind adding me when you've set it up so I can work on the custom bug form?20:04
Dakerdutchie, you will do it in php or python ?20:24
dutchie(which is python)20:28
Dakergood luck :D20:28
dutchiesince python-launchpadlib already exists and is easy20:28
Dakerf*** i added a member by mistake20:32
Dakerdutchie, your lp nickname20:33
dutchieDaker: you going to change the branch ownership to the new team then?20:36
dutchieyou sure? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adnane002/ubuntu-manual-website/website says it's still owned by you20:38
Dakertry now20:39
dutchiesweet, looks good20:40
* dutchie starts hacking20:40
Dakerfell free20:40
dutchieI'll stick it in its own directory20:40
dutchiegodbyk: ping20:44
godbyk-androiddutchie: pong20:44
godbyk-androidI'm just about to hop in the shower.20:45
dutchiegodbyk-android: it can wait till after20:46
godbyk-androidOkay, I'll be back in about half an hour.20:46
dutchiegodbyk: actually, I think I should wait until I have actually written some code before I worry about how to deploy it21:01
ubuntujenkinshello al i am back21:17
ubuntujenkinshow are we all21:17
Dakerhelo ubuntujenkins21:18
dutchieregretting leaving this big pile of chemistry till the night before it's due in21:18
ubuntujenkinshello Daker, and dutchie21:19
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: ping21:20
hemanthubuntujenkins, hi me still awake! as the text area and button are on hpanel they can be resized which hampers the look, so trying to fix it21:20
ubuntujenkinshemanth: hello where is the latest branch?21:20
hemanthubuntujenkins, same as the previous, branch is not updated, your branch is working but the issue is i have used hpanel and vpanel instead of box21:21
hemanthubuntujenkins, if box is used the area of separation makes the button very bad21:22
hemanthubuntujenkins, if dialogue box is used, quickly can't notice it21:23
ubuntujenkinssorry i don't follow if dialogue box is used, quickly can't notice it21:24
hemanthubuntujenkins, yes the code is looking for a window not a dialogue box21:25
ubuntujenkinsso what do you want in a dailogue box?21:26
hemanthubuntujenkins, dialog-vbox i meant21:26
ubuntujenkinssorry I don't follow, It may be beacuse i have been listening to german for the last two hours. we cant everything to look and stay the same size basically?21:27
ubuntujenkins*want not cant21:27
hemanthubuntujenkins, i will send a screenshot wait21:28
ubuntujenkinsok good, sorry if i ma being silly not very focused today21:28
godbykI'm back now.21:28
ubuntujenkinshello godbyk21:28
godbykdutchie: What's up?21:29
dutchiegodbyk: was looking at best way to deploy the nascent bug form, but I decided to make it work locally first21:29
hemanthubuntujenkins, DDC send failed21:30
ubuntujenkinshemanth: it never works for me i think its the uni network.  stick it on image bin http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add21:31
ubuntujenkinsso we want something like that?21:32
hemanthso that the button and text area are fixed at a position21:33
ubuntujenkinsI think you need to change your vspaned1 and hpaned1 to horisontal and vertical boxes21:33
hemanthyup, if changed they don't look as it was supposed to, cos each col has a fixed width21:34
ubuntujenkinsif you sepcify the height and width requests right on the common tab you should get it looking right21:37
ubuntujenkinsyou will also need to change it. glade doesn't show the winoe exactly as it appears21:38
ubuntujenkinschange the to hbox etc21:38
hemanthubuntujenkins, the column width is unalterable, even on setting the request width, the window width changes but not the vbox21:41
ubuntujenkinshemanth: adjusting the settings correctly i can get http://imagebin.org/9454421:42
ubuntujenkinshow ever in glade it shows as http://imagebin.org/9454521:43
hemanthubuntujenkins, ha, got it add a vbox, then a label in it and then expanded the label phew21:44
ubuntujenkinsI didn't use a label there is anlignment box and all i did was specifiy the button size correctly not the align ment one21:45
ubuntujenkinsits a square with <- and a vertical <- on it21:46
hemanthubuntujenkins,o ok, i found a way to update text view, my_textview.get_buffer().set_text("my text")21:46
ubuntujenkinsI have just knotied ricksepencer is very helpfull21:46
ubuntujenkinsthat channel is the best, good quality people always get back to you21:47
hemanthya happy for that, we will try that or stick to label, how do we decided which is a better practice ?21:48
ubuntujenkinsits up to you which one you prefer and how you want it to appear as far as i know21:49
hemanthok phew, 2.30 am here i will finish it and sleep21:50
godbykhey, Daker. did you move the website branch?21:50
dutchiehas it broken everything?21:50
Dakeroh fu**21:50
dutchiethat's a bit rubbish if it has21:50
godbykwell, the auto-update cronjob is yelling at me that it can't find that branch.21:51
dutchieDaker: not your fault, blame lp21:51
dutchiegodbyk: is it not pointing at lp:ubuntu-manual-website?21:51
dutchieor did it get turned into one with ~adnane001 in it?21:51
godbykbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~adnane002/ubuntu-manual-website/website/".21:52
Dakerwe created a team & we got the branch public21:52
godbykso.. do I need to just re-branch?21:52
dutchieI reckon you should be able to do bzr pull --remember lp:ubuntu-manual-remember21:53
dutchiemm, bagel21:53
ubuntujenkinsdutchie: where is the team? can i join? I have no imideat interest but the quickshot stuff crosses over a bit21:54
ubuntujenkins* Daker ^21:54
Dakerone sec21:54
dutchieubuntujenkins: http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual-website21:54
Dakeri created a ML too21:55
godbykso do the pull --remember on the existing branch?21:55
dutchieshould work21:56
Dakerubuntujenkins, done21:56
godbykdo I need the -remember on the lp name?21:56
ubuntujenkinsthansk Daker21:56
dutchiegodbyk: what do you mean "on"?21:56
dutchieoh, no21:57
dutchiebrain fart21:57
godbykthat worked.21:58
godbykshould I add --remember to the update script?21:58
dutchieshould Just Work (TM)21:59
dutchiethe --remember makes bzr remember ;)21:59
godbyknoted. :)21:59
godbykdutchie: did the translations ever get sorted? or is po4a still giving us grief?22:00
dutchiehaven't tried again22:00
* dutchie tries now22:00
dutchieI have too much to do :(22:00
dutchieooh, it's working22:01
godbykit is?  wtf?  what's different about today?22:01
dutchiephase of moon?22:02
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: did you get my message about bug 570125 ?22:02
manualbotLaunchpad bug 570125 in ubuntu-manual "No version of TeX Live was detected while texlive IS installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57012522:02
godbykwhat about it?22:02
ubuntujenkinslooking at it the user is using the packages not the stuff we use22:03
godbykAh, I see what you mean.22:04
godbykDo you think the installation instructions for TL aren't prominent enough?22:04
ubuntujenkinsthats their problem, I didn't want to add another person in to the bug and confuse things22:04
godbykOr do some people just not read at all before diving in? :)22:04
ubuntujenkinsmake the packages dont work bolder?22:04
ubuntujenkinsnot reading it could be part of it22:05
dutchiewould be nice if the packages worked22:05
godbykTo be fair, the packages may actually work today.  I gave up on them because they didn't work a few months ago when we needed them to.22:05
godbyk(But I'm not holding my breath.)22:06
dutchieif they don't, it may be worth putting a ppa on the todo list22:06
ubuntujenkinsI haven't tried and don't want to I am thinking on how to do the ppa22:06
godbykAnd my set up is a bit more bleeding edge anyway.  As I'm running with a few of the packages from their VCSs.22:06
ubuntujenkinspossibly a dummy package that just wraps up the install script thing22:07
dutchieyou could probably just nab the debian/ dir out of stock lucid TL and update the rest22:07
godbykYeah, there is a PPA that has/had lucid TL packages in them, but they were incomplete when I looked back in Jan/Feb.22:07
dutchiesee http://castrojo.wordpress.com/2009/08/21/making-daily-builds/22:07
godbykThe problem is that Debian/Ubuntu don't want to keep updating things as they're released upstream (because they'd be releasing new updates to those huge texlive-* packages every day).22:07
ubuntujenkinsdaily builds are easy :)22:08
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: how do i update the stuff i ma usingas i used the script?22:08
godbykthe TL updates?22:08
godbykthe easiest way is to 'apt-get install perl-tk' first, then run 'sudo tlmgr --gui'.22:09
hemanthubuntujenkins, i had used hudson for CI22:09
godbykfrom the File menu (or whatever the first menu is), select the repository. this will update the index.22:09
godbykthen select 'updates' from the first set up options.22:09
godbykthen click 'update all' at the bottom.22:09
godbykyou may have to do it a couple times as the first update may be an update for tlmgr itself (which requires a restart).22:10
* dutchie braces himself for translator complaints and pushes22:10
ubuntujenkinsok thanks, if they are updating it this offten a ppa might not be so easy to keep it uptodate22:10
* ubuntujenkins passes dutchie a shield 22:11
dutchiethis pile of chemistry questions is not getting any smaller22:11
dakerguys i need keywords for the website22:12
dutchieubuntu, manual, errr...22:12
ubuntujenkinsubuntu and manual22:12
ubuntujenkinsdutchie: beat me22:13
dakerlucid, 10.04, lynx, lucid lynx...22:13
godbykdutchie: did you push .po files, too? does launchpad detect those or ignore them?22:14
dutchieit scans them and imports any changes, and yes22:14
dutchiethough most of it will be annoying format changes22:14
godbykdaker: help, documentation, book, pdf, ebook22:14
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: I see no updates and get this in the terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/423012/22:15
godbykubuntujenkins: did the window pop up? did you click on anything?22:15
godbykdutchie: we probably don't want to update the .po files if they're going to overwrite the work translators have done in launchpad since the previous update.22:16
ubuntujenkinsthe window showed i followed your instructions and thats what i was left with and a window showing nothing new22:16
dutchiegodbyk: lp's clever enough not to do that22:17
godbykubuntujenkins: okay, so you went to the tlmgr menu and clicked on 'load default repository: <URL>"?22:17
godbykdutchie: gotcha.  though I'm learning to doubt launchpad's alleged cleverness. :)22:18
* dutchie thinks "sudo tlmgr update --all" would be quicker22:18
dutchiegodbyk: yeah, true22:18
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk:  doh missed that sorry :(22:18
dutchienever been a problem before though22:18
godbykdutchie: it probably would be, yeah.  I just like to see what's being updated first.22:18
godbykdutchie: and I wanted to make sure he actually had a repo set.  (sometimes you have to run it once to set the repo)22:19
dutchiefair enough22:19
ubuntujenkinshmm godbyk if we could package the install-tl script and display it for people to configure would that be best?22:21
ubuntujenkins /dispay what we see when we install it22:22
godbykubuntujenkins: hmm.. well, we'd want to modify the script in that case because we can just have the .deb depend on the other debs (instead of having install-pkgs.sh install them afterward).22:22
godbykoh, wait.. you mean install-tl.22:22
godbykwe'll have to look into it.22:23
ubuntujenkinsI think that is the simplest option, we could try to configure the script to auto install the required stuff for us.22:23
ubuntujenkinshow it is updated if you needed to use a new function i am not sure22:24
dakerguys you are talking about ?22:24
godbykdaker: we were just discussing ways to make it easier for people to install tex live 2009.22:25
godbykdaker: how's the website coming along?22:25
ubuntujenkinsok another idea make a package that we update its dependencies if we need to add a new part,22:26
dakergive me a few minutes pls22:27
ubuntujenkinsa "dummy" package22:27
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: do you know where i can get the texlive source22:28
godbykubuntujenkins: look around tug.org/texlive22:29
ubuntujenkinsI quote the control file "This metapackage provides a decent selection of the TeX Live packages22:34
ubuntujenkins which should suffice for the most common tasks."22:34
ubuntujenkinsand a read me "Packaging TeX Live for Debian is a huge task. Development is done in22:35
ubuntujenkinsa very specific layout and source packages are generated from that."22:35
godbykI know.22:37
ubuntujenkinshis could be easier said than done. :)22:37
godbykan alternative may be to package each TL source package as its own deb file, but that introduces a lot of overhead22:38
ubuntujenkinsthat could wrk fine just need to work out how to convert it all to a deb file22:39
godbykautomatically, if possible.22:40
ubuntujenkins+1 to that22:40
ubuntujenkinshmm this looks intersting "The Debian TeXLive repository does not contain the actual sources,22:41
ubuntujenkinsonly the files needed to create Debian packages from them.  You have22:41
ubuntujenkinsto get the sources separately.22:41
dutchiewhat happened to the old bug reporting form?22:48
ubuntujenkinslost under the pile of chemistry?22:49
dutchiechemistry's all done now \o/22:49
dutchiethe one which fed into a google doc22:49
ubuntujenkinsnot sure don't ahev it bookmarked22:50
dutchiegodbyk might know22:51
godbykI dunno.  If it's not there, you'd have to ask daker. The google spreadsheet/form still exists.22:51
dutchiewell, the fields are all I need really22:51
dutchiedo you have a url?22:51
dutchiedank u wel22:51
godbykhow's that differ from 'danke'?22:52
* godbyk really should just learn german at some point and be done with it.22:53
dutchiethat was dutch22:53
godbykthat'd be the difference then. :)22:53
ubuntujenkinsok how do i convert http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-tex/texlive2009/#_texlive2009_ to an svn address . I am unexpericnecnced with svn22:53
godbyknot sure.22:55
godbykit may not translate directly.22:55
dakerdutchie, yes it still exists23:07
dakerbut it's hided23:07
dutchieit's fine, the docs link godbyk gave was enogh23:07
godbykdaker: I'm probably going to have you create an 'errata' page sometime soon, too.  It will contain a list of bugs that have been reported against the printed edition and also link to the bug reporting form.23:08
godbykdaker: what are you working on at the moment?23:10
dakeri just pushed my work, iam waiting for the update23:11
godbykdaker: let me know if the update does happen.. I may still have to fiddle with the update script to make sure it's pulling from the new repository location.23:12
dutchie\o/ Typing out language codes is Fun23:14
dakerit doesn't work godbyk23:14
godbykdaker: are you pushing to the right branch?  I'm not seeing an update in launchpad yet: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-website23:15
godbykdutchie: what're you typing language codes for?23:15
dutchiethe language selection for the bug form23:16
godbykah. yay.23:16
godbykthe languages should be translated to their native names, too. just for added challenge.23:16
godbyk(and the form should get translated as well at some point.)23:16
dutchiethere is an i18n framework in django somewhere23:16
dutchienot used it though23:17
dutchielanguages are in english on the english version though23:17
godbykdutchie: we also need to find a way so that the translators can translate some semi-arbitrary strings.23:17
godbykI've got some that won't show in the .tex files that should be translated.23:17
dakergodbyk, i thinks you are right23:18
dutchiewhen did we get an esperanto translation?23:18
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: in this sentence "Note that the blacklist: statements (see below) are taking action here, too,23:21
ubuntujenkinsso that blacklisted files and tpms are NOT included in the .orig.tar.gz." is tpms a latex thing? or am i to tired?23:21
godbykdutchie: Yeah, I think it'd be awesome to see Esperanto, Latin, and Ancient Greek.  Unfortunately, most those only have a single string translated.23:22
godbykubuntujenkins: never heard of tpm before.23:22
dutchieancient greek is listed as length 1647, untranslated 164623:23
dutchieso one string done :)23:23
ubuntujenkinsfair enough godbyk I thought it was a typo for tmp but it is everywhere23:23
godbykWhew! 1 down, 1646 to go!23:23
godbykubuntujenkins: maybe 'tex package manager' or something weird?23:23
godbykI haven't dived into the inner workings of the tex live stuff much.23:23
ubuntujenkinshmm good idea, how do i use find to find files that have the work blacklist in there name?23:24
godbykno clue there, either.23:26
godbykyou're in uncharted territory, my friend.23:26
ubuntujenkinsI THINK all i have to do is work out what bit means not all of the texlive stuff is pulled into the packages and i MIGHT have it23:29
dutchiehas anyone ever even heard of Marathi?23:29
godbykdutchie: yeah, I had to look it (and some other languages) up to get latex working with 'em.23:29
dutchie15th most spoken language in the world23:30
dutchielearn something new every day23:30
godbykSome time after the release, we'll have to gather up a bunch of the translators and talk about how we can improve this whole translation process.23:31
dutchiethough I suspect the main point will be "Stop losing all our hard work"23:32
godbykI'm not sure where it keeps disappearing to, nor why.23:32
dutchieme neithe23:33
dakersomeone should approve this https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+spec/wiki-migration23:41
dutchieanybody know what zh_CH is?23:42
ubuntujenkinsdutchie: yes hang on.........23:42
dakerzh_CN => Chinese Simplified23:42
ubuntujenkinsChinese (Simplified) http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/ is useful23:42
dakerzh_TW => Chinese Traditional23:42
dutchieah, just Chinese23:43
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk:  thought on e-mailing the debian tex maintainers list for help?23:46
godbykubuntujenkins: you could.  they'd probably tell you why they chose not to go the route you want to go or something. I don't know what to expect. you can try, though.23:47
ubuntujenkinsI might gie it a try when i am more awake i am going to ask in some channels that #debian have suggested23:48
* ubuntujenkins hopes no one shouts at him for asking in the wrong place on irc23:52
dutchietime for bed23:58
ubuntujenkinsnight dutchie23:58

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