
micahgddecator: you up for more SM2 testing?02:21
ddecatormicahg: sure02:31
micahgddecator: k, I think I almost added all the missing components02:31
ddecatormicahg: ok. should i downgrade first?02:31
micahgddecator: nah02:32
ddecatormicahg: alright, just let me know when02:33
ddecatorwow, flash is crashing like crazy in chromium02:53
micahgddecator:reason to use Firefox :)02:56
ddecatormicahg: i know, i want to, but only FF 3.6 is working right now and that's really outdated as far as add-ons and such, so i am waiting for 3.7 to work again =p02:56
micahgddecator: outdated?02:56
ddecatormicahg: i have add-ons installed on 3.6 i don't use on 3.7 and i'm missing some that i use on 3.7 so rather than update it, i'm just using chromium to hold me over02:57
ddecatorit's the lazy way..02:57
micahgddecator: k, 3.7 should be fixed tonihgt02:58
ddecatormicahg: good to hear =)02:58
micahglet's see if we can get the rest fixed tonight :)02:58
ddecatorsounds good to me03:00
ddecatormicahg: any idea around what time SM2 will be ready?03:24
micahgddecator: another hour at least03:26
micahgstill working out dependencies, then 1 hr to build03:26
micahghi Milos_SD03:26
ddecatormicahg: alright, i'm gonna get off for a bit and relax, i've been working on homework and other things all day. i'll get on a little later03:27
Milos_SDafter xulrunner 1.9.3 update, Firefox 3.7 doesn't work  (it starts, but can't open any page), I can only open Help -> About and nothing else :S03:27
micahgddecator: don't worry about it03:27
ddecatorMilos_SD: we know =)03:27
micahgMilos_SD: should be ok after tonight03:27
micahgMilos_SD: will be pushed in another hour03:27
Milos_SDgreat :)03:27
ddecatormicahg: i'll still be on later, theres some other things i want to do, so i can test SM2, i just need a short break, haha03:28
Milos_SDI thought it was something with my configuration ... becouse it happend after I uninstalled some addon...03:28
ddecatormicahg: i'm back, so just let me know when SM2 is ready04:34
micahgddecator: at this stage of the game, you should probably make sure bugs are filed for your gwibber issues05:43
ddecatormicahg: i've been meaning to, haven't had time to get around to it, but while i'm waiting for you i'll take a look ;)05:44
* micahg is fading fast and needs time05:45
ddecatormicahg: np05:46
* micahg doesn't know how this is supposed to be finished tonight :(05:58
ddecatormicahg: you seemed pretty confident earlier =p05:58
* micahg didn't realize how long this takes06:00
micahgddecator: it's manually assigning the proper isntalled files to each of the .install files06:00
ddecatormicahg: ick..06:00
micahgddecator: k, I think I only have about 20 more files...06:08
ddecatormicahg: sure thing. i'll be up at least 2 more hours anyway06:08
micahgddecator: ok, I think I got this part finally06:14
ddecatormicahg: alright, SM2 or FF3.7?06:14
micahgddecator: SM2 :)06:16
ddecatormicahg: alright. you said it needs an hour to build?06:16
micahgI'm testing local first06:16
micahgff37 i386 is ready06:17
ddecatoramd64 still building?06:18
micahgddecator: yep06:19
micahgddecator: I think I got it06:25
ddecatormicahg: good deal =)06:25
micahgddecator: do you want me to just upload hte binaries I have to p.u.c rather than build in PPA?06:25
ddecatormicahg: doesn't matter to me. if you want others to test it then you can do the PPA, but if i'm the only one then p.u.c is fine06:26
micahgddecator: ?06:28
ddecatormicahg: do you want multiple people to test it, or do you just want me to?06:28
micahgddecator: you at the moment06:32
ddecatormicahg: p.u.c is fine if that will be faster06:32
micahgI hope so :)06:32
micahgddecator: I have limited upload from here06:33
micahgbut it'll be less than an hour06:33
micahgddecator: I just uploaded the build as well06:34
ddecatormicahg: alright06:34
micahgddecator: p.u.c still going, should be another 15 min06:34
ddecatormicahg: sure thing06:34
ddecatori spy some xulrunner updates..06:36
ddecatorand that did nothing06:39
micahgstill broke?06:39
micahgyou have ff37 yet?06:39
ddecatorah, nope, that update hasn't reached me yet06:40
ddecatorjust checked06:40
ddecatorthere it is06:45
ddecatorFF3.7 is a go =)06:46
ddecatorwell, kinda...OOPP still isn't working for me06:47
micahgddecator: you have it enabled?06:48
ddecatormicahg: i just enabled it and it froze when i went to youtube. i don't see a separate listing just for flash though, which i've seen people talk about in reports for 3.6.x06:49
* micahg is upgrading06:50
micahgddecator: apparmor :)06:52
ddecatormicahg: great..so what do i need to do?06:53
ddecatori'm also trying to reproduce a bug i keep having..06:54
ddecatornot going too well though, maybe it was fixed =p06:54
micahgddecator: sudo aa-complain /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox-3.706:55
ddecatormicahg: do i need to restart for it to take effect?06:55
micahgddecator: that'll put the profile in complain mode until it's fixed06:55
micahgddecator: no06:55
ddecatorgood deal06:56
ddecatormicahg: what is the name of the flash process?06:57
ddecatoroh, plugin-containe?06:57
ddecatorwell would you look at that =D06:57
micahgddecator: yeah06:58
ddecatori'll keep my eye out for the other bug (before, my bookmarks icon wasn't showing up half the time, can't get it to happen now)06:59
micahgjdstrand: if you get a chance can you look into allowing plugin-container in xulrunner-1.9.3 for the firefox-3.7 apparmor profile?06:59
ddecatormicahg: what's the status on SM2?07:00
micahgddecator: uploading to p.u.c seems to not work :(07:00
ddecatormicahg: darn. so ppa then?07:00
* micahg will upload to my server07:00
micahgactually, I can probably use Ubuntu One, you have an account?07:01
ddecatormicahg: yup07:01
micahgddecator: k, I think it's uploading07:08
ddecatormicahg: great. haha, i was in FF withdrawl..07:10
micahgddecator: ok, uploading the last deb to uBuntu one now07:33
ddecatormicahg: k07:34
micahgddecator: sent share invite, go for it07:35
ddecatormicahg: alright, one sec07:35
* micahg is going to bed, will try to finish the bzr part in the morning07:35
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
micahgddecator: do you have it?07:41
ddecatormicahg: something went wrong (site issue) let me try again a sec07:42
ddecatormicahg: ok, there they are07:43
micahgddecator: k, PPA build should be done in about a half hour anyways07:45
micahgddecator: I'm off will be back in 5 or so hours07:45
ddecatormicahg: alright, i'm installing now07:46
ddecatormicahg: night07:46
ddecatormicahg: everything works =)07:47
micahggreat news, I'll finish packaging in the morning07:48
BUGabundo_remoteThe Sun is High, the Vampires down 0/08:47
fta2... and ff 3.7 is broken08:48
fta2ajax silently fails08:48
BUGabundo_remotewth are you guys doing :)08:48
fta2i'm no longer touching it08:48
fta2not my fault08:48
fta2the same code works fine with 3.608:49
fta2and chrmomium08:49
fta2no, i don't care enough to loose my time with it08:50
fta2i mean, i'm already short in time so i spend it where it's needed08:51
fta2!info js2-mode08:53
ddecatorFF 3.7 broke again?08:56
ddecatori'm using it right now without any issues08:57
fta2it's either an ajax issue, or eval()09:25
fta2most probably eval as firebug shows the expected result from my ajax requests09:26
fta2but nothing in the console to give a clue09:27
BUGabundo_remotefta ch snapping on ssl, again09:54
BUGabundo_remotenew profile doesn't reproduce it09:54
BUGabundo_remotestarting now in debug mode09:54
fta2wfm, as usual10:04
BUGabundo_remotestill working fine in debug10:11
BUGabundo_remoteI'll let it run for a bit more to see if it blows while in debug10:11
chrisccoulsonasac - i see that FF3.6 still fails to build on hardy (it's using some gtk functions that don't exist in hardy)12:43
chrisccoulsonare you ok with me adding a patch to make it compatible with gtk on hardy?12:43
chrisccoulsonit doesn't look too difficult12:43
chrisccoulsonoh, it's actually the mozilla-kde patch which makes it depend on a newer gtk12:48
chrisccoulsonthat's easy then12:48
asacchrisccoulson: yes, but do it in a "stable" branch12:55
asacwe need to update mozilla on us changing the patch for this sake etc.12:55
asacbefore rolling it12:56
chrisccoulsonasac - the mozilla-kde patch comes from mozilla?12:57
asacchrisccoulson: no ... thats why we need to keep them updated.12:59
asacchrisccoulson: we committed that you would upstream it after release afaik12:59
asacor something like that13:00
micahghi chrisccoulson14:03
chrisccoulsonhi micahg14:10
micahgchrisccoulson: ok, so I got SM2 working, now to get the packaging back into bzr14:13
micahgchrisccoulson: how long do you need before you can upload once I do that?14:14
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure, i shouldn't need too long though14:14
micahgchrisccoulson: k14:14
micahgchrisccoulson: should we follow the convention for TB/FF in teh SM changelog?14:41
micahgchrisccoulson: also, due to time constraints, if I'm just adding bzr commits as needed if I notice an error previously14:55
micahgchrisccoulson: should I install the gnome-support files in the main package for Seamonkey like we do for Firefox/TB?15:40
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, that makes sense15:41
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I think that's it then, there are a whole bunch of lintian warnings/errors though15:41
micahgchrisccoulson: do I leave a blank .install file then?15:43
chrisccoulsoni don't think you need to leave a blank file15:43
micahgchrisccoulson: so, I'm going to do one more test build, do you want me to push up my bzr changes for you to review?15:48
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yes please15:48
chrisccoulsoni will try and look at those later on then15:48
micahgchrisccoulson: should I use the team branch or a personal branch?15:48
chrisccoulsonthe team one is fine15:49
micahgchrisccoulson: k, pushed15:50
micahgchrisccoulson: I guess I'll do lightning on my way into $WORK15:51
ftaoh my! 3.7 is so broken15:56
micahgfta: ?15:58
micahgfta: flash?15:58
ftano, everything15:58
* micahg only knows of the apparmor/flash issue15:59
ftathe context menu has a hundred entries or so15:59
jdstrandmicahg: what exactly did you need me to change?15:59
ftamy ajax are all broken15:59
micahgjdstrand: plugin-container in xulrunner193 package is blocked by apparmor15:59
* micahg thinks ff37 should mirror ff36 but that's a project for later16:00
* micahg doesn't have a huge context menu16:01
asacwhats the status of seamonkey? anyone knows16:06
asacchrisccoulson: do you know if the package is done?16:06
chrisccoulsonasac - micahg has been working on that, and just pushed the changes to bzr16:07
asacchrisccoulson: are the changes good?16:07
jdstrandmicahg: can you give me the dmesg?16:10
chrisccoulsonasac - i've not reviewed them just yet16:10
micahgjdstrand: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/422815/16:10
jdstrandmicahg: and fyi, ff37 does have (effectively) the same profile as ff3616:11
micahgjdstrand: right, but it's a xulrunner build, not all-in-one16:11
jdstrandmicahg: what types of things are in plugin-container?16:12
jdstrandmicahg: specifically, why does it need 'x'?16:13
micahgjdstrand: it's a wrapper for flash and other plugins so it doesn't kill the browser16:13
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
jdstrandmicahg: can you test it with:16:14
jdstrand  /usr/lib/xulrunner-*/plugin-container ixr,16:14
micahgjdstrand: seems to wfm16:17
jdstrandmicahg: cool. also-- should we add a similar rule for the all-in-one build? if so, what is its path?16:18
micahgjdstrand: it's in the firefox dir16:19
micahgthat seems to work16:19
* micahg forgot he's not running enforce on the profile though16:19
micahgjdstrand: seems to work on the ff36 profile w/out anything extra16:21
jdstrandthat seems odd16:21
micahg/usr/lib/firefox-3.6.4/** ixr,16:21
micahgthat's why it works16:22
jdstrandyes, I see that now16:22
jdstrandok good16:22
jdstrandmicahg: committed16:24
micahgjdstrand: thanks16:24
jdstrandI'm going to put it in ff36.head too16:25
micahgjdstrand: if you think it's necessary16:27
micahgchrisccoulson: are any of these lintian warnings an issue: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/422823/16:27
jdstrandmostly I want things to stay in sync16:27
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'll have a proper look at those in a bit, but we can add overrides for some16:32
chrisccoulson(like the image-file-in-usr-lib)16:32
ftamicahg, are you aware of any change related to ajax in ff trunk?16:37
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micahgfta: well, I think they're reinventing their JS engine16:37
ftamicahg, i use http://www.prototypejs.org/api/ajax/request   it used to work fine with ff 3.5/3.6/3.7 and chromium, now it's broken with 3.716:38
=== Vish is now known as vish
ftai just get the 'onCreate' but nothing else16:39
ftano error, no nothing16:39
=== vish is now known as Vish
ftamicahg, ??16:47
ftamicahg, at a5?16:47
sebnerrickspencer3: hola, do you happen to know a contact person (here in irc) for ubuntu partner repo questions?16:53
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rickspencer3sebner, hmmm17:02
rickspencer3I guess langasek in #ubuntu-devel17:03
sebnerrickspencer3: nah, I don't mean archive admin stuff, more like application/company stuff17:04
rickspencer3sebner, what's your question, specifically?17:04
rickspencer3(can use that to direct you)17:05
sebnerrickspencer3: to specific about the valve steam linux client rumors, canonical could offer help/whatever or make a deal like they did with dell and both sides would benefit17:06
rickspencer3oh, right17:06
rickspencer3sebner, that seems like a business <-> business thing, so not sure how we can help there from the engineering side17:07
sebnerrickspencer3: well, some people think valve is not gonna offer something like that officially because it's too much work for such few people (just a fun hacker project from some valve employees), I would just be interested to know if canonical already thinks about helping valve or if not how we can talk to the specific people responsible so they start thinking about it17:09
micahgfta: what about a5?17:14
rickspencer3sebner, oh, yeah I don't know what Canonical is thinking there, if anything17:14
sebnerrickspencer3: that's why I'm trying to get in contact with someone there and I thought you might have contacts or know some responsible for such stuff17:15
rickspencer3sebner, hmmm, I don't know how to do that17:15
ftamicahg, changing the js engine17:15
sebnerrickspencer3: oh, ok. np then :)17:16
micahgfta: yeah, idk if they'll have it complete for 3.7, but that's one of the major goals is to try to make a faster engine than v817:16
micahgfta: I think the early alphas were mainly for the OOPP stuff17:16
micahgasac: I thought we weren't going to backport the kde-patch to the stable 3.6 branches17:18
asacmicahg: well. if thats easier, then yes.17:22
asacotherwise no17:22
asaci leave it to chrisccoulson to decide17:22
micahgasac: k, I'll discuss with him17:24
micahgchrisccoulson: I'll bbi 75 min17:40
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
chrisccoulsonccheney - i had a look at epiphany today17:52
ccheneychrisccoulson: great :)17:53
chrisccoulsoni don't know how much you unserstand about the crashes, so i don't know if i'm duplicating work here17:53
ccheneychrisccoulson: all i understood was that asac told me that the callbacks where going to the wrong location and that if i updated some of the linkage in the class init it would probably fix it17:54
ccheneychrisccoulson: though i was not clear on how to do that properly17:54
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not entirely sure it's possible to do that, as there aren't really any class methods to override17:54
ccheneyasac: ping ^17:55
chrisccoulsonthe issue is that GtkEntryCompletion is using the GtkEntry calls from the real GTK, rather than the local EphyGtkEntry, and the text storage is different between the 2 versions17:55
ccheneychrisccoulson: perhaps asking asac what he meant might help, i just pinged him to see :)17:56
ccheneychrisccoulson: oh that might be a bug that I didn't fix when trying to restore what i had done17:56
ccheneychrisccoulson: the GtkEntryCompletion copy in epiphany-browser should be using EphyGtkEntry, unless i forgot to switch it over17:56
chrisccoulsonthe old system gtk is just using a char** to store the data in the entry box, whereas the new one (local to epiphany) is using a GtkEntryBuffer instead17:57
ccheneychrisccoulson: i had at one time gutted that part out so I might have messed up when trying to restore it17:57
chrisccoulsonccheney - yeah, i think the issue is that not all of GtkEntryCompletion is included17:57
ccheneyso that whole class would need to be copied over as well as modifying it to use EphyGtkEntry?17:58
chrisccoulsonccheney, yeah, i think so17:59
ccheneyok will try that out when i get a chance, working with mvo to fix another OOo issue, this one appears to be exposing a dpkg bug (not apt this time) :-\18:01
asacchrisccoulson: there are class methods to override in GtkEntryClass .. no?18:02
asacthat was an attempt to break the loop ... otherwise we can see if porting GtkEntryCompletion as EphyGtkEntryCompletion helps to unbreak the tie18:03
ccheneymvo is going to be looking at the OOo/dpkg issue in more detail later today so i can work on the epiphany stuff right after lunch (30m or so)18:05
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, i think we'll have to copy over the whole GtkEntryCompletion class18:05
asacchrisccoulson: GtkEntryClass doesnt exist?18:06
ccheneyasac: i have the most up to date version of the package in my ppa if you want to take a look18:06
asacmaybe we can include the private header?18:06
asacccheney: i doubt things changed sinc we did it the last time ;)18:06
ccheneyits possible i somehow botched something when restoring the changes18:07
asacwell. if its still crashing the same way its probably ok18:07
ccheneyasac: last we talked i had made some changes you thought were bad so i went back and tried to fix them, i think i did it correctly but maybe not18:07
ccheneyyea i have EphyGtkEntryClass18:08
chrisccoulsonasac - GtkEntryClass does exist, but there aren't any class methods we can override (unless i'm missing something)18:08
asacchrisccoulson: i see them in gtkentry.h18:08
asacits just internal API ... but thats ok given what we are doing18:08
asacstruct _GtkEntryClass18:08
asac  GtkWidgetClass parent_class;18:08
asac  /* Hook to customize right-click popup */18:08
asac  void (* populate_popup)   (GtkEntry       *entry,18:08
asac                             GtkMenu        *menu);18:08
asac  /* Action signals18:08
asac   */18:08
asac  void (* activate)           (GtkEntry             *entry);18:08
asac  void (* move_cursor)        (GtkEntry             *entry,18:08
asac                               GtkMovementStep       step,18:08
asac                               gint                  count,18:09
asac                               gboolean              extend_selection);18:09
asacso we want to overload those ... and i think there was a new func in the new API18:09
asacwe want to properly use the reserved1 slot in the class definition for that18:09
asacright there were 3 reserved in hardy and now just 2 ... so we just use the gtk_reserved1 or something from the old GtkEntryClass for that18:09
asacand write the wrapper func that calls klass->gtk_reserved1 ... or something18:10
asacchrisccoulson: also use override for all properties rather than install_property ... and similar for signals18:14
asacexcept for new properties of course18:14
chrisccoulsonasac - ok, i will look at that. the reason for the crash though is that the old system GtkEntryCompletion class uses gtk_entry_get_text (and passes the EphyGtkEntry class), but that does the wrong thing in hardy, and doesn't seem to do anything which we can override18:18
asacchrisccoulson: err. if we overload that it should call the right thing, not?18:20
asacchrisccoulson: could be that something instanciates the GtkEntry inside the gtk ... but afaik the instantiation happens in our code, so instantiating EphyGtkEntry should be ok18:21
asacgtk_entry_get_text calls klass->get_text most likely. so if we ovelroad it, we get called18:22
chrisccoulsonasac - the issue though is that gtk_entry_get_text doesn't call klass->get_text. it just returns return entry->text18:23
chrisccoulsonbut entry->text is not used to store the contents with EphyGtkEntry (the contents are stored in a GtkEntryBuffer instead)18:24
asacoverloading gtk_entry_get_text ;)18:26
asactry that18:26
asaclet me update my git gtk tree18:28
asaci am looking at something half a year old ... that still has entry->text18:29
chrisccoulsonasac - the use of GtkEntryBuffer is since 2.1818:31
chrisccoulsonso, from karmic onwards18:32
* ccheney back18:32
ccheneyasac: btw are you still in charge of NM? i have a question for later if you are18:32
* ccheney pings cyphermox about it instead :) seems he may have taken over it18:35
asacchrisccoulson: so you could overload gtk_entry_get_text ... which tests if its a EphyGtkEntry and call the buffer and if its not return entry->text ;)18:36
asacyou can also try to pull in the CompletionClass18:36
asacor maybe both18:36
ccheneypulling in too many classes leads to madness ;-)18:37
asacright. thats why i tried to break the loop here18:37
ccheneyas they seem to have near infinite dependencies :-\18:38
asacor we really register to the inserted/deleted text signals and update entry->text in the super struct18:38
micahgasac: are sunbird/lightning exposed to insecure content?18:58
cyphermoxccheney, sorry I was out to lunch18:59
ccheneycyphermox: np, will take it to privmsg to avoid clogging the channel18:59
micahgchrisccoulson: I forgot the replaces/conflicts for seamonkey-gnome-support19:09
micahgchrisccoulson: how does it work with shlibs:Depends on -gnome-support since nothing is actually in there19:23
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the shlibs:Depends is populated before the so file is moved19:43
chrisccoulsonso it gets the correct dependencies19:43
micahgchrisccoulson: ok, but if I removed it from .installl, how does it know?19:44
chrisccoulsonmicahg - oh, i've not looked at it yet. as long as the files are installed to debian/seamonkey-gnome-support (or whereever) when dh_shlibdeps is run, then it will be ok19:45
micahgchrisccoulson: so, that won't happen without the files, right?19:46
chrisccoulsonmicahg - not unless there are some dh_install calls in debian/rules installing them to -gnome-support first19:46
micahgchrisccoulson: k, so are they supposed to be installed and then removed?19:47
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, that's the idea19:47
* micahg sees what you did19:49
asacmicahg: chrisccoulson: if -gnome-support is kept empty the idea would be to hack the depends out of the main package nd put them manually there19:55
asaceven if there are no .so's19:55
micahgasac: I'm doing what chrisccoulson did for thunderbird19:55
micahglooks sane19:55
chrisccoulsonand that was copied from firefox ;)19:55
asacchrisccoulson: what are you doing for tbird?19:55
asaci thnk there is a bug in firefox and we might want to do it different (though the idea was great ;))19:56
micahgasac: http://pastebin.com/bBqdtqkw19:56
chrisccoulsonasac - for thunderbird - bug 54306019:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543060 in thunderbird "thunderbird - gnome integration should work even without -gnome-support" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54306019:56
asacok cool. i think there was a problem with predeb if that was the stage i used in firefox19:57
asace.g. those binaries dont get stripped properly or sometihng19:57
asacbut cant remember19:57
asacok on a call again :)19:57
* micahg is testing the install for it now19:57
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, that's the stage used in firefox19:57
chrisccoulsoni'll look at the issue with stripping then, but it's not a major issue19:58
asacno its not a major issue. just some symbols in the .so that should be in the dbgsym ;)19:58
micahgasac: are sunbird/lightning exposed to insecure content?19:59
asacmicahg: somewhat.19:59
asacyou click on ics links etc.19:59
asacbut not that badly19:59
micahgasac: :(, idk if I can get sunbird done19:59
sebnerasac: ui ui ui, not that long ago I heard that you left the desktop/mozilla team. Such news passed me -.-20:00
micahgasac: was thinking to leave it and backport newest version20:00
micahgsunbird has more patches than anything I've seen20:00
asacsebner: i am still here, aint i?20:00
sebnerasac: well, present in an irc chan != part of the team20:01
micahgasac: chrisccoulson: so, can we leave sunbird and SRU it or should we drop it and backport just lightning, or another option?20:02
asacmicahg: i dont know what the state is20:02
asacwe should try to get it up today if any20:02
asacor drop it20:02
asaca full new upstream version etc. in a SRU is tough20:02
micahgasac: I wouldn't be able to work on it till this evening (which I think is too late)20:03
micahgasac: I think we're pushing it with Seamonkey right now20:03
asacmicahg: dont we have a lightning only solution?20:03
micahgasac: not ATM20:03
asaci remember that scottk wanted me to comment on something20:03
asacthought there was a lightning only package20:03
micahgdropping sunbird from the sunbird package, that's what I wanted to do20:03
micahgasac: that's what I want to do, but it doesn't look like I can do it in time (I wanted to have lightning-sunbird build just lightning)20:06
chrisccoulsonccheney - do you have time to work on the epiphany issues, or do you want me to do it?20:09
ccheneychrisccoulson: i can but i wasn't clear on what needed to be done20:09
ccheneyi'm learning as i'm doing it so its more poking around in the dark looking for a light switch ;-)20:10
ccheneyin any case i am interested to at least see what was needed to fix it and understand how it works so i can be more helpful in the future on issues such as this20:12
ccheneywith the deadline for completion looming it might be better if someone more knowledgable fix it quickly, if the deadline is as close as i understand it to be20:12
ccheneybut i am more than willing to continue to work on it if there is still enough time20:13
micahgchrisccoulson: I seem to be failing at the replaces/breaks her20:16
chrisccoulsonmicahg - whats failing?20:17
chrisccoulsonccheney - ok, i can try and look at that too then20:17
ccheneychrisccoulson: if you get to a place where its beginning to be grunt work just let me know what to do and how to continue and i will take over :)20:18
micahgchrisccoulson: I added a breaks on < 2.0.4+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 and replaces on < 2.0.4+nobinonly-0ubuntu1, but a few packages won't configure20:18
* ccheney is intending to be more of a help than a hindrance in getting this done :-)20:19
chrisccoulsonare we planning on backporting mozilla-devscripts to hardy? (or do we need to make FF3.6 build with the older version?)20:19
micahgccheney: are you familiar with cairo?20:19
micahgchrisccoulson: I hope backport...20:19
chrisccoulsonmicahg - which packages fail to configure? and how are you installing the new packages?20:20
chrisccoulson(you have to be careful with dpkg, as it doesn't resolve things like this)20:20
micahgchrisccoulson: dpkg :)20:20
micahgchrisccoulson: how else can I install local packages?20:21
ccheneymicahg: no20:21
micahgccheney: oh well...20:21
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i think there's a flag you can pass to dpkg to make it go smoother, but i ended up testing thunderbird by hosting it in my PPA and using apt20:23
micahgchrisccoulson: I can push to PPA, but it'll take at least an hour to build20:23
ccheneyyou can use apt-ftparchive to setup a local apt repo20:24
ccheneyeg: apt-ftparchive packages . > Packages  then put in your sources.list file:///foo/path ./20:24
ccheneyor something similar to that, then you can use apt to resolve for you without needing to push to ppa to test it out20:24
chrisccoulsonyeah, i was just about to suggest a local repo too but i couldn't remember how to set it up20:24
ccheneynp :)20:25
micahgchrisccoulson: can I commit my changes and you finish the testing?20:27
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, that's fine20:27
micahgchrisccoulson: k, pushed, I should be online for the next 4-5 hours, ping me if you need something20:33
micahgchrisccoulson: we still have to figure out sunbird though20:33
ftamicahg, are you sure "<" works? i always see "<<"20:42
* micahg will fix, was copying from <= and didn't want =20:43
micahgfta: thanks20:46
asacyeah << is the right21:20
chrisccoulsonasac - what are your thoughts on bug 557240?21:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557240 in ubufox "Disable "Report a Problem" menu item for the stable release" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55724021:55
chrisccoulson(is that something we should do as a SRU, or not at all?)21:55
chrisccoulsoni'm just a bit concerned that having firefox as the only application with a "Report a problem" menu entry is going to lead to users reporting a lot of bugs against firefox ;)21:56
asacchrisccoulson: your decision. unless someone complains its mostly that you will get more bug reports )21:57
asacif you want me to prepare an SRU for that let me know21:57
chrisccoulsonasac - ok, i will probably speak to other people as well, as it's not going to be changed until after release if we do anything21:57
chrisccoulsoni'll see how everyone feels about it21:57
micahgasac: are you leaving ubufor with rc versioning for release?21:57
asacmicahg: eah. thats ok21:58
chrisccoulsonmicahg - unless there's a good reason to change it, then it will stay the same. i don't think there will be any more uploads now21:58
asacrc can be released ;)21:58
asacthats why its a candidate ;)21:58
micahgchrisccoulson: we still need to get Seamonkey in :)21:59
chrisccoulsonmicahg - thats ok, i can get that in tomorrow once i've reviewed it. there probably won't be any more uploads for things on the CD now, unless they are really release critical ;)22:00
micahgah, ok,22:00
chrisccoulsonbut we have to stop even for universe at some point before release, to give the builders time to clear the queue so that the archive can be frozen for release22:00
chrisccoulsonso, sunbird....22:02
chrisccoulsoni need to read the scrollback :)22:03
micahgchrisccoulson: so, at this point, it seems like it might be best to drop and backport lightning from maveric22:03
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's probably the only option now, as we really want to be targetting the last uploads for tomorrow if possible22:05
chrisccoulsonlightning isn't easily installable if it's not in the archive though is it?22:06
micahgchrisccoulson: it's arch specific, an upstream dev has provided an amd64 build and i386 is on amo22:06
chrisccoulsondid you look at not building sunbird? (or is it just tricky to do?)22:07
micahgchrisccoulson: well, I didn't realize how the package was built, basically, the package is teh sunbird build, so to not build sunbird seems crazy22:08
micahgI can probably not install it, but then we have the problem of sunbird-locales as well which won't work with the new package22:08
chrisccoulsondebian don't package lightning do they?22:13
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, they have it22:16
micahgbut they build sunbird22:16
chrisccoulsonhmmm, what do they call the package in debian?22:25
micahgchrisccoulson: iceowl22:26
chrisccoulsonheh. that's why i couldn't find it ;)22:26
micahgchrisccoulson: so what do I need to work on tonight?23:55

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