=== marienz_ is now known as marienz | ||
robertzaccour | I was banned for something my dad did. since then I've changed my login settings to password required at startup so he shouldn't be a problem now | 00:34 |
jrib | @btlogin | 00:34 |
robertzaccour | he did this paste of a bunch of characters outlining middle fingers | 00:35 |
jrib | h00k: are you around? | 00:36 |
* h00k reattaches | 00:37 | |
jrib | robertzaccour: doesn't really matter who did what, you're responsible for that ip | 00:37 |
h00k | jrib: yes, I am | 00:37 |
jrib | h00k: robertzaccour was your ban I believe if you want to take a look | 00:37 |
h00k | jrib: yes, give me one second, here | 00:38 |
robertzaccour | the ban was for a bunch of characters posted outlining the 2 middle fingers sticking up. | 00:38 |
robertzaccour | and i apologize for leaving my i.p. at home open for others to use because of what happened | 00:38 |
h00k | robertzaccour: remember, you are responsible for that IP address, as jrib said. | 00:39 |
robertzaccour | h00k, ok | 00:40 |
h00k | robertzaccour: there were two incidents of you being removed that day for flooding, one was by myself | 00:41 |
h00k | shortly thereafter was myself. | 00:41 |
h00k | robertzaccour: I'll remove your ban, just make sure you know what is being said to channels from your username/ip address. I won't hesitate to do it again if necessary | 00:41 |
jrib | !guidelines > robertzaccour | 00:42 |
ubottu | robertzaccour, please see my private message | 00:42 |
robertzaccour | ok thanks | 00:42 |
jrib | robertzaccour: make sure you take over the guidelines so you are aware of what's expected in #ubuntu | 00:42 |
jrib | s/take/look | 00:42 |
h00k | robertzaccour: please review the guidelines, also the code of conduct before I remove it | 00:42 |
h00k | !coc > robertzaccour | 00:42 |
ubottu | robertzaccour, please see my private message | 00:42 |
robertzaccour | ok | 00:43 |
h00k | robertzaccour: you are set. | 00:49 |
funkyHat | I have not kicked anyone for being naughty yet ⢁) | 00:50 |
h00k | robertzaccour: If you could please /part this channel as it's not for idling. I see you are in the channel successfully. | 00:50 |
funkyHat | Well, except tonyyarusso | 00:50 |
funkyHat | Oop, didn't think anyone was talking. Silly scrollback | 00:51 |
h00k | funkyHat: you are silly. | 00:51 |
funkyHat | h00k: ORLY | 00:51 |
tonyyarusso | what'd I do now? | 00:51 |
tonyyarusso | oh, right | 00:51 |
h00k | I don't know, but I just had my first unban. | 00:51 |
jrib | people usually use a cousin or sibling, father is new, maybe it was the truth | 00:52 |
h00k | I'm doubting it | 00:52 |
h00k | but it's always possible! | 00:53 |
jrib | time will tell | 00:53 |
persia | I tend to assume it's always true when there is a claim "someone else did it": it gives a nice opportunity to lecture about responsibly protecting one's authentication credentials, which is something I think isn't pushed enough. | 00:56 |
persia | The point being that it doesn't even matter if it was someone else, the mistake is their fault. | 00:56 |
h00k | I concur | 01:03 |
nhandler | Just a reminder while I'm thinking about it, we will need to do a search/update of factoids that mention karmic to make sure they are still correct once lucid is released | 03:22 |
IdleOne | nhandler: should we offer edits to ubottu or send them to someone specific to review and approve? | 03:28 |
nhandler | IdleOne: Just send them to ubottu. Someone will see them here | 03:29 |
nhandler | But most of those factoids should probably wait to be changed until thursday when lucid is released | 03:29 |
IdleOne | nhandler: yeah probably | 03:30 |
IdleOne | does a edit need to be sent for each trigger? | 03:33 |
IdleOne | nhandler: ^^ | 03:33 |
Flannel | IdleOne: you mean for aliases? no, just the main one | 03:33 |
IdleOne | Flannel: ok | 03:33 |
IdleOne | Flannel: yes I meant aliases:) | 03:34 |
Flannel | IdleOne: You can find out which one is the main one by checking out the factoid info | 03:34 |
Flannel | !-hello | 03:34 |
ubottu | hello is <alias> hi - added by Pici on 2007-10-10 20:34:45 | 03:34 |
Flannel | !-hi | 03:34 |
ubottu | hi aliases: howdy, hello, hey, welcome - added by Seveas on 2006-07-11 17:20:25 - last edited by tsimpson on 2010-01-17 10:53:50 | 03:34 |
ubottu | In ubottu, IdleOne said: party is Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to the Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties | 03:34 |
Flannel | So, hi is the main one, and those five alias to it. | 03:34 |
nhandler | ubottu: !party =! s/Karmic/Lucid/g | 03:36 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 03:36 |
nhandler | ubottu: !party =! s/Karmic/Lucid/ | 03:36 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 03:36 |
nhandler | ubottu: !party is <sed> /Karmic/Lucid/ | 03:37 |
ubottu | I'll remember that nhandler | 03:37 |
* nhandler curses the unintelligent regex support | 03:38 | |
IdleOne | oh I think that is my first approved edit :P | 03:38 |
* IdleOne takes note of time and date | 03:38 | |
nhandler | :) | 03:39 |
ubottu | In ubottu, IdleOne said: links is DON'T POST LINKS! Lucid isn't out until it's announced, and indicating anything otherwise causes the servers to get more load, thus making the release LATER. Is that what you want? | 03:40 |
IdleOne | will we make it 2 for 2 ? :) remains to see | 03:41 |
nhandler | IdleOne: That a new factoid you are proposing? | 03:41 |
IdleOne | nhandler: it is a new/old was deleted factoid | 03:42 |
IdleOne | think it is only used on release day | 03:42 |
nhandler | I guess we can add it back in for now. | 03:43 |
nhandler | ubottu: !links is <reply> DON'T POST LINKS! Lucid isn't out until it's announced, and indicating anything otherwise causes the servers to get more load, thus making the release LATER. Is that what you want? | 03:44 |
ubottu | links has been forgotten, use '!unforget links' to edit it again | 03:44 |
nhandler | ubottu: !unforget links | 03:44 |
ubottu | I suddenly remember links again, nhandler | 03:44 |
nhandler | ubottu: !no links is <reply> DON'T POST LINKS! Lucid isn't out until it's announced, and indicating anything otherwise causes the servers to get more load, thus making the release LATER. Is that what you want? | 03:44 |
ubottu | I'll remember that nhandler | 03:44 |
IdleOne | this is the only one I see that needs to be edited <reply> Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubun….com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.co…enotes/910 | 03:45 |
IdleOne | yeah the links are broke in my paste | 03:45 |
IdleOne | the rest should be good | 03:45 |
nhandler | Hmm...I would be very surprised if that was the case. | 03:46 |
IdleOne | well I searched the factoids with karmic | 03:46 |
IdleOne | oh and !torrents | 03:46 |
IdleOne | and !releasenotes | 03:47 |
IdleOne | ok so i was wrong | 03:47 |
nhandler | :) | 03:48 |
IdleOne | but without links it's hard to edit | 03:48 |
IdleOne | I guess I could make an educated guess | 03:49 |
nhandler | Hmm...Why does !torrents link to the mirrors? | 03:50 |
Flannel | !torrents | 03:50 |
ubottu | Karmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD). | 03:50 |
Flannel | No idea | 03:50 |
IdleOne | blame apokryphos | 03:50 |
IdleOne | heh | 03:50 |
IdleOne | oh no | 03:51 |
IdleOne | tsimpson :/ bad bad! | 03:51 |
IdleOne | errr hell nm | 03:51 |
IdleOne | I'm to tired | 03:51 |
nhandler | And we should probably alias torrents to something else until they are actually available. | 03:52 |
IdleOne | to !!nottorrents | 03:52 |
IdleOne | hey is shipit open ? | 03:56 |
IdleOne | nope not yet | 03:58 |
bastid_raZor | hi, i just had a guy send me a dcc chat. what does that mean and is it dangerous? | 04:42 |
IdleOne | bastid_raZor: dcc chat is not dangerous but most people don't use it any more. make sure to set your client to not auto accept dcc | 04:43 |
IdleOne | err | 04:43 |
jussi | IdleOne: thats not necessarily true... | 05:49 |
jussi | !dccexploit | 05:49 |
jussi | !exploit | 05:49 |
ubottu | There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit | 05:49 |
IdleOne | jussi: yes, sorry | 05:51 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:21 |
ubottu | In ubottu, Sh[a]dowwolf said: Sh[a]dowwolf is currently away, try again later | 07:44 |
ubottu | calebgamb called the ops in #ubuntu () | 09:26 |
Flannel | hmm, someone get attacked? | 09:36 |
Flannel | I guess that'd be more like a netsplit | 09:36 |
tsimpson | when you want to reference the current devel/release/lts in factoids, you can use place-holders: $curDevel, $curDevelLong, $curDevelNum, $curLTS, $curLTSLong, $curLTSNum, $curStable, $curStableLong, $curStableNum | 09:57 |
tsimpson | those get replaced with config values | 09:57 |
tsimpson | @config plugins.Encyclopedia.curDevel | 09:58 |
ubottu | Lucid | 09:58 |
tsimpson | @config plugins.Encyclopedia.curDevelLong | 09:58 |
ubottu | Lucid Lynx | 09:58 |
tsimpson | @config plugins.Encyclopedia.curDevelNum | 09:58 |
ubottu | 10.04 | 09:58 |
tsimpson | so when a release happens we can just change the config | 09:58 |
tsimpson | !no party is <reply> Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to $curDevel release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/$curDevelReleaseParties | 10:05 |
ubottu | I'll remember that tsimpson | 10:05 |
tsimpson | !party | 10:05 |
ubottu | Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties | 10:05 |
nhandler | tsimpson: Thanks. I forgot we added those | 12:07 |
nhandler | tsimpson: We should probably add those variables to the ubottu.com wiki | 12:15 |
tsimpson | well they _were_ on the bot info page ;) | 12:16 |
tsimpson | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots?action=recall&rev=1#Variables | 12:17 |
tsimpson | I'll copy it over | 12:17 |
nhandler | Thanks tsimpson. We probably missed it when we redid the Bots page | 12:21 |
ubottu | In ubottu, IdleOne said: unr is Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - support in #ubuntu | 13:18 |
erUSUL | can someone fix pastebinit factoid ? | 13:48 |
erUSUL | Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com | 13:49 |
erUSUL | the main/default site fails currently | 13:49 |
nhandler | IdleOne: Isn't it UNE now? | 13:50 |
nhandler | erUSUL: Can you propose a change? | 13:50 |
erUSUL | i just did | 13:50 |
erUSUL | instead of "Simple usage: command | pastebinit" change to Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com | 13:51 |
erUSUL | nhandler: you just have to add -b | 13:51 |
erUSUL | http://paste.ubuntu.com | 13:51 |
nhandler | Ah, I missed that | 13:51 |
erUSUL | -b http://paste.ubuntu.com | 13:51 |
* erUSUL sorry for the paste brainfart above | 13:52 | |
nhandler | ubottu: !no pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com | 13:53 |
ubottu | I'll remember that nhandler | 13:53 |
erUSUL | nhandler: tyvm | 13:53 |
* erUSUL waves | 13:53 | |
Pici | yeesh | 13:58 |
h00k | and Ubuntu Netbook Remix is no longer Netbook Remix in 10.04, it is officially Ubuntu Netbook Edition | 14:16 |
bazhang | !une | 14:17 |
ubottu | Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu | 14:17 |
h00k | bazhang: that works | 14:19 |
bazhang | h00k, he has a history of it | 14:19 |
h00k | ah. noted. | 14:19 |
Pici | AUGH | 14:19 |
bazhang | darksider seems to have been infected though | 14:20 |
elky | aetr again? | 14:20 |
h00k | yes | 14:21 |
tsimpson | nhandler: you can't paste to paste.ubuntu.com without using OpenID | 14:22 |
tsimpson | so it'll probably need to be some other site | 14:22 |
Pici | tsimpson: Yes you can. | 14:22 |
tsimpson | Pici: I thought it was disabled? | 14:22 |
Pici | tsimpson: I believe that you only need an openid if you want to get the rawtext. | 14:22 |
tsimpson | hmm, ok | 14:23 |
tsimpson | Pici: yeah, you're right | 14:24 |
* tsimpson still doesn't get why though | 14:24 | |
* Pici gives bazhang an opsnack | 14:25 | |
bazhang | got darksider in PM, and he wondered why he was removed after *a single line* then quit. though with more colourful language naturally | 14:28 |
h00k | ikonia: what was he doing, I missed it | 15:55 |
ikonia | h00k: he persistantly cross-posts his issues across multiple ubuntu channels, despite being told not to on many occasions | 15:55 |
h00k | ikonia: oh, he was doing that. gotcha. | 15:55 |
ikonia | it's not the first time, I've given him multiple chats about it and I know two others have too | 15:56 |
Pici | 10:46:00 <llutz> alabd: man find (ctime/mtime) | 15:56 |
Pici | 10:46:15 <alabd> llutz, you man it first | 15:56 |
Pici | Thats not good either ^ | 15:56 |
alabd | ikonia, :) | 15:56 |
ikonia | I'm not laughing about it | 15:56 |
h00k | oh, that's not a laugh. | 15:57 |
ikonia | alabd: how many times have you been told about cross-posting your issues ? | 15:57 |
alabd | ikonia, it is not bad when we need more answers | 15:57 |
ikonia | alabd: how many times have you been told about cross-posting your issues ? | 15:57 |
alabd | ikonia, it is not bad when we need more answers | 15:58 |
h00k | I totally didn't think ikonia was talking to alabd, please note that for the log. | 15:58 |
ikonia | ok - if you want to play silly games I'm not progressing this | 15:58 |
ikonia | alabd: I'll ask you one more time, do you agree you have been told multiple times to not cross-post questions ? | 15:58 |
alabd | ikonia, you have power here and you can do kick/bann but brain says it is not bad idea to cross post when we can not get proper answer | 15:59 |
ikonia | alabd: it is not acceptable to cross-post your questions across multiuple channels, more so when they are not support channels like #ubuntu-offtopic | 15:59 |
ikonia | alabd: you have been told this multiple times and refuse to stop. | 15:59 |
ikonia | alabd: you are now banned from those channels | 15:59 |
alabd | you have power here and you can do kick/bann but brain says it is not bad idea to cross post when we can not get proper answer | 16:00 |
alabd | logic says it is not bad idea to cross post when we can not get proper answer | 16:01 |
ikonia | alabd: this is not up for discussion. Those are the rules of the channels | 16:01 |
ikonia | alabd: you have continued to break these rules, you are now banned. | 16:01 |
alabd | ok where is rules ? | 16:02 |
ikonia | !guidelines > alabd | 16:02 |
ubottu | alabd, please see my private message | 16:02 |
ikonia | !coc > alabd | 16:02 |
ikonia | alabd: I have also spoken to you about this cross-posting in #ubuntu-offtopic, and I know at least one other operator has also | 16:02 |
ikonia | alabd: so you have been told multiple times by individuals also to stop | 16:02 |
ikonia | alabd: also your attitude towards people in the channels is not acceptable, more so when these people are trying to help | 16:05 |
ikonia | with that said, I think it appropriate for you to take some time out of these channels to think about how you participate in the channles in future | 16:05 |
alabd | yes you can do anything | 16:05 |
ikonia | ok, well in that case, have a think about your particpation in the #ubuntu channels, and come back in a week and we can discuss removing your ban then | 16:06 |
alabd | where is cross post mentioned ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines can not see | 16:06 |
ikonia | I can update that, but as I've said said multiple people have asked and then told you to stop | 16:07 |
alabd | no you should write it there then tell others | 16:08 |
ikonia | I'll update it now, but it is applied in the behaviour | 16:08 |
charlie-tca | I think it is covered by - "Recommendations from channel operators, including those stored in the channel bots, should be followed. " | 16:08 |
alabd | should humble listen to any person in channel | 16:08 |
ikonia | however as I said, multiple people have asked you and then told you to stop | 16:08 |
alabd | should humble listen to any person in channel maybe he is not logic only rule that is written somewhere can be impotant not users speech also you should say why cross post is bad is it bad always ? we can have exceptions but maybe for you is easier to ban | 16:11 |
ikonia | alabd: I and others as operators of the channel (known to you) asked you and then told you to stop | 16:11 |
ikonia | you have not done so, you are now banned | 16:12 |
alabd | you should say why cross post is bad is it bad always ? we can have exceptions but maybe for you is easier to ban | 16:12 |
ikonia | I suggest you take a week out of the channel and think about how and if you want to participate and come back to this channel in a week and we'll look at removing the ban. Do you understand | 16:12 |
h00k | !crosspost | 16:12 |
ubottu | Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support. | 16:12 |
alabd | h00k, yes thanks | 16:13 |
h00k | charlie-tca: yes, it is indeed covered in that clause | 16:13 |
alabd | but we should see when a question is not answer first it a channel it can be asked in another , | 16:13 |
alabd | and didn't ask question exactly in the same ikonia | 16:14 |
ikonia | alabd: no it can't be asked in other offtopic channels | 16:14 |
ikonia | alabd: as I've told you before | 16:14 |
alabd | also humble told you you have power and can do what you want | 16:15 |
alabd | bye | 16:15 |
ikonia | Hmmm for some reason I can't end the new line I've put in irc/guidlines | 16:17 |
ikonia | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines#preview | 16:19 |
ikonia | some one take a look and see if they can fix the formatting mistake I've made ? | 16:19 |
Pici | we can't see your previews. | 16:19 |
ikonia | ahh you'll see it anyway as the changes have been submitted to you | 16:19 |
knome | i'll take care of that | 16:19 |
Pici | Plus I don't really think that this edit should go through w/o the ircc's consultation. | 16:19 |
ikonia | it's been discussed many times before and never actually implimented. | 16:20 |
h00k | Please watch out for poutine, was trolling in -offtopic about disabled people, he was banned and removed | 16:20 |
ikonia | I can remove it | 16:20 |
knome | i fixed it | 16:20 |
knome | now feel free to remove it | 16:20 |
ikonia | knome: oh, well done, what was the issue ? | 16:21 |
knome | ikonia, you needed a space in the beginning of the row to indent | 16:21 |
ikonia | ahh, thank you | 16:21 |
h00k | Pici: :o | 16:21 |
Pici | !staff | Please see #ubuntu-unregged | 16:21 |
ikonia | big catch | 16:22 |
h00k | wow. | 16:22 |
Pici | marienz: I see you're on stats p, could you please take a look at this attack here? | 16:22 |
marienz | on it | 16:23 |
ikonia | nice one Pici | 16:23 |
ikonia | they are just saying kernel panic - odd | 16:23 |
Pici | They're getting thrown in #ubuntu-ungregged now, making a mess. | 16:23 |
tsimpson | !test | 16:24 |
ubottu | hrm? | 16:24 |
Pici | tsimpson: /me shrugs | 16:24 |
tsimpson | oddness | 16:24 |
h00k | that is new to me | 16:25 |
marienz | sorry for the delay | 16:25 |
Pici | marienz: how do things look? | 16:35 |
marienz | quieting down | 16:35 |
* marienz knocks on wood | 16:35 | |
Pici | marienz: Do you think its okay to remove +r? | 16:36 |
marienz | Pici: I think it's worth a shot, but you should probably keep an eye on the channel for a few minutes afterwards in case they have an angel in there and he's impatient | 16:37 |
marienz | then again :( | 16:38 |
Pici | yeah ;( | 16:38 |
marienz | (I'm klining these, but I can't do it before they join) | 16:39 |
Pici | (okay) | 16:39 |
h00k | !ping | | 16:44 |
ubottu | : pong | 16:44 |
h00k | heh | 16:44 |
h00k | I was testing something. | 16:44 |
Pici | marienz, thanks for the help. | 16:59 |
marienz | they aren't quite all gone yet :( | 17:01 |
Pici | It feels quieter though :) | 17:02 |
h00k | I set mode +r again, we're having some people come in | 17:05 |
h00k | I guess I didn't notice if it was unset, but we had a few come in | 17:05 |
h00k | so I +r'd again | 17:05 |
tsimpson | !staff | 17:06 |
ubottu | hey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, Pricey, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, stew or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :) | 17:06 |
marienz | I see them | 17:06 |
tsimpson | thank you :) | 17:06 |
marienz | I want to avoid adding an instant autokline on "kernel panic" though | 17:06 |
h00k | tsimpson: where are you seeing them? | 17:07 |
tsimpson | h00k: #ubuntu-unregged | 17:07 |
marienz | h00k: there were at least two on #ubuntu that I saw (from right before the +r was reset) | 17:07 |
h00k | tsimpson: yeah, I threw them in there from #ubuntu | 17:07 |
marienz | one on #-unregged after that | 17:07 |
tsimpson | h00k: I was going to set +r, but you beat me to it | 17:08 |
h00k | tsimpson: :) | 17:08 |
h00k | blame the coffee | 17:08 |
tsimpson | by the way, you #ubuntu ops should really join #ubuntu-ops-monitor | 17:08 |
* h00k joins | 17:09 | |
h00k | d'ya think it'd be safe to -r? | 17:17 |
marienz | I'd appreciate trying | 17:19 |
marienz | they're easier for me to spot if they actually get one "kernel panic" out | 17:19 |
h00k | and done | 17:19 |
Pici | h00k: you may want to remove your hat as well ;) | 17:20 |
h00k | Pici: you're right. | 17:20 |
h00k | Pici: I missed you taking your hat off | 17:20 |
Pici | h00k: I issued -rqo $~a Pici | 17:21 |
h00k | what is $~a? | 17:21 |
Pici | Its the extended banmask for 'not identified' | 17:22 |
h00k | Ooooh, okay | 17:22 |
Pici | That line would be no different than doing: /mode -r /mode -q $~a /mode -o Pici | 17:22 |
Pici | But its faster and causes less spam in the channel, especially because mode changes often cause people to as 'what was that?' | 17:23 |
Pici | s/as/ask/ | 17:23 |
h00k | right | 17:23 |
h00k | oop, there was another one | 17:25 |
h00k | okay, I'm out for a bit. | 17:27 |
marienz | already klined (and I almost klined that hkblah guy too, I'm a little twitchy) | 17:27 |
marienz | khghgkhgkhkj that is | 17:27 |
Pici | I did a double-take too when I saw that nick... | 17:27 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, MTecknology said: !no kirby is <reply><( ^.^ <) <( ^.^ )> (> ^.^ )> | I think it makes it easier to see that he's dancing - and he looks bigger. :) | 18:05 |
h00k | there is still the occasional joiner, but it's a lot better | 18:28 |
h00k | thanks marienz | 18:28 |
tsimpson | sooo, who wants to clear out -unregged? | 18:29 |
ikonia | tsimpson: what do you need | 18:34 |
tsimpson | I just want to know who wants to do it :) | 18:34 |
tsimpson | it's rather fun to see the bots kick ~60 nicks out of there | 18:35 |
ikonia | I can help out | 18:36 |
tsimpson | ikonia: you can join #ubuntu-unregged and type "/mode +i" | 18:37 |
ikonia | ahhh change it to invite only so it bounces them | 18:39 |
ikonia | clever | 18:39 |
marienz | ah, and you leave ops alone, yay | 18:43 |
marienz | I'm hilighting on "kernel panic", I think it only caught one of them in the last hour or so | 18:44 |
h00k | there was another one, I didn't get my banhammer out quick enough | 19:20 |
Pici | h00k: idoru took care of it | 19:20 |
marienz | bah, I look away for a few minutes... | 19:20 |
h00k | Pici: Yeah, I saw that | 19:21 |
h00k | I was really trying to be patient and not throw out !lucid factoids in #ubuntu, but it just saves so much time | 19:25 |
h00k | because I have a feeling it will become quite common until Thursday | 19:26 |
niko | in #ubuntu-fr the bot send a private message for /(10.04|lucid)/i and the next time an invite to the channel | 19:29 |
=== KB1JWQ is now known as TheOracle | ||
=== TheOracle is now known as KB1JWQ |
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