
dholbachgood morning07:21
dholbachnigelbabu: I'll blog about patch day lite now - I hope we can invite a couple more people :)07:38
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dholbachnigelbabu: how's the review day coming on?13:00
dholbachnigelbabu: what would I do with a bug like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/548851?13:46
ubot3Malone bug 548851 in rhythmbox "IM Status plugin does not reset status message on end playback." [Low,Fix committed]13:47
dholbachthe patch is fixed upstream13:47
dholbachbut won't go into lucid because it's frozen and stuff13:47
nigelbabusorry, was stuck at work.  Just got back.13:48
nigelbabudholbach: ^13:48
nigelbabufor that we could mark it fix committed and milestone for late I suppose :/13:49
nigelbabuI dunno of anything else we could do13:49
dholbachnigelbabu: the problem is: it'll stay on the patch list forever13:50
dholbachor at least until somebody decides to integrate it13:50
nigelbabugenerally I keep track of those bugs when I run into them upload them or ping someone who cares about the package13:50
dholbachyeah, but it means that it will stay on the "TODO list" for others13:52
nigelbabudo we upload a debdiff and subscribe sponsors in that case?13:52
dholbachor I could mark it as patch-accepted-upstream13:52
dholbachthat'd be sensible13:52
nigelbabuwait, isn't that done?13:52
* dholbach does that13:53
dholbachnigelbabu: and we should probably link to information about how to test and review a patch :)13:55
nigelbabudholbach: I shuold probably write it.13:56
dholbachI'm sure there's a bunch of stuff on the wiki that could help explain things13:57
nigelbabuI'll hunt and add those stuff tomorrow.13:57
* dholbach checks a couple more bug reports to get a feel for the process13:58
nigelbabudholbach: any idea why the patch review mailing list doesn't contain any action done on the bug report?13:59
nigelbabuonly the patch tag being added comes up13:59
nigelbabuif everything was coming on the M/L I could keep track of who's helping out13:59
dholbachI have no idea14:00
dholbachmaybe bdmurray knows14:01
nigelbabuhm, I'll ask him later today :)14:01
dholbachmaybe we should also add a link to the bugs that are patch-accepted-* with some explanation how to get stuff accepted in the distro14:03
dholbachnigelbabu: what do you think?14:03
nigelbabulike a standard reply.  Makes sense.14:03
dholbachnigelbabu: so we have a couple of different working lists14:03
dholbachnigelbabu: oh, I meant on the wiki14:03
nigelbabuBut I was also thinking adding that as a report to the overview I was making14:03
nigelbabuso people who want to have a headstart with development can gelp :)14:04
nigelbabuhelp rather14:04
dholbachI guess it makes sense to give it more exposure in different ways14:04
dholbachI'll add something to the wiki about the patch-accepted-* bugs14:04
nigelbabudholbach: I had a look at the motu wiki and how it started off, it looks hopeful how small they started :)14:07
nigelbabuCiemon: thanks for the edit. :)14:12
nigelbabuI was supposed to add that quite a long time back and forgot14:12
Ciemonnext time you ask for people to check things I'll read rather than skim14:16
Ciemonmind you, the more I do this the more I find I need to do more!14:16
nigelbabuCiemon: how are you finding the workflow?14:17
nigelbabui.e. from the perspective of someone who's seeing it for the first time..14:17
CiemonSeems to be fine.. my stumbling block is over feeding upstream, it's something I've not done, and tbh, not looked into14:17
CiemonI must this week14:18
CiemonAs I have a couple of bugs line up for Maverick that need it14:18
nigelbabuah, you can always ask the #ubuntu-bugs folks for help if you get stuck there14:19
dholbachnigelbabu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReviewersTeam/GettingInvolved?action=diff&rev2=16&rev1=1514:19
nigelbabudont get scared at the number of replies.  Too many helpful folks there :)14:19
CiemonThis is an interesting line: " If the change is significant enough to be fixed in Ubuntu, get the patch uploaded"14:20
nigelbabudholbach: ROCK!!14:20
nigelbabuCiemon: look at ^ see if clears your worries?14:21
Ciemonit does to a point, but I think that you/Daniel may need to define "important bug"14:22
Ciemonwithout a definition, all bugs are important14:23
nigelbabuI think the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance high and critical fall under important14:24
nigelbabuDo we have any documention about testing patches?14:26
nigelbabuI dont find any14:26
dholbachBugs/Importance is a good idea14:26
dholbachand the classification in StableReleaseUpdates probably too14:27
nigelbabuI'll add to wiki14:27
Ciemonbut it's left to individual interpretation as to importance14:27
CiemonSo.. I'm not part of UbuntuBugControl.. and I can't change importance14:27
Ciemonbut I can review14:28
Ciemonso, you probably need to use the levels to indicate which bugs are at the level required to go to Ubuntu without upstream acknowledgement14:28
nigelbabuyou just pop by in #ubuntu-bugs and caks someone to set it for you :)14:28
nigelbabuask rather14:28
nigelbabuthats the problem.  We're not sure.  It varies14:29
nigelbabusome patches are important, but we'd rather have upstream comment on it at least14:29
CiemonI'd suggest that Critical, High and Medium need to go into Ubuntu straight away14:30
Ciemonthe others "could" wait14:30
Ciemonanyway.. I'm waaay out of my league here14:31
nigelbabusome times, upstream makes some comment about it.14:31
nigelbabuI'm hesitant to therefore accept the Medium ones in immediately14:31
Ciemonand keeping you from work14:31
nigelbabuMy work is this today.14:31
nigelbabuGetfeedback about the review guide.14:31
Ciemonok, well, just need to do a bit of work and I'll be back14:32
dholbachCiemon: there's no way all the Medium bugs can go into Ubuntu straight-away14:36
dholbachCiemon: there's freeze times, stable release updates need extensive testing14:37
dholbachhave a look how many bugs are "medium"14:37
dholbachand even if patches looks it obviously fixes the issue, it might still break other stuff14:38
dholbachCiemon: bug 548851 is an example for that14:41
ubot3Malone bug 548851 in rhythmbox "IM Status plugin does not reset status message on end playback." [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54885114:41
dholbachoh sorry, that's "Low" already :)14:41
dholbachit'd be nice to get as many fixes in as possible, but because of release schedule decisions we need to draw a line14:43
dholbachotherwise you'd keep spinning new images and people would need to test them, you'd delay the release, etc.14:44
dholbachand you'd probably always keep working on the same release14:44
dholbachand as nigelbabu said: it's good to get the ACK of upstream14:44
dholbachbecause if upstream (who are usually more experienced - it's code they wrote) decide to go with a different solution it might mean that we need to maintain the side-effects of our solution for 18 months to 5 years (depending on what kind of release it is)14:45
Ciemondholbach: thanks for helping my understanding. The reason I went for Medium and above is, from Medium: "A bug that has a moderate impact on a core application."14:48
Ciemonwhereas Low "can be easily worked around"14:48
dholbachCiemon: yeah, from that viewpoint it definitely makes sense14:48
CiemonAs I've only being doing this for 3 weeks I only have these docs to go from, rather than experience, which could be a good thing :)14:49
dholbachCiemon: I guess Medium is used in a lot of cases where it probably shouldn't :)14:50
Ciemonahhhh! Now we come to it.14:50
dholbachnigelbabu: what do you think about making GettingInvolved more of a "you might want to check these pages out" and "this is what we do" page?14:50
dholbachnigelbabu: the page is growing and growing (which is good) and contains like all the process documents :)14:51
dholbachand todo lists14:51
nigelbabuand making the review guide separate?14:51
dholbachit was an idea I just had, right now I'm adding more stuff to it :)14:52
nigelbabuI had that idea long back, but I didn't want to break everyone linking to it.14:52
Ciemonit's a great page14:53
nigelbabuEither we can work on a new page and then put it there.14:53
nigelbabuOr we can do it after patch day14:53
dholbachyeah, maybe let's just keep it on the radar until later on14:53
nigelbabuI'll make a separate page in a sandbox and we can may be flip at some point14:54
dholbachjust added a link to all the bugs with patches that were accepted in debian or upstream else already14:56
dholbachmight be a nice working list for either SRUs or maverick14:57
nigelbabua query right?14:57
nigelbabubut we could make it part of getting started14:58
nigelbabulike how you could package stuff14:58
dholbachI added it to the "Inclusion in Ubuntu" paragraph14:59
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nigelbabudholbach: may be, just may be, we can turn our landing page to different types of ways folks can help reviews team15:11
dholbachnigelbabu: yeah, why not15:11
nigelbabu(a) triage patches, (b) pacakges stuff15:12
nigelbabuso we can have new or prospective MOTU to review team to package stuff15:12
Ciemonis there a page showing a clearly mapped path for newbie to motu?15:15
dholbachnot yet, but important ingredients are all linked from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted15:16
Ciemonfine, just thought I'd ask :)15:16
dholbachwhat makes it hopefully a bit "easier" is striving for doing stuff in Ubuntu and making the world a better place for millions of users and learning something new, you enjoy15:18
dholbachso joining a team or getting a badge in launchpad it not the central interest :)15:19
nigelbabuIts like karma, after the first excitement15:22
nigelbabuit wras off15:22
nigelbabuthen all you think off is getting things fixed and not badges or how much karma you get for it15:23
macoCiemon: closest i can think is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=ubuntu-developers6.png15:24
Ciemonthanks maco15:37
Ciemonwe're going to talk about all of this on the podcast tonight (ubuntu uk)15:38
macothat chart leaves out per package uploaders thoug15:38
macoand the new stuff with packagesets15:38
macobecause now you can be a kubuntu-dev and have access to all the kde packages but not be a core dev15:39
vishnigelbabu: how did you change the topic here? [/me forgot]15:48
Ciemonvish: use /topic "some text"16:00
vishCiemon: that doesnt work in all channels , and not here though16:01
Ciemonvish: it does, but you need to be a channel op to make changes.16:03
vishCiemon: yup , but i dont think nigelbabu was the op here.. hence was wondering how  :)16:11
nigelbabuvish: /msg chanserv help16:20
nigelbabuthere is an option there16:20
nigelbabumaco: package sets would be just a stand-alone item16:21
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nigelbabuVish: what are you doing?16:40
Vishbaaah! :s16:41
nigelbabuVish: part all channels and do it please.16:41
Vishnigelbabu: what?16:42
Vishhow do i fix the nm problem ?16:42
nigelbabuVish: before you /nick, part all channels16:43
Vishnigelbabu: heh , tel that to nm , so that it doesnt disconnect me :s16:43
Vishoh great! i cant use a system for more than 24hrs , before stuff starts to go bonkers..! :/16:44
qensenigelbabu: You might also want to keep track of <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-m-launchpad-upstream-improvements-patches> as it will probably affect this team a lot.18:52
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