
termitori'm have some problem on my wifi ,01:40
termitorath5k drivers , rs241301:40
IdleOnetermitor: /join #ubuntu+1 for support.01:41
termitoroki ,01:41
aragood morning06:46
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aramorning pratik :)09:48
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davmor2morning all11:29
Voffkohi 2 all12:30
VoffkoProblem: The touchpad does not work in netbook Acer One 532h. Sometimes it works hotkey to activate the touchpad, but it still does not work12:32
VoffkoUbuntu 10.04 RC12:33
Voffkocan you help me?12:35
davmor2Voffko: best bet will be #ubuntu+112:37
davmor2that is the general help for lucid12:38
davmor2this channel is setup to co-ordinate testing12:38
Voffkothx a lot12:38
slangasekfirst candidate images posted for final13:22
slangasek(alternates only, so far)13:22
* ara syncs13:27
slangasekand... disabled again, due to a partman bug from cjwatson13:27
davmor2.1's already :D13:47
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slangaseka few more builds coming up now14:29
slangasekand... another round of respins; sorry, folks17:06
slangasekshould be getting some final respins going after the next publisher cycle, in an hour17:06
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slangasekrespins starting18:37
jamincanyone here successfully installed using the 10.04 server 64-bit RC iso?21:10
jamincmy md5sum checks out, 41eed7d87aab38a71dfe2560fff666b9  ubuntu-10.04-rc-server-amd64.iso.  However, the installation keeps failing on a dependency problem for the linux-server package21:15
jamincLooking at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com, I can't seem to find a test case for a full server install from the ISO, is this not being tested?21:22
sbeattiejaminc: it's been successfully tested in the past; I'm not sure why the build's aren't listed on the iso tracker now, but it may be due to that breakage being known.21:24
jamincsbeattie, can't seem to find any bug report on it... was going to file a full testing report but can't seem to find any way to do that either21:25
jamincsuggestions on where to file the bug report?21:27
sbeattiejaminc: right, but given that everything that's listed that's not an upgrade is currently marked as a rebuild, I suspect it's known at this point.21:27
jaminchmmm the only rebuilds I see are for the alternate ISOs, granted I'm very new to that site and simply may not be familiar with navigating it21:29
sbeattiejaminc: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/all21:29
jamincright, but even in there, there isn't a test case (rebuild or otherwise) for the server other than upgrade21:30
sbeattiejaminc: right, that's why I said I'm not sure why that build (or ubuntu desktop) is not listed.21:31
charlie-tcaUsually, if the tracker doesn't list it yet, it is because the image is not available for testing yet21:34
jamincvery odd then, because the image is definitely available for download...21:37
charlie-tcaSo are the alternate and desktop images, but they are not the ones for testing yet21:37
jamincguess I'll test the upgrade route then... =(21:37
charlie-tcaThey are being rebuilt again.21:37
charlie-tcahmm, the mixer and network-manager applet both disappear from panel when upgrading Ubuntu and Xubuntu 8.0421:47
sbeattiecharlie-tca: even after rebooting?21:53
charlie-tcaAnd I don't know how to put network manager back. I found the volume control21:54
charlie-tcaTrying a 9.10 upgrade to see if it happens there too21:55
persiacharlie-tca: Check to see if nm-applet is running: it may need a different autostart hint or something.21:55
charlie-tcafull name?21:56
charlie-tca(network-manager-applet is no longer valid)21:57
charlie-tcaNetworkManager is running21:57
charlie-tca nm-applet is running21:58
persiaAnd it doesn't appear in the Notification area?21:58
persiaDo you have a Notification Area applet on your panel?21:58
persia(mixer going away is intentional, if a change, I believe network manager is supposed to go away with maverick, from my interpretation of various information feeds)21:59
charlie-tcaIs that the one with Chat Accounts... Boradcast Accounts... etc?21:59
charlie-tcaIt can't be added, even though it is listed in 'Add to panel'22:00
charlie-tcaIt appears to be running, too22:01
persiaNo.  That's the one with absolutely nothing by default.22:01
persiaThe Notification Area is different than the Indicator applet.22:02
charlie-tcaI do show 'notification-area-applet' running22:03
persiaOdd.  That's where nm-applet sticks itself.22:04
charlie-tcaWell, both are running, but nm-applet is not visible22:05
charlie-tcaubuntu no longer a volume control?22:06
persiacharlie-tca: Uses indicator-sound22:10
charlie-tcabut there is no visible control for it?22:10
persiaindicator-sound embeds itself in indicator-applet, and is a visible control.22:13
charlie-tcajaminc, server tests are up on the tracker now - http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/22:37
jaminccharlie-tca, thank you... was there a new build?22:37
jamincthat would be a yes... wonder if that'll invalidate all the torrents22:38
jamincdefinitely a different MD5SUM22:39
charlie-tcaI will finish upgrade tests here22:40
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter

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