
grmrgecko_anyone able to help me getting ubuntu-desktop to work with vnc4server?00:00
Loshacage_raphel: Do you have a /boot/grub/grub.cfg file?00:00
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: what up?00:00
Typos_Kingcage_raphel:    ---> <Jordan_U> Losha: cage_raphel: grub-install --version00:00
Typos_Kingcage_raphel:    what does that say?00:01
pg1can anyone tell me if there is a GUI way to manually turn the fans on my laptop on? they are on, but only at 2000 rpm. which is idle speed. Macbook pro 4,1. plz help. dont want laptop to melt. lol00:01
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: I am trying to get ubuntu-desktop + vnc4server on my server in a datacenter. The os is ubuntu server 9.10 and I used apt-get to install ubuntu-desktop00:01
cage_raphelzaxonspox, this is what i got when i searched for /boot/grub/grub.cfg00:02
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: you are on server, right? have GUI?00:03
pg1any mac users out there help a brother out?00:03
Typos_Kingcage_raphel:    grub2 no longer uses menu.lst, the akin file for that will be 'grub.cfg' however since 'update-grub' modifies it using templates, is recommended to make any wanted 'permanent' changes in the templates, /etc/defaults/grub, rather than at grub.cfg directlyi, though I've done it to grub.cfg and then I make a backup for anything :)00:03
pmbasehorethx augustl, red2kic00:03
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: it's in some data center, I have root ssh access.00:03
cage_raphelTypos_King, grub-install --version00:03
cage_raphelgrub-install (GNU GRUB 0.97)00:03
pmbasehorei'll look elsewhere00:03
gogetapg1: im shure thers alot of mac user at #apple00:03
Typos_Kingcage_raphel:    well, it has the wrong version :P00:03
cage_raphelTypos_King, hehehehe00:04
Typos_Kingcage_raphel:    maybe due to an update I assume, rather than a full install00:04
pg1gogeta, nice lol but they wont know a thing about ubuntu unfortunately. my question might not be mac specific though. maybe it is idk00:04
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: install vino and vinagre00:04
cage_raphelTypos_King, i am planning to install open solaris in my second partition.. will this grub's wrong version cause an issue?00:04
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: vino for a server, and vinagre as for a client00:05
Typos_Kingcage_raphel:    don't think so, I think the versioning is a bit mixed up, sorta reading up old info/file/cached data00:05
pg1what application do i use to open .run files?00:05
gogetapg1: lol00:06
zaxonspoxpg1 terminal :P00:06
Typos_Kingpg1:   what is it supposed to be?00:06
grmrgecko_zaxonspox I use Chicken of the VNC for my client. As I said I have no displays connected all I have is ssh.00:06
gogetapg1: just ./file.run00:06
pg1Typos_King, games. enemrt territory and trmulous00:06
cage_raphelTypos_King, oh okie.. but what i fear is.. once i install open solaris in my second partition.. my opensolaris will boot.. but what will happen to ubuntu? how will i access it incase grub menu is not displaying an option ?00:06
Typos_Kingyeah, I think .run are executables00:06
grmrgecko_zaxonspox I already have vino installed but I was never really able to get it to start.00:07
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: yy, then wen you can connect thru ssh, what for a VNC server on it?00:07
vallhalla81hello all00:07
Typos_Kingpg1: I think .run are executables, just do an -> ls -l;  and make sure it has execute permissions if not, then -> chmod a+x FILE.run;00:07
pg1Typos_King, oh my god why cant I just click on it lol00:07
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:08
gogetapg1: you can once they have excute permission00:08
macthere's a patch for it already if you can be bothered to recompile http://bit.ly/c6ieX500:08
cage_raphelTypos_King, oh okie.. but what i fear is.. once i install open solaris in my second partition.. my opensolaris will boot.. but what will happen to ubuntu? how will i access it incase grub menu is not displaying an option ?00:08
pg1gogeta, so I just click properties and make it 777?00:08
Typos_Kingpg1:    cuz *nix doesn't get fooled easily by just doing extension switcharoos like you'd on other OS'es :P00:08
donna_why after downloading an audio book, was it gone next time I reopened rhythmbox?00:08
grmrgecko_zaxonspox Didn't really understand what you mean by that but I can't find any way other then connecting with -x to start vino and when I did that the screen was all gibberish00:08
gogetapg1: chmod a+x file.run00:08
rttyhi. can anyone guide me in copying a folder and its contents from one ubuntu machine to another ubuntu machine?00:09
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: this server is yours? you have rights to it, and it hase GUI?00:09
cage_rapheli feel ignored :(00:09
vallhalla81donna_: is it in the folder that rhythembox scans?00:09
grmrgecko_zaxonspox this is my server I rented in a data center to run my sites on and I wanted to have a gui to it which is why I'm trying to install a vnc server to access gnome.00:10
donna_vallhala81: sorry I do not know, how do I find out?00:10
Spasysheephow do i list the bus and device id of connected usb devices?00:10
rttyi am able to ping the other machine ... but get a connection refused when i try to ssh to it00:10
gogetaSpasysheep: lspci00:11
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: ok, but this SRV has already started GUI desktop?00:11
tadhgJordan_U: Heya, you could take over my computer remotely if it would help you?00:11
cviniciusmGood evening.00:11
grmrgecko_zaxonspox it has started x11 from what I saw by running startx.00:11
vallhalla81donna_: ok in preferences on rbox inthe music tab it shows what folder it scans00:11
grmrgecko_zaxonspox I installed ubuntu-desktop and xorg via apt-get00:11
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: type ps -aux | grep vino00:11
rttytried rsync too but same connection refused error00:12
Typos_Kingcage_raphel:    there's a high likelyhood that solaris will be using grub and likely a new one, and even with older it will find the ubuntu or any win32 if any installations and add it, in any case, you can restore grub back to the MBR, is a simple procedure, by for any case, you can also NOW, save the MBR state, with -> sudo dd if=/dev/sda out=sda_mbr.img bs=512 count=1;   that assumes your 1st HD is /dev/sda, and you can put 00:12
pg1can anyone tell me if there is a GUI way to manually turn the fans on my laptop on? they are on, but only at 2000 rpm. which is idle speed. Macbook pro 4,1. plz help. dont want laptop to melt. lo00:12
Jordan_Utadhg: It wouldn't00:12
rttyis ssh disabled even for local lan connections by defult in ubuntu?00:12
Spasysheepgogeta: ...didn't list the device00:12
Typos_Kingpg1:   no that I know of :|00:13
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gogetaSpasysheep: humm maybe ubuntu does not see it00:13
tadhgJordan_U: no prob00:13
grmrgecko_zaxonspox seems all I get back is the grep command being ran.00:13
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: vino server isnt even started00:13
donna_vallhalla81: actually it first scanned to my music folder and then the next time I opened rhythmbox move to missing files00:13
grmrgecko_zaxonspox how do I start it.00:13
grmrgecko_I searched all over00:14
rttyif it can ping y not ssh to it00:14
Spasysheepgogeta dmesg registers it connecting / disconnecting00:14
gogetaSpasysheep: then it should be in that list probly as unknown00:14
rttyi have not installed any firewall on both ubuntus00:14
Spasysheepgogeta: no, i know what all the listed devices are and it's not there00:15
vallhalla81donna_: well i would sugest change it to where your music is stored ie music then move the audio book to that folder00:15
dragonneusdoes anyone know where I can find information on setting up a usb touchscreen monitor on ubuntu 9.10 NBR?00:15
rttyi am using a wifi router though ... could that be a reason?00:15
schultzais there a source repos for truecrypt?00:15
ubottuTruecrypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume00:16
cvaty /server irc.p2p-network.net00:16
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: All I can find is the vino-server command, but it says it cannot open display.00:16
gogetartty: ubuntu comes with a fireewall by defult00:16
donna_vallhalla81:  okay, could you instruct me as to how to do that, and then I want to download the audio book to my mp3.  Tried to get help on manuel etc.  no luck00:17
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rttygogeta: how do i let it rsync ?00:17
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ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.00:17
vallhalla81donna_: ok how are you downloading the file?00:17
rttyallow rsync rather00:17
gogetartty: thers a info on it00:18
pg1how do i run my x64 install in 32 bot mode so I can install a 32 bit game?00:18
rttyufw ok reading00:18
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: look at this, mayby it will help a litle http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26698100:18
rttyty gogeta00:18
pg1the installer gives up as documented here http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/q3a/index.html#64bits00:18
cviniciusmrtty, use examples to help us to help you. For example, machine1 has ssh server and machine2 has ssh client. the command netstat -tlnp | grep -i ssh shows the sshd listening port and so on.00:18
vallhalla81pg1: virtualbox00:18
Typos_Kingpg1:  do, nothing :)00:18
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: I found that and there is no %gconf.xml.00:19
Typos_Kingpg1:    afaik, 64bit hardware will handle 32bit just fine, is backward compatible00:19
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: are you sure vino is installed?00:19
pg1vallhalla81, im not going to run a 3d game in a vbox. Typos_King i dont understand00:19
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: Yes if I run the command vino-server it says cannot open display.00:19
pg1Typos_King, the installer gives up. its documented here http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/q3a/index.html#64bits but i dont really understand how to fix it00:20
vallhalla81pg1: then your other option is install a 32bit distro00:20
pg1If you run the installer through the emulated 32 bits environement it should work00:20
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: As I said it's a server in a data center, no displays at all.00:20
donna_vallhalla81: tell you what I did.  inserted the audio cd, soundjuicer came on and extracted, saved the audio in my rhythmbox.  So I figured the audio files were saved at least on the drive.  Next time, I went to listen to the audio they were missing.  I went into the missing files and all that was there was some music that I downloaded.  (sorry, got confused with another problem)00:20
rttycviniciusm: the grep returned no results00:21
fyretuxhow do i change permissions so i can change maps for a game?00:21
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: "The server executable is /usr/lib/vino/vino-server.00:21
zaxonspoxIt only must run when the gconf key /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled is true." but why there are display problems00:21
rttycviniciusm: do i install ssh or start it somehow?00:21
vallhalla81donna_: ok first open sound j and see where it is saving files too00:21
jribfyretux: be more specific about what you want to do.  You probably don't want to change permissions of anything00:21
cviniciusmrtty, so sshd daemon is not running.00:22
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: Because there is no display as I said.00:22
rttycviniciusm: sudo netstat -tlnp | grep -i ssh -> no results00:22
rttycviniciusm: how do i start it?00:22
Typos_Kingpg1:    all that says that, the installation script may get confused when looking for 32big dependencies names, and they advise to extract and copy files manually to their respective folder00:22
un214sudo sshd00:22
VicyorusI have nothing to do here,00:22
rttyok ty00:22
jribun214: no, that is not the proper way to start sshd00:22
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: no display adapter attached, ok, i know, but that shouldnt be a problem00:22
VicyorusI was NOT here00:22
Typos_Kingpg1:    it says nothing about 32bit not executing in 64bit hardware00:22
pg1how do i extract? it is a .run file00:23
donna_vallhalla81: opened sound juicer and there was nothing in there.00:23
xebaxalguien español00:23
jrib!es | xebax00:23
ubottuxebax: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:23
un214jrib it's good enough to bring it up when your display is hosed so you can remote in and fix it00:23
rttycviniciusm: sudo sshd command not found00:23
cviniciusmrtty, dpkg -l | grep -i ssh does it shows ssh server installed?00:23
jribpg1: .run file for what exactly?00:23
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: did you looked at xorg.conf ?00:23
jribun214: use: sudo service ssh start00:23
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: No I did not.00:23
Jordan_Utadhg: run "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" it will most likey create a new empty file, but be sure you type the path correctly or use copy and paste. The "X" in X11 is capitalized.00:23
vallhalla81donna_: you need to look in preffeences again to see where it is saving to00:23
pg1jrib, a game. enemy terriory00:24
Typos_Kingpg1:     try using your archiver app :), .run are like a .deb,  IIRC, is just a compressed file with a few scripts to execute for the sake of installs00:24
Jordan_Utadhg: Then paste this into it for the contents: http://pastebin.com/8tWpiwWG . Once you'v done that and saved the file logging out and back in again will hopefully get you full resolution00:24
gogetaTypos_King: not always00:24
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: look at this, that should resolv your problem http://imthi.com/blog/linux/ubuntu-904-remote-desktop-using-vncserver-without-monitor.php00:24
fyretuxjrib: i want to be able to edit maps for "The Battle of Wesnoth" but it says that it couldn't open the file for writing when i save00:24
rttycviniciusm: it listed openssh-client, ssh-askpass-gnome and sshfs only00:24
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: Appears as if it's not existing00:24
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jribpg1: make it executable (e.g. chmod +x file.run), type the path to it in a terminal (e.g. ./file.run), and press enter00:25
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: look at the link i send to you00:25
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: thanks, I'll look.00:25
pg1jrib, i did that. it fails00:25
pg1Typos_King, it says archivew not supported00:25
rttysudo service ssh start returns unrecognized service00:25
jribpg1: what does "it fails" mean?...00:25
jrib!permissions > fyretux00:25
ubottufyretux, please see my private message00:25
jribrtty: what exactly is the issue?00:26
Typos_Kingpg1:    well..... hehe, you seem to be lacking reading, that link you gave shows how to run in 32bit emulation, by using 'linux32' command :|00:26
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: Oh yeah, I was looking at that, but at the end all I got was x11 not gnome.00:26
pg1jrib, the installer doesnt work because im on a 64 bot install.00:26
gogetartty: then you dont have it installed sudo apt-get install sshd00:26
rttyjrib: i want to rsync from one ubuntu machine to another00:26
donna_vallhalla81: went to system, preferences than what would be the next choice?00:26
pg1Typos_King, im not really saavy with cli, lol the syntax is wrong and i never know if it worked or not00:26
rttythe can ping each other but not ssh/ rsync00:26
cviniciusmsshfs allows an encrypted mount point. Do you want a mount point or simply exchange files between the machines?00:27
jribpg1: you should explain that in your question00:27
fyretuxjrib: i know what file permissions are, i just don't know how to change ones thjat aren't mine00:27
Typos_Kingpg1:    linux32 --help;00:27
jribfyretux: the page explains that00:27
vallhalla81donna_: not to sure as i am not at a pc so you will have to look abot for it sorry00:27
jribrtty: and you want to do this over ssh?  You need to install openssh-server if you want to run the ssh server00:27
pg1Typos_King, $ linux32 sh '/home/patrick/Downloads/et-linux-2.55.x86.run'  gives me the same error00:27
rttygogeta: simply exchange files00:28
rttycviniciusm: ^00:28
jribpg1: what error?  be specific please00:28
donna_vallhalla81: okay, thank you00:28
rttyjrib: i just want to transfer files ... ssh or no ssh00:28
Jordan_Utadhg: I will be gone for about half an hour.00:28
Typos_Kingjrib:   he has a 32bit game, install script (.run) whines about dependencies and stops, cuz he's on 64bit environment,  he also pointed to -> http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/q3a/index.html#64bits    which has solutions  heheh00:28
pg1jrib, what Typos_King said, but the "solutions" arent quite clear yet; for me at least lol00:29
Kin`Awaysomeone could tell me why is there this error when I add something at repositories?00:29
Kin`AwayW: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy Release: Le seguenti firme non sono state verificate perché la chiave pubblica non è disponibile: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278300:29
Kin`AwayW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: Le seguenti firme non sono state verificate perché la chiave pubblica non è disponibile: NO_PUBKEY 665F9AEFE109851300:29
FloodBot1Kin`Away: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:29
jrib!medibuntu > Kin`Away00:29
ubottuKin`Away, please see my private message00:29
jpdsKin`Away: You don't have the keys for those repos?00:30
jribKin`Away: see ubottu's link about adding gpg keys for medibuntu00:30
gogetapg1: looks pretty clear to me00:30
VolkodavHow do  I check  the trim performance on Lynx on a 2.6.34-020634rc5-generic with trim capable SSD ?00:30
rttycviniciusm: gogeta ?00:30
jribpg1: have you installed the ia32* packages?00:30
tadhgJordan_U: slected save get a red no message saying "could not find the file /etc/Xll/xorg.conf.00:30
Typos_Kingpg1:   I wonder how are you going to fare once you make it to 'enemy territory', I mean, if you didn't get the solutions at the link, I think you'll be shot dead even before landing00:30
tadhgJordan_U: Ok thanks for all your help00:30
pg1Typos_King, thanks?00:30
jribrtty: ssh is fine00:31
pg1jrib, no, is that something I need to spoof 32 bit installers?00:31
fyretuxthx jrib, cya00:31
gogetapg1: just 32bit emulation00:31
hiexpohow do i open the folder thatstores all the things i have typed in the terminal00:31
jribpg1: no, not "spoof".  Read the package descriptions00:31
cviniciusmrtty, I think the following can help you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync00:31
gogetapg1: if you installed 32bit packages before you should aruldy have it00:31
jribhiexpo: why?00:32
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: you need to work that on your own, you need to start vino-server by gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled true then i think relogin00:32
hiexpojrib,  - cause i wanna clear it00:32
pg1gogeta, jrib emulate? spoof? where do I get this 32bit package thing00:32
jribhiexpo: type « help history » in your shell00:32
gogetapg1: doesent et have a 64 bit installer these days00:32
hiexpojrib, ok00:32
rttycviniciusm: i googled it ... did not help .. re-reading00:32
jribhiexpo: help history | grep clear   for the lazy00:33
pg1gogeta, does it? cause i would definately redownload it. not have to deal with all this tomfoolery00:33
jribpg1: same place you get all other packages for ubuntu... use a package manager like synaptic00:33
Kin`Awayand how can I reload my repositories adding those of medibuntu?00:33
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: if that wont help i thing you should try to add some diplay section into xorg.conf . that every thing a could help you with00:33
Jordan_Utadhg: 11 is a number, copy and paste "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" to be sure you have it correct.00:33
hiexpojrib, i got it thanks00:34
jribKin`Away: press "reload" in synaptic.  Or type « sudo aptitude update » in a shell00:34
kaushalis there a channel dedicated for ubuntu laptop ?00:34
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: there is no xorg.conf file, there is the X11 folder though.00:34
Typos_King!ask | kaushal00:34
ubottukaushal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:34
Kin`AwayW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: Le seguenti firme non sono state verificate perché la chiave pubblica non è disponibile: NO_PUBKEY 665F9AEFE109851300:34
Kin`AwayW: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy Release: Le seguenti firme non sono state verificate perché la chiave pubblica non è disponibile: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278300:34
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:34
alketI heard that Sony Vegas editor is now open source , when can I get it ?00:34
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: I know where it's at, but there is no xorg.conf file00:35
kaushalwhat are the supported laptops of Dell running ubuntu ?00:35
gogetapg1: thers 2 ways i see00:35
mossbyWhere are bash aliases stored in Ubuntu Lucid?00:35
jribKin`Away: if you read the link that was sent to you before by ubottu, you will see how to add gpg keys for medibuntu.  Please stop spamming the error message00:35
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/422451/00:35
jrib!lucid | mossby00:35
ubottumossby: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule00:35
gogetapg1: using linux32 sh runfile.run00:35
Kin`Awaythank you jrib00:35
gogetapg1: or passing -keep on the run file and moving the files manuly00:35
Kin`AwayI prefered an explanations00:36
Kin`Awayfrom you00:36
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_:  mayby try  dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg00:36
pg1gogeta, i tried $ linux32 sh '/home/patrick/Downloads/et-linux-2.55.x86.run'  and got the same error. and archive manager days "archive type not supported"00:36
Kin`AwayI'll search there that what I ask00:36
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: still non.00:36
gogetapg1: does it do extracting then say your missing giblic00:36
donna_how do I find out where my files were sent to?  preferences,  what is the next tab to open?00:37
pg1gogeta, yes. cause im on 64 bit00:37
Typos_Kingpg1:     rename the package to say .zip and let's see what the archiver says00:37
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: does connecting to X11 gives you any GUI you might use to start Gnome desktop GUI for Vino etc?00:37
Bodsdadonna_: if you mean in firefox, it is on the 'Main' tab00:38
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: got it to work, I used /usr/bin/gnome-session to start gnome.00:38
gogetapg1: sudo aptitude install ia32-libs00:38
pg1Typos_King, it says "nice try, this isnt a zip file" (more or less)00:38
K350how to only list folders with ls?00:38
Majora_I have Ubuntu 9.10 installed on a white Macbook version 4-1 and want to roll back its mouse driver and other settings for the mouse to those used in Jaunty. How do I do this? I'm new to Linux and don't know very much at all about the terminal programming language or how Linux works.00:38
gogetapg1: that should give you 32bit modes00:38
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: deamn it, gnome session wasnt started, thats why vino couldnt start00:39
gogetapg1: then try it again eith linux3200:39
hiexpojrib, ya but all that does is clear it it does not delete it00:40
pg1Majora, fellow mac user, i feel your pain00:40
jribhiexpo: yes it does00:40
Typos_Kingpg1:     ... ok...crap, then is a binary :{00:40
jribhiexpo: "-c        clear the history list by deleting all of the entries"00:40
Majora_Thanks pg100:40
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: when I run gnome-session via ssh, it says cannot open display so I can't start vino.00:40
gogetaTypos_King: according to the faw using 32bit emu works00:40
gogetaTypos_King: i dont think he had it installed00:41
donna_bodsda: thanks I am totally lost here. once again, thanks00:41
jribKin`Away: explanation from me would just be me copying what the link ubottu gave you says and pasting it back to you.  So it's easier if you just read it00:41
Bodsdadonna_: no worries - glad I could help00:41
Typos_Kinggogeta:    ... I gather..  I know I do have linux32 hehe, I checked00:41
kaushalhi again00:41
kaushalwhat are the supported laptops of Dell running ubuntu ?00:41
Kin`Awaythank you00:41
Kin`Awayand for those repositories00:41
pg1gogeta, what is the line limit for pasting00:41
Typos_Kingkaushal:    where's this leading to? :)00:41
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: did startx command worked?00:42
gogetaTypos_King: so he just needs ia32-libs00:42
Kin`Awayhow can I install them00:42
Typos_King!paste | pg100:42
ubottupg1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:42
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: it says server is already started.00:42
lazyPowerQuestion, from the 9.10 live cd, is SSHD included? I'm getting dpkg errors on attempt to install openssh-server.00:42
grmrgecko_for display 000:42
lazyPowerand i have run sudo apt-get update00:42
hiexpojrib, ok if i use history -c it does clear it and it will not scroll back but after you close the shell and open it again everything will be back again00:42
pg1gogeta, http://paste.ubuntu.com/422454/00:42
kaushalTypos_King: is there a page dedicated for certified laptops running ubuntu ?00:42
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: mayby restart it /etc/init.d/gdm restart ?00:42
gogetapg1: yes thats normal00:43
Typos_Kingkaushal:    hehehe, I don't even know what a 'certified laptop' is :{00:43
gogetapg1: as i said sudo aptitude install ia32-libs00:43
BodsdalazyPower: what dpkg errors?00:43
Typos_KingI guess mine must be uncertified heh00:43
pg1gogeta, i did that lol00:43
gogetapg1: then try again with linux32 file.run00:43
jribhiexpo: the file is usually ~/.bash_history, you can delete it if you want00:43
lazyPowerBodsda, not sure. I'm doing a remote support session with a friend trying to do file recovery00:44
lazyPowerbodsda: do i need to get that error copied out for you?00:44
Typos_Kingpg1:    try ->   linux32 --help;00:44
paissadmay someone who have debian pastebin me the output the output for "lsb_release -a" ?00:44
paissadthanks in advance00:44
Typos_Kingpg1:   why bother issuing the command if you may not even have it installed00:44
pg1smashes head into laptop00:44
gogetapg1: you dud linux32 ./file.run00:44
jribpaissad: this is #ubuntu00:44
BodsdalazyPower: yeah - were not gonna be able to elp without knowing why dpkg is complaining00:44
paissadjrib, yes i know00:44
gogetaafter installing ia3200:45
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pg1gogeta, yes00:45
gogetapg1: then we do methed 200:45
pg1gogeta, lol-how to extract?00:45
robertzaccourhey does anyone know how to adjust audio capture in xubuntu? atm i can't really use skype00:45
gogetapg1: ./file.rin -keep00:45
klabezoplease is there some one can provide a screen shouts from the ubuntu 10.4 ?00:46
gogetapg1: it will still crash but the extracted file should stay00:46
gogetapg1: then move them manuly to  /usr/local/games00:46
Typos_Kingklabezo:    http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-beta-1-screenshots-gallery.html00:47
pg1gogeta, where is extracted file?00:47
FoolishOwlWhat's Kubuntu's equivalent to Network Manager, for the purpose of determining nameservers?00:47
gogetapg1: should be in the same dir00:47
gogetapg1: if you used keep00:47
klabezothank you typos00:47
robertzaccourhey does anyone know how to adjust audio capture in xubuntu? atm i can't really use skype00:47
gogetapg1: sorry its --keep00:47
pg1gogeta, i did. same error. i dont see dir. gawd almight this shiuldnt be so hard00:47
lazyPower/var/cache/apt/archives/openssh-server_ver#_distinfo-i386.deb -- dpkg subprocess /usr/bin/dpkg returned and error code 100:48
gogeta./file.run --keep00:48
lazyPowerBodsda: /var/cache/apt/archives/openssh-server_ver#_distinfo-i386.deb -- dpkg subprocess /usr/bin/dpkg returned and error code 100:48
Typos_Kingrobertzaccour:   it'd be the same as in gnome's, since Xubuntu is just gnome using xfce as window manager, and a few lighter apps00:48
un214I thought I wanted a truely lightweight WM until I found out that if I do that I can't get apps to respect my X accessabiltiy settings00:49
pg1gogeta, it was one dir up! gaahhhh ok now I need to move them and everything should be a-ok?00:50
gogetapg1: yep just make a launcher if you like00:50
BodsdalazyPower: try   apt-get -f install00:50
Typos_Kingpg1:   serenity now, serenity now, serenity now -- seinfeld00:50
gogetapg1: just drage and drop that entire dir into /usr/local/games00:51
grmrgecko_zaxonspox: I got it all working via vnc4server, I'll just stay with it. Thanks for the help.00:51
jribpaissad: #ubuntu is just for ubuntu support so debian questions should be asked in #debian00:51
pg1gogeta, permission denoed00:51
Typos_King!gksudo | pg100:51
ubottupg1: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:51
zaxonspoxgrmrgecko_: if i only helped00:51
gogetapg1: then sudo cp it00:51
lazyPowerBodsda, still returning error code 100:52
gogetapg1: sudo cp folder /usr/local/games00:52
zerkmswow, such populous channel00:52
* Typos_King fears for pg1 in 'enemy territory'00:52
BodsdalazyPower: could be that the package is semi-installed, try purging it   sudo apt-get purge <package>00:52
Majora_I'm trying to use Wine to play an ORPG with Ubuntu 9.10 on a white macbook version 4-1. The mouse works in every regard except when I try to click on the ground to move my character, although this problem doesn't exist when I use Ubuntu Jaunty, Intrepid and Hardy to do the same thing. I think the problem may originate from a driver change of some kind for the mouse, or the settings or...00:53
Majora_...something along those lines. How can I revert the driver for the mouse in Ubuntu 9.10 back to the one used in 9.04 and earlier?00:53
pg1Typos_King, im not even going to play the damn game now. I just need to prove to validate my existance in getting it installed00:53
lazyPowerk. Thanks00:53
gogetapg1: well once the files in there you can delete the old one00:53
lazyPowercan you isntall packages using a live CD?00:54
gogetapg1: i just use cp if the copy goes wrong00:54
lazyPowermaybe thats the issue, its trying to write to a read-only FS on the CD?00:54
BodsdalazyPower: failing that, can you pastebin the entire output from the command down - yes you can, thats not the issue00:54
Typos_KinglazyPower:    of course00:54
Typos_KinglazyPower:    I think a live-usb allows you though00:55
lazyPowerk, and if i had someone that knew how to type verbatim the error, i would be more than happy to paste it but i'm doing this over the phone, typing commands in notepad via teamview :| (by the way if you dont know they have a linux client now that is just... boobies and chicken.)00:55
lazyPowernot using a live-USB. PC wouldn't recognize a pendrive as a boot device00:55
ZykoticK9pg1, i was successfully abot to install ET on a 64bit Ubuntu without the need to use "linux32" at all, I simply used "sudo ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run" to install (gksu *might* be better though)00:55
BodsdalazyPower: can you not tell them to pastebinit?00:55
ZykoticK9pg1, s/abot/able00:55
gogetaZykoticK9: oh i hate you00:56
un214probably no internet there from the livecd00:56
lazyPowerBodsda, my mom's less than savvy on pastebin and typing out error messages by hand :|00:56
pg1ZykoticK9, are you serious00:56
ConcreteRoseTDP sounds better00:56
BodsdalazyPower: she cant copy and paste?00:56
gogetaZykoticK9: after i just had him do a manul extrack00:56
lazyPowerfair enough. i frogt she's in X00:56
zerkmsguys, would it be simple to migrate from gentoo to ubuntu?00:56
ZykoticK9pg1, yes - just tried when you mentioned it00:56
lazyPoweryou can cluebat me now00:56
ConcreteRoseElectrocution is also coming.00:56
* Bodsda cluebats lazyPower :)00:57
=== crunchbang is now known as kip
un214                                                                        00:57
lazyPowernever in my life did i think i'd have a 4 hour tech support call with my mom :|00:57
ZykoticK9gogeta, sorry - i was just reported that i was successful, didn't mean to step on any toes, or get in the way of troubleshooting00:57
GreenDancehas anyone on here tried to create their own window manager before00:57
robertzaccourTypos_King, its not the same its different, the controls are different00:57
un214I did00:57
un214it worked, barely00:57
BodsdalazyPower: I have had worse - I spent 2 hours getting a Councillor to turn her printer on00:57
gogetaZykoticK9: normaly lack of sudo wouuld give a diffrent error00:58
GreenDanceun214, what was your experience like?00:58
un214at bit more primative than twm00:58
robertzaccourlazyPower, being a free tech support sucks huh lol00:58
lazyPowerrobertzaccour, indeed.00:58
pg1ZykoticK9, gogeta still cant get it. i dont know what the deal is.00:58
kipi do tech support at my high school, its mostly plugging in keyboards for retarted teachers00:59
robertzaccourlazyPower, you should bill her for gas cost every time you drive there lol jk00:59
GreenDanceun214, did u give up?00:59
gogetapg1: well we aruldy got it extracted you just gotta put it in usr/local/games00:59
un214I've still got it on that ancient disk00:59
gogetapg1: using cp00:59
un214the reason for writing it no longer existed before I got it finished00:59
lazyPowerrobertzaccour, five states away? O.o i do it over the phone and just yank my hair out00:59
robertzaccourlazyPower, oh its not about 2 miles away like with my mom lol that sucks01:00
un214besides I now use ratposion to fill its role01:00
lazyPoweri knwo01:00
lazyPowerit was almost easier when i lived in the same state01:00
arleslieI just had ubuntu crash, I had a mouse pointer and the terminal popup with nothing on it except for a "_", any ideas how this happened?01:00
BodsdalazyPower: we any closer to getting the output?01:01
lazyPoweri could put it off until i came around for holiday01:01
GreenDanceun214, I've been thinking today about building my own window manager, but in the last hour thought instead maybe look at another window manager and rebuild on theirs, because if i'm not wrong, the folosofy of linux is to build, share, rebuild share, is that right?01:01
ZykoticK9pg1, gogeta sorry pg1 i just saw your pastebin - you're getting a libgtk error!  See http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/gaming/error-while-loading-shared-libraries-libgtk-1-2-so-0 good luck.01:01
lazyPowerbodsda: she went afk to go eat01:01
lazyPowerETA: 20 minutes01:01
gogetaZykoticK9: its due to him being 64bit01:01
BodsdalazyPower: lol - ok - well im off for now, someone else will be able to help01:01
pg1ZykoticK9, thats good I take it?01:01
lazyPowerThanks man01:01
lazyPoweri think i know whats up01:01
un214GreenDance you're quite right and mine never worked well enough to be worth sharing01:01
Bodsdano worries01:01
lazyPowerthe local archive is borked01:01
ZykoticK9pg1, gogeta see the link - instructions for installing on 64bit there01:01
Typos_Kingarleslie:    boot using the live-cd/usb   and do a -> sudo e2fsck -c /dev/sda1;     assuming your installation is at 'sda1', if not, just change accordingly01:01
lazyPowerthe package info in /var/cache/apt/info and /var/cache/apt/archive needs to be removed and grab a fresh one01:02
gogetapg1: yea looks good01:02
lazyPoweror is that bad practice?01:02
BodsdalazyPower: you could always just reboot...01:02
lazyPowerfair enough01:02
Majora_I'm trying to use Wine to play an ORPG with Ubuntu 9.10 on a white macbook version 4-1. The mouse works in every regard except when I try to click on the ground to move my character, although this problem doesn't exist when I use Ubuntu Jaunty, Intrepid and Hardy to do the same thing. I think the problem may originate from a driver change of some kind for the mouse, or the settings or...01:02
Majora_...something along those lines. How can I revert the driver for the mouse in Ubuntu 9.10 back to the one used in 9.04 and earlier?01:02
robertzaccourhey does anyone know how to adjust audio capture in xubuntu? atm skype isn't detecting audio capture01:02
arleslieTypos_King: My installation is perfectly fine, this is the first time it has happened and I've had ubuntu on here for about 4 months now and that has been ran about a week ago01:02
lazyPowerrobertzaccour, thats in the sound dialogue found under Preferences01:03
lazyPoweryou can set your input device as well as output01:03
Typos_Kingarleslie:    well.... either way :), there's always a 1st time for everything01:03
gogetaZykoticK9: kinda a quick and dirty way but hell if it works01:03
un214what I could use is the smallest possible wm that allows me to set system colors away from defaults01:04
ZykoticK9gogeta, that library is really outdated - thus it's removal from Karmic, but yes certainly dirty01:04
pg1ZykoticK9, gogeta sooo, why me? and how to fix lol01:05
ZykoticK9pg1, not just you - everyone with Karmic is lacking that library (so at least you're not alone)01:05
pg1ZykoticK9, you are running something older that allowed it to work for you ?01:06
ZykoticK9pg1, no (actually i'm running something new then you probably) - you need to download the 3 old DEB files, and the getlibs program - then use getlibs to virtually install the 32bit libs onto your 64bit system - then you should be ready to rock01:07
ZykoticK9pg1, s/new/newer01:07
inertialwhat happened to that nice toolbar app that had a drop down menu of wireless networks within range that was in 8.0401:08
Majora_inertial, I'm running Intrepid right now and have that01:09
Typos_Kinginertial:  nm-applet?01:10
gogetainertial: its still there just disappers when your connected01:10
inertialgogeta: is there a way to make it stay there?01:11
rqiaoWhenever I try to boot Windows XP Professional on Grub, it appears as a blank screen with a "_" blinking on the top left01:11
rqiaohow do I fix it?01:11
inertialTypos_King: I think it might be nm-applet.. i just tried to start nm-applet and it tells me it's already started.. which would make sense if it's hidden01:11
=== crunchbang is now known as kip
rqiaoI installed Ubuntu after Windows XP01:11
pg1ZykoticK9, so, I downloaded the 3 things, then I installed the one that says for 64 bits from "all" still no joy-what did i miss?01:11
ZykoticK9pg1, are you installing using the getlibs program?01:12
ThoraxHi, experiencing serious lag when using shortcuts (CTRL+C, anything really, SHIFT+A.... any random combo causes the system to lag horribly...)01:12
gogetainertial: when you disconnect it comes back01:12
Thoraxcould anyone help please?01:12
Typos_Kinginertial:  it may or may not show, depeding on settings I gather in the window manager, I use it and not use metacity or compiz, and on mine is there in the tray :)01:12
gogetainertial: so its there when you need it01:12
Bodsda!ask | Thorax01:12
ubottuThorax: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:12
ZykoticK9pg1, you want to be downloading the 32 bit versions of those libraries01:12
Majora_I'm trying to use Wine to play an ORPG with Ubuntu 9.10 on a white macbook version 4-1. The mouse works in every regard except when I try to click on the ground to move my character, although this problem doesn't exist when I use Ubuntu Jaunty, Intrepid and Hardy to do the same thing. I think the problem may originate from a driver change of some kind for the mouse, or the settings or...01:13
Majora_...something along those lines. How can I revert the driver for the mouse in Ubuntu 9.10 back to the one used in 9.04 and earlier?01:13
Thoraxubottu: makes sense, will do01:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:13
inertialgogeta: but I used to use it to connect to different wireless networks, and to get a new address using dhcp01:13
Typos_Kingrqiao:    no dice with the 'hiren's bootable cd'?01:13
rqiaoI can't burn it atm01:13
wookienzjust want to check...If i add a non priv user to my system, they can look around the directories but wont be able to execute anything ? if i want them to not look around theni need to dhrott them in their home? corect?01:13
rqiaoI'm trying to find an alternative01:13
gogetainertial: it still works that way01:13
pg1ZykoticK9, how do i tell it to use getlibs instead of default01:13
k0alaa very strange thing is happening.. when i goto to certain websites my ubuntu desktop restarts automatically.. any solutions?01:13
un214wookienz: no01:13
Typos_Kingrqiao:    didn't you say yesterday you have a burner? hehe01:13
rqiaoApparently not01:14
un214they can execute almost anything, but not as root01:14
pg1k0ala, "certain websites"01:14
gogetainertial: its only invisable when your acully connected01:14
Bodsdawookienz: most users will be able to view most items, and execute things they own, such as scripts they create or download01:14
k0alapg1, jameslaicretive.com for example / chess.com01:14
ZykoticK9pg1, are you following the link i sent you?  It shows how to use getlibs -- are you sure you downloaded the 32bit versions of the libraries?01:14
Typos_Kingrqiao:    from what I can tell, Grub is doing its part, the 'blinking cursor', just means that something went up with xp01:14
wookienzso really i should chroot them01:15
rqiaoidk what's wrong01:15
hello_warudoDo any open source projects need any help?01:15
rqiaoi booted XP find before01:15
inertialgogeta: hmmmm, I just want to be able to see it when I already am connected01:15
hello_warudodebugging/adding new features?01:15
rqiaoafter Ubuntu though, it just stays blank01:15
Typos_Kingrqiao:    after the ubuntu install?01:15
wookienzBodsda: un214: so really i should chroot them01:15
pg1ZykoticK9, i did. I installed the getlib thing, and now I need to use that to install the 3 debs right? How do I open the three debs with the newly installed thing instead of regular deb installer?01:15
gogetainertial: why i dont see any use if your on why still see it01:15
Bodsdawookienz: depends what your trying to do01:15
wookienzBodsa: just allowing a mate tostore stuff on my system as an offsite backup01:16
ZykoticK9pg1, for the first one "sudo dpkg -i libglib1.2ldbl_1.2.10-19build1_i386.deb"01:16
inertialgogeta: to change wireless networks, and to 'fix' my connection when I need to get a new address from dhcp01:16
ZykoticK9pg1, sorry ignore my last statement - itswrong01:16
gogetainertial: then just slect disconnect and its all visable again01:16
un214wookienz: then probably just don't let them read your home dir01:16
pg1ZykoticK9, it certainly scared me enough lol01:16
ZykoticK9 pg1 use "sudo getlibs -i libglib1.2ldbl_1.2.10-19build1_i386.deb"01:16
inertialgogeta: select disconnect from where?01:16
Majora_hello_warudo, maybe Wine?01:16
gogetainertial: click on it01:17
inertialgogeta: but I can't see it :)01:17
un214wookienz: chroot won't prevent them from uploading their own binaries and running them if they want to have some fun01:17
Bodsdawookienz: I dont see why this needs a user account - will he be at your machine, physically?01:17
k0alawhat could make it restart everytime i visit that website01:17
gogetainertial: its the little wireless icone on the top01:17
albertolempirahey guys i'm trying to pair a Motorola S305 bluetooth headset with my notebook but i get a message saying "it doesn't support input service" and can't get it to work. Anybody know what could be happening? thanks in advance. I'm using kubuntu karmic, i don't if it matters.01:17
Typos_Kinggogeta:   I have it visiable at all times in my window manager, I see a huge use, to tell me my signal strength or any other access points with better  connection ^_^01:17
gogetainertial: right click on it it will show the wifi your on then slect disconnect01:18
inertialgogeta: well for some reason it's not showing it01:18
wookienzBodsda: no he wont be at the machine... just purely to upload stuff via an rsync command from his side.. Better options?01:18
rqiaoSo does anyone know what's up?01:18
gogetainertial: not thats odd mine stays visable even connected just shows the network im on01:19
pg1ZykoticK9, doesnt work. gives me an error "wrong architecture, this is an i386 package" eff this. if I update to 10.4 will it work?01:19
Typos_Kingrqiao:    from what I can tell, Grub is doing its part, the 'blinking cursor', just means that something went up with xp01:19
wookienzun214: ok thanks, ill look for a better option... essentially i dont know what i dont know.01:19
inertialgogeta: well I just killed it and restarted it01:19
inertialand it is showing again01:19
ZykoticK9pg1, updating WILL NOT HELP01:19
inertialgogeta: heh.. sorry for wasting your time.. :)01:19
gogetainertial: so it crashed for some reasion01:20
pg1ZykoticK9, are you sure? it sounds pretty enticing right about now01:20
Typos_Kingrqiao:   can you paste your /boot/grub/grub.cfg file :)01:20
inertialgogeta: well it was running but the icon wasn't showing01:20
Bodsdawookienz: create a user, but dont give them a home dir - then create a folder in / called backup or something and grant that user wrx on that dir01:20
gogetainertial: yea it shouldent have hid itsself01:20
ZykoticK9pg1, Lucid doesn't contain the library either - you'd need to follow the same steps with it01:20
inertiali'm going to log out and back in to see if it fixes itself01:21
pg1ZykoticK9, does get libs have a gui? I cant get terminal to use it01:21
gogetainertial: i thought you where asking why it ewasent showing all networks01:21
ZykoticK9pg1, "wrong architecture" sounds like your trying to use dpkg instead of getlibs01:21
ZykoticK9pg1, no GUI for getlibs i'm affraid01:21
gogetaineiros: btw its not hit disconnect justclicking on the connected network will disconnect you01:22
Majora_I have Ubuntu 9.10 installed on a white macbook version 4-1 and would like to roll back its mouse drivers and all mouse-related settings back to those used in Ubuntu 9.04 and earlier. How can I do this?01:23
wookienzBodsda: could i not do the same with a home dir? restrict their rwx ability?01:24
pg1ZykoticK9, i got the first one installed, the second one says "no packages to install"01:25
ZykoticK9pg1, something wrong with the name you're giving it01:25
pg1ZykoticK9, but it has pkg in the name instead of getlibs01:25
Bodsdawookienz: preventing him from having a homedir restricts his influence on your system - infact, you dont actually need x, just +rw01:25
Typos_KingMajora_:   we did see you, btw,  firstly I didn't know what to make out it, I don't think you can on a new version, unless the version allows, and I can't be sure, though sounds to me you may be asking the wrong question01:25
cellofellowIs there a way to keep the screen from locking when the system wakes from suspend?01:25
ZykoticK9pg1, only use get getlibs commands "sudo getlibs -i libgtk1.2_1.2.10-18.1build2_i386.deb"01:26
pg1ZykoticK9, im just dragging it inot terminal01:26
pg1ZykoticK9, its -l not -i i think01:26
jsecHey all. Does anyone known a way under Karmic to extract the actual bytes of an audio file? I'm trying to do an analysis on random numbers, and I'm trying to get the random number pattern behind the white noise in audio.01:26
ZykoticK9pg1, -i is install i believe01:26
inertialjsec: what is the file format of your audio01:27
jsec.wav, although i can re-record it as an .ogg if necessary01:27
ZykoticK9pg1, sorry it's -i for DEB files01:27
Typos_Kingjsec:    to extract actual bytes?  what does that mean?01:27
inertialjsec: the tool sox is a nice 'swiss army knife' for wav files01:27
wookienzBodsda: so the fact he has a home dir does that give him other abilities?01:28
rolsworthif i install the RC can i update to the final version?01:28
Majora_Typos_King: I'm following the 10 minute repeat question guideline in case anyone's AFK and have recently came back. What question should I ask?01:28
inertialjsec: if you know any programming, this guide is helpful for understanding the format of wav files http://www.sonicspot.com/guide/wavefiles.html01:28
rolsworthdoes the RC at least have a new desktop?01:28
pg1ZykoticK9, ok, i got them installed. The game is still not installing01:28
ZykoticK9pg1, what error?01:28
unopjsec, if the file is in a digitized format - then it's just a matter of treating the file as a collection of raw bytes which you can extract using any tool/programming language that can do that - after considering the headers01:29
Bodsdawookienz: not really01:29
Typos_KingMajora_:     dunno, tell us what 'not working' means, and what you'd like or expect instead :)01:29
hipitihopany grub gurus here ? On a laptop with 9.10 although I think grub was never upgraded to 2, I booted lucid livecd and installed to a flash drive. Now can only see grub menu when flash drive is present otherwise I get error and grub recovery01:29
pg1ZykoticK9, same This installation doesn't support glibc-2.1 on Linux / unknown01:29
pg1(tried to run setup)01:29
jsecunop, inertial, Typos_King: essentially i'm trying to extract the bytes out of the "data" portion of the wav file, I was just wondering if there was any tool to do that or if I had to program something myself.01:30
geirhajsec: You'll find audio processing libraries for many programming languages. E.g. http://wiki.python.org/moin/Audio/01:30
ZykoticK9pg1, try using the "linux32 RESTOFCOMMAND..."01:30
Typos_Kingjsec:    data dumper can do that, 'dd'01:30
inertialjsec: sox might be able to do it... apt-get install sox01:30
Typos_Kingjsec:    in fact, is pretty much what 'dd' is for01:30
inertialTypos_King: well you have to know where to dd from... and different wav files can have more chunks at the start01:31
Majora_not working means that the input doesn't go through. I can click on the ground in the game world and nothing happens, nothing is registered. I would like for the input to go through. As it's being translated into windows language by Wine, I believe the issue is with a mouse setting that was changed in the leap from Jaunty to Karmic, as all versions of Ubuntu before Karmic can get that input...01:31
Majora_...across through Wine and to the game01:31
geirhaTypos_King: Oh, is that what dd is an abbriviation for :)01:31
jsecTypos_King, won't that give me the entire file in bytes (including headers), instead of just the direct audio data?01:31
Typos_Kinggeirha: heheh, yea01:31
DieZiegecan someone tell me where i can see all the users of an irc channel? im using xchat01:31
pg1hey ZykoticK9 guess what?01:32
geirhaTypos_King: I've used it for years, never known what dd "meant" :)01:32
Typos_Kingjsec:    no, you can give 'dd' offset values, what kind of blocks to get, bytes or else, and such01:32
Jordan_Uhipitihop: First boot into lucid and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and make sure that you select the flash drive as the only install device. Then boot 9.10 and do the same (except of course choose the internal hard drive as the install device)01:32
pg1DieZiege, on the right?01:32
inertialjsec: I am just reading the sox manpage, and yes it can do what you want01:32
jsecTypos_King, ok thx. I'll look into it as well as sox.01:32
inertialjsec: it can strip out the headers so you just have the data you want01:32
pg1ZykoticK9, it works! youre my hero. that was so incredibly complicated. thank you for all your help01:32
jsecinertial: just downloaded it, reading through the manpage as well...01:32
ZykoticK9pg1, glad to help01:33
hipitihopJordan_U, in that order or can I just do the reconfigure on 9.,10 ?01:33
lazyPowerThanks for the help and the brain-rest. I'm backing up files now. #ubuntu is yet again a life saver.01:33
Jordan_Utadhg: Are you still here?01:33
unopjsec,  https://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/  - indicates that the data portion starts at byte index 44 -- so you can use dd in such a way.  dd if=/path/to/file.wav of=/path/to/my.dat skip=4401:33
Jordan_Uhipitihop: It doesn't need to be in that order but you *need* to run it under lucid or else grub will be installed to the HD again whenever the package is upgraded.01:34
inertialunop: it doesn't always, some wav files have extra info cunks01:34
pg1ZykoticK9, that was insanely difficult!01:34
jsecinertial, where in the manpage did you see the command?01:36
inertialjsec: yeah it's a bit of a long manpage... just search for raw01:36
hipitihopJordan_U, I think I follow.. is there any danger of breaking my existing 9.10 install ? that is the important one and my workhorse01:36
hipitihopJordan_U, also what confuses me is that when I do boot with the flash drive in, it shows the grub version as 1.97 and it is from this menu I can still boot my 9.10 from hdd01:37
inertialjsec: IIRC sox is actually pretty smart about the file extensions... it can infer the type of the audio file based on it. So you should just be able to go sox sound.wav sound.raw01:38
NattgewI'm running mencoder and getting an error like here... http://pastebin.com/49tpncYk Am I missing a package or something? I think it worked before.01:38
hipitihopJordan_U, however when I choose my 9.10 entry aand then run grub-install -v it reports 0.9701:38
jsecinertial: Premature EOF on .wav input file01:38
k0ala need some help. .. whats happenning is when i visit certain websites like chess.com/jameslaicreative.com my machine restarts automatically.. ubuntu 9.1001:39
Typos_Kinginertial:    file can do that as well :|,     file MYFILE;   tells you what type it's, regardless of extension or name01:39
TyanColtehttp://pastebin.com/TfWcTn2T when trying to open an automounted ntfs filesystem i've been asking all day, nobody seems to know any help at all would be appreciated01:39
inertialjsec: was that a warning or an error message? did it actually create the raw?01:39
Typos_KingI think it reads the 1st so many bytes off the header01:39
jsecinertial, looks like it created it. Now just to figure out how to manipulate it from there... >_<01:41
inertialjsec: you can convert the other way with sox, try sox sound.raw sound-new.wav and check it sounds hte same01:41
Typos_KingTyanColte:   it means, it never automounted :)01:42
Typos_KingTyanColte:   http://maketecheasier.com/auto-mount-your-ntfs-partition-in-ubuntu/2009/04/1401:42
jsecinertial: sampling rate not specified... I gotta read this manpage a little more in depth01:42
inertialjsec: oh yeah you'd have to tell it all that info because it's just a raw :) you just set it to whatever the sampling rate and size of hte original files01:43
rqiaoim officially done with linux01:43
midoIs this the place to get help with FreeNX ?01:43
jsecinertial: gotcha01:43
rqiaotoo much hassle01:43
midorephrase: Is there a better place to get help with FreeNX ?01:44
Typos_Kingrquiao:  too much hassle to burn a cd to check in xp? ok01:44
gasullHi.  I've installed the Sun Java plugin in Ubuntu but I don't see it in about:plugins and I can't play Java in Firefox.  What should I do?  Thanks.01:44
PwrSurgehow can I fix overlapping partitions using testdisk?01:45
inertialjsec: i'm curious to know if you'll find a pattern in the white noise :) good luck01:45
Jordan_Uhipitihop: If you are using grub legacy on the internal hard drive then just boot into it and "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" (if /dev/sda is your hard drive).01:46
jsecinertial: thanks, and thanks for all the help, as well as Typos_King, unop, and geirha01:46
JK3MPAnyone know how i can install firefox 3.6? I added firefox repository from article and sudo apt-get firefox-3.6 etc. And it says newest version.01:47
gintonicAdd the stable firefox ppa01:47
JK3MPBut when i open FF and look at version it says v. 3.5.901:47
IdleOneJK3MP: after adding the repo did you sudo apt-get update?01:47
JK3MPYes i did.01:47
Jordan_UJK3MP: try running "firefox3.6" in the terminal.01:47
JK3MPI followed exadct instructions from ubuntugeek article.01:48
Majora_To follow the how to ask questions guidelines: I am using Ubuntu 9.10 on a white macbook version 4-1 and am trying to play a windows-only MMORPG known as NosTale by using Wine. To move your character in the game world you need to click on the ground near your character. Doing so moves your character to that position. When I do this in Ubuntu 9.10, the input is not registered by the game and...01:48
Majora_...nothing happens. I would like the input to register, and for my character to move. To solve this I have looked in the bug reports of Wine and have found others with the similar problem, but no answers. I have also tested it using the same machine but with earlier versions of Ubuntu such as 9.04, 8.10, and 8.04. In these versions the input of my mouse is registered to the game world, and...01:48
Majora_...my character moves. The input of my mouse in Ubuntu 9.10 for the game is registered when I click buttons on the GUI and do any other mouse-related function outside of clicking on the ground in the game world. I believe the cause of the lost input was some kind of setting or driver change for the mouse that was implemented in the leap from Ubuntu 9.04 to Ubuntu 9.10. How can I roll back...01:48
Majora_...the driver and settings for the mouse in Ubuntu 9.10 back to those used in Ubuntu 9.04 and earlier?01:48
FloodBot1Majora_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:48
JK3MPCommand not found.01:48
JayXI need a app / program that read text!01:49
JayXhow do i do thjaty on Ubuntu?01:49
JK3MPAnyone know my issue?01:49
JK3MPadded repo with sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa01:49
JayXText to speech *01:49
JK3MPThen sudo apt-get update , then sudo apt-get install firefox-3.6.01:49
mayuyado you know how to install XAMPP01:49
IdleOneMajora_: that seems to me to be more of a wine issue. older version of ubuntu also have older versions of wine. there may have been an update in wine that caused a regression. see #winehq they may be able to help01:50
gintonicubuntu-mozilla-daily? Yuck ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable is where it's at01:50
hipitihopJordan_U, ok, done that rebooting brb01:50
Majora_IdleOne: I don't think it was an update in Wine because I've tried to use other versions of Wine with the pre-9.10 versions of Ubuntu, and the changes in versions had no effect on the input of the mouse.01:51
ZykoticK9mayuya, installing a 3rd party browser doesn't make a lot of sence when there are packages for everything you need are built into Ubuntu's repositories - plus if you have issues this channel can more easily help out.  I don't have any links for xampp though, best of luck whatever you decide.01:51
midocould someone familiar with NX look at this output and tell me where it failed?01:51
ZykoticK9mayuya, s/browser/web server01:51
Jordan_UJayX: espeak "Hello world"01:51
mylistoso I am looking to upgrade to 9.10 - still running 8.0401:51
JK3MPEither way still says firefox-3.6 is already newest version when i try to install.01:51
rqiaooguys 1 more question01:51
rqiaoohow do I uninstall ubuntu/system restore01:52
mylistowhats the safest way to do this?01:52
rqiaoowithout going on windows xp01:52
IdleOneMajora_: ok I guess now the trick is to identify what package controls mouse behavior and then get it from packages.ubuntu.com01:52
Jordan_UJayX: Or "espeak -f /path/to/file.txt"01:52
rqiaooHow do I uninstall my computer to factory state on ubuntu01:52
IdleOnerqiaoo: you mean to a default ubuntu install? fresh installation. Ubuntu does not support rollbacks01:53
Majora_IdleOne: Ah, okay. Thank you. I'll try to find that out.01:53
ne7workplease someone tell me how to download this http://mirrors.unixsol.org/slackware/slackware-13.0/slackware/ ?01:53
rqiaooi just want to restore my computer to only windows xp01:53
rqiaooconsidering i can't even go on windows xp as of now01:53
IdleOneMajora_: I would like to tell you which it is but I have no idea01:53
greezmunkeyrqiaoo: did you ask in ##windows yesterday?01:54
IdleOnerqiaoo: to do that you will need a windows cd and !fixmbr01:54
skaalidquestion, i have installed and uninstalled a few things from my 250gb hard drive, and then i have done a fresh install and know there is 189gb hard drive left!01:55
Majora_IdleOne: Oh, okay. Thank you a lot though, I really appreciate it.01:55
rqiaooI just want windows xp back ;_;01:55
greezmunkeyrqiaoo: do you have WinXP cd?01:55
rqiaoono, it came with the computer01:55
rqiaooI might possibly have it though..01:55
aj00200What version of python will be on Ubuntu 10.?04?01:56
gintonicDo you have a recovery partition? Like when they are too stingy to give you a CD01:56
Majora_In Ubuntu 9.04 and earlier versions, what package controls mouse behavior? Is there a more specific support channel that I should go to for this kind of question?01:56
ne7workplease someone tell me how to download this http://mirrors.unixsol.org/slackware/slackware-13.0/slackware/ ?01:56
gintonicne7work, What do you actually want to download?01:56
greezmunkeygintonic: he installed ubuntu over the top of XP yesterday, now xp won01:56
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greezmunkeyheh, won't boot.01:57
gintonicXP won, lol01:57
JayXJordan_U,  thanks! :D  was heading to bed, and didnt feel like reading a blog, so will have espeack red it for me :P01:57
rqiaooS ois there anyway to uninstall01:57
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aj00200rqiaoo: you need to REinstall windows01:57
skaalidi have a hard drive question01:58
greezmunkeygintonic: understand, that heh I typed was because I accidently hit enter instead of '01:58
ne7workjust download http://mirrors.unixsol.org/slackware/slackware-13.0/slackware/ help please ?01:58
ne7workI need just download http://mirrors.unixsol.org/slackware/slackware-13.0/slackware/ help please ?01:58
IdleOnene7work: this is offtopic but http://mirrors.unixsol.org/slackware/slackware-13.0-iso/01:58
JayXJordan_U,  how to i control the speed of it speaking?01:58
IdleOnelet the slackware community know we helped you :)01:58
aj00200skaalid: what is it?01:58
puffHi, I was trying to follow this tutorial to fix the MBR:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435101:59
gintonicMaybe he wants to mirror that slackware repo01:59
ZykoticK9ne7work, ask in ##slackware01:59
ne7workZykoticK9, there all ignore me01:59
wookienzBodsda: if home dirs give him no more abilities then i could just restrict his access like your suggestion of a "backup dir".01:59
puffBut, it says boot into live CD, sudo grub.  Booted 9.10 and brought up the terminal and got "sudo: grub:  command not found."01:59
ne7worki only need to download this directory http://mirrors.unixsol.org/slackware/slackware-13.0/slackware/ with all files please someone help me :(02:00
gasullwhere is the package for Java SE Runtime Environment 6u20?02:00
hipitihopJordan_U, indeed that seems to have worked... streight into 1.5 and booted my normal 9.10 without flash drive inserted.. many thanks02:00
Flannelpuff: What version of Ubuntu do you have currently?02:00
IdleOnene7work: that directory has many more dir inside it. you will need to download then separately02:00
ZykoticK9ne7work, if you know how to download torrents http://slackware.com/getslack/torrents.php02:01
puffFlannel: Used to have, hm, 9.04, I think.02:01
skaalidi have installed and uninstalled a few things from my 250gb hard drive, and have done a re install and know i have 189gb02:01
gintonicne7work, Use wget with recursive downloading02:01
JayXJordan_U,  thanks :D used the MAN pages02:01
puffFlannel: My brother formatted the ubuntu partition with some windows tool.02:01
JayX Gnight all!02:01
yoyonedne7work: use wget http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/wget/wget_31.html02:01
Flannelpuff: Alright, 9.04 uses GRUB version 1, 9.10 uses GRUB version 2, so you'll need to get a 9.04 or earlier version to reinstall GRUB (version 1)02:01
puffFlannel: And now grub gives me "Error 22".02:01
puffFlannel: Ah, I have an 8.10 LTS disk.02:02
Flannelpuff: That'll work02:02
Flannelpuff: 8.04 is LTS, 8.10 isn't, but either will work02:02
puffI also downloaded and burned Super Grub Disk, but apparently the burn failed.02:02
puffFlannel: right, 8.0.4 (just dug it up).02:03
YosharioI get this message02:03
YosharioinstallArchives() failed: dpkg: status database area is locked by another process02:03
linuxHello.  I am trying to set up xcompmgr with LXDE/openbox and Docky, but need to tweak the opacity/transparency setting - any guidance would be appreciated.02:03
YosharioI'm using Lucid Lynx02:03
FlannelYoshario: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support, thanks02:04
greezmunkeyYoshario: you have add/remove open, or Synaptic??02:04
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linuxHello.  I am trying to set up xcompmgr with LXDE/openbox and Docky, but need to tweak the opacity/transparency setting - any guidance would be appreciated.02:05
bmorrisHey everybody.  Does anybody have experience with Motion and working with the pan/tilt?02:06
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carl-cbmI just noticed that if I rename a PNG file to have a .gif extension, nautilus misidentifies the file as a GIF file02:07
b0wHello! how can i easily open a ftp server on my pc so a friend can download a biig file from me?02:07
linuxanyone here use xcompmgr?02:07
Majora_IdleOne: I have located the package in Jaunty that controls mouse behavior. How can I replace the package that 9.10 uses with the package that Jaunty uses?02:07
carl-cbmb0w: it's probably easier for them to copy it by scp02:07
Majora_or anyone for that matter. I didn't mean to violate the don't ask specific users questions guideline02:08
Flannelb0w: The easiest way to do it is to use sftp (which actually runs over ssh), so install openssh-server, forward port 22 on your router, and have him connect (make a useraccount for him too, if he doesn't have one yet)02:08
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gintonicb0w: probably easiest to use sshd02:08
linuxAnyone here using LXDE?02:09
b0wok, thanks all for your help i will read about em and then decide, thanks for the advice!02:09
mylistois it possible to do an upgrade via a cd/dvd of ubuntu?02:09
Flannelmylisto: Yeah, the alternate CD (not the desktop one) or the DVD02:10
mylistoflannel: I'm worried about my laptop shutting down, not sure why it happens...only happens once in a while...02:10
mylistocould this be fatal during the upgrade?02:10
Flannelmylisto: Certainly not fatal, it would just require you to come back and complete the upgrade manually, with the slight possibility of having a package or two you need to poke at a little afterwards02:11
mylistoalso flannel: I'm using 8.04, can I upgrade to 9.10 right away..or does it have to be incremental still?02:12
Flannelmylisto: Once 10.04 comes out (this week) you can upgrade straight from 8.04 to 10.04 (LTS to LTS), but you cant upgrade straight from 8.04 to 9.1002:12
mylistodo you think I should just wait for 10.04?02:13
mylistomy main issue for wanting to upgrade is that I'm over the sound issues with 8.0402:13
mylistoI tested my usb headset with a live 9.10 and the sound is cherry!02:13
Flannelmylisto: I'd wait, yeah.  Can you live a week?  It's easier to upgrade once than to upgrade three/four times02:14
mylistoand what is lts?02:14
mylistothe upgrade is pretty much automatic isn't it?02:14
FlannelLTS is Long Term Support, 6.06, 8.04, and soon 10.04 are LTS releases, supported for 3 years on the desktop and 5 on the server (opposed to 18 months)02:14
Flannelmylisto: Yeah, you'll get a notification in update-manager, asking if you want to upgrade02:15
IdleOneMajora_: sorry I was afk for a bit. Ok you need to download the package from packages.ubuntu.com save it to your desktop. then remove the existing package but note it's name (in case you need to re-install it) then double click on the .deb file you saved to your desktop and that will start the install of that package02:16
mylistoI'm probably going to upgrade to 9.04 for now, then upgrade to 10 when it comes out02:16
gintonicUpgrade to 10.04 RC now02:17
RobWHey guys, I can't seem to access my Windows XP printer from Ubuntu using Samba. I can, however, see my windows XP machine, but not the printer that's connected to it. Any ideas?02:17
puffFlannel: Argh... okay, so booted up 8.0.4 and did sudo grub, then find /boot/grub/stage1, got "Error 15: File not found"02:17
IdleOneMajora_: note that this may or may not work, could be dependency issues.02:17
Majora_IdleOne: Thank you so much for your help. How do I uninstall a package? The option is grayed out in Synaptic Package Manager02:17
IdleOneMajora_: what is the package name?02:18
Flannelpuff: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows has a few ways, and some troubleshooting info02:18
Majora_IdleOne Oh. What is a dependency issue? And I'm somewhat confident this is the issue, as the package that controls the mouse also uses a different package that is a library. I think something was changed in the mouse library package in Karmic that differs from Jaunty's02:18
Majora_IdleOne: gpm and libgpm202:19
mylistoalso flannel: I came across this "Using packages from repositories not controlled by Ubuntu is not recommended as it can be a security risk and may break or complicate your upgrade. If you have used EasyUbuntu or Automatix (neither of which is recommended nor supported), you may have problems upgrading to a newer version and may require a fresh install. If you have installed software from other sources, the upgrade may go more smooth02:19
mylistoly if you remove this software before attempting the upgrad"02:19
Flannelmylisto: Did you use one of those?02:19
IdleOneMajora_: dependendies are files that are required by other packages. i.e file1 /needs/ file2 or it won't install02:19
mylistoeasyubuntu or automatix?02:20
Flannelmylisto: Aye02:20
mylistoAre they talking about packages as in certain programs?02:20
FlannelOr "ultimatix"02:20
Majora_IdleOne: Oh. So libgpm2 would be a dependency for gpm02:20
mylistoI didn't use either of those02:20
IdleOneMajora_: right now in Synaptic does gpm have a green box next to it?02:20
Flannelmylisto: What are you concerned with about that paragraph?02:20
Majora_IdleOne: No02:21
mylistoFlannel: I thought they meant any programs that were not supported in the rep's02:21
RobWNevermind, it works now :)02:21
Flannelmylisto: That's also a concern, yeah, what have you installed from third parties?02:21
Majora_IdleOne: The box is unchecked and white02:21
IdleOneMajora_: I would try installing that before removing libgpm202:21
IdleOneMajora_: so install gpm and also leave libgpm2 installed and try your game02:22
mylistooff the top of my head...hmm...hard to remember02:22
Majora_IdleOne: Ah. I'm using Intrepid right now, so I should check Karmic to see if that's green or not.02:22
IdleOneMajora_: yes :)02:22
Flannelmylisto: Then I wouldn't worry about it, the upgrade process will look at those and sort them out in most cases02:22
Majora_IdleOne: Okay, thank you so much. I really really appreciate it :).02:24
IdleOneMajora_: don't thank me yet :)02:24
mylistoand one last question (methinks :D ), the upgrade via the alternate cd should be much faster, right?02:25
Majora_IdleOne: If enabling gpm in Karmic doesn't solve the problem is it safe to say that my next step should be to replace libgpm2 in Karmic with the file used in Jaunty?02:25
IdleOneMajora_: worth a try yes02:25
Majora_IdleOne Okay. Thanks :)02:25
Majora_IdleOne: Do I need to restart my machine in order for the changes inacted by newly installed packages to take effect?02:27
Majora_Okay. Thanks again XD02:27
b2bwildHello after installing some updates, I'm getting very slow download speed while downloading from apt-get / synaptic, I also changed source server, and selected best server, but speed is still in Bytes Per Second, while downloading from browser gives me normal speed (Karmic Koala i386)02:27
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darksidercan someone help me with this please? i have been trying to install ogre3d for like 6 hours02:28
darksideri used about 3 different methods02:29
darksiderbash script, compile from source and DL02:29
ownerdevidaany install process that takes longer than 4 hours should be abandoned. its in a man page somewhere02:29
darksiderbut when i try to compile an example app out of my programming book - it underlines the includes02:29
red2kickkb110_: You want /userlist ?02:29
pepeehi people02:30
Lostinspace_46Well, here's one I bet you don't see to often...I seem to have lost my "rm" command.02:30
pepeek0ala needs help, but I can't help him by myself02:31
pepeeplease, read this: http://pastebin.com/eHfhb5T302:31
Vigolostinspace_46: That is a good one, uhm, terminal tabs?02:31
NattgewI'm running mencoder and getting an error like here... http://pastebin.com/49tpncYk Am I missing a package or something? I think it worked before.02:32
pepeek0ala, explain what your problem is02:32
Lostinspace_46Vigo I don't follow.02:32
red2kicLostinspace_46: Wow. You lost rm? How did that happen? You can... use shred? :P02:33
b2bwildHelp, I lost my Nautilus's "Up Button" after update.02:33
schultzahow do i tell linux to limit its connection speed for all traffic without using an outside device?02:33
VigoLostinspace_42: That is a Terminal call, are you using Tabs in the Terminal?02:33
k0alalogged off again :(02:34
k0alai get logged off from the system whenever i visit certain websites like chess.com. also when pepee asked me to run a game, i ran trigger (racing game) and it immediately logged me off not a normal lofg off02:35
Lostinspace_46red2kic,  I had 2 clocks and no drop down for me in panel. Thought an extra panel had come up somehow, and I deleted it...the "rm" seems to have left at the same time02:36
red2kic!resetpanel | Lostinspace_4602:36
ubottuLostinspace_46: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:36
Ben64schultza: tc can do it, don't know the exact command though02:37
red2kicLostinspace_46: That would fix your panels but I can't see how it is relevant to rm.02:37
wildbatwhat is commaned to show all the disk drives in shell?02:38
Lostinspace_46red2kic, I seem to have all my other commands.  Oh, I got the panels back I just uninstalled and re-installed gnome-desktop02:38
red2kicwildbat: dh -H (or pydf for color goodness)02:39
wildbatdf won't show if it is not mounted, right?02:40
red2kicwildbat: Right. If you just want to list devs, use "sudo fdisk -l"02:40
Lostinspace_46Vigo Yes I am using tabs02:40
Schmittywildbat,  no02:40
pepeeanyone can help k0ala ?02:40
robertzaccouri just installed xubuntu and now my discs and usb devices aren't being displayed. i didn't have this problem with gnome02:40
robertzaccourany ideas?02:40
VigoLostinsapce_42: dpkg (fix) <that is not the CLI argument, but is close,02:42
robertzaccouris this an xfce bug?02:42
Lostinspace_46Vigo I will look at that02:43
VigoLostinspace_42: Here is one, still looking for the Ubuntu page on it: > http://mediakey.dk/~cc/debian-dpkg-and-apt-get-guide/02:44
Lostinspace_46Vigo Checking it now02:45
robertzaccouri just installed xubuntu and now my discs and usb devices aren't being displayed. i didn't have this problem with gnome02:46
wildbatthanks, red2kic.02:46
robertzaccourany ideas?02:46
schultza!brasero copier02:46
VigoLostinspace_42: here also: http://www.debianadmin.com/debianubuntu-package-management-using-dpkg.html :> or use the Restore option at boot?02:47
pepeecan someone help k0ala ??02:48
VigoRobertzaccour: Lucid?02:48
pepeeVigo, he left the channel02:49
Vigopepee: Okee dokee, Thank you02:49
brad__i had a question about ubuntu02:50
Vigok0ala: The USB stopped working after an Update?02:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:50
=== brad[] is now known as bradbook
grndslmdebian or ubuntu?  :)02:51
k0alaVigo, ?? which usb?02:51
pepeeVigo, please, read this: http://pastebin.com/eHfhb5T302:51
Vigok0ala: Whoops, I misread that one, you have crashes and log offs?02:51
k0alaVigo, yes02:52
k0alamy machine seems to be in a very pathetic state02:52
b0whow can i start the sshd daemon??02:52
ZykoticK9b0w, assuming karmic "sudo service ssh start" should work02:53
Vigopepee: Ok, that looks like rough one, kernel panic maybe?02:55
pepeeVigo, nope, X crashes02:55
brad__i needed help on compiz to activate the cylinder or cube for the desk top02:55
Vigopepee: Does it run in CLI?02:56
ZykoticK9brad__, do you have ccsm installed?  do you have cube and rotate cube enabled?02:56
pepeeVigo, ??02:56
pepeeVigo, ask k0ala02:56
scunizib0w: sudo service ssh start02:56
Vigopepee: Text , Command Line Interface02:56
soreaubrad__: We can help you in #compiz02:57
k0alaVigo, what runs in cli??02:57
brad__i go to the compiz settings manager and it nver enables02:57
Vigok0ala: The System.02:57
pepeeVigo, what are you talking about?02:57
brad__what is ccsm02:58
soreau! ccsm | brad__02:58
ubottubrad__: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz02:58
ZykoticK9brad__, follow soreau -- /join #compiz02:58
k0alai am logge din te graphics interface.. it works.. but it fails/crashes on visiting certain websites02:58
k0alaVigo, ^02:58
VigoI am trying to help pepee and k0ala, if you can boot into CLI you can repair, fix Xorg, usually.02:59
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k0alavigo how can i connect to irc on commnadline?02:59
preston_Hey. I recently tried to watch a video on hulu, but got an error saying "we're sorry but we're unable to stream videos to your system. This may be due to an Adobe software limitation on 64-bit Linux systems." I am not sure what is wrong hear. I am pretty sure everything is up to date as I used to be able to watch movies using Ubuntu 9.10. Does anyone know which specific adobe package  might not be working.02:59
Vigok0ala: irrsi, or just run a terminal.03:00
pepeeVigo, is not that easy...03:00
Dr_Willispreston_:  the hulu desktop player can work - even tho watching videos in a browser dosent work. (I think their error message is missledading)03:00
pepeeyou have to know what's the problem BEFORE trying to solve it03:00
Dr_Willispreston_:  i fund the huludesktop player works better for me then in a brower also.03:01
eveningskyAlt+MouseWheel fades a window in and out. I want to turn it off. I've looked through Compiz settings and Gnome keyboard shortcuts, can't locate the source.03:01
preston_Dr_Willis: Ok thanks I will try that03:01
Vigopepee: Good point, that is why I wanted to see some outputs.03:01
soreaueveningsky: OBS plugin03:01
soreaueveningsky: Opacity, Brightness and Saturation03:01
pepeeVigo, what outputs?03:02
pepeeyou have the logs pasted03:02
jsecDoes anyone know if a program exists for Ubuntu/Linux in general for analyzing patterns of random numbers?03:02
k0alajsec, i will be interested in that too03:02
eveningskysoreau. sweet. thanks.03:02
Vigopepee: I was going to get to that also, let me read those logs again..03:02
gingerheadmandoes anyone know of a program for linux that lets you edit memory values in a running program (similar to tsearch on windows)?03:02
pepeeI just can't see the problem in them03:02
pepeeVigo, ok, np03:03
jseck0ala, i've searched google ad nauseum... found nothing :(03:03
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k0alajsec - what keywords?03:03
brad__thanks for your help03:04
Vigopepee: Is that on Lucid?03:04
k0alaVigo,  karmic 9.1003:05
moderndayzerohello i have a few problems with my console emulators and was wondering if anyone could help me out03:05
Vigopepee: LAMP is installed?03:05
jseck0ala, random number analysis program03:05
k0alaVigo, yes03:05
pepeeVigo, ask k0ala ...03:05
pepeeI just tried to help him03:06
k0alapepee.. should i reinstall the os?03:06
Vigok0ala: You just answered my next question.03:07
pepeek0ala, try testing the machine under the live cd03:07
pepeeI mean, run games, test the file system, test the memory,...03:08
pepeeif it runs fine, then it's an OS-related problem03:08
k0alai think i wont install ubuntu then.. maybe i will try mint03:09
Vigok0ala: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html03:09
pepeeif not, then you have a hardware problem03:09
pepeek0ala, there's no need to reinstall03:09
scunizipepee: what's k0ala  trying to do?03:10
pepeeas I said, you have to find the problem03:10
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k0alai amm all willing to, but i dont know where to start03:10
dark-knightk0ala what's your problem?03:11
k0alawill check out thru livecd03:11
pepeescunizi, the X crashes when he load some websites or games03:11
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scunizipepee: sounds like flash03:11
robertzaccourhow do i change panel colors in xfce?03:11
scunizipepee: and or java (lack of it03:11
k0aladark-knight, youtube works03:11
pepeescunizi, nope, the sites don't have flash03:11
pepeenor java03:11
pepeescunizi, the sites have heavy load javascript apps03:11
CkhiKuzadwhenever i run a flash based site, the flash seems to lag HORRIBLY, but it lags less on my Debian distro, and i have virtually no lag on my windows install03:12
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pepeethat's why I think it's a memory problem,03:12
k0aladark-knight, mys sytem logs me off (crashes xserver) whenever i vist certain websites03:12
Vigoscuinzi: It is a server error: here is the paste:> http://pastebin.com/eHfhb5T303:12
pepee^^ and run games03:12
k0alapepee should i remove one memory module?03:12
scuniziCkhiKuzad: did you install flashplugin-nonfree or gnash or both and/or another?03:12
wildbatpepee, do a memtest68+?03:13
dark-knightrobertzaccour you can change the themes by going to applications then appearance03:13
Lostinspace_46OK I have googled and forumed to no avail.  Evidently I am the first person ever to lose their "rm" command (go figure).  Possibly I could fix it if I knew what pkg held the command lines. "rm" seems to be the only lost command...sigh.03:13
CkhiKuzadscdunizi, i installed flashplugin-nonfree i think. which is better?03:13
pepeek0ala, try testing your modules on another machine, and other modules on your motherboard03:13
CkhiKuzadscdunizi, i installed flashplugin-nonfree.03:13
k0alapepee, this one is ddr1 :(03:14
k0alai have only one board03:14
k0alaother are laptops03:14
scuniziCkhiKuzad: flashplugin-nonfree or the one direct from adobe.. but you can't run 2 at the same time.03:14
pepeek0ala, well, run memtest against them03:15
John47hi all - looking to dual boot win 7 and ubuntu lucid on my dell mini 9 - used to be easy before, but now GParted will not recognize the windows partition....Any ideas?03:15
pepeek0ala, or ask a friend for help03:15
scunizik0ala: might be video driver as well.03:15
k0alaok will run the memtest again03:15
k0alahow many rounds?03:15
CkhiKuzadseeing the fact that fp-nf sucks with my system, i will try installing the adobe one, thanks scunizi (i think i have the adobe one on debian and windows anyway)03:15
robertzaccourdark-knight, i don't see a color selector. i want dark black instead of charcoal03:15
k0alascunizi, how do i confirm that03:16
pepeek0ala, run all the tests03:16
scuniziCkhiKuzad: make sure you uninstall the other before installing the new03:16
pepeescunizi, there's nothing in the logs03:16
CkhiKuzadi just did that, scunizi. thanks though03:16
John47hi all - looking to dual boot win 7 and ubuntu lucid on my dell mini 9 - used to be easy before, but now GParted will not recognize the windows partition....Any ideas?03:16
dark-knightrobertzaccour their isn't a color selector as far as i know, but if you click on the style it will change the color, you can also download different themes from xfce look03:16
pepeescunizi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/422491/  <- X server logs from k0ala's machine03:17
scunizik0ala: sorry, I've no idea.. pepee might have to look in the x.org logs.03:17
robertzaccourdark-knight, ok thanks03:17
pepeeJohn47, corrupted MBR?03:18
The-Moonwhat do i type in to load linux from the console / terminal ?03:18
wildbatk0ala, check for overheat may be?03:18
John47pepee: perhaps....how would I tell?03:18
CloudLevih00k: How do I stick stuff in the programs drop-down for Wine? =_=;;;03:18
k0alawildbat, the temp probe in the bios says 53-54C03:19
pepeeJohn47, run "sudo cfdisk" from the console03:19
John47pepee: the win7 installer works, separately, and the ubuntu installer works, but neither installer will see the others' partitions.03:19
pepeethe-dude, linux is the kernel03:19
scunizipepee: looks like the initialization fell back to the vesa driver and didn't implement the intel driver.. I could be wrong but I saw a couple of lines showing that.03:19
dark-knightanyone have any experience with webcams? i have a xubuntu 9.10 and a logitech c500     the camera is detected when using online sites such as chatroulette (lol) but then the built in mic is not recognized. using skype the microphone is detected but not the camera03:19
John47pepee: will do, one second03:19
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras03:20
pepeethe-dude, do you mean, run linux from grub console?03:20
The-MoonMurr, can anyone help ?)03:20
John47pepee: running lucid from the live cd right now03:20
wildbatk0ala, not the bios ~ the temp. when high load03:20
sloopyi am trying to watch tv on my pvr-500, in xawtv the screen is blank, but i can hear the audio, if i open vlc and connect it to /dev/video0 i can see the video, and even change the channels in xawtv while watching...03:20
The-Moonpepee are you talking to me?03:20
k0alawildbat, how do i find it?03:20
pepeeThe-Moon, yep, sorry...03:21
sloopyi would like to be able to see audo/video on xawtv, and also see whats on the composite video inputs...03:21
a16BitSoftI signed up for the mailing list and wish to email to it but it returns ERROR: Sender address rejected: not logged in ???03:21
scuniziThe-Moon: you want to load linux from the terminal? you mean the gui?03:21
pepeetab fail lol03:21
John47pepee: I should say that I had previously installed mac OSX on this computer, but then I decided against it and reformatted.03:21
scuniziThe-Moon: sudo service gdm start03:21
The-Moonnvm i just typed y and it fucked up :|03:22
John47pepee: it says: "Warning!!  Unsupported GPT (GUID partition table) detected.  Use GNU parted."03:22
IdleOne!language | The-Moon03:22
ubottuThe-Moon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:22
wildbatk0ala,  lm-sensors03:22
b0whello!, so i installed sshd, opened port 22 on my router, but i still cant connect via ssh to my server, anyone any idea?03:22
dark-knightubottu how do i change the sound preferences in xubuntu as there is no option like in ubuntu03:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:22
The-Moonoh okay my bad sorrys!! i didnt realize, i will be careful03:22
k0alawildbat, command not found03:23
The-Mooni dont think that worked btw, i am using the newest version of ubuntu... It said gdm start/running, process 1572, and then stayed in console03:23
pepeeJohn47, hehe, that's unknown for me03:23
dark-knightanyone have any experience with webcams? i have a xubuntu 9.10 and a logitech c500     the camera is detected when using online sites such as chatroulette (lol) but then the built in mic is not recognized. using skype the microphone is detected but not the camera03:23
hiexpo!webcams | dark-knight03:23
ubottudark-knight: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras03:23
John47pepee: oh, what's unknown?  Man, how do I deal with an "unsupported GPT"?????03:23
pepeeJohn47, perhaps lucid is incompatible with win7? try asking in #ubuntu+103:23
wildbatk0ala, google and install it XD, may be in repos too not sure03:24
k0alawildbat, got it03:24
k0alawildbat, guess have to restart to make it functional03:24
John47pepee: ok, I appreciate it thanks.  That would be foolish for lucid to be incompatible with win7....03:24
hiexpobacktothe oledrawing board03:24
pepeeJohn47, yep, but...who knows03:24
k0alabrb restarting03:25
sloopyany ideas?03:25
dark-knightahhh so my logitech c500 is only partial recognized by the uvc driver. anyone know any way to get it fully to work?03:25
robert__can i install gtk themes in xfce?03:25
pepeesloopy, use mplayer/vlc03:26
nhasiananyone know how to properly align an SSD drive with linux?03:26
sloopypepee, a) how do i get sound in vlc, and b) how do i change channels in vlc?03:26
The-Moonhehe sigh, spent all day trying to get ubuntu to work still no luck :(03:26
pepeesloopy, ahh. don't know how to see TV in vlc03:27
pepeesloopy, man vlc ?03:27
dark-knightthe-moon what are you experiencing?03:27
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robert__can i install gtk themes in xfce?03:27
pepeeheh, very poor manual...03:27
xanguarobert__: yes03:27
The-Moonwell i had a successful install and then when i start up again, it just goes to a black screen :\03:27
KurzweilAnyone know if there is a IRC specific to Ubuntu on a Mac?03:27
robert__xangua, how? and will it slow it down?03:27
The-Mooni guess i will try installing again03:28
dark-knightthe-moon have you tried reinstalling again?03:28
dark-knightmaybe something just went corrupt03:28
pepeeThe-Moon, it will be the same...03:28
The-Moonthats what im about to do hehe. ubuntu loaded up and installed perfectly fine03:28
pepeeThe-Moon, try editting the kernel command line from grub03:28
EvanDotProcan someone tell me if in ubuntu, when you plug an NTFS usb drive in and it auto-mounts, what umask is used? i'm on fedora and a recent update just changed the umask from 000 to 077 and no one seems to be able to tell me why or how to fix it, including google, so i'm curious how ubuntu does it.03:29
pepeeThe-Moon, do you know how to do it?03:29
The-Moonim still new to linux, i have used it before and had no problems03:29
The-Moonno i do not03:29
jsecKurzweil, there used to be an #ubuntu-mactel chan, but I don't think anyone ever used it...03:29
The-Moonif you could help that would be much appriciated03:29
xanguarobert__: donload them from http://gnome-look.org/ or http://xfce-look.org/ and install them with your appearence manager03:29
KurzweilAlright. Thanks03:29
The-Moonif this storm dont cut my power....03:29
pepeeThe-Moon, what OS are you installing? ubuntu karmic?03:29
xanguafor more xfce help of how to try #xubuntu robert__03:29
pepeeThe-Moon, try lucid beta03:30
pepeeerr lucid RC03:30
robert__xangua, i did. whats wrong with help here?03:30
The-Mooncan you send me a link too it? is that still ubuntu?03:30
pepeeyep, wait03:30
rww!lucid | The-Moon03:30
ubottuThe-Moon: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule03:30
The-Moonits not stable :|03:31
pepeeThe-Moon, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004overview03:31
The-Mooni think ill stick with messing around with this cd for now, but i will keep a eye on that pepee03:31
pepeeThe-Moon, it is03:31
The-Moonokay, if 9.10 dont work out for me i will give it a try03:33
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=== Guest69960 is now known as yukiseaside
Flare-LaptopWhat should I do about this?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/422515/03:35
millertimek1a2m3hey, how can i find out what driver i'm using?03:35
millertimek1a2m3like if I'm using a certain driver?03:35
Flare-Laptopmillertimek1a2m3: lsmod03:35
n2diyhow can I copy a directory recursively, with grsync, gftp?03:36
Lostinspace_46Is there a way to update or repair my bash shell, and if so would this return my lost "rm" command?  I enter "daniel@my-pos:~$ rm examples" and the terminal returns "remove: command not found" Which seems a bit misleading.03:36
unopLostinspace_46,  what does command return?   type -a rm03:38
n2diyLostinspace_46: what happens if you just type "rm"?03:38
unopLostinspace_46, "type" being a command itself03:38
Lostinspace_46I mean, of course the remove command is not found..there isn't one03:38
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Lostinspace_46let me see03:39
nsadminLostinspace_46: are you sure your $PATH is good? how do you know rm is missing?03:39
pepeewhich rm, whereis rm03:40
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pepeeLostinspace_46, try these commands: which rm; whereis rm03:41
Lostinspace_46unop daniel@my-pos:~$ type -a rm returns   rm is aliased to `remove' on one line and  rm is /bin/rm on the next03:42
unopLostinspace_46, there's your problem - bad alias03:42
unopLostinspace_46,  unalias rm03:42
greezmunkeyLostinspace_46: type: echo $PATH and see if /bin is there.03:42
unopgreezmunkey, that's not his problem - it's a bad alias03:43
Lostinspace_46Well that would explain the strange error msg'03:43
greezmunkeyunop: agreed03:43
pat5starand check ~/.bash_aliases to see if that line is entered there so it doesn't reappear on the next boot03:43
unopLostinspace_46, you'll need to ensure that this alias is removed/corrected in your bash startup files (like pat5star said) - although the alias could be defined in any of your ~/.bash* files03:45
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Lostinspace_46unop That fixed it. I wonder why that just happened?  I have been using the alias   "alias srr='sudo rm -R'" for months.03:47
m4ltis 10.04 the best to go with for my desktop, I got old cd of ubuntu and was just wondering if this was stable so far03:48
Lostinspace_46unop Gonna re-boot. BRB, and thanks!03:49
mIrKaTcan i used pxe boot to boot into the ubuntu cloud ?03:49
xangua!lucid > m4lt03:49
ubottum4lt, please see my private message03:49
mIrKaTcan i use pxe boot to boot into the ubuntu cloud ?03:50
Coded1got a newb question, how do i stop network manager from managing an interface? i remember something about /etc/network/interfaces but cant remember what to input into the file03:51
pat5starCoded1: I believe you just remove the 'auto' keyword from the stanza, or comment it all out03:52
Coded1no configuration of any kind (dhcp or static)03:52
Coded1pat5star thanks i think thats it03:52
pat5starCoded1: yw03:52
greezmunkeyCoded1: no, if you *add* an interface description there, nm will not manage it.03:53
Coded1greezmunkey ty03:54
greezmunkeyCoded1: here's an example: http://paste.ubuntu.com/422520/03:55
kathryn_Hi, I keep getting a "wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32" error loading a plugin for xchat, I think it's because it's 64 bit and the plugin is 32 bit - is this correct or are there other causes?03:55
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luis_hello all03:56
pepeekathryn_, yep, that is the problem03:57
Guest89878hi i have a ps3 and xubuntu how well do you think something like mythtv would work03:57
kathryn_pepee: thanks03:58
b0whow can i see all users connected to my SFTP??03:58
xanguaGuest89878: for xfce help try #xubuntu; you still haven't updated your ps3¿03:59
pepeeGuest89878, just try it...03:59
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jukenI'm having an issue getting my netgear wnda3100 working with the ar9170 driver. Anyone have any experience with getting this usb adapter working?04:01
chilli0Hi, I had a look on winehq but It confused me lol. What version of ms office works best on wine?04:03
chilli0I need word and excell04:03
scunizichilli0: what's in those two that isn't in open office?04:03
chilli0I do use it. But it's just not working. I'm trying to do box plots on it and they don't show up.04:04
pepeejuken, IIRC there's no support for these at this moment04:04
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chilli0And copying and pasting from spredsheet to work doesn't show the tables. it puts them in like images.04:04
ttmontoyahas anyone been able to install VirtualBox Properly this error comes up every time I try to start the program: Error in /home/ttmontoya/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml (line 3) -- Cannot handle settings version '1.2-linux'.04:04
scunizichilli0: have you looked for help with that on #openoffice.org or parused their docs on their site?04:04
scunizittmontoya: did you install build-essential?04:05
chilli0No. Either way my math teacher said we need to use it for a plugin that we need next term.04:05
ttmontoyaI think I did let me check04:05
moomooanybody know how to successfully setup oidentd or xauth ??04:06
scunizichilli0: k.. well on winehq most likely they mention office 2000, 2003  .. the latest may not run well yet.04:06
chilli0k tanks.04:06
Suit_Of_Sablescan anyone suggest a good linux program for organizing and browsing files by meta data?04:06
ttmontoyayes I have the newest version04:06
scunizittmontoya: did you download vbox from their site or are you tring ot install from the repo's?04:07
pepeejuken, ohh, sorry, nvm04:07
ttmontoyafrom repo04:07
Lostinspace_46Well...DUH!!  I have no idea what I was thinking when I aliased "rm" to "remove"  Let's see.. a year of chemo?.. Zoloft?...Ambian? nah, couldn't be any of that.  Any way, it's fixed, and Kudos to unop.04:07
Suit_Of_Sablesalso, I have two silly questions: Is the beta not available to everyone? and is BitchX still around? I couldn't find a recent source code.04:07
xanguachilli0: you can also try lotus office or softmaker office04:07
ttmontoyatru synaptics04:07
scunizittmontoya: so it installed but when you start the program that error you mentioned shows up?04:08
jukenpepee: you found a way?04:08
FlannelSuit_Of_Sables: BitchX is unmaintained (and not in the repositories because of it).  And the beta has become an RC, and yes, they're open to everyone.04:08
Out_ColdSuit_Of_Sables: bitchx is an abondoned project04:08
ttmontoyayes it dont even open04:08
pepeejuken, http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/ar917004:08
pepeejuken, try comàt-wireless04:08
jukenpepee: I know, I've been trying that for a couple hours =/04:08
Suit_Of_Sableswhat irc client would you guys suggest? Epic? I am using the gnome irc right now04:09
pepeejuken, ahh04:09
jukenSuit_Of_Sables: irssi :)04:09
Out_ColdSuit_Of_Sables: irssi04:09
Out_ColdSuit_Of_Sables: for a gui version, xchat04:09
pepeedid you do a reboot after installing the driver?04:09
jukenpepee: yea04:09
scunizittmontoya: most likely something happened on install.. tell synaptic to reinstall and try again.. if the same error comes up you might check on #vbox for a more detailed answer.. personally I use the version from their site.04:10
jukenpepee: I see the driver installed with lsmod, but still not showing a wireless interface04:10
Out_Coldnothing beats a screen irssi, finch, ssh session.04:10
=== don is now known as Guest27659
pepeejuken, well, compat-wireless never worked for me lol04:10
ttmontoyaok Thanks04:10
nsadmininstalling a driver generally does not require a reboot04:10
nsadminthat's windows/microsoft thinking04:10
gogetapepee: better to use the version from the site if i rember the one in the repos had a bug making it not work04:10
pepeebut i'm not using that adapter04:10
pepeegogeta, in fact, I dl it from the site...04:11
Guest27659I set my xorg.conf file to mode 1280x1024 and restarted X, but the screen resize & rotate manager only alows me to go up to 1024x768  what other file might hold the display config?04:11
k0alapepee, i did the memtest04:11
k0alapepee, no errors04:11
gogetaOut_Cold: no knothing beat a screen in framebuffer mode playing a video in bash04:11
pepeeanyway, now I'm using wireless-backports04:11
pepeek0ala, try again, a couple hours04:12
Out_Coldgogeta: i've used mplayer but still kind of X.. never straight bash04:12
jukennsadmin: certainly not, I ran make unload, the modprobe ar9170, but still the interface isn't here =/04:12
pepee* wireless-backports (in lucid)04:12
gogetaOut_Cold: heh04:12
=== Guest27659 is now known as Don_jr
Out_Coldgogeta: 100 solutions to 1 problem ;)04:13
robertzaccourhow do i reset the xfce panel?04:13
pepeek0ala, also, test the filesystem from the live cd04:13
chelzIs there any place that outlines the end of support for a version of Ubuntu? As in if updates how long updates still be downloadable, even if no new updates are put out.04:13
gogetaOut_Cold: yea i wowed a server user he had no vlue bash was that powerfull04:13
j3rghey anyone knows about a good IDE for Php?04:14
Suit_Of_Sablesi am new to ubuntu as well as linux so any app suggestions would be great. command line or gui. any browsers not quite as obese as firefox?04:14
Out_ColdSuit_Of_Sables: elinks ;)04:14
psycho_oreosSuit_Of_Sables, midori04:14
pepeelinks2 :D04:14
nsadmindepends on what you require04:14
nsadminif you don't require anything, you can use any browser04:15
Out_ColdSuit_Of_Sables: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsers04:15
moomooSuit of Sables.. try google chrome instead of firefox04:15
scuniziSuit_Of_Sables: cli brower w3m.. it's already installed. lynx, elink etc. :)  for the gui arora (I think) .. open synaptic and search for browser ..04:16
pepeeSuit_Of_Sables, old/slow machine?04:16
kyubutsukazehakase is both light and fast too04:16
Don_jrI have set my display mode in xorg.conf and restarted x, but the display once I log back in is still the same, what other file might be controlling the display mode?04:16
chelzSuit_Of_Sables: what did you use before?04:16
Suit_Of_Sablesoh I had chrome in OSX and liked it a lot. there is a linux version? I am kind of a tab whore when I browse.04:16
ubottuYou can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa04:17
chelzSuit_Of_Sables: if you do a quick search on google you'll see there's a linux version of chrome04:17
pepeeis the best browser :)04:17
xanguaSuit_Of_Sables: chromium will be incluided in the lucid repositories04:17
jukenSuit_Of_Sables: www.google.com/chrome04:17
chelzdaily isn't good, beta is better, and the one from google is the best for average people i'd say04:17
xanguapsycho_oreos: is not better to get chromium from teh beta, noot the daily, PPA ¿¿04:17
kyubutsu"daily isnt good" is your opinion..04:18
psycho_oreosxangua, that made no sense04:18
scunizidaily builds can break frequently.. flash espicially04:18
chelzkyubutsu: for an average user that would otherwise use the firefox included with ubuntu? we're talking stable here. don't be silly.04:18
xanguapsycho_oreos: ¿¿04:18
crucialhoaxI need help configuring the `Grid` plugin for Compiz to emulate the Win 7 snap feature.04:18
bastid_raZor!compiz | crucialhoax04:19
ubottucrucialhoax: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz04:19
psycho_oreosxangua, it means I didn't understand what you are trying to say04:19
Don_jranyone able to help with my xorg problem?04:19
kyubutsuchelz: you're talking about using betas .. how stable you really want to be04:19
pepeeDon_jr, use xrandr04:20
Don_jrdoes xfce use xorg?  I"m a bit new myself, maybe there's another file I need to alter?04:20
Don_jrxrandr won't make it permanant will it? pepee?04:20
pepeeDon_jr, btw xorg.conf is not needed04:20
Don_jrit will revert when I restart?04:20
Cylonnick Cylon_down04:20
chelzkyubutsu: as stable as possible. on the stable scale, daily is much worse than either the beta ppa or the chrome release from google.04:20
Don_jroh....that's new by me, sorry04:20
pepeeDon_jr, nope, is not permanent04:20
Don_jrif xorg.conf isn't needed now, then how do I set up my display properly and permanantly?04:21
scuniziDon_jr: what graphics card do you have?04:21
pepeeDon_jr, but you can add a line in your ~./.bashrc04:21
soreaucrucialhoax: With compiz 0.8, you can only use keyboard bindings with grid. For a quick hack, try this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/11/aero-snap-ubuntu-linux.html04:21
Don_jrscunizi it's not the card that's the problem, it's the monitor, I have the proper nvidia drivers already and with my other monitor, things work perfect04:21
pepeeDon_jr, don't know, that's what I've tried to do LOL04:22
Don_jrsoon as I plug in this LCD it slips back04:22
crucialhoaxsoreau: that tut has a glitch in it. It will snap even if the mouse goes into the predefined areas. quite annoying.04:22
ohodiis there any realtime scanning AV for ubuntu that scans all files you download from the net04:23
scuniziDon_jr: other monitor?  run sudo nvidia-settings to set the monitor and there will be an option to save to xorg.conf.. then it will be perminent04:23
ace2I installed Beta 2 and updated today with 400 or so updates.Am i running the RC now?.How can i check it?04:23
soreaucrucialhoax: In compiz/grid 0.9 it is implemented04:23
xanguaace2: yes you are; for lucid go to #ubuntu+104:23
kyubutsu!av > ohodi04:23
ubottuohodi, please see my private message04:23
pepeeohodi, clam av?04:23
Don_jrscunizi the monitor isn't recognized I have to manually add in refresh rates04:24
ohodipepee, clam does that?04:24
pepeeohodi, I suppose, but I really don't know04:24
chelzohodi: you might have to setup something special, but you can with inotify watching programs04:24
crucialhoaxsoreau: Ok, how do I know which version I have installed lol04:24
crucialhoaxsoreau: synaptic?04:24
ohodichelz, what?04:24
scuniziDon_jr: ah.. ok.. 2 ways to do that .. one in xorg.conf (which will override xrandr).. or with xrandr (without options in xorg.conf)04:25
soreaucrucialhoax: You have 0.8.x, probably 0.8.4. Try compiz --version04:25
chelzohodi: inotify is a way to trigger something when files change04:25
scunizi!xrandr | Don_jr04:25
ubottuDon_jr: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1204:25
chelzohodi: there are linux version of some proprietary AV suites, like AVG for one04:25
scuniziDon_jr: it's not just for dual screens04:25
soreaucrucialhoax: and compiz-0.9 isn't released yet, also it's a development version04:25
Don_jrI'm not trying to run dual screens, but I am reading up on xrandr now04:25
crucialhoaxsoreau: 0.8.4, correct.04:25
ohodichelz, thanks04:25
crucialhoaxsoreau: No big deal, I will wait :) thank you.04:25
Avaszhow big is ubuntu repo?04:26
Avaszbig means its size.04:26
scuniziAvasz: huge.. 40,000 packages apx04:27
pepeea couple hundred gigas?04:27
chelzAvasz: about 30 gigabytes04:27
pepeea tera?04:27
Avaszcouple hundred gigs...04:27
chelzeh no04:27
Avaszwho is right?04:27
chelzper distro it's around 28GiB04:27
pure_hateIts like 36 gigs04:27
chelzerm release rather04:27
Don_jreven xrandr shows the max it'll let me do is 1024x76804:27
pepeewell, I'm gonna make my own repo hehe04:28
chelzyou can buy a copy of the ubuntu repos on 6 DVDs. which means 28.2 GiB max04:28
scuniziDon_jr: then what you have to do is add the rez you need to xrandr's files.. using xrandr commands.04:28
chelzi have no idea where other people are getting their info04:28
Avasz6 dvdx04:28
Avaszso what do i do if i new softwares are updated?04:28
pure_hatechelz, we mirror it so thats where I get  my info04:28
Don_jrscunizi alright, use to have to do that with xorg.conf man linux has changed over the last year lol04:28
Avaszhow do i get them updated in my server?04:28
skaalidquestion, how can i erase what has been installed on my hard drive?04:28
pepeeAvasz, sudo apt-get upgrade04:28
Avaszwill it upgrade the repos in server?04:29
amstanhey guys, anyone having issue with kernel freezes on fast data transfer speeds(over 10MB/s)04:29
scuniziDon_jr: hugely with video settings.04:29
pepeenah, you have to build a mirror04:29
bastid_raZorskaalid: format the partition?04:29
chelzpure_hate: interesting. i wonder if that figure includes ISOs along with say karmic updates04:29
amstani just installed a gigabit network card in a server of mine, and the server crashes once i get over 50MB/s for over 10 seconds04:29
chelzAvasz: look into apt-mirror to make your own mirror of repos04:29
Don_jrscunizi alright, more to learn again, I"m digging for how to add the refresh rates and resolutions into xrandr now04:29
Don_jrtrying to find them to read at least lol04:29
chelzAvasz: http://popey.com/blog/2006/10/24/Creating_an_Ubuntu_repository_mirror_with_apt-mirror/04:29
pepeeAvasz, and rsync' it04:30
chelzAvasz: http://www.google.com/search?q=mirror+ubuntu+repos04:30
pure_hatechelz, we mirror the 8.10 repo only so I cant say for any others although the 36 gigs also includes the backtrack packages so 28 sounds about right04:30
Avaszok.. tks04:30
chelzohodi: clamav works for almost all uses since there aren't really viruses targeting linux. usually linux machines do scanning email like stuff for Windows machines04:30
ohodichelz, thats a flat out lie04:31
chelzpure_hate: oh huh, why 8.10 might i ask? why not an LTS?04:31
pure_hatechelz, At the time thats what worked best for us04:31
ohodior... i mean that's not true04:31
ohodiyou've been misinformed04:31
chelzohodi: what sources do you go by?04:31
bastid_raZorw 1004:32
ohodichelz, experience04:32
pepeechelz, ask pure_hate ;)04:32
bastid_raZorskaalid: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:32
kyubutsutake it to #ubuntu-offtopic04:32
kyubutsui feel like reading support questions here04:32
chelzpure_hate: are you upgrading before the EOL on the 29th? or after?04:33
scuniziDon_jr: check this one out.. http://www.linuxreaders.com/tag/xrandr/04:33
pure_hatechelz, I work on the backtrack distro, we only recently adopted ubuntu as a base. We will be using 10.4 next since it will be a lts04:33
chelzpure_hate: ahh, i knew your nick seemed familiar. alright.04:34
pepee!hi | aalares04:34
ubottuaalares: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:34
aalaresyou speek Spanish04:35
pepeeaalares, si04:35
pepeeanda a #ubuntu-es04:35
pepee/join #ubuntu-es04:35
=== moomoo is now known as moomoo83
pure_hatechelz, This channel is good for the ocasional tip or trick related to ubuntu specificly so I hang out here a little04:35
aalaresha okey04:35
IdleOnepure_hate: may I message you?04:36
aalarestengo problemas para conectar un modem huawei e178604:36
=== crunchbang is now known as kip
xangua!es > aalares04:36
ubottuaalares, please see my private message04:36
pure_hateIdleOne, ok04:36
pepeeaalares, insisto, anda a #ubuntu-es04:36
skaalidthanks for your help bastid_raZor04:36
bastid_raZorskaalid: good luck04:36
pepee!es | haaay04:37
ubottuhaaay: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:37
haaay tengo el siguiente error trabajando con jsp04:37
lv_hi is there a way to encrypt a file for a person using their ssh public key like there is with pgp or gpg?04:37
aalaresokey gracias pepee04:37
haaay""cannot be resolved to a type04:37
pepeeaalares, de nada. buena suerte04:38
haaay"cannot be resolved to a type"04:38
kip@lv: your google-fu is weak04:38
haaayeste es el error que me sale04:38
haaayhelp me04:38
pepee!es > haaay04:38
ubottuhaaay, please see my private message04:38
chelzhayanbom: /join #ubuntu-es04:38
lv_kip lol04:38
ubottuEmpathy is the default instant messaging and video client for GNOME. Since Karmic, it has been the default client in Ubuntu, replacing !pidgin04:38
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins04:39
KamilionTried a bunch of google searches, but I can't figure out how to force a package from a external repo to be installed.04:39
kipI got that nickname at school, apparently i look like kip kinkle04:39
scuniziKamilion: what's the program?04:39
pure_hateKamilion, you mean other than by adding the sources to apt?04:39
haaaynecesito ayuda con ice04:39
pepeeKamilion, download and install it?04:40
haaayzeroc ice04:40
chelzhaaay: /join #ubuntu-es04:40
KamilionTrying to get php5-fpm installed using the dotdeb repo, but I get this:   php5-suhosin: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.2-0.dotdeb.2) but 5.3.2-1ubuntu4 is to be installed04:40
IdleOne!es | haaay04:40
ubottuhaaay: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:40
xanguaubottu: tell haaay about es04:40
haaaypara trabajar con jsp04:40
ubottuhaaay, please see my private message04:40
kyubutsuhaaay cant read bot messages04:40
bastid_raZorskaalid: what are you doing?04:40
chelzyeah really, this guy is not good at following directions04:40
pure_hateKamilion, youll need to get repos that satisfy the depneds as well04:40
pepeekyubutsu, haaay can't read lol04:40
Kamilionpure_hate: It's trying to take the ubuntu php5-common over the dotdeb php5-common.04:41
haaayhola compañeros04:41
kyubutsuyou never know.. maybe he got the bot on /ignore04:41
chelzpure_hate: so is the recommended usage scenario to use backtrack as a liveusb rather than a livedvd so updates can be installed permanently?04:41
haaaynecesito ayuda para trabajar con ice04:41
pepeehaaay, hola04:41
KamilionI can't figure out how to ask apt to use the dotdeb package.04:41
pepeehaaay, me lees?04:41
skaalidi was going to ask for a little more advice sorry, i will read on.04:41
pepeehaaay, hace esto: escribe: /join #ubuntu-es04:42
pepeeluego apreta enter04:42
KamilionSo, how do I ask apt to install a package from a specific repo?04:42
xanguaKamilion: what do you want to install¿04:42
Majora2IdleOne : Unfortunately I tried what we talked about and even tried replacing other seemingly relevant packages with those used in Jaunty, but it didn't work04:43
Kamilionxangua: php5-common from dotdeb, but it wants to install php5-common from ubuntu cause it's slightly newer.04:43
scuniziKamilion: did you download the .deb package?  if so you might need to sudo chmod +x <package name>  then just double click it and the package manager will take over from there.04:43
pepeeKamilion, download the package and its dependencies from the repo04:43
KamilionNope, just following the instructions -- said to add the repo and apt-get.04:43
pepeeand use dpkg -i *.deb04:44
IdleOneMajora2: :( sorry04:44
Kamilionokay, so I gotta dpkg -i it?04:44
xanguaKamilion: what's the diference between those two¿04:44
pepeeKamilion, don't add external repos, is not a good thing...04:44
Majora2IdleOne: It's okay. Thanks a bunch for trying to help though, I appreciate it :).04:44
IdleOneMajora2: report a bug on launchpad.net or add yourself to it as affected if there is one already04:44
pure_hateKamilion, apt-get install package=version04:44
scuniziKamilion: why do you want an older version..? you have something that depends on it? if not then get the one from ubuntu repo04:44
Kamilionxangua: dotdeb's has php5-fpm support.04:44
IdleOnepepee: thank you :)04:44
Kamilionubuntu's doesn't have php5-fpm fastcgi support for nginx.04:45
pepeeIdleOne, ?04:45
IdleOnepepee: for helping haaay04:45
pepeeahh ok hehee04:45
Kamilionscunizi: They're both the same version -- but there's some patches missing or disabled in the ubuntu build. Mainly php5-fpm -- spawn-fcgi's been crashing on me.04:46
ckwalshKamilion, You can use php over fastcgi without any extra packages besides php-cgi04:46
pure_hateKamilion, Install the version you want and then edit /etc/apt/preferences to keep that version from being updated04:46
ckwalshah, if spawn-fcgi has been crashing though04:46
Kamilionckwalsh: spawn-fcgi breaks when nginx has mutiple workers.04:47
millertimek1a2m3if anyone knows who i am, or if you've ever seen the millertimek1a2m3 id before, speak up04:47
scuniziKamilion: you can download the source from ubuntu's repo and compile it with the xtras you need.. (easy for me to say / but not do)04:47
ckwalshI have a 9.0.4 server with fastcgi and multiple workers that seems to do fine04:47
pepeeKamilion, try this: sudo apt-get install <package>=<version>04:47
Kamilionscunizi: I know -- the dotdeb ubuntu package is supposed to be just that.04:48
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)04:48
scuniziKamilion: did you download their deb? try double clicking it04:48
millertimek1a2m3!whois millertimek1a2m304:48
ckwalshGrr. 9.04, not 9.0.404:48
Kamilionthis is a server, I'm stuck with aptitude and apt-get.04:49
kosharimy bluetooth icon is missing from notification area, i restarted bluetooth and checked the always shol in bt prefs but its still not there04:49
Kamilionokay, then I'll go play with curl and dpkg.04:49
ckwalshCould it actually be a bug with nginx?04:49
scuniziKamilion: dpkg -i <package name>04:49
scuniziKamilion: sudo dpkg -i <package name>04:49
pepeeKamilion, no wget?04:49
Kamilionckwalsh: It's not a bug in nginx, it's a flaw in spawn-fcgi, not being able to handle multiple workers trying to call it. php5-fpm fixes this and is in php-core, but will not be enabled for ubuntu until php 5.4.04:50
pure_hateKamilion, make sure you pin it like I told you or it will get updated04:50
scuniziKamilion: w3m, elinks, elink2 all cli browsers.. find the link with that and use wget to download .. then sudo dpkg -i <package name>04:51
pepeepure_hate, that can be made in aptitude, too04:51
chelzKamilion: you can pin something easily in synaptic by finding it and setting Lock on it in one of the upper left menus04:51
KamilionSorry, I don't keep wget installed on my servers. Already have the curl libs so I'll use that.04:51
KamilionChelz: How do I use synaptic on a headless rackspace server with 256MB of ram? :)04:51
pepeeby searching for the package, and pressing "="04:52
pure_hateSee I just learned you can pin in synaptic :-)04:52
chelzKamilion: oh.. heh. well x forwarding, and i'm sure you could use sshfs and symlinks to get a local synaptic to interact with your apt on it, but yeah /etc/preferences would be better. i'm sure there's a way to do it in aptitude though but i have no idea how04:52
KamilionI don't wanna go install freenx just to use synaptic :(04:52
GSF1200Sdoes anyone know if its possible to restart alsa in 10.0404:52
scuniziKamilion: you don't .. but aptitude you can. of course you mentioned that I believe..04:53
pure_hatethen you can edit /etc/apt/prferences04:53
xangua!lucid > GSF1200S04:53
ubottuGSF1200S, please see my private message04:53
Kamilionchelz: The problem with x-over-ssh: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/cp3MGJdQ04:54
pure_hateKamilion, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-apt-get.en.html   Section 3.1004:54
pepeeKamilion, you don't need the X...04:54
pepeeman aptitude04:54
KamilionAptitude sucks to deal with from putty.04:55
Kamilionmouseclicks freak it out.04:55
pepeeahh hehe04:55
chelzKamilion: eh yeah depending on the server 182MB might be heavy04:55
pepeeyou don't need the mouse04:55
scuniziKamilion: you don't have a linux box outside of the servers?04:55
chelzsounds like a misconfiguration on putty's part04:55
KamilionI don't need aptitude either if it gets in the way. apt-get works fine.04:56
chelzKamilion: you could do andLinux / coLinux if you're on Windows. or use Virtualbox with ubuntu on either Windows on Mac OS X04:56
Kamilionscunizi: I do. But I'm at home on my win7 box.04:56
KamilionColinux doesn't like win7.04:56
KamilionAnd this is a single core without hardware virt, so virtualbox is out.04:56
wookienzhi, i would like a certain non-priv user to be allowed to execute a certian program. How do i do that?04:56
pepeeKamilion, I mean, to hold package versions, you can use aptitude04:56
pure_hatewookienz, visudo04:56
scuniziKamilion: ah.. I see. I use virtualbox in those circumstances04:56
Kamilionfunny you mention colinux -- I used to be a developer for that project.04:57
kip@Kamilion: Virtualbox runs ubuntu fine in win704:57
KamilionVirtualbox needs hardware virt support.04:57
scuniziKamilion: vbox ran fine on my P4 single core that was 4 years old04:57
KamilionMy 3800+ lacks said support.04:57
Kamilionscunizi: Older versions of vbox, yes, the ones that still were based on the qemu codebase.04:57
wookienzpure_hate: thanks04:58
scuniziKamilion: didn't realize that.. their site does have older versions available.04:58
kipAhh, I only use it for testing comparing different distros04:58
chelzKamilion: i've never used colinux but it always seemed like a nifty idea. i've been thinking in the last few weeks about looking into something like it to run distros on other distros like coLinux using the new linux containers LXC04:58
Kamilionthey dropped most support for pure software emulation in vbox 3.x04:58
Kamilionvmware player works though04:58
scuniziKamilion: yea.. I've used that too.04:59
Kamilionbut it's slooooooow.04:59
KamilionAnyway. Trying package=version04:59
phoebusAnyone else have problems with the flash plugin causing random browser freezes?04:59
kipIm currently using DSL on a 7 year old pentium 405:00
=== saint_ is now known as Sa[i]nT
renegaid_there is xchat and gnome xchat. what is the difference?05:02
chelzrenegaid_: different interface. i suggest installing both and seeing which you prefer.05:02
xanguarenegaid_: gnome xchat is more 'simple'05:02
scunizirenegaid_: save headaches.. just use xchat.. leave gnome xchat alone05:02
renegaid_impressed with the netbook flavor of ubuntu. think i will use it instead05:03
kipI prefer Damn small linux on a netbook05:03
pepeeand the gnome is ugly05:03
pure_haterenegaid_, real men use irssi :-)05:03
pepee** gnome is ugly05:04
renegaid_i like it05:04
kip@pure_hate: indeed, no clutter whatsoever05:04
renegaid_i like how everything is maximized. never liked ubuntu desktop but the netbook flavor works well05:04
pepeeI like kde05:05
pepeebut I think it will never be stable lol05:05
renegaid_there is a kde desktop remix?05:05
renegaid_i find kde to be slow05:05
pepeeno idea05:05
d4rkmt7rusing openbox now05:06
kipopenbox works perfectly on my desktop and my netbook05:06
mawstIn compiling e1705:06
d4rkmt7ralso checked out fvwm in backtrack4, love it, but a pain to configure05:06
Fivewayswhats the shortcut to leave gnome/X and drop to terminal?05:08
kip@d4rk: Have you ever tried CrunchBang?05:08
pure_hatectrl - alt f205:08
red2kicFiveways: !tty ?05:08
johnweddi deman hot pockets05:08
scuniziFiveways: ctrl+alt+F2 .. but that doesn't stop x or the gui.. sudo service gdm stop for that05:08
d4rkmt7rya, using it now05:09
dabaRIf I connect to and ftp server with nautilus, is there a way to get to the files through the command line (is the remote site mounted somwhere)05:09
d4rkmt7ronly system i use @ this point05:09
kipI have it on my desktop, its amazing.05:09
pure_hatedabaR, Just connect to the ftp via the termial. problem solved05:09
d4rkmt7rcame over here to ask is anyone is using motion-motion webcam software05:10
d4rkmt7r@kip: they just came out with a new one05:10
kip9.04? That's the one im running05:10
d4rkmt7rnope, statler, still in alpha05:11
d4rkmt7rthey switched to straight debian05:11
kipI'll check it out, but I prefer to run stable releases05:11
Fivewaysdoes ubuntu hate sli motherboards? :)05:12
lindahi. i just installed 10.04, how do i add sun java to my repositories?05:12
kipI don't want an unstable distro to remind me of the windows boxes at school05:12
scuniziFiveways: what's happening?05:12
d4rkmt7rhaha, exactly!05:12
dabaRpure_hate: I want to edit the files with vim. Is that possible if I connect through the terminal as you suggest?05:12
d4rkmt7rgonna call it, laterz..05:12
kipI've never used windows on any of my personal boxes05:13
rwwlinda: Lucid/10.04 discussion and support is in #ubuntu+1, not here05:13
pure_hatedabaR, if vim is installed on the remote system. ssh would be much easier. You can also GET the files and then edit them locally and the PUT the files back on the server05:13
dabaRpure_hate: I would like to avoid those steps, and do not have ssh access to the other computer.05:13
hatebredIs there a way to pull what laptop I have (ie hp dv97xxxxx)?05:13
hatebredMy sticker on the screen says dv9000 under it says 970005:14
scunizihatebred:  you mean find out info on it? sudo lshw05:14
dabaRpure_hate: do you happen to know for a fact that things don't get mounted?05:14
hatebredIll try.. thanks05:14
dabaRthese remote connections.05:14
Kamilionbleh, needed an old version of libltd14, all lucid has is libltd17. Stupid mcrypt support.05:14
KamilionGuess I gotta build my own packages.05:15
pure_hatedabaR, I am not that familer with nautalis, I am more of a command line kinda guy. sorry05:15
scuniziKamilion: sounds like you're in dependancy hell05:15
Kamilionyep, so I just backed out and went back to spawn-fcgi for now.05:15
hiexpopure_hate,  - how it goes05:15
KamilionI'll just set up a cron job to restart it.05:15
hatebredThanks scunizi .... comes back to the label on the bottom05:16
KamilionProbably wouldn't have been an issue if I didn't rebuilt this thing on lucid last week.05:16
azlonok so i am about to start a software raid, any advice before i start? should i do mdadm or lvm?05:16
KamilionAh well, I'll wait till after lucid hits then try again.05:17
kip@Kamilion: Did you say that you worked as a devoloper for coLinux?05:17
KamilionLong ago, yes.05:17
dabaRpure_hate: do you know whether you can mount things over ftp, like you can over smb?05:17
hatebredscunizi , Can I msg you, I have a done alot of reasearch, but still hae an issue05:18
kipImpressive, I've never undertook a task that large. us sophmores don't have the time05:18
Kamiliondabar: try sshfs05:18
hatebredscunizi as you can see part of it is keys not working05:19
scunizihatebred: just tell it here.. others maybe able to help too05:19
pure_hatedabaR, not that I am aware of05:19
ohodidoes an GUI on-access (real-time) AV scanner for Ubuntu exist?05:19
xorwhyohodi: clamav is my best guess05:19
ohodixOrphenochx, that doesn't seem to have on-access scanning :(05:20
hiexpopure_hate,  - what ya doing over here in kiddy land lol bt not busy ?05:20
dabaRpure_hate: thanks again.05:20
* dabaR wonders whether it is again, or the first time05:20
ohodixorwhy, , that doesn't seem to have on-access scanning :(05:21
pure_hatehiexpo, There are lots of ubuntu gurus in this channel, every one needs help sometimes.05:21
hatebredMy laptop (hp dv9700) hit the floor from the bed.  I repaired the connector ia radio shack and some solider.  some keys stick.  Ubuntu no longer picks up wifi quickly.  Also when posting, I only hae 1 option for diagnostics log, which no longer contains info05:21
Kamiliondabar: Just use nautilus to Connect to Server with a type of SSH not FTP.05:21
Etherhey guys, I have a customer whos Mac died... ive tried for the life of my to mount it and copy the files to his new computer but I cant seem to. from what ive read I need to disable journaling via a mac system?05:21
hatebredI want to do a bios update05:21
hiexpopure_hate, true05:21
hatebredfrom the hp site, all I found for a d9700cto is for notebooks with vista using intel05:22
xorwhyohodi: Ah well, at any rate I would use a firewall to monitor network traffic, while trusting non-root user privileges for alerts of code execution05:22
scunizihatebred: all that for a bios update? depends.. I'm not the one to answer that one.. opefully someone will pick it up05:22
dabaRKamilion: I don't have ssh access. It's one of those hosting accounts where you have to pay for everything.05:22
hatebredthis is a system with amd64 under vista (with a linux part of course_05:22
ohodixorwhy, what does that mean?05:23
hatebredThe F1 on post would bring up many options... now only 105:23
scunizidabaR: you have ftp?  install gftp for better control than with nautilus05:23
hatebredthe only update I found was for intel05:23
hatebredI need amd for an hp d970005:23
dabaRscunizi: does it mount the ftp site on he file system?05:23
pure_hatedabaR, Just use a nice GUI like filezilla or something, I am pretty sure you can edit directly on the server with that05:23
pure_hateor gftp like scunizi said05:24
dabaRi need to use vim.05:24
scunizidabaR: no.. it provides an easy way to move files from point A (your machine) to the other05:24
dabaRI mean, I would like to05:24
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dabaRFrom the command line too05:24
dabaRNot gvim05:24
scunizidabaR: do you know vim? if you do then the rest of this should be a piece of cake to figure out..05:25
dabaRscunizi: why?05:25
dabaRI mean, why should it be a piece of cake?05:25
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:25
xorwhyohodi: Basically that monitoring network traffic and data execution can be just as effective, if not more so, than real time virus scanning05:25
scunizidabaR: vim is one crazy different interface.. you have to live and breath it to learn it.. if you can figure that out .. like I said the rest should be easy05:25
xorwhyohodi: but don't take my word or it, there may be a program with exactly the functionality you're looking for05:26
dabaRscunizi: haha. Still it is easier to ask whether someone knows a simple solution than to go and compile fuseftp05:26
pure_hatedabaR, Just try it, all this talk and you could have logged in by now and seen if vim works05:26
dabaRpure_hate: logged in how?05:27
scunizidabaR: gftp I think will allow you to set vim as the default editor..05:27
pure_hateftp command line05:27
dabaRpure_hate: you can't vim over ftp command line05:27
dabaRit has a set of defined commands, the ftp command line client does...05:27
dabaRYoda speak, I talk05:27
Fivewayscan someone tell me how tro drop to console? ctrl+alt+f1 just freezes everything on my screen05:28
pure_hateFiveways, f205:28
pure_hateor service gdm stop05:28
pure_hatenot f105:28
FlannelFiveways: try `sudo chvt 1`05:28
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b0whello! i got a sftp server up and running but i cant see who is connected to it, when i do finger, w or who i can just see users connected locally, no on the sftp05:29
scunizib0w: wireshark?05:30
dabaRb0w: which server do you use?05:30
pure_hateb0w, ps aux | sed -n '/USER/!s/\([^ ]\) .*/\1/p' | sort -u05:31
b0wscunizi, dabaR, sshd hehehe05:31
b0wpure_hate: that gives connected users? i see a lot wich not ae users05:32
Engrish_Manhow can i install firefox withour installing all that gnome stuff05:33
pure_hateb0w, shows every thing, dameon users, ssh users and sftp users05:33
b0wpure thanks05:33
scuniziEngrish_Man: you on kde?05:33
xorwhyEngrish_Man: Firefox does not require gnome, if synaptic is forcing it you can use the source05:34
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Engrish_Manscunizi: i just installe the X05:34
Engrish_Manand yes synaptic is forcing to install a lot of stuff05:34
chu_Hey guys, just a question about awn; is there anyway I can limit the awn taskmanager to only show applications which are open in the current workspace?05:35
azlonhow do i add a repository to my sources.list from cli?05:35
xorwhyEngrish_Man: I don't recall exactly how I did it, since it was some time since I backed up the results. But my firefox runs out of a directory, with all its dependencies inside that directory.05:35
pure_hateEngrish_Man, If you install from source with just a basic xserver running you are going to be in dependecy hell05:35
rwwazlon: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list, put in repository.05:36
azlonrww: there isnt a way to add it to the bottom of the list via command line? i really want to make it as easy as possible for my friend to add this repository05:37
xorwhyHow does a person with the name pure_hate come and give their time to helping others05:37
pure_hateecho (name of repo) >> /etc/apt/sources05:37
rwwazlon: echo "deb http://whatever whatever whatever" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list05:37
pure_hatexorwhy, You cant judge people by their nicks.05:38
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* dabaR however is humming I love to hate (depeche mode?) you since he got here...05:41
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dabaRthat turned out sucky.05:42
Tapoutadded a new drive in ubuntu.  Can mount it in /media/<newlabelhere>.  Is there a quick gui method to permanent put it in fstab or what?05:43
fabriziohelp please, some ubuntu pimp picture to pimp mine please05:44
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount05:45
dabaRSome Ubuntu pimp picture to pimp his...05:45
dabaRPretty amusing05:45
chu_I'm not sure I understand what he's asking for...05:46
pure_hateclearly he wants some one to pimp his Ubuntu05:46
chu_What does pimp mean in this context? :S05:47
chelzpretty sure such things are outlawed by the geneva convention05:47
dabaRchu_: I think he's joking05:47
macofabrizio: erm, this is a tech support channel. please stay on topic05:47
red2kicI thought he want a pimp for a wallpaper on his ubuntu computer to complete his pimp computer.05:47
macofolks, think we could return to the purpose of the channel?05:47
JetPackTuxedoanyone have any screenlet recomendations?05:47
dabaRTapout: looks like there is no gui method. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions shows how to do it. Ask if you have further questions.05:47
red2kicJetPackTuxedo: Perhaps Plasma Folder-alike?05:48
dbgiis there a site or article/wiki something that explains how to get ubuntu hooked up to a wireless network?05:48
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:48
dbgithank you very much dabaR05:49
dabaRdbgi: probably many others, sonds like a question for a search engige05:49
dbgiyeah im gonna try that to05:49
dabaRdbgi: but you probably meant an official one, which would be that one probably05:49
dbgidabaR yeah, thats cool thanks, ill read it over05:49
dabaRdon't worry fabrizio, it was still pretty funny05:52
IdleOne!exploit > bastid_raZor05:52
ubottubastid_raZor, please see my private message05:52
eveningskycan I  disable all gnome shortcuts when my mouse is over a certain window?05:52
pepee<xorwhy> How does a person with the name pure_hate come and give their time to helping others  <- xDDD05:52
eveningskyor at least when that window is the active one?05:53
xorwhypepee: I still never really got an answer, except the implication that the nick doesn't reflect its user, at least entirely05:54
JetPackTuxedored2kic, any other useful screenlets?05:55
pure_hatexorwhy, I just saw a few questions I could answer thats all05:55
dabaRxorwhy: that's not his name :-/05:55
JetPackTuxedored2kic, any other useful screenlets?05:55
red2kicJetPackTuxedo: Not that I know of. I'm fond of conky more than screenlet. :)05:55
hiexpopepee, hes been around a long time he built backtrack silly goose05:55
lindarww, what was the name of the 10.04 channel i had to restart:)05:55
dabaRlinda: ubuntu+105:55
JetPackTuxedored2kic, does the comiz widget layer support conky?05:55
pepeehiexpo, yeah, I know05:55
dabaRlinda: a.k.a.05:56
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule05:56
red2kicJetPackTuxedo: conky isn't simple widget. It involves codes and whatnot.05:56
red2kic!conky | JetPackTuxedo05:56
lindadabaR, ops05:56
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pepeexorwhy,  well, my nick is somewhat ugly for english speakers..05:56
JetPackTuxedoohhh... well dang05:56
dabaRpepee: heh05:57
xorwhypepee: It makes me think of pip on southpark05:57
NinoScripthow can I remap keys with xkb? or, where should I ask about that? (sorry for the double posting on ubuntu+1, I'm not sure where I should ask this)05:57
mralexandrodoes anyone know the name of that dock for ubuntu that let you press alt tab and then start typing letters for applicaitons. then just press enter and excecute them05:58
dabaRmralexandro: alt+f205:58
red2kicJetPackTuxedo: Go to gnome-looks.org -- Type in search "conky" or you can "screenlet"05:58
NinoScriptmralexandro, Gnome-DO with Docky theme05:58
mralexandroNinoScript, thank you:D05:58
NinoScriptmralexandro, no problem ;)05:59
JetPackTuxedored2kic, thanks, I'll check it out05:59
NinoScriptmralexandro, I use GNOME-DO and Docky2, which is a separate application based on the docky theme05:59
pure_hateNinoScript, xmodmap maps keys05:59
mralexandroNinoScript, sounds nice, what does docky2 do excactly?06:00
NinoScriptpure_hate, The problem is that xmodmap doesn't work now :P, that's why I'm asking about xkb… see Bug #52477406:01
iamkitchenHi, how can I make it so I don't have to enter a password everytime I want to open another drive/partition?06:01
chu_Gnome-Do actually allows heaps more then just opening applications. For instance, integration with Pidgin and Evolution is kinda cool. There's a Search Google plugin too. It's awesome06:01
NinoScriptmmm, why didn't ubottu jump like he always does?06:01
NinoScriptsee Bug #52477406:01
pure_hatehttp://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki$?RemapCapsLock  << NinoScript Shows you how to do it with xkb06:01
pepeebug 52477406:01
NinoScripthello? ubottu? xD06:01
red2kicNinoScript: This is not #ubuntu+106:02
pepeeNinoScript, yeah, wtf xD06:02
switch10_iamkitchen: add your username and password in your /etc/fstab06:02
pepeeah hehe06:02
NinoScriptubottu doesn't talk about bugs here?06:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:02
basanta_xoneed to download a computer virus06:02
switch10_iamkitchen: username=<name> password=<pass>06:03
iamkitchenswitch10_: anywhere in the file?06:03
chu_basanta_xo: why?06:03
pepeebasanta_xo, use internet explorer06:03
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switch10_iamkitchen: between filesystem type and uid06:03
Flannelbasanta_xo: That's offtopic for this channel, please take it elsewhere, thanks.06:03
pure_hatebasanta_xo, offensive-computing.com and get as many as you want06:04
switch10_iamkitchen: on the partition/disk you want06:04
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basanta_xochu_, need to put my opensource antivirus on test06:04
NinoScriptmralexandro, Docky2 has Helpers and a lot of nice stuff, it will be on the repositories once you update to Lucid when it's out06:04
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iamkitchenswitch10_: i'm going to read up on fstab to understand it, i'm not sure what you're telling me. thanks for pointing me int he right direction though06:05
NinoScriptmralexandro, just in case you didn't understand, that means it'll be on the Ubuntu Software Center :)06:05
basanta_xopure_hate, offensive-computing.com not working06:06
switch10_iamkitchen: sure.  make a backup before you make changes..06:06
pepeebasanta_xo, remove the '-'06:06
Flannelbasanta_xo: Please take it elsewhere.06:06
PnoonCan someone help me reinstall window's bootloader? Grub refuses to find/load windows :)06:07
pure_hatebasanta_xo, http://www.offensivecomputing.net/06:07
pure_hatesorry had the addy wrong06:07
basanta_xoFlamey_, what if i am testing clamav on ubuntu06:07
pepeebasanta_xo, /join ##security06:07
basanta_xoFlamey_, Flannel sorry it was fir Flannel06:08
Flannelbasanta_xo: That's offtopic for this channel.06:08
red2kicOr /join #one-man-security06:09
Flamey_basanta_xo: no prob06:09
=== Flamey_ is now known as Flamey
red2kic!fixgrub | Pnoon06:09
ubottuPnoon: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.06:09
mralexandroNinoScript, i am on 10.04 right now, trying to add gnome do, cant find it in synaptics manager, should i look for a software center?06:09
red2kicmralexandro: gnome-do06:10
Pnoonred2kic:  thats of  no  use to me... ive tryed every possible way and grub never finds it06:10
NinoScriptmralexandro, you can just use the Ubuntu Software Center on the Applications menu, it's nicer and riskless :)06:10
pure_hatePnoon, boot a windows disk recovery console and /fixboot and /fixmbr06:11
mralexandrored2kic, nice got it:)06:11
Pnoonpure_hate:  wont work either... not surfe why06:11
red2kicPnoon: Well. What magic trick did you do that the mysterious Windows disappear?06:11
mralexandroNinoScript, i like the risk:) jk06:11
pure_hatePnoon, sounds like user error than, always works for me06:12
Pnoonred2kic: i  didnt use vista anymore.. so i deleted the partition ( i use w7)06:12
NinoScriptmralexandro, but it's nicer :P I mean… I use both, but when I can, I use the Software Center06:12
voss749I have win7 I dont use it06:12
Pnoonpure_hate:  im using w7 recovery.. does that matter?06:12
abhaxhi people06:13
pure_hatePnoon, win7 recovery disk should have a startup repair GUI thing06:13
xenos88hello, i've stopped using windows about 2 years ago and absolutely happy with Ubuntu))06:13
abhaxhow can i configure smtp ?06:13
xenos88what confs on smtp do u need?06:13
Pnoonpure_hate:  ill boot into it now and check it out,, thanks.06:13
voss749My win7 box is used to prop up my xbox which I only use for streaming netflix  and battlefield 1943.06:13
NinoScriptmralexandro, With 10.4, you should be logged into #ubuntu+1 too, and if you want to discuss what tool you like most (like, best dock or best app launcher), we have #ubuntu-offtopic too :D06:14
xenos88postfix is a was of configuring and managing e-mail server (smtp and pop)06:14
eveningskycan I give an application priority over the OS for using keyboard shortcuts06:14
NinoScriptmralexandro, remember thisis the _official_ support channel, and we shouldn't go too offtopic here06:15
Pnooni love how everyone is so helpfull here.06:15
voss749You do realize that 9.10 has like three days of life left in this main channel06:15
Flannelvoss749: No, it has another 12 months06:15
voss749Flannel, not in this chatroom06:16
macovoss749: yes it does06:16
Flannelvoss749: yes, in this chatroom.06:16
khunter619I am trying to install ath9k wireless drivers06:16
macovoss749: its supported 12 more months, thus supported in this room06:16
xenos88but 10.10 would be definitely better06:16
Flannelvoss749: Ubuntu releases are supported for 18 months, save LTS releases, which are supported for 3 years on the Desktop and 5 on the server.06:16
voss749Well dont ask me any questions about it after thursday ;-)06:16
* IdleOne makes note06:17
macothough 8.10 should be disappearing from this room about now...06:17
Flannelvoss749: You're more than welcome to omit being helpful, but don't be obnoxious about it.06:17
xenos88when by the way would be the final release of Lucid?06:17
macoxenos88: thursday06:17
khunter619how can I see my Linux Kernel version number?06:17
red2kicvoss749: Don't ask me any question about your Karmic issues NOW. :P06:17
Flannelkhunter619: uname -a06:17
pat5starkhunter619: uname -a06:17
NinoScriptPnoon, yeah, I love that too :) That's why I help when I can :D06:17
khunter619I m running 2.6.31-20-generic06:18
voss749red2kic, Ill be happy to be rid of Karmic Reflux ;-)06:18
PnoonNinoScript:  nice ;)06:18
pat5starkhunter619: /me running the same06:18
Pnoon'.fixboot/ is not recongnized as an internal command'06:19
rolsworthis there anything i could do to not have to put in my password over and over06:19
NinoScriptPnoon, nice is a tool for changing the priority of… wait, that wasn't a support question…06:19
xenos88another question how to register on this channel?06:19
khunter619I still have the older kernel showing up when I boot via Grub06:19
voss749khunter, the older kernel will show up in the grub menu along with the newest one06:19
pure_hatekhunter619, did you change the kernel line in grub?06:19
xenos88khunter619: u can install boot-up manager and change the kernel that would boot06:20
PnoonARRGH, I hate GRUB06:20
voss749Khunter, I thought was the newest now06:20
NinoScriptxenos88, you mean like… /msg nickserv register?06:20
hiexporemove the old kernals you don;t need em06:20
pat5starkhunter619: you can remove it in /boot/grub/menu.lst06:20
xenos88U can use Lilo instead of Grub then06:20
voss74910.04 nbr is a vast improvement over 9.10 nbr at least the wireless works now06:21
macovoss749: nbe06:21
xenos88NinnoScript, yep, i've done it, now i suppose to get email right?06:21
macoin 10.04 nbr becomes nbe and kne becomes knr06:21
khunter619I dont plan to upgrade, I hear they messed up the GUI06:21
Pnoonxenos88: ive tryed... now when i botup nothing at all shows up, lol.06:21
pepeedoes lilo still exists? lol, I didn't know that06:21
bullgard4khunter619: Don't talk rubbish, please.06:22
voss749maco, either way 9.10 nbr was a dud for me06:22
NinoScriptxenos88, I don't remember… maybe you just have to do /msg nickserv identify andYourPasswordHere06:22
macobullgard4: i think khunter619 means they dont like the design team & mark's senses of taste06:22
NinoScriptxenos88, your IRC client should do this for you06:22
xenos88Phoon, i have sometime s the same problem, because do not use dual-boot, so Grub automatically boots the latest kernel i have installed06:22
maco(for which i totally cannot blame hir...and this is why i use kde)06:22
bullgard4maco: But this is quite a different thing.06:22
xenos88NinoScript, thnx, just the first time uing IRC))06:23
Pnoonhmm ok06:23
voss749maco, kde lost me at 4 im surprised the pro 3.5 folks didnt fork the darn thing06:23
macobullgard4: mmm no? the tooltips are gone, the theme is very different, and the window manager behaves differently.... thats quite a change to the GUI06:23
Pnoonwhat should I do grub never finds w7 no matter what i do?06:23
macovoss749: one guy did06:23
khunter619how do I load ath9k drivers?06:23
macovoss749: he still maintains 3.506:23
itiliousis ubuntu 9.10 not compatible with fileshares on a windows 7 machine?06:23
rolsworthnetbook remix seems really slow06:23
itiliousi can access xp shares fine, but can't mount (failed to retrieve share list from server) error06:24
se5a1I've created a usb startup, but looks like I've not made the stored reserved extra space big enough to update it. is there any way to increase that without re-creating the whole thing?06:24
pepeekhunter619, modprobe ath9k ??06:24
xenos88Phoon, u can still customize the GRUB loader by going to /boot/grub06:24
pepeekhunter619, sudo ...06:24
voss749Heres a 9.10 question how come printing to windows shares is so darn slow06:24
pure_hatekhunter619, the ath9k drivers are part of the kernel, there is no need to install them06:24
khunter619but the wireless drivers dont work06:24
NinoScriptxenos88, It's been like 2 months for me, I'm kind of a new guy here too :)06:24
pure_hatekhunter619, load them06:25
Pnoonyeah im not sure what to put in there but06:25
pure_hatemodprobe ath9k06:25
pepeekhunter619, lspci | grep -i atheros06:25
pepeekhunter619, USB?06:25
voss749I love atheros, whenever you need an illegally high powered wireless device there they are ;-)06:25
khunter619pepee:01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. Atheros AR8132 / L1c Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev c0)06:25
khunter61902:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Device 002c (rev 01)06:25
khunter619its internal driver06:26
pepeeI hate atheros, better was my old rt7306:26
pepeekhunter619, laptop?06:26
xenos88NinoScript, we all start somewhere at some point))06:26
khunter619pepee: yes06:26
pure_hatekhunter619, modinfo ath9k and see if its being used, if not load it06:26
Pnoonwould/could supergrub help? the live cd06:26
voss749When the aliens invade, some chinese guy is gonna power up his death ray made from atheros wireless cards and save us all ;-)06:26
pepeekhunter619, is there a button for the wifi?06:26
pepeevoss749, xD06:27
khunter619pure_hate: modinfo ath9k: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/RAx48Qez06:28
pure_hateThis channel is crazy, someone asks a 10.4 question and every one jumps his ass but some one else talks about aliens and chinease death rays and no one says anything.06:28
xenos88voss749: or can make them to use windows that there weapons would show the blue screen of death))06:28
amosekpure_hate: yeap06:28
Flannelpure_hate: aliens, death rays, and other random things are offtopic as well.  We have #ubuntu-offtopic for that.  Someone should've mentioned that to the death-ray conversationalists06:29
voss749pure_hate, well thats what happens in the week of uncertainty between 9.10 and the launch of 10.04 ;-)06:29
se5a1oh, there's a new version out soon?06:30
se5a1so there's probibly not much point me making this usb startup right now...06:30
voss749Se5, thursday 10.0406:30
pepeepure_hate, it's because of the OPs...06:30
voss749se5, id download the RC and make your startup usb from that06:30
Pnoonis there a way i can just whipe grub clean and use ms's bootloader... although i dont have acces to a windows machine? (cause grub cant fnid it)06:30
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khunter619iwconfig: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/GrhjJwb906:31
khunter619I am using RTL8187 USB to connect now06:31
khunter619I need to figure out how to make my internal wifi driver work06:31
pure_hatekhunter619, what doesnt work, it looks like its up to me06:32
pepeeyeah, I think it's working06:32
khunter619yes but when i remove my USB dongle I cant connect to Wifi06:32
pure_hateiwconfig wlan1 essid linksys && dhclient wlan106:32
pepeeman iwconfig, mand dhclient06:33
khunter619my essid is not linksys?06:33
pure_hatewell you removed it form the paste so i had to improvise06:33
pure_hateI was pretty sure you could figure that part out06:34
khunter619ok will try06:34
perscitusHow do i turn off the media detect box when inserting dvds into drive?06:35
khunter619pure_hate: Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) :06:35
khunter619    SET failed on device wlan1 ; Operation not permitted.06:35
red2kickhunter619: Append sudo. If it ask you for the password, just try "hunter2"06:35
ForgeAusis it ok to try out the Netbook "desktop" on a Desktop PC?06:35
red2kickhunter619: Nevermind. Yeah. Add sudo. :P06:35
ForgeAus(ie if theres a netbook remix metapackage)06:36
red2kicForgeAus: Yes, you could but you may not like it because of the resolution.06:36
perscitusHow do i turn off the media detect box when inserting dvds into drive?06:36
khunter619red2kic: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/hSZJhhcv06:36
voss749Forge, it should work fine06:36
hiexpoprefered apps06:36
pure_hatekhunter619, sudo dhclient also06:37
Pnoonpure_hate:  is there a way i can just whipe grub clean and use ms's bootloader... although i dont have acces to a windows machine? (cause grub cant fnid it)06:37
voss749I used NBR on a laptop running at 1024x768 and it looked fine06:37
perscitusHow do i turn off the media detect box when inserting dvds into drive?06:37
pure_hatePnoon, I already told you, a recovery disk. Other than that you will need a boot disc like hirens which has some apps to rebuild the boot loader06:38
pure_hateperscitus, asking the same question over and over is really anoting06:38
Pnoonpure_hate:  fixmbr does not work, i already told you :P06:38
red2kicperscitus: Open any 'nautilus' folder. Edit --> Preferences --> Look in [Media] tab.06:38
voss749pnoon, try fdisk /mbr06:38
perscituspure_hate,   Feel my pain of seeing fraking annoying detect box popup06:38
pure_hatePnoon, to which I replied you may be doing it incorrectly since it works for me06:38
khunter619pure_hate: sudo dhclient http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/FdpSMJbx06:39
pure_hateperscitus, I could care less about your pain06:39
Pnoonhow cna i do it wrong? its like 6 letters... yes i did it right nothing happend.06:39
Pnoonvoss749:  i tryed that also.06:39
hateball!windows | Pnoon06:39
ubottuPnoon: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents06:39
Pnoonhateball:  lol, im talking about grub.. it wont load ubuntu either.06:40
Shadowmancerhey all06:40
Shadowmancerneed some help with a bizarre problem i'm having06:40
red2kicShadowmancer: Ask away.06:40
Shadowmanceri can't seem to get the live usb of 9.10 to find my local hdd06:40
pepeePnoon, you have to run the grub console, and edit some things06:40
Shadowmanceri can see it on the desktop and access it06:41
pepeethe kernel line06:41
Shadowmancergparted can see it06:41
Shadowmanceri got gparted to create a partition table for it06:41
pure_hatekhunter619,      sudo iwconfig wlan1 essid potato && sudo dhclient wlan106:41
voss749shadow make sure your usb was formatted as fat06:41
Shadowmanceri don't care about the usb06:41
Pnoonpepee:  i have tryed many things... but i guess i should just go with the windopws bootlaoder in which i h vae no idea how to install06:41
Shadowmancerthe usb is a live ubuntu, its the local hard drive i want to install to06:42
pepeePnoon, try changing "root=(hd#,#)"06:42
Shadowmancerit seems partman can't find any hard drive which is really weird06:42
pepeethose # are digits06:42
red2kicPnoon: You might want to try grub support in #grub06:42
Pnoonpepee:  i tryed 0-6  :(06:43
nsadminthe tab key is your friend06:43
Pnoonred2kic: i also did that LOL thanks.06:43
pepeePnoon, try using tab for autocompletion06:43
nsadminso what did you find out?06:43
hiexpoi'd throw it out the window06:44
khunter619pure_hate: output to last command: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Bn57F9Fa06:44
red2kicPnoon: Maybe you accidentally your hdd?06:44
pure_hatePnoon, If you post fdisk -l and the windows section of menu.lst I'll take a look to make sure its correct06:44
nsadminred2kic: missing verb06:44
pepeeex: root=(hd0,2)  linux /boot/<tab>06:44
Pnoonpure_hate: i can try that i guess06:45
hateballPnoon: Have you tried reinstalling grub?06:45
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.06:45
khunter619lspci -nnk output: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/eHD43CAN06:45
pure_hatekhunter619, try wlan2 then, you had that also.06:45
Pnoonhateball:  many times, yes.06:46
pure_hatekhunter619, did you modprobe ath9k?06:46
pepeePnoon, grub2?06:46
Pnoonupdate-grub wont even find windows.06:46
pepeePnoon, corrupted MBR...06:47
khunter619pure_hate: yes06:47
PnoonI guess so?06:47
pepeePnoon, don't know how to repair it, try cfdisk...06:47
khunter619pure_hate: wlan2 output: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/E2rNDpBS06:49
pepeePnoon, or google "repair mbr linux" ...06:49
azloni had several drives in a software RAID-5. i have since reinstalled the OS and now want to recreate the RAID from scratch. when i fdisk and delete a partition on a drive, then create a new partition will it format the drive and basically start all over or should i manually format it?06:49
Pnooni iwll cheers06:50
pure_hatekhunter619, the module is not even being loaded06:50
khunter619pure_hate: no error comes up when I modprobe ath9k06:50
khunter619sudo modprobe ath9k06:51
pepeekhunter619, lsmod | grep ath9k06:51
pepeedon't paste the output...06:51
khunter619pepee: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/H0srbag306:51
KartagisI have a problem. I copied my disk to a larger disk and not I get "Mount of root filesystem failed". when I execute the command mount, I see everything is okay06:52
pepeekhunter619, iwconfig06:52
khunter619lsusb output: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/TRNGrnY606:52
pepee"Unknown Mouse" hehe06:53
khunter619pepee: iwconfig: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/jEpbdUq606:53
pepee3 interfaces, all with the same configuration...06:54
pepeeremove networkManager LOL06:54
khunter619I ran commands to make it same config per pure_hate06:55
Shadowmancerso i'm running the installer off a usb, i get to select root partition, catch the table is empty for the installer and i can't figure out what to do06:55
pepeekhunter619, ahh06:55
Kartagiscan I get help please?06:55
Shadowmancersudo blkid shows it can see the device, i can mount the device, but partman can't see it06:56
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snarkfishanybody know if the ATI driver issue been fixed?06:56
KartagisI have a problem. I copied my disk to a larger disk and now I get "Mount of root filesystem failed". when I execute the command mount, I see everything is okay06:56
khunter619I have AR2427. Per this page it is ath9k: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k06:56
pepeeKartagis, that's while booting? after grub?06:56
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Shadowmancerwhich ati driver issue?06:56
khunter619Do I need to install ath9k drivers?06:56
Kartagispepee: after grub06:57
pepeekhunter619, the interface is running06:57
khunter619ok so should remove my USB dongle to see if WiFi works?06:57
pepeeKartagis, edit the kernel command line06:57
pepeekhunter619, nope06:58
Kartagispepee: how?06:58
snarkfishcame about that if you installed ati driver on 9.10 it crashed06:58
pepeekhunter619, you just configure the interface06:58
pepeeKartagis, while on grub, press "e", then go to the line "kernel something..." and press "c"06:59
khunter619how do I configure the interface?06:59
Kartagispepee: okay I pressed "c". and?06:59
ubottuOpera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser06:59
khunter619I only see 1 wireless Icon in System tray07:00
rredd4how do i fix this?   System Timer Resolution is too low      FATAL: Module snd_rtctimer not found  after doing modprobe07:00
rredd4using rosegarden for the first time07:00
pepeekhunter619, iwconfig <interface> ap <AP_MAC_here> essid <AP_name_here> channel <channel_here>07:00
Teknical will ubuntu/kubuntu 10.04 be released for sure on the 29th or is that a guestimate?07:01
KartagisTeknical: it will07:01
Teknicalnice, thx07:02
pepeeKartagis, delete "splash" and change root=UUID=<something>  to root=<partition_of_/>07:02
Suit_Of_Sableswhenever i try and download the 10.4 iso it freezes. couldn't find another source besides ubuntu's testing page. I was hoping for a torrent for a fast download07:03
Kartagispepee: I don't have a "splash"07:03
Kartagisoh I do07:03
LoshaSuit_Of_Sables: ask in #ubuntu+107:03
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule07:04
eveningskyHow can I give Blender keyboard shortcuts priority over Gnome and Compiz?07:04
pepeeKartagis, if that doen't work, reboot (CTRL+ALT+Del)07:04
khunter619pepe: wlan2 interface: Error for wireless request "Set AP Address" (8B14) :07:04
khunter619    SET failed on device wlan2 ; Operation not permitted.07:04
Kartagispepee: okay I edited, now what?07:04
khunter619same error for wlan1 interface07:04
pepeekhunter619, ifconfig wlan2 down07:04
pepeekhunter619, ifconfig wlan1 down07:04
pepeeKartagis, in grub2, IIRC, you have to press crtl+x07:05
Shadowmancer got a weird issue with the installer, i get to the prepare partition section of the installation but no partitions come up, i used sudo blkid it see's my hdd, i can mount the hard drive i want to install ubuntu to, i can do a sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt to my hdd and it mounts but partman07:05
Shadowmancer (after some reading i discovered this is what the installer uses to find the partitions) can't seem to figure out i have a hdd07:05
pepeeShadowmancer, karmic or lucid?07:06
Shadowmancer9.10 i forget which one that is07:06
pepeeShadowmancer, perhaps it will work on lucid...07:06
khunter619pepee: i did sudo ifconfig wlan 1 & 2 down07:06
Shadowmanceris lucid 10.04?07:06
pepeetry the RC07:07
pepeeShadowmancer, yep07:07
khunter619then I ran the previous command, but got same error07:07
rwwpepee: Lucid is not released yet. Suggesting it to people in #ubuntu isn't a particularly good idea.07:07
Shadowmanceryeah i want to but i would rather wait a few days for the final release07:07
Shadowmanceryeh i know07:07
pepeerww, it will be released in a couple days...07:07
rwwpepee: suggest it then, then07:07
Kartagispepee: I edited, how do I save it? CTRL+X didn't work07:08
ShadowmancerI am just out of ideas07:08
pepeerww, that's ridiculous... is almost the same07:08
pepee*same thing07:08
pepeeKartagis, did it booted?07:09
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pepeeKartagis, ctrl+x for boot the machine07:09
pepee*to boot07:09
Kartagispepee: no, CTRL+X didn't work07:09
Kartagispepee: I need to save the configuration, right? how do I do that?07:10
pepeehmm Kartagis boot<enter>07:10
khunter619I downloaded compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz2 from here http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download#Directly_downloading_the_tarball07:10
pepeekhunter619, the driver is runniing07:10
Kartagispepee: Kernel must be loaded before booting07:10
khunter619then I did make, and then sudo make install, then sudo make unload, then sudo make load07:11
pepeesincerely, the problem is that you don't know how to manage the interfaces07:11
pepeeKartagis, are you on the grub console?07:11
Kartagispepee: I now have grub>07:12
randumbhi. is there anything for ubuntu that can extract windows installers?07:13
pepeeKartagis, I mean, the console that appears after rebootin the machine and pressing "e" in grub?07:13
pepee*e and c07:13
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nomad77randumb: try cabextract07:14
pepeeKartagis, or just typed "grub" in your terminal?07:14
Kartagispepee: I highlighted the kernel, hit "e", edited it, hit "Esc" then "c"07:15
Kartagispepee: now all I see is a "grub>"07:15
Daugha|nDoes anyone know if Ubuntu wil run on the new tegra chipsets?07:15
pepeeKartagis, ok07:15
geanGEAN SAYS HI07:16
dwainehey everyone out there....07:16
pepeeKartagis, ok, I made a mistake07:16
pepeeKartagis, reboot the machine07:16
pepeeand press "e" twice07:17
dwainegot a tricky one for everyone.   Just did a fresh install of CLI ubuntu and added the lubuntu-desktop package, so far the major issue is No Sound at all.   Dell Latitude C800 laptop07:17
pepeethe second one in the kernel line07:17
pepeeKartagis, sorry, "linux ..." line07:18
Kartagispepee: okay I replaced root=UUID= with root=/dev/sda107:19
randumbnomad77: thanks, that worked.07:19
rdogghas anyone got a ati radeon 9250 working on ubuntu 9.10?07:19
Kartagispepee: how do I save that?07:19
pepeeKartagis, ok, press ctrl+x07:20
pepeeto save it, you have to edit the config file07:20
Kartagispepee: ctrl+x doesn't work07:20
dwaineAnyone out there have any experience working from 9.10 command line install with the Lubuntu-desktop package?07:20
pepeedwaine, apt-cache search lubuntu07:21
pepeesudo aptitude install <package-here>07:21
pepeeKartagis, grub shows some commands in the bottom of the screen07:21
se5a1hey will there be much of a difference between the RC and what gets released on thursday?07:21
dwainealready have the package installed but not geting any sound at all.07:22
* se5a1 is wondering weither to download the RC now, or just wait till thursday07:22
pepeeKartagis, just boot the machine07:22
pepeese5a1, the servers will be on high load07:23
azlonhow can i find out what program is using a device? for example, my /dev/sda1 is in use...07:23
dwainese5al, I would think that there will be some final clean up just like there was with 9.10  and a few things fixed last minute07:23
ran_hi all07:23
se5a1good point07:23
dwainehey ran_07:23
ran_this is my first use of irc07:23
se5a1meh, I might wait then07:24
dwaineazlon, well since yoa are asking whta is using your base hard drive....07:24
azlondwaine: my os is installed on /dev/sdi107:24
ran_im facing some trouble with decompressing tar.zip file07:25
azlondwaine: http://www.pastebin.org/17969707:25
dwaineazlon:  Oh crap I saw it in one of the forums earlier today and I can't recall what it was07:25
pepeeazlon, lsof?07:25
ran_can anybody help me with that?07:26
robertzaccourhow do i open the grub script? i know how to in gnome its gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub but how do i do it in xfce?07:26
azlonpepee: oh yeah, lsof | grep /dev/sda1... right?07:26
pepeerobertzaccour, in the terminal: nano <file>07:26
pepeeazlon, I supose..07:26
robertzaccourpepee, what name do i type?07:26
robertzaccournano what?07:27
pepeesudo nano FILE07:27
pepeeKartagis, did it work?07:27
azlonpepee: it didnt return anything07:27
pepeeazlon, man lsof07:28
ran_is anybody here can help me with tar file?07:28
djbenderHey #ubuntu, I upgraded nautilus through a ppa, how do i downgrade to the official nautilus version in the official repos?07:28
azlonhow can i remove an old RAID? i am trying to create a new one using the same old drives and i get mdadm: /dev/sdb1 appears to be part of a raid array:07:28
Kartagispepee: no, I also tried now ssh'in into the PC, and editing menu.lst, but that won't work either07:28
robertzaccourpepee, it didn't do anything07:28
pepeedon't know how to use it, I just did lsof -i tcp07:28
pepeerobertzaccour, grub2?07:28
nsadmindjbender: purge the one you have, install the one you want07:29
djbendernsadmin, sudo apt-get purge nautilus?07:29
pepeeKartagis, it says "failed to mount the root file system" and then shows a prompt, does it?07:29
nsadminI just said what to do... how to do, is yours07:29
Kartagispepee: yes07:29
robertzaccourpepee, it didn't open up the script07:29
djbendernsadmin, when i do that command, it tells me it needs to unisntall ubuntu-desktop....07:30
pepeeKartagis, in that console: mount -o remont,rw /dev/sda107:30
djbendernsadmin, which seems like a bad idea.07:30
pepeeor whatever you partition is07:30
nsadminmaybe so07:30
pepeerobertzaccour, what version of grub?07:30
robertzaccourpepee, i'm using Lucid07:31
pepeerobertzaccour, ok, no idea then07:31
djbenderI'm assuming uninstalling ubuntu-desktop would be ill-advised? ;-)07:31
pepeerobertzaccour, ls /etc/default/grub07:31
nsadminyou can try obtaining the .deb and installing over it, but just remember that downgrades are generally not supported and may or may not work07:32
djbenderhaHA i'm hosed i'm sure.07:32
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dwainedjbender:  likely you won't be able ot purge the new nautilus on 10.04 because of the update to all of Gnome07:32
djbenderseems odd that its so difficult to purge the ppa's version07:32
ran_im trying to decompress tar file but i get "unexpected eof" error...07:32
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nsadminyou could always restore from your backup you made before installing from the ppa...07:33
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pepeeran_, the file is corrupted07:33
djbenderran_, or incomplete, failed download.07:33
pepeeran_, or try installing winrar with wine and the run it07:33
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ran_tried 2 down loaded several times, also used files that were ok before...07:34
Kartagispepee: now it says mount: /dev/sda1: can't read superblock07:34
pepeeran_, then the file is corrupted from source07:34
ran_this file use to be ok in the past...07:34
djbenderwell thanks for the bad news i suppose! lol.07:34
pepeeKartagis, let's try another method...07:35
nsadminKartagis: if you had data on sda1, you need to find out why that's happening07:35
rdogghey guys, has anyone here have a ati radeon 9250 working on ubuntu 9.10?07:35
Kartagisnsadmin: this started heppening after replacing the hdd07:35
pepeeKartagis, http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=18101107:36
nsadminthe message suggests sda1 is not formatted07:36
ran_i decompress it several time in the past07:36
Kartagispepee: I think I'll put in the old hdd, replace every UUID with the actual /dev and save it07:37
khunter619asus@Asus:~$ modprobe -l | grep ath9k07:37
khunter619What do I do now?07:37
pepeeKartagis, just replace UUID=somethin with /dev/sda#07:37
robertzaccourhow do i open the grub script? i know how to in gnome its gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub but how do i do it in xfce?07:37
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:38
pepeekhunter619, again, don't try to load the module, it's working07:38
pepeekhunter619, you have to read how to use iwconfig07:38
khunter619how can i know if it is working07:38
pepeekhunter619, lsmod | grep ath9k07:38
khunter619pepee: now I only see wlan007:38
nsadminkhunter619: that, and look at the output of ifconfig -a07:38
pepeelsmod *lists the loaded modules*07:38
khunter619no wlan1 or wlan207:38
pepeekhunter619, reboot...07:39
nsadminyou have three wireless cards??07:39
dwainerobertzaccour:  for xfce one editor is  abiword07:40
khunter619pepee: lsmod | grep ath9k = http://paste.pocoo.org/show/206201/ how can you tell it is working from this output?07:40
dwaineso replace gediot with albiword07:40
pepeekhunter619, you will see "ath9k" in the output07:41
pepeethat's all07:41
pepeeif is not loaded, then you'll see nothing07:41
musashiyou could try leafpad as an edit also07:41
robertzaccourdwaine, i found out thanks anyhow07:41
dwainemusashi:  leafpad isn't part of the default XFCE distro07:42
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dwainefor the life of me I recall what it was.07:42
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khunter619nsadmin: output of ifconfig -a = http://paste.pocoo.org/show/206202/07:42
musashiyeah but it still doenst require too many deps07:42
musashii was running it on lxde just fine, and that more stripped down than xfce07:42
DingGGu리버스 도메인 왜안되!07:43
dwainehow did you get a good setup of lxde going.07:43
khunter619pepee: when I reboot and my USB is not connected, why can I not configure in the NetworkManager GUI?07:43
pepeekhunter619, learn to configure it manually...07:43
khunter619when I reboot there is no wlan interface!07:43
rolsworthis it possible for ubuntu to see files shared on a windows 7 pc07:44
dwainemusashi:  how did you setup lxde, I'm trying it on my Dell Lat C800 and having sound issues07:44
musashidwaine, i was running debian at the time on an old machine. it was the best option as i dont really like fluxbox07:44
pepeekhunter619, btw I don't know how to use networkmanager07:44
pepeeI use wicd07:44
pepeeis better tha NM07:44
dwainemusashi,  Ah damn...   have a cli of ubuntu then the lubuntu-desktop package added in and updated but still no sound *grumbles*07:45
musashidwaine, the computer had fairly standard hardware so i had no problems with the install. propritary soundcard possibly?07:45
pepee!jp | DingGGu07:45
ubottuDingGGu: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい07:45
musashiwhat does lspci say07:45
dwainehave had no issues running Xubuntu or base Ubuntu both 9.10,  well atleast as far as sound goes...07:46
pepeehmm is not japanese07:46
DingGGuKorean .07:46
pepeeahh ok07:46
dwainestraight out of the box worked fine.  Just lost some ram on this one so needed even more stirpped down...07:46
pepee!kr | DingGGu07:46
rolsworthi just installed lucid. how do i upgrade the daily builds? do i need to do another install?07:46
dwainethink i might have to go back to X* and then add in lxde and tinker from there07:47
pepeedoh, there's not channel for korean people?07:47
musashii had no problem with the sound module in lxde. what does google say?07:48
pepeerolsworth, search for "ppa ubuntu"07:48
dwainemusashi, I wish google was any kind of help at all....    I am guessing it is because I did a 9.10 U command line install like is suggested.07:48
musashitried alsamixer>07:49
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko07:49
pepeeahh hehe07:49
dwaineboth command and gui for sound config and nothing07:49
pepee!ko | DingGGu07:49
ubottuDingGGu: please see above07:49
rolsworththat does not tell me anything07:49
musashiis it set to stereo or mono?07:49
dwaineI can't even get alsaconfig to run from term07:50
pepeeDingGGu,  <ubottu> 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko07:50
DingGGui know pepee07:51
DingGGuthanks ^^;07:51
=== cwe_moetz is now known as thania_cute
dwaineyeah no kidding07:52
pepeeDingGGu, np07:52
dwainelike i said looks like it is back to XFCE distro and then strip it down and add in lxde07:52
dwainethank gods I have time to play with this machine07:53
musashiid say strip it down to terminal and start adding x on top of it07:53
dwaineofcourse the L* channel is dead where I might be able to get some help...07:54
dwainethat is where I started was a CLI install of 9.10 ubuntu07:54
musashibetter yet, do a network install and select the window manager you want installed.07:54
musashiubuntu is great for gnome, kde, & xfce, things start to get hazy when you try different window managers07:55
dwainehmmm   maybe I should go and grab lenny....07:55
kbinghami'm running ubuntu on an joggler, and after upgrading packages it now fails to launch into x. I just drop into a text console. How does ubuntu start Xorg / GDM at init ?07:57
nate__hi I am just testing to see if this xchat client is working can somebody reply to me if the are reading this thanks07:57
ran_hi all, im getting eof error when i tried to decompress a tar file. trying  to download again  didnt help. this file use to be ok in the the past. tried also versions i have from a dvd with no success07:57
kbinghamI presume I need to go fix some links perhaps or reconfigure x startup and gdm07:57
musashihave a go, just dont change sources.list to the unstable releases, things start to get funky when you go ustable07:57
kbinghamnate__, you're posting :P07:57
nate__thanks kbingham later guys07:58
dwainethanks musashi.   and yeah unstable is never good....07:58
musashino problemo.07:58
ran_hi all, im getting eof error when i tried to decompress a tar file. trying  to download again  didnt help. this file use to be ok in the the past. tried also versions i have from a dvd with no success07:59
jebsshas anybody worked with ekiga softphone in ubuntu?07:59
nate__I have been trying to get that to work softphone08:00
rolsworthi find it difficult to add programs to startup using ubuntu08:00
jebssI read that ekiga can be used to make calls to other machine and also supports vedio chat..08:01
apctrhi i'm getting error in apt-get. it says couldn't find package.08:02
musashithen the package does not exist08:03
musashitry apt-cache search package08:03
musashiand always, ALWAYS, apt-get update08:03
apctrhakmn: getting error apt-get couldn't find package08:04
ran_hi all, im getting eof error when i tried to decompress a tar file. trying  to download again  didnt help. this file use to be ok in the the past. tried also versions i have from a dvd with no success08:05
=== zeitgeist is now known as musashi
robertzaccourany way to fix this? http://i455.photobucket.com/albums/qq274/Knuckle_Brawler/Screenshot-4.png?t=127226548608:06
ran_hi all, im getting eof error when i tried to decompress a tar file. trying  to download again  didnt help. this file use to be ok in the the past. tried also versions i have from a dvd with no success. others files are working fine...08:06
robertzaccouri clicked the button and it just appeared to download stuff then the button came up again and again and again08:07
musashiran_ is this happening in terminal>08:07
greezmunkeyran_: what file, is it downloadable?08:07
ran_yes, its happen in terminal08:08
ran_and the file is not downloadable08:08
topdogiohi all08:09
ran_but it used to work in the past, and im trying to use several versions, with no luck... :(08:09
pepeebye ppl08:10
robertzaccourany way to fix this? http://i455.photobucket.com/albums/qq274/Knuckle_Brawler/Screenshot-4.png?t=127226548608:10
robertzaccouri clicked the button and it just appeared to download stuff then the button came up again and again and again08:10
ran_this file is a a software rdk of a system im using.08:11
r0oyty chuju za dyche08:12
FloodBot1r0oy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:12
ran_im trying to un tar it for a week08:12
FloodBot1zsp2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:12
c_nicktwitter on pidgin ?08:13
robertzaccourany way to fix this? http://i455.photobucket.com/albums/qq274/Knuckle_Brawler/Screenshot-4.png?t=127226548608:14
ranjanHi all...my firefox is not able to show SVG's.... any solution??08:14
robertzaccouri clicked the button and it just appeared to download stuff then the button came up again and again and again08:14
greezmunkeyrobertzaccour: try a differant browser?08:14
robertzaccourgreezmunkey, you meant that for ranjan right? lol08:15
greezmunkeyrobertzaccour: no, you - your pop up problem08:15
albertoafnanybody using winff? in the "mobile phone" only seems to be a preset (mp3) all the video presets are gone :S anybody knows how to install them?08:15
robertzaccourgreezmunkey, its not a browser pop up its an update pop up08:16
=== dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen
ranjanrobertzaccour, any idea?? this is the link http://www.adobe.com/svg/examples.html08:16
robertzaccourgreezmunkey, i keep clicking and it still keeps comin back08:16
robertzaccournothing to do with it08:17
greezmunkeyrobertzaccour: I would try chrome, or Chromium and see if it keep happening. If so I would think their page is broken08:17
robertzaccourgreezmunkey, i always use chrome08:18
robertzaccourgreezmunkey, it has nothing to do with web browsing08:18
robertzaccourgreezmunkey, its an update thing08:18
=== e3hcl is now known as newron2
ran_hi all, im getting eof error when i tried to decompress a tar file. trying  to download again  didnt help. this file use to be ok in the the past. tried also versions i have from a dvd with no success08:24
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
nikon_what command are you useing ran08:27
=== nikon_ is now known as Pinginn
ran_i tried several commands08:28
Pinginnis it tar or gz08:28
ran_when it worked in the past i used : tar -zxvf file.tar.gz08:29
nsadminlook at the last thing08:29
nsadminthe WHOLE file is a gz08:29
nsadminif you ungz it08:30
nsadminit's a tar08:30
=== matt_ is now known as Guest85458
Guest85458isnt it great how smuxi brought me here without asking08:30
ran_am i doing somthing wrong?08:31
nsadminwhat does it say exactly08:31
nsadminhow did you get it exactly08:31
ran_gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file tar: Child returned status 108:33
nsadminso it thinks the file should have been longer08:33
ran_Exiting with failure status due to previous errors08:33
aatifhLast night my machine to ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10. Some how it cluttered my python. When i ever i launch ipython it says -- ImportError: No module named IPython.Shell08:37
aatifhLast night i upgraded machine to ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10. Some how it cluttered my python. When i ever i launch ipython it says -- ImportError: No module named IPython.Shell08:37
khunter619wlan1 & wlan2 has no mac address!08:38
khunter619thats why I cant use the internal wireless card08:38
khunter619hwsim0: unknown hardware address type 80308:38
motaka2can anyone tell me how i can install tor on my ubuntu 9.04?08:39
khunter619pepee: you there?08:40
triptecI'm thinking of trying out xen, as host system would u recommend ubuntu or demian08:42
xnoxtriptec, use kvm-qemu. Both ubuntu & debian are good for the task08:46
KillsIm having problems with videos08:48
Killsthey just like turn off08:48
Gokulfirefox-3.6 doesnt run. when i run it via terminal, it says this error : Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9.2b6pre and 1.9.2b6pre. .. how to  get  rid of this and get back my firefox-3.6 ???08:49
Killssame with rhythmbox sometime it just turns off08:49
Killsany ideas why is that happening?08:50
Gokulany ideas why is that happening?08:51
triptecxnox, oh, I thought xen was the best.. I'll look it up08:51
aatifhHow do i reinstall python from source on ubuntu?08:51
maxi_soy nuevo en esto08:53
maxi_me ayuda ?08:53
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.08:54
GodrickBrutusGood to be back on Ubuntu08:55
GodrickBrutusFedora was a nightmare08:55
albertoafnanybody using winff? in the "mobile phone" only seems to be a preset (mp3) all the video presets are gone :S anybody knows how to install them?08:55
ojiihi everyone08:56
kbinghamhow do I add applets to gnome-panel in UNE when I can't seem to find any space to right click on ... I can right click on all the applets - but cant find a spare "pixel" to right click that belongs to the base panel :(08:56
ojiii have two notebooks both connected to the internet via eth0, this one (lucid) is working, the other one (karmic) is not. pinging google results in 100% package loss. However the two notebooks can connect to each other with no problems (actually typing this via synergy), anyone know what might have gone wrong? last friday i had no problems connecting with the same setup08:57
motaka2what is the best way  to install tor on ubuntu 9.04  ?08:58
christianHow do i open a file browser as root08:58
=== christian is now known as Guest26252
=== Guest26252 is now known as Nooby-doo
ojiiGuest26252, in shell type sudo nautilus08:58
jack_any speak indonesia?08:59
JenniferBhi folks... i have a user jennifer .. but it's pretty restricted.. how can I log in with that user so it have root access everywhere?09:00
jbrouhardJenniferB, by default all users are logged in with restricted access09:01
yobuntuJenniferB, Why would you want to do that?09:01
ojiiJenniferB, you're not supposed to have root access as a normal user. root is kinda dangerous. but if you need root type sudo su into a shell09:01
jbrouhardthey do, however, have sudo access, so just use their password.09:01
jbrouhardor what ojii said :)09:01
renegaidis there a separate channel for netbook remix?09:02
JenniferBojii: yes.. i know about sudo.. but I need it in the "folder view" as well09:02
ojiiJenniferB, sudo nautilus then09:03
ojiiwhy would a karmic installation suddenly refuse to connect to the internet? it worked fine yesterday but doesn't today09:03
yobuntuojii, gksudo nautilus09:03
L-----DJenniferB, you can change the root password, and use root later on09:03
sevI need help man, im using the ubuntu netbook remix and the time isnt being displayed in the notification area09:03
ojiiyobuntu, why gksudo? sudo nautilus worked for me fine in the rare cases i needed it09:03
yobuntuojii, in this case I'm gonna say, google it.09:04
sevanybody have an idea?09:05
=== rumpsy_ is now known as rumpsy
ojiiwhat would prevent ubuntu from connecting to the internet but allow connecting to LAN? AFAIK i have no firewall installed09:06
=== yobuntu is now known as jotall
neztovHello, I have a problem when I want to start ubuntu 10.04 RC. I get a: Init not found. Try passing init= bootarg. I have no windows or other OS installed.09:08
tadhgheya is there anyone out there that can help me with a screen resolution issue? Ubuntu 10.04 - max resolution 800x600? I would be so grateful as Im at my wits end with this09:09
neztovnsadmin init= bootarg09:09
nsadminexact text you used then.09:09
nsadminfull, complete, exact, what did you type then.09:09
neztovnsadmin, which text do you mean?09:10
PreacherHow do I change the group of a folder including all sub files and folders from the command line09:10
neztovI didn't type anything09:10
nsadminman chgrp09:10
neztovtadhg, did you install your video drivers?09:10
yukiseasideidentify hCfHCMKPXn5iLNyWQNBwG1k2CAVWuehv09:10
nsadminthere goes another one!09:11
nsadminhurry! cover your eyes!09:11
wildbatLOL! HURRYsteal it! XD09:11
L-----Dalredy done09:11
JenniferBhow can I be root in a console... so I don't have to type sudo all the time09:11
sevIs there anybody that knows how to display the time in the notification area applet in ubuntu netbook remix?09:12
JenniferBi am trying to export a variable.. and its not working as I am doing it09:12
tadhgneztov: when i go to system -administration -hardware drivers it says "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system"09:12
nsadminneztov: so, you booted, and you altered something as you booted because it failed?09:12
* L-----D pat yukiseaside 09:12
wildbatsev, right click the panel  and add a Clock?09:12
JenniferBits not printing anything09:13
neztovnsadmin, no my notebook didn't close normally (no battery).09:13
nsadminJennifer8: I guess you coudl sudo bash09:13
Preacherhow do i change permissions for a folder from command line09:13
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash09:13
sevi have no add when i right click wildbat...09:13
nsadminjust so you know... I spent my first 2 years with no other user besides root09:13
nsadminI did ok09:14
sevjust help, move, remove from panel, etc...09:14
nsadminbut I was constantly working on shell skill09:14
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:14
neztovtadhg, I believe you need to go to administration > sources and check the parter button09:15
Gokulwhere are my firefox-3.6 bookmarks stored ??09:15
nsadminJennifer8: it's your machine of course, it's just that what you're doing is removing all the protection possible09:15
neztovtadgh, and after this you should be able to install your video driver (if it is nvidea this would work)09:15
tadhgneztov: heya - administration has no "Sources" option09:16
nsadminit's like going from nice big car in seatbelts to motorcycle without helmet09:16
Gokultadhg, "software sources" ?09:16
wildbatsev, right right empty space in the panel not on something09:16
mcmlxxiGokul, .mozilla/firefox-3.6/profile/places.sqlite09:16
wildbatright click*09:16
neztovtadhg, can be preferences to, Have no working ubuntu atm09:16
nsadminJenniferB, handlable with practice.09:16
tadhgneztov: Its not an nvidia I cant remember how i found out what it was but i think it was SIS09:17
mcmlxxito edit grub, do I edit menu.lst?09:17
KleverI've got ubuntu ISO in the secondary NTFS partition of a drive. How do I install it on the primary partition(also NTFS) when directly from the other partition? The primary partition already has Windows installed.09:17
sanderj_Isn't php4 in karmic server?09:17
sanderj_Wondring how I can get that installed.09:17
nsadmin1971: you're advised to look at menu.lst first09:17
JenniferBnsadmin:  what do you mean?09:18
SkarpzI lost a sound driver and don't know how to get it back09:18
nsadminJenniferB; what you want is to run as root on a constant basis. Do I have that right?09:19
sevwildbat, what do u mean as in empty space? I did i clicked in the middle of the task bar, those are the only options i get... All of the space to the right where the notifications are are occupied by icons09:19
neztovtadhg, o immediate idea. 'm googling for SIS, never had one of them. Maybe some else?09:19
mcmlxxito edit grub, do I edit /boot/grub/menu.lst?09:19
nsadminmcmlxxi; as I said, you're advised to look at menu.lst first09:19
mcmlxxinsadmin, oh sorry09:20
mcmlxxiI didn't see that09:20
nsadminI converted you to decimal :P09:20
* mcmlxxi feels converted to decimal09:20
wildbatsev, then you move the tab next to the ubuntu ico aside first ~ it may looke empty but it is the taskbar , make sure you unlock the panel too09:20
nsadminwhat happened in 1971?09:21
nsadminother than Album Oriented Rock?09:21
livingdaylightI want understand: why call 10.04 but it is released in May (05) or as good as may. The very end of April doesn't seem right to call it April release - better wait 1 more day and make it May09:22
rumpsynsadmin: you are in here too !09:22
rumpsynsadmin: is this debian ?09:22
nsadminI'm in where?09:22
rwwlivingdaylight: April 29th + 1 doesn't equal May.09:22
rumpsynsadmin: i see in debian channek09:22
livingdaylightrww, common!09:22
hasibullahsallam dear all friends how to install a theme for my ubuntu 9.10 give me a link so that i can manually download09:23
Flannellivingdaylight: As I imagine this will become a larger discussion, mind taking it to #ubuntu-offtopic?  Thanks09:23
rwwlivingdaylight: I don't get your point. It's released in April ;P09:23
sparky003anyone know how to recover the root password on ubuntu?09:23
livingdaylightrww, ok, April 29th + 2? +3? ... it is not April release09:23
JenniferBnsadmin.. i figured the root part out... now Id like to export variable stuff to work...09:23
rumpsyhasibullah: you can download from gnome.org09:23
rwwlivingdaylight: April 29th is in April.09:23
Flannelsparky003: There's no root password (the root account is locked)09:23
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:23
rumpsyhasibullah: ^^09:23
sevwow wildbate, way to make me feel stupid.  Loll sorry man just switched from windows! thanks a lot!09:23
livingdaylightrww, you clever geek... technically yes, but technical doesn't take intao account inferences09:24
nsadminyou'll want to set at least your path and PS1 so you KNOW you're root, by your prompt09:24
wildbatsev, yw~09:24
Flannellivingdaylight: #ubuntu-offtopic please09:24
rwwlivingdaylight: as Flannel said, we should move :)09:24
livingdaylightFlannel, but it incenses me09:24
JenniferBi posted a pastebin earlier.. and echoing it didnt09:24
Flannellivingdaylight: Then discuss it all you'd like in #ubuntu-offtopic09:24
livingdaylightFlannel, can I speak with Mark Shuttleworth about it?09:25
Flannellivingdaylight: If you go to #ubuntu-offtopic, perhaps.09:25
neztovtadhg, maybe here: http://www.winischhofer.eu/linuxsispart4.shtml#download You can go to section 5 about ubuntu09:25
neztovThere you find what you can do to install the right SIS driver09:26
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!09:26
Flannelcalebgamb: Yes?09:26
calebgambMy ubuntu09:26
calebgambIt broke09:26
Flannelcalebgamb: Operators are for channel issues, not support issues.  Ask the channel, someone will be able to help you.09:27
calebgambOh my god so sorry! Didn't know!09:27
ChugunatorHello people! Any who please help me in recovery Ubuntu 9.1009:28
SkarpzAfter upgrading to 9.10 my sound didn't work and then I tried something in the ubuntu forums and something worked but only in test and there was still a sound driver missing, anyone able to help with getting my sound back?09:30
=== alex____ is now known as muh
mcmlxxinsadmin, do I do a grub-install /dev/sda then?09:33
gayanhewai need some help ... :)09:35
gayanhewai am trying to configure a wireless connection09:35
vaibhav1gayanhewa:  about what??09:36
gayanhewausing Ralink RT2070 wifi modem , device is detected but i dont no how to configure the connection09:36
=== DaZ^ is now known as cuszrzezeszfecji
fady1981hi please i need your help with meterpreter LHOST=my-no-ip-account  but the metasploit changed to LHOST= my network ip WHY please i need your help09:38
fady1981please any body can help meeeeeeee09:38
rumpsyfady1981: what?09:38
fady1981i tried to put my no-ip account instead my local ip but the metasploit always take my local ip instead my no-ip account09:40
Flannelfady1981: You should ask the metasploit people09:40
fady1981where i can find them09:40
Flannelfady1981: #metasploit09:40
fady1981thnx sooooooooooo09:40
x2xx2ndhi people .... is it possible to find what (wifi) mac adresses are around me ? NOT in my network or subnet , just in my enviroment09:41
Ferbhow to check ffmpeg installed version??09:41
Nadleyhi, I have a question I'm on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx and I would like to install mysql-workbench and it required libmysqlclient15 and the version in the depository is libmysqlclient16 how can I install this software ?09:42
Likehi! for instrucctions of lucid in español09:43
x2xx2ndhi people .... is it possible to find what (wifi) mac adresses are around me ? NOT in my network or subnet , just in my enviroment09:43
rwwLike: #ubuntu-es09:43
Likethx mf09:43
FlannelNadley: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid questions, thanks09:43
NadleyFlannel: I know but I ask there because the problem is also existing on Karmic ;), so I hope somebody has a solution09:44
FlannelNadley: mysql-workbench isn't in the repositories, where did you get it?09:45
NadleyFlannel: directly from sun website. There is a .deb but for 9.0409:46
mcmlxxiFlannel, after editing /boot/grub/menu.lst, do I do a grub-install /dev/sda?09:46
=== malcolm is now known as morrece
KleverI've got ubuntu ISO in the secondary NTFS partition of a drive. How do I install it on the primary partition(also NTFS) when directly from the other partition? The primary partition already has Windows installed.09:46
FlannelNadley: Then it won't work in 9.10 or 10.04, since it apparently relies on a fairly narrow MySQL version09:47
Flannelmcmlxxi: No, you don't need to do anything after editing your menu.lst, that file gets read every boot09:47
morrecehey guys running lucid lynx ubuntu 10.04 want dont really understand how the themes work, as I've downloaded some yet cant seem to install them09:47
mcmlxxiFlannel, okay thanks09:47
NadleyFlannel: is there a solution to build it or something like that to use it on newer version of ubuntu09:48
teageHow do i paste a problem i am having? I forgot09:49
Gokulhow do i open firefox's profile manager ?09:50
Gokulwhat command ?09:50
rwwubottu: paste | teage09:50
ubottuteage: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:50
geekphreakhiya all09:50
rwwGokul: firefox -ProfileManager     if I remember correctly09:51
x2xx2ndHi is it possible to scan for MAC adresess around me?09:51
geekphreakrww: hello09:51
teageok, i have pasted my outcome, Docky is not working and when i type the command in the terminal it gives the error i have pasted.09:52
morrecex2xx2nd: mac addresses? what do u want to do?09:52
rwwteage: note the "Make sure you give us the URL for the paste" part of that message.09:52
teagesomething about unhandled exeption09:52
teagethats the url09:53
geekphreakbe right back09:53
KleverFlannel: Any idea how to solve my problem?09:54
x2xx2ndmorrece: im just experimenting with staff , i have two routers in my house with various security protections, anyways my pc doesNT belong to anyone of these routers' net and i wanna scan for routers mac adress09:54
morrececan anyone assist me with gnome themes?09:55
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:55
morrecex2xx2nd: nmap is a great scanner, more on the IP side but I'm sure that is a great place to start09:55
morreceapt-get install nmap09:55
x2xx2ndmorrece: thanks buddy ill give it a shit09:55
x2xx2ndmorrece: thanks buddy ill give it a shot sorry!09:56
teageabout:cache <Gokul>09:56
_scottlhas anyone got an EFI boot working on a non-mac system such as a HP laptop?09:57
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
codename-nos_can i ask backtrack questions here10:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:00
Gryllida!anyone | _scottl10:00
ubottu_scottl: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:00
codename-nos_do i need to install grahpic card driver in backtrack like we do in ubuntu10:01
_scottlGryllida: good point :)10:02
nsadminbacktrack is what, some other os?10:02
codename-nos_its linux10:02
BrutusGodrickAll my themes just decided to run away. Can anyone help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9175744#post917574410:03
nsadminmaybe a better source of info is ##linux10:03
SeodanrotI am new to ubuntu and I am having sound problems can anyone help?10:03
geekphreakcodename-nos_: can i pm ?10:03
ikoniaSeodanrot: ask your questions10:03
crazymanI installed vsftpd ,but why in my /home don't have the directory "ftp" ?10:03
codename-nos_ya for sure10:03
ikoniacodename-nos_: because that is not the home dir for the vsftpd user10:03
geekphreakcrazyman:  default ftp directory is /srv/ftp i think10:04
ikoniacrazyman:  because that is not the home dir for the vsftpd user10:04
=== ShazbotMcEssay is now known as INTERNET_CENSORS
SeodanrotI lost my sound after the the update10:04
_scottlso how can I install ubuntu to use EFI rather than BIOS on a non-mac system such as a HP laptop? Does debian-installer support creation of & installing grub to the EFI partition?10:04
codename-nos_sorry ?10:04
codename-nos_i didn get it ?!10:04
ikonia_scottl: I don't believe gpt is currently supported10:04
ikoniacodename-nos_: that wasn't for you, apologies10:04
tadhgHeya can anyone help me Im gonna fuck this computer out the window - resolution stuck at 800x600 ubuntu 10.0410:04
=== INTERNET_CENSORS is now known as ShazbotMcNasty
geekphreakikonia: hello sir10:05
Flanneltadhg: Please mind your language.10:05
Seodanrotikonia:I lost my sound after the the update10:05
ikoniatadhg: you need to control your langauge please10:05
crazymanyes ,it 's there ,thank you10:05
Gryllidatadhgm, your specs?10:05
Flanneltadhg: Also, #ubuntu+1 is the place for Lucid support, thanks.10:05
geekphreaktadhg: can you watch the language please10:05
_scottlikonia: thanks. gparted can create a GPT scheme though, right?10:06
nsadminwe won't be lucid in here for another few days...10:06
tadhgGryllida: thanks man - the graphics is SIS 771/671 let me know what you want10:06
SeodanrotYeah so I just updated to 9.10 ubuntu and I lost my sound altogether10:06
Gryllidatadhg, you've been redirected to #ubuntu+1 by Flannel10:07
BrutusGodrickCan anyone help with my issue?10:07
tadhgYeah no problem im just after sinking so much time into this im at my wits end sorry10:07
Gryllida!anyone | BrutusGodrick10:07
ubottuBrutusGodrick: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:07
Gryllidatadhg, it's ok10:07
geekphreakcrazyman:  welcome10:07
BrutusGodrickGryllida,   All my themes just decided to run away. Can anyone help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9175744#post917574410:07
tadhgGryllida: I dont know what to do how to go there can you just help me please10:07
Flanneltadhg: There have been some major X overhauls in the past few weeks with Lucid, so really, #ubuntu+1 is the place to get the best help10:07
Gryllidatadhg, /join #ubuntu+110:07
tadhgGryllida: how do i do that10:08
Flanneltadhg: type `/join #ubuntu+1` as if you were going to say it to the channel (without the quotes)10:08
nsadminsurely this is not "How do I type +?"10:08
Gryllidatadhg, type  /join #ubuntu+1 without space at beginning with / instead of what you talk and hit enter10:08
Gryllida/join #ubuntu+110:09
Gryllidalike this10:09
tadhgGryllida: thanks10:09
geekphreak!register | codename-nos_10:09
ubottucodename-nos_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode10:09
tadhgim the only person in that room10:09
nsadminhmm. perhaps you misspelled the channel name10:10
Gryllidatadhg, no, you are not in that room yet10:10
PuroDiabloSorry if this is the wrong channel for this question.  How do I omit all the "has joined / quit" alerts from showing in this text field?10:10
geekphreakPuroDiablo:  which client?10:11
GryllidaPuroDiablo, asl in #irssi or #mirc or #chatzilla etc10:11
PuroDiabloThanks Gry10:11
L-----DI'm thinking make a custom verison of ubuntu server as a NAS, I wonder anyone has done some work like this, I don't wanna duplicate work10:16
gladatorhi, anyone knows how i can search for something in a playlist in movie player? Ctrl+F5 shows a search box but doesnt show any results10:17
Gryllidagladator, try <ctrl> + <F> ?10:18
gladatorGryllida, sorry i meant Ctrl+F ofcourse10:18
Gryllidathen hit <F3> for next result?10:20
GryllidaWhat movie player are you talking about exactly?10:21
AdvoWorkif ive got loads of files(.php) etc, is there a way I can count line numbers of all files in a directory?10:22
gladatorF3 doesnt work either. im using the default one its called "movie player" in file menus as well10:22
deufraiAdvoWork: use wc10:22
codename-nos_gladator: it totem movie player10:23
AdvoWorkdeufrai, isnt tha word count?10:23
deufraicheck its man page and you'll see10:23
gladatorcodename-nos_, ok, thanks. so anyone knows how to search for a file in the playlist of totem movie player?10:24
stevecam3 days to go xD10:24
deufraistevecam: before a 2 weeks struggle to have all updated correctly ? :P10:24
winXPusergladator, 'movie player'??10:25
deufrai<bad_mood mode=off />10:25
stevecamim still excited10:25
nsadmingladator: look at file 1 in playlist of movie player10:25
codename-nos_if you are playing mp3 then i would recommend your rhythmbox10:25
nsadminis that the file? no?10:25
AdvoWorkdeufrai, i know I can do wc -l   but how to do that for a directory like /var/www/whatver/* ? because ive got numerous folders/files in there10:25
nsadmingladator: look at file 2 in playlist of movie player10:25
nsadminis that the file? no?10:25
nsadminrepeat until found.10:25
deufraiAdvoWork: a little script to enumerate all regular files, count lines for each one and summ all up10:26
MySrvMy ubuntu turns black i.e. it hanks whats the solution of it10:26
deufraitake a fiw minutes10:26
gladatorcodename-nos_, rythmbox doesnt open the playlist. nsadmin: thanks for the advice10:26
codename-nos_oh my bad . but i was talkin about the searching part10:27
codename-nos_and you can create a playlist in it too10:27
nsadminmaybe you should say something about what you want the result to be10:27
sanderj_Anyone know why I suddenly got lots of packages in /usr/bin in the state "cannot execute binary file" ?10:28
gladatorcodename-nos_, i have a playlist of files that are located on an http server on a network10:28
nsadminsanderj_: not without following you around for the last few days, recording everything you do10:28
m4r1o_Hello, chanel ubuntu ita ?10:30
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:31
sanderj_nsadmin, It suddenly happend.. and the executable /usr/bin/id still exists.. just not able to execute. it.. and it got +x rights.10:31
nsadminsanderj_: suddenly? what kinds of things had you done before?10:31
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
sanderj_nsadmin, the only thing I did.. was installing php4 from a dapper mirror.. into karmic.10:32
geekphreakphp4 ?10:32
nsadminoh, bad move.10:32
sanderj_Why's that?10:33
nsadminhow many packages did it actually install?10:33
sanderj_php4-cgi php4-cli php4-common php4-curl php4-dev php4-domxml php4-gd php4-imagick php4-imap php4-json php4-mcal php4-mcrypt php4-mhash php4-mysql php4-pear php4-xslt10:33
nsadminbecause whatever it did caused most of your executables to fail, rrendering your system unusable10:33
nsadminrestore from your backup10:33
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
sanderj_nsadmin, Do you have any idea how to get php4 working in karmic then?10:34
sanderj_nsadmin, are you sure that installing php4 did break my system?10:34
nsadminI would seriously consider completely wiping and reinstalling.10:35
nsadminbut before doing that, consider restoring from your backup10:35
nsadmindo you have a complete list of packages that it installed?10:36
AloneWolfwhere is lucyd chanal?10:36
nsadminI don't even think you can install packages10:36
geekphreakAloneWolf: #ubuntu+110:36
winXPuser#ubuntu+1 <-- Lucid10:36
Killswhats wrong my medai player keeps turning off by itslef10:37
winXPuserKills, which player?10:37
BrutusGodrickMy themes are gone. This is a fresh install. I have no idea what happened. Any help would be greatly appreciated. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9175744#post917574410:38
Killsboth the video player and rhytmxbox10:38
KillsThey just turn off from time to time10:38
winXPuserBrutusGodrick, does it happen with new user on the OS too?10:39
nsadminif this is a -remote-, that's seriously bad, and if it's a production remote you did a very serious nono10:39
BrutusGodrickwinXPuser, i will check10:39
geekphreaknsadmin: dont think he would do something like that on a production server10:40
nsadminwell let;s hope not... but observe that he did it at all rather than building the source of the thing he wanted10:40
KiiKtop / free -m show 800m of mem usaged, htop show only 100m... which one can i trust10:40
geekphreaknsadmin:  agreed10:40
nsadmindapper to karma, that's, hmm, defghijk 8 versions?10:41
manoharcan i delete all files from /tmp in ubuntu10:42
winXPuserYes? (not sure)10:42
BrutusGodricwinXPuser, yes, it does happen when i'm logged in under a new user10:43
nsadminmanohar, it's done on every boot anyway... some of that stuff is needed I would think10:43
winXPuserBrutusGodric, then this is problem during installation and I am out of ideas.10:43
BrutusGodricwinXPuser, it was fine for about 3 hours10:45
winXPuserBrutusGodric, what did you do in these 3 hours? Install something?10:45
manoharcan i delete everything from /tmp in ubuntu10:45
Killsthe video player keeps turning off10:46
erUSULmanohar: the system does that when you power it off10:46
winXPusermanohar, it is deleted on every reboot & some of this stuff is needed, so no?10:46
geekphreakKills: do you get any error messages?10:46
BrutusGodricwinXPuser, i watched tv shows and updated ubuntu10:46
toehio2why is my login from the commandline so slow?10:46
toehio2it takes about a minute to load.10:47
manoharerUSUL: my internet is slow. so thought to delete everything frm /tmp10:47
erUSULmanohar: why should that help with internet speed ?10:47
geekphreakmanohar:  your net has nothing to do with /tmp10:47
manohari donno10:47
geekphreakerUSUL: howdy bud :)10:48
erUSULgeekphreak: hi \o/10:48
Killsit just turns of10:48
manohargeelphreak: good afternoon ... hw  u? today10:48
Killslike rhythmbox10:48
geekphreakmanohar:  good thanks10:48
geekphreakKills:  does it happen with other accounts too or just this?10:48
* albondi is away: I'm busy10:49
Killsthere is jsut oe account10:49
manohargeelphreak: my upload shows more than download speed10:49
Killsjust one*10:49
k0alawhen is hte new version of xubuntu releasing?10:49
kipkills: What version of ubuntu are you running and what video player are you refering to?10:49
geekphreakmanohar: bsnl ?10:49
manohargeelphreak: nt able to open a single page10:50
KillsIm running 9.10 and the default video player and the default mp3 player10:50
Killsthey both turn off without notice10:50
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule10:50
manohargeelphreak: mtnl10:50
geekphreakmanohar: prob. call up the isp manohar  to ask , if everything is ok from there side, it has nothing to do with your /tmp though10:51
manohargeelphreak: mtnl wireless modem 256 Kbps. its speed should have been increased to 512 but has not increased yet.10:51
kipI'll probably update to Lucid once it's stable10:51
rumpsyhey manohar  :)10:51
k0alaOer, what do u suggest? should i stick with 9.10 atm?10:51
toehio2manohar: maybe you could restart your router/modem.10:51
manoharrumpsy: yup10:51
Killsubuntu 9.10 sux as it is now10:51
geekphreakKills:  can you try something for me?10:52
KillsIm having problems with it all over the palce10:52
nsadminwhy do you say that?10:52
Killsi can10:52
manohartoehio2: done that10:52
Oerk0ala, yes, i would wait 3 more days10:52
antonio__not hi, when i try to extrac using cpio i get "created: newer or same age version exists"10:52
winXPuser!ask | Kills10:52
ubottuKills: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:52
winXPuserAnd be specific.10:52
toehio2manohar: Oh, OK.10:52
rumpsymanohar: today i seen many indians here10:52
geekphreakKills: if it did work ok before and you did "nothing" , just create a test user, login from it try playing something there10:52
kip@k0ala: I just prefer to only run stable releases, I don't want an unstable distro reminding me of the windows boxes at school10:52
k0alaOer, i can wait,10:52
anodesnikip: use Debian10:53
k0alakip i am having a lot of troiuble since last weeek10:53
manoharrumpsy: i am in New Delhi right now but i am basically from Nepal10:53
k0alaanodesni, whats the diff? ubuntu is debian based aint it?10:53
kipI have a friend that showed Debian to me and I plan on installing it on my desktop10:53
winXPuserfady1981, ask in #freenode and no caps10:54
nsadminkip: ok, but debian support is in #debian10:54
anodesnik0ala: in debian everything works as it should. Never noticed: "this program does not respond. Force quit?" with ubuntu? You never get that kind of stuff with debian10:55
crazybazhey, can anybody help me, im installing beta1,2 and rc of 10.04 on my raid0, and after installation finished, first run begin restart in loop, help! =)10:55
Oerfady1981, ubuntu support is not 4 metasploit10:55
=== ubuntu is now known as Stpiere
kipbut I have ubuntu 9.10 with openbox on my laptop, so I like to hang out and pick up tech advice here10:55
k0alaanodesni, lol thats funny10:55
winXPuseranodesni, what is your Ubuntu question here?10:55
winXPuseranodesni, what is your Ubuntu question here? Ask it with as much details as you can.10:55
Oer!lucid | crazybaz10:55
ubottucrazybaz: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule10:55
fady1981sorry but i just ask why i cant see tha chat10:55
nsadminkip: and you're welcome to do that as it applies to your ubuntu installation(s)10:55
anodesnik0ala: however, debian is just old. Older than your grandpa10:56
winXPuserfady1981, #METASPLOIT?10:56
lalalolhi guys, i've got a question, when i play a music video with vlc, my cpu gets up to like 80% or so but my laptop doesn't blow out air, however, when i watch a youtube video or do anything other related to flash, it blows a lot of air though my cpu is only at 40% then10:56
Oerfady1981, maybe you need to register ?10:56
Stpiereneed help : my screen became smaller after changing screen resolution.any advice ?10:56
crazybazubottu: thanx10:56
k0alaanodesni,  i believe, old is though not diamond, gold10:56
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:56
geekphreakOer:  good point10:56
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:57
fady1981please sir can you tell me how can i register im new one in irc10:57
winXPuserfady1981, #METASPLOIT -there are 198 users on that channel, what's up, ask at #freenode please10:57
winXPuserfady1981, /msg nickserv help register , but ask at #freenode , offtopic here10:57
Oerthnx winXPuser :-D10:57
anodesniwinXPuser: my Ubuntu question is: Why are you using WinXP and still havent got a shiny blue screen?10:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
geekphreakwinXPuser: irony, x user helping in ubuntu room, :) gtsy :)10:58
Stpiereneed help: my screen beacme smaller after changing screen recolution - any advice ?10:58
fady1981thank you guys10:58
geekphreakStpiere: smaller as in?10:58
Bearmanwhere to ask for questions about 10.04?10:58
Bearmanask questions ..10:58
geekphreakBearman: #ubuntu+110:58
manoharthanx every one10:58
kip@Stpiere: Have you tried changing back to a high resolution?10:58
lalalolStpiere, go back to the dialog where you changed your res, and set it higher10:59
Killscreated a new user10:59
Stpiereby high resolution i have full screen - but at lower resolution it become smaller10:59
Killsand I cant none of my files on it and it has no sound10:59
anodesniStpiere: like black bars?10:59
Killscant find*10:59
lalalolStpiere, find something in between that suits10:59
Stpiereyes - black bars10:59
geekphreakKills:  logged into it , try laying something from that ?10:59
=== opakavic is now known as opakavic_rumpsy
Killstryed had no sound adn i cant access any video files from this user with that user11:00
lalalolhi guys, i've got a question, when i play a music video with vlc, my cpu gets up to like 80% or so but my laptop doesn't blow out air, however, when i watch a youtube video or do anything other related to flash, it blows a lot of air though my cpu is only at 40% then11:00
anodesniStpiere: what vga card? nvidia? ati?11:00
kip@geekphreak: It sounds like he set his resolution lower than the native resolution for his monitor.11:00
winXPuserStpiere, find a 'stretch' tickbox11:00
Stpiere VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 971011:00
geekphreakKills:  oh perm. issues11:00
geekphreakkip: ok thank you11:00
anodesniStpiere: did you install  proprietary drivers?11:01
Killsi made it administrator11:01
Killsbut cant find any of the files11:01
kip@geekphreak: no prob, I actually learn things doing tech support here.11:01
Stpierehow can u check if the driver is the good one ?11:01
nsadminthat was lspci?11:02
Stpiereyes - lspci11:02
nsadminok, show the same line only this time use lspci -nn11:02
geekphreakKills:  prob. cause all files are in home of other users and account is encrypted?11:02
BearmanIs it possible to unlock the panel with some text based command?11:03
anodesniStpiere: you can run System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Managers11:03
Stpiere VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Device [1002:9710]11:03
lalalolhi guys, i've got a question, when i play a music video with vlc, my cpu gets up to like 80% or so but my laptop doesn't blow out air, however, when i watch a youtube video or do anything other related to flash, it blows a lot of air though my cpu is only at 40% then11:03
anodesniStpiere: then amdcccle as root, see if you can fix it there.11:03
nsadmin, pciid [1002:9710]11:03
nsadminjudd, test11:03
Stpierei tried amdcccle too, but ist the same11:03
nsadminoh damn11:03
anodesniStpiere: maybe try logging out and in again11:04
Stpierehave already tried11:04
anodesniStpiere: start with a clean xorg, aticonfig --initial?11:04
Stpierewhats the command for that ?11:05
lalalol!help | lalalol11:05
ubottulalalol, please see my private message11:05
nsadminok, judd not here, can't look up pciids that way11:05
anodesniStpiere: may be you should first back up, go to /etc/X11/, mv xorg.conf xorg.conf_BAK, then "aticonfig --initial"11:06
nsadminsheesh no wonder11:06
Stpierethanks man11:06
Stpierethanks people11:06
Stpiereill try11:06
anodesniStpiere: it's not guaranteed11:07
anodesniStpiere: just a guess11:07
nsadminthis might help11:07
nsadmin[1002:9710] is 'RS880 [Radeon HD 4200]' from 'ATI Technologies Inc' with kernel module 'ati-agp' in lenny. See also http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/index.rhtmlx?check=1&lspci=1002:9710 http://wiki.debian.org/ATIProprietary and the out-of-tree 'fglrx' module.11:07
Stpierei know11:07
nsadminbut it's in debianese11:07
lalalolhi guys, i've got a question, when i play a music video with vlc, my cpu gets up to like 80% or so but my laptop doesn't blow out air, however, when i watch a youtube video or do anything other related to flash, it blows a lot of air though my cpu is only at 40% then11:07
lalaloldebianese! lmfao11:07
nsadminyou can look at the module names tho11:08
gundashello all i have been able to mount an external usb drive (formatted with mac os fs) and now I would like to share it as a samba share - is this possible?11:08
lalalolwhy is everyone ignoring me?11:10
nsadminno one knows the answer to your q?11:10
kipThe question sounds more like a hardware issue to me11:11
nicketnsadmin, what question?11:11
lalalolnicket, hi guys, i've got a question, when i play a music video with vlc, my cpu gets up to like 80% or so but my laptop doesn't blow out air, however, when i watch a youtube video or do anything other related to flash, it blows a lot of air though my cpu is only at 40% then11:11
Killsand the videos started lagging11:11
nsadminthat question!11:11
pranay_09hi i am under an authenticated proxy server , i did the username and password in the /etc/apt/apt.conf file as http://username:password@proxy:port but when i am trying to download anything i get the error as Authentication required11:11
pranay_09please help11:11
Oerlalalol cooling performance is hardware specific, can't say why one moment it does not blow, and other moment it blows with 40% load.11:12
pranay_09the browser (firefox) works fine though under same config11:12
lalalolOer, i'm quite sure the problem is related to flash11:12
lalalolOer, however, what's more worrying? a vlc video sucking up to 80% with no air, or 40% with air?11:13
=== ericm_ is now known as ericm|ubuntu
kiplalalol: It ounds like a hardware problem. You might have better luck with finding an answer by researching your BIOS and/or how the fans how controlled on the laptop.11:15
lalalolkip, ill try my bios, thx, however, i haven't witnessed this problem in the first 2y i had my laptop :S11:15
e3hclubuntu for skpe install11:16
e3hclubuntu for skpe install11:17
rwwubottu: tell e3hcl about skype11:17
ubottue3hcl, please see my private message11:17
kiplalalol: Without knowing your hardware that is the only idea I had, 10 minutes with google should at least give you a general idea of what is causing the problem11:17
pranay_09hi i am under an authenticated proxy server , i added the username and password in the /etc/apt/apt.conf file as http://username:password@proxy:port but when i am trying to download anything i get the error as Authentication required11:18
lalalolkip, i've tried google, i can't find a reason/fix11:18
kip@lalalol: I don't know how to fix it then. I'll be on in about 9 hours, I have to leave for class11:20
rshakinanyone know any programs for writing recognition under ubuntu11:24
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ronniehi all, I'm having a prob with my Logitech Cordless and the 10.04 RC... it doesn't get recognized at all... is this a known error?11:28
Oerronnie, for lucid join #ubuntu+111:29
vizzordhey guys ! does anybody know how to get current location where nautilus is browsing from command line ?11:30
vizzordi need it to avoid the bug because nautilus does not give to open terminal.. even with nautilus-open-term installed11:31
vizzordany suggestions for command line interface to nautilus please11:32
anodesnivizzord: Ctrl + l, Ctrl + c, Ctrl + v ?11:33
Oernautilus starts in your home folder, e.g. /home/vizzord/  ??11:33
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Guest65114hello i can't see java applets :(11:33
=== Guest65114 is now known as ubuntuu
ubuntuuhello i can't see java applets :(11:33
ubuntuuhello i can't see java applets :(11:34
anodesniubuntuu: hello i need to install java11:34
vizzordDer_Baer, i want to get a current location of the nautilus from command line11:34
psycho_oreosvizzord, lsof11:34
Oervizzord in terminal you could ask 'pwd' that will show you your current path11:34
Oerin nautilus you can see where you are11:34
bahaadoes any body know PingoS tipptrainer 0.6.0 I have a problem with that program11:35
ubuntuuhello i need shell account too11:35
ubuntuuhow can i get it11:35
vizzordDer, you didn't understood. I have to get the nautilus location from another command line11:35
vizzordanother shell11:35
vizzordbecause nautilus does not give me run a terminal11:35
ubuntuuanother shell !11:35
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:36
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vizzordkick this shitty bots11:36
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bahaahow can I make the page scroll in "PingoS Tipptrainer 0.6.0"11:37
vizzordpsycho_oreos, how to do it ?11:37
vizzordgrep is too slow for full output11:37
psycho_oreosvizzord, if grep is slow, use strace and then grep it11:38
ubantardshello i need a good shell account !11:38
ubantardsplz grab me one11:38
vizzordpsycho_oreos, nono , i want to get current location from bash for quick cd to it :))11:39
rwwubottu: ot | ubantards11:39
ubottuubantards: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:39
mayFlowerplease help me11:39
hyphenexI've got a problem with iptables :(.  root@vps17:~# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o venet0 -j MASQUERADE11:39
hyphenexiptables: No chain/target/match by that name.11:39
vizzordpsycho_oreos, maybe is any interface to gconf.. or how this regedit named ..11:39
psycho_oreosvizzord, to where nautilus was?11:39
vizzordpsycho_oreos,  where it browsing now11:40
bahaamayFlower: what is your problem?11:40
psycho_oreosvizzord, for nautilus right?11:40
mayFloweryou speack italian?11:40
psycho_oreos!it > mayFlower11:40
rwwubottu: it | mayFlower11:40
ubottumayFlower, please see my private message11:40
ubottumayFlower: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:40
anodesnivizzord: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-gnome-open-terminal-shell-prompt-here/11:40
bahaamayflower: no I don't speak italian:(11:40
psycho_oreosvizzord, its a simple question11:41
bahaahow to scroll in pingos tipptrainer ?11:42
vizzordpsycho_oreos,  oh ! it's exactly i want !!! thank you !!!11:42
psycho_oreosvizzord, hah? ok11:43
vizzordpsycho_oreos, i just tried to get its location to open terminal there :) now it's native :)11:44
vizzordthank you again11:44
xXedixXxAnyone here have a rt2860 wireless card?11:44
psycho_oreosvizzord, ok well I'm really confused but if that solved your problem, no worries11:44
anodesnipsycho_oreos: I think he read the website I gave him11:45
AnxiousNutdoes anyone knows how can i make 3d moving text in OpenShot just like in this movie does any one knows how can i make moves in 3d look in OpenShot just like in this movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh6yBqHpY10??11:46
vizzordanodesni, your website :)11:46
vizzordjust mixed nicknames , sorry11:46
anodesnivizzord: no problem, I'm glad it works11:46
OerAnxiousNut, ask in #openshot  ??11:47
AnxiousNutOer: none answered, so i was hoping on of you can help11:48
psycho_oreosanodesni, lol ahh well stuff happens11:48
maverick340is there a way to acess the LAN network while over wi-fi11:48
psycho_oreosmaverick340, not really, not without creating a bridge11:48
maverick340windows users in my university are able to do so (Win 7)11:48
maverick340Run and type \\<computer-name>11:49
maverick340was wondering if thats possible in Ubuntu too ?11:49
psycho_oreos\\computer-name is the use of samba/cifs shares11:49
maverick340true *11:50
maverick340so when i try smb://<computer-name> should it not work ?11:50
maverick340i enabled WINS too , even gave the WINS proxy address11:50
psycho_oreosI've never tried using wins and when I normally mount smb shares I use the command line I'm sure there's tools like Xsmb or whatever its called that may make it easier11:51
maverick340when i plug in he hardwire , it works smoothly11:52
maverick340the *11:52
n3u8hye guys, i can't run "juK" and suddenly kde crash handler appear..someone help me plz..11:54
bofh-foohello java can'tworking fine11:55
bofh-fooi can't see applet in websits11:55
maverick340what applets ?11:56
bofh-fooi install the java in my pc11:56
bofh-foobut at websites i can't see java applets11:56
erUSULbofh-foo: istalled the mozilla plugin ? sun-java6-plugin11:56
bofh-foo:[  where is get this plugin ?11:57
bofh-fooerUSUL you are right11:57
erUSULsudo aptitude intall sun-java6-plugin11:58
aprilharehello. i have a dual boot laptop which i recently upgraded from windows xp directly to windows 7. as such, i want to restore the MBR so I can go back to dual booting. how do I do this?11:58
erUSULaprilhare: ubuntu 9.10 ?11:59
aprilhareerUSUL, 10.04 beta 2+11:59
bofh-fooinstall grub again11:59
sanderj_nsadmin, Do you know how I can get php4 working in karmic?11:59
aprilharebofh-foo, thats fine - how do I do that from boot cd?12:00
anodesniaprilhare: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB12:00
n3u8bofh-foo: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:00
aprilharethanks will check out12:00
erUSUL!grub2 | aprilhare12:01
ubottuaprilhare: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:01
bofh-fooerror:erUSUL is not initialized12:01
erUSULaprilhare: further help in #ubuntu+112:02
bofh-foostill applet dosn't shows12:02
erUSULbofh-foo: do « about:plugins » in firefox url bar12:03
n3u8bofh-foo: already restart your browser?12:03
n3u8bofh-foo: or you may just install icedtea plugins12:04
* bofh-foo application/x-java-applet IcedTea class,jar Yes12:04
erUSULbofh-foo: then it should work ...12:04
mcl0vin_howdy folks12:06
tjgillies_24is there an ubuntu equivalent of winterm?12:06
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erUSULtjgillies_24: what is winterm ? what does it do ?12:06
ubottuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot12:06
mcl0vin_is there is any software/program that i can use to convert rm audio files to mp3?12:06
tjgillies_24erUSUL: its a hardwre dumb terminal that connects to a windows server12:07
erUSULtjgillies_24: serial? like hyperterminal ? or is a rdp client?12:08
tjgillies_24erUSUL: i think its VLAN12:08
Oertjgillies_24, you might want to see ubuntu classroom server, to boot PXE on your 'dumb terminal' ??12:09
mcl0vin_is there any ubuntu equivlent that i can use to convert rm audio files to mp3?12:09
psycho_oreosuse mencoder12:09
erUSULtjgillies_24: from what a get is a multiprotocol client. for connection g to windows server use tsclient or gnome-rdp12:10
mcl0vin_psycho_oreos: was that for me?12:10
tjgillies_24Oer: the terminal is embedded with a small version of windows hence winterm, thats why im asking if there is an ubuntu version12:10
psycho_oreosmcl0vin_, yes12:10
mcl0vin_psycho_oreos: thanks,12:11
Quietstormhello everyone12:11
* mcl0vin_ checking mencoder 12:11
pranay_09hi i am under an authenticated proxy server , i added the username and password in the /etc/apt/apt.conf file as http://username:password@proxy:port but when i am trying to download anything i get the error as Authentication required12:11
psycho_oreosmcl0vin_, in fact that's not really ubuntu specific, that tool works on all linux platforms more or less12:11
the-ermAnyone here know about wireless setup?  I have wlan0 showing up in iwconfig, but nothing in the network-manager applet for avaliable networks12:12
the-ermAny ideas?12:12
erUSULmcl0vin_: for file in *.rm; do ffmpeg -i "$file" "${file%.rm}.mp3"; done12:13
psycho_oreosthe-erm, it might be missing firmware12:14
ubuntu-usr_i'd like to adding cups to system-config-printer. is it possible?12:15
erUSULthe-erm: try "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan"12:15
the-ermerUSUL: thanks I'll tell him to run that.12:15
erUSULubuntu-usr_: system-config-printer already works with cups. what do you mean exactly12:15
the-ermI'm doing this crap 3rd party.12:15
Oerubuntu-usr_, cups should be installed allready ?12:15
the-ermer ... over the phone.12:15
the-ermWorst way to start a birthday ever.12:16
Dreginhi. How do I stop my screen from auto-locking in 10.04?12:16
ubuntu-usr_erUSUL, Oer, cups in adobe acrobat reader isn't absent12:16
jrib!lucid | Dregin12:16
ubottuDregin: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule12:16
dinosaurvskittenIs there a way to make aptitude/apt ask me before automatically adding a service to init.d? I just realised that I have a whole bunch of services running which I never explicitly asked for.12:16
jribdinosaurvskitten: no, it's assumed you want to run a service if you install it12:17
dinosaurvskittenjrib, that's...silly12:17
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mcl0vin_psycho_oreos: it say that it is included with mplayer, so can i jsut apt-get install mplay and use it from there ?12:17
Dreginjrib: cheers12:17
dinosaurvskittenjrib, a lot of those services were pulled in as pointless dependencies (apache for php, for example)12:17
sanderj_WHich deb mirror do I have to use to install 64bit packages?12:17
jribdinosaurvskitten: dependencies aren't pointless :)  If they are, it's a bug12:18
dinosaurvskittenjrib, why does php5 depend on apache then?12:18
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deufraidinosaurvskitten: have considered php-cli or something ?12:18
dinosaurvskittendeufrai, oh, I didn't know that existed, thanks :)12:18
ubuntu-usr_erUSUL, Oer, simply, i can't see cups in adobe acrobat reader12:18
jribdinosaurvskitten: are you sure it's not a recommends or suggests?12:18
psycho_oreosmcl0vin_, well that plus its deps to make full capability (well almost) of both mplayer/mencoder.. you might also want to try what erUSUL said in regards to using ffmpeg as it might come included12:19
dinosaurvskittenjrib, it explicitly depends on the apache module12:19
erUSULubuntu-usr_: you do not see any printer in acrobat ?12:19
Oerubuntu-usr_, go into cups with your browser ' localhost:631 ' and seeif your printer is added12:19
dinosaurvskittenjrib, php5-cli does the job though :)12:19
ubuntu-usr_erUSUL, Oer, maybe it's funny to print pdf but i neet that becuse i fill in the forms inside adobe reader12:19
jribdinosaurvskitten: I see12:19
erUSULpsycho_oreos: mcl0vin_ you have to install ffmpeg12:19
dinosaurvskittenI'd still rather have apt ask me before doing that kind of thing though12:19
Oerubuntu-usr not all PDF allow you to print.12:20
ubuntu-usr_erUSUL, Oer, no, i see only phisical printers without cups...12:20
jribdinosaurvskitten: it's not possible as far as I know.  I guess you could write a script to watch for writes to /etc/init.d/ if you really wanted to12:20
psycho_oreoserUSUL, ahh my bad, might as well install ffmpeg then as it may not have as many deps compared to mplayer/mencoder extra plugins, etc12:20
erUSULubuntu-usr_: you want to print to a remote printer that is served via cups ?12:20
ubuntu-usr_erUSUL, Oer, not really, i wantreprit pdf with filled out forms to pdf12:21
erUSULubuntu-usr_: you have to first add it to your system in System>Adnmin...>Printers12:21
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ubuntu-usr_erUSUL, it's done already12:21
ubuntu-usr_i can print pdf via cups but not in acrobat reader12:21
erUSULthen i dunno sorry; i do not use acrobat anymore12:23
mcl0vin_erUSUL: how do i check if i have ffmpeg?12:24
_GoRDoN_Hi. I've got a keyboard without numlock key and somehow disabled it so is there any command to get it back on without rebooting?12:24
erUSULmcl0vin_: sudo aptitude intall ffmpeg12:25
erUSULmcl0vin_: that will install it if it is not already12:25
erUSULmcl0vin_: for mp3 you need to install liblame0 too12:25
pranay_09hi i am under an authenticated proxy server , i added the username and password in the /etc/apt/apt.conf file as http://username:password@proxy:port but when i am trying to download anything i get the error as Authentication required12:25
ubuntu-usr_is some another to pdf printing software besides cups?12:25
Oer_GoRDoN_, maybe press it 1x ? if it does not work, buy new keyboard.12:25
pranay_09please help12:25
erUSULmcl0vin_: is libmp3lame012:26
sblommerswhat's going on pranay?12:26
mcl0vin_erUSUL: one last question, how do i capture the rm stream12:26
ubuntu-usr_another word is something like pdf creator for linux (besides cups)?12:27
ubuntu-usr_ok, it is. i found it at http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Archiving/Indexed-PDF-Creator-1071.shtml12:28
mcl0vin_erUSUL: i got this when i used aptitude "This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers."12:28
AdvoWorkim trying to install Ubuntu, and ive got throught to the bit about: Prepare partitions, none are listed though.. so when I press forward, it fails. Any ideas please?12:28
jribAdvoWork: make sure they aren't mounted12:29
mcl0vin_how do i capture rm or any audio stream in ubuntu please?12:30
whomeein what package does PHP:Serialization perl module include?12:30
erUSULmcl0vin_: use sudo12:30
mcl0vin_whomee: lspkg maybe12:30
erUSULmcl0vin_: i thought you have the rm files already12:31
Quietstormhello, I have a Canon Pixma iP2600 and having issues printing with it12:31
AdvoWorkjrib, how? its an old windows server, put the cd in and its booted into live, and im clicking Install Ubuntu12:31
mcl0vin_erUSUL: i have it in my windows box, but am not home12:31
mcl0vin_erUSUL: board at work , testing my mobile internet and ubuntu :)12:32
jribAdvoWork: open a terminal12:32
dekroningwhere can i enabled autologin ?12:32
dekroningi changed my password and it doesn't do "autologin" anymore12:32
AdvoWorkjrib, why would they be though?12:33
jribAdvoWork: first find out if they are12:33
mcl0vin_dekroning: auto login to NASA or where?12:33
dekroningmcl0vin_: sorry, autologin on my desktop (Xorg)12:33
dekroningmcl0vin_: i'm using XFCE window manager12:33
dekroningmcl0vin_: gdm12:33
AdvoWorkjrib, cant see them when doing "mount"12:34
jribAdvoWork: do they get listed with « sudo fdisk -l »?12:34
AdvoWorkjrib, sudo fdisk -l shows:  /dev/sda112:36
dekroningmcl0vin_: so i'm guessing it's autologin for GDM12:36
jribAdvoWork: well check for known issue in the release notes and bugs.ubuntu.com, otherwise use the alternate cd.  A couple of releases ago there was a bug where you couldn't see the partitions if they were mounted, but if that's not the case here then I'm not aware of other causes12:37
dekroningmcl0vin_: or if you do know more about auto login to NASA that's fine to12:39
Dr_WillisNasa? watching the shuttle land? :)12:40
dekroningDr_Willis: well mcl0vin_ seems to know something about NASA i don't know12:40
Oerdoes NASA uses ubuntu ?12:41
Dr_WillisOer:  i imagine somewhere.. some how they got some linux machines..12:41
mcl0vin_how do i capture rm or any audio stream in ubuntu please?12:42
Dr_Willismcl0vin_:  check out streamtuner/streamripper12:42
Oermcl0vin_, audacity is a good recording prog12:42
ubuntuhey all12:43
ubuntuSo I think I might be up the creek without a paddle..just hoping I'm not :(12:43
joyGreat zone12:43
ubuntuI was in the process of upgrading from 8.04 to (9.04 methinks it was) and the computer crashed (power issue)...12:44
adelcampohow do I find out what code a certain key sends to assign a binding?12:44
ubuntuI tried to turn the laptop back on and it looked all good...got to the point where you can put in your user name and password, but then it hangs after that...12:44
dekroningmcl0vin_: video/audio stream via NASA or where ?12:44
ubuntusince I'm a noobuntu :) I don't know what to do12:45
joyjust do it12:46
joynothing can stop us12:46
Dr_Willisubuntu:  You might want to use a live cd, and get in and copy all your imporntant data  somewher. its very possible you may have to do a reinstall.12:47
Dr_WillisPower failure during a upgrade.. can be bad.. very bad.12:47
=== Mjwalker is now known as e3hcl
ubuntuthis is NOT cool12:47
Faranw00t 3 more days! is 10.04 a big upgrade?12:47
e3hclubuntu for skype install12:47
mcl0vin_i don't see streamripper/tuner in synatpic!12:47
Dr_Willisubuntu: possible fix.. use live cd, chroot into installed systel.  do an apt-get update, and upgrade.. and hope it works12:48
IdleOneFaran: Please /join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.12:48
hdtdianyone who knows if i can install ubuntu on my phone - htc g1 ?12:48
e3hclskype for ubuntu install     ...............12:48
erUSULhdtdi: you can't12:48
Dr_Willismcl0vin_:  look for 'streamtuner' ?12:48
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga12:48
ubuntudr_willis: can you explain how to do this?12:48
Dr_Willismcl0vin_:  look for 'streamripper' ?12:48
e3hclrww ubuntu for skype isdnestall12:48
hdtdierUSUL thanks12:48
Oerubottu: tell e3hcl about skype12:48
ubottue3hcl, please see my private message12:49
ubuntudr_willis: I'm using 8.10 live cd right now, the system was 8.0412:49
Dr_Willisubuntu:  its not hard.. but its not trivial. and you will need to know some command line basics.,  you Do have a live cd?12:49
pirxhas anyone tried running Lucid in VirtualBox? it seems to hang right at the beginning when it is switching screen from that first purple screen12:49
ubuntuI'm on the live cd now12:49
Dr_Willisubuntu:  and even then. it may NOT fix it.12:49
erUSULpirx: #ubuntu+112:49
aarI got several directories with a couple thousand PDF files. Some (not all) of the files start with the string ", ". I would like to recursively add the expression "N. A." to the files that start with ", ". What sed command should I use? This is what I've got so far: find . -iname '*pdf' -type f -exec sed -i -e 'sed_command' '{}';12:49
eraggoabout ekiga... Can i make calls to skype owners?12:49
ubuntuwhat else do I have to lose dr_willis:? nothing :D12:50
maverick340eh for some reason when i double click the install RC, nothing happens12:50
ubuntuexcept for skype, thunderbird, pics, movies, music12:50
mcl0vin_Dr_Willis: aha i found the ripper but not the tuner, also why use the '?12:50
erUSULaar: you want to sed a pdf file ?12:51
maverick340is there a way i can run the installer from command line ?12:51
om26ermaverick340, ubiquity12:51
om26er!hi | e3a1812:52
ubottue3a18: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:52
maverick340cant even move my mouse in 10.04 RC live cd12:52
icerootmaverick340: #ubuntu+112:52
maverick340damn forgot , sorry iceroot12:53
aarerUSUL, yes -- many hundreds of them recursively.12:53
erUSULaar: pdf are not plain text ... but anyway the command will apply to all pdf file not only ones that begin with ,12:54
erUSULaar: find . -iname '*pdf' -type f -exec sed -i -e 'sed_command' '{}';12:54
k0alais there a way to clean up my file system, of unnecessary/unused  folders of previous applications?12:54
erUSULaar: find . -iname ',*.pdf' -type f -exec sed -i -e 'sed_command' '{}' \;12:54
kleHi room12:55
=== James is now known as Guest73581
aarerUSUL, Where it says sed command, what should I use to add "N. A. " to the start of the file names that are currently starting with ", "?12:55
klehad a question regarding sleep/suspend in karmic koala, with a HP pavillion dv500012:56
erUSULaar: so you want to sed the *filenames* no the pdf files itself ....12:56
KentrelHey guys, are there any power saving disadvantages to using a realtime or low latency kernel? Does the fact that the clock is ticking at 1000 times a second rather than 250 decrease the life of the CPU at all?12:56
erUSULaar: that's what i was askin12:56
klewhom might i direct it to?12:56
erUSULaar: that's what i was asking12:56
aarerUSUL, yes, sorry. Not the text inside the PDFs, but the file name itself.12:56
erUSULaar: if you want to change the nems of the files the command i totally wrong12:56
erUSULaar: if you want to change the nems of the files the command is totally wrong12:56
aarerUSUL, what should I use instead?12:57
kyubutsuk0ala: there are 4 things you can try to that end, system>administration>computer janitor is one12:57
aar!hi | titichapo12:57
ubottutitichapo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:57
k0alakyubutsu, did that12:57
aar!hi | Kartagis12:57
ubottuKartagis: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:58
jribaar, erUSUL: I'd suggest « rename »12:58
k0alakyubutsu, but it will clear only unwanted packages not the folders on the file system12:58
kyubutsuk0ala: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean   is next couple12:58
k0alakyubutsu, autoremove is essentially what janitor does12:58
aarjrib, something like thsi? find . -iname '*pdf' -type f -exec rename 'rename_command '{}' \;12:59
ubuntudr_willis: Do you mind helping run me threw the process to try to get my ubuntu back?12:59
titichapohello aar12:59
kyubutsuk0ala: yes, unfortunately most programs tend to leave garbage [old config files] in your /home in hidden folders so those you need remove manually12:59
kleHi all! Have a question regarding sleep/suspend in karmic koala, with a HP pavillion dv5000, whom may I direct it to?12:59
jribaar: more like: rename 'regular expression' **/*.pdf12:59
aar!ask | kle13:00
ubottukle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:00
KartagisI've copied my disk to a larger disk, edited /boot/grub/menu.lst and /etc/fstab, and I get general error mounting filesystems. is there anything else I should edit?13:00
IdleOnekle: to the entire channel and if someone knows they will help13:00
aarjrib, would that be recursive?13:00
kleThnx ubottu13:00
Dr_Willisubuntu:  i got a doctors apointment in a little bit. and even tehn it Might not work. basically mount your  installed ssystem some where (ie /media/HOPE)  then 'sudo chroot HOPE'  then try a sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:00
kunalcan anyone help me out with a problem in python I am having?13:00
klethnx IdleOne13:00
ubuntuthanks anyways, I'll ask around in here for people to help explain13:00
ubuntuthanks again13:00
jribaar: as long as globstar is set in bash, yes13:01
Dr_Willisubuntu:  personally  Id backup your imporntant stuff   and install 10.04 at this time. :)13:01
ubuntuany experienced ubuntu users want to help run me threw this?13:01
kunalI have a set of tokens, which are stored in a list. I want to program in such a way which will help me to find out invalid tokens?13:01
Dr_Willisubuntu:  if you had  your HOME on its own partition, you could just reinstall and keep /home/ safe13:01
ubuntuhaha imPORNtant...13:01
ychouchacan u have a ubuntu fr ?13:01
aarjrib, I'll give it a shot, thanks13:01
ubuntunot sure if its on its own part13:01
ychouchaa french channel for ubuntu ?13:02
titichapoychoucha: tu cherches quoi?13:02
Pici!fr | ychoucha13:02
ubottuychoucha: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois13:02
Kartagis!fr | ychoucha13:02
ubuntumethinks it is13:02
peturiHi. My computer gets extremely sluggish and unresponsive every few hours or so.. and it stays like that for 10-20 minutes. It's like this right, according to "top" (as root), nothing is eating up the cpu nbut the cpu load is extremely high. I suspect the kernel or one of it's modules is doing something bad... how can i further identify which module\part of the kernel is causing the problem?13:02
titichapoychoucha: c koi ton pb?13:02
ychouchatitichapo, un petiti probléme de configuration avec apache sur unt ubuntu serv 9.1013:02
IdleOne!fr | titichapo ychoucha13:02
ubottutitichapo ychoucha: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois13:03
ubuntuman this stinks!13:03
titichapoychoucha: private. this channel is in english, we don't have to perturb discussions in english, come in private, i'll try to help you ;)13:03
kleThe laptop is fairly old, it runs on an amd sempron mobile, 1 gig Ram, ATI radeon XPRESS 200M 5955. It does suspend correctly, but when I try to resume I hangs with a black screen. The fan is on. The Hdd light blinks once or twice and that's it. Anyone has any clues as to how to proceed?13:03
KartagisI've copied my disk to a larger disk, edited /boot/grub/menu.lst and /etc/fstab, and I get general error mounting filesystems. is there anything else I should edit?13:03
erUSULaar: find . -iname ',*.pdf' -type f -execdir  sh -c 'mv "$1" "${1/,/N.A.}" ' '{}' \; or with prename « prename 's/^\,/N.A./' **/*.pdf »13:04
erUSULaar: both totally untested ... or not quite :)13:04
ubuntuanyone have a few minutes to run me threw fixing this huge problem?13:04
jribubuntu: just ask the question/state the problem and find out13:05
erUSULKartagis: how did you copied the disk ?13:05
ubuntuwell I was doing an upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 and the power went out..13:05
KartagiserUSUL: with a utility we own, it's called paragon13:05
erUSULaar: ouch the find one is wrong --> find . -iname ',*.pdf' -type f -execdir  sh -c 'mv "$1" "${1/,/N.A.}" ' _ '{}' \;13:05
Dr_Willisubuntu:  the basics was those 4 commands or so i gave you :) start ith figuring out where your installed system is mounted to.13:05
rwwubottu: pm | kunal13:06
ubottukunal: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:06
mcl0vin_anyone here uses irrsi , i am trying to figure out how do i ignore all the msgs like someone logged in , someone left the channel etc13:06
rwwkunal: additionally, repeatedly CTCPing people is rude and you should not.13:06
jrib!quietirssi | mcl0vin_13:06
ubottumcl0vin_: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS13:06
erUSULKartagis: checked the disks/partitions ? fsck13:06
Dr_Willismcl0vin_:  totally depends on the irc client.13:06
ubuntudr_willis: I'm looking at the 115gig hd now..13:06
KartagiserUSUL: let me try13:06
Dr_Willisubuntu:  so its mount point is what? (see the mount command output)13:06
aarerUSUL, thanks! I'll experiment with those two.13:06
ubuntudr_willis: do I have to do that in term? remember I am a noobuntu :d13:07
* mcl0vin_ peeho thanks mate jrib 13:07
erUSULKartagis: i take that when you edited both fstab and menu.lst you checked the uuids of all the paritions (that have surely changed)13:07
Dr_Willisubuntu:  you may want to go read a few bash/terminal guides then.. these are ALL terminal commands13:07
Dr_Willis!terminal | ubuntu13:07
ubottuubuntu: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:07
ubuntusorry to be rude but I don't have time to read some guides...I'm just hoping there would be someone who could run me threw this slight problem13:08
Dr_Willisubuntu:  and all this might still not work. So for starters LOOK at the output of the 'mount' command in a terminal13:08
kleThe laptop is fairly old, it runs on an amd sempron mobile, 1 gig Ram, ATI radeon XPRESS 200M 5955. It does suspend correctly, but when I try to resume I hangs with a black screen. The fan is on. The Hdd light blinks once or twice and that's it. Anyone has any clues as to how to proceed?13:08
kleanyone help?13:08
KartagiserUSUL: I replaced all UUIDs with the actual devices ie. /dev/sda113:08
ubuntuso just type mount dr_willis:?13:09
Dr_Willisubuntu: 'mount' yes... bash basics.13:09
erUSULKartagis: ok13:09
kunaloh sorry about that, did not know that, so the qs is: tokens are like: COMMENT:ENDCOMMENT,TERM:ENDTERM,ETC.How do i separate here the invalid tokens if they are provided so by an user?13:09
erUSULKartagis: dunno if that still works in ubuntu but it should13:09
ubuntuis there a way to auto pastebin stuff?13:09
KartagiserUSUL: now I get "General error mounting filesystems13:09
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit13:09
erUSULubuntu: but you have to pass -b http://paste.ubuntu.com to it13:10
erUSULubuntu: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com13:10
kunalhow do i join a channel?13:10
erUSULkunal: /join #channelname13:10
ubuntuanyhow, here is my mount results13:10
Kartagisubuntu: beware that it pastebinit doesn't currently work on http://pastebin.com because things have changed on pastebin.com13:11
Dr_Willisubuntu:  so look in the various /media/ directories and see where your installed system is at.13:11
Dr_Willisubuntu:  my guess it its at /media/disk13:11
KartagiserUSUL: do I have any other choice but do a clean reinstall?13:12
erUSULKartagis: the fsck's did not revealed any errors ?13:12
claXclean in in washing machine13:12
ubuntumedia is all the way in root, right?13:12
Dr_Willis ubuntu  the full path is /media/ so yes. / = root. you an type in that path in the file browser address bar if you wanted to13:13
KartagiserUSUL: I didn't get "Filesystem broken" or anything like that, do I still need to run that?13:13
Dr_Willisubuntu:  or use the terminal. --> 'ls /media/disk'13:13
ubuntuok I'm in media/disk right now13:15
erUSULKartagis: i would boot into a livecd and see if i can mount the filesystems andcheck them with fsck13:15
ActionParsnipyo yo yo13:16
AdvoWorkstill having problems installing ubuntu, wont show any partitions so can't go forward13:16
Dr_Willisubuntu:  if its the right place you should see a lot of dirs like 'etc' 'bin' sbin and home..  look in 'home' and see if your users files are in there13:16
jribAdvoWork: even on the alternate cd?13:16
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded? did you run the cd verifier?13:16
ubuntudr_willis: yeah, its the right spot...when I go in home, I have my "mylisto" directory...with a ton of my files in it13:17
ActionParsnipubuntu: you can tab complete nicks ;)13:17
Dr_Willisubuntu:  and you seriously may want to consider backing up that to some place - incase you  need to do a reinstall.13:17
ubuntuthats why I got my 500 gig hd (well more like 90 gigs...deleting stuff :D13:18
theadminHow can one disable system shutdown?13:18
Dr_Willisubuntu:  given that your isntalled system is at '/media/disk' you want to do a 'sudo chroot /media/disk' (i think thats proper)13:18
ubuntushould I back up everything before I do the rest of this ?13:18
Dr_Willisubuntu:  you should ALWAYS have backups.13:19
ubuntuwhat is chroot - change root?13:19
theadminubuntu: change root directory13:19
Dr_Willis chroot - run command or interactive shell with special root directory13:19
AboHi All, I need help with a "No UPnP backend" error, followed by a can't login error. I've check mysql.txt and my.cnf. I have checked the logs: Mysql error log I don't understand (http://pastebin.com/vGFvCwTq), mythbackend.log "can't read mysql.txt" mysql is fine IP the same as on mythtv-setup, same as ifconfig ouput (trying to post my backend log on paste bin.13:19
Dr_Willisfor detailed info -->               info coreutils 'chroot invocation'13:19
theadminDr_Willis: what's the problem with a simple "man chroot"?13:22
AdvoWorkActionParsnip, ive used the cd before to install ubuntu, and im just trying an older version now 8,0413:22
Dr_Willistheadmin:  the man pages say    for detailed info see the info pages.. :)13:23
ubuntuman this stinks...just deleted like 5 dvds of trailer park boys :(13:23
theadminDr_Willis: lol :D13:23
Dr_Willistheadmin:  i see that a lot with some programs. :)13:23
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: then i'd try disabling pointless hardware in bios for the duration of the install (sound, lan etc) and/or try some boot options13:23
theadminDr_Willis: Yeah, with GNU ones especially :/13:23
Dr_Willistheadmin:  'coreutils' yep.13:24
erkan^on 29th April come Ubuntu 10.04 ?13:24
Dr_Williscommand -H --> -H not valid  Try --help for help. :)13:24
Dr_Williserkan^:  thats the theory.13:24
icerooterkan^: #ubuntu+113:24
Dr_WillisIt remains tobe proven. :)13:25
ubuntudr_willis: I'm about to back everything up...should I just do the home directory?  What about other stuff (proggies, etc)13:25
Dr_Willisubuntu:  you are thinking in windows terms. You can reinstall the programs from teh package manager rather easially13:25
ubuntuyeah, just gonna be a problem when I can't remember what to back up :D13:25
Dr_Willisubuntu:  i tend to backup my home, and a few files i edit by hand normally in /etc/13:26
theadminubuntu: me also tends to write a script for installing packages i need13:27
Kartagishello again13:27
ubuntuI rarely ever edit files...13:27
Dr_Willistheadmin:  yep :) but i find i end up installing stuff i rarely ever use over and over.13:27
Dr_Willisubuntu:  so what Do you do exactly?13:27
ubuntudr_willis: is there some kind of term command that can output a list of what programs you have running?13:27
theadminDr_Willis: Well, mine basically has VLC and Pidgin :D13:27
ubuntuer what programs you have on the computer13:27
theadminubuntu: dpkg -l | less13:28
mcl0vin_'for file in *.rm;do ffmpeg -i "$file" "${file%.rm}.mp3";done' returns error "Unsupported codec for output stream #0.0"13:28
theadminubuntu: but it's gonna be huge13:28
ubuntuwhat do I do? try to avoid using windows and osx :D13:28
KartagiserUSUL: I am on LiveCD now. I tried fsck.reiserfs /dev/sda1 and I got Failed to open the device '/dev/sda1': Permission denied13:28
* mcl0vin_ sudo13:28
Dr_Willisubuntu:  'running' is not the same as 'installed'   If you cant rember what you installed.. i have to wonder if you needed them installed. :)13:28
Dr_Willis!clond | ubuntu13:28
Dr_Willis!clone | ubuntu13:28
ubottuubuntu: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:28
Dr_Willisubuntu:  chroot into your system and use the command -->>>   aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages13:29
erUSULKartagis: use sudo13:29
erUSULKartagis: is reiserfs ?13:29
ubuntuso chroot /media/disk then run that term command?13:29
KartagiserUSUL: yes13:29
Dr_Willisubuntu:  yes.13:30
mcl0vin_erUSUL: 'for file in *.rm;do ffmpeg -i "$file" "${file%.rm}.mp3";done' returns error "Unsupported codec for output stream #0.0"13:30
Dr_Willisubuntu:  chroot into your system and use the command -->>>   aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > my-packages13:30
erUSULmcl0vin_: yo installed lame ?13:30
erUSULmcl0vin_: you installed lame ?13:30
Dr_Willisubuntu:  withiut the ~/ will make the file it saves go to whever you are at in the shell at the time.13:30
Dr_Willisubuntu:  it will make a file that lists all teh isntalled packages you have.13:31
mcl0vin_erUSUL: just libmp3lame013:31
ubuntudpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:31
bahaahow to find replies to your questions in xchat?13:31
Dr_Willisubuntu:  IF you do that command.. it MIGHT fix the system13:32
theadminbahaa: try searching for your name with a colon in logs, dunno13:32
theadminbahaa: kind of a like "bahaa:"13:32
Dr_Willisubuntu:  'sudo dpkg --configure -a'13:32
ubuntujust did that13:32
erUSULmcl0vin_: try with a single file « ffmpeg -i filename.rm filename.mp3 »13:32
bahaatheadmin: you mean just type ("bahaa:")?13:32
Dr_Willisubuntu:   if  it completes ok. You might want to try rebooting and see if it boots up properly then.13:33
bahaatheadmin: I want to search now I mean online13:33
theadminbahaa: I mean, search for it in logs... That's usually how people mark replies, no? :D I never used xchat13:33
theadminbahaa: Uh, online? see http://irclogs.ubuntu.com13:33
KartagiserUSUL: fsck didn't find any corruptions on /dev/sda113:34
bahaatheadmin: well another Idea is to copy the whole text and search for my name:) (did you mean this way?)13:34
mcl0vin_erUSUL: samething13:34
theadminbahaa: Yeah :D13:34
ubuntuoh my god, almost posted a ton of output..gotta pastebin it :D13:34
bahaatheadmin: thanks :D13:34
aldacalamhey guys, did you even asked for you this question : "what was the exactly date and time of my installation?" This is useful when you want to show that your Systems are fine for a long time no?13:34
ubuntudr_willis: this is what has been outputed thus far13:34
bahaatheadmin: well then how do you mark the whole text :(13:35
erUSULmcl0vin_: ldd $(which ffmpeg) | grep mp313:35
theadminbahaa: Ctrl+A usually.13:35
KartagiserUSUL: fsck didn't find any corruptions on /dev/sda1. now what?13:35
ubuntumaybe its just me, but the permission denied's don't look good13:35
vadmesteHi. My system was interrupted when ubuntu is upgrading to 9.10. So I can't no more boot my system unless I pass init=/bin/bash to my kernel. Which is the command to continue my upgrade process ?13:35
bahaatheadmin: I tried that; it doesn't work :(13:35
theadminI know the exact date of my install :D It's the same day when RC was out whatever that was :D13:35
Dr_Willisubuntu:  let it run.. and when its done.. try rebooting. You may want to finish your backups first. or not.. :013:35
ubuntuno doing my backups now :D13:35
whomeewhere does usb webcams usually resident? aint it like /dev/video0 and so on?13:36
ubuntuif this works, I am getting a new laptop battery ASAP13:36
Dr_Willisvadmeste:  perhaps -> 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'13:36
Dr_Willisvadmeste:  or a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade'13:36
ubuntuhaha, looks like the upgrade bug is happen' tonight13:36
Kartagiswhat the heck I'll just do a re-install on the 29th13:36
Dr_WillisKartagis:  i plan on doing a reinstall on the 28th :)  then hideing in a cave for a week.13:37
erUSULmcl0vin_: are you sure you installed the lame lib ? it shuld output something like libmp3lame.so.0 => /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.0 (0x00007faa1f755000)13:37
theadminDr_Willis: 28th, not 29th? :o13:37
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: will  have a new pc by then so wil be fresh installing :)13:37
bahaatheadmin: you are not the admin, right?; cause when you talk to me it gaves your text in red :D13:37
Dr_Willistheadmin:  :)  i always update/upgrade the day befor.. then wait for the storm!13:38
theadminbahaa: I'm no admin :D13:38
theadminDr_Willis: looool13:38
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: getting me some nvidia ion loving, first new pc i've bout in about 15 years :D:D13:38
mcl0vin_erUSUL: i did from synaptic13:38
bahaatheadmin: really funny :D13:38
ubuntuProcessing was halted because there were too many errors.13:38
bahaanice new smily :E13:38
theadminDr_Willis: It's kind of a weird idea :D13:38
bahaawhat teath(sorry for the offtopic)13:38
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  saw a  NETTop destop-netbook  for $200 this weekend.. i almost grabbed it. I think it had an ION13:38
erUSULmcl0vin_: install the lame package too not only the lib13:39
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: sounds like the one i'm after, looks sweet and the reviews say Ubuntu just drops onto it nice13:39
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  if i had bought it.. the wife would of just stole it from me anyway.. so i dident buy it13:39
ubuntudr_willis: so what do you tink my next best bet is?13:40
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: haha well i'm due my ulift on my wage so new tattoo and new pc for me :)13:40
Dr_Willisubuntu:  backup. install 10.0413:40
Dr_Willisubuntu:  of curse the time it will take tod o the backups.. will  proberly be a while13:40
mcl0vin_erUSUL: and i did aptitude inatall lame13:40
marvsiema "D13:41
ubuntuman this really really really stinks bad13:41
marvyo guys :D13:41
bahaahi marv :)13:41
Dr_Willisubuntu:  im still trying to figure out how you had a power failure on a laptop... :)13:42
Smasherahello all :)13:42
ubuntupower supply?13:42
ubuntujust turned off on me13:42
ubuntuI tried doing the sudo apt-get update and got this "sudo apt-get update"13:42
ubuntu Could not set non-blocking flag Bad file descriptor13:42
mcl0vin_erUSUL: am i doing it wrong13:43
erUSULmcl0vin_: i dunno what's wrong it works here ( ogg to mp3 )13:44
ActionParsnipubuntu: Dr_Willis: http://michael-prokop.at/blog/2007/10/27/could-not-set-non-blocking-flag/13:44
ActionParsnipmcl0vin_: erUSUL: converting from a lossy format to another lossy format wil affect quality13:45
mcl0vin_rm to mp313:45
fengfanUbuntu server 9.10 supported the HP laserjet 5100 printer?13:45
darksidercould someone please help me get Ogre3D installed? i was up all night last night trying to get it to work- i tried installing with the .DEB / compiling from source & even using someone install bash script13:45
whileimhereHi. I have an eee pc with Ubuntu 9.04 installed on it. The network manager for wireless keeps dropping the connection and I have to re-boot the machine to get it to reconnect. does anyone know about this issue at all?13:45
fengfanwho can tell me?please.13:45
ubuntuactionparsnip: what does that site mean?13:46
erUSULfengfan: hp are well supported in linux13:46
ubuntubasically long story short...tried to upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 - laptop died...and now I'm *trying* to recover it13:46
bahaaany nice light games for ubuntu?13:46
nmobixanyone here familiar here with sleep/resume problems??13:47
ubuntudr_willis: suggested that I chroot into /media/disk/ and try to run a few commands13:47
=== carlos is now known as car|0s
ActionParsnipubuntu: the chroot needs reforming or somesuch13:48
bahaanmobix: I had a problem that it didn't resume after sleep so I disabled sleep13:48
mcl0vin_is there a cli i can use to > stdout to pastebin13:48
nmobix:( bahaa13:48
ubuntuactionparsnip: reformating how?13:48
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit13:48
bahaanmobix: really what do you want sleep for?13:48
MySrvis there any flirting channel on ubuntu13:48
ActionParsnipubuntu: reforming, read what i type not what you think i type :D13:49
ActionParsnip!ot | MySrv13:49
ubottuMySrv: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:49
ubuntuok :D13:49
ubuntuso is there no way for me to tackle this?13:49
=== MySrv is now known as Srk
* mcl0vin_ did i mention how much i love ubuntu13:49
=== MySrv is now known as Srv
=== Srv is now known as Srv21
nmobixso there really is nothing to be done for the sleep/resume option in ubuntu than?13:53
aetrsome one knows something of QEMU?13:54
aetrsome one knows something of QEMU?13:54
aetrsome one knows something of QEMU?13:54
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo13:54
triptecis there another xorg package that doesn't require 90mb of drivers I wont use?'13:55
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo13:55
lenin_quem trabalha com loja de informatica13:55
bazhang!qemu | aetr13:56
ubottuaetr: qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo13:56
aetrYES I KNOW13:56
bazhangaetr, no caps13:56
aetrBUT I SUPPOSE THAT I HAVE installed13:56
aetron my sistem13:56
ActionParsnip!caps  | aetr13:56
ubottuaetr: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:56
marienzaetr: please ask your actual question, and don't repeat an unanswerable one quite this often.13:56
aetrbut i cant read it13:57
aetri dont know what is is a program has icon13:57
bazhangaetr, please give some details, all on one line13:57
aetrare you a bot ?13:57
erUSULaetr: there is no point on using qemu nowdays when virtualbox or kvm is aviable13:57
aetror an human?13:57
aetrbut qemu can install windows xp on my system without use cd rom13:57
aetrthat is exactly what i need13:58
ActionParsnipaetr: i suggest you read man qemu13:58
aetrsomeone that can help me?13:58
erUSULaetr: so can virtualbox13:58
ActionParsnipaetr: afair it doesnt have an icon13:58
aetrvirtual box cant install13:58
ActionParsnipaetr: i suggest you use virtualbox, it has pretty guis for stuff13:58
bazhangaetr, please dont use the enter key as punctuation13:58
aetri can install with coomands?13:58
nmobixk, so this is becoming quite moot, but ne1 here knows anything abt fixing sleep/resume problems on laptops with ubuntu?13:58
aetryes surely virtual box can install windows xp on  my hard drive or only make a simulation?13:59
aetrvirtual box detect hard drive to install are you sure?13:59
marienznmobix: I think there's a page on the wiki with debugging hints.13:59
=== jack_gone is now known as jack__
erUSULnmobix: "fixing sleep/resume problems" can be anything; care to be more precise ?13:59
nmobixis there an advanced #ubuntu channel??13:59
erUSUL!details | nmobix13:59
ubottunmobix: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:59
ubuntuactionparsnip: can you help me to get passed that one error?13:59
nmobixuname -a = "Linux tux-hp 2.6.31-20-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 05:23:09 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux"14:00
aetrvirtual box qemu are the same?14:00
nmobixwhen trying to sleep14:00
nmobixit goes to sleep correctly, after that, when resuming it hangs with a black screen14:00
=== Nijverheid is now known as Guest48970
ActionParsnipaetr: no, they both achieve the same goal just doing it a different way14:01
nmobixcat /proc/cpuinfo = "  processor: 0 vendor_id: AuthenticAMD cpu family: 15 model: 44 model name: Mobile AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 3300+ stepping: 2"14:01
aetrok i will try14:01
ActionParsnipnmobix: i have a 3000+ of the same :)14:01
aetrActionParsnip,  thanks14:01
aetrwhere are you from?14:01
nmobix lspci | grep VGA="01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE)"14:01
pure_hatesomeone has never heard of pastebin14:02
nmobixit's quite old ActionParsnip14:02
ActionParsnipaetr: why is that important, this is a support channel14:02
ActionParsnipnmobix: runs brilliantly here14:02
erUSULnmobix: what drivers are you using for the graphic card ? do you see something in the kernel log ? /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog ?14:02
ubuntuargh, ok I am getting "Could not set non-blocking flag Bad file descriptor " when I try to sudo apt-get update14:02
Oernmobix brand / type laptop ?14:02
aetrok no problem was just a friendly question14:02
ubuntuI'm trying to figure out hwo to make this work14:02
nmobixbut it works very robustly, I simply need the sleep option, because my battery is very old14:02
aetri make that question if you can answer it answer if you dont wanna or cant just dont worry14:03
ActionParsnipaetr: sorry dude, pure suport here only :)14:03
aetrno problem14:03
bazhangaetr, chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic14:03
aetrim from Argentina nice to meet you14:03
aetrok guyys hahaha14:03
nmobixit is HP Pavilion dv500014:03
nmobixand last I checked it is using the Radeon driver14:04
aetrcan i do a joke here?14:04
nmobix[drm] Initialized radeon 1.31.0 20080528 for 0000:01:05.0 on minor 014:04
bazhangaetr, #ubuntu-offtopic14:04
aetrtake it and put on garbage hahaha14:04
aishaahi all , im getting a netbook that my friend broke and i had to pay for (long story) and its screen is broken thats about it so i was wondering what i should do with it, i was thinking like using a test computer (test hacks on) or virtual machine or storage. any thing you can think will help im on ubuntu btw14:04
aetrok i will left14:04
nmobixhm i thought this channel was supposed to be for grownups that have an interest on ubuntu aetr14:05
ubuntuaishaa: target practice? ;)14:05
aetri know14:05
nmobixerUSUL, any thing particular I have to look at ?14:05
aishaawhytarget practice? ubuntu?14:06
=== aetr is now known as Aetr
ubuntuits a joke14:06
erUSULnmobix: last thing  before/after sleep? anything that looks like error14:06
Aetrwhat is a joke?14:06
ubuntucan anyone please help me?14:06
Aetrgotta change the circuit m314:06
ubuntuargh, ok I am getting "Could not set non-blocking flag Bad file descriptor " when I try to sudo apt-get update - trying to recover a crash during upgrading from 8.04 to 9.04...14:07
nmobixerUSUL: where do I look for it ( i mean in which log)?14:07
Aetrgo to japan electronic store14:07
Aetrand buy a circuit m314:07
bazhangAetr, stop please14:07
Aetrhaha ok14:07
darksidersomeone please help me get Ogre3D working on my karmic lappy? im like |   THIS   | close to re-installing windows 7 just to do my c++ tutorials on...  ='(14:07
erUSULnmobix: check the two i mentioned14:07
nmobixgot it14:08
andiolsihi, i find myself unable to type @ or € in firefox and opera but in other application as pidgint, gterm, etc it works fine. what could that be?14:08
codeshepherdI dont have xorg.conf in /etc/X11 ... how do i generate it ?14:08
erUSULdarksider: sudo aptitude build-essentials libogre-dev14:08
Dr_Williscodeshepherd:  why do you need it?14:09
codeshepherdDr_Willis:  I want to increase the resolution.. but the gui doesnt have options for higher resolution14:09
ubuntuthis is driving me batty!14:09
darksidererUSUL,code::blocks doesn't work properly anymore... it won't open14:10
Dr_Williscodeshepherd:  you do have teh proper video card drivers installed?   You can generate an xorg.conf - but its rarely needed these days14:10
codeshepherdI am running ubuntu on parallels.. it is a virtualization software on mac14:11
codeshepherdDr_Willis: ^14:11
darksidererUSUL, and neither does ANJUTA - i tried installing ogre from a bash script, i tried compiling from source ... i even used CMake like the ogre readme said14:11
erUSULdarksider: i dunno about code::blocks14:11
nmobixit doesn't have any message with error on it14:11
darksidererUSUL, i think i might need to TOTALLY remove all the ogre3d stuff14:11
ubuntudr_willis: you know how actionparsnip: said that something was wrong with the chroot when I tried to do the sudo apt-get update...do you have any idea how to get around that one stupid error?14:11
erUSULdarksider: well; maybe those scripts messed something up ?14:12
Oernmobix With wireless disabled hibernate works ??14:12
Dr_Williscodeshepherd:  any time i use ubuntu in a virtual machine   theres always some guest type addations i install to get the res's and other things working better.. perhps theres somthing like that for Parallels14:12
darksidererUSUL, hoe can i REMOVE every bit of the ogre installation ?14:12
=== ubuntu is now known as mylisto
nmobixI haven't tried hibernate that much, but right now i'm wired not wireless14:12
nmobixcan i give it a go now?14:12
smithhow do i check for what gfx card i have and if the drivers are updated?14:12
mylistothat was driving me batty having the nick ubuntu - anytime someone typed ubuntu I thought they were talking to me14:13
Oernmobix, it confirms this old bug > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/9196814:13
erUSULdarksider: really dunno; whitout knowing wht the script did ...14:13
ZykoticK9smith, "lspci | grep -i vga" will show what graphics card you are using, the driver is more complicated.  Good luck.14:13
erUSULdarksider: maybe you can do a simple test with only a text editor and g++ ?14:13
darksidererUSUL, such as?14:14
erUSULdarksider: default gedit has syntax highlight14:14
ssnhi guys14:15
mylistocan anyone PLEASE help me?14:15
ssnhow do i get make in the mini.iso install environment?14:15
darksidererUSUL, i keep getting "Ogre.h - not found" or whatever14:16
smithok so i now what kind of gfx card that i have, is hard to get drivers for gfx in linux14:16
darksidererUSUL, and if i add in the FULL PATH in my #include lines, i still get loads of errors14:16
h00k!anyone | mylisto14:16
ubottumylisto: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:16
Aetrlinux is not the better choice14:17
xXedixXxsmith: Usually it installs it automatically.14:17
PiciAetr: Do you have a support question?14:17
ssnhow do i get make in the mini.iso install environment?14:17
mylistoaetr go away14:17
smithok can i check it through synaptic?14:17
Dr_Willismylisto:  the proper response is 'demand refund' :P14:17
Picissn: Install the build-essential metapackage for everything you need to compile programs (minus any application specific dependencies)14:17
darksiderAetr, only an idiot would come to a linux channel to debate that14:18
renegaidanyone have ubuntu on eeepc? hotkeys are not working14:18
Aetrdarksider,  why?14:18
Dr_Willisrenegaid:  theres normally forum threads on teh specific makes of netbooks. yours may need some tweaks14:18
Aetri cant make my opinion?14:18
darksiderAetr, seriously- if you don't like linux THATS YOUR CHOICE, but don't try to bring it down just because YOU can't use it14:18
Aetrim testing14:18
Picidarksider: Please ignore him.14:18
bazhangAetr, not here.14:18
h00kdarksider: please ignore him14:18
darksiderPici, i am.14:18
Aetrso where is the topic that say dont say any thing bad of linux14:18
darksiderh00k, i am14:18
jack__way to feed the troll.14:19
darksiderit just seems stupid to try and debate wether linix us good or bad in a channel FILLED WITH LINUX ENTHUSIASTS/USERS14:19
darksiderbut whatever- i'm all for free speech14:19
darksiderso... rant away14:19
linxehthis is a support channel though14:19
jack__darksider: why would he do it in a windows  channel? :P14:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:19
jack__he wouldn't get any argument from them14:19
Dr_Willisdarksider:  its stupid to debate it most anywhere.14:19
mylistoI tried an upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 - lappy died on me....dr_willis: suggested I chroot into /media/disk/ and do sudo apt-get update - when I do this I get  to "97% working" then I get 97% [Working]FATAL -> Could not set non-blocking flag Bad file descriptor14:19
ssnis there a way get make in the mini.iso install environment (in order to be able to build a network driver module)?14:19
jack__welcome back Aetr :D14:20
darksiderDr_Willis, because linux IS the best choice >_<14:20
Aetri will left14:20
Dr_Willisssn:  install build-essential for starters14:20
ssnDr_Willis: how?14:20
Aetrbut not before say  PUTOS14:20
mylistoon a page that actionparsnip: linked in here it says "… you forgot to mount the according partition using the dev mount option. So fix it via running something like:14:20
FloodBot1Aetr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:20
mylisto    mount -o remount,dev /path/to/filesystem "14:20
Dr_Willisssn:  with the package manager.14:20
mylistoaetr: go away14:20
behemoth8uI installed Ubuntu 9.10 from a the live cd last night (multiple times) and the boot loader won't show up.  It keeps booting with the windows 7 bootloader.  (I've installed Ubuntu onto a separate hard drive). Does anyone have any suggestions?14:20
=== ericm|ubuntu is now known as ericm-afk
pieroi have forgotten my e-mail password and i want help14:20
ssnDr_Willis: there is none14:20
jack__hahah piero14:20
ssnthat is why i am asking14:20
Dr_Willisssn:  the mini iso dosent come with apt? i find that hard to belive14:20
jack__piero: have you tried 'password'?14:21
ssnDr_Willis: me to, but thats it14:21
jack__well try it! a lot of people set it to that14:21
pieroso i do i get my password14:21
Oerpiero forgotten email pass is not an ubuntu support question, contact your provider.14:21
mylistowhen I try mount -o remount,dev /media/disk I get can't find /media/disk in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab14:21
Dr_Willisssn:  no idea then.  unless others in here want to correct this and tell us properly how to do it14:21
Dr_Willislycidas:  your command is wrong perhaps.14:21
nmobixhi again14:22
darksiderdoesn't something like that deserve a ban?14:22
Oerwb nmobix14:22
jack__mylisto: i thought he just wanted to suggestions to help jog his memory14:22
nmobixtried hibernate and it didnt resume14:22
b1nd3rHi. How can I install Grub-legacy on a system with grub2 ? The reason is because 1) I don't like grub2 since it doesn't changed anything for me (legacy always worked great) 2) I'm bulding a custom ubuntu livecd that will install another system the uses grub-legacy and the other system uses grub1, so grub-install is using the wrong version14:22
mylistowhat jack_:14:22
darksiderAetr> but not before say  PUTOS14:22
darksider<Aetr> FUCK YOU ALL14:22
nmobixwith the wireless off14:22
Picidarksider: Please stop.14:22
h00kdarksider: it's already taken care of.14:22
Dr_Willisdarksider:   learn to ignore things.14:22
darksiderah ok14:22
=== melm is now known as bee
nmobixfor the record I have tried the solution posted in this http://www.jordanpeterson.me/node/23514:23
nmobixto no avail14:23
nmobixit just broke my screen14:23
darksiderDr_Willis, i can ignore things but i just figured that seeing as the ability is there... and the rules are in place i figured that would deserve a ban14:23
darksidernew linux users dont need to be exposed to stuff like that14:23
darksiderany linux users, really14:23
beewhat does the command sudo aptitude -f install do ?14:23
h00kdarksider: as we said, it's taken care of, please move along :)14:23
jack__darksider: drop it. its not a big deal :P14:23
darksiderits dropped..jeez14:23
darksideri gotta go anyway14:23
jack__i hear stuff like that everyday :P14:24
pierohow do a crack wireless network password using aircrack-ng14:24
trainerhow do I know if my machine is 64-bit14:24
jack__trainer: uname -a14:24
mylistodarksider: just forget about it14:24
bazhangjack__, please stop the running commentary.14:24
Picipiero: We do not support cracking in this channel.14:24
darksiderits windows - it seeps into your brain like ammonia and makes you angry and hateful14:24
OnlyToLearnwhat is the format of /proc/pid/pagemap file in ubuntu-9.04 as I want to get the physical frame number from virtual page num14:24
Kin`Awayhi all14:24
darksiderits called shitsoftamentia14:24
erUSULtrainer: wheter your cpu supports 64 bits ?14:24
jack__bazhang: running commentary? i dont understand what that means.14:24
bazhangjack__, all the unnecessary commentary. please stop it14:25
jack__bazhang: pssh14:25
darksiderbazhang, why did you kick me man14:25
erUSULtrainer: or if your ubuntu is 64 bits ?14:25
Kin`Awaymy problem is with the repositories. This is the error: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: Le seguenti firme non sono state verificate perché la chiave pubblica non è disponibile: NO_PUBKEY 7D2C7A23BF810CD5.14:25
erUSUL!gpgerr | Kin`Away14:25
ubottuKin`Away: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »14:25
jack__trainer: have you installed ubuntu yet? if so you can type uname -a14:25
DrunkYAnyone connected Evolution or Thunderbird with MS Exchange 2007 here? No POP no IMAP. What's the best solution?14:26
trainererURUL jack__ x86_64 so yes I guess14:26
nmobixKin`Away, try ubuntu-tweak (maybe)14:26
jack__trainer: yes thats 64 bit14:26
jack__my 32 bit says:14:26
jack__Linux jack-laptop 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux14:26
streb0rDrunkY:  No luck here.   Webmail only14:26
jack__DrunkY: there is an app you can use14:26
jack__DrunkY: DavMail i think it is called?14:26
OnlyToLearnhi all14:27
streb0rGave up after a week,  the mapi plugin never worked right for me14:27
DrunkYstreb0r, yeah I was reading about it..14:27
DrunkYjack__ I'll check it out14:27
=== ganja_ is now known as ganja
mylistoI want to get this fixed...can ANYONE please help me?14:27
ZykoticK9erUSUL, thanks, I'd never seen/noticed the !gpgerr factoid before14:27
jack__DrunkY: I only used it for calendar, but i think it can grab your mail too14:27
nmobixerUSUL, any more hints to my problem?14:28
streb0rDavmail is new to me,  looks promising.  thanks jack__14:28
jack__mylisto: wtf14:28
sebsebseb!language | jack__14:28
ubottujack__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:28
jack__stratism: no problem14:28
dimulkahi all i'v just newbe :) plz let me help with touchscreen?14:28
zer0her0what's the offtopic channel again?14:28
h00kjack__: yes, really.14:28
sebsebsebjack__: is against the channel rules yeah14:28
h00k!ot | zer0her014:28
ubottuzer0her0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:28
mylistoI tried an upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 - lappy died on me....dr_willis: suggested I chroot into /media/disk/ and do sudo apt-get update - when I do this I get  to "97% working" then I get 97% [Working]FATAL -> Could not set non-blocking flag Bad file descriptor...on a page that actionparsnip: linked in here it says "… you forgot to mount the according partition using the dev mount option. So...14:28
zer0her0h00k: thanks14:28
mylisto...fix it via running something like:      mount -o remount,dev /path/to/filesystem "  when I try mount -o remount,dev /media/disk I get can't find /media/disk in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab14:28
Oermylisto after power failure and those errors with fchk there is only one solution: save data and re-install14:28
erUSULnmobix: dunno sorry; if the logs revealed something about the actual problem ... but we do not know what is failing to suspend/resume (what piece of hard)14:28
jack__that's ridiculous.14:28
zer0her0i must have mispelled it14:29
jack__mylisto: i would suggest booting into a live disk, backing up your data and doign a re-install14:29
jack__it'll be your easiest optino14:29
FloodBot1jack__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:29
streb0rJack__: please spell option correctly14:29
erUSULnmobix: maybe is the graphic card ... you can try to add radeon to the list of modules in /etc/default/acpi-support  (see the MODULES variable )14:29
jack__streb0r: thanks heh14:29
mylistojack_: I would say wt# but I don't want anyone to get made :d14:29
nmobixthnx erUSUL14:30
OnlyToLearnMy totem media player suddenly went slow... It play movies at a very slow rate and also there is no sound so what shall I do    please help14:30
jack__yeah people are stuck up in here : /14:30
jack__mylisto: PM me14:30
Pici!register | xXedixXx14:31
ubottuxXedixXx: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode14:31
OnlyToLearnMy totem media player suddenly went slow... It play movies at a very slow rate and also there is no sound so what shall I do    please help14:31
=== jack__ is now known as JackWat
om26erOnlyToLearn, which version of ubuntu ?14:32
om26erOnlyToLearn, you could try another media player maybe?14:33
insanois there any GUI for managing iptables14:33
Kin`Awaysalve a tutti14:33
Piciinsano: gufw14:33
Pici!it | Kin`Away14:33
ubottuKin`Away: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:34
OnlyToLearnom26er: I tried and it works good .. but I want to know the reasons why that happen14:34
erUSULinsano: gufw ?14:34
erUSUL!info ipfbuilder14:34
ubottuPackage ipfbuilder does not exist in karmic14:34
om26erOnlyToLearn, maybe you tripped on a gstreamer bug14:34
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »14:34
erUSUL!info fwbuilder > insano14:35
OnlyToLearnalready did the re installation14:35
OnlyToLearnbut no results14:35
insanoerUSUL, I need a remote managing tool14:35
JenniferBHi folks, how can I get tabs in my terminal.. so  I don't have to open several windows ?14:36
bastid_raZorJenniferB: ctrl alt T ... for gnome-terminal14:37
JackWatJenniferB: shift +t14:37
streb0rJenniferB:  In 10.04 ctrl+t14:37
Sarumani need configure a DHCP client14:37
JackWatyeah my bad14:37
bastid_raZorJenniferB: err.. ctrl shift t  ..14:37
JackWatthere we go14:37
JenniferBctrl shift t was right :)14:38
bastid_raZorJenniferB: you can switch between them with alt 1 .. alt 2 ..etc14:38
JenniferBis this the "best" tab window manager ? i know there are other programs for stuff like this14:38
=== RedXIII`Alt is now known as RedXIII
erUSUL!info terminus14:39
ubottuPackage terminus does not exist in karmic14:39
erUSUL!info terminator14:39
ubottuterminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13+ds1-2 (karmic), package size 138 kB, installed size 1188 kB14:39
dr0idOMG, can't believe this -> http://tinyurl.com/38doehh14:40
=== luca__ is now known as doktoreas
LjLdr0id: how is that related to ubuntu support?14:42
GremnonI've got a little package problem... again. XDM installed, and now won't uninstall - or reinstall, or install. all that dpkg says is that post install script exited with status 2, which doesn't tell me anything14:43
dr0idyes man it is14:43
dr0idsee it carefully14:43
bastid_raZorerUSUL: unless i am not setting it up properly.. it doesn't do true transparency.14:43
Oerdr0id, please don't , this is an ubuntu support channel.14:43
macodr0id: um no its not14:43
erUSULbastid_raZor: ?14:44
JenniferBhow can I make my windows open on the same spot I closed them, and with the same size? ubuntu keeps aligning them to the corners14:44
bastid_raZorerUSUL: terminator14:44
JenniferBand resetting the size14:44
erUSULbastid_raZor: i do not use it myself ... but real transparecy works in plain gnome-terminal ...14:44
bastid_raZorJenniferB: do you use compiz?14:44
=== mcl0vin_ is now known as Mcl0vin
JenniferByes :)14:44
erUSULbastid_raZor: should not be hard to make it work in terminator14:44
JenniferBis that the reason ?14:45
Mcl0vinerUSUL: i tried everything mate any other help regarding converting rm to mp314:45
bastid_raZorJenniferB: no, it is a solution for what you want.. give me a sec to find what to edit.14:45
Mcl0vini get "Unknown encoder 'libmp3lame'"14:45
OerJenniferB, hold left ALT and then place the window where you want it to open.14:45
erUSULMcl0vin: no sorry :( maybe use soundconverter14:46
Killsthe video player isnt working corectly14:46
bastid_raZorJenniferB: go to compizconfig-settings-manager .. near the bottom Place Windows then the Fixed Window Placement tab14:46
Killsit plays the video with no sound from tiem to time14:47
GremnonI've got a little package problem... again. XDM installed, and now won't uninstall - or reinstall, or install. all that dpkg says is that post install script exited with status 2, which doesn't tell me anything useful14:47
Mcl0vinerUSUL: tried that and i also get an error14:47
=== melm is now known as bee
JenniferBbastid_raZor: What do I do? new ?14:48
JenniferBdo I need to  do this for every window?14:48
nmobixcould compiz be the culprit in the case of sleep/resume error?14:48
bastid_raZorJenniferB: i use it for gnome-terminal to open same place same size.. i'm sure you could for things like firefox etc14:49
IzinucsGremnon: did you install xdm using the package manager? (I just came in so missed lots before)14:50
mugwort13anyone running ubuntu as a guest using the `linux-image-virtual` package?   basically wanting to know if there is any (noticable) performance advantage to using it14:50
erUSULMcl0vin: then i dunno; sorry14:50
GremnonIzinucs, you haven't missed anything with me, but yes, I used synaptic14:50
foxnsoxhey there - anyone come across this - gnome seemed to have got messed up - it was displaying two volume icons in the top right section, I clicked on one to remove, now the taskbar is continually reloading (disappears/reappears over and over)? Any suggestions an where to begin hunting it down?14:51
IzinucsGremnon: are there issues with the package manager installing/uninstalling in other areas as well?14:51
Mcl0vinerUSUL: hey...atleast you tried hard and i do thank you!:)14:51
erUSULMcl0vin: :)14:51
GremnonIzinucs, no, it's just XDM that's causing trouble, everything else works fine, I can install other packages, and it'll try to do something with XDM and fail again, but it doesn't actually stop anything else happening14:51
bastid_raZorJenniferB: also see Window Rules for setting exact sizes14:52
IzinucsGremnon: try sudo apt-get install -f  .. then.. sudo apt-get autoremove .. and see how that cleans up the package system enough to do what you need with xdm14:52
Killsvideos lose sound after I fast forward them14:53
GremnonIzinucs, neither had any effect, both reported the same problem with xdm, dpkg says the post install script returned error exit status 2, and that's all14:54
uLinuxhow do I add a dir shortcut to Places?14:54
jribuLinux: add a bookmark in nautilus14:54
uLinuxwhere is it14:55
jribuLinux: nautilus is the name of the default file browser14:55
GremnonuLinux, a simpler way is to open Nautilus, then drag the folder to the sidebar, and it'll be added to Places menu automatically14:55
liminalapplications keep crashing, I think its a graphic card driver issue im having14:56
uLinuxNautilus is like Explorer :P14:56
IzinucsGremnon: reinstalling does the same thing?14:56
uLinuxGremnon tks it was easy.14:56
liminalhere are my error logs of the firefox crash14:57
GremnonIzinucs, yes, reinstall, install, remove and purge all return exactly the same14:57
liminalbut its not just firefox, its seemlying all applications14:57
ssnis there a way get make in the alternate lucid install environment (in order to be able to build a network driver module)?14:57
liminalX windows system error14:57
Oerliminal, what ubuntu version are you on ?14:57
liminal9.10 32bit14:58
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Oerssn #ubuntu+114:58
DeathMetalDeanDoes anyone know why whenever I try to start Jack Audio it says 14:59:25.270 Post-shutdown script terminated with exit status=256. ?14:59
liminalim fairly sure its a server x issue15:00
liminalthe way its dealing with my graphic card drivers15:00
uLinuxWhen I add a Videos emble to a folder it doesnt looke the same of Videos default15:00
IzinucsGremnon: I'm hunting for answers..15:00
ssnis there a way get make in the alternate lucid install environment (in order to be able to build a network driver module)?15:01
switch10_DeathMetalDean: are you using the RT kernel?15:01
Gremnonssn, Lucid isn't released yet. Please join the #ubuntu+1 channel for Lucid support15:01
=== blueghost is now known as No1Month3Day
IzinucsGremnon: try a little syntax change.. sudo apt-get -f install ....15:02
=== aishaa is now known as mistra
GremnonIzinucs, no difference15:02
uLinuxWhen I add a 'Videos' emblem to a folder it doesn't exaclty look like 'Videos' default  emblem. Can I fix this?15:02
IzinucsGremnon: looks like this link might be of assistance.. remember when they mention aptitude you can substitute apt-get.. http://linuxtrove.com/wp/?p=18715:03
switch10_DeathMetalDean: if you do a uname -a and it tells you you are on the generic kernel, try disabling real time in jacks preferences.  this may cause latency issues depending on what you are doing...15:04
xXedixXxWhat's the difference between Xubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu?15:04
ZiderXubuntu runs XFCE, Kubuntu runs KDE15:05
jribxXedixXx: different default set of packages15:05
Ziderdunno about Edubuntu, never heard of it15:05
OerXFCE, KDE and classroomserver.15:05
IzinucsxXedixXx: X & K & E ...15:05
anodesnixXedixXx: http://ubuntusite.com/ubuntu-flavors/15:05
xXedixXxSo, they just come with different pre installed packages?15:06
switch10_xXedixXx: different desktop environments, as well as packages.15:06
jribxXedixXx: yes15:06
Killswhy everytime i fast forward the video the sound disapears15:06
IzinucsxXedixXx: mostly they run different desktops.. kde is built on quicktime, xfce (xubuntu) is lighter weight and runs on older machines.. ubuntu is the gnome desktop15:07
Oerkills, that happens on VHS and DVD also15:07
xXedixXxGot ya. Thanks.15:07
Killson the default video player15:07
xXedixXxYeah, QuickTime is Mac :o15:07
DeathMetalDeanswitch10_, I disabled the real time and it still doesn't work15:10
teurastajaif i want tclsh to start tclsh8.5 instead of tclsh8.4 can i just override it and put an alias? (sounds like something i shouldnt do). pressing tab twice in bash after typing tclsh tells me there is tclsh, tclsh8.4, tclsh8.5 and tcl-default. tcl-default has no man page15:11
teurastajai tried to let apt-get take care of this in various ways but seems i should find another solution...15:13
ubuntu_pls i need help tryin to install grub15:13
flosskI'm using the RC version of Ubuntu after the final verion is out do i need to do a re-install ?15:13
joaopinto!lucid | flossk15:13
ubottuflossk: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:13
liminalanyone got any ideas on my x windows system error?15:13
ubuntu_and all the tutorials aint working15:13
Gremnonteurastaja, try installing the 'galternatives' package first, it allows you to manually change alternatives, such as tclsh to the version you want15:14
DJonesflossk: As long as you keep updating, you'll have the final version.  If you have any more Lucid queries though, can you ask them in #ubuntu+1 which is the support channel until its released15:14
teurastajado i need to uninstall anything?15:14
ubuntu_hello world15:14
ubuntu_i need help with grub  install15:15
Gremnonteurastaja, no, galternatives shouldn't15:15
ubuntu_help plsn   i want to install grub frm live ubuntu but  it isnt working not finding any harddisk15:17
teurastajawhat is galternatives exactly? googleing tells me its a gui for configuring /etc?15:17
Gremnonteurastaja, no, it's a GUI to set alternatives - such as what application will be launched if you execute the command 'x-www-browser' or 'tclsh'15:18
Gremnonit doesn't remove or add anything, only change what's launched15:18
monraHello ... I need to print many mails at once, I use evolution 2.28.1. Any ideas if this is possible and how can I do it? Thank you15:19
mr_pincAnyone know anything about this : http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4933722&CatId=268315:19
mr_pinclooks like good value but I can't find any reviews15:19
jribmr_pinc: this channel is for ubuntu support, try ##hardware15:19
mr_pincoops sorry15:20
mr_pincjust wanted an idea if people thought it would be a good server but i'll join that channel - thanks15:20
teurastajaubuntu_ output of df -h please15:20
codename-noshey i want to download the new lucid but the problem is my bandwith is a bit slow so how can i make resumable download15:21
jribcodename-nos: use a torrent15:21
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:21
diyqiaoi want apt-get install firefox-3.615:21
diyqiaocan anybody help me15:21
codename-nosi thought that but couldn;t find the torrent for lucid15:21
jribcodename-nos: #ubuntu+1 may be able to help you15:22
switch10_codename-nos: it is on the download page15:22
Oercodename-nos, http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/15:22
bastid_raZorcodename-nos: http://releases.ubuntu.com/15:22
switch10_calm down people, he isnt asking for lucid support...15:22
mylistoI'm at a roadblock15:23
diyqiaowhy  add-apt-repository: command not found15:23
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jribdiyqiao: what ubuntu version?15:23
mylistolong story short, my lappy died while upgrading from 8.04 to 9.04 - so I'm trying to manually update it and upgrade it via terminal...finally got to this point and I'm not sure what to do15:23
mylistoMedia change: please insert the disc labeled  'Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter15:24
jribdiyqiao: add-apt-repository was introduced in 9.1015:24
mylistohow can I do this when I'm running the live cd???15:24
aardvarknew to ubuntu, UBUNTU ROCKS!15:24
Picimylisto: What do you mean by "manually update and upgrade" ?15:24
mylistoum...was trying to finish the upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 - lappy died while doing the upgrade originally15:25
diyqiaogot it15:25
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jrib!away > fipu|Away15:25
ubottufipu|Away, please see my private message15:25
Picimylisto: How did you try to upgrade originally?15:25
mylistovia the 9.04 cd15:25
teurastajadiyqiao: go to the official site and do as usual with 3rd party soft but try not installing from source since it takes a whole afternoom15:26
alabdGood day all , how to see files are created in period of time in whole file system ?15:27
mylistoI wanna cry...15:27
Picimylisto: You should have had to upgrade to 8.10 first.15:27
jribalabd: not possible, creation time is not recorded anywhere15:27
mylistoI got a notification "9.04 is available, etc"15:27
jribalabd: or did you mean something else?15:27
alabdjrib, how about modification time ?15:28
teurastajaalabd stat15:28
helgikrsalabd: you can use find for that15:28
friendforallwhat is good dvd tool to write ISO file?15:28
jribalabd: sure, find can search according to modification time15:28
sipiormylisto: have you thought about just completing a new install? probably save you a lot of trouble, at this point.15:28
switch10_friendforall: dvdbackup15:28
teurastajaeither use find or stat15:28
alabdjrib, what's command15:29
jribalabd: what are you trying to accomplish *exactly*?15:29
mylistoyeah probably going to just do this15:29
switch10_friendforall: are you writing from a video_ts directory?15:29
alabdjrib, , how to see files are created in period of time in whole file system ?15:30
teurastajabut if you have a specific taget try grepping since the output will be substancial or at least tap the output to a file15:30
jribalabd: I told you that question has no solution15:30
mylistoso I'm backing up my home directory...15:30
jribalabd: but I am asking you, why do you want to do this?15:30
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alabdjrib,  we can use access time15:30
mylistoI want to back up my thunderbird stuff (all my emails) how do I do this?15:31
teurastajaalabd tell me exactly what you want (CLEARLY) and ill script it for you15:31
alabdteurastaja, thanks  need to know what files have been created in time 10-12     for example15:33
mylistothere are somethings that I CANNOT loose....15:33
mylistothunderbird emails...15:34
teurastajain time 10-12?15:34
jribalabd: you should tell us why you think you need to do this15:34
mylistofirefox bookmarks, filezilla configurations, etc...how do I back this stuff up?15:34
teurastajagive me something concrete15:34
alabdjrib, it is not related to you why do you ask ?15:34
andrew__woo 10.415:35
jribalabd: because you are being vague and unclear.  That usually means there is a better way to accomplish whatever it is you are trying to do.  So you should just ask us that.15:35
teurastajamylisto: use cp ;)15:35
helgikrsmylisto: or rsync15:35
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alabdjrib,  for example hacker attacked into system and want to know if he/she created file or .. ?15:35
llutzalabd: unix/linux-fs don't store creation date/time of files. only access/modification time15:35
teurastajaalabd im offering my help but im not mighty patient15:35
jribalabd: modification times can be changed, it's pointless to do that15:36
mylistohelgikrs: can you explain how to use rsync15:36
helgikrsllutz: ext4 does store creation times as far as i know15:36
un1x01d10.04 is not official yet right ?15:36
helgikrsllutz: but stat doesn't support it15:36
switch10_alabd: check out man find.  there is a whole section on time options15:37
alabdany opinion about15:37
alabdneed to know what files have been created in time 10-12     for example15:37
jribalabd: if you're just curious how it would be done, that's fine (and there are a bunch of examples and documentation in find's man page as switch10_  points out) but if you have some real motivation, just tell us what it is15:37
jribalabd: 10-12 is not a time.15:37
alabdjrib,  told you for example15:37
alabd10-12 today15:38
alabd26 april15:38
teurastajafirst of all alabd configure selinux then make sure your firewall is perfectly set then enable verbose logging of most things and after that you might want to install an ids15:38
alabddon't wast my time any opinion about question ?15:38
switch10_alabd: you can do that with find -cmin15:38
maX0hi guys, when I log onto my ubuntu 9.10 server, I get message that 15 packages can be updated (security updates). How do run these updates? Tried "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" but no success15:39
helgikrsmylisto: you can use rsync like 'rsync -avz /target/folder/ /dest/folder/' (the last slash in target is optional and changes the behaviour of rsync)15:39
jribalabd: good luck with your issue.15:39
GhostWolfhi all i don't know if this is the right place but i have a problem getting my eggdrop bot into the chan im on and im using ubuntu9.1015:39
llutzhelgikrs: right, so you don't have access now which is the same as before, where it wasn't stored at all15:39
helgikrsmylisto: for more info read the man15:39
DrunkYJackWat thanks a lot! DavMail works like a charm :315:39
teurastajaalabd stat works too. if you suspect an intrusion though /etc is the directory that was most probably messed with15:40
switch10_maX0: what error are you getting?15:40
JackWatDrunkY: Don't mention it. im here to help. :D15:40
DrunkYJackWat that doesn't mean I can't give out free thank :]15:40
WesGrantHowbout sudo  aptitude update15:40
teurastajaalso watch for the creation of +x enabled files (could speed up your search)15:41
DrunkYI can completely switch to ubuntu now, instead using fcuking windows :)15:41
UF-Gast512darf man ubuntu auf seiner homepage zum download anbieten15:41
JackWatDrunkY: nice. always good to hear that! :D15:41
llutz!de| UF-Gast51215:41
ubottuUF-Gast512: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:41
axisyshow do I clean up my gnome window manager.. i dont see any task in the bottom menu .. even though i am running few apps ..15:41
maX0switch10: no error, update just runs through and does nothing, upgrade gives message that 0 upgraded and 11 not upgraded15:42
simarcan anyone help me about 64 bit ubuntu???15:42
bastid_raZor!panels | axisys .. you mess with your panels?15:42
ubottuaxisys .. you mess with your panels?: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:42
axisyscurrently i am doing alt+tab to switch to my tasks15:42
alabd<switch10_ find cmin is not the thing humble requsted15:42
axisysbastid_raZor: thanks15:43
un1x01daxisys, try to restart your X15:43
GhostWolfcan anyone help me here with eggdrop? i don't know if im in the right chan or not..15:43
axisysun1x01d: logout and login back again would do it?15:43
devunt** How can I config a crontab to  excute every 5 miniutes? **15:43
Oeralabd http://www.unix.com/unix-dummies-questions-answers/50465-create-list-files-were-modified-after-given-date.html15:44
maX0switch10: oh, upgrade also says: The following packages have been kept back: and lists them15:44
llutzdevunt: man 5 crontab15:44
nmobixquick question when is the Lucid release scheduled to go?15:44
un1x01daxisys, either that - or in shell just kill the X process and restart it using startx15:44
h00knmobix: Thursday the 29th. More Lucid discussion is in #ubuntu+115:44
axisysun1x01d: bastid_raZor's suggestion fixed it ..15:44
maX0WesGrant: sudo aptitude update doesn't update anything either15:44
nmobixthnx h00k15:44
alabdreally does not anyone understand what humble mean ?????15:44
axisysbastid_raZor: thanks a lot! all back to normal15:45
axisysbastid_raZor: tricky part is to remember it..15:45
bastid_raZoraxisys: good luck :)15:45
mylistohow can I back up my thunderbird emails? need to reinstall ubuntu15:45
Flanneldevunt: */5 * * * * command15:45
alabdHow to see list of files that have been accessed/created/modified in a period of time ? for example in 10-12 , 26 april15:45
Flanneldevunt: Make sure you have a blank line at the end of your crontab15:45
renegaidubuntu netbook remix extremely slow compared to windows 715:45
llutzalabd: man find (ctime/mtime)15:46
Tadyshello this is my firt drupal site www.kompiuterija.us.lt15:46
axisysanyone here use gnome-do ? is it stable ?15:46
bastid_raZoraxisys: you had just `removed from panel` your window list.15:46
h00kmylisto: do you have your /home on a separate partition?15:46
alabdllutz,  you man it first15:46
devuntaha, Flannel: thanks you15:46
mylistonot sure hook15:46
mylistoits on the same I think15:46
axisysbastid_raZor: yes i need to re-add those shortcuts on top menu15:46
Oeralabd, if you don read my answer, i do not know how to help you15:46
axisysbastid_raZor: oh well.. but thats not an issue..15:46
h00kmylisto: it will be in your .thunderbord directory in your home folder, then15:46
Tadyshello this is my firt drupal site www.kompiuterija.us.lt15:47
axisysbastid_raZor: may be i will depend on gnome-do instead.. have u used it ?15:47
switch10_maX0: I wonder why you are getting that.  I usually only get that when a new release is out.  at any rate you can ignore these packages with apt-get.  check the man pages15:47
h00kTadys: please stop spamming then channel15:47
h00kmylisto: *.thunderbird, then. it is hidden, press ctrl+h to view hidden folders15:47
LantiziaDoes 10.04 feel like it will be a "to hell with it, just release it" release... or one thats actually been finely tuned?15:49
mylistoh00k: for some reason .thunderbird is not in there :(15:49
Lantiziathe arbitory dates put me off15:49
maX0switch10: so it's safe to ignore the message about updates and just run apt-get update/upgrade regularly?15:49
PiciLantizia: Please use #ubuntu+1 for Lucid discussion15:50
switch10_maX0: try searching for the packages that were not updated, in synaptic, and update them manually if you are worried about it.  that will work15:51
geekphreakhello all15:52
exploit100switch10_, back15:52
geekphreakIdleOne: howdy15:52
maX0switch10: ok, thanks, will do15:52
=== exploit100 is now known as friendforall
h00kmylisto: it may be in .mozilla somewhere, too, I forget exactly15:52
friendforallswitch10_, back15:52
=== UF-Gast512 is now known as DarkOrbit
inglorhey, I need help setting up one, running 9.10 here15:53
h00kmylisto: also, consider putting your home on a separate partition if/when you reinstall15:53
h00k!separatehome | mylisto15:53
ubottumylisto: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome15:53
codename-nos i did " wget http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/lucid/kubuntu-10.04-rc-desktop-i386.iso " now if i stop it then how to resume it at next boot15:53
geekphreakh00k:  hello15:53
h00kgeekphreak: greetings :)15:53
mylistoh00k: in the meantime how can I find .thunderbird?15:53
linxehmylisto: is it in .mozilla/thunderbird ?15:54
h00kmylisto: check in the .mozilla folder, it may be in there15:54
friendforallanyway, i want to burn unbuntu ISO file, what will be the good tool for dvd writing?15:54
Oerterminal press ctrl + H to show hidden ... files ?15:54
geekphreakmylisto:  $HOME/.thunderbird15:54
nmobixI started the update-manager -d   KARMIC >>> LUCID15:54
linxehfriendforall: brassero? cdrecord ?15:54
mylistogeekphreak: its not in there15:54
geekphreakmylisto: it should be in one of the 2 place hmm15:55
bastid_raZorOer: not in terminal no.. ls -hal is what i use15:55
friendforalllinxeh, what is the good tool for DVD burning?15:55
geekphreakwhen you open thunderbird you see emails? mylisto15:55
linxehit should be in $HOME/.thunderbird imo15:55
geekphreakbastid_raZor: morning mate15:55
bastid_raZorgeekphreak: morning15:56
Picifriendforall: use wget -c to attempt to complete a download, see man wget for details15:56
inglorhey, I need some help setting up ubuntu one15:56
linxehfriendforall: either of those two I suggested? or k3b. I dont burn many cds though15:56
mylistofound it..15:56
mylistoit was .mozilla-thunderbird15:56
mylistotired eyes :D15:56
h00kmylisto: it happens15:56
geekphreaklinxeh: hi :)15:56
friendforalllinxeh, thanks , you are right15:56
geekphreakmylisto:  lol it  happens its kool15:56
simarw hello15:57
Bearmanwhat is the name of the function in "compiz" that shows all active windows on the desktop?15:57
mylistoError making symbolic link: Operation not permitted15:57
mylistowhat the hell15:57
swebI can't change my owenr of mypath to user15:57
duffydackBearman, scale?15:57
swebchown sweb /mypath15:57
swebwhy ?15:57
swebthe owener still root user15:58
Bearmanduffydack, yes. thanks!15:58
sweb`/mypath` that a partion that i loaded in install time15:58
bastid_raZorsweb: sudo chown sweb /mypath15:58
jpdurhonevous etes là?15:58
jpdurhonecoucou tous15:59
swebbastid_raZor, I'm using sudo -I and coming up with root15:59
h00k!es | jpdurhone15:59
ubottujpdurhone: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:59
nmobixi guess in a couple of days this will become a LUCID place?15:59
Pici!fr | jpdurhone15:59
ubottujpdurhone: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois15:59
h00kPici: thank you15:59
roslinhow to change server to connect with xchat ?15:59
mylistoThere was an error copying the file into /media/My Book/ubuntu/.mozilla-thunderbird/zjsgb3hm.default15:59
mylistosmoething abotu symbolic link15:59
mylistowhat do I do?15:59
linxehfriendforall: please dont do that again16:00
friendforalllinxeh, what is problem to install that please?16:00
linxehfriendforall: spamming people in private doenst help anyone16:00
linxehfriendforall: I dont know; I've not seen that error. what version of ubuntu are you using ?16:01
linxehfriendforall: when did you last run apt-get update ?16:01
mylistocan anyone please help - I NEED to copy my thunderbird emails16:02
linxehmylisto: "something about symbolic link" doesnt really help16:02
geekphreakmylisto: whats the full message pastebin it plz, if you can16:02
friendforalllast 10 days ago16:02
linxehmylisto: is your mybook a fat32 drive ?16:02
costremylisto, They're in ~/.thunderbird16:02
linxehfriendforall: you should do update before installing any new packages16:02
mylistocostre: its .mozilla-thunderbird16:03
linxehmylisto: if it is, I would suggest that you tar your .thunderbird directory rather than copy it16:03
friendforalllinxeh, ok16:03
mylistowhys that16:03
geekphreaklinxeh: good idea16:03
mylistocan you explain hwo to do that?16:03
costremylisto, Do you run thge latest version? For me at least it's .thunderbird :)16:04
linxehmylisto: tar cvf /media/My\ Book/ubuntu/thunderbird.tar $HOME/.mozilla-thunderbird16:04
linxehor something like that16:04
friendforalllinxeh, another tool?16:05
linxehfriendforall: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install k3b16:05
linxehfriendforall: it will likely pull in lots of kde libraries though. use brassero or soemthing16:05
linxehfriendforall: *brasero16:06
mylistoar: Book/ubuntu/thunderbird.tar: Cannot stat: No such file or directory16:06
mylistotar: Removing leading `/' from member names16:06
mylistotar: /home/ubuntu/.mozilla-thunderbird: Cannot stat: No such file or directory16:06
mylistotar: Error exit delayed from previous errors16:06
FloodBot1mylisto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:06
mylistowhoops , sorry16:06
Izinucs friendforall k3b work very well in gnome.. no worries16:06
costremylisto, Ge a grip :) Replace his path with one that exists on your system16:06
geekphreakhi Pici16:07
Picigeekphreak: aloha16:08
mylistoI'm using the right path16:08
geekphreakmylisto:  please check again :)16:08
manoharhow can i set a new menu using terminal16:09
mylistoi did geekphreak:16:09
manohari want to add a new menu under Applications menu using terminal16:10
geekphreakmylisto:  open you home folder using nautllus please16:10
costremylisto,  so "/media/My\ Book/ubuntu/" exists?16:10
manoharcan u help16:10
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geekphreakmylisto:  do you see thunderbird folder there?16:10
mylistoyes I do16:11
geekphreakright click it , compress16:11
Izinucsgeekphreak: might be hidden.. also might be in the .mozilla folder16:11
JackWatmylisto: this is the most complicated backup i've ever heard of :P heh16:12
geekphreakmylisto:  it made it compressd gz file?16:12
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gnutrafibuen dia16:12
mylistoit is now :D16:12
geekphreakgnutrafi:  spanish?16:13
mylistomy other major problem is this...16:13
mylistoI just got in a really bad accident...16:13
gnutrafiyes man16:13
geekphreak!es | gnutrafi16:13
ubottugnutrafi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:13
mylistobut hey I saved a ton of money by fleeing the scene of an accident :D16:13
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mylistono, but seriously - there is a vdi file I need to move (virtualbox file) - says its too big..16:13
geekphreakmylisto: i am not impressed :p16:13
mylistoat most its 10 gigs...I have at least like 30 gigs free on the drive16:14
geekphreakmylisto: my book is fat32?16:14
simarhey how to review a translation????16:14
mylistohow can I check?16:14
switch10_mylisto: sudo fdisk16:14
Maxieso i bought ubuntu today from the store, but i cant get it to install16:14
manoharcan anyone help me to add a new menu under Applications menu using terminal16:14
geekphreakmylisto: sudo fdisk -l16:14
switch10_mylisto: my guess is it is FAT3216:14
Maxieany help??16:15
Maxiei bought ubuntu at the store today but it wont install16:15
mylistothats right...fat3216:15
mylistoso I'm screwed?16:15
OerMaxie what error do you get ?16:16
Maxie"Failed to detect mainframe"16:16
mikubuntuguys just upgraded from karmic to lucid and i have five broken dependencies: devede, mencoder, mscore, python-launchpadlib, and wine , i can't figure out how to fix them16:16
switch10_mylisto: you could backup everything on it and reformat as NTFS if you need it to work with windows16:16
OerMaxie joking right ?16:16
MaxieIn soviet russia, ubuntu installs you!16:17
mylistoswitch10_: I can't backup the stuff..16:17
mylistoI just want to move this one damn file to the drive...argh16:17
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:17
tassosHello everyone, I have a couple of newbie questions on Assembly, I don't know where else to ask for help.. so if anyone could help it would be great....16:17
OerMaxie pastebin lshw please :-D16:18
switch10_mylisto: then yes you are "screwed" no matter what the platform.  FAT32 cant have file sizes bigger than 4gb ish.  I don't remember the exact size16:18
n1uNTqnb6nh13gkernel panic16:18
manoharhelp pleasse16:18
mylistoswitch10_: is it possible to break the file down in size?16:19
switch10_mylisto: did you format it is fat32 or did it come like that?16:19
Maxieguys where can i warez ubuntu?16:19
mylistocame like that16:19
Maxiei tried warez-bb but it isnt there :S16:19
Oern1uNTqnb6nh13g was angry with me :(16:19
komsashey, when my computer starts I got error that  file system mount failed. I checked it with the fsck, but it didn't help, what I can do more?16:20
geekphreakmylisto:  too much data on that book?16:20
mylisto96.5 gigs free16:20
mylistobut its fat32...16:20
switch10_mylisto: thats garbage.  I cant believe WD is formating stuff with fat32 still16:20
mylistoand the .vdi file is like 5.816:20
geekphreaki did not ask how much is free, how much is used of total?16:20
mylisto500 - 96.516:21
=== hiroshima is now known as pkp
mP6IMZWftzp1hpkernel panic16:21
Juigwj0o63ddb3kernel panic16:21
ROfrMPu8rbbw19kernel panic16:21
VmSW9R0pkgv9g4kernel panic16:21
toN3nq0dnlwasfkernel panic16:21
xbiMTJUldfdghikernel panic16:21
wdC4jcH96c64o1kernel panic16:21
BEjkbHX91ljpookernel panic16:21
T6dWJSV5y84c3ykernel panic16:21
mylisto= something16:21
UrdaI am having some issue with writing a bash script. I need to grab the output of `manpath` in a variable, then add an extra directory and export it out of my profile script16:21
sipiorthis is why we can't have nice things.16:21
geekphreakmylisto:  so lot is in use, :)16:21
Vaevictusis it typical to upgrade every package on a system when small packages are upgraded?16:21
Urda...but I keep getting  errors when pulling the string together, I know I'm not creating the variables right somehow16:22
GdPtfAOhek8pk9kernel panic16:23
R6ElouYa6tsblqkernel panic16:23
geekphreakswitch10_:  there is 1 more thing he can try but a risky situation to be in :d16:23
cTtGNAeady3edskernel panic16:23
O9mgU8t9gz3v32kernel panic16:23
gh0ghnusI was trying to unzip my ubuntu initrd image with gunzip. but i get ununknown type error. any suggestion?16:25
exalthey misnix16:25
Cugelhey misnix.16:25
exalthey Cugel16:26
Cugelhey exalt.16:26
OerHekshi misnix16:26
exalthey OerHeks16:26
Cugelhey OerHeks.16:26
Vaevictuswhen you upgrade a package, do your configuration changes get clobbered?16:27
misnixhe ren16:27
exalthey Pici  why are those bots kicking each other?16:27
VaevictusCugel: so i can safely upgrade apache2, for example and not break anything?16:27
exaltVaevictus: if you havent ltered strange or more dificult things, yes16:28
Vaevictusexalt: uh.  that doesn't make me feel confident :)16:29
CugelIf you are uncertain, I suggest you test it first.16:29
Vaevictusall i want to do is upgrade libwwwperl ... and apparently i need to upgrade linux, mysql, apache2, postgre, python, sudo, grub and everything else almost, on a system.16:29
VaevictusCugel: how would i "test" an upgrade?16:29
jribVaevictus: as long as you are using official repositories for your version of ubuntu, it should be fine to upgrade and actually recommended16:30
CugelOn another box or on a virtual image.16:30
CugelBut I suggest just upgrading, indeed.16:30
Vaevictusjrib: i am.  I decided to make this box ubuntu because it's supposed to be easy to maintain, but i'm a bsd kinda guy traditionally.16:31
Vaevictusso i feel a bit scared about touching everything on the system without my control... on a live webserver with clients on it16:31
geekphreakVaevictus: specially if you are running server softwares like apache2/mysql, good idea to be all patched up with updates :d16:31
Vaevictus :)16:31
Vaevictusi'll break things after lunch, i guess :)16:32
cc4hi all :)16:32
geekphreakwell why not image it first :) , just incase ;)16:32
cc4what is the difference between modprobe and modeprobe commands please?16:32
dstufftwould 32bit unbutu 9.10 have any odd issues with a windows share that would give me "An error occured; Could not open location; you might not have permission to pen the file." on a 6.4gb 720p video? Permissions should be fine, the same User/pw is connecting from a windows computer and is able to access the file fine16:33
cc4Pici do you know?16:33
sipiorcc4: the latter doesn't exist?16:33
LzrdKingVaevictus: its good to be a little scared16:33
cc4ok thanks sipior16:33
Travis-42I accidentally pressed "ctrl-alt-plus" and it immediately disabled one of my two monitors, and now I can't figure out how to get the second monitor to work again16:34
sipiorTravis-42: ctrl-alt-minus does nothing, i take it?16:36
Travis-42sipior: it zooms out or changes resolutions, but it doesnt reenable the monitor16:36
LzrdKingwell, i was able to force my ubuntu server box to eventually mount my nfs shares before any apps that try to access them start, but it feels wrong, as i get errors about the mount failing during startup.  I think its apparmor thats calling a mountall which gets called before the wireless network script16:37
sipiorTravis-42: this isn't a CRT, right?16:37
Travis-42sipior: nope, two lcds. an nvidia card. Usually extend the desktop across them16:37
sipiorTravis-42: logging out and in again doesn't help?16:38
QueeenZHow to delete an Extended partition? It says "Extended partition cannot be deleted".....16:39
Travis-42sipior: it might.... there's an application I'm having trouble saving without being able to reenable the other monitor16:39
sipiorTravis-42: also, you might try running the nvidia control utility.16:39
QueeenZWhy can't an Extended partition be deleted?16:39
Travis-42sipior: running the nvidia control utility doesn't help, however16:39
sebsebsebQueeenZ: it's a container16:39
sipiorQueeenZ: probably because you have several real partitions making use of it :-)16:39
sebsebsebQueeenZ: so to get rid of an extended partiton, you would have to delete teh partitions inside it16:39
QueeenZoh so first i have to delete all partitions inside it and then it will allow me to delete the extended partition?16:40
sebsebsebQueeenZ: yep, and of course have any data backed up first if there is anything.16:40
QueeenZoh ok16:40
Travis-42sipior: alright, enough playing with nvidia control panel fixed it. thanks16:41
sebsebsebQueeenZ: I mean if you delete a partition that has data on it,  the partition and the data will go,  may be able to recover the data though16:41
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:41
sipiorTravis-42: out of curiosity, what did you have to change?16:41
sebsebsebQueeenZ: see above for my mesage, if you missed it, since the mini net split16:42
QueeenZsebsebseb: saw it, thanks for the info16:42
Travis-42sipior: I had to manually disable twinview, and reenable it for the second monitor16:42
QueeenZi'm just getting my partitons ready for Lucid16:42
sebsebsebQueeenZ: oh?16:42
gp5st__does anyone here use koha? their channel is essentially empty and i'm having a bug i just can't seem to find a solution  from google16:43
benediktwhat is the cli alternative to upgrade-manager? upgrade to lucid failed midway and googling with the terminal is too limited.16:43
QueeenZsebsebseb: yep, it's such a mess... i have like 10 partitions and most of them i don't need... so i'm trying to organize them..16:43
sebsebsebQueeenZ: How so?  I mean Karmic or Hardy can be upgraded to Lucid when it's time.  Clean installs of Karmic  will have Ext4 file system by default, and so on upgrade to Lucid yep.  Where as Hardy upgrades will still have Ext3.16:43
sebsebsebQueeenZ: ah yes partition mess's16:44
ChogyDanbenedikt: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:44
sebsebsebQueeenZ: been there done that a few times16:44
QueeenZsebsebseb: yep... i just never really understood the difference between primary, extended and logical partitions.. (shame on me..)16:44
sebsebsebQueeenZ: I sort of understand it I think,  primary main partitions.  logical not so important ones.  and then the extended is when you have if  I remember correctly more than four partitions.16:45
benediktChogyDan: ah thanks. I know this, but i forgot it16:45
QueeenZsebsebseb: right, extended is just a container, logical goes into that container and primary is without/outside the extended16:46
sebsebsebQueeenZ: yeah basically I guess16:46
NinoScriptI have a partition with music, but if I add it to /etc/fstab, rhythmbox segfaults… how do I mount it so it is the same as clicking on the "Places" menu?16:47
QueeenZsebsebseb: i hate it when i delete a partition and then i have this unallocated space between partitions and i can't really use them until they're next to each other..16:47
sebsebsebNinoScript: it should add itself, when you open, but if not may have to mess around with permission, or fstab16:47
sebsebsebQueeenZ: what I tend to get is well a tiny bit of unalloacted space that has to be unalloacted space, unless I make like a 4mb SWAP which is rather pointless16:48
NinoScriptsebsebseb, what do you mean? add itself where?16:48
sebsebseb!fstbab | NinoScript16:49
sebsebseb!fstab | NinoScript16:49
progre55hi people! a friend of mine has ubuntu 32bit installed, but how can I see if the computer supports the 64bit arch?16:49
ubottuNinoScript: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:49
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap16:49
CaptainTrekprogre55, does arch not have listed what system specs it needs for minimum efficiency?16:49
progre55CaptainTrek: didnt really get your question )16:50
sebsebsebNinoScript: and then there are file and folder permisions, that will be the issue if you can't  write to your partition,  after it's mounted16:50
progre55CaptainTrek: I mean, how can I see if the laptop cpu supports 64bits?16:51
qudoshi does anyone have experience in setting up a dnsbl?16:51
CaptainTrekprogre55: try loading a Ubuntu64bit live cd on it without installing the thing?16:51
CaptainTrekprogre55: there's probably an easier way through console, but I don't know it offhand16:52
Akkernightprogre55, google the name of your processor16:52
progre55CaptainTrek: well, I dont have the livecd now. But I remember there was some param you look for when you cat /proc/cpuinfo16:52
CaptainTrekprogre55, i don't know the param offhand16:53
icerootCaptainTrek: progre55 cat /proc/cpuinfo and look for "lm"16:53
progre55CaptainTrek: no prob16:53
progre55iceroot: thanks, let me try it16:53
JenniferBHi folks.. is there a way to set so that I can activate the window under my mouse?16:55
mpvjpd7v3u4jnvkernel panic16:55
alberthi, is there a shell command to show me the disk usage of all partitions?16:55
nmobixdf -h (to get them in human readable format)16:55
progre55iceroot: there is lahf_lm16:56
albertah, better still :D16:56
nmobixdf -h | grep -v "none\|udev16:56
nmobixto not see the udevs16:56
albertnow you are loosing me :D16:56
=== Unode|NA is now known as Unode
peturiHi, I just noticed that "SMART is not available" shows up within "Palimpsest Disk Utility"... on all 3 of my computers... this was working a few weeks ago... could this be due to an update?16:56
UnodeIs there a console client for network-manager?16:57
nmobixthe grep -v"none\|udev" would remove the lines which are not really disks16:57
peturiI would like to enable smart monitoring with Palimpsest Disk Utility again... help?16:57
NinoScriptwhat command is issued when I click on a partition on the Places menu? which mount options?16:57
smooth_penguinhas anyone gotten the 1280x1024 using an external VGA monitor on the Acer D250 netbook?16:57
UnodeI need to connect to a wireless AP with WPA encryption but I don't have X access16:58
JenniferBHi folks.. is there a way to set so that I can activate the window under my mouse?16:58
albertthx, nmobix, df -h is just what i wanted :D16:58
sipiorpeturi: is it possible that the "smartmontools" package is not installed?16:58
nmobixyou are welcomed albert16:58
NinoScriptJenniferB, Yes, let me search for that option, I've seen it16:58
h00kJenniferB: I know you can in the Compiz Config Settings Manager, I don't know if you have compiz enabled or not16:58
nmobixif you use compiz, it might be there16:58
peturisipior: It is not installed, and it wasn't there before. Do you think installing it will solve the problem?16:59
NinoScriptJenniferB, it's on System -> Preferences -> Window16:59
sipiorpeturi: i don't know. it's possible the disk utility makes use of it if installed.17:00
JenniferBNinoScript:  Thanks :)17:00
NinoScriptJenniferB, No problem :)17:01
peturioh my god.. this just gives me another reason to switch to openSuSE... i read on ubuntuforums: "The bug is a feature. SMART detection was disabled intentionally to prevent destroying some SSDs." ... SHIT what ht eHELL is wrong with those people???? I was depending on SMART alerts as my drives are very old.17:01
resnohow long does it generally takes software updates to appear in the repos?17:01
nmobixor JenniferB use this sequence: ALT+F1 & S & P & W & ALT+S & ALT+C17:01
h00k!language | peturi17:01
ubottupeturi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:01
peturiWhat is wrong with my language honk?17:02
peturino swear words there17:02
h00kpeturi: yes, yes there were. Keep it family friendly.17:02
sipiorpeturi: flapping your arms around is no help at all. if you're depending on alerts, surely it helps to make sure the thing is running? 17:02
JenniferBOok.. new question :)17:03
peturiWhy should i make sure it's running by checking it every once in a while? I set the damn thing up and i expect it to work and run without problems.. and then they disable it with updates without telling me?17:03
JenniferBhow do disable the auto copy on higlight text ?17:03
sipiorpeturi: after an update? yes, i would certainly check it.17:03
vZAaG3Kkcwh3jskernel panic17:04
sAzQGvTk2t2illkernel panic17:04
peturisipior: So every time you apply security updates to your computer... you gothro all possible settings just to doublecheck everything is like before? NO.17:04
rad4ChristGood afternoon all. I am in need of assistance with Ubuntu Netbook Remix and a desktop with Intel 82865G video.17:04
sipiorpeturi: i do. then again, i'm paid to be careful.17:04
RedBaronhey ho17:04
sipiorpeturi: anyway, you have your answer.17:05
peturisipior: Be realistic, Don't tell me u check if that SMART thingie is running after each update.17:05
rad4ChristI installed and updated successfully, but the menu front end is sluggish. Well, unusale is the word.17:05
UnodeIs there a console client for network-manager (to start a wireless connection with WPA encryption)?17:05
CaptainTrekpeturi: I do what sipior does all the time, granted I only update my *nix box every 2 weeks, so its not like I check it that often17:06
rad4ChristAll applications work fine, and I can use the keyboard to navigate, butresponse to mouse input is decidedly non existant.17:06
Unoderad4Christ: you upgraded to karmic?17:06
CaptainTrekpetrui: heck, I even check to see if openssh remains running after each update17:06
geekphreakUnode: dont quote me on this but try wicd17:06
rad4ChristUnode: 9.1017:06
CaptainTrekpetrui: as sipior said, its a good idea to check every so often that things run, especially after critical updates17:06
Unoderad4Christ: I had the same problem, quickest solution was to reinstall from scratch (after losing a few hours trying to figure out what went wrong with the upgrade)17:07
rad4ChristI know with Intel chipsets there's video issues. In fact, on a previous attempt we successfully fixed it by disabling tiling in the xorg.conf, but this time around it sin't working17:07
rad4ChristIn fact, xorg.conf didn't even exist...17:07
peturiCaptainTrek: It should not be in the hands of the user to check what has been changed with updates, that is not the critical stuff... so i do wonder... to save my self the trouble are there any "Release notes" posted on ubuntu.com ?17:07
rad4ChristUnode: Sorry, I misunderstood, this is a clean install.17:08
Unoderad4Christ: reinstall means, pick the 9.10 ubuntu remix cd and go from there17:08
peturirelease notes.. per update.17:08
Unoderad4Christ: then sorry, can't help you :)17:08
rad4ChristUnode: No problem17:08
rad4ChristAnyone else? I am utterly (cow joke) stumped.17:08
Unodegeekphreak: isn't wicd also gtk based?17:08
CaptainTrekpeturi: yes, but for which package?  if you've got a complaint, take it up with the developers.  OTHERWISE, its considered up to the user to make sure everything runs.17:09
resnowhy can i not get my quetinos answered :(17:09
geekphreakUnode: i think it has  cli option too, like i said "dont quote me on this"17:09
resnodidnt mean to post that17:10
erUSULrad4Christ: i know of cnetworkmanager but it is not packaged in ubuntu (karmic)17:10
sipiorCaptainTrek: if he had an SSD, he'd be complaining that they hadn't changed it sooner...17:10
Unodegeekphreak: ok, I'll have a look thanks17:10
geekphreakUnode: wicd-gtk i think is what you are refering too though17:10
CaptainTreksipior: too true XD17:10
rad4ChristerUSUL: cnetworkmanager? That has an effect on the menu system with Intel drivers?17:10
Unoderad4Christ: I think that was meant for me17:11
rad4ChristI thought so L17:11
erUSULrad4Christ: ooops wrong nick17:11
erUSULUnode: i know of cnetworkmanager but it is not packaged in ubuntu (karmic)17:11
UnodeerUSUL: I'll check that one also17:11
Unodethanks all17:11
erUSULUnode: http://vidner.net/martin/software/cnetworkmanager/17:12
erUSULrad4Christ: for intel problems maybe using updated drivers helps. try adding the xorg updates ppa17:12
erUSUL!ppa | rad4Christ17:12
ubotturad4Christ: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.17:12
rad4ChristI've added two ppas17:13
erUSULrad4Christ: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates17:13
rad4Christx-swat already17:13
rad4ChristAnd one other (rebooting the box now, so I can't tell you off hand17:13
JenniferBhow do disable the auto copy on higlight text ?17:14
jolarenI'm running lubuntu and I can't find how to recover some files I removed.. I used to remember but I can't now..17:14
jolarenWhere is it located? .local?17:14
geekphreakjolaren: $HOME/.localh/share/trash/files17:14
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash17:14
TomJI'm looking to install Ubuntu on my Mum's laptop, which is a god-awful slow Dell Celeron thing that crawls with Windows XP.  Is Netbook Remix recommended?  The laptop has a normal size screen, but is slow enough that it could be thought of as netbook territory.  All she needs is Firefox, PDF and OpenOffice (.doc and .xls support)17:15
JackWatDoes anybody know if the Java HotSpot Virtual Machine is something that comes packaged with the 3rd party java installation?  For example, if i wanted to upgrade the hotspot version, would I have to upgrade the whole sun package?17:15
erUSULJenniferB: core X feature i do nor know of a way to disable it17:15
meekatronis there a way to lockdown a user account so they can only use the web browser17:15
JackWatyou can copy just by highlighting? wtf i want that17:15
erUSULJackWat: i'm not sure i understand the question17:15
h00k!wtf | JackWat17:15
ubottuJackWat: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:16
ccookeJackWat: yes, the sun java package is the hotspot VM17:16
erUSULJackWat: highlight something; click middle button to paste it in current cursor place17:16
JackWaterUSUL: yeah but that does not effect the copy/paste functions.17:16
rdogghey guys, im currently using linux mint 8, is there any way to install ubuntu from mint? like if i change all of the sources.list to ubuntus one ?17:16
JackWatccooke: so if iw anted to upgrade only the hotspot version, would i need to do wnload the correct java package for that version from java.com?17:16
h00krdogg: Mint is an unofficial derivative of Ubuntu, you'll have to check with their support.17:17
JackWatrdogg: that doesn't sound good :P heh17:17
geekphreakrdogg:  dont event hink about it :d. better option use vm17:17
rdoggoh ok17:17
jolarengeekphreak: Thanks but that location doesnt exist, I dont know where to find it (its located elsewhere in lubuntu).. I can't recall17:17
ccookeor upgrade your sun java package, if there's a later one that has the right version. You can see your hotspot version by running "java -version" on the command line17:17
JackWat!stfu | JackWat17:17
ubottuJackWat, please see my private message17:17
edgy360_hi there17:17
foxnsoxhi - I have three monitors - two using twin display and the third as a seperate X. When I try to change the number of workspaces in the third display (seperate instance of X) if actually changes the workspaces for the other X instance. Anyone know a fix/workaround?17:17
geekphreakjolaren: i used trash, it is Trash case senstive17:17
JackWatYou're not allowed to say 'noob'?17:17
JackWatthat sucks17:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:18
rdoggone more question, does ubuntu 10.04 support Ati Radeon 9250 now?17:18
ccookeJackWat: however, if you download a non-Ubuntu version, I'd suggest that you uninstall the ubuntu package first.17:18
h00krdogg: check in #ubuntu+1 for Lucid discussion.17:18
edgy360_I am on the live cd and when I installed my wireless card drivers the screen just went blank and the caps lock light was blinking17:18
geekphreakrdogg:  #ubuntu+117:18
h00krdogg: pleasee the /topic17:18
rdoggok thanks17:18
JackWatccooke: so i have the 6.20 version of java17:18
JackWati actually just re-installed my testbox so i can't see the hotspot version17:18
jolarengeekphreak: I've already looked into that ;/17:18
rad4ChristRunning UNR9.10 : Ok, added xorg-edgers and ubuntu-x-swat PPAs, latest Intel drivers. Also disabled Tiling in xorg.conf. Looking for ANY other options to make menu responsive to mouse input. All other apps and system working.17:19
ccookeJackWat: the hotspot version is not the same as the java version.17:19
JackWatccooke: ok, how do i upgrade just the hotspot vm?17:19
edgy360_so what does the caps lock key flashing mean?17:20
ccookeJackWat: as I said, the hotspot VM is installed along with the rest of java. It just has a different version.17:20
JackWatccooke: ok so if i wanted to update to a newer version of hotspot, i would have to upgrade my whoel java version. correct?17:20
ccookeJackWat: if you can find an ubuntu package with the relevant version of hotspot, you can use that. If not, uninstall the ubuntu version and download a version from Sun17:20
ccookeJackWat: yes.17:20
JackWatccooke: thank you sir.17:20
kkojibandi heard that ubuntu 10.4 use gcc 4.5 as default compiler, anybody know about this?17:21
h00kkkojiband: please see #ubuntu+1 for lucid discussion17:21
crowHi, i have LSISAS1068E B1 controler and hdds on it, and in dmesg i see a lot off these http://paste.debian.net/70726/17:22
icerootkkojiband: #ubuntu+117:22
kkojibandoh i see thank you17:22
=== ganja_ is now known as ganja
MaletorWhy does uname -a show me an older version of a kernel. I have it listing 2.6.31-20-generic when i have 2.6.32-21-generic in /boot17:22
coz_kkojiband,   I think its 4.4.317:22
NinoScriptJenniferB, Did someone answer your question? The one about the primary clipboard?17:23
sipiorMaletor: are you actually running the -21 kernel?17:23
pkkmHow big number can int(11) store?17:23
Maletorsipior: what? $ uname -a17:23
MaletorLinux denmark 2.6.31-20-generic ....17:23
pkkmoh sorry, not that window17:24
sipiorMaletor: i imagine you've still got both versions in /boot, and are running the old one at the moment.17:24
Maletorsipior: yes, the older one is listed in /boot, i want to upgrade to the newer one :)17:24
optimus_primeanybody knows about gebb?17:24
Maletorthat's already there17:24
optimus_primegnome extension bundle builder17:24
tyler_dis there a utility/app to determine what applications are connected to the internet?17:24
sipiorMaletor: does it not appear in the grub menu at boot?17:24
NinoScriptJenniferB, you can install a Clipboard Manager, like Glipper or Parcellite, and then tell them to use only the ctrl+c17:24
erUSULtyler_d: netstat or ss17:24
BF4Iaqese5srlskernel panic17:24
geekphreaktyler_d: netstat17:25
Maletori guess it might.... i'm remote right now over SSH, can i still resolve this?17:25
ChogyDanMaletor: when you run update-grub, do you see it listed?17:25
kkojibandtyler_d: lsof is also useful17:26
MaletorChogyDan: yes17:26
CaptainTrekBF4Iaqese5srls, could be caused by anything, we need more details17:26
ChogyDanMaletor: do you have more than one install.  ie, on another partition?17:26
rad4ChristIs there a dedicated channel for UNR?17:26
MaletorChogyDan: no17:26
ChogyDanCaptainTrek: that is a spammer I think17:26
sipiorMaletor: the new kernel should come up by default. remote kernel upgrades are always dicey: have you got someone on the other end to kick the machine if the new kernel has problems?17:26
coz_rad4Christ,  i dont see on hold on17:26
paddy_transmission crashes when i add avatar the the download list17:27
sipiorMaletor: or have ipmi working, &cet.17:27
PiciFYI: We are aware of the spam and we are working with freenode to resolve it.17:27
Maletorsipior: i did sudo reboot now after sudo apt-get upgrade17:27
Maletori guess i should just hit tab when the grub menu comes up on reboot and select in manually?17:27
Maletormaybe i can change it in grub.conf or something?17:28
rad4ChristcozThanks, I'm really in a bind here, needing some assistance.17:28
Uranellushello, i need to dpkg --remove something, and disable the postrm script for that removal ..17:28
dmarkeyis unetbootin acceptible for 10.04?17:28
MaletorSo what's the plan ChogyDog or sipior?17:28
Picidmarkey : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.17:29
sipiorMaletor: check the config file and make sure it says what you think it does...17:29
Maletorwhere is the config?17:29
Maletorit's not in /boot/grub/grub.conf does not exist17:30
sipiorMaletor: /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:30
twig111Why does Update Manager want to download 336 MB of updates when I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 RC? It's trying to re-download pretty much all the bundled gnome apps. What's going on?17:30
Picitwig111 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.17:30
Maletorsipior: # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE17:31
=== ubuntu is now known as newbiii
costretwig111, It's update heavy since it's a beta still?17:31
twig111Pici: Thanks17:31
newbiiihow to do :wq17:31
newbiiii need help17:31
sipiorMaletor: i said "make sure it says what you think it does"17:31
newbiiiwat : stand for in vi17:31
papail y a des français?17:31
guntbert!fr | papa17:31
geekphreak!fr | papa17:31
ubottupapa: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois17:31
Maletorsipior: and it does not, the menuentry is for 2.6.31-20 only17:31
newbiiihow to do :wq in vi.17:31
sipiorMaletor: well, there you go17:32
Maletorso how do i fix?17:32
Picinewbiii: its the colon key on your keyboard.  Press esc to get out of edit mode, then type   :wq!17:32
sipiorMaletor: i would verify that the kernel package was installed properly17:33
Maletorfixed sipior: ran sudo /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig17:33
mmmmjdthier thpv4eyt17:33
mmmmde ke?17:33
sipiorMaletor: should've been done by the package, i should think...anyway, glad it's working.17:34
Maletorwell not really...17:34
Maletorit standard output but didn't actually replace grub.cfg17:34
sipiormmmm: i was about to ask you that.17:34
Picimmmm: This is the Ubuntu Support channel, do you have a question?17:34
Maletorso sudo rm /boot/grub/grub.cfg && sudo /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig >> /boot/grub/grub.cfg ???17:35
AxiosHello all,17:35
geekphreakMaletor: i would not delte anything , just backip use mv command instead, just incase  imo17:35
sipiorMaletor: you might try reinstalling the kernel package first. where there no errors? also, you'll want a copy of grub.cfg...17:36
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MaletorHowever, sipior: it does not include my insmod raid and insmod raid5rec etc.17:36
Maletorit's a very different file17:36
Axiosi've been having some issues with ubuntu 10.04 over the last couple of weeks and been looking for info on the forums but thought i'd join here and see if i could find a bit of help and some info.17:36
Maletorwhat's the cmd to reinstall kernel?17:36
Axiosif any one is around to help :)17:36
sipiorMaletor: just reinstall the kernel packages you updated.17:36
newbiiihow to save file and quit in nano17:37
geekphreakAxios:  #ubuntu+1 for lucid, thank you17:37
newbiiii confuse with vi and nano17:37
Axiosok thanks. :)17:37
geekphreaknewbiii:  ctrl+x  , it all shown below :)17:38
stuart_Somehow I have reformatted a partition.... it is unmounted. Is there a way to restore it/ retrieve anything from it??17:38
Maletorjesus h christ, lucid cannot handle being updated from karmic17:39
Maletorraid and lvm are completely ignored17:39
sipiorstuart_: unfortunately, no.17:39
* Maletor is angry.17:39
sipiorMaletor: what part of "beta"...17:39
Maletorthere is no more beta/17:39
Maletorit is frozen save for languages17:39
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:40
mickster04Maletor: there u go17:40
sipiorMaletor: it ain't released yet. that's why it's called "release candidate" , and not "release".17:40
stuart_sipior, assuming it hasn't been wiped though, is it not possible to reformat it back to the same type thenn repair the inodes or something equally as hideous??17:40
geekphreakstuart_: next time backup :p17:41
FilthpigHi, I've tried the official Wine channel but got no answer. I'm wondering if there is some way to force a default mouse pointer in Wine apps? Any ideas?17:41
stuart_this is more of an experiment than anything else17:41
sipiorstuart_: no, not really. if you had just modified the partition table, that would be one thing. but a reformatting is another matter.17:42
vex1how do I find what wireless card I have on my netbook currently running Ubuntu netbook remix latest version?17:42
Flare-Laptopvex1: lspci17:42
stuart_i'm with you now, sip17:42
tyler_dI'm trying to run ntop from term, I use `sudo ntop -P /var/lib/ntop -u ntop -d` and it says its becoming daemon, but nothing after that17:43
sipiorstuart_: some disk forensics might recover some data, but that's well beyond my ability to help you :-)17:43
vex1Flare-laptop: ok under network controller it gives me a Broadcom BCM4312 802.11b/g woudl that be it?17:43
Flare-Laptopvex1: yup17:43
FriedrichManive got a hge problem17:44
stuart_it was just to test out.17:44
FriedrichMancant open .xls files on openoffice17:44
sipiorstuart_: no worries, then17:44
geekphreakstuart_: good luck17:44
vex1Flare-laptop: alright cool so where can i find the drivers i need to install for it17:44
FriedrichManwhat might be the issue? I cannot work without this17:44
smooth_penguinhas anyone gotten the 1280x1024 using an external VGA monitor on the Acer D250 netbook?17:44
Flare-Laptopvex1: btw you might want to know that broadcom wireless cards are evil17:44
spFriedrichMan: just two wild guesses: VBA included or password protected17:44
spFriedrichMan: okay, a third one: corrupt file17:45
geekphreakFriedrichMan:  xls should open, unless its new office xlsx i think, then you are in for a ride17:45
vex1Flare-laptop: lol why is that17:45
Flare-Laptopvex1: but hold on I'll help you out, because I used to have to do the same thing your going to do17:45
Flare-Laptopvex1: because they don't like to work on linux17:45
FriedrichMansp: no pass... at least I didn't add any pass and theres nobody else with access to the files17:45
vex1Flare-laptop: alright thanks17:45
FriedrichManI used the file the whole morning... and suddenly... it doesn't work anymore17:45
spFriedrichMan: is it a legacy xls file or a XML-based xlsx one?17:45
FriedrichManthis is driving me nuts17:46
Flare-Laptopvex1: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php17:46
spFriedrichMan: if it doesn't work anymore this sounds like it might be corrupted for whatever reason17:46
FriedrichManI have no idea... it's just an openoffice17:46
vex1Flare-laptop: ok im gonna download the 32-bit17:46
FriedrichManhow come two files could get corrupted ?17:46
guntbertFriedrichMan: did you ask in #openoffice.org ?17:46
Flare-Laptopvex1: ok17:46
geekphreakFriedrichMan:  any backups ?17:46
FriedrichManno backups17:47
FriedrichManI wanna die17:47
becker_11I have a complete backup of my /home & I want to import my opengpg keys from that backup into my new /home where are they stored and how do I import them17:47
vex1Flare-laptop: one sec let me go put in the ethernet cable so i can download this17:47
geekphreakbecker_11: .gnupg i think17:47
becker_11geekphreak: okay I'll check17:47
Flare-Laptopvex1: take your time17:48
azloni am currently building a software raid. i used: mdadm --create --verbose -- /dev/md0 --level=5 --raid-devices=8 /dev/sd[abcdefgh]1. now the raid is being created but it says: 6837319552 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [8/7] [UUUUUUU_]. it doesnt look like it is using all 8 drives... im confused17:48
becker_11geekphreak: yeah they're there do I simply copy them over or do I need to register them with my system in some way17:49
geekphreakbecker_11: just copy it over afaik17:50
ghufranhi. how do i monitor what programs are using my bandwidth? system monitor says my bandwidth is choked. but theres nothing im running which could do this. what i want to download is not downloading :S17:50
hueblurI have an IBM t40p with an ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02).  Running 10.4.  Running two monitors.  Movie player and VLC give my a black scrren when trying to watch a movie on the external monitor.  Didn't have this problem with 9.10. . .   I think it has to do something with accelerated graphics.  Here's the kicker.  If I window the player small enough and nudge it to the left of my lcd, it'll play.  I17:51
hueblurnudge it to the right and it flips out.  Suggestions?17:51
Picihueblur : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.17:51
geekphreakghufran: ss or netstat17:51
jvlmpHi, I have a question. I'm working on a university network. I use an LDAP-server for all the users and Samba homes share, so that every user has his own network drive. I want to place a shortcut (launcher) on the desktop of every user. I do this with a script placed in /etc/profile.d, but this script can only place the shortcut on the desktop when the user logged on the that machine previously, how can i  fix this?17:53
millertimek1a2m3hey, i go up to nm at the top ah bar thing and right click and then go to connection information17:53
vex1Flare-laptop: alright now what17:53
millertimek1a2m3is the series of letters and numbers separated by :'s my mac address?17:53
millertimek1a2m3otherwise, can someone tell me how to find my mac address?17:54
ghufrangeekphreak, netstat gives me connection level information17:54
geekphreakmillertimek1a2m3: ifconfig17:54
Flare-Laptopmillertimek1a2m3: ifconfig | grep HWaddr17:54
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Flare-Laptopvex1: extract it, open the terminal, cd to the folder that you just extracted, and do this: ./configure17:55
vex1Flare-laptop: ok one sec17:55
smooth_penguinanyone ever gotten the 1280x1024 using an external VGA monitor on the Acer D250 netbook?17:57
millertimek1a2m3Flare-Laptop, ok thanks man, do you know how to find a BSSID?17:57
costreNow THAT's a specific question :)17:58
crowHi, i have LSISAS1068E B1 controler and hdds on it, and in dmesg i see a lot off these http://paste.debian.net/70726/17:58
tyler_dis ntop supposed to be a gui? how is it supposed to show up?17:58
Flare-Laptopmillertimek1a2m3: iwconfig17:59
smooth_penguintyler_d, web interface17:59
jadis it possible to get download part of a page (as in, a specific div), anyone know ?17:59
tyler_dsmooth_penguin: so when you start it from term, how do you access it?17:59
jadhelp plz18:00
Picijad: If you can program python, look into beautifulsoup.... otherwise *shrug*18:00
smooth_penguintyler_d, on a certain port18:00
jadthx Pici18:00
jadu have helped me before btw18:00
smooth_penguintyler_d, look up its docs18:00
mastaofdisastahi, I'm new to ubuntu, I just finished installing xbuntu on my laptop. I'm getting a update manager warning saying I have 190 updates available18:00
tyler_dfound it.... by default18:00
mastaofdisastashould I install them all?18:00
costremastaofdisasta, Go for it. Updates are good :)18:01
mastaofdisastaI see the updates even include kernel upgrades18:01
mastaofdisastawill it break the system?18:01
costremastaofdisasta, If some update screws up something, it's easy to reinstall :)18:01
vex1Flare-laptop: alright when i run ./configure it gives me an error that there is no directory named configure18:01
costremastaofdisasta, It shouldn't do harm, updates are usually good18:01
Flare-Laptopvex1: you didn't cd to right folder18:01
LzrdKinghow do i fix the S and K numbers in /etc/rc#.d/ when insserver rewrote them all sequensially? instead of S10xxx S40xxx, S80xxx, i have S01xxx, S02xxx, S03xxxx18:02
mastaofdisastacostre: thanks :)18:02
vex1Flare-laptop: well i extracted it to a folder in my home called B then cd to it18:02
costremastaofdisasta, If you get hundreds of updates after just a week, it's a good system that changes and gets better. A system that never updates is not to be trusted :)18:03
Flare-Laptopvex1: do ls and pastebin the output18:03
vex1Flare-laptop: its real short: README.txt lib src Makefile18:04
Flare-Laptopvex1: type in make and press enter :P18:04
vex1Flare-laptop: ohh lol ok now what18:04
Flare-Laptopvex1: it'll take a while to compile so yeah18:05
vex1Flare-laptop: alright its done18:06
Flare-Laptopvex1: ok do this: sudo make install18:06
vex1Flare-laptop: ok18:06
LzrdKinghow do i fix the S and K numbers in /etc/rc#.d/ when insserver rewrote them all sequensially? instead of S10xxx S40xxx, S80xxx, i have S01xxx, S02xxx, S03xxxx18:07
Flare-Laptopvex1: you should be able to restart and see it on your hardware drivers thing now18:07
vex1Flare-laptop: alright let me restart and then go to hardware drivers brb18:07
Flare-Laptopvex1: ok18:08
=== ativa is now known as fredim
vex1Flare-laptop: ok so i restarted and clicked on hardware logo in administration and it searched and said no propritary drivers found on this system18:11
tyler_dhow do you watch someone elses session? ie. someone is using ssh on a terminal, and you need to see what is being done?18:11
vex1tyler_d: ttyspy18:12
Flare-Laptopvex1: alright try doing this in the terminal: sudo modprobe b4318:12
clottermhey. does anybody know how to load the usb drivers automatically at the alternate cd? (i'm trying to install the os via  kickstart, but the installer complains about missing usb modules)18:12
ANA789CARRIONmy name is ana18:12
axisyswhat is a good tkdiff like tool to compare two dirs ?18:13
guntbert!es | ANA789CARRION18:13
ubottuANA789CARRION: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:13
vex1Flare-laptop: ok it didnt return anything18:13
Flare-Laptopvex1: alright you might be able to connect to the internet now idk18:14
vex1Flare-laptop: lol sweet ill give it a try thanks for all the help18:14
Flare-Laptopvex1: np18:14
llockeduuthey all, I had an XP netbook for my mom, which had auto-login and auto-connect to wlan. Now I want Ubuntu on it, but every time the netbook boots it logs in automatically but asks for wlan password whatever I do18:15
ANA789CARRIONncvvn ngbgbgbb18:15
FloodBot1ANA789CARRION: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:15
llockeduutSo I removed gnome-keyring18:15
llockeduutnow I can't get on internet with the netbook18:15
llockeduutso I'm reinstalling18:15
zen933kllockeduut: Network Settings->autoconnect18:15
llockeduutzen933k: is that an app?18:15
zen933kllockeduut: Sorry, you'll find it under System-> Perferences-> network connections18:16
zen933kllockeduut: Click the wireless tab, look for your network18:17
wadllockeduut, are you lockedout then? ;)18:17
llockeduutwad: lolk yes18:17
zen933kllockeduut: Click on your network, then click on edit. There should be a check box to connect automatically.18:17
llockeduutis this via the wifi-applet or via system/prefs?18:18
llockeduutk I need to rbeoot, install is done18:18
zen933kllockeduut: You're using Gnome?18:18
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llockeduutzen933k: yes, netbook remix though18:18
llockeduutso it is all a bit unfamiliar to me18:18
dayoit looks like there's no apcupsd in the lucid repo??18:18
llockeduutif it works, I will not return, so let me thank everybody now18:18
llockeduutthanks guys18:19
zen933kllockeduut: Me too, click on System. First box is labelled perferences, then scroll down to network connections18:19
sebsebseb!lucid | dayo18:19
ubottudayo: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:19
* wad is excited for Lucid18:19
ubuntu_giantHello, I'm trying to use an Atheros AR5001 wireless card in Ubuntu 9.10.  If I start up my computer with wireless on (which I hate to do), wireless works just fine.  However, if I leave it off and then try to turn it on, Ubuntu seems to think the device doesn't exist. :(  Please help.18:20
ubuntu_giantIs it a problem with dbus?18:21
LzrdKingubuntu_giant: turn it on when you startup, then turn off wireless if you want, and don't turn the computer off18:21
invalidrecordhi guys anyone know if the alternate installer can shrink osx on a gpt part table?18:21
ubuntu_giantLzrdKing, Yeah, that's the simple answer, but not the secure one. :)18:21
zen933kNot really helpful either.18:22
ubuntu_giantThanks, though.18:22
LzrdKingright because having the wireless ON is insecure18:22
wadinvalidrecord, is it normal for people to put Ubuntu on MACs?18:22
zen933kinvalidrecord: I've done a shrink on with liveusb but with a mac part I'm not so sure about18:23
wadinvalidrecord, I'm interested, because I might be getting a mac, but I'd rather use Linux.18:23
schlaftierwad: What's wrong with that?18:23
pureonehi hi18:23
LzrdKingubuntu_giant: i was going to say "don't turn off wireless with the hardware switch"18:23
vex1Flare-laptop: what should it say when i run iwconfig eth018:23
wadschlaftier, you're making invalid assumptions. Read what my question actually said.18:23
zen933kwad: Mac uses BSD, you can get BSDports for OS X if you want to use a lot of open software18:23
invalidrecordwad: well ues its fine to do that18:23
pureoneis it possible to mount a western digital usb device with ubuntu?18:23
invalidrecordbut currently i am on a hackingtosh so18:23
schlaftierwad: Sorry, but I answered before your clarification18:24
invalidrecordpureone: yes18:24
Flare-Laptopvex1: depends18:24
pureoneinvalidrecord: how so sir?18:24
invalidrecordwell just plug it in dbus should mount it for you18:24
* wad paypals schlaftier a trillion dollars18:24
vex1Flare-laptop: well mine just says no wireless extentions lol18:24
pureoneok ty18:24
zen933kpureone: I had problems with my external HD but it should work fine18:24
geekphreaktc all18:25
schlaftierwad: keep your money, you need it for your Mac :)18:25
beriliumhi guys does anyone use uvesafb?18:25
pureonedoes ubuntu run as a live cd or is it a installer?18:25
wadschlaftier, nobody said I was buying it. I may be "getting" it.18:25
LzrdKingpureone: both18:25
zen933kpureone: Desktop and Netbook Remix can run off a liveCD, Server doesn't18:25
schlaftierwad: even better, as long as you're not "getting" mine...18:25
wadI wouldn't purchase one, Ubuntu works great on normal PC hardware.18:25
ubuntu_giantI don't know why Ubuntu can't find my wireless card. When I say "ifconfig wlan0 up," I get the following error:18:26
wadschlaftier, lol18:26
ubuntu_giantSIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 13218:26
LzrdKingubuntu_giant: boot with the device enabled18:26
arthurhis there a ubuntu-mactel team channel?18:26
fmAoehDg4m16tikernel panic18:26
ubuntu_giantGuess I'll have to do that. :(18:26
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LzrdKingubuntu_giant: the simplest annser is often the best18:27
zen933kubuntu_giant: maybe search the forum. You shouldn't have to go through that if it works fine under windows.18:28
SJrWhy can anyone and anything still connect to my mail server18:28
SJrwith those iptables rules18:28
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mbeierlIs there a screenshot-region tool for Metacity like the "Super-mouse-1" selection region for Compiz?18:29
madsoné a primeira vez que uso18:29
llutzSJr: line 718:29
tsimpson!br | madson18:30
ubottumadson: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:30
wadSJr, iptables is a mystery to me. I've installed firehol, but am too much of a wuss to switch over to it without my alpha-geek available to hold my hand.18:30
mbeierlSJr: yes, line 7 says allow everyone :)18:30
SJrforgot about that18:31
=== dima is now known as Kangarooo
gsalahhello, I updated my ubuntu, and then I can't connect external monitor or LCD projector. I have ATI hardware18:34
jadwget help pls: i want to have cache in wget, according to the manpage, it should happen with `wget $URL`, but everytime im downloading the page it takes the same time to download18:35
asavarHi, does fedora's tuned daemon makes a sense in ubuntu or ubuntu has similar tool? (I'm not talking about gnome-power-manager which included by both systems) They says that it is very good thing but I can't find it in repos (and it's very hard to google it due very common word, btw)18:35
spantherhi there18:36
theshadowI'm trying to set up ubuntu 9.04 on this HP workstation, after the install completes grub kicks off showing "GRUB" in the upper left hand of the screen and then goes into an infinite loop of system beeps. I've tried to reinstall grub on that disk but can't figure out whats going on since there aren't any error messages18:36
jadpure_hate, ill try that18:36
spantherwill 10.04 support wlan driver of ASUS eeePC 1005p ?18:37
sebsebseb!lucid | spanther18:37
ubottuspanther: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:37
DrPoOHow do I modify the PATH variable for the www-data user?18:38
invalidrecordthank frak though i had nuked all my tunes18:39
DrPoOCan one modify the path for the www-data user?18:39
DrPoOCan one modify the path for the www-data user?\18:41
anodesniI can't boot ubuntu livecd 10.04 in virtualbox!?!18:41
chaofluxhey all, i happen to have an issue w/ horizontal screen tearing w/ ubuntu during videos.. i have a gtx 260, the nvidia proprietary drivers installed... have tried a fix using compiz to set the refresh rate to 60 and sync to vblank, but no such luck so far.  any thoughts?18:41
jadpure_hate, its not working18:42
jadwhat's supposed to happen ?18:42
jadits still getting the same load time18:42
jadam i doin smthn wrong ?18:42
anodesnichaoflux: don't use compiz, maybe try "nvidia-settings --assign="SyncToVBlank=1"" int terminal18:43
pure_hatejad, you have to have somewhere to cache to18:43
chaofluxi've also noticed that when i try to check the radio box for Sync to VBlank in nvidia server settings, it doesn't seem to stick when i quit the program and launch it again18:43
pure_hatelike a proxy18:43
chaofluxk, i'll give that a go18:43
jadpure_hate, k18:43
pure_hatewget --proxy-on --cache=off -m http://mywebsite.com18:43
pure_hatefor example18:44
c_nickI got a Jre-6.0 binary file how can i install it for my Chrome18:44
teurastajawhy does synaptic package manager want to remove grub-common and grub-pc before inistalling grub-doc??18:44
chaofluxafter entering nvidia-settings --assign="SyncToVBlank=1    it just says >18:44
chaofluxsorry, i'm new to this lol, is that it? should i reboot?18:45
marienzteurastaja: probably because you're trying to install the grub 1 documentation18:45
marienzteurastaja: but let me check18:45
teurastajais the default grub2 now?18:45
h00kteurastaja: yes18:46
chaofluxanyways, i'll reboot and see what's up. thanks.18:46
marienzteurastaja: yep, grub-doc is for grub 1 (legacy)18:46
LzrdKinghow do i fix the S and K numbers in /etc/rc#.d/ when insserver rewrote them all sequentially? instead of S10xxx S40xxx, S80xxx, i have S01xxx, S02xxx, S03xxxx18:46
c_nicki downloaded binary file how can i install it18:46
teurastajaand is the default ubuntu install using grub2 now?18:47
CaptainTrekc_nick: chmod +x <path to file>18:47
uLinuxWhat characters can I use when changing hostname?18:47
teurastajait was in beta the last time i cheked18:47
CaptainTrekc_nick: then run it18:47
CaptainTrekc_nick: run in terminal *18:47
mozillanerdHelp, I have typed /topic as recommended in Guidelines, and it wants a parameter,18:48
azlonis there a way to list all of a certain file type, it's path and it's file size? it would be even better if i could export it to a txt file18:48
durtteurastaja, grub2 is default on new installs since karmic IIRC18:48
teurastajauLinux: make sure you have a dot like localhost.localdomain and alias localhost (in my example) in /etc/hosts18:48
LzrdKingmozillanerd: /topic #ubuntu18:48
c_nickthanks CaptainTrek18:48
jimmyjh2in network sharing i cannot access the other computers ntfs hard drive18:49
teurastajaread man hosts and make sure /etc/resolv.conf is alright18:49
c_nicku changed its ugo to execute all18:49
uLinuxteurastaja it only says localhost18:49
uLinuxand then myusername18:49
CaptainTrekc_nick: the binary needs to be executable, hence the chmod +x18:49
teurastajacool durt whats new in grub2?18:49
c_nickhmm ok18:49
teurastajaulinux: do you have ipv6?18:50
YuviPanda_Hi guys, I'm running Ubuntu Karmic NBR on my Samsung N210. I was trying out a newer version of Mesa and when I rebooted, I get nothing18:50
h00k!grub2 | teurastaja18:50
ubottuteurastaja: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:50
YuviPanda_I've obviously messed up my display - so how do I revert back?18:50
durtteurastaja, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:50
uLinuxteurastaja ubuntu shows some ipv6 adresses but i dont use it18:50
teurastajawhat hostname do you want?18:51
teurastajais the default ok?18:51
uLinuxcould I use like "?"18:51
teurastajano dont even try18:51
uLinuxor must be some letter18:51
uLinuxor number18:51
uLinuxcurrently i use a letter and it's ok18:52
teurastajait should be /\w/ (if u know regexp)18:52
uLinuxno :18:52
uLinuxi won't change it then18:52
YuviPanda_also, if I try to use the 'recovery' options in grub, it gets stuck at "Starting Init crypto disks..."18:52
teurastajathen it just means numbers underscore and chars18:53
anodesnichaoflux: you didn't typed it correctly, you forget " at the end, it should be: nvidia-settings --assign="SyncToVBlank=1"18:53
uLinuxteurastaja I saw a tutorial where some guy use spaces18:53
anodesnichaoflux: Also, the setting is lost when you reboot. After each reboot you should enter it again or make a script18:53
teurastajayou should change it because what you told me generally raises a dns parsing exception18:53
chaofluxno such luck w/ the terminal command, still have some screen tearing... also noticed that in my nvidia x server settings the sync to vblank box still doesn't remain checked18:53
chaofluxlol, i had rebooted, i might have missed some of what you said18:53
anodesnichaoflux: no I've waited, just try again18:54
LzrdKingwhat does "SyncToVBlank" do anyway?18:54
anodesniLzrdKing: like it says, vsync18:54
mbeierlah.  just answered my own question about screenshots: use shutter instead18:55
teurastajaand make sure everything else is commented out (# prepended)18:55
LzrdKinganodesni: it doesn't say vsync, it says synctovblank18:55
uLinuxteurastaja i dont wanna mess with that stuff lol18:55
anodesniLzrdKing: same idea18:55
teurastajaalso tell me the output of your /etc/resolv.conf18:55
LzrdKinganodesni: and what does to do for you?18:55
chaofluxnaah, still see some vertical screen tearing after entering nvidia-settings --assign="SyncToVBlank=1   into terminal18:55
anodesniLzrdKing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertical_blanking_interval18:56
teurastajaulinux: to have proper dns resolution you have to hange it18:56
anodesniLzrdKing: for me it solved tearing issues with certain opengl stuff, like zsnes18:56
uLinuxbut the internet works fine18:56
teurastajanot the dns18:56
LzrdKinganodesni: i just read that, it talks about TVs and i'm not using a video card with that option on my tv18:56
qazibasitmake ur life simple LzrdKing18:57
dstufftanyone know how to get s-video out working for a gateway laptop and ubuntu?18:57
LzrdKingqazibasit: it's relatively simple18:57
teurastajait makes your system hang at startup and networking can crash for no obvious reason for some apps18:57
frxstremhow can I in the terminal replace text from the output of a command?18:58
chaofluxi don't really game anymore so there's not much point in having a gtx 260 if another card would work out better for me18:58
qazibasitLzrdKing do you know how can i use my ubuntu for parallel computing????18:58
anodesnichaoflux: Valve is porting steam and the source engine to linux, so...18:58
LzrdKingso how is blanktovsync relevant to computing today?18:58
teurastajaulinux its simple: localhost18:58
LzrdKingoops, synctovblank18:58
anodesniLzrdKing: it is, from my experience18:58
_pg_anodesni: really? that is for sure happening?18:58
chaofluxeheh, i just spent far too much of my life playing world of warcraft, lol, don't tempt me!18:59
teurastaja127.0.0.1    localhost.localdomain localhost18:59
chaofluxi know they're doing it for osx18:59
jadhey, im trying to get specific info from a site, for example i want to find the number of ppl who liked a certain facebook page, without having to download the whole page18:59
anodesni_pg_: it is a rumor, a linux version of steam was found on valves servers (see phoronix article)18:59
jadhelp appreciated18:59
ringerteurastaja, uLinux, are you discussing internet dropping out? I have that problem and missed beginning of your conversation18:59
LzrdKingqazibasit: i don;t know18:59
_pg_anodesni: ah. i heard similar to for mac, didnt know if it was legit or not18:59
teurastajaulinux: just make sure everything else has a "#" at the beginning of the lines18:59
uLinuxringer  i dont have any problem with my internet19:00
zarnickguys, what's best for a Asus Eee900? Ubuntu Netbook Remix or Kubuntu Netbook Remix?19:00
chaofluxit is important for me to figure out this screen tearing w/ my mkv files though19:00
chaofluxwould i have better luck w/ an ati card?19:00
teurastajaringer: his /etc/hosts isnt properly configured but he has no apparent problems19:00
LzrdKingi don't think my screen has ever tore19:00
llutzfrxstrem: use sed19:00
uLinuxteurastaja  a # before lines? then they wont do any effect19:01
teurastajaringer: i just told him to type[tab]localhost.localdomain[space]localhost19:01
frxstremllutz: how do I use sed, exactly?19:01
teurastaja# before all OTHER lines19:01
llutzfrxstrem: "man sed"19:01
h00kjad: that's not an Ubuntu related question19:01
chaofluxwell, my system is a little old but not terribly... socket 775 motherboard, q6600, 8gb ram... gtx 260... just seems vsync isn't actually enabled19:01
chaofluxmaybe i need a better monitor, i dunno lol19:01
uLinuxye before ipv6 lines19:01
uLinux# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts19:01
anodesnichaoflux: ati sucks on linux19:01
teurastajathen just tell me whats in your /etc/resolv.conf19:01
llutzfrxstrem: a start http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html19:02
anodesnichaoflux: don't use compiz, try smplayer19:02
jadh00k, i think its a linux question, using wget19:02
mozillanerdOn newly installed 9.10, when I click on an icon or link most of the time the click is not answered. What can I do to make the system respond faster? It used to be OK with 9.0419:02
qazibasiti have a 2.0 core2duo, 2 gb ram and 9600 geforce nvidia card with 320 GB HD hp pavilion notebook19:02
uLinuxteurastaja im gonna make a make backup of hosts19:02
uLinuxthen edit19:02
qazibasitwith ubuntu installed and running great19:02
teurastajaif you have no ipv6 implementation just comment them out19:02
llutzfrxstrem: sry, but sed is too complex to explain it here in 2 lines19:02
jadim trying to get specific info from a site, for example i want to find the number of ppl who liked a certain facebook page, without having to download the whole page19:02
LzrdKingchaoflux: seriously, my HTPC is a dual core 2.8GHz laptop with 4 GB RAM and an nvidia GoForce 7300 and i don;t understand what the vblank options in my htpc software or in the nvidia control panel do19:03
mahmoudhello all19:03
chaofluxi just got a thinkpad w/ core 2 duo 2.8ghz 4gb ram and intel video but haven't set up ubuntu on it yet19:03
chaofluxonly my desktop, so i have no real comparison19:03
qazibasitso it comes with a windows 719:04
qazibasitu can have a dual O/S19:04
mahmoudi have problem19:04
qazibasitgo ahead mahmoud19:04
chaofluxanyways, strangely i've just noticed that it doesn't seem to screen tear on my second monitor... only my first :o19:04
azlonis this the correct syntax to put into my /etc/fstab if i want to auto mount a folder?      /dev/md0 /var/media auto defaults 0 319:04
ssnhi guys19:04
plitteris there a way to restart the webcam without logging out?19:05
uLinuxteurastaja    localhost.localdomain localhost exactly like that? what about the hostname line?19:05
mbeierljad: that might be the problem.  FB might not allow caching, forcing you to get the page fresh each time19:05
anodesnichaoflux: do the 2 screens have different (native) screen resolutions??19:05
jadmbeierl, oh19:05
mbeierljad: secondly fb also uses a lot of ajax to render content.  wget cannot do that for you19:05
chaoflux1080 and 1400x90019:05
teurastajaulinux: if you read "man hosts" youd see is the loopback address, localhost.localdomain is the official hostname and localhost is just an alias19:05
jadmbeierl, i get i simply have to wget the page then regex the number19:06
ssnafter the installation of the nvidia driver under lucid lynx (asus ul30vt laptop), ubuntu boots with just a black screen. no matter what buttons i press (alt ctrl f1....), it stays black.how do i rescue the system?19:06
anodesnichaoflux: that might be the problem. I have that too, but linux just vsyncs one screen (for a specific resolution), then it doesn't work well on the other monitor19:06
qazibasitfb sucks19:06
teurastajaulinux: you just need that line19:06
chaofluxwell, if i had to choose i'd prefer it be my 1080 monitor19:06
h00k!fstab | azlon19:06
ubottuazlon: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:06
mbeierljad: I'm no expert of fb content, but I'm not even sure that what you are attempting to do is possible given the way fb works19:06
chaofluxhow might i go about that?19:06
anodesnichaoflux: I'm not sure if that is really true though19:07
qazibasiti dont like LCDs, they are expensive instead one can get a notebook19:07
jadmbeierl, its possible, the number of likes is simple text19:07
KettleCornIs there any way to copy a ssh key to a router? I have a router with Tomato firmware, and an Ubuntu server. I want to be able to ssh into the server from the router without typing any password (so a null-passphrase key essentially), but the router doesn't have any ssh-keygen command, just ssh19:07
qazibasitfb is nothing just a data collection utility19:07
chaofluxit really seems as if i'm not getting any on my second monitor though19:07
qazibasitto construct AI for web 3.019:07
KettleCorn(so essentially creating the key on the server, and copying to the router?)19:07
h00k!ot | qazibasit19:07
ubottuqazibasit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:07
LzrdKingKettleCorn: use ssh-keygen on your ubuntu machine, as you'd need your private key there anyway19:08
mbeierljad: but the way its displayed, is it rendered as part of the page load, or is it an ajax call to fill in the body of the section?19:08
teurastajaulinux: cat /etc/resolv.conf19:08
ssnafter the installation of the nvidia driver under lucid lynx (asus ul30vt laptop), ubuntu boots with just a black screen. no matter what buttons i press (alt ctrl f1....), it stays black.how do i rescue the system?19:08
uLinuxteurastaja and this line?
LzrdKingcan anyone explain to me what how vblank is relevant to modern computing and video, and why i'd want to sync to it?19:08
uLinux# before?19:08
jadmbeierl, ">3,621 People Like This<\19:08
h00kssn: see #ubuntu+1 for Lucid discussion.19:08
teurastajathis line looks wrong just uncomment it but dont remove it yet19:08
mbeierljad: sure, I know what the text looks like.  I'm not sure how the fb app loads it, that's all19:09
KettleCornLzrdKing: what I've done is generate it on the server, and copied that into a id_rsa.pub file which now resides in the .ssh folder on the router. Also, the same key has been copied into the authorized_keys file on the server. Yet I still have to type in the password for the user trying to log in. What can I have done wrong?19:09
frxstremdoes anyone here know how to cross-compile GTK+ programs to Windows using MinGW in Ubuntu?19:09
NateWafter using xrandr the cursor goes invisible. how can i fix this?19:09
rohdefis there a tool to setup fstab without having to edit the file manually?19:09
jadmbeierl, oh, i think i know what ur talkin about but im not sure19:09
h00kfrxstrem: you might want to check #ubuntu-devel19:09
azlonh00k: are you familiar with software raids? something is quirky about mine and i just wanted an opinion on it19:10
frxstremh00k: okay, I'll do that19:10
uLinuxresolv.conf is # Generated by NetworkManager19:10
uLinuxdomain lan19:10
uLinuxsearch lan19:10
uLinuxnameserver 192.x.x.x19:10
FloodBot1uLinux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:10
h00kazlon: no, I am not, but somebody else might be19:10
mbeierljad: secondly, I'm not sure how fb is going to like the wget program coming in without having a log in token.  normally you need to log in to fb to see certain content19:10
teurastajaulinux we all know its;)19:11
uLinuxit's not19:11
h00kjad: perhaps you could check Facebook's API. I'm going to say this isn't an Ubuntu related question. Perhaps ##linux also.19:11
uLinuxit's router ip19:11
uLinuxit's different ;)19:11
teurastajathen its
LzrdKingKettleCorn: you genberate 2 keys; one (id_rsa) is your provate key which lives in ~/.ssh/.  the other (id_rsa.pub) is your public key and gets copied to the router.  you can use ssh-copy-id to put the key in the right place19:11
jadno, they have a "public view", almost all pages and profiles can be seen from outside fb19:11
saleshello ppl...just like to say tthat linux SUCKS!!! windows is the POWER!!!!19:12
saleshello ppl...just like to say tthat linux SUCKS!!! windows is the POWER!!!!19:12
saleshello ppl...just like to say tthat linux SUCKS!!! windows is the POWER!!!!19:12
FloodBot1sales: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:12
uLinuxteurastaja not 1 in the end :P19:12
teurastajasales go make your sales elsewhere19:12
azlonmy cat /proc/mdstat looks like this: http://www.pastebin.org/181691    what does the [8/7] [UUUUUUU_] mean? is this bad?19:12
anodesnihey, a windows streaker19:12
mbeierlthat was fun :)19:12
teurastajanot on freenode anyway youll get hacked in no time\19:12
* mbeierl chuckles at anodesni's comment19:13
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
uLinuxteurastaja ?19:13
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
PlasmastarWill wubi corrupt my Windows installation?19:13
sebsebsebPlasmastar: no probably not19:14
teurastajaulinux: do you know how to change the domain on your routers interface?19:14
sebsebsebPlasmastar: also better to use real partitions really instead of Wubi in the long run anyway19:14
mbeierlPlasmastar: no, but it will make you want to leave Windows behind :)19:14
uLinuxi wont change anything19:14
uLinuxthe router is fine.19:14
teurastajathen just chek it19:14
PlasmastarSo wubi allows me to run Ubuntu over Windows?19:14
teurastajayou need the domain name (not SSID)\19:14
sebsebsebPlasmastar: yes, but19:15
=== yukiseaside is now known as sales
WeeJeWelMy hard drive is terribly slow, opening files takes ages and makes the software crash.. cross platform. What could be the problem?19:15
sebsebsebPlasmastar: you can only read your Windows files from it it seems, where as if you do a proper  partitioned install, you could access your Windows partition, and then read and write to it as well19:15
=== sales is now known as yukiseaside
WeeJeWelHDTune doesnt report anything bad so far :S19:15
sebsebsebPlasmastar: also  a non Wubi install is likely, to run slightly faster19:15
sebsebsebPlasmastar: ,but for just trying Ubuntu, Wubi should be ok19:16
h00kWeeJeWel: if your HD has SMART data, check that, but it is likely hardware related. Also, perhaps check ##hardware19:16
sebsebsebkamila: hey19:16
WeeJeWelh00k, it's all OK19:16
LzrdKingPlasmastar: if you want to just try out ubuntu with little fuss, go with wubi19:16
chaofluxjust installed smplayer, the video is transparent, lol, can see my wallpaper19:16
sebsebseb!wubi | Plasmastar19:16
ubottuPlasmastar: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.19:16
sebsebseb!dualboot | Plasmastar19:17
ubottuPlasmastar: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:17
Phantom_HooverApparently there is something wrong with my OpenAL install.19:17
anodesnichaoflux: weird19:17
PlasmastarThanks. :)19:17
teurastajaulinux: if youre always using the same router then change localdomain to the real domain19:17
sebsebsebPlasmastar: np19:17
=== FunkySayu is now known as FunkyProg
LzrdKingsebsebseb: i used wubi for a very long time and never realized i couln't write to the /host/ directory; though i never tired19:18
chaofluxseems like it's a known bug w/ using cairo dock19:18
sebsebsebLzrdKing: well  you should use real partitions really in the long run, plus there is some program that will convert a Wubi install into real partitions19:18
h00kPhantom_Hoover: you haven't asked a question, yet19:18
teurastajaand you can remove search in resolv.conf and have nameserver x.x.x.x and domain localdomain (change localdomain)19:18
teurastajathen everything should work fine if you have the good domain name19:19
mahmoud hello all i have this error ALERT! /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist. Dropping to a shell19:19
AhmcAqZh2zk0c5kernel panic19:20
AhmcAqZh2zk0c5kernel panic19:20
LzrdKingsebsebseb: i put ubuntu on a second drive; i ended up needing to remove the XP drive for anythign to boot19:20
AhmcAqZh2zk0c5kernel panic19:20
mahmoudany body help me19:20
sebsebsebLzrdKing: uh?19:20
Phantom_HooverOK... When I try to run the Infinity Combat Prototype with Wine, something goes wrong when it attempts to use OpenAL. I tried #winehq, but no-one is responding any more. Apparently Wine draws from libopenal.so, so I thought there might be some help here.19:20
teurastajaulinux: is everything alright?19:20
LzrdKingsebsebseb: when i stopped using wubi19:20
sebsebsebLzrdKing: what do you mean?19:20
uLinuxteurastaja  i really dont know why i had to change hosts file..19:20
doxy2hi! i'm using 9.10 - how can i disable the display identifers in the upper left corners? They are highly annoying19:21
sebsebsebLzrdKing: you have a real proepr partitioned install as well you mean?19:21
h00kPhantom_Hoover: #winehq is going to be your best bet, or the wine appdb.19:21
Phantom_HooverTried that!19:21
h00kPhantom_Hoover: I suppose you'll just have to be patient, then19:21
mahmoudhello i need help19:21
mahmoudALERT! /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist. Dropping to a shell19:21
sebsebseb!patience | mahmoud19:21
teurastajabecause of the dns resolution which expects the localhost.localdomain format as the official name19:21
ubottumahmoud: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:21
LzrdKingsebsebseb: i went from a wubi install to an ext3 install, but i wasn't able to turn my wubi install into a real install and grub blew up the boot sector and i had to physically remove the drive with windows on it to reboot19:22
LzrdKingerr to boot*19:22
mahmoudok thanks i am sorry19:22
teurastajanot just loalhost (which is an alias of the former)19:22
doxy2anyone? these appeared the first time i plugged in an ext. monitor19:22
sebsebsebLzrdKing: ah right, well there is some program that will convert Wubi install to real install, but I never used it.   Also for a proper install it's best to go with real partitions in the first place.19:22
bsod1how can I backup full system, like norton ghost and acronis in windows?19:22
uLinuxteurastaja ipv6 interface is still active19:23
sebsebseb!backup | bsod119:23
ubottubsod1: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:23
h00kdoxy2: System -> preferences -> monitors19:23
qazibasitwhen will ubuntu 10.04 be there on the servers19:23
llutzbsod1: thats an image, not a backup. partimage, clonezilla can19:23
sebsebsebqazibasit: April 29th19:23
JackWaton what servers?19:23
Pici!lucid | qazibasit19:23
ubottuqazibasit: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:23
LzrdKingsebsebseb: yeah, i spent hours trying to convert, thats the slowest part of wubi, really19:23
qazibasitoh ok19:23
sebsebsebLzrdKing: and sometimes peoples Wubi boot up can mess up,  or  WIndows boot up, after removing Wubi19:24
qazibasitwhy is it called lucid19:24
LuyzaAnyone here use photoshop with a wacom in Ubuntu?19:24
ckwqazibasit, Why not? ;)19:24
sebsebsebqazibasit: all the versions of Ubuntu  get a code name that is named after an animal19:24
bsod1is MondoMindi convenient for me19:24
doxy2h00k: yeah, that wud be logical but there's no option to disable those19:24
uLinuxjust a noob question; when a new ubuntu version comes out the system will be updated right..19:24
cjeffersonI have a bizarre problem -- I am running the 'Lucid' beta, and whenever I press 's', the "Lock screen" menu pops up.19:24
h00k!lucid | cjefferson19:25
sebsebseb!lucid | cjefferson19:25
ubottucjefferson: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:25
qazibasitif lucid is not stable then why are ppl using it19:25
sebsebsebqazibasit: since they are testing it19:25
liminalim having trouble with ubuntu and my graphic card19:25
teurastajaulinux: did you reboot and do you need ipv6?19:25
costrecjefferson, Make sure no special key is pressed down19:25
uLinuxi did reboot19:25
LzrdKingbecause they don't know any better19:25
liminalits causing applications to crash :(19:25
uLinuxand no i dont need ipv619:25
uLinuxi guess19:25
doxy2it's not even transparent! :D19:25
sebsebsebqazibasit: plus some people are using it  that should really be using Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Kaola still19:25
elie-mhey guyz19:26
cjeffersoncostre: I'm sure it isn't, I will go and try ubuntu+1 :)19:26
doxy2i don't understand how such a thing cud be a default setting19:26
elie-mdoes anyone know how to update broken ppa keys?19:26
qazibasitok sebsebseb, actually i am not much into computers i am a med student, but for time pass i am learning linux19:26
h00k!gpgerror | elie-m19:26
mahmoudi am still waiting no body know my Q ?19:26
qazibasitur prob is really strange mahmoud19:26
costreqazibasit, I'm using it and finding it very stable .... also, how would improvements be done if there were no people to report bugs ..?19:26
chaofluxfixed the transparency problem on smplayer, but yah, dont seem to have the screen tearing in video on second monitor, but if i drag it over the first i get some19:26
liminalive heard lucid is better with graphic cards19:27
liminalshould i upgrade?19:27
qazibasitgot it costre19:27
h00k!gpgerr | elie-m19:27
ubottuelie-m: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »19:27
chaofluxam wondering if there's a way to set the vsync to the first19:27
qazibasithow can i contribute to linux19:27
mahmoudohh yeah because its came from hard turned off after hungup19:27
qazibasitcan i write a few apps for it?19:27
LzrdKingchaoflux: why do you want to set vsync when you don't even know what it is?19:27
=== FunkyProg is now known as FunkySayu
h00kliminal: lucid discussion is in #ubuntu+119:27
elie-mhmmm let me see if I can understand that19:27
mozillanerd9.10 vs. 9.04 on same machine (dell inspeiron 8200) is slow, what can I look at to improve UI response?19:27
costreqazibasit, Write any app you want. If it's any good, it will be used in the upcoming distros19:28
glassresistor_whanyone know how to figure out whos the defualt user for a svn repo?19:28
liminalthanks hook, im here to discuss why karmic doesnt work19:28
qazibasitthat sounds cool19:28
h00kqazibasit:  perhapscheck http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu19:28
chaofluxi don't know entirely what it is, but i've noticed it eliminates screen tearing on virtually everything that's ever had the option to on any OS i've ever used /shrug19:28
sebsebsebqazibasit: ok that's great, but I will take this oppertunity to say this,  Linux is just a kernel, and there are loads of Linux distributions  not just Ubuntu.  http://www.distrowatch.com  just want to be clear since some people think Linux =  Ubuntu since it's the most popular  Desktop Linux distro at the moment19:28
chaofluxsometimes at the cost of FPS but w/e19:28
glassresistor_whim working on someone elses server and svn up askes me for my password and give it then locks up19:28
teurastajaulinux: test it without ipv6 and if theres somthing wrong put the ipv6 line back19:28
qazibasitya i used red hat and backtrack19:28
LzrdKingubuntu IS the most popular?19:29
qazibasitbut i love ubuntu19:29
teurastajain the same format as the ipv419:29
sebsebsebqazibasit: oh and Backtrack should only really be used by security professionals by  the way19:29
guntbertliminal: we don't discuss "why karmic doesn't work"  - we try to help you solve your issues19:29
mahmoudis it pug in Ubuntu ?19:29
qazibasitya bt is useless for me, just love its backgroung19:29
uLinuxbacktrack :P that's for leets19:29
guntbert!ot | qazibasit19:29
ubottuqazibasit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:29
liminalguntbert great19:30
qazibasitubuntu is for real work and bt is for script kiddies19:30
sebsebsebLzrdKing: on the desktop it sure is at the moment,  used to be Mandriva before Ubuntu.  for servers,  Debian and Redhat Enteprise Linux, CentOS, and Novell Suse Enterprise Linux.  oh yeah and this is off topic19:30
=== glassresistor_wh is now known as glassresistor
liminali  have an issue19:30
liminalkarmic doesnt work19:30
sebsebseb!work | liminal19:31
ubottuliminal: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.19:31
glassresistoruLinux: backtrack is just a decent "hacker" boot cd very little actual work it done to it as a distro19:31
sebsebseb!details | liminal19:31
ubottuliminal: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:31
h00kglassresistor: Please stay on topic.19:31
anthony_123does anyone help me to download free movies through command line interface...and to convert them into flv. please help!!!19:31
LzrdKingyeah, karmic doesn;t work, it should get a job to pay for the all hardware i've bought for it!19:31
SamuelPetersonWould anyone know how I can open something on another display from tty1 for example?19:31
albertoafnanybody using winff? in the "mobile phone" only seems to be a preset (mp3) all the video presets are gone :S anybody knows how to install them?19:32
sebsebsebLzrdKing: heh heh in a way19:32
mbeierlSamuelPeterson: short answer: export DISPLAY=<host>:<display number>19:32
glassresistorh00k: apologies was just trying to explain with bt isn't compariable to ubuntu19:32
SamuelPetersonmbeierl: thank you!19:32
mbeierlSamuelPeterson: of course, that requires you to allow remote connections to the X server on the display19:32
elie-mI cant get rid of the failed Hits while trying to update ubuntu...........19:32
liminalUbuntu 9.10 32bit - appears to have an ati hardware graphics driver issue conflict with xserver, xorg, xwindow it is causing applications to crash19:33
mbeierlSamuelPeterson: as in "xhost +<origin>" or "xhost +localhost" if it's local19:33
mahmoudalso i did recovery but doesnt success19:33
liminalfor example, firefox19:33
h00kelie-m: try switching your mirrors19:33
fauzyhey everyone.19:33
fauzygood day huh19:33
liminalhere is the xsession-error log19:33
uLinuxI have Wine installed but now HOW can I open a .exe with it?19:33
elie-mh00k, can u explain more?19:33
sebsebsebuLinux: just double click on it, and it should open19:34
LuyzaAnyone here use photoshop with a wacom tablet in Ubuntu? I cannot draw using the tablet at all in photoshop, but I can in other programs19:34
costreuLinux, Right click, open with wine application launcher19:34
DasEiuLinux: in trml wine blah.exe is one way (including path o'course)19:34
sebsebsebLuyza: in Wine you mean or?19:34
enzyuLinux, or terminal > wine path_to.exe19:34
uLinuxi have tried19:34
mrozekuLinux:open console, then cd /path/to/program/; then wine appname.exe :)19:34
uLinuxim gonna try19:34
fauzyanyone here tried the new plymouth19:34
Luyzasebsebseb,  Yes, but I have asked for help in Wine channel already19:34
DasEiuLinux: which exe you try ?19:34
h00kfauzy: Lucid discussion is in #ubuntu+119:35
anthony_123does anyone help me to download free movies through command line interface...and to convert them into flv. please help!!!19:35
uLinuxit's a simple program19:35
uLinuxnot a installer19:35
Luyzasebsebseb,  I see many ubuntu users have it working in photoshop, so I wanted to see if I could find any where, to help19:35
sebsebsebfauzy: yes  first in Mandriva One 2010 :)  and then also  when trying Lucid in virtual machines, and yes #ubuntu+1 is the  channel you want19:35
fauzyok thanks19:35
DasEiuLinux: checked the winedb for it ?19:35
uLinux"install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables"19:35
fauzythis is ubuntu 1 ?19:35
h00kfauzy: this is #ubuntu, type /join #ubuntu+119:36
Flare-LaptopuLinux: mono <insert exe filename here>19:36
mikelifeguardHow can I see what files are in a .tar.gz in terminal?19:36
sebsebsebLuyza: as far as I know Photoshop doesn't work exaclty how it should in Wine, depending on the version,  I mean Photoshop 7 should work pretty well, but versions later then that probably not quite.19:36
elie-mahh h00k now I understood what u meant,sry my bad I feel stupid :P19:36
qazibasitwhen are we able to kick this microsoft out of this community19:36
sebsebseb!wine | Luyza19:36
ubottuLuyza: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:36
coz_anthony_123,   I dont know how to help to download  however  to convert make sure you have  ffmpeg installed then cd to the location of the movie and run  ffmpeg -i  nameof movie.avi  <, or whatever   nameof movie.flv19:36
sebsebseb!appdb | Luyza19:36
ubottuLuyza: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:36
h00kelie-m: it's alright, I was just typing instructions. got it?19:36
LuyzaI know I know I know I know!19:36
llutzmikelifeguard: tar -tf file.tar19:36
liminalshould i reinstall xwindows?19:36
elie-myea but I dunno what mirror to pick19:36
LuyzaPlease do not think I am a lazy retard, I have  researched this for weeks!19:36
sebsebsebLuyza: yes I didn't really need tou se the !wine factoid, my point though is,  you should really ask for Wine help in there, not here19:36
coz_anthony_123,  so if the movie is avi the command would be   ffmpeg -i  movie.avi movie.flv19:37
elie-mjust keep on trying?19:37
uLinuxI can't open it19:37
anthony_123coz_ is will try..19:37
Luyzasebsebseb,  I said I already did, and I also said I know many Ubuntu users use Wacom successfully in Photoshop19:37
LuyzaWhen did this channel become so rude?19:37
DasEiuLinux: seems like this is requested by another windows app, isn't it ?19:37
LuyzaI have been here for years, and It was not like this before19:37
mikelifeguardllutz: thanks19:37
uLinuxThe assembly mscorlib.dll was not found or could not be loaded.19:37
sebsebsebLuyza: right, but supporting  Photoshop in Wine inside Ubuntu, isn't really Ubuntu support, but there may be someone that can help you here later, even so19:37
coz_Luyza,   ooo I didnt see any rude  but I may have missed it19:38
Luyzasebsebseb,  ofcourse, that is what I was hopping for by asking for help here19:38
DasEiuLinux:what is the parent prog you try to run ?19:38
uLinuxparent? what do you mean19:38
coz_Luyza,  oh wine  you may have to go to the #winegq  channel for that stuff19:38
h00kelie-m: there's an option to have it pick the fastest one19:38
coz_Luyza,  rather #winehq19:38
uLinuxDOS/Windows executable (application/x-ms-dos-executable19:38
Luyzacoz_,  I mean, I have been in this channel or years, I have seen great people help people, I have helped lots, and yes, I have asked for help, but since a few months ago, all I see is "Sorry I can't help" followed by random links19:38
DasEiuLinux:the messages you post semm to be from a win-prog, hat is .. ?19:38
Flare-LaptopuLinux: that's a .NET executable, which means you have to run it with Mono19:39
coz_Luyza,  oh i see... yes I have been here for years also....mmm19:39
h00kLuyza: have a bit of patience, we are all volunteers here19:39
Luyzacoz_,  I have already STATED TWICE that I asked there already and I also stated twice that I do know many ubuntuers use wacom successully in photoshohp, which is why I hopped to see someonbe who can help me here19:39
sebsebsebFlare-Laptop: uLinux  Mono  can't actsaully run most .NET programs19:39
bsod1can I use partimage to restore my HDD from USB memory in live Ubuntu? Or do I need to write it to a CD?19:39
elie-mh00k, yeah I know it, but even with that I get failed hits, some people on forums said that the keys for ppa might be broken19:39
Luyzah00k,  No kidding, I know, I have been here for years.  But people bash, and bash, and bash people's head over and over again19:39
uLinuxFlare-Laptop  i have tried mono FILENAME but then it shows this error: The assembly mscorlib.dll was not found or could not be loaded.19:40
uLinuxIt should have been installed in the `/usr/lib/mono/1.0/mscorlib.dll' directory.19:40
guntbertLuyza: that depends greatly on your questions -- this channel is too big to talk about non-ubuntu-support issues19:40
h00kLuyza: Please calm down. Maybe take a break for a few minutes.19:40
coz_Luyza,  ah ok  ... then I can say for me presonally.. I do have a wacom intuos3  here but I have not attempted photoshop in wine yet19:40
sebsebsebuLinux: I missed it, what app are you trying to run?19:40
uLinuxit's not known19:40
Luyzah00k,  I am calmed down, but I do not apreciate being hinted at that I am lazy.19:40
LzrdKingis it normal for ubuntu to slow down as the computer gets hotter?19:40
coz_Luyza,  i wish i could help with this ... the only t hing I can recall is that wine apparenlty .... not sure successfully.. implimented wacom drivers to work via wine19:41
uLinuxit's to calculate keys19:41
sebsebsebLzrdKing: no19:41
sebsebsebLzrdKing: well maybe if your computer is over heating19:41
LzrdKingsebsebseb: when my boxee laptop hits about 70C, video starts to get jerky, then around 75C video and audio desynch19:41
Luyzacoz_,  People use it in Photoshop all the time, which is why I am asking for help19:41
uLinuxi guess i will have to use xp for it19:41
h00kLuyza: did you say you've checked the Wine appdb and #winehq?19:41
liminalubottu did i give enough detail?19:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:41
liminalsebsebseb details details details19:42
coz_Luyza,  oh I see   then I do know since I have not attemtped it yet... i cant help  sorry to make that statement to you but   I  use photoshop but on the windows  partition19:42
Luyzah00k,  /starsarcasm No, I have not even ever heard of such a channel  /endsarcasm19:42
sebsebsebliminal: heh in a way19:42
LzrdKingi open the cabinet for about 5 minutes and audio resyncs with th evideo19:42
sebsebsebLzrdKing: an OS should work ok usaully, well unless Windows or something like that19:42
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liminalsebsebseb its a strange issue, i can't really give much more19:42
sebsebsebLzrdKing: ,but Ubuntu yes should work rather  fine on a computer, unless the hardware is messing up19:42
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crowwhy for some reason hddtemp find my hdd twice: http://paste.debian.net/70732/19:42
h00kLuyza: I think you need to change your attitude, I was trying to help you. We do not need that type of attitude in this channel.19:42
liminalapplications are crashing, and im fairly sure its graphic card related.19:43
sebsebsebLzrdKing: and if you think you got hardware issues, well the OS isn't that important, and you culd try ##hardware19:43
Luyzah00k,  I already said I have done my research already, that is all.19:43
uLinuxsebsebseb  i just tried another app and it works..19:43
uLinuxbut i just opened it19:43
LzrdKingsebsebseb: i just keep it off during the day and the cabinet open while its on19:43
PiciLuyza: When it gets to the point of trying to run an application under Wine, we hand off support to #winehq.  Its not that we don't want to help, but rather that they would be more knowledgeable.19:43
LzrdKingmaybe i'll graph the temperature19:43
sliptteeshi all19:43
sliptteesubuntu have similar 'time machine' ?19:43
h00k!backup | slipttees19:44
ubottuslipttees: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:44
jake1hey room is there a good schematic layout took and PCB layout tool for ubunut19:44
LuyzaPici,  If the people there do not use Photoshop or a Wacom, how can they help me? (I have tried there)  There are many Ubuntu users who use tablets and photoshop19:44
uLinuxsebsebseb do you want  to check the .exe ?19:44
theadminHi people. I want to use sed, I heard that "&" can be used as matched string, however this doesn't seem to work: sed 's/*/someadditionalstuff &/'19:45
llutzjake1: eagle19:45
elie-mh00k, I just switched mirror to the fastest available, but I get many many failed hits still19:45
mac_nibbletIs it possible to edit package dependency ?19:45
Luyza!bash | theadmin (LUL)19:45
ubottutheadmin (LUL): The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:45
coz_Luyza,  a long shot might be the ##Linux channel..  I want to emphasize  "long shot"  but there may be afew people there with some expeirnce with this19:45
theadminLuyza: lul?19:45
sebsebsebliminal: right uhmm  let's try and help you, since you high lighted me jokeingly19:46
Luyzatheadmin,  you might want to ask the #bash channel19:46
theadminLuyza: Also, uh, if i'm using sed, I think I know what bash is :D So wrong factoid19:46
jimmyjh2im trying to connect to a hard drive on a shared network and it is not allowing me19:46
theadminLuyza: But sed is not actually a part of bash... so... Oh well19:46
anthony_123can anyone help!!! how to paste...in XChat..?19:46
soreautheadmin: There is also a sed channel19:46
fabriziohello some help please19:46
sebsebsebliminal: apps are crashing and you think it's the graphics card?  uhmm can't really help much with this I expect, however have you got a graphics card driver  installed, also which apps?19:46
Luyzatheadmin,  Yes but they are actually the best people to help you, here, we support Ubuntu19:46
xanguaanthony_123: control+v¿19:47
DasEianthony_123: mark right mouse, copy / paste middle-mouse19:47
fabrizioi cant install themes19:47
liminalall apps19:47
fabrizioa good theme manager?19:47
liminalgraphic card driver must be installed as im looking at the screen now19:47
sebsebsebliminal: Which version of Ubuntu?  How much RAM?  How old is the computer?19:47
liminalits a new build19:47
Luyza!paste |  anthony_12319:47
xanguafabrizio: system> preferences> appearence19:47
ubottuanthony_123: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:47
liminal9.10 32bit, 4gig of ddr3 ram19:48
soreau! help anthony_123 fabrizio19:48
sebsebsebliminal: ok it tells you in hardware drivers, that there is a graphics card driver avilalbe or?  system > administration > hardware drivers19:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:48
soreau! help | anthony_123 fabrizio19:48
ubottuanthony_123 fabrizio: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:48
h00k!themes | fabrizio19:48
ubottufabrizio: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:48
sebsebsebliminal: it's a desktop?  which graphics card is in there?19:48
jimmyjh2anyone know how to connect to a hard drive on a network ?19:48
liminalIt was showing the ATI priority driver, but it was activated - when I tried to activate it crashed out.19:48
DasEianthony_123: got it working ?19:49
fabrizioi download a theme from gnome-lookrg19:49
sebsebsebliminal: oh ATI ah19:49
liminalso i tried reinstalling it, but then I ended up with no grpahic card output at all.19:49
anthony_123thank you ubottu..19:49
DasEi!samba | jimmyjh219:49
ubottujimmyjh2: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:49
sebsebsebliminal: quite a lot of people got issues with ATI in Ubuntu,  but  I think the next version will work better with ATI and Nivida19:49
fabrizioi downloaded but when i want to installed the emerald dont found the file theme19:49
sebsebsebliminal: of Ubuntu19:49
LzrdKinghow do i fix the S and K numbers in /etc/rc#.d/ when insserver rewrote them all sequentially? instead of S10xxx S40xxx, S80xxx, i have S01xxx, S02xxx, S03xxxx19:49
liminalso i completely removed it and placed the open source radeon version on19:49
DasEianthony_123: ubott.. is the channnel ro-bot19:49
sebsebsebliminal: yes, but don't get it just yet19:49
liminalwell, karmic doesnt work for me at the moment19:50
judgetSomeone gave me 3 older laptops and I was wondering if there was a version of Ubuntu that I could install on them any suggestions?19:50
liminaldont seem to have much to loose19:50
sebsebsebliminal: since the final isn't released untill Thursday.  and then the download servers will be packed,  getting on Saturday will probably be alright though.19:50
judgetMy plans are to give them away19:50
Luyzajudget,   how old?19:50
liminaloh is it this thursday?!19:50
liminali thought it was weeks away19:50
sebsebsebliminal: yes this Thursday, but  what I just put19:50
DasEijimmyjh2 : that also works for linux-drives, nfs is anothr possobility , or ssh in another computer19:50
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.19:51
judgetTHey are Gateway 2000 solo 2100 approx 30 meg ram, 133 pentium19:51
sebsebsebliminal: if that doesn't work better on there.  I mean it's brand new hardware, you built the PC yourself?19:51
liminalyeah.. dont really want to shell out for a whole new graphic card.19:51
judgettried to install ubuntu 8.04 alternate but the install hangs19:51
liminalit should work fine!19:51
sebsebsebliminal:  Linux distros tend to work well with hardware that is pretty standard, if you put some really fancy graphics card in, then yes things might not work19:51
Luyzajudget,  Eek!  I might suggest this thread, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1197442   But I bet you've seen it already!19:52
LuyzaLet me know judget19:52
DasEiliminal: nvidia is quite good supported, even the gamer-ones19:52
jake1llutz i know of eagle but i was hoping for one of my systems disign not componenet level19:52
judgetLuyza not i had not seen that one i will check it out thanks. Going to the philippines later this week and i was gonna give them away if i can get them to work19:53
liminalis an Radeon HD2600XT fancy?19:53
Luyzajudget,  I hope the people enjoy their new computers :-) Have fun in Philippines19:53
liminali thought the ati drivers were opened sourced, thought it was better supported than Nvida19:53
_pg_so i set up a vnc connection to my home computer, and it worked, but since I had to restart the computer, It no longer works-is this because I have to launch the vnc server each time it reboots?19:53
fabriziothanks for the help19:53
anthony_123coz_ please help..got an error http://paste.ubuntu.com19:53
DasEiliminal: nope19:53
sebsebsebliminal: maybe in other distros, but not Ubuntu19:53
soreauanthony_123: You need to give the link to your specific pastebin, not just the pastebin site19:55
liminalhow do i restart xserver, xorg and xwindow?19:55
sebsebseb!ati | liminal19:55
ubottuliminal: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:55
sebsebseb!xorg | liminal19:55
ubottuliminal: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:55
Piciliminal, sebsebseb: There are two (well three really, but lets say two) drivers available for ATI cards.  One is open source 'radeon' and the other is made by ATI and is proprietary 'fglrx'19:55
sebsebsebPici: What's the third?19:56
Picisebsebseb: 'ati' its pretty much just the same as 'radeon'19:56
liminalyeah im using radeon, fglrx didnt work19:56
sebsebsebPici: oh ok19:56
Kin`Awaybuonasera a tutti19:57
andrew__So my Ubuntu is fucking up. I want to preserve my /home, will it let me do this on the 10.4 install?19:57
sebsebsebPici: Maybe you can help him,  I don't know that much about ATI, since  Nivida card :)19:58
tim__hello can you boot from blu ray????19:58
=== xangua1 is now known as xangua
Piciandrew__: Please mind your language here.  Additionally. 10.04 support/discussion is in #ubuntu+119:58
mickster04andrew__: just back it up19:58
andrew__mickster04: Yeah it's a lot of stuff to back up though in ACW season :p19:58
ugliefrogjoin #blender19:58
ugliefrogoops :)19:58
tim__is it possible to boot from blu ray disc19:59
mickster04andrew__: well yeah, but unless you have it ona seperate partition it will get formatted...19:59
wildc4rdevenin' all19:59
sebsebsebtim__: I don't have a blueray, but I guess so, if the computer can handle being booted from blurays disks in it's bios19:59
mickster04tim__: i dunno, would your bios allow it?19:59
anthony_123coz_ please help..got an error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/422942/20:00
andrew__mickster04: Darn, well I'll sort it over the weekend20:00
mickster04andrew__: yeah, u doin acw in ubuntu?20:00
mickster04andrew__: or just not much space becuase of the acw20:00
andrew__mickster04: Nah, it's all in virtual box20:00
tim__i dont think so im trying to find out because im getting a new computer20:00
mickster04andrew__: oh ok20:00
uLinuxi have tried mono FILENAME but then it shows this error: The assembly mscorlib.dll was not found or could not be loaded.20:01
uLinuxanyone wants to try that app..20:01
h00kuLinux: You need to head to #winehq for wine support. I know you're trying to run a .exe, they are better to help you with wine related issues.20:01
uLinuxh00k  ok tks20:01
gsalahhello, I updated my ubuntu, and then I can't connect external monitor or LCD projector, the grub showed but when the gdm started the lcd lose the signal. I have ATI hardware.  any help please!20:02
PeterDrophi all, how can i put a pass for mysql?20:02
LuyzauLinux,  problably missing that DLL, might have to copy it from Windows installation (if you own windows)   also, might want to ask at #mono  (#winehq is NOT the right place to ask)20:02
h00kLuyza: was it a .net app?20:02
anthony_123soreau please check the paste is working..or am i doing it wrong again..please20:02
sebsebsebuLinux: you could try ##mono plus there's an offical channel on the Gnome network, which get's mentioned in that channels topic20:02
LuyzaYeah, .net20:02
llutzPeterDrop: mysql -p20:02
h00kLuyza: gotcha. that I missed.20:02
LuyzaIt's easy to confuse20:02
_pg_so i set up a vnc connection to my home computer, and it worked, but since I had to restart the computer, It no longer works-is this because I have to launch the vnc server each time it reboots? It is now headless, as the tv that was the monitor died.20:02
PeterDropERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'peter'@'localhost' (using password: YES)20:02
mustuhi, I've a 500Mhz, 128MB, 4GB old IBM Laptop. Which *buntu can make it run fine?20:02
sebsebsebuLinux: however as far as I know,  Mono can run .NET version 1 apps a lot of them, but anything later then, that nope20:03
sebsebsebuLinux: Mono isn't really .NET you see20:03
nimrod10PeterDrop, dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 or whaterever version you have , this will let you change the root password20:03
_pg_mustu: might want to check into crunchbang! over at #crunchbang20:03
PeterDropok will try20:03
ethelI am having trouble with my resolution using Ubuntu 10.04  I currently have a maximum resolution of 800X600 and I need 1200X768 does anyone know a manual way of changing this setting?20:03
h00k!specs | mustu20:04
ubottumustu: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu20:04
nimrod10ethel, what video card do you have ?20:04
LuyzaXubuntu would be too heavy for 128 MB machine20:04
haavarosI have a REALLY weird problem with my sound ... which is the proper channel for that? Is it #pulseaudio for ubuntu 9.10?20:04
sebsebsebLuyza: no not quite20:04
JackWatLuyza: is it? i think i've run it on 12820:04
ethelI believe it is an integrated intel20:04
CaptainTrekLuyza: xubuntu is better than ubuntu for 128MB systems20:04
LuyzaIf you want your PC to be a crawl :P20:04
sebsebseblater versions of Ubuntu can be run on 128MB RAM,  but the Desktop CD will probably crash, unless a 512MB or so SWAP space is already on there20:05
xeerMy gf recently had me change my password to something she could remember. The next restart and I can't access my home folder.20:05
ethelIs their a way that I can find out without opening the system20:05
JackWatethel: sysetm > prefrences > monitor20:05
LuyzaCaptainTrek,  Oh yes, certainly, but not the "best" :P I mean, I could run Vista in 128 mb if I wanted to20:05
nimrod10ethel, you must install the intel video drivers then , do you use gnome ?20:05
JackWatxeer: haha'20:05
xeerMy home directory is obscured by libecryptfs20:05
xeerand it claims my passphrase is not correct20:05
CaptainTrekLuyza: state your source, xubuntu runs fine and smoothly (and decently fast) on an old 128MB system I have lying around20:05
ethelIs says Monitor unknown20:05
mickster04xeer: serves you right :P20:05
PeterDropllutz i dont know what version of mysql i have :S20:05
xeerI changed the password through the gnome users and groups20:05
sebsebsebCaptainTrek: Luyza  LXDE/Lubuntu is actsaully apparantly a lot more lite waight than XFCE/Xubuntu by the way20:05
nimrod10ethel, use lspci   will list your video card in there  under VGA20:05
LuyzaCaptainTrek,  I am the source!20:06
xeermickster04:  serves me right for changing my password?20:06
ethelYes I am running gnome. I went to synaptic and installed all of the intel drivers20:06
mickster04xeer: letting your girlfriend change it:D20:06
LuyzaCaptainTrek,  By all means, I was just providing an alternative20:06
nimrod10PeterDrop, do    in terminal       dpkg -l  mysql-server20:06
JackWatxeer: create a new user for your gf :P haha20:06
ethelShould I open the terminal window for lspci20:06
xeermickster04:  regardless, it seems to be bug and I have a lot of personal data that needs recovered.20:06
uLinuxlol winehq is dead20:06
nimrod10ethel, there should be a hardware ddrivers button in system administration , click there20:07
JackWatuLinux: ?20:07
nimrod10ethel yes open terminal for lspci20:07
sebsebsebuLinux: There will be people there later typing20:07
uLinuxJackWat everybody is idle20:07
LuyzauLinux,  weren't you the one with the mono problem?20:07
JackWati thought you were talking about the page20:07
PeterDropi have this 5.1.41-3ubuntu12 then i have to put dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1.41-3ubuntu12 ?20:07
ethelI already tried that and it said that I wasn't running any proprietary drivers20:07
sebsebsebuLinux: by the way with enough RAM, you can run Windows junk apps nicely in a Windows virtual machine, inside Ubuntu20:07
LuyzauLinux,  winehq can't help you with mono, head over to #mono  (Sorry for the confusion)20:07
sebsebsebuLinux: except 3D games and that kind of thing20:08
ethelI am running lspci right now20:08
anthony_123can anyone please check the paste really works...20:08
JackWatethel: lspci lists all your PCI devices20:08
JackWatlook for VGA20:08
uLinuxsebsebseb  i know20:08
sebsebsebuLinux: oh and the proccessor will have to be good enough to handle a VM as well20:08
JackWatanthony_123: what?20:08
h00kanthony_123: yes, pastebin works20:08
wrapsteri see that when i ssh into my office server in US and work on it the ssh terminals are very very sluggish while responding.. I suspect my network connectction to be bad now but all  my browsing speeds and everything else works fine.. To verify if i was right or not.. I asked a few of my colleagues and they say the ssh works fine for them..20:08
ethelOk.  It's a via technologies video card.  At least I know now20:09
wrapsterhow do i figure out if im facing network issues at my end ?20:09
JackWatwrapster: can you ping your gateway?20:09
ojiiif i use 'share internet' in my network settings on this machine, what settings do i need on the other end?20:09
nae_Hey guys! Since I have installed Lucid today, my PC keeps freezing at the BIOS (!) screen every second or third boot. At first I didnt think it would relate to Lucid, but after testing with Windows, LiveCDs and restarting from GRUB I have found that it seems to relate to the shutdown process of Lucid, which seems unprobable and almost impossible to my... any suggestions?20:09
anthony_123thanks, at least got to know something...20:09
nimrod10PeterDrop, you should just put in   dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.120:09
sebsebseb!lucid | nae_20:09
ubottunae_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:09
xeerkeyctl_search: Required key not available20:09
PeterDropnimrod10 yes that works, txs20:09
xeerwhat would make my ecrypt key not available?20:10
nimrod10no probs PeterDrop20:10
ethelI am checking synaptic to see if they support Via Technologies video card20:10
alberthi, i just installed ubuntu karmic. after the startup my bios says the harddrive is invalid too boot from, but if i hit "boot from first harddrive" in the live-cd-menu grub loads up20:10
ethelWhen I was running Ubuntu 9.10 it just recognized my configuration20:10
nimrod10ethel,  can yuo paste the whole line from lspci where it said VGA ...20:10
alberti tried to reinstall grub2 from the  live cd but it didn't do any good20:10
JackWatethel: check the forums to see if they have any body else using that card. also, you should be able to change your resolution anyway20:10
ethelOk. I will right now20:10
JackWatalbert: i would manually check your grub configuration20:11
xeerethel:  via on linux is horrible.20:11
PeterDropnimrod10 : i put files on /var/www but on browser says "you dont have permissions..."20:11
JackWatalbert: if you're booting from the first HD it should be hd(0,0)20:11
wrapsterJackWat: yes i can ping my gateway20:11
ethelethel@ethel-desktop:~$ lspci20:11
ethel00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host Bridge20:11
ethel00:00.1 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host Bridge20:11
ethel00:00.2 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host Bridge20:11
ethel00:00.3 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. PT890 Host Bridge20:11
FloodBot1ethel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:11
ethel00:00.4 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host Bridge20:11
JackWatwrapster: then it doesn't sound like a local network problem to me :P20:11
albertjackwat : it's the grub.cfg?20:11
nimrod10PeterDrop, for what ?20:11
JackWatalbert: yes20:11
PeterDropfor a folder20:11
PeterDropnimrod10 i put there20:12
nimrod10ethel, I must say that I don't know what to do with that video card , just look around the ubuntuforums for help20:12
mickster04PeterDrop: it may be your configuration for apache doesn't allow you to view contents of folders without an index.* in them20:12
albertjackwat: sda6 is (hd0,5), am i right?20:12
JackWatalbert: sounds right to me20:13
PeterDropi dont have permision on the folder20:13
ethelI appreciate it. Thanks20:13
albertthanks, i think grub just took my home-drive as root20:13
wrapsterJackWat: any ideas?20:13
PeterDrophttp://pastebin.org/181906 <- see this please20:13
ZeroCoolHello, planning to install Ubuntu on one of my computers.  Should I wait for 10.04 release, or is the RC about the same.  What is the difference between the two anyways?  Should I wait the 3 days, or is upgrading from RC to the release easy enough?  Any suggestions?20:13
JackWatwrapster: what is your issue? it soundsl ike your connection is working fine if you can sucesfully ping your gateway20:14
sebsebsebZeroCool: I recommend waiting untill 10.04 and then doing it, or putting 9.10 on and then upgrading it20:14
the_eye_28-ZeroCool-: Better wait20:14
xanguaZeroCool: wait for final release if you are gonna use it as your main OS20:14
sebsebsebZeroCool: oh and download servers for Lucid will be packed on release day and Friday I guess, Saturday will be ok  I guess20:14
sebsebsebZeroCool: packed as in slow20:14
=== FunkySayu is now known as FunkyShower
wrapsterJackWat: my issue is why do i see huge lags when i ssh into my machines at US while none of my colleagues face such a problem?20:14
the_eye_RC= Release Candidate20:14
xeerWell, I have to give props to libecryptfs for losing my home folder when I changed my password, wtg!20:14
wrapsterJackWat: and even i did not face these issues a few days ago.20:15
ZeroCoolThanks a lot guys, the wait is killing me :)20:15
mozillanerd9.10 click response is slow to button or link click- sometimes responds when I move the mouse away from the button or link, what gives?20:15
wrapsterits only started recently.20:15
albertjackwat: do i have to change this harddrive-id (c6f57149-ae20-4654-83a6-4b7cd541540e) too?20:15
JackWatalbert: i dont think so20:15
JackWatcheck the device mapper file20:15
kipThe torrent downloads for lucid should be fast20:15
JackWatwrapster: do you have slow SSH responses while typing? or only while logging in?20:15
BrimstonesZeroCool: 9.10 worked better then this beta. Its about the same versions of everything unless you count kde and gnome. Not many visible changes.20:16
JackWatwrapster: it soudns to me that the SSH server is having problems doing a reverse lookup on your hostname.20:16
wrapsterJackWat: while typing.. I type a char and see it displayed after ages.20:16
sebsebsebZeroCool: yeah 9.10  will actsauly be better than 10.04 in certain ways20:16
JackWatif you ping that machien does it go fast?20:16
Poundomy syslog only has info from cron and the result is a cron.hourly report how do I change what syslog logs?20:17
BrimstonesZeroCool: I upgraded to 10.04 and got troubles with opengl. Wine segfaulted etc.20:17
sebsebsebBrimstones: well  there Gnome editing to the top panel is rather noticeable to me, as an experienced user.  and stuff like that.  anyway off topic20:17
sebsebsebBrimstones: right, but that's the release candiate20:17
sebsebsebBrimstones: there is/was also some sort of xorg issue in Lucid, hence why for proper installs, people should ONLY upgrade when the final is out20:17
Brimstonessebsebseb: that will be upgraded to stable in a few days. Same software20:18
osariswhat is ubuntu? i use win95 :P20:18
mozillanerdsebsebseb: what is the proper channel to discuss 9.10 sluggishness problem?20:19
wrapsterJackWat: no its fairly slow20:19
nsadminosaris: then yer a blast from the past :)20:19
uLinuxhow do i copy a file to a folder using sudo?20:19
sebsebsebmozillanerd: this is it20:19
Poundoany tips on how to configure syslog to log what I want when I want it?20:19
Brimstonessebsebseb: I like it, but some upstream decitions are odd. The new weather-applet combined with the clock/date-time applet lacks a country selector combo-box (Regular users goes "Waah?")20:19
JackWatwrapster: do a traceroute on the box. see which hop is causing the problem20:19
wrapsterJackWat: averaging out at around 330ms20:19
nsadminyou don't use sudo, you use cp20:20
mozillanerdsebsebseb: thanks20:20
sebsebsebmozillanerd:  this is currently for 8.04, 8.10, 9.04, and 9.04 issues, but  on the 30th it will be for  8.04,  9.04, 9.10, and 10.04 issues.  8.10 goes end of life on 30th April no more security updates20:20
uLinuxi need sudo for permission20:20
nsadminif you can read the file and write the folder20:20
uLinuxsudo cp..20:20
sebsebsebmozillanerd: I did two 9.04's there at the begining the second was meant to be 9.1020:20
wrapsterJackWat: 11 packets transmitted, 9 received, 18% packet loss, time 45512ms ; rtt min/avg/max/mdev=321.164/327.952/331.951/3.014 ms20:20
osarisulinux:      sudo cp <fileLocation> <newfileLocation>20:20
uLinuxtks osaris20:20
ZeroCoolThanks for the input in regards to my first question.  Second, I purchased a fairly small SSD 30GB.  I wanted to use it primarily for the OS.  Would it be safe to assume that /boot /bin /usr/bin would be ok to put on the SSD, while all other on a magnetic drive?  I don't really want to write to the SSD, rather speed up loading of applications.20:21
sebsebsebmozillanerd: also there are loco Ubuntu channels20:21
mozillanerdsebsebseb: problems are with 9.10 - previously ran 9.04 with no problems. What is loco Ubuntu (crazy ubuntu)?20:22
sebsebseb!loco | mozillanerd20:22
ubottumozillanerd: Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams20:22
FriedrichManis there a way to do print page from console?20:22
sebsebsebmozillanerd: and most of them have there own IRC channel on here as well20:22
sebsebseb!irc | mozillanerd20:22
ubottumozillanerd: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines20:22
Brimstonessebsebseb: The pulseaudio crap is mostly in the way even though its been out for some years. 1: Crank the volume-applet control on the panel up to full volume. 2. Rightclick and edit the controllers settings ->  pulseaudio settings pops up. Crank the volume up (Why was i fooled into believing it was at full volume when it clearly wasnt ??? :)20:22
nsadminFriedrichMan: look into lpr20:23
mozillanerdsebsebseb, ubottu, boy am I dense, sorry20:23
Poundowhere is the conf for syslog20:23
depositoHi. Im having some problems when trying to use dosemu. I've mounted a windows XP unit using /mount -t smbfs -o username=name //ip/c$ /folder <-- This works fine, i can enter this folder. But when i try to use dosemu i have this error: Invalid drive F:. The config file is this: http://pastebin.com/8bz5c3xZ I dont know which is my error. Thanks in advance20:23
sebsebsebBrimstones: pulseaudio  issues will no longer effect me it seems,  well not on this computer anyway, but on the other that still runs Ubuntu yes maybe so20:23
=== micalet_ is now known as micalet
FriedrichMannsadmin: I am sorry but what is lpr? just give me a hint so i can look for it20:23
osarissyslog: /etc/syslog.conf20:24
nsadminman lpr20:24
FriedrichManoh... a command20:24
CloudLeviSooo...where do games and whatnot install to? x_X;20:24
Brimstonessebsebseb: Talking about it might solve it i think :)20:24
sebsebsebBrimstones: Talking about what?20:24
erUSUL!fhs | CloudLevi20:24
ubottuCloudLevi: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier20:24
FriedrichMannsadmin: OH... BUt I mean... not for printing... but to actually make a png file out of the screen content20:25
erUSULCloudLevi: wine install stuff in you home dir20:25
Brimstonessebsebseb: Any issue with software.20:25
CloudLevierUSUL: Yup20:25
AnxiousNutis there a way to disable ubuntu's firefox search page, so that if i hit the enter in the search bar when blanked i get to google.com20:25
Poundoosaris: not on this ubuntu distro20:25
Poundoosaris: there is a /etc/rsyslog.conf20:25
nsadminwell lpr doesn't do that20:25
osariswhat version are u on?20:25
CloudLevierUSUL: Trying to find out why OpenRPG isn't showing up in my Applications list...as well as get a good look at its files. Was searching for a desktop pet but I can't find any and they're all kinda lame in my experience so I thought "Why not make my own?"20:26
FriedrichMannsadmin: then is there a way of doing this?20:26
sebsebsebBrimstones: In at least one other distro that I know about since use it :)  pulseaudio can be easily disabled.  In Ubuntu well I guess you know already.  good luck trying to disable it  without some other issue as well.20:26
Poundoosaris: whats the best way to tell?20:27
brontosaurusrexFriedrichMan: what was the question?20:27
=== micalet is now known as micalet_
CloudLevierUSUL: ...which...really doesn't sound appetizing to me...I'd rather make an AI suite to control the OS...20:27
FriedrichManbrontosaurusrex: if there's a way to get a copy of the screen content in png jpg or whatever20:27
vex_where do i put libflashplayer.so to get flash player working?20:27
FriedrichManfrom console line20:27
Poundothat returns 2.6.31-302-rs20:27
CloudLeviWhich brings me to another question. Anyone know of any projects to make AI that controls Linux?20:27
FriedrichManthe same way you do by pressing ImprPant20:28
CloudLevioh...bin...derp...friggin' derp...20:28
=== micalet is now known as micalet__
osarisPoundo: cat /etc/issue20:28
Poundoosaris:Ubuntu 9.10 \n \l20:29
xwin I want to download ubuntu using wget. anyone knows the direct http or ftp URL?20:29
m0RrExwin: depends on what version you want20:29
m0RrE64 bit?20:29
sebsebsebxwin: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10  and a list of files including the one you want20:30
sebsebsebxwin: I mean the ISO you want is listed20:30
oni_Which channel for ubuntu sound support20:30
m0RrEthis one20:30
sebsebsebxwin: plus the md5sums and sha1sums to check it's a good download of the iSO20:30
sebsebseb!md5sum | xwin20:30
ubottuxwin: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:30
oni_My headphones do not work on my Dell Studio 17 laptop with the newest 10.0420:30
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OerHeksoni_, join #ubuntu+120:31
xwinubottu, have you ever used wget before?20:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:31
eoeasvex_: /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin and /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree20:31
eoeasmy system shows first location 9.8MB and 7.8MB the second ?? why would you need to install manually anyway?!20:31
oni_I don't think the hardware is recognised20:31
OerHekseoeas, because it is non free20:32
brontosaurusrexoni_: check #ubuntu+1 or here in 3 days20:32
Brimstonessebsebseb :)20:32
eoeasOerHeks: I meant a .deb package should do that on install20:33
=== ojii_ is now known as ojii
nsadminwhat is the release process, so they decided to release, what are they doing now?20:33
ZoffixHey, guys. Some time ago I used a Ubuntu program that takes an ordinary image and makes have a reflection. Does anyone remember the name of that app, please?20:33
nsadminmaybe you used gimp?20:34
ojiii try to share my internet connection (wlan0) from a karmic notebook to a lucid notebook over eth0, but it won't connect. I use the normal "auto eth0" on the lucid end and a "share internet" connection on the karmic end, what am I doing wrong?20:34
Zoffixnsadmin, no, definitely not gimp.20:34
brontosaurusrexZoffix: apt-cache search reflection20:34
wrapsterJackWat: i did tracepatch <remote machine> in one screen while i ssh'd into that machine form another... till a while i saw a bit of data. but after i logged in to the remote machine .. tracepath started to show 'no reply'20:34
osarisPoundo: what do you want to do specifically with syslogd?20:34
OerHekseoeas, i suggest use synaptic flashplugin-installer20:34
osarisafaik rsyslogd has replaced sysklogd20:35
Zoffixbrontosaurusrex, nothing... I'm on a slightly older install of Ubuntu than the one I used that program on, so I'm fearing it's not even in the repos here :/20:35
=== FunkyShower is now known as FunkySayu
Zoffixnsadmin, nah, the purpose of the app is just that, to make reflections of images. When you start it you can load three images by default and move them around to get different reflection angle.20:35
eoeasOerHeks: that's what I recommend too :) - hence no need for copying libflashplayer.so somewhere manually20:35
brontosaurusrexZoffix: tkpaint?20:35
ZoffixLet me see that one..20:36
OerHekstrue, and automatic updates.20:36
Poundoosaris: well at this point the only thing in the file syslog is an hourly cron report I would like to get rid of the hourly report and jsut capture the once a day when the actual job runs20:36
xwinI guess people here are mostly CLULESS....  nobody use wget here?  ridiculous...20:36
mozillanerdZoffix: I use gimp, perhaps that will help.20:36
=== beto is now known as capoeira
cjeffersonIs there a way to switch the state of a modifier button? ubuntu seems to believe my 'windows' key is off when I press it, and on when I don't.20:36
OerHeksxwin you can choose from the url20:36
nsadminxwin: man wget20:36
lElrrTx5m5d8rjkernel panic20:36
OerHekslazy ?20:36
Zoffixmozillanerd, I use gimp too, but I've been strugling with a proper reflection for this image, so I wanna give that app a try :)20:36
Hornet-I have a rar here with 'invalid encoding'; it fails at extracting the files within it, the files are fine, but the pathnames use japanese characters or something... any way I can force extraction ignoring the filenames?20:37
eoeaswhat's up xwin20:37
FilthpigIs it possible to force wine to show a mouse pointer? I.e. for games where for some reason the pointer isn't showing..20:37
Zoffixbrontosaurusrex, nope20:37
mkhanyisicjefferson, what is a modifier button?20:37
plasmabprobably already been logged... but the 10.4 RC installer did not recognise my existing windows partition table. I added an ext3 partition with cfdisk but alas it still thinks the disk is blank20:37
Piciplasmab : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.20:37
mozillanerdZoffix: OK20:37
cjeffersonmkhanyisi: Keys like ctrl, alt, windows20:37
ZoffixOh, well.. I have it installed at home, so I'll see what it is when I go home in half an hour :) Thanks anyway.20:37
xanguaFilthpig: have you tried in #winehq¿20:37
mkhanyisicjefferson, ok, so what do you want to achieve?20:38
NSbSEbiqzw2dynkernel panic20:38
NSbSEbiqzw2dynkernel panic20:38
depositoHi. Im having some problems when trying to use dosemu. I've mounted a windows XP unit using /mount -t smbfs -o username=name //ip/c$ /folder <-- This works fine, i can enter this folder. But when i try to use dosemu i have this error: Invalid drive F:. The config file is this: http://pastebin.com/8bz5c3xZ I dont know which is my error. Thanks in advance20:38
Filthpigxangua: trying.. I thought I wrote there when I wrote here :p No response yet, though20:38
cjeffersonmkhanyisi: My keyboard has a 'windows' button. I have figured out that ubuntu is confused, and when it is not pressed, ubuntu thinks it is, and vice versa20:39
brontosaurusrexxwin: i wear wget tshirts, what was the question?20:39
Artiom_Fiodorovhi did anyone have a problem with playing youtube in moovida20:39
cjeffersonso if I press 'm', I get the mail menu. I have to hold down the windows key to be able to type an 'm'20:39
Hornet-brontosaurusrex: I parsed that as 'wet tshirts' initially :s20:39
mkhanyisicjefferson, strange20:39
cjeffersonmkhanyisi: Really, really strange :)20:39
Picibrontosaurusrex: xwin is no longer in this channel.20:39
fourcolorshow do I register with nickserver?20:39
Pici!register | fourcolors20:40
ubottufourcolors: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode20:40
mkhanyisicjefferson, did you choose the right keyboard type during install?20:40
Hornet-I have a rar here with 'invalid encoding'; it fails at extracting the files within it, the files are fine, but the pathnames use japanese characters or something... any way I can force extraction ignoring the filenames?20:40
cjeffersonmkhanyisi: I'm sure I did, and I have tried a few alternatives.20:40
mkhanyisicjefferson, never seen something like that, ... except when the keyboard is dying20:41
cjeffersonThe keyboard works fine in the other OS I use (mac os x)20:41
anthony_123help! for anonymous surfing is possible in ubuntu 9.10....anyone..20:41
mkhanyisianthony_123, you are not clear20:42
mozillanerdanthony_123: try installing tor20:42
_0R10NHi everybody20:42
_0R10Nwho is it going?20:42
anthony_123help! Is there that i can install and surf anonymously without being getting blocked..by ISP.20:43
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository20:43
_0R10Nfirefox allows some level of anonymous surfing20:44
_0R10NI never tried it20:44
_0R10Nyou can use a proxy20:44
=== micalet is now known as miclet__
_0R10Nif you're a firefox user, then install foxy-proxy plugin20:45
mozillanerdTo leave the channel and come back later ( I have to reboot for a test), what should I do?20:45
depositoAnyone knows where can i get help about dosemu? aNy channel?20:45
anthony_123working on tor...(is it Tork)  in ubuntu universe..20:45
Zoffixmozillanerd, brontosaurusrex, nsadmin, I got it. It's called ``screenie-qt'' :)20:46
llutzanthony_123: torproject.org20:46
Hornet-I have a rar here with 'invalid encoding'; it fails at extracting the files within it, the files are fine, but the pathnames use japanese characters or something... any way I can force extraction ignoring the filenames?20:46
anthony_123getter there....20:46
guntbertmozillanerd: you can just reboot - that will close the client ... and later you start it again20:46
mozillanerdZoffix: glad20:47
mozillanerdguntbert: thanks20:47
guntbertmozillanerd: :)20:47
Art4khello , i need a little help. When i trying ubuntu live from cd i get no graphic, can anybody help me ?20:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:48
_0R10Nanthony_123, you're there?20:48
osarisPoundo: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910#Syslog%20upgrade20:48
K-YoHello, I have a video camera, that I can use as a webcam under windows (it's plug and play) Is there a way to use it under linux? Toshiba's website is not of any help... =(20:48
anthony_123yes _orion reading on tor project.org20:48
_0R10Nyour question needs a bit of explanation, so I wrote to you on private20:48
osaristhat explains that the beloved syslogd.conf was replaced20:48
eoeasK-Yo: Just try it :)20:48
_0R10NI tried tor...20:49
ballongenhi! running ubuntu 10.4 netboot with ati drivers. on the visual effects tab in apperance settings, all the options (even normal) is grey and i cant change settings. whats up?20:49
_0R10Non windows...20:49
ballongenon multiple computers.20:49
guntbert!lucid | ballongen20:49
ubottuballongen: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:49
K-Yoeoeas, Thanks for the advice, I've already tried =) nothing happens, no reaction from the computer, he just mounts the SD card20:49
anthony_123)orion will it work look like pretty complex...to me.20:49
ballongenisnt it released? oh.20:49
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_0R10Nthe problem I went through when using tor, is flash!!!20:50
_0R10Nyou cannot play flash animations20:50
ballongentnx, bye20:50
_0R10Nat least I was unable20:50
anthony_123_orion please help me to install tor!20:50
_0R10Nhere is a nice how to http://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en20:51
Poundoosaris: thanks for digging that out I was not on the right path at all20:51
anthony_123is there any Graphical user interface to install tor like windows.20:51
guntbert_0R10N: please use the nick of the person you are talking to20:51
osarisPoundo: np :-)20:52
llutzanthony_123: vidalia - controller GUI for the Tor software20:52
anthony_123_orion; i m getting error in gpg key...20:53
_pg_dont install vidalia from software center20:53
_pg_bad news nears20:53
_0R10Nanthony_123: http://www.torproject.org/download.html.en20:53
_pg_so i set up a vnc connection to my home computer, and it worked, but since I had to restart the computer, It no longer works-is this because I have to launch the vnc server each time it reboots? the machine is headless since its monitor died.20:53
tsoloxanybody tried X100e ThinkPad? I cant configure bluetooth..20:55
anthony_123_orion is there anything other than Tor, which is much simpler to install.? help20:55
paddy_I have tried to download avatar 1080p with transmission but transmission becomes responsive every time  i add the torrent20:55
_0R10Nanthony_123: try installing the foxy-proxy for firefox20:55
_pg_"they be after me unobtainium!"20:55
_0R10Nanthony_123: then , you'll only need to find a working proxy server20:56
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o20:56
osarislol @  _0R10N20:56
_0R10Nosaris: what's up?20:57
paddy_ok, every time i try to download a large file in transmission transmission becomes unresponsive20:57
flohackHi! my apache2 server does not start anymore, after a lucid upgrade. I'm already running it from the commandline using '/usr/sbin/apache2 -e debug -k start' but I still don't get any error messages.20:57
_pg_paddy_: nice...lol20:57
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_0R10Nflohack: sudo /etc/init.d/apace2 status <-- what does it say?20:57
paddy__pg_ it is just over 10 gigabyes20:57
osariswhoops sorry was meant for _pg_20:58
anthony_123_orion isp is blocking tor so i get the tor gpg key error..foxy-proxy, all the working ip proxy address simply is not working...(will it work in windows020:58
_0R10Nosaris: don't worry...20:58
flohack_0R10N: not running, just as ps aux|grep apache tells me :-(20:58
_pg_paddy_: is it saving to a place where the is space for it?20:58
RumblePurehi all20:58
RumblePurei'm on kubuntu. cant change ip-number on eth1. its ip-number keeps jumping back when i bring up the interface20:58
flohack_0R10N: When I strace it, I can see that it loads the config files from sites-enabled20:58
RumblePureI do: sudo ifconfig eth1 netmask up.20:59
RumblePureBut after the command, ip-number has jumped back20:59
flohack_0R10N: But the output just lists all the modules it loaded, but nothing else20:59
paddy__pg_ the download does not start as soon as i add it it dies20:59
_0R10Nanthony_123: I don't know where does that come from!!!:S so, I couldn't say if it's gonna work on windows... that kind of things have much less chances to work on windows20:59
JustUbuntizedhi...need help20:59
Peloafternoon folks , has the whole  flash on 64bit issue been settled ?20:59
PeloJustUbuntized, you need to ask a specific question21:00
RumblePureHow do i change ip-number on kubuntu?21:00
eoeasJustUbuntized: Don't we all :p21:00
eoeasJustUbuntized: What's up?21:00
_pg_paddy_: but there is 10+GB free on the destination right?21:00
JustUbuntizedI previously installed Ubuntu along with Win so the Ubuntu worked but the Win gave blue screen at loading21:00
osarisRumblePure: http://pastebin.com/ add whats in    cat /etc/network/interfaces21:00
JustUbuntizednow I am formated & done 2 partitions21:01
osarisbtw u using dhcp?21:01
eoeasJustUbuntized: Did you move win's partion back or forth?21:01
navatwoFolks, I'm frustrated. I'm trying to install  9.10 server, but every disk I use it says the .debs are corrupt. Anyone have any ideas21:01
RumblePureosaris: It doesnt look good: http://pastebin.com/NBZ6RcFy21:01
_pg_paddy_: the transmission application freezes/hangs or it just doesnt download?21:01
JustUbuntizedI have formated & installed Win then done a partition21:01
guntbert!md5sum | navatwo did you check?21:02
ubottunavatwo did you check?: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:02
RumblePureosaris: I want to temporarily change ip number in order to reach my modem21:02
paddy__pg_ it just frezes21:02
JustUbuntizedthe new partition is forth21:02
osarisnavatwo: did you try a different writer :-)21:02
_0R10N<navatwo> during which step does it crash??21:02
paddy__pg_ yay for dyslexia21:02
_pg_paddy_: are you using the latest version of transmission?21:03
anthony_123_orion any way thanks  for your time and effort.21:03
eoeasJustUbuntized: Does the bluescreen message make any sence? what does it say?21:03
paddy_in the repos21:03
JustUbuntizednow as I am installing Ubuntu I have several options & i dont know which is right to have Ubuntu installed on the new partition21:03
aarIs there an equivalent of grep that can be used to search in PDF files? I'm trying to write a script that will list all PDF files containing a particular string.21:03
_0R10Nanthony_123: you're welcome, I'm sorry I can't help you...21:03
_pg_paddy_: hmm, maybe a poisonous peer, are you using blocklists?21:03
RavmMy framebuffer is 80x30, hew can I change that using Lucid? I'd rather have something a bit more readable.21:03
JustUbuntizedeoeas: forget about the blue screen it is history now as I have formated the HD21:04
uikxx""hi ppl i have good Q..... why dos the mic and web came not working on video chat ore is it any why that it is done ?21:04
flohack_0R10N: Any ideas what else I could check?21:04
_0R10Nanthony_123: you can ask to somewhere with the same ISP whether he/she is going through the same problem21:04
navatwo_0R10N: installing the base system21:04
navatwoThe hash is off..21:04
paddy_yes i updated them a few days ago and i have tried 2 different torrents21:04
JustUbuntizedI have installed Win XP after formatting the HD then I have done partitioninh21:04
paddy_of my legal file21:04
_pg_paddy_: lol21:04
_pg_paddy_: does it work with other torrents? like of a 10.4 RC for instance?21:05
uikxxbest video chat way on ubuntu ?21:05
JustUbuntizednow as I am installing Ubuntu 9.10 I want to install it to the new partition21:05
_pg_uikxx: skype proboly21:05
navatwonvm the hash is fine21:05
JustUbuntizedthe setup gives some options...I do not know which one would do the job21:05
osarisRumblePure: i can create a config file for you but i prefer you do it with your gui21:05
uikxxin the sky my mic is not working,,,21:05
PeloJustUbuntized, see the speed this channel scroll by,  you need to state your problem in one line otherwise you are just too hard to follow21:05
srpdoes netflix work on ubuntu21:05
_0R10Nnavatwo: if all the DVD/CDs you had tried were burned  with the same device, then I have to agree with some guy that told you earlier about a burner problem21:05
RumblePureosaris: no problem. what gui?21:06
paddy_all other torrents are fine21:06
eoeasJustUbuntized: Well, just choose the last partition for ubuntu, and allow grub to install on the master boot sector, grub should add an xp option to it's menu21:06
navatwoit was burned with brasero...?21:06
PeloJustUbuntized, you should get the options to either install on the free space or to manualy set your partitons,  I recommend the free space21:06
osaris RumblePure: your networkmanager21:06
anthony_123_orion : i wll ask the IT department and if nothing works i will stop paying for INTERNET; where everything this is blocked.21:06
osaris RumblePure: you are using kbuntu right or are you using a server edition without a gui?21:06
RumblePureosaris: I think the default networkmanager in kubuntu is junk.21:07
RumblePureosaris: I'm on kubuntu.21:07
uikxxas long i bin testing ubuntu i did not fund any good video chat .... do have more skype that is working anyone21:07
RumblePureosaris: kubuntu desktop.21:07
JustUbuntizedthere r 3 options: install along with Win & that's what cause blue screen before21:07
RumblePureosaris: I think it is the networkmanager that is causing me my headache21:07
_pg_paddy_: then it has to be the swarm. or the file. i could be fake. or poison. get it from somewhere better. somewhere more private21:07
uikxxdo wee have more then sky21:07
_0R10Nnavatwo: I was asking about the hardware... it was the same everytime?21:07
JustUbuntizedso that's why I want to install to new partition21:07
JustUbuntizedI hit advanced21:07
navatwo_0R10N: yes. I've burned other live cd's though, no problem21:07
uikxxus usb flash..21:08
_0R10Nnavatwo: you could try setting an usb pendrive to install the OS from it21:08
JustUbuntizedcause the other option left was to erase existing partition &  install Ubuntu on to it21:08
uikxxdonẗ west any cds :)21:08
JustUbuntizedin advanced...it says I have to sepcifiy root21:08
manfredhello ?21:09
JustUbuntizedwhat do I do ?21:09
_0R10Nnavatwo: it's weird, man! it looks to me like a hardware failing (in this case the burner) or the ISO corrupted21:10
JustUbuntizedI doubled clicked the new partition & there are 11 options to pick up from21:10
JustUbuntizedExt 4 journaling file sys21:10
NiuxHey - The 195.36.15 nvidia driver doesn't work (at least for me) in 10.4, is it just because it's still beta?21:10
qazibasitneed help installing ubuntu21:10
_0R10Nnavatwo: did you check the integrity of the file downloaded???21:10
JustUbuntizedext 3 & ext 2.........21:10
qazibasitis there a 32 bit version of ubuntu 9.1021:10
navatwoits fine21:10
ZykoticK9Niux, come to #ubuntu+121:11
DasEiqazibasit: sure21:11
eoeasJustUbuntized: choose the "/" which means root, ext3 or ext4 is up to you (check wiki)21:11
qazibasitDasEi from where can i download it ?21:11
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90421:11
JustUbuntizedi dont understand what I should select....there r 11 options21:11
DasEiqazibasit: , sry, 9.1021:11
JustUbuntizedI want to have Ubuntu installed to the new partition21:12
_0R10Nnavatwo: well, try installing on a virtual box, or something like that...21:12
DasEi!karmic | qazibasit21:12
ubottuqazibasit: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91021:12
navatwoI had to download a new version, the old file was corrupt, i'll check the new21:12
DasEiqazibasit: specs of the box ?21:12
_0R10Nnavatwo: the point is you can't run any sort of test, but trying with another iso, or installing on another computer21:13
qazibasithp pavilion notebook, 2.0 GH C2D 2 gb ram and 9600 geforce nvidia21:13
qazibasiti have a 32 bit vista installed21:13
DasEiqazibasit: best is to use a torrent for d/l  ,as most clients re-check the download, then md5-check the iso and burn at moderate speed21:13
DasEi!who | qazibasit21:14
ubottuqazibasit: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:14
Joe_Rossithere isnt a soul in the xubuntu chat, if anyone knows how to change the color of the panel in Xubuntu, please speak up21:14
_pg_so i set up a vnc connection to my home computer, and it worked, but since I had to restart the computer, It no longer works-is this because I have to launch the vnc server each time it reboots? it is now headless.21:14
DasEiqazibasit: why not use the 64 bit on it ?21:14
AnActivistplease help me, I accidently deleted my Desktop folder, so I created a new one but I was root so now I cannot access it using the file browser, how can I change the permissions of the desktop folder?21:14
qazibasitDasEi, what is the difference b/w a 32 bit and 64 bit O/S21:14
xompAnActivist, chown21:14
macoAnActivist: sudo chown -R youruser:youruser Desktop/21:15
_0R10Nanactivist: change the owner, and then change the permissions21:15
AnActivistcool thank you i'll try it21:15
DasEiqazibasit: wider bus, more possible memory, better support for the c2d (though 32 does good, to)21:15
Joe_Rossi32 bit is downgraded, and not everything works on a 32 bit, they are also slower21:15
DasEiqazibasit: I'd use the 64 on that, want to keep vista also ?21:16
=== vinicius is now known as Guest1111
Joe_Rossitheres a trial for Windows 7 Enterprise floating around, lasts 100 days21:16
qazibasiti have used linux in the past, but due to compitability issues in my university i switched to windows again21:16
DasEiqazibasit: so resize with vista first, backup the mbr case grub fubars it, then install to the free space, size of hd ?21:16
xompif every prompted as to which to use 32-bit windows or 64-bit windows /always/ opt for 32-bit as a lot of software doesn't support 64-bit windows even though it's been around awhile.21:17
RumblePureosaris: I cracked it. I must say I'm extremely frustrated with the amount of time that I lost, but I should not allow that to come in the way of some proper courtesy: thx osaris.21:17
qazibasitbut now i am fedup21:17
qazibasitcant i install the ubuntu on my portable hard drive?21:17
AnActivistOk, it didn't work but this is why, when I deleted the Desktop directory and created a new one  its just a regular folder not the one linked to the file browser21:17
Joe_Rossii think you might be able to21:17
DasEiqazibasit: yes, if the box supports usb boot21:17
depositoHi. Im having some problems when trying to use dosemu. I've mounted a windows XP unit using /mount -t smbfs -o username=name //ip/c$ /folder <-- This works fine, i can enter this folder. But when i try to use dosemu i have this error: Invalid drive F:. The config file is this: http://pastebin.com/8bz5c3xZ I dont know which is my error. Thanks in advance21:17
DasEiqazibasit: BUT...21:18
qazibasitbut ????21:18
=== ubuntu_ is now known as noob0001
DasEiqazibasit: be carefull, the installer by default puts grub on the first (internal) hd, can you disconnect it ?21:18
osarisRumblePure: np i wanted to show you how to static set it but then also saw some interesting config parameters in the dhcp3 config file which would work good temporary21:18
_0R10N<AnActivist>: the problem that your folder is not included for quick access on the left panel?21:18
qazibasitDasEi unfortunately no21:19
qazibasiti dont know how to21:19
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Joe_Rossiitd be like booting off of a disk, slow, annoying, yet it still works, ive done it with my flashdrive21:19
DasEiqazibasit: laptop then I guess21:19
DasEiqazibasit: have you got a usb stick ?21:19
qazibasita portable hard disk21:19
reece_hey guys, i installed ubuntu 9.04 through wubi today, dont listen to what people say its fast21:19
xompare there any guides to installing ubuntu on an external USB hard drive?21:19
RumblePureosaris: the problem was that I am using a gui network manage right? It really didnt matter what I did through the prompt, the gui manager would override my settings, right?21:20
reece_i wonder the same21:20
ringerDasEi, you can install Ubuntu inside a windows partition. Not ideal, but it is an install option21:20
xompwithout completely hosing your MBR and such?21:20
qazibasitxomp we are talking abt the same issue21:20
_0R10Nbye guys, I have to go... I'll be back in a few hours..21:20
qazibasitDasEi is telling me how to install on a usb HD21:20
DasEiqazibasit: it is possible to tell the installer to put grub on the external hd, but you'll be safer to backup current mbr first21:20
AnActivist_0R10N, yes when I accidently deleted the Desktop folder it rm'ed when i look in the terminal, bu the link is still there in the file browser and I can still see my desktop files but cannot open and of them or delete them because they can't be found. What I need to do is rm the ghost desktop files and find a way to make a new Desktop folder that will be linked to in the file browser.21:20
DasEiringer : sure , I know that21:20
Joe_Rossiyou can do it in your system menu21:21
brad__can anyone help me configure compiz for it to work21:21
qazibasitso u mean that i should make a backup of my vista first before proceeding21:21
_pg_brad__: !ask21:21
reece_hey guys, when i go to shrink my vista partition in vista, it says i have 0MB available to shrink, even though i have like 105GB free out of 139GB, i dont wanna use GParted because i kno vista cant sometimes boot afterwards, any help?21:21
_0R10Nok, I'm staying a few more minutes21:21
suboneMy friends cd drive is messed up but I managed to boot off the live cd. Is there any way to copy the installation files to the disk and then initiate the install from there so that the cd doesn't fail in the middle of the install?21:21
DasEiqazibasit: you can do that with the live cd you use to install later, but can also save it to internal hd as file (ntfs, I assume)21:22
xompmaybe this ubuntu installer for windows? http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-wubi21:22
_0R10N<anactivist>: let me see what I can do21:22
ringerDasEi, sorry, that should have been directed at qazibasit21:22
AnActivist_0R10N, thank you21:22
osarisRumblePure: i am not sure. have only set this on servers21:22
reece_did anyone here me?21:22
lobfredd :)21:22
DasEiringer: native install is always nicer, I think21:23
soreaubrad__: Can you come to #compiz so we can help you more easily?21:23
osarisRumblePure: i think it does overwrite it21:23
qazibasitringer it will be a risky job21:23
Joe_Rossimy computer is a 120 GB hd, and i created 3 partitions, so it is possible to install linux outside of your windows partition21:23
DasEireece: loud and clear21:23
AnActivist_0R10N, also in the file browser I can still click on the Desktop link and see all my files but I cant open/delete them21:23
_pg_reece_: you have what would be called "immovable blocks" in osx21:23
reece_hey guys, when i go to shrink my vista partition in vista, it says i have 0MB available to shrink, even though i have like 105GB free out of 139GB, i dont wanna use GParted because i kno vista cant sometimes boot afterwards, any help?21:23
_pg_reece_: defrag and try again.21:23
ringerqazibasit, it is not ideal, but is what I did first.21:23
reece_o right, i ran perfectdisk 11 but it didnt help21:23
Joe_Rossiid buy WipeDrive21:24
qazibasithow can i make a backup of my mbr21:24
reece_after 4 hours of defrag with perfectdisk, and it was defragged the night before21:24
reece_by tuneup21:24
ringerqazibasit, very quickly decided Ubuntu was for me then wiped windows & did a full ubuntu install. Very happy!21:24
Joe_Rossiwipe your drive clean, and start from scratch21:24
DasEiqazibasit: d/l the 64 bit desktop as torrent, burn it, boot it, come back here, can call my nick, I'm still on for some time21:24
_pg_reece_: hmm thats unfortunate. I have run into the same problem.21:24
alwaizlernI just bought a new lcd monitor to use alongside my laptop monitor (to extend it); I am having an issue whenever I make a video (i.e. YOUTUBE) fullscreen, the fullscreen video opens on my laptop screen instead of the LCD I bought. Any way to switch this?21:24
llutzreece_: disable hibernation, disable virtual-memory (how does win calls that?), boot again, try again21:24
reece_i prefer using Wubi 9.04 though, im using it right now, it's just as fast as a native ext3 install21:25
reece_just about21:25
qazibasithey guys i have an iso of ubunto 7.x can i install that and then update it to 9.0421:25
qazibasithow abt that21:25
reece_i think u have to go from 7.xx to 9.04 gradually21:25
macoqazibasit: yes its possible to upgrade from an EOL release21:25
bryanrMy User Interface has frozen twice. Can this be caused by extra effects?21:26
DasEiqazibasit: you could, but it'll take mmuch loooonger21:26
reece_unless u r going from 8.04 to 10.04, thats fine cos they r LTS21:26
macoqazibasit: but youll have to go from 7.10 to 8.04 then fromthere you can go straight to 10.04 if you like21:26
_pg_bryanr: yup21:26
_0R10N<anactivist>: man, you're doing something wrong. I just renamed the Desktop folder. Then I clicked on the icon on the panel, of course it failed. Then I created a folder and named it Desktop. I clicked the icon on the panel again and it opened my new folder21:26
zleapyou could upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 then perhaps directly to 10.0421:26
Joe_Rossiyou can go further, now we have Ubuntu 10.04 is in a beta21:26
DasEiqazibasit: why not d/l 9.10 ?21:26
zleaplol, i typed what maco just typed21:26
reece_i dont like that 10.04, the new gnome, its horrible21:26
_pg_Joe_Rossi: RC i thought?21:26
AnActivist_0R10N, ok i'll try more later have to go to class thank you21:26
reece_close buttons on the left like OS X21:26
reece_i'll check out that new kde 4.421:27
qazibasitok i am downloading the 64 bit 9.04, i will burn that iso on a cd and then i will buzz u guys21:27
imancwow ubuntu 10.4 is still really dodgy.  I bet it'll be weird for a few months yet; but in spite of that, it looks awesome.21:27
qazibasitu all are getting disturbed21:27
delacwhen starting UNR and the netbook-launcher comes up, it will flicker for half a second showing not the background image, but only the color. The netbook-launcher will also stay in a state like there were a window on top of it (it stays allmost completely transparent). It didnt behave like this when I installed the system. Anyone else had this problem?21:27
DasEiqazibasit: nvm, just call nick from live-cd when reqady21:27
reece_if i were u, i would stick to 9.04, sure its older and support will be dropped soon but its more stable and less buggy and dosent have that GRUB221:27
pijuhello anyone can help me with packaging ?21:27
Joe_Rossihey pg i just sent you a msg in a new dialog box21:28
alwaizlernIs there no work around for the flash issue?21:28
qazibasiti will call u before doing anything21:28
DasEireece_: karmic is fine for me, too21:28
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_blackwater_!hi | piju21:28
ubottupiju: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:28
OerHeksgrub2 is fine.21:28
qazibasitDasEi sometimes linux installer ruins everything :)21:28
ZykoticK9alwaizlern, what flash issue?  clicking on 64bit?21:28
alwaizlernYoutube flash21:28
piju_blackwater_, i want to build i386 .deb on amd64 machine21:28
alwaizlernZykoticK9, Whenever I fullscreen it, the fullscreen opens on my small laptop screen instead of my big lcd21:29
qazibasitringer if things didnt go well i do as you said ;)21:29
lindsaymobil22is there any way to open EXT drives on winblows?21:29
ZykoticK9alwaizlern, don't know about that one - best of luck man.21:29
sevkahi. how can I configure AUTOFS in 10.04? It worked in 9.10 but it's different in 10.04 and doesn't work  :(21:29
foobaccaanyone using gnome-do? Today it appears that <Super>-space now brings up nautilus rather than gnome-do :/ I'm using lucid, and have been for a month with no problems until now ...21:29
alwaizlernZykoticK9, i'll keep searching:)21:29
Joe_Rossino lindsay21:29
XaSlindsaymobil22, http://www.fs-driver.org/21:30
lindsaymobil22o ok21:30
lindsaymobil22can i open up ExFAT drives on ubuntu or linux in whole?21:30
lindsaymobil22i have ALOT of ExFAT drives lying around with data on them21:30
XaSFAT16 & FAT32 should work, dunno what ExFAT is though21:30
lindsaymobil22the new fat system, also known as FAT6421:31
sevkaanybody use nfs and autofs in 10.04?21:31
DasEi!brain > OerHeks21:31
ubottuOerHeks, please see my private message21:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:32
pijuno one listening21:32
lindsaymobil22is there a way to open ExFAT on linux? (also known as FAT64)21:32
powertool08piju: Didn't see if you got an answer, you can try this, not sure if its the best way though. http://wiki.debian.org/DebianAMD64Faq#line-9621:32
qazibasitDasEi one more question about ubuntu21:32
XaShe left :/21:32
DasEiqazibasit: y21:32
qazibasithow come its size is constant with all the upgrades21:33
qazibasitunlike windows21:33
XaS'coz they do it right ? :p21:33
DasEiqazibasit: it isn't, also depends on the apps you install21:33
DasEiqazibasit: updates delete old packages, also21:33
lindsaymobil22hey, i have a question about compiz?21:33
qazibasitno i mean the 7.x iso is also of the same size as this 9.1021:34
DasEiqazibasit: ah, no, apps are in the repos, size is fine for cd-size, that's why21:34
soreau! ask | lindsaymobil2221:34
ubottulindsaymobil22: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:34
WazzzaaaFor reporting a bug I want to test an upstream kernel from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/MainlineBuilds  But I don't know which I need to download. uname -a gives me: 2.6.31-2021:34
lindsaymobil22i am using wobbly windows, and when i drag, this small white line appears on the top border of the window im dragging21:35
DasEiqazibasit: there are also dvd's for people with no inet21:35
DasEiqazibasit: win has no repos / mirrors21:35
qazibasitohk, this time i am planning to contribute to the linux community21:35
qazibasitwith some medical apps that i am working on21:35
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
JackWatlindsaymobil22: sounds like an issue with the video drivers.21:36
lindsaymobil22who here likes the new 10.04?21:36
DasEiqazibasit: interesting > #ubuntu-offtopic (support here, only)21:36
JackWati like 10.0421:36
lindsaymobil22i tried beta 1, didnt like it21:36
hector1hey guys, is anyone having trouble getting sound on 10.04 RC on a ALC1200 chip?21:36
JackWatwhy not?21:36
lindsaymobil22didnt like the new gnome21:36
JackWati didn't like 9.10 :P21:36
lindsaymobil22close buttons on the left hand side21:36
hector110.04 is nice :)21:36
JackWatthere is no new gnome. its a theme. you can turni t off21:36
lindsaymobil22themes are wierd21:37
ZykoticK9!ot | JackWat lindsaymobil2221:37
ubottuJackWat lindsaymobil22: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:37
JackWati put the buttons on the right side21:37
lindsaymobil22i HATE 9.1021:37
suboneMy friends cd drive is messed up but I managed to boot off the live cd. Is there any way to copy the installation files to the disk and then initiate the install from there so that the cd doesn't fail in the middle of the install?21:37
lindsaymobil22too buggy21:37
DasEihector: ask in #ubuntu+121:37
lindsaymobil22although, i LOVE 9.0421:37
JackWatsubone: you could use a USB21:37
JackWatyeah 9.10 was pretty terrible21:37
lindsaymobil22i think grub2 messed it up too much21:37
RavmMy framebuffer is 80x30, hew can I change that? I'd rather have something a bit more readable.21:37
FirstSgtWhen attempting to save Nvidia xserver configuration, I receive a message stating that it couldn't parse xorg.conf21:38
JackWati haven't had any problems with grub221:38
FirstSgtI have dual display, and cannot set it up.  any suggestions?21:38
JackWatFirstSgt: did it force you to enter a password?21:38
JackWatwhen you started the tool?21:38
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FirstSgtJackWat: Negitive.21:38
lindsaymobil22although i swear never to use it, im gonna have to in the future21:38
JackWatFirstSgt: my friend had that same issue. let me ask him how he fixed it21:38
DasEiFirstSgt: did you call setings as root ?21:38
ZykoticK9FirstSgt, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/nvidia-settings-issue-karmic21:38
lindsaymobil22i cant stay with 9.04 forever21:38
drmagooFirstSgt: open a terminal and type sudo nvidia-settings21:39
FirstSgtDasEi: I will open the conf with sudo then?21:39
suboneJackwat I can't get the machine to boot from usb21:39
DasEiFirstSgt: sudo nvidia-settings, save, restart x21:39
_blackwater_FirstSgt does /etc/X11/xorg even exist?21:39
FirstSgtI will try that guys...21:39
FirstSgt_blackwater_: yes21:39
Guest1hi, i have an acer asipre one model running ubuntu 9.10 (which really sucks) and the wifi doesnt work21:39
lindsaymobil22is there a command in the terminal that can open all the programs in the gnome menu @ once?21:39
FirstSgtI am prolly going to restart, however I will not disconnect as I am ssh'd in within a screen session.21:39
hector1anyone have trouble with 10.04 RC using ALC1200 for sound?21:39
FirstSgtso I will brb.21:39
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: you can skip 10.04 if you want21:39
JackWatFirstSgt: its a problem with the xorg.conf file. he recreated the file from scratch and it corrected his issue.21:40
lindsaymobil22what do u mean?21:40
ZykoticK9hector1, reask in #ubuntu+1 (Lucid channel)21:40
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: 9.04 is supported untill October, 10.10 will be out, just before 9.04 runs out of support21:40
ZykoticK9!u > lindsaymobil2221:40
ubottulindsaymobil22, please see my private message21:40
FirstSgtthanks again JackWat, DasEi, ZykoticK9 and _blackwater_...21:40
hector1thanks Zykotick921:40
FirstSgtI should be back soon21:40
ownlifeI'm running Karmic and after a recent install it's really buggy and slow. The desktop started freezing as well!21:40
OerHekslindsaymobil22, why would you want to open all programs at once ?21:40
lindsaymobil22yeah i guess, nice time to end support for my fav version, my birthday month :(21:40
xompdoes using the windows ubuntu installer here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-wubi run the risk of messing up my Bootloader or anything like that if I were to try and install ubuntu on an external USB hard drive?21:40
Guest1does anyone have any suggestions to making the wireless work on an acer aspire one running 9.10?21:40
sylrIs it normal that if I copy some text in a program, I close the program I copy the text from, the copy buffer becomes empty ?21:41
lindsaymobil22im using Wubi right now, awesome, dosent screw anything up21:41
yaccGuest1, update the kernel as far as possible.21:41
Guest1i cant, i have no wireless21:41
mickster04sylr: yeah?21:41
Guest1or connection for that matter21:41
ZykoticK9sylr, i'm affraid Linux uses a couple of different copy/paste mechanism - it can get ugly sometimes21:41
yaccGuest1, (cannot specify which kernel might help, currently running F12 on the A1)21:41
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: plus loads of other good distros to choose from  http://www.distrowatch.com  (this site doesn't have all of them, but the offical ones yes).  As for Wubi  in the long run a proper partitioned install is better really.21:41
lindsaymobil22guest1: how r u talking to us then?21:41
yaccGuest1, furthermore, do not use adhoc networks21:41
sylrZykoticK9, so it's a known behavior ?21:42
xomplindsaymobil22, I have a complex system of dual boots setup internally right now and will die if this touches my internal bootloaders lol21:42
lindsaymobil22for me its just as fast as an ext3 install21:42
Guest1yacc: adhoc...?21:42
yaccGuest1, try to manually terminate a connection before leaving the coverage area21:42
ZykoticK9sylr, i wouldn't say that - just that i'm not surprised your running into an issue (trying what you're trying)21:42
yaccGuest1, (adhoc, if you do not know it you'll probably not use it, it's a device-to-device kind of WLAN)21:42
lindsaymobil22is ur grub menu as long as a fax?21:42
suboneCan I copy the ubuntu install files to hdd whilerunning from live cd and start the installer from the hdd rather than the cd while still booted into live cd?21:42
Guest1yacc: no no no the wireless adpater or whatever cant connect to a wireless network21:42
FirstSgtOkay.  So I emptied (after backing up) /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... ran the settings with sudo, and still ... it says unable to parse it.21:42
OerHeksyes lindsaymobil2221:43
Guest1yacc: 9.04 used to work, and then something happened and the wireless stopped working21:43
yaccGuest1, modprobe -r ath5k ; modprobe ath5k seems to help sometime, ...21:43
xomplindsaymobil22, I have a combination of the windows boot loader and a bootloader called Chameleon, no grub at all :)21:43
lindsaymobil22o yeah, chameleon, ur a hackintosher?21:43
xomplindsaymobil22, aye, but legally as I'm an apple employee :)21:43
yaccGuest1, on my A1 (I assume that you are also talking about an A110L) not even the ndiswrapped Windows drivers work reliably, ...21:43
lindsaymobil22u can hackintosh if u work for apple???21:43
lindsaymobil22ive never heard that one21:44
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ZykoticK9lindsaymobil22, please stop using "u" for you, thanks21:44
xomplindsaymobil22, you should check out the employee's TOS when purchasing licensed apple software some time :)21:44
lindsaymobil22oh, sorry21:44
FirstSgttrying the Karmik solution now...21:44
_blackwater_FirstSgt so the xorg.conf file is there maybe it's not readable by the nvinstaller, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.  Then re-run the nvidia-installer.21:44
lindsaymobil22i will do21:44
xomplindsaymobil22, the only thing we can't get is "Phone support"21:44
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: well she/he is apparnatly on a mobile phone, according to the name, so no wonder I guess21:44
lindsaymobil22yeah, is that because of apple genius?21:45
sebsebsebuh that was meant to go to ZykoticK921:45
JackWatapple employees are ftl21:45
Guest1yacc: nbo its an a0a150 model21:45
FirstSgtahhhh... by removing the file, it recreates it21:45
ZykoticK9sebsebseb, lindsaymobil22 ok i'll apologize if your on a phone :)  Sorry lindsaymobil2221:45
sebsebsebJackWat: yeah Apple is a bit hrm in a bad way,  however this is off topic21:45
FirstSgtin a parsable way21:45
lindsaymobil22no im not21:45
_blackwater_in hopefully a re-readable format ues21:45
lindsaymobil22im on my laptop21:45
JackWati work with 3 apple employees. they're all jerks.21:46
Guest1yacc: where can you find hte number thingy (yours is A110L i believe)21:46
JackWatjust kidding. they're pretty cool.21:46
lindsaymobil22the keyboard is very small21:46
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: oh so mobil in your name isn't  meant to be mobile21:46
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ZykoticK9FirstSgt, solution to Parse error at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/nvidia-settings-issue-karmic21:46
lindsaymobil22its to sound french, like mobeel21:46
ownlifeWhat are the chances that I have malware thats making Karmic slow and weird?21:46
JackWatim going to take a ride in the lindsay mobil21:46
lindsaymobil22its a nickname i use21:46
JackWatvroom vroom21:46
FirstSgtZykoticK9: I think I got it.21:46
sebsebsebownlife: about 021:46
Antani_01I have 2 hard drives of the same brand, both SATA, both NTFS. I am copying 153 GB of things from one to the other. The transfer starts at 70 MB/s, then falls to only 4 mb/s. This is unacceptable. How can I speed it up? I am open to formatting one of them to a different filesystem, but Windows and Ubuntu must be able to read/write (not boot) from it.21:46
sebsebsebownlife: nearly 0%21:46
FirstSgtZykoticK9: saved fine.  just gotta restart21:46
sebsebseb!virus | ownlife21:46
ubottuownlife: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2121:46
FirstSgtthanks guys... it means a lot to us :)21:46
_blackwater_that's essentially the same process.21:47
JackWatAntani_01: how is your IOwait looking>?21:47
Antani_01JackWat: How would I check this?21:47
sebsebsebownlife: np21:47
ubottuCanadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca21:47
JackWatAntani_01: you can see if your process is stuck in D stat by using top21:47
lindsaymobil22what edtiting software would you guys reccomend for videos on ubuntu? i have heard good things about kdenlive, but supposedly thats only for KDE21:47
depositoSomeone could help me with dosemu config please? thanks.21:48
mickster04why is there a canadian ubuntu? for french canadians?21:48
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: there's kino, but 10.04 will come with pittvi (or whatever it's called) by default21:48
VoJedoes anyone know if there is possible to get more docklets to docky?21:48
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: plus you can install that program into 9.1021:48
lindsaymobil22i saw that pittvi, it looked good21:48
_pg_so i set up a vnc connection to my home computer, and it worked, but since I had to restart the computer, It no longer works-is this because I have to launch the vnc server each time it reboots? it is headless21:48
xomplindsaymobil22, what's this "installation size" refer too? it's currently set to 17Gb by default which is a bit overkill for ANY OS to need this much space to install lmao21:48
VoJeI would like a workspace-changer etc..21:48
manfredmobil* ?21:49
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: I think both programs are only really for basic video editing21:49
lindsaymobil22can i use pittvi in 9.0421:49
sebsebseblindsaymobil22:  probably21:49
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: well yes I expect so, it just maybe isn't in the repo21:49
lindsaymobil22i'll check the repositorys21:49
mozillanerdubotto: to my understanding, due to the way unix protects the root account, it is much more difficult as the hackers will only see the user accounts (normally), unless user is careless and operates his ubuntu as root. This is normally difficult.21:49
Antani_01JackWat: One sec, i will start the transfer.21:49
jlldnI have a little problem: I'm running 10.04 and it doesn't detect that I'm in a Laptop (and Power Manager doesnt show battery info). But if I check through "cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info" I'm able to see battery Info :/21:49
sebsebseb!lucid | jlldn21:50
ubottujlldn: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:50
sylrZykoticK9, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/5293021:50
jlldnsebsebseb, same in karmic21:50
lindsaymobil22did someone ask my wubi install size?21:50
ownlifeComing back to the virus topic, there is really no point in installing anti virus like avast!21:50
xompwhy is this thing downloading amd64-bit version of ubuntu if I have an intel i7 cpu?21:50
Antani_01JackWat: I can no longer mount my backup partition see http://paste.ubuntu.com/422999/21:50
lindsaymobil22ownlife: true21:50
ZykoticK9sylr, sorta what i said about the different copy/paste buffers isn't it ;)21:50
depositoHi. Im having some problems when trying to use dosemu. I've mounted a windows XP unit using /mount -t smbfs -o username=name //ip/c$ /folder <-- This works fine, i can enter this folder. But when i try to use dosemu i have this error: Invalid drive F:. The config file is this: http://pastebin.com/8bz5c3xZ I dont know which is my error. Thanks in advance21:51
sebsebsebjlldn: right, but even so, if your on 10.04 now, you should be really getting support in the other channel, untill   Lucid gets offically released on Thursday21:51
Antani_01JackWat: So is there anything else I can try? I don't think the problem is IOwait...21:51
sylrZykoticK9, yep21:51
JackWatAntani_01: that error makes it look like you have hardware failure21:51
JackWatdid you run a fsck?21:51
lindsaymobil22if someone did ask my wubi install size it is 20GB21:51
JackWateeeh chkdsk i guess if its an ntfs21:51
xomp20Gb install size/!21:52
lindsaymobil22i need space21:52
Antani_01JackWat: No... And also, it is a brand new drive with no Windows on it, just a 1 TB NTFS partition...21:52
jlldnsebsebseb, it was just a point of reference :)21:52
lindsaymobil22i use the net alot21:52
lindsaymobil22so my cache will build up!21:52
Antani_01JackWat: I got it yesterday21:52
xompI opted for the 3Gb install option21:52
lindsaymobil22and i save alot of things21:52
xompnot sure what it does21:52
JackWatAntani_01: it? or them? they are two devices involved correct?21:52
lindsaymobil22plus im not gonna sue the windows space anyway!21:52
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: 20GB for Ubuntu should be more than enough space, unless you fill up the  space with big data21:52
JackWatAntani_01: ah i see. error is on sdb121:53
mozirMy system feels slow and after 2 hours of runtime, it consumes 3/4 of total memory - without any applications running!21:53
Antani_01JackWat: I have 2 SATA hard drives. One is 500 GB, the other is 1 TB. The 1 TB I got yesterday, and I am copying to.21:53
mozirIs this caused by the fglrx memory leak?21:53
xompoh so that "Installation Size" thing refers to how much of the HDD you want to use for Ubuntu?21:53
lindsaymobil22well i have a 139GB windows partition, so i have around 85.7GB left now, i had 105GB before wubi21:53
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: as far as I know you can't even save to your Windows partition from Wubi by the way, only read it21:53
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: which is ashame in a way21:53
Antani_01JackWat: There is nothing important on it, I could simply reformat it now. Have any suggestions for a filesystem (maybe a faster one)?21:53
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: since then you could also use the Windows space for something21:54
JackWatAntani_01: i believe ntfs is only used for windows boxes. i'm using ext421:54
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: if you had done a proper dual boot, you could mount and access the WIndows partition and save to it and such21:54
JackWathowever, i dont know if that will resolve your copying problem21:54
Antani_01JackWat: Okay, well I need something both Ubuntu and Windows can read.21:54
underHi, i've a problem. I've to enable webcam in a flash site (chatroulette) but the button 'enable' doesn't work. How can I fix it??? Thanks!!21:54
lindsaymobil22u can access windows files from wubi, i do it, its just not in the same place21:54
JackWatthe ntfs is your filesystem21:54
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: you can write to it from Wubi?21:54
FirstSgtlol... so i have the 2nd monitor working... but all I have is an X cursor :P21:54
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: put  files on the WIndows partition?21:54
manfredto under : last flash package is ok ?21:55
FirstSgti cannot drag windows over to it21:55
lindsaymobil22u need to go to filesystem\\host and there u go!21:55
mahmoud i have this issue Alert: /host/Ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist.Dropping to a shell.21:55
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: right, but I think that's read only21:55
ZykoticK9FirstSgt, be sure your using Twinview and not Sepearte X21:55
undermanfred, what??21:55
Antani_01JackWat: Okay, and this error? If it matters, I used Gparted to format.21:55
JackWatAntani_01: no clue. google it . :P heh21:55
Antani_01JackWat: Okay one sec21:55
manfreddid you install the last adobe flash version ?21:55
lindsaymobil22i was able to do it with persistent flash21:55
FirstSgtZykoticK9: no, its separate, i can move my mouse to the right, and i see it swap over to the other screen21:56
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: also I would suggest backing up any important data else where, for example an external hard drive,  hard disks can just fail,  but also Wubi sometimes goes wrong on people21:56
FirstSgtZykoticK9: I just can't move windows over there.21:56
lindsaymobil22dont get me frightened lol21:56
ZykoticK9FirstSgt, if it's separate then you won't be able to move windows over!21:56
mahmoudany body know my Q ?21:56
JesterAnyone knows a webcam recording application?21:56
JackWatAntani_01: sorry im on a call :P heh21:56
erUSUL!info cheese21:56
FirstSgtZykoticK9: so that settings is just so I can see a blank screen over there :)21:56
ubottucheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2423 kB, installed size 7144 kB21:56
lindsaymobil22i might convert wubi to a full install, im liking ubuntu's speed, ive never ran it at full speed before21:56
JestererUSUL: thanks21:57
Antani_01JackWat: Okay, I fixed the drive. Now, what should I do about the copying issue?21:57
JackWatlindsaymobil22: its worth it.21:57
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: heh,   well  it tends to work well, but I guess when people uninstall it sometimes, they can't boot WIndows after.   Can't just put in a Live CD and fix  an Ubuntu install or Live USB when it's Wubi.21:57
FirstSgtI don't want the only other option which is "twin view"21:57
ZykoticK9FirstSgt, if you have separate enable - I'd think you should see a fun Gnome panel on both monitors -- but with separate you can't move things between them.21:57
JackWatAntani_01: you have to figure out whats causing the problem.21:57
thieusoaiwhat  image editing programs are recommended (gimp is too complicated for what I intend to do  -- just remove some texts in a picture)?21:57
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: there is a program that can convert Wubi to a partitioend install, I have never used it, and it seems someone was here earlier that treid it, and ended up with problems21:57
FirstSgtZykoticK9: using KDE.  I dont know if that matters21:57
ZykoticK9FirstSgt, that's s/fun/full21:57
Antani_01JackWat: Yes... I just burnt a live CD of Lucid. Should I try it?21:57
Antani_01JackWat: For the copying I mean?21:58
underHi, i've a problem. I've to enable webcam in a flash site (chatroulette) but the button 'enable' doesn't work. How can I fix it??? Thanks!!21:58
ZykoticK9FirstSgt, don't use KDE so not sure how it would work21:58
ikonialindsaymobil22: wubi should not be converted to a static install21:58
sebsebsebthieusoai: ah right yeah, well  there's F-Spot for basic editing and programs like that, and Gimp won't be in the default install for 10.04.  well people that upgraded from 9.10 that had it installed will still have it installed I guess21:58
sebsebsebthieusoai: or from 8.04 that had it installed21:58
ikonialindsaymobil22: because it installs on a virtual file system on a windows file system, that is not a wise choice21:58
FirstSgtdo i have to enable Xinerama21:58
ZykoticK9FirstSgt, twinview is nvidia's version of xinerama21:58
lindsaymobil22they say it's possible on the ubuntu site with certain versions21:58
sebsebsebthieusoai: uh don't get 10.04 yet by the way, the final is Thursday21:58
FirstSgtZykoticK9: but Xinerama is unchecked for that screen21:59
ZykoticK9FirstSgt, you can try it!?21:59
thieusoaisebsebseb: I'll check out fspot21:59
Majora2When I want to ask a question here and it is kind of long, is there an alternate method I should use to ask it besides sending it here?21:59
FirstSgtZykoticK9: I's only askin to avoid 8 restarts :)21:59
sebsebsebthieusoai: you probably already have F-Spot installed21:59
erUSULMajora2: forums are quite good21:59
erUSULMajora2: ubuntuforums21:59
sebsebseblindsaymobil22: right ok22:00
xompso, the ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso is the ISO to use for someoen who has an Intel i7 CPU right?22:00
ZykoticK9FirstSgt, as I said "twinview is nvidia's version of xinerama" I'm really not sure about your KDE/xinerama stuff.  Good luck.22:00
lindsaymobil22i have to go will be back here tomorrow if i need to22:00
Antani_01JackWat: BRB going to try the Live CD22:00
Majora2erUSUL: Thanks22:00
FirstSgthow do i enable ctrl+alt+backspace?22:00
sebsebsebxomp: that one is the one to use for anyone with a 64bit proccessor.  oh and soon  that will be the old one,  the 10.04 will be the new one instead, since  that's being released on Thursday22:00
ZykoticK9!dontzap > FirstSgt22:00
ubottuFirstSgt, please see my private message22:00
anon__how can i find out the name of my wifi card?22:01
FirstSgtZykoticK9: thanks22:01
xompsebsebseb, oh ok, guess I'm installing ubuntu 64-bit even though I told the website I was interested in 8.04 LTS 32-bit22:01
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sebsebsebxomp: you can run the 32bit versions on a 64bit proccessor as well22:01
ZykoticK9anon__, "lspci | grep -i network" *should* tell you the name22:01
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anon__ill try that, thx22:02
barbarellaanon__:usb or pcmcia or pci22:02
xompsebsebseb, ok, but wasn't really wanting 9.10 heh, I selected 8.04 LTS from the website :(22:02
sebsebsebxomp: oh don't do 8.04 now22:02
anon__pci express22:02
sebsebsebxomp: since 10.04 is also Long Term Support22:02
xompmy Linode server uses Ubuntu 8.04LTS heh22:02
sebsebsebxomp: altough actsaully in certain ways 8.04 will be better22:02
sebsebsebxomp: oh I thought you were doing some sort of clean install22:03
anon__<ZykoticK9> was right, thank you22:03
xompsebsebseb, yeah, it's going to be a clean install onto an External USB HDD :)22:03
xompsebsebseb, I'm trying this wubi out22:03
xomppraying it doesn't mess with my Windows 7/Mac boot loader22:03
sebsebsebxomp:   8.04 desktop in certain ways is better than  other verisons of Ubuntu, but server it's better I expect to go with the latest Long Term Support Server Edition which will be 10.04 on Thursday22:03
xompsince I'm installing to an external I wouldn't think it would, but knowing my luck it will somehow hah22:04
FirstSgtZykoticK9: Thanks a lot22:04
ZykoticK9FirstSgt, glad to help22:04
laegis there a way i can monitor what's uploading and downloading from my pc?22:04
Majora2Question regarding 64-bit processor edition of Ubuntu on a white macbook version 4-1 -- http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/aRQeYMuD22:04
laegubuntu 9.1022:04
gottenHi, i've a problem. I've to enable webcam in a flash site (chatroulette) but the button 'enable' doesn't work. How can I fix it??? Thanks!!22:04
FirstSgtZykoticK9: Thanks for all your help.  let me know if you need anything in regards to anyone that works for me: PHP,mysql,objective-c (iPhone apps), etc.22:04
xompsebsebseb, yeah if 10.04 goes LTS I'm going to update my Linode from 8.04 to 10.04 :)22:04
sebsebsebxomp: Wubi is ok for testing, in the long run better to use real partitions22:04
FirstSgtZykoticK9: or if you need some server space...22:05
sebsebsebxomp: it's better to start  with 10.04 and not upgrade from 8.0422:05
OerHeksgotten, me 222:05
ZykoticK9FirstSgt, thanks for the offer - but I think i'm all good ;)22:05
sebsebsebxomp: in your case it's better to just start with 10.04  after it's been released22:05
FirstSgtZykoticK9: :)... adios then for now22:05
qazibasitwe have already discussed all these questions22:05
gottenOerHeks, we are not few...22:05
xompsebsebseb, yeah, I run a Gameserver on my Linode heh, the downtime I would have to live through for a clean install is going to be painfull on my gaming community heh22:05
qazibasiti think its better to download 10.04 directly22:05
qazibasitor upgrade the 9.1022:06
bboksaI am trying to setup pam with an ldap server using tls - ldapsearch -x -ZZ from the client works fine, however sudo getent passwd segfaults… any idea what might cause this?22:06
sebsebsebxomp: if you have a currently running 8.04 server,  you could upgrade to 10.0422:06
jeromeli have got a problem with my burner and k3b22:06
Exposure939evening everybody22:06
xompsebsebseb, yep, 8.04 server running right now :P22:06
laegis there a way i can monitor what's uploading and downloading from ubuntu 9.10?22:06
jeromeli want to burn a iso file but k3b says lme that cdrecord has no permission to open the device22:06
jeromelI tried to type the cdrecord command and that's the answer : http://paste.ubuntu.com/423006/22:06
barbarellasebsebseb:never put a new version in production, just wait a while.22:07
jeromelcan anyone help me please ?22:07
xomp!patience > jeromel22:07
ubottujeromel, please see my private message22:07
sebsebsebbarbarella: yes I didn't tell him to do 10.04 untill final22:07
DasEilaeg: several ..22:07
mikelifeguardHow can I have screen exit when the command running in it does? For example, use screen -dmS thing script.sh for some startup script - but it hangs around forever after the script is done; I want it to exit.22:07
zylogz80I'm running 10.04 on a laptop with an Intel video card. Everything works great except I don't get plymouth on boot. Do I do have to do something to enable it?22:07
DasEilaeg: conky shows activity, netstat shows connections.. be more specific22:07
h00k!lucid | zylogz8022:07
jeromelxomp,  ?22:07
ubottuzylogz80: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:07
enthdegreeWhat are all these .0 files in my /etc/ssl/certs directory? Are they just more trusted certs in .pem format?22:07
sebsebsebqazibasit: Yes best to upgrade from a clean install of 9.10,  so Grub 2 and Ext4 by default yep,  to 10.04 when it's been released,  or do a clean install of 10.04 when released.22:07
xomp!patience | jeromel22:08
ubottujeromel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:08
barbarellasebsebseb:even after the final version22:08
jeromelI didnt repeat my question...22:08
laegDasEi: i've found system monitor shows current upload and downloads - i'd like to see what programs are uploading and downloading22:08
DasEi!info darkstat | laeg22:08
ubottulaeg: darkstat (source: darkstat): a network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.712-1 (karmic), package size 56 kB, installed size 224 kB22:08
enthdegreeNo, you repeat your question like this:22:08
sebsebsebbarbarella: this whole thing that LTS becomes so much more stable after a point release, I am not so sure about that, since as far as I know LTS is only security updates as well.22:08
enthdegreeWhat are all these .0 files in my /etc/ssl/certs directory? Are they just more trusted certs in .pem format?22:08
xompjeromel, take note of "Don't feel ignored"22:09
jeromelyes but i was just explaining my problem22:09
xomp<jeromel> can anyone help me please ? != explaning a problem lol22:09
xomp<jeromel> can anyone help me please ? == feeling ignored22:10
enthdegreeYeah, if we ignore you, it's not because they didn't see your question. It's because they hate you. (:22:10
Roastedis medibuntu still down?22:10
jeromelxomp, it was to be polite... i explained the problem after22:10
barbarellasebsebseb:yes it is just a choice, but bugs are comming out much faster when it is a final release.22:10
PeterDropsome package similar to camtasia?22:10
laegDasEi: ty friend22:11
xompjeromel, I think you're not as dense as you're trying to come across as being. Not going to split hairs about this as I feel like I'm feeding a troll.22:11
sebsebsebbarbarella: sure, but as far as I know most of those bugs won't get fixed, unless security updates, and so instead got to wait untill the next version of Ubuntu.22:11
barbarellasebsebseb:and it is still opensource22:11
DasEijeromel : is the mount-dir of the cd-drive owned by regualr user ?22:11
elricIt's tragic to see such petty issues hindering his question being answered and now wasting more time than would have taken to answer said question.22:11
elricIn pointless arguments...22:11
PeterDrophi, witch one is the program to record video desktop, similar to camtasia?22:11
xompelric, I agree22:11
elricxomp, ;-)22:12
jeromelDasEi, I don't think I have two users, the one which was created on the ubuntu installation and another one which is the one I use now22:12
h00kRoasted: I haven't heard anything, but if you can't get to it, probably22:13
xompheh "An error occurred" using Wubi :P22:13
enthdegreexomp: Now I'm going to respond to your explaining exactly which way you're trying to steer the conversation with a passive-agressive case in point totally uncalled for smart remark.22:13
markginter24_is there an ubuntu ltsp channel?22:13
Lars_Ghey all22:13
Lars_GSay, what would you say are the main differences between netbook-launcher and netbook-launcher-efl ?22:13
DasEijeromel: you have default and superuser least, by default22:13
Roastedh00k, :(22:13
Roastedits been a long time now22:13
DasEijeromel: open a terminal ..22:13
DasEijeromel: mount             <<where is the cd mounted ?22:14
xompenthdegree, I don't know water you tolkien about?22:14
Majora2I'm running Ubuntu version 9.04, amd for 64-bit processors on a white macbook version 4-1 with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor and am trying to use Wine to play an ORG called NosTale. As far as using Wine to play the game goes everything is in satisfactory limits for me, except that my screen in game keeps on blinking really fast in black over the background of the game. For instance, this...22:14
h00kRoasted: remember, it isn't an official repo, Canonincal doesn't have it22:14
Majora2...happens in the main menu where you enter your user name and password. I can see the background of that screen underneath of the really fast blinking of black. I would like the blinking to stop. I have tried using Wine with this machine with Ubuntu version 9.04, i386 edition for 32-bit processors and the blinking didn't exist there. I've also tried it with Ubuntu version 8.10 with the...22:14
laegDasEi: anything like darkstat with a gui?22:14
Majora2...64-bit processor edition and the blinking was present there. What can I do to stop the blinking?22:14
FloodBot1Majora2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:14
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DasEilaeg : darkstat in a browser ?!22:14
Roastedh00k, yeah, I understand.d Its just still a serious -1 to have it down for so long when people rely on it.22:14
h00kRoasted: yeah, I suppose it is quite inconvenient for them22:15
laegDasEi: huh? i installed through synaptic but can only seem to be about to launch a text interface from terminal typing darkstat..22:15
DasEijeromel:like /dev/sr0  on /media/cdrom022:15
barbarella<Lars_G>:from google it says Enlightenment Foundation Libraries22:16
xomplol @ 10kb/sec download of 9.10 ISO from ubuntu website :P22:16
jeromelbut at the moment no cdrom is mounted22:16
DasEilaeg: it's some time ago I used it, if I remember right, it creates a server can be called in browser, showing diffrented graphs22:16
paddy_in transmission i am trying to download a >10gb file but every time i start it it crashes22:16
barbarellapaddy_:version please22:17
DasEijeromel:sudo chmod -R $USER /media/cdrom022:17
enthdegreeHey, is it 'ok' in this thing I'm programming to load all the certs in /etc/ssl/certs/ in as Certificate Authorities22:17
eoeaspaddy_ Start transmission via terminal and see what it says22:17
DasEijeromel: try k3b again22:17
jeromelDasEi, do i need to replace $USER by my username?22:18
TannerFis it possible to chown 2 people to one file?22:18
mikelifeguardjeromel: no22:19
barbarellaenthdegree:when apache can see the path in your configuration file, why not22:19
jeromelok so it does not work22:19
DasEijeromel: can, but uses current username22:19
jeromelchmod: mode invalide: `jeromel'22:19
barbarellaTannerF:in a group22:19
mozillanerdOn 9.10 System-->Preferences--->Mouse. It takes three tries to bring up. Then 1 second apart clicks on light bulb only lights it up once in a blue moon!22:19
eoeasjeromel: No, $USER will be replace by your username automatically22:19
RoastedSo I've got a problem. I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 on a Toshiba laptop. With the .18 kernel, I have wireless, but my trackpad doesn't work. With .20, I have no wireless, yet my trackpad works. IS there anything I can do?22:19
DasEijeromel: sry, my mistake..22:20
DasEijeromel:sudo chown -R $USER /media/cdrom022:20
jeromel(i tried to use cdrecord : http://paste.ubuntu.com/423006/ if it can help you)22:20
jeromelok DasEi  thanks22:20
TannerFmozillanerd: I'm more of a mozilla nerd than you ;) (Sorry for offtopic)22:20
bobgis it possible to get grub 0.97 (jaunty) to display the menu on the serial console and monitor at the same time?  "terminal serial console" displays "press any key" and displays the menus where the key is pressed22:21
uLinuxIn can I make a script to login into router with username and password and then send commands to it?22:21
uLinux*How can I make a script to login into router with username and password and then send commands to it?22:21
mozillanerdTannerF: No problem, at leas I am able to get some answer - off topic22:21
erUSULuLinux: log via? telnet?22:22
uLinuxI made one in Windows .vbs file but i have no idea on linux22:22
DasEilaeg: trafshow is another possibility for detailed view, though less fancy in graphical way then darkstat22:22
erUSUL!info expect | uLinux22:22
ubottuuLinux: expect (source: expect): A program that can automate interactive applications. In component main, is optional. Version 5.43.0-17 (karmic), package size 308 kB, installed size 628 kB22:23
jeromelDasEi,  same problem22:23
uLinux*How can I make a script to login into router AUTOMATICALLY with username and password and then send commands to it?22:23
DasEijeromel: start k3b from trminal and paste the lines following then in a pastebin22:23
paddy_it is now a zombie22:24
cyberpalaneed help to 10.04 and nvidia 330 m22:24
erUSULuLinux: with expect; it was made/designed to do things like that22:24
h00k!lucid | cyberpala22:24
ubottucyberpala: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:24
DasEicyberpala: ubuntu+122:24
mozillanerdI have recorded the sequence of clicks on light bulb in System-->Preferences-->Mouse (let say, uppercase is when it works): KKkkkkKkkKKkkkkkkKK  etc22:25
jeromelDasEi,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/423015/22:25
uLinuxerUSUL  where can i find that app22:25
erUSULuLinux: in the main repositorie22:25
erUSUL!software | uLinux22:25
ubottuuLinux: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents22:25
jeromelSense Code: 0x30 Qual 0x05 (cannot write medium - incompatible format) Fru 0x0 ?????22:26
h00kMajora2: you can check #winehq and the !appdb for Wine help22:26
itiliousdoes remote desktop not work with windows as the client viewer and ubuntu 9.10 as host?22:26
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:26
itiliousall I get is a black screen with no mouse control22:26
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Majora2They never answer questions in there, but I guess it's worth a shot.22:27
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h00kMajora2: they're better to support wine-related issues22:27
uLinuxerUSUL after i install it can I run the .vbs file?22:27
fabiobuonaseraaaaaaaaaaa!!! :D22:27
DasEijeromel: two things, first a permission issue with wodim, but, more suspected : write medium - incompatible format22:27
jeromelDasEi,  for the medium I do not understand because the iso is for a cd and i use a verbatim 700MB CD-R22:28
erUSULuLinux: no you will have to writte a expect script that does what you want22:28
barbarellaMajora2:yes they do, and that was an answer22:28
uLinuxthat will be hard22:28
DasEijeromel: is your user in the group for cd ?22:29
Majora2barbarella: "In there," not "in here."22:29
mahmoudhello all22:29
jeromelDasEi,  yes22:29
mahmoudi need help22:29
barbarellaMajora2:but i did22:29
RavmMy framebuffer is 80x30, hew can I change that? I'd rather have something a bit more readable.22:30
mahmoudfor this issue Alert: /host/Ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist.Dropping to a shell.22:30
sebsebseb!ask | mahmoud22:30
ubottumahmoud: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:30
erUSULuLinux: if you managed to do it in vbs expect has to be easy22:30
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uLinuxi did with help ofc22:30
h00kmahmoud: Where do you see this issue?22:30
erUSULuLinux: for example login in is 4 lines 1) expect "login:" 2) send "yourlogin_name" 3) expect "password:" 4) send "your_pass_here" .....22:31
barbarellauLinux:you can pipe commands through ssh or use crontab22:31
mahmoudits came after hard swithced off22:31
erUSULuLinux: the rest should be just that easy22:31
uLinuxbarbarella i want to send automatically22:31
mahmoudand i tried to recovery mode but its gave this issue22:32
purveshhow to Port Forward in Ubuntu 9.10 ?22:32
RoastedSo I've got a problem. I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 on a Toshiba laptop. With the .18 kernel, I have wireless, but my trackpad doesn't work. With .20, I have no wireless, yet my trackpad works. IS there anything I can do?22:32
fabiovado viaaaaaaaaaa22:32
DasEijeromel: system > admin > user&groups, unlock it, check your regular user22:33
mozillanerdSystem-->Preferences-->Mouse - click of light bulb test CPU load is 48% Clicking arround closing tabs and windows gets the CPU History Resources tab to show a few 60% peaks.22:33
DasEifabio:have a question ?22:33
depositoHi. Im having some problems when trying to use dosemu. I've mounted a windows XP unit using /mount -t smbfs -o username=name //ip/c$ /folder <-- This works fine, i can enter this folder. But when i try to use dosemu i have this error: Invalid drive F:. The config file is this: http://pastebin.com/8bz5c3xZ I dont know which is my error. Thanks in advance22:33
YuviPandahow do I boot into the CLI from the grub menu? (Karmic)22:33
YuviPandai messed with my video bits (Mesa) and now can't get anything usable22:33
mahmoudhook its clear 4 u22:33
jeromelit is ok DasEi  I can use cdrom22:34
erUSULuLinux: http://www.wellho.net/forum/The-Tcl-programming-language/telnet-login-using-expect.html22:34
DasEijeromel: though this can't be the solution, if you start k3b  as root, does this go alright ?22:35
DasEijeromel: tried that already ?22:36
jeromeli had error 25422:36
DasEijeromel: sudo apt-get remove --purge k3b && sudo apt-get install k3b22:36
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YuviPandaI can't seem to stop X and get into a commandline22:37
YuviPandaCtrl+alt+backspace doesn't kill X22:37
DasEiYuviPanda: ctrl-alt-F122:38
grmrgeckoI am trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManageDiscImages#DMG%20Images and I'm getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/423021/22:38
YuviPandaDasEi: no effect22:38
ScoobyDooCan anyone suggest a nice sound for pidgin upon receiving a IRC message?22:39
DasEiYuviPanda: can you boot in recoverymode ?22:39
mozillanerdSystem-->Preferences-->Mouse light bulb test following up, system monitor %cpu 12, firefox %8, gnome-panel %3, etc. Lightly loaded I'd say yet have the click slowness and many other slowdown problems. Any takers?22:39
YuviPandaDasEi: hangs at "Init Crypto Disks... [ok]"22:39
jeromelDasEi,  same error22:39
jeromelI will try with the other user22:39
navatwohey, so im installing 9.10 server, and the installer is hanging on `remove_broken_cdrom'22:39
DasEiYuviPanda: so your prob isn't x then22:40
YuviPandaDasEi: I upgraded Mesa, and then restarted22:40
GuegsIs there somebody around that can give me a hand?22:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:40
mozillanerdI'd say, I am being considered 'offtopic', is that so?22:40
ScoobyDooCan I ask a question?22:40
YuviPandaDasEi: poof. if I get a commandline, I figured I could somehow get back to an earlier version of Mesa22:40
navatwoScoobyDoo: dont ask to ask, ask22:40
ScoobyDooCan anyone suggest a nice sound for pidgin upon receiving a IRC message?22:40
DasEiYuviPanda: mesa ? vesa ?22:41
ScoobyDooCan I ask to ask a question?22:41
YuviPandaDasEi: The GL emulation layer?22:41
navatwohey, so im installing 9.10 server, and the installer is hanging on `remove_broken_cdrom', does anyone have any ideas?22:41
navatwo!ask ScoobyDoo22:41
ScoobyDoo| ?22:41
navatwo!ask | ScoobyDoo22:41
ubottuScoobyDoo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:41
RegressLessDoes anyone know why I cannot pause, change volume, etc. SOMETIMES in youtube via Firefox?22:41
DasEiYuviPanda: I see, no knowledge on that from my side, sorry22:42
moegreenHey Guys.. How can I sniff all computers on my current network?22:42
GuegsI am told to log into my server as root via SSH, and told to type this in terminal. ssh root@<server IP> where do I go to find my server IP?22:42
navatwoRegressLess: update your flash player22:42
ScoobyDooCan anyone suggest a nice sound for pidgin upon receiving a IRC message?22:42
YuviPandaDasEi: thanks anyway :)22:42
synapticHI all22:42
laegDasEi: are you saying i should see a gui in darkstat?22:42
navatwohey, so im installing 9.10 server, and the installer is hanging on `remove_broken_cdrom', does anyone have any ideas?22:42
synapticI need some help, with dhcp3-server settings22:42
DasEilaeg: I used it on my router once, and I could call a gui in my browser, yes22:43
mozillanerdnavatwo: sorry to hear that - perhaps a problem with the .iso?22:43
laegDasEi: you mean in firefox? how?22:43
jeromelDasEi,  i have the same problem with the other user22:43
ScoobyDooCan anyone suggest a nice sound for pidgin upon receiving a IRC message?22:44
DasEilaeg: it acts as a server, and you can configure it's address and port22:44
erUSUL!repeat | ScoobyDoo22:44
ubottuScoobyDoo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:44
YuviPandaDasEi: after a restart, Ctrl+Alt+F1 blanks the screen, but doesn't give me a console22:44
YuviPandaDasEi: any ideas how I can get to a console?22:44
laegDasEi: complicated22:44
YuviPandaDasEi: or ist that too Mesa-related?22:45
laegDasEi: i just want a simple gui of incoming and out going traffic22:45
jeromelthanks for all DasEi  I will stop for today and I will try tomorrow22:46
jeromelhave a good night bye22:46
DasEilaeg: without seperation what the traffic consists of ? conky or systemmonitor for panel then22:46
marienzhas anyone been getting spam from "soundarea"?22:48
OerHeksno marienz , how do i get that ?22:48
GuegsI am told to log into my server as root via SSH, and told to type this in terminal. ssh root@<server IP> where do I go to find my server IP?22:49
marienzOerHeks: not at all, hopefully :)22:49
jribGuegs: told by whom?22:49
GuegsA tutorial.22:49
feuerblitzhello this is my first time in this chat22:49
jribGuegs: a tutorial for what?  What are you trying to accomplish.  If you want help, you need to be specific.22:49
laegDasEi: system monitor doesn't show what programs are generating the traffic etc, i'll try confy. thanks22:49
feuerblitzi need some help with karmic/gnome22:50
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DasEilaeg: as said, simple graphs don't allow seperation22:50
feuerblitzdoes anyone have 2 minutes22:50
mozillanerdfeuerblitz: be specific with your question22:50
jribfeuerblitz: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)22:50
eoeasoh erUSUL ! I was just about to recommend winlogon.mp3 :-D22:50
nedudgihi everyone22:51
feuerblitzoh ok... i deleted "wine" from my "applications"-menu22:51
feuerblitzand now i can't find it22:51
erUSULeoeas: cuack!22:51
feuerblitzi would like to add it again22:51
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nedudgican i change the look of the unlock screen say after screensaver?22:51
Guest23664j #tux-es22:51
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:51
DasEilaeg: either use something like ethereal or trafshow (no GUI") , or just have a overview for bandwith22:51
braxHow would I format a flash drive into NTFS?22:52
mozillanerdfeuerblitz: try the Synaptic Package Manager, Reistall Wine22:52
feuerblitzdoes not work22:52
DasEibrax: with gparted, if drive supports it at all22:52
erUSULbrax: gparted can do that22:52
eoeasbrax: Gparted22:52
laegDasEi: ty22:52
feuerblitzthe programm is still here, it's only the menu line that was deleted22:52
braxHoly crap. lol22:52
feuerblitzdeinstall/reinstall was no success22:53
mozillanerdfeuerblitz: unistall then22:53
depositoAt my work there is a LAN that has 7 XP computers. 1 works as the server sharing the disk drive complete. The "clients" access to its disk and open an app that run in D.O.S. Im traying to use dosemu but i cant make it work. There is another option? Thanks.22:53
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erUSULbrax: you have to install ntfsprogs first22:53
feuerblitzdoes not work eighter22:53
feuerblitzi even deleted .wine manually22:53
eoeasGood point erUSUL22:53
feuerblitzreinstalling does not make it appear22:53
depositoI forget to say. im at ubuntu 9.10 and the idea its to change first all clients to ubuntu.22:53
jribdeposito: is there a reason to not just use samba?22:53
mozillanerdfeuerblitz: I have gotten in a great deal of trouble deleting things manually. From the terminal  what do you get if you type 'which wine'?22:54
IlsyHello, all, anyone know a way to disable a laptop touchpad when a usb mouse is inserted?22:54
jiffe1I'm trying to rsync a destination which is a symlink, is there a way I can get it to follow the symlink on the remote end?22:54
canthus13Hmm. I just swapped my drive to another PC, and now it won't find either ethernet controller.  The controllers both show up as ethernet controllers in lspci, but there are no interfaces (eth0, eth1) when I do ifconfig.22:54
feuerblitzi get /usr/bin/wine22:54
depositojrib, im "using" samba. i use mount -t smbfs -o username=user //ip/c$ /folder. I can browse the folders without any problem. But i need to use de D.O.S. program and i dont know how. I assume that i need to use dosemu. Its not right?22:55
jribdeposito: oh I see, so it's completely unrelated to the sharing aspect, right?  You just need help running a dos program in dosemu?  I don't know anything about dosemu though22:56
DasEicanthus13: sudo ifup eth0 inet dhcp ?22:56
eoeasdeposito: why DOS?22:56
canthus13DasEi: It doesn't find the interface.  Although I didn't use the inet option. It *should* use a static IP, tho.22:56
depositojrib, yes. thanks anyway!22:57
jribjiffe1: try #rsync if the documentation doesn't cover that22:57
uLinuxerUSUL no way i can do it22:57
DasEicanthus13: what does /etc/network/interfaces say ? modem or router ?22:57
RoastedSo I've got a problem. I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 on a Toshiba laptop. With the .18 kernel, I have wireless, but my trackpad doesn't work. With .20, I have no wireless, yet my trackpad works. IS there anything I can do?22:57
depositoeoeas, because its a program that i have to use at my work.22:57
feuerblitzmozillanerd: what does this /usr/bin/wine mean?22:57
canthus13DasEi: Primary network interface:  allow-hotplug eth0    iface eth0 inet static22:58
eoeasdeposito: Type version at work and type version in Dosemu, maybe not compatible22:58
mozillanerdfeuerblitz: yes22:58
canthus13And then lists all the correct ip info.22:58
ownlifeWhen I minimize different windows they hesitate a lot - changing desktop background is doing the same sort of thing - could I be missing a setting that's making these things buggy? Compiz enabled or disabled.22:58
canthus13DasEi: The only interface that shows up with ifconfig is lo.22:59
feuerblitzmozillanerd: do i have to delete this in order to reinstall properly?22:59
puffI seem to be having problems iwth my wireless, http://ubuintu.pastebin.com/23x5YFJU22:59
soreauownlife: which graphics driver are you using?22:59
eoeasdeposito: Or run XP/MS-DOS in VirtualBox and use you app there.22:59
canthus13DasEi: This same system in the old (dead) machine worked fine.  I'm assuming this has something to do with linux looking in the wrong place for the NIC... or something along those lines.22:59
puffWell, I'm definitely having problems, and it looks like it's something with the driver. http://ubuintu.pastebin.com/23x5YFJU22:59
DasEicanthus13: but you said the box has two nics, found by lspci, well then save the old interfaces.. and where should it connect to ? modem or router ?23:00
erUSULuLinux: this (based on the link i sent earlier) http://paste.ubuntu.com/423029/ does not work ?23:00
mozillanerdfeuerblitz: if you have not touched anything else, you can configure the Application panel to poing to wine23:00
canthus13DasEi: Router.23:00
* canthus13 could prolly reinstall... but that's annoying. :(23:00
DasEicanthus13: save old interfaces (interfacesOLD or sth)23:01
zentahello all, i installed ubuntu inside windows and i did hard turned off after hung up after it doesnot reloaded and i did recovery mode and gave me this issue Alert: /host/Ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist.Dropping to a shell23:01
ownlifesoreau: nvidia drivers - 173. Checking it just now I see there is a newer version (185).23:01
OerHeksthnx all and have fun !23:01
depositoeoeas, i dont understand you. How could i note that? I mount c$ in /folder and then i try to assign /folder to f: but i get invalid argument in dosemu. If you can see this, http://pastebin.com/8bz5c3xZ its my config in dosemu, my trouble is in line 4123:01
canthus13DasEi: I'm feeling particularly dense at the moment. Save old interfaces?23:01
feuerblitzfeuerblitz: can you tell me how? i tried "add new entry" and "add new menu" but with the first, the wine logo reappears but i can't access the windows programs.. the second.. don't really know how to do this23:01
erUSUL!wubi | zenta23:01
ubottuzenta: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.23:01
feuerblitzups i mean mozillanerd :)23:01
ownlifeOkay! computer restart23:01
ownlifeI'll let you know!23:02
erUSULzenta: wubi installs a very fragile becouse windows tend to corrupt the root.img file ...23:02
depositoeoeas, can i run xp "mode" without xp from virtualbox? maybe i can try that :s23:02
DasEicanthus13: sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces  etc/network/interfacesOLD23:02
canthus13ah. 'k.23:02
DasEicanthus13: gksudo /etc/network/interfaces23:02
DasEicanthus13: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces23:03
canthus13got it.23:03
paddy_i have a "zombie" process that is maxing my cpu and it wont kill, please help23:03
canthus13paddy_: tried kill -9?23:03
zentaso thats meaning there is no way to solve this because all my documnts and data are in ubuntu23:03
erUSULpaddy_: if « sudo kill -9 PID » does not work you will have to reboot23:03
DasEicanthus13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/423031/23:03
erUSULzenta: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide <<< has some tricks to recover wubi and or access the files on the ubuntu "disk"23:04
uLinuxerUSUL it does login23:04
uLinuxand send commands23:04
canthus13DasEi: Got it. anyway to force reload? or do I just reboot?23:04
DasEicanthus13: just that, save it, close gedit23:04
uLinuxbut all happens too slow23:04
zentaok thanks i will try now23:05
DasEicanthus13: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart23:05
eoeasdeposito: Not sure what you mean by "mode"? You need a operating system in virtualbox, it's not a software emulator, but a hardware emulator.23:05
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paddy_i can't reboot and i realy need it gone23:05
erUSUL!yay | uLinux23:05
ubottuuLinux: Glad you made it! :-)23:05
Guest8441hi does anyone know how to configure backtrack to start up in graphic mode23:05
erUSUL!backtrack | Guest844123:05
ubottuGuest8441: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)23:05
canthus13bah. Error while getting interface flags: No such device23:05
DasEiGuest8441: wrong chan here, see above;; startx23:06
paddy_what is a zombie process?23:06
Guest8441can someone help me23:06
PHLAKwhen using apt-get in ubuntu, how do I check  what repo a package is coming from?23:06
uLinuxerUSUL the script takes too long23:06
RoastedSo I've got a problem. I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 on a Toshiba laptop. With the .18 kernel, I have wireless, but my trackpad doesn't work. With .20, I have no wireless, yet my trackpad works. IS there anything I can do?23:07
canthus13yay reinstall.. here I come.23:07
DasEiPHLAK: like multi - or universe ?23:07
erUSULuLinux: too long is ?23:07
eoeasdeposito: Not sure why your Dosemu config doesn't work, but if I was to run a windows/dos app, I would go for virtualbox with XP on it. OR create a secure remote desktop connection to your work place23:07
feuerblitzmozillanerd: still there?23:07
uLinuxerUSUL like 2 seconds between commands23:07
PHLAKDasEi: I just want to know what repo I'm going to be getting php5-dev from (I have several custom repos in my sources.list file)23:07
DasEicanthus13: device still not found ?23:07
erUSULuLinux: is that really not acceptable ?23:08
DasEiPHLAK: apt-cache show php5-dev23:08
uLinuxerUSUL it works but it's not acceptable23:08
canthus13ANd yet lspci shows both controllers. :P23:08
uLinuxi bet there is a command to set the timings23:09
ownlifeNarrowing the problem down!23:09
PHLAKDasEi: I think that's what I need23:09
canthus13DasEi: Hrm. Wrong module, mebbe....23:09
eoeasdeposito: Also check http://www.dosemu.org/docs/HOWTO/23:10
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mozillanerdfeuerblitz: are you still there23:10
DasEicanthus13: strange, wrong approach, as it's a router, but try : sudo pppoeconf23:10
feuerblitzmozillanerd: yes23:10
feuerblitzwhat do i have to do to add a menu23:10
DasEicanthus13: does it find the nics ?23:10
feuerblitzor do i have to delete usr/bin/wine?23:10
erUSULuLinux: maybe in #tcl they now more about expect23:10
mozillanerdSystem-->Preferences-->Main Menu and add to the panel23:11
adacadduser name.surename gives: http://pastie.org/936302 is "." not allowed and can it make trouble to force it to that name with a dot in it?23:11
canthus13lsmod shows the 8129 module loaded, though....23:11
canthus13err. 8139.23:11
Sia--adac, use sudo adduser23:12
Sia--CLI not GUI :)23:12
feuerblitzmozillanerd: yes i have done this x times... add entry or add menu?23:12
depositoeoeas, i cant use virtualbox, i dont want to use windows. If i virtualize its the same that install in the hard drive so... I already read the howto thanks... but i cant figure out how to solve my problem.23:12
adacSia--, of course sudo, I did use that23:12
=== Trek is now known as CaptainTrek
* canthus13 gonna throw in a liveCD and see what happens.23:12
DasEicanthus13: close trml to get out of ppoeconf; yes, wrong driver then23:12
feuerblitzmozillanerd: (sorry translation might be inaccurate, have a german version)23:12
DasEicanthus13: yep, get the right module from it23:13
depositoeoeas, its seems to be that i cant assign a network drive to f: if i assign something local it work fine. :S23:13
canthus13DasEi: The odd thing is, tho, lsmod shows the correct module loaded.23:13
DasEicanthus13: what does lspci say about the nics ?23:13
eoeasdeposito: What type of network sharing is on your netwok?23:14
PHLAKnow how do I list the packages I have installed?23:14
canthus13DasEi: Nothing in particular. It identifies them correctly, no 'unknown device'.23:14
Sia--adac, use something like that 'adduser -m -G users,lp,audio,video,power -s /bin/bash adac23:14
DasEiPHLAK: see:23:14
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:14
canthus13anyway. I'm gonna try that liveCD.23:14
DasEiPHLAK: or dpkg -i23:14
Sia--sorry adac "useradd -m -G users,audio,lp,optical,storage,video,wheel,power -s /bin/bash adac "23:15
mozillanerdfeuerblitz: do you get to System-->Preferences-->Main menu?23:15
feuerblitzmozillanerd: yes23:15
ownlifesareau: 99% sure using the newest driver fixed things up. Now I know where to start next time ;D23:15
depositoeoeas, i dont know if its the correct answer. I have a eth LAN. All pcs with xp. One is the "server" its share his C drive complete.23:15
pijuhow long it takes for my pkg to appear on my PPA after uploaded ?23:15
depositoeoeas, now im traying to migrate to ubuntu, but only the clients for now. So im in a ubuntu 9.1023:16
puffI'm having trouble with my wifi continually disconencting out when I use wpa2.  Anybody got a clue?23:16
DasEiPHLAK: aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages         is nice, as you get a browsable file23:17
chrismsnzI have a 2007-8ish 24" iMac, anybody have any experience of loading Ubuntu on this thing? :D23:17
linxehchrismsnz: it should work quite well - it worked ok on my macbook when I made the mistake :)23:17
eoeasdeposito: Maybe Dosemu doesn't support SMB, if you are using gnome, see if Dosemu works with Gnome-VFS (virtual file system)23:17
airstrikehi. vlc won't accept my settings for the subtitle font. i've set Helvetica Neue as the font but it only changes the OSD text like info/warnings from vlc itself. what can i do about this?23:18
PHLAKDasEi: thanks, last thing (I think) how do I specify which repo to install a package from if it's available from more than one23:18
mozillanerdfeuerblitz: Do you see 'Wine' as a selection. If not there are more serious problems. Under Wine you should see Programs, under programs accessories.etc23:18
coachjanyone else have trouble getting rythum box to show album art?23:18
feuerblitzmozillanerd: there is no wine, as i deleted it there (and this is precisely what i want to undo)23:18
pijuall bots ?23:18
chrismsnzlinuxeh: i've run ubuntu on my macbook pro before, had some problems with the trackpad with slow tracking/acceleration - i couldn't get it right :(23:18
pijuhow long it takes for my pkg to appear on my PPA after uploaded ?23:18
DasEiPHLAK: hmm, I would then manually down it by wget and install by hand, sure dpkg and apt can do that, will have to read it's manual then , idk23:19
depositoeoeas, how could i check that, where could i read about it?23:19
eoeasdeposito: Even I have that problem sometimes loading things from sftp (Gnome-VFS)23:19
DasEiphlak : next update will always fetch the latest it can find23:20
eoeasdeposito: 1 sec ..23:20
PHLAKDasEi: you mean in 10.04?23:20
DasEiphlak: you will have to lock it then , too23:20
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depositoeoeas, yes no problem. ill google Dosemu works with Gnome-VFS (virtual file system)23:20
mozillanerdfeuerblitz: I would reinstall without formating the /home partition, and being careful with your Windows partition(s), but do format the / parition as well.23:20
DasEiphlak:that's not distro-related, an apt-get update/grade will always fetch the latest package it can find from sources.list23:21
=== KindTwo46 is now known as KindOne
feuerblitzmozillanerd: didn't understand. you mean reinstall ubuntu?23:21
trismpiju: it depends on how many packages are in line in front of you, you can check the status on your ppa page23:21
EvanDotProi've come to spy on your progress in here, PHLAK. :-p23:22
PHLAKDasEi: right...23:22
pijutrism, i have uploaded my pkgs 10minutes ago. it doesnt appear till now23:22
PHLAKEvanDotPro: mmmk...23:22
mozillanerdfeuerblitz: yes reinstall ubuntu. BUt since I have problems with 9.10, I would reinstall 9.04.23:22
trismpiju: that is normal, it usually takes at least 10 minutes, but it can take much longer if it is busy23:23
linxehother than reinstalling, is there any way to move from 32 to 64bit ?23:23
pijutrism, thanks23:23
feuerblitzmozillanerd: but "only" because i deleted a menu entry i have to install the whole thing?23:23
mozillanerdfeuerblitz: if you have important stuff in /home, save it to a CD23:23
DasEiPHLAK: to prevent this , Run synaptic, find the package, highlight it, then from the menu, choose 'package' then 'lock package'23:23
nphaseso i was just trying to install the 9.10 server from disk, and got a failure on the base system install23:25
Sia--nphase, are you check the iso ?23:25
feuerblitzmozillanerd: thanks, i will try to reinstall23:26
Sia--for example md5 ..etc?23:26
nphaseSia--: ill try it23:26
PHLAKDasEi: you mean "Lock Version"?23:26
DasEiPHLAK: yes, if you need a certain one but want to update sys23:27
depositoeoeas, i have to go now. ill read about it. If i couldnt fix it ill ask you again tomorrow. Thanks a lot.23:27
nphaseSia--: yep, it matches the md5 on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes23:27
nphaseSia--: i wish there was more info23:28
EvanDotProPHLAK: that's like what we do with the yum-priorities and exclude=php* on our centOS servers.23:28
nphaseall it says is "The failing step is: Install the base system"23:28
eoeasdeposito: http://pascalek.pers.pl/en/propage/samba4dosemu-introduction & http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95415223:28
aarHow can I get grep to display the word immediately after a string?23:28
Sia--nperry, did you checked with md5 on you server not matching the number :)23:28
nphaseSia--: how do i check that23:29
nphaseSia--: where in the installer do i check that23:29
depositoeoeas, oh excelent. Thank you very much for the trouble. I save the links and read it later. Thanks again.23:29
eoeasdeposito: You're welcome :)23:29
Sia--nphase, md5sum -c ubunto.iso md523:30
coachjalbum art not working in rhythmbox can anyone help me?23:30
nphaseSia--: the iso md5 matches the one on the site23:31
jesus_Hello, could anyone help me to make my Ati card works in Xubuntu Karmic23:31
PeterDropwhere is the data bases located? ( mysql apache)23:31
lifestreamIn  Karmic, do I have to make a Xorg.conf  for my wacom? (It works by default, but not pressure, etc, and I have to xsetwacom' it every time I boot)     Please don't !factoid me, I have read the pages and they are very outdated.23:31
theadminCan I forbid all apps except one to access sound buffer? I would like to listen to mah music and watch youtube without turning sound off on second one every time23:33
jesus_My card is Ati HD4670 and I had installed proprietary driver 10.323:33
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=== TheOracle is now known as KB1JWQ
jesus_When I type command fglrxinfo, it returns23:34
theadminuLinux, leviath369, hello.23:34
jesus_X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)23:34
jesus_  Major opcode of failed request:  135 (GLX)23:34
jesus_  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)23:34
jesus_  Serial number of failed request:  1723:34
jesus_  Current serial number in output stream:  1723:34
FloodBot1jesus_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:34
leviath369can anyone please help me how to install a intel graphics card driver? I'm a new user of ubuntu...23:35
BrimstonesNär MACON AB samt Gävle FönsterDepå monterat in fönster så BLIR DET JÄÄÄVLIGT DRAGIT. Frågetecken: Är det ok att göra en Drive-by med hagelbössa samt 2 st pistoler, beretta/shadow ?23:36
Sia--jesus_, don't paste without goad permission23:36
theadminBrimstones: This is an english channel23:36
Sia--Brimstones, use #ubuntu-se23:36
arandleviath369: Normally it is installed and ready from the start... Are there any problems?23:36
jesus_Sorry Iḿ new here and I don know all the rules23:36
Brimstonesjesus_: Jesus sucks arse23:37
Sia--jesus_, paste you output in pastebin.com and put the link in channel23:37
leviath369yeah, but my resolution is only 800 x 600.23:37
Sia--Brimstones, shut up plz23:37
eoeasBad, bad jesus_ :P23:37
BrimstonesSia--. Please dont be rude23:37
theadminBrimstones: Watch the language.23:37
arandBrimstones: Regardless, it's probably not okay, and please mind the language.23:38
BrimstonesHow sexxi23:38
h00k!codeofconduct | Brimstones23:38
jesus_But can I write the errors?23:38
ubottuBrimstones: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .23:38
arandBrimstones: And use #ubuntu-offtopic for general chit-chat23:38
Sia--Brimstones, use offtopic channel23:38
theadminjesus_: You should use a pastebin. Go to http://paste.ubuntu.com paste the data and give links23:39
Sia--!paste | jesus_23:39
ubottujesus_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:39
Brimstonesh00k, Sia, Assrand: sure23:39
hak3rsearch spyer12 on youtube and ill show you how to hack23:41
h00khak3r: that is not appropriate for this channel.23:41
minospeakichinihere's a question, am using mythtv and apache server to host mythweb.  Using a cablemodem I could just type my IP Address and it would work fine, though with a DSL modem I get nothing.23:41
likemindeadThis place is a disaster... :-\23:41
minospeakichiniis this a setting in my router?23:41
jesus_There is the error when I type the command fglrxinfo http://paste.ubuntu.com/423046/23:41
theadminminospeakichini: Probably.23:41
jesus_My card is Ati HD4670 driver 10.3 Xubuntu Karmic23:42
BrimstonesThis place is the greatest place. It accepts and embraces people of all kinds.23:42
theadminBrimstones: :) Nice to hear such things23:42
theadminhm. In Karmic, when i add a torrent to transmission, it takes like a huge while to start. In Jaunty and Lucid, however, there are no such problems. Any ideas?23:43
Brimstonestheadmin: Yeah, sometimes some ops are a bit ban heavy, but most of the time i like the network and most of the channels. The exception is #linux (Ananke and psijack, i thought those where cancelled:P)23:44
h00ktheadmin: they are different versions of Transmission23:44
theadminBrimstones: I usually stick around this channel only... say, #ubuntu-offtopic is a huge mess most of times.23:45
bridgeguyHey, is there any way to monitor a process' file handle activity? I've found a bunch of ways to display all open file handles by a process at a given moment, but I don't want to miss anything in between polls...23:45
h00ktheadmin, Brimstones: speaking of -offtopic, this conversation would be better off completed there :)23:46
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule23:46
Brimstonestheadmin: Sometimes a great mess is the best place to invent. One never knows ;)23:46
theadminNot stable huh? Wouldn't say so :P but oh well23:46
Brimstonesh00k: Are you done ?23:47
renegaidhow do i see my cpu frequency in ubuntu. where is it ?23:47
jesus_Has anyone an Ati card working perfectly in Ubuntu Karmic?23:48
h00kBrimstones: I hope so :)23:48
Brimstonesh00k: Thank you.23:48
theadminjesus_: I have :D Worked out of the box straight away23:48
mylistohey everyone23:48
mylistohey h00k: how long were the floodbots going on last night?23:49
PHLAKwhen trying to install php pdo vial pecl (sudo pecl instll pdo) I'm getting "ERROR: `make' failed"23:49
PHLAKany ideas why?23:49
theadminjesus_: ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]23:49
Typos_Kingbridgeguy:   http://thedaneshproject.com/posts/linux-tip-1-live-monitoring-with-tail/23:49
h00kmylisto: a while :)23:49
BrimstonesPHLAK: pecl ?23:49
mylistoyeah, it was like 530 am - I had to split :d23:49
PHLAKBrimstones: pecl (pear package manager)23:49
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
mylistoanyhoo, is there a gui program that I can use to split a large file into smaller pieces?23:50
BrimstonesPHLAK: Neat, i wanted one of those23:50
nordleAny ideas why 2 identical drives (WD15EARS) cant have partition viewed by fdisk on the unit inside the PC but can on the one via USB?  Bios settings need tweaking or?  Any ideas welcome :)23:50
jesus_I can't  get my HD4670 working at all23:50
EvanDotProBrimstones: it's been around for quite a while lol.23:50
bridgeguyTypos_King: Thanks, but well, I know tail.. but how to feed the tail? :P23:51
nordlejesus_:  I have ATI 4850, really wish they would sort out the tearing in vid....no problem with nv.23:51
BrimstonesPHLAK: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PEAR ?23:51
theadminbridgeguy: tail -f somefile23:51
ringerviagre will not connect to the remote machine on my network. Any ideas what I may be missing?23:51
BrimstonesEvanDotPro: "Dot" is microsofty23:52
PHLAKBrimstones: yup23:52
EvanDotProBrimstones: way to ruin my nick for me.23:52
canthus13DasEi: Looks like the same modules are being used...23:52
theadminBrimstones: ubuntu dot com?23:52
BrimstonesEvanDotPro: I thought it was a p2p package manager with from-source-capability. Ill make one of those23:52
canthus13DasEi: And the liveCD can reach the internet just fine.23:52
mylistoIs there a program I can get from the rep's that can be used to split a large file into smaller pieces?23:52
PHLAKEvanDotPro: BURN!23:52
DasEicanthus13: anything in dmesg or syslog ?23:52
kernull[ubuntu]i'm trying to install wireshark on ubunu 9.10 and it doesn't give me the option to download/install. it says "Not available in current data". does anyone know what this might be?23:53
canthus13DasEi: Hmm.. except for mii.23:53
bridgeguytheadmin: Sorry, I didn't mean that. I know how to use tail, I'm looking for a way to monitor a process' file activity. lsof, etc can list open file handles, but I would like to get an uninterrupted input stream of all file activity23:53
EvanDotProBrimstones: the dot in my nick is part of a TLD so it's not so bad.23:53
canthus13which is called by the network drivers.23:53
bridgeguytheadmin: instead of just polling every once in a while and missing a bunch23:53
BrimstonesEvanDotPro .pro ?23:53
Loshamylisto: there is a 'split' command. See man split to see if it will do what you need...23:53
drewsusafternoon all!23:53
renegaidhow do i see my cpu frequency in ubuntu. where is it ?23:53
BrimstonesEvanDotPro .org is nice23:53
ringermylisto, years ago a program called dd used to do that iirc23:53
DasEicanthus13: lsmod shows no difference in live..23:54
mylistoLosha: was having a hard time with the split command....want to find somethign that is gui23:54
PHLAKrenegaid: I eated it23:54
BrimstonesEvanToddlerPro ;) /Jokin23:54
drewsusI had a question and was thinking you strapping lads could help23:54
checherenegaid: cat /proc/cpuinfo23:54
EvanDotProBrimstones: evan.org was taken.23:54
Brimstoneshehe, ok23:54
Loshamylisto: dunno of a gui program. But maybe we can help you get split working?23:54
renegaidwhat is that exactly23:54
theadminrenegaid: A command23:54
mylistoLosha: gonna try one program, then its off to term :D23:55
drewsusI was editing the timestamp variable in /etc/sudoers and was wondering if this was applied immediately and if not, how so?23:55
Loshamylisto: ok, we'll be here...23:55
renegaidi have to go to the terminal ot see the frequency?23:55
checherenegaid: you can see cpu MHzinside23:55
canthus13DasEi: Except that mii is loaded in live.23:55
DasEimii ?23:55
checherenegaid: you could...23:55
DasEicanthus13: is that a driver ?23:55
BrimstonesI have Vodka and Coffee, but only crap on tv and the following week promises great black clouds of doom :)23:55
theadminrenegaid: I don't even leave the terminal... If you're new that might seem unusual, but you'll get used to using terminals23:56
canthus13DasEi: It's called by the NIC modules.23:56
drewsusBrim: you need to download some shows :)23:56
h00kBrimstones: Please keep things support related in this channel23:56
jesus_And about wine, what's the best free frontend for it?23:56
drewsusI recommend Its Always Sunny in Philidelphia23:56
Loshadrewsus: I would expect it to take effect on new invocations of sudo, and not affect existing ones...23:56
renegaidprefer stuff with guy over all these commands23:56
renegaidseems kind of old23:56
drewsusI was editing the timestamp variable in /etc/sudoers and was wondering if this was applied immediately and if not, how so?23:56
Brimstonesh00k: Im waiting for someone to present a problem so i can fix it ;)23:56
mylistosunny in philly :D23:57
Brimstonesmylisto: grr :)23:57
Typos_Kingbridgeguy:   ... isn't that what -f does?   sorry just read you :|23:57
drewsusbrimstone, I have a problem!23:57
theadmin...stop that offtopic, people, please.23:57
Kenginehow do I install MPI on my machine23:57
mylistoBrimstones: my marriage is on the rocks, my kids hate me, and I hate my job23:57
h00kBrimstones: that's fine, but in the meantime, people get distracted with chatter about their favorite shows, etc.23:57
DasEi!info mii-diag23:57
ubottumii-diag (source: mii-diag): A little tool to manipulate network cards. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.11-2build1 (karmic), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB23:57
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:57
mylistothat good enough for you? ;)23:57
checherenegaid: you do not look that much the CPU MHz do you?23:57
renegaidthat command wasn't useful. it just lists the type of cpu i have23:57
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Typos_Kingbridgeguy:   -f [follow]  as in track for any changes23:57
RegressLessCan someone help me upgrade flash? Ubuntu Software Center says I can't have flash 10 because it's a 64 bit OS.23:58
theadminrenegaid: It has the frequency there, in mhz23:58
renegaidi want to see how the frequency changes23:58
DasEicanthus13: so it sets networks cards23:58
RegressLessA tutorial I found didn't work.23:58
Losharenegaid: sorry to hear about your nasty case of computer ageism...23:58
Brimstonesmylisto: If the job sucks, quit it. Put all your effort and love into the children and wife. Bottom line is love23:58
xanguaRegressLess: you need to download and install manually flash from adobe's web23:58
bridgeguyTypos_King: I want to monitor process activity on my filesystem, not changes to any specific file23:58
xanguaflash for 64 bits*23:58
canthus13DasEi: Or the network cards set it. I'm not quite sure.23:58
DasEicanthus13: I gify and found nictools-pci23:58
drewsusCan somebody please help me? I was editing the timestamp variable in /etc/sudoers and was wondering if this was applied immediately and if not, how so?23:59
bridgeguyTypos_King: for example /usr/bin/bla reading this file, writing to that file, etc23:59
h00kBrimstones: This is not up for debate. Keep the extra chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic.23:59
RegressLessxangua: I tried and it says something about it being "virtual"23:59
RegressLessxangua: maybe that was the 32 bit one23:59
Loshadrewsus: did you see my message above re sudo?23:59
theadminhm, lshw seems to think i have only 300-something MB of RAM while i have 512...?23:59
renegaidflash seems really bad on linux23:59
DasEicanthus13: obviously the card has a switch to become active23:59
itilioushow do i have a script running at all times in the background with ubuntu 9.10?23:59
jesus_I need a good and free GUI for Wine23:59
canthus13no, wait.  mii is there too. :(23:59
h00k!wtf | ozfalcon23:59
ubottuozfalcon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:59
xanguaRegressLess: maybe......make sure is the 64 bits version23:59
theadminjesus_: playonlinux23:59

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