
cviniciusmGood evening.00:13
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gunkstaQuestion - I am using U1 to sync ~/bin between several computers. Would it be considered a bug that permissions are not preserved via U101:48
gunkstaObviously, I have the shell scripts in ~/bin set to be executable.01:48
gunkstaBut, when I downloaded them onto my netbook, this file attribute had been lost.01:49
gunkstaJust wondering if I should file a big or ignore it. It's easy to fix, but I was just wondering01:49
duffydackgunksta, Just a guess but I dont think perms would be sync`d... a file either exists in its md5`d state or it does not..01:51
gunkstaI would think permissions are an attribute that could be shared via the couchdb, but I don't know if it's something they are trying to do or not.01:53
gunkstaPerhaps I should log onto my DesktopCouch instnace and take a look01:53
gunkstamy connection is really flakey right now01:55
gunkstaIt might be easier to hit me via email01:56
gunkstayou put the rest together01:56
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skandlso has anyone actually purchased music in the music store?05:27
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elzappI just made my first purchase in the music store... How long does it take before my tracks appear on my Ubuntu One?07:57
elzappIt says "Transferring to your Ubuntu One storage", and have done so in a while now.. no progress appearantly07:58
elzappIs there a way to cancel the upload of a specific file?08:11
elzappU1 is hanging on the upload of a file that I removed last week08:12
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elzappHm, the syncdaemon disconnects after each file transfer, making transferring a folder with many small files take forever08:43
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duanedesign'lo all09:56
ryeduanedesign, o/09:56
ryeor \o/09:57
duanedesignor if you are a pirate ?o/09:57
duanedesignrye: your lead on OneConf turned out to be very interesting09:58
ryeduanedesign, no no no no (*whispering* asterisk...)09:59
* popey wonders if any U1 people are about10:03
popeyI'm getting 500 Error trying to sync notes to U110:03
popeyone note goes up then no more do10:03
ryepopey, are you running lucid ?10:04
popeythis is on windows10:04
ryepopey, what's the tomboy version ?10:05
* popey updates to 1.2.010:06
popeysorry, should have done that first10:06
ryepopey, once you are on 1.2.0 and you can reproduce, could you please try using a replacement DLL with more debug...10:06
ryepopey, http://ubuntuone.com/p/17q/ - that's WebSyncServiceAddin.dll10:07
ryewow, we got to three-letter urls10:07
popeywossat, shared files?10:09
duanedesignrye:  https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-oneconf/10:09
ryepopey, yup10:09
elzappBlindwood is starting to get on my nerves10:09
elzappIt asks for some "administrator" password every three minutes10:09
elzappAppearantly its the admin password for desktopcouch it asks for, but I have no idea what that is10:10
popeyhmmm, i edited a note locally, but syncing, tomboy thinks the one at U1 is _newer_ and offers to overwrite the local one10:12
popeythat makes zero sense10:13
popeyanyway, still broken in 1.2.0, will try that dll rye10:13
elzappHow do I get more information about what the syncdaemon is working on?10:20
elzappI don't find the u1sdtool -s satisfactory10:20
popeyrye: http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org/63932 fails even more spectacularly with your dll10:20
ryepopey, please revert the dll... it appears that win32 and mono dlls are not that interchangeable..10:22
ryeso it looks to me like some kind of a conflict10:23
popeythe long story is.. I went into u1 notes via web and deleted all my notes10:23
ryei.e. server-side conflict. I had this once after i ... hm...10:23
popey(which btw is painful to do)10:23
popeyi deleted all notes because they were quite old, and wanted to start fresh10:24
ryepopey, there is a faster way, but that requires cli interaction, regarding notes/contacts10:24
popeywell, its not the speed, there's brokenness in the web interface10:24
ryepopey, bug #552501 ?10:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552501 in ubuntuone-servers "Cannot remove a note with long title - Trash can runs away" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55250110:24
popeyif notes are long named then the delete (trash icon) is not clickable because it's on the next line10:24
* popey subscrib0rs10:25
popeyok, so that aside, I had deleted all my notes. when syncing a small note is uploaded, but not the next note10:25
popeywhich happens to be a fairly large note and contains lots of html and random markup10:26
popeyis there any further information I should give or file a bug?10:28
ryepopey, the notes from web interface are removed, but if their uuid correspond to the ones that were left locally, then there is a high chance that local ones will be removed as well, unless they are modified..10:28
popeyi have a backup10:28
popeyi anticipated that might be the case10:28
popeyis there any way you guys can "reset" my notes database at the backend?10:28
popeyI've kinda had enough of my notes being trashed :(10:29
ryepopey, it is not possible to do by us (we don't have any access to the production environment) but you can do this by yourself, however that will require python-oauth, python-urrlib python httplib modules - see http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/ubuntuone-couchdb-query10:30
ryepopey, in your case that would be ./ubuntuone-couchdb-query --http-method DELETE notes10:30
popeyawesome, thank you!10:31
ryepopey, that script just interacts with server-side couchdb directly10:31
ryepopey, you might also want to remove local copy of couchdb database in your desktopcouch10:31
popeywhere's that located?10:32
ryepopey, use futon - http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/desktopcouch-futon.py - that script will open futon in your browser10:32
ryepopey, physically that is a couchdb database in ~/.local/share/desktop-couch10:33
ryepopey, but do not remove the file - i tried, it did not work properly :)10:33
* popey will add this to a tomboy note.. and then sync it :)10:34
popeyrye: http://paste.ubuntu.com/422673/ :S10:48
ryepopey, what distributive of ubuntu are you running ?10:49
popeystock lucid10:49
ryepopey, hmmm10:49
ryepopey, well, if it is not started, then you do not need to remove local copy... is there something in ~/.local/share/desktop-couchd ?10:50
popeyrye: there is a ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/notes.couch yes10:54
ryepopey, ok, we now have 2 problems10:55
popeyoh goody10:55
ryepopey, is there something returned with ps auxw | grep [c]ouchdb ?10:55
popeythat might explain why gwibber doesnt start here either10:56
ryepopey, ok, what does /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service prints ?11:03
popeyrye: http://paste.ubuntu.com/422680/11:05
popeycouchdb appears to be missing11:07
popey(the package)11:07
popeyand I'm on lovely 3g giving me ~1KB/s so this will take a while :)11:07
ryepopey, no, you need to have desktopcouch11:07
popeyah, ok11:07
popeythats installed okay11:07
ryepopey, couchdb package is a full-fledged systemwide couchdb server11:07
popeythis is a system that was karmic and was upgraded and has been kept up to date11:08
ryepopey, could you please try aptitude reinstall couchdb-bin ?11:08
popeywont be for a while though11:09
elzappWhy won't syncdaemon continue onto the next file (or even recognize that the file upload is complete) when the file upload is complete? The debug log tells me nothing (Lucid Lynx)11:30
duanedesignelzapp: does debug log =  ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log11:32
elzappNo, the output of /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon --debug11:34
duanedesignelzapp: might look in - ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log11:35
duanedesignas well11:35
elzappIt's empty11:36
elzappAnd if I restart syncdaemon, it starts uploading the same file again11:37
elzappand then when deflated size = bytes written it just sits there11:38
duanedesignrye: did you notice that when editing contacts the format is mm-dd-yyyy and that entering dd-mm-yyyy causes an error?12:10
ryeduanedesign, there is a bug for that, with rather strong arguments...12:11
duanedesignheh, ok. That is why i brought it  up. Just doing some triage and came across a new bug report on this12:11
duanedesignill look for the master report to dupe it12:12
didrocksrye: hey, got some news? can you relaunch people supporting the metadata (I keep my system still "crashed" on purpose but if it can be fixed in a SRU juste after lucid release, it'll be good)12:24
ryedidrocks, actually I think that's what can be done - could you please quit syncdaemon with u1sdtool --quit, then archive all the data from ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon and ~/.cache/ubuntuone and put it into a cool dry place12:26
ryedidrocks, that would at least make it possible to reproduce this issue12:26
ryedidrocks, let me see what happens if metadata is removed then...12:27
didrocksrye: sure, one sec12:27
didrocksrye: I should check that I don't have password there first :)12:28
didrocksI think gwibber is using gnome keyring12:28
didrocksrye: there is no credential stored in the ubutuone metadata?12:29
ryedidrocks, no, only filenames12:29
didrocksok, cool, pushing that12:29
ryedidrocks, file names and their properties like size, parent folder, last modification date on the server etc.12:29
didrocksrye: I was thinking those info were stored in couchdb… Nothing is stored there for file syncing?12:30
ryedidrocks, no, metadata is a separate storage completely (and it will be rewritten to be more efficient for maverick)12:31
didrocksrye: you can check on people.canonical.com:~didrocks/ubuntuone (not putting on public_html to don't bother everyone there) :)12:33
didrocksok, renamed the folder too, trying to restart12:34
didrocksdescription: doing auth dance12:34
didrockssounds good :)12:34
didrocksqueues: WORKING_ON_METADATA12:35
didrocksresync in progress so12:35
ryedidrocks, you mean you renamed Ubuntu One folder ?12:37
didrocksrye: the two folder your pointed me to _bak to keep the old copy locally too12:38
ryedidrocks, while we are on metadata, could you please back up ~/Ubuntu One/ folder as well?12:39
didrocksrye: oupss, it's already resynchronizing, so, it won't be accurate now12:39
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ryedidrocks, i wanted to check what happens when metadata is removed first...12:41
didrocksrye: that's what I've done. I've removed metadata (renamed ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon to ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon_bak and ~/.cache/ubuntuone to ~/.cache/ubuntuone_old), then restarting ubuntu one and sync restarted, wasn't that what you wanted to check?12:43
ryedidrocks, well, yes, but i wanted to see what happens on the test data :)_12:43
didrocksrye: argh, sorry for that :/12:43
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elzappIs there an upper limit on filesizes for a single file? Smallers files seems to go fine, but files over 500MB just hangs after completion13:24
beunoelzapp, I think the limit is something like 5gb, __lucio__ would know13:26
beuno500mb should be fine13:26
elzappBut it closes the connection after each file upload for small files as well.13:26
elzappbeuno: I would think so as well, I'm just trying to figure out why file syncronization of the Ubuntu One folder don't work13:27
elzappAnd after each reconnect, it does a complete server rescan, that takes forever13:28
elzapp(or, not actually forever, like the file uploads, but it feels like)13:29
beunoelzapp, the servers are oa bit overloaded at the moment13:29
beunowe're adding more of them right now, so things should speed up in the next 2-3 days13:30
elzappSo it might be that the big files seems to hang because the server is doing checksums on them and that takes a wile, or something?13:31
elzappBut, the constant reconnecting and rescanning would also increase the server load even more, I would think..13:32
beunoso, I would expect big files to be fine, but lots of small files to be the problem13:32
beunoverterok, do you have any insights?  ^13:32
elzappIt seems to be the opposite though..13:32
elzappfrom here I'm sitting13:33
elzappHm... could It be that the control-connection dies because of inactivity while the data connection is pushing the big files? (assuming there is one control- and one data-connection)13:35
ryeelzapp, there is one connection... let me stuff an iso image in Ubuntu One..13:37
elzappHow is the UbuntuOne service scaling? Linearily number of servers with the number of users?13:53
elzappHm... I get these every now and then http://pastebin.com/2GSBVUWy13:59
beunoelzapp, yeap, that's due to our high load14:10
beunothose are internal timouts14:10
elzappI see.. Then probably the rest is connected as well.. I'll just sit here and hope for better times then ;)14:11
beunoelzapp, hopefully it'll be a problem of the past very soon14:12
beunowe're working around the clock14:12
elzappAnd the musicstore is great by the way. But this thing keeps me from getting the files without downloading them manually from the ubuntuone webinterface14:13
elzappHow long have these capacity problems lasted?14:17
elzappBecause I added these files that I'm having problems with a couple of weeks ago14:18
didrocksrye: well, it's still synchronizing and as you can see, I have almost nothing into my account (~30MiB), I guess there is an issue there…14:21
ryedidrocks, what does u1sdtool --status ?14:25
didrocksrye: http://paste.ubuntu.com/422778/ for quite a long time14:25
didrocksrye: I see a file synced, folders created14:25
ryedidrocks, what's in u1sdtool --waiting-meta?14:26
didrocksrye: but the biggest file (pdf of 30 MiB) isn't there14:26
didrocksrye: it's "queues: WORKING_ON_CONTENT" now14:27
ryedidrocks, until all metadata queue is finished, content is not uploaded... however it asks for FreeSpace each time before upload14:28
ryedidrocks, there is an ongoing work now to make syncdaemon faster, I am going to test that as well to see whether it makes a difference, since it is SLOW now.14:29
didrocksrye: well, is it the usual speed of ubuntu one? (approx 2 hours for initial syncing). FYI, I'm downloading an entire iso there in 15 minutes, so not related to my network speed14:29
didrocksor the servers are just crowded right now? ;)14:30
beunodidrocks, super crowded14:30
didrocksbeuno: ok, that can explain it as well, thanks for the info :) thanks rye14:31
ryebeuno, and count me +1, i am uploading an ISO image now :)14:31
beunodidrocks, we're adding more servers like crazy14:31
didrocksbeuno: I guess that with the music store, it'll be needed with lucid new ubuntu one users :)14:31
beunodidrocks, yeah, we're having a huge increase in users, which we didn't expect before lucid was released  :)14:33
didrocksbeuno: maybe a lot of beta testers? It'll be even worse after ;) but that's good news!14:33
ryedidrocks, and people like our public files :)14:34
didrocksrye: beuno: ok, I got it I think. It's loosing the connection: "processing queues" -> "waiting before try connecting again" -> "doing auth dance" and then "doing server rescan" with queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH. So recalculating metadata each time :/14:35
beunodidrocks, yeap14:35
beunodue to timeouts on our end14:35
didrocksyeah, I guessed that with "waiting before try connecting again" :)14:36
ryebtw, can we make ServerError(500, '') have some kind of info in that ''... hmmm14:37
bladernranyone know what happened to the Ubuntu One icon that used to reside in indicator-applet?  I was hoping it would return after the RC upgrade, but alas, it has not.15:58
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popeyrye: you helped me earlier, and suggested i reinstall couchdb-bin. Well, it errors during install, can't find /etc/couchdb/default.ini16:34
ryepopey, errors during install?16:35
popeyduring reinstall16:35
ryesomething is really broken16:35
popeygood good16:35
popeyshould that file exist?16:35
ryepopey, couchdb-bin: /etc/couchdb/default.ini16:42
popeydoing a spot of reinstalling/updating16:43
popeyrye: have cleared my desktop couch problem, and used the script you gave me to delete notes database, and still notes wont sync16:53
popeyi can copy my notes manually over to an ubuntu machine and sync from there if it helps?16:53
popeyat least that way I can "ubuntu-bug" it :)16:54
popeywheeeee syncing 140 notes over 3g (gprs)16:57
popeynom nom nom as lovely verbose xml eats my bandwidth :)16:57
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newtonhonk (that felt stupid)19:30
beunohi newton19:31
beunowhat's up?19:31
newtonupload speed is painfully slow :(19:32
beunonewton, yeah, we're sorry about that. We're adding new servers like crazy to get things back to "super fast"19:33
newtone.g. I deleted a file 2hrs ago and it still shows up on the webinterface?19:34
beunonewton, it should be fixed in a couple of days, we're deploying new servers to spread the load and scale better19:35
newtonI don't want to sound cynical, but I really hope that you'll be in time for lucid, because it's predictable that there WILL be a lot of additional load19:36
beunonewton, of course, that's what's making us add more servers19:37
beunothe number of users increased massively in the last month19:37
beunobefore we predicted19:37
beunoso it caught is a bit off guard19:37
beunowe're preparing for the Lucid launch, as well as getting up to speed with the growth in the last month19:38
duanedesignthats good beuno. That there are more users. Not that it caught you off guard :)19:38
newtonyou have to know that I come from Dropbox and my first reaction today was: :(19:38
beunonewton, yeah, not the best day to migrate for a great first impression19:39
beunothat said, things will be patched up real soon, and it'll be an issue of the past19:39
beunoduanedesign, yeah, we're both thrilled and crazy busy  :)19:39
newtonI really like the "sync this folder"19:39
newtonI was looking forward to resolve all those pesky symlinks that go into my dropbox ;)19:39
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PaulGitvds: ping20:56
vdsPaulGit: pong20:56
PaulGitvds: Hi!  I finally sorted out my TB3 crashing problem and re ran the sync tests, unfortunately i am still getting duplicates.  Do you want the Funambol client logs added to the bug for this attempt?20:57
vdsPaulGit: please, when did you try?20:59
PaulGitvds: TB3 -> U1 was at 19:51:31, U1 -> iPhone 19:54:3821:00
PaulGitvds: That's UK time (BST)21:01
vdsPaulGit: thanks, now that we have better log analysis tool I'll be able to understand more21:02
PaulGitvds: Good, do you want the client logs?21:02
vdsPaulGit: sure21:03
PaulGitvds: I will attach to bug shortly. :)21:03
PaulGitvds: I got the times wrong, they were GMT so add 1 hour for BST.21:04
vdsPaulGit: np I just need to know the day21:05
PaulGitvds: I have just updated bug #548657 with the logs.  I appreciate that you are buried with work right now, but ping me if you want me to do any further tests! Thanks. :)21:11
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/548657)21:11
vdsPaulGit: thank you! :)21:13
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aendrukSo, this is probably a stupid question, but I can't figure out how to start using Ubuntu One in Lucid. Ubuntu One Preferences says "Disconnected" and the "Connect" button under Devices -> LOCAL MACHINE isn't doing anything obvious.21:26
aendrukHave I hit a bug or am I just missing something?21:26
ryeaendruk, were you using ubuntuone before lucid release?21:31
ryeah, lucid is not yet "released"21:31
aendrukGot it. I'll wait then, thanks.21:32
ryeaendruk, no, no no21:33
ryeaendruk, were you using ubuntuone on e.g. karmic ?21:33
ryeaendruk, and what browser are you using?21:33
aendrukI wasn't. This is my first time trying it, and I'm using google-chrome-unstable.21:35
ryeaendruk, ok, so you just started ubuntuone preferences from me menu and it did not open the browser...21:35
ryeaendruk, could you please check whether you have ubuntuone-login process running ?21:36
aendrukIt's running.21:37
ryeaendruk, ok, could you please try killing ubuntuone-login and then clicking connect in ubuntuone-preferences21:38
ryesomething is strange with ubuntuone-login on _certain_ systems which look like don't have something in common...21:38
aendrukAh ha. This time the Connect button opened my browser to an authorization page.21:40
aendrukInteresting, though. I tried adding this machine via the web page that opened, got a generic server side error, and the terminal output of ubuntuone-preferences shows ERROR:ubuntuone-preferences:Invalid request token21:42
ryeaendruk, it displayed Internal Server Error with OOPS id?21:43
aendrukThat's correct.21:43
ryethisfred, looks like couchdb misbehaves again ^21:44
ryeaendruk, do you have that page still opened, what's the oops id?21:44
aendrukHmm. I re-opened ubuntuone-preferences and it is now connected to my account and synchronizing.21:45
ryei see that21:45
aendrukSorry, I didn't catch that id.21:45
ryeaendruk, don't worry, i get that too now21:46
aendrukI'm going to have to take off pretty soon - is there anything else you'd like me to check right now?21:47
ryeaendruk, ok, sorry for not perfect first experience, we are working to make that better21:48
aendrukNo worries, I realize I'm using pre release software.21:49
aendrukThanks for the help.21:51
ryeaendruk, thanks for heads up!21:51
courtjesterHi. Doug here. I am still having a problem with downloading from UbuntuOne. When I go to my downloads in UbuntuOne, I see "There was a problem completing the download." Pressing "Try downloading again" does not change the status.23:00

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