[05:51] ScottL: progress? [13:46] ooh, new test builds posted, but only some of them [13:47] that would suggest that they rebuilt something, i wonder what happened? [13:48] scott-work: Wow! You have done an excellent work with wiki page for kernels! It looks like a professional page! ;-) [13:59] i'm glad you like it, part of the reason that i waited till know is because i wanted to devote some time to organizing and presenting the information in a clear, concise, and complete form and i simply had too many distractions up until this point [13:59] s/know/now [14:00] abogani: if there are any changes you wish for me to make or you have other pages you want create/updated i am happy to offer my services again :) [14:04] scott-work: Thanks. Your help is really appreciated! :-) [15:03] scott-work: I changed some text into that wiki page. Should I also change "Kernel confusion" section? [15:03] scott-work: Could you put a look on my English, please? [15:28] abogani: i included the kernel confusion section because i don't think people really understand the purposes of the different kernels [15:29] scott-work: I could try to make thinks more understable if you want. [15:30] and i will certainly read back over it again, but i've found your English more than acceptable [15:30] abogani: certainly, if you can make that section more understandable that would be awesome [15:38] scott-work: "at every cost" is a comprehensible sentence for you? [15:42] abosuletly [15:42] "to the exclusion of all else" is how i would interpret that statement (not suggesting you use this fragment) [16:01] scott-work: Could you review it now, please? [16:01] scott-work: Correct my horrible English also, please. [16:02] * abogani is wondering if someone of the Team will attendee UDS-m.... [16:13] ach, it's not horrible, really. and i'm giving it a cursory glance now, but during lunch i'll read it with emphatic attention [16:13] oh, and abogani, where did you want people to make supportive statements for your kernel upload application? [16:14] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlessioIgorBogani/linux-rtPPUApplication [16:15] scott-work: Please le me know if wiki page is now enough understandable. [16:16] scott-work: Thanks for your work and for you patience with me :-) [16:17] you do not have any comments or sponsors :( you have maintained the kernel for the Ubuntu Studio team for several years, no? i will add a comment today, but surely someone else from the team could also add comments or sponsor [16:19] scott-work: three years and 7 Ubuntu release [16:20] releases [16:21] * abogani feel himself very old... :-( [16:39] Greets scott-work [16:43] hi troy_s