
rredd4any US mirror for studio?07:26
titichapohello world :) from France under UuntuStudio as desktop, and pure debian as servers :) how do youdo everybody? :)12:29
jussihi titichapo!12:58
titichapohello jussi13:00
peterkirnThis may be a ubuntustudio-devel question, but is JACK not set to automatically terminate PulseAudio? (This is now the default behavior on Fedora, and may be something that could be incorporated from their upstream package.)20:14
tucemiuxpeterkirn, if you dont have any audio applications opened JACK works but I dont think JACK terminates PulseAudio20:15
peterkirntucemiux: thanks. Let me look at how Fedora's JACK now does it; maybe it's as simple as modifying the jackd script.20:16
peterkirnkillall pulseaudio does it, but of course you need to make sure something in GNOME doesn't immediately restart it. Ideally, what you want is to kill pulseaudio, do your jack stuff, and then allow pulseaudio to start up again on its own for other apps.20:18
peterkirnright now, I'm getting the dreaded "Could not connect to JACK server as client."20:18
SteelSidepeterkirn, qjackctl pauses pulseaudio if set up to20:21
SteelSideubuntustudio did it for me20:21
peterkirnSteelSide: You can set that up in qjackctl?20:21
SteelSidepeterkirn, i think it was. Anyway - proper way would be to run it from a terminal as pasuspender qjackctl20:22
SteelSidepulseaudio will then release its locks20:22
peterkirnah okay20:22
peterkirnI had forgotten the command, thanks ;)20:23
tucemiuxpeterkirn, youre getting the "could not connect.." error on ubuntustudio?20:24
peterkirnyeah; I thought it was a pulseaudio issue, but still running into it -- this is on Lucid, though.20:24
tucemiuxpeterkirn, well looks like youre testing lucid then LoL  I actually get the same error on my desktop but since I very rarely use the desktop for audio stuff I just noticed it yesterday, my laptop works like a charm, im going to buy an external sound card to record though im trying to figure out which one to buy20:25
peterkirnwell, this card CAN work really well - NI's Audio Kontrol 1.20:26
peterkirnbut I've got something borked in my lucid install or my config here, so... trying a couple of things. logging out and back in again, back in a sec and I'll let you know how it goes. :)20:27
peterkirnha, okay, I'll rtfm. ;) It seems the audio prefs, audio group aren't set up by default if you install jack from the ubuntu repository (rather than doing a proper ubuntustudio install). Fix that, and it all works. And the GNOME menu entry also lacks pasuspender.20:34
peterkirnbut yes, now all working perfectly. No need to uninstall pulseaudio, which has benefited from lots of upstream fixes - and those NI audio interfaces really do work beautifully, as the guy who did NI's audio dev did kernel drivers for all of them.20:34
tucemiuxpeterkirn, lucid is a bit different so I wont even comment on that, i heard lucid doesnt have the real time kernel and you need to patch it20:34
tucemiuxpeterkirn, if it worked then great, if you encounter stuff that doesnt work then I encourage you to file a bug report so that it gets fixed some time this lifetime, lucid is LTS by the way20:35
peterkirntucemiux: there's definitely an rt branch of 2.6.32, whether ubuntu has it or not yet. ;) But I'm sticking with the generic kernel for now.20:35
peterkirntucemiux: Indeed. I'm not really sure that qualifies as a 'fault,' however. I'll open a ticket on putting pasuspender in the menu entry, as that does seem to make sense as far as coexisting with PA and I think you *do* have to prepend that for it to work.20:37
peterkirnas for modifying limits.conf, though, that is clearly labeled in JACK's output; that should probably just be on the wiki, etc.20:38
tucemiuxyup yup20:38
_guitarman_lucid does that for you20:39
_guitarman_the limist.conf20:39
tucemiuxwhen I first started using JACK with plain vanilla flavor I had to mess around with the config a lot which was cumbersome because I reimage my machine every 6 months, then ubuntustudio was released and I've never had any issues configuring my laptop for sound20:39
tucemiuxplain vanilla **ubuntu*** flavor I mean20:40
peterkirn_guitarman_: it doesn't in the vanilla ubuntu install. But I think limits.conf would have to be adjusted in the distro itself; a package can't modify that file. So it's just a matter of making sure that difference is documented if people come from vanilla ubuntu.20:40
peterkirntucemiux: right, but - this particular example aside - I don't think it should be *that* different.20:40
_guitarman_hmmm ... i thought lucid did it when u installed jack20:40
_guitarman_unless that was me in karmic before i upgraded20:41
_guitarman_i can't recall anymore20:41
peterkirn_guitarman_: oh, maybe. I don't know what the etiquette is there, whether a package should be doing that or not. :)20:42
tucemiuxpeterkirn, it's not different at all but I mean, stuff should just work out of the box, that's why I use ubuntustudio, JACK actually works and anything else that works with jack does too -- out of the box.  I had a difficult time with plain ubuntu and the only real reason I use ubuntustudio is because of the sound appz and it has a simpler menu20:42
peterkirntucemiux: sure, of course, that makes sense. But while there are some peculiarities when you install the rt kernel, with the generic kernel this stuff should (and I think can) "just work" on vanilla, too. I don't know in this particular case, though. I'm not overly concerned - I just had to run two extra commands and logout and login and it worked. I just was a bit dense about remembering the specific cause there. ;)20:44
_guitarman_yup you can get pretty good performance from a generic kernel these days20:45
_guitarman_i've heard that from Transmogrifox in #opensourcemusicians and also from ScottL himself20:45
tucemiuxpeterkirn, i heard that ubuntu will eventually have the real time kernel but I guess that's still in development but I guess if we dont file bug reports it'll never get fixed, im just waiting to see what the final lucid release will be like20:46
peterkirnWell, I do find that generally the need for the rt branch is lessening. This is not a criticism of Ubuntu, as that would be inappropriate in this forum, but I will say that the CCRMA folks are doing a pretty great job of maintaining the kernel on Fedora (and they're using .32, so I've tried it and had it work). I think actually what I should do is try doing some actual comparisons with the same hardware of rt versus non-rt and see how performanc20:48
peterkirne may vary. I've done it casually, but never scientifically. Anecdotally, yes, a lot of folks are getting along fine without the rt branch.20:48
tucemiuxpeterkirn, you use fedora?  are there any issues with pulse audio with fedora?20:49
peterkirnBut that wouldn't be a bug report; the rt branch stuff is all upstream - just needs to be tested. I can try compiling myself and let you know what happens. Um, when I have some time. In the meantime, I'll let you know how generic goes.20:49
peterkirnRight now, PulseAudio is working pretty perfectly for me on both Ubuntu and Fedora.20:49
peterkirnI haven't checked version numbers, but my guess is that Fedora and Ubuntu are pretty much in sync on that, since they're both roughly in sync on GNOME versions.20:50
tucemiuxive had nightmates with pulse audio on boty desktop and laptop, lucid doesnt look any better, when lucid is released ill probably upgrade to that one and get rid of pulse audio if its still busted20:50
tucemiux**nightmares** i mean20:51
peterkirntucemiux: I'll be honest, I was blaming things on pulseaudio and discovered that wasn't the issue. ;) What problems have you had? I just use JACK for the pro audio apps and leave PulseAudio for music players, Flash, Skype and whatnot.20:51
peterkirnwhat were your nightmares?20:51
tucemiuxpeterkirn, sound **dies** with pulse audio, if im listening to mp3z or looking at youtube videos the sound dies randomly, I once removed and purged pulse audio and that fixed it, I upgraded my hard drive and reinstall and Im having the same problems again20:52
peterkirntucemiux: oh, that sounds unpleasant. but it also sounds like an audio driver issue, not pulseaudio. What's the audio card?20:53
tucemiuxit's an integraded intel, the ones that come with dell latitude d610, I already tried removing pulse audio once --- sound worked perfectly fine afterwards but then I upgraded my hard drive and installed, i have the same problem again20:54
tucemiuxand i dont believe it's the audio driver, if it works just fine with alsa?? it's definetely pulse audio, I posted a bug report and its supposedly fixed in lucid -- its not.20:55
peterkirntucemiux: that's bizarre. which OS version? PulseAudio has been improved from earlier versions, and my understanding is that some versions of Ubuntu significantly misconfigured PA. But it's working fine on Lucid, for sure (and also Karmic, Fedora 12), and I'm also using integrated Intel audio.20:55
peterkirnwhich *version*?20:56
SteelSidehmm? for me pulseaudio is lovely20:56
SteelSidefedora 8 was buggy, requierd loads of patching for pulse to work good20:56
SteelSidefedora 10 required like 15mins20:56
peterkirntucemiux: no idea. I'd at least entertain the possibility that it may be something other than pulseaudio that's causing your problem. How did you install Flash?20:57
SteelSidefedora 12 was set up out of the box20:57
tucemiuxand i tested lucid on my old hard drive, pulse audio still makes my laptop sound die20:57
peterkirnSteelSide: Yep, my experience exactly - F12 and Karmic and later have made me learn to like PA again20:57
tucemiuxpeterkirn, I thought it was flash but then I have the same problem playing mp3z?20:57
peterkirntucemiux: which mp3 player? The problem is, it could be some other driver getting in the way. I have seen odd things happen with Flash if installed via a route other than ubuntu-restricted-extras.20:58
tucemiuxI use rhythmbox20:58
peterkirntucemiux: yeah, no idea; wish I could help. I have two setups here with at least common elements (Karmic / Lucid, Rhythmbox, PulseAudio, integrated Intel audio) but no problem, so there's some other variable.20:59
SteelSidepeterkirn, i never purged pulse thou :P I had my mind set that pulseaudio is the future for the distro I'm going to use, so either man up and deal with it, or go back to winblowz. that was my motto and it worked so far ;)20:59
tucemiuxpeterkirn, but I removed and purged pulse audio -- then everything worked just fine, sound didnt die afterwards, the only bad thing is that the volume button didnt work on the laptop itself, I had to use the software to lower/raise volume20:59
peterkirntucemiux: right, I believe you, I just don't know why that worked. ;)20:59
peterkirnit's possible there's some other kernel module that's deciding to cause havoc, something specific to your setup.21:00
peterkirnbut definitely submit a detailed bug report there, or see if you can find someone with a similar setup.21:00
tucemiuxmy suspicion is that it was pulse audio but I guess were going to find out in a few weeks, this time im going to upgrade to lucid, im not going to install using the ISO21:00
SteelSidewhen i had issues with pulse i always went to the perfect setup page21:01
SteelSideand checkec that everything was in place21:01
tucemiuxSteelSide, is that a magical place with plenty of weed and women for everyone? :-)21:02
tucemiuxno seriously, SteelSide what's the URL and I'll go look it up21:02
tucemiuxSteelSide, perfect setup in pulseaudio.org, got it, thanks for the info!!21:03
peterkirnwait, which link?21:05
SteelSidetucemiux, yeah sorry for no reply, haven't got any notifications set up for my irc client and was alt+tabbed to other things :P21:06
SteelSidepeterkirn, http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup21:06
peterkirnSteelSide: thanks! I have to say, a quick look through there and I haven't had to do any of that, but it will be handy to keep around for reference!21:08
SteelSideyeah it was pretty much necessary for fedora 821:08
SteelSidebut after that I have just used few parts of it for the occasion of a failing program21:09
peterkirnactually, that's a handy page, as it does a good job of documenting how much has moved forward.21:09
peterkirnWINE is one thing I haven't looked at so much yet, but via wineasio you can just use jack, correct? (that'd be preferable for the way I tend to use WINE!)21:09
tucemiuxSteelSide, no worries, I figured you had to go away from your computer or minimized your chat client, thanks for the info, i gotta go do laundry pzzz21:23
LuyzaAnyone know how I set wacom in GIMP? I go to input devices, then it says 1 2 3 4 5 6  (Sorry, but what the hell is that? :P)22:32
LuyzaBasically, I am trying to set up Pressure sensitivity22:32
LuyzaO MG.... what did I do... Now the wacom doesnt draw on the canvas, and there is a "secondary" cursor that follows the  brush around :O22:40
Ray_MEHello everyone, first time here.23:53
rlameiroRay_ME: welcome :D23:54
Ray_MEi was on the ubuntustudio website and found there is a mirc, so i though id come and check it out. anyone here using the OS for sound recording, mixing/master, ect?23:55
rlameiroi personaly use it for other things, like realtime audio processing etc23:56
rlameirobut there are in here people that use it more for mixing recording23:56
rlameiroi make that rarelly23:56
rlameirohey stochastic23:57
Ray_MEnice, ive been thinking about switching from xp to ubst for music production. by your expirance would you much rather work with xp or ub for sound proc, might go without saying since we're here but would like to get some insight.23:58
Ray_MEhello, stochastic23:58
rlameirowell, it depends, on what you need23:59
rlameiroif you dont depend on very fancy plugins, then yeah you can make it on ubuntustudio23:59
rlameiroalso you can try to use windows plugins using wine23:59

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