
dkamHey guys - I'm having trouble getting my nginx upstart script to work. Calling "stop nginx" hangs and doesn't stop the server. If I break out of 'stop' and run it again, it tells me nginx has stopped - but in reality it hasn't.  - /etc/init/nginx.conf is here: https://gist.github.com/efaccba21c77438425be08:05
dkamAlso - this is Ubuntu 9.10 with upstart version 0.6.3-1108:06
Keybukwhat does "status nginx" say before you call "stop" ?08:19
Keybukprobably https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/40639708:20
plautrbaKeybuk: have you noticed my last comment on utmp issue?08:23
Keybukplautrba: yeah I saw08:26
KeybukI think that's probably a better approach08:30
Keybukie. just having a passing compatibility with utmp/wtmp08:30
plautrbayes, that's the idea08:32
plautrbai used it in a same way for fedora 12 with upstart-0.3.11 - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id=398797&action=edit08:32
KeybukI guess I'd like that code to be somehow merged with util/utmp.c08:34
Keybukand in a function08:34
Keybukbut then that means we'd need a shared library between init and util08:34
Keybukand that gets messy ;)08:34
Keybukbut then maybe that's an odd way of looking at it08:35
Keybukanyway, bed ;)08:35
Keybukthanks for the patch08:35
plautrbait's used only once in init, I don't think that merging this with utils something worth it08:36
Keybukshall apply and worry about it after ;)08:36
plautrbanp, thank for comments ;)08:36
dkamcalling status: status nginx08:43
dkamnginx stop/killed, process 119908:43
dkamprocess 1199 didn't exist.08:43
dkamYeah - looks like it could be 406397.08:57
diegowswhere is the best place to put an script that must be executed in first place on shutdown and reboot?15:11
diegows/etc/rc[06].d/K00script doesn't work because X is killed before15:12
wasabi_diegows, you're not likely going to be able to drop a script anywhere on teh system and have it do things in X.20:46
wasabi_Since X is contains a user session.20:46
wasabi_And is not some general place that any running program can pop stuff up on.20:47

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