
robertzaccourdoes anyone know how to get skype workin right in xubuntu? skype works right i mean the audio settings ain't right though. can't get the voice capture going00:03
robertzaccourand i really prefer xfce over gnome because i don't believe in "evolution integration" linux isn't about integration.00:04
robertzaccouranyone here?00:14
robertzaccouranyone know how to get audio capture working in xfce?00:16
robertzaccouram i in the wrong channel?00:21
robertzaccouranyone know how to get audio capture working in audio settings? i need to use skype00:35
datzrobertzaccour: I had/have the same problem with ubuntu...00:50
robertzaccourdatz, its xubuntu i have the problem in00:59
lightastate your issue ?01:00
robertzaccourlighta, i don't know how to adjust audio capture in xubuntu. in ubuntu gnome it was right there in volume settings, but it seems hidden in xfce01:01
lightarobertzaccour, try xfce4-mixer01:03
lightayou can add it on panel right clik add element mixer01:04
robertzaccourlighta, ok thanks01:05
robertzaccouri prefer xfce over gnome because gnome has evolution integrated. i don't think software should be integrated, too risky and thats one of the things i dislike about windows01:10
lightanot really english what u mean by integrated ?01:10
lightaall in one ?01:10
robertzaccourlighta, i mean the desktop is dependent on it being installed. if you purge evolution, all that boots up is a wallpaper01:11
robertzaccourwhereas not integrated would be if evolution crashed, its just an application crash that doesn't affect everything else01:11
lightaoh I see =), did your audio configuration fine now ?01:13
robertzaccourcapture or capture 1?01:14
robertzaccourwhich should i enable?01:14
lightaI would like to have an equalizer too, but dunno where to found one01:14
robertzaccourthere's also digital mic01:14
lightawhat you want input or mic ?01:14
robertzaccourlighta, my laptop has built in mic01:15
robertzaccourthere is also digital mic in the options to add01:15
lightaoh right, I only put the first one up myself01:16
lightaworking fine for skype01:16
robertzaccourcapture not capture 1 right?01:16
lighta(just that I don't have a regular mic :(; using headphone as mic right now)01:16
robertzaccourok thanks01:17
ZenthorAnyone know why 10.04RC boots (most of the time) to a white screen requiring many reboots until it boots normal? 9.10 did not have this problem.01:41
robertzaccouri just installed xubuntu, and my disc and usb devices aren't being shown02:39
robertzaccouri didn't have this problem with gnome02:40
robertzaccourany ideas?02:42
robertzaccouris this an xfce bug?02:42
robertzaccouri just installed xubuntu, and my disc and usb devices aren't being shown02:46
robertzaccourany ideas?02:46
AquinaAs usual try lspci and see the logs in /var/log that usually helps alot.02:47
robertzaccourhow do i change the panel colors?03:09
robertzaccourhow do i use a picture i saved as a wallpaper?03:56
robertzaccouri figured it out :)03:57
RottDawgnewb needing help... I built this http://www.bit-tech.net/bits/2007/06/05/build_your_own_server/1 a couple years ago and now for some reason it won't boot all the way... stops at busybox v1.1.3 with a (initramfs) prompt?  I have a ton of data that I need to get to?  Any help would be appreciated04:02
psycho_oreosjudging by the date its an old howto04:06
RottDawgIt has been getting updates over the years   thats just what I started with04:08
psycho_oreosand now you're stuck with 7.04 with it booting to busybox?04:09
robertzaccourhow do i reset the panels?04:09
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/04:09
robertzaccourlike to the way they were originally04:09
psycho_oreosahh I dunno04:10
RottDawgcan I try to reinstall or will that destroy the data that I have on there?04:26
robertzaccourhow do i restore xfce panel defaults?04:28
psycho_oreosit might destroy your data on there04:41
LinuxGuy2009Would anyone be so kind as to email me a copy of /isolinux/splash.png from the live CD if it contains one so I dont have to download the whole ISO to get that. Im working on a community project that boots all the buntus from a single dvd and I need the splash image if anyone feels like helping.05:57
robertzaccourjust installed xubuntu today and lovin it :)05:58
LinuxGuy2009robertzaccour: Feel like helping me dude?05:59
robertzaccourpeople say you can't tell the difference from gnome with a 64 bit system, but i can :)05:59
robertzaccourLinuxGuy2009, whats up?05:59
robertzaccourits a lot more snappier than gnome :)05:59
LinuxGuy2009robertzaccour: Did you read my post above?06:00
LinuxGuy2009robertzaccour: ImageBin /isolinux/splash.png from the live CD06:00
robertzaccourLinuxGuy2009, no06:00
LinuxGuy2009robertzaccour: Could you do that for me?06:00
robertzaccouri don't see anything, i just got here06:00
robertzaccouroops sorry i'll check06:00
LinuxGuy2009Would anyone be so kind as to email me a copy of /isolinux/splash.png from the live CD if it contains one so I dont have to download the whole ISO to get that. Im working on a community project that boots all the buntus from a single dvd and I need the splash image if anyone feels like helping.06:00
robertzaccourLinuxGuy2009, whats that?06:00
LinuxGuy2009Whats what?06:01
robertzaccourit said no such file or directory06:01
LinuxGuy2009robertzaccour: On the CD there is no file?06:02
robertzaccouroh i didn't check06:02
LinuxGuy2009robertzaccour:  All the other buntus have one.06:02
robertzaccourLinuxGuy2009, what folder is it in?06:04
robertzaccourLinuxGuy2009, how am i supposed to find that?06:06
LinuxGuy2009robertzaccour: look on the cd06:06
robertzaccouri used a usb flash to install06:06
LinuxGuy2009Ok  thanks anyways06:07
robertzaccourhow do i search for it?06:07
LinuxGuy2009Ubuntu and Kubuntu have one and I just figured xubuntu has one too.06:07
robertzaccourxubuntu took only 6 minutes to install06:07
LinuxGuy2009wow thats fast06:07
LinuxGuy2009How big is the iso anyways 700MB?06:08
robertzaccoura poop takes longer than that06:08
robertzaccourover 60006:08
LinuxGuy2009guess ill just download it06:08
robertzaccourthe iso took like 5 minutes to download06:08
robertzaccourso it took within 20 minutes to download, mount, and install06:08
LinuxGuy2009dang you must have a rocket connection06:09
robertzaccourand people say you can't tell the difference from gnome on a 64 bit system, i can06:09
robertzaccoureverything opens faster06:09
robertzaccouroh and the xubuntu devs know how to make a theme. sorry gnome and kde06:13
robertzaccourhow do i update my grub script? i know how to in gnome but not xfce07:22
_Techie_how do you mean?07:23
robertzaccourin gnome its gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub07:24
robertzaccourbut what in xfce?07:24
_Techie_umm, im not sure about the xfce4 text editor, i use nano for all my editing needs07:24
robertzaccouroh i have an idea07:36
robertzaccourinstall gnome, update grub, then purge gnome. would that work?07:36
_Techie_itd be a long way about doing it07:37
robertzaccourdo you know of a way?07:38
_Techie_use mousepad07:38
Sysireplace gedit with mousepad for your command in gnome07:38
robertzaccourthanks Sysi07:41
robertzaccourany way to fix this? http://i455.photobucket.com/albums/qq274/Knuckle_Brawler/Screenshot-4.png?t=127226548608:05
Sysididi you click the button?08:06
robertzaccourSysi, yes08:06
robertzaccourand it just popped up again after appearing to download updates08:06
Sysito terminal: gksudo update-manager08:09
robertzaccourSysi, its updated thats the first thing i did after08:10
Sysii use apt-get for updating08:11
Sysisudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:11
robertzaccourif part of it says ign is that bad?08:12
robertzaccouri'll pastebin it brb08:12
_Techie_ign is short for ignored08:15
robertzaccour_Techie_, is that bad?08:15
_Techie_no, those parts are disabled by default08:15
robertzaccour_Techie_, so i should just wait it out and update my way out of it?08:16
_Techie_i guess so08:16
Sysiupgrade don't install all updates08:16
Sysidist-upgrade does08:16
_Techie_and to relieve the stress - http://uploads.ungrounded.net/285000/285267_ultimateshowdown.swf08:18
robertzaccour_Techie_, no updates available08:19
Sysiso, there isn't updates08:19
_Techie_and by the output you gave us, it looks like the authentication problem has been resolved08:20
robertzaccour_Techie_, how come the pop up still comes up?08:20
_Techie_not sure, but it doenst seem to be having trouble08:20
robertzaccour_Techie_, so i should just ignore it and maybe try a fresh install tomorrow?08:21
_Techie_up to you08:21
Sysigraphical things just don't always work08:21
Sysiit can work after reboot (non-linuxish)08:21
_Techie_thats an idea08:22
Sysilucid isn't officially stable yet :)08:22
robertzaccourxkill fixed it :)08:22
robertzaccourSysi, i haven't used a stable by default distro since jaunty. the last 2 required bug fixes i had to research08:23
robertzaccourcounting lucid08:23
robertzaccourubutnu distros i mean08:24
Sysikarmic was never stable for me08:24
robertzaccouri had to remove gnome-power-manager in karmic08:24
robertzaccourand sometimes i had to shut down and drain the power to get usb devices and discs to be recognized08:25
robertzaccourgoin to sleep08:29
robertzaccourlater yall08:29
mikubuntuguys is it ok for me to run my browser while i'm upgrading my distro from karmic to lucid?09:53
mikubuntucan it mess up my upgrade?09:53
moetunesii should be fine09:54
mikubuntu:) thx09:54
moetunesnp :]09:55
mikubuntuthis att dsl lite connection is SO SLOW, the term says its downloading at 80 kb/s .. dl speeds are sposed to be at least 256 with this plan .. pisses me OFF09:56
moetunesheh - it might be the server tho...09:57
mikubuntuyou think the server could be that slow?09:57
moetunesif it's busy it might be09:57
mikubuntucould be, but this connection is slow no matter where i go or download, and i'd rather hate att than the o/s community09:59
mikubuntuprolly should have done a fresh install, but i din't feel like backing everything up09:59
moetunesif it's slow everywhere then ...10:00
mikubuntuomg, more tornadoes on the news .. hate tornadoes10:01
mikubuntuwhats the hot topic here today10:01
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct10:02
mikubuntusex is the hot topic everywhere isn't it?10:03
_Techie_pretty much10:03
mikubuntui'm waiting for the open source version10:03
Sysithey did that in norway10:04
Sysipaying became illegal, so free10:04
mikubuntureally, they made paying illegal in norway?10:05
Sysipaying about sex10:05
mikubuntuwho knew10:05
_Techie_here its illegal to profit from someone elses sex10:06
mikubuntuyou're in norway techie?10:06
_Techie_no, NZ10:06
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:06
mikubuntuoops, sry10:07
mikubuntuyou woke the sleeping sheep10:07
mikubuntuat least it wasn't the sleepg tiger10:07
Sysix-ot is dead, this is used when there isn't anything proper10:07
mikubuntui just took a girl to the airport last week in miami, she was going to auckland10:08
_Techie_ima  5 hour drive from aucks10:09
mikubuntugod, this upgrade is only at 21% been 40 mins already10:09
mikubuntuanybody have anything good or bad to say about lucid?  haven't really read too much about new features, just felt like upgrading and trying it out10:11
Sysivery fast10:11
_Techie_it will never take the place where jaunty is in my heart10:11
mikubuntunoticeable difference then, from karmic?10:11
mikubuntubut will it take the place on your hard drive?10:12
_Techie_on my alternative drive maybe10:12
_Techie_i nver have that plugged in though10:12
mikubuntuare you on the water in nz?  surf?10:13
mikubuntuor inland10:13
_Techie_New Plymouth, Taranaki to be precise10:13
_Techie_west cpoast of the north island10:13
mikubuntunice, such a beautiful country10:13
mikubuntui'll look at it on google ... i'm from panama, and i go to pan and costa rica a lot .. also beautiful, more snakes10:14
_Techie_no snakes here10:15
_Techie_no extremely deadly spiders either10:15
_Techie_however our internet sucks10:18
mikubuntucant find taranaki in new plymouth is it west or east of strandon?10:18
mikubuntuyour internet can't suck as bad as the states10:18
_Techie_wanna bet10:19
mikubuntua nickel, then10:19
_Techie_you guys got ADSL 2+ support in each exchange?10:19
_Techie_coz we dont yet10:20
mikubuntui have att 's slowest dsl 'lite' connection, $20 US/month, and so slow its the worst10:20
mikubuntumight as well be dial up10:20
mikubuntuhow much do you pay, and whats your speeds .. mine is sposed to be 256 minimum down, and its downloading at 80 kb/s right now10:22
mikubuntuin europe and japan they are surfing at warp speeds10:23
_Techie_well i pay $54 NZD per month for line speed down and 128k up10:25
_Techie_my line speed down is about 1 megabit per second10:25
_Techie_and im lucky if i can get a download goign at that10:25
mikubuntuhow does nzd compare to usd?10:26
_Techie_1 New Zealand dollar = 0.7194 U.S. dollars   accordign to google10:26
mikubuntuya, you are paying a lot then10:27
mikubuntuabout twice what i pay, but you have much faster connection10:28
_Techie_yeah right10:29
_Techie_whats your base price without any data?10:29
mikubuntuits just a straight $20/month10:29
mikubuntuyou have data surcharges?10:30
_Techie_we pay about $30 base which covers the plan and speeds10:30
_Techie_and we pay $1.02 per gig10:30
mikubuntuOMG!  thats the big fight over here, all the big isps want to charge for 'high volume' users, and throttle traffic .. its a big deal thats getting workd out this year hopefully, while the democrats are in control .. under bush it was let the corporations do whatever they want to do10:32
mikubuntu28% on upgrade .. arrggghhhhhhhh10:34
ablomencan't you guys organize a protest or something like that? over here (the netherlands) bandwith caps and traffic limits (mostly) died out around 2002 or something like that10:39
ablomenwhen one started to do that the rest followed very quickly10:39
k0alawhen is the new version of xubuntu releasing?10:48
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rshakinhey ppl11:21
rshakinwho is alive ?11:21
rshakinyeah... thats for sure11:22
_Techie_im aolove... i hope11:22
rshakinis there any kind of writing recognition in ubuntu11:24
rshakini saw only cell writer but that really sucks11:24
TheSheeprshakin: no, there is sadly no writing recognition for linux11:28
ablomennot true, lemme google11:28
ablomenrshakin, oh11:28
TheSheepablomen: I did a pretty extensive research some year ago11:28
ablomenTheSheep, http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/120867 << cellwriter, but rshakin already tried that i guess11:29
rshakinok, anyone ran linux on a hptc420011:29
rshakinbtw google search did not turn up any good results11:32
ablomenrshakin, http://www.handhelds.org/projects/xscribble.html << you could try this11:32
ablomendoes not look high-tech but maybe it works11:33
rshakinok, found something that might work called rosetta... it's too late to mess with it right now i am going to see if i can compile it next couple of days11:39
rshakini am going to see if i can port it11:40
dekroningfor some reason my X window manager changed from :0 to :1  how could this be possible?11:54
psycho_oreosthere's another instance of xorg running on :0 or a lock11:56
dekroningthere is no :0 running11:57
dekroninghow can i see if :0 has a lock?11:57
psycho_oreoslook for lock files11:58
psycho_oreosthey should normally end in .lock11:58
dekroningk thanks psycho_oreos12:09
psycho_oreosdekroning, did you find it?12:10
dekroningpsycho_oreos: no i did not, but i must say, i did a reboot before i asked already and it jumped back to :0, so i've written a note down, to check for lock files if it happens again12:10
dekroningpsycho_oreos: also the strange things was that i needed to manually login (i have autologin enabled) so that was a bit strange already, so i guess that was already a sign that it used :112:11
psycho_oreosdekroning, I'm not sure exactly where the .lock files are located for xorg but iirc its either in /tmp or maybe in /var12:11
pikehi guys. I've installed 10.04 RC, when I boot I don't get any video (after bios ofc), known issue ?12:17
dekroningdamn, my xfce doesn't do a "autologin" after i changed my password12:18
psycho_oreoscheck under settings lol12:19
dekroningpsycho_oreos: where is it? :-) i only saw it during install12:22
psycho_oreosdekroning, I never bothered to setup autologin, but its around there somewhere :)12:23
dekroningpsycho_oreos: hmm oke, well i see a "Don't ask for password on login" but it seems to be grayed out, was hoping i could do it from the commandline12:24
psycho_oreosdekroning, if from the command line its probably some .conf file you'll be looking at12:24
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mikubuntuguys just upgraded from karmic to lucid and i have five broken dependencies: devede, mencoder, mscore, python-launchpadlib, and wine , i can't figure out how to fix them16:17
vinnlmikubuntu, have you added any third-party repositories, like PPA's?16:18
mikubuntuhey vinnl, i think the the lucid repositories are in the software sources16:19
vinnlmikubuntu, but only the lucid repositories?16:19
mikubuntuit showed the karmic ones disabled16:19
vinnlmikubuntu, can you post the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com and send the link here?16:19
mikubuntulet me try, thx16:20
mikubuntuvinnl, which one?  sources.list.save or sources.list~  ?16:22
mikubuntuor sources.list.distUpgrade16:23
vinnlmikubuntu, sources.list16:23
mikubuntu  oops, ok just found it :]  gimme a min to paste up16:23
knomehey vinnl. re your question: i don't really know. maybe you should look at the settings by which the "newest entries" is printed. iirc that's a view. i already deleted my user account from .org16:25
vinnlknome, ah, OK, thank you16:25
mikubuntuvinnl, i try to open the sources.list with dolphin and it launches the software sources (app) don't get a txt file16:26
vinnlLooked at that but doesn't seem to work16:26
vinnlmikubuntu, then select "Open with" and then Mousepad16:26
mikubuntuah, ok16:26
knomevinnl, tbh, if there was a way to hide drafts easily, i can't see why that wasn't done already.16:27
vinnlYeah I was surprised as well16:27
mikubuntuvinnl, got it, http://paste.ubuntu.com/422826/ but i just got a call to run take someone to work ... arrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh i will have to run, maybe you'll be around when i get back .. thx anyways, if not16:30
vinnlHaha OK :)16:30
vinnlOtherwise show that link again, other people can use it too :)16:31
vinnl(To help you)16:31
mikubuntuvinnl, you still here?18:04
mikubuntuguys just upgraded from karmic to lucid and i have five broken dependencies: devede, mencoder, mscore, python-launchpadlib, and wine , i can't figure out how to fix them18:05
vinnlmikubuntu, was just going to cook18:05
vinnlBut I think there are enough people here that can help :)18:05
mikubuntukool, no prob   http://paste.ubuntu.com/422826/18:06
mikubuntui'd offer you some garlicy rotisserie chicken i just got at walmart, but it won't fit thru the tube18:06
mikubuntuanybody able to help me fix these broken apps from my upgrade to lucid?18:07
mikubuntuanybody able to help me fix these broken apps from my upgrade to lucid?18:44
mikubuntuguys just upgraded from karmic to lucid and i have five broken dependencies: devede, mencoder, mscore, python-launchpadlib, and wine , i can't figure out how to fix them18:44
charlie-tcamikubuntu: have you tried installing them in terminal?18:52
charlie-tcaIt should give you an error or help message18:52
Sachse_Siechtumhey charlie-tca  :-) tried slitaz 3.0 and Lubuntu yesterday from live cd....slitaz booted up fine. Lubuntu booted up with a garbled screen. *g*18:59
charlie-tcalubuntu is based on ???18:59
Sachse_Siechtumubuntu /Debian? *g*19:01
Sachse_Siechtumdid I win something? *g*19:01
charlie-tcaYeah, the "won't work" award ?19:06
Sachse_SiechtumI'll give it to the guys at Lubuntu...hmm maybe my PC is too new....19:08
Sachse_Siechtumyeah since Lubuntu is for real low spec systems....19:10
Sachse_Siechtumor I gonna try a cooking version of Lubuntu19:10
Sachse_Siechtumor maybe the lucid beta19:11
charlie-tcaor, maybe it is broken19:11
Sachse_SiechtumI meant lucid beta19:11
Sachse_SiechtumI tried the karmic beta19:11
charlie-tcaUse the daily, it is the final image time19:11
Sachse_Siechtumdo you have a link?19:11
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/19:12
Sachse_Siechtumok thanks19:13
charlie-tcato be honest, they are trying to get us the daily-live to test yet19:13
Sachse_Siechtumhmmm the daily live of Ubuntu?19:14
charlie-tcayou want ??19:15
charlie-tcahas all the images19:16
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, and "cooking" version is the daily version of slitaz19:17
Sachse_Siechtumno I meant..are they trying to get you to test the daily-live of ubuntu?19:17
charlie-tcaI test all the images that I can, time permitting19:23
charlie-tcaOnce the images are available, I will test all of xubuntu and much of Ubuntu19:25
Sachse_Siechtumyeah I saw your entry on the Xubuntu Lucid RC  :-)19:26
dimai want to install 10.04 xubuntu but http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/10.04/beta-2/ isnt working20:14
Sachse_Siechtumdima, try xubuntu karmic koala20:15
charlie-tcaThe final image will be out April 2920:15
Sachse_Siechtumwhy isnt it working?20:15
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/20:15
charlie-tcaExcept for Xubuntu you need to use20:15
Sysitry that, or xubuntu round there20:15
Sysiis rc out yet?20:15
charlie-tcayes, the rc is out20:16
dimabut i came to xunbutu page and i see there link to 10.04 so why dont i take the one who i wont need to make upgrade after 4 days?20:16
charlie-tcawhich is also why there is no beta 2 images20:16
Sysii've had lucid since alpha ..2?20:16
dimaok im taking charlie-tca link20:16
* vinnl thinks we need another website maintainer :)20:17
dimawhat website maintainer needs to do? be up to date with xubuntu news?20:17
* charlie-tca thinks the one we have now is great!20:17
vinnlcharlie-tca, heh, yes, the timely updates of the website prove that :P20:18
dimabut link in webpage isnt working link from http://www.xubuntu.org/news/lucid/beta-2 to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/10.04/beta-2/20:18
charlie-tcavinnl, not exactly what I was thinking20:18
dimahows that is great?20:19
charlie-tcadima, that link is no good since the rc is out now20:19
Sysiand we still don't ave anything about lucid in topic20:19
dimayes im now dl from ur link. server very good. dl in 2 minutes20:19
charlie-tcadima, there is more to maintaining the website than one link20:19
vinnldima, that's because there was no news announcement of the RC20:19
vinnlAnd the beta has been superseded by that20:19
charlie-tcaSysi, the tiopic here?20:20
charlie-tcaIt won't be updated for lucid until the final release20:20
Sysifor this channel, yes20:20
charlie-tcaWe prefer not to tell users to download and use the version that is not stable20:21
Sysi we can't tel we have rc-version?20:21
charlie-tcaUmmm, let me think now20:21
vinnlSysi, not in a user support channel20:21
Sysihmm, could be20:22
charlie-tcaWe normally don't tell in this channel because there is a possibility of really messing up someone's installation20:22
dimaSysi, better aboid getting users mad becouse they installed something whats crashed. if not fully tested some crash may occor.20:22
charlie-tcafor those looking to help, they get support in #ubuntu+120:23
dimai xubuntu 10.04 having also new design?20:55
Sysiat least new background20:56
dimahmm ok will then with some update be new branding? or branding doesnt come with updates?20:57
Sysiand some stuff like splashscreen also iirc20:57
Sysithey should come with updates20:57
knomedepends if the developers will have time to update those packages20:57
knome!hi | Joe_Rossi21:13
ubottuJoe_Rossi: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:13

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