
pooliehi all00:14
jbowtieHey, is there any reason the Sphinx template doesn't look like the wiki? Should I update it?00:23
pooliehi jbowtie, the one for docs?00:23
poolieno good reason; we'd like to make the themes for the main site, the wiki and the docs more consistent00:24
jbowtiepoolie: Yes; I was just thinking it would be nice to make things consistent.00:24
pooliethe www site is the most recent and arguably the best00:24
pooliethough improvement there is still possible00:24
jbowtiepoolie: OK, I'll have a look at rolling a Sphinx template this week along with fixing as many doc bugs as possible.00:25
pooliethat would be brilliant00:25
poolieit doesn't need to slavishly follow the main site00:25
pooliefor example i think the left-side table of contents is useful and should stay00:25
pooliebut if we could at least get consistent tabs across the top that would be good00:26
poolieit may help if you post screenshots as you go00:26
jbowtiepoolie: I'm looking at the tabs across the top and the footer at the bottom.00:26
jbowtiepoolie: As well as coordinating fonts and colors.00:26
jbowtiepoolie: Good point, I'll attach some screenshots to the bug when I make my merge proposal.00:27
jbowtieLooking at #405452 - what's a "ghost" revision?00:30
jelmerjbowtie: it's a revision that Bazaar knows about but that is not present in the repository00:32
jelmerjbowtie: so for example a parent revision of some revision that is present in the repository could be missing00:33
jelmerjbowtie: ghosts are usually created when importing revisions from baz or subversion00:33
jelmerjbowtie: but they could also be created using a (hypothetical) command in bzr00:33
mwhudsonjelmer: since we rolled out the bzr-git update, it seems a few imports now fail with:00:33
mwhudsonbzrlib.plugins.git.errors.NoSuchRef: The ref master was not found.00:33
mwhudsonjelmer: any instant ideas?00:33
jelmermwhudson: my guess would be that these repositories do not have a master branch :-)00:34
mwhudsonjelmer: the imports worked before the rollout though00:34
mwhudsonjelmer: see https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/packages-arch-specific/trunk00:34
mwhudsonhas bzr-git become more careful about this?00:35
jelmermwhudson: yeah, we've become a bit stricter00:35
mwhudsonjelmer: ok00:35
jeremy_cIf I create a project on launchpad.net, can I remove it later or is it like SF.net, once it exists, it lives forever?00:42
mwhudsonjeremy_c: you have to ask an admin to have it removed, but it's not a big deal00:44
jeremy_cI wanted to give it a try for a while but be able to backout if it doesn't seem like it's working out after a few weeks.00:45
parkesyHi I've got some problems with my bzr branch,  I get  "bzr Error: Revision {...} not present in CHKInventoryRepository(...) is there a way to repair this00:45
jelmerparkesy: when do you get these errors exactly?00:45
parkesyjelmer: when i do bzr log00:45
jelmerparkesy: immediately or after a few revisions?00:46
parkesyjelmer: the first time it was a few seconds after now it is immediately00:46
parkesyjelmer: it also happens with bzr version-info00:47
jelmerparkesy: but after a few revisions?00:47
parkesyjelmer: sorry, it just started happening over night, it was fine on friday, then when i came into work today its failing.00:48
parkesyjelmer: I tried to fix it myself and had to get the Sysadmins to restore my working branch from a backup taken over the weekend.00:49
mkanatigc or mwhudson: Are you guys going to merge https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mkanat/loggerhead/synchronize-lru_cache/+merge/23977 ?00:51
mwhudsonmkanat: i guess i will unless Peng_ beats me to it00:52
mkanatmwhudson: Okay.00:52
Peng_Go ahead. I'm busy watching TV. :P00:59
Peng_mwhudson: ^00:59
Peng_Is mkanat a member of loggerhead-team?00:59
mkanatPeng: I'm not.00:59
mwhudsonmkanat: want to be?01:00
mkanatmwhudson: Oh, um, sure. :-) You'll have to educate me on checkin procedures and so on.01:00
Peng_Nah, there's not much to educate on.01:01
mwhudsonwell, merge into trunk, then push01:02
mwhudsonrather than merging trunk into your branch then pushing that to trunk01:02
spivGood morning.01:02
Peng_You should also commit!01:02
mwhudsonbut i'm sure you wouldn't be that tasteless anyway01:02
mkanatPeng_: Okay. :-)01:06
mkanatI mean, mwhudson.01:06
mkanatPeng: Hahah, yes, committing would help.01:06
mkanatspm: You might want to update to trunk loggerhead again to get that fix we just pushed. It's one of the crashers.01:06
spmmkanat: okis, ta01:07
mkanatspm: BTW, has loggerhead stayed up since the pygments fix?01:17
spmhrm. not sure. looking...01:17
mkanatspm: I think I'm more or less going to become the contact for loggerhead stability, so any time there's crashes or hangs, I'd love to know.01:18
spmmkanat: nod; I'll pass that on.01:19
spmit's been up for about 9 hours atm :-)01:19
spmnot sure what the cause was there01:19
mkanatspm: Heh. Okay.01:19
spmunresponsive restart; two of 'em.01:19
mkanatspm: Would you send me the log from before the restart?01:19
spm2010-04-26 15:30 & 2010-04-26 08:28 <== bot hUTC01:20
spmmkanat: sorry. not forgotten, just had to progress a high priority task. just fetching logs now.01:54
mkanatspm: Okay, no problem. :-)01:54
santagadahi I think I found a bug on bzr, it is actually and old hack for osx that I think it is not necessary anymore01:54
santagadaand it makes bzr break on top of pypy01:54
spivsantagada: oh good.  :)  Please file it at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr01:55
spivsantagada: how close is bzr to running on pypy?01:56
santagadaspiv: run it is running, now I would love to run a test suite to see if there isn't any bugs in it01:57
santagadaspiv: how do I run bzr unittests?01:58
spivsantagada: bzr selftest02:00
pooliehi spiv02:00
santagadai need testtools... just a sec I will first finish filling the bug report02:01
spivsantagada: to be pedantic, that runs the full automated test suite.  Many of those can be accurately called unit tests, but many are integration tests.02:01
spivMorning poolie.02:01
santagadaspiv: so I will be happier if it works02:01
spmmkanat: mwhudson: ew! this looks .. bad: ERR [20100423-23:59:43.593] [1101093200] root: RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded02:04
mwhudsonspm: i _think_ Peng_ fixed that02:04
spmurg even. there's a few in teh debug log02:05
santagadabzr has a mbp and hg team has one mpm, I wonder how many times people confused the two nicks/people02:05
spmsantagada: probably about as often as spm and spiv :-)02:07
mkanatspm: I think that's a python bug?02:07
mkanatspm: Does it say it's being ignored?02:07
spmmkanat: not that I can see; but it is in the older log = the access and debug aren't rotating at the same time. only just noticed that was from Fri; not today.02:10
mkanatspm: Okay.02:10
santagadaspiv: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/570495 if there is any more needed info just ask :)02:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 570495 in bzr "bzr should not change sys.platform or should limit it to the affected python versions" [Undecided,New]02:11
santagadaspiv: bzr: ERROR: No module named paramiko can't I just skip those testes?02:16
a212901390231901fixed in r5165 so pull bzr.dev02:17
spivsantagada: hmm, they should be automatically skipped if the module isn't found.  I think you might be encountering a recently fixed bug.02:17
santagadaspiv: I'm using a tarball for 2.1.002:17
santagadathe bzr repo is huge02:17
spmmwhudson: ew. ERR [20100426-09:20:07.255] [1120741712] root: ConnectionError: Connection error: Couldn't resolve host 'bazaar.launchpad.net' (-2, 'Name or service not known') <== that so can't be good.02:20
mwhudsonspm: i'd agree with that02:22
mwhudsonspm: i'd also apply the SEP field from my POV02:22
mwhudsonif DNS isn't working in the data centre....02:22
spmthere's a heap of them in the debug log02:22
spmmwhudson: what's a strong I can search for "Oh Hai. loggerhead is now starting up"??02:23
spmerr string, strong string even02:23
spivsantagada: hmm, that fix hasn't been backported to the 2.1 branch, it's just on trunk02:23
mwhudsonspm: "Starting up..." i think02:23
spmtoo bloody obvious. can't possibly be that.02:24
santagadaspiv: also not on 2.2b1 :( cloning the whole repo now02:24
spmmwhudson: 'loggerhead: Starting up...' haha02:24
a212901390231901don't think I daggied it either as the previous attempt blew up the push02:24
a212901390231901trivial diff to cherrypick though02:25
spivsantagada: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/revision/516502:25
spivsantagada: you can view/download just that diff from there if you like... but probably having a copy of trunk will turn out to be worth it if you find more issues to fix02:26
santagadayep... how big is it? it is more than 50mb02:26
a212901390231901was going to suggest a lightweigth checkout, but my test run is... still running02:27
a212901390231901B:\TEMP>bzr co --lightweight lp:bzr bzr.dev02:27
a212901390231901[########\           ]  21179KB   107KB/s | Build phase:Adding file contents 1163/129602:27
a212901390231901so, not much of a transfer saving.02:27
santagadaa212901390231901: thanks for the help but now I will just let it finish02:28
spivsantagada: shouldn't be much more than 5002:28
spiva212901390231901: yeah, we haven't really spent much time optimising creating lightweight checkouts via the smart protocol yet02:28
a212901390231901seems the tree is really that big, too.02:29
spiv(or updating them, for that matter)02:29
spivYeah, "bzr export bzr-trunk.tar" gives me a 21M tarball.  It compresses down to 6.4M with gzip though.02:31
spmmkanat: ow. http://paste.ubuntu.com/423106/02:32
mkanatspm: Lame.02:33
spmheh, does explain why I was having trouble find the '2nd' start. was 2 mins later.02:33
santagadathe full repo is 60mb or a little more02:37
santagadaI didn't see the ending02:38
santagadathe tests are running02:40
santagadalots of failures02:41
a212901390231901it had big problems with unicode filesystem access when I looked at it, but that might be less of an issue on nix02:43
santagadauhm... it completely froze [1017/23179 in 40s, 1766 failed] blackbox.test_serve.TestCmdServeChrooting.test02:43
santagadaa212901390231901: yep, most of the errors are unicode related02:43
a212901390231901...that one's probably not its fault, all the server tests are flakey02:44
a212901390231901rely on refcounting and spit to hold them together02:44
santagadaI will report some to pypy and someday maybe there can be a buildbot running bzr tests02:44
santagadaa212901390231901: ok, so it will probably not happen02:45
spivsantagada: we're aware that our server tests have some flakiness, we'd like to fix that.02:45
santagadaI'm getting a ton of NotBranchError: Not a branch: "/private/tmp/testbzr-fP73Gq.tmp/"02:46
spivIt's biting us in regular use too, we often seem to be leaking threads from tests that spawn servers, and that can lead to spurious failures due running out of fds and similar.02:47
spiv(And probably makes 'bzr selftest' consume more memory than necessary, etc)02:47
santagadano I think the real failure is this:02:48
santagadaFile "/Users/santagada/projects/bzr/bzrlib/config.py", line 940, in _auto_user_id02:48
santagada    gecos = w.pw_gecos.decode('utf-8')02:48
santagadaAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'decode'02:48
a212901390231901that's fixable.02:49
spivInteresting that we haven't encountered that one before, but yes should be easy to fix.02:50
pooliethere's another bug asking to just remove auto_user_id02:50
pooliethat would be better imo02:50
spivCertainly there's no need for the test suite to be triggering it for every test as I suspect it does.02:51
a212901390231901I was going to file a bug complaining about it, and parse_username, which combine to do some very silly things02:52
santagadaheres the full traceback if someone whants to have a go at it http://paste.pocoo.org/show/206563/02:52
spivAfter all it resets $BZR_EMAIL etc :)02:52
santagadait appears to be run on all tests, and when it fails I get that notbrancherror probably in another thread if I understood correctly03:01
spivsantagada: what about this patch: http://bzr.pastebin.com/3EtrtFUu ?03:06
santagadainvalid syntax for some reason03:08
spivOh, missing trailing comma03:08
spivMy bad for not testing.03:09
santagadayep, let me fix that03:09
santagadaa TON less failures03:10
santagada2 failed thus far03:10
spivHmm, a quick run of the test suite finds a little bit of collateral damage (e.g. blackbox.test_annotate.TestSimpleAnnotate.test_annotate_edited_fileedited_file)03:10
spivBut that's a good sign.  It's probably a touch faster, too ;)03:11
santagadaunsuported locale setting... uhm maybe pypy _locale is not working as expected03:13
santagadaspiv: is those tests results being saved anywhere?03:14
spivsantagada: my test results?  No, but I can if you like.  I only ran the blackbox tests, as they seemed most likely to fail, and in the end got 3 failures.03:17
santagadanope the ones I'm running03:18
spivOh right.  Not by default.03:18
santagadaas there is this status line I don't know what whill happen if I redirect stderr to a file... but I should be doing that..03:18
spivIf you use --subunit you'll get the test run emitted in a machine-readable format.03:19
spiv(You can use the subunit2pyunit filter in the subunit package to see the output in a familiar format)03:19
spivIt'll be a pretty large file (it includes details of the passing tests, too), but it should gzip pretty well.03:21
santagadawell 22 failures out of 1545 tests run, not too bad03:21
pooliespiv, do you think user_url and control_url etc are reasonable names?03:22
spivEspecially user_url!03:23
pooliemm, a big clue that if you're showing it to the user you should use that one :)03:23
Peng_Ack! I just remembered that I meant to reply to an email like a month ago.03:27
Peng_It said "let me know this week". :(03:28
Peng_(My answer was no anyway, so it doesn't matter, but sorry for forgetting to decline the Brussels sprint, poolie.)03:28
santagadahad to kill the selftest process it stopped responding completely03:41
santagadain test "per_bzrdir.test_bzrdir.TestBzrDir.test_sprout_bzrdir_tree_branch_reference(RemoteBzrDirFor"...03:42
pooliePeng, ok, thanks anyhow, maybe next time03:53
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
pooliespiv, could i get a quick eyeball over https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/testsubjects/+merge/2418805:38
lifelesspoolie: I'd like to do a pre-imp call with you on test subjects :- I'd like to clarify what you want to achieve and see if I can help you with that.06:13
lifelesspoolie: if that wouldn't help you, say no thanks :)06:14
poolieuh, ok06:15
pooliecall me?06:15
lifelessI'll just see if I've got skype on this machine yet06:16
lifelessone minute06:16
pooliedo you have a pots line?06:16
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
vilahi all07:32
pooliehi vila, gary07:41
vilahey GaryvdM07:42
vilahi poolie07:42
vilaDid anybody (else than me) testing bzr on lucid have a failure for bzrlib.tests.test_transport.TestSSHConnections.test_bzr_connect_to_bzr_ssh ?07:53
poolieoh lifeless, where did we eventually get to with pqm?08:05
poolievila, not me, yet08:05
vilapoolie: hmm, too bad, you were my best hope :)08:06
pooliei'll try it08:06
vilapoolie: running just this test alone is enough here, I'm wondering if my setup is somehow screwed or if it's something deeper08:07
poolieno actually i do get that too08:13
pooliei suspect either a change in ufw08:13
pooliewhich i think i'm running here08:13
poolieor an icky order dependency08:13
lifelesspoolie: spm says no exceptions in pqm since the 24th08:13
Peng_vila: FWIW, PyCrypto doesn't like fork()ing the random number generator because both processes will wind up with the same state, which is not very random. IIRC it also has thread-safety issues.08:21
vilaPeng: yup, but nothing we care about for tests, thanks for the info though08:23
bialixhi all08:23
vilalifeless: no execptions doesn't mean no pending bugs, there are still no feedback on failures08:23
vila(among other things)08:24
GaryvdMHi bialix08:26
vilabialix: _o/08:26
bialixHeya GaryvdM !!!08:26
bialixbonjour vila!08:26
bialixGaryvdM: I have strnge problem with qpush08:27
poolielifeless: ok, but what's the state now? still running with lp integration, or pulled down?08:27
bialixGaryvdM: push to lp (when no ssh key is loaded to pageant) blows with traceback08:27
bialixGaryvdM: http://pastebin.com/EDdekYpm08:28
* GaryvdM looks08:28
bialixthe most strange thing is when I set BZR_PDB=1 then qpush simply hangs08:28
bialixit's in qpush08:29
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
bialixmy problem is BZR_PDB related08:29
lifelesspoolie: running with integration08:29
lifelessvila: I will look at that tomorrow08:29
vilalifeless: be blessed :D08:29
poolieyou didn't pull it out on thursday?08:29
lifelessit was behaving much better08:30
lifelessemailed submissions get mailed failures I think now08:30
bialixGaryvdM: do you (we) change something in qbzr that broke BZR_PDB you made long ago?08:30
GaryvdMbialix: hmm - you need BZR_PDB on for the qbzr process, but not for the subprocess08:30
bialixor maybe it's a newer bzr issue08:30
GaryvdMnot sure how to do that.08:30
bialixGaryvdM: so you think it's a subprocess starting pdb session?08:31
GaryvdMyes - before the main process errors08:31
bialixI don't understand what's going on08:32
bialixthe plain push never raise error?08:32
bialixor there is some hidden bug in our subprocessUI class?08:32
GaryvdMbialix: what about running bzr qsubprocess push08:32
bialixoh, I think I understand08:33
bialix\n issue08:33
GaryvdMI do that often to debug qsubprocess08:33
bialixagain :-(08:33
bialixbzr produce multiline error message08:33
bialixbzr: ERROR: Connection error: Unable to authenticate to SSH host as08:33
bialix  bialix@bazaar.launchpad.net08:33
bialixsupported auth types: ['publickey']08:33
GaryvdMOh - my new error passing code :-(08:34
bialixbut we're trying to send it as one string08:34
bialixok, I understand the problem now08:34
bialixour bencode stream is very fragile re \n08:34
bialixwe have to encode them somehow, or manually split the string into multiple strings08:35
* bialix filing a bug08:35
bialixGaryvdM: any ideas re BZR_PDB in subprocess? maybe we should manually delete this variable from subprocess environment?08:36
GaryvdMThat would be a good idea.08:36
GaryvdMAnd if one needs to debug the subprocess, then one can just run the subprocess.08:37
pooliespiv, still here?08:39
bialixGaryvdM: agree08:39
spivpoolie: yeah08:41
vilalifeless: I don't think I got test failures even for my mail submissions (at least I can't find the relevant mail for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~parthm/bzr/no-chown-if-bzrlog-exists/+merge/22197 and I'm pretty sure I submitted by mail)08:42
pooliespiv i split out the cleanup change into https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/cleanup/+merge/2420008:42
vilalifeless: I only got failure mails for the NEWS conflicts and the 'nothing to merge' cases08:42
pooliei have mixed feelings about whether this patch is worthwhile08:42
bialixpoolie: hi :-)08:44
pooliespiv: istm that some other objects, like a test case, can make use of the concept of having a list of cleanups08:45
poolieand that it's not part of their public interface to expose a single run()08:45
pooliebut perhaps the answer is that they should just us an OperationWithCleanups internally08:45
spivpoolie: Command as well as TestCase08:50
spivpoolie: although I think we now delegate the cleanup management in TestCase to testtools?08:50
pooliethough there, ideally, if not practicalyl, this same class would be used by all of them08:50
spivOh, and commit.Commit, slightly weirdly perhaps, psuedo-does.08:51
spiv(it doesn't have an add_cleanup method, instead it passes the operation var around, but in general seems a bit confused about if it's an object with state or a bunch of related functions with intimate knowledge of each other's workings)08:53
WimYedemaHi all08:53
WimYedemaCan anyone tell me how to change the default editor for editing project files?08:53
WimYedemaSetting the editor in prefs seems to work only for config files08:53
WimYedemain bazaar explorer08:54
poolieWimYedema: is this in explorer?08:54
spivpoolie: Btw, you may like https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~spiv/bzr/hpss-compat-528041/+merge/24202 — it removes the raise AssertionError in _remember_remote_is_before08:57
lifelessvila: I will experiment in detail tomorrow when spm is around08:57
spmlifeless: pls being ware we have zomg priorities atm....08:57
lifelessspm: and at a time of your choosing08:58
poolieWimYedema: I don't know off hand08:58
spivspm: the LTS can wait, surely? :P08:58
lifelessspm: primarily though I'll be throwing known bad stuff at it and just asking for backtraces to be pastebinned08:58
WimYedemaI think I can edit editors.conf but it seems I need to add an extension there, and I don't much feel like adding all the possible extensions (never mind things without extension)08:58
spmspiv: ....08:58
spmlifeless: we should so get you access to the logs...08:58
vilaspm: +1e608:59
lifelessspm: that would be nice; I mean I used to be able to log in to diagnose directly ;)08:59
poolieWimYedema: I _think_ it's configured at the os level08:59
poolieand explorer has no opinion08:59
WimYedemapoolie: Hmm... okay, unfortunately Gnome doesn't seem to have a prefered text editor application. I'll try setting EDITOR then...09:01
bialixWimYedema: please, file a bug09:01
WimYedemabialix: okay09:02
poolieyeah it's definitely by extension09:02
pooliewhich was a bit strange09:02
bialixGaryvdM: btw, I have working code for commit-history, now I need to figure out how to fill the combobox with pending merges messages. Any hints?09:03
GaryvdMbialix: The autocomplete combobox?09:03
poolie$EDITOR should control it09:03
bialixGaryvdM: I feel simple combobox will be much easier and faster to use than qdiff + message. Just because I don't need to launch qdiff window, select, copy, close window and paste09:04
bialixGaryvdM: but your qdiff+message is very good, I think we can do it every time for qdiff -cN09:04
bialixGaryvdM: it's not autocomplete09:05
bialixuser select message in combobox and it appended to the comment09:05
poolieWimYedema: setting editor= in your bazaar.conf should do it09:06
WimYedemasetting either EDITOR or BZR_EDITOR does not seem to have any effect09:06
GaryvdMbialix: I'm not to sure about adding extra widgets to qcommit....09:06
WimYedemapoolie: nope, that's what the preferences menu sets, but it doesn't help09:06
pooliewhat does happen then?09:07
WimYedemait starts gedit09:07
bialixGaryvdM: it's only one-line combobox09:07
bialixGaryvdM: what's problem?09:07
WimYedemacould it be Mime configuration or something?09:07
GaryvdMbialix: qcommit is allready busy.09:08
bialixGaryvdM: I know. but what is alternative here?09:08
GaryvdMbialix: we could put it in the autocomplete list.09:09
bialixGaryvdM: no09:09
bialixGaryvdM: this is wrong09:09
bialixthe idea is you can put there some past entire commit message09:09
bialixit could be very long09:09
poolieWimYedema: it might be mime or it might be /etc/alternatives, controlled by update-alternatives09:11
GaryvdMbialix: Maybe a button that pops up list or menu, but does not a extra text box like a combo box.09:11
bialixGaryvdM: and where to put such button?09:12
bialixcan you run my branch to see it in action?09:12
GaryvdMbialix: ok09:13
GaryvdMbialix: sorry - what is the url agian?09:13
bialixyou need to make some commits to seed the history, plain bzr ci catched too ;-)09:13
bialixGaryvdM: lp:~bialix/qbzr/post-commit09:14
* GaryvdM branches...09:14
bialixthe hooks are cool things! I will add similar hooks for post_push/post_pull to store push/pull history in similar manner to commit-history09:15
WimYedemabialix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/57057309:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 570573 in bzr "setting default editor in explorer fails in Gnome" [Undecided,New]09:15
bialixWimYedema: thanks!09:16
spivWimYedema: GNOME might be using mailcap to figure out how to open the files09:18
pooliein which case probably /etc/mimetab09:18
pooliespiv, so what do you think overall about cleanups?09:18
spivpoolie: that name would make sense, but no!09:18
poolieshould i withdraw that patch?09:18
spiv/etc/mailcap, see 'man mailcap' and 'man run-mailcap'09:19
GaryvdMbialix: I'm going to experiment with putting the messages in the autocomplete list.09:19
spivpoolie: I just sent a review, did you see it?09:19
bialixGaryvdM: I'm still think it's a wrong idea09:19
bialixcombobox shows the commit messages in descending order09:20
bialixauto-complete will lose this ability09:20
spivOoh, and actual PQM failure in a merge proposal.09:20
spivrepr(lines) isn't my preferred format for reading failure output, but it's a lot better than nothing :)09:20
bialixGaryvdM: does auto-complete handle multiple words?09:21
GaryvdMbialix: I think so. I want to check.09:22
lifelessspiv: url ?09:22
bialixok, I will test your auto-complete then09:22
spivlifeless: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/components/+merge/2382709:22
poolieoh thanks for the review09:22
lifelessspiv: that seems to be working okish09:23
poolieit does feel a bit half done to me09:23
lifelessspiv: but actually I think its a bug, will leave this open and look tomorrow09:24
poolielifeless: which one?09:24
lifeless[] around the lines in the merge review feedback09:26
spivpoolie: yeah.  I'm not necessarily against landing half-done things, as I hope I made clear.  Just that it seems something to be aware of.09:26
spivpoolie: (especially not against it when the next step isn't immediately crystal clear, and the half-done point isn't likely to paint us into a corner.)09:27
spivAlso, rather than risk mixing metaphors any further I might go have dinner :)09:28
poolieagree :)09:29
pooliealso about dinner :)09:29
spiv"No metaphors were harmed in the making of this patch."09:29
bialixGaryvdM: I'm thinking about adding main menu to qci and qdi to allow user hide the elements he is not interested to see09:30
GaryvdMbialix: I had such plans for qdiff.09:31
bialixbut you feel qci is also busy, so we need to allow customization here as well09:31
GaryvdMbialix: Similar to lp:~garyvdm/qbzr/annotate_find09:32
bialixalso I want to work on redesign of bugs/author area, as Craig suggested in ML09:32
* bialix looks09:32
bialixpoolie: is it possible to work on tags v2 on the sprint?09:32
bialixpoolie: maybe it's better if I send the mail with some my thoughts how I think we could improve current tags09:33
bialixand operations on tags09:33
bialixamanica said me he's willing to work on nested trees. I have many feedback on this topic based on scmproj workflow. And I have many questions on the intended nested trees behavior09:34
bialixGaryvdM: annotate_find: cool! why you don't merge it?09:47
WimYedemaUgh! you've got to be kidding! I did some googling, and the solution is: Change the Applications>Text Editor entry to the editor you want to use.09:48
GaryvdMGaryvdM: I want to do similar ui changes to diff, cat, log and browse, an I want to do it at the same time, so that qbzr dialog have consistent feel.  (maybe I'm being silly...)09:51
WimYedemaAnyway, thanks for the support guys.09:51
WimYedemaSee you later09:51
GaryvdMLol - I'm talking to myself...09:51
GaryvdMbialix ^09:51
bialixGaryvdM: noble goal, ok09:52
bialixGaryvdM: "View options seems misleading. Maybe just "Options"?09:53
GaryvdMbialix: sure09:54
bialixnice work, really. although it's not windows style to have such toolbars.09:54
GaryvdMbialix: Neither gnome, neither mac....09:55
bialixmaybe I'm just nitpicking09:55
bialixignore me09:55
GaryvdMbialix: No - you are correct. This is another reason why I have not merged it.09:56
bialixGaryvdM: ok, I will ponder about it in the background of my mind09:56
GaryvdMbialix: It's sort of the route the chrome has taken, an firefox is going to take.09:57
bialixdo you think it's worth to announce our unfinished stuff so people can test/dogfood it?09:57
bialixmy commit-history was easier to implement than I've thought09:58
GaryvdMbialix: I did link it to the bug. And also discussed here (but as a side topic): http://groups.google.com/group/qbzr/browse_thread/thread/14cae28792ed3ebb09:59
bialixGaryvdM: It seems I've lost the track of qbzr things after last 2 months :-( I will re-read ML10:00
GaryvdMbialix: Me too! I did not know about http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/QBzr/Roadmap10:01
GaryvdMbialix: I've done the last item on http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/QBzr/Roadmap - see https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~garyvdm/bzr/diff_using_gui/+merge/2407610:01
bialixGaryvdM: Roadmap was assembled from similar ML discussion10:02
bialixour users did this actually :-)10:02
bialixGaryvdM: cool, we will have a chance to discuss roadmap soon. I hope10:03
GaryvdMbialix: Yhea. I'm looking foward to meeting you! :-)10:03
bialixand volcano calmed down10:04
bialixGaryvdM: when the football started?10:06
GaryvdM48 days I think..10:06
bialixit will be winter in your land?10:07
GaryvdMI'm not really interested in soccer, but it's good for SA10:07
GaryvdMbialix: yes10:07
bialixsnow? ;-)10:08
lifelessmeep, I'm beat -> crashing10:08
GaryvdMbialix: No. The last time it snowed in Johannesburg was in 198110:09
bialixGaryvdM: ok, I see10:10
GaryvdMbialix:  lp:~garyvdm/qbzr/message_history_auto_complete10:15
GaryvdMbialix: It could be better.10:15
bialixGaryvdM: thanks! I'll test10:15
GaryvdMbugs: Does not handle new line correctly.10:16
GaryvdMShould find/select if you type in a word in the middle10:16
GaryvdMQCompleter hits some limitations. :-(10:18
* GaryvdM goes to find food..10:19
bialixI will test your branch some time. But for me using combolist means nice real summary list where I can look to refresh my memory10:19
bialixauto-completer lose this ability10:20
bialixI'm still not sure...10:20
bialixmaybe special button as you said10:20
cbzhow do i merge *tO* the subversion trunk?12:30
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GaryvdMcbz: do you have a checkout, or a straight branch?12:34
GaryvdMIf checkout: update, commit, push12:34
GaryvdMif straight branch: create new branch, merge in that branch, commit, push12:35
cbzstraight branch12:53
cbzso i pushed to the branch i made - now how do i merge back to subversion? In the normal case where the trunk is on top of everything i guess i can do a push - but if things have progressed since, don't i actually want to do a merge back to subversion?12:54
xnoxhow do i reconfigure a branch to use a different higher level bzr shared repo? I've ended up with ~/src/.bzr and ~/src/stable/.bzr   Branches under ~/src/stable/ should use the ~/src/.bzr shared repo12:57
awilkinscbz, switch your bzr checkout to the trunk and merge your branch to it using bzr, then push it12:58
awilkinsxnox, It automatically uses the first one it finds via directory climbing12:59
awilkinsxnox, You sound like you might want to try some lightweight checkouts12:59
cbzi just assumed from http://www.szakmeister.net/blog/2009/oct/12/bazaar-subversion-super-client/12:59
cbzthat i should be using a merge *to* the subversion branch13:00
cbzrather than a push13:00
awilkinscbz, I think you have to make sure your branch is up to date with trunk13:00
xnoxawilkins, yeap I know that. But if i delete the current sub-share-repo my branches will become broken and i will need to refetch packs over the intranetz to get the packs into higher level shared-repo13:01
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awilkinsxnox, You could move the shared repo out with it's branches and push them into the higher level shared repo13:02
awilkinscbz, Yes, that's why we are switching the checkout to trunk, so we can merge to it and preserve all the bzr metadata13:03
awilkinscbz, Are you using heavyweight branches / checkouts or lighweights?13:03
cbzheavyweight branches13:03
cbzso i have branch trunk with a parent of by svn repository and another branch whose parent is trunk13:04
cbzI've delivered into trunk - however there is newer stuff in svn13:04
awilkinscbz, I find using lightweight checkouts of branches in a no-trees repository to be easier with SVN13:04
cbzI can hack normally get things into the svn repository, this paragraph has me wondering whether i'm missing something though:13:05
cbz"This is where the potential problem comes into play. You could push myhacks directly into trunk, after all, it’s up-to-date with the changes. But look at the commit ordering. Right now, F is the last commit on trunk. If you push myhacks into trunk, it needs to re-order the commits to make them look like what is present in myhacks. From a Subversion user standpoint, that’s confusing to see, although correct from a commit graph perspective. For this reas13:05
cbz"A better answer is to merge your feature branch back to trunk, just as you would have done with Subversion or a short term branch. The resultant commit graph is now: "13:05
awilkinsRight, so no pushing branches straight to trunk13:06
cbzI could always fix it using rebase - but it implies i could merge *to* the svn repository13:06
awilkinsInstead, keep a local "trunk" mirror that you never work on13:06
awilkinsPull that, merge to it, push back13:06
cbzAnd if someone has put something into it between my pull and my merge?13:07
cbz(it in this case being the svn repository)13:07
awilkinscbz  then you'll have to do it again13:07
awilkinscbz, It's annoying.13:08
awilkinscbz, It shouldn't be too bad unless your commit rate is mad13:08
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swathanthranwould bzr send take much data transfer?(and is it much problematic that my copy may be a bit behind the original) (its 2.3mb and going and i have a costly bandwidth:))13:52
swathanthranoh btw would  bzr send -o my-patch.txt  try to mail the patch too?(not just produce my-patch.txt?)13:54
maxbIf bzr send is doing network access, it would be to access the submit branch13:55
swathanthranyeah my copy is not upto-date13:56
swathanthranits >3mb and i guess i would have to try it later on free net time.13:56
swathanthranin general the download was slow compared to usual file download rates .. would that be with the server? i am working with emacs so its connecting bzr.savannah.gnu.org14:00
vilaswathanthran: yeah, AFAIK, savannah haven't deployed the bzr smart server which should greatly improve (i.e. reduce) bandwidth use14:06
swathanthranoh ic14:06
xnoxI'm trying to experiment with join --reference using 2a format. Does that work? join succeeded and added just the directory but now I have all files under the JoinedBranch/ being status unknown when I'm in the containing tree14:08
swathanthransee ya later:)14:09
xnoxOh I get errors of not being supported to generate inventory =) oh well i'll try again later ;-)14:12
maxbAlthough bzr's network usage can be a bit silly even with the smart server :-/14:13
* jelmer wonders if he should respond to the huge bzr thread on the mercurial mailing list14:21
bialixGaryvdM: I think I don't like auto-completion idea in general. My use case for commit-history: select some past commit message and insert it into text area, then edit/change if necessary14:23
bialixjelmer: is it worth it?14:24
jelmerbialix: the thread, or replying?14:24
GaryvdMbialix: ack14:25
bialixjelmer: replying14:25
GaryvdMjelmer: What is the subject, so I can google it?14:25
bialixI don't read that thread though14:25
bialixGaryvdM: what it means (ack)?14:25
GaryvdMbialix: (Ack)nowledge receiving message.14:26
bialixGaryvdM: ack14:27
xnoxbialix, I can't find it either =(14:33
xnoxjelmer, please tell us which thread it is =)14:33
bialixxnox: what?14:33
xnoxSorry got the nicks mixed up14:34
bialixjelmer: do you mean this thread: Not a holy war - just some salient facts14:34
* xnox was talking about that =)14:34
jelmerbialix: yeah14:35
bialixjelmer: I don't read it14:35
bialixsaw it14:35
bialixbut don;t read14:36
bialixfolks, beginning of the thread is here http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.mercurial.general/192714:37
bialixsorry, beginning of the thread is here http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.mercurial.general/1927714:38
bialixcopy-paste error14:38
bialixvila: ping14:41
GaryvdMPretty civilized, as for as dvcs discussions go... :-P14:42
vilabialix: pong14:42
bialixvila: I'm a bit confused re hooks14:47
bialixwhat is the best idea to avoid duplicating of hooks?14:48
bialixmaybe I need to check (how&) that some hook is already installed before I'm starting to install it again?14:49
xnoxis there a way to pass hooks together with a branch to someone else? e.g. developer hooks for developers to run on the branch? or shall i just create my custom souce hooks plugin and ask my devs to install it?15:00
vilabialix: I don't understand, why would you install the same hook twice ?15:01
bialixxnox: you have to create plugin15:01
xnoxbialix, ok thanks ;-)15:01
bialixvila: read my recent mail in bzr ML15:01
bialixvila: in short: I want to share some functionality between plugins15:02
vilabialix: hooks can have names, that should allow checking their presence15:05
bialixvila: it seems I've lost in hooks.py15:05
vilabialix: when you can't understand the code anymore, write a test :-D15:06
bialixvila: Hooks class have _callable_names private15:06
bialixvila: there is no public method to check either my name is already registered15:07
bialixso I don't understand the purpose of this names?15:07
vilaHooks is a dict15:08
vilameh, wrong class15:08
bialixHooks have install_named_hook method which I'm talking about15:09
xnoxjelmer, that thread as far as I see died off by itself. It does hurt to read some comments about bzr while some of them are true they are not quite precise. Hg is nice it's a bit gitified for my opinion though. And getting your revision number renumbered just because you pulled some branches in a different order is just plain silly imho15:14
xnoxthey try to make it obvious that: "hg has rev numbers just because we use python and can do easy index lookups using those supplied by the user"15:16
xnoxand then you have ML threads on python: "doh how do we identify builds of the mainline"15:17
vilabialix: what's wrong with get_hook_name ?15:17
bialixvila: it requires callable argument?15:18
bialixso I have to iterate over all callables and check if some of them have interesting name?15:19
vilabialix: I still don't understand what you want, a callable is fine to use to check for uniqness no ?15:19
vilabialix: meh, you know the hook you want to install right ?15:19
bialix2 plugins will have 2 copies of the same callable. so these 2 callables will be different15:20
bialixI don't want to fire the 2 copies of one callable15:20
vilaIf there are 2 different callables neither one will be called twice....15:21
vilaIf you want to have a unique callable... define a single callable15:21
vilaif two plugins are involved, how do you guarantee that the code is the same ?15:21
bialixI can't guarantee of course15:22
bialixbut I can assume this15:22
bialixin my particular case hook store some data in file, and I don't want to store the data twice15:23
vilacheck the data then ?15:24
vilaIME, hooks shouldn't depend on other hooks (not bzr-specific)15:24
bialixI'm agree with you15:25
bialixbut what about plugin depending on other plugin? ;-)15:26
vilayeah, depends is not the correct word, sorry,15:26
bialixor maybe just depends on qbzr always15:26
bialixI think I'm wrong somewhere15:27
vilait's more that hooks shouldn't step on each other toe15:27
bialixI'm just trying to get your feedback15:27
bialixmaybe I need to read book on developing hooks15:28
bialixunfortunately I don't have such book15:28
vilaAt first glance I'd go with a dedicated plugin15:28
vilaMost of my experience with hooks is from emacs (and gtk a bit)15:28
vilathere you can check for the presence of a given hook (a given callable) and insert your own hook in front of the list of at the end15:30
vilabut ISTM you want to *ensure* a hook is present or insert it otherwise, I don't think you want to play tricks with different versions of the same hook managing the exact same data15:31
bialixvila: correct15:32
vila<shudder> nested trees15:32
vilabialix: another alternative you didn't mention is adding support in core...15:33
vilaworth discussing in Brussels at least15:33
bialixadding to core what? my mru-beast?15:34
bialixyes, someone asking for this in the past15:34
vilaxxx around saving commit messages when uncomitting15:35
bialixvila: yep15:35
bialixvila: why <shudder> nested trees?15:35
vilathere are various needs in this area that are addressed (or not) differently by various plugins for various needs15:36
bialixthis area?15:36
bialixwe need to resync15:36
vilayour mru-history plugin could be a nested tree in qbzr while being a plugin on its own15:36
vilaor something15:36
bialixvila: hmm15:37
bialixbut bzr can't load nested plugins15:37
jelmerbialix: lazily importing it?15:37
vilabialix: no, but you could register your hook is the plugin wasn't installed, still the same code15:39
bialixjelmer: import the plugin?15:40
bialixmaybe try-except ImportError15:42
bialixmaybe jelmer right: try to import mru plugin, if it is not installed then register hook from the nested copy15:43
bialixthat's idea15:43
jelmerbialix: lazily import from the plugin15:44
jelmerbialix: when you use it, rather than when your plugin is imported15:44
bialixjelmer: mmm... I need to eliminate duplicating of hooks, I feel I can't do this with lazy import15:45
xnoxjelmer, some of my problems with svn-keywords was that upstream committed expanded keyword as a commit and bzr-svn would shrink it again. Do we need to handle cases like that?15:47
xnoxjelmer, also bzr-svn does it cache "discovering revisions / tags"15:47
xnoxi'm pulling gcc branches it takes for ever to discover tags over 150k of svn commits15:47
cody-somervillejelmer, Can you look at why https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/live-helper/trunk is failing?16:16
jelmerxnox: I'm not sure I understand the problem16:17
jelmerxnox: the keywords aren't stored expanded in the repository16:17
jelmerxnox: it should cache the tagging information; if it doesn't, please file a bug16:17
jelmercody-somerville: one sec16:17
* GaryvdM is adding --preview-using and --preview-format to merge16:19
GaryvdMIs there a way to control the order that options show in help?16:20
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bialixGaryvdM: no, AFAIK16:48
GaryvdMbialix: ok. Not to important16:49
GaryvdMbialix: now working on bzr merge --preview-format qdiff :-)16:50
* bialix dogfooding commit-history. feels happy16:51
GaryvdMJelmer made some changes which makes it eaiser :-)16:51
bialixGaryvdM: I'm using colo all the time16:52
bialixmaybe we should provides some colo-specific branch manager in qbzr?16:52
bialixthere is some q-commands in colo itself16:52
jelmercody-somerville: hmm16:53
bialixwill be nice to have more richier16:53
jelmercody-somerville: the issue is in what we use as the default branch16:53
jelmercody-somerville: we used to just use HEAD, but that didn't work for all branches so we switched to refs/heads/master. Arguments can be made for both.16:53
jelmercody-somerville: the proper fix here is to use the colocated branch support but that hasn't landed yet.17:01
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blueyedHow can I rewind to a previous revision, before e.g. some merge? "revert -r" helps, but when reverting local changes via "revert", I'm back at the tip of the branch..17:57
xnoxblueyed, if you want to throw away those commits you can do $ bzr uncommit18:01
xnoxif you need to do something useful with the past commit do18:01
xnox$ bzr branch -r$rev_spec_before_merge branch_current/  snapshot_old/18:02
blueyedxnox: thanks. I'm not sure.. I got them via "pull" - or rather "rebase", which fell back to pull.18:02
blueyedCan I uncommit, but then pull/merge again?18:02
xnoxblueyed, why do you want to go back?18:03
blueyedI want to merge another branch, but rebase the commits in the same step18:03
xnoxbranch off the commit you want as I showed above. Redo merge and use that branch for rebasing18:03
xnox"redo merge" means "do any merge you want" and then rebase that new branch as you want18:04
blueyedshouldn't uncommit -r $BEFORE and then retrying from there work the same way? and more easily?18:04
blueyedHow do I merge a forked off branch, but rebasing on the go? (doing "bzr rebase $derived" will use pull instead)18:07
blueyedvia --force or something like that?18:07
blueyedor "merge && rebase --pending-merges"?18:08
blueyedwell, "bzr rebase --pending-merges" says "No revisions to rebase."18:09
blueyedxnox: I18:11
blueyed'm lost.. any further hints.18:11
xnoxblueyed, ok18:11
xnoxwhat's the branch name which has this merge pulled in?18:11
blueyedgiven I've uncommitted, what to do to merge a branch, but rebase it.18:11
blueyedI've uncommitted. back to the start.18:11
blueyedthe remote branch is via sftp18:11
xnoxso you can regrab what you have just uncommitted? (checking to make sure we didn't mess up)18:12
xnoxwhat do you want to rebase onto what?18:12
xnoxdo you want your branch to be on top of the sftp one or the other way around?18:13
blueyedI have my "master", and have branched from there into "sftp".. Now I want to get "sftp" into master, but rebased.18:13
xnoxright do this18:13
xnox$ bzr branch sftp branch-sftp18:14
xnoxso you have a local branch which is what you have on sftp18:14
xnoxcd branch-sftp18:14
xnoxbzr rebase master18:14
xnoxthis way all changes in sftp will appear as if you made them after getting everything from master (your history will be linear)18:15
xnoxdoes this get you what you want?18:15
blueyedxnox: well.. I prolly misunderstood rebasing then (in this case): they are already linear (I've not changed master after branching sftp from it). I just want to redo the commits.18:16
blueyedit's different from git rebase then apparently18:16
blueyedcurrent procedure says "No revisions to rebase."18:16
xnoxok if you want to redo commits. do get back to the start of the commits you want to change.18:17
xnoxfor example $ bzr branch master -r-2018:17
xnox$ bzr branch master -r-20 rework18:17
xnoxthis will put you back 20 revision for example18:18
xnoxthen in rework you can either commit new stuff or pull new stuff18:18
xnoxfor example18:18
xnox$ bzr merge master -r-20..-1918:18
xnox$ bzr merge master -r-20..-19 --force18:19
blueyedwell.. I'd rather like to pull the sftp branch, then rebase anything since -r-20, the commit and push. is this possible?18:19
blueyedalso, "bzr branch master -r-20 rework" is the same as "uncommit -r-20" prolly, isn't it?18:19
xnoxyes it is18:20
xnoxonce you are at that old point18:20
blueyedI am - via uncommit.18:20
jam /who xnox18:20
jambtw, hi :)18:21
xnoxso merge only those revisions you want18:21
xnoxe.g. $ bzr merge sftp -r-20..-1018:21
xnoxor something like that18:21
blueyedok. I see. I uncommit, then merge each revision by hand, and commit..18:21
xnoxblueyed, yeap then you will have different history from master18:21
blueyedseems like git rebase is far more advanced and not the same as bzr rebase.18:22
blueyedxnox: no. I uncommit and recommit in master.18:22
blueyedmaster has not been pushed yet, so no problem.18:22
xnoxblueyed, you can do everything in bzr rebase what you can do in git rebase18:22
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blueyedjust not very convenient for ~20 revisions18:22
xnoxblueyed, $ bzr merge -r-20..-118:22
xnoxwill merge all 20 revisions18:23
blueyedsure.. but with the same time and same commit message.18:23
xnoxblueyed so what do you want to change18:23
xnoxsorry I'm confused18:23
xnoxfor example master is18:23
blueyedmostly timestamps18:23
blueyed(and group some commits)18:23
blueyedIIRC "git rebase -i" allows you to squish/squash single commits.18:24
xnoxwell for that you will need to do $ bzr merge -r-20-19      <- to change timestamp of one revision18:24
xnoxand to squish you would do $ bzr merge -r-19..-1518:25
blueyednot only merge, but also commit. two commands per revision.18:25
xnoxI was about to write that --interactive is the only killer bit in git rebase ;-)18:25
xnoxblueyed, that's by design ;-)18:25
blueyedso :) - not the same :D18:25
xnoxgenerally bzr strongly discourages rewrites of the history18:25
blueyedI see :P18:26
xnoxblueyed, you can get away from rewriting in your case actually18:26
xnoxeg. $ bzr merge . -r-1..-2018:26
xnoxthis will create a merge which undoes previous 20 commits while keeping history linear18:26
xnoxbut this will look a bit messy in the $ bzr log =) if you are perfectionist18:27
xnoxjam, hi wassup?18:27
blueyedyou mean "merge ." after "pull"?18:27
jamnothing, just seeing who was talking18:27
jamI didn't recognize your nick18:27
xnoxblueyed, yeap "merge . -r-1..-20" will merge commits from the current branch in reverse order meaning undoing them18:29
xnoxso if you really don't like commit 718:29
xnoxyou can do $ bzr merge . -r7..618:29
blueyedI see. sure. but I like 99% of those 20 commits.18:29
xnoxso undo just one of them18:30
xnoxthe once you don't like18:30
xnoxso take your sftp branch and reverse-merge those you don't like ;-)18:30
blueyedI start from uncommit anyway. they are quite separate already. I do not squash them into less than 15 commits on master.18:30
blueyedYes, I've understood that I have to merge by hand.. ^^18:31
blueyedreally messy though.18:31
xnoxblueyed, good =) hope this helped a little bit18:31
xnoxblueyed, how did you get to this state?18:31
blueyedsure. thanks for your help, xnox18:31
blueyedbranched off and developed. should be quite common ^^18:31
xnoxcause sometimes I do a trick of developing on one branch and then going to a fresh master and instead of merging I just bluntly copy the whole dir from the states I like and commit that18:32
blueyedIt's just that I want to rewrite history and bzr makes this far too difficult.18:32
xnoxquicker then bothering with rewrite18:32
blueyedsure. but then you have it all in one commit.18:32
blueyedit's about ~1518:32
xnoxblueyed, also look into bzr-pipeline plugin which helps with refactoring work into commits18:33
dashsome people use bzr because they feel that rewriting history is morally suspect ;-)18:33
xnoxblueyed,  I think you will have easier time with bzr-pipeline plugin18:33
blueyedi've looked at pipeline already, also loom (the same?). too difficult.18:33
blueyedok, thanks, will look at it again18:34
xnoxblueyed, pipeline is simple imho18:34
xnoxcreate pipes as in master -> what-you-want-in-commit-1 -> what-you-want-in-commit-2 etc18:35
xnoxand each of those is a separate branch refactor them as you like18:35
xnoxand then just do $ bzr pipe-patches which will give you patch series that you can cleanly apply onto master18:35
* blueyed already has a bash script to merge commits with markers in the log message to some CVS repo (real trunk) and feels to need this kind of manual merging for bzr, too.. :/18:36
blueyedxnox: sounds like pipeline does not rewrite history, too?!18:36
xnoxblueyed, it uses merges. But if you export it as patches & commit them as if you are commiting a real patch you are rewriting history18:37
xnoxcommit patches to the star-point you rewrote history18:37
xnoxblueyed, http://how-bazaar.blogspot.com/2009/07/breaking-up-work-for-reivew.html18:38
xnoxhere is the link on how-to rewrite history with pipelines18:39
xnoxit uses shelve, uncommit, merge to create refactored history such that it is easy to review changes18:39
blueyedcan we have "bzr subject -r $foo"? :)19:10
blueyedhow do I get only the commit message of a commit?19:10
blueyedstarting point "log --short"19:11
icebrainhi! I couldn't find out how to get all the revisions that changed the line L in file F, can you help me?19:38
icebrainI've googled for it, but I've only found out how to do it in code19:39
beunoicebrain, I don't think you can do that from the client19:39
icebrainbeuno: really? oh... ok. thanks anyway19:39
cr3I tried to bzr tag --delete a bunch of tags and then push my changes, but they still seem to appear when I pull from the same branch21:17
IslandUsurperusing bzr-git, can I merge in changes from a specific branch, or do I have to import them all first, and merge in the particular directory?21:18
NfNitLoopcr3: I think tags are always copied, never removed, when  you push/pull branches.21:19
NfNitLoopcr3: so you may need to remove them from both branches.21:19
cr3NfNitLoop: so maybe I need to delete the branch on the server and push again without the tags :(21:22
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
maxbcr3: I believe a push --overwrite might work. But be really sure you don't accidentally overwrite non-tag stuff you wanted to keeP!21:24
cr3maxb: I'm not sure what non-tag stuff there might be though, got any examples?21:25
cr3lifeless: top of the morning21:25
maxbJust revisions, I *think*, but I didn't want to be guilty of suggesting push --overwrite without a strong caution21:26
NfNitLoopmaxb: if he's just going to delete it anyway... what could push --overwrite overwrite that he wan't going to delete?21:31
NfNitLoopunless push --overwrite is short for rm -rf /21:31
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tetsuo--how can i revert my working tree?21:51
tetsuo--all the commands seem to be failing21:51
rubbstetsuo--: have you tried bzr revert?21:54
tetsuo--yeah it fails miserably21:54
rubbshow does it fail?21:54
tetsuo--but i think i know why, the parent is my svn repository21:55
tetsuo--so i'm making a new one with the bzr repository as a parent21:55
rubbsthat is recommended ;)21:55
tetsuo--yeah it makes sense21:55
tetsuo--i can still import revisions from svn21:55
rubbsthe repo that has the svn parent should always be a mirror of the svn. then you branch from that.21:55
rubbswell, I'm off work and heading home. if you have more questions, there are plenty of awesome people here to help, just keep asking away.21:56
rubbsnp. hope that solves your problem.21:56
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
dutchieis there a way to do something similar to git add -p, where you can commit some of the changes in the working directory in bzr?23:01
LeoNerdbzr ci names of files23:02
LeoNerdWill commit all the changes in just those files23:02
dutchiewhat about only some of the changes in those files?23:02
LeoNerdFor more fine-grained control, what I do is use bzr shelve to take out the changes I don't want to commit, commit the rest, then unshelve it back in23:02
dutchieah, ok23:03
LeoNerdI believe there may be a selective commit plugin but I don't happen to know its name23:03
dutchiehmm, bzr shelve doesn't seem to want to let me split diffs23:06
jelmerdutchie: no, I don't think it supports splitting hunks23:07
dutchieis there anything that does?23:07
Kilroomerge -i does, doesn't it?23:09
Kilroo...I mention it because it's the only thing I can think of, more than because I think it might be useful...23:09
xnoxLeoNerd, i believe it is interractive plugin which enables interactivy for a few commands23:14
fullermdAt one point there was a 'record' plugin I think, after darcs.23:16

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