
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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LeeJunFanMy composite effects in lucid are unselectable in kde, however running 'KWIN_COMPOSE=O kwin --replace &' gets kwin to start with compositing. I still cant configure any in systemsettings though. Any ideas? running fglrx btw from ubuntu repos.00:46
jjesseshipit.kubuntu.org has an invalid security certificate, who does that get reported to?00:53
Riddelljjesse: works ok in rekonq00:56
Riddellwhat browser are you using?00:56
jjessefirefox throws an error for me00:57
Riddellfirefox fine here too00:57
jjesseasked me if i wanted to confirm the exception00:57
valorieworks fine for me in FF00:58
valorieand chromium00:58
valorieand konq00:58
Riddelljjesse: maybe your ISP is doing a man in the middle attack and so they can change your details and redirect the precious Kubuntu CD for themselves!00:58
jjessewill blame the hotel for that00:59
valorieyou have evil overlords00:59
Riddelljjesse: serial No 04:56:15:E6:F6:62:AF00:59
jjesseis that supposed to be my mac?01:00
Riddelljjesse: no it's the SSL certificate's serial No01:01
jjesseyup that's the one i got01:02
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DaskreechI think that starting kopete on the Live CD kicks off Akonadi and nepomuk01:22
DaskreechHi JontheEchidna01:23
Daskreechnixternal: ping01:23
DarkwingDucknixternal: pong01:38
* ScottK waves from California.03:45
ScottKMy Kubuntu CD didn't make it here.  I gave it to the guy sitting next to me on the plane. He thought my Kubuntu laptop looked really interesting.03:45
macoScottK: my kubuntu cds never make it to my destination when i travel04:03
macoapachelogger: so i did what userbase said and uncommented the sql mode thingy. that didnt fix it. so then it says try recommenting that and uncommenting a different sql mode thingy.  that made akonadi crash and spit stack trace and kontact run in the background with no gui (very confusing)04:04
macogetting notifications of new mail while not having a kontact window open is weird04:04
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ScottKrgreening: testdrive should work with usb-creator-kde now too.05:53
rgreening__ScottK: cool06:01
ScottKWe are not alone: http://cazou.blogspot.com/2010/04/google-summer-of-code-2010.html06:09
apacheloggerScottK, Riddell: we probably should SRU kdepimlibs and raise the self-test timeout to 5 minutes08:09
apacheloggerthen again 5 minutes is a long time if startup failed for real08:10
apacheloggerif your kontact takes 5 minutes to start one must consider it broken anyway IMHO08:10
Riddellapachelogger: what is it a timeout for? waiting for akonadi to start?09:04
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah09:05
Riddellapachelogger: and that'll work around my issue of it not starting first time?09:09
apacheloggerRiddell: no, for you something else is broken09:10
apacheloggerbut I have a feeling that a lot of the agents-missing-complaints are due to too short timeout09:10
apacheloggere.g. netbook + not properly terminated database = start > 1 minute09:11
apacheloggerespecially if it is also restoring the previous session09:11
Riddell~identia dent Plasma Desktop Scripting session in #plasma today 16:00UTC10:43
Riddellkubotu: don't you dent for me?10:44
Riddell~identica dent Plasma Desktop Scripting session in #plasma today 16:00UTC10:44
kubotustatus updated10:44
Riddellthat'll be it10:45
apacheloggerseems I am not following Riddell :|11:28
Riddell~identica dent Kubuntu 10.04 LTS candidate images appearing, testers needed, come to #kubuntu-devel11:33
kubotustatus updated11:33
Riddelltwo microblogs in a day, must be a record11:33
apacheloggerRiddell: you really need to use !Kubuntu to gain more coverage11:41
Riddellhmm, this technology stuff is comfusing11:45
Riddell~identica dent Kubuntu 10.04 LTS candidate images appearing, testers needed, come to #kubuntu-devel !kubuntu11:45
kubotustatus updated11:45
keffie_jayxthat was niffty11:47
keffie_jayxI am here, I am downloading the iso now, is there a test sheet?11:48
apacheloggerRiddell: since the message length is restircted, microblogging comes up with 'simplified' tagging ... #foo will tag the message as foo, !foo will post the message to the group foo (considering there is one)11:52
apacheloggerRiddell: group: http://identi.ca/group/identica vs tag: http://identi.ca/tag/identica ... I recently tagged a message as identica, I did however not post it to the group11:53
apacheloggerwhereas I did post it to the kubuntu group11:53
apacheloggerand to make it ultimately confusing !foo implies #foo ;)11:54
RiddellI think I'll just post this macroblog :)11:54
apacheloggergroup posts http://identi.ca/group/kubuntu always appear as tags http://identi.ca/tag/kubuntu too11:54
apacheloggerRiddell: hehe11:55
apacheloggerkeffie_jayx: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all11:56
JontheEchidnaSo I got LibQApt to intall things, but it seems to only install one dep per go :S12:17
JontheEchidnae.g. when installing  kpat, on the first try it got libkdegames5, the second got kdegames-card-data, and the third try it installed kpat12:18
JontheEchidnawill have to figure out that one after class. ;)12:21
jussido we really ship with only one screensaver? (the blank screen one?)12:33
persiascreensavers aren't useful for most folks these days.  It's harder and harder to purchase a CRT.12:36
persiaAnyway, even for CRT, blank screen is the most efficient at reducing phosphor etching.12:36
davmor2Riddell: netbook why if I go to page one and then back to the main screen is the app I opened not there?12:48
Riddelldavmor2: the netbook UI isn't a desktop, you can alt-tab to it like any other window13:14
Riddellif you click page one the netbook UI will be infront of other windows13:15
Riddelldesktop images are up, go go ISO testers!13:23
txwikingerRiddell: cool13:27
davmor2Riddell: Yeah I figure that bit out ta :)13:41
shadeslayerbah.. gwibber should really be replaced by a better GUI... choqok definitely handles everything more efficiently13:44
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
macoshadeslayer: except for the memory leaks ;-)13:59
shadeslayermaco: i think those are plugged in the git version14:00
macooh yay14:00
shadeslayerits using 4 MB right now :P14:00
macowow i need to get that version. the 100-something mb version is annoying14:00
shadeslayer40 MB14:00
shadeslayermaco: its in my PPA :)14:01
shadeslayeralthough PPA's are very very slow right now14:01
shadeslayerX is leaking like hell though here14:02
* apachelogger is pushing a monster git repo around14:07
Riddellapachelogger: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/n3uaX20X fresh install new /home addressbook not happy on first kontact start14:08
apacheloggerI do hate it in so many ways14:10
apacheloggerRiddell: did it take about one minute for the error dialog to pop up?14:11
claydohshould we use update-notifier-kde -d or update-manager -d -c as per the iso testing page instructions?14:11
Riddellno error dialogue popped up apachelogger I had to look at the address book in kontact to see the error14:11
* claydoh knows the answer to this one :)14:11
Riddellupdate-notifier-kde -d14:12
shadeslayerclaydoh: hehe..14:12
apacheloggerthat is weird14:12
* apachelogger thinks that no error means that the startup loop returned within the timeout14:12
apacheloggerwhich makes one wonder why it failed to find resource agents14:12
claydohwo to contact on fixing that in the testing pages for Kubuntu?14:12
* apachelogger zsyncs daily-live14:13
claydohapachelogger:  Riddell: that akonadi error is what  a lot of folks are getting ( me as well)14:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: same error log here too :P14:17
apacheloggerI'll make sure to give krake a spanking next time I see him :P14:17
shadeslayeralthough after 3 tries it starts \o/14:17
claydohok now the wsting page has a link to the Hardy upgrades page lol14:20
claydoherr the upgrade instructions that is14:20
shadeslayerclaydoh: i guess you should wait a while then :P14:20
claydohno, upgrading *to* hardy :)14:21
claydohoooh I can edit it!14:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw theres a bug about kde crashing while logging out14:35
shadeslayeralso crashes on shutdowns and reboots...14:35
shadeslayercan you have a look?14:36
david_the installer timezone screen detects the correct timezone for me (eastern) in the map, but shows alaska in the box...is this a known bug?14:39
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
shadeslayeris there a way to stop kpk from checking for updates daily? the GUI method doesnt work...14:50
Riddelldo it from software-properties-kde14:52
shadeslayerRiddell: i want to add more info to : https://edge.launchpad.net/rekonq : how do i do that?14:55
shadeslayerlike link the git repo,add a tarball link...14:56
tsimpsonshadeslayer: click the "Change details" button?14:56
shadeslayertsimpson: no such button here :P14:56
tsimpsondo you own the project?14:57
shadeslayertsimpson: no14:57
tsimpsonwell, there's your problem ;)14:57
tsimpsononly someone who owns it or is a driver can do that iirc14:57
shadeslayerhehe :)... should i contact the owner?14:57
shadeslayerwell.. https://edge.launchpad.net/~schmirrwurst has no email address :P14:58
tsimpsonthere should be a "contact this user" button14:58
shadeslayeryeah im using that :)14:58
tsimpsontop right14:58
shadeslayertsimpson: i can see it :P14:59
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shadeslayerRiddell: software-properties-kde does not respect my settings15:04
Riddellfreeflying: are you coming to UDS?15:08
freeflyingRiddell: no, my visa application was declined by Belgium15:10
Riddellsmelly Belgiums, how can you decline a visa when you don't even have a government!15:11
alvinfreeflying: Declined?15:12
freeflyingalvin: yes, without any reason15:12
ulysseshello guys15:12
alvinUnbelievable. We are used to not having a government, but declining visas?15:12
freeflyingalvin: we even appealed, but no reply :)15:13
alvinI didn't know you even needed that.15:13
freeflyingalvin: yes, I need it15:13
alvinYes, administration is lazy. Actually, one of the biggest discussions in politics is the immigration rate. Declining visas for a simple travel is something new.15:14
freeflyingalvin: yup, its the first time of mine application been declined :P15:15
alvinfreeflying: Where are you from?15:15
freeflyingalvin: cost me 3 weeks to know the result15:15
freeflyingalvin: China15:15
alvinReally weird. I'll take a look.15:16
freeflyingalvin: the other funnest thing is, other two colleagues of mine got their visas with the same set of documents15:16
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alvinSo, you got nothing, but they did?15:17
alvinfreeflying: Did you use this link: http://diplomatie.belgium.be/en/services/travel_to_belgium/visa_for_belgium/visa_needed/15:19
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=== shadeslayer is now known as Guest23574
shtylmanRiddell: we need some automated testing for the installer :)15:20
=== Guest23574 is now known as shadeslayer
alvinfreeflying: If you like, I can call the immigration service who handles this.15:21
Riddellshtylman: yes that would be nice, there was something about that at the last canonical meeting but I don't remember what now15:21
freeflyingalvin: that would be great15:21
freeflyingalvin: really appreciate15:21
alvinDo you have some number or information you can give me about your application?15:22
freeflyingalvin: hold on plz15:23
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
ScottKapachelogger: Is there somewhere I can adjust the Akonadi timeout by hand to try it and see?15:28
pawel__hi, Amarok doesn't close sometimes when right clicking the tray icon and choosing quit15:36
pawel__I have to use File → quite15:37
pawel__btw. thanks for getting rid of few annoying bugs in Amarok :)15:38
shtylmanRiddell: do we have an svg of the logo as it is now?15:39
shtylmanI would like to fix it15:39
shtylmanfor future use..15:40
shtylmanthe center circle needs to be cleaned up a bit15:40
shtylmanthe center circle needs to be cleaned up a bit15:40
ulyssesshtylman: Is this it? http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/kubuntu-new-logo.svg15:44
shtylmanindeed...I think it is :)15:44
shtylmanulysses: actually... thats the old one15:46
shtylmanim looking for the newest one with the right text and all15:47
Riddellshtylman: KubuntuArtwork wiki page15:52
shtylmanRiddell: thanks15:52
shtylmanRiddell: check your emails and compare :015:58
claydohw00t! upgrade was flawless, even fglrx and boxee survived :)16:05
shtylmansebas: ping16:06
shadeslayer_is there a way to get apt download multiple debs at the same time?16:11
shadeslayer_it isnt doing that right now...16:11
david_the installer timezone screen detects the correct timezone for me (eastern) in the map, but shows alaska in the box...is this a known bug?16:16
bipolarIs anyone else using Kontact with a Kolab server? Is it working ok for you?16:16
bipolarI'm experiencing severe lag adding contacts, and thats as far as I've gotten in testing.16:17
RiddellPlasma Desktop Scripting session in #plasma in 5 minutes16:56
Riddellapachelogger, lex79: one now ^^17:01
Riddellon now17:01
lex79ok :)17:01
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shtylmanRiddell: do you use kvm to test the installer? or something else?18:24
neversfeldeso seems that I cannot become a MOTU, because I only package KDE related things. I most honestly say, that I can't follow this argumentation, because we have a lot of MOTUs, that do only KDE packaging :(18:33
neversfeldecan someone point me to the process of becoming a kubuntu-dev?18:33
lex79 neversfelde who say that you can't become motu?18:35
neversfeldelex79: the developer membership board said that I should better become a kubuntu-dev18:36
JontheEchidnawell given that there are 110 KDE packages in universe...18:43
JontheEchidnaunless kubuntu-dev gets those too18:43
JontheEchidnaScottK: ^thoughts?18:44
nixternalneversfelde: never said you can't become a MOTU, just said it seemed from looking at your packages, the kubuntu dev would fit you better18:45
JontheEchidnakubuntu-dev doesn't have kde-packages-in-universe, though18:45
JontheEchidnaas it stands, a kubuntu-dev can only upload a quarter of what it needs to on its own (without motu/core-dev)18:47
neversfeldenixternal: I did not understand correctly then, probably I should have a look at this tomorrow again. I am a little bit dissappointed at the moment. This was waste of time today :(18:47
JontheEchidnae.g. half of kde-related main, and then none of kde universe. (which is roughly equal to the amount of packages in main)18:48
JontheEchidnakubuntu-dev is a joke, basically18:49
nixternalJontheEchidna: what has been done to get that fixed?18:52
lex79JontheEchidna: a joke...agree, I don't care become kubuntu-dev for that18:52
JontheEchidnanixternal: cjwatson said he'd look at things at least for Main packages18:52
JontheEchidnanixternal: back when we had my core-dev app discussed18:53
JontheEchidnabut until it's fixed I don't think the DMB can really recommend kubuntu-dev at all without looking really silly18:53
lex79agree again :)18:54
neversfeldeso back to business :)18:54
nixternalneversfelde: i wouldn't worry, you have the skills and proof to become either a core-dev, motu, or kubuntu-dev18:54
neversfeldebulldog98 volunteered to help us packaging 4.4.3, how can we manage this?18:55
jjesseis today's daily the one we are supposed to be testing for RC?19:26
JontheEchidnaI believe we're testing the final CDs now19:28
ulyssesIt's the final:) https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2010-April/004352.html19:30
dpmhi all, could someone comment on bug 550707? It seems that either the language packs are not being downloaded with a network installation, or the locale not being properly set, but I don't quite understand the packages involved or how this works in Kubuntu19:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550707 in ubiquity "Ubuntu and Kubuntu installation include download of additional language-packages after install completed" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55070719:40
JontheEchidnaIt looks like he wants to get the langpacks downloaded while ubiquity is copying over the files, instead of after19:42
JontheEchidnaor maybe he's saying that language-selector is installing language support, but then complaining about incomplete language support?19:44
dpmJontheEchidna, thanks for commenting. My guess is that language packs get installed for his language after having selected it in the installer, but he might have to explicitly go to Regional Settings to "activate" the language, I'm not sure20:06
dpmanyway, need to go now, have a great evening everyone!20:07
vandenoeverwhat's the time until the lucid release? i just downloaded the RC and wonder how long till the installed system can be upgraded to a real lucid20:08
ulyssesLucid will be released on 29th April, only two days)20:09
vandenoeverulysses: so the RC is unlikely to change then?20:11
ulyssesvandenoever: I think not really20:12
apacheloggerI didnt even need to triage bug 37514520:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375145 in ubuntuone-client "Ubuntu One should have a KDE client" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37514520:14
* apachelogger just droped in from a 4 hour hci meeting -.-20:14
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macojussi: how long does it normally take you to sync to the quassel core?20:44
* ulysses is from Lucid amd6421:07
vandenoevergreetings from a fresh kubuntu lucid21:44
vandenoeverinstall was relatively smooth21:45
vandenoevermain problem was that my old install (jaunty) was not detected and that my crypto home drive was not detected21:45
macoanyone else see this lovely change today? left clicking kmix does nothing, and right clicking then hitting mute checks the checkbox but doesnt change the icon in the tray?22:30
vandenoeverhmm, ooo is already oracle branded in lucid22:30
JontheEchidnamaco: works for me (tm)22:31
JontheEchidnasounds like a dead tray icon though22:32
* ulysses also22:32
macohmm yeah right click -> mute checked the checkbox but didnt actually mute it22:32
ulyssesI can't open the Settings in Kopete, it hangs on every time, I should kill it22:38
ulyssesI found the bugreport: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22768122:49
ubottuKDE bug 227681 in general "Settings->Configure shows a blank window with nothing in it, and causes Kopete to hang " [Crash,Unconfirmed]22:49
ulyssesgood night people22:52

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