
workspacethat's a good idea.00:00
dmhouseNope, the GTK+ widget style definitely isn't persisting between sessions. Any idea how to fix this?00:00
workspaceok setup is going well. just like an old,old unix shell.00:09
=== luke is now known as Guest60102
apparlein apt-get the autoremove does purging or removing00:10
Typos_King.... can't say hehe00:10
=== vit is now known as MARYCARMEN
dmhouseHmm. When I change the GTK style in GTK+ Appearance in kcm, it writes a file ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4, whose contents look sensible. However this file gets deleted when I log out and log back in again, causing the style not to persist00:13
Typos_Kingapparle:   based on the man pages, it just does a 'remove'00:13
apparleTypos_King: so there must be an autopurge also?00:13
Typos_Kingthere is't one00:14
Typos_KingI just saw an 'autoclean'00:14
Typos_Kingwhich just flushes the .deb in the archives00:15
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:15
=== truk is now known as kurticke
ncfi1013_i am having problems putting songs on my ipod00:23
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workspaceendless installing of random stuff.00:34
workspacefun, fun.00:34
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mamefanwhere can I get some help with kopete?00:43
Typos_Kingmamefan:   sorry, I don't use it00:47
Typos_Kingmamefan:  maybe there's a kopete channel though00:47
rwwIs there a webcam program (like Cheese for GTK) for Kubuntu?00:58
Squidy_here there.. are there other mirrors that I can download the release candidate of 10.04? The main link is too slow here...01:02
Typos_Kingwhy not just wait 3 more days? :P01:04
Typos_King and get the full-monty01:04
Typos_King2 days rather01:04
Squidy_Typos_King: heh.. I think the RC will be the final release.. or not?01:05
Typos_King2 days?   are you going to die in 2days?  :P01:06
Squidy_Typos_King: I don't Know.. anybody knows about that.. :-P01:07
ncfi1013_man ive tried everything. can someone please tell me a very easy simple way to sync my ipod?01:09
ncfi1013_ all im hearing is that ipod support in linux is a cinch but im having no luck. can somebody please help me?01:10
ncfi1013_ i know u guys dont want to hear this but i am seriously considering switching back to windows considering the problems ive been havin01:10
Typos_Kingncfi1013_:    not having an ipod myself.. hehhe, can't say much, I do have an mp3 player, a few minutes ago I move around some files and added some, with np ^_^01:11
eradiatehi guys, i have kbuntu installed but am having a hard time trying to find out where the iptable rules are saved01:40
eradiateany hints?01:40
Typos_Kingiptable rules are can't say.... I've bothered... you can use something like ..01:44
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.01:44
Typos_Kingthere's also a Kmyfirewall too01:45
Typos_Kingguarddog interface isn't so bad either01:45
eradiateyeah i don't know but at some stage during the start up the rules are getting added01:55
eradiateufw isn't enabled01:55
eradiateand i'm not using any other fw mgmt tools01:55
eradiateat least i don't think01:55
Typos_Kingeradiate:     I never checked where the rules are stored, but the firewalling in linux is built-in the kernel, is not a separate app or anything01:57
eradiateTypos_King: well netfilter is built into the kernel, but the iptable rules that gets loaded has to be somewhere right01:58
eradiateand everytime i reboot, the rules automagically gets loaded01:59
eradiatebut eehhhhh i'm not sure where01:59
eradiateanyone here familiar with kvm02:01
avihayI've used KVM  a bit, got tired of it, and started useing openbox02:01
avihayerr,, virtualbox02:02
ErodJust put your rules in a script and load that on startup?02:03
eradiatei can .. but i'm bothered by why i can't find the one that it's using to load itup02:04
eradiatei mean by default does kubuntu come with a preset of rules ?02:04
eradiatedefined somewhere02:04
fortunevAfter upgrading to Lucid, my ctrl capslock swap is not working from Regional Settings. Any ideas how to fix this?02:06
ErodEverything is allowed by default I think. So no specific rules would be used.02:07
fortunevhlo Sicko02:07
Sick0fMyselfhelo there02:07
Sick0fMyselfim new in this channel02:08
Sick0fMyselfits nice to be here02:08
fortunevbut aweful to be you :)02:08
Sick0fMyselfi know its sad02:09
fortunevabout the ctrl capslock swap, the check box is selected to do this, but it does not seem to be working.02:10
fortunevSick0fMyself: The good news is that as soon as you change channels, you can be someone else!!!02:11
fortunevsomeone less sickening02:11
fortunevbut you better register on freenode first!02:13
fortunevyour other self that is.02:13
fortunev...anyway, any clues as to why the CTRL Capslock swap is not working. Could this be a bug. Could someone try this to see if they can do it on their system?02:14
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Guest60262alguem ae?02:35
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=== tek is now known as Teknical
Teknicalcan anyone tell me how to change the bright pink clicked link color in konqueror?02:44
terabreakerHay, does anyone have Limewire install on the Kubuntu 10.04 LTS RC?02:47
Piciterabreaker : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.02:49
terabreakerOh okay02:49
fortunevWould anyone be willing to help me verify a bug?02:49
txwikinger!ask | fortunev02:50
ubottufortunev: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:50
Teknicalcan anyone tell me how to change the bright pink clicked link color in konqueror?02:51
fortunevI would like to test if the Ctrl Caps Lock swap is working in 10.04. It seems to be broken on my install. Has anyone gotten this to work on their 10.04?02:53
txwikingerTeknical: you can create a different stylesheet and configure it under appearance02:53
Squidy_hey there.. after a upgrade to lucid, the opengl + intel stopped to work.. the composite only work (half) with XRender..02:53
Squidy_is there any bug in mesa 7.7.1 with intel gpu?02:53
txwikingerfortunev: ctrl caps lock swap?02:54
txwikingerSquidy_: Did you search on LP for such a bug?02:54
Squidy_txwikinger: i`ve searched.. but I haven't found...02:56
fortunevtxwikinger: Under Settings > Regional Settings > Keyboard > Advanced Tab. There is an option to swap the Caps Lock Key and the Ctrl key. It seems to be broken on my install, but was hoping someone else could give it a shot.02:56
txwikingerDon't see the ctrl caps swap... but the esc caps swap works02:59
philcan someone answer a flash question with my video card03:00
philwhen i play a youtube video its really choppy03:00
phili have the driver installed [recommended] in hardware drivers03:00
philany one know why it would still be choppy??03:00
FloodBotK2phil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:00
fortunevtxwikinger: Its way down under "-Ctrl key position"03:00
philcan someome whisper me whos really smart with video drivers03:01
phili have a question03:01
fortunevphil: The irc god is gona roast you03:01
philthats bad :P03:02
fortunevJust ask03:02
philk when i play videos it lags and is really choppy03:02
fortunevphil: cause it takes one to know one :)03:02
phili have the recomended driver installed03:02
philand it still is choppy03:02
philkubuntu 9.0403:02
philany ideas?03:02
txwikingerfortunev: works03:03
txwikingercheck the system monitor03:03
philand look for what ?03:03
txwikingermight be cpu shortage, memory or i/o03:04
phili have a 2.53 ghz and 1.5 gb ram03:04
fortunevtxwikinger: Arrrgggg.... thanks.03:04
txwikingerwell.. how much other stuff are you running03:04
philkopete and kde wallet :P03:04
txwikingerdo you play the video from dvd?03:05
philand nhl.com03:05
txwikingerwell.. that could be latencies in the network also03:06
txwikingerspecially nhl should be overloaded atm03:06
philmy XPlaptop works no lag tho : /03:06
txwikingerwell.. I would look at the system monitoring03:07
txwikingermaybe you see something hogging too much resources03:07
philgah sorry03:11
philplasma is taking %03:11
philany ideas lol03:13
txwikingerwell.. that seems to be the issue03:14
phili ended it and my whole screen went black :)03:15
txwikingerwell.. plasma runs the desktop03:15
philyeah :P03:16
philsurprisingly kubuntu uses more ram and stuff then my ubuntu did :P03:16
philyeah i cant even click the goals03:16
philon nhl03:17
philso how do i find out why plasma is taking up 100%03:22
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Sa[i]nThow do you make your grub show in 10.04?03:36
rwwSa[i]nT: hold down shift03:37
rwwSa[i]nT: and btw, Lucid/10.04 discussion and support goes in #ubuntu+1, even for Kubuntu 10.04.03:37
Sa[i]nTall i needed to know was how to show my grub03:38
Sa[i]nTand it wrked and fixed my problem03:39
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williballenthinhow can i block the notifications by kopete for when my contacts log in and out, yet retain the new message notifications?04:06
williballenthinim on kubuntu 10.04 RC, btw04:06
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Guest77692anyone know how to fix a broken package source in ubuntu?04:29
demismis there a way to convert ubuntu into debian through repos and other means?05:18
claydohdemism: not really, iirc. there are just enough differences to make it a lot of trouble05:21
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askhaderMy system only seems to be able to find my root filesystem one in every four or five boots. Any ideas why this is?05:42
Guest38142not sure05:44
vivek_Hii all.. what is this nepomuk stuff all about.. have googled a lot about it... read lot of articles but just dont seem to understand ,all I get to know is that it makes searching easier on your computer.. but then was searching for something on your system ever tough05:55
vivek_Hii all.. what is this nepomuk stuff all about.. have googled a lot about it... read lot of articles but just dont seem to understand ,all I get to know is that it makes searching easier on your computer.. but then was searching for something on your system ever tough06:23
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Mamarokvivek_: it allows you to search by tags, not only file names and content06:37
vivek_Mamarok:looks like Ubottu is confused as well06:38
Mamarokwell, it just has no factoid so far06:38
Mamarokvivek_: look for it on http://userbase.kde.org, the only reliable source for all things KDE06:38
vivek_I am just enabling strigi .. and thus nepomuk and I seem to realise that it  is actually heavy on resources... searching by tags I mean is that not tough that I have top create tags as well for evry file now ehile saving it Mamarok:06:40
Mamarokyes, since it has to create an index and takes /home/username as default folder. You can teweak it in the SystemSettings -> Advanced tab -> desktop search, though06:41
Mamarokbut it needs several GB for the index06:41
Mamarokif you don't need tags on files, just don't activate it, then06:41
Mamaroksince the default search in Dolphin an look for filenames and text content06:42
* Mamarok has to run06:42
vivek_Several GB( well I have 225GB of hard disk and 2GB RAM) ...!06:42
vivek_bye Mamarok:06:42
Mamarokvivek_: you are welcome :)06:42
vivek_does anyone else out there knows a little more06:43
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eamonany helpers out there. i cant seem to mount my second hdd in terminal,07:29
eamonmount /dev/sdb /new    dosnt seem to work07:31
eamoni get error message "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"07:33
eamonbut when i put in the command and a file system type it just prints out lots of mount options07:33
pucko-eamon, use the -t option (as in -t ext307:34
eamonyeah iv tried it just spit out mount options07:34
pucko-eamon, but I suspect you just forgot to specify a number after /dev/sdb07:34
pucko-just do a sudo parted /dev/sdb print to find out07:38
eamon_ my system hdd is /dev/sda  and /dev/sdb is my storage hdd07:39
eamon_dows that sound right?07:39
pucko-you don't really mount the drives. you mount the partitions on the drives07:39
iconmefistoif you want to be really picky, you mount the filesystems on the partitions :)07:40
pucko-I guess so :-)07:41
eamon_well i cant seem to mount anything at the moment.07:41
andrey__есть кто живой07:58
andrey__че ето за хуйня08:03
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andrey__sinanka hi08:04
andrey__Who is Russia???08:04
rwwubottu: ru | andrey__08:05
ubottuandrey__: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:05
andrey__fack you!!!!08:06
zarlinkwhat`s new08:18
=== tim is now known as Timsen
Timsenhi, I run 10.04 now (fresh install) if I add a shortcut to start an app (adding via menu editor) kde does not react if I press this key combo to start the app then - how can I debug the reason?08:24
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TimsenHi, after a default 10.04 install I have 24 locales (locale -a) I would like to reduce to my two main locales, how can I remove the other locales?09:11
moetunes!info locale-purge09:12
ubottuPackage locale-purge does not exist in karmic09:12
moetunesbahh /msg ubottu09:12
SuN__I can not log gives me a black screen and reboot ... how to help me reinstall09:13
SuN__kubuntu 10.04rc1  help09:13
Timsen@moetunes you had a typo I found localepurge in repo - I will check this09:13
moetunesthat's what I was looking for Timsen ...09:14
moetunesSuN__: you were told in #ubuntu you need to ask that in the channel for 10.04 - type /j #ubuntu+109:15
Neil_HaskinsI can't start KDE. Splash screen comes up, hard drive icon fades in, then it freezes before "tools" icon fades in. I think it may be something to do with my user settings that's broken, but I don't know what to look for. What can I look for to troubleshoot?09:19
Neil_HaskinsI'll describe how the problem started in pastebin09:19
TimsenNeil_Haskins is it is user based - have you tried to rename your home folder in /home/ and to login in with a new created folder?09:21
Timsen-is +if09:21
Neil_HaskinsHow would that work? This is my first day "really" using linux :)09:22
Timsenif you are at the login manager you can switch to a virtual terminal via strg+alt+f1 - there you can login and from there you can rename the home folder via console09:23
Neil_HaskinsI kind find the rename command I'm sure, but I don't understand what you mean by login with a new folder09:23
Timsenif you try to login kde check if there is already a folder /home/neil (for example) if not kde creates a new one09:24
Neil_Haskinsso I need to create a new folder in home with my username?09:25
SorryKnowledgeLeWhere is the apt repository for KDE (Ubuntu) packages?09:25
moetunesjust rename ~/.kde to ~/kde-old Neil_Haskins09:26
moetunesSorryKnowledgeLe: /var/cache/apt/archives09:26
SorryKnowledgeLemoetunes: thanks, but i mean on the Internet.  Where do I retrieve from?  "deb" line in sources.list.09:27
SorryKnowledgeLeI have archive.ubuntu.com , but I suspect that Kubuntu packages are missing, along with kdevelop09:27
moetunesone min09:28
SorryKnowledgeLeOr instead of telling me, put it in the wiki. :)09:29
SuN__I can not log gives me a black screen and reboot ... how to help me reinstall09:30
moetunesSorryKnowledgeLe: I just have the ubuntu repos - that includes xubuntu and kubuntu stuff - have you enabled the extra repos?09:33
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories09:33
moetunesSorryKnowledgeLe: ^^09:33
SorryKnowledgeLemoetunes: you installed kubuntu from image?  I have enabled: lucid main universe multiverse restricted09:34
SorryKnowledgeLemaybe kdevelop just does not exist yet09:34
moetunesSorryKnowledgeLe: yep -  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:34
moetunesSorryKnowledgeLe: is it just kdevelop that's missing?09:35
Neil_Haskins~/.kde is in the root folder? or where? @ moetunes09:37
moetunesNeil_Haskins: the   ~   means your home folder -    ls -a   will show it09:38
SuN__recovery kubuntu desktop fix form cd ?09:38
SorryKnowledgeLemoetunes: KDE language internationalization is also missing: kde-l10n .  I see these things still because I am looking at dependencies.  Dependencies of kde-devel right now.09:39
Hazamonzohey folks. is there a way i can map a remote drive as a local one over ssh?09:39
moetunesSorryKnowledgeLe: done an apt-get update lately?09:39
HazamonzoI want to be able to use a local IDE to edit files on a remote server09:40
SorryKnowledgeLemoetunes: yes.09:40
Hazamonzoi can use fish:// in dolphin to edit files i load from dolphin09:40
Hazamonzobut i can't access these files in third party tools09:40
moetunesSorryKnowledgeLe: try an   apt-cache search kde-l10n   it be in another package09:42
SorryKnowledgeLeHazamonzo: an network based FS.  There are many. NFS is common.09:43
SorryKnowledgeLeHazamonzo: or if they should be version controlled, a version control system.09:43
HazamonzoSorryKnowledgeLe: Okay. Im not fussed about the version control at the moment. I just need to map this remote drive. I'll look inti the first solution NFS09:44
SorryKnowledgeLemoetunes: i see many matches for what you wrote. Perhaps kdevelop is not available for lucid.09:45
moetunesSorryKnowledgeLe: try an   apt-cache search kdevelop   maybe09:45
SorryKnowledgeLemoetunes: no match for me.  Do you get a match when you do that?09:46
moetunesSorryKnowledgeLe: yep but I'm not on lucid09:46
Neil_Haskinsfrom in my home folder I ran "rename .kde kde-old" and I got09:46
Neil_Haskinssyntax error at (eval 1) line 1, near "."  @ moetunes09:46
moetunesSorryKnowledgeLe: somene in #ubuntu+1 might know09:47
SorryKnowledgeLemoetunes: once  again, thanks.09:47
moetunesNeil_Haskins: from what command pls?09:47
moetunesk np :]09:48
Neil_Haskinsas in "haskins@jean-luc:~$" @ moetunes09:49
Neil_Haskinshaskins = user, jean-luc = computer09:49
moetunesNeil_Haskins: that's your prompt - how did you get that error?09:51
Neil_HaskinsI typed the command "rename .kde kde-old" and in response I got   syntax error at (eval 1) line 1, near "."   @ moetunes09:53
moetunesNeil_Haskins: try   rename ./.kde ./.kde-old09:54
Neil_HaskinsOK, returned  "search pattern not terminated at (eval 1), line 1." @moetunes09:55
moetunesNeil_Haskins: try   mv -v ./.kde ./.kde-old09:56
moetunesI don't use rename ...09:56
Neil_Haskinslooks to have worked        './.kde'  ->  './.kde-old'09:58
Neil_Haskinsnow can I run startx        @ moetunes09:58
moetunesNeil_Haskins: try   sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart09:58
Neil_Haskinsoffered an alternate way to restart, but last line returned was "kdm start/running, process 1489" now what? @ moetunes10:02
moetunesNeil_Haskins: what was the alternative?10:02
Neil_Haskinsrather than invoking inti scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8) utility, e.g. service kdm restart10:06
Neil_HaskinsSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart job, you may also use the restart(8) utility, e.g. restart kdm10:06
Neil_Haskinskdm start/running, process 1489        @ moetunes10:06
Neil_Haskinsinti = init10:06
moetunesNeil_Haskins: then   sudo service kdm restart10:06
Neil_Haskinsrestart: Unknown instance:              @ moetunes10:07
moetunesNeil_Haskins: then try   sudo service kdm stop   and   sudo service kdm start   maybe10:08
Neil_Haskinsstop: Unknown instance:10:11
Neil_Haskinsthen after "sudo service kdm start"10:11
Neil_Haskinskdm start/running, process 1533         @ moetunes10:11
Neil_Haskinsthanks for your help, btw10:11
moetunesNeil_Haskins: happy for you :]10:12
Neil_HaskinsSo we're clear though, I'm still at a command prompt :)10:12
moetunesNeil_Haskins: try alt+f710:13
Neil_Haskinsno response @ moetunes10:14
vivek_Hii since yesterday I am getting this message whenever i switch on my system "the audio playback device HDA Intel(ALC888 Analog) does not work. Falling back to HDA Intel(ALC888 Digital).. Does anyone have a clue10:14
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=== Samuel is now known as Shaba
moetunesNeil_Haskins: time to try   startx10:15
Neil_Haskinsjust did :) WORKS <jubilation/> Thanks for your help and your time, I really appreciate it.   @ moetunes10:17
moetunesluck Neil_Haskins :]10:17
vivek_moetunes: help me too :-)10:17
moetunesvivek_: I know nothing about hd sound sorry10:18
vivek_hmmm someone please help10:18
Neil_Haskinstried to sned another email and had to do the same thing all over again (took 5 minutes instead of 6 hours this time). I'm gonna stick to webmail for awhile. Goodnight :)10:40
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* terran4000 listens to the tumbleweeds11:48
ubuntuwho is pussy here?11:55
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amichairwhat is the kubuntu equivalent of windows charmap or ubuntu character map?13:01
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shadeslayeramichair: um theres a plasmoid13:09
shadeslayeramichair: in kde 4.4.2 its called character selector13:09
amichairshadeslayer: thanks, but it doesn't quite do what I need (no unicode, can't search, etc.)13:11
shadeslayeramichair: ah well..13:11
amichairshadeslayer: and being a plasmoid makes it pretty inconvenient... I wouldn't want it there all the time, only for short lookups while working in other windows... but that's a different matter :-)13:12
shadeslayeramichair: hehe.. well i have gnome installed as well,so when i type charmap i get the gnome app13:13
amichairshadeslayer: but thanks anyway. for now google is an ok workaround :-)13:13
shadeslayercant find a kde specific app in the repos13:13
shadeslayeramichair: hehe :)13:13
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dmhouseHi guys. I'm having trouble with setting widget styles for GTK applications in KDE (installed on top of Ubuntu 9.10). I go in through the System Settings, Appearance, GTK+ Appearance, and select a widget style. Only problem is, this isn't actually applied and it doesn't persist between sessions.14:28
dmhouseClicking 'apply' in that dialogue box does seem to create a ~/.gtkrc-2.0-lde4, but it's not used14:29
shadeslayerdmhouse: youll have to refresh the cache and restart the app14:29
shadeslayerdmhouse: refresh cache with : kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental14:29
dmhouseshadeslayer: that doesn't change anything14:30
dmhouseMoreover, the settings are forgotten when I log out and back in again14:31
shadeslayerdmhouse: no idea then :(14:31
BluesKajHey folks14:33
shadeslayerBluesKaj: Hey :)14:33
BluesKajhi shadeslayer :)14:34
BluesKajI was lectured for not recommending kdesudo usage for graphical app installation the other day , some thing to do with boot authentication of X and some graphics drivers , I think. shadeslayer have you heard anything about this ?14:42
shadeslayerBluesKaj: nope...14:43
shadeslayerBluesKaj: you might get more info at #kubuntu-devel14:43
BluesKajshadeslayer, apparently this issue has been around since jaunty14:43
tsimpsonBluesKaj: is was about not recommending "sudo", not "kdesudo"14:43
tsimpsonkdesudo fixes those issues with GUI apps14:44
shadeslayerwell like tsimpson is saying, use kdesudo for graphical apps and sudo for commands14:44
tsimpsonsudo does not change $HOME by default, and does not setup the X env14:44
tsimpsonkdesudo does all that for you14:44
tsimpsonit's not just a pretty GUI, KDE has that already14:45
ubuntu_help me !14:46
ubuntu_Reconfiguring network interfaces...ifdown: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: No such file or directory14:46
ubuntu_ifup: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: No such file or directory14:46
FloodBotK3ubuntu_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:46
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
dmhouseOkay, next question. I can't get the network manager applet to connect to my wireless network. I'm sure I'm putting all the details in correctly but it gets forever stuck at the 'Activating' stage. Nothing is shown in dmesg either.14:47
Landgrafcheck routes14:48
dmhouseWell, it gets stuck for a while then asks me for the password. I enter it and it goes back to 'Activating'14:48
shadeslayerdmhouse: this is directly from kde upstream : Switch to plasma-widget-networkmanager14:48
shadeslayeralthough it still is in development,its pretty good at managing networks now,atleast better than kde-networkmanager14:48
dmhouseshadeslayer: you mean plasma-widget-networkmanagement? That's what I'm using14:48
shadeslayerdmhouse: yeah :)14:48
dmhouseI can also connect under GNOME just fine.14:49
shadeslayerdmhouse: oh.. well14:49
dmhouseLandgraf: how do I do that?14:49
BluesKajtsimpson, well, what's the alternative then ?14:49
Landgrafdmhouse: 1 moment14:49
dmhouseLandgraf: all the routes listed when I run "sudo route" are for eth014:50
tsimpsonBluesKaj: for GUI apps, kdesudo14:50
tsimpsonthere's nothing stopping you from running CLI apps with it too btw14:50
tsimpsonunless you have no X running14:50
dmhouseshadeslayer: perhaps I'll try kde-networkmanager :)14:50
shadeslayerdmhouse: \o/14:50
shadeslayerdmhouse: well whatever works best :P14:50
Landgrafdmhouse: route -n14:51
BluesKajtsimpson, that's what I meant ...installing with kdesudo in the cli , rather than sudo14:51
dmhouseshadeslayer: hmm, no package for that in apt14:51
dmhouseLandgraf: same table. They're all for eth0.14:51
shadeslayerdmhouse: network-manager-kde14:51
tsimpsonBluesKaj: if you aren't running a GUI app, you don't need kdesudo14:52
dmhouseshadeslayer: nope... there is a kwlan though14:52
Landgrafdmhouse: try "sudo pon <your tonnel name>"14:52
BluesKajtsimpson, uhmm yeah14:52
shadeslayerdmhouse: wth...14:53
shadeslayer!find network-manager-kde14:53
ubottuPackage/file network-manager-kde does not exist in karmic14:53
shadeslayerdmhouse:  oh i get it.. im on lucid :P14:53
dmhouseLandgraf: my "tonnel name?"14:53
dmhouseYou mean the SSID of the wireless network?14:54
Landgrafdmhouse: ops, i tune without GUI, i named tonnel14:54
Landgrafdmhouse: for you: write vpn name14:55
dmhouseLandgraf: I don't know what you men14:55
terran4000Hey, how do you delete a menu item?14:56
Landgrafdmhouse: mayby you do it  without GUI?14:57
dmhouseLandgraf: do what without GUI?14:57
Landgrafdmhouse: writing in config files14:58
Landgrafi have manual14:58
dmhouseErm, sure, but what do I need to actually do?14:58
Landgrafwhat of your protocol: pptp or pppoe?14:58
dmhouseI don't know14:58
Landgraffirst you must know it14:59
dmhouseOkay, how do I find it out?14:59
Landgrafand more 1 moment14:59
dmhouseAre you sure all this is necessary though? I mean, it works under GNOME and nothing is shown in dmesg when I try to connect, which makes it sound to me like it's a problem at the KDE level15:00
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Landgrafdmhouse: you don't have network manager applet to connect to wireless network? You need applet?15:04
dmhouseLandgraf: yes, I do have that applet.15:06
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Landgraftry to search The wireless_tools package15:10
Landgrafat http://packages.ubuntu.com/15:10
dmhouseI have that package installed15:10
Landgrafmore http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless_Setup15:11
Landgrafand madwifi?15:12
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franyI have been using fstab entries to manually mount external drives so far, but with lucid this no longer seems to work (refuses to boot, when devices with fstab-entries are not found or cannot be mounted at boot-time). The new kde system seems to allocate mount points according to the mounting precedence. Now, how can I connect a chosen mountpoint with a certain device?15:17
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vivek_Hii guys what is that special thing about lucid. Of course it uses KDE 4.4.2, which I have already upgraded to. The ubuntu music store(yes that is great) and the memenu. Could all these not just be passed on as normal upgrades or just put up there in the software centre , so that anyone who needed it could install these from there.16:00
shadeslayer_vivek_: well these were some of the new 'Features' of k/ubuntu,we also have new branding and plymouth,with newer apps ,etc16:02
calumayoocan i ask for some help?16:02
shadeslayer_vivek_: and new patches for the installer,the new slideshow in ubiquity-kde16:03
shadeslayer_calumayoo: sure16:03
shadeslayer_vivek_: then theres the LTS tag,which ensures minimal bugs16:03
calumayooi cant seem to play videos with kubuntu16:04
shadeslayer_calumayoo: have you installed the codecs?16:04
shadeslayer_!mp3 | calumayoo16:04
ubottucalumayoo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:04
vivek_shadeslayer: well branding,plymouth, slideshow in ubiquity ..... see I am in love with Kubuntu and am eagerly looking forward to 10.04 .. but then I fail to understand here what is that thing which makes it stand out from 9.1016:05
vivek_calumayoo: have you installed the restricted extras of kubuntu and what format are you trying to run16:06
shadeslayer_vivek_: newer packages built specifically for 10.0416:06
calumayoowell, something pop ups16:06
calumayooits an update notifier16:06
shadeslayer_calumayoo: :)16:06
shadeslayer_vivek_: 4.4.2 is optimized for lucid...16:06
shadeslayer_whereas karmic has 4.3 by default as the optimized version,newer kernels too16:07
calumayooim trying to install them but every time is click install selected, its says that they've been installed already16:07
calumayoooh well ill try again16:07
shadeslayer_vivek_: also 10.04 can be installed by upgrading karmic ( 9.10 )...16:08
vivek_shadeslayer_: well let us see  on 29th and yes I sure am thankful to all those ppl who give us this gift every 6 months16:08
shadeslayer_vivek_: :D16:08
calumayooshadeslayer im a bit confused.16:09
vivek_calumayoo: what is the file you are trying to run16:09
vivek_calumayoo: is it avi or what16:09
shadeslayer_calumayoo: ive gtg sorry.. other people can help :)16:09
calumayooits avi16:09
calumayoothanks anyway16:09
vivek_calumayoo: are you using karmic 9.1016:10
vivek_calumayoo: or something else16:10
calumayoosorry. im not still familiar with the terms...16:10
vivek_calumayoo:when did you install kubuntu on your system16:10
calumayoojust now :)16:10
vivek_ok calumayoo: now do one thing just open a terminal first16:11
vivek_do you know how to open a terminal16:11
calumayooi have tried linux mint already16:12
vivek_have you opened it16:12
vivek_now type sudo apt-get kubuntu-restricted-extras16:12
vivek_which version of kubuntu are you using16:13
calumayooinvalid operation16:14
vivek_wait ok you said that you installed kubuntu just now right?16:14
vivek_after that have you done anything in the terminal till now16:14
calumayoonot yet16:14
vivek_ok great16:14
vivek_now can you tell me which version of kubuntu are you using16:15
shadeslayer_vivek_: youre missing install there,and you need to enable multiverse and universe16:15
vivek_yes shadeslayer_:16:15
calumayooill check the cd16:15
vivek_but let me first make him upgrade the thing using sudo apt-get upgrade16:15
vivek_calumayoo:what is written on the cd16:16
vivek_ok you could actually have waited for 2 days we have a new verion coming up in 2 days :-)..anyways.. just do sudo apt-get upgrade on your terminal16:17
dXpsorry, but exists kubuntu ru chat?16:18
calumayoohow do i do this thing in the gui?16:18
vivek_shadeslayer_:my kde4.4.2 runs great with 9.10... in fact they say nepomuk is by deafuklt enabled in 10.04 ... believe me it is a headache16:19
vivek_calumayoo: you can use the gui later.. first kindly do sudo apt-get upgrade16:19
dXpесть кто русский тут?)))) сори за оф топ16:19
calumayooim doing it now16:19
calumayoodl speed is slow16:20
vivek_it will take enough time if your download speed is slow.. after installing any version , the first thing you should do is to open a terminal and use sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade.. although just sudo apt-get upgrade will do16:22
vivek_once you do that type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras16:22
vivek_and then play whatever video you want16:23
vivek_by the way do you use firefox16:23
calumayooim using the default browser16:23
vivek_because kubuntu by default comes with konqueror and i dont use that much16:23
talikHi everyone16:24
vivek_so just click on the kde menu >applications>internet>firefox installer  click on it... you can either instal that or google chromium.. they are actually much better than konqueror16:24
vivek_with due respect to all konqueror developers16:25
vivek_hi talik16:25
vivek_calumayoo: is your upgrade done16:25
talikI've a question. I'm triing to lauch kickoff with command line, and I don't find any solution for doing this correctly. Does anyone know how to do it?16:25
calumayoounfortunately no... 7kb dl speed16:25
lucituvivek_: apt-get update is req so upgrade will know the latest version16:26
calumayooyes.  its fluctuating16:26
vivek_lucitu:i have made him do apt-get upgrade directly16:27
calumayoo20 kb now16:27
vivek_calumayoo: ok16:27
calumayoohave you tried skype in kubuntu?16:28
vivek_no !16:28
lucituvivek_: need update first and then upgrade..you said ' just upgrade will do ' is not correct16:28
vivek_lucitu:ok .. however i have always done upgrade directly.. will keep your advise in mind next time16:29
calumayoome too :)16:29
vivek_calumayoo:dont worry things will work great16:30
vivek_calumayoo: by the way your version is called 9.10 karmic koala.. in 2 days we are getting 10.04 lucid lynxx.. everyone here is waiting for that i presume16:31
lucitucalumayoo: the reason update is needed before upgrade is to refresh the index for newer versions if available.. for upgrade to work properly16:32
calumayooso what happens if you go directly to upgrade?16:33
vivek_yes calumayoo:after 2 days when yiou install 10.04 dont forget what lucitu: said16:33
vivek_calumayoo:relax  i have done upgrade directly whenever i have instaled either ubuntu or kubuntu ..and i have switched plenty of times...16:35
calumayooi have tried gnome already with linux mint16:36
vivek_although it is good and important to follow the rules16:36
vivek_so first update and then upgrade next time16:36
calumayoookay. ill keep that in mind16:36
corigo2How can I troubleshoot my wireless card? KNetworkmanager is suddenly no longer displaying my wireless card. When I launch it directly from settings I receive an error about a missing XML file, and I would like to determine if the problem is KNetworkManager, or if it really is a hardware issue16:37
calumayooi have another question though16:37
vivek_please go ahead!16:37
calumayoouhm, is wine compatible with kde?16:37
calumayooyou use wine often?16:38
vivek_i use it for dreamweaver16:38
vivek_and sometimes ms office because my wife uses ms office...personally i am fine with open office16:39
calumayoohow about with word processor? like microsoft office?16:39
calumayoooh, i see... are there other alternatives for ms office than wine?16:39
vivek_i have one old version of ms office and it works fine16:39
vivek_you can use vmware but wine is cool16:40
sas_hi need some help. trying to use tightvncserver to show the kde on a windows xp....but connection wont be estabished.... its a ubuntu 9.10 minimal with kde 4 running on the server16:40
sas_x11 forwarding also dosent work16:40
corigo2culamayoo: Wine allows you to run windows programs natively, it is not an alternative to Office16:40
sas_can somebody help plz? think its just a coinfig mistake16:40
calumayoothats not what i mean16:40
vivek_yes as corigo2 said16:40
calumayoois there other alternatives for wine in running ms office?16:41
calumayooother than wine, i mean16:41
vivek_there are a few use google16:41
calumayoocant wait to install google chrome16:43
vivek_ok now that there are quite a few ppl around here can someone tell me something cool and new about 10.04 except memenu,ubuntu music store,kde4.4.2, plymouth, branding and nepomuk16:43
sas_could somebody help please? used ubuntu wiki and google ... trying more than 1 hour without succsess16:43
sas_x11 forwarding say's : Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyError: cannot open display: localhost:10.016:44
vivek_calumayoo:after you do allt his upgrades, install restricted extras.. install chromium by the below three steps one after the other16:45
vivek_calumayoo:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa16:45
calumayooill do that, thanks16:45
vivek_calumayoo:sudo apt-get update16:45
vivek_calumayoo:sudo apt-get install chromium-browser16:45
calumayoostill need to update?16:46
corigo2calumayoo: for photoshop and office I tend to run a VM of windows, but for simpler programs I have frequently found Wine to be sufficient16:46
vivek_calumayoo: and then enjoy your chromium16:46
calumayoook. ill google VM. is it hard to use?16:46
vivek_corigo2:even office runs fine with wine for me but then yes I use a very old version of office16:47
vivek_calumayoo: it is a virtual machine16:47
calumayooi thought so... ive read little things on virtual box16:47
vivek_calumayoo: you can use it just like you use windows... use google16:47
vivek_calumayoo: done? i got to go16:48
vivek_just waiting for your thing to get over16:48
kosmonautdoes some1 here user amarok+iphone(ipod touch)?16:48
corigo2calumayoo: VirtualBox is definately the easiest to setup and get running quickly16:48
vivek_ok now that there are quite a few ppl around here can someone tell me something cool and new about 10.04 except memenu,ubuntu music store,kde4.4.2, plymouth, branding and nepomuk16:48
kosmonautI am wondering how to upload podcast into my iphone via amarok16:49
calumayoocorigo2: can i ask for some usefull sites about VM?16:49
kosmonautmusic seems to workd16:49
calumayoonot yet sill16:51
calumayooits really slow16:52
vivek_how many upgrades it said it has to do16:52
calumayoohow do i know that?16:53
vivek_calumayoo:after all this if you want to have fun with your system , upgrade your KDE to KDE 4.4.2.. but if you are risk averse dont try anything16:54
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calumayoowhat are the risk of 4.4.2?16:54
mamris it possible to find out if the radeon or the radeonh driver is running on my machine without an xorg.conf?16:55
mamrI meant radeonhd16:56
corigo2How can I troubleshoot my wireless card? KNetworkmanager is suddenly no longer displaying my wireless card. When I launch it directly from settings I receive an error about a missing XML file, and I would like to determine if the problem is KNetworkManager, or if it really is a hardware issue16:56
vivek_there are no risks of 4.4,2 .. the risk is of upgrading to KDE4.4.2 it might cause funny things.. for me after i  logged back in after upgrading there was nothing but a black screen16:56
vivek_well there are lot of such interesting things.. and it is fun to play around16:57
calumayoobut it is fixable right?16:57
vivek_of course it is.. dont worry16:57
vivek_and yes the community here is just great16:57
vivek_they rock16:57
calumayooi noticed so16:58
corigo2calumayoo: yes just need to rebuild the configuration by removing old one and the black screen is gone16:58
calumayoohow will i do that?16:58
vivek_any help you need , if they know a solution , they will sit back for hours to help you out.. I have had ppl trying to sit with me through the entire night helping me solve issue after each one i created for myself16:58
vivek_corigo2: my case was actually quite different16:59
vivek_I just had to install kubuntu desktop16:59
vivek_and then run plasma16:59
vivek_that is it.. looked like when i upgraded kubuntu desktop was not installed17:00
vivek_calumayoo: done?17:00
calumayoonot yet.. 43 out of 9017:02
calumayoo1 hour more i think... if the dl speed wont change17:02
vivek_calumayoo: I will be back in half an hour.. if that is ok with you17:03
calumayoosure... ill do some reading17:03
vivek_yes do that17:03
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vivek_and yes calumayoo: you can follow me on twitter vivek_40.. i am desperately looking for some followers.. lol ...(I have just 4)17:04
calumayoolol. i dont have a twitter yet17:05
vivek_very bad .. lol bye17:05
vivek_http://2tu.us/21gq ..nice post on 10.04 .. but yes am sure this is not new to many here17:08
enrichello peopleeeee17:15
enricspanishhh partyy17:15
BluesKajvivek_, twitter's for twits :) ... try to avoid being one17:17
simion314i never used ubuntu one, i am using kubuntu, so is it posible to use the ububtu one service in kde? i upgraded to lucid today?17:28
lucitusimion314: sure why not? if you can install it then it's ok17:31
don_jrI just installed kubuntu 9.10 and then updated.  I had no sound at all at first, installed pulse audio and now system sounds work, like when the system starts up, but no other sound at all.  I have tried aumix and alsamixer and maxed everything nothing works.17:32
lucitudon_jr: pulse audio is not the preferred backend for kde..install phonon17:33
PrathmeshHello guyes I m having problems with PPP connection my DSL wont authenticate17:33
lucitudon_jr: open kmix and check your outputs are not muted17:34
don_jrlucitu I did use kmix and checked them all, none are muted, I've checked that in kmix and in alsamixer in terminal, as for phonon, never herad of that one, a lot has changed in a year.17:35
PrathmeshI get error modem not found modem dont respond and I have no probs with Ubuntu at all whats wrong with Kubuntu then ? I have installed Gnome PPP. But it also dont work. I'm online with Live CD of 8.04 Ubuntu ATM17:35
don_jrshould I remove pulseaudio completely then? or just install phonon wiht it?17:35
lucitudon_jr: yes get rid of pulseaudio as it's know not to play weel with kde17:36
simion314lucitu: is not integrated with nautilus? sorry but i have no ideea how it works17:36
don_jrlucitu alright, will do, thanks, I'll let ya know how it works out, gotta look up how to remove and purge pulseaudio :)17:36
lucitudon_jr: also, if you use amarok, install the phonon-backend-xine17:36
lucitusimion314: don't know either..but kde does not use nautilus17:37
simion314lucitu: i know, that is why i asked, if it is integrated with kde, i do not want to use nautilus17:38
don_jrlucitu alright17:39
lucitusimion314: haven't tried but if ubuntu one is integrated with nautilus it might pull them in when you install in kubuntu17:40
TobbiHey guys, I'm currently installing Ubuntu. What file system shall I use for the root partition?17:40
EtzTobbi: use EXT417:40
TobbiEtz: Shall I format the partition? Yes, or?17:41
Etzif youre not installing on SSd or flash drive17:41
Etzdefinately format it17:41
TobbiAlright :P17:41
TobbiI'll stay in this channel for further questions...17:41
don_jrone more quick question.  I removed the taskbar, how do I put it back?17:41
Etzdon_jr: ?17:41
EtzKDe or Gnome+17:41
Etzbasically its not taskbar...17:42
lucitudon_jr: u mean the panel bottom of scrn?17:42
Etzits called panel and you can get it back , by adding that widget to desktop17:42
don_jrlucitu Etz yes, the bottom pannel that shows what's running.  I was testing out daisy and it doesn't open up new options when I run something new that's not docked to it, so want the panel back17:43
Etzbasically on panel is second widget , task manager that shows windows thats open17:44
vivek_Calumayoo:is it over17:44
Etzdon_jr: if you removed panel, then you have to first add panel back and then widgets onto it17:44
calumayoosadly not17:45
lucitudon_jr: since you don't want daisy anymore..getting rid of it might bring it back17:45
calumayoowhat time is it there in your place?17:45
vivek_BluesKaj: just saw your msg ..:-)17:45
don_jrThanks a ton, got it back17:45
vivek_calumayoo: I am in india 10:15pm17:45
don_jrokay removed pulse, added photon, restarting, will be back in a moment17:45
BluesKajvivek_, don't mind me , I'm old and grumpy :)17:45
calumayoonow im shy17:46
vivek_BluesKaj:Nah .. i used to think that too.. till i saw my frd having 350 followers and using it for business17:46
vivek_calumayoo:Why shy?17:47
EtzBtw... im still wondering, why they bundle quassel as IRC with kubuntu?17:47
Etzthere are way better clients17:47
calumayoocant say it right, but i might be consuming a lot of your time considering its late in the evening there already17:48
lucituEtz: maybe it's part of kde now?17:48
vivek_calumayoo: that is ok17:48
lucitucalumayoo: just follow vivek in twitter ..:)17:49
vivek_lucitu: lol .. you too vivek_4017:49
calumayoothanks. the internet here is so unstable17:49
Etzlucitu: maybe... linux is getting way bloated nowdays :D17:50
Etzor basically window managers17:50
Etzdesktops, etc17:50
lucituEtz: these are just defaults..you can still mix n match what you want..beauty of linux17:50
Etzlucitu: true, but mixing and matching gets annoying... if i have to remove tons of stuff first :P17:51
lucituEtz: no one is forced to carry everything17:51
Etzat least you can make custom install disks :P17:51
lucituEtz: just install the mini.iso + xorg + kdebase + plasma + your apps17:52
Etzlucitu: on netbooks i guess its plasma-netbook?17:52
lucituEtz: i don't like plasma-netbook17:53
Etztested it first time... usually i do net install without desktop first and then add stuff i need17:53
lucituEtz: don't confuse netbook to netboot17:53
Etzlucitu: tried... if you have 7" screen its very comfortable...17:53
lucituEtz: it have it in vbox but hated it17:54
Etzlucitu: 7" screen , even kickoff doesnt fit into screen :P17:55
Etzlucitu: also noticed, it uses a bit less of ram, 2GB was a real wasting into that machine17:56
lucituEtz: what I like best is the xPud17:56
lucituEtz: wait for the android gPad?17:57
Etzlucitu: nope... that old 701 does pretty much i need fo a laptop, and its small enough to fit my jackets pocket17:58
lucituEtz: ok..but check out xPud..the UI is awesome17:59
Etzsounds interesting... checking their ebsite now18:00
Etzlucitu: WTF?? 35Mb?18:01
Etzlucitu: its only kernel, or im missing smthing18:01
lucituEtz: it's for web mostly..cloud?18:02
Etzlucitu: yeah... sounds more interesting even... trying it out on vbox first18:02
lucituEtz: what i wanted is the UI..for the plasma-netbook instead18:03
Etzlucitu: if its better, why not...18:03
lucituEtz: i guess it's the 2nd best to touchsceen18:04
Etzlucitu: i dont have touchscreen in that device, but i guess its not mandatory18:04
vivek__calumayoo:my friend is it done!18:08
calumayoostill no, my friend.18:09
vivek_calumayoo:time for me to go now.. just do all that i told you and you should be fine18:12
calumayoothanks man... ill try making a twitter acount as soon as i can18:13
vivek_if you have any problem just post on the forums.. someone will surely help. I will be on the forums most of the time to18:14
jimmy_hey how can i install nvidia (GeForce 8400 GS) from nvidia.run file ?18:16
edakiriKMail displays the following error when showing a PGP signed e-mail: "No Audit Log available".  What is the problem or where can I find the answer?18:17
edakirijimmy_: I advise against.  Use the ubuntu package.18:17
jimmy_edakrir but how to install it18:18
jimmy_any one ?18:20
edakirithe package?  I don't know.  I avoid nvidia for the reason that they have a closed source driver.  I'm sorry I don't know how to help you further.18:20
jimmy_any one else ?18:20
Etzjimmy_: first login console only18:25
Etzjimmy_: seconfly chmod +x that NVIDIA file18:25
Etzjimmy_: then sudo ./NVIDIA-blah-whatever-the-name-is18:26
Etzjimmy_: then you get nto setup gui, and its easy18:26
Etzstrange, cant close dolphin windows...18:26
don_jrStill around lucitu?18:28
don_jrI have removed pulseaudio and installed photon and now I have no sound at all.18:29
don_jrphonon that is18:29
don_jrOkay so I added a new panel and started adding widgets to make it like the task bar, but it's stuck at the top of my desktop not at the bottom...I can't figure out how to move it18:31
yoyodon_jr are your widgets locked?18:33
don_jrI locked them and then unlocked them again18:34
yoyozoom out and try18:34
Etzdon_jr: unlock it18:34
don_jryoyo how do I 'zoom out'?  not use to this KDE 4 yet18:35
Etzdon_jr: then choose panel settings and then drag it wherever you want it to be18:35
yoyoupper right corner18:35
don_jrI unlock widgets and click the panel settings all it will allow me to do is slide it from right to left, not up and down18:36
Etzdon_jr: it doesnt slide... it snaps onto new place18:36
Etzif you drag it acrros the screen18:36
Etzdon_jr: btw what version your kde is?18:36
don_jrEtz I"m honestly not sure, how do I check?18:37
Etzdon_jr: open kosnole and type: kde4-config -version18:38
don_jrokay, got it to the bottom again lol, thanks18:38
Etzfor example...18:38
Etzdon_jr: good...18:38
Etzdon_jr: if i remeber Kde 4.2 had a bug, about mooving that panel...18:39
don_jrnow to  my sound issue.  Without pulseaudio I have no sound at all what so ever, I've installed phonon and nothing, can't even see or find it18:39
Etzdon_jr: upgrade it to last 4.4.218:39
Etzdon_jr: why not use pulseaudio?18:39
don_jrI had pulseaudio and all sound worked accept for in a browser, came in here to ask about it and lucicu told me to remove pulse and add phonon instead lol18:40
Etzdon_jr: btw first check your mixer settings, i always end up with mutet PCM after install, dunno why... but always happens18:40
don_jrI'm just trying to get pandora and youtube to work lol18:40
don_jrYep, I've checked my mixer multiple times with aumix, alsamixer in console and kmix18:40
Etzdon_jr: i use ALSA , phonon sux18:40
don_jralsa instead of pulseaudio or in conjunction with?18:40
Etzdon_jr: pulseaudio works also, but gives me llatency headache18:41
don_jrEtz tells me I have the latest version of alsa-base18:41
Etzdon_jr: i prefer clean alsa, but pulseaudio works also ok18:41
Etzdon_jr: give me output of: /usr/sbin/hwinfo --sound18:42
Etzdon_jr: u can also test via konsole: speaker-test -c2 -Dplug:front:0 -twav18:44
don_jrEtz  uh oh...  bash: /usr/sbin/hwinfo: No such file or directory18:44
Etzdon_jr: yeah... you dont have that packae18:44
don_jrwhich package?18:45
Etzdon_jr: hwinfo, use lspci18:45
Etzis your soundcard in that list?18:45
don_jryes it is18:46
don_jr02:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT] PCI Multi-Channel Audio Controller (rev 01)18:46
vivek_calumayoo: hi18:46
calumayoohello vivek, thought you were asleep18:46
Etzdon_jr: thats good... did speaker test produced audio?18:46
calumayooits still downloading18:47
vivek_nah some frds had dropped by18:47
vivek_still downloading?????18:47
don_jrEtz no sound from the speaker-test18:48
vivek_cool calumayoo: what time is it in your place18:48
Etzdon_jr: hehe... looks like your soundcard inst supported by alsa18:48
Etzdon_jr: http://alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-VIA18:48
calumayoo1:48 am18:48
don_jralright, so back to pulse it is18:48
Etzdon_jr: you dont have a much choice18:48
don_jrnow to get sound to work with my browser18:48
don_jrwith pulse the system sounds and sound tests all work, but that's it18:49
Etzdon_jr: or actually you have... you can live in golden silence :P18:49
don_jrthat would suck! lol18:49
vivek_hmmm cool the internet in philipines is not that great i believe calumayoo:18:49
don_jrI need pandora while I work lol18:49
Etzdon_jr: what is pandora?18:49
don_jrlet me restart now that I've re-installed pulse18:49
don_jrpandora is an online radio, www.pandora.com18:49
Etzdon_jr: yep, found it18:50
don_jrokay restarting, brb18:51
vivek_calumayoo:how long do you think is it supposed to take18:51
calumayooi cant be really that sure... but more or less 15 mins18:52
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vivek_calumayoo:ok that sounds cool.. nooooo .. after that you have to install kubuntu-restricted extras18:54
calumayooyeah... somehow its getting faster now18:54
don_jrOkay I do have system sounds again with pulse, so this is good18:55
Etzdon_jr: what youre using to listen that station?18:56
don_jrnot sure, it just plays on my winblows boxes.  doesnt pop up with any player.  It's built in, probably flash, beings that's what youtube uses as well and it doesn't work either18:56
calumayoowhat's kubuntu-restricted extras for?18:56
Etzdon_jr: stoopid question... you have flash installed?18:57
Etzdon_jr: flashplugin-nonfree18:57
Etzdon_jr: ?18:57
calumayoovivek...its done downloading18:58
Etzdon_jr: im running out of ideas...18:58
vivek_great calumayoo:18:58
Etzdon_jr: cant test it , im outside from US :D18:59
vivek_now just go to your kmenu ,and type there kpackagekit and open it18:59
don_jrEtz well damn18:59
vivek_Yes Etz: pandora works only in US.. so bad for us18:59
calumayooits not done unpacking18:59
Etzdon_jr: at least we got your sound back19:00
Etzvivek_: basically could use prxoy, but dont know any at US19:00
vivek_Etz:hmm but you can still use say lastfm but then it is free only for 30 tracks19:01
don_jrEtz yes I have system sounds now, this is good19:01
vivek_So now am happy with shoutcast19:01
vivek_Etz:but if we use tor will it help19:02
Etzvivek_: doesnt matter, if they dont want that i listen them, ist fine by me :P19:02
don_jrI'll try last.fm right quick, see if I can find anything that works19:02
Etzi have plenty other radios to listen...19:02
vivek_Etz: hmm shoutcast is actually cool19:02
Etzvivek_: i know what shoutcast is...19:03
vivek_I never said you dont ..:-)19:03
don_jrdamn wish I would have never removed the original 'task manager' panel... I can't get it set right like it was originally again19:03
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don_jrNope, no sound from last.fm either19:04
vivek_I am trying everything I want on my karmic.. my system is anyway going to use lucid.. in two days19:04
calumayoovivek, is there no refresh in kde?19:05
vivek_calumayoo: never tried .. never needed to.. what do you want to refresh19:05
Etzclaydoh: f519:06
Etzcalumayoo: f519:06
calumayoonah, i was just used to do it in my previous os19:06
vivek_Etz: he wants to refresh the desktop like in windows19:07
vivek_right click refresh.. remember Etz:19:07
calumayoovivek...i think its done with the upgrade19:08
don_jranyone else having trouble with sound on the web not working?19:08
calumayooshould i install the extras now?19:09
vivek_don_jr: is it sound on the web you are talking about19:09
Etzvivek_: for me f does tha19:09
Etzvivek_: f519:09
vivek_wait calumayoo: open kpackagekit first19:09
Etzdon_jr: i had a problem sound not working with pulse at all... so i kicked out that and using ALSA19:10
vivek_don_jr: is your other stuff like amrok and all working19:10
don_jrvivek_ yes.  I don't ahve any mp3's to test amorok, but system sounds and sound tests work, but not youtube, pandora or last.fm no online sound.19:10
Etzdon_jr: your kind of prolem...no19:10
vivek_don_jr:try this19:10
vivek_click on the sound controller19:10
vivek_click on mixers and slide the pcm up19:10
don_jrI don't have that anymore....lol I goofed up the panel at the bottom19:11
vivek_don_jr:install it again what is the big deal19:11
Etzdon_jr: then type kmix in konsole.. it opens it up19:11
don_jrvivek_ I'll check again since I just re-installed pulseaudio19:11
don_jrI don't know how to get this bottom panel set back up like it was before lol I"ve been trying19:11
vivek_calumayoo: in kpackagekit go to settings19:11
Etzi wonder why i have always PCM at 0 level and mute after installl19:12
Etzdon_jr: easiest way19:12
vivek_don_jr: just slide the pcm up.. things will work19:12
Etzdon_jr: delete .kde folder from home partition and restart x...19:12
Etzdon_jr: it goes default then19:12
don_jrEtz thanks, I'll do that in a moment.  kmix doesn't want to open up19:12
vivek_don_jr.:before deleting kde folder .. ust wait19:12
vivek_don_jr:ok do19:13
vivek_what is the big deal19:13
don_jrI can use aumix or alsa-mixer both of those work in console19:13
Etzvivek_: he gest his normal panel back then , without manual hassle19:13
vivek_calumayoo:in settings go to software sources19:13
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don_jrare there other system sounds enabled by default?  like windows opening, closing, shrinking and the like?  the startup sound is all I can get, that and sound test on my sound card19:15
vivek_calumayoo: now just see if uinder the ubuntu software tab, everything is ticked or not19:15
don_jrand kmix won't open, wth19:15
Etzdon_jr: revert your kde back to defult, it should opn then19:16
vivek_don_jr: just do this once try it.. i am sure that things will work for you19:16
BluesKajdon_jr, make sure you have alsa-base and alsa-utils installed19:16
don_jrokay, let me revert19:16
calumayooi checked them all now19:16
Etzdon_jr: i dont know what you messed up exactly, but well see if that helps19:16
vivek_calumayoo: close it19:16
don_jr.kde dir should be in home?19:16
TommyThaGunhow would I get Shutdown as an option in the Leave menu?19:17
vivek_go back to your terminal and type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras19:17
vivek_that was for calumayoo:19:17
calumayooit downloaded additional package19:17
vivek_don_jr: it would be a hidden file in home19:17
don_jrvivek_ is installing now19:17
don_jrwaiting to delete .kde dir, I foudn it19:18
calumayooW:Failed to fetch cdrom://Kubuntu 9.10 _Karmic Koala_ - Release i386 (20091028.5)/dists/karmic/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs19:18
calumayoo, W:Failed to fetch cdrom://Kubuntu 9.10 _Karmic Koala_ - Release i386 (20091028.5)/dists/karmic/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs19:18
calumayoo, E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.19:18
FloodBotK1calumayoo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:18
TommyThaGunsorry, I think I may have missed a couple of lines of chat, did anyone respond to me?19:18
vivek_calumayoo: not the cd option.. lol19:18
vivek_where did you mess it calumayoo:.. now where are you as of now19:19
Etzdon_jr: why wait? use terminal.. rm -rf .kde it should be gone in seconds then19:19
vivek_calumayoo: where are you stuck up19:19
calumayooim in the terminal19:19
don_jrEtz I'm installing the extra's first19:19
calumayoostil invalid operation19:20
Etzdon_jr: kubuntu-restricted?19:20
vivek_don_jr: that was not for you.. that was for calumayoo: lol.. anyway that is good19:20
don_jrvivek_ ahh, oh well, can't hurt much lol19:20
vivek_don_jr:no worries it is actually cool19:20
Etzdon_jr: doesnt hurt, but i doupt youll need it... youll only need flashplugin for that sort of stuf... not 300MB+ package :d19:21
vivek_calumayoo: close the terminal19:21
vivek_go back to software sources calumayoo:19:21
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calumayooim here now19:21
vivek_calumayoo: now there are few tabs up there right? like ubuntu software, other software, etc etc19:22
calumayoounder the Other Software now, yes19:22
vivek_calumayoo:go to ubuntu software19:22
don_jrokay, restart X after removing the .kde dir or restart whole machine since I installed the restricted packages?19:22
calumayooyou meann Kubuntu?19:23
Etzdon_jr: restarting x should do it19:23
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calumayoowhat to do next?19:24
don_jrrestarting X brb19:24
calumayooi checked them all19:24
vivek_calumayoo: check if all the options are checked there or not19:24
vivek_cool calumayoo: now go to other software and tell me what is checked there19:25
calumayoocdrom:[Kubuntu 9.10...19:25
vivek_calumayoo: uncheck cd rom19:25
vivek_calumayoo: next19:25
calumayoohttp://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu karmic partner19:26
calumayoohttp://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu karmic partner (source code)19:26
vivek_calumayoo: uncheck them also no probs.. go to the third tab and tell me what you have there19:26
calumayooKubuntu Updates19:27
calumayoochecked: Important security updates, recommended updates19:27
vivek_calumayoo:yes there what is checked there19:27
vivek_ok cool now you can close it19:27
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vivek_go to terminal and use this sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras19:28
vivek_close kpackage19:28
calumayooits working now19:28
vivek_calumayoo: how much time does it say19:29
don_jrAlrighty, desktop back to normal, now let's check sound19:29
calumayoo1h now19:29
vivek_calumayoo: do one thing before hand .. click on ths sound icon on the right in the bottom panel19:29
TommyThaGunto switch from gdm to kdm should I just run: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm"??19:30
vivek_don_jr : do what i just said to calumayoo.. for your sound thing19:30
Etzdon_jr: kmix should also open... check PCM slider first19:30
vivek_PCM slider has to be up there .. lol. slide it up19:30
don_jrPCM is all the way up and not muted19:30
* Etz have to go19:30
vivek_don_jr: pull it down , take it up again19:31
don_jrBUT PCM is listed under the wrong sound card19:31
don_jrwould that matter?19:31
vivek_don_jr: try it else we can fix the sound card isue.. not a big deal.. well at least that is what i think19:31
vivek_calumayoo: you there19:32
vivek_click on the sound icon calumayoo: click on mixers and slide the PCM up19:32
markithi, upgraded Kubuntu 9.10 to 10.04, but I've no more the taskbar, desktop widget, etc., just the KDE background "sky / stars" screen, any tip? #ubuntu+1 guives no answer (all gnome users?)19:32
vivek_yes max calumayoo:19:33
don_jrI took it up and back down again, now going to youtube to test19:33
vivek_don_jr:fingers crossed19:33
don_jrPCM is all the way up, so is Master19:33
don_jrI just turned them ALL up lol19:33
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vivek_don_jr:cool.. no point keeping them down19:34
vivek_markit:do you have the cashew up there19:34
vivek_don_jr: is it working19:35
markitvivek_: oh, yes, it survived!19:35
vivek_markit: then I guess you should have no problem19:35
calumayoocan play19:35
vivek_don_jr: ok so let us fix your sound cards19:35
vivek_calumayoo: what can play19:36
don_jrvivek_ lead the way my friend19:36
markitvivek_: I'll try the tips to make the "main panel" appear once removed by mistake, hope will help19:36
markitvivek_: I do miss a "restore default panel" feature so much :(19:36
calumayooi went to youtube... is that what is supposed to do?19:36
calumayoomy mouse wont work19:36
calumayooi wonder why19:36
vivek_don_jr: go to system settings, click on multimedia19:37
rafa__hello! do any of you experience flash video framerate drops while using kubuntu on a laptop?19:37
vivek_calumayoo: mouse not working?.. well in most cases a restart shouldhelp19:37
calumayoothe download's not done yet19:37
vivek_after kibuntu-restricted extras is over , restart.. i thing mouse should work after that calumayoo:19:38
vivek_don_jr: are you there in mutimedia19:38
don_jrI'm here vivek_  i have moved the proper card to the top of the preference list in every area I can find before this, it is still there properly thus far19:38
don_jrwhat else can I check?19:38
calumayooits working now. after i closed the konqueror19:39
vivek_don_jr: and you say that even now the PCM is not in the proper sound card19:39
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vivek_markit: yes a restore default panel would be of great help..19:40
don_jrin kmix, there are 2 tabs, one for the onboard and one for my current sound car, the PCM slider is on the onboard, NOT my pci card19:40
Tsunadehello :)19:41
don_jrvivek_ I se have I a pcm in both now19:41
vivek_don_jr: great.. slide both up19:41
don_jrboth are maxed19:41
vivek_try youtube19:42
don_jrI will move them down adn back up while youtube is playing and see if there are any differences19:42
don_jrin the sound test of the multimedia area I do get playback on my sound card properly19:42
vivek_don_jr:should help.. but before that ensure your speakers are on :-)19:42
don_jrvivek_ speakers are on, I tested sound in the multimedia area19:43
vivek_calumayoo: is it over19:43
calumayoonot yet19:43
vivek_I was just kidding don_jr:19:43
don_jrwhen I click the mute or slide the PCM slider my speakers DO react I hear a clicking.  But still no sound from youtube19:43
don_jrit's like firefox isn't sending sound to the right spot or something19:44
calumayooit will take longer i think19:44
kevixanyone have any issue with plymoth?19:44
vivek_don_jr: nah nothing like that.. try logging out and login again.. after that we will try something new.. and even after that if it does not work.. then as Etz: said.. silence is golden19:45
don_jrhahaha okay, back in a sec19:45
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vivek_don_jr: anyway you can check amarok19:45
vivek_why dont you just add a shoutcast statioon to amarok and check19:45
don_jrif this next thing we try doesnt' work I'll go back to xubuntu 8.04 sound worked fine on an original install of it lol19:45
don_jrI need to get an mp3 to test it with19:46
vivek_calumayoo:how much time19:47
calumayoo1 hr19:47
vivek_calumayoo: Enjoy life :-)19:48
vivek_by the way are your videos working now calumayoo:19:48
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don_jrOKay, logged out and back in, bringing up FF now to test the tube19:49
vivek_don_jr: fingers crossed aagin19:49
don_jrvivek_ still nothing.....sheesh19:50
vivek_by the way are your videos working now calumayoo:19:52
don_jrany other ideas to try?19:52
vivek_don_jr: no worries relax.. actually can you tell me the history of the problem a little what had happened etc etc19:52
don_jryesterday I installed kubuntu 9.10, allowed it to update directly after install.  Had no sound at all19:52
don_jrinstalled pulse audio, have system sounds, nothing else19:53
vivek_is kubuntu the only os on it19:53
don_jrI tried removing pulse audio and installing alsa, alsa doesn't support my sound card.  I tried phonon, nothing.  So I put pulseaudio back on19:53
don_jrThere is nothing on this box or disk other than kubuntu no.19:53
vivek_actualy you dont need pulse audio .. just wait.. what is your sound card19:54
don_jr02:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT] PCI Multi-Channel Audio Controller (rev 01)19:54
don_jrwithout pulse audio I get no sound anywhere at all.19:54
vivek_wait gimme a minute19:55
calumayoodragon's not functioning well19:56
calumayooi cant play19:56
vivek_yes dragon has some probs wait calumayoo:19:56
vivek_let your install get over first19:56
vivek_don_jr: do you have any audio cd to check19:58
don_jryes, one moment19:59
don_jrI have MP3's on a disk too I forgot about lol20:00
vivek_don_jr: hmm20:00
vivek_don_jr: also do you have a headphone20:01
don_jrI do, but headphones go through the same speakers that aren't getting sound now, I can check it though, I do not have a seperate headphone port20:01
don_jrtesting CD playback with amorok now, one sec while it loads20:02
vivek_don_jr: did yuo post anything.. got dc20:02
don_jronly that I"M testing CD playback in amarok now20:03
don_jrsoon as I learn how to load the CD into amarok lol20:03
vivek_don_jr: simultaneously open a terminal and type this gnome-volume-control.. you should not have removed alsa so early though.. anyway let us see20:04
vivek_don_jr:just insert the cd.. fire up amarok.. file open20:05
don_jrthere is no 'file' in amorok lol20:05
don_jrI can't get the darn CD to load into amarok20:07
don_jror maybe it is and there's just no sound not sure which20:08
vivek_don_jr: just check this link .. a similar problem as yours with a similar sound card http://2tu.us/21hz20:08
vivek_don_jr:click on amarok->play media-> choose the folder and play20:09
don_jryup that's what I've done, but it still shows nothing in the play list and done20:13
vivek_don_jr: that seems to baffle me.. why are the play list not showin up.. that has nothing to do with sound. instead of using amarok.. open the foler , click on any mp3 file20:15
don_jrokay, when I open the directory with the CD in it, it shows the list of song titles20:17
vivek_and then click on any mp3 file20:17
don_jrto the right is a 'play' button and does nothign when I click it20:17
don_jrclicked a file, it's loading amarok again20:18
vivek_wait let me check on mine20:18
vivek_yes yes that is how it will go20:18
don_jramarok still shows no song playing20:18
vivek_then now is amarok loaded20:18
vivek_click the play button there20:18
don_jrafk restroom20:19
vivek_calumayoo: where are you20:20
calumayooim here20:20
vivek_don_jr: I guess this should solve your problem.... first see this.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=965985 and then see this ...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound20:20
vivek_what is up buddy calumayoo:20:20
calumayoo35 mins20:21
calumayoohow do i know if what version of kde i am using?20:22
vivek_in this irc thing .on the top there is help calumayoo: click on that.,. and click on about kde20:23
vivek_calumayoo: there it will tell you the platform version.. should be 4.320:24
vivek_don_jr back?20:24
calumayoooh this is much better20:26
vivek_don_jr: where are you20:26
vivek_calumayoo:what is better20:27
calumayoothe 4.4.220:27
vivek_don_jr: i got to sleep .. come back soon20:27
vivek_you mean there is 4.4.2 in your system20:28
calumayoono.. searched it in the internet20:28
vivek_yes calumayoo: you can upgrade to that as i did or wait till 2 days 10.04 has by default 4.4.220:29
calumayooyes.... ill do the update thing20:29
rafa__hello! do any of you experience flash video framerate drops while using kubuntu on a laptop?20:31
rafa__most times it's fine20:31
vivek_calumayoo: not tonight I am going to sleep now or I am sure someone else might help20:31
rafa__but sometimes the framerate drops a lot20:31
rafa__almost unwatchable videos20:32
calumayooactually i need some sleep too20:32
calumayooit 3:31 am now20:32
rafa__then they come back20:32
dobesno video and soud by kubuntu20:32
vivek_don_jr: there seems to be this problem with your card and yes there is a patch for it.. but for that you got to come back20:33
gonzalo_alguien a tenido problemas con kubuntu 10.0420:33
gonzalo_con inestabilidad de kwqin20:33
vivek_calumayoo: I am 2 hours behind you20:33
calumayooill just wait the installation to finish20:34
calumayooyou go ahead20:34
don_jrvivek_ I"m back sorry bout that20:37
vivek_yes calumayoo: and if don_jr: comes back  just tel him to google this VT1720/24 no sound Ubuntu.. there is plenty of info , about this problem with this particular sound card20:37
don_jrwhen I click play on anything, nothing happens20:37
don_jrvivek_ okay I"m looking into it now, thanks a ton for the help man.20:37
vivek_don_jr: seems like there is this problem with this sound card and there are plenty of soultions too .. i would have stayed back but am damn tired and got to catch some sleep20:38
vivek_bye .. no problem take care calumayoo: and don_jr: have fun20:38
vivek_don_jr: I guess this should solve your problem.... first see this.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=965985 and then see this ...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound20:39
vivek_bye !20:39
ubuntui've tried to upgrade to lucid, but i've got an error while processing x11-common (--configure). can you help me, plase?20:43
calumayoo_how do i instal google chrome?20:44
wannabe_download it20:46
ubuntuno one?20:48
rorkubuntu: lucid is supported in #ubuntu+1 be sure to specify which error you get20:50
ubuntuno answer from ubuntu+1 :(20:50
penociowhere in ubuntu is screen resolution and font size config are present so i can change them permanently?20:56
rorkpenocio: if you're using KDE it's in System settings > Display and System settings > Appearance21:00
penocioi have tried settings but every time i boot. its changed.21:00
penocioisnt there a config file?21:00
ZoraelIs it possible to input unicode characters by their character codes in KDE and Qt apps? eg, 03c0 for π21:15
ZoraelI can input lazy unicode with the compose key, as in compose + comma + c yielding ç, but I can't find any way to enter the unicode keycodes. (In GTK apps yes; ctrl+shift+u.)21:16
zhobbsis a dist-upgrade safe from the command line?21:50
zhobbskpackagekit is telling me "Distribution upgrade process exited with code 127." when I try to upgrade to 9.1021:50
MartinBlumenhi, everyone. On startup after grub menu I see a couple of "blinks" and really weird graphics. I can tell it should be saying "kubuntu", but everything is shifted and there are just like 4 colors used22:10
MartinBlumenIs anyone else seeing this?22:10
penociowhere is the config file which contains screen resolution and font sizes, in kde latest kubuntu. i have tried going to settings and display/appearance but at reboot it changes back.2. i have increased ram from 512 to 512m+1g. (p4 2.8ghz HT tech) but i still observe same speed/performance. why?22:12
GerritHi. I am running the Kubuntu 10.04 live CD. I manually added a configuration with "Manage Connections" (I have a fixed IP address/netmask/gateway/DNS server), but when I click on the newly created "Kiruna Studentnet", nothing happens (no window, no error, no network, nothing). I am now connected by using ifconfig and route by hand, but I'm sure that shouldn't be necessary. Is there a known issue with the network manager in Kubuntu 10.04, or is ...22:12
Gerrit... there something strange going on?22:13
James147Gerrit: you could try wicd or the gnome nm-applet   knetworkmanager has been a bit unrelible in the past, not too sure how much it has improved with lucid though22:17
GerritI'm just running the live cd so far though22:17
James147penocio: you can set the screen resolution by editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf (there shouldn't be on by default) but you will have to look up how to do that i am afraid22:18
Gerritjust checking things out, now wondering why the configuration for the display won't let me select my monitors supported screen resolution22:18
James147penocio: also, if you need a preformance boost you can try disabling some of the more resource hungery stuff like nepomuk/desktop effects you dont care about... my guess would be that there is anoter bottle neck inyour system appeart from ram although I cannot be sure22:19
penocioJames147:  what bottleneck can it be22:20
James147penocio: if you have an nvidia graphics card you can set up the screen by using "sudo nvidia-xconfig" and "kdesudo nvidia-settings"22:20
penocioJames147: in x11 its only xorg.confg.failsafe22:21
James147penocio: not sure... disk/cpu/ram tend to be the most obious but I dont know how "slow" your system is, kde dose have a few preformance issues with it... disabling some of the unneeded effects might help22:22
James147penocio: by default karmic/lucid no longer have an xorg.conf file but try to auto detect the settings... you will need to create it if you wish to define your own settings (sudo nvidia-xconfig is the easiest way if you ahve an nvidia card)22:23
=== Authority_ is now known as Authority
penocioJames147:  sudo nvidia os not working for me. i think its not nvidia22:24
James147penocio: lspci | grep VGA     might tell you what card you ahve22:25
penocioVGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] (rev b2)22:26
penocioJames147:  $ sudo nvidia-xconfig22:26
penociosudo: nvidia-xconfig: command not found22:26
James147penocio: looks like nvidia :) try running "jockey-kde" and enabling the nvidia drivers22:27
penocioJames147:  thanks. its workin22:29
penocioJames147:  strange. the rams is x3 but still i feel the delay and lag in irc typing22:30
GerritOuch, as I tried to fix the resolution, the screen went blank :(22:30
penocioJames147:  one ram is of kingston one is of another22:30
Gerritis there any practical difference between kubuntu with gnome insntalled and ubuntu witht kde installed?22:31
James147Gerrit: not really22:31
James147penocio: enabling the nvidia drivers 'might' help, but there could also be a conflict with the different ram... you can try running the system with the 512 stick then try it with the 1g then with both again to see if there is any difference (if you can be botherered)22:34
penocioJames147:  thanks22:36
jef91Howdy all, when I booted into Kubuntu this afternoon it is telling me my deskto compositing is disabled, however my graphics drivers are installed and working still  - any idea what else could be disabling them?22:58
Typos_Kingcan't say22:59
Typos_Kingsince I don't use or dunno what the desktop compositing may do/be22:59
jef91Desktop effects Typos_King23:00
James147jef91: if you have a laptop powerdevil can do it (system settings > advanced > power amangment) other wise the only other way I know of is if your system became slow for somereason it can disable itsself23:00
jef91James147 - when I tell it to toggle on in my desktop settings it tells me another application is blocking it - any idea what could do this?23:00
Typos_Kingit may be due to either something with the drivers or your system got slow23:00
James147jef91: not seen that before, what kde version?23:00
Typos_Kingand it disables itself23:01
jef91James147 4.4.223:01
James147jef91: dose you comp have a battery? (laptop?)23:01
jef91Yes James147 but the laptop is plugged in and my profile I am in allows for compositing23:02
James147jef91: power devil dosnt seem to `block` it, just turn it off for a while23:04
James147jef91: not sure what else could be causing it though23:04
jef91Darn. I'll try #kde23:04
GerritHi, I am unable to run at my monitors resolution 1920x1080, I have tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Resolution but if I add and run the resolution by hand as described at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution I get only a black screen, any other pointers?23:18
GerritI have a BenQ G2420HD LCD Monitor and ATI Technologies RV620 LE [Radeon HD 3450]23:19
Typos_Kingyou get.... the resolution your videocard driver provides, whatever that happen to be, and that differs from drivers to drivers23:20
Gerrit/etc/X11/xorg.conf does not exist23:20
Typos_Kingyou can always make one with23:21
GerritI would be surprised if a modern video driver would not support something byound 1024x80023:21
Typos_Kingboot to 'recovery mode' and type -> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg;23:21
Typos_KingGerrit:     what's your resolution right now?   800x600?23:22
d4nonhi, why do I have same windows in taskbar in kde 4.4SC?23:22
Typos_Kingsame windows?23:22
lexdo you speak russian?23:22
jfb_h2owhat's the keyboard shortcut for a right click on a file in dolphin??23:23
James147!ru | lex23:23
ubottulex: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke23:23
d4nonI've opened evolution on second desktop, but I see it  on other desktops in the taskbar23:23
d4nonthat spams taskbar unlike in Gnome23:23
GerritTypos_King: 1024x76823:23
James147d4non: you can configure the taskbar to display windows form all desktop (default) or not23:24
Typos_Kingjfb_h2o:    I think shift-f10 may give you a right-click, or if you have a content-key on the keyboard it may use that too, the content is the one with the arrow over a rectangle, usually around the right-alt key23:24
d4noncan't find that feature23:24
James147d4non: just right click (on en empty part of it) and click task bar settings23:24
d4nonthx James14723:25
Typos_KingGerrit:   I have the same.. .but shows a maximum of about 4 times that much, in xrandr, then again, I don't have an ATI videocard, is an Intel23:25
jv__hi there! I know it is a stupid rtfm question, but it makes me mad because: Where can I bind keys to set screen brightness in KDE?23:25
jfb_h2oTypos_King, content key yes! Shift-F10 (what I'm used to, no...) too bad, content key on my keyboard is a bit awkwardly placed.23:25
James147jv__: system settings > keyboard & mouse > global settings23:26
jfb_h2oTypos_King, thanks... I never knew about content key by the way...23:26
Typos_Kingcontext :) hehe23:26
Typos_Kingso called23:26
Typos_Kingmy keyboard context key is by the printscreen hehehe23:26
jfb_h2oyeah, mine too, with a Fn press23:27
James147jv__: ^^ s/global settings/global keyboard shortcuts/   > "kde compoent:Kde daemon"23:27
jv__James147: thx, I found it... but it seems it doesnt work... when I bind it only the bar moves without any brightness change (the hw button sill works fine, but fn+f5 is too complicated, I would like to modify it mac style)23:31
=== lex is now known as LexSmooth
vadi01_guys is the nouveu driver supported in kubuntu?23:33
vadi01_and 3g-experimental nouveau?23:34
ConcreteRosekubuntu? ubuntu? I got ubuntu.23:47
ConcreteRoseWhat is kubuntu23:47
ubottu!Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu23:47
Pici!flavors > ConcreteRose23:47
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
patarokhi !23:55
patarokcould somebody tell me where the devices have gone in amarok prefs?23:56
patarokplease i want to mount my mp3-player/memstick thingy in amarok...23:56

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