
LinuxGuy2009How do I go about changing the license for my project? It says I need a subscription to host files with the current license. I just want to have a license thats pretty much do whatever the heck you want with it kinda license.00:06
LinuxGuy2009NM found it.00:07
pijuwgrant, ok. done. ive changed my gpg key00:08
pijuwgrant, do i need to upload my pkg again ?00:08
wgrantpiju: You do.00:09
pijuwgrant, using dput ?00:10
crimsundoctormo: the pastebin url you pasted in -audio-help expired.00:33
jamestaitHi all.00:35
jamestaitAnyone available to help with an apparent locking problem on LP/bzr?00:36
beunojamestait, what's up?00:41
jamestaitOh hey beuno. :)00:42
jamestaitI can't seem to push my branch up to Launchpad, and break-lock isn't helping.00:42
jamestaitI'm trying to push up to lp:hedera/thunderbird3, two small changes, committed locally.00:43
jamestaitThe error message I'm seeing is:00:43
jamestaitbzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', "Cannot lock LockDir(lp-67253904:///~jamestait/hedera/thunderbird3/.bzr/branchlock): File exists: u'/srv/bazaar.launchpad.net/push-branches/00/04/fc/b9/.bzr/branch/lock': [Errno 17] File exists: '/srv/bazaar.launchpad.net/push-branches/00/04/fc/b9/.bzr/branch/lock'")00:43
jamestaitI've seen similar reports, but haven't yet found a solution.00:44
grant1I have a question about projects where there is rapid development and lots of new strings being added, and modified all the time00:46
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thumperjamestait: have you tried: bzr break-lock lp:~jamestait/hedera/thunderbird300:53
jamestaitthumper: I have, but it didn't help.  I read a thread that I might need to run it twice to get it to work, but that didn't help either.00:54
thumperjamestait: let me try00:55
jamestaitNo joy?01:00
thumperit tells me it isn't locked01:00
thumperor at least it gave no response to a break-lock01:01
thumperwhat is your push command?01:01
jamestaitI get no response to break-lock either.01:01
jamestaitbzr push --remember lp:~jamestait/hedera/thunderbird301:01
jamestaitHaving previously executed bzr launchpad-login jamestait01:02
beunothumper, I think jamestait's problem is Launchpad locks branches for some reason, I've had to ask mwhudson to unlock them before01:02
beunoignore me01:03
beunothis doesn't seem to be the case01:03
mwhudsonthat error is strange01:03
beunoit usually shows a message on the web ui when it happens01:03
thumperjamestait: your trunk branch is now stacked on a non-trunk branch01:03
mwhudsonlocking failure shouldn't be a server side error01:04
mwhudsoni bet stacking is involved somewhere yeah01:04
jamestaitbeuno: I seem to recall when I tried to view the thunderbird3 branch in the web UI, I got an error.  Lemme try that again.01:04
thumperjamestait: we could unstack your trunk branch01:04
thumperjamestait: by going bzr reconfigures --unstacked lp:hedera ( I hope)01:05
thumperjamestait: although it seemed to get itself a bit confused last time I tried that01:05
thumperjamestait: it worked but said it had problems01:05
jamestaitWhen I try to view the thunderbird3 branch content I get a page that says "Internal Server Error"01:06
jamestaitWonder how I managed to do this. :-/01:06
jamestaitThe difference between what I'm trying to push and what should currently be in lp:~jamestait/hedera/trunk is small - just a couple of e-mail address changes in debian/01:08
jamestaitI'm fine with the thunderbird3 branch being killed off and /trunk made the development focus again and re-branching if that's what's needed.01:08
thumperjamestait: it shouldn't be necessary01:09
jamestaitI wonder how trunk became stacked - it should be the other way around.01:10
thumperjamestait: you would have pushed the branch first, then changed the dev focus01:11
jamestaitYup, you're right, of course. :)01:13
jamestaitThat's what it looks like in my command history anyway.01:14
jamestaitI think I'd better leave it for this evening (morning) and come at it tomorrow with a fresh head and a little more time. :)01:16
thumperjamestait: sure01:16
jamestaitThanks for the help, I'll be back rather earlier after work.01:17
jamestaitttfn :)01:17
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
jameshI'm seeing timeouts trying to upload to a PPA.  Is this a known issue?06:39
wgrantjamesh: Looks OK to me.06:40
wgrantAs in FTP connection timeouts?06:40
wgrantI can connect fine.06:41
jameshsometimes uploads the first file, fails on the next06:41
jameshother times it times out on the first06:41
spmjamesh: possibly some internet filtering system is suspecting you of doing rude things? and hence dropping your connection? PPA could have all sorts of rude expansion.....06:44
spmjamesh: less seriously, is this a rather large file? I know I can't get the librarian to accept large files from Oz. 10-20mb ish size....06:45
jameshspm: less than a megabyte06:45
jameshspm: and the ppa uploads go via ftp06:45
spmjamesh: bleh. shouldn't be that then. can you pls lodge a bug with as much timing/date-times info as possible? I suspect it'll come back to us, but it may be stevenk's fault.06:47
RM87http://bazaar.launchpad.net/  having problems?06:53
spivRM87: seems ok to me06:55
micahgspiv: loggerhead is working for you?06:58
gbhjgri8zhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/ is down?06:58
RM87now seems to be working again06:59
gbhjgri8zafter trying for 20min it comes back up when i ask in irc. phew :D thanks!07:00
spivmicahg: yes07:00
micahgspiv: working for me now too :)07:00
micahgwasn't a couple minutes ago07:01
spmoh bother it is playing up. my bad, musta missed the sms somehow.07:01
spmbacktrace taken; stopped/started. should be good again.07:05
StevenKspm: What have I done with uploads?07:06
spmStevenK: nothing, yet. ;-)07:07
spmStevenK: is more james was having woe; thats part of soyuz, so are you. ergo, your fault.07:07
jamesh_spm: just rebooted my router and things seem to be better.07:08
spmjamesh_: ahh, cool.07:09
jamesh_maybe it ran out of memory or something07:09
spmthey do run on very fine tolerances... possibly. :-/07:09
jamesh_I guess even routers that come with GPL notices have their problems ...07:10
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spmsome sort of virus infected source code. unamerican even.07:11
StevenKspm: Don't make me work from Canberra tomorrow. :-P07:14
spmStevenK: ?? are you after a decent 'net connection or smoething?07:14
StevenKspm: Yes -- I've worked/am working from my mothers house today.07:14
hemanthis there a way to clean up ppa, buy removing few source packages which have failed to build?07:19
maxbPPAs have a "Delete Packages" link07:23
hemanthmaxb, not the entire ppa07:26
maxbthat's not what you asked for :-)07:27
hemanthmaxb, Delete packages07:27
hemanthmaxb, thanks07:27
hemanthmaxb, it said deleted on request, phew thanks again07:29
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persiaSo, we've an applicant before the Asia/Oceania RMB who reports that translations history is regularly scrubbed from launchpad.  Can anyone confirm this?  Is there already a bug about it?11:55
dpmhi persia, if I'm not mistaken, it's the translation karma that decreases, but the translation history always remains in the form of credits and attribution of each translated string for each template in which the translator contributed. danilos, henninge or jtv might be able to tell more12:01
jtvpersia: translations history is not scrubbed, no.  But I can imagine a few other things happening:12:02
persiadpm: My issue is that https://translations.launchpad.net/people/+me doesn't seem to have a complete history.  Should it?12:02
danilospersia, have you looked at https://translations.launchpad.net/people/+me/+activity instead?12:03
danilospersia, there is a badly placed "See all" link on your translations homepage which you can follow to get there12:03
persiadanilos: That's precisely what I wanted.  Thanks!12:03
danilospersia, yaw :)12:04
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=== noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad to: 10
=== noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Code browsing was producing Internal Server Errors -- should be working as normal now
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tommiswhy launchpad says "No REFERER Header" when i am trying to do anything in launchpad?13:25
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shadeslayerhi does anyone know if the PPA's are overburdened? im getting very slow download speeds from the chromium daily ppa13:55
bigjoolsno doubt it's people trying to download lucid already13:55
bigjoolsand the bandwidth is getting soaked13:56
shadeslayerwell my local mirror download speed is good,but my ppa speeds are slow13:56
bigjoolsat the last release we had a lot of people asking the same question13:56
shadeslayer4-5 KBps :P13:56
bigjoolsPPAs are not mirrored, they're served from the London DC13:57
shadeslayerbigjools: ah ok,so its a known phenomenon :)13:57
shadeslayerbigjools: isnt there a different mirror for ppa's :P14:04
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tommiswhy launchpad says "No REFERER Header" when i am trying to do anything in launchpad?14:34
shadeslayertommis: oh are you behind a proxy?14:36
tommisi dunno :/14:36
shadeslayertommis: well i was experiencing this and my proxy was blocking the lp headers14:37
tommisokei then, how do i fix it?14:37
shadeslayertommis: *if* youre behind a proxy,talk to the admins,they will have to unblock the headers from the server side14:38
tommishmm, i don't know any admin :/14:39
tsimpsonbtw, the referer header is not a "launchpad header", it's supposed to be supported by any standards-compliant browser14:39
tsimpsonso if an admin blocked it, they need slapping with a large trout14:39
bilalakhtarLooks like there is a really long queue at the amd64 build farm14:40
bilalakhtarfor ppas14:40
bilalakhtarI just uploaded a package, only to find out that it will be built after 5 days (after lucid release) !14:41
noodles775bilalakhtar: there is, but they're mostly very low priority builds, so anything you upload *should* not take 5 days? Where is your build?14:41
bilalakhtarnoodles775: oh just checked it, and found mine will be built in an hour. here it is https://launchpad.net/~gnome-media-player-development/+archive/development/+build/170864014:42
tsimpsonmost of the build systems will be geared towards the "final" ubuntu packages this close to release14:42
noodles775bilalakhtar: yep, great. So it's a bit misleading, but the "five days" mentioned on the builders page is how long it will take currently to clear the queue. When you upload, your builds have a higher priority than most of those in the queue (rebuilds).14:42
bilalakhtarI didn't understand one thing. What are the official distribution builders for? If they are for main, universe, etc, then I want to say that I noticed motu's uploading prebuilt packages directly also14:43
tsimpsonthe "official" ones are for building packages for distributions registered on LP14:46
wgrantbilalakhtar: What suggests that we upload prebuilt packages?14:46
wgrantIt's not possible.14:46
maxbbilalakhtar: Launchpad outright forbids uploading prebuilt binary packages.14:46
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bilalakhtarwgrant: prebuilt means built on your own system using pbuilder14:48
bilalakhtarwgrant: not built on lp14:48
wgrantbilalakhtar: People *test* builds with pbuilder.14:48
james_wanyone know whether that's a bug: http://paste.ubuntu.com/423372/ ?14:48
wgrantThey do not upload the resulting binaries.14:48
wgrantjames_w: What looks like a bug?14:49
bilalakhtarwgrant: oh, so all the packages are built on lp?14:49
james_wwgrant: what does "Not" mean?14:49
wgrantBesides the 'Not' as a priority -- but that's the name of the priority, and it's always been like that.14:49
wgrantjames_w: Not a priority, I guess.14:49
wgrantbilalakhtar: Right.14:49
noodles775Undefined..... not!14:49
* bilalakhtar understands now14:49
james_wthe priority of this blueprint is now not undefined!14:49
wgrantHeh, yes.14:50
bilalakhtarWho selects the projects to be displayed on the front page as featured projects?14:50
shadeslayerbilalakhtar: its just randomn i think14:50
intellectronicabilalakhtar: mrevell is your guy14:50
intellectronicashadeslayer: no, it's not random14:50
bilalakhtarmrevell is for what? getting projects into the featured list14:51
mrevellbilalakhtar, Hi there! Which is your project?14:51
bilalakhtarmrevell: https://launchpad.net/gnome-media-player14:51
mrevellThanks bilalakhtar, I'll take a look.14:52
bilalakhtarmrevell: seen?15:03
shadeslayerbilalakhtar: hehe... itll probably take some time :P15:03
bilalakhtarshadeslayer: fine15:03
mrevellbilalakhtar, Hey, is this a relatively new project?15:05
bilalakhtarmrevell: somewhat15:05
bilalakhtarmrevell: it was https://launchpad.net/gnome-vlc earlier15:06
mrevellThanks for the link bilalakhtar. Leave it with me, I'm in the middle of a few things right now and I'll need to take a thorough look at the project. Thanks for pointing it out to me.15:07
* coekie still looking for someone to unblock his account15:07
bilalakhtarmrevell: fine. no problem. take your time15:07
bilalakhtarcoekie: why did your account get blocked?15:08
coekieno idea. it just says  "Your account has been deactivated."15:08
bilalakhtarcoekie: what was your lp page?15:08
coekienote that I haven't used launchpad for a very long time (even forgot I had an account)15:09
coekielp page?15:09
bilalakhtarcoekie: launchpad id?15:09
coekiemy email is wouter@coekaerts.be (and that's all I know)15:10
shadeslayercoekie: like mine is : launchpad.net/~rohangarg , the part after ~ is really important :P15:10
shadeslayerim guessing its ~wouter15:10
coekieno, that's someone else15:11
bilalakhtarfine, bye, guys!15:11
coekieI and the "forgot your password" page also doesn't let you know the username15:12
coekieI'd even be happy if it just forgot this other account under my email which I don't know about and I'd be able to register a new one...15:13
coekie(and I can't reset my password because it says my account is deactivated)15:14
pijudo i need to sign *.dsc to upload to my PPA ?15:14
bigjoolspiju: yes15:15
pijubigjools, *.dsc, *.changes and *.tar.gz ?15:15
bigjools.dsc and .changes need to be signed15:15
pijubigjools, using key that i have upload to PPA ?15:16
bigjoolspiju: the key that you associated with your LP account15:16
pijui got this error15:16
pijugpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!15:16
pijugpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.15:16
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shadeslayer_piju: you imported your gpg keys right?15:17
pijushadeslayer_, yes15:17
shadeslayer_piju: you need to trust them ultimately...15:17
pijushadeslayer_, how ?15:17
shadeslayer_youll need to edit the keys...15:17
shadeslayer_um.. google :P15:17
pijushadeslayer_, done15:19
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pijushadeslayer how long it takes for LP to upload my pkg ?15:20
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pijubigjools, how long it takes for my pkg to be appear at LP ?15:21
pijuafter i uploaded them all ?15:21
shadeslayerpiju: a few minutes,depending on the length of the queue15:21
pijushadeslayer, ok tq15:21
bigjoolsup to 5 minutes15:21
shadeslayerusually 5 mins15:21
bigjoolsif you don't get an email then you got something wrong :)15:22
michaelforrestcan somebody remind me what I have to do to create a team on launchpad with special requirements ? (I work at canonical and it's not letting me put canonical in my team name)15:22
bigjoolsmichaelforrest: ask a LOSA15:22
shadeslayerbigjools: if you get a email then something is wrong :P15:22
michaelforrestbigjools: please expand on the meaning of the acronym 'LOSA'15:22
shadeslayerwell in both conditions you get a email15:22
bigjoolsmichaelforrest: will contact you internally, one sec15:23
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bigjoolsshadeslayer_: wrong, you will not get an email if the key is not known or the changes file is mangled15:23
bigjoolsbut when we have an sftp server in the not too far future, that'll change :)15:24
shadeslayer_bigjools: what will happen then? and btw where are these build machines located?15:24
bigjoolsshadeslayer_: the build farm?  It's in London.15:25
bigjoolswhen we have sftp, the rejection will be on the spot if there's any gpg failure15:25
shadeslayer_ah.. nice :)15:25
shadeslayer_bigjools: can people contribute machines from elsewhere?15:26
bigjoolsmaybe in the future, but there's no plan15:26
shadeslayer_bigjools: well that would take alot of load off the PPA's15:27
shadeslayer_well atleast PPA's should be mirrored imo15:27
bigjoolsit would, but then you're less able to trust the build15:27
wgrantIt would take a lot of the security off, too.15:27
shadeslayer_well ive gtg..cya :)15:27
pijushadeslayer_, my pkg dont appear at all15:35
pijubigjools, 5 minutes already15:39
bigjoolspiju: did you get an email?15:39
pijubigjools, errors15:40
bigjoolsthere ya go15:40
trijntjehi all, the 'top translation contributors'-page on LP seems to be broken. Now I can't see how much work I must do to beat the next on the list :(15:41
henningetrijntje: what do you mean by "broken"? I can see the page ok.15:42
dpmtrijntje, henninge I think there was a recent bug in LP Translations about that15:43
wgrantBug 56485215:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564852 in rosetta "Top contributors list broken" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56485215:43
trijntjehenninge, The order of the translators is the wrong way, at the top is someone with 1 karma15:43
henningetrijntje: Ah, I see. Use edge, then. At lest until the next Launchpad release next week. ;-)15:44
henningetrijntje: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+languages/nl15:45
henningethanks dpm, wgrant15:45
trijntjeah thanks all, i'm all happy again ;)15:46
pijubigjools, what does it said ?15:49
bigjoolspiju: pardon15:50
pijupsk31lx_1.2-1-9w2pju.dsc: Unknown section 'unknown'15:50
pijupsk31lx_1.2-1-9w2pju.tar.gz: Unknown section 'unknown'15:50
pijupsk31lx_1.2-1-9w2pju_amd64.deb: Unknown section 'unknown'15:50
pijuFurther error processing not possible because of a critical previous error.15:50
pijuwhat is unknown ?15:50
bigjoolsyou need to specify a valid Debian section15:51
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
shadeslayer_piju: in the debian/control file16:01
pijushadeslayer_, ok16:02
om26erhow do I delete a ppa completely?16:12
shadeslayer_om26er: youll have to ask one of the admins16:13
shadeslayer_om26er: oh and the ppa should not contain published packages16:13
noodles775Or you could wait a few days and be able to just click yourself to do it (thanks to bigjools and cody-somerville).16:14
om26ernoodles775, yeah I can wait16:14
shadeslayer_noodles775: really? yoo hoo16:14
shadeslayer_noodles775: when is this feature coming?16:14
noodles775shadeslayer_: afaik, bigjools is planning for it to be available on edge in the next few days.16:15
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dmitchellthe voucher system for the commercial subscriptions seems to be down16:39
dmitchellAnyone else experiencing this issue?16:39
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ahasenackhey guys, I'm getting an internal server error on login.launchpad.net after being redirected there from staging.landscape.canonical.com18:50
ahasenackit's a plain apache internal server error page18:50
ahasenackno launchpad style on it18:50
ahasenacklosa: ping18:55
gnomefreakothers were affected by LP logging in but it is up now19:06
* gnomefreak hasnt had an issue19:06
DinkSorry for the cross posting but,  I am trying to use launchpad to compile only a specific flavour kernel. I have edited i386.mk to only contain the flavour I want. How do I prepare this for launchpadd ppa to use? Are there any other files I need to edit ? Any help would be appreciated.19:37
barrylosa ping?19:38
Chexbarry: hi there19:46
Chexahasenack: hi19:46
barryChex: hi19:46
barryChex: i have a project rename request.  could you help me with that?  https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/10829219:47
Chexbarry: yes sure, looking at it now19:50
barryChex: thanks19:51
Chexbarry: all set20:05
qenseIs the 'component' argument of the 'searchTasks' GET method of the 'distribution' object in the Launchpad API the source package of the bug? I couldn't find anything else that seemed to allow you to search for tasks reported against a certain source package.20:19
gregcoitlaunchpad has been "updating branch" for 10 minutes after I pushed 219 to lp:pantheon - did i break it?20:23
qenseIs 'losa' the pingword for the LP guy on duty in this channel? Never knew.20:23
maxbqense: DistributionSourcePackage.searchTasks(blah)20:24
barryChex: you rock.  thanks20:24
qensemaxb: But what if you want to provide other arguments as well?20:24
maxbqense: ?20:24
qenseJust provide the source package as the first without keyword?20:24
maxbhuh? No, you call searchTasks on the source package object of interest20:25
qensemaxb: refine the search20:25
qensemaxb: But what if you call it on the distribution?20:25
maxbThen you're searching the entire distribution, not just one package20:25
qenseYou cannot provide an argument to the searchTasks method of a distribution object to only search a source package from there?20:26
gregcoitis launchpad hanging on "updating branch" for anyone else?20:26
maxbqense: No, because that functionality is provided via calling searchTasks on the distro_source_package object20:27
qensemaxb: OK, thanks for yourself.20:27
qenseyour help20:27
gnomefreakseems Lp is timing out20:29
gnomefreakusing edge20:29
qenseI noticed it was slow already a few minutes ago, but now it's completely unworkable?20:30
gnomefreakok page reloaded fine but it would let me comment on a bug20:30
yofeltimes out using edge and production here20:30
gnomefreakthat time it worked but 1time out of 10 == bad odds20:30
gregcoitwhew, 219 finally went through after 30 minutes20:31
qenseMaybe they just rebuilt OpenOffice, the kernel, Firefox and GNOME for Lucid. ;)20:32
yofelok, seems to work again20:33
yofeland buildd load shouldn't affect the bugs DB :P20:34
qenseYou never know how crazy it gets!20:34
czajkowskianyone around who could give me a hand with https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/10855321:01
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=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
paultagHey LP Hackers. I'm using Launchpadlib to do a quick audit for the LoCo Council ( in which I am a part of ). I want to make sure that I don't flood the servers and get myself banned. I have it sleeping two seconds between requests -- is this enough?21:33
cody-somervillepaultag, are you just looking to run the script once?21:38
cody-somervillepaultag, what exactly is the script doing?21:38
paultagcody-somerville, I run it manually on the team, and it goes through each member and notes the join date21:39
paultagcody-somerville, It just finished a run on ubuntu-au without getting banned but that does not mean that mucj21:39
paultagcody-somerville, P.S. Somerville, MA?21:39
cody-somervillepaultag, you shouldn't need any sleeps between requests21:39
cody-somervillepaultag, No. My last name is Somerville.21:40
paultagcody-somerville, does it preload the whole team?21:40
paultagAh, sorry then21:40
cody-somervillepaultag, I've been in Somerville, MA though21:40
paultagcody-somerville, each team can be 300+ no problem21:40
paultagcody-somerville, I don't want to flood the LP servers21:40
cody-somervillepaultag, It shouldn't be a problem. If it is, someone will kindly let you know.21:41
paultagcody-somerville, should I put something in the browser string to let you guys know to poke me?21:42
cody-somervillepaultag, you can authenticate instead of using anonymous API21:44
paultagcody-somerville, OK. I will. Thanks for your time :)21:45
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
comutamikehi guys - i have a quick question about BZR / Launchpad.  I got a bzr branch, but when I try it branch it back it checks out a read only version.  I am logged in.  Why would this happen?22:21
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
KIAazewhen do packages get published again? Every 5/15/30/60 minutes?22:31
wgrantKIAaze: Every 5, normally.22:32
KIAazeok, thanks22:32
KIAazeI always have difficulties finding that info22:32
KIAazeis there some good place to find it?22:32
wgrantHave you checked the PPA docs on help.launchpad.net?22:33
comutamikehi - any ideas why when i do a bzr branch it creates a read only copy?22:45
wgrantcomutamike: Which URL were you checking out?22:46
comutamikewgrant: bzr branch lp:~computa-mike/+junk/whobuntu-icon-theme22:48
wgrantcomutamike: What does 'bzr lp-login' say?22:49
comutamikewgrant:  computa-mike.... that's my username on launchpad22:50
comutamikewgrant: I was assuming that when you branch from launchpad that you'd be able to merge your changes back - but when it creates a read only branch that makes it more difficult.22:51
wgrantcomutamike: What does 'bzr info' say for the parent branch?22:52
comutamikeit gives me a checkout (fomat:2a)22:53
wgrantIt should say 'parent branch: <some URL>'22:53
wgrantOr alternatively 'checkout of branch: <some URL>' if you used 'bzr checkout'  rather than 'bzr branch'/.22:54
comutamikecheckout root : .22:54
comutamikecheckout og branch : bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~computa-mike/%2bjunk/whobuntu-icon-theme22:54
comutamikei woner if this is an SSL issue22:54
wgrantSo, that should be writable.22:54
wgrantWhat happens when you try to commit?22:54
comutamikebut when I use nautilus to view the directory there is a banner across the top saying read only, and I can't replace one of the files.22:55
wgrantEr. Can you screenshot that? That sounds really odd.22:56
comutamikewgrant: I did a commit, and interestingly it shows the file that I tried to change as being changed..... Just pasting that into pastebin now...22:58
comutamikeerm - I can't use pastebin for screen shots though can i?22:58
comutamikewhat do you recommend?22:59
wgrantcomutamike: A quick search brings up imagebin.ca, if you have no other webhosting.23:01
comutamikei gotit posted onto image shack...23:04
wgrantThat's not one I've seen before.23:09
wgrantIs that groundcontrol or something like that?23:09
comutamikethat's just nautilus  - but I did install the Bazaar plugins ...23:10
wgrantAh, yes, it is Ground Control.23:10
wgrantSo it's probably a Ground Control bug.23:10
comutamikeis that what ground control is - naultilus plugins for bazaat23:11
comutamikebazaar even23:11
wgrantA Nautilus plugin that integrates with Launchpad and Bazaar, yes.23:12
comutamikeYou'll be pleased to hear that I've managed to make my required changes - so I think I should be ok.  I wonder if ground control (like you say) has a bug, and it really wasn't read only..23:12
comutamikeit worked anyway.23:12
wgrantSo, I've checked the code, and what it really means by 'Read-Only Branch' is that it is a checkout.23:13
wgrantdoctormo: Is it meant to do that?23:13
comutamikethat seems wierd - and could lead to confusion23:15
comutamikewgrant: I think i may uninstall ground control for the moment...23:23
comutamikewgrant: but many thanks for your help - I've been trying to get one of the icons replaced for like 3 hours...23:24
jamestaitGood evening you lovely people!23:39
thumperjamestait: morning23:40
jamestaitHow's tricks? All set for Thursday?23:40
thumperI have nothing to do with the lucid release, so yes, I'm fine23:41
jamestaitNot in mad panic mode, just able to enjoy the excitement like me? :)23:42
thumperwell, I've been running lucid for a month, so not even that much excitement23:42
jamestaitYeah, I was really late to the game this time around unfortunately.  I only upgraded last week.23:43
wgrantThe first few months weren't as exciting as other releases stability-wise, so you didn't miss much!23:43
jamestaitI think I'm awake enough to try and understand how I broke my branches, if you're able to help.23:44
jamestaitI'm new to bzr, and DVCS in general, so I probably just did something stupid.23:46
wgrantAsk away, and people will help if they can.23:46
jamestaitOK, I'm not 100% on the precise order of events, so please bear with me.23:49
jamestaitI had a branch lp:~jamestait/hedera/trunk23:50
jamestaitI made some local changes, committed them, then pushed them.  I then pushed to a new branch lp:~jamestait/hedera/thunderbird3 which I then made the development focus.23:51
jamestaitI set up a PPA.  I made a couple of tiny changes to my local repo, committed, but when I try to push to lp:~jamestait/hedera/thunderbird3 I get the error message:23:52
jamestaitbzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', "Cannot lock LockDir(lp-67253904:///~jamestait/hedera/thunderbird3/.bzr/branchlock): File exists: u'/srv/bazaar.launchpad.net/push-branches/00/04/fc/b9/.bzr/branch/lock': [Errno 17] File exists: '/srv/bazaar.launchpad.net/push-branches/00/04/fc/b9/.bzr/branch/lock'")23:52
jamestaitI've attempted bzr break-lock on both the trunk and thunderbird3 branches, but it hasn't helped.23:53
tsimpsonI noticed bzr break-lock seems to always fail on lp: addresses, try with: bzr break-lock bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jamestait/hedera/thunderbird323:54
jamestaitNope, same error.23:55
mwhudsonjamestait: what happens when you try to break-lock?23:56
jamestaitI get some output that briefly flashes up on the screen, I think I see the word Receiving in there, but nothing more.23:57
mwhudsonoh strange23:57
mwhudsonbzr info lp:~jamestait/hedera/thunderbird3 seems to be saying that there's no branch there23:58
mwhudsononly a repo23:58
jamestaitNow that is odd.23:59
mwhudsonparticularly as there is a branch there23:59
mwhudsonor at least most of one23:59

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