
ZykoticK9andiolsi, FYI the above link does NOT work on Opera00:00
bp0bug 41040700:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410407 in flashplugin-nonfree "Clicking on items in Flash player does nothing [READ DESCRIPTION]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41040700:00
andiolsiZykoticK9: hmm nevermind, checked again now its working. wasnt this afternoon00:01
lucas-argbp0: use medibuntu repositories and install flashplugin 64bits, dont use flashplugin-nonfree00:01
bp0the actual 64bit flash doesnt work for hulu00:02
bp0for me00:02
ZykoticK9lucas-arg, what is the package name for that?  from medibuntu?00:03
lucas-argZykoticK9: just search in synaptic flash it will appear00:03
bp0ZykoticK9s thing seems to be working00:04
ZykoticK9bp0, glad to help00:04
ZykoticK9lucas-arg, i think your confused on how you installed 64bit flash - I don't think it was from Medibuntu00:05
andiolsibp0: thats what i did, works fine: http://andiolsi.rz.uni-lueneburg.de/flash.sh.txt00:06
bp0i installed the 64bit flash from adobe, by downloading it and putting it in the plugins dir00:06
bp0but it fails on hulu00:06
bp0so i changed to the 32bit wrapped one00:07
Dr_Willisi dont even need 64bit flash for huludesktop to work. but the web site complains.00:07
BrimstonesWill Lucid come with SAMBA 3.x and "passdb backend = tdbsam" enabled ?00:08
andiolsigreat i cant even watch hulu stuff because i am not in the us ...00:08
andiolsifix THAT on the client side ;)00:08
bp0need some proxy00:09
=== mrcurrington is now known as mcurrington
DanaGYou know, if you had nspluginwrapper trying to wrap flash, and fed it the 64-bit Flash, it's no wonder it didn't work.00:16
pwnguini seem to be missing a sound gnome-panel applet00:17
Dr_Willishmm.. copying to a usb flash is REAL slow on one pc.. but real fast on a secondpc...00:17
ZykoticK9pwnguin, add to panel / indicator applet - if it isn't there already00:17
Dr_Willis16MB/sec vs.. 2 :)00:18
ZykoticK9pwnguin, are you seeing a mail icon?00:18
atrusDanaG: why would that be a problem? it should be a great way to isolate firefox from flash crashes...00:18
pwnguinZykoticK9: no00:18
ZykoticK9pwnguin, add to panel / indicator applet - if it isn't there already00:18
DanaGYeah, but nspluginwrapper expects a 32-bit Flash.00:18
Dr_Willistheres work in firefox i see to sandbox the extensions even more.00:18
DanaGIf you want crash-isolation, us the 3.6.5pre.00:18
pwnguinZykoticK9: ah, so now i have an indicator bad and a notification area =/00:19
pwnguinindicator applet00:19
ZykoticK9pwnguin, yup - there is a way to remove just the mail icon if you don't use it BTW00:19
pwnguinmaybe i should try out a guest session and see how this is supposed to glue together00:20
BUGabundonight every1. see you in a few hours00:21
switchgirlwhat it the package effected >> iplayer starts playing and then jumps back to the beginning00:22
pwnguinZykoticK9: thanks for the tip00:22
ZykoticK9pwnguin, glad to help -- if you want to remove the mail icon it's "sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages"00:22
pwnguinwell, maybe i'll try hooking it up to gmail or something00:22
bp0why is there indicator and notification panel applets?00:23
bp0why 2?00:23
DASPRiDhmmm "Ubuntu is an open-source alternative to Windows and Office." <-- what OS is "Office"? :>00:23
ZykoticK9pwnguin, although i didn't like it at first - i've come to find the mail icon very handy00:23
switchgirlpwnguin, careful in america hooking up means somthhing different00:23
DanaG"hooking it up" has no alternative meaning.00:24
pwnguinswitchgirl: i wasn't aware i needed to be lectured about american semantics00:24
DanaG"hooking up with" a PERSON is where there's (an obvious) meaning.00:24
switchgirlpwnguin, you're closking your hostname so yeah i dunno you could be british00:25
switchgirlstupid brits comeing over here taking our land.....00:25
pwnguin#ubuntu-us-ks is a pretty big giveaway, no?00:26
pwnguinstep two: i only skimmed the shuttleworth dictum on window decorations. any way to undo this left handed close button stuff?00:27
ZykoticK9!controls | pwnguin00:28
ubottupwnguin: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d600:28
pwnguinits an interesting idea, but I really can't be having one odd man out in the synergy win-mac-ubuntu combo00:30
pwnguineven my phone places close on the right00:31
DASPRiDuhm, mac has it on the left as well00:31
DASPRiDyou should make windows having them on the left now ;)00:31
pwnguinDASPRiD: heh, well, i guess thats' why its always asleep00:31
pepeebug 100:31
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)00:31
pwnguini never use it unless someone insists they're having a mac problem00:31
anonyWell that's too bad. Anyone got any good, catchy titles for a 10.04 release party? #ubuntu kicked me for asking this question, btw00:32
KB1JWQanony: I suspect it was how you asked.00:32
anonyBecause you know, outreach is just, too offtopic.00:32
anony"Lucid sex, digital violence" is one suggestion for a rel. party title. But the name implies a heavy emphasis on digital rights education, which will be a portion of the party, but i don't want to have to do a huge workshop.00:34
pwnguinhow about "wait wait, you can change it all back!"00:35
anonyChange what back? Maybe i'm not getting the humor in that one.00:35
pepee"yes, we can"00:35
hector1hey guys, anyone know good sound troubleshooting methods?00:35
anonySound troubleshooting, eh?00:36
andiolsido you know of any good minimalistic themes that give me a little more content for my pixels?00:36
anonywhat's wrong with it?00:36
hector1im having trouble with my HDA ATI SB ALC120000:36
anonywell i dunno what that is , but it's a sound card, right?00:36
KB1JWQhector1: "Be methodical" is a good sound troubleshooting technique. :-)00:36
hector1its onboard00:36
hector1lol KB1JWQ00:36
anonyHave you.. tried different headphones, in all the ports, with the volume turned all the way up?00:37
pepeehector1, what's the problem?00:37
hector1si anony00:37
anonyDid it work before, with a diff OS?00:37
hector1the sound doesnt play, it shows up fine in Sound Preferences00:37
DanaGalturl?  I don't trust url-shortener services... for all I know, they could be rickrolls. =þ00:37
hector1yep, 9.10 worked and 10.04 RC doesnt anymore :(00:38
pepee...tried "disable mute"?00:38
crimsunhector1: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh, please00:38
hector1mute nots enabled and sound is all way up, including in alsamixer00:38
=== Jake2|cfl is now known as Jake2|lucid
Jordan_Uhector1: even with "alsamixer -c 0"?00:39
hector1lemme try00:39
hector1all raised to 100 unmuted00:39
anonytry aplay -v /dev/urandom00:39
crimsunhector1: please use that script, or ubuntu-bug alsa-base00:39
deanfxGot a quick question -- anybody care to help?00:42
DanaGI wish the dang gnome volume thingy wouldn't forcibly assert the mute pin whenever volume hits zero.00:42
pepee!ask | deanfx00:42
ubottudeanfx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:42
ZykoticK9!final | deanfx00:42
ubottudeanfx: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.00:42
teageHi, Im running lucid and i lost my default log in screen, since i installed the rt2870 driver the default log in is now a command prompt. How can i get the default back?00:43
crimsunhector1: please ping me after you've provided the requested information00:45
pepeeteage, how did you install the driver? :S00:46
hector1sure crimson00:46
cjaeis there a kubuntu +100:46
teagepepee, i installed it with ndiswrapper00:46
dean_fxI'm sorry! I got disconnected from wireless right after I sent in my question -- didn't see anybodys response... :(00:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 332081 in gnome-settings-daemon "Panel volume icon state changes to "mute" when volume reaches zero" [Low,New]00:46
pepeeteage, in the command prompt: sudo service gdm start00:46
Brimstonescjae: kde is for loosers.00:46
teagepepee , had to blacklist the default driver00:46
teagegdm is allready started00:47
pepee!ask | dean_fx00:47
ubottudean_fx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:47
=== Jake2|lucid is now known as Jake2
teagepepee, gdm is already started00:47
ZykoticK9!final | dean_fx00:47
ubottudean_fx: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.00:47
cjaegnome sucks a fat mono d*ck plus it ugly like red headed step child Brimstones00:47
teagepepee i started gdm at command prompt with startx00:47
pepeeteage, ah ok00:47
cjaeBrimstones: jj dont want to start a flame00:48
teagepepee but i would rather use the default log in instead of the commands00:48
pepeebut it doesn't start automatically, is that your problem?00:48
DanaGcjae: watch your language there.00:48
DanaGyou may have starred out... but that doesn't make it "nice".00:48
h00kcjae: That is not appropriate for this channel, keep it family friendly.00:49
teagepepee, right, and the fact that i dont get the nifty log in screen anymore. uhhh00:49
pepeeteage, try reconfiguring some packages00:49
pepeeor reinstall them00:49
pepeedpkg-reconfigure gdm00:49
=== Jake2 is now known as Jake2_
teagethanks i will try that pepee00:50
pepeeteage, no error messages while booting?00:50
teagepepee, nope00:50
pepeesure? can you see the kernel messages?00:50
=== Jake2_ is now known as Jake2|cfl
WalzmynI ejected my SD card, now my system won't recoginize it when I put it back in (Kubuntu, fully updated)00:50
cjaeanyone want to answer the question, aside from not giving the person who started it reprimand00:51
pepeeremove "splash quiet" in grub, edit the kernel command line00:51
teagepepee, the only error i had was that it could not load the new driver, i had fixed that though, it was cause i forgot to blacklist rt250000:51
pepeeWalzmyn, try different USB ports00:51
Walzmyncjae: no, this +1 covers the entire Cannocal universe for beta00:51
Walzmynpepee: built in card reader00:52
Brimstonescjae: Yes, kde is like mono00:52
pepeeWalzmyn, oh, no idea then00:52
Walzmynpepee: but.... I do have a usb card reader somewhere....00:52
teageok now will reboot and try it00:52
cjaeWalzmyn: thanks00:53
steelnwoolhi, i installed 10.04 on 2 500 gig sata disks, with lvm in a raid 1 config. when i boot of the second drive,it tells me "bad pbr sig"00:54
greezmunkeycan someone save me som time, post the bug track url, please? tia00:56
h00k!bugs | greezmunkey00:57
ubottugreezmunkey: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots00:57
Random832so... my mouse pointer setting isn't being consistently used00:57
greezmunkeyheh, thanks h00k00:57
steelnwoolso, i think its a grub issues, but my grub-fu is weak.00:57
pepeesteelnwool, google?00:58
steelnwoolpepee, tried, but have some more indepth questions.00:58
Random832anyone know how to even figure ou twhat's wrong there?00:58
steelnwoolwriting a forum post now with more details.00:58
steelnwoolmost of the references i found to my error were regarding solaris 9.... :)00:58
pepeeRandom832, microsoft mouse?00:59
WalzmynRandom832: i have that same bug00:59
pepeesteelnwool, http://asupergeek.blogspot.com/2007/06/bad-pbr-sig.html00:59
Random832pepee: um, it's the _pointer_, what the hell does the brand of the mouse matter?00:59
steelnwoolpepee: that is the exact one i read :)00:59
pepeefirst thing shown by google00:59
pepeeahh hehe00:59
steelnwoolwhen 9i run grub, i get told this Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no+01:00
pepeeRandom832, different mouse's have different problems01:00
pepeeand configurations...01:00
pepeeand hardware01:00
Walzmynpepee: well, yes then, mine's a microsoft mouse01:01
Random832but the mouse pointer has nothing to do with the mouse01:01
Random832it's got more to do with the video driver than the mouse01:01
Random832the mouse is _moving_ just fine01:01
Random832it is just a small white arrow instead of a large black/transparent/red one01:01
Walzmynpepee: but I gotta agree with Random832. If it's the same thing what happens is you move the mouse around and click, but the click dosen't register01:01
pepeewhat about the mouse _driver_?01:01
Random832the mouse driver has nothing to do with the pointer either01:02
Random832all it does is control where it goes - it has nothing to do with the shape01:02
Random832can someone who actually has a clue help me?01:02
steelnwoolRandom832: best not to insult people that try tohelp.01:02
pepeewell, if you know how it works, ask the right people...01:03
greezmunkey?? about bug reports on launchpad...What does "triaged" mean exactly?01:03
Spreadsheet_When will Lucid Lynx be released, as of CST?01:04
crimsunSpreadsheet_: sometime on the 29th somewhere in the world01:04
Walzmyngreezmunkey: the word itself means the process of figureing out what needs the most attention - medical term for emgergencies01:04
greezmunkeyWalzmyn: I get that, so I guess I should have asked if there is a workaround if I see the word...thanks though :)01:05
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:05
FiReSTaRTpepee: what's the command to notify those who ask that a little kitten gets thrown into boiling oil every time they ask? :)01:06
Walzmyngreezmunkey: oh, sorry. Lots of medical ties here, and I'm always amazed at how many people don't know that word.01:06
FiReSTaRTpepee: i remember something like that from the karmic launch01:06
greezmunkeyWalzmyn: Now that I look a bit further, it just means that it is being worked on...01:06
pepeeno idea01:06
pepeeFiReSTaRT, google? xD01:07
WalzmynFiReSTaRT: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi01:09
ActionParsnipyo yo yo +101:09
steelnwoolpepee http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9179173#post917917301:10
greezmunkeyWHat is the consensus regarding plymouth, remove it?01:10
ActionParsnipgreezmunkey: i do01:10
FiReSTaRTthanks Walzmyn.. looking through them :)01:10
Spreadsheet_If I remember correctly it will be released when it is 29 April on this one island01:10
pepeeit's near to imposible to remove plymouth lol01:10
Walzmynwhat is plymouth?01:11
pepeesteelnwool, do you use tab to autocomplete in grub?01:11
greezmunkeyI know there was a lot of chatter about removing it a while back.01:11
Spreadsheet_Ok, it's Baker and Howland island01:11
steelnwoolprprr, no.01:12
steelnwooler pepee :)01:12
steelnwoolnot used to this sun keyboard.01:12
hector1hi crimsun01:13
pepeesteelnwool, you can use tab in xchat, too ;)01:13
steelnwooloh i know.01:13
steelnwoolpepee comes out pretty fast.01:13
steelnwooli'm also lagged, uploading oracle to a VM, killing my home connection.01:14
crimsunhector1: ja?01:14
FiReSTaRTlooks like it was a temporary factoid.. i wonder what they'll come up with when people REALLY start being pests with "is it there yet dad" :P01:14
pepeesteelnwool, well, the problem is: those files don't exists :P01:15
crimsunhector1: what did you ping me for? Do you have the info ready?01:16
pepeetry changing some things: /dev/sdb01:16
hector1yes i do01:16
crimsunhector1: what's the url?01:16
hector1i just wanted to go through the script first before i ran it01:16
pepee(hd1,1), etc...01:16
wastrelimma install 10.04 on a sun workstation tomorrow01:18
GSF1200Sanyone know if its possible to change the sys tray applet for rhythmbox in 10.04? I realize this is a picky question, but I hate the behavior they changed it to (versus on 9.10)01:19
GSF1200SI dont understand what changed- I had 0.12.8 installed on karmic and the systray applet behaves differently than 0.12.8 on lucid01:19
crdlbGSF1200S: it's no longer in the "systray"01:20
GSF1200Scrdlb, hmmm. I should be more specific- apologies. Im running xfce, so it is for me01:21
GSF1200Sis it just a plugin that perhaps I can change?01:21
crdlbwhat do you mean by "change"?01:22
steelnwoolpepee: that won't magically cause stage1 file to exist tho.01:22
steelnwooli'm gonna install 9.10 and see what that gest me.01:22
Random833how do i stop the lid closing from turning off the display?01:22
=== Random833 is now known as Random832
=== FiReSTaRT is now known as Guest69345
crdlbGSF1200S: ubuntu patched the plugin, so it's probably not easy to revert the behavior01:23
WalzmynRandom832: gnome or Kde?01:23
=== F|ReSTaRT is now known as FiReSTaRT
crdlbRandom832: so that you can use an external monitor?01:23
GSF1200Scrdlb, hmmm... ok.. I could perhaps install rhythmbox from a karmic repo that has 0.12.8.. thanks for the info- I understand why now- thanks01:23
pepeesteelnwool, ahh, if I were you, I'd just play with grub :)01:24
greezmunkeyI think I may have a problem, I ran the upgrade last night, now update manager is telling I need to do a partial upgrade. I'll admit boofing the upgrade by running it from within gnome.01:24
steelnwoolpepee: yeah, well, its just a testing machine at this point. so i'm gonna try the sane route before learning grub.01:25
underdevplaying with grub2 is playing with fire01:25
pepees/play/game/ ? english is not my native language01:25
underdevyou know, if you value your os install :)01:25
Random832crdlb: no - turning the display off puts the video card in a messed up state where it keeps flashing until i reboot01:25
steelnwoolpepee - experiment.01:26
Random832so i need to leave it on all the time01:26
steelnwoolunderdev:  i don't. :) this isn't production.01:26
underdevright on01:26
pepeesteelnwool, thanks01:26
Random832why isn't there an option in power settings to do nothing when closing the lid01:26
steelnwoolnor would i run lucid on anything i care about.01:26
steelnwoolRandom832: cause its a X.org thing, not a power thing.01:26
Random832steelnwool: then why list it at all?01:27
Random832since it _does_ have a lid clsing setting01:27
Random832it just doesn't have doing nothing as an option01:27
pepeeunderdev, I value my OS, but I love to experiment/test things01:27
steelnwoolRandom832: i don't know the choices as to "why" :)01:28
underdevpepee: me too, and have SUFFERED for it :)01:28
crimsunhector1: looking now01:28
pepeeindeed, I formatted just 2 or 3 times since, 6.10?, don't remember01:28
hector1crimsun: thanks :)01:28
=== Jake2|cfl is now known as Jake2_
pepeeunderdev, well, 4 mobo, all with some problems, I've learned the harddest way01:29
crdlbRandom832: as far as gnome-power-manager is concerned "blank screen" _is_ "do nothing" (afaik)01:29
crimsunhector1: does the following command give you sound?  speaker-test -c2 -l1 -twav -Dplughw:SB01:31
tntcAnyone else having a fan problem on the RadeonHD 4570 where the fan kicks on and stays on because the card is getting hot?01:33
greezmunkeyWould someone check this error pop, is it something I need to worry about? http://imagebin.org/9457501:34
ChogyDangreezmunkey: no, just do the partial01:35
ZykoticK9greezmunkey, do NOT do partial upgrades!  It's not a good idea, you can use "sudo aptitiude safe-upgrade"01:35
ChogyDanhehehe, nvm!01:36
greezmunkeyChogyDan: ZykoticK9 I ran the 10.04 lts update last night, this is what I get when I run synaptic now, that's all.01:36
ZykoticK9greezmunkey, partial upgrades can lead to removed packages and/or broken system01:36
greezmunkeyZykoticK9: I bow to your ubuntu-fu...thanks :)01:37
ZykoticK9greezmunkey, i've always been an apt-get man myself, until I tried a development release, now i see the need for "aptitude safe-upgrade"01:37
=== Jake2_ is now known as Jake2|lucid
greezmunkeyZykoticK9: Is that something I can do within gnome?01:38
arandgreezmunkey: run the "aptitude safe-upgrade" and then check which one's are held back...01:38
ZykoticK9greezmunkey, ya just run from a terminal01:38
greezmunkeyarand: excellent idea01:38
greezmunkeyZykoticK9: doing it now, thanks guys :)01:38
LaibschMy HD is completely encrypted (used the installer for that).  grub2 does not show at startup and so I always boot into the default.  I'm not familiar with grub2 anymore and would like to know how to get the graphical chooser I remember from grub-legacy.01:39
arandgreezmunkey: then run an "aptitude full-upgrade" BUT DON'T apply it before you have checked thouroughly what it is trying to do, if it is removing something, be very careful and make sure the removal is appropriate01:39
crimsunLaibsch: hold down Shift01:40
Laibschsecond question if I may: I'd like to know what bluetooth level the USB dongle I bought about half a year ago supports.  (1.2, 1.1, ...)01:41
Laibschcrimsun: thanks01:41
LaibschCan I set that to show everytime?01:41
epimethaloha people01:41
greezmunkeyWow, that safe-upgrade is pretty cool - ran through dependancies, and all - nice (thanks again)01:41
Laibschsyslog shows "Apr 27 09:29:15 localhost kernel: [  611.124600] Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulation) ver 1.2", does that mean I have a 1.2 compliant device?01:42
epimethI upgraded from the beta earlier today and firefox is asking for authentication to localhost:5574301:42
epimethwhats up with that?01:42
greezmunkeyI should have mentioned that my system restarted about half way through the upgrade last night!01:46
ubottunope. Lucid is due on 29th April. More info closer to the date.01:47
ChogyDangreezmunkey: yeah.  But is your system fixed?01:47
greezmunkeyChogyDan: the safe-upgrade is chugging away, ok so far :)01:48
greezmunkeyChogyDan: It came up ok last night, but I could tell something wasn't quite right.01:48
ChogyDangreezmunkey: ironically, if you were using the upgrade-manger to do the upgrade, then it may have been safer to do that partial upgrade  :(01:49
greezmunkeyChogyDan: yikes, don't tell me that- It's ok though, if it breaks, I have a md5summed cd right here. I can reformat and be up and running again in 2 hours.01:50
greezmunkeyChogyDan: my /home is on a seperate hdd01:51
sinistradI'm having a minor problem with the login screen. My mouse cursor does not appear until I actually pick a user and enter a password. After that, I only see the X cursor until gnome comes up. Any clues to help me troubleshoot this?01:51
ChogyDangreezmunkey: you will be fine.  dependency issues are fairly easy to fix.  I always just do a task install of ubuntu-desktop to clean up myself.  /home of course makes it easier01:52
greezmunkeyChogyDan: task install? I am not familiar wiht that phrase.01:53
chorsegreezmunkey: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (ubuntu-desktop is not a single package but a "task" which depends on and installs other packages)01:54
ChogyDangreezmunkey: see tasksel01:54
greezmunkeyChogyDan: chorse excellent info, made a note of it - thaks01:54
epimethI upgraded from the beta earlier today and firefox is asking for authentication to localhost:55743... whats up with that?01:55
greezmunkeyfoomatic :) heh02:00
greezmunkeywhoa, things are starting to change in gnome...02:08
JohnFluxgreezmunkey: hmm?02:09
greezmunkeyJohnFlux: yeah, my FF panel icon changed to a gray square...wierd.02:09
RegressLess56 0.02:25
PiciI see.02:26
RegressLesssorry bout that, my wife attacked my laptop with a rag02:27
greezmunkeymine knows better than to point a rat tail at me :)02:28
sinistradand mine is scared of whatever might be growing on my kb02:30
RegressLessmy wife's the shiznit02:31
RegressLesswhen she's happy02:31
sinistradeveryone is =)02:31
underdevsounds pretty universal to me re:wives02:32
sinistradI'm having a minor problem with the login screen. My mouse cursor does not appear until I actually pick a user and enter a password. After that, I only see the X cursor until gnome comes up. Any clues to help me troubleshoot this?02:32
revcompgeekI am unable to enable graphics acceleration with my Radeon 9200 card, and I used to be able to02:32
crdlbrevcompgeek: how have you determined that you have no acceleration?02:33
revcompgeekrunning "compiz --replace" tells me that it detected a software rasterizer, but i don't know how to make it use the graphics card02:33
crdlboh :)02:33
revcompgeekAppearance prefs also tells me none :P02:33
VigoAny idea or input as to why the NetworkManager Applet says eth2 and not eth0?02:33
_pHI_hmm, will ubuntu 10.04 include 2.6.32 or 2.6.33?? i'm a bit confused because this website: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/info/kernel-version-map.html lists 2.6.33-500.6 as a kernel for lucid lynx but i was convinced it would come with .3202:33
crdlbrevcompgeek: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:33
sinistradrevcompgeek, does glxinfo tell you anything?02:33
CarlFKjust did an install of b2.  at the end, it ejected the cd, but I think it did it before it had unmounted it, because my screen filled with "sector read error 1234..." is this a known problem?02:34
crdlb_pHI_: lucid has 2.6.3202:34
revcompgeekglxinfo says i have direct rendering, which i don't think it did a few days ago02:34
revcompgeekpastebinning... brb02:34
_pHI_crdlb: is that list only for kernels that i can get from kernel-ppa?02:34
rww_pHI_: It comes with 2.6.32. I believe the 2.6.33 stuff on there might be part of the plans to optionally backport new kernels to Lucid.02:35
_pHI_i.e. i would read the entry "2.6.33-500.6" as: kernel-ppa includes 2.6.33 vanilla with ubuntu patches?02:35
Volkodavanybody tested TRIM performance in supported SSDs ?02:35
_pHI_Volkodav: .32 doesn't do trim02:35
_pHI_that's the sad part02:35
revcompgeekthe log doesn't seem to show anything that i notice right off02:36
VolkodavI am on 34rc502:36
_pHI_was trim support ever backported into the ubuntu 10.04 .32 kernel?02:36
crdlbrevcompgeek: due to the aforementioned software rasterizer, direct rendering basically always says 'yes'02:36
ghassen_hi there i tried to test out 10.04 on a VM , but it didn't work!!!!!!!!!02:36
revcompgeekcrdlb, oh, thats right... thanks02:37
VolkodavThe sad part is that does not seem to work on supported02:37
underdevghassen_: did you try the alternative version?  that's what i had to use to get it running in virtualbox02:37
_pHI_Volkodav: it worked for me when i tried ubuntu 10.04 RC with the updated .33-2 kernel from kernel-ppa02:38
crdlbrevcompgeek: line ~71002:38
Volkodav_pHI_: How did you test ?02:38
VolkodavI have 33 installed as well02:38
mininessiei'm surprised 10.04 isn't going to use kernel 2.6.33-202:38
revcompgeekcrdlb, oh that's weird02:38
_pHI_Volkodav: there was something in the forums...02:39
revcompgeekagpgart needs to load first02:39
VolkodavI only jump to a newer kernel for a feature or driver I may need02:39
revcompgeekhmm, i remember that from before02:39
Volkodav_pHI_: I did this http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-812509-highlight-ssd+trim.html02:40
mininessiewhy is't 2.6.33 not the standard kernel for 10.0402:40
_pHI_Volkodav: yea! i did this test to check for 0s02:40
_pHI_and it did exactly do that for me02:40
_pHI_i also had to change in /etc/fstab02:40
_pHI_to boot with the TRIM parameter02:41
arandmininessie: the 32 kernel is used by several other "long term" distros I think, including rhel.02:41
Volkodav_pHI_: you mean the discard option on ext4 ?02:41
mininessiearand, well what are they waiting for really02:41
wick94hey guys02:41
wick94i have a guestion abt the me menu02:41
VolkodavWhat drive do you have _pHI_02:41
_pHI_intel 80gb x-2502:42
wick94on me menu, if u have to post a status, do u have to open up gwibber to select the accounts tht u wanna post to or can u jst clik on ur name in the panel02:42
ChogyDanthe 32 kernel is also a long term support kernel from the kernel folks02:42
VolkodavCan you paste me the hdparm -I /dev/sdX please ?02:42
_pHI_ChogyDan: is there a way to find out if trim support has been/will be backported from .33 to .32? afaik, it arrived one day after the .32 release ;P02:42
arandmininessie: stability and supportability is their main concern, features are less of a concern, if there are serious bugs, report them and they should be fixed...02:43
_pHI_Volkodav: i'm on a different computer now ;(02:43
wick94guys, on me menu, if u have to post a status, do u have to open up gwibber to select the accounts tht u wanna post to or can u jst clik on ur name in the panel02:43
ChogyDan_pHI_: I dunno.  you might be able to search the changelog02:43
sinistradPlus, they do a kernel freeze so they can stabilize everything else. Probably soon thereafter the release, I would imagine they'll have .33+ coming02:44
crdlbrevcompgeek: this is a shot in the dark, but run lsmod | grep edac02:44
Volkodav_pHI_: what makes me believe that it has to do with the drive that in my output it came as  *Data Set Management indeterminate TRIM supported02:44
revcompgeekcrdlb, nothing02:45
VolkodavI inquired with Kingston of their definition of indeterminate02:45
Volkodav_pHI_: it's good I hear that test actually works02:45
crdlbrevcompgeek: ok, I just recalled an old bug where an edac module would break agp02:45
_pHI_Volkodav: yea, it did with the .33-2-lucid kernel but not the stock one that comes with 10.04 RC02:46
revcompgeekcrdlb: i've been looking online, and they suggest reloading radeon with modeset=1, but when i do that the screen blacks out02:48
revcompgeekcrdlb: i was able to get back by switching to VT1 and back02:48
revcompgeekand i noticed that agpgart-nvidia loading was one of the last messages on the VT02:48
revcompgeeki think the sound card is Nvidia Nforce, so that is what it is running i think02:49
Volkodav_pHI_: yes you mentioned that before - any kernel from .33 up should do it so I may as well test 3402:49
terabreakerHello! does anyone have Limewire installed on The Kubuntu LTS?02:50
revcompgeekuh, is there a reason why /etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf would have "options radeon modeset=0"? shouldn't that be =1? or blank?02:51
crdlbrevcompgeek: KMS is enabled by default02:51
revcompgeekbut modeset=0 would turn that off right?02:52
revcompgeeki'm going to remove that file and try to restart,, just as a hunch02:54
Dr_Williswoot - got apt-cacher-ng going. :) that will save me some time/space...02:56
Dr_WillisBye all.02:56
crdlbrevcompgeek: afaik, that file can only exist if you put it there02:56
revcompgeekyeah i think i must have done that at some point, i kinda remember doing that02:57
revcompgeeki don't quite remember why though02:57
MotherMGA1hi, I've just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.4 and I have two problems:02:58
MotherMGA1first, my touchpad is working, but scrolling via the side bar does not.  Any suggestions?02:58
B`L`U`Ei am stuck on upgrade any help ?02:59
revcompgeekSystem -> Preferences -> Mouse -> Touchpad02:59
MotherMGA1revcomgeek: yes, I'm aware of that. I checked settings and they are enabled.02:59
revcompgeekyou could try turning them off and on again, but that is the extent of my knowledge :P03:00
MotherMGA1yeah, tried that. :/03:00
B`L`U`Ei am stuck on upgrade any help ?03:01
MotherMGA1second is: my sound does not work.  Everything looks like it works, but nothing plays.  I'm using a sony vaio E series laptop with mobility radeon HD sound03:01
terabreakerDoes Limewire work on 10.04?03:01
WalzmynB`L`U`E: what do you mean stuck?03:02
B`L`U`Ewell it is installing the upgrade03:03
Dimmuxxthe closer to final release lucid comes the more unstable it becomes on one of my computers :/03:03
B`L`U`Eand is stuck on03:03
Dimmuxxmore or less daily freezes now and nothing useful in any logs03:03
B`L`U`EFound linux something03:04
B`L`U`Eon terminal03:04
ZykoticK9terabreaker, LireWire 5.5 is working here on Ubuntu 64bit03:04
B`L`U`Epreparing memtest 86 +03:04
B`L`U`E15 mins left03:04
B`L`U`Ehave been there for a hour thought03:04
ChogyDanB`L`U`E: are you able to login at all?03:05
terabreakerZykoticK9 what about on Kubuntu 10.04 32bit?03:05
B`L`U`Ei am in ubunto yeah03:05
B`L`U`Eits through update manager03:05
ZykoticK9terabreaker, no idea - haven't used KDE in years03:05
ChogyDanB`L`U`E: I thought you were memtesting03:05
terabreakerZykoticK9, Okay thanks =]03:06
greezmunkeySafe-upgrade still working, and came across this: http://imagebin.org/94588 - I'm thinking I should keep my current config - Right now I can't think of any reason why this would be anything other than default though...03:06
B`L`U`Ewell its memtesting thorught distribution upgrade03:06
binary0011hey all!03:07
WalzmynB`L`U`E: did it get through downloading/installing and reboot the computer?03:07
B`L`U`Eit went through downloading03:07
binary0011Just wondering what the difference is between the lucid dvd or the standard cd-rom image?03:07
B`L`U`Estuck on installing03:07
B`L`U`Eany way i can cancel and start again ?03:07
binary0011I'm sure I can just install the packages later eh03:08
B`L`U`Ebcuz if i restart i am sure ill have problems03:08
WalzmynB`L`U`E: if you restart you'll be stuck in command line, are you comfortable with that?03:08
B`L`U`Ejust shifted from windows new to linux03:09
binary0011I could just install the packages from the lucid DVD later eh03:09
WalzmynI had to do that for the upgrade. Other option is waiting until tomorrow, getting the release and installing from that03:09
B`L`U`Eany thing i can do here  ?03:09
WalzmynB`L`U`E: none that I know of, some of the wizards here might tell you different03:09
B`L`U`Ehmmm ;/03:10
WalzmynB`L`U`E: are you chatting from a different computer?03:10
B`L`U`Eno same03:10
WalzmynB`L`U`E: oh, then you've still got control of the machine?03:11
B`L`U`Ei do03:11
B`L`U`Ecan i cancel this distribution upgrade and start again ?03:12
B`L`U`Ebcuz i cant see any cancel button on it03:12
WalzmynB`L`U`E: i wouldn't start again. just try to stop it03:12
B`L`U`Ewell how :S03:12
WalzmynB`L`U`E: hit ctr+esc03:13
ChogyDanB`L`U`E: is this from karmic to lucid?03:13
B`L`U`Eubunto 9.1003:13
B`L`U`Ectrl  + esc dosent work here ;/03:13
DanaGB`L`U`E: holy mackerel, your nickname takes up a lot of space.  Somehow seems even wider than actually longer names.03:14
B`L`U`Elol ;p03:14
WalzmynB`L`U`E: i assumn you're using Gnome? I'm a KDE man, so I'm a little out there03:14
B`L`U`Eyeah :S03:14
WalzmynB`L`U`E: yeah, and it's hard to type03:14
B`L`U`Elol sorry :P03:14
chorseirssi supports typing "blue<tab>"03:15
crdlbit does?03:16
crdlboh, he already left :)03:16
chorsecrdlb: yes, maybe other clients do as well, i don't know03:17
crdlbdon't mind me; I tried after he left the channel03:17
greezmunkeyrestart required...brb03:20
pepeein xchat you can do B`<tab>03:21
terabreakerHay, can some one help me with this problem I'm having problems installing Limewire but I can't get around these dependency errors and its says there not satisfiable. And the package are "sun-java6-jre|icedtea-java7-jre|sun-java6-jdk|icedtea-java7-jdk" Does anyone else get this error?03:24
rwwterabreaker: Sun Java got moved to Canonical's Partner repository, you should add that and try again.03:26
rwwdo we not have a factoid about this yet o_O03:26
terabreakerOMG That worked Thank you so much Rww =D03:29
rwwterabreaker: glad I could help :)03:29
greezmunkeywould someone take a look here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/423125/ I am a little confused as to how to proceed...03:29
IdleOnerww: submit a edit for the java factoid03:29
Gokuli am unable to find md5sum of ubuntu lucid RC alternate ... I have found the hash, but with what to compare ???03:30
IdleOnerww: it is still in multiverse for karmic?03:30
rwwIdleOne: yes03:30
IdleOnerww: ok so maybe adding to instead of replacing completely03:30
rwwGokul: do you mean you found the hash of the file on your computer, or the hash on the website?03:30
rwwIdleOne: yeah, the edit I just did should be fine03:31
pepeeGokul, search for the md5sums in the website03:31
greezmunkeyMD5SUMS: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS03:31
IdleOnerww: I fail at sed. ok cool03:31
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:31
Gokulrww, pepee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes this page doesnt have the hash for lucid03:31
Gokulrww, pepee i used a script to find md5 of the downlaoded alternate iso .. but with WHAT to compare ?03:32
greezmunkeyMD5SUMS: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS03:32
rwwGokul: see the link greezmunkey gave you03:32
pepeeGokul, ↑↑↑↑03:32
greezmunkeyrww: I got that one here yesterday, credit where it's due...03:32
rwwGokul: in general, you can find md5sums in the MD5SUMS file in the same directory you downloaded from, for any Ubuntu ISO. UbuntuHashes just collects them all together.03:32
Gokulrww, thanks.03:33
Gokulgreezmunkey, thanks03:33
Gokulgreezmunkey, rww  md5sum matches.   i am going to do fresh install!03:34
rwwgood luck!03:34
litropyAfter enabling auto-login, my keyring is inaccessible. Other Lucid users have the same issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9179708&posted=103:34
c0vertcrdlb, not in the compiz channels anymore?03:36
litropyrebooting, will be back03:36
daftykinshmm, ok i'm googling around but can't find a plain and clear method of installing the proprietary nvidia-driver under lucid in a live environment to fiddle, am i missing something?03:37
greezmunkeyso, it appears that the issue I posted earlier regarding evince is nothing new, :)03:37
kklimondadaftykins: you can't do that - installing nvidia drivers requires restarting system and livecd doesn't save state between restarts03:38
daftykinskklimonda: i was hoping i could just kill X and restart with an appropriate xorg.conf03:39
litropyeverything is fine now03:39
daftykinsi've just tried via a few methods, with "nvidia-current" installed it generated a module and what not, but said it wasn't present when i tried to "modprobe" it03:40
ZykoticK9daftykins, there is also a kernel module you need to consider - thus the required reboot03:40
litropyI enabled/disabled/enabled auto-login, and now I'm authing fine03:40
litropyseeya peeps; thanks for all the good work03:40
kklimondadaftykins: you would have to make sure that nouveau isn't loaded at boot time then03:40
daftykinsZykoticK9: i've been able to do this in a live environment with karmic before, is a reboot doing something with nouveau that i'm missing out on?03:40
daftykinsaaah i see03:40
daftykinsthat'll be why it errors saying 'inserting... no such device'03:41
ZykoticK9daftykins, wow - i'd never thought it would be possible from a LiveCD, good to know thanks.  Hope you get it working with Lucid as well - good luck man.03:41
daftykinsZykoticK9: i always used to add the nvidia vdpau PPA one of the guys in here maintains (on karmic i mean) then reinstall, stop X, run "nvidia-xconfig" to generate the xorg.conf then start X again, hey presto a working nvidia powered session would start :)03:42
daftykinsnow it seems once again this is impossible, but that's no biggy, just less useful for testing03:42
daftykinskklimonda: thanks for your assistance03:43
daftykinsgranted i'm a newbie, but this seems like 1 step forward with nouveau and 2 back with nvidia proprietary :(03:43
DanaGdaftykins: if you want nouveau to not load, you can try passing nouveau.noload=1 (noload is not a valid parameter for nouveau, so nouveau will abort).03:45
DanaGAnd from there, you should get a VESA session -- so you can install nvidia binary and zap xorg.03:45
daftykinsDanaG: i take it i'd need a non-standard desktop image on my flash drive to be able to modify that at boot time?03:46
JoeSomebodygood way to try beta is from usb stick with unetbootin? or is there a better way?03:46
JoeSomebodyoh, HI!03:46
rwwJoeSomebody: do you have an Ubuntu installation already?03:46
daftykinsJoeSomebody: actually we're at release candidate now03:46
DanaGIf you press a key during the splash screen, it'll give you the old "f6 for keyboard layout" thingy.03:47
JoeSomebodyi have a system with 9.1003:47
DanaGSomewhere you can press f9 (I think) to set any options you want.03:47
JoeSomebodyi have another box to mess with03:47
rwwJoeSomebody: I'd try usb-creator first (System -> Administration -> Create Startup Disk or something), and unetbootin if that doesn't work.03:47
JoeSomebodyusb-creator? didnt know about that03:48
daftykinsDanaG: thanks for the tip, i'll give it a go tomorrow :)03:49
Zelozelosive been wondering-since your talkin about a usb boot, how do i get my machine to boot from usb if i dont have the option durring my bios startup (i hit f12 durring boot to manually select a boot option)03:50
LinuxGuy2009I have netbook-remix on the Dell Mini and the top panel disapears randomly and windows start being drawn behind the wallpaper, but tooltips stay on top. hehe Anyone else had this? I made a bug report, just was curious.03:50
thiemsterZelozelos: use PLoP Linux03:50
thiemsterZelozelos: http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html03:50
Zelozelosthank you thiemster03:51
thiemsterZelozelos: No problem. with this method, you need to boot from the plop cd, but that only takes a few seconds. And then it is very straightforward from there03:51
thiemsterZelozelos: and it works as long as the computer can at least boot from a CD, which 99% of them seem to be able to these days03:52
greezmunkeyThanks to everyone that helped, other than the evince dependancy issues it looks like everything worked :)03:52
Zelozeloscan i use the cd on any system, what im thinking about is a "take along os"03:52
thiemsterZelozelos: as far as I know, yes. Look at the website though03:52
Zelozelosi will thank you again ;)03:52
sinistradI'm having a minor problem with the login screen. My mouse cursor does not appear until I actually pick a user and enter a password. After that, I only see the X cursor until gnome comes up. Any clues to help me troubleshoot this?03:55
JohnFluxhaha, I did:03:56
JohnFluxapt-get upgrade03:56
JohnFluxand it said "command-not-found"03:57
JohnFluxI did a double take until I realised that that was the program is was upgrading..03:57
Zelozelossinistrad sounds like theres a program in error, try this open a terminal and type metacity --replace and see if the cursor re-appears03:58
ZykoticK9JohnFlux, when you type a command in terminal that isn't installed and it suggests the packages to install - that's the command-not-found working :)03:58
JohnFluxZykoticK9: yeah, since I often ctrl+c that and so get a backtrace in command not found.. :-)D03:58
Salva1Can I upgrade to 10.04?03:59
Salva1Are the repositories with the fila packages?03:59
ZelozelosSalva1, heard many horror stories about upgrading ,i suggest a full install from disk03:59
alpharesearch_Is it possible to enable the shutdown time in 10.04 again?04:00
sinistradZelozelos, OK, I had to restart metacity after the upgrade, because window decorations were not there. I had to also re-install compiz as well, but that was weeks ago04:01
sinistraddangit...missed him04:01
trismalpharesearch_: add the shutdown applet, it has a 60 second timer before automatically shutting down04:02
trismalpharesearch_: or you can remove the indicator applet session, and it will add the shutdown menu option back to the System menu, which works the same as the applet04:02
sinistradZelozelos, OK, I had to restart metacity after the upgrade, because window decorations were not there. I had to also re-install compiz as well, but that was weeks ago04:03
Zelozelossinistrad, do you still see the x instead of your cursor?04:03
pepeeSalva1, yep, you can04:03
LaibschI'd like to know what bluetooth level the USB dongle I bought about half a year ago supports.  (1.2, 1.1, ...)04:04
Laibschsyslog shows "Apr 27 09:29:15 localhost kernel: [  611.124600] Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulation) ver 1.2", does that mean I have a 1.2 compliant device?04:04
sinistradZelozelos, no, it dissappears after the desktop comes up.  Metacity isn't installed. I'm thinking something else takes care of that now04:04
pepeeSalva1, and nope, lucid is RC04:04
alpharesearch_thanks trism, I added the applet04:04
Zelozelossinistrad, the only 2 pgs i know of is metacity and compiz, but i did hear of smthn else cant remember its name though04:05
Salva1Does Lucid still has support for Firefox 3.5?04:05
sinistradI have compiz04:05
sinistradZelozelos, I have compiz on here. I guess that is supposedly taking care of whatever metacity used to04:06
=== DarkwingDuck_ is now known as DarkwingDuck
crdlbSalva1: you want 3.5 instead of 3.6?04:06
Zelozelossinistrad, i asked about/suggested the metacity replace because thats what fixed the issue for me, then i knew it was compiz causing the issues, get the fusion icon and it will list the apps, but as far as fixing the real issue, all i did was reinstall04:07
Salva1but updated via apt.04:07
crdlbSalva1: my guess is that you'd have to install it manually04:07
Zelozelossinistrad, perhaps you can apt-get purge compiz or something idk04:07
sinistradZelozelos, I'll reinstall it. Thanks.  I'm hoping it won't mess things up. Ahh, purge compiz....I'll try those things04:08
Zelozelosgood luck ;)04:08
crdlbSalva1: what do you need it for? old extensions?04:08
sinistradZelozelos, Thanks.  I'll see what happens04:08
Zelozelosoh sinistrad btw, i ended up reinstalling ubuntu to finally fix the issue, but i didnt try the purge option04:10
sinistradOK.  I might try that after release date04:10
Zelozeloswhen is that anyhow?04:10
bulltitani'm testing lucid lynx and the first thing i've noticed is that skype sound is crackling and pretty bad, is there a solution for this or will be?04:10
sinistradZelozelos, 29th according to the milestone schedule04:11
ZelozelosAWSOME! i cant wait04:11
sinistradZelozelos, which the addy for that is in the topic04:11
Zelozelosheh, i never even pay attention to that rofl04:11
bulltitani've read somwhere that it could be a pulse audio issue since skype was working great in previous ubuntu version04:12
sinistradZelozelos, I didn't either until RC came out, and I found out how much they value their topic text04:12
bulltitananyone knows about my issue04:13
bulltitanshould i downgrade pulse audio files or so04:14
litropyHi, peeps - network manager needs to unlock the default key ring to gain access to my wireless keys. Is there a way to _safely_ enable an auto-unlock?04:14
Zelozelosbulltitan, usually someone in here speaks up if they know, you can try ubuntu-offtopic04:14
bulltitanok sorry ppl from ubuntu chann told me to come here04:15
ZykoticK9litropy, the safe way would be to disable auto-login --- with auto-login you'll need unsafe key storage04:15
Zelozeloslitropy, dont enter a password when it first asks for one, the only safty issue is when someone else is on the specific machine04:15
bulltitani'll try that chann then04:15
Zelozelosbulltitan, its a safe topic here (if you're using 10.04)04:16
litropyZykoticK9: Auto-user login? As in, I have to click my name upon bootup?04:17
litropyZelozelos: Won't that deny NM access to the key it needs to access my AP?04:17
ZykoticK9litropy, if you enter your name/pass at login - the keyring won't come up04:17
litropyZykoticK9: Hmm...04:18
litropyZykoticK9: I don't mind if NM has auto-access to my wireless keys. Would it create a security hole to give it auto-access with auto-login?04:18
Zelozeloslitropy, i think were tkin about 2 diff things, do you automatically login when you puter starts, then the keyring password box appears to let you login to the net?04:19
h00kZelozelos: ubuntu-offtopic isn't the place for support :)04:19
rwwZelozelos: #ubuntu-offtopic is not a su... oh, hello h00k.04:19
Roastedis the login screen actually customizable in 10 .04?04:20
Zelozelosbut you can get help there sometimes if no body in here knows04:20
h00krww: :)04:20
ZykoticK9litropy, if you don't want to enter password - follow Zelozelos advice, delete the current keyring and when you re-add your network password leave it blank, and agree to the unsafe storage04:20
ZykoticK9Roasted, no more then 9.1004:20
litropyZykoticK9: that's only unsafe storage to my network keys, correct?04:20
rwwZelozelos: Regardless, it's not a support channel. Sending people there is bad form :(04:21
RoastedZykoticK9, gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that sucks.04:21
ZykoticK9litropy, not sure! I'd highly recommend a regular login - username / password only takes a moment, and you don't open yourself up to these possible security issues!04:21
litropyZykoticK9: Thank you for your help.04:22
bulltitanok the one who told me to go ask somwhere else for my skype issue please tell me at least if this info is in the forums04:22
ZykoticK9litropy, "or not" in this case ;) -- glad to sorta help04:22
litropyyou, too, Zelozelos.04:22
bulltitani remind you crackling sound in skype with ubuntu lucid04:23
bulltitanor some other testing place04:23
Zelozelosbulltitan, yes its is a safe topic here as long as you're using lucid, i only suggested trying there because no one here seemed to know/answer04:23
bulltitanok thanks i see, but anyone has had any pulse audio issue?04:24
bulltitanweird sound, crackling sound or anything04:24
bulltitanand yes im using lucid beta updated to release candidate (updated every 2 hours)04:25
bulltitanmaybe is the new kernel version i hope they fix this cos i really depend on skype04:27
Zelozelosquestion about the keyring thing, if you dont put a password does it leave you vulnerable? i thought it was just to keep someone from accessing the internet/network like if you want your kiddies computer to automatically login, but not have Internet unless you want them to04:29
ZykoticK9Zelozelos, it just mean your network key or password is stored in clear text somewhere on the computer04:30
Zelozelosahh i see, so someone can gain access to my wep key if they have access to the computer, but its not an open door for someone to gain access to my computer through the internet04:32
ZykoticK9Zelozelos, you got it!04:32
ZelozelosZykoticK9, thakns for clearing that up for me04:33
DShepherdanyone else experience regular random crashes. Not sure how to diagnose it but it seems to have some issues with plymouth. It flickers back and forth with the 'purple' screen and then some white bars... and just keeeps on doing. I have to do a hard reboot. Anyone know i can diagnose this problem?04:35
h00kInteresting, I just had compositing die.04:36
ZykoticK9DShepherd, you could try removing "quiet splash" from your kernel boot options and see if some text underneath give you any hints -- or possible this might correct the issue04:36
ZykoticK9!final | DingGGu04:50
ubottuDingGGu: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.04:50
DingGGuah thanks04:51
DingGGuhow to see my ubuntu version in console?04:51
ZykoticK9DingGGu, "lsb_release -a"04:51
DingGGuthanks a lot :D04:52
DShepherdZykoticK9: lynx can run without plymouth right?04:54
ZykoticK9DShepherd, it can yes04:54
ZykoticK9DShepherd, for a while there was a fix that involved removing plymouth - i never had too, so no personal experience04:54
bp0is plymouth installed with ubuntu server?04:56
ZykoticK9bp0, yes i believe so04:56
ZykoticK9bp0, there was a bug about server and plymouth - so yes04:57
Roastedso Im trying to get FOG installed... an open source cloning solution for mass imaging systems (think norton ghost). But it requires a package listed as libmd5-perl, and on 10.04 it says it cannot find that package. I NEED this application for work. Do I have to put 9.10 back in?05:00
DanaGRoasted: you can probably download just the old version of that one package.05:11
RoastedDanaG, how would I do that?05:11
DanaGgot there from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/!05:11
Roastedsorry to sound like a noob but - what do I do exactly05:12
DanaGthere should be links to download the i386 or x86_64 (whichever you need) version of the package.05:13
ZykoticK9Roasted, you might want to try installing libio-digest-perl first and see if that works -- this is just a shot in the dark BTW05:13
DanaGoh, and file a bug on that package.05:13
DanaGif FOG is a package.05:13
RoastedZykoticK9, well the installer for this program Im running looks for libmd5-perl exactly05:13
RoastedI was kinda hopin I wouldnt run into this05:13
RoastedFOG is a tar.gz bundle.05:14
ZykoticK9Roasted, from Karmic libmd5-perl - backwards-compatible wrapper for Digest::MD505:14
RoastedI just extract and run a .sh script which finishes it out05:14
RoastedZykoticK9, yeah - I'm sorry I just don't know what that means :P05:14
Roastedas in what I'm supposed to do05:14
ZykoticK9Roasted, try getting the Karmic package and see if it work (i'm no expert in this area)05:15
RoastedZykoticK9, okay... but how do I get the karmic package? What am I supposed to do... download it and "inject" it into the repo or what?05:15
ZykoticK9Roasted, download it from http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/all/libmd5-perl/download05:17
demismis there a way to convert ubuntu into debian through repos and other means?05:18
RoastedZykoticK9, bingo! thanks for that.worked nicely05:22
ZykoticK9Roasted, glad you got it working!05:22
patrick_sinistrad, like i run update-manager -d in term?05:28
sinistradpatrick_, yes05:28
patrick_sinistrad, sweet thanks!05:28
sinistradof course =)05:29
kklimondapatrick_: sinistrad: either update-manager -d or do-release-upgrade -d from command line. Don't use apt-get dist-upgrade nor aptitude dist-upgrade as they can't do all sanity checks update manager does05:32
sinistradgood point05:32
sinistradI wasn't sure if the new ones had do-release-upgrade as I'm actually in the process of upgrading an intrepid release before EOL catches up with it05:33
kklimondasinistrad: any reason why have you stayed with intrepid for so long?05:38
sinistradI set up a machine for some friends that is running their genealogy server05:38
hunahpuLucid has no Gimp anymore?? (by default)05:39
cornwalldfgdfggghunahpu: yes, they removed it05:39
sinistradAnd I admin it remotely.  I don't want to shake things up any more than I must, so I just keep it running05:39
hunahpucornwalldfgdfggg: why would they do that? :0 they want more server traffic I guess...05:39
cornwalldfgdfggghunahpu: It is too confusing and advanced for basic users05:40
cornwalldfgdfggghunahpu: Most people just need to resize, crop, or red-eye removal05:40
hunahpucornwalldfgdfggg: no it isn't and you don't need to be an expert for simple task... what graphics app is included now? tuxpaint?05:40
sinistradkklimonda, so I saw that EOL was coming up, and decided I better get on it and get upgraded05:40
cornwalldfgdfggghunahpu: f-spot is linked with Eye of GNOME05:40
cornwalldfgdfggghunahpu: it is certainly too advanced for users.05:41
hunahpucornwalldfgdfggg: but f-spot is a photographs manager is not it? eog can only display images ?05:41
cornwalldfgdfggghunahpu: eog has a button with 'edit photo' labelled. It will open up f-spot into an edit mode05:42
hunahpucornwalldfgdfggg: I see... thanks for the info.05:42
cornwalldfgdfggghunahpu: a much simpler interface that will do all that most people need. If anyone needs more, they just install GIMP from the repos05:42
cornwalldfgdfggghunahpu: no prob :)05:42
cornwalldfgdfggganother person probably pissed off at reasonable decisions..... >.>05:43
kklimondasinistrad: why intrepid and not hardy for server?05:43
cornwalldfgdfgggkklimonda: because pulseaudio sucked so bad on Hardy! :P (complete joke)05:43
Blue1I am getting a could not update iceauthority file05:43
sinistradkklimonda,  intrepid was latest, and I wasn't as smart back then (hehe)05:44
kklimondasinistrad: ah, I see :)05:44
sinistradkklimonda, plus, it worked nicely. If it isn't broke, don't fix it05:45
jmoirondoes the 10.4 updater override the root password?05:45
kklimondajmoiron: hmm.. not that I know of05:46
ddecatoranyone having nautilus crash on them if they open a folder with alot in it? (such as /usr/bin)05:46
kklimondaddecator: no05:47
ddecatorkklimonda: odd, i wonder why it keeps crashing on me...guess i'll get a backtrace. thanks05:47
Blue1have problems with iceauthority anyone help?05:51
pepeebug 106:07
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)06:07
Usagiakumuin software center you all should separate QT apps from GTK apps06:09
greezmunkeyI'm trying to locate a document that describes the boot process for lucid, but google is lettin' me down. Any links?06:13
sinistradgreezmunkey, I may be wrong, but upstart has something to do with starting/stopping processes. I'm not sure if it handles everything from grub, though.  You might be able to google upstart with your query to narrow things down06:15
greezmunkeysinistrad: I'll try that...thx06:15
sinistradgreezmunkey, np. If I'm wrong, hopefully someone will catch it =)06:15
greezmunkeysinistrad: nice article: http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/12597706:19
greezmunkeysinistrad: thanks06:19
sinistradgreezmunkey, of course =)06:19
bp0why does hulu desktop play ugly betty every time at startup06:23
bp0where is the fix for that06:23
DShepherdi like the subcategories in the software center06:30
DShepherdvery useful06:30
poutineI dislike it, I think it should be organized by flavor instead06:31
DShepherdanyone find the software center responsiveness slow though?06:31
DShepherdpoutine: flavour?06:31
poutineDShepherd, non-americans don't know how to speak english, or spell06:33
poutineespecially the english06:33
DShepherdpoutine: hehe. i was really asking what you meant when you said 'flavour'06:34
poutineI never said such a silly thing06:34
poutineflavor has no 'u' in it stateside06:34
pepeeamerica is a continent06:35
poutinecanada is a hat06:35
pepeeI think you are referring to USA?06:35
poutinemexico is a beard06:35
poutinefor the great USA06:35
pepeeheh, america...06:36
* DShepherd rolls eyes06:36
pepeesearch for "america" in the map06:36
Usagiakumuman so much love has gone into 10.0406:36
poutineplaces like jamaica are crabs that have fallen off the beard06:36
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.06:36
poutineI am banned from there06:36
pepeeI know why...06:37
UsagiakumuI love literally everything about 10.0406:37
poutine* Cannot join #ubuntu-offtopic (You are banned).06:37
bazhangpoutine, does not matter. this is not the chat channel06:37
poutinewell where do I take ot stuff?06:37
DanaGrandomly, I thought of headcrabs.06:37
poutineI am given no alternatives06:37
DanaGoh, go in #ubuntu-ops and ask about #ubuntu-offtopic?06:37
poutinethat is an inefficient process, is there anything automated?06:38
DShepherdanyways, i off to see the wizard06:38
Usagiakumupoutine, ##club-ubuntu06:38
poutinesweet, a club, I will finally belong, thanks06:38
Usagiakumuno you wont belong06:38
Usagiakumuif your a tard ull be banned and laughed out of there too06:39
bazhangUsagiakumu, please don't advertise here06:39
Usagiakumuhe asked a question I answered it06:39
poutineUsagiakumu, you're06:42
poutinenot "your"06:42
poutineand "ull" is unacceptable06:42
poutineyou saved 3 keystrokes, and in the process made yourself look like a child06:42
Usagiakumuyou need to learn how to put your sentences in one line and please dont use the enter key as the comma key06:43
nullkuhl_hello i have a problem with my pointing device, its a laptop clickpad, currently i have no right or left clicks working nor 2 finger scrolling, plz help..06:46
nullkuhl_hello i have a problem with my pointing device, its a laptop clickpad, currently i have no right or left clicks working nor 2 finger scrolling, plz help..06:52
alkisgIn virtualbox-ose, I'm getting: Failed to open/create the internal network 'HostInterfaceNetworking-wlan0' (you might need to modprobe vboxnetflt to make it accessible) (VERR_SUPDRV_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND).06:53
alkisg`sudo modprobe vboxnetflt` gives me:06:53
alkisgFATAL: Error inserting vboxnetflt (/lib/modules/2.6.32-21-generic-pae/updates/dkms/vboxnetflt.ko): Invalid module format06:53
alkisgAnd finally, with `sudo insmod vboxnetflt` I get it working. Anyone else having this? Is it a known problem?06:53
=== yukiseaside is now known as Guest2775
=== Guest2775 is now known as yukiseaside
bazhangyukiseaside, when what06:56
=== DaveySC is now known as DSC[ZzZz]
underdevanyone noticing inexplicable cpu spikes w/ lucid?07:01
underdevmy 'puter system speaker has been going off intermittantly, couldn't figure out what it was.  Then i noticed while idling lucid was pinning my 3.2 quadcore07:02
underdevwhat the heck could be demanding that kind of processing power while idling?07:03
crowwhy my second harddriver is also recognized as /dev/sg1 using "hddtemp /dev/s*1"07:04
FullmoonIs apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get distupgrade the way to update from the beta to RC?07:06
iconmefistoit's dist-upgrade07:08
iconmefistoand you can skip the apt-get upgrade if you do dist-upgrade07:08
FullmoonAh, good to know, thanks!07:08
thecookieAny news on sound fixes?08:02
kosharihow many packages are close to realease atm?08:26
kklimondakoshari: all packages are close to release atm if by "close" you mean "they are not going to change drastically in the next 72 hours"08:30
kosharijust wondering if i should do an update on my nettop, its beta2 and will need a lot of packages, if the fast updates push has sowed a bit i will do so.08:32
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.08:41
red2kicMeh. That's not it.08:41
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.08:41
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:43
NobleThe installer seems to be caught in an infinite loop when loading the kerlen from the USB key.08:43
moomoo83<-- has had issues installing from usb key too at times08:44
vegai installed from key a few days ago, went ok08:44
Ken8521strange i've never had a prob installing from usb08:45
NobleMight be hardware-related then.08:45
moomoo83if you use usb-creator in ubuntu, make sure the source is an .iso and not a cdrom08:45
NobleThe USB kernel image takes some time to load, but this just goes on for 10+ minutes.08:45
moomoo83and, try rebooting.. that has helped for me..08:45
NobleDid, several times :/08:45
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.08:45
Ken8521moomoo83, well, i never use the Ubuntu tool, I always use unetbootin08:45
NobleI'm not a fan of dist-upgrade.08:46
BUGabundo_remoteDrop your fears and wave guud morning to the World! \m/08:46
Ken8521i'm not a fan of "upgrading" any OS...08:46
moomoo83and i have never used unetbootin lol08:46
moomoo83me either ken08:46
Ken8521moomoo83, well maybe thats the reason you've had problems.. :)08:47
NobleIs unetbootin in the repos?08:47
BUGabundo_remoteNoble: yes08:47
Ken8521Noble, i don't know.. i download the .deb from their homepage08:47
moomoo83i doubt it.. the alpha and beta 10.04 cds caused me a lot of problems08:48
NobleIll try the daily build and unetbootin then.08:48
Ken8521Noble, the one thing i've found w/ using Unetbootin under Ubuntu, is make sure the thumb drive, is a Linux filesystem(ext3, ext4, etc..) and not fat32....08:48
Noblei see.08:48
Ken8521Noble, beyond that, its simple.. you can have unetbootin download an iso(probably won't work for a RC) or download an ISO of your choice, and use Unetbootin to install it.. that's what I always do08:49
NobleThis is going to be installed on my work computer, so I'm wondering if I'm just gonna install Slack or Debian. But 10.04  LTS seems like a good option as well.08:49
BUGabundo_remoteNoble: and the gang: if you have enough bandwith08:50
BUGabundo_remotetake a look at netboot.me or boot.kernel.org08:50
BUGabundo_remoteI'm love with those08:50
moomoo83noble.. what os are you using at the moment ?08:50
Noblemoomoo83: on this computer? Or in general?08:51
moomoo83on *that* comp..08:51
NobleXubuntu 9.1008:51
moomoo83and youve tried unsuccessfully with the usb-creator-gtk package?08:52
NobleThat is correct.08:52
NobleI cant seem to find .img of 10.04 so I cant dd it.08:52
BUGabundo_remotethere's none08:52
NobleIs there a reason for that?08:53
moomoo83two things: get the right .iso of 10.04... assuming your using the desktop iso..08:53
NobleAnd secondly?08:54
moomoo83and.. try installing gnome-disk-utility and formatting your usb drive with FAT before using the usb-creator tool08:54
moomoo83i wasn't able to format the usb drive with the usb-creator tool for whatever reason.. it just wouldn't let me.. had to use the disk management tool in gnome..08:55
moomoo83but after that it worked fine08:56
NobleOh, I used cfdisk.08:56
moomoo83try sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility in a terminal08:57
Nobleunetbootin chewing on the disk now.08:58
moomoo83were you able to get the 10.04 iso with unetbootin ?08:59
doneAfter update to Lucid my sound is gone.08:59
Noblemoomoo83: No, I D/L the daily build iso09:00
Noblebrb,r eboot09:00
moomoo83done, is your audio device showing up in the hardware ?09:01
donemoomoo83, Hardware ..? do you mean jockey?09:01
moomoo83no, in system > preferences > sound .. click the hardware tab09:02
moomoo83should be there ??09:02
doneIts not shown in Hardware driver . Its a acer notebook with driver ->nVidia Corporation High Definition Audio Controller09:02
moomoo83ha, same as me09:02
moomoo83except dell..09:02
moomoo83but all nvidia09:02
doneSame problem?09:03
moomoo83no i have sound, but i did a fresh install of 10.0409:03
moomoo83so it's not showing up in the sound options hardware tab ?09:03
SuN__now reiinstall  linux-headers from live cd to my os ubuntu 10.04 rc109:04
doneI have the german version, therefore there are different names.. searching09:04
SuN__help !09:05
moomoo83or, you can type aplay -l in a terminal09:05
moomoo83that will tell you if your hardware is discovered09:06
SuN__now fix reiinstall  linux-headers from live cd to my os ubuntu 10.04 rc109:07
donemoomoo83, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/206610/09:07
moomoo83ok done09:09
moomoo83that looks ok09:09
moomoo83click on the speaker in the notification area, and click on sound preferneces09:09
phimichi all09:11
phimicwhere can i find libcrypt-dev for 10.4 ?09:11
donemoomoo83, There is no Speaker Icon there09:12
eremitedone: add the notification applet to your panel so you can see the sound icon.09:13
donemoomoo83, The Wireless icon is there.. and so on.09:13
SuN__I can not log gives me a black screen and reboot ... how to help me reinstall09:13
NobleMeh, did not work. Still ends in infinity loop when loading the kernel.09:13
NobleI can access the ttys though09:13
Ken8521Noble, wonder if there's somethign wrong w/ the ISO you downlodaed09:13
moomoo83hmm wierd noble09:13
moomoo83sounds like a hardware issue though09:14
doneeremite, your right now its there..09:14
NobleI've tried several .isos09:14
NobleI belive its a hardware issue.09:14
NobleMaybe I should report it as a bug.09:15
Ken8521i take it 9.10 never caused these issues?09:16
doneNo turned the volume to maximum .. can hear only a little little noise of the sound.. its there.. but terrible quiet09:16
NobleKen8521: Correct.09:16
moomoo83done, type alsamixer in to a terminal and try to turn up all the channels.. especially PCM09:19
moomoo83once that happened to me, the pcm was turned down low somehow.. that's all i needed to do09:19
SuN__help me !!!!!109:20
SuN__I can not log gives me a black screen and reboot ... how to help me reinstall09:20
eremiteSuN__: burn a cd or DVD or use UNetBootin09:20
eremiteOh wait, UNetbootin will not work for you09:21
SuN__now ?09:21
eremiteSuN__: just reinstall using teh CD.  Just put the CD in and reboot, and install09:21
eremiteVery easy to do.09:22
moomoo83ken, have you tried formatting your usb key with gnome-disk-utility yet ?09:22
SuN__eremite, 9.04 then upgrade it gives me 10.04, and black Eckart and restart and recovery in the same job from CD how can I fix this problem is there a way default KDE and Ubuntu and lubuntu ....09:26
SuN__9.04 then upgrade it gives me 10.04, and a black screen and restart and recovery in the same job from CD how can I fix this problem is there a way default KDE and Ubuntu and lubuntu ..09:28
Orias_Korvahello, can somebody tell me how to install 2.6.33 kernel(x86_64)?09:34
G_A_Cthere's a mainline kernel page on the ubuntu wiki, you should probably start there09:34
Orias_KorvaI addede ppa:ppa-kernel/ppa but no 2.6.33 appeared, let me see the wiki, thanks09:35
Orias_Korvawhat is the difference between the vanilla kernel from Linus and intel-drm kernels?09:41
moomoo83i think vanilla kernels are usually for amd09:41
moomoo83orias_korva: http://software.itags.org/debian/76418/09:44
Orias_Korvamoomoo83: thanks09:45
jveHi, I'm running lucid on a headless pc with no bios battery and every time i boot i need to set the time in bios to get ubuntu booting. Is it possible to disable the filesystem date check so that i can boot into ubuntu without any user interaction?09:48
BUGabundo_remotejve: is it even advisalbe?09:49
joaopintogood morning Vietnam09:49
Orias_Korvajve: is it no t possible to get time via ntp before mounting the filesystem?09:49
jvethe server is not connected to the internet i will no be09:50
Orias_KorvaAFAIK, mount command checks the filesystem date09:50
Orias_Korvaoh, ok09:50
jveand will not be09:50
joaopintoare you talking about mounting filesystems with a broken clock ?09:50
joaopintothere is a bug open for that09:51
donemoomoo83, Still no Audio.. in alsamixer volume all maximized. if I press F6 (shows hardware) there I can choose Intel and Nvidia. i took nvidia -> this device dont have any sliders.09:51
joaopintono planned fix the last time I have checked09:51
jveand i can't disable the filesystem check?09:51
joaopintoyou can't09:52
kklimondaor you could just replace the battery? ;)09:52
moomoo83done, when click on the speaker in the notification area.. then click on the output tab and try choosing the other option and see if you have sound then09:52
joaopintobecause that's designed to prevent FS corruption09:52
jveok, thanks. Unfortunately i cant't replace the battery09:52
joaopintojve, https://launchpad.net/bugs/56361809:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 563618 in initramfs-tools "Ignoring a broken clock results in infinite reboots; not ignoring results in fsck failure; no solution to this problem" [High,Fix released]09:52
joaopintohum I wonder about the fix released09:53
switchgirlhow to ban all double click ip addresses from my network permanently? without bricking my connection or banning myself from sites/ stoping sites loading (i dont want to ban myself09:54
donemoomoo83, There ist only one point -> Internal Audio Digital Stere (IEC958) Stereo.. nothin more09:54
joaopintojve, check the bug report, there is a workaround, an option to force the filesystem timestamp to be ignored09:55
moomoo83i can't really think of anything else, done, sorry09:55
jvejoaopinto: i'm reading it now. Thanks09:56
donemoomoo83, Ok. you told me you have the same hardware. please take a look in your output.. what is in there?09:57
moomoo83shows up as internal audio analog stereo09:57
moomoo83and the card comes up as NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 0: ALC888 Analog [ALC888 Analog]09:58
moomoo83do you have pulseaudio installed done?09:58
jvejoaopinto: When it says fix released is it already pushed to the build in the repositories?09:58
donemoomoo83, till now I didnt installed anything manually09:59
red2kicjve: Not likely. It'll be in next version.09:59
joaopintojve, yes, fix released means published to the repositories10:00
donemoomoo83, pulseaudio is installed10:00
moomoo83can you open up a terminal and type pulseaudio --version10:01
moomoo83paste the output10:01
moomoo83oops wrong win..10:01
donepulseaudio 0.9.21-63-gd3efa-dirty10:03
sten2! blender10:03
ubottublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro10:03
moomoo83hrmm, seems okay done... same as mine10:04
moomoo83have you tried using different applications for audio output ??10:04
donemoomoo83, If you starte alsamixer and press f6 are there 2 shown?10:04
donemoomoo83, Yes, vlc Player, mplayer, rythmbox10:05
moomoo83k in alsamixer10:05
moomoo83i have only one device when i press F610:05
moomoo830 HDA NVidia10:05
moomoo83what do you get ?10:05
molecule_eremite, 9.04 then upgrade it gives me 10.04, and black Eckart and restart and recovery in the same job from CD how can I fix this problem is there a way default KDE and Ubuntu and lubuntu ....10:05
donemoomoo83, im getting 2 -> 0 HDA Intel , 1 HDA Nvidia10:07
moomoo83try selecting either of them and trying sound, also make sure all the sliders are up, ie. master, pcm10:07
donemoomoo83, i can only choose Intel.. to see any sliders.. if Im choosing Nvidia there comes a message.. device has no sliders to choose.(self translated)10:09
donemoomoo83, The strange thing is.. a can here a little noise of music coming out of the Notebook.. strange10:10
moomoo83in alsamixer, press F2, then select /proc/asound/version and tell me what shows up10:10
moomoo83yeah that is strange.. i've had that problem in the past, with 9.10 kubuntu.. low volume..10:11
moomoo83i can't seem to remember what i did.. i think if i remember correctly, it was after an upgrade, and i was having other problems that i couldn't resolve, so i just did a fresh 9.10 install from CD10:11
doneWhat the fu**.. Audio is back.10:12
moomoo83yay problem fixed :)10:12
moomoo83it's magic :)10:12
donethere is a other Programm to change devides.. there stood digital output.. I changed.. still no noise.. startet alsamixer change volume.. there it is.10:13
moomoo83well thats great10:14
donemoomoo83, Thanks a lot. Thought its would be a long turn.:)10:14
moomoo83glad you got it worked out :)10:14
doneOne problem is left. If i tune to console by pressing Strg+Alt+F1 .. I see strange colored things. STRG+ALT+F7 brings desktop back in the normal way10:16
moomoo83try another console, like strg+alt+f2, f3, f4 etc10:17
donemoomoo83, Its the same.. the colors are little different10:18
moomoo83hmm that is strange10:18
donemoomoo83, on karmic it was more problematic. Had to boot, because the hole screen was splittet in many lines. Its a nvidia probleme.. Geforce G210;10:20
doneGeforce G210M (mobile)10:20
mortalthis is  weird, I upgraded to the latest lucid and for some reason I have to skip mounting my /home and /tmp for it to boot10:20
moomoo83ahh i see10:20
mortalotherwise it complains something about plymouth and says root password or ctrl-d10:20
moomoo83have you installed the nvidia restricted drivers ?10:20
=== red is now known as reijo-nyberg
donemoomoo83, nvidia-current -> think its 195 ?10:22
moomoo83yes okay10:24
moomoo83me too10:24
donesame graphic card .. no?10:24
moomoo83nope mine is nforce 6 series10:24
done moomoo83, if i choose nvidia in jockey.. a error apears10:26
moomoo83geforce 6150se actually10:26
moomoo83what error?10:26
doneInstallation fault. take a look at /var/log/jockey.log. but there are thousends of messages in there10:28
moomoo83hmm, strange.. so you can't install the nvidia drivers ??10:29
donemoomoo83, the nvidia-current is showing green as installed. so thought try the nvidia driver that second choice10:30
VigoHow do I select or deselect KDE packages from Software Center or Synaptic? And or how do I omit blobs (temporarily) from showing up in the repositories?10:31
joaopintoVigo, there is no filter for "KDE" packages10:40
joaopintoas for blogs, there is no such filter either10:40
Maakuthon lucid with latest upgrades, dell latitude d505 hangs completely presumably during x11 startup. it's fine with 2.6.32-20-generic kernel, but this happens with the latest 2.6.32-21-generic10:40
Vigojoanpinto: Thank you.10:40
joaopintoops, blobs10:40
joaopintoMaakuth, can you boot with rescue mode ?10:41
Maakuthjoaopinto, i haven't tried that. i'm now running with the -20 kernel10:42
joaopintojust to make sure it's related to xorg/gdm10:42
joaopintoand not the kernel/boot per si10:42
Maakuthlet's see10:43
joaopintoyou can start gdm from there, to see if it hangs10:43
joaopinto"start gdm"10:43
joaopintofrom the recovery shell10:43
Maakuthalright, it's now booting to recovery mode10:44
vistakiller1still plymouth problem and suspend, hibernate dont work10:44
Maakuthyep, it's gdm/xorg10:46
Maakuthgot the shell fine, "start gdm" hung it completely. doesn't react to ctrl-alt-del or capslock10:46
joaopintoMaakuth, ubuntu-bug xorg10:47
joaopintowell, after booting with the old kernel10:47
joaopintoimeediatly after hanging, since that is likely to get your previous log files10:48
Maakuthi'll do that10:48
joaopintoand now that I think I am not sure the bug should be reported at xorg or kernel10:48
joaopintobecause xorg starts fine with a previous kernel10:48
Maakuthyeah, hmm. maybe i'll file it against kernel then10:49
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
joaopintoubuntu-bug linux (for kernel)10:53
vistakiller1anyone else have problem with suspend?11:03
DASPRiDyes, because i have my swap encrypted11:04
Maakuthoh man, bug reporting timed out in launchpad, and browser's back button threw my raport away. damnit11:04
eremiteMaakuth: always use a text editor when writing text that is destined for a browser.  Copy and paste.  I learned that lesson back in the early YouTube days when everything was broken.11:10
Maakutheremite, yeah, probably a good advice11:21
bastilianI'm currently instaling Ubuntu 10.04 RC on my macbook and the screen turned black right after the finishing the installation setup. is this normal?11:22
duffydackJust booted up first time today, dont remember seeing it before but I got The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet". and asked if I wanted to delete it or not.   I rebooted and was fine.11:23
Remmazeany good or bad feedback for Ubuntu 10.04 on Lenovo X100e.....??11:27
joaopintobastilian, that is not normal11:33
joaopintoRemmaze, is very unlikely that you find someone here with a particular laptop model :P11:33
KnowledgeLeechIs kdevelop not available in Lucid?11:39
Maakuthso, lucid kernel bugs are regression-potential as it's not yet a stable release?11:40
rwwKnowledgeLeech: doesn't look like it11:41
joaopintoMaakuth, everything in lucid regression-potential until is widely deployed11:41
squiddyhi, anyone using nokia wireless headset BH 503 with lucid ? i cant pair the device on my machine11:41
joaopintobut from a regular development perspective it's stable11:41
joaopintofinall will be out in a few days, hopefully there will be no major fixes before final11:42
rwwKnowledgeLeech: was deleted from lucid in February with the reason "not going to be stable by release"11:42
KnowledgeLeechthanks rww11:43
ROBOdi just downloaded the livecd of ubuntu 10.04 lts and it directly boots into gnome12:01
ROBOdi don't see how i can start memtest12:01
joaopintoROBOd, now you need to press SHIFT12:01
ROBOdi want to do a memtest for my system12:01
joaopintowhile booting, to get the grub menu12:01
joaopintoit's hidden by default :)12:02
ROBOdjoaopinto: thanks. it works ;)12:02
alvinWas there an issue with X.org that made Lucid slower over time?12:07
joaopintoalvin, there was a mem leak yes12:08
alvinIs it still there?12:08
joaopintoI think it was fixed, anyway it only affected certain drivers12:08
alvinMy Kubuntu is slowing down. It's not that bad, but noticeable and I have still half of my RAM left12:09
alvinah, ok12:09
alvinIn that case, it's probably something else12:09
joaopintomost probably, yes12:09
alvinSwitching tabs in Konqueror or switching workspaces takes a few seconds now12:09
gnomefreak88% CPU for Xorg is a good indicater it is not fixed yet12:16
gnomefreakit is not steady but it should never get that high12:16
alvinNo, it's between 6% and 30% here.12:17
gnomefreakit is ranging here12:19
DASPRiDwhich kernel does lucid have right now? .32 or .33?12:19
gnomefreak2.3 atm12:19
DASPRiDhm, sad :(12:20
gnomefreakDASPRiD: we cherry picked a few parts but we will not get above 3212:20
squiddyneed help with pairing nokia wireless headphone bh-503 with lucid, please12:20
yukiseasidewheres the bot?12:20
gnomefreak33== unstable as i recall12:20
gnomefreakyukiseaside: hes here12:20
DASPRiDgnomefreak, 33 has support for k10temp built-in, that is the part i'll miss12:21
gnomefreakDASPRiD: it is possible we added that to 32 as we did for a few things. unstable kernel+LTS= very bad idea12:21
DASPRiDhm true12:21
DASPRiDgnomefreak, btw, ubuntu should really think about a rolling-repository for desktop applications like thunderbird, firefox, open office and so on, those are applications users usually want to be up-to-date ;)12:22
nomad111hi i'm using 10.04 rc, it does not seem to pick up when i insert a dvd, what could be the problem?12:23
ubiquitous1980anyone familiar with zotero?12:23
nomad111there is nothing in /cdrom12:23
gnomefreakDASPRiD: the mozillateam has unstable and stable for most packages we have12:24
DASPRiDgnomefreak, i know the daily repos, but that one is unbranded12:24
gnomefreakDASPRiD: re read what i said :)12:24
DASPRiDhm, re-phrase please :)12:25
gnomefreakwe can not use officail branding on un released versions(it breaks MLP) as i said above we have a stable repo as well12:25
DASPRiDhm i dont really see the problem with it (MLP =)12:26
gnomefreakDASPRiD: re it closely or join #firefox in irc.mozilla.com and feel free to ask12:28
gnomefreakread it12:28
huanghi, my laptop takes a long time to resume from suspend, most of the time is used to wake the battery,    PM: resume of drv:battery dev:PNP0C0A:00 complete after 59352.076 msecs12:29
gnomefreakDASPRiD: im thinking it was MPL at least at one time it was. but either way Mozilla will not let us use official branding for un-released versions12:30
DASPRiDbut what do you mean by un-released versions? when mozilla releases 3.6, is it still un-released for us then?12:31
gnomefreakthe daily has pre released versions12:32
gnomefreak3.6.5~hg20100427r34130+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1 3.6.5 is not yet stable12:33
switchgirlhow does this work? --- google.com ping statistics --- 900 packets transmitted, 897 received, 0% packet loss, time 900017ms  rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 42.818/52.616/457.203/17.515 ms12:33
switchgirl0% packetloss but 2 missing12:33
jonathaNswitchgirl: it's less than 0.5% so gets rounded down to 0%12:34
gnomefreakDASPRiD: pleae lets move the Mozilla talk to #ubuntu-mozillateam so i can keep my eye on one channel, i am doing alot of things at once right now12:34
DASPRiDgnomefreak, sure, thanks ;)12:35
remoteCTRLcan it be that lucid does have no netbook edition???12:37
switchgirljonathaN, 9 packets transmitted, 9 received, 0% packet loss, time 65353ms << i have a random connection12:38
bazhangremoteCTRL, it does have a netbook edition12:38
remoteCTRLbazhang: hey there dude, long time no see:) well i am currently upgrading a netbook (asus 1101ha) in expectation of a working graphics driver then and the routine told me amongst others that the package ubuntu-netbook-edition's support has expired.12:40
remoteCTRLso has there be a namechange or due to what circumstance is this?12:40
remoteCTRLsry, meant ubuntu-netbook-remix12:40
bazhangremoteCTRL, when you say 'the routine' what do you mean? there is a UNE on the downloads page12:41
remoteCTRLbazhang: i mean update-manager -d12:41
bazhangremoteCTRL, it has been renamed UNE12:41
* switchgirl fires up her DJ to remix ubuntu for the netbook :P12:41
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu12:41
rwwremoteCTRL: the metapackage for the netbook version is now ubuntu-netbook, not ubuntu-netbook-remix, I believe.12:42
remoteCTRLswitchgirl: go ahead, you got  about 5 minutes*g*12:42
rww!info ubuntu-netbook lucid12:42
ubottuubuntu-netbook (source: netbook-meta): The Ubuntu Netbook system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.020 (lucid), package size 32 kB, installed size 60 kB12:42
remoteCTRLaaaah i see:)12:42
remoteCTRLso no worries there12:42
remoteCTRLapproximately *g*12:42
rwwnope. you can safely remove the old metapackage after upgrading12:42
remoteCTRLthanks guys!:)12:43
* leagris is away: Occupée12:49
iiie uite pb  the installer encountere an  unrecoverable error A desktop session will now be run so that may investigate the problem or try installing again,hople to 29 don't have agin this pb12:49
bazhangiiie, what is 'uite pb'12:50
iiie pb  the installer encountere an  unrecoverable error A desktop session will now be run so that may investigate the problem or try installing again12:50
iiiethis a big pb12:50
crowis it normal that harddrive is also show when using hddtemp as sg1 device? http://paste.debian.net/70828/12:50
iiiepb is my pc? or ubuntu?12:51
bazhangiiie, please use complete sentences/words; no idea what you are saying12:52
iiieThe problem is my computer, or Ubuntu?12:53
bazhangiiie, you need to give more details: what were you trying to do12:53
iiieI wanted to install it in computer but he could not have12:55
iiieI got that error12:56
bazhangiiie, did you md5 the iso? burn at low speed and do the disk integrity check?12:56
bazhang!md5 | iiie12:56
ubottuiiie: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:56
iiiedon't have windows12:57
bazhanghttp://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM  <--- iiie12:57
cousteauwhere were those boot-time stats? want to see if ubuntu has reached the 10 seconds target12:57
bazhangiiie, sounds like a corrupt iso, or a bad burn12:57
ubiquitous1980does anyone have zotero running on lucid?12:58
iiiei I give up, wait until April 2912:58
cousteauiiie: what OS/distro are you running?12:59
iiietoday 9.1012:59
iiielast day mandriva kde 201013:00
ubottuError: KDE bug 2010 could not be found13:00
cousteauok. Assuming your burned Lucid cd is in /dev/scd0, then you may run `md5sum /dev/sr0`13:00
cousteauafter a while, you'll get the disk md5. Check if it's the right one, otherwise check the .iso md5sum the same way (md5sum name_of_the_image.iso) to see if it changed when downloading or when burning13:02
iiieI think mandriva is much better13:02
crowis it normal that harddrive is also show when using hddtemp as sg1 device? http://paste.debian.net/70828/13:05
cousteaufound it!   http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/   there's a lot of time since they update it13:07
red2kicWhat packages am I missing for that nifty notify-osd?13:18
red2kicI have notify-osd notify-osd-icons libnotify0.4-cli libnotify113:20
checheHi, todays build does not recognise the windows partition. First time it happends since December that I have been testing daily builds13:21
checheI eman, it does recognize, but got missing from grub.13:22
gnomefreakcheche: update grub than13:22
chechegnomefreak: I am testing this system right now.. I will try to update-grub to see if it able to see the windows partition.13:23
lapiondoes anyone know if it's possible to make a sandboxed upgrade permanent ?13:23
vega"sandboxed upgrade" ?13:24
bazhangwubi? or vbox13:24
lapiondo-release-upgrade -s13:25
red2kicThose using lucid and have a working notify-osd, please run "dpkg -l | grep notify" -- Please list the packages for me. :)13:25
vegano idea, never heard..13:25
chechegnomefreak: strage. I modify /etc/default/grub GRUB_DEFAULT=saved GRUB_SAVEDDEFAULT=true ; update-grub and the windows option got there.. maybe this is one off13:26
lapiona dirty/non-chkdsked ntfs/windows partition can be the problem13:27
padi999hi, I was redirected here because I would like to download the iso for the up to date RC13:28
padi999of ubuntu 10.4, obviously13:28
Dr_WillisThere was a daily build iso i thought thats newer then the RC.13:29
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/13:29
padi999muchas gracias .)13:29
red2kicGot Lucid? Please run "dpkg -l | grep notify" -- And list the packages for me. Thanks!13:30
lapionvega yes check it out, it gives you the possibility to see if an upgrade is viable on your system13:30
checheI have not got a xorg.conf file on one system. Is this normal?13:32
red2kiccheche: Totally normal.13:32
vegared2kic: python-notify and python-pyinotify in addition to what you listed before..13:32
Dr_Willisvery normal.. getting to be commonplace13:32
red2kicvega: And your notify-osd works? (Nifty transparent messages on top-right)13:34
checheok. I have a SIS graphic card and looking on this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-sis/+bug/317658?comments=all13:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 317658 in xserver-xorg-video-sis "weird graphics with sis graphics card (dup-of: 287475)" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 287475 in xserver-xorg-video-sis "ASUS A6000 / SIS M760GX grainy graphic display" [High,Fix released]13:34
vegared2kic: not sure :)don't get many messages i suppose13:34
vegared2kic: do you have a procedure to test?13:34
checheThey talk about modifing xorg.conf13:35
checheDriver "sis"13:35
checheOption "UseFBDev" "true"13:35
vegacheche: then you can just create one and ubuntu will use it13:35
vega(next time x starts)13:35
red2kicvega: notify-send "TEST" "$USER is lame"13:36
red2kicvega: Try that.13:36
chechevega: ok, the sis driver seems broke for this system, so I guess that I better put vesa to work13:36
checheWhat would be the rigth procedure to choose vesa a you X driver?13:42
checheWhat would be the rigth procedure to choose vesa as you X driver?13:42
avutonWas mkfs.xfs not being included in the iso for the release candidate intentional?13:49
cjsOk, so the alternate installer apparently doesn't install a grub that will boot from an LVM within an md.13:50
cjsI hate the way it takes doing a long, full install to find this out.13:51
perlsyntaxAnyone have hard time install ubuntu 10.04 on a ibim r50e laptop?13:52
checheperlsyntax: maybe you? :-)13:52
lapionwhavideo chipset does the laptop have ?13:53
perlsyntaxmy ubuntu 9.10 work fine on it.13:53
RovanionIs the Gallium3D driver for ATi r300 cards going to be included in Karmic?13:54
perlsyntaxi burn the cd and all it does it loads and all i see is the icon on it.13:54
RovanionPardon me, Lucid13:54
perlsyntaxany idea?13:54
checheperlsyntax: maybe you can try with the alternate CD13:55
perlsyntaxcheche any ideas?13:55
perlsyntaxwhere can i get that?13:55
perlsyntaxcheche,Where do i get that?13:56
checheperlsyntax: I would use this one: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/13:56
perlsyntaxi worry it would work with the stable one when it come out.13:57
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
perlsyntaxcheche is this the rc?13:58
lapionI have an uptime of 1 day and 20 hours with kms on a system with a i845 using i915 driver with kernel version 2.6.32-19 no hangcheck errors whatsoever..my wo4rkaround was setting the processor speed at a lower speed14:01
shan3hi all14:02
shan3Does 10.04 run /etc/rc.local at boot?14:02
=== yukiseaside_ is now known as yukiseaside
lapionshan LuLy uses upstart14:03
lapionshan3,  LuLy uses upstart14:03
kklimondait still should run rc.local14:04
kklimondashan3: it does14:04
shan3Hm... After giving up on upstart I tried sticking my command on rc.local and it didn't start... running from terminal works fine though...14:05
switchgirlhow come you cant ping freenode?14:07
switchgirl--- chat.freenode.net ping statistics ---11 packets transmitted, 0 received, +11 errors, 100% packet loss, time 10010ms14:07
shan3does Upstart or rc.local give an error or other log output?14:09
shan3kklimonda: ^14:10
kklimondaswitchgirl: chat.freenode.net points on various servers, and each server have different policies about pings14:10
kklimondashan3: not by default - you have to run it with --verbose or --debug14:10
perlsyntaxWhat happon if i put 9.10 and when the stable one come out update-manager -d would that work?14:10
perlsyntaxwould that work out if not working on the cd?14:11
cjsOk, so what's the proper way to set up a 10.4 server with RAID1?14:11
cjsperlsyntax: Yes, it should.14:13
charlie-tcaperlsyntax, you won't need the -d when 10.04 releases. It is for -development releases14:13
perlsyntaxthanks that what i going to do.14:13
perlsyntaxi see14:14
chechecjs: I think that the alternate install get a better support (I used on debian)14:17
=== reijo-nyberg is now known as red
cjsI've been trying that. Unfortunately, though the new grub is supposed to be able to boot from an LVM within an md, when I rebooted after the install, my system just spun its disks and didn't boot.14:21
layo every time when i log out, and log in my resolution is change? i am using 10.04 RC, with nvidia GeForce 7300 GS14:22
lapioncjs there was an update just today that fixed md add bug14:23
robbit10Since Ubuntu+1 is still 2 days from release, is it ready for use on production machines?14:25
patdk-wkI wouldn't trust it on production till like june, but that is me :)14:25
HagenaarsDotNurobbit10, it should be OK, but my preference is to wait a bit longer (like patdk-wk says)14:26
alvincjs: Did you by any chance have active snapshots?14:26
HagenaarsDotNurobbit10, do read the release notes and test on a similar system first though14:27
robbit10HagenaarsDotNu: Okay. Thanks :)14:28
HagenaarsDotNurobbit10: is there a reason you do not want 9.10 on the system?14:29
patdk-wkI like 9.10 a lot :)14:29
patdk-wkhave it on almost all my production systems14:29
patdk-wkya, 5 servers, 3 workstations, and have 8.04 on 4 other servers14:30
robbit10HagenaarsDotNu: Yes. 10.04 is an LTS release, and i want to install it on my Mac Mini, which is not easy.14:31
patdk-wkthe only reason why I haven't upgraded those other 4 is cause they are xen14:31
robbit10I installed 9.10 once, but it didn't handle my Mac very well14:31
lapionwith the workstations check if you like the new theme14:31
layoresolution set up in Gnome once, isn't kept over logoff/logon cycles or reboots14:31
robbit10Video driver issues, slow bootup, etcetera14:31
nelliep_Could anyone tell me if I can upgrade netbook remix from the alternate cd install?14:31
lapionwhy not net-upgrade ?14:32
HagenaarsDotNurobbit10: first dry-run with the live-cd is my preferred method14:32
nelliep_my internet is unreliable but I can torrent over time14:32
robbit10HagenaarsDotNu: Dry-run?14:33
cjsalvin: I'm not sure what you mean by "active snapshots." It was just my first boot after an install.14:33
HagenaarsDotNujust boot the live-cd and run it for a while, see what it does, without changing your system14:33
BluesKajHey folks14:33
cjsWhat's the md add bug? That isn't the one related to booting in degraded mode, is it?14:33
cjsThat one was in beta-2, but I'm using rc (downloaded earlier today).14:34
cjsI suspect that the issue was either a) lack of a biosgrub partition, or b) grub didn't have the LVM module built in.14:34
alvincjs: Well, a lot of people using mdadm RAID use LVM on top. I took a snapshot and ran into bug 563895, but this is not confirmed yet. I can reproduce.14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563895 in grub2 "Disk not found when booting mdadm RAID1 with snapshotted lvm volume" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56389514:35
alvinDo you see a grub recovery shell?14:35
cjsBut no, that wouldn't explain why I never even got a grub command line or any message of any kind at all.14:35
cjsalvin: Nope. Flashing cursor in upper left hand corner of screen, and that's it. That's what was so frustrating about it. :-)14:35
alvincjs: That's bad. There is not enough info at boot. We should be able to see something like "activating mdadm [OK]" and so on.14:36
cjsAnyway, my main question was really about booting. I'd intended to make the entire disk an md, put an LVM volgroup in there, and then boot from a volume in it. Which grub can do in theory. But I expect Ubuntu's not configured for this?14:36
cjsalvin: Is that a kernel message or grub message?14:36
alvinIn the bug? That's a grub message.14:36
alvincjs: What you want to do is perfectly possible in Karmic (and most previous Ubuntu versions)14:37
cjsAnyway, here' s my thought. I want a RAID-1 system needing minimal maintenance (i.e., one /boot partition, not two) that will boot from the second disk if I yank the first.14:37
alvincjs: No longer necessary. grub will install on both disks anyway14:37
cjsalvin: Oh, really? 9.04 and earlier, at least, appeared to set up a separate /boot ext4 if you used LVM. As does this system in guided mode, it seems.14:38
alvinI don't see the need for separate /boot anymore when you use 1 big volume group on mdadm14:38
blerkim trying to set my rt8187 (1000mW) card higher than the default 200mW but I'm not allowed, is this the kernel blocking me? or something else14:38
alvinah, guided mode. No, karmic had a bug (fixed now) that made systems with separate /boot unbootable14:38
wiiguywill 10.04 still eb fast on lower system with 2ghz and 512mb ram ?14:38
cjsSo what I'm trying to do should work: 1 big md, 1 volgroup in it, and a boot volume inside of that?14:38
Reckonanyone could advice me where to get drivers for a logitech webcam?14:38
alvincjs: Yes. I have some servers here that do exactly that (one of them Lucid)14:39
alvinbut the Lucid one has the snapshot bug14:39
cjsalvin: Ok. So you reckon it's worth trying that again and debugging? Would you be willing to help me do that? I am not intimately familiar with grub.14:39
cjsWhat's the snapshot bug?14:39
wiiguywill 10.04 still eb fast on lower system with 2ghz and 512mb ram ????14:39
alvinbug 56389514:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563895 in grub2 "Disk not found when booting mdadm RAID1 with snapshotted lvm volume" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56389514:39
cjsAh. So if I avoid snapshots (at least until the bug is fixed), I should be ok?14:40
alvincjs: As far as possible yes. Do note that I didn't succeed in debugging that specific bug and nobody confirmed it yet.14:40
alvincjs: Yes, but if you want: test a snapshot. I need that confirmation14:40
cjsalvin: I could possibly do that, but the first step is to get booting at all.14:41
alvinWell, I don't. I have sent the bug to Canonical. I have a server under contract that has mdadm RAID 1+ lvm and I fear it will go don on upgrade.14:41
cjsalvin: Should I try a non-RAID install, first, just to make sure it isn't something funny with my hardware, or just go ahead and do the RAID install again?14:41
alvinuse the alternate CD and you should be set. Post troubles and questions here.14:41
alvinOh, good question, but I would just go ahead and try the RAID.14:42
cjsalvin: I always use the alternate. So here we go. I have a pair of 2TB drives. I'm creating 1MB biosgrub partitions at the start of each disk, just for safety if nothing else. Reasonable?14:42
alvinWhere did you find information about the biosgrub partition? I never heard of that.14:42
cjsNow I was planning to do this one with a pair of mds, one for /boot (containing ext4) and one for the LVM stuff.14:43
alvinActually, I'm not sure why you would have a separate /boot14:43
cjsalvin: I'll try to track it down. It's needed for GPT partitioned systems because there's no longer 63 spare sectors between the partition table and where the data starts on the disk.14:43
alvinThat was a good thing to do in the past, but now?14:43
cjsalvin: I'm contemplating a separate /boot because I'm nervous about grub being able to load from volumes within the LVM.14:44
alvincjs: Ah, I did hear about that. Is it necessary when using LVM too?14:44
alvinSo, you want the separate /boot outside of the LVM volume group?14:44
cjsalvin: A biosgrub? Yes, it's way way below the LVM layers; it's a BIOS-level thing.14:44
cjsalvin: That's what I was going to do.14:44
alvinI see. Well, grub2 should fix that problem. It undestands lvm and mdadm14:45
cjsIn fact, I think I may just stick with that; I do need to use this machine in production eventually.14:45
alvinand mdadm can see disks (let me check)14:45
patdk-wkheh, I still haven't been able to get grub2 to understand my mdadm14:45
patdk-wkit always fails14:45
cjsalvin: That was my thought. Apparently the one that came with the 10.04 alternate CD didn't, though. There is a module you need to put into grub....14:45
patdk-wkso currently I have /boot on a flash drive :(14:45
alvinhmm, nope. I used partitions here. /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1 are the partitions for mdadm. on top of that, /dev/md0 is pv for LVM14:46
alvincjs: two modules, but they are there already14:46
cjsalvin: http://grub.enbug.org/BIOS_Boot_Partition14:46
cjsSo it should have worked, then. I'm strongly suspecting it was the lack of the biosgrub partition, then....14:47
alvinaha. maybe14:47
cjsIt's consistent with the behaviour: grub first stage loads, can't find second stage, dies.14:47
alvinI can't confirm with GPT14:47
franckhi all14:48
alvinThis is for grub2 too? Messy.14:48
mdlueck_Lucid fully up-to-date, is GUI access to Samba shares broken again? I am getting the dreaded DBus error once again.14:48
francki've a problem with lucid and kvm, vhost worked with 9.10 but crash with 10.04 with error on virsh # start QDEV_LINUX114:48
cjsIt would be for anything. Grub ain't going to fit in 512 bytes, and so the rest of it has to go somewhere....14:48
franckinternal error unable to start guest: libvir: QEMU error : cannot change to '115' group: Operation not permitted14:49
alvinReal messy. We need to get rid of BIOS based booting, and fast.14:49
franckcould you help me pease ?14:49
franckall are crash :(14:49
cjsalvin: Well, sure. Just figure out how to fit everything you need to find the grub second-stage (or even 1.5 stage) in a filesystem (rather than a partition) in 512 bytes, and we're set. :-)14:49
patdk-wkheh, I don't even have a partition table on most of my drives14:50
alvinI was pretty happy when I found out you can use disks as LVM physical volumes, just like ZFS does. But the booting part is always a problem. It's waiting for btrfs.14:51
patdk-wkalvin, I was testing openfiler, and tried that14:51
alvinme neither. Partition tables are a thing of the past. (we will probably still say that in 20 years...)14:52
patdk-wkopenfiler wires a partition table on all drives it find, no matter what :(14:52
cjsAh, so you're thinking abandon the DOS partition table/GPT as well. But a lot of modern BIOSes won't boot without one any more. I used to run all my NetBSD systems without a DOS partition table, and had to abandon that practice.14:52
francknobody for kvm problem  ?14:52
patdk-wkcjs, with 15+ drives in my system, only two have a mpt :)14:52
mdlueck_Anyone testing current Lucid GUI access to Samba shares and having success?14:53
alvinYes, for that reason my file server boots from a simple USB stick. Installed Ubuntu on the stick (slow) and put 4 2TB drives in raid5.14:53
patdk-wkmdlueck, I can test that right now :)14:53
mdlueck_patdk-wk: Thanks!14:54
patdk-wkmdlueck, test to windows 2003? 2008? hardy samba?14:54
mdlueck_patdk-wk: I get the dreaded DBus error. My Samba PDC is running on 9.0414:54
patdk-wknope, just worked14:55
patdk-wklucid -> samba on 8.0414:55
cjsOh, bugger. The installer isn't newfs'ing my /boot partition!14:55
mdlueck_I get a DBus timeout error almost instantly after I send the password14:55
patdk-wkI didn't get anything, just mapped and popped up the drive, after the password14:56
mdlueck_I guess I will IPL14:56
cjsI suppose I'll just format it manually.14:56
alvincjs: Keep us posted about that installation14:57
cjsalvin: Oh, I will. :-)14:58
mdlueck_IPL, same thing. Pops back right away that there was no response. I have made sure that VB is set to bridge mode networking.14:58
cjsOk, not only does it not newfs /dev/md0, it wipes out my newfs that I did while in the partitioning menu.14:59
jeffhaasHi, Please let me know  if there is a better channel for this question.  I am contemplating an upgrade to Ubuntu 10.4, if there is a fix for my broadcom wireless card.  Currently I am using Broadcom STA wireless driver, which has found my hardware, but the network manager will not connect as it should.  It could be the wireless definition in ubnuntu 9.10 is eth2.  I have been through the forums, and tried all the twiki helps on this, s14:59
jeffhaas<jeffhaas> o I was hoping a solution will come with the new version of ubuntu.  I have Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller.  Thanks for the help ahead of time.  Cheers, Jeff14:59
cjsOk, so at the error message, I'll just newfs it myself, mount it on /target/boot myself, and then carry on.15:00
* Typh is a newf15:01
cjsWell, it got upset and claimed I had to go back and do the partitioning step again, but now I get a "yes, format it" option when looking at md0 on boot.15:01
cjsBut it still doesn't come up in the !@#$ list of partitions that will be formatted when I continue. Argh.15:02
alvinHmm, and can you use it as physical volume for LVM yet?15:02
Typhso, despite there being 295 bugs, is lucid still ready for a release?15:02
cjsHuh. Deleting it and re-creating it in the partitions list in the installer finally seems to have done it.15:03
alvinTyph: Lol, only 295? Doesn't sound too bad.15:03
mattgyverGood morning, Im planning on upgrading from 9.04 to 10.04 on Thur, however I have software raids configured, will these be preserved in the update?15:03
mdlueck_patdk-wk: How did you map the Samba share? Via the "Places > Connect to server" interface, or via the "Places > Network" interface?15:03
cjsmattgyver: Certainly.15:03
TyphI mean, not really. A lot are edge case. I just wasn't sure, with "critical" bugs still logged, if that would affect release15:03
patdk-wkconnect to server15:04
mattgyvercjs thanks, this is the first time ive actually had a software raid but just wanted to make sure.15:04
cjsmattgyver: Assuming that they're not some terribly funny configuration or something like that.15:04
mattgyvercjs, naah.15:04
franckproblems with kvm/qemu/libvirt ... anyone can help me plaase ?15:04
cjsmattgyver: Still, do make sure that you have backups and a restoration plan.15:04
mdlueck_patdk-wk: hhhmmm, I got success via Network once I had updated my workgroup name in smb.conf. Still get the error via Connect to server15:04
cjs(And plenty of time.)15:04
patdk-wkmdlueck, browsing the network works ok for me too15:04
alvinI still don't know whether snapshots are considered 'funny'.15:04
jmcsI'm having some permissions problems. Most of the times I can't mount external devices and use sound, but sometimes when i reboot after an update both things work15:05
mattgyvercjs, yeah i have the backups in order in the event of a disaster, and time :)15:05
jeffhaasso does anyone know about 10.4 if it improves the network issues?15:05
alvinTyph: About the bugs. I wouldn't know. A lot of people care about the ugly new boot screen (ugly when using nvida/ati). I don't consider that critical, but it sure gets a lot of attention from users/bug reporters. I reported some boot issues, but you can hear *cricket*, *cricket* in those bug reports. 'Critical' is in the eye of the beholder.15:06
patdk-wkimproves network issues?15:06
patdk-wkI never had network issues, ever :)15:06
alvinpatdk-wk: Then try Jaunty/Karmic booting with NFS mount points configured15:06
cjsalvin: I'm almost certain now I also wasn't done with my mirror rebuild before I rebooted after the last install. Should I expect to reboot after install just fine with a dirty md?15:07
cjsIt seems like it wouldn't be optimal practice....15:07
jeffhaashave you used an n type wireless card without issue?15:07
alvincjs: Short answer: yes. But your rebuild will restart15:07
cjsOk, that's fine, then.15:07
alvinwatch -n 10 cat /proc/mdadm to watch it15:07
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
cjsYup. I'm just thinking, I'd rather debug boot problems right away, rather than first waiting for a 2TB rebuild to complete. :-)15:08
alvins/mdadm/mdstat ...15:08
patdk-wkalvin, I do :)15:08
patdk-wkI netboot nfs root my bedroom computer, every night15:08
patdk-wkit has no harddrive, usb, ... in it15:09
alvinHmm, NFS root probably works better.15:09
patdk-wkoh normal nfs mountpoints?15:10
patdk-wkhmm, I stopped using them back in jaunty, and started using autofs to do it, easier15:10
alvinI haven't seen NFS issues with Lucid either. Seems like this time, LVM is going down (but I can see that it is being fixed)15:10
patdk-wkthe only *issue* I have, is autofs and nfs root don't get along to well, and sometimes autofs starts before things are writable, and needs to be restarted15:11
=== eltoro_w is now known as eltoro
jones-Hello. I've upgraded from Karmic to Lucid and my Wacom Intuos4 doesn't work anymore. I hear that dropping HAL and switching to Xorg 1.7 may be the cause. Does anyone know if I can get it working again?15:29
coz_good day all15:34
jribhi, does the alternate cd offer any more options encryption-wise than the desktop cd?15:35
coz_jrib,  I dont think so  guy... the alternate cd ...as far as i know...provides a different install procedure15:36
jribcoz_: ok thanks, I believe a few releases it did and was pretty sure that was no longer the case, figured I would double check before downloading15:37
coz_jrib,  well dont take my word as the last one.. I havent used the alternate cd for some time15:37
jribcoz_: hmm, I'll just grab the alternate then and be done with it15:38
thiebaudethe alternate cd uses a text based installer15:38
SirFunkIf i upgrade to the RC.. it'll update to final via apt-get without any messing around, right?15:40
cjsWell, here we go to see if it boots this time.15:40
jribSirFunk: yes15:40
coz_jrib,  as I recall ,, because the alternate is text based... it allows installation on systems with less memory.... but .. there may be options that are listed in the alternate that are not apparent on the live cd15:40
wastrelalternate <315:41
SirFunknow.. the big question... should i "upgrade" from jaunty or do a clean install.. hmmm15:41
cjsSuck. alvin?15:41
SirFunksorry, karmic rather15:41
coz_SirFunk,  in all honesty    Never  upgrade  always clean install15:41
wastrelyou should upgrade to koala and then to 10.04 if you do it15:41
BUGabundo_remoteSirFunk: jaunty?15:41
BUGabundo_remoteit works but it's a big jump15:41
SirFunki meant karmic15:41
coz_with bigger risks in my opinion15:41
jribSirFunk: I'm doing a fresh install because I figure it's not worth having to jump through a release (karmic)15:41
BUGabundo_remotedirect upgrade15:41
thiebaudei do a clean install15:41
SirFunk... my only worry in doing a clean install is if it's goign to be a pain to get my md5 raid back up15:41
coz_SirFunk,  ah  mmm15:42
cjsSirFunk: tell me about it!15:42
SirFunki mean if i backup my /etc... that should contain any files i need to re-config the raid... i think15:42
SirFunkit's been a long time since i set it up15:42
coz_SirFunk,  well  a clean install affords you the confort of knowing that any bugs and glitches are from the new version and not as a result of the upgrade15:43
kde185will firefox be compiled with PGO support?15:43
SirFunkcoz_: yeah, i think i would prefer clean install15:43
alvincjs: It didn't work?15:43
coz_SirFunk,  even though you it may be paint to get that up and running again  ...troubleshooting upgrade issues are a major pain :)15:44
cjsalvin: exact same issue. After the BIOS screen, I get a blinking cursor in the upper left-hand corner and it just sits there.15:44
SirFunkare there any known issues with 10.04 and ati drivers?15:44
coz_SirFunk,  paint = pain15:44
alvincjs: Bah. That gets us nowhere. We need logging.15:44
cjsSo I guess I boot up the CD and try to debug from there?15:44
alvinDid you try booting in rescue mode?15:44
cjsalvin: you mean booting the CD in rescue mode?15:45
vegaabout boot time logging, is it possible to enable server-type bootup logging on desktop ?15:45
alvinNo, choosing that other option in grub. Is it single user mode?15:45
alvinThe one where you can get a root shell15:45
vegai'm also not very satisfied with bootup loggnig..15:45
cjsalvin: I get no grub menu at all.15:45
alvinleft shift does not work?15:46
vegacjs: you need to tap shift during boot, or was it esc.. keeps changing15:46
cjsAs I said, after the BIOS boot screen, I just get the blinking cursor. It really looks like the first stage isn't working for whatever reason.15:46
cjsI tried Esc.15:46
vegayea, it used to be esc, not someone changed it to left shift, for whatever reason15:47
cjsSo if I hold down left-shift, that may bring up a menu? Does the default server install no longer give the prompt?15:47
cjsOk, let me try that.15:47
alvincjs: yes15:47
cjsNope, no love there.15:48
alvinpress shift longer :-) I know it's there15:49
vegaor just tap it repeatedly..15:49
cjsI am almost certain here that it's not loading the second stage, which is what would react to that.15:49
cjsHm. This might be bad. I just noticed my BIOS configured SATA as IDE instead of AHCI.15:49
alvinTry AHCI, but I doubt it will make any difference15:51
alvincjs: They are talking about the same (maybe) problem in ubuntu-server15:51
cjsHm. Any thoughts on what it might be?15:52
QueenZis it recommended to download Ubuntu 10.04 as soon as it comes out or should i wait?15:54
jpdsQueenZ: Entirely up to you.15:55
QueenZjpds: will it be stable?15:55
jpdsQueenZ: Is software ever stable?15:55
QueenZjpds: hmm... good point15:55
cjsalvin: Hm. I wonder if it's related to an old BIOS? This does date from 2008....15:56
alvincjs: Probably not. 2008 is not that old. I'm running this setup on machines that are older.15:56
cjsYeah, I didn't think it was likely.15:56
cjsHm. Well, I suppose I'll start by looking at the boot sectors, and maybe re-installing grub....15:57
robbit10I tried booting up the LiveCD of the 10.04 RC, but it showed me an icon with the accesibility symbol and a keyboard symbol. What does that mean?15:57
robbit10It showed nothing else, only that icon.15:57
gokuli fresh installed lucid15:58
gokuland lost bootloader entries15:58
gokulfor windows. how do i add it ?? there is no menu.lst as found in karmic15:58
z0rt|workgokul: which windows?16:00
gokulwin seven16:00
cjsOh! I have an empty /boot!16:00
gokulz0rt|work, windows seven16:00
spantherHi there. Need a method to install this device driver "02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Device 002c (rev 01)" from my 1005p eeepc netbook please :)16:01
alvincjs: You forgot to mount boot at /boot during install?16:01
cjsalvin: I think I'm seeing issues. What does it mean when df claims that /dev/md0 is mounted on /boot, but df is giving me free space figures from / instead?16:01
z0rt|workgrub2 uses a different manner of config16:01
bankixI've got trouble unmounting a partition from a USB drive via desktop icon in Lucid (10.04rc). I only find the context-menu-entry for removing the entire drive, but none to unmount only that single partition. Any help?16:01
cjsalvin: No, the install appeared to deal with it correctly. Anyway, if someone forgot, it was the installer, not me. I told it to in the partitioning setup.16:01
alvinDo you have 2 /boot partitions? Or are they mdadm RAID1 too?16:02
z0rt|workgokul: grub2's config is located @ /etc/default/grub16:02
bankixThe only workaround (without using the console) I found is to open the file manager and eject the partition in the "places" column using the eject symbol.16:02
cjsok, well that was weird. So I went to unmount it, and it said it wasn't mounted. I mount /dev/md0 on /boot, and now it looks ok.16:02
nmobixguys how do i change the resolution of the Virtual Terminal in Lucid?16:02
cjsIt's a raid1 as well. /dev/md0 is /boot (ext4fs) and /dev/md1 is LVM (containing root and swap).16:03
gokulz0rt|work, how to add windows seven entries... ? i dont find menu.lst as found in karmic koala16:03
alvinah, smells like a mountall issue. Let me see: bug 561390 ? (not sure)16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561390 in lvm2 "LVM - /var failed to mount during boot" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56139016:03
z0rt|workgokul: /etc/default/grub is the replacement for menu.lst16:03
alvinThere's also bug 527666. Matches the description of a lot of other bugs too, because this one is fixed.16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527666 in mountall "mountall blocks on timeout waiting for a partition, rather than supplying prompt and picking it up later" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52766616:04
nmobixI have the problem that when I resume after suspend, the virtual terminals (CTRL+ALT+F[1...6]) are unreadable. How do I reset them to their original state. I have a HP dv5000, with an ATI X200M card?16:04
alvincjs: In ubuntu-server, someone can also not find /boot16:05
z0rt|workgokul: did you run update-grub as superuser/root?16:05
cjsHm. Well, it was a weird thing, but perhaps rescue doesn't mount it by default?16:05
gokulz0rt|work, running now16:05
cjsThough why df thought it was mounted is mysterious.16:05
gokulz0rt|work, i mean, it was running when i made the reply before the last reply16:06
cjsI do have "/boot was on /dev/md0 during installation" in my fstab.16:06
robbit10Did anyone read my message?16:06
robbit10Can I repeat it please?16:06
cjsAnd the UID=... in /etc/fstab matches the UID blkid gives me for md0.16:06
gokulz0rt|work, it found win716:06
gokulz0rt|work, thanks16:06
alvinrescue should mount /boot in all cases16:07
alvinah, UUID? Your LVM volumes are mounted by UUID?16:07
z0rt|worksweet i helped somebody16:07
mdlueck_I just came across a bug that according to LaunchPad has been fixed as of "Intrepid development cycle"... why is it still in current Lucid? Shall I reopen the old bug, or open a new bug and reference the old one?16:07
* z0rt|work plays a wicked guitar solo16:07
robbit10I guess not.. okay, here goes:16:07
robbit10I tried booting up the LiveCD of the 10.04 RC, but it showed me an icon with the accesibility symbol and a keyboard symbol. It showed only that, and didn't go any further. What does that mean?16:07
alvincjs: I filed bug 563117 for that. You better change them to /dev/mapper/...16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563117 in ubuntu "Release upgrade converts /dev/mapper entries in /etc/fstab to UUID" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56311716:08
cjsalvin: LVM is not, just /boot.16:08
z0rt|workrobbit10: so you have no login prompt or anything but those icons?16:08
alvincjs: Right. That is consistent with default installs16:08
bankixrobbit10: Press Escape or F1 key when these symbols are shown.16:08
ratcheerrobbit10: Try pressing the Enter key when you see that.16:08
alvinI wasn't thinking. It's not an LVM volume16:08
bankixrobbit10: Then you get the boot menu16:08
alvincjs: Might be a regression of bug 462961?16:08
cjsalvin: So I can "mount /boot" just fine; fstab is correct.16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 462961 in grub2 "auto-resize install renders previous system with separate /boot unbootable" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46296116:08
bankixrobbit10: Okay, obviously you could press any key you want to see the boot menu :-)16:09
alvinIf you can mount manually, it's usually a mountall issue. Let's search for existing bugs there16:09
robbit10bankix & racheer: Okay, i'll try that. I'll be back if it doesn't work though.16:09
doobryhi, oretty minor issue, but whenever i open a site that used the totem movie player plugin the volume it set to 0, it works fine if you open the control panel and increase the volume for that app, but it resets when you open another page16:09
cjsalvin: Mmmmm...doesn't really look like it. Remember, I get no error messages at all.16:10
bankixDoes anybody know something about my unmounting problem with the desktop icon?16:10
alvinIn ubuntu server, you will see no error messages from mountall. That is bug 56391616:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563916 in plymouth "[details.so] No prompt for [S]kip or [M]anual recovery on server boot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56391616:11
cjsalvin: so you're worried about the improper mount of /boot when the rescue disk started?16:12
cjsIt did explicitly say that only root was mounted, and I'd have to mount anything else myself.16:12
alvinYes, I'm worried about the improper mount of /boot in any case. It should always be mounted during boot16:12
alvinLet me think16:12
cjsJust to be clear, I booted from the CD, chose "rescue" and then popped into a shell using the hard disk LVM rot.16:13
alvinYes, you're right. In recovery mode, /boot will not be mounted. That is normal.16:13
alvinI was wrong there.16:13
nmobixI have the problem that when I resume after suspend, the virtual terminals (CTRL+ALT+F[1...6]) are unreadable. How do I reset them to their original state. I have a HP dv5000, with an ATI X200M card?16:13
bankixrobbit10: Did you see the boot menu?16:13
robbit10Well, that didn't work. It shows a purple screen with two icons: "<keyboard icon> = <accesability icon>"16:13
robbit10so it shows two icons with an "=" in the middle16:14
cjsalvin: So I'm not particularly worried about potential userland problems at this point. Once I've got a grub menu, and can load a kernel, I'll quickly see if there are any further issues.16:14
alvinbug shift does not show you grub? In that case, it's time for SUPERGRUBDISK16:14
cjsMy suspicion is that perhaps grub-install didn't get the bios_grub stuff installed properly. But that's an awfully bad bug to have escaped at this point in a release....16:15
bankixrobbit10: So you pressed the Escape/F1/Enter key _immediately_ after the icons show up? Withing let's say two seconds?16:15
cjsAh, you think? Hmm.16:15
robbit10bankix: yes16:15
robbit10bankix: It just hangs on the purple screen16:15
cjsalvin: Can I just use the grub on the install disk, or need I burn a new one? I take it you want me to make sure that grub's second stage can find my boot partition?16:15
bankixrobbit10: Doesn't sound good. Did previous Ubuntu CDs (9.10, 9.04, whatever) boot up without problems?16:16
alvinActually, grub should be installed and you should be able to get into the menu now. Otherwise, a message about no boot disk will appear16:16
robbit10bankix: Yes. The machine i'm running it on is a Mac Mini16:16
cjsalvin: What do you mean by, "get into the menu?" From a cold BIOS boot, I get no messages at all.16:17
alvinSo, I would continue rebooting and pressing shift16:17
alvin(Left shift?)16:17
bankixrobbit10: Uh, that's a bit special...16:17
bankixrobbit10: Sorry, but I fear there is nothing you can do. Except booting 9.10, install it and upgrade to 10.04 afterwards.16:18
cjsalvin: I tried that.16:18
alvinYes, but did you try enough? It doesn't work for me every time16:18
alvinOf course, we should be smarter....16:18
alvinNow that you are in rescue mode, why not set a timer in grub?16:19
cjsHm. Ok, I guess I can do that some more.16:19
alvin/etc/default/grub if I'm not mistaken, and then update-grub?16:19
cjsalvin: Good thought. Or set anything that would make it print out something.16:19
bankixrobbit10: If you're an experienced Linux user, you could create an USB stick, install an arbitary sysconfig configuration and try this.16:19
alvinset debug=on is possible from a grub shell16:19
cjsIncidently, I just did a hexdump -C /dev/sda, and I see grub-like stuff in there. So the second stage does appear to be there.16:19
cjsActually, let me just strings the thing....16:20
robbit10bankix: But how would I create an USB stick if the Live CD doesn't even boot? Also, doesn't the wear-and-tear on the USB stick cause it to wear out very fast?16:21
cjsYup. stuff like "loading", "Geom", "Read", " Error," "(md0)/grub"....16:21
An_Ony_Mooseis there a way to make the computer throttle the CPU automatically on boot? Since the upgrade, it uses a lot of CPU power on boot making it overheat (I have problems with my CPU fan)16:21
cjsAnd same for /dev/sdb1. (I confirmed with parted, by the way, that these are the BIOS boot partitions.)16:21
bankixrobbit10: It would wear the USB stick the same way as a CD :-) It's read only. And you can use unetbootin or Ubuntu 9.x to create the USB stick.16:21
bankixrobbit10: unetbootin is available for windows as well.16:22
robbit10bankix: I'm running Mac OS X. Do you know an application like unetbootin for OS X?16:22
cjsalvin: Ok, so I guess I change GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET from true to false? Hidden-timeout is 0, though, and timeout is 10, so you'd really think it would be printing something....16:22
alvincjs: Why not retry and create one big LVM volume that spans the whole disk and not have a /boot partition? I know it sounds weird, but in theory it should work. (maybe keep the grub adjustments at the beginning of the disk)16:23
alvincjs: Yes, don't hide the timeout16:23
bankixrobbit10: Sorry, never tried. Maybe you have access to a windows pc. Or boot 9.10 and use the usb-creator from there.16:23
alvinWhy would anyone want to do that anyway?16:23
robotti^robbit10: where do you need unetbootin?16:23
cjsalvin: I'm getting tempted to do that, but....16:24
robbit10bankix: Ah, yes, i do have access to a Windows PC. Dumb me! :P16:24
z0rt|workif i installed ubuntu by auto-resizing a win7 partition on the same HDD and it only boots into win7, how would i boot into my ubuntu install in order to update-grub?16:24
alvinYes, it sounds counter-intuitive, but it's more 'modern'16:24
robbit10bankix: A quick question though, will my drive still have space for storing files?16:24
bankixrobbit10: Sure.16:24
robbit10bankix: Accesible from within Windows?16:24
cjsI'll disable the graphical terminal while I'm at it.16:24
bankixrobbit: Indeed.16:25
hectorhas anyone have trouble in 10.04 RC with sound using an HDA ATI SB ALC1200 soundcard?16:25
robotti^I do not think macintosh computers does boot from usb stick?16:25
robbit10bankix: Okay, i'll get to work then. Thanks for the information :)16:25
bankixrobotti^: Dunno. I've got an Mac Mini, but never tried.16:25
ratcheerrobbit10: On my system, I had much better success installing Lucid from the Alternate CD than the Live CD. Just an idea.16:25
rmrfslashwhere should I set default lookup domains?16:25
robbit10ratcheer: Was that on a Mac Mini?16:26
ratcheerrobbit10: Sorry, no.16:26
hectorrmrfslash: /etc/resolv.conf16:26
rmrfslashright, but that's automatically overwritten by networkmanager16:26
robbit10ratcheer: I'll stick with the LiveCD as that shows me whether it all works right or not on my mac :)16:26
rmrfslashso I need a persistent location16:26
robotti^bankix: I have only installed from CD.16:27
ratcheerrobbit10: I understand.16:27
robbit10Is 4GB enough for an Ubuntu install + about 30 extra applications?16:27
bankixrobotti^: Same here, and only MacOS X.16:27
bankixrobbit10: Depends.16:27
ratcheerrobbit10: 4GB would be a pretty tight fit.16:28
bankixrobbit10: 4 GB for the desktop CD will last, for the DVD it's not enough.16:28
hectorrmrfslash: since they keep getting overwritten, you're using dhcp to get your networking info. You need to supersede it in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf16:28
cjsOh, doh! The CD has a "boot from first hard disk" option! Well, that works, albeit with a very quick error message about a file "480" not being found at the start.16:28
ratcheerGot to go - Bye16:29
robbit10bankix: what about 8GB?16:32
bankixrobbit10: 8 GB are enough16:32
alvin480? Sounds like a resolution? (640x480)16:32
cjsOk, so I've got it configured to print its usual stuff and beep on startup.16:33
cjsHowever, booting from the hard disk, I still have the same issue.16:33
nemoHah. Did someone update the juggling screensaver in 10.04? 'cause I don't remember the old one teaching me how to juggle knives16:33
nemo(which is neat btw)16:33
cjsI wonder if the first stage is broken somehow. Maybe I should zero out my boot sector and see if the BIOS is properly giving me a "no OS" thing?16:34
alvincjs: Is it still rebuilding? Might be bug 25914516:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259145 in mdadm "degraded NON-root raids never --run on boot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25914516:34
cjsalvin: The /boot RAID is clean. And no, I never even appear to get into grub at all, much less get enough of a kernel going to see about whether an md is degraded or not.16:35
cjsgosh, it's almost like the drives are "too big for the BIOS" or something. (2TB drives.)16:35
alvin(We really, really need more boot logging.) When you have your system booted from CD, can you adjust grub to disable the timer and update-grub /dev/sda /dev/sdb?16:36
alvincjs: Did the machine boot previously? (before Lucid?)16:36
* alvin goes home and will read the rest later today.16:36
cjsalvin: One just doesn't have a lot of room for logging code in 512 bytes. :-/16:36
cjsYes, it does boot, but with a different set of drives. These ones are new and have never seen an install.16:37
cjsalvin: Any suggestions on forums or mailing lists where I should post this?16:37
Volkodavit's almost release and I still do not have a gnome sound applet16:39
doobryVolkodav, you mean gnome-volume-manager-applet ?16:40
Volkodavjust vanished sometime in alpha 2-316:40
Volkodavdoobry: yes16:41
doobryis still there for me, just had to tell it to start16:41
cjsalvin: Oh, the "480" was probably from the grub init tune thing.16:41
doobryVolkodav, something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/423443/ will make it autostart for all users, or you could just add it in preferences -> startup applications16:42
Volkodavlemme try16:42
z3r0-c001How many days till offical realease16:43
ActionParsnipyo yo yo16:43
bbordwellz3r0-c001, 216:44
doobryz3r0-c001, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown16:44
z3r0-c001I dint want rc anymore I want full16:45
cwillu_at_workz3r0-c001, the rc isn't different than full16:45
cwillu_at_workthe alphas/betas/rc's/release are all from the same tree16:46
z3r0-c001Yes it is full has last minute and final bug fixes16:46
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.16:46
z3r0-c001I got rc 5 days ago I'm pretty sure when I uupdate my volume buttons will work lol16:47
z3r0-c001That's a big diffrencw to me16:48
hectorHey all, has anyone had trouble getting sound to work with a HDA ATI ALC1200 sound card on 10.04?16:49
z3r0-c001I have trouble getting my volum buttons to work16:50
z3r0-c001How do I adjust my home button settings anyone16:51
ActionParsnipz3r0-c001: adjust them in what way?16:53
BluesKajz3r0-c001, click on the speaker icon then mixer , you'll see the ctrls available there16:53
z3r0-c001I mean my fn+volum button16:54
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mininessiehey what are your views on wikipedia17:22
m0RrEwikipedia, as in wikipedia.org?17:25
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.17:25
heverHello is a 10.04 netbook remix image available or is the "Netbook live CD" image the same?17:26
Ken8521hever, i've not used ti, but i would think if netbook is in the title of the ISO, it's the nbr version17:27
chaoslynxhi, i am trying to locate empheq.sty or the mh package in the texlive distribution, it is supposed to be in texlive-math-extra but apparently isn't17:28
heverA friend wants has a new Netbook, and as 10.04 is finished I thought I could give her 10.04. Perhaps we install just 9.10 and upgrade then...17:28
irvhever: wait two days and you can do a clean install of 10.0417:29
irvwhen it is released.17:29
heverIt's new and she wan't it now.17:30
chaoslynxit is there in hardy: http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/hardy/all/texlive-math-extra/filelist17:30
chaoslynxbut not in lucid http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/lucid/all/texlive-math-extra/filelist17:31
atruschaoslynx: apt-file suggests it's in texlive-latex317:31
chaoslynxatrus: thx, i really should know apt better17:31
atruschaoslynx: apt-file isn't a normal part of apt, but it's handy when you need it.17:32
jmfthevcihever: I use a Samsung NC10 netbook. I use the full Lucid Lynx desktop version. There are various tweaks that help improve available screen estate.17:32
cjsHm. Perhaps someone here knows what went wrong with my 10.04 server install that used to boot ok.17:33
cjs It boots, but all I see on the screen is "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2" (twice), /dev/mapper/iambic-iambic-root: clean ...", "/dev/md0: clean, ..." (the md0 is/boot). And then it just sits there. None of the other VTs have anything on them, and none respond to key presses. Ctrl-alt-del does print some rc shutdown messages and reboot the system, however. What's up?17:33
cjsAnd in particular, does anybody have any advice for fixing this, besides a re-install?17:33
chaoslynxatrus: ah ok, i normally use arch, but installed ubuntu on this machine for convenience17:33
heverjmfthevci, You installed 9.10 and upgraded, right?17:33
doobryis http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-rc-netbook-i386.iso not the netbook rc? (altho you should download from a mirror)17:33
atruscjs: possible a bad entry in /etc/fstab. for me, it was a usbfs.17:33
jmfthevcihever: I personally don't like the NBR version as it appears restrictive and less flexible.17:33
atruscjs: i *think* that's supposed to be fixed, so it at least gives you a useful message about what went wrong.17:34
cjsatrus: Bingo!17:34
atrusi should try putting the usbfs back in, and see what happens.17:34
cjsOh, hang on....17:34
cjsNo, I was just looking at the wrong fstab.17:35
jmfthevcihever: I have been running Ubuntu on my NC10 since Intrepid. (Intrepid, Jaunty, Karmic now Lucid). Last was an upgrade from Karmic to Lucid. no issues. There is a really good ppa for the netbook (voria.org)17:35
atruscjs: look for anything that might be wrong there anyways.17:36
atruscjs: my workaround to get to a bootable system was to change the grub line to include "init=/bin/bash", and see if i could get things going from there. you'd especially want to try and get updated mountall and plymouth packages installed, if you can get networking up.17:37
heverjmfthevci, kewl !17:37
cjscjs: Looks good, and I can confirm that it, and all of /etc in fact, are the same as when it did boot, since I'm using etckeeper.17:37
cjsatrus: I'm using a rescue CD at the moment, actually, so I've got all that stuff.17:37
hectorhey guys17:38
cjsSo hey, yes, an aptitude full-upgrade sounds like a reasonable idea.17:38
amereservant10.04 runs and looks great!  The Nvidia driver seems to be just fine as well.17:38
bnvI have a pinnacle pctv card, but I didn't get sound with it.17:39
atruscjs: oh... you could try hitting keys when it's locked up.17:39
bnvIt's a pctv 310i17:39
atruscjs: i think it's waiting for you to press 's' to 'skip' the missing filesystem, if it's a similar problem to what i saw...17:39
cjsI did. I note that I can switch terminals (ctrl-alt-fN) and ctrl-alt-del does cleanly shut down the system.17:39
cjsAh, I'll try that.17:39
jmfthevcihever: Look also for LinuxOnMySamsung.17:39
cjsThough there were no more filesystems to clean, other than the two it already said were clean.17:39
amereservantIt also recognized my fake raid first try as to where I had some issues and had to re-install 9.10 a couple of times before I finally got it working.17:40
bnvso, whwhat is to be done?17:41
atruscjs: try a 'mount -a' if you get to a console perhaps?17:41
amereservantOh wow, I can even select the "extra" option under appearance without it failing.  Very nice!17:43
cjsatrus: Updating the packages appears to have fixed the problem.17:43
cjsI wonder what triggered it, though, such that it worked before and then stopped working without any apparent changes, at least under /etc.17:44
jyraiahello how can i make youtube cache using Squid 2.7 on Ubuntu 10.0417:44
hectorAnyone having sound issues on the latest 10.04 build? Specifically with a HDA ATI SB ALC1200 soundcard?17:45
ringeryay - just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.0417:46
jyraia!youtube cache17:46
atruswell crap, now MY system's not booting.17:50
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
mininessiehey what are your views on wikipedia17:54
gnomefreakmininessie: please use #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support topics17:55
jsidhu_hey guys. i keep getting a segfault in my apache logs. my simple php scripts are working, even simple query to mysql. But i just installed a php gallery which is causing apache to segfault. I tried enableing a coredump by defining a CoreDumpDirectory but its not working.. how can i go about troubleshooting this17:58
chechejsidhu_: maybe you better speak with someone on #gallery17:59
jsidhu_cheche: it worked fine on my ubuntu 8.04, thought it might have aomething to do with the latest release18:00
patdk-wkjsidhu, are you using apache worker or prefork?18:02
patdk-wkcause most likely some php module isn't thread safe, and that is why it's crashing18:02
jsidhu_hmm.. its a fresh install.. so whatever ubuntu sets it up as... prefork probably18:03
om26erI am trying lubuntu live session and it seems that it can play my media files without installing any codecs. Is it legal18:03
atrushttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/507881 is recurring for me, breaking boot. suggestions?18:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 507881 in plymouth "Plymouth doesn't show messages sent before the splash screen is visible" [High,Fix released]18:03
nemoom26er: mp3s?18:03
atrusshould i take it up with #ubuntu-bugs, to see if the bug needs to be reopened?18:03
charlie-tcaom26er, you should ask #lubuntu ?18:03
om26ercharlie-tca, oh there is a channel for it18:04
om26ernemo, and yes18:04
melteri'm installing the rc and i have a question about the password strength. what is the best rating? is it "good"? or is there something like "excellent"?18:04
charlie-tcamelter, never got it higher than 'fair' here18:05
* patdk-wk wonders if there is an, annoyingly overcomplex, setting :)18:05
melteri wish there was a little question mark icon that explained what the possible values were18:05
kblinhi folks18:10
kblinthe lucid rc fails to install the grub boot loader18:11
kblinthe grub installer complains about a missing mapping for my logical volumes18:11
kblinany clues on how to proceed here?18:13
robbit10Is the Release Candidate LiveCD usable for installing the Release version of Ubuntu once it is out?18:14
atrusrobbit10: if it installs successfully, you can upgrade to the release version after the fact easilly.18:15
Odd-rationalekblin: is this the first time? or always happens?18:16
topylirobbit10, the updates to the RC will eventually make it identical to the final release18:16
atruskblin: try: sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/whatever18:16
robbit10atrus, topyli: Great, thanks :)18:17
om26erany one with dell 1564 just tried lucid did not boot blank screen aarg!18:26
patdk-wkdell what 1564?18:27
patdk-wkI could try a crapload of dells here18:27
mgoetze1564? dell powerconnect switch? (just guessing)18:27
amereservantAnyone here running 10.04?18:27
mgoetzeamereservant: of course not, it's not released yet18:27
om26eramereservant, this channel is for 10.0418:27
Vigo3 days?18:28
Zelozelosi cant believe what i just did, i was intending on purging blender and all its settings, incl python, and what i ended up doing after deleting blender was sudo-apt purge python, geez, now i really messed up my sys18:28
om26ermgoetze, its a notebook18:28
Zelozeloswhat do i do now?18:28
gnomefreakinstall python would be a great place to start18:28
ringerZelozelos, restore from your backups?18:29
patdk-wkom26er, figured that, but what type? latitude? inspiron? vostro? ....18:29
amereservantCan someone check this:  Go to System > Administration > Login Screen and try clicking "Unlock".  It doesn't work for me and may be a bug.18:29
mgoetzeom26er: you do realise that dell has dozens of notebook lines such as latitude, precision, vostro, ...18:29
kblinOdd-rationale: I can repeat the problem18:29
gnomefreakamereservant: works here as of yesterday18:29
pcrovamereservant: works fine here18:29
patdk-wkamereservant, works for me :)18:29
Zelozelosno backups, ;( i guess ill just wait for the release in a few days then reinstall the entire os18:29
om26erthat would be dell inspiron 156418:29
gnomefreakshouuldnt batter18:29
kblinatrus: no dice18:29
gnomefreakZelozelos: just install what was removed18:29
VigoZelozelos: Recovery from boot?18:29
patdk-wkx64 here18:30
Odd-rationalekblin: what does your parttioning scheme look like?18:30
amereservantstrange.  Mine just stay's greyed out.18:30
* gnomefreak confused at why you dont just install python18:30
Vigoor that18:30
Zelozelosit uninstalled a HUGE list of stuff, it'll take me forever to reinstall everything18:30
amereservantUnlock doesn't do anything for me.18:30
gnomefreakreverse what you did :)18:30
gnomefreakamereservant: are you a suyperusert or just a user?18:31
atruskblin: what's the specific error you're getting?18:31
Zelozelosplus when i restarted it only gave me a root prompt, i have no idea how to do anything w/o sudo apt-get18:31
gnomefreakdamn thats bad. superuser18:31
kblinOdd-rationale: /dev/sda1 -> /boot (ext2), /dev/sda2 -> /data (ext4), /dev/sda5 -> crypto partition -> LVM -> vg_system -> lv_root18:31
amereservantgnomefreak: Errr, let me look.  I should be.18:31
gnomefreakZelozelos: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop18:31
VigoOn boot there is an Esc>(thing) that allows one to use a Recovery Mode18:31
gnomefreakamereservant: you dont know if you have the sudo password?18:32
amereservantgnomefreak: Oh, yes, I do.18:32
ringerZelozelos, you can install again today - there won't be much difference between now and Thursday18:32
kblinatrus: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for 'vg_system-lv_root'18:32
gnomefreakamereservant: are you fully up to date?18:32
Zelozelosreally, cool ill get that going then thank you18:32
amereservantgnomefreak: Yeap.18:32
kblinautodetection of a filesystem module failed18:32
gnomefreakamereservant: not sure why but file a bug (more than likely it is a local issue)18:33
kblinplease specify the module with the option '--modules' explicitly18:33
amereservantgnomefreak: Alright, yeah, everything else from what I can tell seems to work fine.  Synaptic Package Manager, etc. all work just fine.18:33
An_Ony_Moosehmm... Whenever I shutdown or reboot, it asks me to type my password because others are still logged in. This is never the case. Is it possible that it's detecting www-data or other service accounts being logged on?18:34
gnomefreakamereservant: there is a command i used before i just dont recall it. try to reinstall the package18:34
Vigognomefreak: Like a dpkg fix ?18:35
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: once shutdown it should no longer count users that were logged in18:35
amereservantgnomefreak: Do you know what the name of it is?  The process comes up as gdmsetup in the Processes list.18:35
gnomefreakVigo: hold that thought i have to re read your issue :(18:35
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, it asks me to enter the password when I select shut down from the menu because other accounts are still logged in18:35
An_Ony_Mooseis it possible that this is because I created www-data as a normal user account?18:35
gnomefreakVigo: im sorry can you please restate your issue?18:36
gnomefreakamereservant: gdmsetup is the command :)18:36
gnomefreakgo into a package manager and search for login and you should find it there18:37
Odd-rationaledo you have lv_root set as to mount as the / partition?18:37
Vigognomefreak: I was merely attempting to jog your memory on a system call,,18:37
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: you only have one person logged in when you try to shutdown?18:37
Odd-rationalekblin: ^18:37
ringeramereservant, have you checked your 'privileges'? System > Admin > Users & Groups18:37
amereservantgnomefreak: Ohhhh, and there's the error.18:37
Zelozelosok so what i want is the ubuntu-10.04-rc-desktop-amd64.iso for my laptop right?18:38
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, yes18:38
* gnomefreak good but not that good to see the problem from here :(18:38
gnomefreakVigo: not sure18:38
An_Ony_Mooseexcept that it might be detecting www-data as a logged-in user because it runs the apache daemon and is configured as a normal user account18:38
FlamekebabIs it just me or has the U1 music store vanished from RhythmBox?18:38
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: that is possible but i would say its a small chance. try stopping the process than restart/shutdown18:39
amereservantHere's what I got from trying to launch it from the CLI: http://pastebin.com/9Vwjb0U318:39
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, stopping which process?18:39
gnomefreakFlamekebab: i havent looked in a week but it was there ;)18:39
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: apache18:39
FlamekebabI see Jamendo, Magnatune, and no U118:39
ringerZelozelos, Alt-F2 and type update-manager --devel-release     to update from the net18:40
gnomefreakjust need -d18:40
ringerZelozelos, make sure you do an update first18:40
Zelozelosringer, im not on ubuntu im in windows18:40
Zelozelosand ubuntu isnt starting at all18:41
amereservantDefinitely a bug?18:41
trismFlamekebab: make sure the plugin it enabled in Edit/Plugins18:41
ringerZelozelos, ok - that's different ;)18:41
gnomefreakamereservant: that looks like a problem that i had in early devel cycle maybe month #2 but update fixed it. i suggest filing a bug and sooner the better18:41
Flamekebabtrism, good call18:41
FlamekebabI wonder why it was disabled though18:41
VigoScreenshot and email to self.18:41
gnomefreakamereservant: can you please try loggin on as a guest18:41
gnomefreakamereservant: than see if it works18:42
ringerZelozelos, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004overview18:42
amereservantgnomefreak: As a guest?18:42
trismFlamekebab: may have encountered an error starting, so rhythmbox disabled it18:42
ringerZelozelos, that page points you to the iso's18:42
gnomefreakamereservant: yes go to the logout drop down and you should see guest account18:42
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, O.o shutdown works via login screen, no prompt (didn't try stopping apache) - bug?18:42
Flamekebabtrism, cheers18:42
amereservantgnomefreak: Alright, brb.18:42
Zelozelosringer, got it, thank you ;)18:42
gnomefreakZelozelos: boot into safe-mode (recovery mode) and get a terminal and type apt-get update than apt-get install ubuntu-desktop18:43
gnomefreakIIRC recovery mode is as a superuser18:43
gnomefreakif not use sudo18:43
ringergnomefreak, Zelozelos is on windoze18:44
Ken8521gnomefreak, yeah, it is.18:44
gnomefreakreboot ;)18:44
gnomefreakor boot ubu8ntu box18:44
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, stopped apache, still prompts if attempting to shut down.18:44
Zelozelosringer, gnomefreak, i think i got it, thanks for the help, i just thought maybe there was an easy way to undo what i did18:44
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: than its not that :)18:44
Ken8521Zelozelos, there should be.... do what gnome said.18:44
An_Ony_Moosenow I just want to know if it's a bug that there's no prompt when shutting down from the login screen :P18:45
gnomefreakthere is see the commands i gave you it will install all gnome packages that are default in ubuntu and python will be one or 10 of them18:45
Ken8521gnomefreak, situations like this... is why i don't like how grub is hidden by default, if Ubuntu is the only OS.18:45
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: yes but is it a local bug or a wide spread bug im not sure18:45
Zelozelossudo isnt working, apt-get isnt working, all i get is a root terminal (i guess its stoping after some error and gives me a command line ending with #)18:46
gnomefreakmy grub shows everytime no i dont recall what i changed18:46
Ken8521Zelozelos, are you booting safe mode?18:46
Zelozelosis ok, ill just reinstall, i wont be loosing anything b/c i frequently saving everything on the windows partition anyhow18:46
chillindavegnomefreak: Same thing in the guest session.18:46
gnomefreakZelozelos: apt/dpkg shouyld work in recovery mode18:46
Ken8521Zelozelos, ok... if thats what you want to do, thats fine18:46
An_Ony_Moosealso - I installed ubuntu twice on my computer, on separate hard drives. How do I get rid of the second installation (resize another partition on the same disk, thereby destroying the second ubuntu one) and make grub get it right?18:47
* gnomefreak thinks thinking thinking oh yeah you. than file a bug report18:47
gnomefreakchillindave: ^^18:47
chillindavegnomefreak: Alright, I'll go lookup how to do that.18:47
gnomefreakgparted maybe18:47
gnomefreakchillindave: ubuntu-bug gdmsetup18:47
gnomefreakchillindave: than follow propts/answer questions18:48
=== quirites is now known as quiritius
gnomefreakthat will upload info for people to help with the problem18:48
* gnomefreak goes for smoke18:48
chillindavePackage gdmsetup does not exist18:48
kblinOdd-rationale: yes18:49
brainproxyif I mount a folder over sftp in the gui, is that available to me anywhere in a termina, i.e. is there a folder somewhere I could ln -s to something else easy to remember18:49
chillindavebrainproxy: I'm not sure it creates a mount point or not, was wondering that myself the other day.  If you figure it out, let me know.18:52
brainproxysure thing .. i guess i'll just setup sshfs for now18:52
gnomefreakchillindave: try running the command without sudo. do you get same output or is it different18:52
gnomefreakchillindave: ok give me a moment i will find right package18:53
trismbrainproxy: it mounts it in ~/.gvfs18:53
chillindavegnomefreak: It "looks" the same at a brief glance-over.18:54
gnomefreakchillindave: ok giv eme a minute i will have correct package18:54
chillindaveOk, thank you.18:55
gnomefreakwho was the logout session?18:55
chillindavegnomefreak: What's that?18:56
gnomefreakchillindave: im not seeing the package for some reason, im trying to recall and use search but i will use a different parameter :)18:56
An_Ony_Moosealso - I installed ubuntu twice on my computer, on separate hard drives. How do I get rid of the second installation (resize another partition on the same disk, thereby destroying the second ubuntu one) and make grub get it right?18:57
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: try notifyme if that helps18:57
chillindavegnomefreak: Yeah, it's not coming up as a package.18:57
* An_Ony_Moose installs18:57
chillindavegnomefreak: Oh, I bet it's part of the "login" package.18:57
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: its a package run apt-cache show notifyme  it will show you about the package18:57
andresmhI had reported this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/496266 in Karmic. I just tested Lucid and I still have the same problem. What is the best way of reporting this in the hopes of getting more attention to it?18:58
gnomefreakchillindave: it is but there is a name for it and i dont recall off hand so i am looking18:58
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, I saw, thanks :)18:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 496266 in linux "webcam support regression with 2.6.31-16.53-generic" [Medium,Triaged]18:58
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: update the bug by running apport-collect 496266   and just add you see it on Lucid as well18:58
Hans_HenrikRC1 got only DVD release?18:59
An_Ony_MooseHans_Henrik, no...18:59
An_Ony_MooseHans_Henrik, there's also a CD one18:59
Hans_Henrikah, where can i find it? :p18:59
gnomefreakchillindave: ok i feel like crap. file it under gdm  unless i find it someone else19:00
gnomefreakHans_Henrik: please stop19:00
Hans_Henriksorry, was my stupid rl friend19:00
andresmhthanks gnomefreak, unfort, login in to launchpad is broken19:00
gnomefreakit is?19:01
Hans_Henrikah, where can i get the cd version? i cant find it19:01
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, I see it too19:01
andresmh Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad Login Service.19:01
gnomefreakshipit or download19:01
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: what are you trying to do?19:01
Hans_Henriki can't find out where to download it from19:01
gnomefreakchillindave: gdm is best bet and they will change it as needed if needed19:02
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, the apport command you gave me19:02
andresmhvery disappointed about finding the same regressions I had with Karmic also in Lucid :(19:02
gnomefreakHans_Henrik: 10.04 or another version?19:02
chillindavegnomefreak: Alright, I'll do that then.19:02
gnomefreak!daily | Hans_Henrik19:02
ubottuHans_Henrik: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/19:02
gnomefreakandresmh: webcam bug?19:02
gnomefreakandresmh: hold on a sec19:03
andresmhgnomefreak, yes, webcam but but also (and more importantly) sound input bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/40981919:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 409819 in pulseaudio "[regression] Built-in mic not working after pulse updates on Karmic. Intel 82801H (ICH8 Family) sound card." [Undecided,Confirmed]19:03
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: the command didnt give anything?19:03
luis_function keys fix for Lenovo u35019:04
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, I can't log in to launchpad19:04
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: oh well that is a whole other issue just update the bugs as to failing on Lucid as well19:04
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, I CAN'T. I can't log on to launchpad.19:04
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: you run that command in terminal, but what error are you getting19:04
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: dont have an account?19:04
An_Ony_Mooseyes I do19:05
* gnomefreak head to LP19:05
An_Ony_Moosebut as someone said earlier LP login is broken right now19:05
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: saw that hold on a sec19:05
andresmhAn_Ony_Moose, it's back!!19:05
gnomefreaki logged in fine here19:05
* gnomefreak heads to find out what happened19:05
An_Ony_Mooseyep, it works19:07
gnomefreakok its up here someone had gotten an apache error but it was not the same problem by the looks of it19:07
luis_the function keys fix from 9.10 work on 10.0419:07
* gnomefreak logged in 2 hours ago and was meant to do something but now i cant remember :(19:07
dimahi. installed today ubuntu rc and playing music and with opened googl chrome computer crashed. what info i shuld gather to post bugreport?19:08
gnomefreakluis_: depends on what you are trying but yes the F# still get me into TTY19:08
yofelluis_: depends on your exact hardware, was there a bug reported about them not working in 9.10? (think usually don't just fix themselves)19:08
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, apparently I need to be a subscriber to the bug?19:08
gnomefreakoh god thanks you for showing up yofel19:08
yofelgnomefreak: hi, just got back home :)19:08
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: are you no tthe one that reported the bug?19:09
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: give me a bug # but apport command should not stop you19:09
An_Ony_Mooseno, I'm not the one that reported the bug19:09
luis_"sudo nano etc/default/grub"  is what i type in term'19:09
An_Ony_Mooseyou gave ME the bug number19:09
dimacomputer crashed with ubuntu 10.04 RC. what info to gather to post bugreport?19:10
gnomefreakbug 49626619:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496266 in linux "webcam support regression with 2.6.31-16.53-generic" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49626619:10
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, oops19:10
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: thats not it is it19:10
gnomefreakthat was meant for andresmh19:10
gnomefreakthat bug at least19:10
plasmabanyone know how to bully the installer into using a device without partitioning? the installer seems to fail to find any partitions but they are there (lucid alternate)19:10
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, I think you said my name when mentioning the bug number19:10
dimaalso strange thing- i wasnt able to install XFS filesystem.19:10
An_Ony_Mooseyup, you said it to me19:10
An_Ony_Moosemisunderstanding :)19:11
yofelluis_: what are you trying to do? that's the bootloader configuration file19:11
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: most likely sorry about that. please file a bug on your issue, best to use ubuntu-bug packagename19:11
=== dima is now known as Kangarooo
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: auto complete error19:11
An_Ony_Moosebut what is the package where the bug is? >.>19:11
gnomefreaklog out problem?19:11
yofelplasmab: RC or daily build?19:11
luis_im tryin to get my funtion key to work to adjust my brightness19:11
luis_my machine is a Lenovo u35019:11
plasmabdaily... today19:11
plasmabi could fdisk -l for you if that helps?19:12
Kangarooocomputer crashed with ubuntu 10.04 RC. what info to gather to post bugreport? also strange thing- i wasnt able to install XFS filesystem.19:12
luis_that fix worked for 9.1019:12
gnomefreakyofel: if you get a minute can you give An_Ony_Moose a package name to go along with his bug. phone just rang. An_Ony_Moose please restate your issue for us. i will returtn in a few19:12
Hans_Henrikis ntfsclone in the repos of 10.04?19:13
gnomefreakyofel: i meant please ;)19:13
charlie-tcaKangarooo, crash during install?19:13
yofelsure, what was your issue again An_Ony_Moose?19:13
plasmabyofel, fdisk reports that GPT partitions arent supported and i should use gparted19:13
charlie-tcaKangarooo, if it is during install, please try today's image. It might be fixed already19:14
BluesKajKangarooo, XFS file system ?19:14
An_Ony_Mooseyofel, When shutting down from login, it asks me for a password claiming that another user is already logged in; This is not the case. Additionally, it does *not* ask for a password when shutting down from the login screen.19:14
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chillindave_wow, found another big issue.19:15
yofelKangarooo: use a daily build, installing on XFS was broken in the RC19:15
chillindave_I can't launch Firefox after having logged out and back in.19:16
chillindave_The system monitor either.....19:16
daftykinsis XFS pretty solid? i've got a 12TB RAID6 server to commision soon, planning lucid server for it. but some have said XFS may be good for large files over EXT4?19:16
gnomefreakchillindave_: please log out and back in again or reboot19:17
Kangarooocharlie-tca, no in install i couldnt install xfs so i choose EXT4. and when installed then with music playing and chrome opened some strange visual effects take over the screen.19:17
gnomefreakok next person to ask me about lightning+tb3 i working on it damnit19:17
An_Ony_Moosealso, how can I disable blocking of the ctrl-alt-bksp key sequence?19:17
yofelAn_Ony_Moose: actually I'm not sure there, can you ask again in #ubuntu-bugs ? The other bugsquad members might know more19:17
chillindave_gnomefreak: I did log out and back in.... I'll try rebooting next, but that's not suppose to do that is it?19:17
yofelAn_Ony_Moose: that's deprecated, use alt+sysrq+k instead19:18
KangaroooBluesKaj, yes XFS filesystem wasnt able to install- showed some error. and took me to step to choose login info.19:18
gnomefreakchillindave_: no it is not but we mihgt have found the issue :)19:18
An_Ony_Mooseokay yofel, thanks19:18
An_Ony_Mooseoh, ok19:18
An_Ony_MooseAAAND another question :P19:18
An_Ony_MooseI'm trying to use gparted to resize a partition to the maximum size.19:18
chillindave_gnomefreak: Oh, the one causing this glitch?19:18
An_Ony_MooseAfter it is only unallocated space19:18
An_Ony_Moosebut the resize/move option is greyed out19:18
chillindave_gnomefreak: Cause pidof firefox doesn't return anything.19:19
An_Ony_MooseWAIT, nevermind. It was mounted xD19:19
Kangaroooyofel, i already installed. ill just then use ext4 for a while. if its not possible to change filesystem with livecd to installed system then ill leave ext4. thats ok. looks like ubuntu is now little faster19:19
gnomefreakchillindave_: it can. i dont reccall if we use pinary still for admin dialogs but i would need to know since it is not giving you one19:19
daftykinsAn_Ony_Moose: there's the package 'dontzap' for re-enabling X.org restart via ctrl+alt+backspace19:19
gnomefreakchillindave_: not sure why you are seeing that but reboot and let me know19:19
daftykinsalthough as mentioned, deprecated so does bad things :D19:20
An_Ony_Mooseproblem with alt-sysrq-k is...19:20
An_Ony_MooseI have an apple keyboard :(19:20
* gnomefreak uses and i know its the old way but /etc/init.d/gdm start/stop/restart or whatever one i want to use19:20
Kangaroooso should i use apport or manually take log files to bug report about visual artifacts taking over screen19:20
An_Ony_Mooseah yes, that's an option too19:20
gnomefreakapport if you can19:20
gnomefreakubuntu-bug == apport :)19:21
Kangarooognomefreak, ok then to witch programm? all screen was taken over by visual artifacts19:21
Kangarooobut only ubuntu new design collor artifacts19:21
gnomefreakKangarooo: xorg or the drivers you are using either way it will get attention of who it needs to19:21
chillindaveWoah, what tha hell?!?!?!?19:21
* gnomefreak thinks before asking19:22
gnomefreakchillindave: what the hell what?19:22
chillindaveI'm apparently running multiple sessions as the same user.19:22
gnomefreakchillindave: that is why firefox bug19:22
BluesKajKangarooo, are you installing server edition , and XFS for large file use ?19:22
chillindaveLook at the user list.  I'm still logged in as amereservant too.19:22
chillindaveIt wouldn't let me shutdown.19:23
chillindaveSo apparently it's not checking to see if I'm already logged into gnome.19:23
gnomefreakchillindave: meet An_Ony_Moose you both are seeing same issue at least for now ;)19:23
KangaroooBluesKaj, no desktop edition 10.04 rc. yesterday dowloaded. xfs for boot then swap then / xfs and then /home xfs and i got error19:24
chillindaveWell let me see if I can end this session and get back to the other one.19:24
gnomefreakyofel: do you know what file extension flash uses fopr videos?19:24
amereservantWow, there we go.19:24
yofelgnomefreak: not sure, I used some video downloader for youtube once and got .flv files19:24
amereservantLOL, that's crazy.19:24
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: there is a command to see who is logged in but its way too far back in bash histroy i dont remember it19:24
BluesKajKangarooo, why XFS ?  whynot next4 ?19:25
gnomefreakyofel: thanks i just need a close enough guess and that did it19:25
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, who :P19:25
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: you19:25
An_Ony_Moosehar har.19:25
yofelno 'who' ;)19:25
BluesKajerr ext4 Kangarooo19:25
kblinis there any way to get a list of modules that grub2 supports?19:26
gnomefreakyofel: there is a downloader?19:26
kblinthe man page doesn't mention any19:26
KangaroooBluesKaj, 2 days ago i found that xfs is faster mounting and faster finding files. but from old statistics.19:26
yofelgnomefreak: I use the 'DownloadHelper' Firefox extension19:26
gnomefreakyofel: thanks i know it :)19:26
BluesKajKangarooo, i undserstand the XFS has a hard time with smaller files , it designed for large files like video etc19:28
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ubottuOpera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser19:30
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markithi, upgraded Kubuntu 9.10 to 10.04, but I've no more the taskbar, desktop widget, etc., just the KDE background "sky / stars" screen, any tip?19:31
Kangarooook i posted bug report about xorg artifacs19:32
Kangarooowhere do i post bug about googlechrome not showing accept/decline for file download in downpanel? in launchpad theres no package19:34
PiciKangarooo: Where did you get the package?19:35
KangaroooPici, from google chrome website19:35
rohanKangarooo: you can't report a google chrome bug in ubuntu launchpad19:35
PiciKangarooo: Then report the bug to google.19:35
costreIs it just me, or does the "Back"-button in the ubuntu file manager do the same as the "up"-button? It doesnt seem to go back to the previous folder, it just goes up a step in the directory tree19:35
rohanyou can report it on www.crbug.com19:35
rohanbut, have you confirmed that it is actually a bug, Kangarooo ?19:35
BluesKajuse chromium , Kangarooo ...it runs better on linux19:35
rohanchrome _never_ shows accept/decline before downloading, unless downloading exe/rpm/deb19:36
rohanBluesKaj: crap.. says who?19:36
KangaroooBluesKaj, can i also install extensions and themes? is it the same?19:36
rohanKangarooo: it's not the same19:36
BluesKajrohan, in my experience it does...says me19:36
amereservantOh, woops.  Didn't realize I was in that channel.19:37
gnomefreakamereservant: much better :)19:37
amereservantYeah, I thought I was in this channel.19:37
gnomefreakamereservant: ok open a terminal and type in the following command19:37
gnomefreakamereservant: apport-collect 44279519:37
rohanBluesKaj: could you give specific examples?19:37
BluesKajKangarooo, dunno about extensions and themes , I don't do the eye candy thing much19:38
Belegarcan we report bugs without create an account?19:38
KangaroooBelegar, in launchpad no19:38
gnomefreakamereservant: that will ask you to upload the files say yes IIRC it opens the bug in browser but if not open it and in a comment let them know it happens to you too19:38
Belegaragrl, ok thanks19:38
gnomefreakBelegar: nope19:38
dagny_taggartHello.  I currently run Karmic and flash sucks no matter how I try to fix it.  Can anyone give me any feedback on flash in Lucid?19:38
rohanKangarooo: have a look -- http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/ChromiumBrowserVsGoogleChrome19:38
gnomefreakdagny_taggart: its not Ubuntu its flash Linux support sucks19:39
gnomefreakfrom adobe19:39
BluesKajrohan , it's been a while since i used google chrome , but it began to fail on several wenbsites and the bookmarks werent working in some cases19:39
amereservantgnomefreak: It gave me this: You are not the reporter or subscriber of this problem report, or the report is a duplicate or already closed.19:39
amereservantPlease create a new report using "apport-bug".19:39
dagny_taggartgnomefreak: I never had a problem with Gutsy19:39
gnomefreakamereservant: file a bug using the following command. what package is i first19:39
rohanBluesKaj: that issue is not something specific to chrome, it will reproduce on chromium too19:40
kevixI upgrade to lucid and I can not boot into my root filesystem. its there, but can not boot into it. seems to hang after checking root.19:40
BluesKajrohan, no such problems with chromium19:40
amereservantgnomefreak: I was using gdm as you said to do.19:40
gnomefreakamereservant: type in a terminal the following19:40
gnomefreakamereservant: ubuntu-bug gdm19:40
rohanBluesKaj: that might just be because your chromium build will be a newer one in which the problem was resolved19:40
gnomefreakand do as it suggests/prompts/asks you for19:40
jribI tried using usb-creator on a jaunty install to create a usb startup disk with the lucid alternate amd64 iso.  However, on my macbook when I select the usb in refit, it shows the diamond logo (like it had for the usb at the selection screen) for a few seconds then just boots my normal install of ubuntu.  I'm downloading the desktop iso now to try that.  How else can I troubleshoot this?19:40
* gnomefreak tries to finish a download. i will be helpful when i get done19:41
* gnomefreak sees more help arrive19:41
BluesKajrohan, i beg to differ , the websites in question worked perfectly well with chromium after freezing and crashing in google chrome19:41
bryanr2 days until 10.04 is official. would it hurt if i upgraded now?19:42
rohanBluesKaj: did you check that both were on the same revision or not?19:42
bryanror should i wait19:42
rohanbryanr: no, it wouldn't19:42
bryanrok man i trust ya19:42
rohango ahead and upgrade, you will avoid the traffic which plagues the mirror on release day19:42
bryanrwhat is the uh19:42
alvincjs: How does the RAID work out?19:42
amereservantgnomefreak: Ok, I've entered the summary and now it's asking me if any others are the same thing....19:42
bryanrcommand again for upgrading19:42
jribbryanr: if you don't mind your system exploding you can upgrade, otherwise wait for official release19:43
|rt|after upgrading I no longer have the volume control in the panel...any ideas on what to look for to resolve that?19:43
rohanBluesKaj: there is no reason why chromium should 'work better' *on linux* -- chromium is no "closer" to linux than google-chrome is19:43
rohan|rt|: many people have been having it iirc.. have a look on launchpad19:43
gnomefreakamereservant: just give info like what you do to get the problem what you expect what happens and any other info that you think might be helpful but for now just worry about your bug19:43
|rt|rohan k thanks19:43
BluesKajrohan, who's mgoinf to bother with revision checks when the browser's nort working ..ppl just switch to something that works19:43
trism|rt|: do you have the indicator applet in the panel? that's where the volume control is now19:44
bryanrok brb19:44
amereservantgnomefreak: Well it won't let me past the summary part.  I've got a "Check again" button and a list of like bugs including the one I showed you listed below.19:44
|rt|trism: no that's what's missing...I can go to applications->sound and video->volume control to get the full panel19:45
|rt|trism: but the applet is missing currently19:45
rohanBluesKaj: very well.. just give chrome a try, though, and you should not face the same problems19:45
gnomefreakamereservant:  at the bottom you dont see a button saying something like file my own bug report?19:45
amereservantOhhhh.  Missed that one.19:45
gnomefreakeh dont feel bad i do it alot but normally things that make things break19:46
|rt|found an easy solution to the problem on the forums19:46
BluesKajrohan, I already did, chromium works fine ...if google-chrome is working better now then that's good , but I'm sticking with what i know is working.19:46
|rt|looks like you just need to readd it to the startup list19:47
* gnomefreak needs to change phone # and not give it to anyone19:47
gnomefreakill be back19:47
kevixanyone have lucid boot problems?19:48
cjsalvin: Oh, talking to Intel tech. support was a joy!19:48
BluesKajkevix, yeah i have trouble staying lucid after too many hrs in here :)19:49
cjsalvin: So basically, it seems to be an issue with the BIOS on my Intel desktop motherboard. If I boot Intel's Grub CD (which they use for BIOS upgrades), it will then boot the hard drive just fine. Just the BIOS alone won't boot.19:49
BluesKajkevix, just tell us your problem , if someone knows how to help he/she will19:49
cjsOther than that, everything's fine.19:49
kevixanyone have ubuntu 10.04 boot problems19:50
rohankevix: problems of what type?19:50
BluesKajkevix, describe it pls19:50
BUGabundognomefreak: not even me?!?19:51
BUGabundoI would never call you :)19:51
kevixafter I upgrade with the 'do----upgrade -d'  to lucid, it would not boot to desktop. something about plygrim and then 'unsupported mode' on my LCD display19:51
alvincjs: So, Intel gave you a fix?19:51
alvinI didn't knew they had grub cd's for BIOS upgrades19:51
cjsalvin: Ha!19:52
jribkevix: try disabling "plygrim"?19:52
twig11How do I set the Ambiance theme to show an icon instead of a dot for the menu button in the window title bar?19:52
rohanlol, kevix , do you mean plymouth?19:52
kevixrohan: yeah. plymouth. like the famous rock :)19:53
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cjsalvin: Basically, they gave me lots of runarounds, including asking me to test with a "supported" OS (i.e., Windows), and then finally admitted that they don't support drives larger than 2TB. Mine are 2.0003 TB.19:53
BluesKajor the city in england19:53
twig11I know how to change the positioning of the buttons with gconf-editor, but I want the menu button to display the icon of the app the window belongs to instead of just a plain dot. Where is the setting for that?19:53
kevixBluesKaj: either way, its not my favorite place to visit19:53
cjsWell, in a way they did give me a workaround: I'm just leaving their BIOS upgrade CD in the drive, and it times out to boot the HDD after 15 seconds if nobody touches a key.19:53
gnomefreakit worked :) and BUGabundo nope not even you19:54
alvincjs: Waah. So, there's no fix for you yet?19:54
gnomefreakit worked because it was already installed19:54
cjsalvin: But I think that the biosgrub partition was definitely wanted. It's certainly being used.19:54
alvinYou can buy a cheap sata card. That'll work.19:54
jribI tried using usb-creator on a jaunty install to create a usb startup disk with the lucid alternate amd64 iso.  However, on my macbook when I select the usb in refit, it shows the diamond logo (like it had for the usb at the selection screen) for a few seconds then just boots my normal install of ubuntu.  I'm downloading the desktop iso now to try that.  How else can I troubleshoot this?19:54
Kangaroooagain computer crashed while installing skype (and it didnt finish). and now i cant install skype couse it says only one can be opened close aptitude or synaptic (it says like that in my language i translated)19:54
cjsA cheap SATA card will fix the issue? Really?19:54
cjsCould be worth a try.19:55
kevixwell I will be back in about 15 mins if I still did not find a solution19:55
yofel!aptlock | kevix19:55
ubottukevix: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:55
rohanjrib: usb-creator does not work with alternate disks19:55
yofelKangarooo: ^19:55
yofelsry kevix19:55
Kangaroooalso when crashed (all screen with ubuntu new branding colors) i couldnt not get in to other tty pressin ctrl+alt+f1(till f6)19:55
alvinworkaround is more like it, but yes. I have a motherboard that can't read large drives either. I just attached those drives to a sata raid card and all was well.19:55
cjsThough that then puts my disks on the PCI bus, which is probably not that great a thing. My RAID currently rebuilds at 110 MB/sec.19:55
rohanjrib: usb-creator is meant only for "desktop" discs.19:55
jribrohan: ah, thank you19:55
kevixapt is fine. I just chrooted in to my root and used aptitide19:56
alvincjs: That is correct. I used PCI-X, but the board had a slot for that.19:56
yofelkevix: that message was for Kangarooo, tab completed the wrong person, sry19:56
kevixyofel: ok19:56
gnomefreakBUGabundo: have you used the extension mutirowbookmarkstoolbar?19:57
Kangaroooyofel, ok19:57
kevixso my issue with 10.04 seems to be related to the initrd or some boot process hanging19:57
BUGabundognomefreak: no19:57
gnomefreakBUGabundo: thanks19:57
gnomefreak>500 bookmarks and it doesnt do anything for me19:58
Kangaroooyes yofel that solved thx :)19:58
cjsalvin: Ah, I wonder if mine does.19:59
amereservantgnomefreak: Ok, so once I finish that, do I need to run that other command?20:00
twig11How do I make the menu button in the window title bar display an icon for the app instead of a dot, as is the default for Ambiance. I want my icons back!20:00
gnomefreakamereservant: give me bug # please20:00
amereservantgnomefreak: #57088520:00
gnomefreakamereservant: thanks20:01
alvincjs: PCI-X is a bit larger than a normal PCI slot. I don't know about the performance of PCI, but it's less than that of your motherboard in most cases. Pity there isn't a BIOS upgrade20:01
gnomefreakbug 57088520:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570885 in gdm "Login Screen Settings greyed out and unlock button non-responsive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57088520:01
amereservantgnomefreak: Sure thing.20:01
shan3Hi all. Any idea why a simple upstart job like this: http://pastebin.com/Q6mkJzzw doesn't work?20:01
amereservantgnomefreak: That's the one I just filed.20:01
gnomefreakamereservant: i know the bot gave it in link form for me :)20:02
gnomefreakamereservant: use bug thenumber  and the bot gives you the info on it20:02
amereservantgnomefreak: Oh very nice!  So is that it?20:03
cjsalvin: Oh, I do have a PCI-X slot: an x16 and an x1, actually.  No problem, then.20:03
gnomefreakamereservant: give me a minute i am thinking20:03
* amereservant even included a screenshot of it. ;)20:03
jbuncheranyone having trouble printing dvi files in Lucid?20:03
cjsalvin: It's a pity, but it does give me another reason to dislike Intel.20:04
gintonicAnyone using Lucid + ATI + HDMI?20:04
cjsalvin: Anyway, the real fun comes tomorrow when I try to set up some KVM instances using encrypted partitions in the huge remainder of that LVM.20:04
SandGorgonhello peoples... use "nomodeset" for plymouth issues, make sure your floppy drives are disabled in your bios, and if upgrading ... make sure you do  “chmod ug+rwx,o+rwt /tmp” . You'll maybe live to tell the tale !"20:05
cjsSo is there some easy way to change a machine from a server to a desktop and back again?20:06
SzocoolHi there! How can I make an usb pendrive install disk, as my current system is, all apps included?20:06
alvincjs: I'll be here tomorrow. That reminded me I want to write a mail to the ubuntu-server list about performance of KVM. LVM snapshots can bring performance of virtual machines down A LOT. I don't know about encryption.20:06
cjsSzocool: Sorry, you want to install from a pen drive, or run from a pen drive with all your stuff installed?20:07
Szocooljust install20:07
cjsalvin: Encryption makes virtually no difference, in my experience. It's very cheap on modern machines.20:07
alvincjs: I wouldn't do that. You have ubuntu-desktop (and ubuntu-server), but little things are different, like the IO_SCHEDULER20:07
twig11How do I change the menu button on the window title bar to show an icon instead of a plain dot in the  Ambiance theme?20:08
cjsalvin: Oh, really? It's probably not a big deal, and I'd want to stay with the server kernel, I just thought it could be handy from time to time to have a desktop available. Still, I feel nervous about running my firewall as my desktop. :-)20:08
trismshan3: seems to work alright here, what did you name the script? it has to end in .conf or upstart won't run it20:08
EraHi. I have ubuntu 10.4 installed in VirtualBox. When the login screen appears and I click to my username nothing happens. What's wrong? Thank you in advance.20:09
alvincjs: You can run a virtual desktop if it's going to be a KVM server :-)20:09
cjsalvin: Anyway, in other areas, I've seen KVM suck pretty bad. I was very disappointed when I switched from NetBSD that I had to switch from Xen.20:09
An_Ony_MooseHow do I get grub to "forget" a no-longer-existant partition? It20:09
cjsI could, but can I give my graphics card to a KVM?20:09
An_Ony_Moose's no longer in fstab and update-grub doesn't help.20:09
* gnomefreak might see the difference. amereservant can you please make a new user with all privledges and reboot than try it. I'm adding my 3cents to bug report atm20:10
jsidhu_hey guys, i've got a fresh install with latest updates, but the "mysqli" module for php is causing apache to SEG FAULT. is there a bug that i'm working against here?20:10
alvinI like KVM/libvirt, but it needs a bit more polish. It's production ready, but I'm still struggling with the concept of backups/snapshots20:10
cjsParticularly for disk IO, KVM's been bad. That's why I want to play with giving it a raw partition taken out of an LVM.20:10
* gnomefreak adding my 2cents to bug report20:10
gnomefreakok wtf20:10
gnomefreakoh thats why20:10
cjsBut it is good in that you can have a remote, unattended server that can boot all by itself without passwords, yet your "real" server can require them, and you just log in to start it up.20:11
Szocoolcjs, any idea how can I make such install disk?20:11
alvincjs: Yes, that's the best option. I take backups of those by using qemu-img convert. virtio is also a must for performance.20:11
amereservantgnomefreak: Alright, I'll give that a go.  Do you know off the top of your head how to change the terminal background color?  Purple just won't do and I can't seem to find it.20:11
gnomefreakamereservant: did you get my comment about making a new users rebooting than trying again. dont add it to bug report yet just let me know what happens20:11
cjsSzocool: You need to answer my previous question, first. :-)20:11
gnomefreakamereservant: system>prefferneces>users  or admin menu but one of the 220:11
gintonicHas anyone zsynced since RC?20:11
Szocoolcjs I want just to install20:12
cjsalvin: Oh, I didn't know about virtio!20:12
luis_will the function key fix that was used in 9.10 work on 10.0420:12
alvincjs: There are even Windows drivers, but you have to pay for Vista/7/2008 (if i'm informed correctly)20:13
cjsSzocool: Ah. There's a "USB Startup Disk Creator" that comes with Ubuntu, I believe, that will let you create that.20:13
z0rt|workthe usb creator is under system-administration20:14
Szocoolit only can make, from an iso or cd/dvd20:14
cjsIn fact, I think it's sort of live/Install, really, but that's basically what the Ubuntu non-alternate desktop installer is, anyway.20:14
amereservantgnomefreak: System > Administration > Users and Groups doesn't work right either.  I can't add a user.20:14
cjsSzocool: Well, that's the point. You take the ISO of the install disk you want, and it converts it to USB. Doesn't it?20:15
z0rt|worki think Szocool wants to make a current image of his install and use that as his install image20:15
Szocoolyes, but I want to backup my system20:15
andresmhgnomefreak: sorry, i went away to have lunch. I am not sure I understand what you said but the bottom line is that these two old regression bugs are still present in Lucid and I would like to give them more visibility https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/409819 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/49626620:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 409819 in pulseaudio "[regression] Built-in mic not working after pulse updates on Karmic. Intel 82801H (ICH8 Family) sound card." [Undecided,Confirmed]20:15
amereservantgnomefreak: "Add" and "Advanced Settings" buttons do nothing.20:15
gnomefreakamereservant: ok there is a problem with the (pinery) i think is what is used20:15
Szocoolz0rt|work, exactly20:15
amereservantgnomefreak: Same behavior as the other one.20:15
gnomefreakyoasif: do we use pinary by default?20:16
gnomefreakamereservant: yes im on it let me figure out what is happening with the superuser dialog20:16
amereservantgnomefreak: Alright.  ;)20:17
cjsGah, I'm wiped. I think I've spent about nine hours on this install. Bedtime.20:17
gnomefreakamereservant: anything work under system>admin?20:17
jbuncheris anyone having issues printing from okular in lucid?20:18
cjsalvin: I'll let you know if I find anything interesting tomorrow. But probably not, unless I get brave and do the KVM stuff; most of my hard work is now done.20:18
amereservantUpdate Manager, Synaptic Package Manger both work fine.20:18
gintonicDoes lucid have free beer?20:18
cjsThough I'm a bit pissed I can't properly test booting.20:18
_zedHi there.20:18
amereservantgnomefreak: ^^20:19
_zedI'm wondering, why netcat have no -c option in 10.04?20:19
z0rt|workthat should help you m820:19
Szocoolthx z0rt|work20:19
Szocoolbye all20:19
gnomefreakif you run sudo apt-get update let it run than try to open gdmsetup within a 1minute of update finishing20:20
gnomefreakamereservant: ^^20:20
moverstiwhy my sd-disk wont automount anymore once I plug it in? (netbook remix920:20
amereservantgnomefreak: Same thing.20:20
gnomefreakamereservant: thanks20:21
amereservantgnomefreak: Check your PM.20:23
gnomefreakamereservant: i did20:24
gnomefreaki answered20:24
Kangarooohello again. i found that i order to have irc in empathy i need to install telepathy-idle. why its not by default installed? im disconnected from #ubuntu irc that way20:25
gnomefreakoh crap20:25
gnomefreakamereservant: i think i have it :)20:25
CornwallKangarooo: Yep, annoying, isn't it? :)20:25
Kangaroooups sorry it is installed but still i dont have irc20:25
Kangarooothen maybe something else needs to be installed to have irc in empathy?20:26
gnomefreakamereservant: beforte you do that please do me a favor. reinstall gnome-keyring  sudo apt-get instal --reinstall gnome-keyring  i think that is the apt command20:26
EraHi. I have ubuntu 10.4 installed in VirtualBox. When the login screen appears and I click to my username nothing happens. What's wrong? Thank you in advance.20:26
duffydack1 ongoing problem still not fixed is my wireless (broadcom STA wl driver) sometimes fails to load and I get no wireless, tried modprobe wl but only rebooting fixes it.20:28
irvduffydack: i was just going to ask about that20:28
irvsame thing happens to me, except i haven't seen it work yet20:28
gnomefreakamereservant: give me a few you do not need that list20:29
gnomefreakanyine else getting LP timeouts?20:29
luis_whats LP20:29
irvlogin prompt20:29
Jeeves_Launchpad :)20:29
irvlinkin park20:29
duffydackirv, doesnt work at all for you ?  I was hoping this would be fixed by now..was a problem in karmic too20:30
irvit loads "successfully"20:30
irvand can see the networks, but WPA encryption just fails every time20:30
irvand sometimes it doesn't load20:30
z0rt|worki hate linkin park timeouts20:31
irvI installed alpha 3 i belive and it was working20:31
irvor it seemed to be20:31
irvand then RC today and no workie20:31
gnomefreakamereservant: you still here?20:31
amereservantgnomefreak: Ok, re-installed the keyring, no luck.  Quote:" give me a few you do not need that list" .... a few what?20:31
irvalso, in addition to the encryption failing, the networks don't seem to show up20:31
amereservantgnomefreak: Yeah, still here.20:31
* gnomefreak has a job for you to do in a few20:31
Jeeves_irv: Is there no usable windows driver?20:31
amereservantgnomefreak: found yet another bug.  can't add any other applications to the launch bar.  I added terminal earlier and now it can't be removed nor added to.20:32
irv*shrugs*, this driver was working in the last release i had on there for like a week or so20:32
gnomefreakamereservant: check if policykit is running in your session should be listed in ps aux |grep policykit (see bug for more details)20:32
irv(the STA driver)20:32
irvany troubleshooting i can try?20:33
amereservantgnomefreak: Yes, it is.20:33
* gnomefreak smacks self for not thinking of that20:33
duffydackirv, well I get no wireless activity whatsoever, it says its disabled.. but its not.   have you tried removing the connection from network manager and removing the key from password+encryption keys app.20:33
gnomefreakamereservant: ok go to bug report and comment/answer20:33
gnomefreakamereservant: see Kamus' comment. ok i  will leave you 2 to it unless i think of something while smoking or working :)20:35
duffydackirv, ive actually got my wireless config setup in /etc/network/interfaces which bypasses NM bs, and is connected before desktop even shows..but I like to see it there with an applet like NM.20:35
amereservantgnomefreak: Ok, what do I need to do?20:35
yofelduffydack: network manager never touches /etc/network/interfaces, so if a device is configured there it will show as 'unmanaged' in the applet20:36
duffydackirv, maybe I can show you what ive got for you to try adding to your /etc interfaces20:36
gnomefreakamereservant: just answer his questions and run apport-collect bugnumber  since i added a task maybe it will get more info20:36
isolat3dsh33phello, how do I restart alsa in 10.04?20:36
duffydackirv, yeah what I meant is, nm doesnt get used, but it doesnt even get loaded for me, its not there.. so I dont use the interfaces file as i like to see it on my desktop20:36
yofelisolat3dsh33p: disable pulse autorespawn, kill pulse, restart alsa, enable pulse autospawn again, start pulse20:37
yofelpulse == pulseaudio20:37
yofelisolat3dsh33p: and why do you want to restart alsa anyway?20:37
isolat3dsh33pi tried `killall pulseudio` didn't work.20:38
yofelisolat3dsh33p: yes, as pulseaudio will simple start again, you need to disable autospawn first in /etc/pulse/client.conf20:38
isolat3dsh33pyofel, because I plug in my headphone while booting. Now I unplug my headphone, but sound doesnt come out20:38
amereservantgnomefreak: Alright, I think I did that correctly.20:39
yofelisolat3dsh33p: that sounds like a bug then...20:39
yofelisolat3dsh33p: did you check the audio settings? (alsamixer, pavucontrol)20:40
isolat3dsh33pyofel, I'm used to the bug. In 9.10 i just simply `/etc/init.d/alsa-utils --restart` but now cant20:40
yofelisolat3dsh33p: did you report a bug about it back then? headphone works fine here20:41
gnomefreakamereservant: also please paste the command and the output from the ps aux command i gave you a bit ago20:41
gnomefreakamereservant: i will check back on it when im done with email20:41
amereservantI did, I pasted it in my comment to that bug.20:42
amereservantgnomefreak: ^^20:42
gnomefreakamereservant: thanks20:42
isolat3dsh33pyofel, nope. :(20:42
gnomefreakamereservant: you know what run ps aux pipe it to a file and attach the file20:42
yofelisolat3dsh33p: maybe ping crimsun here, he should know more than I do20:43
* gnomefreak goes to look for command just incase20:43
amereservantgnomefreak: LOL, not sure how to pipe to a file....20:43
gnomefreakamereservant: looking for it atm20:44
amereservantgnomefreak: NM, I found it.20:44
gnomefreaki cant recall what order the $ and friends are20:44
isolat3dsh33pyofel, I'm not sure how to write a bug. I never wrote one. :/20:44
amereservantgnomefreak: I just typed ps aux |grep policykit > policykit.txt20:45
yofelisolat3dsh33p: run 'ubuntu-bug audio' and follow the steps20:45
EraHi. I have ubuntu 10.4 installed in VirtualBox. When the login screen appears and I click to my username nothing happens. What's wrong? Thank you in advance.20:45
gnomefreakamereservant: i would like you to attach all of ps aux20:45
ubuntui've tried to upgrade to lucid, but i've got an error while processing x11-common (--configure). can you help me, please?20:45
gnomefreakypou can just use ps aux >filename.txt IIRC but the !$> works better (that is not the right order/chars)20:46
isolat3dsh33pyofel, never mind. I'll just go restart my laptop. :)20:47
gnomefreakits 2>1 | filename i think20:47
isolat3dsh33pyofel, thanks for your time ;)20:47
gnomefreakno that cant work20:47
ubuntuno one?20:47
gnomefreakoh damnit yofel can you please give him the command to pipe ps aux to a file20:47
yofelisolat3dsh33p: erm, can you still file a bug? things just don't get magically fixed by themselves20:47
yofelgnomefreak: sec20:47
gnomefreakyofel: thanks so much20:48
gnomefreakamereservant: see comment comming20:48
amereservantgnomefreak: I posted that outfile if that's what you need as an attachment to that bug.20:48
gnomefreakamereservant: the file that lists everything under ps aux20:48
tsimpson"ps aux > filename"20:49
yofelamereservant: ps aux > file should be enough, if you want to catch error output to use ps aux &> file20:49
ChaosRheya guys. My new lucid server has a bugged vnc4server, when I run Xvnc4 -screen 0 800x600x2 -br -ac -PasswordFile /home/chaosr/.vnc/passwd and connect it segfaults immediatly, anyone knows why?20:49
gnomefreaknot the grep command. hell i dont care if you run it copy paste it into a file name the file and attach it20:49
amereservantgnomefreak: Alright, finally added.20:52
ubuntui've tried to upgrade to lucid, but i've got an error while processing x11-common (--configure). Return error 2. can you help me, please?20:52
nmobixI have the problem that when I resume after suspend, the virtual terminals (CTRL+ALT+F[1...6]) are unreadable. How do I reset them to their original state. I have a HP dv5000, with an ATI X200M card?20:53
gnomefreakamereservant: thanks can i have bug # again please. if you type it like bug numberofbug the bot  will give it to me20:53
amereservantbug 57088520:53
yofelubuntu: can you please pastebin the full error? code 2 isn't enough20:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570885 in gnome-keyring-manager "Login Screen Settings greyed out and unlock button non-responsive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57088520:53
amereservantbug #57088520:53
yofelamereservant: no need for the #20:54
amereservantOh, it was delayed.20:54
||arifaXcan the battery symbol also show remaining time instead of percentage of battery (calculated)?20:54
ChaosRcan anybody help me with my problem?20:55
gnomefreakthanks amereservant20:55
amereservantgnomefreak: Yeah, no problem.  I'll be glad to have contributed especially if it leads to a solution.20:56
crdlb||arifaX: it will give you time remaining if you click on it20:56
||arifaXcrdlb: it is only the percentage20:56
gnomefreakamereservant: you are running compiz?20:58
amereservantgnomefreak: Dunno, what is it?20:58
crdlb||arifaX: how old is this installation? it may need some time to gather data20:58
ubuntuyofel: http://pastebin.com/C6aFbw0w20:58
gnomefreakamereservant: if you go to system>preferences>appearence>visual effects  what circle is checked20:58
||arifaXits 2 days old its kubuntu beta20:58
yofelubuntu: can you pastebin the output of 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' ?20:59
crdlb||arifaX: oh, kde20:59
||arifaXcrdlb: yes20:59
hdpbafter update to RC, GRUB lost Vista on my other partition.  how do I get it back?20:59
gnomefreakamereservant: stay there once you tell me i would like to try something that is unable to help but still better than not trying20:59
gnomefreakupdate grub by following the instrucions on the following wiki20:59
crdlb||arifaX: I have no idea then; maybe there's an option? :)20:59
amereservantgnomefreak: Normal.21:00
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:00
gnomefreakamereservant: please check none and restart for me21:00
||arifaXcrdlb: did not find one. well its not that big problem. thanks anyway21:00
gnomefreakcould restart X but since im here lets go for it all :)21:00
gnomefreakamereservant: pm me when you get back please21:00
amereservantgnomefreak: Ok, full reboot?21:00
gnomefreakamereservant: yeah might as well21:00
gnomefreakit wouldnt be the first thing compiz has messed with21:01
* gnomefreak be back. im trying to get things done at same time herer :)21:01
ubuntuyofel: the message say only that: the operation was blocked because there were too many errors21:02
yofelubuntu: the last message yes, the full ouput of dpkg --configure -a should be quite long when that happens21:03
chillindavegnomefreak: Alright.21:03
GSF1200Sdoes anyone know why my monitor shuts off when I kill gdm? I cannot use the console at all.. if X is not running, my monitor is off (Lucid)21:03
GSF1200Si have to ctrl alt delete to get it to reboot..21:03
chillindavegnomefreak: Oh hey, it works!21:03
ubuntuyofel: before the error, i've got a list of packages21:04
ubuntuyofel: do you need them?21:04
yofelubuntu: can you run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a &> dpkglog.txt' and give me the contents of the file?21:04
ubuntuyofel: i try... i'm on another pc, now.. bwt just a moment21:05
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_dinner
yofelubuntu: pastebinit would be the easiest way if you have it installed21:06
shane2peruxchat doesn't auto connect anymore?  I always have to type / server irc.ubuntu.com  to get it connected to a server?  anyone know how to fix this?21:06
chillindaveshane2peru: It does for me.....21:06
ubuntuyofel: i don't have it...21:06
shane2peruchillindave, I think mine used to I don't remember, when it quit or what is going on.21:06
chillindaveGo to "XChat > Network List" select the server and click "Edit", then select "Auto Connect on startup".21:08
chillindaveshane2peru: ^^21:08
gnomefreakchillindave: see pm please21:09
shane2peruchillindave, thanks, that should fix it. :)21:09
ubuntuyofel: http://pastebin.com/xM4fYHjW21:10
bryanrso far so good21:11
bryanri installed 10.0421:11
bryanrno problems21:11
bryanrexcept i got a message about a dev/ something not being mounted or found?21:11
hdpbgnomefreak: os-prober doesn't find Vista.  How can I add it manually21:11
yofelubuntu: did you crash your system at some point? (see the workarounds on bug 512096 to fix it)21:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512096 in dpkg "[MASTER] Exec format error : package failed to install/remove : installation/removal script returned error exit status 2" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51209621:12
ubuntuyofel: yes the system crashed while updating21:12
yofelah, you have to recover it by hand then like described in the bug description21:13
gnomefreakAm4no: ok seb got to the bug report before i did. but i mentioned what happened so if you want to answer it (its a good idea)21:13
ubuntuyofel: ok, now i tr21:13
gnomefreakand it is FIXED :)21:14
gnomefreakwell worked around but hey21:14
gnomefreakok the grub2 bug21:14
gnomefreakhdpb: not sure but the grub2 wiki should have that info there for you21:15
* gnomefreak dont remember if i gave it to you21:15
GSF1200Sdoes anyone know why my monitor shuts off when I kill gdm? I cannot use the console at all.. if X is not running, my monitor is off (Lucid)21:15
GSF1200Susing nvidia drivers (repo version), and it doesnt matter what vc I select when the screen goes out. If it helps, I just get a blinking cursor during bootime..21:17
GSF1200Strying to figure out what the issue is so I can file a bug report21:17
GSF1200S(running on 9.10 atm)21:17
* gnomefreak has o issues with nvidia drivers (the 185 or whatever they are21:17
gnomefreakyeah those :)21:18
GSF1200Sgnomefreak: you on lucid?21:18
ubuntuyofel: but i need to remove all *.post* ?21:18
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
gnomefreakGSF1200S: yes. please see #ubuntu for help with 9.1021:18
markl_GSF1200S: that is a tough one; i have had video cards with this symptom21:18
chillindavegnomefreak: Yeah, that fixed a large number of my issues.21:18
markl_GSF1200S: is ubuntu 9.10 the only os with this symptom?21:19
GSF1200Sgnomefreak: Im on 9.10 writing this, but im having the issue with 10.04 (dual boot).. chroot'ed into the system now..21:19
markl_oops guess this is the wrong channel, sorry21:19
gnomefreakchillindave: well i would say and you are going to hate thisbut file a bug against compiz for each one :) but21:19
gnomefreakGSF1200S: oh sorry i9 misunderstood21:19
GSF1200Smarkl: its not 9.10 that has the issue- 9.10 works fine when I kill gdm. 10.04 is the OS with the issue21:19
yofelubuntu: no, all files that begin with the broken package name, like x11-common.*21:19
ubuntuyofel: ah ok, thanks21:20
chillindavegnomefreak: Oh fun.  Hehe.21:20
gnomefreakGSF1200S: if you use ctrl+alt+F2 do you get anything:21:20
gnomefreakchillindave: it gives them a headache and lets them know there is a problem with compiz but by now you would think they would know21:20
GSF1200Sgnomefreak: nope.. nothing.. I even tried sysrq keys and got nothing.. the only thing the kernel responds to is ctrl alt delete21:20
chillindavegnomefreak: That issue I mentioned and you said the other guy was having with multiple sessions was apparently associated with that too.21:21
markl_GSF1200S: can you shell into the machine from somewhere else and restart X?21:21
gnomefreaka kernel setting maybe psi or whever it is called21:21
GSF1200Smarkl.. hmmm, yeah I could ssh in via my netbook21:21
gnomefreakchillindave: thanks. i dont recall if he filed a bug or not but he seems gone21:21
GSF1200Sill be back here shortly.. gonna try that now.. good idea thanks21:22
gnomefreakanyone recall An_Old_* name from a bit ago?21:22
gnomefreakfound him21:23
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: you still here?21:23
* gnomefreak found a workaround for you i hope :)21:23
gnomefreakwell if anyone sees him tell him to disable compiz not sure how long ill be here for now that its ~4:3021:25
AnxiousNuthow can i install java6-plugin in lucid?21:26
yofelAnxiousNut: install icedtea6-pluginn (unless you need the sun one)21:27
AnxiousNutyofel: i need the sun one, cause iced tea fails so run a certain java applet, which tells me that i dont have jave plugin, but it works for other sites! sun's worked on karmic, so i need th same21:29
chillindavegnomefreak: Haha, so you already switched it to compiz I see.  ;P21:29
gnomefreakchillindave: as fast as i could21:29
yofelAnxiousNut: enable the partner repos if it's disabled and it should be in synaptic then 'sun-java6-plugin'21:30
sekuoirhey everyone, some one leaked the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I am not joking! The have it in BTjunkie21:30
chillindavegnomefreak: I added a final note explaining all of the issues I found and how to fix it until compiz is corrected.21:30
AnxiousNutyofel: and how do i enable them?21:30
sekuoirThis release is not Beta or RC21:30
soreauchillindave: Whats wrong with compiz?21:31
chillindavegnomefreak: Nice working with you and I'm glad we solved it.  I hope this helps several others and leads to it being corrected soon.21:31
soreaugnomefreak: is there a bug report?21:31
chillindave!soreau bug 57088521:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570885 in gnome-keyring-manager "Login Screen Settings greyed out and unlock button non-responsive" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57088521:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:32
AnxiousNutyofel: okay got it, butt do i need to uninstall iced tea first?21:32
yofelAnxiousNut: go to software properties -> other software tab, and enable the archive.canonical... line there (and edit karmic to lucid if necessary)21:32
sekuoirhey Ubuntu freezes alot due to compiz, has anyone found a solution for this?21:32
Zelozelosok, everything is almost back to where it was b4 i messed it all up, now, how do i make an install to where if i need to reinstall in the future it will start out exactly as i have everything now?21:32
yofelAnxiousNut: that's the easiest way to enable it21:32
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yofelAnxiousNut: (removing icedtea)21:32
soreausekuoir: Its not due to compiz, its due to your graphics driver21:32
gnomefreakah thanks and yes there are a bunch of compiz bugs dependiong on what you are looking for21:33
sekuoirSoreau it is intel21:33
sekuoiri think it is intel GMA 949 or 95021:33
soreausekuoir: Its a problem with the intel driver. Maybe try #intel-gfx21:34
chillindavegnomefreak: Did any of my reports give details on the graphics card/driver(s) being used?21:34
AnxiousNutyofel: thanks a lot, i mean it! you're a life saver! :)21:34
yofelAnxiousNut: we get that question a lot :P21:34
sekuoirSoreau I thought these drivers were open-source21:34
gnomefreakchillindave: no yours isnt a driver issue if it was disabling compiz wouldnt affect it as it did21:34
AnxiousNutyofel: I asked a lot and you're the first to give it to me :)21:35
soreausekuoir: They are21:35
soreausekuoir: which is why you should complain or file a bug report so it gets fixed.21:35
soreauare you still using karmic?21:35
domjohnsonWhat do you guys think about FreeBSD (and BSD in general) vs Ubuntu (and Linux in general)?21:35
gnomefreakdomjohnson: try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic21:36
sekuoirSoreau it seems rediculous that these drivers are open-sources yet they still have this problem!21:36
gnomefreakwe only deal with support issues for 10.0421:36
chillindavegnomefreak: Alright, I gotcha.21:36
gnomefreakfor 2 more days than we get redirected for a while21:36
soreausekuoir: The bigger problem is they used to work fine before karmic.. I dont know how they are working in lucid21:36
GSF1200Sok, so why can dhclient not resolve a dhcp request with my router, but nm-applet has absolutely no issue? If I kill X i kill nm-applet, and that takes away ssh access.. I connect to my router with arch all the time using dhclient, but on ubuntu it just repeats dhcpdiscover and then errors out21:37
soreauso its a regression21:37
sekuoirno they don't work in Karmic21:37
bryanrpython 3.1 should still be functional on Lucid, yes?21:37
chillindaveSo 10.04 will officially launch in 2 days?21:38
Zelozelosok so i just reinstalled everything, got it just about set up the way i want, what i want to do now is make it to where if anytime in the futer i need to reinstall it will install exactly the way it is now (with all the programs n stuff i added) is there a way to do so?21:38
gnomefreakchillindave: intended for thursday21:38
bryanrI am going to stay awake from now until april 29th21:38
chillindaveNice!  So this will include the netbook remix and other versions too I assume?21:38
bryanrjust for the countdown :)21:38
gnomefreakchillindave: a day or 2 after is to set your clock by. releases dont always happen on day/time we expect to release21:39
gnomefreakchillindave: yes21:39
duffydackchillindave, clonezilla, or remastersys.21:39
gnomefreakyou will be redircted to #ubuntu-release-party when we change this channel21:39
duffydackchillindave, sorry wrong dude.  Zelozelos  I meant...21:40
the_studentZelozelos: Copy (an image of) your drives to a server21:40
sekuoirsoreau:no they don't work in Karmic, I hope Lucid won't have this probelm21:40
chillindavegnomefreak: Alright, nice.  I'll be looking forward to adding it to my netbook and other desktop and hopefully the issue with Firefox hogging my CPU excessively is fixed somewhere in there.21:40
Zelozelosthe_student, can i use ubuntu one as the server? i dont have a server21:40
soreausekuoir: please try it. I hope so too21:41
Zelozelosi have an external hd how bout using that?21:41
sekuoirsoreau, it is already worse, I transitioned to Fedora and it is the same problem21:42
gnomefreakchillindave: the stable 3.6 version in Lucid repos should work fine. but not everyone sees the same bug. a good way to find out if it is firefox is to run top (most high CPU bugs lately have been xorg) unless you are running a daily build of firefox but even we fixed that :)21:42
Zelozeloshow do i make an image of my drive? the_student21:42
gnomefreakok stepping a way while updating ISOs21:42
soreausekuoir: like I said, complain in #intel-gfx or file a bug report21:42
soreauits not a compiz issue21:42
chillindavegnomefreak: Well, it was definitely firefox and it ran real sluggish as well.  I disabled all addons/plugins and same thing.  I tried different versions (not any historical ones) and same thing.  Never could figure it out.21:43
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, I am now :P21:44
chillindavebug 57088521:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570885 in gnome-keyring-manager "Login Screen Settings greyed out and unlock button non-responsive" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57088521:44
chillindaveAn_Ony_Moose: ^^ Try that.21:44
sekuoirIn Cal Poly they are preparing for a Party on the 29th21:45
chillindaveAn_Ony_Moose: Read the last note on it.21:45
the_studentZelozelos: Not quite sure, just know it can be done, ubuntu one might not be enough space21:46
Zelozelosthe_student, hmm ok ill start googling ;)O21:46
duffydackZelozelos, clonezilla.org21:46
the_studentZelozelos: Try something like dd, or cp -r21:47
duffydackZelozelos, make sure to get the alternative ubuntu based iso/zip.21:47
gnomefreakchillindave: try new profile. if it doesnt help please file a bug the same way ubuntu-bug firefox21:48
Zelozelosthanks guys, this will save me a lot of time in the future, im almost sure to mess stuff up again rofl21:48
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: disable compiz reboot and see if you see the problem still.21:48
gnomefreaki am looking at bugs for the next few minutes please let me know if i need to look at any (this does not gaurinty yours will be one of them)21:49
chillindavegnomefreak: Alright.  Will do, when I mentioned it before, the only response I got was "Use another browser", but I really need firebug for web development, so that wasn't really the answer.21:49
chillindaveAnd I can also bet I'm not the only one having the issue either.21:49
gnomefreakchillindave: firebug is an issue and has been for a while. depends on what you are doing there are other extensions. firebug devs are slow to fix things so we are slow to fix them for most part unless we can fix it fast and submit patch to upstream authors21:50
gnomefreaksince the latest firefox update you are :)21:50
chillindaveBoth PCs were running 9.10.21:51
gnomefreaklots of firefox bugs for me to look at but they wont all be tonight. im looking at 1 bug with a bunch of dups for the next few minutes as it will help me clean them up in morning21:51
chillindavegnomefreak: I gotcha.  I've never had any problem with other versions or using it in Windows, which I know is irrelevant.21:52
* gnomefreak forgot # 21:52
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, I don't use compiz anyway (and sorry for late reply, I'm not checking regularly21:53
gnomefreakchillindave: for mozilla problems you are best to reach me in #ubuntu-mozillateam since i look there most often. but that is wher eyou can find me for most things21:53
chillindavegnomefreak: Well if you ever need someone to help by testing it, I have three different boxes with different setups, so I'd be happy to help.21:53
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: good idea is to check the setting in system>pref>visual... some people dont relize that using jockey/hardware drivers menu entry will enable it for you without asking you21:54
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, I use compiz-icon and rarely switch from metacity...21:54
Zelozelosduffydack, question, i have vista and ubuntu on the same drive, ubuntu is 64bit and windows is 32 will this make any diff?21:56
gnomefreakAn_Ony_Moose: ok its possible your is separate i just figured i would let you know since it fixed chillindave's issuse simular to yours21:56
duffydackZelozelos, makes no diff21:56
An_Ony_Moosegnomefreak, ok :)21:57
duffydackZelozelos, if you have enough space (it uses compression btw) then just make a full disk image...21:57
fosco__is there an easy way to disable plymouth from boot?21:57
carbm1Just installed 10.04 RC and having a problem with it asking for a password twice after the screensaver comes on.  Known problem? Where can I check?21:58
rohanfosco__: i think you can add the kernel parameter "nosplash"21:58
fosco__thanks,i'll try21:58
duffydackZelozelos, and it doesnt image empty space like 'dd' does either... only used space. Ive used it in dozens of backups/restores for couple of years.21:58
Zelozelosduffydack, heh, i cant seem to find the dl for 64bit ubuntu21:59
duffydackZelozelos, there isnt one.. its for both22:00
Zelozelosahaaaa i see :022:00
duffydackZelozelos, Its a live environment, but no pretty GUI like ubuntu.22:00
Zelozelosso i guess i just get the iso/zip by the stable (debian based)?22:01
duffydackZelozelos, Ive got it on a usb stick, only 125meg..22:01
duffydackZelozelos, no, you need the ubuntu one for ext4 support22:01
duffydackZelozelos, the alternative stable is karmic kernel based and the alternate testing is lucid kernel based.22:03
Zelozelosduffydack, trying not to look like a dummy here, but could you look at the site http://clonezilla.org/ and tell me where i need 2 click22:03
duffydackZelozelos, personally I`m using http://clonezilla.org/download/sourceforge/alternative-testing/iso-zip-files.php22:03
Zelozelosi hate sites like this i can never seem to find anything22:03
Zelozelosduffydack, phew, that makes it a lot easier22:04
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_Chuck
MartinBlumenhi, everyone. I have a kubuntu question. On startup after grub menu I see a couple of "blinks" and really weird graphics. I can tell it should be saying "kubuntu", but everything is shifted and there are just like 4 colors used22:05
duffydackZelozelos, as long as its ubuntu based, either alternative works.22:05
MartinBlumenIs anyone else seeing this?22:05
Zelozelosclonezilla-live-20100426-lucid.zip i grabbed this one22:06
duffydackZelozelos, if you wanna put it ona usb stick, yeah.22:06
Zelozelosheh, well, guess i should put it on a disk seeing as i dont currently haev a usb stick open22:07
duffydackZelozelos,  well get the iso then :)22:07
Zelozelosi think i need 2 step away for a while, im kinda burnt from all the mess i created earlier, thanks for the help duffydack22:08
Zelozelosbeen starin at this screen for a long time w/o even a small break22:09
Ken8521Zelozelos, u still trying to fix that?.. i thought you were just gonna reinstall?22:09
ZelozelosKen8521, yup ist all reinstalled, now im makin a image of the disk for next time so i dont have 2 go through all this, as im sure to screw it up again22:10
Ken8521ah i see.22:10
jbwivguys, when trying to clean up some old themes from Karmic after an upgrade to Lucid, I accidentally deleted quite a few packages, including all the Lucid themes and some other things. Is there an easy way to insure that all packages Lucid would have included are installed?22:10
Ken8521Zelozelos, better haev a big backup drive if you're gonna image windows and Linux...22:10
Ken8521seems like a waste of time to me.22:11
Zelozelosjust ubuntu, screw windows, i dont do anything but use it for what i have 2 use it for anymore22:11
Ken8521why would you image ubuntu?  just reinstall if it's *that* screwed up22:11
the_studentKen8521: I think settings and other progs where wanted too22:12
Zelozeloswell, i have a lot of stuff installed, changed, files i have 2 move back over, compiz settings, etc etc that takes me forever to get back to the way it was22:12
Ken8521Zelozelos, i guess... i never upgrade, i always clean install, so what I did, I took a Word file, and in that word file, i detail all settings I've made in the OS, any software I use, how to do them, etc.. (it's about 3 pages long)...22:14
jribI tried using usb-creator on a jaunty install to create a usb startup disk with the lucid alternate amd64 iso (I have also tried the desktop cd with the same result).  However, on my macbook when I select the usb in refit, it shows the diamond logo (like it had for the usb at the selection screen) for a few seconds then just boots my normal ubuntu install.  How else can I troubleshoot this?22:14
Ken8521when i clean install, i simply refer to that word file, takes me about 30min to reset all my settings22:14
Ken8521jrib, someone reported some issues w/ usb-creator yesterday.. don't remember the specifics22:14
Ken8521try unetbootin22:14
ZelozelosKen8521, thats about how many pages mine would be 2, this way i can image the whole partition and if i need i can just replace the drive from the image (i think anyhow)22:15
jribKen8521: okay, thanks22:15
chillindaveCan the window min/max/close buttons not be moved back to the right side?22:15
arandjbwiv: Got command for you, hang on...22:15
jribchillindave: they can, using gconf22:15
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d622:15
Ken8521Zelozelos, yeah, but what happens if something breaks in 6mo?.. you're gonna restore, and have about 6mo worth of updates to do.22:15
Zelozeloschillindave, alt f2, type gconf-editor22:15
chillindaveThank you.  That's a terrible idea.22:15
Zelozeloschillindave, navagate to apps,metacity,general, find "button_layout" double click on it and type "menu:minimize,maximize,close" click ok you will see the change immediatly22:18
=== sekuoir is now known as DeutscheMark
arandjbwiv: «« sudo apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed '/^$/d' | xargs sudo apt-get install --install-recommends --yes -s »»  This should take care of all the stuff which are normally intalled on the default dekstop. Look through what it says, and if what it wants to do looks ok, remove the -s (simulate) flag22:19
jribarand: no need for sudo22:19
ZelozelosKen8521, ill just have 2 make it a habbit to re-make the image every once n a while22:19
jribarand: the first one anyway22:19
crowHow to increase udev wait to mount harddriver defined with udev rules? i got : General error mounting filesystems. A maintenance shell will now be started. CONTROL_D will terminate this shell and reboot the system. and just one from two harddrive is mounted...22:19
chillindaveZelozelos: Thank you, I was just reading that at http://blog.daviey.com/blogroll/anything-but-the-buttons.html  That's much better, moving those isn't a good idea IMO.22:19
jbwivhi guys. Someone responded to my question, but my machine froze. Would you mind re-posting your answer?22:19
Zelozeloschillindave, got it from how-to-geek's site ;)22:20
arandjbwiv: «« apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed '/^$/d' | xargs sudo apt-get install --install-recommends --yes -s »»  This should take care of all the stuff which are normally intalled on the default dekstop. Look through what it says, and if what it wants to do looks ok, remove the -s (simulate) flag22:20
jbwivarand: cool, thanks22:20
ZelozelosOh yeah, chillindave remember if you change the themes or anything you'll prob have 2 do it again22:20
the_studentZelozelos: either that or keep it running updates on a separate machine22:21
Zelozelosok its done ld'ing, im outta here for a while, thanks agian guys for the help22:21
chillindaveZelozelos: Alright, thanks for the head's up.  Hopefully in the release version they swap it back so no one has to do this.  Otherwise you can bet it'll be asked 1,000,000+ times.22:21
yofelchillindave: it will stay on the left22:22
chillindaveyofel: No kidding?  Wow, that's just awkward.  It'd really mess someone up going between platforms and getting familiar with it being there.22:23
yofelwell, mac doesn't use the same button layout as windows, so there's no reason for ubuntu to not use their own too22:24
crowHow to increase udev wait to mount harddriver defined with udev rules? i got : General error mounting filesystems. A maintenance shell will now be started. CONTROL_D will terminate this shell and reboot the system. and just one from two harddrive is mounted...22:25
yofeland it's not that bad once you get used to it, tested it in KDE for a while by setting the layout by hand, it's ok, but takes a bit of gettting used to22:25
chillindaveYeah.  Well as long as it's able to be moved back, it shouldn't be any major issue.  I would recommend making it an option under "System > Preferences > Appearance" so it's easier to change back and that's where I looked all over for the option.22:27
JediMasterhey guys, I want to switch to an older nvidia driver (185 with vdpau) how do you switch driver versions in lucid?22:31
chillindaveyofel: Is the height of the title bar adjustable or is that associated with the theme?22:33
JediMasterok, I'll rephrase that, how do you use the new alternative system for nvidia drivers?22:35
yofelchillindave: I don't know if that's possible,sry22:38
yofelJediMaster: we don't have 185 is lucid the glx-185 package will install 19522:39
crowHow to increase udev wait to mount harddriver defined with udev rules? i got : General error mounting filesystems. A maintenance shell will now be started. CONTROL_D will terminate this shell and reboot the system. and just one from two harddrive is mounted...22:40
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yofelJediMaster: why do you want 185?22:41
jcolei cant switch back and forth from the "guest" user... my screen goes black and i have to restart... is the guest user being broken a known issue?22:41
JediMasteryofel, for vdpau22:42
yofelJediMaster: 195 has vdpau too22:43
jcolethe guest user is quite useful for me since i am doing customized livecds22:43
yofel>=185 should have vdpau22:43
JediMasteryofel, really? it seems choppy compared to 18522:43
yofelno idea, I don't use vdpau myself22:44
JediMasterwell I've hopefully disabled compositing so that may help22:44
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shan3Is it possible to use bash instead of sh for upstart jobs?22:57
chillindaveI'm curious, is installing Ubuntu inside Windows as outlined here: http://www.windowslifestyle.com/index.php/2010/03/install-ubuntu-inside-windows-7/ considered safe since it's on the same partition as Windows?  I wouldn't think so....22:59
JediMasteryofel, disabling compositing has made a pretty big difference, nice smooth hd playback on an intel atom/nvidia ion system22:59
yofelshan3: you should rather ask this in #ubuntu-devel, they know more about this23:00
bjsnideryofel, you don't use vdpau? what's the matter with you?23:00
yofelI don't watch that much videos (not to mention that I never even looked up how to actually use vdpau)23:01
shan3thanks yofel23:01
Daijoubuhow can i install aac codec?23:03
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bjsnideryofel, you don't watch movies?23:10
yofelnot much on my pc23:10
fatum/boot/grub/menu.lst is empty, is this the location for 10.04?23:10
yofel!grub2 | fatum23:10
ubottufatum: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:10
fatumyofel:  /boot/grub/menu.lst is empty though, I'm confused at that.  There isn't anything in the file.23:11
yofelgrub2 doesn't use it23:11
yofelthe configuration system changed, please read the wiki page23:11
CreativeChemistissue: randomly compiz will disapear then computer will log off23:16
jribCreativeChemist: you need to first install 10.04 in a supported manner.  Upgrading intrepid to lucid directly isn't supported and you likely have a broken upgrade23:16
CreativeChemistsorry, thing rebooted again23:18
CreativeChemistwhat did you say?23:18
CreativeChemisthow do I switch from compiz to metacity then back again? might fix the issue. Id check google but everytime I try to open firefox it freezes then reboots23:19
jribCreativeChemist: you need to first install 10.04 in a supported manner.  Upgrading intrepid to lucid directly isn't supported and you likely have a broken upgrade23:19
CreativeChemiststupipd thing :(23:20
jribCreativeChemist: did you get my last?23:20
jribCreativeChemist: you need to first install 10.04 in a supported manner.  Upgrading intrepid to lucid directly isn't supported and you likely have a broken upgrade23:20
CreativeChemistwont help me... that breaks wireless23:21
CreativeChemistand therefore no internet23:21
CreativeChemistbut what about switching back to metacity23:21
CreativeChemisthow do I do that23:21
jribCreativeChemist: install karmic and upgrade to lucid.   Though I don't see how upgrading won't break wireless while installing fresh does23:21
jribCreativeChemist: metacity --replace23:22
CreativeChemistjrib,  I don't see how either but thats what happens :P23:22
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mawstWhere's the file with the paths in it?23:24
jribmawst: erm, paths for what?23:24
mawstjrib: like where I would add things like /usr/games23:25
mawstLast time I edited it I think I funked it up a bit23:25
jribmawst: what are you trying to accomplish really?23:25
mawstBecause now it's not loading games23:25
mawstI need to find the file.23:25
mawstSo I can correct what I did23:26
jribmawst: tell us what you are trying to accomplish...23:26
mawstI need to delete the extra line I added to the file.23:26
mawstIt's got dupe entries, and the entries that aren't dupes I need to add to the original line.23:26
jribmawst: you're being too vague for me to have any clue what you are talking about23:26
mawst/etc/paths or something23:26
jribmawst: are you editing the default system-wide PATH environment variable for some reason?23:27
mawstIt's /etc/environment23:29
mawstThanks. :D23:29
jribmawst: darn, I gave you too much information.  Anyway, honestly, you probably shouldn't be messing with that so if you want to know if there is a better way to do whatever it is your end-goal is, you should tell us23:29
mawstI needed to fix the file jrib.23:30
mawstIt's ok.23:30
mawstAll fixed.23:30
jribas you wish23:30
crdlbfor now ...23:30
mawstWhat happened is I was installing E23:30
mawstAnd it had me add a line to there.23:30
mawstBut alot of the entries were dupes... and also I think it only goes on the last PATH= (I had two)23:31
mawstSo I fixed the second one.23:31
mawstSee there.23:32
mawste.g. my games wouldn't run.23:32
mawstBecause it went on the second path.23:33
mawstYou can't call it twice.23:33
mawstIt sets it explicitly.23:33
mawstIf I say PATH="foo" then PATH="bar", PATH=bar. Not Foo and Bar.23:33
yofelno, it's PATH="foo" then PATH="bar:$PATH" ;)23:35
jribmawst: e17 is in the repositories, isn't it?23:35
mawstjrib: not 1723:35
jrib!info e1723:35
ubottuPackage e17 does not exist in lucid23:35
jriboh, it's in squeeze23:35
mawstIt was a waste anyway.23:36
mawstI didn't end up liking it.23:36
mawstI think I'm a gnome lifer.23:36
jribmawst: have you tried a tiling wm like xmonad?23:36
mawstCan't say I have23:36
mawstI'm always down to check new things out though23:37
mawstI may have a look23:37
jribmawst: takes some getting used to but it's worth it imho23:37
WierdAARHey, I just installed lucid and I have no sound.. I can't quite figure out why. Any ideas?23:43
WierdAARI did nothing more than install google chrome, and the xubuntu-restricted-extras23:44
eremiteWierdAAR: Ubuntu has major sound problems.  Thats why I wont upgrade until they get it fixed.23:44
eremiteare the 2390487823908 person to mention sound problems23:45
WierdAARAhh.. I see.. And you fixes or workarounds yet?23:45
eremiteWierdAAR: yes, do not use Ubuntu :D23:46
eremiteTry opening alsamixer and make sure everything is turned up23:46
WierdAAReremite, Well.. Other than that hehe?23:46
WierdAARMaster and PCM is turned up23:47
eremiteI dont know why they bother releasing broken releases.  So many people have sound problems.  Its 2010 for christs sake.23:48
MotherMGA1I'm having problems with my sound in 10.4.  I have all channels to maximum and I can barely hear a whisper in my headphones.23:48
MotherMGA1Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can fix this?23:49
duffydackLuckily the only problems I have are headphones.  other than that, it works OOTB now.23:49
eremitelol, look, snother sound problem!23:49
ringerthis is most odd. I sort of get the window buttons on the left, but chrome browser has them on the right still!23:49
eremiteringer, you can change themes and have the buttons switched back.  Its absolutly ugly and useless on the left.  Whoever thought of that bright idea should be fired.23:50
MotherMGA1I'm on a sony vaio E series. it has intel audio and mobility hd.  I've yet to hear anything through my speakers23:50
ringereremite, i understand they are going to use the space on the right to display messages etc23:50
ringereremite, I am willing to try a new way of working23:51
eremiteringer: yesh, and its a bad idea.  Ugly, bloated and whoever thought that a series of menus was a good idea should be fired.23:51
crdlbringer: you need to enable "use system title bar and borders" in chrome, I guess23:51
WierdAARWell this pretty much sucks then23:51
ringercrdlb, thanks - I'll try that for consistency23:51
wick94hey guys!23:52
eremiteRhythmbox opens to teh sys tary only, but if you dont have the new ugly notification applet install in yoru panel you wouldnt even know.'23:52
wick94guys how do i set pidgin as my default IM client in ubuntu 10.0423:52
eremitewick94: sudo apt-get install pidgen23:52
wick94eremite i know how to install it23:52
WierdAAReremite, Is there any news on a new packages release for the sound problems that you know off?23:52
wick94i want to know how to set it as the default client23:53
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eremiteWierdAAR: not that I am aware of, but it will probably be fixed in 2 months.23:53
eremiteFor most people, anyway.23:53
ringercrdlb, ugh! very ugly now.23:53
WierdAAReremite, Seriously?? . Two months with a release date in two days?23:54
wick94eremite u know how wen u clik on the 'chat' button in 10.04 it open up empathy, i want it to open pidgin instead23:54
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WierdAARwick94, try looking in preferred applications..23:54
eremiteWierdAAR: Ubuntu release are never ready for use when they are released.  They always have at least a month of problems.23:54
SuN__ext4 file system is stable and you may want to enjoy a new axis Ubuntu 10:0423:54
trismwick94: if you want to remove that chat item in the indicator applet, remove empathy and it will just show pidgin23:54
eremitewick94: SYSTEM > Prefernces > Prefered Applications23:55
wick94trism thnx, i'll give tht a try23:55
WierdAAReremite, Damn ... That sucks.. Maybe I will have to be content with 9.10 for now then..23:55
wick94eremite preferred applications, i dont thnk it has option for default IM client23:55
eremiteI hate the indicator applet, its got icons spaced out and they look ugly like that.  It also doesnt have right click or middle click enabled.  Useless.  Ugly and useless.23:55
eremitewick94: delete empathy23:56
addchild314Hey all23:56
wick94eremit thts wht i m gonna do, i will remove empathy and install pidgin23:56
eremiteif you only have one chat client installed it will act as default, usually.23:56
wick94eremite i m gonna give it a go23:56
wick94i'll tell u the result23:56
addchild314On 10.04b2 x64 wubi install with grub 2 (i think) and current nvidia drivers, boot progress screen graphics are extremely low-res. Any way to fix?23:57
eremiteaddchild314: use xrandr to change resolutions.  Google "xrandr change resolution"23:57
ZykoticK9addchild314, if you have nvidia-proprietary driver it's probably best to just leave it at the 640x48023:57
eremiteZykoticK9: why would anyone want a 640X480 SCREEN RESOLUTION?23:58
ZykoticK9eremite, Plymouth resolution!23:58
addchild314yeah, Plymouth. Sorry23:58
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:58
eremiteyofel: it was a caps lock mistake, take a deep breath, calm down and step away from the computer.23:59
addchild314ZykoticK9, Why not change it?23:59
yofeladdchild314: plymouth requires a driver with KMS support to set the resolution, either play with the framebuffer settings or leave it23:59
ZykoticK9addchild314, it is possible to increase the Plymouth resolution - but probably a waste of time -- http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/plymouth-resolution23:59
Jake2|cflwick94: u will think I am crazy, but the chat function in Opera is very nice!23:59
yofeleremite: you could have fixed it once you saw that you had caps lock enabled, it just sounds rude (sorry if I sounded rude)23:59
vistakilleri fix the plymouth problem with this guide http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/23:59
wick94Jake2|cfl open chat function? nevr heard of it, lol23:59

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