
=== ericm-afk is now known as ericm|ubuntu
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ericm|ubuntusaeed, ping07:17
saeedericm|ubuntu: hi07:18
saeedericm|ubuntu: please check the u-boot under https://marvell.wiki.canonical.com/UploadedFiles?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Dove_UBoot_4_4_2_Full_Release_NQ.zip08:13
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=== JamieBen1ett is now known as JamieBennett
hrwhttp://hrw.pastebin.com/GdyhNPbt - beagleboard c3 with hub on otg13:23
persiaIs that really a 7 minute boot?13:23
hrw[    0.000000] Registering NAND on CS013:24
hrw[  345.080596] OMAP DMA hardware revision 4.013:24
persiaWhere's the first 5 minutes of time come from?13:25
hrwwaiting in uboot13:26
persiaOr did you have to do something manually in uboot (it's less painful if waiting on us slow humans)13:26
hrwI took card out, wrote lucid on it, pasted content of boot.scr+serial into uboot and booted13:27
persiaAh, OK.  Yeah, I can see how that takes 300 seconds :)13:29
hrwwriting card was 242s13:30
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ograpersia our shepherd :)15:12
* persia has accepted certain responsibilities as a side effect of being allowed in the #ubuntu-ops channel15:13
ograanyway /me needs a break ... back soon15:13
hrwshepherd... for me it is sharp zaurus c750 ;D15:16
hrwbut c7x0 are not ubuntu targets - armv5te15:26
persiaOmegamoon got Jaunty working, but yeah, these days I recommend installing Debian on those.15:28
persiaWell, maybe not on a 750 :)15:28
hrw750 is enough as long as you have rootfs on sd15:36
hrwhi prpplague15:36
prpplaguehrw: hey bud15:38
prpplaguedavidm: ping15:38
davidmprpplague, hello, I'm sort of here15:39
davidmtraveling again15:39
prpplaguedavidm: ahh np, i wanted to get some feedback from you when you have some time15:39
davidmif I can, also I have a question for you, the TinCan Tools Beagle board parts.  Are the Ethernet parts stable?15:40
prpplaguedavidm: give me a shout when you'd have about 20 minutes or so15:40
prpplaguedavidm: stable in what way? software, hardware, availibility?15:41
davidmstable in terms of the 10/100 part working solidly and not causing kernel panics or losing connectivity?15:41
davidmMight have some folks buying some15:42
prpplaguedavidm: i have not heard of any issues, the micrel folks have run a number of tests on the zippy2 and we've run iperf and burning tests15:42
prpplaguedavidm: we've sold about 400 zippy2 boards and i've not had any negative feedback15:43
davidmprpplague, thanks, I'll pass that on15:43
prpplaguedavidm: you can purchase the zippy2's via digikey as well15:43
prpplaguedavidm: you were at the Nice meeting right?15:43
davidmprpplague, cool, thanks15:43
davidmI was indeed15:43
cwillu_at_workwhat does the rtc with battery do?  is it just supplying the battery to the tps, or is it a different device?15:44
cwillu_at_workon the zipp215:45
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: seperate RTC device connected via i2c15:45
cwillu_at_work... why?15:46
persiaprpplague: Does it have a battery?15:46
* persia reads again15:47
cwillu_at_workI guess it's a replaceable battery as opposed to the one you have to solder onto the beagle15:47
persiaHurray!  It doesn't fail to boot with the current filesystems :)15:47
prpplaguepersia: yes15:47
cwillu_at_workbut if you're soldering things on anyway15:47
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: ??15:48
cwillu_at_workprpplague, to put the expansion header onto the beagle15:48
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: ahh indeed15:48
cwillu_at_workmain difference between zippy and zippy2 is the 100mbit?15:53
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: yea15:57
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: the zippy uses the enc28j60 from microchip and the zippy2 uses a micrel part15:58
=== JamieBen1ett is now known as JamieBennett
* cwillu_at_work considers possibilities16:01
cwillu_at_workpossibilities such as btrfs raid across two mmc cards :p16:01
prpplaguesata seems to be an item i am getting alot of requests for16:03
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: we also have the trainer board if you are into hacking hardware - http://www.elinux.org/BeagleBoard_Trainer16:04
cwillu_at_worksata would be nice, although I don't have much use for it myself16:23
cwillu_at_workprpplague, is it sensitive to the length of the connection?  I.e., could I run a two inch ribbon cable between beagle and zippy2?16:27
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: yea you could16:27
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: or even use some right angle connectors16:28
cwillu_at_workhmm, I guess, ya16:28
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: no more than about 6 to 8 inches16:28
hrwprpplague: can zippy2 and trainer be stacked on one bb?16:30
prpplaguehrw: not currently16:30
prpplaguehrw: we are looking at doing a board so you can mount them side by side16:31
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cwillu_at_workprpplague, too bad the connector is already soldered onto the zippy216:58
cwillu_at_workprpplague, specifically, keeping the right-angle connectors on top would recover significant vertical clearance16:59
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: we have a small right angle pcb we use inhouse for some testing17:38
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: we had considered making it available on the web site17:38
cwillu_at_workI don't follow17:39
cwillu_at_worklike _||__[]_ ?17:39
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: yea17:41
cwillu_at_workokay, you missed my point :)17:41
cwillu_at_workI want the connectors on the populated sides of both boards, so that I can have them sitting lower in their cases :)17:41
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: ahh17:43
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: i follow17:43
prpplaguecwillu_at_work: that could be done with a small board17:44
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
Vazzhello, i've got a question: how to build rootfs of debian squeeze from scratch if I've got fedora 12 on my desktop now?17:46
cwillu_at_workVazz, debootstrap is meant to do that17:46
cwillu_at_workrootstock is basically a wrapper around it to make things easier17:46
ograrootstock wont work on fedora17:47
cwillu_at_workit will with the right things in the right places17:47
persiadebootstrap will.17:47
ograit has dependencies fedora wont fulfill17:47
Vazzso only debootstrap method?17:47
ograright, rather take the harder part and use debootstrap17:48
Vazzyum install debootstrap? : D17:48
ograits less work to bring up on fedora but more work setting up the system afterwards17:48
Vazzhmm i think there's no script for squeeze in debootstrap17:52
Vazzcan i install squeeze with it?17:55
prpplagueorbarron: has nicolas been over by your desk already?17:57
orbarronprpplague: not yet but should stop by later today...17:58
prpplagueorbarron: let me know if he stops over there17:58
Vazzi've downloaded new version of debootstrap from webpage, it downloaded packages...then W: Failure trying to run: chroot /home/arek/d_db mount -t proc proc /proc18:14
Vazzany advices?18:15
cwillu_at_workyou'll have to --foreign --arch-armel18:20
cwillu_at_workotherwise it'll try to use arm binaries to install the system on your very-much-not-an-arm system18:20
cwillu_at_workthen on first boot you'll do a debootstrap --second-stage18:21
Vazzso now i have to boot it on my arm devce and debootstrap --second-strage?18:23
cwillu_at_workyes;  probably/may need to boot it with an explicit init=/bin/bash18:24
Vazz"debug rootdelay=2 init=/bin/bash root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 fbcon=rotate:1 mem=64M@0xa0000000 mem=64M@0xb0000000"18:33
Vazzthats part of my startup.txt18:34
Vazzand it's saying that 'unable to open initial console' then kernel panic18:34
cwillu_at_workuse "rootwait" instead of "rootdelay=2"; try dropping the fbcon bit, not sure why you'd need that18:41
cwillu_at_workmight need to specify "console=ttyS2,115200n8" or somesuch18:41
Vazzfbcon rotates my screen : )18:42
cwillu_at_workwhat hardware is this on?18:42
Vazztoshiba g90018:43
cwillu_at_workcan't help you there then :p18:43
cwillu_at_workbut you'll probably have to muck with the console18:44
Vazz: /18:44
Vazzwith rootwait same thing like before18:47
cwillu_at_workyes, that's just a "doing the right thing" thing, not to fix your problem18:47
cwillu_at_workrootdelay=2 is a hack, rootwait is the fix18:47
cwillu_at_workand neither is related to your current problem :p18:51
Vazzthats not good :D18:52
=== XorA is now known as XorA|gone
inhand1In trying to run Ubuntu ARM NetInstall on a BeagleBoard, USB does not seem to be working. Neither OTG nor HOST. Without mouse or keyboard, it is a little tough to click the OK button. Is this a bug in the kernel?21:01
* sveinse is wondering if Beagleboard has the TI feature in which it requires a HUB to do USB1.1...21:02
sveinseTry connecting via a HUB and see if you get kbd+mouse then21:02
sveinseI don't know id that's the case, but I'd give it a go21:03
inhand1I am using a powered hub.21:03
sveinseinhand1: Sorry then, I don't know. Best of luck21:04
sveinseUhm. Do you know if the HUB is 1.1 or 2.0?21:05
inhand1it is 2.021:05
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