
=== bgs100 is now known as bgs000
philcan someone answer a flash question with my video card02:57
philwhen i play a youtube video its really choppy02:57
phili have the driver installed [recommended] in hardware drivers02:58
philany one know why it would still be choppy??02:58
ZeRoDeAtH50435anyone awake in here04:05
malevwhat do u need?04:06
=== DarkwingDuck_ is now known as DarkwingDuck
ZeRoDeAtH50435well I have this assignment do and I have know idea on how to do it in linux04:07
malevwhat is it about?04:08
ZeRoDeAtH50435In Visio, create a new network drawing. Use it to show your computer (choose PC, Mac, laptop, etc. as appropriate). Then, add a data graphic showing information about your current configuration. Minimally, you should include Product Description giving a label for your computer, Operating System, IP Address, Subnet Mask, and MAC (Physical) Address. (Note: on Windows platforms, the network information may be accessed b04:08
ZeRoDeAtH50435y selecting status for the connection in the networks tab of the control panel or using “ipconfig /all” in the command prompt. Copy the drawing into your overall submission document (do not submit a separate Visio/VSD document)04:08
ZeRoDeAtH50435but I could not get visio to install so I am using Dia04:09
malevdon't know what dia es04:09
ZeRoDeAtH50435its like visio04:09
malevoks. and your problem is?04:10
malevyou need the information about your PC to be redirected to DIA?04:11
ZeRoDeAtH50435I dont know how my layout should look or how to find my ip address ,MAC etc04:11
ZeRoDeAtH50435yeah I think so04:11
ZeRoDeAtH50435then I have to take it from there and put it in my word doc04:11
malev  you can use pipes04:12
malevor the | character04:12
ZeRoDeAtH50435I dont know04:12
malevto redirect the output of ifconfig to ... wherever you want04:12
ZeRoDeAtH50435ok how04:12
malevfor example, with ifconfig you get your IP, MAC, etc04:14
malevthen, to redirect the output, you can use: http://www.linuxsa.org.au/tips/io-redirection.html04:15
malevand if you know something about python, you can make a script to get the info, and maybe export it to DIA04:15
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
ddecatormorning lambrecht06:34
Akosgood morning team07:16
ddecatormorning Akos and pedro300507:19
kermiacgood evening/morning/whatever people :)08:04
ddecatorkermiac: hey mate08:06
kermiachey ddecator :) how's things mate?08:07
switchgirlhow to ban all double click ip addresses from my network permanently? without bricking my connection09:51
leoquantsudo ufw deny from09:59
shahanelectricity gone...10:24
shahanafter 1 hours...10:24
rraj_bemohi1: hi da13:27
mohi1hey rraj_be13:28
* rraj_be @ channel after 3 long months of gap13:28
rraj_behowdy mohi113:28
mohi1rraj_be, just moving around13:30
rraj_beno one is tehre mohi113:30
mohi1rraj_be, you quit from there??  its mine13:30
Severity1hi everyone :)13:37
mohi1hey Severity113:38
Severity1heya mohi113:38
mohi1Severity1, how was the day?13:38
Severity1nm nm yours?13:39
mohi1having exams in two days :(13:39
mohi1i dont even know where my book is :(13:39
Severity1mohi1, LOL it happens :P13:40
* mohi1 is searching for the exam time table(coz i dont know what is the first exam)13:40
* rraj_be kicks mohi1...useless pellow...dont even knows abt his exam...13:44
* rraj_be wishes mohi would give him vinos exam hall13:45
mohi1rraj_be, join #ubuntu-beginners-team13:45
LzrdKinghow do i fix the S and K numbers in /etc/rc#.d/ when insserver rewrote them all sequentially? instead of S10xxx S40xxx, S80xxx, i have S01xxx, S02xxx, S03xxxx14:19
duanedesignhello LzrdKing14:24
LzrdKinghi duanedesign, can you help me?14:24
duanedesignthe number is the order it runs at start up. As long as the order is the same I dont think the number matters.14:26
Severity1heya duanedesign :D14:31
LzrdKingi beleive you are correct, but what happens when i install a new package that believes one process starts with 30, another starts at 40 and needs to start in between them so uses 35, but in reality, the 30 and 40 were changed to 2 and 3?14:31
duanedesignhey there Severity114:31
Severity1how are you duanedesign :D14:32
duanedesignLzrdKing: if it currently does not seem to be an issue I would just be aware of the situation and in the future if a service does not start you will now where to start debugging14:39
duanedesignif one service depends on another to be started first I would guess that they would be installed/configured together at install14:40
LzrdKingso you're saying i'll need to manually correct the links if it comes down to that?14:40
duanedesignchkconfig is a nice tool for managing runlevel links14:49
LzrdKingno chkconfig in ubuntu though14:52
LzrdKingi don't understand the startup scripts in karmic; i knew them in jaunty; they were pretty standard, but now.... they are all garbled14:52
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duanedesignLzrdKing: yeah you need to install it14:53
LzrdKinghow can i just reinstall the init stuff?14:54
starcraftmanmorning folks14:54
duanedesignLzrdKing: reading 'man update-rc.d' i foound:14:57
duanedesignA common system administration error is to  delete  the  links  with  the thought  that  this will "disable" the service, i.e., that this will prevent the service from being started.  However, if  all  links  have  been deleted  then  the  next  time  the  package  is  upgraded, the package's postinst script will run update-rc.d again and this will reinstall  links at  their factory default locations.14:57
LzrdKingso i should reinstall those packages that have links in /etc/init14:58
LzrdKingand/or /etc/init.d14:58
starcraftmandamn, its snowing outside! Grrr, its april!15:00
duanedesignLzrdKing: look at this thread and see if it helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62009615:01
duanedesignhmm, nevermind15:01
duanedesignthat is not as helpfull as i thought15:01
LzrdKingbasically it says to rinstall :)15:02
duanedesignLzrdKing: here is an interesting bug report on the topic. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=33946015:08
duanedesignMessage 15 looks promising15:08
Severity1if i remove gdm and i have gnome will it go to gnome automatically or will prompt for login thru shell?15:09
LzrdKingduanedesign: looks good, thanks!15:10
duanedesignLzrdKing: if you end up trying any of that I would be interested to  know how it goes. Best of luck15:10
duanedesignSeverity1: i think it would boot to a prompt and you would need to issue 'start x'15:16
Severity1duanedesign, is there a way to auto login without gdm?15:17
LzrdKingyou'd need to log in15:17
LzrdKingyes there is15:17
LzrdKingbut its mroe complicated15:17
Severity1and run a custom desktop entry instead of gnome.desktop15:17
Severity1LzrdKing, i hope i kind resources for that :P15:18
LzrdKingits really easy15:20
Severity1ohhhh thnx LzrdKing :D15:21
LzrdKingthen you can configure your shell to start X15:21
LzrdKingin like .profile or something15:21
Severity1cool cool!15:22
Severity1yeah! i guess i hafta move my boxee.desktop script to .profile15:23
LzrdKingyou want to run boxee?15:25
Severity1im running it now15:25
LzrdKingi'd ditch gnome altogether and just use openbox; that's what i'm doing15:26
Severity1right now i hafta login to gdm then choose boxee desktop instead of gnome thru gdm15:26
Severity1hmmmm i hafta try that15:26
LzrdKingkarmic or lucid?15:26
LzrdKingi wonder how it runs under lucid15:26
Severity1but ill redo everything once lucid comes out15:26
Severity1i really would want to run it under lucid15:27
LzrdKingyou know there is a #boxee channel on freenode15:27
Severity1i'll check it out someday xD15:27
LzrdKingits usually pretty quiet15:27
Severity1have you tried loging in to a boxee session? instead of logging in to a openbx or gnome session?15:28
LzrdKingno, i like to be able to open an xterm occasionally15:29
Severity1i see15:30
LzrdKingbut it would just be a matter of removeiong the openbox line from ~/.xinitrc15:30
LzrdKingor commenting it out15:30
Severity1i setup a custom boxee script so that i can pick Boxee desktop as default on gdm15:31
Severity1the problem is audio15:31
Severity1sometimes it will not kick in15:31
Severity1but i made a work around15:31
LzrdKingno pulse here15:32
LzrdKingsee, the computer i'm using is really only for boxee, i do nothing else with it15:32
Severity1well on mine i use pulse15:32
LzrdKingit gave me a damn hard time too, since i needed to add my user to the audio group15:33
Severity1right now problems with audio is solved15:33
LzrdKinguntil i did that, audio apps only worked as non-root when X didn;t run; the moment i started X, audio cut out entirely15:33
LzrdKingunless i ran something as root15:33
Severity1i never had that problem15:34
Severity1pulse-session /opt/boxee/Boxee --standalone "$@"15:35
Severity1i made a custom script with that15:35
Severity1and now pulse runs before running boxee15:35
Severity1actually i copied this script from xbmc15:36
LzrdKingi just use the autologin, then my .profile starts X with startx, then .xinitrc starts boxee and openbox, and i'm done15:36
LzrdKingbut my startup is a little screwy because i configure my wireless network like 3 times15:37
Severity1never had problems with wireless15:38
Severity1im planning on buying a zotec box15:38
LzrdKingyes, but do you mount nfs shares?15:38
LzrdKingzotec looks awesome15:39
LzrdKingi need my nfs shares mounted before boxee starts, and preferably before anything calls mountall15:40
LzrdKingas it is, i get errors because mountall is called before wireless is up and the nfs shares can't be mounted15:40
LzrdKingand i hate that15:40
Severity1lol that is a problem15:41
Severity1add nfs shares to fstab?15:41
LzrdKingi did, thats why mountall gives errors15:41
LzrdKingmaybe i should take them OUT and mount them manually later15:42
Severity1its good as is i think15:43
Severity1you can pass swithces to your fstab nfs entries15:44
Severity1like when it throws errors you can make it egnore the errors and have it retry after nth time atleast until wireless kicksin15:44
Severity1or try an automounter15:48
LzrdKingit does keep trying and eventually mounts them15:51
malevhey! is there a channel where I can ask about laptops and drivers or thing like that?15:51
Severity1LzrdKing, does it throw errors?15:52
starcraftmanmalev: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList < There is a labtop dev channel on there.15:53
LzrdKingSeverity1: yes, it says the operation failed15:53
Severity1you can pass an option on fstab to your nfs entry that makes it not throw errors and just retries15:54
malevthanks!! starcraftman15:54
starcraftmanmalev: np :)15:55
LzrdKingSeverity1: it looks like using the option "bg" may help a lot15:55
Severity1thats what i think too15:55
nomnexhow to I accept a file transfer on Empathy??16:27
nomnexis the download automatic? I only see Clear | Open | Stop buttons16:28
nomnexand the files sent form i-chat on the other end (gtalk) do not download on my side16:29
nomnexanybody using empathy???16:39
javatexanhow can you be sure that a computer will run ubuntu?  purchasing says they want it to be from dell or hp, but man what a pain to find stuff there.17:23
javatexani would like to do something smaller form factor with 2 nics and good proc/ram17:24
znxtchis anyone familiar with rkhunter?17:26
znxtchOr is there a room that focuses specifically on security.17:26
znxtchAlso got a question about virtual desktops using Lucid17:29
zeroseven0183Hi! There is no channel dedicate for security https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:29
zeroseven0183But you can ask it in #ubuntu17:30
znxtchDoes it use any more memory to run have virtual desktops "running".  For example if using the compiz advanced display settings I reduce the number os virtual desktops to 1 instead of 4 would I get better system performance in a perfect world>17:30
zeroseven0183the Ubuntu help channel17:30
zeroseven0183The VM will only get the memory you alloted17:31
* znxtch is confused.17:31
shahanhello everybody17:32
shahanI am back17:32
zeroseven0183Good evening, shahan17:32
shahanzeroseven0183: its night here :)17:32
zeroseven0183shahan, could you help us figure out the answer znxtch's questions17:33
shahanzeroseven0183: whats the problem?17:33
zeroseven0183:: znxtch: Does it use any more memory to run have virtual desktops "running".  For example if using the compiz advanced display settings I reduce the number os virtual desktops to 1 instead of 4 would I get better system performance in a perfect world>17:33
shahanzeroseven0183: whats the problem?17:34
zeroseven0183That's znxtch's question above17:35
* znxtch nods17:35
shahanzeroseven0183: hmm17:35
shahanzeroseven0183: I have a little Idea about VM17:35
shahanzeroseven0183: I dont use it17:35
shahanzeroseven0183: :(\17:36
zeroseven0183As far as I know, the virtual machine uses only the memor that is alloted for it17:36
zeroseven0183for example, I have a 4GB memory in all17:36
javatexanhow is the best way to buy computers that you want to run ubuntu on?17:36
zeroseven0183I allot 2GB to VM-Ubuntu17:36
znxtchNot virtual machine17:36
zeroseven0183VM-Ubuntu can only use 2GB max17:36
znxtchI'm talking about the "virtual desktops"17:37
znxtchi dont know if thats the appropriate term17:37
zeroseven0183Ahhhhmmm Oooppsss sorry17:37
shahanjavatexan: you wanna buy a PC?17:37
znxtchyou know you can switch between 4 desktops in the default ubuntu install17:37
zeroseven0183I see17:37
javatexanshahan: yes, but I am trying to find one that can definitely run ubuntu....17:37
zeroseven0183as in the cuve17:37
zeroseven0183as in the cube17:37
shahanjavatexan: hmm17:37
javatexanbut new of course17:38
shahanjavatexan: what u will do  in ur pc?17:38
znxtchim not using the cube17:38
znxtchjust by default you can switch between 4 "virtual desktops"17:38
znxtchthere is an option to reduce that to 117:38
znxtchi wondered if that would improve my system performance or not17:38
zeroseven0183Desktop size > Horizontal virtual size17:39
javatexanshahan: lots of stuff, but mainly show off ubuntu as both main os and appliances17:39
znxtchthat is zeroseven17:39
znxtchI mean17:39
znxtchthats it!17:39
shahanjavatexan: you wanna buy a brand pc?17:39
javatexanby appliances, I mean mythbuntu, firewall, server, etc17:39
znxtchthat is the option I'm referring to17:39
javatexanwell purchasing likes dell and HP17:40
shahanjavatexan: or purchase the parts then join them?17:40
znxtchcd ..17:40
znxtchsry wrong window17:40
zeroseven0183My wild guess is that you're using more memory since you're using an additional feature17:41
shahanjavatexan: yes17:41
javatexanshahan: not sure, I can do that; but I think the IT guys would rather a brand for service reasons17:41
shahanjavatexan: hmm17:41
zeroseven0183znxtch: But not much17:41
shahanjavatexan: where r u from?17:41
javatexanshahan: I know....17:41
javatexanshahan: texas17:41
shahanjavatexan: javatexan Canada?17:41
javatexanshahan: nope, texas US17:42
shahanjavatexan: hmm17:42
shahanjavatexan: you can buy Brand PC17:42
javatexanshahan: which, I thought only certain hardware would work, they really only say either windows7 or FreeDos compat17:43
shahanjavatexan: you can buy any sorts of PC which contains intel processor17:46
shahanjavatexan: intel chipset motherboard17:46
shahanjavatexan: hope will work...17:46
javatexanokay...is it still true that nvidia is better than ati for compat?17:46
shahanjavatexan: what is "compat"?17:47
shahanjavatexan: yes... ubuntu is giving good support for nvidia17:48
shahanIs there anyone who have idea about using KDE conver from GNOME?18:17
starcraftmanhi abner_, need a lil help huh?18:46
starcraftmanabner_: I'm not sure I get the problem, overall the PC is sluggish your saying? Or only using particular verison of Ubuntu?18:48
abner_cant upgrade past 8.0418:48
abner_get a ton of errors on any kernel past Linux ubuntu 2.6.24-27-generic18:48
starcraftmanhmmm, interesting.18:49
abner_debian 5.0 also kernel panics on boot18:49
starcraftmanabner_: I see, well I'm pretty sure there isn't a problem hardware wise. P4s work. I used to run my alternate on a similar specced machine past 8.04 (till it died).18:51
abner_so whats the problem ?18:52
starcraftmanabner_: not sure, doing lil research. This is kinda question I'd pull the paultag card out.18:54
abner_paultag ?18:59
starcraftmanabner_: hmmm, I'm not sure tbh, if I was at the computer I'd fiddle with a few things but I'd want to be more sure what to tell you before isntructing you to fiddle with bios and settings. If you wait around a bit sure paul be around to assist.18:59
abner_i found 3 people with the same machine having problems like mine19:01
Raidsongabner_, what kind of computer do you have?19:11
abner_hp dx mt 200019:17
Raidsongwhat are ther specs on it? i cant seem to find any19:21
starcraftmanwhere did pastebin.ca go?19:24
abner_does that help19:25
starcraftmanabner_: not really, mind opening up a terminal on the machine in question.19:25
starcraftmansudo lshw > test.txt19:26
starcraftmanthat provides a hardware dump on a file, upload it to a site like pastebin and then link here.19:26
starcraftmanI assume Raidsong can take it from there. I'm sad my ol' pastebin.ca is no more it seems.19:27
Raidsongstarcraftman, what happened to it?19:28
starcraftmanRaidsong: all I get is a white page. I aren't sure.19:28
starcraftmanmy pastebin.ca widget also broken.19:28
starcraftmanguess no money in pastebin19:28
Raidsongabner_, www.pastebin.com19:29
starcraftmanRaidsong: hmmm, am getting a response from their servers though. Maybe site overhaul?19:29
Raidsongstarcraftman, i could see that happening19:30
Raidsongand what exactly happens?19:34
Raidsongwhen you try to install19:34
abner_8.04 install upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 does not19:35
Raidsongwhat error does it give?19:36
abner_kernel panic19:36
abner_segmentation fault19:36
abner_9 will not boot from cd19:37
abner_10 just fails19:37
abner_debian 5.0 same problem19:37
Raidsongsounds like something wrong with your hardware19:38
abner_but everything works under 8.0419:39
abner_ran microscope hd program everything teted passed19:41
Raidsongand youre upgrading from update manager?19:43
abner_and tried cd19:48
=== bgs000 is now known as bgs100
znxtchDoes anyone know what IANA blackhole servers are for?20:28
LzrdKingbrobably to prevent spam20:28
anwerhow to install windows live messenger on ubuntu 9.10?20:29
znxtchokay i see alot of hits from blackhole's on my firewall20:30
znxtchi found a bit of info on google20:30
znxtchbut not much20:30
LzrdKinghow can i use upstart to bring up my wireless as soon as wlan0 is visible to the kernel?20:30
znxtchthere is loads of info20:31
* znxtch is retarded20:31
LzrdKingits ok, we all are20:32
anwercan anyone answer my query please?20:34
anwerabout installing wlm on ubuntu 9.10 system20:35
Akoshi team20:36
Akosif i get kernel panic, which log messages should i check?20:36
Akosor where should i ask? :P20:36
anwercan anyone answer my query please?20:39
anwerabout installing wlm on ubuntu 9.10 system20:39
malevwhat is wlm?20:40
anwerwindows live messenger20:40
malevanwer, ... y como lo queres instalar? con wine?20:43
Akosanwer: what do you wish to do with windows live messenger on ubuntu? There is no native client, and I believe it won't work with wine properly20:43
malevpor q no usas pidgin, ams o empathy o alguno de esos20:43
anweri have contacts i wish to keep contacting  with them. Akos20:45
Akosanwer: for that you have empathy, emesene, amsn, so many clients20:46
anwerhow can i contact with my friends on my wlm account?20:47
ibuclawdoes anyone here use UNE 10.04?20:55
PD187Ubuntu Netbook, maybe?21:09
ibuclawUbuntu Netbook Remix21:36
* ibuclaw meant UNR 10.04, sorry :)21:36
ibuclaw'r' and 'e' are next to each other on this keyboard21:37
PD187there's your answer, znxtch...21:37
ibuclawyes, but where is my answer? :P21:38
PD187I don't use it as I despise netbooks :P21:38
ibuclawPD187, you are not enlightened in this world then21:38
PD187I'm sure they have their uses.  I just don't "get it".21:39
ibuclawI can get 4 watts power usage when idle on this machine =)21:39
PD187and I'm plenty enlightened on other topics.21:39
PD187all that being said, I do like the VIA nanos and the plugPC that Marvell has21:40
PD187that's about the extent of my small computer liking.21:40
ibuclawPD187, besides what don't you like about Netbooks ?21:40
ibuclawSpeed or Form Factor?21:41
PD187I don't really know.  I've never used one actually.21:41
PD187I would imagine it's just everyone seemingly saying they're a second coming of some kind.21:41
ibuclawthat makes you a prejudice21:41
ibuclawPD187, not really a second coming...21:42
PD187perhaps I just don't like hyped up products of any kind then?21:42
PD187I'm a strange person I guess.21:42
ibuclawhowever, with one I can put everything I need to live inside 1 bag and happily travel with it over my shoulder21:42
PD187I also don't need to fly anymore so I guess that changes things a bit21:43
PD187I mean this PC (a shuttle) has flown a few places with me.21:43
PD187Okinawa to the states (and back), Okinawa to the states (for good) and I think I flew with it to Texas one time21:44
ibuclawWell anyone who has used UNR 10.04, checkout the available Login Sessions21:44
PD187I once flew with a box of hard drives :D21:44
ibuclawThere's a n'Ubuntu Netbook Remix', and an 'UNE 2D' session21:45
ibuclawthe interesting one I'd like to point at is UNE 2D21:45
ibuclawwhich is same look as UNE (albeit a little bit stripped down), but feels like it is aimed at devices with touchscreens (ie: smartphones)21:46
ibuclawa little bouncing effect when you scroll up too far, or down too far accompanies this notion.21:47
starcraftthere we go, I knew it was coming. Good ol' dsl drop.21:49
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
ibuclawstarcraftman, ;)21:52
starcraftmanibuclaw: amused huh? You might be even more amused to know that today, Montreal is now once more covered in white fluff.21:53
starcraftmanA flash snowstorm has decided to happen.21:54
ibuclawThis is the strangest thing I've ever seen http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9183179&postcount=521:54
* znxtch bets he has the most ridiculed ubuntu laptop in the room21:55
LzrdKingis it pink?21:56
znxtchits a macbook, not dal boot either, pure ubuntu21:56
LzrdKinghah hah!21:56
ibuclawznxtch, what a waste of money...21:58
ibuclawIf your gonna go mac, might as well keep the OS21:58
znxtchwell not really i enjoyed os x for 4 yars on it before i switched21:58
znxtchibuclaw what are you using?22:00
ibuclawSamsung N11022:01
znxtchill probabaly be buying a new laptop soon, this one is ready to retire. probably going to buy something cheap and run ubuntu on it22:01
znxtchim cheap22:01
ibuclawI think that is one of the top 10 reasons for everyone mind you.22:02
LzrdKingmy wife wants a new mac22:03
ibuclaw"I'm a student, can't afford to pay for Software, let alone an Operating System to run on the Hardware" :)22:03
LzrdKinghers is really slow22:03
LzrdKingand she needs a new battery22:03
ibuclawbah, nonsense22:03
znxtchyou have to admit22:03
znxtchthe macbook pros do look sexy22:04
ibuclawnew battery, I cna understand22:04
znxtchtheyre ust so damn expensive22:04
ibuclawbut judging a system by its speed, and not its features is a but low IMO22:04
ibuclaw*bit low22:04
znxtchwhat version of ubuntu are you runnng on on that n110?22:05
ibuclawCurrently using UNR 10.0422:05
ibuclawas soon have finished work on Zenix, may use that instead22:06
znxtchyou guys probabaly have already seen this22:11
ibuclawznxtch, without clicking on it, my guess is that it is old news22:12
ibuclawlast year?22:12
ibuclawwait ... just seem the date on it xD22:12
ibuclawznxtch, get with the times22:14
ibuclawa year is only 6 months, that news is 2 years old.22:15
znxtcha story such as that22:15
znxtchis not time sensitive22:15
ibuclawit caused a lot of noise at the time22:15
ibuclawbut it is old, and talk of it has long since died22:15
znxtchhaa im new22:16
znxtchbefore using ubuntu22:16
znxtchthat would have never crossed my browser22:16
ibuclawSony stopping the selling of Floppies and Adobe dropping Mac for Android is what is in.22:16
znxtchi feel old22:17
* znxtch needs sleep22:17
znxtchill see you guys22:17
=== Bodsda_ is now known as Bodsda
javatexanhey guys, is there a safe way to delete everything in /tmp....I didn't realize so many 'goodies' would be left there....OR I have my home dir as a encrypted fs per the installation of 9.10, is there a way to safely encrypt the /tmp folder?23:46
phillwhi javatexan, there was a discussion on that subject --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45689123:49
javatexanphillw: thanks23:52
phillwjavatexan: do bear in mind, that /tmp is deleted at each boot, so you may not need to encrypt it.23:53
javatexanphillw: oh....I didnt know that23:53
javatexanthat may be fine then23:53
phillwjavatexan: hence it being /tmp - don't go saving files there that you want to keep. it is just a 'scratch' area for your system.23:54
javatexancool, i noticed it having lots of stuff when doing some zip work... ;)23:55
phillwthat's where it keeps the temporary file while it builds it.23:55

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