
TViYHubuntu 9.10 sound doesn't work for me, it did in 9.04. no, it's not muted. any help?00:12
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hggdher. Gnome-keyring-manager: where are my GPG keys?03:59
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arandFor Bug #514498, should I simply invalidate it? Since even if I were able to reproduce it, I wouldn't want to...04:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 514498 in linux (Ubuntu) "whole filesystem lost to corruption (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51449804:14
persiaReproduction may be tricky (and may require a separate install), but it's not necessarily invalid.04:15
persiaI'd recommend leaving it for JFo to determine what to do: it may be that someone with a scrap machine and a lot of time can replicate.04:16
persiaIt may be fixed, or not.04:16
persiaIt may even be expected behaviour for some classes of multiple hard-power-off.04:20
arandpersia: My guess is that it was pulling the plug a couple of times (with a rather long interval (days)) that caused it. But like you said, preferably I would not do it on any machine in use, even if it's on a throwaway install...04:20
persiaWell, you could shorten the interval by pushing the filesystem hard, but yeah, it's not the sort of thing most folk want to try to replicate.04:21
persiaThat said, just because we don't want to try to work on a given bug doesn't make it invalid: leave it for someone else.04:22
arandpersia: So is it accurate to leave it as incomplete then? I still have a dd-copy of the filesystem, so if there is any further information that could be useful it might be extract-able...04:22
persiaYou have the crashed filesystem?04:23
persiaIf you have the real raw data, I'd recommend hunting down JFo and trying to see what, precisely, is useful to dig out of it.04:23
persia(because it was JFo who set to incomplete, and I'm not sure precisely which information is being asked in the comment: it's likely just getting hit from a widely aimed script)04:24
arandpersia: Yes, it is an automatic message "This bug was reported a while ago..."04:26
persiaYeah.  I'm not sure that the data exists to allow the bug to be fixed, but given what one has to do to replicate it, I'd recommend getting some hints from the kernel folk on precisely what information they might find useful from you, or if they think any information could be useful at all.04:27
persiaThey're usually about in #ubuntu-kernel, and tend to be fairly friendly.04:27
arandpersia: Ok, I'll see what they have to say, thanks for your help!04:29
arandAlthough, that's something for tomorrow, post-sleep.04:31
ddecatornautilus keeps crashing whenever i try to open /usr/bin, and the backtrace points to a segfault in /lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 so would the bug be in libglib then? just want to try and make sure i look in the right one and report to the right package06:11
RuneUpdate-manager just popped up with some upgrades. One of them r-cran-boot is an upgrade from 1.2.42-1karmic0 to 1.2.42-1karmic007:34
RuneWhy would dpkg want to upgrade that package07:35
DamasceneI want to create personal page on ubuntu wiki, were should I ask?07:35
micahgRune: depends where it was installed from07:36
Rune     1.2.42-1karmic0 007:36
Rune        500 http://ftp5.gwdg.de karmic/ Packages07:36
Rune *** 1.2.42-1karmic0 007:36
Rune        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status07:36
micahgRune: yeah, so you installed previously from a source that no longer exists07:39
sroeckercan someone please have a look at bug 529696 ?07:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 529696 in brasero (Ubuntu) "brasero can't copy audio cd (useless error message) (affects: 18) (dups: 2) (heat: 102)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52969607:39
sroeckerbrasero doesn't seem to work at all out of the box07:40
micahgRune: known bug 8711407:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 87114 in apt (Ubuntu) "APT shows same-version packages as upgradable when the packages are the same version but are different (e.g. one from debian, one from ubuntu) (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8711407:42
kklimondahmm, any advanced evolution user online? :)08:01
kklimondawould it be possible in evolution to have only part of filters running on new mails (and the rest of filters applied manually by pressing ctrl+y) ?08:02
baptistemmkklimonda, does unticking them in the filter dialogbox can do that?08:05
kklimondagood question08:06
kklimondabaptistemm: no, it disables them completely08:06
Damasceneany one know how to create personal page on ubuntu wiki to collect some info about bugs?08:15
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Damasceneany one know how to create personal page on ubuntu wiki to collect some info about bugs?08:37
kklimondaDamascene: what do you mean by that?08:37
DamasceneI want to create a personal page so I collect info on my discovered bugs and to report them when I have time08:38
Damasceneand to collect idea about ubuntu and stuff08:38
kklimondaDamascene: just go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/YourPage/Subpage and click on "Create new empty page" or use a template08:39
Damascenecan you give me some example08:40
Damasceneyour own page maybe08:40
Damascenewiki.ubuntu.com/damascene ?08:40
kklimondaI have https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KrzysztofKlimonda08:40
kklimondaso it would be https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KrzysztofKlimonda/Bugs08:41
Damasceneok thanks08:41
kklimondaI don't think there is a strict rule how to name your own page.08:41
DamasceneI though personal page should be under subpage like /users/damasene08:42
Damasceneor something08:42
BUGabundo_remoteDrop your fears and wave guud morning to the World! \m/08:46
Damascenemay some one look at these bugs09:22
vishseb128: hi.. can you close https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=593434 ? it isnt a problem anymore , and bryce mentions on lp..10:16
ubot4Gnome bug 593434 in general "Nautilus doesn't show 'Eject' option reliably" [Normal,Unconfirmed]10:16
* vish couldnt find pedro , hence poking seb128 10:16
Runebug 445370 has had a solution attached since 2009-10-13. Could someone please commit the fix or comment against using the fix.11:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 445370 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "nscd terminates with assertion in prune_cache (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44537011:33
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hggdhanyone here uses the keyring and has GPG keys? if so, can you please check if you see your personal GPG keys?14:18
hggdhi.e., run 'seahorse', and look there14:18
persiahggdh: WFM14:18
hggdhdarn! All my GPG keys vanished from seahorse14:19
hggdhand are still listed under 'gpg -K'14:19
persiaWhat does `gpg --list-secret-keys` show?14:19
persiaheh, OK.  Odd.14:19
persiapermissions maybe?14:19
hggdhno, they are correct (owner rw, no others)14:20
hggdhquite weird14:20
davmor2hggdh: I got mine listed still14:21
hggdhhell. I am in hell.14:23
BUGabundo_remotelet me check14:23
hggdhOK. When nothing else works, power it off, count to 10, power it on again. BRB14:23
BUGabundo_remoteI see mine14:23
BUGabundo_remoteand others14:23
hggdhI only see my SSH key. BRB14:23
hggdhoooohh, my gnome-panel is also corrupted...14:24
persiaHow's your filesystem doing?14:26
BUGabundo_remotewb hggdh14:37
hggdhhey BUGabundo_remote14:37
hggdhstill no GPG keys :-(14:38
BUGabundo_remoteand a new user, or guest session14:39
BUGabundo_remotedoes it work?14:39
hggdhwill try it14:42
om26erI join #ubuntu-reviewers and its empty14:58
om26erany ways there is a bug whith a patch. The patch atually belongs to the other bug report what should I do?15:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 504771 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "[empathy] the font and the font size cannot be changed (affects: 6) (heat: 40)" [Wishlist,Triaged]15:01
om26ershould I remove patch from this bug?15:03
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micahghggdh: I started an idea for UDS: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-browser-apport/, I'll fill in more details next week, didn't know if you'd be interested17:21
hggdhmicahg: looking at it now17:32
hggdhmicahg: yes, I am interested :-)17:34
micahghggdh: k, so I'll try to flush out the idea a little more next week17:35
hggdhmicahg: and I am thinking on how this could be generalised to other complex applications17:40
micahghggdh: I thought about that too17:40
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atrushttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/507881 is recurring for me, breaking boot. should it be reopened?18:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 507881 in plymouth (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "Plymouth doesn't show messages sent before the splash screen is visible (affects: 38) (dups: 4)" [High,Fix released]18:04
iahello. I know, that probably a lot of you very busy during lucid release, but however i would like to get some [any] feedback (it may be just one single comment right there [at lp] - "confirm"/"not confirm") at these couple bugs - #564137 and #565620 ; btw, as you can see, they affect not only me.18:19
vishBug #564137 and Bug #56562018:21
ubot4vish: Bug 564137 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/564137 is private18:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 565620 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy shows "Error sending message 'message_text': too long message" warning reguallary when sending message in some jabber conference (affects: 3) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56562018:21
vishia: i can confirm 564137 , but i dont use jabber though18:22
vishia: for the empathy bug , you can confirm it yourself , just add a comment "Confirming bug due to comment from Sergey V. Udaltsov mentioning the same issue"18:27
iavish: could you, please, mark #564137 , that "this bug affects you too" in such case? btw, pretty strange thing ( about #564137 ) - i see, that lp says, that "this report is public", but looks like ubot4 doesn't agree with that :-)18:29
vishia: ubot4 is crazy sometimes ;p  btw , confirmed the compiz bug18:30
iavish: ok, thanks. Now, what would you advice to paying attention from some developers for triaging and fixing these bugs?18:35
vishia: bribe them?18:35
vishia: i'm skeptical about the compiz bug though.. not sure how soon it will be fixed.. the empathy bug probably needs to be sent upstream18:37
om26eria, maybe send that empathy bug upstream?18:37
vishom26er: was just about to ping you ;)18:37
om26eria, how can I reproduce that bug?18:39
om26ervish, that ubutnu-review channel dont seem to open18:40
vishom26er: you tried the wrong channel name :)  its  #ubuntu-reviews18:40
* om26er now forgot the question18:41
iaom26er: are you talking about empathy bug? Here, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/565620 , in "bug description" see section "how to reproduce this bug" - this 'works' for you?18:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 565620 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy shows "Error sending message 'message_text': too long message" warning reguallary when sending message in some jabber conference (affects: 3) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:42
om26erare there jabber rooms?18:43
vishia: do mention why you confirmed the bug... usually a reporter shouldnt confirm their own bug18:43
atrusyes, usually referred to as "conferences" or "multi-user chats"18:43
iavish: oh, ok.18:43
om26eria, the question here is how do I join a conference. anyways I think there might already be an upstream bug for that (searching now)18:48
iaom26er: menubar in Empathy : Room -> Join... , then select Server: (for example, conference.jabber.org) and Room: (i don't know, maybe the problem that sometimes text message not in english, so i don't know, which the best way to test and triage this bug, and don't know which room suite for such testing)18:54
om26eria, ok I will ask this at #empathy at freenode tomorrow19:02
iaom26er: ok, thanks.19:02
jcastrobdmurray: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek19:08
vishom26er: haha , just noticed we are on a streak :D19:08
jcastrobdmurray: I've volunteered someone from the bug team (currently you), would this time work for you?19:08
om26ervish, bring it on ;)19:08
om26ervish, I never knew its been 16weeks19:10
om26erseems like I just started triaging19:10
Stephen37Hi everyone, I would like to know if only I have the issue with audio playback in Rhytmbox, in every song every 3-4 seconds there is a 1 millisecond stop, usually when the processor is at 100%.19:11
DamasceneI keep getting I can't report a problem with the kernel because it's a not a genuine ubuntu package19:11
Stephen37in Ubuntu 10.0419:11
Damascenethis is the second time I'm asking about this here19:11
DamasceneLinux tester01-laptop 2.6.32-21-generic-pae #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 09:39:35 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux19:11
vishDamascene: you are using a ppa?19:12
om26erDamascene, I think because thats not a genuine package19:12
om26erDamascene, why are you using pae kernel?19:12
DamasceneI didn't use anything19:12
yofel-pae is official19:12
DamasceneI've not played with the kernel19:12
DamasceneI'm using netbook and I'm afraid it will be one more bug for Asus Eee19:13
vishStephen37: i notice it too..  do you use the system for long hrs?19:13
vishDamascene: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list19:13
Stephen37I've just booted 30 minutes ago to test the release candidate.19:14
Stephen37And I've got this really huge problem.19:14
Stephen37I am running it live from a usb stick.19:14
om26erit can be bug 52702619:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 527026 in apport (Ubuntu) "Apport is unable to report a bug on a kernel that you are not booted into (affects: 2) (dups: 2) (heat: 30)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52702619:14
yofelDamascene: can you pastebin the output of apt-cache policy linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic-pae ?19:15
vishStephen37: ah.. check in sysmonitor which process is using high cpu?19:15
Stephen37vish rhytmbox is strangely sleeping even if it plays music with pulseaudio too, they use only 20 % of cpu in total19:17
Stephen37nothing else uses it more than 10%19:17
vishStephen37: you mentioned "processor is at 100%" , try to watch causes the spike19:18
vishwatch what*19:18
yofelDamascene: that seems ok, something is wrong in apport after all then19:18
Stephen37vish: There is only one problem, at the Resources I see 100% after every click I do, in Processes I can add up to only 30% of processor usage in total.19:19
yofelom26er: and that is expected behaviour, the kernel hook needs the logs, and for that you need to be running the kernel19:19
vishStephen37: not sure .. better to file a bug in RB19:20
An_Ony_MooseWhen shutting down from login, it asks me for a password claiming that another user is already logged in; This is not the case. Additionally, it does *not* ask for a password when shutting down from the login screen. Which package should I report a bug for?19:21
Stephen37vish: I think the problem is in the kernel with pulseaudio, not only rhytmbox has this problem, anything that uses pulseaudio has it, for example audacious and exaile.19:22
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: any you are not logged in via console?19:22
An_Ony_Moosehggdh, no, gdm session19:23
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: what does 'who' give you?19:23
vishStephen37: might be.. I'v been trying to downgrade kernels since yesterday to try and catch when this was working correctly.. but no luck .. this was working fine a month ago in Lucid19:23
An_Ony_Moosehggdh, my name... twice19:24
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: what are the terminals shown?19:24
An_Ony_Mooseone on tty8 and once on pts/019:24
hggdhspecially the ttys19:24
Stephen37vish I've had the same problem when I installed 9.10, but after some time the problem dissapeared and reapeared, but now I want to file a bug.19:24
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: indeed weird19:25
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: what UBuntu version?19:25
vishStephen37: when you file the bug , could you mention the bug# ?19:25
An_Ony_Moose10.04 RC, standard (but with some kubuntu and all ubuntu-studio packages installed)19:26
An_Ony_MooseOne weirdness about my system is that I configured www-data (apache daemon user) as a standard user.19:26
Stephen37vish The only one problem is that there are a lot of reasons why this happens, OSS or ALSA makes the playback smoother but there is a decrease in quality, ok, I'll tell you the bug number.19:26
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: this *might* have an impact, IDN19:28
An_Ony_Moosehggdh, however I also stopped apache and it still happened19:28
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: try to reboot, when you get the window asking for a passphrase, jump to tty1, log in, and find the programme name19:28
Damasceneso it's a problem with apport and we are not going to do anything?19:29
An_Ony_Moosehggdh, one problem: using the terminal interface of TTYs doesn't work either >.>19:29
hggdhthen we can easily find the package (via apt-find)19:29
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: oh, you mean you cannot access the ttys?19:30
vishDamascene: what can we do ? ;)19:30
An_Ony_Moosehggdh, when switching to a terminal TTY, it looks to me like it sends data at a different resolution without telling the monitor to change it19:30
DamasceneI don'19:30
Damascenevish, I don't know. tell me what to do?19:30
hggdhsounds like kernel modesetting is bad19:30
vishDamascene: better file a bug, saying "you cant file a bug" .. :D19:30
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: can you switch to another window?19:30
An_Ony_Moosehggdh, what do you mean?19:31
vishDamascene:  in apport19:31
Damascenevish, so no one reported this before?19:31
An_Ony_Mooseby switching to another window19:31
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: opening a terminal session (gnome-terminal, or whatever you like)19:31
An_Ony_Moosehggdh, yes.19:32
vishDamascene: well , someone has to check lp and usually the person affected checks for an existing bug.. ;)19:32
yofelDamascene: I'm just running -21-generic here and I can report a bug with ubuntu-bug linux just fine19:32
* vish too19:32
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: then try to reboot; when you see the request to enter a passphrase, jump to gnome-terminal, and find out the name of the programme19:32
Damasceneyofel, I don't do it manually19:32
DamasceneI should try that though19:32
An_Ony_Moosethe request appears only once the rest of the session is already closed, hggdh19:33
yofelDamascene: how or what did you try to report then?19:33
An_Ony_Moosebut I've changed grub's config so it sets the display mode to 1280x1024... I'19:33
An_Ony_Moosem assuming that it will also have an effect on the tty terminal resolution, so I'll test that19:33
* An_Ony_Moose reboots19:33
Damasceneyofel, it comes after starting the machine saying something wrong happened to the kernel19:34
Damasceneit was just about 10 days ago19:34
yofelDamascene: can you pastebin 'ls -l /var/crash' ?19:34
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: darn!19:35
An_Ony_Moosehggdh, DARN! Even worse: grub will no longer load because I edited some partitions19:35
An_Ony_MooseI ran update-grub afterwards, but no, it still expected a bootable filesystem :(19:35
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: oh, this is worse. You did not run 'sudo update-grub'?19:35
* An_Ony_Moose boots live CD19:35
An_Ony_Mooseyes I did19:35
Damasceneyofel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/423519/19:36
An_Ony_Moosecan I fix it by chrooting in the live CD then retrying update-grub?19:36
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: yes, you should be able to19:36
Damascenefirst time I came here I've been told it's because the kernel is old and I'm not updated19:36
yofelDamascene: well, those are -20 oops reports, you need to run -20 to report them19:37
An_Ony_Mooseokay. do symlinks work for creating the block device links in a chroot, hggdh ?19:37
yofelDamascene: this could be handled more gracefully though :/19:37
yofelDamascene: if they didn't happen with -21 so far just delete them19:37
Damasceneso I should report problem with apport not handling old reports in a good way yofel ?19:38
Stephen37Why the ubuntu RC lacks the ubuntu-bug application ? That means we can't file bugs related to it ?19:38
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: all you need to to boot and go to rescue19:39
An_Ony_Mooseboot up and go to rescue?19:39
An_Ony_Moosethe grub rescue prompt that pops up?19:40
yofelStephen37: what rc are you using? apport isn't installed by default on servers, but it should be there on desktop installations19:40
An_Ony_Moosehggdh, I'm in the grub rescue> prompt19:41
Stephen37yofel I am using the default desktop pc release candidate19:41
An_Ony_Moosewhat do I do now?19:41
yofelStephen37: ok, what does 'apt-cache policy apport-gtk' give you?19:42
hggdhAn_Ony_Moose: no it was the rescue option on the install menu19:43
Stephen37yofel, apport-gtk: Installed:..., strangely it didn't open when I tried it in the run19:44
An_Ony_Moosehggdh, grub failed and gave me the grub rescue> prompt19:44
An_Ony_Moosebut I managed to boot ubuntu19:44
An_Ony_Mooseinsmod /boot/grub/normal.mod19:44
An_Ony_Moosethen I could boot19:44
An_Ony_Moosenow I'm going to update-grub and see if it works19:44
yofelStephen37: odd, just running ubuntu-bug should give you a selection window...19:45
yofelas it does here19:45
yofelor give you an error window if you don't have the symptoms installed19:46
Stephen37yofel, it works like that but when I put in a package, like I used to do it didn't, I am not so experienced so by not seeing the Report in System I supposed it isn't installed. , only the command works19:47
yofelthe 'Report a problem...' menu entry in the main menu was removed as it was broken19:48
yofeland what package did you try?19:48
seb128yofel, it was not broken no19:50
seb128yofel, stable users just usually have questions rather than clear bug report so they are directed to the answer tracker19:50
yofelah right19:50
An_Ony_Moosewhat the... The menu for shutting down/logging off/rebooting has gone? O_o19:53
An_Ony_Moosemeh. How do I get grub to "forget" about a once-existant partition?19:59
hggdhis it still in /etc/fstab?20:00
An_Ony_Mooseoops, wrong channel, but *checks*20:02
An_Ony_Mooseaaand, no.20:03
simarhey could anyone tell how can I post a bug that the brightness of laptop having nvidia graphics card , connot be controlled by function keys ...20:25
ivoksthat's not relevant to video card20:26
ivoksbut to laptop model20:27
simarivoks but i think all laptops having nvidia g.c have the problem20:27
ivoksone doesn't change brightness of video card20:28
simarivoks by the way mine is sony vaio vpc-cw series20:28
ivoksinstead one changes brightness of lcd/monitor/crt20:28
ivoksi'm not sure what subsystem is exactly responisble for that20:29
ivoksprobably dbus20:29
simarivoks how could i post the bug using ubuntu-bug  .... i mean which package does it belongs to ????20:29
ivoksor udev20:30
simarivoks, But please guide me how can i report the problem ...  I am a new user20:31
ivoksif it's wrong, udev maintainers will reassign it to correct tool20:31
ivokssimar: just run 'ubuntu-bug'20:31
simarivoks, ubuntu-bug udev ??? is it??20:31
ivoksno, just ubuntu-bug20:32
ivoksthat will start wizzard20:32
simarivoks, ya i got it ,then20:32
yofeljibel: would bug 564308 still be possible for lucid or is it too late/not sru stuff?20:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 564308 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "Error in dpkg-architecture man page (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56430820:47
yofelcan someone reproduce bug 570907?20:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 570907 in apport (Ubuntu) "[Lucid] apport hangs when canceling a rhythmbox report (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57090720:55
jibelyofel, too late for the final release, the deadline was sunday.20:58
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trinikronohey all21:13
arandyofel: Unable to reproduce 570907 on my lucid vbox21:24
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yofelodd, I can reproduce it on my i386 and my amd64 box, maybe apport-kde related21:25
yofelyes, apport-kde. -gtk works fine21:26
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