
bilalakhtarPeople, is the AskMark time fixed?13:38
popeybilalakhtar: it can move sometimes if marks schedule gets in the way13:39
bilalakhtarI asked this question as in the wiki page its given that one should confirm the time with the presenter (sabdfl himself in this case). Of course, it would be rude to ask him directly. Will the session be held here?13:40
popeyit doesnt say mark needs to confirm13:42
popeythere's only one that's yellow, and needs confirming13:42
bilalakhtarpopey: Oh, it has been moved. I saw it last on saturday, and it said that askmark would be held on 6th may13:48
nhandlerbilalakhtar: The easiest thing to do is to subscribe to the calendar (link on the OpenWeek wiki page). The calendar will be kept up-to-date, and you won't need to keep checking the wiki13:50
bilalakhtarnhandler: Thanks. I will leave now13:52
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