
rickspencer3RAOF, hi00:00
rickspencer3hey TheMuso00:00
TheMusoHey rickspencer3.00:00
RAOFrickspencer3: Howdie.00:00
Nafaiyou guys have already had a holiday before I've finished one working day this week :)00:16
TheMusoNafai: It was only myself and robert_ancell who had the public holiday.00:32
ajmitchTheMuso: unfortunately NZ didn't have the holiday yesterday :)00:34
TheMusoajmitch: As I said above, I thought NSW didn't either./00:34
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
pittiGood morning05:59
didrocksgood morning07:38
pittibonjour didrocks07:47
baptistemmgood morning guys07:51
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti07:54
didrockssalut baptistemm07:54
pittiI'm off for an hour for some running, while the alternate test is running08:00
baptistemmsalut didrocks08:02
seb128hello there08:56
baptistemmhi seb12808:56
seb128hey baptistemm cassidy08:57
cassidyhow are things 2 days before the release? :)08:57
seb128looks good from my perspective I would say ;-)08:58
didrockshey seb128, cassidy08:58
seb128lut didrocks08:58
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
pittihey seb12809:16
seb128hey pitti09:17
pittic'mon kvm, crank harder..09:17
pittiseb128: are you very busy ATM? i. e. time for a totally low-prio question?09:57
* pitti is doing install testing and wants to work on some of his old bugs09:57
seb128pitti, not busy at all no10:04
seb128pitti, I'm between iso testing and bug triage and some sru start10:04
pittiseb128: do you still remember the problem in bug 92214?10:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 92214 in pkg-create-dbgsym "would be nice to add .gnu_debuglink when --dbg-package is used" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9221410:04
pittiI think -dbg packages work in general, but there was something wrong with that particular gnome-panel version10:05
seb128pitti, I don't know details over what I wrote on the bug10:05
pittiseb128: so there the -dbg packages were broken, and the dbgsyms worked?10:06
seb128the debug symbols were fine10:06
pittiusually, with --dbg-package, dh_strip adds a .gnu.debuglink itself10:06
seb128but the real binary didn't get the .gnu_debug...10:06
seb128which means gdb was not autoloading the symbols10:07
seb128I've not seen that issue for ages though10:07
seb128I assume it has been fixed since10:07
seb128I would close the bug10:07
pittiI wonder if it was a problem in g-p back then10:07
seb128well as written in the bug10:07
pittii. e. without p-c-d it wouldn't have gotten a debuglink either10:08
seb128"dh_strip debug symbol extraction: not adding gnu debuglinks since --dbg-package is given"10:08
seb128that error was in the build log10:08
seb128pitti, gnome-panel build logs still have those though10:09
seb128I just looked in the lucid build10:09
pittiright, because it builds gnome-panel-dbg10:09
pittiif --dbg-package is given, then dh_strip adds the .gnu_debuglinnk10:10
pittiif p-c-d would already do it, then the real dh_strip would fail10:10
pitti(you can only add it onc)10:10
seb128in any case the binary is fine in lucid10:10
seb128so whatever the bug was it has been fixed10:11
seb128I would just close the bug and don't bother trying to figure where the issue was10:11
pittiok, so if neither of us can reconstruct what went wrong, then let's close it, yes10:11
seb128it might have been in the gnome-panel packaging indeed10:11
pittithanks seb12810:11
chrisccoulsonhello everyone10:11
seb128hey chrisi10:11
pittiseb128: btw, it would fail with --dbg-package=libpanel-applet2-0 and compat level < 510:11
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:11
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?10:11
pittiseb128: perhaps that was the problem back then10:11
pittihey chrisccoulson10:11
chrisccoulsonhey pitti10:12
pittiseb128: I also have a similar bug (bug 423748) with more info, I'll look at that10:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423748 in pkg-create-dbgsym "Unable to create valid debug packages from some packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42374810:13
seb128pitti, indeed, compat was 4 in that version10:14
seb128pitti, I just checked on launchpad10:14
seb128pitti, urg, new plymouth update? it means iso will be respinned I guess?10:20
pittiyes :-(10:21
pittiit broke encrypted disks10:21
pittilike, total boot failure10:21
seb128urg, ok10:21
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks, pitti: let me know if you want to do some SRU of the .1 GNOME updates10:35
seb128I'm watching those which can be interesting to update10:35
pittiseb128: I'm happy to do some; since they need bugs now anyway, perhaps just assign them to me?10:35
didrocksseb128: OTP, but will then :)10:36
pitti(or tell me which I can/should do, and I'll create the bugs)10:36
seb128didrocks, owhat?10:36
pitti"one time pad"?10:36
pitti"off to police"?10:36
didrocksseb128: on the phone with 01net :)10:37
seb128oh ok10:37
seb128bah, the queue view is unusable, thanks to language packs sitting there10:38
seb128I wanted to look at which ones robert_ancell might have worked on10:38
pittiseb128: q -Q unapproved | grep -v language-pack ?10:38
seb128pitti, I tried to use the webui for once, it's a fail apparently so back to ssh yes ;-)10:39
seb128it didn't like "!language" as a filter criterious10:39
* pitti mostly uses the webui these days, but right now it's useless, right10:39
seb128pitti, ok, what about gvfs and gdm for you?10:39
pittiseb128: soudns fine10:39
seb128pitti, gvfs fixes bug #55308210:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553082 in gvfs "hangs while opening trash if there are files with emblems inside" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55308210:40
seb128pitti, do you need an another bug to track the update?10:40
pittithat's fine10:40
* pitti assigns to him10:40
seb128gdm is a bit border line10:40
seb128they turned a11y by default, we might want to back that out10:41
seb128not sure how much of a change that is and how much potential it has to create issues10:41
pittiok, noted to revert that10:42
seb128pitti, bug #421292 is one fixed by the gdm update10:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421292 in gdm ""Login" button should be "Switch to" for already logged in users" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42129210:42
mvoseb128: hi, how can I make gnome-session run in debug mode at startup? I have a odd case here in my kvm where I can not log into the gnome-session (well, sometimes I can)10:42
pittiseb128: (bah string change..; but ok, it's a small one)10:43
seb128mvo, change the .desktop to use --debug?10:43
mvoI love it, now the problem went away10:45
seb128pitti, right, small ui change in the non default case for those tweaking with gconftool but no new string (ie the string is already translated)10:46
seb128hum, langpack documentation is somewhat suboptimal11:26
seb128the current iso has 2 megabytes of cheese documentation but cheese is not installed11:26
pittican't have our cake and eat it, too :/ same problems with translations in general, of course11:34
pittiseb128: hm, you tagged gvfs 1.6.0+git20100414-0ubuntu2 with a backport of that change in bzr, but it was never uploaded (or rejected), right?11:41
seb128did I?11:42
seb128oh yes11:42
seb128pitti, no we were frozen by the time we did that and I planned to wait for upstream to ack it before uploading11:43
seb128and they just did yesterday11:43
seb128sorry about that11:43
pittiseb128: since that patch is in 1.6.1, I'll just clobber that entire commit, since ubuntu2 was never uploaded; ok for you?11:43
pittiseb128: no need to be sorry, just ensuring that you know what happened11:43
* pitti hugs seb12811:43
* seb128 hugs pitti11:43
pittigood that we did a git snapshot before, now it's just an one-line patch and about 3 po file changes11:44
seb128pitti, btw is apport still meant to be running on the livecd?11:44
pittiseb128: yes, it is11:44
pitticasper enables it11:44
pittifor installer crashes, etc11:44
seb128ok good11:45
seb128because it does :-)11:45
seb128I just got 3 crashes in a few minutes testing11:45
pittihold the line! things are working!11:45
pittihmm -- not all things work then :-(11:45
seb1282 of thoses are installation failure when trying to enable sta in jockey11:46
seb128and one is a desktopcouch crash when trying to open the ubuntuone preference dialog11:47
didrocksfinished \o/ 1h55 :/11:58
pittididrocks: done with OTP?11:59
pitticongrats, 1:55h is a great time for OTPing!11:59
pitti(if only I knew what OTP is..)12:00
* pitti hugs didrocks12:00
* didrocks hugs pitti back12:01
didrockspitti: it was "on the phone"12:01
didrocks(with 01net, a French zdnet equivalent with a lot of readers)12:01
didrockswell, at least, the journalist is now informed on what's new in lucid and won't write crack :)12:02
pittirickspencer3, seb128: I just created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-04-27 FYI12:03
seb128pitti, thanks12:03
seb128lunch time there12:03
didrocksseb128: enjoy12:03
pittitseliot, ArneGoetje, bryceh, ccheney, chrisccoulson, didrocks, Riddell, kenvandine, seb128, Nafai: can you please add your report to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-04-27 ? Thank you!12:04
brycehpitti, done12:05
didrocksoh, now it will be edit war, I was just going to edit quietly ;)12:05
* bryceh waits for wiki to save12:06
brycehthere we go12:06
pittiRAOF, TheMuso ^ too12:08
pittitseliot: while you are at it, mind replacing the milestone WI link with canonical-desktop-team.html ?12:09
tseliotpitti: I've just saved12:09
tseliotpitti: it's available if you want to edit12:09
pitticheers, done12:10
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
mvopitti: I have a crash reported in Xorg.0.log here in one of my VMs but apport does not seem to pick it up. do you have any idea why? upstart reports that apport is running and its enabled=1 n my config12:28
mvopitti: could it be the crash handler that xorg itself provides?12:28
pittimvo: did it write a /var/crash file? anything in /var/log/apport?12:28
pittimvo: we disable apport by default now, though12:29
pittiah, you enabled it12:29
pittimvo: right, X intercepts its own crashes, it might be possible that it didn't dump core12:29
pittior it was an assertion failure12:29
pittimvo: checking /var/log/apport.log should help12:29
* pitti -> lunch12:29
mvopitti: ok, enjoy12:29
mvobug #57063412:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570634 in xorg-server "immediate logout of the gnome session after hardy -> lucid upgrade (inside kvm)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57063412:30
seb128mvo, that was the issue you wanted to debug with gnome-session --debug?12:34
seb128didrocks, it's amazing how much time people can spend on the phone I see ;-)12:35
didrocksseb128: well, TBH, being a little bit sick, it wasn't such a pleasure :p12:36
seb128didrocks, not feeling better today?12:36
seb128didrocks, let me know when the article is published somewhere ;-)12:36
didrocksbut I'm pleased to see that the journalist wanted real info and no oversight12:36
didrocksseb128: sure12:36
didrocksseb128: not really better. headache now12:36
mvoseb128: yes, that is the one12:37
didrocksbut well, don't be afraid, next Tuesday is in one week12:37
didrocksshould be better by then12:37
mvoseb128: do you happen to know where gdm calls Xorg? where I can add arguments?12:53
seb128mvo, hum, looking12:57
seb128mvo, it seems to be coded in the binary13:01
seb128but maybe pitti has a better clue13:02
mvoseb128: hm, ok. does it call /usr/bin/Xorg ?13:02
seb128mvo, /usr/bin/X13:02
seb128I think13:02
seb128mvo, "        X server:                 /usr/bin/X"13:04
seb128in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44205395/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.gdm_2.30.0-0ubuntu5_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz13:04
seb128mvo, that's the default value we hack when xorg is not installed at buildtime (which is required to have the real binary detection being working)13:05
mvoseb128: ok, thanks13:05
mvoseb128: I will try to see what I can do to get more info out of it13:05
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pittimvo: hm, so it was a real segfault and should have left something in /var/log/apport.log do you see anything in there?13:28
mvopitti: no13:29
pittimvo: 28_plymouth_transition.patch and 05_initial_server_on_vt7.patch show the places where the X server is launched, FYI13:29
mvopitti: thanks, I tried "DonTrapSignals" in xorg.conf too, no luck, still no core. I suspect its a kvm specific problem anyway so I will just wait for bryce to give me more useful debug hints13:31
LaneyRAOF: I (somehow) fixed f-spot.git13:50
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
chrisccoulsonis it just me or is nautilus dropping some keypress events? i'm sure i keep having to press the delete key twice to get it to delete a file14:13
seb128it's you14:13
seb128I just tried and it worked14:13
pittichrisccoulson: seems to work fine here14:14
didrockschrisccoulson: IIRC, there is an opened about not taking keypress if you are too fast after opening nautilus14:15
chrisccoulsondidrocks - thanks. perhaps thats my issue then14:15
didrockschrisccoulson: you see, you are too fast :)14:15
didrockstaking some fresh air, see you later14:16
seb128didrocks, enjoy14:18
rickspencer3thanks pitti14:19
didrocksseb128: thanks :)14:19
rickspencer3pitti, seb128 I thought for the meeting today, you could just touch on any SRUs planned, the status of the release, tell folks to get cracking on blueprints, and let everyone go?14:20
* kenvandine hears whip cracking noises14:20
pittirickspencer3: yeah, let's keep it quick today; I just want to discuss the state of the one remaining WI (well, I can do this off-meeting as well), and check in on the remaining lucid RC bugs14:22
pittirickspencer3: you won't be here for the meeting?14:22
rickspencer3pitti, I will be, but it seems more Lucid related14:22
rickspencer3so I figure it will easiest for you to drive14:22
rickspencer3thanks pitti14:23
pittiseb128: can you take the blueprint part, and I the lucid release status part?14:23
seb128pitti, ok14:31
seb128chrisccoulson: do you know about the offline firefox start page not working in french in lucid? is that a translation issue?14:34
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm not aware of that. is it just displaying in english?14:35
seb128no, it's displaying the online url and the "error contacting website" webpage14:35
seb128ie trying to use the online version but failing since there is no online14:35
seb128the box is a mini10 with no eth cable and by default the wireless is not working due to firmware issue14:36
seb128the mini10 support is sort of embarassing, wireless not working out of the box14:36
seb128jockey listing 2 drivers, where the first one is activated correctly but doesn't work14:36
seb128ie you see network but can't connect14:37
seb128some driver issue14:37
seb128so you have to figure to pick the second one14:37
seb128+ the bluetooth dialog list a "enable bluetooth" button14:37
seb128which turns to be doing nothing14:37
seb128you can click as much as you want on it without result14:37
seb128enough ranting there ;-)14:37
chrisccoulsonhmmm, so network manager is showing the network as disconnected?14:37
seb128there is only a cabled eth listed and no cable14:38
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i will try and reproduce14:38
seb128it does use the offline startpage if I boot in german14:38
seb128so I guess whatever defines the offline url is broken in french for some reason14:38
chrisccoulsoni fixed an issue already with this recently, so i'm a bit confused ;)14:38
chrisccoulsoni will try in french anyway ;)14:38
seb128well I tested on today's iso14:39
seb128chrisccoulson: is that a translation issue? I think there has been some error in export and lucid doesn't use the current ones, those will be in a stable update next week instead14:40
chrisccoulsonpossibly, i will try and recreate that in a moment14:40
chrisccoulsonoh, i already have french installed14:41
chrisccoulsonseb128 - hmm, i get the offline page, but with untranslated and no layout14:51
chrisccoulsoni also don't see the correct layout with the english page though (i didn't realise it was meant to have it until i saw the css file)14:51
seb128chrisccoulson: I get that too now, not sure if I had something in a weird state to try using jockey before14:51
chrisccoulsonso there is something messed up with the documentation14:51
chrisccoulsoni'll try and figure that out14:52
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ok, i can see the issue14:55
chrisccoulsonthe code which assembles the localised offline URL in ubufox is never actually called14:56
chrisccoulsonseb128 - would you mind reporting a bug for that and assigning it to me?14:59
seb128ok will do14:59
seb128on ubufox?14:59
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yes please14:59
seb128chrisccoulson: bug #531882?15:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531882 in ubufox "Default Home Page without style or images on offline mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53188215:00
seb128chrisccoulson: not mine but you're welcome ;-)15:01
seb128I just looked for open bugs without opening one15:01
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ah, ok ;)15:01
chrisccoulsonseb128 - mind adding a lucid task to it?15:01
seb128chrisccoulson: done15:02
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks15:02
seb128yw ;-)15:02
seb128seems you might want to close bug #52042515:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520425 in ubuntu-translations "Translate this application still points to firefox-3.6 in Lucid" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52042515:03
chrisccoulsonah yes, i'll close that now. thanks15:04
seb128pitti, upstream got a new gdm version out to fix a build issue btw15:08
pittiseb128: bah15:08
pittiI filed a bug and a patch to report it15:08
seb128you were just fixing it?15:08
pittionly to see that it was fixed 17 mins ago in git15:08
pittiand now I cherrypicked that patch :)15:09
* seb128 hugs pitti15:09
* pitti updates to 2.30.2 then15:09
seb128pitti, btw if you are still in sru mood you can perhaps do gnome-keyring15:09
seb128pitti, you can say no if you have other things to do15:09
pittiseb128: can do; is there a bug?15:09
pittiseb128: no, it's fine; I need to leave in 5 mins, though, for about an hour15:10
chrisccoulsonon the topic of updates, is there a reason gnome-terminal is still on 2.29.6 (other than the fact nobody had time to work on it)?15:10
seb128not that I know about no15:10
seb128just lack of interest for it I guess15:10
seb128pitti, bug, let me check the upstream fixed issues if there is any in launchpad15:11
chrisccoulsondo you want me to update that to stable as a SRU?15:11
seb128chrisccoulson: you are welcome to do so yes ;-)15:11
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks. i will do that later then15:11
seb128if somebody want to do some .1 sru updates too let me know15:12
seb128pitti, no, no bug for gnome-keyring I can open one and assign to you though15:13
pittiseb128: please do; thanks!15:13
seb128np, thank you for doing those updates ;-)15:13
pittigdm is quite hairy, that'll require some testing15:15
* pitti will put into desktop PPA and send a CFT to the bugs15:15
seb128yeah, I said it's border line15:16
seb128but some of the fixes seem worth getting in a lts15:16
pittiok, I'm off for about an hour15:17
seb128pitti, see you!15:19
seb128chrisccoulson: btw do you want to do the g-s-d and g-c-c .1 update in a sru between now and uds if you have a free slot?15:43
seb128trying to dispatch a bit those updates15:43
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, no problem. i can do those15:43
seb128didrocks will get some too and pitti did some already today15:43
seb128chrisccoulson: thanks15:43
chrisccoulsoni should really do my core-dev application between release and UDS too15:43
mvopitti: do you have a opinion on SRU for bug #548534 ? it slipped through the cracks for -final15:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548534 in software-center "Featured application changes" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54853415:43
mvopitti: I think its fine and prepare a sru with it15:44
seb128chrisccoulson: would be nice15:45
seb128mvo, seems fine to me for the record ;-)15:46
mvothanks seb12815:46
jcastroseb128: can you run vinagre real quick? It seems to have reverted to the old tray for me and I just want to make sure it's not me15:48
seb128jcastro, vinagre doesn't have a notification icon does it?15:49
seb128jcastro, or you mean vino, ie activating desktop sharing?15:49
jcastroseb128: yeah15:49
jcastrosorry, I mix them up all the time15:49
seb128jcastro, we never got that change in15:49
seb128did we?15:50
seb128let me check15:50
seb128no we didn't15:50
jcastrooh oh, right right. sorry!15:50
jcastrothis is the one ken found was buggy15:50
seb128np ;-)15:50
seb128I know there was concerns with the change15:51
seb128but I'm not the one who did review it15:51
seb128I just know we didn't get it in shape for lucid15:51
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rickspencer3hi Nafai16:34
ograseb128, whats the easiest way to kill gnome-panel and make it not come back atm ? (didnt it use to have an option for that)16:41
* ogra tries to compare memory footprints with and without panel on armel netbook16:42
kklimondaogra: it stops respawning when you kill it few times if you do it quickly16:45
ograheh, i wonder if thats true for the slow ARM board i use it on, but i'll try16:46
ograthanks :)16:46
stazogra: can't you desactivate it in gnome-session-properties?16:46
stazor just delete both panel16:47
stazah no apparently that's not in session properties16:47
kklimondaand you can't delete both panels :)16:47
ograi'll have to modify the defaults anyway to also measure startup times16:48
ograbut killing multiple times worked16:48
kklimondaI think that the "right" approach to disable it for the longer time would be to tinker with gconf settings - there is /desktop/gnome/session/required_components16:48
ograonly gains me about 8M though16:48
ograi'll do that with a later image, i'll have to switch back to install tests for now16:48
ograits just the most convenient time to fiddle with such stuff between two installations :)16:49
pittimvo: "bearable" :-)16:49
pittimvo: (just commented on the bug)16:49
=== ara_ is now known as ara
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=== Guest4805 is now known as ara
sshawcj: ping17:16
cjsshaw: moo17:27
sshawso, do you want to pick up where we left off on friday?17:27
* kenvandine waves17:30
pittirickspencer3: meeting o'clock?17:30
* didrocks waves too17:31
rickspencer3hi all17:31
rickspencer3dang it17:32
rickspencer3thanks pitti17:32
rickspencer3pitti, can you paste the link to the agenda, which I did not touch or look at yet?17:32
pittidon't worry, everyone's turning hard on the install testing crank anyway :)17:32
rickspencer3not that I'm totally unprepared, it's just that I'm totally unprepared17:32
rickspencer3didrocks is sick I think, I told him to sleep through the meeting to recoup for next week17:33
pittiah, good; I talked him out of continuing to read docs :)17:33
didrocksI will still have a little look, but not being brain-ready ;)17:33
* tseliot waves17:33
rickspencer3kenvandine, Nafai, chrisccoulson, seb12817:33
kenvandinedidrocks, rest... rest...17:34
rickspencer3let's go17:34
rickspencer3as discussed earlier, let's keep this short and stay focused on working on Lucid17:34
rickspencer3I asked pitti to cover current release status, SRUs17:34
rickspencer3then we'll talk blueprints, UDS briefly17:34
* rickspencer3 hands mic to pitti17:34
pittiok, folks; congrats to an exemplary http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-10.04.html17:35
seb128sorry I was out and that took a bit longer than I wanted17:35
pittiwe have exactly one WI left (I did some cleanup), which is bug 49636317:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496363 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "Installing nvidia kills xorg on non-nvidia systems" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49636317:35
pittithis looks SRUable to me17:35
pittipretty important, but not a dealbreaker17:35
pittiI'll discuss with tseliot offline17:35
pittis/offline/off meeting/17:36
pittifreshly updated from 15 mins ago (yay prep)17:36
pittiwe got through most of the RC bugs indeed, and have just four which are in the "NFC" category17:36
pittibut all are SRUable17:36
pittitwo are being done by other teams17:37
pittiso I think we are reasonably good on this front17:37
pittiseb128 has started to coordinate pushing GNOME 2.30.1 into lucid-proposed17:37
pittisome packages make pretty bold changes (gdm *cough*), but most seem entirely appropriate17:37
pittiany questions/comments/flames/OMGbreakages?17:38
pittiaside from that, we have a set of CD images now which is believed to be good, and are good candidates for becoming THE lucid images17:38
pittiso, happy testing everyone!17:38
rickspencer3test test test17:38
* Nafai downloads17:39
pittirickspencer3: I'm done, I think17:39
rickspencer3basically, assume that your blueprints are accepted for UDS17:40
rickspencer3and get cracking on the summaries17:40
rickspencer3the earlier the summaries are done, the better feedback you will get17:40
rickspencer3this is a secondary priority to Lucid17:40
rickspencer3any questions about UDS?17:40
pittirickspencer3: what's the first 'o'?17:40
rickspencer3pitti, just a typo17:41
brycehpitti: ornery maybe?17:41
Nafaibryceh: :)17:41
seb128rickspencer3, should people make sure they do subscribing? as indicated on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/10.10/BlueprintingSchedule for next week?17:42
rickspencer3seb128, yes17:42
brycehhehe, there ya go17:42
rickspencer3UDS is in 2 weeks17:42
seb128rickspencer3, ok, I just wanted to mention it again there ;-)17:42
seb128btw people should also subscribe the uds on launchpad I guess17:42
rickspencer3seb128, good job in slipping in the link to the blueprint schedule ;)17:42
pittioh, did everyone register their attendance?17:43
seb128to acknowledge they will be there and for sheduling17:43
rickspencer3seb128, good point17:43
* kenvandine has17:43
chrisccoulsoni think i did17:44
* jcastro made video instructions for the blueprints and for people who schedule sessions17:44
tseliotyes, of course17:44
rickspencer3so if now more questions, I suggest we adjourn17:47
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|capoeira
* rickspencer3 taps gavel17:49
rickspencer3happy testing all17:49
rickspencer3btw, I'll be out of pocket on release day, and jet lagged on Friday17:49
pittithanks all17:49
didrocksthanks everyone, going back to bed :)17:49
rickspencer3please escalate issues to pitti during that time17:49
rickspencer3(as if you wouldn't anyway ;) )17:50
* pitti hides17:50
jcastroif anyone needs help making blueprints or scheduling here are the videos: http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/posts?view=archive&nsfw=dc17:52
jcastrorickspencer3: I even made one for track leads!17:52
tseliotthanks jcastro17:53
rickspencer3jcastro, sweet17:53
sshawwhat are the Build-Depends for a package that has a schema file in it?17:53
sshaw(for gnome)17:53
sshawI've added libgconf2-dev, but still get an error when trying to build17:53
seb128sshaw, there is no need to build-depends, schemas are text files they don't need to be built...17:54
seb128could you copy the error?17:54
sshawseb128: I'm getting this error during the build17:54
seb128which error?17:54
sshawMakefile.am:8: GCONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL17:54
sshawseb128: on openSUSE, I had to run autoreconf and intltool to get it to build.  I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing on ubuntu though17:55
sshawI'd assume that I'd need to do that here as well, but not sure exactly how that's done17:56
chrisccoulsonwhich application are you trying to compile?17:57
sshawI think it shows up as libatk-adaptor17:58
Nafaididn't have breakfast, so I'm taking lunch17:59
seb128_sorry got disconnected on eth change17:59
seb128_sshaw, can you copy the error again there?17:59
sshawMakefile.am:8: GCONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL17:59
sshawchrisccoulson: https://launchpad.net/~mono-a11y/+archive/ppa18:00
seb128_you have libgconf2-dev installed?18:00
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
sshawpretty sure, but I'll double check18:01
sshawyup its installed18:01
seb128seems a bug in your source18:01
sshawI wonder if I need to rerun autoconf18:01
sshawbecause this works on openSUSE and Fedora18:02
* kenvandine -> lunch18:05
chrisccoulsonsshaw, could you post the Makefile.am you have issues with somewhere? the version in the PPA you linked builds fine here18:07
sshawchrisccoulson: right, I'm trying to add a patch to it with the changes since that tarball since there are important updates, just no new tarball yet18:07
sshawchrisccoulson: I'll post the patch18:08
sshawchrisccoulson: http://anonsvn.mono-project.com/viewvc/tags/uia2atk/2.0.1/build/patches/at-spi2-atk.diff?revision=15371118:08
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i can't see how that patch could break it. it doesn't touch any of the build system at all18:10
sshawchrisccoulson: I suck... totally the wrong patch18:11
sshawchrisccoulson: this is the right one... http://anonsvn.mono-project.com/viewvc/trunk/uia2atk/build/patches/at-spi2-atk.diff?view=log18:12
chrisccoulsonyou must be missing an earlier patch then18:13
sshawthat's it18:13
chrisccoulsonGCONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL needs to be defined in configure.ac18:13
chrisccoulsonwith AM_CONDITIONAL18:13
chrisccoulsonhence the error ;)18:13
sshawwith that patch, an autoreconf fixes that18:14
sshawI realize that configure.ac is what's used though18:14
sshaw(by autotools)18:14
chrisccoulsonoh, of course. yes, that would work18:15
chrisccoulsonthe AM_GCONF_SOURCE_2 macro does it all for you18:15
chrisccoulsonwhich is included in that patch18:15
chrisccoulsonbut you need to do autoreconf with libgconf2-dev installed18:16
sshawI just don't know how to do that in ubuntu :)18:16
chrisccoulsonthe same as anywhere else isn't it?18:16
sshawI'd assume it would be in debian/rules that I'd need to set that18:16
sshawI'm come to realize that everyone puts their own spin on things18:16
chrisccoulsonyes, we normally do the autotools update before building the source package, and include the whole thing in a patch18:17
sshawlike, in openSUSE it isn't dh_auto_configure :)18:17
chrisccoulsonrather than doing it at build time with a hook in debian/rules18:17
chrisccoulsonbut either way is fine18:17
sshawchrisccoulson: I'd prefer to do it the 'upstream' distro way :)18:18
sshawI'm very much a newbie when it comes to deb packaging18:18
* pitti -> dinner and some walk18:19
sshawchrisccoulson: if you or someone else doesn't mind showing me, I'll do it which ever way is the preferred method18:22
dobeykenvandine: are you around?18:44
ccheneyouch heavy disk io is causing such lags on my laptop that nm dropped my wifi connection :-\18:45
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
kenvandinedobey, yo19:17
dobeykenvandine: there you are!19:18
dobeykenvandine: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/lucid/ubuntuone-client/fix-567223/+merge/2387919:18
dobeykenvandine: this is supposed to be in lucid final, no? i see it's merged into lp:ubuntu/ubuntuone-client, but the update doesn't appear to be in the archive19:18
* kenvandine looks19:19
kenvandinedobey, weird... very weird... i know i uploaded it19:26
kenvandineand am pretty sure confirmed it was in the unapproved queue19:26
dobeykenvandine: is it still in unapproved queue i guess? :(19:27
kenvandinethere was multiples in the unapproved queue last week19:27
kenvandinemaybe the wrong one got accepted?19:27
dobeyoh the old one and the new one were both there?19:27
kenvandinei think there were actually 3 versions there :)19:28
dobeywell 1.2.1-0ubuntu1 is what's in the archive19:28
kenvandinei think 2 of them had the same version number19:28
kenvandineman last week feels like ancient history19:28
kenvandinewell, it is too late to get on the CD :/19:29
dobeybut we need that patch in there :(19:29
kenvandinei guess i should upload it for an sru then... sorry about that19:30
dobeykenvandine: do we (ubuntuone) need to do anything for that?19:31
dobeykenvandine: ok, thanks.19:31
* pitti waves good night20:42
Nafainight pitti20:47
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
TheMusoGood morning.23:01
rickspencer3Hi TheMuso23:24
rickspencer3is there a reason that I can't find ajunta in the lucid repos?23:41
rickspencer3because it's call "anjunta" maybe?23:42
chrisccoulsonor anjuta ;)23:43
rickspencer3dang it23:45
rickspencer3it's also not categorized in the software center23:45
rickspencer3fortunately Google figured out what I watned23:45
nnyso haven't touched ubuntu since they added telepathy/empathy. How do I pull up a chat window shown in telepathy?23:52
nnyAnd is there any reason I just had 2-3 lockups and empathy restarts when trying to message nickserv and register for IRC?23:53

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