
=== DarkwingDuck_ is now known as DarkwingDuck
mdkeDarkwingDuck_: no, fraid not07:46
mdkemewshi_: yep, working on Gnome desktop topics will also help Ubuntu and is a great option07:47
=== brianherman_ is now known as brianherman
durthey folks, working on a typo bug for the server guide, do I need to worry if ./scripts/validate.sh /serverguide/C/network-auth.xml returns errors regarding things I have not changed?18:55
sommerdurt: with the serverguide the best way to validate is to do "./scripts/validate.sh /serverguide/C/serverguide.xml" since the serverguide files are all linked19:26
sommerdurt: appreciate your help with the serverguide bugs :-)19:26
durtah, will do. next question; what to call the diff?19:27
sommerthe diff name isn't terribly important, something like network-auth.xml_typo-fix.diff would work fine19:29
durtright, validated with no errors, now to commit and post in that bug? or notify somewher eelse19:33
durter, somewhere else?19:33
sommeryep, in the bug is fine19:34
durthmm, the diff file is empty. I guess I missed something.. but what?19:47
sommerdid you do bzr diff > file.diff ?19:52
sommerbefore  you committed the changes?19:53
durtno after 'bzr commit -m'19:54
sommerah, then you'll need to do bzr diff -rlastrevno:secondtolastrevno19:54
sommerbzr help diff will give a better example if that doesn't make sense19:55
durtok, then create a diff before commit then, the playbook is reverse.19:56
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
=== l3on_ is now known as l3on

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