
ubuntujenkinsmorning everyone00:09
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: how easy would it be to work out what is missing from the packages? I expect the answer is very hard00:14
godbykubuntujenkins: it's not so much what's missing.. we just need more recent versions, I think.00:14
ubuntujenkinsok then if the text live source finishes downloading soon I might try and build a set of packages. the only other problem is ppas are limited to 2.0gb at least the ones on my user00:16
ubuntujenkinsall its downloaded is 250mb the svn server must be slow00:17
ubuntujenkinsI am off night all00:22
dakergood night ubuntujenkins00:25
daker_godbyk, !!01:16
godbykHey, daker_01:16
daker_what i need you to do01:16
daker_is to point test.ubuntu-manual.org to lp:ubuntu-manual-website/test01:17
daker_is to point ubuntu-manual.org to lp:ubuntu-manual-website/main01:17
daker_now wait til i pushed the test folder01:18
godbykdaker_: okay, just tell me when to make the switch.01:20
godbykWelcome back, daker.01:31
dakershould i delete this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~adnane002/ubuntu-manual-website/website ?01:33
godbykdaker: Why don't you leave it there for a while -- just in case.01:34
godbykWe can delete it later, after everything else is up and running.01:34
dakerso first point the test.ubuntu-manual.org to lp:ubuntu-manual/test01:35
godbykokay. let me run the update script to make sure everything's up to date.01:39
godbykdo you mean lp:ubuntu-manual/test or lp:ubuntu-manual-website/test?01:40
godbykdaker: okay, done.01:41
godbykwhat's next?01:41
dakerokey one sec01:41
dakerpoint the ubuntu-manual.org to lp:ubuntu-manual-website/main01:45
dakerwait til lp get updated01:45
godbykdaker: done01:45
dakergodbyk, question01:52
daker"with Ground Control were were able to slice the barrier to entry to our project without sacrificing the benefits of a revision control system"01:52
dakerthe "were were" is correct ?01:52
godbykdaker: it should be 'we were'01:52
dakerthat's what i thought01:53
dakernow everything in place01:53
godbykcool.  so what's new?01:54
dakernew icons at right01:55
dakernew page => http://ubuntu-manual.org/quickshot/help01:55
dakera lot of bug fixes01:56
godbyklet me know if you have any problems with the database stuff01:57
dakerif you could pls create the structure for the files.ubuntu....org asap01:57
godbykoh, sure.  just a moment.01:58
godbykokay, daker. I have the directory structure set up.  I think it's how I want it.02:11
godbykso under the files.ubuntu-manual.org domain, there's the following structure for the manuals. let me know if it makes sense or if you think I should change something:02:12
godbyk`-- getting-started-with-ubuntu02:12
godbyk    |-- 10.0402:12
godbyk    |   `-- en_US02:12
godbyk    |       |-- print02:12
godbyk    |       `-- screen02:12
godbyk    |-- 10.04-2e02:12
godbyk    `-- 10.1002:12
dakerprint and screen are folders ?02:13
godbykdaker: yeah, though they'll really only contain one pdf file each.02:14
godbykthe pdf should probably be named 'Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04.pdf' (translated per language).02:15
godbykdaker: on the quickshot page, the tagline 'Taking screenshots has never been easier' is so light that it's unreadable. can we make it darker?02:28
dakerthat's what humphreybc says to me02:30
dakergodbyk, another thing before i go to sleep, i need you to updated the website pot file02:35
dakerbecause i saw that people still translate string in the ubuntu-manual page02:36
godbyk-androidI don't know how to update the website's pot02:36
godbyk-androidbut I can email dutchie and have him do it when he wakes up02:37
dakervery easy02:41
dakerjust get the pot file from lp:ubuntu-manual-website/main/includes/languages/ubu_man_website_translations.pot02:42
dakerand replace it in02:43
godbykdaker: ah, I see what you mean.02:44
godbykthe translators aren't translating the ubuntu-manual-website stuff, only the ubuntu-manual stuff, so you want me to copy over the pot file to the ubuntu-manual repository.02:45
godbykI can do that.02:45
godbykbzr is being slow again.02:48
godbykdaker: did you see the new video that humphreybc uploaded yesterday?02:48
godbykdaker: I've updated the pot file.02:52
godbyktranslators should see it soon (launchpad has to process it first).02:52
dakeri am not present02:57
dakeri don't see my self on the video :s02:57
dakeroki time to sleep :)02:59
dakergood night all02:59
* ubuntujenkins is still downloading the textlive source 1.9gb done but the svn server is slow07:57
hemanthubuntujenkins, now got a good grip on glade :)07:59
hemanthubuntujenkins, if you still have my branch, please can you pull and check if its ok08:00
ubuntujenkinshemanth: works for me08:03
hemanthubuntujenkins,thanks, now i can dive into quickshot :O)08:04
ubuntujenkinspossiblly put some padding on the label to move the text from the edge. just a thought08:04
hemanthokies will do that08:04
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: ping08:06
hemanthubuntujenkins, can the entry text have an action lister to enter key, or the search button respond to enter key and on click as well?08:07
ubuntujenkinsjust finding it08:07
ubuntujenkinson signals tab for the button. under clicked it says enter add on_find_clicked08:09
ubuntujenkinsno use the same thing on_find_clicked08:14
hemanthit says Could not lookup object enter on signal clicked08:15
ubuntujenkinshttp://imagebin.org/94625 is how you want it08:16
hemanthubuntujenkins, yup the same i have done08:17
humphreybc1hey thorwil, I see Iain still hasn't emailed that SVG through :S08:22
humphreybc1it's like the design team have no concept of deadlines08:22
thorwilhi humphreybc1. from the outside, their way of working seems to be horrendously chaotic. one always hears how they are so terribly busy, but one might wonder about the efficiency, looking at the output :/08:25
humphreybc1(they should just hire me to sort their shit out)08:25
ubuntujenkinshemanth: I am not sure why it doesn't work, it works for me08:25
thorwilhumphreybc1: sure, you're job would be to set realistic goals ;)08:25
* ubuntujenkins wow the wepad does open office08:26
humphreybc1thorwil: :)08:26
hemanthubuntujenkins, o ok will re-check it, i added padding to the button08:26
* hemanth +1 to wepad :) 08:26
godbykI haven't had any more bugs reported on this final draft, so I'm left with the conclusion that it's perfect and ready for print.08:43
humphreybc1apart from the cover08:44
godbykhumphreybc1: When did you want it on lulu?  If we don't get the logo asap, we may have to go in without it for this first edition.08:44
humphreybc1the design team will just be getting into work now, i'll see what I can do08:44
humphreybc1Iain just came online now08:45
godbykI think lulu processes the submissions pretty quickly, but it's still good to get it in early so we can make sure everything's good.  (and get the links in to daker et al.)08:45
godbykhumphreybc1: pounce!08:45
humphreybc1one step ahead of ya08:46
godbykthorwil: do you think we should have a bastard title page?08:47
humphreybc1apparently we are waiting for Mark to sign it off08:48
humphreybc1should be in the next couple of hours, hopefully08:51
ChrisWoollardAlso the UK Translation is now finished.08:53
* humphreybc1 checks the translations 08:53
humphreybc1there are still 67 untranslated strings?08:54
* ubuntujenkins the texlive svn server is o slow08:54
humphreybc1according to https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual08:54
ChrisWoollardI just finished them08:54
ubuntujenkinsthey are for the website08:55
humphreybc1oh nice!08:55
humphreybc1so it looks like we'll have UK english, US english, German, Greek and Galician versions available either on release or very shortly after08:55
ChrisWoollardi was doing https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+pots/ubuntu-manual08:55
humphreybc1please explain what's happening08:56
ChrisWoollardif you click on uk, it then says it has none08:56
ubuntujenkinswhats wrong? i think every thing is fine08:56
ChrisWoollardfrom the link you provided08:57
humphreybc1so howcome we have two different links?08:57
godbykwhat am I looking into?08:57
ubuntujenkinsevery thing is ok, the link that ChrisWoollard gave was a direct one to lucid-e1 only the link humphreybc1  gave was all the manual translations08:57
humphreybc1why the translations here (https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual) are different to here (https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+pots/ubuntu-manual)08:57
ubuntujenkinsthe first on shows the website as well08:58
humphreybc1ubuntujenkins: oh so my link covers all our branches, like websites/maverick/e2/e1 etc08:58
humphreybc1is that right?08:58
humphreybc1ah ha08:58
ubuntujenkinsclikc on a language08:58
godbykwell, it covers a single series, I think.08:58
godbykbut it includes both the website and manual translations.08:59
godbyk(which, btw, I just updated the website translations a few hours ago, so you might make sure they're updated)08:59
ChrisWoollardYes, there are more08:59
humphreybc1never ending Chris :P08:59
ChrisWoollardnever mind. only 6709:00
humphreybc1the website shouldn't be too hard09:00
humphreybc1German is all green :D09:00
humphreybc1godbyk, what about the text on the website front page?09:02
humphreybc1you know09:03
godbykwhat about it?09:03
humphreybc1when the countdown timer disappears09:03
humphreybc1we have a different front page09:03
humphreybc1the one I mocked up09:03
humphreybc1lemme find it09:03
godbykI think we just edit the router file and say that 'homepage' is the new homepage instead of 'countdown'.09:03
godbykbut I haven't looked at the code for quite a while.09:04
humphreybc1so daker has actually made the new homepage?09:04
humphreybc1shit have I made a new image for that with the new title page?09:04
humphreybc1I swear I did09:04
humphreybc1ah, i have09:04
humphreybc1oh no wait09:04
humphreybc1we had the flash fading thing09:05
humphreybc1that's right09:05
humphreybc1it faded between four iamges09:05
humphreybc1where's that gone?09:05
humphreybc1is the site going to switch over to that page when the countdown reaches zero?09:05
humphreybc1and have the strings on that page been translated?09:05
godbykI assume the home page has been created and we just have to switch to it. but I don't know.09:06
humphreybc1i'm pretty sure it's been created09:06
humphreybc1he was testing the fading images in different browsers, remember?09:06
godbykI don't think it switches automatically; I think we have to do it manually.09:06
godbykyou can poke around the branch and see.09:07
humphreybc1okay, figure out how to do it manually so we're ready. I don't like having to rely on one person for our entire release.09:07
humphreybc1which branch is the site in?09:07
humphreybc1ubuntu-manual or ubuntu-manual-website?09:07
godbykthe ubuntu-manual-website branch09:07
godbykin the main/ dir09:07
godbykthe pages are in the main/pages dir09:07
humphreybc1so can we delete the website folder from the ubuntu-manual branch?09:07
humphreybc1and do we even have write access to ubuntu-manual-website?09:08
ChrisWoollardOk, Now it is clear09:09
humphreybc1did daker create a team?09:11
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc1: if you join the website team yes but daker has to aprove you first09:11
godbykhumphreybc1: yes, we can delete it but let's wait 'til we have the site up and whatnot. just to be safe.  also, we're still using the manual branch for translations (since the translators haven't been translating the -website stuff)09:12
godbykhumphreybc1: also, we should have write access to the repository now (though I haven't tried it yet)09:12
humphreybc1that's... overly complicated.09:12
godbykwhat's overly complicated?09:13
humphreybc1the fact that the translations for the website are being done from one branch, but the website is stored elsewhere09:13
humphreybc1also we have like, a tonne of old files from other people who worked on the site09:13
godbykwell, yes.  we'll move the translators over, but right now they're heads-down working.09:14
godbykand next week (when we can all catch our breaths), we'll want to wipe out the maverick branch probably and build a new one with just the manual files in it (so it's not carrying around the bloated history of everything before it including the website)09:15
godbykI just added two new document class options: screen and print.09:15
humphreybc1yup, okay, good09:15
humphreybc1next week will be all hands to the pumps setting everything up for maverick09:15
godbykso if I compile with the 'screen' option, the links are in color. if I compile with the 'print' option, the links are black text.09:15
* godbyk is pleased with himself.09:15
* humphreybc1 is pleased with godbyk!09:16
humphreybc1but yeah, next will be all setting up infrastructure, specifications and getting help for the next 6 months09:16
godbykactually, the maverick stuff isn't quite top priority.  we'll have to get lucid-e2 going first and deal with whatever comes of the release.09:16
humphreybc1well that's what i mean09:16
humphreybc1lucid-e2/maverick/same diff :P09:16
thorwilgodbyk: bastard title page?09:17
humphreybc1also, we need to talk with Ilya to figure out some research09:17
godbykalso known as a half title page.09:17
godbykthorwil: basically it's a really simple title page that comes before the nice title page.09:17
godbyksince it's abutted against the cover with the book is closed, it's what catches any damage.09:18
godbyk(at least that was the original idea centuries ago.  now they're not quite as necessary.. I'm just old-fashioned.)09:18
thorwilgodbyk: i think no, as it's one of those things that makes a book feel big09:18
thorwilgodbyk: in german, we call that a schmutztitel, literally "dirt title". no wonder i had to look up bastard/half title09:21
thorwilhooray for information technology's lack of specific native german terms09:22
godbykheh.. well, it's not really an IT term -- just a publishing term.09:22
godbykBut I like scmuztitel.  It clearly defines its purpose. :)09:23
humphreybc1godbyk, an example of a half title?09:24
thorwilgodbyk: that's what i mean. IT does not have that native language baggage typography or other old fields have, making it a lot easier for bi-linguals09:24
godbykah, I see.09:26
godbykhumphreybc1: sure, one sec.09:26
godbykhumphreybc1: http://kevin.godby.org/ShinyHappyUsersWithCover.pdf09:27
godbykso the first page is the cover. the second is the backside of the cover. ignore those.09:27
godbykthen you have the half-title page.09:27
godbykthen there's a frontispiece (it's there because there were two title page proposals and that was part of the losing one. so I put it there as a compromise)09:27
godbykthen you have the full title page (with all the authors)09:28
godbykthen the copyright page09:28
godbykthen the contents, main matter, back matter, etc.09:28
godbykwhat's the easiest way to extract a single page out of a pdf?09:32
godbyk(just so you don't have to download to full copies of the book when I show you this page)09:33
godbykthorwil, humphreybc1, et al.: what do you think of this text that I added to the copyright page?  (it differs slightly for print and screen versions.)09:38
godbykHey, komsas. How's it going?09:45
komsashi godbyk, I'm good, thanks09:47
komsasgodbyk: do you know where is better to translate web page, there is ubuntu-manual-website project and ubu-man-website-translations template in the ubuntu-manul?09:51
godbykyeah, it shouldn't actually matter -- they're the same translations in both (and launchpad will copy them across the two projects)09:51
humphreybc1godbyk, looks good09:51
godbykwe copied the translations into the ubuntu-manual project so that translators would see them and translate them.09:51
godbyk(since we started the -website project a bit later and it seemed like the translators hadn't noticed it yet)09:52
humphreybc1i have avatar on blu ray and a tonne of snacks09:52
humphreybc1i'm going to watch it now09:52
thorwilgodbyk: firefox/wget hang on connecting to kevin.godby.org09:54
thorwilgodbyk: according to the last comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/570377 , i just need to fix a lsight accidental transparency that shouldn't be there in the first place to get correct pdf export09:56
manualbotLaunchpad bug 570377 in inkscape "Erroneous PDF export of scaled rectangles" [Undecided,New]09:56
godbykthorwil: it worked okay here.09:56
godbykthorwil: nice.. that's an odd bug, isn't it?09:57
thorwilgodbyk: yes. that i ended up with 98% transparency is likely related to the tools remembering last used options. though even then i don't know how i can have one reactangle at 100 and the other on 98 in my test file, where i didn't touch that slider at all09:59
thorwilgodbyk: unfortunately, none of the elements in the UMP logo is at less than 100% opacity :<10:03
thorwilgodbyk: just did an export with the vector icon included and it comes out fine, now. but i happen to be using the latest inkscape bzr, so i don't know what fixed it now10:06
thorwilinsanity here i come10:06
godbykI guess I can try converting your svg here and see what blows up, too.10:07
godbykwell, actually, this is the cover.10:07
godbykso it doesn't matter.10:07
thorwilstill no luck with Connecting to kevin.godby.org10:07
godbykyou can do whatever you want, as long as you give me a PDF in the end. :)10:07
godbykthorwil: maybe try kevingodby.org?  it should be the same site.10:08
thorwilgodbyk: yeah, i will of course commit svg and pdf for this one10:08
godbyk(in case it's a weird dns thing that only affects the godby.org domain)10:08
godbykokay, I'll just email 'em to ya.10:08
thorwilresolution to is correct?10:08
godbykthorwil: sent.10:09
godbykthorwil: yep, that's it.10:10
thorwilgot the mail10:11
thorwilgodbyk: good10:12
godbyk'kay.  I'll go with those then.10:12
godbykanything else important that should go on the copyright page?10:12
godbykI fixed the blank pages before the index (it was adding an extra blank page).10:13
godbyknow the pdf is sitting at 164 pages, which is quite handy as it's evenly divisible by 4.10:13
godbykthough I'm still considering the schmutztitel.10:14
thorwilgodbyk: i just exported the lulu cover from inkscape to a 300 dpi png and rendered a pdf of the same via gimp to do a visual diff. they are identical10:20
thorwilcouldn't be sure about that anymore10:20
godbykI don't blame yout.10:20
godbykyou, rather.10:20
godbykI just finished surveying the perfect bound books on my shelves and all but two of them had half-title pages.10:21
thorwilhumphreybc1, godbyk: once i get that ubuntu logo, shall we run with just the current design with this single addition, or do you still want quotes on there?10:21
godbykI'm okay with the current design. I don't know if humphreybc1 still wants quotes or not. I'm not sure if he got more than the one.10:22
godbykI think the quotes probably aren't necessary for the hard copy, since it's not sitting on a shelf hoping someone buys it.10:22
godbykif you're looking at a hard copy, then you (or someone) has already bought it.10:22
godbykthorwil: how strongly against half-title pages are you?10:23
godbykI'm proposing to use them in the printed book, but not in the on-screen pdf.10:23
thorwilgodbyk: strong like the hut of the first of the 3 pigs10:23
godbykthorwil: okay, let me whip one up real quick and we'll see how it looks.10:25
godbykare you at all tempted by colophons?10:25
thorwilyou mean production notes?10:26
godbykbasically, yeah. typefaces used, any special production notes, etc.10:26
thorwilnice to have. shows some respect/support to the projects we benefit from10:27
thorwiltypefaces first, inkscape last or not at all ;)10:27
godbykat this point, I'm almost loathe to mention inkscape at all with as much trouble as it's given us!10:28
godbykI'll type up some notes and run 'em past ya.10:28
thorwilyeah, there's just really no alternative for the work i did on the titlepage. could have assembled the parts in scribus, perhaps, but created them10:30
godbykyeah, inkscape has sucked away a lot of our time.10:31
godbykwe *could* have done it in LaTeX itself, but that brings its own problems -- namely, that you're fiddling with numbers all the time instead of just moving things around and aligning them by eye.10:31
ubuntujenkinsthis is strange irc still works the textlive download is still going but I can't view any webpages10:38
godbykthorwil: were the icons on the cover designed by us or did we snag those from somewhere?10:43
thorwilgodbyk: the globe and the pseudo-text have shapes taken from the Humanity icon set. rest from scratch10:44
godbykthorwil: do we need to cite that (or should we)?10:45
thorwilgodbyk: actually, the mouse pointer is from that set, too, i mean to recall10:45
thorwilvish: ^ what do you think?10:45
thorwilgodbyk: i think it's the right thing to do10:46
vishmeh , i dont know squat about copyrights!10:46
godbykvish: what license are the icons under?10:47
vish"This package is licensed under GNU General Public License version 2."10:48
vishfrom the authors file   ^ , still dont know what it means though ;p10:49
godbykso we're not required to cite the source.10:49
godbykso the question is just 'should we?' :)10:49
ubuntujenkinsI think it would be nice to if we have some where good to put it10:51
godbykthorwil: I've emailed you the colophon as it looks right now.10:51
godbykfor those who can actually get to my website, it's online at: http://kevin.godby.org/private/junk/colophon.pdf10:51
godbykubuntujenkins: we've got someplace to put it now. :)10:51
ubuntujenkinscan you mail it to me i cant get onto webpages but can recive e-mails10:52
godbyksure. what address, ubuntujenkins?10:52
thorwilgodbyk: now i can get that pdf10:52
ubuntujenkinsin that case put it in as I would apreciate it being put in if it was my work. ubuntujenkins@googlemail.com10:52
godbykubuntujenkins: sent10:53
godbykthorwil: great!10:53
godbykAlso, I would normally mention that, say, the title page and cover was designed by thorwil, the book interior was designed by blah, etc.10:54
godbykDo we want to call out individuals or just let them reside in the credits with everyone else?10:54
godbyk(I'm leaning toward the latter, as I don't suppose the designers are more important than the authors and translators, but that's just me.)10:54
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: I like it, especially the quickshot one :)10:55
godbyk(since we're not listing authors on the title page like you normally would to give them more prominence.)10:55
ubuntujenkinsI think all in the credits10:55
thorwilgodbyk: "The pointer arrow, globe and the documents pictogram on the title page are made of or contain shapes taken form the Humanity icon set."??10:55
godbykare there other tools that we relied on that should be mentioned?10:55
godbykthorwil: sure. works for me.  do we have a url for the humanity icon set?10:55
godbyk(since I'm linking to everyone else)10:56
godbykubuntujenkins: you guys should get quickshot.ubuntu-manual.org (or quickshot.org or whatnot) set up sometime. :)10:56
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: yep I will speak with everyone soon about it letting this release of the manual roll through10:56
thorwilgodbyk: wait, "The title page pictograms contain shapes taken from the Humanity icon set."10:56
godbykthorwil: I like that better.  More concise.10:57
thorwilgodbyk: https://launchpad.net/humanity10:57
thorwilvish: there's no project homepage for Humanity, besides the LP page, right?10:58
ubuntujenkinsalso godbyk do you know how big the texlive svn repo is?10:58
godbykubuntujenkins: no clue. I'm guessing it'd be huge, though.10:58
thorwilgodbyk: i don't think calling out individuals belongs in the production notes10:59
godbykAre there any other tools we used that I've left out of the list?10:59
godbykthorwil: fair enough.10:59
thorwilgodbyk: bzr?11:00
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: it is at 2.9 gb so far but its going at 18kiB/s the sever is so slow.11:00
godbykI think svn has built-in throttles so it's always slow.  At least it seems that way with all the servers I've used.11:00
ubuntujenkinsthat sucks11:01
godbykI've updated the colophon.pdf file at the url above if you want to double-check my spelling and everything.11:04
thorwilgodbyk: both lines refering to the title page should be paired11:06
thorwilgodbyk: easiest to achive by moving "e screenshots were captured using ishot," one up11:06
godbykthorwil: good call11:06
godbykshould we promote Quickshot or demote it a line?11:06
ubuntujenkinspromote it :) we need the advertising11:07
godbykubuntujenkins: works for me! :)11:07
godbykI've just uploaded the latest draft to http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-final-draft.pdf11:13
godbyk(I'm going to regenerate the half-title page PDF on my lucid laptop so it doesn't look so crappy)11:13
godbykwhoops.. forgot to set it to print instead of screen.11:14
godbykone moment11:14
godbykokay, now the print version is uploaded11:16
godbyker.. uploading.. in progress.11:16
godbyk*Now* it's uploaded.11:16
godbykokay, fixed the half-title page.11:26
godbykassuming that aren't any horrible bugs that cause me to add or remove pages, we're sitting at 168 pages.11:27
godbykso let me plug those numbers into lulu and get thorwil his final dimensions for the cover.11:28
godbykthorwil: final cover dimensions are:11:30
godbykSpine width: 27.08 Postscript points wide (0.376")11:31
godbykSpine begins 621 Postscript points (8.63") from the left.11:31
godbykTotal cover width: 1269.08 X 810 Postscript points (17.63" X 11.25")11:31
godbykthose dimensions include the 0.125" border that's trimmed (for the full bleed).11:31
nisshhhehehe, guess what i just did?11:31
godbyknisshh: what?11:31
nisshhhacked my parents xp machine since they were abusing my net connection11:32
nisshhso fun11:32
nisshhthey are all standing around it going "what the hell?"11:32
nisshhserves them right11:32
nisshhbrb, dinnertime11:33
godbyknisshh: now the real question is, were they abusing *your* net connection, or are you trying to freeload off *their* net connection? :)11:33
bittinHello, do you need more Swedish Translators_11:34
godbykHey, bittin. Quite possibly.11:35
bittin=) then i should try to look into that, just listned to latest Full Circle Magazine Podcast and heard about this project :)11:35
godbykbittin: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+lang/sv11:35
ubuntujenkinsbittin: I think artnay is doing swedish i think he would welcome the help11:35
bittiniam a bit tired today tough coded and sleept 4hours tonight, but will look into it tommorow =)11:36
godbykbittin: You'll probably want to glance through the translators' chapter in this PDF: http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/style-guide.pdf11:36
godbykthat'll help you figure out which parts you should and shouldn't translate.11:37
godbykbut if you have any questions, feel free to ask away.11:37
bittingodbyk: will do that :)11:37
bittinbtw on a little offtopic note: you know if i can preorder Ubuntu 10.04 cds from shipit yet?11:40
godbykbittin: I'm not sure if you can yet or not.11:40
happyaronhi, I wonder which tex we use? latex or xetex11:40
ubuntujenkinsI think i saw an omg ubuntu post saying you can11:40
bittinseems like you can :)11:40
bittinme likes latex11:41
happyaronbittin: can I switch to use xetex to produce my pdf (for zh_CN)11:41
bittindunno =(11:41
godbykhappyaron: We're using XeLaTeX to make translations work more easily.11:42
happyarongodbyk: so can we generate zh_CN books? or can you tell me how to try it out?11:42
godbykhappyaron: I'm hoping we can.  I haven't set up all the Chinese stuff yet, though.11:42
godbykhappyaron: You can see the current Chinese PDFs here: http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/11:43
happyarongodbyk: our team want's to make sure things can work so that we can kick off the translation work11:43
godbykOnce I've got the English version of the manual released (only two more days to go), I'll start working on setting up the translated manuals.11:43
happyaronthat sounds good11:44
godbykhappyaron: I understand.  Have you used XeTeX before?  If so, I may pester you for help if I get stuck. :)11:44
happyarongodbyk: sorry I know very little about tex, and just tried ConTeX before, :)11:45
godbykWell, we'll get it all worked out.11:45
godbykIf you guys do the translations, we'll find a way to make it work. :-)11:46
bittindo you have any mailinglist?11:46
happyarongodbyk: there is another problem that we don't know how to translate the control sets (I mean the gramma of tex)11:46
happyaronbittin: are you asking me?11:46
bittiniam asking the whole channel :)11:47
ubuntujenkinsbittin: join https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual and the mailing list is at the bottom11:47
bittinah ok11:47
happyarongodbyk: and looking at the current build, it seems that there isn't a Chinese font in use11:47
bittinwill do that11:47
godbykhappyaron: Yes, the mailing list is on the left-hand side of this page: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual11:47
godbykhappyaron: that could very well be. I think when I first started searching for fonts for all the languages, the Chinese translation didn't exist yet.11:48
bittinnow i should continue powernapping, but will look into some swedish translating tommorow11:48
bittinand learning LateX11:48
godbykhappyaron: You'll probably want to glance through the translators' chapter in this PDF: http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/style-guide.pdf11:48
godbykhappyaron: It'll show you what parts to translate and which parts to leave as-is.11:49
bittindownloaded style-guide now11:49
happyarongodbyk: that's good11:49
bittincya tommorow =)11:49
ubuntujenkinsbye bittin11:49
godbykSee ya later, bittin!11:49
happyarongodbyk: can I recommend several Chinese fonts for you now? I mean free fonts11:49
godbykhappyaron: As you're translating, if you have any questions feel free to email the list or pop in here.11:50
godbykhappyaron: Yes, please do!11:50
happyarongodbyk: wqy-microhei, wqy-zenhei11:50
godbykI've not typeset Chinese before, so I don't know which fonts look the best for a book.11:50
happyarongodbyk: ukai, uming11:51
happyarongodbyk: these four are the best ones11:51
godbykhappyaron: Cool.  Which do you think would work best for the text of a book?  And which for the headings?11:52
happyarongodbyk: wqy-microhei for headings, uming for text11:52
ubuntujenkinshello Daker11:53
Dakerhumphreybc1, ping11:55
godbykDaker: I think he's still watching Avatar.11:56
Dakercan someone explain this :"Create a "star" feature thing that shows the manual available on lulu.com - I'll do a mockup of what I want soon and email it to you."11:56
hemanththe translation link on the wall of The Ubuntu Manual is broken?11:57
godbykDaker: He had a mockup someplace.  But basically he wants a callout that mentions we have printed versions of the book available.11:58
godbykhemanth: It is?11:58
ubuntujenkinshemanth: what wall facebook?11:58
godbykDaker: http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/manual-print.png11:58
godbykDaker: It doesn't need to look exactly like that.  That's just the general idea he's talking about.11:58
hemanthgodbyk, seems so11:59
hemanthubuntujenkins, http://www.facebook.com/#!/ubuntumanual11:59
Dakergodbyk, ah oki11:59
ubuntujenkinslast psot right hemanth. I can fix it11:59
hemanthyup ubuntujenkins11:59
godbykah.. facebook converted the + to a space (hex 20)12:00
Dakerlulu.com doesn't provide these things ?12:00
godbykDaker: not that I know of.12:00
ubuntujenkinsI have commented on the post with a new link12:00
hemanthgodbyk, FB fail ah ? ;)12:00
godbykwhen thorwil's finished with the cover, I'll be able to give you a link to our book on the lulu site.12:00
godbykhemanth: apparently.12:00
* ubuntujenkins is a facebook group admin12:01
ubuntujenkinswow Malaysia is our most active country12:01
* godbyk has no idea if he's a fb group admin or not.12:01
* Daker too12:03
ubuntujenkinsask humphreybc112:11
godbykAs long as no one needs me to mess around with the FB page, I'm happy to leave that to others. :)12:16
hemanthubuntujenkins, deb file is ready now...[its very naive i know]12:18
humphreybc1what's happening people?12:37
godbykFinally done watching Avatar, humphreybc1?12:38
humphreybc1it IS 3 hours long after all12:38
humphreybc1daker, godbyk, you're now admins on FB12:38
godbykOh, yay. :P12:39
dakerhello humphreybc112:39
humphreybc1hey daker!12:39
humphreybc1long time no see :P12:39
dakerexams :)12:39
humphreybc1ah, fair enough12:39
humphreybc1are they finished now?12:39
humphreybc1nice. There's lots to do :P12:40
dakeri started working yesterday with godbyk12:40
nisshhgodbyk: nah its a shared net connection, they were abusing the download speed...12:41
dakerwww.ubuntu-manual.org is pointing to the folder "main" on the branch & test.ubuntu-manual.org is pointing to the "test" folder12:42
nisshhdaker: yesterday we were all like: where the hell is daker?12:42
nisshh"we need you daker!"12:42
godbyknisshh: who pays for it? :)12:42
nisshhmy parents12:42
godbykso it's really *their* internet.. :)12:43
humphreybc1daker, no worries. There's a new video to go on the Contributors page. I'm sorry I left you out the first time, but I've re-rendered it and you're now in the video :)12:43
nisshhyea, but it makes me feel sick just thinking that12:43
nisshhsince they dont even know how to use it!12:44
humphreybc1We also need to make sure when the countdown reaches zero, the main page changes to the correct home page (with the fading animation of the pictures and the download link + features)12:44
humphreybc1the download links need to work, too12:44
godbyknisshh: heh. I've been there.12:44
nisshhgodbyk: yea, not funny is it?12:44
humphreybc1and also, we need to make sure the language selection on ubuntu-manual.org/downloads lists only languages that are actually available (ie, finished)12:44
godbyknisshh: moving out fixed a lot of those issues. :)12:44
dakeroki humphreybc112:45
godbykI think I had set up a router that shaped the bandwidth to guarantee I always had most of it.12:45
nisshhgodbyk: too bad they still claim ownership of me!!!12:45
* nisshh shakes fist at his parents12:45
humphreybc1daker: any more questions, ask me asap because i'm having an early night tonight (9am lab tomorrow)12:46
nisshhgodbyk: i use about 80% of the bandwidth currently, they just happen to leave stuff running in the background all the time that is constantly downloading/uploading data12:47
godbyknisshh: ah, that sucks.12:47
humphreybc1godbyk, thorwil, give the design team until the end of this working day to get the Ubuntu logo SVG to us. If they haven't emailed it to us by then, upload the PDFs to lulu.com without it.12:48
nisshhgodbyk: yea and they use XP still so i cant do a: pkill all-the-shit-on-my-parents-computer12:48
humphreybc1it's currently just about 1pm in London12:48
humphreybc1so they have another 4 hours.12:49
godbykhumphreybc1: 'kay.12:49
humphreybc1shit, 36 hours till launch :S12:53
godbykYou better be at the party, humphreybc1!12:53
humphreybc1let's see, it'll be midday friday for me, i should be there :)12:54
ubuntujenkinswhat time is it released in the uk?12:54
humphreybc1the manual?12:54
humphreybc1or lucid?12:54
ubuntujenkinsmanual, i have had lucid for ages :)12:55
humphreybc1let's see, it'll be about 1am your time :)12:55
godbykIt'll be released whenever I feel like uploading it. ;-)12:55
humphreybc1UTC 0000 I think12:55
godbykAnd not a moment sooner!12:55
humphreybc1yeah, pretty much12:55
ubuntujenkinsI might be awake not sure12:55
humphreybc1the page will go up at midnight on wednesday/thursday12:55
humphreybc1(UTC, that is)12:55
humphreybc1no wait12:55
* humphreybc1 is confused12:56
humphreybc1as long as we get it out before Friday :P12:56
godbykSomewhere (on the FB page, maybe) someone said it was to be released at 12 PM UTC (which is 1200 UTC, not 0000 UTC).12:56
humphreybc1I think the countdown stops 12 hours before that12:56
humphreybc1gives us 12 hours to make sure everything's right?12:56
ubuntujenkinsthats what confused me12:56
humphreybc1it'll work out12:57
dakerour countdown stops at "2010, 3, 29 , 12, 00, 00"12:58
godbykWhatever. I'm hoping to have everything in place before all that anyway. :)12:58
humphreybc1when the countdown reaches zero, just change one line of code and push12:58
humphreybc1everything works :P12:58
humphreybc1that's the theory, anyway12:58
godbykI think I'll leave all this in daker's hands and go get some sleep. :)12:59
humphreybc1i'm gonna go to bed in a sec too12:59
ubuntujenkinsnight godbyk and humphreybc112:59
humphreybc1daker, anything you need to know, ask now!12:59
dakerone sec13:00
dakergo to sleep humphreybc113:01
humphreybc1godbyk, you converted the new video and stuck it in the right place?13:01
godbykhumphreybc1: yep.13:01
humphreybc1good good13:01
godbyksame place as before.13:01
humphreybc1godbyk, what text should we have in the star?13:02
humphreybc1currently it's "Did you know you can buy the manual in print?"13:02
godbykHmm.. I dunno.  Maybe just, 'Buy the book now!'13:02
godbykIt shouldn't be a question.. it should be an action.13:02
humphreybc1well in that case, on the download button we should have "Download for Free!"13:03
humphreybc1and then in the star "Buy the book!"13:03
humphreybc1So people don't get confuzzled13:03
humphreybc1"(00:03:35) iainfarrell: so I have been given the OK on the guide, am just waiting on the files now"13:03
humphreybc1"(00:03:41) iainfarrell: once I have those I can share them"13:04
humphreybc1"(00:03:48) humphreybc1: email em straight to Thorsten :)"13:04
humphreybc1"(00:03:52) iainfarrell: will do"13:04
ubuntujenkinsis that the logo?13:04
humphreybc1thorwil: once you get the logo, stick it in the cover and give it to godbyk13:04
humphreybc1godbyk, upload it as soon as soon as possible13:04
humphreybc1then once it's available to purchase, give the purchase link to daker so he can hyperlink the star, and copy me in so I can buy a copy13:05
* humphreybc1 is buying a copy and shipping it to doctormo's house, who is bringing it to UDS13:05
godbykwhen's UDS?13:06
humphreybc1yup, but i need to make sure it arrives before Martin leaves13:06
humphreybc1May 10th - 14th13:06
humphreybc1Martin will be leaving next friday I think13:06
humphreybc1and if it takes 5 business days to ship, it might be cutting it rather fine13:06
godbykwell, you could always pay for faster shipping.13:06
godbykyou'll probably have to.13:06
godbykI'm not sure how long it takes to process the order (print it).13:07
godbykhumphreybc1: When I list the book on the lulu site, I'll need a list of keywords (tags) to include along with the description.13:09
humphreybc1I'm sure we can come up with some nice words13:09
godbykmaybe email the list and ask for suggestions, too. I don't care. :)13:09
humphreybc1so for release, we need to have a mother metric shit tonne of hype13:10
godbykhumphreybc1: that's what you're here for. :)13:10
godbykhumphreybc1: When I added my previous lulu book to the cart, it says it ships in 3-5 business days.13:11
godbykhumphreybc1: and the hardcover edition says 10-15 business days.13:11
humphreybc1hm okay13:12
humphreybc1what's the next step up?13:12
humphreybc12 - 4 days?13:12
godbykno, no.. that's the amount of time before they ship the book.. not before it arrives.13:12
godbykso 3-5 days + shipping time = time before book arrives.13:12
godbykhumphreybc1: https://support.lulu.com/View.jsp?procId=3f90e5ca51ccacbcba3ac4244d1919e413:14
godbykhumphreybc1: and https://support.lulu.com/View.jsp?id=3df8f1868451c350--3ccc0178-1258d4d49d9--7f18&fromProcRevs=5d3751aa33726de81e4672019694011113:14
humphreybc1how much is Express?13:15
humphreybc1I'll probably have to go for Expedited13:15
humphreybc1or just get it shipped to belgium?13:15
godbykheh.. you could, I s'pose.13:16
godbykif there's someone in Belgium to receive it for you.13:16
humphreybc1the hotel?13:16
godbyk(or you contact the hotel first)13:16
humphreybc1it would probably arrive while i'm there13:16
popeywill you be signing copies :)13:16
humphreybc1popey: sure13:16
humphreybc1popey: what do you think? ship it to the hotel?13:17
godbykjust for popey13:17
humphreybc1I want to have a copy to show off at UDS :P13:17
humphreybc1also, godbyk, we should order a copy and ship it around the world to each key contributor to get a heap of signatures13:17
popeyshould be enough time surely?13:17
humphreybc1popey: hmm. It reckons it takes 3-5 business days to actually *make* the book, then it takes anywhere from 1 - 5 business days to ship it inside the USA, depending on how much you spend on shipping. My plan was to ship it to doctormo and he said he'd take it across the atlantic for me.13:18
popeysounds like a plan13:18
godbykit says there may be additional shipping time for our book since it's only printed in the US.  if I set up a special edition just for humphreybc1 with the cheaper paper, it may get there a little bit faster, I'm not sure.13:18
popeythats LuLu is it?13:18
humphreybc1or, popey, i could ship it to the hotel in Brussels13:19
godbykpopey: yeah13:19
humphreybc1I'm there for a week, after all13:19
humphreybc1(get it shipped to popey perhaps?)13:19
popeyif they do printing inthe UK, yeah13:19
popey2 days in the uk it says13:20
humphreybc1to print or ship?13:20
humphreybc1that's pretty good13:20
godbykWow.. the UK is so tiny! :)13:20
popeygo to lulu.com/uk and click "shipping" down the bottom13:20
humphreybc1should we do that then?13:20
godbykThat's if we use the cheap paper.13:20
c7phello guys13:20
humphreybc1they only print on cheap paper in the UK?13:20
popeythey can ship on saturday too13:20
godbykThe nicer paper is apparently only printed in the US.13:21
humphreybc1how bad is the cheap paper?13:21
godbykper the asterisk.13:21
popeynice url13:21
godbykI don't know, I haven't used it.13:21
godbykpopey:  no kidding.. they're all like that.13:21
humphreybc1godbyk, i spose you could do a special edition for yours truly13:22
humphreybc1I might buy a couple of copies then, since it'll be cheaper with the cheap paper13:22
godbykI should switch my website from kevin.godby.org to dce8e3f9-3834-403b-a073-8aac6ee7bc6d.com.13:22
humphreybc1(give one to Mark?) hehe13:22
popeywell, if you decide you want one shipped to the UK, lemme know13:22
humphreybc1popey: will do, thanks13:22
godbyk'kay. I'll set up one using the cheap paper just for you, then. :)13:22
godbykYou'll save $0.005/page.  Yay!13:23
humphreybc1how much is it with the cheap paper? $6 USD or something right?13:23
humphreybc1I bet you it's just recycled toilet paper13:23
popeywhy recycle?13:24
humphreybc1just used toilet paper, then13:24
godbykhumphreybc1: something like that, yeah.13:24
humphreybc1i should really drop this 1 from my nick13:24
humphreybc1we'll want to make sure we have those counting scripts set up, so we can really see if we reach our download goal :)13:25
* ubuntujenkins starts ripping up the old quickhsot branch13:25
godbyklooks like $6.52 for the cheap paper and $9.70 for the nicer paper.13:26
humphreybc1and give godbyk's dreamhost server an aneurysm13:26
humphreybc1+ shipping is...?13:26
godbykno clue13:26
godbykwon't know 'til you get to the checkout process, I imagine.13:26
humphreybc1i was going to do the math and currency conversion to see if i can afford more than one copy :P13:26
humphreybc1(of my own creation, fitting, really)13:27
humphreybc1anyone else use Pidgin in here?13:28
humphreybc1(as an IRC client)13:28
godbykI use pidgin, but not for irc.  I use xchat for that.13:29
godbyk(and not that watered-down gnome version, either!) :)13:29
dakerxchat too13:29
godbykokay, guys. I'm gonna head to bed.13:29
godbykI'll be back in 6-8 hours.13:29
c7pon string 1285 it says "Not sure about this bit - probably needs to be fleshed out some more for next release --jaminday" and under this string there is a 'type: comment'13:31
humphreybc1c7p: is that in the final PDF?13:31
humphreybc1okay, good!13:32
c7pi can find it on launchpad13:32
godbykat least I hope it's not13:32
humphreybc1don't translate it13:32
c7pand other similar strings13:32
godbykif it is, tell me where and I'll fix it when I awake.13:32
godbykI need to figure out how to get po4a to just not even mention the comments to the translators.13:32
godbykwe also need to remove all the obsolete comments sometime.13:32
c7pyeah there are some of them13:33
humphreybc1we should pour some more work into po4a13:33
godbykmaybe.  we'll look into the whole translation toolchain at some point.13:33
thorwilgodbyk: there's about 1 tenth of a mm gap between a truly centered spine and the given offset from left side, but aside of that, the svg no conforms to the new measures ;)13:33
godbykthorwil: awesome.13:34
humphreybc1godbyk, will the cheaper paper affect the thickness of the book?13:34
godbykthorwil: since their printing process is rather inaccurate, that 0.1mm gap will be enlarged anyway. :)13:34
godbykhumphreybc1: probably, yes.13:34
humphreybc1godbyk: so does that mean my special edition will have screwed up covers?13:35
godbykbut since it's just a cheap copy, I'll use the same PDF and let lulu crop it or something.13:35
thorwilgodbyk: good thing i'm not a mechanical engineer13:35
godbykwell, it won't be *that* different.13:35
humphreybc1i don't want some thing to show off that looks like it's been nuked13:35
humphreybc1that wouldn't be a good look13:35
c7pand another question. The https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+pots/ubuntu-manual/el/1283/+translate shouldn't be translated, right ?13:35
* humphreybc1 likes how launchpad lets you link to exact strings13:36
humphreybc1c7p: no, don't translate it13:36
godbykstandard paper says the spine width will be 27.24 pt.  Publisher grade says it should be 22.82 pt.13:36
godbykSo a 5 pt difference in spine width between the two types of paper.13:36
humphreybc1godbyk, that's quite a big difference13:37
godbykwell, here are the full specs if you want to sweet-talk thorwil into design a cover for your one-off copy:13:37
godbykSpine width: 22.82 Postscript points wide (0.317")13:37
godbykCover size: 1264.82 x 810 Postscript points (17.567" x 11.250")13:37
godbykSpine begins: 621 Postscript points from the left (8.625")13:37
humphreybc1do lulu have somebody actually check the books as they go out? ie, not machiens13:37
godbykno clue.13:38
* thorwil crosses arms in front of chest and stares at godbyk and humphreybc113:38
humphreybc1i guess i'll just cross my fingers my edition isn't screwed up13:38
godbykhumphreybc1: pretty much, yeah.13:38
humphreybc1thorwil: entirely up to you if you want do a one off cover :)13:38
humphreybc1(with the smaller spine)13:38
* godbyk fears inkscape will just barf all over it13:39
godbykand, thorwil, just think of all the covers for all the translations.. :-)13:39
godbyk(they'll have varying page counts, so varying dimensions.  joy!)13:40
humphreybc1oh god, all the translations will be different13:40
godbykand with that good cheer, I think I'll go dream happy dreams.13:40
godbyksee you guys later!13:40
c7pwhen will the next meeting take place ?13:41
humphreybc1not sure, sometime after release13:41
humphreybc1probably during the week, actually13:41
c7pthis week?13:41
thorwilhumphreybc1: 1.5 mm difference in spine width. if lulu accepts the too large whole width, the effect of chopping that bit off should be so negligible that i will not care for a one-off13:41
humphreybc1maybe next week13:41
humphreybc1thorwil: ahh, fair enough then13:42
thorwilhumphreybc1: if there shall be translated lulu covers, we need something more clever than manual fiddling13:43
thorwilone could assemble the static front and back with a spine of varying width (spine content simply centered), but the wave of friends running across all 3 ruins that option13:45
dakerhumphreybc1, i need a small sentence13:47
dakersomething like this13:47
dakerYou Language doesn't exist click here to get informed when complet13:47
humphreybc1kk one sec13:49
humphreybc1thorwil: can we do some magical tile pattern with the wave of friends?13:51
humphreybc1daker, "We're sorry, but the language you have selected hasn't finished being translated. To help with the translation, click here or to find out when this translation is available, click here."13:52
humphreybc1"We're sorry, but the language you have selected hasn't finished being translated. To help with the translation, click here, otherwise enter your email address below and we'll let you know when it's done."13:53
thorwilhumphreybc1: hmm? the way the cover layout works, with horizontal positions of some elements related to the dots (or gaps), you need to treat the entire content as one block and just put it on page of the appropriate width to have enough material for the spine13:54
dakerhow can we email people ? feedburner ? or what ?13:55
humphreybc1daker: not sure... you'll have to talk to godbyk about setting up some database or something13:55
thorwilhumphreybc1: you know i'm not a native speaker, but doesn't that sentence suggest the language itself is occupied with being translated?13:55
humphreybc1thorwil: what I meant was take a little slice of the wave of friends and repeat it13:56
humphreybc1thorwil: yes, but we'll only be listing languages that are actually being worked on13:56
humphreybc1i see what you mean13:56
humphreybc1""We're sorry, but the manual hasn't finished being translated into the language you selected. To help with the translation, click here, otherwise enter your email address below and we'll let you know when it's done.""13:56
humphreybc1there, that's better. sorry13:56
godbyk-androidDaker: I think I emailed you some language for that a while back, but I might be wrong.13:56
godbyk-android(not at my computer now)13:57
thorwilhumphreybc1: i can give you the smallest repeatable part of the wave of friends, if you see a use for that13:58
godbyk-androidAs for emails, just collect then in a database table four now (including the language they're looking for) and I will set up announce lists later13:58
dakergodbyk-android, oki13:59
humphreybc1thorwil: well what I was thinking is just have the wave expand if the spine gets wider, or reduce if the spine gets thinner. Or, actually, why not just run the circle of friends over the top of the thing and it won't matter if it expands or reduces in size, as long as the text is centered between the two rules13:59
godbyk-androidJust let the wave extend beyond the page borders and crop it to the page on expert to pdf14:01
thorwilhumphreybc1: we are likely talking about very few mm. not enough to add elements to the wave or take them out. the wave does extend beyond the page14:02
godbyk-androidExport rather14:02
thorwilgodbyk-android: that's what happens14:02
humphreybc1thorwil: so what's the problem exactly?14:02
godbyk-androidMaybe I'm not following what humphreybc1  is on about then.14:03
thorwilhumphreybc1: at some point things will become funny if you make the page wider for a wider spine, as the wave pattern is placed such that no heads are cut14:03
humphreybc1ah, right14:04
godbyk-androidWe could scale the band to keep the proportions and cuts.14:05
thorwilforgot to add a frame, but: http://www.foopics.com/showfull/3a77c8b5755489b1869af9d0c9097e8014:05
thorwilsee how everything is locked14:06
thorwilanyway, coffee, bbl14:06
humphreybc1godbyk, http://twitter.com/davidsiegel latest tweet14:07
humphreybc1godbyk-android: looks like they could use some of our help in gathering more data :P14:09
humphreybc1we should build data collection into the PDF, so we can track which areas get read the most... implants in readers eyes14:11
* humphreybc1 does want14:20
humphreybc1daker: Could you please add Chris Woollard to the contributors list under "translators" ?14:28
=== iant0 is now known as ianto
ubuntujenkins /me shouts at quickshot and goes back to revision16:29
* ubuntujenkins shouts at quickshot and goes back to revision16:29
dutchieyay, revisino16:30
ubuntujenkinsits electronics so not bad16:31
ChrisWoollardRE: the final draft. The translators layout on the credits looks a little odd.  It feels like the "any many others" looks like it is in the wrong place.18:13
dakerhhhhhh what18:13
dakerChrisWoollard, i think it in the right place18:15
dakerand not 'any many others' => 'and many others' :D18:16
ChrisWoollardmaybe you are right. It is probably me thinking horizontal alignment rather than vertical columns.18:36
ChrisWoollardAlso I don't think I was thinking in the right order18:36
dakerso you should speak to godbyk18:36
ChrisWoollardmy children wanted to watch shaun the sheep18:36
* ubuntujenkins today is not my day quickshot is driving me up the wall19:06
dakerwhat's wrong ?19:06
ubuntujenkinswell the main branch has stopped working since this morning. but there has been no commits and a new branch on my computer doesn't work19:07
ubuntujenkinsand all the other quickshot stuff i have tried to do today has failed19:08
thorwilgodbyk, godbyk-android: added and pushed titlepage/lulu_en.pdf. (still no ubuntu logo)19:40
* ubuntujenkins finally works out why it didn't work19:40
dakerubuntujenkins, when we can start to work on the server side ?19:41
ubuntujenkinsdaker: when you like, i suggest you speak to Red_HamsterX, but I would like to start getting a page on quickshot.ubuntu-manual.org about the project19:42
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: deals with the server stuff19:42
dakerthe reply from the serer should be in xml ? json  ? or plain text ?19:43
ubuntujenkinsnot really sure but currently we are reading a text file to get the info for what screenshots need to be done. the gui is my side really Red_Hamster-X is server. I have no server experince.19:45
dakeryou can try to write something that can read xml file or that interpret json format19:47
ubuntujenkinsI will always try, tbh i have not read an xml file or a json file even with my eyes. I still don't know very much python I have allot to learn this release19:51
dutchiepython has a json module built in19:52
dutchiepretty sure there's an xml one too19:52
dutchieyes, there is19:53
ubuntujenkinsok i will look at those. There may have been a reason behind using plain text i don't know19:53
dakerubuntujenkins, you should19:55
dakerxml format is very easy to interpret than the plain text19:55
dakerthorwil, ping20:15
thorwildaker: pong20:17
dakerthe bug you found (the footer) still exist ?20:17
dakertry see pls20:17
thorwildaker: footer layout is different now, but still running out of the page20:18
dakerubuntujenkins, running FF 3.5.9 ?20:19
thorwildaker: http://www.foopics.com/showfull/5685fd040678c5d0d4aa7a4c20169c8c20:20
ubuntujenkinsdaker: 3.6.320:20
dakerthe footer looks odd ?20:20
ubuntujenkinsin english it is fine in german it is.........20:21
* ubuntujenkins uploads pic20:21
dakervery odd because i am running 3.5.9 too20:23
dakerthe same thing as ubuntujenkins http://imagebin.org/9470320:26
* ubuntujenkins gives up and goes to bed21:14
dakernight ubuntujenkins21:14
ChrisWoollardHow often to manual builds on http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/ get rebuild?23:04
ChrisWoollardI mean rebuilt23:06
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: How often to manual builds on http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/ get rebuilt?23:08
godbykChrisWoollard: Whenever I happen to get around to running the script.23:08
ChrisWoollardfair enough23:10
godbykIt's not automated yet. It's just a bash script that I run after I've pulled the latest translations from Launchpad.23:11
godbykI'll run it again in a moment.23:11
godbykMy Internet is on the fritz again today, apparently.23:11
godbykdutchie: apparently.23:13
dutchiestupid b\r23:13
ChrisWoollardI know the feeling. I couple of weeks about I went away for the weekend and ended up staying in a place that had no Internet and only a very weak GPRS :(23:13
* dutchie regrets not using git from the start23:14
* godbyk pines for the simpler days of CVS.23:15
godbykOkay, not really. :)23:15
dutchieI now have a choice: 1) wait for someone in #bzr to tell me the bzr translation of "git add -p", 2) commit a massive mess of files that are all tangled up together or 3) carry on working and hope that I can untangle later23:17
dutchieI suspect I'm going to end up with number 323:17
dutchiestupid disorganised workflow23:17
dutchieI'll hope someone comes up with something overnight23:19
godbykg'night, dutchie23:23

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