
chrisccoulsonmicahg - is it mainly hardy porting you're involved with at the moment?00:07
micahgchrisccoulson: yes00:07
micahgchrisccoulson: just wondering if there's anything else for Lucid that's needed as we're down to the wire00:08
chrisccoulsonso, that's fairly important, but i'm not sure what progress has been made with all of that just yet00:08
chrisccoulsonthe only outstanding item for lucid really is lightning, but i'm still not sure whether removing it is the best way to proceed00:09
micahgchrisccoulson: not as much as I would have hoped, I have 6 out of 16 done.00:09
micahgchrisccoulson: are you sure that we can upload Seamonkey tomrorow?00:09
chrisccoulsonwe'll need to have a catch-up tomorrow possibly so i can get a feel for what else needs doing. i'm looking at epiphany atm for hardy00:09
chrisccoulsonyeah, seamonkey is next on my list00:10
micahgchrisccoulson: so, the only thing blocking Firefox ATM is cairo patch for hardy00:10
chrisccoulsonmicahg - that's fixed already00:10
micahgchrisccoulson: what do you mean?00:10
chrisccoulsonthe cairo patch didn't build on hardy did it?00:11
micahgI mean for Firefox 3.6 in Hardy00:11
micahgI think it's due to a cairo API change00:11
chrisccoulsonthe cairo patch we have in lucid needed a small change so that it builds on hardy too00:11
chrisccoulsonbut i've done that already00:12
micahgchrisccoulson: where?00:12
chrisccoulsonmicahg - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.6.head/revision/58700:13
chrisccoulsonand also the mozilla-kde patch introduces a change which bumps the minimum gtk requirement to 2.14 (which is newer than hardy)00:13
micahgchrisccoulson: great, I'll apply that and get firefox-stable up to date tonight00:13
chrisccoulsonbut i've got a local fix for that already too00:13
micahgchrisccoulson: well, do you want to backport the KDE fix, the kmozillahelper is only in Lucid00:14
chrisccoulsoni suppose we don't really need to backport the change for hardy00:14
micahgchrisccoulson: well, this is also for Jaunty and eventually karmic00:14
chrisccoulsonthat's ok, they both have a new enough gtk version00:15
chrisccoulsonhardy is on 2.12 though00:15
micahgchrisccoulson: right, well, I would think it raises the possibility of a regression if we backport the kde patch, wouldn't it?00:15
micahgalso, I've been dropping the patch for the firefox-stable PPA00:17
chrisccoulsonthats probably the case when we backport most things ;)00:17
chrisccoulsonbut, yeah, we probably don't need that patch in hardy00:17
micahgchrisccoulson: so, unless you need me to work on lightning tonight, I'll go back to porting00:18
chrisccoulsonif you don't think you could have lightning ready for tomorrow, then porting would probably be a better use of resource right now00:19
micahgchrisccoulson: I could probably, but I can't promise00:20
micahgchrisccoulson: is there a final call on sunbird?01:04
asacchrisccoulson: its beneficial to backport that patch to hardy api anyway as that is what mozilla will want when upstreaming ... of course we can do that when upstreaming ;)01:55
micahgrickspencer3: is there a deadline for blueprints?05:32
rickspencer3micahg, not really05:34
rickspencer3but if they are done by early next week, will be easier for me to schedule05:34
micahgrickspencer3: k, I have an idea for browser triage, but won't have time to write it up at least until next week05:35
rickspencer3micahg, ok05:35
rickspencer3go ahead and register it05:35
rickspencer3and you can fill in the details later05:35
micahgrickspencer3: ok05:35
rickspencer3micahg, will you be there?05:35
micahgrickspencer3: yep05:35
rickspencer3of remote?05:35
rickspencer3looking forward to meeting you05:35
micahgrickspencer3: I'm looking forward to meeting you as well05:36
rickspencer3micahg, did you see the instructions for registering?05:38
* rickspencer3 digs up05:38
micahgrickspencer3: yep, saw your dent about the video05:38
rickspencer3micahg, ok, sweet05:38
micahgthen saw that it's all on the wiki :)05:38
rickspencer3ok ;)05:38
* rickspencer3 off to watch tv with wife05:38
micahgrickspencer3: night05:39
micahgchrisccoulson_: seamonkey doesn't upgrade right now, I think we should skip the gnome replace stuff and SRU if we need to08:29
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BUGabundo_remoteDrop your fears and wave guud morning to the World! \m/08:46
micahgBUGabundo_remote: I have too many fears :)08:46
BUGabundo_remoteno you don't08:47
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gnomefreakok seems firefox is broken again11:59
gnomefreakand seamonkey12:01
gnomefreakcan someone test ctrl+alt++ to make page bigger. mine isnt working12:04
gnomefreakfirefox-bin is using >50% CPU i get the feeling it is broken12:14
gnomefreak3.7 is same12:15
gnomefreakasac: are you on holiday? havent seen you in a while12:38
asacgnomefreak: i am here ;)12:39
asacbut kinda on workiday ;)12:40
* gnomefreak going through seamonkey revisions, since it is broken12:41
* gnomefreak be back im guessing by moving gnome components is what is causing it to fail upgrade. but need smoke atm12:46
gnomefreakasac: is it the MPL that makes us use unbranded for pre-release, I know it is a Mozilla "rule" but i dont recall where it is stated.12:51
gnomefreakDASPRiD: i gave you the wrong irc server it is .org12:51
DASPRiDi know :)12:54
gnomefreak!info openbravo-erp13:01
ubottuPackage openbravo-erp does not exist in lucid13:01
gnomefreakand yet i keep being told it is13:01
gnomefreak!info openbravo-erp-openjdk13:02
ubottuPackage openbravo-erp-openjdk does not exist in lucid13:02
gnomefreakbe back tb is really starting to piss me off now13:16
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: is your last commit to SM2 going to fix the upgrade bug?13:26
chrisccoulsongnomefreak - most probably. i'm just rebuilding and testing again though13:26
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: ok thanks13:26
chrisccoulsoni really need to get this in today :-/13:27
chrisccoulsoni need a fast build machine ;)13:27
gnomefreakPPA not fast enough?13:27
gnomefreakSm is huge and took forever to build here too13:28
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, there's often a delay with the PPA's, so they end up taking longer13:34
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: good point13:34
chrisccoulsoni don't know how long sm2 took to build this morning, as i left it running whilst i went to the optician13:34
chrisccoulsonhopefully this will be the final iteration anyway, and then i can just upload ;)13:35
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, do you know why the mozilla-* transitional packages have been dropped?13:36
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: i thought they are still there13:38
gnomefreakbut the name uses unversioned so it most likely a side affect to useing same name13:38
chrisccoulsonit's ok to drop those actually, they have been transitional packages since hardy13:39
chrisccoulsonso they were only useful for dapper -> hardy upgrades13:39
chrisccoulsonso they could have been dropped several cycles ago really13:39
chrisccoulsonok, thats good then13:39
gnomefreakHardy->Lucid no problem?13:39
chrisccoulsonyeah, hardy-->lucid is no issue, as the transitional packages in hardy already pull in the proper packages13:40
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: ok cool13:49
gnomefreakok running ISO updates i willl be gone for ~1 hour or so.14:03
* chrisccoulson tries upgrading seamonkey again14:27
chrisccoulsonyay, success \o/14:29
asacchrisccoulson: can you get sm2 in the archive? or did that happen yet?16:20
chrisccoulsonasac - it will happen in the next few minutes as long as i don't find any more problems16:25
asacthat rocks16:26
asacsurvival of the fittest16:26
ftais anyone still using sm?16:27
ftahm, 0.76%16:28
ftawell, 0.76% installed, but 3 out of 11691 used it in the last 30 days :P16:30
BUGabundo_remoteI'm reading http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2010/04/27/admob-the-original-iphone-is-dead-android-becoming-increasingly-diversified/16:33
=== asac_ is now known as asac
chrisccoulsonasac - ok, that's uploading now (will be about 6 minutes or so)16:34
chrisccoulsonasac - uploaded now16:53
chrisccoulsonmicahg ^^16:53
chrisccoulsonthanks for working on it btw :)16:53
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm glad something got in :)16:53
micahgchrisccoulson: sorry about sunbird, I tried last night and for some reason, I couldn't get it to build, I looked at the debian build and couldn't see what's different16:55
chrisccoulsonmicahg - don't worry about that16:55
gnomefreakit takes a while to connect to debian servers and join the channel17:09
gnomefreakwell OFTC at least17:09
micahggnomefreak: sorry, but I think we missed Sunbird17:09
gnomefreakmicahg: thats ok i will update bugs, i was going to go through and close any sunbird bugs that we wont fix17:10
gnomefreakmicahg: any chance when you get spare time to at least set it up for PPA? Wait we are not getting lightning either?17:10
micahggnomefreak: k, lightning I'll shoot for early in Maverick and try to backport17:11
micahggnomefreak: not for release17:11
* gnomefreak thinks that should fit under SUR at least17:11
micahggnomefreak: well, that depends if we drop the source or not17:11
micahgchrisccoulson: can we drop the sunbird binary and then SRU lightning?17:11
gnomefreakdropping sunbird is going to be a question on the SRU17:12
gnomefreakas i recall we can not remove sources from stable releases17:12
gnomefreakwe only have what 2 days to do it in17:13
micahggnomefreak: right, so we need to drop it now17:14
micahgthe question is can we drop part of a pacakge?17:14
gnomefreakwell that im not sure of because changing source that much may not be allowed this late17:14
micahgrickspencer3: here's the blueprint I made BTW: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-browser-apport/17:15
rickspencer3micahg, kewl17:15
rickspencer3micahg, I accepted it for UDS17:16
micahgrickspencer3: awesome, so what did I get myself on the hook for this time?17:16
rickspencer3and I set you as drafter and chrisccoulson as approover17:16
rickspencer3micahg, well, we won't know until late next week at the earliest17:17
gnomefreakI thought we had to have debugging syms. and non-free doesnt ship them17:17
rickspencer3are you at UDS for all 5 days, any day better or worse for you?17:17
gnomefreakthat is for flash, that is why those crashes never collect info17:17
micahgrickspencer3: k, not really as long as it's not near the end on Friday17:17
micahgrickspencer3: sorry, yes to your first question, second question ^^^17:18
rickspencer3thanks micahg17:19
rickspencer3stay tuned17:19
micahgrickspencer3: k, thank you17:19
rickspencer3and don't forget to fill in a sufficient summary to facilitate good feedback from people who aren't there17:19
micahgrickspencer3: do I need to fill in more info before UDS?17:19
rickspencer3yes ;)17:19
* gnomefreak wonders how chris' build is going :)17:19
micahgrickspencer3: k17:19
* rickspencer3 whip cracking noises17:19
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, it's uploaded already ;)17:21
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: cool thanks. did you happen to push it to daily builds?17:21
gnomefreakstable version is more important for users17:22
gnomefreakoh Zamboni is a site or blog from what i can tell17:24
gnomefreakmicahg: ill be in and out over the next week or so, can you please keep me updated on sunbird-lightning so i can update bug reports once we know17:33
micahggnomefreak: k17:35
gnomefreak!info hplip-gui17:36
ubottuhplip-gui (source: hplip): HP Linux Printing and Imaging - GUI utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.10.2-2ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 70 kB, installed size 188 kB17:36
micahggnomefreak: I don't know if you should dupe sunbird bugs to lightning bugs17:36
gnomefreakmicahg: that bug was being closed sincce it was only sunbird no mention of lightning17:37
gnomefreakmicahg: and most of them use lightning-sunbird as source package17:39
micahggnomefreak: right, but sunbird should probably just be closed with a note of the lightning upgrade #17:39
gnomefreaklike i did first :(17:40
gnomefreaki can unmark it when i get there17:40
gnomefreakmicahg: fixed17:45
* gnomefreak doesnt want KDE/qt packages if i can avoid them17:54
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gnomefreakmicahg: or whoever is playing with firefox builds please see bug 512937  there are a bunch of them just i havent had a chance to look for them, but i would say this i a big problem21:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512937 in firefox "[master] package firefox 3.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: update-alternatives: error: alternative path /usr/bin/firefox doesn't exist." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51293721:28
gnomefreakah hes finding them21:29
micahggnomefreak: ?21:31
gnomefreakthe fail to install upgrade21:31
gnomefreakoh upgrade tpo lucid21:32
=== BUGabundo_dinner is now known as BUGabundo
micahggnomefreak: please make sure they are the same cause21:33
gnomefreakmicahg: i will, ok if i do it in the morning?21:33
micahggnomefreak: sure, it's too late now to change anyways unless aboslutely critical21:33
gnomefreakcompiz bug took me for a ride today (helping someone find it and such)21:33
micahgchrisccoulson: does the release team know about Seamonkey?21:34
chrisccoulsonmicahg - they generally check the queue frequently. had you already mentioned it to anyone on the release team?21:35
micahgchrisccoulson: not today yet, but the builders are idle21:35
chrisccoulsonmicahg - oh, ok. might be good to ping somebody. i'm looking at some other things atm though21:36
micahgchrisccoulson: k, np21:36
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gnomefreakanyone speak spanish? i could use a translation22:13
micahggnomefreak: yo hablo espanol :)22:13
gnomefreakmicahg: cool :) i have a feeling it is the same error but let me know22:14
gnomefreakmicahg: damn sorry nevermind22:14
gnomefreakupdate-alternatives: error: il percorso alternativo /usr/bin/firefox non esiste.22:14
gnomefreakdpkg: errore nell'elaborare firefox (--configure): il sottoprocesso vecchio script di post-installation ha restituito lo stato di errore 222:14
gnomefreaksame error by the looks of it22:14
micahggnomefreak: I thought we fixed all those22:15
gnomefreakalternative doesnt exsist22:15
gnomefreakmicahg: not from what im looking at but i am asking anyway :)22:15
gnomefreaksee bug 51293722:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512937 in firefox "[MASTER] package firefox 3.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: update-alternatives: error: alternative path /usr/bin/firefox doesn't exist." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51293722:15
micahggnomefreak: well, it'll only show up on upgrade22:15
gnomefreaki found one bug from a daily package but removed as a duplicate since they are updated without the official22:16
micahggnomefreak: looks like we didn't have a firefox link in the package22:16
gnomefreakcorrect from what i can see IIRC its just the .links file that needs it22:17
micahggnomefreak: no, it's actually shipped in hardy, karmic, and lucid22:18
micahgwe're shipping a bad file though in lucid which I'll have to fix in the next update22:19
micahgit's not linked anywhere so it won't hurt anything22:20
gnomefreakmicahg: ok. do you want the daily packages with the official ones (same bug)22:21
chrisccoulsonasac - i've been looking at bug 531882 this evening. it seems that the about handler doesn't allow relative URI's (and the css is specified in the start page as a relative path). do you think that's possible to override in ubufox (i can't find a way), or should we specify full paths to the css in ubuntu-docs?22:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531882 in ubufox "Default Home Page without style or images on offline mode" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53188222:21
gnomefreakassuming you will update the same time for both22:21
micahggnomefreak: it seems like I'll have to test in a Karmic VM22:22
gnomefreakshit i lost a bug :(22:23
micahggnomefreak: ?22:23
gnomefreaka bug #22:23
gnomefreaklooking for it22:23
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DASPRiDgnomefreak, did you look in your pocket?22:26
gnomefreakDASPRiD: i found it thanks. it was right where you said22:27
gnomefreak:) long day taking its toll22:27
DASPRiDtoll? the german word "toll"?22:27
gnomefreakmicahg: im noticing something 2 dailies and 2 official packages :)22:29
micahggnomefreak: specific versions?22:29
gnomefreakhold on a sec22:29
DASPRiDso, to continue thing from before: we'd like rolling branded releases of mozilla products in ubuntu :)22:29
micahgDASPRiD: that's already planned22:29
DASPRiDoh :x22:30
DASPRiDnow that's great :)22:30
micahgDASPRiD: but major versions probably won't be upgraded in archive until the branch is close to EOL22:30
micahgDASPRiD: but we have firefox-stable for that22:30
gnomefreak3.6.4~hg20100410r34032 nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1  3.6.5~hg20100416r34082 nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~karmic 3.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu4~mfs~karmic1 3.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu122:30
DASPRiDbut that 3.6 one is unbranded right?22:30
gnomefreakthose are the 4 versions found at this time. i will look for rest tomorrow.22:30
micahgDASPRiD: not in firefox-stable22:30
gnomefreakDASPRiD: only daily is22:31
DASPRiDthats my point :)22:31
micahgDASPRiD: dailies can't be branded22:31
micahgDASPRiD: latest released version will be made available in a branded form22:31
micahg*full release22:31
DASPRiDfull release = released on mozilla.org?22:31
micahgDASPRiD: full release = not a alpha, beta, or RC22:32
DASPRiDso when 3.6 is in lucid, we will get 3.7?22:32
DASPRiD(when it is final)22:32
micahgDASPRiD: no, 3.7 will hit lucid when 3.6 is EOL or close to it22:32
micahgDASPRiD: when 3.7 is final, we'll upgrade firefox-stable PPA to it though22:33
DASPRiDis hte firefox-stable ppa branded?22:33
micahgDASPRiD: yes22:33
DASPRiDthanks, that was my point :)22:33
gnomefreakok im out. i saved the ones marked as dups and will continue tomorrow22:33
DASPRiDso the firefox-stable ppa is the rolling release repos for firefox :)22:33
* gnomefreak tried to explain it was against mozilla "rules" to use official branding for non released22:33
gnomefreakDASPRiD: for <Lucid atm22:34
DASPRiDgnomefreak, i was never talkng about alpha/beta/rc :)22:34
micahgDASPRiD: yes, but archive will be also to some extent22:34
DASPRiDmicahg, is there also a thunderbird-stable ppa?22:34
micahgDASPRiD: soon :-/22:34
DASPRiDalight then, that sounds good22:35
micahgDASPRiD: I'll make an announcement on identi.ca and the ML when I push out thunderbird-stable22:35
DASPRiDit was pretty common prior that there poped up thousand tutorials to get the latest firefox/thunderbird version in ubuntu, and it was never that easy (especially for 64 bit)22:35
micahgDASPRiD: one of the goals for lucid was to make it possible to upgrade major versions for Firefox22:36
DASPRiDthat's a good goal :)22:36
DASPRiDis there a similar goal for OOo?22:37
micahgDASPRiD: not that I know of, there used to be a PPA22:37
micahgDASPRiD: https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa22:37
DASPRiDtest packages, well22:38
micahgDASPRiD: probably labeled that so ccheney doesn't have to fix stuff that doesn't work ;)22:38
DASPRiDwill the average user be able to find firefox-stable (and thunderbird-stable) PPAs easily? as in, will they be announced somewhere?22:39
micahgDASPRiD: well, firefox-stable is on the community help site, I also want to make some documentation on the Ubuntu wiki for Mozilla packages22:39
micahgDASPRiD: there was talk of a tool to help people find the version they want, but I don't know if we'll be able to do that for Maverick22:40
=== BUGabundo_Chuck is now known as BUGabundo_DrHous
micahgDASPRiD: lucid + 122:40
micahgDASPRiD: I want to focus on apport + cleanup for maverick personally, but we'll be discussing all this at UDS22:41
DASPRiDwhat's the S? :)22:41
micahgDASPRiD: summit22:42
DASPRiDah :)22:42
DASPRiDif you need a tool writer, i'm here ;)22:43
micahgDASPRiD: good to know22:43
micahgDASPRiD: python?22:44
DASPRiDhappy that you do not ask for C or something like that ;)22:44
micahgDASPRiD: it'll probably be some quick tool to just add repos and set proper apt pinning22:44
DASPRiDhm, quickly written in bash, no? ;)22:45
micahgDASPRiD: maybe quickly written in quickly :)22:46
micahg!info quickly lucid22:46
ubottuquickly (source: quickly): build new apps quickly. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.90-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 25 kB, installed size 336 kB22:46
micahgchrisccoulson: do are we dropping sunbird or the sunbird binaries or ???22:48
DASPRiDafaik there just won't be any upgrades anymore22:51
asacbdrung: so we need to fix all the plugin packages in SRUs now because ubufox/plugins/ directory has moved :/23:17
asacbdrung: flash/adobe-flash/gnash/swfdec ... not sure what other complex was properly shipping in that location23:18
asacbdrung: at best make that an SRU to get everything there except java which doesnt work there23:18
asacthanks for keeping your promise ;)23:19
* asac was once right ;)23:20
asacbdrung: oh ... and also for defaults/preferences ... some packages/overlays might ship something there (thats how i discovered that it was gone)23:20
=== BUGabundo_DrHous is now known as BUGabundo_Naruto
bdrungasac: what happened?23:25
bdrungasac: the browser plugins put some files into ubufox/plugins?23:28
bdrungasac: are there already bug reports filed?23:29
bdrungasac: apt-file shows mozilla-plugin-gnash and swfdec-mozilla23:38
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm not sure about just dropping one binary package. we should probably just drop the whole package and then work on backporting it in maverick23:39
bdrungasac: we have flashplugin-installer, mozilla-plugin-gnash, and swfdec-mozilla. anything else?23:43
asacbdrung: well. every other plugin that uses the alternative system is supposed to ship stuff there.23:57
asactotem plugin /mplayer too23:57
asacbasically all that != java23:57
asacfor now we just need to packages that ship the file there23:57
asacand file a bug against adobe-flashplugin package23:57
asacwhich is in the partner archive23:57
asacpackages that ship alternatives cannot be switched using theplugin alternative wizard in ubufox otherwise23:58
bdrungasac: alternative system?23:58
asacas firefox only sees one23:58
asacbdrung: checkout what gnash ships ;)23:58
asacit ships alternatives for flashplugin.so  or something23:58
asacand also the file directly in ubufox/plugins23:58
asacidea is that if you dont use ubufox you can still use update-alternatives as admin to select which one to use23:59
asac(which was the old way)23:59
asacbut if you have ubufox you can switch on the fly in the alternative wizard in firefox23:59
asacthe alternatives way of shipping things should die23:59
asacits a bloody mess23:59
asacif you look closer you will notice how bad it is ;)23:59

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