
h00kanony is trolling about a release party including sex/drugs/violence00:20
* persia suspects that's likely getting well offtopic00:25
h00kWe just had another kernel panic'er in #ubuntu00:33
marienzklined (I'm still hilighting, but if I have more than one hilight simultaneously I can be a little slow)00:34
Jordan_Uanony has now moved his trolling to #ubuntu+100:34
h00kmarienz: Yeah, they flooded off.  I was worried about being hilighted on that one ;)00:36
h00kJordan_U: I'll try to watch00:51
h00kJordan_U: Thanks for letting us know.00:52
h00kJordan_U: and I'll ask you to please /part as this channel is not for idling00:53
nhandlerAs a heads up, #ubuntu-release-party is now open. Everyone with voice in here has OP access in that channel.01:17
ubottuIn ubottu, FiReSTaRT said: !no outyet is <reply> A baby-kitten gets thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil every time you ask if it's out. Keep an eye on the website http://www.ubuntu.com and you'll know as soon as the rest of us do.01:21
tsimpsonand it begins01:21
* h00k grabs more coffee01:21
* persia kinda wishes all the u-r-p folk would just test the prerelease ISOs rather than fussing01:23
h00kI concur!01:24
IdleOnenhandler: not sure if it is UNE or UNR I saw there was a factoid named UNR so I went with it.01:54
nhandlerIdleOne: IIRC, UNR became UNE and KNE became KNR01:55
IdleOnelol nothing like mixing things up01:55
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu01:55
tsimpsonit's the only one I found01:56
tsimpson!search netbook01:56
ubottuFound: nbr01:56
IdleOneok but maybe add those two as aliases as people still use them01:56
nhandlertsimpson: The change was this cycle01:56
nhandler(or last)01:56
tsimpsonnhandler: I didn't make the factoid, I just found it in the depths of the database :)01:57
tsimpsonit's "Ubuntu Netbook Remix" on ubuntu.com01:58
IdleOneso UNR01:59
nhandlertsimpson: Where?01:59
nhandlerI'm pretty sure it is now UNE and KNR. The 10.04 RC release notes also support that02:00
tsimpsonnhandler: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-netbook http://www.canonical.com/projects/ubuntu/unr https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR https://launchpad.net/netbook-remix02:00
tsimpsoneverywhere ;)02:00
nhandlertsimpson: Most of those look like they haven't been updated for lucid02:01
nhandlerIt used to be UNR, but changed to UNE02:01
nhandlerSee https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-une02:02
nhandlerAnd check out the first item on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo#Netbook%20Packaging02:02
tsimpsonI just looked on http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/lucid/ and it says "Kubuntu Netbook Edition"02:04
tsimpsonit's "Edition" now02:04
* persia has mostly seen "Kubuntu Netbook" as opposed to "Kubuntu Desktop" without any other words02:04
tsimpsonsame with http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ s/Ku/U/02:05
h00kIt's true, it is Ubuntu Netbook Edition02:05
persia"Edition" matches the typical semantic use.  "Remix" was there for some time because it was originally an out-of-archive add-on Remix, and there was some confusion when it was adopted as a flavour.02:06
* persia should probably go document that somewhere less epheremal02:06
* persia should probably also learn to spell ephemeral02:07
nhandlerpersia: Take a look at the links I posted. UNR definitely became UNE. As for the Kubuntu netbook version, the todo item says it became KNR. The confusion comes from the fact that we have a lot of remnents on the web that use the old names02:08
nhandlerActually, let me just get a quick and easy answer to put this issue to rest02:08
persiaDon't bother.02:09
persiaI've been involved in "this issue" since intrepid.02:09
persiaIt probably won't go away for several more years, unfortunately.02:09
nhandlerpersia: Probably not. But we might as well have the factoids match up with the terms that are currently being used to describe the two editions.02:11
persiaI generally see folks call them "Ubuntu Netbook Edition" and "Kubuntu Netbook" currently.02:11
persiaBut the correct answer is what ends up on releases.ubuntu.com on release day.02:12
persia(and I've seen that change *hours* prior to release before)02:12
persiaI think we ought actively deprecate three letter acronyms.  We never used "UDE" or "USE" similar.02:13
ubottunbr aliases: unbr, une - added by Mez on 2009-08-25 22:19:54 - last edited by jussi01 on 2009-09-15 17:55:0302:15
tsimpsonblame them lot ;)02:15
persiaOh, it's probably worth noting that Canonical has a (separate) UNR that they provide to OEMs/ODMs.02:15
persia(see netbook-remix.archive.canonical.com, etc.)02:16
persiaWell, not necessarily worth noting in the factoid, but worth noting for those trying to understand the nomenclature to write good factoids.02:17
Pici(added #u-r-p info to the end of !lucid)02:17
* Pici sighs02:47
IdleOneI assume the !guidelines and !coc apply in #u-r-p?02:56
PiciThe rules of #ubuntu-offtopic apply there02:56
IdleOneSo anything goes within reason02:57
PiciWell, !coc and !guidelines apply02:57
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !no, java is <sed> s/$/ (!partner repository in Lucid)/03:30
* persia idly notes that the recommendation is to use openjdk-6-jre for which bugs can actually be fixed03:35
tonyyarussoIdleOne: with the added thing to note that we do not allow claiming it's released, linking to .pool directories, etc. that will cause undue hype and load on release servers before it actually is.  But otherwise yeah, basically an extension of offtopic.03:59
h00kAh, I remember this, now.04:00
IdleOnetonyyarusso: thanks04:00
h00kIdleOne: Do you want to finish the conversation with hiexpo?04:04
IdleOneI want to try to show him the path to enlightenment.04:05
IdleOnebut if he pushes to far...04:05
IdleOnehe is a good helper but loses his patience sometimes and the old rtfm attitude in him comes out sometimes04:06
h00kThat attitude does is not conducive to a positive environment :(04:07
IdleOneI know but I really do feel he can change. I did :)04:08
IdleOneWe just need to keep an eye out, if he gets out of line I'll be the first to ban him again.04:08
h00kWell, I suppose I won't hesitate if that happens again04:09
IdleOneh00k: :)04:09
IdleOneI wasn't trying to imply nobody can touch him. Just think he needs that positive reinforcement.04:10
h00kNah, I understand04:10
h00kIdleOne: goodcall on the pm04:28
IdleOneok I think I put it into clear terms what is expected from him.04:38
dholbachgood morning08:08
ubottuIn #ubuntu, mr_diggles said: ubottu: gah! that is what was suspecting..09:15
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:28
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:28
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:28
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:28
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:56
gnomefreakany chance of getting ubottu or other bots to add meeting info to topic like it used to be set up?18:02
gnomefreakinfo == what meeting and agenda link18:04
tsimpsongnomefreak: webcal is broken with google calendars, it's being rewritten18:10
gnomefreaktsimpson: ah thanks18:10
tsimpsongnomefreak: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bnrubin/+junk/GoogleCal in case anyone wants to help :)18:11
gnomefreaktsimpson: thanks18:11
* Pici reminds folks that after may 6th, I'll have more time to devote to coding all the projects that I haven't finished18:12
gordPici, not going to UDS then?19:56
Picigord: Unfortunately.  I was supposed to have an exam that week.19:57
gordoh, shame19:58
topyliPici, and now, no exam and no uds? :(20:22
Picitopyli: yeah :(20:23
gordwill the mighty topyli be making an appearance?20:25
topyligord, no. i'm busy even if i had he money :(20:26
gordyour supposed to apply for sponsorship!20:26
gordand take a week off! its like a holiday but you do lots and lots of work20:27
Davieywithout being paid \o/20:27
gordpfft speak for yourself20:28
topylii can't easily move conferences yet. one day i might be important enough, but not quite yet :)20:28
topylirhm. s/move/reschedule20:29
PiciI'll be busy on the 29th, can whomever changes the topic in #ubuntu also add a note about 8.10's EOL on the 30th?20:41
PiciOr... maybe we can drop some stuff from the topic now so theres room for that.20:42
tonyyarussoPici: the mention of #ubuntu+1 can be dropped when Lucid is final, so that will free up some.21:03
ubottunope. Lucid is due on 29th April. More info closer to the date.21:12
Myrttishould the factoid be pointing at -r-p?21:12
jpds                  _         _21:15
jpds _ __   __ _ _ __| |_ _   _| |21:15
jpds| '_ \ / _` | '__| __| | | | |21:15
jpds| |_) | (_| | |  | |_| |_| |_|21:15
jpds| .__/ \__,_|_|   \__|\__, (_)21:15
jpds|_|                   |___/21:15
MyrttiI feel old.21:15
* gnomefreak been using ubuntu since day 120ish so i feel old too :)21:16
tonyyarussoMyrtti: That's because you are.  Stop pretending you can use teh Internetz ya old hag!21:28
funkyHatI met Myrtti she is not old21:59
tonyyarussoNo, she's only a teensy bit older than me I'm pretty sure :P22:14

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