
lamontslangasek: yeah - almost certainly gone.00:14
lamontslangasek: if you knock over clementine, let me know and I'll hijack another buildd to do duty until we get the biobot onsite00:15
ScottLhow long do we have to complete the latest test cases before release?00:23
* ScottK looks around.03:54
ScottKHello.  Made it to the other side of the continent OK.03:54
ajmitchoh, you've been travelling?03:55
ScottKYeah, just got to California.03:55
ScottKThus my uncharacteristic quiet online for the last ~12 hours03:56
ajmitchHopefully the queue isn't too unmanageable yet :)03:56
* ScottK didn't look at the web page yet, but the queuebot doesn't inspire confidence.03:57
* ajmitch only added a couple of items04:01
ajmitchI imagine we'll need to start targetting -proposed for universe tomorrow or the next day?04:03
ScottKYeah, sometime early Wed will be the limit.04:04
slangasekstgraber: did you mean for 'kill $!' to be 'kill $ZEN_PID'?05:23
kirklandbeen such a long day05:28
slangasekpretty sure it was acpid05:28
slangaseksince that's what I see in the queue :)05:28
kirklandslangasek: ah, probably so05:29
ScottKslangasek: Did you just accept the edubuntu-artwork package?05:31
ScottKBecause I just saved the screenshot of me getting an ack on mod-wsgi and they both showed up building.05:32
kirklandslangasek: oh, right; so that fix is by far the least invasive way to solve (the bulk of) the problem for lucid05:32
kirklandslangasek: and is pretty clearly a regression05:32
kirklandslangasek: i was just checking your pulse on it, in case you wanted it solved differently05:33
slangasekkirkland: so, rejecting from the queue, this touches all images and is much too late for us to respin everything for anything short of dataloss or a zero-day security hole; please reupload to lucid-proposed, and please adjust the patch to not silently ignore, e.g., getXconsole not existing05:35
slangasekScottK: yes, accepted it05:35
kirklandslangasek: ack05:36
ScottKslangasek: OK.  Glad to hear it.  I was a little nervous when I accepted one package and two appeared in the same update.05:36
slangasekScottK: notabug :)05:36
kirklandslangasek: thanks, EoD, g'night05:40
slangasekkirkland: 'night!05:40
ScottKslangasek: I'm not sure how relevant to your view of the queue, but I did look through the list of language pack uploads and did not see any non-lang pack stuff mixed in with it.05:57
slangasekScottK: uh - what language pack uploads?05:59
ScottKslangasek: for -proposed05:59
ScottK~700 of them05:59
ScottKAt least in the LP U/I stuff for proposed and release is intermingled.06:00
slangasekright, sorry :)06:00
* slangasek wonders why we have -proposed langpacks so soon06:00
pittislangasek: the last upload apparently was from a previous export accidentally06:20
pittislangasek: so the -proposed ones are the ones which were supposed to be in final06:20
pittibut I thought yesterday we agreed to upload them a week after release, to catch some more translations06:20
pittiArneGoetje ^ ? these are more urgent now?06:21
aragood morning!06:57
* slangasek waves06:57
ArneGoetjepitti: that's what I discussed with dpm yesterday. Make them available immediately since they were supposed to be on the release ISO anyways. The remaining bugs (incomplete ca@valencia and buggy lithuanian KDE translations) get fixed a bit later, once the issue is fixed in Launchpad code and the translations have been re-uploaded.07:40
pittiArneGoetje: ah, thanks07:42
stgraberslangasek: indeed, I meant $ZEN_PID ... though it'll work anyway. Fixing edubuntu-artwork here in case we have to re-upload for whatever reason .09:02
stgraberslangasek: got to go for a few hours, I started a rsync of 20100427.1 that just appeared on cdimage, will test it or rsync a newer image when I'm back09:18
slangasekstgraber: unfortunately we have to respin everything for a plymouth regression; we're double-stepping to get it in ASAP, but of course this means it'll be at least a few hours before edubuntu final images will be available09:38
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slangaseklamont: is acorn still awol?10:39
elmoslangasek: got rebooted and should be back10:47
* ogra wonders why that machine is so chaky10:51
ograclementine didnt have these probs10:51
ograand i dont see anything similar on my bbg310:52
elmoogra: does your bbg3 board do the same number of livefs builds?11:00
elmoif not, it's not a very useful comparison11:00
ograelmo, it doesnt die if i do local livefs builds ... indeed i dont do 10 per day though but i never had a single hang during this cycle11:01
slangasekelmo: thanks11:09
Riddellooh, kubuntu builds are go11:26
slangasekttx: eta 30min for ubuntu-server ISOs11:52
ttxslangasek: ack11:52
ograslangasek, is omap 20100427 worth testing or do you do another respin ?11:59
slangasekogra: worth testing: yes; another respin: also yes11:59
ograok :)11:59
* ogra fires up the install11:59
slangasekETA on the respin is ~4h12:04
stgraberslangasek: that's the ETA for omap or is that the ETA for all respin ?12:06
slangasekstgraber: all, since the image builds are done after the livefs spins12:07
slangasekstgraber: oh, perhaps I should clarify - that's the ETA for all the armel netbook respins, which land at the same time for all subarchs; but other respins for amd64/i386 will continue to arrive in parallel at various points12:16
* slangasek just realized you were probably asking on account of edubuntu12:16
slangasekttx: ubuntu-server up12:25
ttxslangasek: right, but lunch is also up :P12:25
RiddellGrueMaster: will you have any spare family members able to test kubuntu netbook on ARM before release?13:21
GrueMasterRiddell: Unfortunately, no.  Guess I'll have to do it myself.  :D13:50
slangaseklamont: low-priority - why is emacs23 FTBFS on ia64? (no corresponding build log)13:51
lamontfor the H9, of course.13:51
lamontkids->school, breakfast, will look later today13:51
slangasekev: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/4132 - fixed with a shift-reload13:53
ograon omap plymouth is really slow ...13:53
slangasekplymouth itself?13:54
ograi get a console login prompt before the splash comes up13:54
ograwell, there must be some kind of race13:54
slangasekeh - so the splash comes up *after* you get a console login prompt?13:54
ogranot that i care much with a 600MHz CPU13:54
slangasekyeah, there's a race there13:55
ograi see a login prompt and the cursor blinks about ten times behind the colon before the splash kicks in13:55
slangasekI've just never seen it hit before13:55
ograwell, extremely slow HW :)13:55
ograeven VMs are faster13:55
slangasekogra: current ETA for armel respin is ~1.5h, btw13:56
ograah, great13:57
ograthat leaves me some time to do some testing without panel on the image for asac13:57
ograi assume we dont expect a d-i rebuild anymore ?13:57
ograi.e. i can go on testing netinst too13:57
slangasekogra: and after the splash screen comes up, it still successfully clears itself? or does it get stuck on the screen?13:58
slangasek(AFAICS, plymouth-stop.conf should still successfully shut down the splash screen at the end)13:58
ograwell, there seems to be a framebuffer issue, it clears itself and eventually i get to X13:58
ograbut i can paint with black squares on the screen using my mouse cursor13:59
slangasekright - but not a plymouth bug :)13:59
ograi really expect a DSS2 (omap framebuffer driver) issue here though13:59
ograbut thats code amit needs to attack post-release anyway and there are no other issues14:00
ograjust an uglyness14:00
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DavieyHey.. I'm looking for pointers how to proceed with bug #555111.14:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555111 in xmltv "Sync xmltv 0.5.56+cvs20100328-1 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55511114:30
DavieyI really don't think it's a good idea to deviate from Debian Testing on this package14:30
DavieyThe sync closes a nasty bug, which i'm keen to get fixed within 7-14 days of release.14:31
DavieyIs it worth raising a FFe at this stage?14:31
cjwatsonwhat's the new build-dependency mentioned?14:31
cjwatsonoh, that's unstable14:31
cjwatsonthis does look as though it requires at least the moral equivalent of a feature freeze exception, although you could convert the existing bug into one rather than bothering to raise a new bug14:32
Davieycjwatson: Okay, i just didn't want to go down the FFe route if there was "no chance".14:33
Davieycjwatson: The build dep adds support for a grabber for a country which didn't exist before.. Other than that, the cvs snapshot is very close to the release.. So it feels like it will be easier to maintain.14:34
slangasekDaviey: isn't xmltv on mythbuntu?14:41
slangasekwould need sign-off from superm1 that it's ok to respin the ISOs14:42
slangasekconfirmed, it's on mythbuntu as expected14:43
Davieyslangasek: yes14:44
Davieyslangasek: I think we want a re-spin anyway for the ubiquity UI fixes.14:45
slangasekDaviey: that respin is already done14:45
DavieyOr has that been done?14:45
slangasekand the ISO posted 45 minutes ago14:45
slangasekand another respin would delay roughly 2h14:45
Davieyi've just ping'd superm1 to see his thoughts14:45
DavieyThis spin certainly hasn't hit our mirrors yet.14:46
slangasekit's there on cdimage.u.c14:46
Davieyslangasek: Is there a problem if the shipped ISO is slightly different to the main archive?  (policy, not technically)15:11
slangasekDaviey: in general, we guard against it because failing to do so can be a license violation in some cases; that's not an issue here, but it's still not something I want us to be in the habit of15:12
slangasekRiddell: will http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-release be the right url for y'all's announcement?15:26
slangasekstgraber: will http://edubuntu.org/news/10.04-release be the right url for edubuntu?15:27
Riddellslangasek: http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release  let's keep the marketing people happy15:27
stgraberslangasek: yep15:28
slangasekRiddell: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-edition and http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-10.04-server-edition say nothing of LTS, but it's your call :)15:29
slangasekstgraber: great, thanks15:29
Riddellslangasek: tsk.  I'll keep the lts15:30
slangasekScottL: persia has directed me to you for the same question on ubuntustudio - is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/10.04release_notes the plan?15:36
ScottKI would appreciate it if some archive admin who has a moment would toss "sync 570497 -S unstable" at mass-sync.15:37
ScottKslangasek: I'm not sure if StevenK just ran out of energy, but there is one removal left to deal with in 568778.15:39
ScottKIf those get done, then I think we're done with ~ubuntu-archive bugs for the cycle.15:39
cjwatsonScottK: looking15:39
cjwatson568778 done too15:47
slangasekah, ta15:47
slangasekogra: omap respin was done on schedule; ISOs posted now to the tracker as well for imx51, dove15:53
slangasekGrueMaster, plars: ^^15:53
GrueMasterslangasek: On it, thanks.15:53
plarsslangasek: awesome, thanks15:53
ScottLslangasek, i am checking it right now to make sure it's the current one15:56
slangasekScottL: currently, nothing exists at that URL15:56
ScottLslangasek, lol, apparently not as it is empty, i'll get it there :)15:56
slangasekok, thanks :)15:56
ScottKcjwatson: Thanks again.15:58
ScottLslangasek, ubuntu studio release notes are complete16:06
slangasekScottL: thanks!16:07
ScottLyour welcome :)16:07
ograslangasek, merci16:08
ScottKslangasek: I'll be offline for ~9 or 10 hours now.  I'm leaving anjsp in the queue for if you need to stimulate a publisher run.  It fixes the FTBFS, but leaves the package uninstallable, so I'm not worried if it gets in particularly.16:12
slangasekScottK: alrighty, thanks :)16:13
slangasekttx: EC2 posted16:30
smoserslangasek, the ec2 build is finished16:31
slangaseksmoser: yep :)16:31
slangaseksmoser: just posted to the tracker, a minute before you joined :)16:31
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slangasekcjwatson: bug #57076516:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] Installer fails to configure grub for dual boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57076516:52
stgraberslangasek: is edubuntu 20100427.2 a final candidate or is another respin already planned for some reason ?16:53
slangasekstgraber: final candidate16:54
stgraberyeah !16:54
* stgraber starts rsyncing16:54
dokoslangasek how are the chances for the final llvm 2.7 upload being accepted?16:59
dokoslangasek: did the valgrind armel pickup work?16:59
slangasekdoko: valgrind armel worked, yes17:00
slangasekdoko: llvm> non-zero chances, it's not on any imagse17:00
dokoslangasek: ok, then I'll prepare clang and llvm-gcc-4.2 as well17:00
dokoslangasek: I'll try the armel pickup for asis and libgtkada as well17:01
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dokothe llvm fix has the "unfortunate" side effect that it increases the build time on ppc, because the testsuite doesn't crash anymore :-/17:03
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lamontslangasek: PaS now updates both places at 15 min past the hour, 24 times a day, modulo summertime shifts18:03
slangaseklamont: ok, cheers :)18:04
lamontand some day, I might get around to finding the wiki page to update18:05
ograslangasek, since we have no iso tracker entry for it ... omap netbook is good to go19:20
stgraberslangasek: added 20100427.2 for edubuntu dvd to the tracker so I can enter my results20:03
slangasekogra: ok20:54
slangasekstgraber: ok20:54
stgraberslangasek: how critical is that grub2 issue reported on iso.qa.ubuntu.com ? Wondering how much effort I should put on the current live images or if I should look at alternate instead.21:04
araRiddell, grub is supposed to add Kubuntu as "Kubuntu" or "Ubuntu" as entry?21:14
micahgfor any release people, Seamonkey was uploaded earlier and the builders are idle22:47
charlie-tcaproblem with the xubuntu desktop image. 'use the entire disk' partitioning results in all other grub entries not seen except that installation. It doesn't matter how many other installs are present23:31
charlie-tcaReinstalling with any other partition method allows you to see the other installations again23:31
ajmitchcharlie-tca: like bug 570765 ?23:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57076523:33
charlie-tcaExcept I don't have windows, and it is hardware23:33
charlie-tcaThat looks like it, though. Thanks23:34
ajmitchfrom the comments it doesn't appear to be specific to having windows23:34
ajmitchbut at least the bug is known & commented on23:34
charlie-tcaand apparently won't be fixed. Since it is marked for release notes23:35
* ajmitch thought the bug for release notes was about the I/O errors being displayed23:35
charlie-tcaI didn't get any errors.23:37

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